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P R O D U C T C ATA L O G U E FEBRUARY 2013 CONTENTS A fr ic an G o ve r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t 1 A fr ic an P hi l o s o p h y a n d I n t e l l e c t u a l s 2 Bio g r a p h y, A u t o b i o g r a p h y a n d M e m o i r 3 Bu s in e ss 4 Chil dr e n ’s L i t e r a t u r e – C l a s s i c 5 Chil dr e n ’s L i t e r a t u r e – C o n t e m p o r a r y 5 Chil dr e n ’s L i t e r a t u r e – St o r y b o o k s 6 Chil dr e n ’s L i t e r a t u r e – St o r y b o o k Te a c h i n g G u i d e s 7 Civ il S o c ie t y 8 Cl a ss ic L it e r a t u r e 9 Co m e d y a n d S a t i r e 1 2 Co m m u n ic a t i o n , I n f o r m a t i o n a n d Te c h n o l o g y 1 2 Co m m u n ism a n d M a r x i s m 1 3 Co n fl ic t , P e a c e a n d S e c u r i t y 1 6 Cr e a t iv e Wr i t i n g a n d C r i t i c i s m 1 7 Cr im e , M y s t e r y a n d H o r r o r 1 7 D e m o c r a c y 1 7 D r am a a n d Pe r f o r m a n c e 1 8 E n v ir o nm e n t a l 2 0 F e m in ist a n d R e a l i s t L i t e r a t u r e 2 1 F ic t io n – H i s t o r i c a l 2 1 F ic t io n – P o l i t i c a l a n d P h i l o s o p h i c a l 2 2 F ic t io n – R o m a n c e a n d Fa m i l y L i f e 2 2 F ic t io n – S ci e n c e Fi c t i o n 2 2 G e nd e r S t u d i e s 2 3 G e o g r a p h y, A g r i c u l t u r e a n d L a n d I s s ue s 2 3 H e al t hc a r e P r a c t i c e a n d S t u d i e s 2 4 H ig h S c ho o l Te x t b o o k s a n d St u d y G ui d e s 25 H ig h e r E du c a t i o n 2 6 L a w 2 7 L a n g u ag e a n d L i n g u i s t i c s 2 7 M at r ic E x a m P a c k s 2 8 M e dia a n d Po p u l a r C u l t u r e 3 1 M ig r at io n a n d U r b a n St u d i e s 3 2 M o d e r nit y a n d Tr a d i t i o n a l Va l u e s 3 2 M u s ic a n d S h e e t M u s i c 3 3 P o e t r y – C l a s s i c 3 3 P o e t r y – C o n t e m p o r a r y 3 3 Re l ig io u s B o o k s a n d R e l i g i o u s S t u d i e s 3 4 S h o r t S t o r ie s 3 5 S o c io - po l it i c a l H i s t o r y 3 6 Te a c h in g 3 7 Te e n L it e r a t u r e 3 7 Tr a v e l 3 8 We s t e r n T h o u g h t , Ph i l o s o p h y a n d P s y c h o l o g y 3 8 Yo u t h S t u d i e s a n d Yo u t h I s s u e s 3 9 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L L Y B Y T I T L E 40 Af r ic an Gover na nce and Ec o n o m ic D e v e lo pm e n t Title Author Sheets* The State of Africa 2010/11: Parameters and Legacies of Governance and Issue Areas Korwa G. Adar and Monica K. Juma 72 Africa’s Political Wastelands: The Bastardization of Cameroon Emmanuel Fru Doh 51 The Politics of Neoliberal Reforms in Africa: State and civil society in Cameroon Piet Konings 87 Cameroon: The Stakes and Challenges of Governance and Development Tangie Nsoh Fonchingong and John Bobuin Gemandze (eds.) 59 Developing a Transformation Agenda for Zimbabwe Shari Eppel and Brian Raftopoulos 17 Zimbabwe’s Lost Decade: Politics, Development and Society Lloyd Sachikonye 62 Transformation Audit 2011: From Inequality to Inclusive Growth Jan Hofmeyr 33 Good Governance and Development: Toward Quality Leadership in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 66 Governance Trends in West Africa 2006: A Synthesis Report Adebayo Olukoshi 18 Developing a Sustainable Economy in Cameroon Aloysius Ajab Amin 111 Re-thinking Development in Africa: An Oral History Approach from Botoku, Rural Ghana Komla Tsey 45 Migration, Remittances and Development in Lesotho Jonathan Crush and Belinda Dodson 25 Beyond the Enclave: Towards a Pro-Poor and Inclusive Development Strategy for Zimbabwe Godfrey Kanyenze and Timothy Kondo 137 Implementing the Public Finance Management Act in South Africa: How Far Are We? Russell Wildeman and Wellington Jogo 15 The Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa Mike I. Obadan 24 (Re)Membering Kenya Vol 1: Identity, Culture and Freedom Mbugua wa-Mungai and George Gona 66 A Fine Balance: Assessing the Quality of Governance in Botswana Alexander Karin and Gape Kaboyakgosi 30 Understanding Policy Domains their Salient Forces and Organisational Challenges Tapera O. Chirawu 27 African Researchers and Decision-makers: Building Synergy for Development Abdoulaye Ndiaye 25 Tanzania in Transition: From Nyerere to Mkapa Kjell Havnevik and Aida C. Isinika 77 Rule of Law vs. Rulers of Law: Justice Barnabas Albert Samatta’s Road To Justice Issa Shivji and Hamudi Majamba 69 Administrative Law in Tanzania: A Digest of Cases B. D. Chipeta 71 Reforming the African Public Sector: Retrospect and Prospects Joseph R.A. Ayee 47 Moral Degeneration in Contemporary Zimbabwean Business Practices Munyaradzi Mawere 48 Social Accountability in Africa: Practioners’ Experiences and Lessons Mario Claasen and Carmen Alpin-Lardies 59 Economic Liberalisation and Development in Africa (French) Jomo Kwame Sundaram 20 Les defis de la Centrafrique: gouvernance et stabilisation du systeme economique (French) Roger Yele and Paul Doko 73 The Campaign Trail (novel) Francis Nji Bangsi 31 The Weeping Triangle (novel about a country overtaken by corruption) Taniform Martin Wanki 61 The Wages of Corruption (short stories) Sammy Oke Akombi 33 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 1 Af r ic an Ph ilo sop hy a nd I ntelle c t uals Title Author Sheets* Challenge of Culture in Africa: From Restoration to Integration Bernard Ntsokika Fonlon 25 Development as Modernity, Modernity as Development Lwazi Siyabonga Lushaba 20 The New World Order Ideology and Africa: Understanding and ApTatah Mentan preciating Ambiguity, Deceit and Recapture of Decolonized Spaces 71 Afrikology, Philosophy and Wholeness: An Epistemology Dani Wadada Nabudere 45 Afrikology and Transdisciplinarity: A Restorative Epistemology Dani Wadada Nabudere 53 Stereotyping Africa: Surprising Answers to Suprising Questions Emmanuel Fru Doh 54 I Spit on their Graves: Testimony Relevant to the Democratization Struggle in Cameroon Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 56 Road Companion to Democracy and Meritocracy: Further Essays from an African Perspective Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 66 No Trifling Matter: Contributions of an Uncompromising Critic to the Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata Democratic Process in Cameroon 62 Elements of African Bioethics in a Western Frame Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 53 Quotable Quotes Of Mwalimu Julius K Nyerere: Collected from Speeches and Writings Christopher C. Liundi 37 Challenges to Identifying and Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Mauritius, Zanzibar and Seychelles Rosabella Boswell 25 African Belief and Knowledge Systems: A Critical Perspective Munyaradzi Mawere 35 Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property Rights in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives from Southern Africa Isaac Mazonde and Thomas Pradip (editors) 36 La rationalite, une ou plurielle? (English and French) Paulin Hountondji 120 The Dialectics of Praxis and Theoria in African Philosophy: An Essay on Cultural Hermeneutics Victor B. Bin-Kapela 45 Philosophy and African Development: Theory and Practice Lansana Keita 69 The Coming African Hour: Dialectics of opportunities and constraints Luc Sindjoun 113 Accumulation in an African Periphery: A Theoretical Framework Issa Shivji 28 The Concept of Human Rights in Africa Issa Shivji 35 The Africana World: From Fragmentation to Unity and Renaissance Mammo Muchie (editor) 92 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 2 Bi o graph y, A utob io gra phy an d M e m o ir Title Author Sheets* Royalty and Politics: the story of my life Fo Angwafo III of Mankon 38 Born to Rule Tah Asongwed 53 To the Point: The No-Holds Barred Autobiography Herschelle Gibbs (with Steve Smith) 64 Memory is the Weapon Don Mattera 45 Archie Mafeje: Scholar, Activist, Thinker Dani Wadada Nabudere 30 Mtoro bin Mwinyi Bakari: Swahili Lecturer and Author in Germany Ludger Wimmelbucker 39 Drawing the Map of Heaven: An African Writer in America Tanure Ojaide 58 Socrates in Cameroon: The Life and Works of Bernard Nsokika Fonlon Nalova Lyonga (editor) 48 Ako-Aya: A Cameroonian Pioneer in Daring Journalism and Social Commentary Ephraim N. Ngwafor 65 Cameroon Political Story: Memories of an Authentic Eyewitness Nerius Namaso Mbile 78 Ndeh Ntumazah: A Conversational Auto Biography Linus Asong and Simon Ndeh Chi 111 From Goatherd to Governor: The Autobiography of Edwin Mtei Edwin Mtei 62 Citizen of Zimbabwe: Conversations with Morgan Tsvangirai Stephen Crane 30 Under The Broken Scale of Justice: The Law and My Times Nyo’ Wakai 52 Hidden Treasure: A Memoir Patricia Chater 43 Joy in the Morning Hopolang Phororo 48 Undisciplined Heart Jane Katjavivi 81 Edison, His Life and Inventions Frank Dyer and Thomas Martin 131 De Profundis Oscar Wilde 11 Childhood Leo Tolstoy 26 Travels in Alaska John Muir 22 Letters on Sweden: letters written in Sweden, Norway and Denmark Mary Wollstonecraft 30 Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade: Paul Erdmann Isert’s Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia (1788) Selena Axelrod Winsnes (translator and editor) 91 Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume 1: De l’école régionale de Diourbel à l’Université de Paris (1945-1960) (French) Amady Aly Dieng 51 Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume II: De l’Université de Paris à mon retour au Sénégal (1960-1967) Amady Aly Dieng 54 Samir Amin: Intellectuel organique au service de l’emancipation du sud (French) Demba Moussa Dembele 55 Le Marin Combattant devenu paisible (French) Thomas Lurting and Bill F. Ndi (translator) 25 Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix: Ses Lettres (French) Elizabeth Hooton and Bill F. Ndi (translator) 26 Les Aventures Maritimes: Recit Autobiographique d’Edward Coxere (French) Edward Coxere and Bill Ndi (translator) 75 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 3 Bu s i n e ss Title Author Sheets* Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill 61 The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons Napoleon Hill 152 The Richest Man in Babylon George S. Clason 24 Business Ethics William Frey 67 How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie 47 The Art of Public Speaking Dale Breckenridge Carnegie 130 As a Man Thinketh James Allen 12 The Art of War Sun Tzu 27 Optimism, an essay Helen Keller 6 Write the Winning CV Danie Joubert 24 Wealth of Nations Adam Smith 109 Everyone’s Guide to the South African Economy - 10th Edition Andre Roux 56 Good Governance and Development: Toward Quality Leadership in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 66 Moral Degeneration in Contemporary Zimbabwean Business Practices Munyaradzi Mawere 48 Social Accountability in Africa: Practioners’ Experiences and Lessons Mario Claasen and Carmen Alpin-Lardies 59 African Researchers and Decision-makers: Building Synergy for Development Abdoulaye Ndiaye 25 The New World Order Ideology and Africa: Understanding and Appreciating Ambiguity, Deceit and Recapture of Decolonized Spaces Tatah Mentan 71 The Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa Mike I. Obadan 24 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 4 C h i ldre n ’s Literature – Clas sic Title Author Sheets* Peter and Wendy JM Barrie 33 The Marvelous Land of Oz L Frank Baum 31 The Emerald City of Oz L Frank Baum 39 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L Frank Baum 27 The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett 51 A Little Pricess Frances Hodgson Burnett 43 Tarzan of the Apes Edgar Rice Burroughs 58 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 20 Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll 22 The Hunting of the Shark Lewis Carroll 4 Adventures of Pinocchio Carlos Collodi 30 Beauty and the Beast Marie Le Prince de Beaumont 8 Understood Betsy Dorothy Canfield Fisher 13 The Wind in The Willows Kenneth Grahame 36 Rip van Winkle Washington Irving 5 The Legend of Sleepy Hallow Washington Irving 4 The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling 40 Captains Courageous Rudyard Kipling 34 The Voyages of Dr Doolittle Hugh Lofting 50 Anne of the Green Gables L M Montgomery 64 The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Howard Pyle 66 Black Beauty Anne Sewell 38 The Velveteen Rabbit Margery Williams 4 The Swiss Family Robinson or Adventures in a Desert Island Jonathan David Wyss 67 The Celtic Twilight WB Yeats 23 C h i ldre n ’s Literature – Co n t e m po r ar y Title Author Sheets* The Secret of the Sacred Scarab Fiona Ingram 30 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 5 C h i ldre n ’s Literature – Sto r y bo o k s Title Author Sheets* Do Babies Wear Pyjamas? Fransie M. Frandsen 10 Favourite Bible Stories for Children Maretha Maartens 9 Ice cream (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Bake a cake (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Soccer mania (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Where are we? (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 1,2,3 (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Colours (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 6 Shapes (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 6 Dressing (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Bedtime (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 A is for...? (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 8 Li, la, pi, pa (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Sit, Socks, sit! (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Who are we? (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The doctor (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 The fish (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 On safari (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 6 Bath time (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Stop! (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The accident (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Wolf, wolf (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 6 The white rat (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 On the roof (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Grandpa’s red rooster (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The bunny and the cage (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 6 The box (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Look, Kierie, look! (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 6 The little pink frog (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 8 The bully (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 8 The milk tart (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 8 Kriekie (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 6 The wallet (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 8 On the bus (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 9 The puff adder (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 10 Grandpa goes to hospital (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 10 Camping (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 11 Mother Earth (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 11 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 6 C h i ldre n ’s Literature – Sto r y bo o k Te ac h in g Guide s Title Author Sheets* Ice cream - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Bake a cake - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Bake a cake - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Soccer mania - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Where are we? - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Where are we? - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 1,2,3 - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 1,2,3 - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Colours - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Colours - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Shapes - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Shapes - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Dressing - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Dressing - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Bedtime - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 A is for...? - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 A is for...? - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Li, la, pi, pa - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Li, la, pi, pa - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Sit, Socks, sit! - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Sit, Socks, sit! - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Who are we? - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Who are we? - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The doctor - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The doctor – Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 The fish - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The fish - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 On safari - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 On safari - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Bath time - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Bath time - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 Stop! - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Stop! - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The accident - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The accident - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 Wolf, wolf - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Wolf, wolf - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The white rat - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The white rat - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 On the roof - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 On the roof - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 Grandpa’s red rooster - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Grandpa’s red rooster - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 The bunny and the cage - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The bunny and the cage - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 7 C h i ldre n ’s Literature – Sto r y bo o k Te ac h in g Guide s ( co nt. ) The box - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The box - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 6 Look, Kierie, look! - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Look, Kierie, look! - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 The little pink frog - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The little pink frog - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 The bully - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 The bully - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 The milk tart - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The milk tart - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 Kriekie - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Kriekie - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 The wallet - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The wallet - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 4 On the bus - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 On the bus - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 6 The puff adder - Teaching material Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The puff adder - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 6 Grandpa goes to hospital - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Grandpa goes to hospital - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 5 Camping - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Camping - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 8 Mother Earth - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Mother Earth - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 6 C i vi l Soc ie t y Title Author Sheets* Public Opinion and Interest Group Politics: South Africa’s Missing Links? Heather A. Thuynsma 80 The Politics of Neoliberal Reforms in Africa: State and civil society in Cameroon Piet Konings 87 Neoliberal Bandwagonism: Civil society and the politics of belonging in Anglophone Cameroon Piet Konings 69 Crisis and Neoliberal Reforms in Africa: Civil Society and AgroIndustry in Anglophone Cameroon’s Plantation Economy Piet Konings 70 Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo 60 Decentralisation and Spatial Rural Development Planning in Cameroon Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 79 Why Planning Does Not Work: Land Use Planning and Resident’s Rights in Tanzania Tumsifu Jonas Nnkya 92 (Re)Membering Kenya Vol 1: Identity, Culture and Freedom Mbugua wa-Mungai and George Gona 66 The Coming African Hour: Dialectics of opportunities and constraints Luc Sindjoun 113 Testing Democracy: Which Way is South Africa Going? Neeta Misra-Dexter and Judith February 79 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 8 C l a s si c L itera ture Title Author Sheets* Flatland Edwin Abbott Abbott 19 Little Women Louisa May Alcott 113 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 75 Emma Jane Austen 94 Mansfield Park Jane Austen 91 Northanger Abbey Jane Austen 46 Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen 72 Persuasion Jane Austen 49 Lorna Doone RD Blackmore 152 Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 114 Shirley Charlotte Bronte 135 The Professor Charlotte Bronte 54 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte 70 The Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 229 The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer 143 Heart of Darkeness Joseph Conrad 22 The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad 57 The Nigger of ‘The Narcissus’ Joseph Conrad 30 Lord Jim Joseph Conrad 71 Under Western Eyes Joseph Conrad 31 Victory Joseph Conrad 32 Homeward Bound James Fenimore Cooper 104 The Last of the Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper 89 The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe 65 A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 21 Great Expectations Charles Dickens 111 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 87 Bleak House Charles Dickens 212 Hard Times Charles Dickens 66 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens 108 David Copperfield Charles Dickens 210 Little Dorrit Charles Dickens 204 Nicholas Nickelby Charles Dickens 185 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 64 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 54 The Return of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 32 The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas 157 The Black Tulip Alexandre Dumas 53 The Man in the Iron Mask Alexandre Dumas 117 The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas 295 Middlemarch - Vol 1 George Eliot 52 Middlemarch - Vol 2 George Eliot 47 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 9 C l a s si c L itera ture (co nt.) Title Author Sheets* Middlemarch - Vol 3 George Eliot 93 The Mill on the Floss George Eliot 123 The Collected Stories of William Faulkner William Faulkner 171 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald 18 The Complete Pat Hobby Stories F. Scott Fitzgerald 33 Flappers and Philosophers F. Scott Fitzgerald 44 This Side of Paradise F. Scott Fitzgerald 61 The Beautiful and the Damned F. Scott Fitzgerald 83 Tales of the Jazz Age F. Scott Fitzgerald Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert 73 A Room with a View EM Forster 46 Where Angels Fear To Thread EM Forster 15 Tess of the d’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy 93 The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy 42 The Scarlet Letter Nathanial Hawthorne 45 The Iliad Homer 172 The Odyssey Homer 110 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo 121 Les Miserables Victor Hugo 390 Brave New World Aldous Huxley 43 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James 134 The American Henry James 80 Wings of the Dove Vol. I Henry James 46 Wings of the Dove Vol. II Henry James 62 Washington Square Henry James 19 What Maisie Knew Henry James 25 Ulysses James Joyce 171 Dubliners James Joyce 44 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce 53 Metamorphosis Franz Kafka 17 The Trespasser DH Lawrence 47 Sons and Lovers DH Lawrence 96 The Call of the Wild Jack London 20 The Children of the Frost Jack London 31 The White Fang Jack London 20 The Call of Cthulhu HP Lovecraft 10 Moby Dick Herman Melville 229 The Confidence Man Herman Melville 63 Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell 299 Animal Farm George Orwell 19 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell 67 The Raven Edgar Allan Poe 5 The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe 6 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 10 C l a s si c L itera ture (co nt.) Title Author Sheets* The Murders in the Rue Morgue Edgar Allan Poe 9 Varney the Vampire, or The Feast of Blood Thomas Prest 223 Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott 108 Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 45 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 17 Dracula Bram Stoker 90 Dracula’s Guest Bram Stoker 33 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe 114 Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift 58 Vanity Fair William Thackeray 179 What Men Live By and Other Tales Leo Tolstoy 26 Childhood Leo Tolstoy 26 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 219 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 63 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain 46 The Prince and the Pauper Mark Twain 45 The 30 000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories Mark Twain 45 The Blockade Runners Jules Verne 15 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under Sea Jules Verne 96 Around the World in 80 Days Jules Verne 47 The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde 48 Ben Hur Lew Wallace 126 The War of the Worlds HG Wells 39 The First Men in the Moon HG Wells 45 The Time Machine HG Wells 20 The Door in the Wall and Other Stories HG Wells 27 In the Days of the Comet HG Wells 46 The World Set Free HG Wells 19 What is Coming HG Wells 17 Age of Innocence Edith Wharton 64 The House of Mirth Edith Wharton 34 A Man of Means PG Wodehouse 20 My Man Jeeves PG Wodehouse 36 The Adventures of Sally PG Wodehouse 55 Piccadilly Jim PG Wodehouse 57 Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf 39 To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 41 Jacob’s Room Virginia Woolf 35 The Waves Virginia Woolf 43 Night and Day Virginia Woolf Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 11 C o m e dy and Sa tire Title Author Sheets* The Crown of Thorns Linus Asong 61 A Legend of the Dead Linus Asong 65 Salvation Colony Linus Asong 55 Husband Consultant Colin Diyen Ayeah 38 L’evadè de K (French) Mbango Antione Didier 30 Absent: The English Teacher John Eppel 42 The Hairdresser of Harare Tendai Huchu 50 Dogs in the Sun G. D. Nyamndi 44 The Racist’s Guide to the People of South Africa Simon Kilpatrick 17 C o m mu n i c ation, I nfor mation an d Te c h n o lo g y Title Author Sheets* Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa Mirjam de Bruijn and Francis Nyamnjoh 47 Where are you Africa?: Church and Society in the Mobile Phone Age Castor M. Goliama 68 Message in a Mobile: Mixed-Messages, Tales of Missing and Mobile Communities at the University of Khartoum Siri Lamoureaux 50 Me and My Cell Phone and Other Essays On Technology In Everyday Life Crystal Powell 45 Being Available and Reachable: New Media and Cameroonian Transnational Sociality Primus Mbeanwoah Tazanu 79 ICT and Changing Mindsets in Education Kathryn Toure and Therese Tchombe 53 Excision: Les jeunes changent l’Afrique par les TIC (French) Marie-Hèlene Mottin-Sylla and Joille Palmieri 37 The Power in the Writer: Collected Essays on Culture, Democracy and Development in Africa Mwakimu George Ngwane 50 Using Media in Teaching Saide 12/23 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 12 C o mmun ism a nd M ar xism Title Author Sheets* The Classics: Intro Booklet 1 of 5 (21001) Dominic Tweedie 5 The Classics: Intro Booklet 2 of 5 (21002) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Intro Booklet 3 of 5 (21003) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Intro Booklet 4 of 5 (21004) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Intro Booklet 5 of 5 (21005) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Theses On Feuerbach (21011) Karl Marx 2 The Classics: The German Ideology, 1B (21012) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: The Condition of the Working Class in England, Labour Movements (21013) Frederick Engels 7 The Classics: The Poverty of Philosophy, excerpts (21021) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: Communist Manifesto – Bourgeois and Proletarians (21022a) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Communist Manifesto – Proletarians and Communists (21022b) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Class Struggles in France, Part 1 (21031) Karl Marx 6 The Classics: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte C1 and part C6 (21032a) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, C7 (21032b) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: The Civil War in France, C5, The Paris Commune (21033) Karl Marx 5 The Classics: Address to CC of Communist League (21041) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: Introduction to Contribution to Critique of Political Economy (21042) Karl Marx 7 The Classics: Inaugural Address to IWA (21043) Karl Marx 3 The Classics: Value, Price and Profit, Parts 6 to 10, and From Part 14 (21044) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: The Housing Question, Part Three (21051) Frederick Engels 6 The Classics: On Authority, On Indifferentism (21052) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Critique of the Gotha Programme, Forewords, I and II (21053a) Karl Marx 5 The Classics: Critique of the Gotha Programme, III, IV, Appendix (21053b) Karl Marx 3 The Classics: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Part 1 (21061a) Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Part 2 (21061b) Frederick Engels 3 The Classics: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Part 3 (21061c) Frederick Engels 5 The Classics: Origin of Family, Property and State, C9 (21062) Frederick Engels 5 The Classics: Feuerbach and the end of German Philosophy, Parts 1 and 2 (21063) Frederick Engels 6 The Classics: Feuerbach and the end of German Philosophy, Parts 3 and 4 (21064) Frederick Engels 5 The Classics: Reform or Revolution, Introduction, C2 (21071a) Rosa Luxemburg 4 The Classics: Reform or Revolution, C7, C9, C10 (21071b) Rosa Luxemburg 5 The Classics: What is to be Done, Workers and Revolutionaries (21072) Vladimir Lenin 5 The Classics: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Compilation (21073) Vladimir Lenin 5 The Classics: ‘Leninism or Marxism’ (21074a) Rosa Luxemburg 6 The Classics: Reply to Rosa Luxemburg (21074b) Vladimir Lenin 4 The Classics: Two Tactics of Social Democracy, Selection (21081) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: The Mass Strike, Compilation (21082) Rosa Luxemburg 8 The Classics: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, C7 (21083) Vladimir Lenin 4 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. 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The Classics: The April Theses (21091) Vladimir Lenin 3 The Classics: The State and Revolution, Chapters 2 and 3 (21092) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky (21093) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder (redaction) (21101) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: Report on National and Colonial Question, 2CCI (21102) Vladimir Lenin 3 The Classics: The Role and Functions of the TUs under the NEP (21103) Vladimir Lenin 4 The Classics: Some Aspects of the Southern Question (21104) Antonio Gramsci 6 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 1 of 4 (16001) Dominic Tweedie 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 2 of 4 (16002) Dominic Tweedie 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 3 of 4 (16003) Dominic Tweedie 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 4 of 4 (16004) Dominic Tweedie 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The April Theses (16011) Karl Marx 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Address to CC of Communist League (16012) Karl Marx 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Lecture on The State (16021) Vladimir Lenin 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Origin of the Family, Private Property and The State, Chapter 9 (16031) Frederick Engels 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 1, Class Society and the State (16041) Vladimir Lenin 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 2, The Experience of 1848-1851 (16051) Vladimir Lenin 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The Poverty of Philosophy, excerpts (16052) Karl Marx 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Communist Manifesto - Bourgeois and Proletarians (16053a) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Communist Manifesto - Proletarians and Communists (16053b) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 6 (16054a) Karl Marx 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Chapter 7 (16054b) Karl Marx 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 3, The Paris Commune (16061) Vladimir Lenin 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The Civil War in France, Chapter 5, The Paris Commune (16062) Karl Marx 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 4, Explanations by Engels (16071) Vladimir Lenin 6 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The Housing Question, Part Three (16072) Frederick Engels 6 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: On Authority, On Indifferentism (16073) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 5, Withering Away of the State (16081) Vladimir Lenin 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Critique of the Gotha Programme, Forewords, I and II (16082a) Karl Marx 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Critique of the Gotha Programme, III, IV, Appendix (16082b) Karl Marx 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 6, Vulgarisation by Opportunists (16091) Vladimir Lenin 5 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. 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Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: New tools for Marxists (16101) Ron Press 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Collaborative Projects (16102) Andy Blunden 6 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Intro Booklet 1 of 2 (19001) Dominic Tweedie 4 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3:, Intro Booklet 2 of 2 (19002) Dominic Tweedie 6 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 2, Chapter 6, The Costs of Circulation (19011) Karl Marx 6 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 2, Chapter 17, Circulation of Surplus Value (19021) Karl Marx 8 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 2, Chapter 21, Part 1, Accumulation and Reproduction (19031) Karl Marx 5 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 2, The Rate of Profit (19041) Karl Marx 3 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 9, General Rate of Profit (19051) Karl Marx 5 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 13, The Law As Such (19061) Karl Marx 6 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 19, Money-Dealing Capital (19071) Karl Marx 3 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 29, Component Parts of Bank Capital (19081) Karl Marx 4 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 38, Differential Rent (19091) Karl Marx 3 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 48, The Trinity Formula (19101) Karl Marx 5 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 15 C o nfli c t, Pea ce a nd Securit y Title Author Sheets* West Africa’s Trouble Spots and the Imperative for Peace-Building Osita Agbu 30 ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building Thomas Jaye and Dauda Garuba (editors) 64 Rethinking Security in Nigeria: Conceptual Issues in the Quest for Social Order and National Integration Dapo Adelugba and Philip Ogo Ujomu (editors) 45 Post-War Regimes and State Reconstruction in Liberia and Sierra Leone Amadu Sesay, Charles Ukeje 31 Healing the Wound: Personal Narratives about the 2007 PostElection Violence in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 84 Sons and Daughters of the Soil: Land and Boundary Conflicts in North West Cameroon, 1955-2005 Walter Gam Nkwi 62 The Cameroon-Nigeria Border Dispute: Management and Resolution, 1981-2011 Hilary V. Lukong 60 Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities: Hydropolitics in Africa Bernard Calas and C. A. Mumma Martinon 74 An Ethnographic Study of Northern Ghanaian Conflicts: Towards a Sustainable Peace A.K. Awedoba 86 African Studies in Geography from Below Michel Ben Arrous and Lazare Ki-Zerbo 91 Language and Power: The Implications of Language for Peace and Development Birgit Brock-Utne and Gunnar Garbo 87 When a State Turns on its Citizens: 60 years of Institutionalised Violence in Zimbabwe Lloyd Sachikonye 37 The Unbearable Whiteness of Being: Farmer’s Voices from Zimbabwe Rory Pilossof 71 Federal Presence in Nigeria. The ‘Sung’ and ‘Unsung’ Basis for Ethnic Festus O. Egwaikhide and Victor A. IsumoGrievance nah 32 The General Elections in Kenya, 2007 Jerome Lafargue (editor) 100 (Re)Membering Kenya Vol 1: Identity, Culture and Freedom Mbugua wa-Mungai and George Gona 66 Nest of Stones: Kenyan Narratives in Verse (poems on the 2007-8 post-election violence) Wanjohi wa Makokha 47 War and Peace in Contemporary Eritrean Poetry Charles Cantalupo 45 Titabet and the Takumbeng (a play about the 1992 first multiparty elections in Cameroon) Kehbuma Langmia 15 Nostalgic Waves from Soweto: Poetic Memories of the June 16th Uprising Sol Rachilo 25 Cote d’Ivoire: La reinvention de soi dans la violence (French) Francis Akindes 69 Frontieres de la citoyennete et violence politique en Cote d’Ivoire (French) Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo and Ebrima Sall 57 L’Algerie face a la mondialisation (French) Tayeb Chenntouf 87 Armee et politique au Niger (French) Kimba Idrissa 76 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 16 C r eati ve Writing and Criticis m Title Author Sheets* Detective Fiction and The African Scene: From The Whodunit? To The Whydunit? Linus Asong 18 To the Budding Creative Writer: a handbook Roselyne M. Jua and Bate Besong 36 Teaching Creative Writing Elaine Walker 62 Issues in African Literature Charles E. Nnolim 65 Manning the Nation: Father Figures in Zimbabwean Literature and Society Kizito Z. Muchemwa and Robert Muponde (editors) 57 Landscaping Postcolonialty: The Dissemination of Cameroon Anglophone Literature Joyce Ashuntantang 48 The Cameroonian Novel of English Expression: An Introduction Shadrach Ambanasom 59 Education of the Deprived: Anglophone Cameroon Literary Drama Shadrach Ambanasom 38 War and Peace in Contemporary Eritrean Poetry Charles Cantalupo 45 Musings On Ars Poetica: Poetic Reflections on the Poet and Poetry in Verse Bill F. Ndi 27 Kale ya Washairi wa Pemba: Kamange na Sarahani (Swahili) Abdilatif Abdala 38 Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d’expression francaise (French) Amady Aly Dieng 46 C r i me , Myster y and Ho rro r Title Author Sheets* The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot No.1) Agatha Christie 42 The Secret Adversary Agatha Christie 55 In A Glass Darkly Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 30 The Evil Guest Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 14 The Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux 55 Project H Brandon Carstens 48/94 Title Author Sheets* Democratizing or Reconfiguring Predatory Autocracy?: Myths and Realities in Africa Today Tatah Mentan 23 The Power in the Writer: Collected Essays on Culture, Democracy and Development in Africa Mwakimu George Ngwane 50 History, Democracy, Values: New Lines of Reflection Adame Ba Konarè 15 Unfinished Business: Democracy in Namibia Bryan M. Sims and Monica Koep 44 Testing Democracy: Which Way is South Africa Going? Neeta Misra-Dexter and Judith February 79 Public Opinion and Interest Group Politics: South Africa’s Missing Links? Heather A. Thuynsma 80 No Trifling Matter: Contributions of an Uncompromising Critic to the Democratic Process in Cameroon Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 62 I Spit on their Graves: Testimony Relevant to the Democratization Struggle in Cameroon Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 56 Road Companion to Democracy and Meritocracy: Further Essays from an African Perspective Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 66 D e m oc rac y Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 17 D e moc rac y (co nt.) Mass Media and Democratisation in Cameroon in the Early 1990s Francis B Nyamnhoh 53 Enhancing Democratic Systems: The Media in Mauritius - A dialogue session Christina Chan-Meetoo and Roukaya Kasenally (editors) 57 The Concept of Human Rights in Africa Issa Shivji 35 The Mathematics of Democracy Jonathan Jansen and Helen Suzman Foundation 8 Cameroon’s Social Democratic Front: Its History and Prospects as an Opposition Political Party (1990-2011) Milton Krieger 31 Mediating Legitimacy: Chieftaincy and Democratisation in Two African Chiefdoms Jude Fokwang 36 No Turning Back: Poems of Freedom 1990-1993 (poetry) Dibussi Tande 19 Intègration règionale, dèmocratie et panafricanisme: Paradigmes anciens, nouveaux dèfis Alexis Adande (editor) 44 D r ama an d P er for mance Title Author Sheets* Getting Heard: [Re]claiming Performance Space in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 52 Culture, Performance and Identity: Paths of Communication in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 55 Education of the Deprived: Anglophone Literary Drama Shadrach Ambanasom 38 The Barn [a collection of three plays] Victor Elame Musinga 16 Leopard Watch Victor Elame Musinga 27 The Tragedy of Mr. No Balance Kwo Victor Elame Musinga 17 Black Caps and Red Feathers John Nkemngong Nkengasong 25 Last Hope [a play on Cameroon’s first rainforest national park, Korup.] Ekpe Inyang 28 Tussles: Collected Plays G. D. Nyamndi 47 Lord of Anomy Basil Diki 34 The Earth Mother Kehbuma Langmia 18 Titabet and the Takumbeng Kehbuma Langmia 15 An Evil Meal of Evil Kehbuma Langmia 16 The Convert Francis B Nyamnjoh 20 Tell Me Friends: Contemporary Stories and Plays of Tanzania Lilian Osaki and Lisa Marìa B. Noudèhou (editors) 42 An Enemy of the People Henrik Ibsen 23 The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde 22 Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe 18 Pygmalion George Bernard Shaw 22 The Doctor’s Dilemma George Bernard Shaw 23 You Never Can Tell George Bernard Shaw 21 Hamlet William Shakespeare 43 Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare 28 Measure for Measure William Shakespeare 25 All’s Well That Ends Well William Shakespeare 26 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 18 D r ama an d P er for mance (co n t .) Title Author A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare 23 Macbeth William Shakespeare 22 King Lear William Shakespeare 30 Othello William Shakespeare 29 Twelfth Night William Shakespeare 26 The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare 21 The Winter’s Tale William Shakespeare 28 Titus Andronicus William Shakespeare 15 Timon of Athens William Shakespeare 15 Julius Ceasar William Shakespeare 17 Troilus and Cressida William Shakespeare 24 Antony and Cleopatra William Shakespeare 24 Cymbeline William Shakespeare 21 King John William Shakespeare 15 Richard II William Shakespeare 16 Richard III William Shakespeare 23 Henry IV, Part 1 William Shakespeare 18 Henry IV, Part 2 William Shakespeare 19 Henry V William Shakespeare 18 Henry VI, Part 1 William Shakespeare 16 Henry VI, Part 2 William Shakespeare 19 Henry VI, Part 3 William Shakespeare 18 Henry VIII William Shakespeare 18 As You Like It William Shakespeare 16 The Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare 12 Love’s Labours Lost William Shakespeare 18 Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare 16 Pericles, Prince of Tyre William Shakespeare 15 The Taming of the Shrew William Shakespeare 17 The Tempest William Shakespeare 14 The Two Gentleman of Verona William Shakespeare 15 The Two Noble Kinsmen William Shakespeare 19 Coriolanus William Shakespeare 23 The Merry Wives of Windsor William Shakespeare Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. Sheets* * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 19 E nvi ron mental Title Author Sheets* Energy Transition in Africa Thokozani Simelane and Mohamed Abdel-Rahman 51 Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property Rights in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives from Southern Africa Isaac Mazonde and Thomas Pradip (editors) 36 Natural Resources Governance in Southern Africa Lesley Masters 37 Green Economy and Climate Mitigation: Topics of Relevance to Africa Godwell Nhamo 72 Framework and Tools for Environmental Management in Africa Godwell Nhamo and Ekpe Inyang 59 Ecology and Natural Resource Development in the Western Highlands of Cameroon: Issues in Natural Resource Management Cornelius Mbifung Lambi and Emmanuel Ndenecho Neba 56 Ethnobotanic Resources of Tropical Montane Forests: Indigenous Uses of Plants in the Cameroon Highland Ecoregion Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 61 Local Livelihoods and Protected Area Management: Biodiversity Conservation Problems in Cameroon Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 58 Why Planning Does Not Work: Land Use Planning and Resident’s Rights in Tanzania Tumsifu Jonas Nnkya Climate Change and the Management of Natural Systems in Cameroon Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 85 Overcoming Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation Implementation in Southern Africa Lesley Masters and Lyndsey Duff (editors) 74 Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa B. B. Mukamuri and J. M. Manjengwa (editors) 54 Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities: Hydropolitics in Africa Bernard Calas and C. A. Mumma Martinon 74 Cooperative Diplomacy, Regional Stability and National Interests: The Nile River and the Riparian States Korwa G. Adar and Nicasius A. Check 72 Population, Health and Development in Ghana: Attaining the Millen- Chuks J. Mba and Stephen O. Kwankye nium Development Goals (editors) 53 The Earth in Peril (novel) Colin Diyen Ayeah 41 The Earth Fights Back (novel) Colin Diyen Ayeah 37 Last Hope [a play on Cameroon’s first rainforest national park, Korup.] Ekpe Inyang 28 Green Rape: Poetry for the Environment Peter Vakunta 21 Walking Henry D Thoreau 9 Walden Henry D Thoreau 63 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 20 Fe mi n i st and R ealist Litera t ur e Title Author Sheets* No Way to Die Linus Asong 62 Disturbing the Peace Emmanuel Achu 47 Lady with a Sting Charles Alobwed’Epie 47 She Seized the Balls Charles Alobwed’Epie 70 What a Next of Kin! Charles Alobwed’Epie 42 Not Without Flowers Amma Darko 94 The Fire Within Emmanuel Fru Doh 55 The Sunbird Fonkeng E.F 39 The House of Falling Women Rosemary Ekosso 83 Whiplash Tracey Farren 81 So the Path Does Not Die Pede Hollist 75 Tale of an African Woman Thomas Jing 84 Kileleshwa: a tale of love, betrayal and corruption in Kenya Laurence Juma 82 Bi Tirga Emmanuel Kouraogo 33 Pieces of Silver Dipita Kwa 53 Blessing Florence Ndiyah 80 Twists and Turns: Tale of an African Intellectual Jonathan Tim Nshing 33 Married but Available Francis B. Nyamnjoh 123 The Power To Succeed Elizabeth Ngozi Okpalaenwe 30 The Power To Make A Choice Elizabeth Ngozi Okpalaenwe 54 Dust, Spittle and Wind Sanya Osha 29 The Story of an African Farm Olive Schreiner 63 The Uncertainty of Hope Valerie Tagwira 95 Title Author Sheets* Osagyefo: The Great Betrayal Linus Asong 41 The Death of Asobo-Ntsi Mbuh Tennu Mbuh 71 Foot Prints of Destiny Azanwi Nchami 41 Les Aventures Maritimes: Recit Autobiographique d’Edward Coxere Bill F. Ndi (trans.) 74 It Happened in Ghana: A Historical Romance 1824-1971 Noel Smith 64 Fi c t ion – H istorica l Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 21 Fi c t ion – Politica l and P hiloso ph ic al Title Author Sheets* The Bad Samaritan Charles Alobwed’Epie 49 The Day God Blinked Charles Alobwed’Epie 31 Exhumed, Tried and Hanged Charles Alobwed’Epie 37 Son of the Native Soil Shadrach Ambanasom 73 Osagyefo: The Great Betrayal Linus Asong 41 Crabs of Bangui Linus Asong 64 The Campaign Trail Francis Nji Bangsi 31 Ring Road Safari Colin Diyen Leading the Night Philo Ikonya 64 Kenya, Will You Marry Me Philo Ikonya 64 Bi Tirga Emmanuel Kouraogo 33 Pieces of Silver Dipita Kwa 53 In the Shadow of my Country Mbuh Tennu Mbuh 81 Babi Yar Symphony G. D. Nyamndi 29 The Disillusioned African Francis B Nyamnjoh 67 Mind Searching Francis B Nyamnjoh 59 The Weeping Triangle Taniform Martin Wanki 61 Imitation Whiteman Vivian Sihshu Yenika 46 Fi c t ion – Rom ance a nd Fa m ily Lif e Title Author Sheets* Son of the Native Soil Shadrach Ambanasom 73 Chopchair Linus Asong 26 Hatchings John Eppel 35 Kileleshwa: a tale of love, betrayal and corruption in Kenya Laurence Juma 82 Second Engagement Susan Nkwentie Nde 53 Precipice Susan Nkwentie Nde 49 Blessing Florence Ndiyah 80 It Happened in Ghana: A Historical Romance 1824-1971 Noel Smith 64 Title Author Sheets* The Earth in Peril Colin Diyen Ayeah 41 The Earth Fights Back Colin Diyen Ayeah 37 Fi c t ion – S cience Fiction Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 22 Ge n de r Studies Title Author Sheets* Gender, Sport and Development in Africa: Cross-cultural Perspectives on Patterns of Representation and Marginalization Jimoh Shehu 43 Gender, Science and Technology: Perspectives from Africa Catherine Wawasi Kitetu (editor) 47 Masculinities in Contemporary Africa Egodi Uchendu 71 Gender and Plantation Labour in Africa: The Story of Tea Pluckers’ Struggles in Cameroon Piet Konings 75 Issues in Women’s Land Rights in Cameroon Lotsmart N. Fonjong (editor) 45 Dispossession and Access to Land in South Africa: An African Perspective Michael A. Yanou 37 Global Exchanges and Gender Perspectives in Africa Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo and Roseline M. Achieng 54 Gender, Discourse and Power in the Cameroonian Parliament Lilian Lem Atanga 70 Culture, Performance and Identity: Paths of Communication in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 55 Senegal: Les femmes rurales a liepreuve diune citoyennete fonciere (French) Fatou Diop Sall and Ramata Molo Thioune 40 Well Women: Addressing the everyday health needs of women Prof Dave Woods and Prof Silke Dyer 28 Invisible Earthquake: A woman’s journal through still birth (memoir) Malika Ndlovu 23 Joy Comes in the Morning (memoir) Hopolang Phororo 48 Manning the Nation: Father Figures in Zimbabwean Literature and Society Kizito Z. Muchemwa and Robert Muponde (editors) 57 Women Writing Zimbabwe (short stories) Irene Staunton (editor) 38 Tale of an African Woman (novel) Thomas Jing 84 The House of Falling Women (novel) Rosemary Ekosso 83 Ge og r aph y, A griculture a n d Lan d I s s ue s Title Author Sheets* African Studies in Geography from Below Michel Ben Arrous and Lazare Ki-Zerbo 91 A Contemporary Geography of Uganda Bakama B. BakamaNume (editor) 77 Decentralisation and Spatial Rural Development Planning in Cameroon Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 79 Sons and Daughters of the Soil: Land and Boundary Conflicts in North West Cameroon, 1955-2005 Walter Gam Nkwi 62 Peri-urban Land Transactions: Everyday Practices and Relations in Peri-urban Blantyre, Malawi Ignasio Malizani Jimu 104 African Land Questions, Agrarian Transitions and the State: Contradictions of Neo-Liberal Land Reforms Sam Moyo 43 Land Law in Nigeria Adefi M.D. Olong 66 Why Planning Does Not Work: Land Use Planning and Resident’s Rights in Tanzania Tumsifu Jonas Nnkya 92 Dispossession and Access to Land in South Africa: An African Perspective Michael A. Yanou 37 Issues in Women’s Land Rights in Cameroon Lotsmart N. Fonjong (editor) 45 Gender and Plantation Labour in Africa: The Story of Tea Pluckers’ Struggles in Cameroon Piet Konings 75 Senegal: Les femmes rurales a liepreuve diune citoyennete fonciere (French) Fatou Diop Sall and Ramata Molo Thioune 40 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 23 Ge og r aph y, A griculture a n d Lan d I s s ue s (c o n t .) Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities: Hydropolitics in Africa Bernard Calas and C. A. Mumma Martinon 74 Framework and Tools for Environmental Management in Africa Godwell Nhamo and Ekpe Inyang 59 Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa B. B. Mukamuri and J. M. Manjengwa (editors) 54 Economics of Banana Production and Marketing in the Tropics: A Case Study of Cameroon Esendugue Gregory Fonsah and Angus S.N.D Chidebelu 66 Title Author Sheets* Governing Health Systems in Africa Martyn Sama and Vinh-Kim Nguyen (editors) 72 Culture, Entertainment and Health Promotion in Africa Kimani Njogu (editor) 58 Population, Health and Development in Ghana: Attaining the Millennium Development Goals Chuks J. Mba and Stephen O. Kwankye (editors) 53 Raising Happy, Healthy Children: A practical Guide to Parenting and Nutrition Sally-Ann Creed and Andalene Salvesen 81 Well Women: Addressing the everyday health needs of women Prof Dave Woods and Prof Silke Dyer 28 Child Healthcare: A guide to common paediatric disorders Prof Dave Woods 73 Birth Defects: Counselling and caring for children with birth defects Perinatal Education Programme 35 Adult HIV: What health professionals need to know Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation 39 Childhood HIV: What health professionals need to know Perinatal Education Programme 39 Perinatal HIV: What health professionals need to know Perinatal Education Programme 29 Intrapartum Care: An advanced-midwife’s guide to labour and delivery Perinatal Education Programme 37 Maternal Care: A health professional’s guide to pregnancy and childbirth Perinatal Education Programme 73 Mother and Baby Friendly Care: Best Practice for Health Professionals Perinatal Education Programme 31 Primary Maternal Care: Antenatal and postnatal care in the clinic Perinatal Education Programme 41 Saving Mothers and Babies: Assessing and reducing mortality rates in your hospital Perinatal Education Programme 30 Primary Newborn Care: Problem-solving in the clinic Perinatal Education Programme 33 Newborn Care: Managing high-risk infants in the neonatal ward Perinatal Education Programme 71 Childhood TB: Care and treatment in the clinic Desmond Tutu TB Centre 25 H e alth c are P ractice and Stu die s Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 24 H i gh Sc h ool Textb o o ks and S t udy Guide s Title Author Sheets* Uniwrsityt: Wat jy moet weet Johan Fourie (editor) 56 Let’s Talk About Varsity Johan Fourie (editor) 59 Everything Maths Grade 10 CAPS Siyavula 118 Mathematics Grade 11 NCS Siyavula 54 Physical Sciences Grade 11 NCS Siyavula 66 Physical Sciences Grade 12 NCS Siyavula 66 Mathematics Grade 12 NCS Siyavula 54 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Geskiedenis Studiegids Jean Bottaro 59 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Aardrykskunde Studiegids Cathryn Hodgkinson 55 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Studiegids A. Mouton 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Afrikaans Huistaal Studiegids J. Hugo 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Besigheidsstudie Studiegids Wanda Booysen 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Ekonomie Studiegids Francis Khumalo 45 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Fisiese Wetenskappe Studiegids Wendy Horn 63 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Lewenswetenskappe W. Bezuidenhout 45 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Rekeningkunde Studiegids Aletta McGee 57 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Toerisme Studiegids Richard George 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Wiskunde Geletterdheid Studiegids S. Botha 57 Exam Success Gr11 Mathematics Study Guide Werner Ladewig 49 Exam Success Gr11 Accounting Study Guide A. McGee 48 Exam Success Gr11 English First Additional Language C-A Economou 41 Exam Success Gr11 Mathematical Literacy Study Guide Werner Ladewig 49 Exam Success Gr11 Physical Sciences Study Guide (Option 1) Wendy Horn 45 Exam Success Gr12 History Study Guide Jean Bottaro 55 Exam Success Gr12 Mathematics Study Guide S. Botha 61 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Wiskunde Studiegids S. Botha 61 Exam Success Gr12 Accounting Study Guide Aletta McGee 57 Exam Success Gr12 Business Studies Study Guide Wanda Booysen 41 Exam Success Gr12 Economics Study Guide Francis Khumalo 45 Exam Success Gr12 English First Additional Language Study Guide C-A Economou 39 Exam Success Gr12 English Home Language Study Guide Raymond Doubell 41 Exam Success Gr12 Geography Study Guide Cathryn Hodgkinson 55 Exam Success Gr12 IsiXhosa Study Guide P. Gajana 37 Exam Success Gr12 IsiZulu Study Guide Tozi Buthelezi 31 Exam Success Gr12 Life Sciences Study Guide W. Bezuidenhout 45 Exam Success Gr12 Physical Sciences Study Guide 2e Revised Wendy Horn 63 Exam Success Gr12 Sepedi Study Guide P. M. Kgatla 37 Exam Success Gr12 Tourism Study Guide Richard Horn 41 Exam Success English Short Stories Prescribed for Grade 12 Sandra Louw 35 Exam Success Worldscapes Poetry Guide A. Stephenson 45 Exam Success: English Poetry Prescribed for Grade 12 A. Stephenson 77 Exam Success: Hamlet E. Donaldson 21 Exam Success: Macbeth A. Stephenson 21 Exam Success: Othello A. Stephenson 21 Shakespeare for South Africa: Romeo & Juliet Gill 49 Exam Success Gr12 Mathematical Literacy Study Guide S. Botha 57 Exam Success: Romeo and Juliet E. Donaldson, N. Hayes, M. van Niekerk 21 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 25 H i gh e r Edu ca tio n Title Author Sheets* Genuine Intellectuals: Academic and Social Responsibilities of Universities in Africa Bernard Nsokika Fonlon 44 Higher Education in Africa: Crises, Reforms and Transformation N’dri T. Assie-Lumumba 52 Scholars in the Marketplace: The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989-2005 Mahmood Mamdani 80 Privatisation and Private Higher Education in Kenya: Implications for Access, Equity and Knowledge Production Ibrahim Ogachi Oanda and Fatuma N. Chege 31 Youth and Higher Education in Africa: The Cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe Donald P. Chimanikire (editor) 38 University Crisis and Student Protests in Africa: The 2005-2006 University Students’ Strike in Cameroon Francis B. Nyamnjoh and Piet Konings (editors) 85 Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania Chachage Seithy L. Chachage 27 The University in Africa and Democratic Citizenship: Hothouse or Training Ground? Thierry M. Luescher-Mamashela 35 Universities and Economic Development in Africa: Pact, academic core and coordination Nico Cloete, Tracy Bailey 28 Higher Education Financing in East and Southern Africa Pundy Pillay 62 Challenges of Education Financing and Planning in Africa: What Works and What Does Not Work Adebayo Olukoshi and Mohamed Cherif Diarra 40 African Researchers and Decision-makers: Building Synergy for Development Abdoulaye Ndiaye 25 The Study of Africa Volume 2: Global and Transnational Engagements Paul Tiyambe Zeleza (editor) 106 The Postcolonial Turn: Re-Imagining Anthropology and Africa Rene Devisch and Francis B. Nyamnjoh 117 Scribbles from the Den: Essays on Politics and Collective Memory in Cameroon Dibussi Tande 59 Cheche: Reminiscences of a Radical Magazine Karim Hirji 62 The Disillusioned African (novel) Francis B. Nyamnjoh 67 The House of Falling Women (novel) Rosemary Ekosso 83 La rationalite, une ou plurielle? (English and French) Paulin Hountondji 120 Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume 1: De l’école régionale de Diourbel à l’Université de Paris (1945-1960) (French) Amady Aly Dieng 51 Memoires d’un Etudiant Africain Volume II: De l’Université de Paris à mon retour au Sénégal (1960-1967) Amady Aly Dieng 54 Archie Mafeje: Scholar, Activist, Thinker Dani Wadada Nabudere 30 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 26 Law Title Author Sheets* Implementing the Public Finance Management Act in South Africa: How Far Are We? Russell Wildeman and Wellington Jogo 15 An Introduction to Zimbabwean Law Lovemore Madhuku 55 Labour Law in Namibia Collins Parker 83 Administrative Law in Tanzania: A Digest of Cases B. D. Chipeta 71 A Handbook for Public Prosecutors (3rd Edition) [Tanzanian Law] B. D. Chipeta 76 Criminal Law in Cameroon: Specific Offences Carlson Anyangwe 161 Labour Law: Principles and Practice in Cameroon Michael A. Yanou 67 Dispossession and Access to Land in South Africa: An African Perspective Michael A. Yanou 37 Land Law in Nigeria (2nd Edition) Adelfi M.D. Olong 66 Medical Law and Ethics in Nigeria Festus Oghenemaro Emiri 57 Citizenship Law in Africa: A Comparative Study Bronwen Manby 31 Beyond Proprietorship: Murphree’s Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa B. B. Mukamuri and J. M. Manjengwa (editors) 54 Under The Broken Scale of Justice: The Law and My Times Nyo’ Wakai 52 Rule of Law vs. Rulers of Law: Justice Barnabas Albert Samatta’s Road To Justice Issa Shivji and Hamudi Majamba 69 Title Author Sheets* Language and Power: The Implications of Language for Peace and Development Birgit Brock-Utne and Gunnar Garbo 87 A Practical Guide to Understanding Ciyawo Ian Dicks and Shaun Dollar 45 The Bafaw Language: Bantu A10 Emmanuel N. Chia, Vincent A. Tanda and Ayu’nwi N. Neba 48 An Outline of Kikaonde Grammar J.L. Wright 15 Kingdom of Mankon: Aspects of History, Language, Culture, Flora and Fauna Christopher Chi Che 94 Perspectives on Translation and Interpretation in Cameroon Emmanuel N. Chia and Joseph C. Suh (editors) 46 Building Capacity: Using TEFL and African Languages as Development-oriented Literacy Tools Ngessimo M. Mutaka (editor) 52 Society and Change in Bali Nyonga: Critical Perspectives Jude Fokwang and Kehbuma Langmia (editors) 50 A Dictionary of Popular Bali Names John Koyela Fokwang 34 Message in a Mobile: Mixed-Messages, Tales of Missing and Mobile Communities at the University of Khartoum Siri Lamoureaux 50 L a n g uag e a nd Linguistics Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 27 M a tri c E x am P acks Title Sheets* Graad 12 Besigheidstudies Eksamenpakket 78 Graad 12 Dasstudies Eksamenpakket 63 Graad 12 Dramatiese Kunste Eksamenpakket 113 Graad 12 Ekonomie Eksamenpakket 80 Graad 12 Elektriese Tegnologie Eksamenpakket 47 Graad 12 Fisiese Wetenskappe Eksamenpakket 124 Graad 12 Gasvryheidstudies Eksamenpakket 58 Graad 12 Geografie Eksamenpakket 113 Graad 12 Geskiedenis Eksamenpakket 184 Graad 12 Ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp Eksamenpakket 41 Graad 12 Inligtingstegnologie Eksamenpakket 168 Graad 12 Landboubestuurspraktyke Ekamenpakket 53 Graad 12 Landboutegnologie Eksamenpakket 55 Graad 12 Landbouwetenskappe Eksamenpakket 102 Graad 12 Lewenswetenskappe Eksamenpakket 103 Graad 12 Meganiese Tegnologie Eksamenpakket 73 Graad 12 Musiek Eksamenpakket 134 Graad 12 Ontwerp Eksamenpakket 101 Graad 12 Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Eksamenpakket 112 Graad 12 Rekeningkunde Eksamenpakket 104 Graad 12 Religiestudies Eksamenpakket 62 Graad 12 Siviele Tegnologie Eksamenpakket 67 Graad 12 Toerisme Eksamenpakket 75 Graad 12 Verbruikerstudies Eksamenpakket 55 Graad 12 Visuele Kunste Eksamenspakket 94 Graad 12 Wiskunde Eksamenpakket 143 Graad 12 Wiskundige Geletterdheid Eksamenpakket 143 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack 104 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 17 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 46 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 31 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 28 Grade 12 Afrikaans First Additional Language Exam Pack 188 Grade 12 Afrikaans Home Language Exam Pack 152 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack EC 102 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack FS 108 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack GT 100 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack KZN 101 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 101 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack MP 101 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack NC 94 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack NW 103 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack WC 119 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. 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Grade 12 Agricultural Management Practice Exam Pack 102 Grade 12 Agricultural Science Exam Pack 97 Grade 12 Agricultural Technology Practice Exam Pack 54 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack 78 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 15 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 25 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 22 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 20 Grade 12 Civil Technology Exam Pack 67 Grade 12 Computer Applications Technology Exam Pack 114 Grade 12 Consumer Studies Exam Pack 58 Grade 12 Dance Studies Exam Pack 62 Grade 12 Design Exam Pack 99 Grade 12 Drama Exam Pack 111 Grade 12 Economics Exam Pack 79 Grade 12 Electrical TechnologyExam Pack 47 Grade 12 Engineering Exam Pack 41 Grade 12 English First Additional Language Exam Pack 174 Grade 12 English Home Language Exam Pack 141 Grade 12 English Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 67 Grade 12 English Second Additional Language Exam Pack KZN 46 Grade 12 English Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 51 Grade 12 Geography Exam Pack 104 Grade 12 History Exam Pack 184 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 29 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 53 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 54 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 53 Grade 12 Hospitality Exam Pack 57 Grade 12 Information Technology Exam Pack 167 Grade 12 IsiNdebele First Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiNdebele ilimi lokuthoma lokungezelela) 78 Grade 12 IsiNdebele Home Language Exam Pack (Isindebele ilimi lekhaya) 94 Grade 12 IsiNdebele Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiNdebele ilimi lesibili lokungezelela) GP 38 Grade 12 IsiXhosa First Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lokuqala olongezelelweyo) 106 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Home LanguageExam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwasekhaya) 125 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwesibini olongezelelweyo) EC 70 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwesibini olongezelelweyo) GP 64 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Secong Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwesibini olongezelelweyo) WC 83 Grade 12 IsiZulu First Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lokugqala lokwengeza) 102 Grade 12 IsiZulu Home Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lwasekhaya) 106 Grade 12 IsiZulu Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lwesibili lokwengaza) GP 66 Grade 12 IsiZulu Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lwesibili lokwengaza) KZN 71 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack 109 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 17 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. 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Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 28 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 28 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 41 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack 117 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 19 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 33 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 35 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 34 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack 169 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 28 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 56 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 51 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 49 Grade 12 Mecanical Technology Exam Pack 73 Grade 12 Music Exam Pack 134 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack 124 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 20 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 35 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 39 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 35 Grade 12 Religion Studies Exam Pack 63 Grade 12 Sepedi First Additional Language Exam Pack (Sepedi lelemetlaleletso la pele) 87 Grade 12 Sepedi Home Language Exam Pack (Sepedi leleme la gae) 89 Grade 12 Sepedi Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sepedi lelemetlaletso la bobedi) GP 54 Grade 12 Sepedi Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sepedi lelemetlaletso la bobedi) LP 59 Grade 12 Sesotho First Additional Language Exam Pack (Sesotho puo ya tlatsetso ya pele) 123 Grade 12 Sesotho Home Language Exam Pack 118 Grade 12 Sesotho Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sesotho puo ya tlatseto ya bobedi) FS 49 Grade 12 Sesotho Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sesotho puo ya tlatseto ya bobedi) GP 58 Grade 12 Setswana First Additional Language Exam Pack 93 Grade 12 Setswana Home Language Exam Pack 95 Grade 12 Setswana Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 55 Grade 12 Setswana Second Additional Language Exam Pack NW 51 Grade 12 Siswati First Additional Language Exam Pack 102 Grade 12 Siswati Home Language Exam Pack 109 Grade 12 Siswati Second Additional Language Exam Pack 39 Grade 12 Tourism Exam Pack 75 Grade 12 Tshivenda First Additional Language Exam Pack 96 Grade 12 Tshivenda Home Language Exam Pack 104 Grade 12 Tshivenda Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 40 Grade 12 Tshivenda Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 41 Grade 12 Visual Arts Exam Pack 95 Grade 12 Xitsonga First Additional Language Exam Pack 72 Grade 12 Xitsonga Home Language Exam Pack 96 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 30 M a tri c E x am P acks (cont.) Grade 12 Xitsonga Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 49 Grade 12 Xitsonga Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 43 M e di a an d P op ula r Culture Title Author Sheets* Ako-Aya: A Cameroonian Pioneer in Daring Journalism and Social Commentry Ephraim N. Ngwafor 65 Scribbles from the Den: Essays on Politics and Collective Memory in Cameroon Dibussi Tande 59 No Trifling Matter: Contributions of an Uncompromising Critic to the Democratic Process in Cameroon Godfrey B. Tangwa/Rotcod Gobata 62 Songs and Politics in Eastern Africa Kimani Njogu and Herve Maupeu 106 Beyond Memory: Recording the History, Moments and Memories of South African Music Max Mojapelo 96 Youth and Nation-Building in Cameroon Churchill Ewumbue-Monono 53 The Postcolonial Turn: Re-Imagining Anthropology and Africa Rene Devisch and Francis B. Nyamnjoh 117 Culture, Performance and Identity: Paths of Communication in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 55 Culture, Entertainment and Health Promotion in Africa Kimani Njogu (editor) 58 (Re)Membering Kenya Vol 1: Identity, Culture and Freedom Mbugua wa-Mungai and George Gona 66 Challenge of Culture in Africa: From Restoration to Integration Bernard Ntsokika Fonlon 25 Mass Media and Society in Nigeria Lai Oso and Umaru Pate (editors) 71 Public Broadcasting in Africa series: Nigeria Akin Akingbulu 39 Public Broadcasting in Africa series: Uganda George W. Lugalambi 33 Public Broadcasting in Africa series: Zimbabwe Sarah Chiumbu 29 Mass Media and Democratisation in Cameroon in the Early 1990s Francis B Nyamnhoh 53 Africa’s Big Five and Other Wildlife Filmmakers: A Centenary of Wildlife Filming in Kenya Jean Hartley 44 Enhancing Democratic Systems: The Media in Mauritius - A dialogue session Christina Chan-Meetoo and Roukaya Kasenally (editors) 57 True North: African Roads Less Travelled Hamilton Wende 49 Deadlines From The Edge Hamilton Wende 87 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 31 M i gration and Urb an Stud ie s Title Author Sheets* Dar es Salaam: Histories from an Emerging African Metropolis James Brennan and Andrew Lawi Yus Burton (editors) 73 From Dar es Salaam to Bongoland: Urban Mutations in Tanzania Bernard Calas (coordinator) 108 Nairobi Today: The Paradox of a Fragmented City Helene Charton-Bigot and Deyssi Rodriguez-Torres (editors) 102 Reflections on Identity in Four African Cities Simon Bekker and Anne Leilde (editors) 65 Urban Appropriation and Transformation: Bicycle Taxi and Handcart Operators in Mzuzu, Malawi Ignasio Malizani Jimu 41 Peri-urban Land Transactions: Everyday Practices and Relations in Peri-urban Blantyre, Malawi Ignasio Malizani Jimu 104 From Foreign Natives to Native Foreigners. Explaining Xenophobia in Post-apartheid South Africa Michael Neocosmos 48 Native Life in South Africa Sol Plaatje African Studies in Geography from Below Michel Ben Arrous and Lazare Ki-Zerbo 91 Grasp the Shield Firmly the Journey is Hard: A History of Luo and Bantu migrations to North Mara, (Tanzania) 1850-1950 Siso Zedekia Oloo 94 Society and Change in Bali Nyonga: Critical Perspectives Jude Fokwang and Kehbuma Langmia (editors) 50 Migration, Remittances and Development in Lesotho Jonathan Crush and Belinda Dodson 25 Ethnicity, Citizenship and State in Eastern Africa Aquiline S.J. Tarimo 41 State of a Union: The Half Century of Cameroon’s Bicultural Experience Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo 48 We Get Nothing from Fishing: Fishing for Boat Opportunities Amongst Senegalese Fisher Migrants Henrietta Mambo Nyamnjoh 59 Ethnic Diversity in Eastern Africa: Opportunities and Challenges Kimani Njogu and Kabiri Ngeta (editors) 64 Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa Jonathan Crush and Bruce Frayne (editors) 64 Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival Jonathan Crush and Daniel Tevera (editors) 109 Short Writings from Bulawayo Jane Morris (editor) 37 Short Writings from Bulawayo II Jane Morris (editor) 32 Short Writings from Bulawayo III Jane Morris (editor) 40 M o de r n i ty and Tra ditional Value s Title Author Sheets* The Raped Amulet Sammy Oke Akombi 32 Stranger in His Homeland Linus Asong 92 Doctor Frederick Ngenito Linus Asong 48 Strife Shimmer Chinodya 60 The Fire Within Emmanuel Fru Doh 55 Tale of an African Woman Thomas Jing 84 Souls Forgotten Francis B. Nyamnjoh 91 No Love Lost Peter Vakunta 34 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 32 M u s i c an d Sheet Music Title Author Sheets* Prelude and Fugue in A Minor Bach 7 Fur Elise Beethoven 4 Sonata 14 (Moonlight) Beethoven 9 Ave Maria Gounod 7 Wedding March Mendelssohn 9 Beyond Memory: Recording the History, Moments and Memories of South African Music Max Mojapelo 96 Title Author Sheets* Don Juan Lord Byron 122 Collected Poems T.S Eliot 10 Paradise Lost John Milton 82 The Night Before Christmas Clement Clarke Moore 3 The Faerie Queene Edmund Spenser 48 The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth - Volume 2 William Wordsworth 39 Where there is Nothing WB Yeats 15 The Secret Rose WB Yeats 7 Po e t r y – Classic Po etr y – Co ntem pora r y Title Author Sheets* A Fallen Citadel and Other Poems Imali J. Abala 18 Beware the Drives Sammy Oke Akombi 20 Forest Echoes Nol Alembong 24 Crying in Hiccoughs Charles Alobwed’Epie 16 Silent Cry: Echoes of Young Zimbabwe Voices amabooks 31 Homage and Courtship: Romantic Stirrings of a Young Man Shadrach Ambanasom 34 Piece of Work Ingrid Andersen 19 A Basket of Flaming Ashes Joyce Ashuntantang 20 Their Champagne Party Will End!: Poems in Honor of Bate Besong Joyce Ashuntantang and Dibussi Tande 20 Killing Time Arthur Attwell 15 Voices from Africa and Beyond: A Collection of Poems Funwi F. Ayuninjam 18 Obili Blues: Le sel offert au miel [French] Ada Bessomo 18 Removing Melissa Butler 13 Fourth Child Megan Hall 15 My Brother, My Sister Loretta Burns and Bill F. Ndi 25 Wading the Tide Emmanuel Fru Doh 17 Oriki’badan Emmanuel Fru Doh 18 Not Yet Damascus Emmanuel Fru Doh 20 Shadows (Poems) Emmanuel Fru Doh 24 White Man Crawling John Eppel 25 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 33 Po etr y – Co ntem pora r y (co n t .) Conduit Sarah Frost 16 Difficult Gifts Dawn Garisch 15 These are the Lies I Told You Kerry Hammerton 20 Lava Lamp Poems Colleen Higgs 15 Silent Voices Ekpe Inyang 28 Death of Hardship Ekpe Inyang 21 A Basket of Kola Nuts Bongasu Tanla Kishani 22 Writing Therapy Monique Kwachou 14 Please, Take Photographs Sindiwe Magona 21 Nest of Stones: Kenyan Narratives in Verse Wanjohi wa Makokha 47 Azanian Love Song Don Mattera 33 The Oracle of Tears Mbuh Tennu Mbuh 18 Shadows From The Abyss Frida Menkan Mbunda 41 Burnt Offering Joan Metelerkamp 25 Strange Fruit Helen Moffet 15 Intwasa Poetry Jane Morris 19 Coils of Mortal Flesh Ba’bila Mutia 22 K’cracy, Trees in the Storm and other Poems Bill F. Ndi 32 Re l ig iou s Books a nd R eligio us S t udie s Title Author Sheets* Comparative Historical and Interpretive Study of Religions Michael P. Adogbo 32 Tonga Religious Life in the Twentieth Century Elizabeth Colson 80 The Dynamics and Contradictions of Evangelisation in Africa: An essay on the Kom experience Peter Acho Awoh 53 African Christianity: The Stranger Within Joseph D. Galgalo 34 Selected Themes in the Study of Religions in Nigeria S.G.A. Onibere and Michael P. Adogbo 43 Creativity and Change in Nigerian Christianity David O Ogungbile and Akintunde Akinade 95 Where are you Africa?: Church and Society in the Mobile Phone Age Castor M. Goliama 68 In Search of Grace and Truth: Christian conversations on same-sex relationships Tim Attwell, Ray Alistoun and Roger Scholtz (editors) 27 God for Grown-ups Tim Attwell 20 Questions God Asks Us Trevor Hudson 52 Favourite Bible Stories for Children Maretha Maartens 9 African Catholic Priests: Confronting an Identity Problem Jordan Nyenyembe 48 Modeling Servant-Leaders for Africa: Lessons from St. Paul Ndungiu John Brown Ikenye 55 The Bible and African Culture: Mapping Transactional Inroads Ndungiu John Brown Ikenye 60 Disability, Society and Theology: Voices from Africa Samuel Kabue and Esther Mombo (editors) 121 Project H [graphic novel] Brandon Carstens 48/94 Strife [novel] Shimmer Chinodya 60 The Convert [play] Francis B Nyamnjoh 20 Islam and Open Society: Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal Souleymane Bachir Diagne 23 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 34 Re l ig iou s Books a nd R eligio us S t udie s (c o n t .) Stories of the the Prophets Maulana Abun-Nur Muhammad Bashir. Trans. by Maulana Omar Sayed 41 Stories of the Friends of Allah Maulana Abun-Nur Muhammad Bashir. Trans. by Maulana Omar Sayed 40 Kale ya Washairi wa Pemba: Kamange na Sarahani (Swahili) Abdilatif Abdala 38 Title Author Sheets* Silent Cry: Echoes of Young Zimbabwe Voices amabooks 31 Women Who Ate Python and Other Stories Sammy Oke Akombi 29 The Wages of Corruption Sammy Oke Akombi 33 The Wooden Bicycle and Other Stories Tikum Mbah Azonga 39 Cup Man and Other Stories Tikum Mbah Azonga 41 Someplace, Somewhere Beatrice Fri Bime 34 Mystique: A Collection of Lake Myths Beatrice Bime 31 Chioniso and Other Stories Shimmer Chinodya 48 Wisdom of the Yawo People: Yawo Proverbs and Stories Ian Dicks 35 Reclaiming the L-Word: Sappho’s Daughters out in Africa Alleyn Diesel 57 White Nights and Other Stories Fyodor Dostoyevsky 31 White Man Crawling John Eppel 25 Looking for Trouble and other Mostly Yeoville Stories Colleen Higgs 25 The Bed Book of Short Stories Lauri Kubuitsile and Joanne Hichens 79 Children of the Frost Jack London 31 White Gods Black Demons Daniel Mandishona 30 Dancing with Life: Tales from the Township Christopher Mlalazi 23 Go Tell the Sun Wame Molefhe 33 Short Writings from Bulawayo Jane Morris (editor) 37 Short Writings from Bulawayo II Jane Morris (editor) 32 Short Writings from Bulawayo III Jane Morris (editor) 40 Long Time Coming: Short Writings from Zimbabwe Jane Morris (editor) 41 Tell Me Friends: Contemporary Stories and Plays of Tanzania Lilian Osaki and Lisa Marìa B. Noudèhou (editors) 42 The Thin Line Arja Salafranca 56 African Roar: An Eclectic anthology of African Authors Emmanual Sigauke & Ivor Hartmann (editors) 19 African Roar 2011 Emmanual Sigauke & Ivor Hartmann (editors) 26 Women Writing Zimbabwe (short stories) Irene Staunton (editor) 38 Laughing Now: New Stories from Zimbabwe Irene Staunton (editor) 32 What Men Live By and Other Tales Leo Tolstoy 26 Grassfields Stories from Cameroon Peter Vakunta 27 This Place I Call Home Meg Vandermerwe 38 The Door in the Wall and Other Stories HG Wells 27 Press Lake Varsity Girls: The Freshman Year Vivian Sihshu Yenika 29 S hor t Stori es Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 35 S o ci o- poli tical Histor y Title Author Sheets* History, Democracy, Values: New Lines of Reflection Adame Ba Konarè 15 Imperialistic Politics in Cameroun: Resistance and the Inception of the Restoration of the Statehood of Southern Cameroons Carlson Anyangwe 44 Betrayal of Too Trusting a People: The UN, the UK and the Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons Carlson Anyangwe 66 The Secrets of an Aborted Decolonisation: The Declassified British Secret Files on the Southern Cameroons Carlson Anyangwe 202 Cameroon Political Story: Memories of an Authentic Eyewitness Nerius Namaso Mbile 78 Africa’s Political Wastelands: The Bastardization of Cameroon Emmanuel Fru Doh 51 The Cameroon-Nigeria Border Dispute: Management and Resolution, 1981-2011 Hilary V. Lukong 60 Cameroon’s Social Democratic Front: Its History and Prospects as an Opposition Political Party (1990-2011) Milton Krieger 31 Society and Change in Bali Nyonga: Critical Perspectives Jude Fokwang and Kehbuma Langmia (editors) 50 Nso’ and Its Neighbours: Readings in the Social History of the Western Grassfields of Cameroon B. Chem-Langhee and V.G. Fanso 131 Voicing the Voiceless: Contributions to Closing Gaps in Cameroon History, 1958-2009 Walter Gam Nkwi 51 Re-thinking Development in Africa: An Oral History Approach from Botoku, Rural Ghana Komla Tsey 45 State of a Union: The Half Century of Cameroon’s Bicultural Experience Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo 48 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 36 Te a c h i n g Title Author Sheets* Being a Teacher: Professional Challenges and Choices Saide 15 or 29 53 Interesting Things To Do In Your Lectures (5th edition) Anthony Haynes and Karen Haynes (editors) 42 53 Interesting Ways of Helping Your Students to Study Anthony Haynes and Karen Haynes (editors) 50 53 Interesting Things To Do In Your Seminars and Tutorials (4th edition) Hannah Strawson (editor) 39 Working in Classrooms: Teaching, Time and Space Saide 11 or 21 Learners and Learning: Talking about Theory Saide 13 or 25 Using Media in Teaching Saide 12 or 23 Creating People Centred Schools: School Organization and Change in South Africa Saide 13 or 25 Creating a Caring School Saide 52 or 103 Teaching Creative Writing Elaine Walker 62 Te e n L ite rat ure Title Author Two-Faced Friends Dorothy Dyer Misha’s Story Dorothy Dyer 3 Misha’s Story (plus teaching guide) Dorothy Dyer 3 Field of Dreams Ros Haden 3 Field of Dreams (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden 3 She’s the One Ros Haden 3 She’s the one (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden 3 Who is K? Ros Haden 2 Who is K? (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden 2 Broken Promises Ros Haden 37 Sugar Daddy Ros Haden 18 Jealous in Jozi Ros Haden and Dorothy Dyer 20 Short Stories Collection One Ros Haden and Dorothy Dyer 7 Short Stories Collection One (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden and Dorothy Dyer 8 The Call of the Wild Jack London 20 The White Fang Jack London 20 Too Young To Die Sivuyile Mazantsi and Sam Roth 18 Uniwrsityt: Wat jy moet weet Johan Fourie (editor) 56 Let’s Talk About Varsity Johan Fourie (editor) 59 Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson 44 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. Sheets* * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 37 Tr a ve l Title Author Sheets* Gauteng A-Z Sean Fraser 33 Weekends Away: in and around Gauteng Diane Coetzer 25 Cape Town and Peninsula Street Guide Map Studio 81/162 Durban Street Guide Map Studio 62/124 Letters on Sweden: letters written in Sweden, Norway and Denmark Mary Wollstonecraft 30 Travels in Alaska John Muir 22 True North: African Roads Less Travelled Hamilton Wende 49 Deadlines From The Edge Hamilton Wende 87 We ste r n Th ought, P hilo sop h y an d Ps yc h o lo g y Title Author Sheets* The Problems of Philosophy Bertrand Russell 27 The Critique of Judgement Immanuel Kant 40 The Critique of Pratical Reason Immanuel Kant 39 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke 155 On Liberty John Stuart Mill 31 Ethics Aristotle 61 The Republic Plato 51 The Game of Logic Lewis Carroll 27 The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Frued 33 The Theory of Psychoanalysis Carl Jung 34 Educational Psychology Kelvin Seifert and Rosemary Sutton 95 Leviathan Thomas Hobbes 148 Utopia Thomas More 23 The Darwinian Hypothesis Thomas Huxley 5 The Descent of Man Charles Darwin 161 The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli 30 Wealth of Nations Adam Smith 109 The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 10 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 38 Yo u th Studies and Youth I ssue s Title Author Sheets* Culture, Performance and Identity: Paths of Communication in Kenya Kimani Njogu (editor) 55 Youth and Nation-Building in Cameroon: A Study of National Youth Day Messages and Leadership Discourse (1949-2009) Churchill Ewumbue-Monono 53 Youth and Higher Education in Africa: The Cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe Donald P. Chimanikire (editor) 38 University Crisis and Student Protests in Africa: The 2005-2006 University Students’ Strike in Cameroon Francis B. Nyamnjoh and Piet Konings (editors) 85 Youth, HIV/AIDS and Social Transformations in Africa Donald Anthony Mwiturubani and Ayalew Gebre 36 Statism, Youth and Civic Imagination: A Critical Study of the National Youth Service Corps Programme in Nigeria Ebenezer Obadare 22 Children and Youth in the Labour Process in Africa Osita Agbu (editor) 59 Child Domestic Workers in Zimbabwe Michael Bourdillon 33 Excision: Les jeunes changent I’Afrique par les TIC Marie-Hèlene Mottin-Sylla and Joille Palmieri 37 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 39 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Title Author No. of Sheets (Re)membering Kenya Vol 1 Mbugua wa-Mungai 65 1,2,3 - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 1,2,3 - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 1 1,2,3 (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 53 Interesting Things To Do In Your Lectures Anthony Haynes and Karen Haynes 41 53 Interesting Things To Do In Your Seminars and Tutorials Hannah Strawson 38 53 Interesting Ways of Helping Your Students to Study Anthony Haynes and Karen Haynes 49 A Basket of Flaming Ashes Joyce Ashuntantang 20 A Basket of Kola Nuts Bongasu Tanla Kishani 22 A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens 20 A Contemporary Geography of Uganda Bakama B. BakamaNume 76 A Dictionary of Popular Bali Names John Koyela Fokwang 34 A Dirty Game Wilfred Ndum Akombi 47 A Fallen Citadel and Other Poems Imali J. Abala 17 A Fine Balance Alexander Karin 30 A Handbook for Public Prosecutors B. D. Chipeta 75 A House in Zambia Robin Palmer 47 A is for...? - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 A is for...? - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 2 A is for...? (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 7 A Legend of the Dead Linus Asong 65 A Little Princess Frances Hodgson Burnett 42 A Man of Means PG Wodehouse 19 A Midsummer Night’s Dream William Shakespeare 22 A Practical Guide to Understanding Ciyawo Ian Dicks 44 A Room with a View EM Forster 46 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 87 Absent: The English Teacher John Eppel 41 Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania Chachage Seithy L. Chachage 26 Accumulation in an African Periphery Issa Shivji 28 Administrative Law in Tanzania B. D. Chipeta 70 Adult HIV Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation 38 Adventures of Pinocchio Carlos Collodi 29 Africa at a Glance Elize van As 22 Africa Focus Debates on Contemporary Contentious Biomedical Issues Munyaradzi Mawere 42 African Belief and Knowledge Systems Munyaradzi Mawere 34 African Catholic Priests Jordan Nyenyembe 48 African Christianity Galgalo, Joseph D. 33 African Land Questions, Agrarian Transitions and the State Sam Moyo 42 African Researchers and Decision-makers. Building Synergy for Development Abdoulaye Ndiaye 25 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 40 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E African Roar Emmanual Sigauke & Ivor Hartmann (Editors) 19 African Roar 2011 Emmanual Sigauke & Ivor Hartmann (Editors) 25 African Studies in Geography from Below Michel Ben Arrous 90 Africa’s Big Five and Other Wildlife Filmmakers Jean Hartley 44 Africa’s Political Wastelands: The Bastardization of Cameroon Emmanuel Fru Doh 50 Afrikology and Transdisciplinarity Dani Wadada Nabudere 53 Afrikology, Philosophy and Wholeness Dani W. Nabudere 45 Against the Odds Mary Ndlovu 105 Ako-Aya: A Cameroorian Pioneer in Daring Journalism and Social Commentary Ephraim N. Ngwafor 64 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 19 All’s Well That Ends Well William Shakespeare 26 Amady Aly Dieng Memoires díun Etudiant Africain Volume 1 Amady Aly Dieng 51 Amady Aly Dieng Memoires díun Etudiant Africain Volume II Amady Aly Dieng 53 An Enemy of the People Henrik Ibsen 23 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke 155 An Ethnographic Study of Northern Ghanaian Conflicts A.K. Awedoba 86 An Introduction to Zimbabwean Law Lovemore Madhuku 52 An Outline of Kikaonde Grammar J.L. Wright 14 Animal Farm George Orwell 18 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 218 Anne of Green Gables L M Montgomery 63 Anxiety in Mosaic Ngolle-Metuge 21 Archie Mafeje Dani W. Nabudere 30 Armee et politique au Niger Kimba Idrissa 75 Around the World in 80 Days Jules Verne 46 As a Man Thinketh James Allen 11 Ave Maria Gounod 6 Azanian Love Song Don Mattera 32 Babi Yar Symphony G. D. Nyamndi 28 Bake a cake - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Bake a cake - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Bake a cake (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Bare and Breaking Schime, Karin 22 Bath time - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Bath time - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Bath time (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Beauty and the Beast Marie Le Prince de Beaumont 7 Becoming Zimbabwe Brian Raftopoulos 74 Bedtime - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Bedtime (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Being a Teacher Saide 14 Being an Albino in Africa Masoka Dube 2 Ben Hur Lew Wallace 125 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 41 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Betrayal of Too Trusting a People. The UN, the UK and the Trust Territory of the Southern Cameroons Carlson Anyangwe 65 Beware the Drives Sammy Oke Akombi 19 Beyond Memory Max Mojapelo 95 Beyond Proprietorship. Murphreeís Laws on Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa B. B. Mukamuri 53 Beyond the Enclave Godfrey Kanyenze 137 Bi Tirga Emmanuel Kouraogo 32 Birth Defects Perinatal Education Programme 34 Black Beauty Anna Sewell 38 Black Caps and Red Feathers John Nkemngong Nkengasong 25 Bleak House Charles Dickens 211 Bleeding Red Bill F. Ndi 17 Blessing Florence Ndiyah 80 Born to Rule Tah Asongwed 52 Brave New World Aldous Huxley 42 Broken Promises Ros Haden 37 Building Capacity: Using TEFL and African Languages as Development-oriented Literacy Tools Ngessimo M. Mutaka 51 Bulozi under the Luyana Kings Mutumba Mainga 73 Burnt Offering Joan Metelerkamp 24 Business Ethics William Frey 66 Cameroon Political Story Nerius Namaso Mbile 78 Cameroon: The Stakes and Challenges of Governance and Development Tangie Nsoh Fonchingong 58 Cameroon’s Social Democratic Front: Its History and Prospects as an Opposition Political Party (1990-2011) Milton Krieger 30 Camping - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Camping - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 7 Camping (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 10 Cape Town & Peninsula Street Guide Map Studio 81 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Intro Booklet 1 of 2 (19001) Dominic Tweedie 3 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 2, Chapter 17, Circulation of Surplus Value (19021) Karl Marx 7 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 2, Chapter 21, Part 1, Accumulation and Reproduction (19031) Karl Marx 4 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 2, Chapter 6, The Costs of Circulation (19011) Karl Marx 5 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 13, The Law As Such (19061) Karl Marx 5 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 19, Money-Dealing Capital (19071) Karl Marx 2 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 2, The Rate of Profit (19041) Karl Marx 2 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 29, Component Parts of Bank Capital (19081) Karl Marx 3 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 38, Differential Rent (19091) Karl Marx 2 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 42 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 48, The Trinity Formula (19101) Karl Marx 4 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3: Vol 3, Chapter 9, General Rate of Profit (19051) Karl Marx 4 Capital, Volumes 2 and 3:, Intro Booklet 2 of 2 (19002) Dominic Tweedie 5 Captains Courageous Rudyard Kipling 33 Challenge of Culture in Africa Bernard N. Fonlon 24 Challenges of Education Financing and Planning in Africa: What Works and What Does Not Work Adebayo Olukoshi 39 Challenges to Identifying and Managing Intangible Cultural Heritage in Mauritius, Zanzibar and Seychelles Rosabelle Boswell 24 Cheche: Reminiscences of a Radical Magazine Karim Hirji 62 Chess Wikibooks 22 Child Domestic Workers in Zimbabwe Michael Bourdillon 32 Child Healthcare Prof Dave Woods 72 Childhood Leo Tolstoy 25 Childhood HIV Prof Dave Woods and Prof Brian Eley 38 Childhood TB Desmond Tutu TB Centre 24 Children and Youth in the Labour Process in Africa Osita Agbu 58 Children of the Frost Jack London 30 Chioniso and Other Stories Shimmer Chinodya 48 Chopchair Linus Asong 25 Citizen of Zimbabwe Stephen Chan 29 Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo 59 Climate Change and the Management of Natural Systems in Cameroon Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 85 Closing the Books Tove Storsveen 113 Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Wikibooks 47 Coils of Mortal Flesh Ba’bila Mutia 21 Colours - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Colours - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Colours (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Conduit Sarah Frost 16 Cooperative Diplomacy, Regional Stability and National Interests Korwa G. Adar 71 Cote d’Ivoire: La reinvention de soi dans la violence Francis Akindes 68 Creating a Caring School Saide 51 Creating People Centred Schools Saide 12 Criminal Law in Cameroon Carlson Anyangwe 161 Crisis and Neoliberal Reforms in Africa Piet Konings 70 Cry my Beloved Africa Peter Vakunta 25 Crying in Hiccoughs Charles Alobwed’Epie 15 Cultural Production and Change in Kenya Kimani Njogu 68 Culture, Entertainment and Health Promotion in Africa Kimani Njogu 58 Culture, Performance and Identity. Paths of Communication in Kenya Kimani Njogu 55 Cup Man and Other Stories Tikum Mbah Azonga 40 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 43 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Dancing with Life Christopher Mlalazi 22 Dar es Salaam James Brennan 72 David Copperfield Charles Dickens 210 Day God Blinked, The Charles Alobwed’Epie 30 De Profundis Oscar Wilde 10 Deadlines From The Edge Hamilton Wende 86 Death of Hardship Ekpe Inyang 21 Decentralisation and Spatial Rural Development Planning in Cameroon Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 79 Democratizing or Reconfiguring Predatory Autocracy? Mentan, Tatah 23 Detective Fiction and The African Scene Linus Asong 18 Developing a Sustainable Economy in Cameroon Aloysius Ajab Amin 110 Developing a Transformation Agenda for Zimbabwe Shari Eppel 17 Development as Modernity, Modernity as Development Lwazi Siyabonga Lushaba 20 Difficult Gifts Dawn Garisch 15 Disability, Society and Theology Samuel Kabue 120 Dispossession and Access to Land in South Africa: Michael A. Yanou 36 Disturbing the Peace Emmanuel Achu 46 Do Babies Wear Pyjamas? Fransie M. Frandsen 9 Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe 18 Doctor Frederick Ngenito Linus Asong 48 Dogs in the Sun G. D. Nyamndi 43 Don Juan Lord Byron 122 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 17 Dracula Bram Stoker 89 Dracula’s Guest Bram Stoker 33 Dressing - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Dressing - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Dressing (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Durban Street Guide Map Studio 62 Dust, Spittle and Wind Sanya Osha 28 Ecology and Natural Resource Development in the Western Highlands of Cameroon Cornelius Mbifung Lambi 55 Economic and Social Impact of Privatisation of State-owned Enterprises in Africa, The Mike I. Obadan 23 Economic Liberalisation and Development in Africa Jomo Kwame Sundaram 19 Economics of Banana Production and Marketing in the Tropics Esendugue Gregory Fonsah 66 ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building Thomas Jaye 63 Edison, His Life and Inventions Frank Dyer & Thomas Martin 130 Education of the Deprived Shadrach Ambanasom 37 Educational Psychology Kelvin Seifert and Rosemary Sutton 94 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Aardrykskunde Studiegids Cathryn Hodgkinson 55 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Studiegids A. Mouton 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Afrikaans Huistaal Studiegids J. Hugo 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Besigheidsstudie Studiegids Wanda Booysen 40 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 44 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Ekonomie Studiegids Francis Khumalo 45 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Fisiese Wetenskappe Studiegids Wendy Horn 63 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Geskiedenis Studiegids Jean Bottaro 59 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Lewenswetenskappe W. Bezuidenhout 45 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Rekeningkunde Studiegids Aletta McGee 57 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Toerisme Studiegids Richard George 41 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Wiskunde Geletterdheid Studiegids S. Botha 56 Eksamen Sukses Gr12 Wiskunde Studiegids S. Botha 61 Elements of African Bioethics in a Western Frame Godfrey B. Tangwa 53 Elizabeth Hooton 1600 1672 Une Guerriere De La Paix Bill F. Ndi 26 Eloquent Body Dawn Garisch 72 Emma Jane Austen 93 Energy Transition in Africa Thokozani Simelane 50 Espaces, culture materielle et identites en Senegambie Ibrahima Thiaw 28 Ethics Aristotle 60 Ethnic Diversity in Eastern Africa Kimani Njogu 64 Ethnicity, Citizenship and State in Eastern Africa Aquiline S.J. Tarimo 40 Ethnobotanic Resources of Tropical Montane Forests Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 61 Everyone’s Guide to the South African Economy Andre Roux 55 Everything Maths Grade 10 CAPS Siyavula 117 Evil Meal of Evil Kehbuma Langmia 15 Exam Success English Short Stories Prescribed for Grade 12 Sandra Louw 35 Exam Success Gr11 Accounting Study Guide A. McGee 48 Exam Success Gr11 English First Additional Language C-A Economou 41 Exam Success Gr11 Mathematical Literacy Study Guide Werner Ladewig 48 Exam Success Gr11 Mathematics Study Guide Werner Ladewig 48 Exam Success Gr11 Physical Sciences Study Guide (Option 1) Wendy Horn 45 Exam Success Gr12 Accounting Study Guide Aletta McGee 57 Exam Success Gr12 Business Studies Study Guide Wanda Booysen 40 Exam Success Gr12 Economics Study Guide Francis Khumalo 45 Exam Success Gr12 English First Additional Language Study Guide C-A Economou 39 Exam Success Gr12 English Home Language Study Guide Raymond Doubell 41 Exam Success Gr12 Geography Study Guide Cathryn Hodgkinson 55 Exam Success Gr12 History Study Guide Jean Bottaro 54 Exam Success Gr12 IsiXhosa Study Guide P. Gajana 37 Exam Success Gr12 IsiZulu Study Guide Tozi Buthelezi 31 Exam Success Gr12 Life Sciences Study Guide W. Bezuidenhout 45 Exam Success Gr12 Mathematical Literacy Study Guide S. Botha 57 Exam Success Gr12 Mathematics Study Guide S. Botha 61 Exam Success Gr12 Physical Sciences Study Guide 2e Revised Wendy Horn 63 Exam Success Gr12 Sepedi Study Guide P. M. Kgatla 36 Exam Success Gr12 Tourism Study Guide Richard Horn 41 Exam Success Worldscapes Poetry Guide A. Stephenson 45 Exam Success: English Poetry Prescribed for Grade 12 A. Stephenson 77 Exam Success: Hamlet E. Donaldson 21 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 45 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Exam Success: Macbeth A. Stephenson 21 Exam Success: Othello A. Stephenson 21 Excision: Les jeunes changent líAfrique par les TIC Marie-Hèlene Mottin-Sylla 37 Exhumed, Tried and Hanged Charles Alobwed’Epie 37 Facteurs de transition: de la micro-entreprise‡ l’entreprise capitaliste moderneen RÈpublique dÈmocratique du Congo Emmanuel-Gustave Kintambu Mafuku 36 Favourite Bible Stories for Children Maretha Maartens 9 Federal Presence in Nigeria. The ‘Sung’ and ‘Unsung’ Basis for Ethnic Grievance Festus O. Egwaikhide 32 Field of Dreams Ros Haden 2 Field of Dreams (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden 3 Flappers and Philosophers F Scott Fitzgerald 44 Flatland Edwin Abbott Abbott 18 Folktales from the Moose of Burkina Faso Alain-Joseph Sissao 34 Foot Prints of Destiny Azanwi Nchami 40 Forest Echoes Nol Alembong 23 Fourth Child Megan Hall 14 Fragmented Melodies Kangsen Feka Wakai 21 Framework and Tools for Environmental Management in Africa Godwell Nhamo 59 Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 44 From Dar es Salaam to Bongoland Bernard Calas 108 From Foreign Natives to Native Foreigners. Explaining Xenophobia in Post-apartheid South Africa Michael Neocosmos 47 From ‘Foreign Natives’ to ‘Native Foreigners’. Explaining Xenophobia in Post-apartheid South Africa Michael Neocosmos 40 From Goatherd to Governor Edwin Mtei 61 Frontieres de la citoyennete et violence politique en Cote d’Ivoire Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo 56 Fur Elise Beethoven 3 Gauteng A-Z Sean Fraser 33 Gender, Discourse and Power in the Cameroonian Parliament Lilian Lem Atanga 70 Gender, Science and Technology: Perspectives from Africa Catherine Wawasi Kitetu 46 Gender, Sport and Development in Africa Jimoh Shehu 43 Genuine Intellectuals. Academic and Social Responsibilities of Universities in Africa Bernard Nsokika Fonlon 43 Getting Heard: [Re]claiming Performance Space in Kenya Kimani Njogu 51 Global Exchanges and Gender Perspectives in Africa Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo 53 Go Tell the Sun Wame Molefhe 33 God for Grown-ups Tim Attwell 20 God the Politician Peterkins Manyong 50 Gone with the Wind Margaret Mitchell 298 Good Governance and Development. Toward Quality Leadership in Kenya Kimani Njogu 65 Governance Trends in West Africa 2006: A Synthesis Report Adebayo Olukoshi 17 Governing Health Systems in Africa Martyn Sama 71 Graad 12 Besigheidstudies Eksamenpakket 78 Graad 12 Dasstudies Eksamenpakket 63 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 46 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Graad 12 Dramatiese Kunste Eksamenpakket 113 Graad 12 Ekonomie Eksamenpakket 80 Graad 12 Elektriese Tegnologie Eksamenpakket 47 Graad 12 Fisiese Wetenskappe Eksamenpakket 124 Graad 12 Gasvryheidstudies Eksamenpakket 58 Graad 12 Geografie Eksamenpakket 113 Graad 12 Geskiedenis Eksamenpakket 184 Graad 12 Ingenieursgrafika en -ontwerp Eksamenpakket 41 Graad 12 Inligtingstegnologie Eksamenpakket 168 Graad 12 Landboubestuurspraktyke Ekamenpakket 53 Graad 12 Landboutegnologie Eksamenpakket 55 Graad 12 Landbouwetenskappe Eksamenpakket 102 Graad 12 Lewenswetenskappe Eksamenpakket 103 Graad 12 Meganiese Tegnologie Eksamenpakket 73 Graad 12 Musiek Eksamenpakket 134 Graad 12 Ontwerp Eksamenpakket 101 Graad 12 Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Eksamenpakket 112 Graad 12 Rekeningkunde Eksamenpakket 104 Graad 12 Religiestudies Eksamenpakket 62 Graad 12 Siviele Tegnologie Eksamenpakket 67 Graad 12 Toerisme Eksamenpakket 75 Graad 12 Verbruikerstudies Eksamenpakket 55 Graad 12 Visuele Kunste Eksamenspakket 94 Graad 12 Wiskunde Eksamenpakket 143 Graad 12 Wiskundige Geletterdheid Eksamenpakket 143 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack 104 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 17 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 46 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 31 Grade 12 Accounting Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 28 Grade 12 Afrikaans First Additional Language Exam Pack 188 Grade 12 Afrikaans Home Language Exam Pack 152 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack EC 102 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack FS 108 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack GT 100 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack KZN 101 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 101 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack MP 101 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack NC 94 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack NW 103 Grade 12 Afrikaans Second Additional Language Exam Pack WC 119 Grade 12 Agricultural Management Practice Exam Pack 102 Grade 12 Agricultural Science Exam Pack 97 Grade 12 Agricultural Technology Practice Exam Pack 54 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack 78 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 47 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 15 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 25 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 22 Grade 12 Business Studies Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 20 Grade 12 Civil Technology Exam Pack 67 Grade 12 Computer Applications Technology Exam Pack 114 Grade 12 Consumer Studies Exam Pack 58 Grade 12 Dance Studies Exam Pack 62 Grade 12 Design Exam Pack 99 Grade 12 Drama Exam Pack 111 Grade 12 Economics Exam Pack 79 Grade 12 Electrical TechnologyExam Pack 47 Grade 12 Engineering Exam Pack 41 Grade 12 English First Additional Language Exam Pack 174 Grade 12 English Home Language Exam Pack 141 Grade 12 English Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 67 Grade 12 English Second Additional Language Exam Pack KZN 46 Grade 12 English Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 51 Grade 12 Geography Exam Pack 104 Grade 12 History Exam Pack 184 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 29 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 53 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 54 Grade 12 History Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 53 Grade 12 Hospitality Exam Pack 57 Grade 12 Information Technology Exam Pack 167 Grade 12 IsiNdebele First Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiNdebele ilimi lokuthoma lokungezelela) 78 Grade 12 IsiNdebele Home Language Exam Pack (Isindebele ilimi lekhaya) 94 Grade 12 IsiNdebele Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiNdebele ilimi lesibili lokungezelela) GP 38 Grade 12 IsiXhosa First Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lokuqala olongezelelweyo) 106 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Home LanguageExam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwasekhaya) 125 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwesibini olongezelelweyo) EC 70 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwesibini olongezelelweyo) GP 64 Grade 12 IsiXhosa Secong Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiXhosa ulwimi lwesibini olongezelelweyo) WC 83 Grade 12 IsiZulu First Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lokugqala lokwengeza) 102 Grade 12 IsiZulu Home Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lwasekhaya) 106 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 48 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Grade 12 IsiZulu Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lwesibili lokwengaza) GP 66 Grade 12 IsiZulu Second Additional Language Exam Pack (IsiZulu ulimi lwesibili lokwengaza) KZN 71 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack 109 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 17 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 28 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 28 Grade 12 Life Sciences Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 41 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack 117 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 19 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 33 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 35 Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 34 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack 169 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 28 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 56 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 51 Grade 12 Mathematics Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 49 Grade 12 Mechanical Technology Exam Pack 73 Grade 12 Music Exam Pack 134 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack 124 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2008 20 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2009 35 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2010 39 Grade 12 Physical Science Exam Pack - Papers from 2011 35 Grade 12 Religion Studies Exam Pack 63 Grade 12 Sepedi First Additional Language Exam Pack (Sepedi lelemetlaleletso la pele) 87 Grade 12 Sepedi Home Language Exam Pack (Sepedi leleme la gae) 89 Grade 12 Sepedi Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sepedi lelemetlaletso la bobedi) GP 54 Grade 12 Sepedi Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sepedi lelemetlaletso la bobedi) LP 59 Grade 12 Sesotho First Additional Language Exam Pack (Sesotho puo ya tlatsetso ya pele) 123 Grade 12 Sesotho Home Language Exam Pack 118 Grade 12 Sesotho Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sesotho puo ya tlatseto ya bobedi) FS 49 Grade 12 Sesotho Second Additional Language Exam Pack (Sesotho puo ya tlatseto ya bobedi) GP 58 Grade 12 Setswana First Additional Language Exam Pack 93 Grade 12 Setswana Home Language Exam Pack 95 Grade 12 Setswana Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 55 Grade 12 Setswana Second Additional Language Exam Pack NW 51 Grade 12 Siswati First Additional Language Exam Pack 102 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 49 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Grade 12 Siswati Home Language Exam Pack 109 Grade 12 Siswati Second Additional Language Exam Pack 39 Grade 12 Tourism Exam Pack 75 Grade 12 Tshivenda First Additional Language Exam Pack 96 Grade 12 Tshivenda Home Language Exam Pack 104 Grade 12 Tshivenda Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 40 Grade 12 Tshivenda Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 41 Grade 12 Visual Arts Exam Pack 95 Grade 12 Xitsonga First Additional Language Exam Pack 72 Grade 12 Xitsonga Home Language Exam Pack 96 Grade 12 Xitsonga Second Additional Language Exam Pack GP 49 Grade 12 Xitsonga Second Additional Language Exam Pack LP 43 Grandpa goes to hospital - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Grandpa goes to hospital - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Grandpa goes to hospital (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 9 Grandpa’s red rooster - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Grandpa’s red rooster - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Grandpa’s red rooster (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Grasp the Shield Firmly the Journey is Hard Siso Zedekia Oloo 94 Grassfields Stories from Cameroon Peter Vakunta 26 Great Expectations Charles Dickens 110 Green Economy and Climate Mitigation Godwell Nhamo 71 Green Rape Peter Vakunta 20 Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift 58 Hamlet William Shakespeare 42 Hard Times Charles Dickens 65 Hatchings John Eppel 34 Healing the Wound. Personal Narratives about the 2007 Post-Election Violence in Kenya Kimani Njogu 83 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad 21 Hemispheres Karen Lazar 23 Hester se Brood Hester van der Walt 49 Hidden Dimensions of Operation Murambatsvina, The Maurice Vambe 45 Hidden Treasure Patricia Chater 42 Higher Education Financing in East and Southern Africa Pundy Pillay 62 Higher Education in Africa N’dri T. Assie-Lumumba 51 History, Democracy, Values. New Lines of Reflection Adame Ba Konare 14 Homage and Courtship Shadrach Ambanasom 33 Homeless Waters Francis B Nyamnhoh 44 Homeward Bound James Fenimore Cooper 103 How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Breckenridge Carnegie 46 Husband Consultant Colin Diyen Ayeah 38 I Spit on their Graves Godfrey B. Tangwa 56 I Will Fly Florence Ndiyah 27 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 50 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Ice cream - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Ice cream (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 ICT and Changing Mindsets in Education Kathryn Toure 52 Imitation Whiteman Vivian Sihshu Yenika 46 Imperialistic Politics in Cameroun: Resistance and the Inception of the Restoration of the Statehood of Southern Cameroons Carlson Anyangwe 43 Implementing the Public Finance Management Act in South Africa Russell Wildeman 15 In A Glass Darkly Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 29 In Search of Grace and Truth Tim Attwell, Ray Alistou, Roger Scholt 26 In the Shadow of my Country Mbuh Tennu Mbuh 80 Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property Rights in the Twenty-First Century Isaac Mazonde 35 Intègration règionale, dèmocratie et panafricanisme Alexis Adande 43 Intrapartum Care Perinatal Education Programme 36 Intwasa Poetry Jane Morris 18 Invisible Earthquake Malika Ndlovu 23 Islam and Open Society Fidelity and Movement in the Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal Souleymane Bachir Diagne 22 Issues in Women’s Land Rights in Cameroon Lotsmart N. Fonjong 45 It Happened in Ghana Noel Smith 63 Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott 108 Jacob’s Room Virginia Woolf 35 Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 113 Jealous in Jozi Ros Haden and Dorothy Dyer 20 Joy in the Morning Hopolang Phororo 48 Kale ya Washairi wa Pemba: Abdilatif Abdala 38 K’cracy, Trees in the Storm and other Poems Bill F. Ndi 31 Kenya, Will You Marry Me? Philo Ikonya 63 Kileleshwa: a tale of love, betrayal and corruption in Kenya Laurence Juma 81 Killing Time Arthur Attwell 14 King Lear William Shakespeare 29 Kingdom of Mankon Christopher Chi Che 93 Knitted Brochure Susan B Anderson 1 Kriekie - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Kriekie - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Kriekie (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Kwame Nkrumah David Rooney 98 La rationalite, une ou plurielle? Paulin Hountondji 119 Labour Law in Namibia Collins Parker 83 Labour Law: Principles and Practice in Cameroon Michael A. Yanou 66 L’Algerie face a la mondialisation Tayeb Chenntouf 86 Landscaping Postcoloniality Joyce Ashuntantang 47 Language and Power Birgit Brock-Utne 87 Laughing Now Irene Staunton 31 Laughing Store Linus Asong 42 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 51 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Lava Lamp Poems Colleen Higgs 15 Le Marin Combattant devenu paisible Thomas Lurting 25 Leading the Night Philo Ikonya 64 Learners and Learning Saide 12 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 6 (16054a) Karl Marx 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Chapter 7 (16054b) Karl Marx 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Address to CC of Communist League (16012) Karl Marx 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Collaborative Projects (16102) Andy Blunden 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Communist Manifesto - Bourgeois and Proletarians (16053a) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Communist Manifesto - Proletarians Karl Marx and Frederick Engels and Communists (16053b) 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Critique of the Gotha Programme, Forewords, I and II (16082a) Karl Marx 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Critique of the Gotha Programme, III, IV, Appendix (16082b) Karl Marx 2 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 1 of 4 (16001) Dominic Tweedie 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 2 of 4 (16002) Dominic Tweedie 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 3 of 4 (16003) Dominic Tweedie 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Intro Booklet 4 of 4 (16004) Dominic Tweedie 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Lecture on The State (16021) Vladimir Lenin 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: New tools for Marxists (16101) Ron Press 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: On Authority, On Indifferentism (16073) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: Origin of the Family, Private Property and The State, Chapter 9 (16031) Frederick Engels 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The April Theses (16011) Karl Marx 2 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The Civil War in France, Chapter 5, The Paris Commune (16062) Karl Marx 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The Housing Question, Part Three (16072) Frederick Engels 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The Poverty of Philosophy, excerpts (16052) Karl Marx 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 1, Class Society and the State (16041) Vladimir Lenin 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 2, The Experience of 1848-1851 (16051) Vladimir Lenin 3 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 3, The Paris Commune (16061) Vladimir Lenin 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 4, Explanations by Engels (16071) Vladimir Lenin 5 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 5, Withering Away of the State (16081) Vladimir Lenin 4 Lenin’s ‘The State and Revolution’: The State and Revolution, Chapter 6, Vulgarisation by Opportunists (16091) Vladimir Lenin 4 Leopard Watch J. K. Bannavti 26 Les Aventures Maritimes Bill F. Ndi 74 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 52 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Les defis de la Centrafrique Roger Yele 73 Les defis du developpement local au Senegal Rosnert Ludovic Alissoutin 48 Les douleurs de la plume noire Bill F. Ndi 34 Les etudiants africains et la litterature negro-africaine d’expression francaise Amady Aly Dieng 45 Les identitès règionales et la dialectique Sud-Sud en question Nadir Marouf 48 Les Miserables Victor Hugo 390 Let’s Talk About Varsity Johan Fourie (editor) 58 Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade Selena Axelrod Winsnes 90 Letters to Marion (And the Coming Generations) John Nkemngong Nkengasong 17 L’evadè de K Mbango Antione Didier 30 Leviathan Thomas Hobbes 148 Li, la, pi, pa - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Li, la, pi, pa - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 1 Li, la, pi, pa (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Life in Translation Azila Talit Reisenberger 17 Lire Sembene Ousmane Albert Azeyeh 25 Little Dorrit Charles Dickens 203 Little Women Louisa May Alcott 113 Local Livelihoods and Protected Area Management Emmanuel Neba Ndenecho 58 Long Time Coming Jane Morris 40 Look, Kierie, look! - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Look, Kierie, look! - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Look, Kierie, look! (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Looking for Trouble and other Mostly Yeoville Stories Colleen Higgs 24 Lorna Doone RD Blackmore 151 Macbeth William Shakespeare 21 Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert 73 Majunga Tok Peter Vakunta 19 Manning the Nation. Father Figures in Zimbabwean Literature and Society Kizito Z. Muchemwa 56 Mansfield Park Jane Austen 91 Married But Available Francis B Nyamnhoh 122 Masculinities in Contemporary Africa Egodi Uchendu 70 Mass Media and Democratisation in Cameroon in the Early 1990s Francis B Nyamnhoh 52 Maternal Care Perinatal Education Programme 72 Mathematics Grade 11 NCS Siyavula 53 Mathematics Grade 12 NCS Siyavula 49 Me and My Cell Phone Crystal Powell 44 Measure for Measure William Shakespeare 24 Mediating Legitimacy: Chieftaincy and Democratisation in Two African Chiefdoms Jude Fokwang 35 Memory is the Weapon Don Mattera 45 Message in a Mobile Siri Lamoureaux 49 Metamorphosis Franz Kafka 16 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 53 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Middlemarch - Vol 1 George Eliot 51 Middlemarch - Vol 2 George Eliot 46 Middlemarch - Vol 3 George Eliot 92 Migration, Remittances and Development in Lesotho Jonathan Crush 24 Mind Searching Francis B Nyamnhoh 58 Misha’s Story Dorothy Dyer 2 Misha’s Story (plus teaching guide) Dorothy Dyer 3 Missing Beverly Rycroft 20 Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa Mirjam de Bruijn 46 Moby Dick Herman Melville 228 Modeling Servant-Leaders for Africa Ndungiu John Brown Ikenye 54 Moral Degeneration in Contemporary Zimbabwean Business Practices Munyaradzi Mawere 47 Mother and Baby Friendly Care Perinatal Education Programme 30 Mother Earth - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Mother Earth - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 6 Mother Earth (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 10 Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf 38 Mtoro bin Mwinyi Bakari Ludger Wimmelbucker 38 Musings On Ars Poetica Bill F. Ndi 26 My Brother, My Sister Loretta Burns 24 My Man Jeeves PG Wodehouse 35 Mystique Beatrice Bime 30 Nairobi Today Helene Charton-Bigot 101 Natural Resources Governance in Southern Africa Lesley Masters 37 Ndeh Ntumazah Linus Asong 111 Neoliberal Bandwagonism Piet Konings 69 Nest of Stones Wanjohi wa Makokha 46 Newborn Care Perinatal Education Programme 70 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell 67 No Love Lost Peter Vakunta 33 No Trifling Matter Godfrey B. Tangwa 61 No Turning Back Dibussi Tande 18 No Way to Die Linus Asong 62 Northanger Abbey Jane Austen 46 Nostalgic Waves from Soweto Sol Rachilo 25 Not Without Flowers Amma Darko 93 Not Yet Damascus Emmanuel Fru Doh 19 Nso’ and Its Neighbours B. Chem-Langhee 131 Obili Blues Ada Bessomo 17 Oleander Fiona Zerbst 15 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens 108 On Liberty John Stuart Mill 30 On safari - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 On safari - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) On safari (Reading Level 1) 3 Paula Raubenheimer Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. 5 * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 54 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E On the bus - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 On the bus - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 6 On the bus (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 8 On the roof - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 On the roof - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 On the roof (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Optimism, an essay Helen Keller 6 Oriki’badan Emmanuel Fru Doh 17 Osagyefo Linus Asong 40 Othello William Shakespeare 28 Out of Poverty Flora Lucas Kessy 52 Overcoming Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation Implementation in Southern Africa Lesley Masters 74 Pan-Africanism or Pragmatism Issa Shivji 84 Paradise Lost John Milton 82 Parliament, the Budget and Poverty in South Africa. A Shift in Power Len Verwey 28 Perinatal HIV Perinatal Education Programme 28 Perspectives on Translation and Interpretation in Cameroon Emmanuel N. Chia 45 Peter and Wendy JM Barrie 33 Philosophy and African Development Lansana Keita 69 Physical Sciences Grade 11 NCS Siyavula 65 Physical Sciences Grade 12 NCS Siyavula 100 Physics for Entertainment Perelman 53 Piccadilly Jim PG Wodehouse 56 Piece Work Ingrid Andersen 18 Pieces of Silver Dipita Kwa 53 Please, Take Photographs Sindiwe Magona 21 Population, Health and Development in Ghana. Attaining the Millennium Development Goals Chuks J. Mba 52 Post-War Regimes and State Reconstruction in Liberia and Sierra Leone Amadu Sesay 30 Precipice Susan Nkwentie Nde 48 Predicaments Francis B Nyamnhoh 24 Prelude and Fugue in A Minor Bach 6 Press Lake Varsity Girls Vivian Sihshu Yenika 28 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 74 Primary Maternal Care Perinatal Education Programme 40 Primary Newborn Care Perinatal Education Programme 32 Prisoner without a Crime Albert Mukong 40 Privatisation and Private Higher Education in Kenya: Ibrahim Ogachi Oanda 30 Project H Brandon Carstens 47 Public Opinion and Interest Group Politics Heather A. Thuynsma 88 Pygmalion George Bernard Shaw 22 Questions God Asks Us Trevor Hudson 52 Quotable Quotes Of Mwalimu Julius K Nyerere Christopher C. Liundi 37 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 55 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Raising Happy, Healthy Children Sally-Ann Creed and Andalene Salvesen 81 Readings in Methodology Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo 77 Reclaiming the L-Word Alleyn Diesel 57 Reflections on Identity in Four African Cities Simon Bekker 64 Reforming the African Public Sector. Retrospect and Prospects Joseph R.A. Ayee 46 Reforming the Malawian Public Sector Richard Tambulasi 30 Regional Balance and National Integration in Cameroon Paul Nchoji Nkwi 149 Regional Integration in Africa Hamdy A. Hassan 57 Reign of the Quisling-Rodents Ngolle-Metuge 16 Removing Melissa Butler 13 Repenser les economies africaines pour le developpement Jean-Christophe Bazika 66 Re-thinking Development in Africa Komla Tsey 45 Rethinking Security in Nigeria Dapo Adelugba 44 Rèussite scolaire, Faillite Sociale Albert Azeyeh 62 Riddles, Folktales and Proverbs from Cameroon Comfort Ashu 32 Ring Road Safari Colin Diyen 32 Rip van Winkle Washington Irving 5 Road Companion to Democracy and Meritocracy Godfrey B. Tangwa 66 Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare 28 Royalty and Politics Fo Angwafo 37 Rule of Law vs. Rulers of Law Issa Shivji 69 Salvation Colony Linus Asong 54 Samir Amin Demba Moussa Dembele 54 Santé, société et politique en Afrique Cheikh Ibrahima Niang 15 Saving Mothers and Babies Perinatal Education Programme 29 Scholars in the Marketplace Mahmood Mamdani 79 Scribbles from the Den Dibussi Tande 58 Second Engagement Susan Nkwentie Nde 52 Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen 71 Shadows Emmanuel Fru Doh 23 Shadows From The Abyss Frida Menkan Mbunda 13 Shakespeare for South Africa: Romeo & Juliet Gill 49 Shapes - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Shapes - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Shapes (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Shared Waters, Shared Opportunities Bernard Calas 74 She Seized The Balls Charles Alobwed’Epie 70 She’s the One Ros Haden 2 She’s the one (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden 3 Shirley Charlotte Bronte 134 Short Stories Collection One Ros Haden, Dorothy Dyer 6 Short Stories Collection One (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden, Dorothy Dyer 8 Short Writings from Bulawayo Jane Morris 36 Short Writings from Bulawayo II Jane Morris 31 Short Writings from Bulawayo III Jane Morris 39 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 56 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Si Dieu ètait tout un chacun de nous? Samuel Ebelle Kingue 19 Silent Cry amabooks 30 Silent Voices Ekpe Inyang 28 Sing Love 101 Bill F. Ndi 24 Sit, Socks, sit! - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Sit, Socks, sit! - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 1 Sit, Socks, sit! (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Snatched from the Grave John Ngong Kum Ngong 18 So the Path Does Not Die Pede Hollist 74 Soccer mania - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Soccer mania (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Social Accountability in Africa Mario Claasen 59 Society and Change in Bali Nyonga Jude Fokwang 49 Socrates in Cameroon Nalova Lyonga 48 Soleil et ombre Bill F. Ndi 16 Someplace, Somewhere Beatrice Bime 33 Son of the Native Soil Shadrach Ambanasom 73 Sonata No 14 Beethoven 8 Songs and Politics in Eastern Africa Kimani Njogu 105 Sons and Daughters of the Soil Walter Gam Nkwi 62 Souls Forgotten Francis B Nyamnhoh 90 State of a Union Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo 48 Statism, Youth and Civic Imagination Ebenezer Obadare 21 Stereotyping Africa. Surprising Answers to Surprising Questions Emmanuel Fru Doh 54 Stop! - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Stop! - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 Stop! (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Stories from Abakwa Francis B Nyamnhoh 37 Stories of the Friends of Allah Maulana Abun-Nur Muhammad Bashir 39 Stories of the Prophets Maulana Abun-Nur Muhammad Bashir 41 Straddling the Mungo: A Book of Poems in English and French Peter Vakunta 22 Strange Fruit Helen Moffett 15 Strange Passion John Ngong Kum Ngong 18 Stranger in his Homeland Linus Asong 92 Strife Shimmer Chinodya 59 Sugar Daddy Ros Haden 17 Surviving on the Move Jonathan Crush 63 Swimming with Cobras Rosemary Smith 47 Tale of an African Woman Thomas Jing 83 Tanzania in Transition Kjell Havnevik 77 Teaching Creative Writing Elaine Walker 61 Tell Me Friends Lilian Osaki 41 Tess of the d’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy 93 Testing Democracy Neeta Misra-Dexter 78 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 57 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E The 1961 Cameroon Plebiscite John Percival 40 The accident - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The accident - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The accident (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 228 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 62 The Adventures of Sally PG Wodehouse 54 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 63 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain 46 The Africana World Mammo Muchie 91 The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton 63 The Akroma File Linus Asong 56 The American Henry James 80 The Anglophone Cameroon Predicament Mufor Atanga 67 The Art of Public Speaking Dale Breckenridge Carnegie 130 The Art of War Sun Tzu (Sunzi/Sun Wu) 27 The Bad Samaritan Charles Alobwed’Epie 48 The Bafaw Language Emmanuel N. Chia 48 The Barn Roselyne M. Jua 15 The Bed Book of Short Stories Lauri Kubuitsile 79 The Bible and African Culture Humphrey Waweru 59 The Black Tulip Alexandre Dumas 53 The Blockade Runners Jules Verne 15 The box - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The box - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The box (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The bully - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The bully - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The bully (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 7 The bunny and the cage - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The bunny and the cage - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The bunny and the cage (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The Call of Cthulhu HP Lovecraft 9 The Call of the Wild Jack London 19 The Cameroon GCE Crisis Francis B Nyamnhoh 94 The Cameroonian Novel of English Expression: Shadrach Ambanasom 58 The Cameroon-Nigeria Border Dispute Hilary V. Lukong 59 The Campaign Trail Francis Nji Bangsi 31 The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer 142 The Celtic Twilight WB Yeats 23 The Classics: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte C1 and part C6 (21032a) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, C7 (21032b) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: Address to CC of Communist League (21041) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: Class Struggles in France, Part 1 (21031) Karl Marx 6 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 58 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E The Classics: Communist Manifesto – Bourgeois and Proletarians (21022a) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Communist Manifesto – Proletarians and Communists (21022b) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Critique of the Gotha Programme, Forewords, I and II (21053a) Karl Marx 5 The Classics: Critique of the Gotha Programme, III, IV, Appendix (21053b) Karl Marx 3 The Classics: Feuerbach and the end of German Philosophy, Parts 1 and 2 (21063) Frederick Engels 6 The Classics: Feuerbach and the end of German Philosophy, Parts 3 and 4 (21064) Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, C7 (21083) Vladimir Lenin 4 The Classics: Inaugural Address to IWA (21043) Karl Marx 3 The Classics: Intro Booklet 1 of 5 (21001) Dominic Tweedie 5 The Classics: Intro Booklet 2 of 5 (21002) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Intro Booklet 3 of 5 (21003) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Intro Booklet 4 of 5 (21004) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Intro Booklet 5 of 5 (21005) Dominic Tweedie 6 The Classics: Introduction to Contribution to Critique of Political Economy (21042) Karl Marx 7 The Classics: Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder (redaction) (21101) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: ‘Leninism or Marxism’ (21074a) Rosa Luxemburg 6 The Classics: On Authority, On Indifferentism (21052) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Compilation (21073) Vladimir Lenin 5 The Classics: Origin of Family, Property and State, C9 (21062) Frederick Engels 5 The Classics: Reform or Revolution, C7, C9, C10 (21071b) Rosa Luxemburg 5 The Classics: Reform or Revolution, Introduction, C2 (21071a) Rosa Luxemburg 4 The Classics: Reply to Rosa Luxemburg (21074b) Vladimir Lenin 4 The Classics: Report on National and Colonial Question, 2CCI (21102) Vladimir Lenin 3 The Classics: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Part 1 (21061a) Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Part 2 (21061b) Frederick Engels 3 The Classics: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, Part 3 (21061c) Frederick Engels 5 The Classics: Some Aspects of the Southern Question (21104) Antonio Gramsci 6 The Classics: The April Theses (21091) Vladimir Lenin 3 The Classics: The Civil War in France, C5, The Paris Commune (21033) Karl Marx 5 The Classics: The Condition of the Working Class in England, Labour Movements (21013) Frederick Engels 7 The Classics: The German Ideology, 1B (21012) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels 4 The Classics: The Housing Question, Part Three (21051) Frederick Engels 6 The Classics: The Mass Strike, Compilation (21082) Rosa Luxemburg 8 The Classics: The Poverty of Philosophy, excerpts (21021) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky (21093) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: The Role and Functions of the TUs under the NEP (21103) Vladimir Lenin 4 The Classics: The State and Revolution, Chapters 2 and 3 (21092) Vladimir Lenin 7 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 59 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E The Classics: Theses On Feuerbach (21011) Karl Marx 2 The Classics: Two Tactics of Social Democracy, Selection (21081) Vladimir Lenin 7 The Classics: Value, Price and Profit, Parts 6 to 10, and From Part 14 (21044) Karl Marx 4 The Classics: What is to be Done, Workers and Revolutionaries (21072) Vladimir Lenin 5 The Collected stories of William Faulkner William Faulkner 170 The Coming African Hour Luc Sindjoun 113 The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 9 The Complete Pat Hobby Stories F Scott Fitzgerald 32 The Concept of Human Rights in Africa Issa Shivji 34 The Confidence-Man Herman Melville 63 The Convert Francis B Nyamnhoh 19 The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas 295 The Crabs of Bangui Linus Asong 64 The Critique of Practical Reason Immanuel Kant 38 The Crown of Thorns Linus Asong 61 The Darwinian Hypothesis Thomas Huxley 4 The Death of Asobo-Ntsi Mbuh Tennu Mbuh 70 The Descent of Man Charles Darwin 161 The Dialectics of Praxis and Theoria in African Philosophy Victor B. Bin-Kapela 44 The Disillusioned African Francis B Nyamnhoh 66 The doctor - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The doctor – Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 The doctor (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 The Doctor’s Dilemma George Bernard Shaw 22 The Door in the Wall and Other Stories HG Wells 26 The Dubliners James Joyce 43 The Dynamics and Contradictions of Evangelisation in Africa Peter Acho Awoh 52 The Earth Fights Back Colin Diyen 36 The Earth in Peril Colin Diyen 41 The Earth Mother Kehbuma Langmia 17 The Egg Polisher and Other Tales Funwi F. Ayuninjam 26 The Emerald City of Oz L Frank Baum 38 The Faerie Queene Edmund Spenser 48 The Fire Within Emmanuel Fru Doh 54 The First Men in the Moon HG Wells 44 The fish - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The fish - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 The fish (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The Game of Logic Lewis Carroll 26 The General Elections in Kenya, 2007 Jerome Lafargue 99 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald 34 The Hairdresser of Harare Tendai Huchu 49 The House of Falling Women Rosemary Ekosso 82 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 60 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo 120 The Illiad Homer 172 The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde 21 The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud 32 The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling 40 The Lady with the Sting Charles Alobwed’Epie 47 The Last Hope Ekpe Inyang 27 The Last of the Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper 89 The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons Napolean Hill 151 The Life and Most Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe 64 The little pink frog - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The little pink frog - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The little pink frog (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 7 The Lord of Anomy Basil Diki 34 The Man in the Iron Mask Alexandre Dumas 117 The Marvelous Land of Oz L Frank Baum 30 The Mathematics of Democracy Jonathan Jansen 4 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 53 The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare 21 The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Howard Pyle 65 The milk tart - Teaching material (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The milk tart - Worksheets (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 5 The milk tart (Reading Level 2) Paula Raubenheimer 7 The Mill on the Floss George Eliot 123 The Murders in the Rue Morgue Edgar Allen Poe 9 The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) Agatha Christie 41 The New World Order Ideology and Africa Tatah Mentan 70 The Nigger of ‘The Narcissus’ Joseph Conrad 30 The Night Before Christmas Clement Clarke Moore 2 The Oracle of Tears Mbuh Tennu Mbuh 18 The Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux 54 The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde 47 The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth - Volume 2 William Wordsworth 39 The Politics of Neoliberal Reforms in Africa Piet Konings 87 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James 134 The Postcolonial Turn Rene Devisch 117 The Power in the Writer Mwakimu George Ngwane 49 The Power To Make A Choice Elizabeth Ngozi Okpalaenwe 54 The Power to Succeed Elizabeth Ngozi Okpalaenwe 29 The Practice and Science of Drawing Harold Speed 67 The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli 30 The Prince and The Pauper Mark Twain 44 The Professor Charlotte Bronte 54 The puff adder - Teaching material Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The puff adder - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 6 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 61 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E The puff adder (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 9 The Racist’s Guide to the People of South Africa Simon Kilpatrick 17 The Raped Amulet Sammy Oke Akombi 31 The Raven Edgar Allan Poe 4 The Republic Plato 79 The Richest Man in Babylon George Samuel Clason 24 The Scarlet Letter Nathanial Hawthorne 44 The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad 56 The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett 50 The Secret of the Sacred Scarab Fiona Ingram 29 The Secrets of an Aborted Decolonisation Carlson Anyangwe 202 The State of Africa 2010/11 Korwa G. Adar 72 The Study of Africa Volume 2: Global and Transnational Engagements Paul Tiyambe Zeleza 105 The Sunbird Fonkeng E.F 38 The Swiss Family Robinson or Adventures in a Desert Island Jonathan David Wyss 66 The Theory of Psychoanalysis Carl Jung 33 The Thin Line Arja Salafranca 56 The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas 156 The Time Machine HG Wells 19 The Tragedy of Mr No Balance Kwo Victor Elame Musinga 16 The Trespasser DH Lawrence 47 The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Rory Pilossof 71 The Uncertainty of Hope Valerie Tagwira 94 The University in Africa and Democratic Citizenship Thierry M. Luescher-Mamashela 35 The Velveteen Rabbit Margery Williams 3 The Voyages of Dr Doolittle Hugh Lofting 50 The Wages of Corruption Sammy Oke Akombi 33 The wallet - Teaching material (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The wallet - Worksheets (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The wallet (Reading Level 3) Paula Raubenheimer 7 The War of the Worlds HG Wells 38 The Weeping Triangle Taniform Martin Wanki 61 The white rat - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 The white rat - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 The white rat (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame 36 The Women who Ate Python and Other Stories Sammy Oke Akombi 28 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz L Frank Baum 27 The Wooden Bicycle and Other Stories Tikum Mbah Azonga 38 Their Champagne Party Will End! Joyce Ashuntantang 19 These are the Lies I Told You Kerry Hammerton 19 Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill 60 This Place I Call Home Meg Vandermerwe 37 This Side of Paradise F Scott Fitzgerald 60 Through the Looking-Glass Lewis Carroll 22 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 62 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E Titabet and the Takumbeng Kehbuma Langmia 14 To the Budding Creative Writer. A Handbook Roselyne M. Jua 35 To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 40 To the Point Herschelle Gibbs 63 Toil and Delivery Bill F. Ndi 30 Tonga Religious Life in the Twentieth Century Elizabeth Colson 79 Too Young To Die Sivuyile Mazantsi and Sam Roth 17 Transformation Audit 2011 Jan Hofmeyr 33 Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson 43 True North Hamilton Wende 48 Tussles G. D. Nyamndi 46 Twelfth Night William Shakespeare 25 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea Jules Verne 95 Twists and Turns Jonathan Tim Nshing 33 Two Hangmen, One Scaffold Book I Basil Diki 90 Two Hangmen, One Scaffold Book II Basil Diki 82 Two-Faced Friends Dorothy Dyer 37 Ulysses James Joyce 170 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe 113 Under The Broken Scale of Justice Nyo’ Wakai 51 Understanding Policy Domains their Salient Forces and Organisational Tapera O. Chirawu Challenges 27 Understanding Policy Domains, their Salient Forces and Organisational Challenges Tapera O. Chirawu 27 Undisciplined Heart Jane Katjavivi 81 Unfinished Business: Democracy in Namibia Bryan M. Sims 43 Universities and Economic Development in Africa Nico Cloete 28 Uniwrsityt: Wat jy moet weet Johan Fourie (editor) 55 Urban Appropriation and Transformation: Bicycle Taxi and Handcart Operators Bicycle Taxi and Handcart Operators 40 Using Media Saide 11 Utopia Thomas More 23 Valeurs religieuses et dèveloppement durable Celestine Colette Fouellefak Kana 38 Vanity Fair William Thackeray 178 Varney the Vampire OR The Feast of Blood Thomas Prest 223 Voices from Africa and Beyond Funwi F. Ayuninjam 17 Voicing the Voiceless Walter Gam Nkwi 50 Wading the Tide Emmanuel Fru Doh 16 Walden Henry D Thoreau 63 Walking Henry David Thoreau 8 War and Peace in Contemporary Eritrean Poetry Charles Cantalupo 45 We Get Nothing from Fishing Henrietta Mambo Nyamnjoh 58 Wealth of Nations Adam Smith 108 Wedding March Mendelssohn 8 Weekends Away Diane Coetzer 25 Well Woman Prof Dave Woods and Prof Silke Dyer 27 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 63 A L L P R O D U C T S L I S T E D A L P H A B E T I C A L LY B Y T I T L E West Africa’s Trouble Spots and the Imperative for Peace-Building Osita Agbu 29 What a Next of Kin! Charles Alobwed’Epie 42 What Men Live By and Other Tales Leo Tolstoy 25 When a State Turns on its Citizens Lloyd Sachikonye 36 Where are we? - Teaching material (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Where are we? - Worksheets (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 1 Where are we? (Reading Level 0) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Where are you Africa? Castor M. Goliama 67 Where There is Nothing WB Yeats 14 Where to for Provincial Education? Russell Wildeman 13 Whether Losing, Whether Winning: G. D. Nyamndi 30 Whiplash Tracey Farren 80 White Gods Black Demons Daniel Mandishona 29 White Man Crawling John Eppel 24 Who are we? - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 3 Who are we? - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 Who are we? (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 4 Who is K? Ros Haden 2 Who is K? (plus teaching guide) Ros Haden 2 Wholeness Living Bonaventura M. Balige 38 Why Planning Does Not Work Tumsifu Jonas Nnkya 91 Wisdom of the Yawo People. Yawo Proverbs and Stories Ian Dicks 34 Within the Walls of Hell Taniform Martin Wanki 47 Wolf, wolf - Teaching material (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer & Dr H Menkveld 2 Wolf, wolf - Worksheets (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 3 Wolf, wolf (Reading Level 1) Paula Raubenheimer 5 Women Writing Zimbabwe Irene Staunton 37 Working in Classrooms Saide 10 Write the Winning CV Danie Joubert 23 Writing Therapy Kwachou Monique 13 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte 69 Youth and Higher Education in Africa Donald P. Chimanikire 37 Youth and Nation-Building in Cameroon Churchill Ewumbue-Monono 53 Youth, HIV/AIDS and Social Transformations in Africa Donald Anthony Mwiturubani 36 Zimbabwe’s Cultural Heritage Pathisa Nyathi 37 Zimbabwe’s Exodus Jonathan Crush 108 Zimbabwe’s Lost Decade Lloyd Sachikonye 62 Zintgraff’s Explorations in Bamenda, Adamawa and the Benue Lands E.M. Chilver 23 Avai lable o n d emand f r o m Pape r ig h t o ut le t s. Go t o www. p a p e r i g ht . co m. * 1 s h e e t = 2 s i n g l e -s i de d/ 1 dou bl e -s i de d A4 page ( s ) 64 Sunclare Building 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont Cape Town, South Africa, 7708 (t) +27 21 671 1278 (f) +27 88 021 671 1278 [email protected]
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