General Gazette Number G40 Dated 8 October 2015
General Gazette Number G40 Dated 8 October 2015
Victoria Government Gazette By Authority of Victorian Government Printer No. G 40 Thursday 8 October 2015 GENERAL 2120 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette TABLE OF PROVISIONS Private Advertisements Dissolution of Partnership Stawell Autopro Estates of Deceased Persons Alphastream Lawyers Andrew McMullan & Co. Beckwith Cleverdon Rees Borchard & Moore Constantina Dare Daniel Lawyers & Associates Davis Lawyers Ingpen & Bent Lorraine Jones & Associates McCluskys Lawyers McKean Park Ralph James Smith Roberts Beckwith Partners Russo Pellicano Carlei Sandhurst Trustees Limited Slater & Gordon Taits Legal Tisher Liner FC Law Tragear & Harris Lawyers Williams Winter 2122 2122 2122 2122 2122 2122 2122 2123 2123 2123 2123 2123 2124 2124 2124 2124 2125 2125 2125 2125 2125 Sales by the Sheriff Stephen Fisher Judeline Grace Taylor and Jason Peter Munro 2126 Government and Outer Budget Sector Agencies Notices 2127 2125 Orders in Council Acts: Flora and Fauna Guarantee 2157 Obtainables 2160 Advertisers Please Note As from 8 October 2015 The last Special Gazette was No. 296 dated 7 October 2015. The last Periodical Gazette was No. 1 dated 27 May 2015. How To Submit Copy • See our webpage • or contact our office on 8523 4601 between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2121 PUBLICATION OF THE VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (General) MELBOURNE CUP HOLIDAY WEEK 2015 Please Note New Deadlines for General Gazette G44/15: The Victoria Government Gazette (General) for Melbourne Cup week (G44/15) will be published on Thursday 5 November 2015. Copy deadlines: Private Advertisements 9.30 am on Friday 30 October 2015 Government and Outer Budget Sector Agencies Notices 9.30 am on Friday 30 October 2015 Office Hours: The Victoria Government Gazette Office is open during normal office hours over the holiday period, i.e. 8.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Where urgent gazettal is required after hours, arrangements should be made with the Government Gazette Officer on 0419 327 321. JENNY NOAKES Government Gazette Officer 2122 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the business partnership heretofore subsisting between David Arthur Burkhill and Susan Ann Burkhill carrying on the retail business known as Stawell Autopro at Stawell Victoria has been dissolved as from 30 September 2015. GEORGE THOMAS FRENCH, late of Faversham House, 27 Shierlaw Avenue, Canterbury, Victoria, engineer, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 29 May 2015, are required by the executrix, Janice Margaret Carmichael, care of Alphastream Lawyers, 1 Dunoon Court, Mulgrave 3170, Victoria, to send particulars thereof to her, care of the undermentioned solicitors, within sixty days from the date of publication of this notice, after which the executrix will distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which she has notice. ALPHASTREAM LAWYERS, 1 Dunoon Court, Mulgrave, Victoria 3170. Re: PHILIP EDWARD REYNOLDS. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of Philip Edward Reynolds, late of 18 Collier Crescent, Brunswick, Victoria, who died on 6 December 2013, are required by Colin Richard Reynolds and Maryan Wynne Reynolds, the administrators of the estate of the deceased, to send particulars of their claim to Andrew McMullan & Co., solicitors, 4/64–66 Kingsway, Glen Waverley, in the said State, solicitors for the administrators of the said estate, by 15 December 2015, after which time the administrators may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to claims of which they then have notice. ANDREW McMULLAN & CO., solicitors, 4/64–66 Kingsway, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150. EDNA ALICE DABROWSKI, late of 205 Warrandyte Road, Ringwood North, in the State of Victoria, retired, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 12 September 2015, are required to send particulars thereof to the executor, care of the undermentioned solicitors, on or before 11 December 2015, after which date the executor may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. BECKWITH CLEVERDON REES, solicitors, 294 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000. Re: Estate of DOROTHY SEYMOUR MUDIE, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 3 July 2015, are required by the trustee, Elizabeth Anne Beer, care of 44 Douglas Street, Noble Park, Victoria, to send particulars to the trustee by 23 December 2015, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustee has notice. BORCHARD & MOORE, solicitors, 44 Douglas Street, Noble Park 3174. Re: MAGDALENA KATSORIS, late of 24–36 Lorne Street, Fawkner, Victoria, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 8 May 2015, are required by the trustee, Constantina Dare, care of 116 Mt Eliza Way, Victoria 3930, retired teacher, to send particulars to her by 8 December 2015, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which she then has notice. Dated 8 October 2015 Re: MICHAEL ANTHONY BUTTER, late of 24 Gordon Street, Maribyrnong, Victoria, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 29 June 2015, are required by the executor, Paul Butter, to send particulars of their claim to him, care of the undermentioned Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2123 solicitors, by 8 December 2015, after which date the executor may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he may then have notice. DANIEL LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, solicitors, Level 1, 40 Droop Street, Footscray 3011. care of the undermentioned legal practitioners, by 2 March 2016, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. INGPEN & BENT, legal practitioners for the trustee, 95 Yarra Street, Geelong 3220. Re: DAVID CHOONG KHOON CHAI, also known as Choong Khoon Chai, late of Burwood Lodge, 336 Blackburn Road, Burwood East, Victoria, retired gentleman, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 23 September 2014, are required to send particulars of their claim to the executors, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 10 December 2015, after which date the executors will convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the executors then have notice. DAVIS LAWYERS, Level 15, 200 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000. Re: LESLEY RAE McLEAN, late of Unit 5, 47 Austin Crescent, Pascoe Vale, Victoria, secretary, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 23 February 2015, are required by the trustees, Andrew Brian Sullivan and Michael Stuart Sullivan, to send particulars of their claims to the trustees, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 9 December 2015, after which date the trustees may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustees have notice. LORRAINE JONES & ASSOCIATES, solicitors, 900 Main Road, Eltham 3095. Re: GWENETH HARBER, late of 2/59 Teak Street, Caulfield South, Victoria, secretary, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 8 April 2015, are required to send particulars of their claim to the executor, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 10 December 2015, after which date the executor will convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the executor then has notice. DAVIS LAWYERS, Level 15, 200 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000. DOROTHY MAY POLLOCK, late of Unit 1, 24 Tintern Avenue, Toorak, Victoria, retired, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 2 August 2015, are required by the executors to send particulars of their claims to the undermentioned lawyers by 7 December 2015, after which date the executors may convey or distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they have notice. McCLUSKYS LAWYERS, 111 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207. BESSIE COOPER late of Tannoch Brae, 120–130 Townsend Road, St Albans Park, home duties, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 23 March 2015, are required by the trustee, Peter Charles Gillham, to send particulars of their claims to the trustee, Re: LESLIE KENNEDY, late of 102 Rathkeale Avenue, Mount Helen, Victoria, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 6 July 2014, are required by the trustee, Rodney Malcolm Jacobs, care of Level 11, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, to send particulars to the trustee, care of 2124 G 40 8 October 2015 the undermentioned solicitors, by 14 December 2015, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustee then has notice. McKEAN PARK, lawyers, Level 11, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000. Re: CHRISTOPHER NWANKWO OFOLEBE, late of 24 Farmley Way, Wollert, Victoria, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 16 August 2015, are required by the trustee, Esther Nkiruka Ofolebe, care of Level 11, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, to send particulars to the trustee, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 14 December 2015, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustee then has notice. McKEAN PARK, lawyers, Level 11, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000. EDWARD OWEN BATE, late of 40 Rennie Street, Lara, Victoria, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 26 February 2015, are required by the trustees, Edward John Bate and Cheryl Elizabeth Maude Willey, to send particulars of their claims to the trustees, in the care of the undermentioned legal practitioner, by 30 January 2016, after which date the trustees may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. RALPH JAMES SMITH, solicitor, 6 The Centreway, Lara, Victoria 3212. Re: KEVIN JOHN ANDREWS, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 20 January 2006, are required by the administrator, Peter John Andrews, to send particulars of such claims to him, in care of the below mentioned lawyers, by 8 December 2015, after which date the administrator may convey Victoria Government Gazette or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. ROBERTS BECKWITH PARTNERS, 16 Blamey Place, Mornington, Victoria 3931. Re: ELWYN VALERIE RISELEY, also called ‘Lowell’, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 11 April 2015, are required by the trustees, Lee-Anne Anderson and Karoly Takacs, to send particulars of such claims to them, in care of the below mentioned lawyers, by 9 December 2015, after which date the trustees may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. ROBERTS BECKWITH PARTNERS, 16 Blamey Place, Mornington, Victoria 3931. Re: FELICE CACCAMO, late of 175 Huntingdale Road, Oakleigh East, Victoria, widowed, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 2 November 2014, are required by Lynne Caccamo, the trustee of the estate of the deceased, to send particulars of their claims to her, care of the undermentioned lawyers, by 8 December 2015, by which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustee has notice. RUSSO PELLICANO CARLEI, lawyers, 43 Atherton Road, Oakleigh, Victoria 3166. Re: MAUD ADELINE ORCHARD, also known as Adeline Maud Orchard, late of Unit 1, 88 Hare Street, Echuca, Victoria 3564, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 5 August 2015, are required by the trustee, Sandhurst Trustees Limited, ACN 004 030 737, of 18 View Street, Bendigo, Victoria, to send particulars to the trustee by 1 December 2015, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustee then has notice. SANDHURST TRUSTEES LIMITED, 18 View Street, Bendigo 3550. Victoria Government Gazette Re: PATRICIA NORA ROGERS, late of 208 Holdsworth Road, Bendigo, Victoria, retired secretary, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 30 July 2015, are required by the trustees, Avenal Edwin Rogers and Colleen Marie Rogers, both care of 18 View Street, Bendigo, Victoria, to send particulars to the trustees by 2 December 2015, after which date the trustees may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the trustees then have notice. SANDHURST TRUSTEES LIMITED, 18 View Street, Bendigo 3550. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of APOSTOLOS MIHAILIDIS, deceased intestate, late of 52 Rathcown Road, Reservoir, widower, who died on 10 February 2015, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the administrators, Lambrini Balios and Steve Mihailidis, care of the undersigned solicitors, by 11 December 2015, after which date they will convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. SLATER & GORDON, solicitors, 100 Paisley Street, Footscray 3011. Re: JEAN CHRISTOBEL ARNOTT, late of Abberfield, 378 Bluff Road, Sandringham, Victoria, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 4 May 2015, are required by the executors, Graham Manson Ludecke and Pamela Joy Ludecke, to send particulars to them, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 8 December 2015, after which date they may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. TAITS LEGAL, 38 Bank Street, Port Fairy, Victoria 3284. Re: BETTY NANCE FRAZER, late of 24 Montalbo Road, Ringwood North, Victoria 3134, company director, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, G 40 8 October 2015 2125 who died on 1 April 2014, are required by the executor, Dennis Frank Liner, to send particulars of such claims to the executor, care of the undermentioned solicitors, within 60 days from the publication hereof, after which date the executor will distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which the executor has notice. TISHER LINER FC LAW, Level 2, 333 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000. Re: HEATHER JOAN HOFFMAN, late of 158 Ludstone Street, Hampton, Victoria 3188, retired, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 4 August 2015, are required by the executor, John Charles Shipston, to send particulars to him, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 10 December 2015, after which date the executor may convey and distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. TRAGEAR & HARRIS LAWYERS, 1/23 Melrose Street, Sandringham 3191. KATHLEEN McMAHON, late of Plumpton Villa, 7 Lewis Street, Glenroy, Victoria, home duties, deceased. Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died on 15 May 2015, are required by Raymond Michael McMahon, the executor of the Will of the deceased, to send particulars of their claims to the executor, care of the undermentioned solicitors, by 14 December 2015, after which date he will convey or distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. WILLIAMS WINTER, solicitors, Level 7, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000. ADVERTISEMENT OF AUCTION BY THE SHERIFF On Thursday 12 November 2015 at 1.30 pm in the afternoon at the Sheriff’s Office, 444 Swanston Street, Carlton (unless process be stayed or satisfied). 2126 G 40 8 October 2015 All the estate and interest (if any) of Stephen Fisher of 17 McDonald Drive, Mitchell Park, as shown on Certificate of Title as Stephen Bryan Fisher, sole proprietor of an estate in fee simple in the land described on Certificate of Title Volume 09663 Folio 654 upon which is erected a House and known as 17 McDonald Drive, Mitchell Park, will be auctioned by the Sheriff. Registered Mortgage (Dealing Number AJ200292U) affects the said estate and interest. The Sheriff is unable to provide access to this property. Terms: 10% deposit on the fall of the hammer. Balance within 14 days unless as stated in particulars of sale in contract of sale. Payment is by cheque only. Please contact Sheriff’s Asset Administration Services by email at realestatesection@justice. for an information sheet on Sheriff’s auctions, a contract of sale and any other enquiries. SHERIFF ADVERTISEMENT OF AUCTION BY THE SHERIFF On Thursday 12 November 2015 at 1.30 pm in the afternoon at the Sheriff’s Office, 444 Swanston Street, Carlton (unless process be stayed or satisfied). All the estate and interest (if any) of Judeline Grace Taylor of 55 Railway Road, Mount Evelyn, Tenants in Common with Jason Peter Munro of an estate in fee simple in the land described on Certificate of Title Volume 10895 Folio 383 upon which is erected a House and known as 14 East Avenue, Mount Evelyn, will be auctioned by the Sheriff. Registered Mortgage (Dealing Number AK870121Y) affects the said estate and interest. The Sheriff is unable to provide access to this property. Terms: 10% deposit on the fall of the hammer. Balance within 14 days unless as stated in particulars of sale in contract of sale. Payment is by cheque only. Please contact Sheriff’s Asset Administration Services by email at realestatesection@justice. for an information sheet on Sheriff’s auctions, a contract of sale and any other enquiries. SHERIFF Victoria Government Gazette Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2127 GOVERNMENT AND OUTER BUDGET SECTOR AGENCIES NOTICES ROAD DISCONTINUANCE Part of Lady Franklin Road, Barnawartha Wodonga City Council, at its ordinary meeting on Monday 17 August 2015, and Indigo Shire Council, at its ordinary meeting on 25 August 2015, resolved under Clause 3 of Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), to discontinue part of Lady Franklin Road, Barnawartha, as shown hatched in the plan. PATIENCE HARRINGTON Chief Executive Officer Wodonga City Council GERRY SMITH Chief Executive Officer Indigo Shire Council 2128 G 40 8 October 2015 Domestic Animals Act 1994 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE A 24 HOUR DOG OFF-LEASH AREA ON THE MENTONE FORESHORE Notice is given that at its meeting on 28 September 2015, Council resolved to designate a 24 hour dog off-leash area on the sand area of the Mentone Foreshore, Mentone, under section 26 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994. The 24 hour dog off-leash area will commence from the northern foreshore municipal boundary adjacent to Charman Road, Mentone, extending south along the foreshore approximately 450 metres to the foreshore entry point opposite Plummer Road, Mentone. The dog off-leash area will be on the sand area only. JOHN NEVINS Chief Executive Officer MANNINGHAM CITY COUNCIL Meeting Procedure Law 2015 Notice is hereby given that Manningham City Council resolved, at its Ordinary Meeting on 29 September 2015, to make the Meeting Procedure Law 2015 pursuant to section 119 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act). The Law will supersede the Meeting Procedure Law 2005 and will operate throughout the municipal district of Manningham City Council. The purpose of this Law is to: a) provide a mechanism to facilitate the peace, order and good government of the municipal district; b) regulate and control the election of Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Council representatives on external bodies; c)regulate and control the procedures governing the conduct of Council Meetings; d) regulate and control the use of the Common Seal; and Victoria Government Gazette e)provide for the administration of the Council’s powers and functions. The Law comes into operation on the 28 October 2015. A copy of the Law can be viewed and downloaded from the Council’s website at or is available for inspection or purchase at the Manningham Council Offices, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster. JOE CARBONE Chief Executive Officer Road Management Act 2004 ADOPTION OF AMENDED ROAD MANAGEMENT PLAN Notice is hereby given that in accordance with section 54(5) of the Road Management Act 2004 (Act), Mount Alexander Shire Council gives notice that Council, at its ordinary meeting on 22 September 2015, resolved to adopt the Road Management Plan (22 September 2015). Copies of the Road Management Plan (22 September 2015) may be inspected at, or obtained from, Council’s offices at 27 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine, or accessed online at Council’s website, PHIL ROWLAND Chief Executive Officer Planning and Environment Act 1987 BASS COAST PLANNING SCHEME Notice of Preparation of Amendment Amendment C140 The Bass Coast Shire Council has prepared Amendment C140 to the Bass Coast Planning Scheme. The land affected by the Amendment is all rural land in the Shire. The Amendment proposes to: modify the Municipal Strategic Statement at Clauses 21.02, 21.03, 21.04, 21.05, 21.06, 21.08, 21.11, 21.12 and 21.13 to implement the recommendations of the Bass Coast Rural Land Use Strategy (2013) and the Bass Coast Shire Review of Rhyll Wetland May 2015; include the Bass Coast Rural Land Use Strategy (2013) and the Bass Coast Shire Review of Rhyll Wetland May 2015 as Reference Documents at Clause 21.12; Victoria Government Gazette introduce four new local policies to address Rural subdivision (Clause 22.05), Rural dwellings (Clause 22.06), Non-agricultural uses in the Farming Zone (Clause 22.07), and Rural Activity Zone (Clause 22.08); rezone land at Coronet Bay/Corinella, The Gurdies, and Inverloch/Cape Paterson from the Farming Zone to the Rural Activity Zone; rezone an area west of the Rhyll Wetland from the Farming Zone to the Rural Conservation Zone; apply the Environmental Significance Overlay – Schedule 1 (Coastal Wetland Areas) to an area west of the Rhyll Wetland; update the schedule to the Rural Activity Zone at Clause 35.08; update the schedule to the Farming Zone at Clause 35.07, identifying three new precincts with tailored subdivision and dwelling provisions; and update the Schedule to Clause 61.03 to reflect the mapping changes. You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report about the Amendment, free of charge, at the following locations: Bass Coast Shire Council Customer Service Centres: Wonthaggi: 76 McBride Avenue, Wonthaggi; Grantville: 1504–1510 Bass Highway, Grantville; Cowes: 91–97 Thompson Avenue, Cowes; Bass Coast Shire Council website, www.; and at the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning website, Any person who may be affected by the Amendment may make a submission to the planning authority. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. In accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Council must make available for inspection a copy of any submissions made. G 40 8 October 2015 2129 The closing date for submissions is 8 November 2015. A submission must be sent to the Bass Coast Shire Council. Planning and Environment Act 1987 GOLDEN PLAINS PLANNING SCHEME Notice of Preparation of Amendment Amendment C67 The Golden Plains Shire Council has prepared Amendment C67 to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme. The land affected by the Amendment is in the Devils Kitchen, Brisbane Ranges and Rowsley Scarp and Barrabool Hills localities. The Amendment proposes to implement the recommendations of the South West Landscape Assessment Study, Planisphere, June 2013 (SWLAS). Specifically the Amendment proposes to: insert the South West Landscape Assessment Study 2013 as a reference document at Clause 21-04-8; amend the existing Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule which applies to Devils Kitchen; and apply two new Significant Landscape Overlay Schedules and Maps to the Barrabool Hills and Brisbane Ranges and Rowsley Scarp. You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report about the Amendment, free of charge, at the following locations: during office hours, at the office of the planning authority, Golden Plains Shire Customer Service Centres, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn, and 68 Sussex Street, Linton; and at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website, Any person who may be affected by the Amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the Amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to 2130 G 40 8 October 2015 attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. The closing date for submissions is 2 November 2015. A submission must be sent to Golden Plains Shire, PO Box 111, Bannockburn 3331. The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect, free of charge, until the end of two months after the Amendment comes into operation or lapses. ROD NICHOLLS Chief Executive Officer Planning and Environment Act 1987 GREATER BENDIGO PLANNING SCHEME Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment Amendment C218 The Greater Bendigo City Council has prepared Amendment C218 to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. The Amendment proposes to rezone land along the southern entrance into central Bendigo, commonly known as the High Street Boulevard, between Shamrock Street and Short Street, Bendigo, from the Commercial 2 Zone to Commercial 1 Zone to facilitate higher density mixed use development. A Design and Development Overlay will also be applied to parts of the land being rezoned to guide the built form of future development. The Amendment also corrects a small number of zoning anomalies. The land affected by the Amendment is: 46–50, 54–56, 58–60, 89–91, 93–97, 96–102, 99–101, 103, 104, 105–109, 106, 108–110, 111–115, 112–114, 116–118, 117–121, 120–126, 123–131, 128, 130, 132–138, 133–135, 137–139, 140–148, 143–161, 150, 154–156, 163–165, 169–171, 173, 175, 177–183, 185–195, 197, 199–201, 205, 207–211, 213–219, 221–227, 229–235, 237 and 239–245 High Street, Bendigo; 36, 38, 40, 41, 43–47, 44, 48, 50, 54, and 58 Wattle Street, Bendigo; 6–10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 28, 108, 110, 132 and 134 Creek Street North, Bendigo; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Burr Street, Bendigo; 31, 33, 35-39, 41–43 and 65 Short Street, Bendigo; Victoria Government Gazette 54, 56, 56A and 58–60 Vine Street, Bendigo; 2 and 4 Honeysuckle Street, Bendigo; 33–37, 36 and 39 Lily Street, Bendigo; 6 Hamann Street, Bendigo; 130–134 Don Street, Bendigo; Part of 83–119 Mackenzie Street, Bendigo; and Part of 9 Vine Street, Bendigo. Specifically the Amendment proposes to: rezone land bounded by Don Street, Mackenzie Street, Short Street, Creek Street North, Shamrock Street and High Street, Bendigo, from Commercial 2 Zone to Commercial 1 Zone; rezone 130 Don Street, Bendigo, from General Residential Zone/Commercial 2 Zone to Commercial 1 Zone; rezone 123–131 High Street, Bendigo, from Commercial 2 Zone to Special Use Zone – Schedule 10 as part of the Girton Grammar Vine Street campus; rezone 116–118 High Street, Bendigo, from Special Use Zone – Schedule 10 to Commercial 1 Zone; rezone part of 83–119 Mackenzie Street, Bendigo, from Commercial 2 Zone to Special Use Zone – Schedule 10, as it is part of Girton Grammar’s Mackenzie Street campus; rezone part of 9 Vine Street, Bendigo, from Commercial 2 Zone to Public Park and Recreation Zone, as it is part of the Londonderry Reserve; amend Clause 21.07 Economic Development to provide strategic direction for the development of the area; and apply a Design and Development Overlay to land fronting High Street to ensure appropriate development outcomes. You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report about the Amendment, free of charge, at the following locations: during office hours, at the office of the planning authority, City of Greater Bendigo, Planning and Development Unit, Hopetoun Mill Office, 15 Hopetoun Street, Bendigo; at the City of Greater Bendigo website:; and Victoria Government Gazette at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website, public-inspection Any person who may be affected by the Amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the Amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. The closing date for submissions is close of business on 9 November 2015. A submission must be sent to the City of Greater Bendigo Planning Department, PO Box 733, Bendigo 3552. The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect, free of charge, until two months after the Amendment comes into operation or lapses. CRAIG NIEMANN Chief Executive Officer Planning and Environment Act 1987 WARRNAMBOOL PLANNING SCHEME Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment Amendment C93 The Warrnambool City Council has prepared Amendment C93 to the Warrnambool Planning Scheme. The land affected by the Amendment is all land in the municipality. The Amendment proposes to implement Stage 1 of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme Rewrite Project. The Warrnambool Planning Scheme Rewrite Project was adopted by Council in February 2015, and meets Council’s obligations under Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Amongst other changes, the Amendment revises the Local Planning Policy Framework of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme, and includes a rewrite of the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS). G 40 8 October 2015 2131 You may inspect the Amendment, any documents that support the Amendment and the explanatory report about the Amendment, free of charge, at the following locations: during office hours, at the office of the planning authority, Warrnambool City Council, Civic Centre, 25 Liebig Street, Warrnambool; and at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website, public-inspection Any person who may be affected by the Amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the Amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make. Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions. The closing date for submissions is Friday 18 December 2015. A submission must be sent to: Mrs Julie Glass, Acting Coordinator City Strategy, Warrnambool City Council, PO Box 198, Warrnambool 3280, or by email to: [email protected] The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect, free of charge, until the end of two months after the Amendment comes into operation or lapses. B.A. ANSON Chief Executive Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims against the estate of any of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to State Trustees Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal representative, on or before 8 December 2015, after which date State Trustees Limited may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which State Trustees Limited then has notice. COAD, Shaun David, late of 3 Trevena Close, Rowville, Victoria, deceased, who died on 15 June 2015. 2132 G 40 8 October 2015 DRAKE, Alan James, late of 53 McGibbony Street, Ararat, Victoria, deceased, who died on 20 July 2015. O’MEARA, Frank James, late of 8 Logie Street, Oakleigh, Victoria, retired, deceased, who died on 10 May 2015. PANNOWITZ, Neville October, late of 7 Walker Place, Braybrook, Victoria, deceased, who died on 20 April 2015. YOB, Donald Robert James, late of PO Box 20, Beechworth Health Service, 25 Sydney Road, Beechworth, Victoria, deceased, who died on 10 May 2015. Dated 29 September 2015 STEWART MacLEOD Manager Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims against the estate of any of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to State Trustees Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal representative, on or before 9 December 2015, after which date State Trustees Limited may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which State Trustees Limited then has notice. BRADLEY, Lisa Margaret, late of Thompson House – Castlemaine Health, 20 Cornish Street, Castlemaine, Victoria 3450, deceased, who died on 18 February 2015. CAMERON, Douglas John Lascell, late of Western Gardens Nursing Home and Hostel, 40 Anderson Road, Sunshine, Victoria 3020, deceased, who died on 15 August 2015. GUERIN, William Arthur, late of 30 Illoura Avenue, Ringwood East, Victoria 3135, deceased, who died on 26 June 2015. HANDLEY, Kenneth Bundock, late of Unit 3, 39 Denbigh Street, Frankston, Victoria 3199, retired, deceased, who died on 21 February 2015. McNIDDER, John, late of 2 Beena Court, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150, non professional, deceased, who died on 1 March 2015. Dated 30 September 2015 STEWART MacLEOD Manager Victoria Government Gazette Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims against the estate of any of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to State Trustees Limited, ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal representative, on or before 10 December 2015, after which date State Trustees Limited may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which State Trustees Limited then has notice. ANDJELKOVIC, Bob (Boriwoje), late of Lot 10, 111 Morrisons Road, Longwarry, Victoria 3816, deceased, who died on 25 June 2015. COOPER, Ellen Elizabeth, late of Caladenia Nursing Home, Rutledge Street, Kilmore, Victoria 3764, deceased, who died on 1 July 2015. JENSEN, Mary Patricia, late of Noble Gardens Residential Aged Care, 55 Thomas Street, Noble Park, Victoria 3174, deceased, who died on 23 March 2015. MATTHEWS, Colin Ewart, late of Unit 15, 415 Mount Dandenong Road, Croydon, Victoria 3136, retired, deceased, who died on 20 June 2015. Dated 1 October 2015 STEWART MacLEOD Manager Creditors, next-of-kin and others having claims against the estate of any of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to State Trustees Limited ABN 68 064 593 148, of 1 McNab Avenue, Footscray, Victoria 3011, the personal representative, on or before 14 December 2015, after which date State Trustees Limited may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which State Trustees Limited then has notice. BEARD, Beverley Lorraine, late of Flat 2, 133 Cochrane Street, Brighton, Victoria, retired, deceased, who died on 5 July 2015. BYRNES, William, late of Springtime Sydenham, 41 Manchester Drive, Sydenham, Victoria, deceased, who died on 3 August 2015. Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2133 PISANI,George, late of Unit 15, 242 Mickleham Road, Gladstone Park, Victoria, deceased, who died on 25 July 2015. SWEENEY, Joan, late of Opal by the Bay, 185 Racecourse Road, Mount Martha, Victoria, deceased, who died on 16 July 2015. WEISS, Egon Ernst, late of Bupa Berwick Aged Care Facility, 359 Narre Warren North Road, Narre Warren, Victoria, retired, deceased, who died on 1 June 2015. Dated 5 October 2015 STEWART MacLEOD Manager Adoption Act 1984 Section 26 (2) APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF AN APPROVED ADOPTION AGENCY In accordance with section 26 (2) of the Adoption Act 1984, notice is given that the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services has renewed an application from each of the following for the renewal of approval as an approved adoption agency. Child and Family Services Ballarat Inc. 115 Lydiard Street Ballarat, Victoria 3350 Principal Officer: Melissa Riddiford CatholicCare 3 Wingfield Street Footscray, Victoria 3011 Principal Officer: Renu Barnes Anglicare Western 41 Somerville Road Yarraville, Victoria 3011 Principal Officer: Spiros Drakopoulos Anglicare Gippsland 65 Church Street Morwell, Victoria 3840 Principal Officer: Leonie Graham St Luke’s Anglicare 175–187 Hargreaves Street Bendigo, Victoria 3350 Principal Officer: Rachel O’Dowd Connections 274 High Street Prahan, Victoria 3181 Principal Officer: Lisa Milani Dated 5 October 2015 DAVID CLEMENTS Acting Deputy Secretary Community Services Programs and Design Division Delegate of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services 2134 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Adoption Act 1984 Section 21, 22 and 26 APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF AN APPROVED ADOPTION AGENCY After considering applications from the following community service organisations, each of which has applied to continue as an ‘approved agency’ for the purposes of conducting negotiations and making arrangements for the adoption of children, I renew their approval as adoption agencies, in accordance with section 26 of the Adoption Act 1984. This approval will expire three years from the date of this approval. Child and Family Services Ballarat Inc. 115 Lydiard Street Ballarat, Victoria 3350 Principal Officer: Melissa Riddiford CatholicCare 3 Wingfield Street Footscray, Victoria 3011 Principal Officer: Renu Barnes Anglicare Western 41 Somerville Road Yarraville, Victoria 3011 Principal Officer: Spiros Drakopoulos Anglicare Gippsland 65 Church Street Morwell, Victoria 3840 Principal Officer: Leonie Graham St Luke’s Anglicare 175–187 Hargreaves Street Bendigo, Victoria 3350 Principal Officer: Rachel O’Dowd Connections 274 High Street Prahan, Victoria 3181 Principal Officer: Lisa Milani Dated 5 October 2015 DAVID CLEMENTS Acting Deputy Secretary Community Services Programs and Design Division Delegate of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Agent-General and Commissioners for Victoria Act 2007 I, Philip Dalidakis, Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, under section 11(1) of the Agent-General and Commissioners for Victoria Act 2007, direct the Commissioner for Victoria, Mr Michael Kapel, to perform functions and carry out duties under the Act in the post territory of the Americas, based in San Francisco from 1 November 2015. Dated 5 October 2015 THE HON PHILIP DALIDAKIS MP Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade Victoria Government Gazette Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 SECTION 135 I, David Joyner, Deputy Registrar under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (the Act), under delegation provided by the Registrar, hereby give notice that, pursuant to section 135(3) of the Act, I intend to cancel the incorporation of the incorporated associations mentioned below: Albury Wodonga Community Chest Inc.; Arts Management Advisory Group (Victoria) Inc.; Australian Lebanese Football Association Inc.; Bentleigh Hampton Eagles Basketball Club Inc.; Beverley Hills Kindergarten Inc.; Black Hill Pre-School Inc.; Brimbank Community Initiatives Inc.; Careers Connection LCP Inc.; Christian Schools System Inc.; Citinorth Community Church Inc.; Club Education Inc.; Corio Kindergarten Inc.; Dandenong United Wrestling Club Inc.; Epping Pre-School Inc.; Ferrari Club Australia Inc.; Futuristic Group for South Sudanese in Australia Inc.; Goulburn Valley Dairy & Machinery Field Days Inc.; Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club Inc.; Harness Racing Owners Association Inc.; Hellenic Business Forum of Australia Inc.; Highton Tennis Club Inc.; Horn of Africa Community Newspaper Media Association Inc.; House of Restoration Inc.; Judeo Christian Church of Victoria Inc.; Kladorrahi Family Association Inc.; Lancaster Football & Netball Club Inc.; Lilydale Tennis Club Inc.; Lindenow Lions Club Inc.; Meringur Football Club Inc.; Moorabbin Hebrew Congregation Inc.; Mt Evelyn Meteors Basketball Club Inc.; Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Australia Inc.; Numurkah Football Netball Club Inc.; Old Haileyburians’ Association Hockey Club Inc.; Printing and Writing Paper Stewardship Association Inc.; Radio East Gippsland Inc.; Raiders Bingo Inc.; Respond For The Kids Inc.; Sea Lake Landcare Group Inc.; Slow Food Victoria Inc.; St. Faith’s Anglican Kindergarten Inc.; The Australian Injury Prevention and Safety Association Inc.; The Caleb Thorburn Foundation Inc.; The Jewish Learning Institute Inc.; The Lake Foundation Inc.; Thoroughbred Club of Australia Inc.; Timor Ethnic Chinese Community in Victoria Inc.; Victorian Brotherhood of Mani United Inc.; Wedge Basketball Club Inc.; Wydinia Kindergarten Inc. and Yarra Valley Machinery Preservation Society Inc. G 40 8 October 2015 2135 I further advise that unless a person makes a written objection to cancellation to the Registrar within 28 days of the date of this notice, I intend to cancel the incorporation of the incorporated associations mentioned above. Dated 8 October 2015 David Joyner Deputy Registrar of Incorporated Associations PO Box 4567 Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 SECTION 138 I, David Joyner, Deputy Registrar of Incorporated Associations, under delegation provided by the Registrar, hereby give notice that an application for the voluntary cancellation of incorporation, pursuant to section 136 of the Act, has been received by the Registrar from each of the associations mentioned below: 123 Yeah We Can Inc.; AGN Aus Golf Network Inc.; Australian Assistance International Inc.; Bendigo Tenpin Social Club Inc.; Cavok Syndicate Inc.; Centre for International Leadership and Development Solutions Inc.; Cooinda Family Support Group Inc.; Doric (Masonic) Education Coaching Service Inc.; Golden Plains Tourism Inc.; Grantville & District Senior Citizens Club Inc. ; International Support Aid Services Inc.; Kingston Community Recreation Centre Inc. ; Living Word Outreach Inc.; Ocieana Para Taekwondo Union Incorporated; Qantas Melbourne Telephone Sales Social Club Inc.; Reopen Our Schools Inc.; Somali Australian Civil Society Network Inc.; The Frankston Elderly Bosnian Club Inc.; The Junction.Info Inc.; The Rosebud Hospital Rehabilitation and Aged Care Opportunity Shop Inc. I further advise that unless a person makes a written objection to cancellation to the Registrar within 28 days of the date of this notice, I intend to cancel the incorporation of the incorporated associations mentioned above. Dated 8 October 2015 DAVID JOYNER Deputy Registrar of Incorporated Associations PO Box 4567 Melbourne, Victoria 3001 2136 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 ORDER GIVING APPROVAL TO GRANT A LEASE UNDER SECTIONS 17D AND 17DA AND A LICENCE UNDER SECTIONS 17BAA AND 17BAA(6) Under sections 17D, 17BAA and 17BAA(6) and 17DA of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, I, the Hon. Lisa Neville MP, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, being satisfied that there are special reasons which make the granting of a lease and licence reasonable and appropriate in the particular circumstances and to do so will not be substantially detrimental to the use and enjoyment of any adjacent land reserved under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, approve the granting of a lease and adjacent licence by Parks Victoria as committee of management over the Albert Park Reserve described in the schedule below for the purpose of sporting activities normally associated with an amateur sporting club including function room hire for club members as well as sporting activities normally associated with an amateur football club respectively and, in accordance with section 17D(3)(a) and 17BAA(6) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, state that: (a) there are special reasons which make granting of a lease and licence reasonable and appropriate in the particular circumstances; and (b) to do this will not be substantially detrimental to the use and enjoyment of any adjacent land reserved under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978. SCHEDULE The land shown hatched (lease area) and cross-hatched and outlined black (licence area) on the attached plans, which are part of the Crown land permanently reserved for the purposes of public park by Order in Council of 21 March 1876 (vide Government Gazette 24 March 1876, page 568). Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2137 2138 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette 1204268 LISA NEVILLE MP Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Education and Training Reform Act 2006 NOTIFICATION CANCELLING THE REGISTRATION OF A TEACHER Pursuant to section 2.6.46 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (the Act), the Victorian Institute of Teaching (the Institute) may find that the registration of the teacher has been obtained by fraud or misrepresentation or concealment of the facts and may make a determination pursuant to subsection 2.6.46(2) to cancel the registration of the teacher. On 31 August 2015, the teacher with the Registration No. 325076 was found to have obtained his registration by misrepresentation. On 31 August 2015, this teacher’s registration as a teacher in Victoria was cancelled. ANNE SARROS Chairperson – Professional Conduct Committee Victorian Institute of Teaching Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2139 Forests Act 1958 REVOCATION OF DETERMINATION OF FIREWOOD COLLECTION AREAS I, Kym Schramm, A/District Manager, North West, Parks Victoria, as delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, under section 57U of the Forests Act 1958, revoke the determination of the firewood collection area described in items 1 and 3 of the table in the determination made under section 57U of the Forests Act 1958 on 15 August 2015 and published in the Government Gazette No. G 33 page 1795, 20 August 2015. This revocation comes into operation on the date on which it is published in the Government Gazette. Dated 30 September 2015 KYM SCHRAMM A/District Manager North West Parks Victoria as delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Forests Act 1958 REVOCATION OF DETERMINATION OF FIREWOOD COLLECTION AREA I, Jonathon Rofe, Acting Fire and Land Regional Manager Grampians, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, as delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, under section 57U of the Forests Act 1958, revoke the determination of the firewood collection area described in item 20 of the table in the determination made under section 57U of the Forests Act 1958 on 24 August 2015 and published in the Government Gazette No. G34 pages 1860–1862 on 27 August 2015. This revocation comes into operation on 8 October 2015. Dated 5 October 2015 JONATHON ROFE Acting Fire and Land Regional Manager, Grampians Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning as delegate of the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Geographic Place Names Act 1998 CORRIGENDUM In the Victoria Government Gazette No. G39, 1 October 2015, page 2102 under Geographic Place Names Act 1998, Notice of Registration of Geographic Names, Feature Naming, the location for the feature named Frankston Regional Recycling and Recovery Centre should read, 20 Harold Road, Skye. Office of Geographic Names Land Victoria 570 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000 JOHN E. TULLOCH Registrar of Geographic Names 2140 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Geographic Place Names Act 1998 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF GEOGRAPHIC NAMES The Registrar of Geographic Names hereby gives notice of the registration of the undermentioned place names. Road Naming: Change Request Number Road Name Locality Naming Authority and Location 88648 Rostella Way Melbourne Melbourne City Council (Private walkway) The road traverses south from Little Lonsdale Street. 88661 Butler Lane Inglewood Loddon Shire Council The road traverses east from Sullivan Street. 89183 Lanyon Lane Maribyrnong Maribyrnong City Council (Private Road) The road traverses south from Cornwall Place. Feature Naming: Change Request Number Place Name Naming Authority and Location 87973 Nicola Davis Conservation Reserve Whittlesea City Council Located at 245 Gordons Road, South Morang. For further details see map at 88448 Wangaratta Lions Park Wangaratta Rural City Council Located within Batchelors Green at 1C Tone Road, Wangaratta. For further details see map at Office of Geographic Names Land Victoria 570 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000 JOHN E. TULLOCH Registrar of Geographic Names Victoria Government Gazette Heritage Act 1995 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION As Executive Director for the purpose of the Heritage Act 1995, I give notice under section 46 that the Victorian Heritage Register is amended by modifying the following places in the Heritage Register: Number: H0405 Category: Heritage Place Place: Armytage House 235 Pakington Street Newtown Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 405 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 333804. Number: H0193 Category: Heritage Place Place: Corio Villa 56 Eastern Beach and 1 Fitzroy Street Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 193 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 518151. G 40 8 October 2015 2141 Number: H0283 Category: Heritage Place Place: Elcho Homestead 605 Bacchus Marsh Road Lovely Banks Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 283 encompassing all of Lot 2 on Plan of Subdivision 717165. Number: H0426 Category: Heritage Place Place: Former Baptist Church 3 Aberdeen Street Newtown Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 426 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 638011. 2142 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Number: H0189 Category: Heritage Place Place: Former ES&A Bank 9–11 Malop Street Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 189 encompassing all of Lots 1 to 4 on Title Plan 827192. Number: H1527 Category: Heritage Place Place: Former Telegraph Station 83A Ryrie Street Geelong Greater Geelong City Number: H0188 Category: Heritage Place Place: Former Geelong Grammar School 55 Maud Street Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 188 encompassing all of Lots 1 to 5 on Title Plan 873299. Number: H1645 Category: Heritage Place Place: Matthew Flinders School 15 Myers Street Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 1527 encompassing all of Crown Allotment 22B, Section 55A, City of Geelong, Parish of Corio. Victoria Government Gazette All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 1645 encompassing all of Crown Allotment 1, Section 47, City of Geelong, Parish of Corio. Number: H0192 Category: Heritage Place Place: Merchiston Hall 2A Garden Street Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 192 encompassing all of Lots 1 to 4 on Title Plan 837235. Number: H1723 Category: Heritage Place Place: Pirra Homestead G 40 8 October 2015 2143 108–112 Windermere Road Lara Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 1723 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Plan of Subdivision 542838. Number: H0389 Category: Heritage Place Place: Portarlington Mill 7 Turner Court Portarlington Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 389 encompassing all of Lot 5 on Lodged Plan 28155, all of Lot 1 on title Plan 168373 and all of Lot 21 on Lodged Plan 64061. 2144 G 40 8 October 2015 Number: H0187 Category: Heritage Place Place: St Paul’s Anglican Church 175 Latrobe Terrace Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 187 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Title Plan 934765 and all of Crown Allotment 6A, Section 44, City of Geelong, Parish of Corio. Victoria Government Gazette Dated 7 October 2015 TIM SMITH Executive Director Heritage Act 1995 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION As Executive Director for the purpose of the Heritage Act 1995, I give notice under section 46 that the Victorian Heritage Register is amended by changing Heritage Register Number H1971 from the Category of Heritage Place to the Category of Heritage Object and by removing the land at 30 Grogans Road, Keilor North, from the Heritage Register. Number: H0190 Category: Heritage Place Place: Trustees Chambers 8 Malop Street Geelong Greater Geelong City All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 190 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Title Plan 218532. Dated 7 October 2015 TIM SMITH Executive Director Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2145 Marine Safety Act 2010 Section 208(2) NOTICE OF ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE In accordance with section 208(2) of the Marine Safety Act 2010, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (the waterway manager for the Barwon River between the Lower Breakwater and Orana Road) gives notice that the waters of the Barwon River between an imaginary line joining two signs headed ‘Rowing Zone – Power Boat Zone’ situated on opposite banks of the river at the eastern side of the Princes Bridge and an imaginary line similar sign situated on the north bank of the river approximately 115 metres west of the western boundary of Swanston Street are prohibited to all persons and vessels not registered to take part in Geelong Riverfest. The exclusion zone takes effect between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm Sunday 11 October 2015. Dated 15 September 2015 TRENT WALLIS as delegate of the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority Marine Safety Act 2010 Section 208(2) NOTICE OF ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE In accordance with section 208(2) of the Marine Safety Act 2010, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (the waterway manager for the Barwon River between the Lower Breakwater and Orana Road) gives notice that the waters of the Barwon River between an imaginary line joining two signs headed ‘Rowing Zone – Power Boat Zone’ situated on opposite banks of the river at the eastern side of the Princes Bridge and an imaginary line similar sign situated on the north bank of the river approximately 115 metres west of the western boundary of Swanston Street are prohibited to all persons and vessels not registered to take part in the Rowing Victoria Regattas as detailed in Table 1. The exclusion zone takes effect for the Rowing Victoria Regattas on the dates and times as specified in Table 1. Dated 15 September 2015 TRENT WALLIS as delegate of the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority Table 1. Rowing Victoria Regattas (Barwon River, Geelong) Names of the Event Give Where You Live Riverfest RV Schools – Loreto Regatta RV Schools – Sacred Heart Regatta Barwon Regatta RV Schools – Morongo Regatta RV Schools Regatta – Firbank Regatta Lake Colac Regatta RV Schools – GRA Regatta RV Junior Girls State Championship School Sports Victoria Regatta Head of the Schoolgirls Regatta Geelong Masters Regatta Start Date 11/10/2015 14/11/2015 12/12/2015 30/01/2016 06/02/2016 13/02/2016 14/02/2016 20/02/2016 27/02/2016 03/03/2016 04/03/2016 07/05/2016 End Date 11/10/2015 14/11/2015 12/12/2015 31/01/2016 06/02/2016 13/02/2016 14/02/2016 20/02/2016 27/02/2016 03/03/2016 06/03/2016 07/05/2016 Start Time End Time 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 4 pm 8 am 5 pm 8 am 5 pm 2146 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS 2007 Notice of Grant of Major Hazard Facility Licence Pursuant to Part 6.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 (the Regulations), on 26 September 2015 the Victorian WorkCover Authority granted a licence to operate a Major Hazard Facility to BHP Billiton Petroleum Pty Ltd in respect of the facility registered under Part 6.2 of the Regulations and located at Minerva Gas Plant, 192 Brumbys Road, Port Campbell, in the State of Victoria. This licence ends on 25 September 2020. CLARE AMIES Chief Executive Delegate of the Victorian WorkCover Authority 1 2 3 4 5 Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 ORDER PROHIBITING OR RESTRICTING THE ENTRY OR IMPORTATION OF ASPARAGUS STEM BLIGHT HOST MATERIAL INTO VICTORIA I, Gabrielle Vivian-Smith, as delegate of the Minister for Agriculture, make the following Order: Objective The objective of this Order is to prevent the entry or importation of asparagus stem blight into Victoria. Authorising provision This Order is made under section 36 of the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 (the Act). Definitions In this Order: ‘asparagus stem blight’ means the disease caused by the exotic fungus Phomopsis asparagi (Sacc.) Bubák. ‘asparagus stem blight host material’ means any plant or plant product of the genus Asparagus, or earth material in which any asparagus plant has been grown. Controls applying to asparagus stem blight host material (1) The entry or importation into Victoria of any asparagus stem blight host material is prohibited. (2) Sub-clause (1) does not apply if the asparagus stem blight host material – (a) was grown on, sourced from or last used on a property that is located in a State or Territory or part of a State or Territory for which an area freedom certificate, issued by an officer responsible for agriculture in the State or Territory where the asparagus stem blight host material was grown, sourced or last used, is currently in force certifying that the State or Territory or part of the State or Territory is known to be free of asparagus stem blight; or (b) is accompanied by a plant health certificate, assurance certificate or plant health declaration, certifying or declaring that the material has been treated in a manner described in Schedule 1; or (c) in the case of seed, crown or fern, is accompanied by a permit issued by an inspector and complies with any conditions set out in the permit. Verification of Consignments Where requested by an inspector, asparagus stem blight host material imported into Victoria, which is required by clause 5(2)(b) to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration, must be: Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2147 (a) (b) presented to an authorised inspector for inspection; or presented for verification by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. Expiry This Order remains in force for a period of 12 months after the date of making. 6 Schedule 1 Hosts of asparagus stem blight must – (1) in the case of spears, undergo – (a) packing line treatment, at a minimum concentration at least 50 ppm available chlorine, at a rate of not less than 20l/min, where the pH is maintained between 6.5 to 7.0; and where the spears remain wet for five minutes after treatment; or (b) hydro-cooling treatment after packing at a minimum concentration at least 50 ppm available chlorine, at a rate of not less than 20l/min, where the pH is maintained between 6.5 to 7.0; and where the spears remain wet for five minutes after treatment; or (2) in the case of agricultural equipment used in the cultivation, harvesting or transport of hosts, be – (a) cleaned free of earth material and organic matter by – (i) brushing; or (ii) high pressure water; or (iii) steam; and (b) inspected and found free of earth material and organic matter; and (3) in the case of used packages be – (a) cleaned free of earth material and organic matter by – (i) brushing; or (ii) high pressure water; or (iii) steam; and (b) disinfected by dipping or spray rinsing for at least 1 minute with – (i) a solution of phenolic disinfectant followed by rinsing with water; or (ii) a solution of at least 50 ppm available chlorine where the pH is maintained between 6.5 to 7.0; or (iii) another approved disinfectant; and (c) inspected and found free of earth material and organic matter. Notes: 1. 2. 3. Section 38(1) of the Act provides that a person must not cause, permit or assist any plant, plant product, plant vector, used equipment, earth material or beehive to enter or be imported into Victoria in contravention of an importation order under section 36. The maximum penalty for this offence is 10 penalty units, in the case of a natural person and 60 penalty units, in the case of a body corporate. Section 38(2) of the Act provides that a person must not knowingly cause, permit or assist any plant, plant product, plant vector, used equipment, earth material or beehive to enter or be imported into Victoria in contravention of an importation order under section 36. The maximum penalty for this offence is 60 penalty units, in the case of a natural person and 300 penalty units, in the case of a body corporate. Terms used in this Order that are defined in the Act have that meaning. Dated 5 October 2015 GABRIELLE VIVIAN-SMITH Chief Plant Health Officer 2148 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 ORDER PROHIBITING OR RESTRICTING THE ENTRY OR IMPORTATION OF TOMATO YELLOW LEAF CURL VIRUS HOST MATERIAL INTO VICTORIA I, Gabrielle Vivian-Smith, as delegate of the Minister for Agriculture, make the following Order: Objective The objective of this Order is to prevent the entry or importation of the exotic disease tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) into Victoria. Authorising provision This Order is made under section 36 of the Plant Biosecurity Act 2010 (the Act). Commencement This Order comes into operation on the date of making. Definitions In this Order: ‘TYLCV host plant’ means any plant or plant product, excluding fruit and seeds, of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum), lobed croton (Croton lobatus) and all species of Capsicum, Euphorbia and Physalis. Prohibitions, restrictions and conditions (1) The entry or importation into Victoria of any TYLCV host plant is prohibited. (2) Subclause (1) does not apply if the TYLCV host plant – (a) was grown on or sourced from a property that is located in a State or Territory, or part of a State or Territory, for which an area freedom certificate issued by an officer responsible for agriculture in the State or Territory where the plant was grown or sourced, is currently in force certifying that the State or Territory or part of the State or Territory is known to be free of TYLCV; or (b) is accompanied by a plant health certificate, assurance certificate or plant health declaration, certifying or declaring that the plant has been treated in a manner described in Schedule 1. Verification Where requested by an authorised inspector, TYLCV host material imported into Victoria, which is required by clause 6(2) to be accompanied by a certificate or declaration, must be – (a) presented to an authorised inspector for inspection; or (b) presented for verification by a person accredited to do so by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. Expiry This Order remains in force for a period of 12 months after the date of making. Schedule 1 TYLCV host plants must be – (a) grown and packed on a property more than 20 km from a detection of TYLCV; or (b) grown under a pest management program which prevents the introduction of silverleaf whitefly (SLW) and TYLCV. A pest management program must include – (a)propagation: (i) in an insect-proof production area (eg screenhouse or glasshouse) which is known to be free of SLW by monitoring for the presence of SLW; or Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2149 (ii) (b) (c) (d) using a treatment and weed control program involving a program of chemicals registered for the control of SLW and the removal of weeds from – inside production areas; and areas surrounding production areas; and monitoring for the presence of SLW, and no SLW detected; and in the case of material propagated vegetatively (eg from cuttings) – (i) the plants from which the material is sourced (ie mother stock) must be: tested at least every six months and found to be free of TYLCV; and grown under a pest management program in accordance with conditions described in sub-clause (a); and (ii) the cuttings grown under a pest management program in accordance with conditions described in sub-clause (a); and inspection of all plants in the consignment, at the rate of 600 plants per consignment, and found to be free of SLW and symptoms of TYLCV; and packed so as to prevent infestation with SLW. Notes: 1. Section 38(1) of the Act provides that a person must not cause, permit or assist any plant, plant product, plant vector, used equipment, earth material or beehive to enter or be imported into Victoria in contravention of an importation order under section 36. The maximum penalty for this offence is 10 penalty units, in the case of a natural person and 60 penalty units, in the case of a body corporate. 2. Section 38(2) of the Act provides that a person must not knowingly cause, permit or assist any plant, plant product, plant vector, used equipment, earth material or beehive to enter or be imported into Victoria in contravention of an importation order under section 36. The maximum penalty for this offence is 60 penalty units, in the case of a natural person and 300 penalty units, in the case of a body corporate. 3. Terms used in this Order that are defined in the Act have that meaning. Dated 5 October 2015 GABRIELLE VIVIAN-SMITH Chief Plant Health Officer Safety on Public Land Act 2004 DECLARATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY ZONES The Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning makes a Declaration of Public Safety Zone pursuant to section 4(1) of the Safety on Public Land Act 2004: 1. Definitions For the purposes of this declaration: (i) ‘the Act’ means the Safety on Public Land Act 2004; (ii) ‘Buffer’ means an area of State forest that extends 150 metres outside the perimeter of any Fire Operations Area; (iii) ‘Fire Operations’ means any activities undertaken on State forest to meet the obligations of the Secretary under section 62(2) of the Forests Act 1958, that are: (a) identified on a Fire Operations Plan; or (b) ancillary works to the activities identified on a Fire Operations Plan. (iv) ‘Fire Operations Area’ means any area of State forest designated as ‘burn’ or ‘planned burn’ in any Fire Operations Plan or in any map approved from time to time under a Fire Operations Plan. 2150 G 40 (v) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette ‘Fire Operations Plan’ means any plan that has been or is: (a) prepared from time to time in accordance with the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land prepared from time to time under Part 5 of the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987; and (b) issued or published and applies from time to time during the period of this declaration; related to the role of the Secretary under section 62(2) of the Forests Act 1958. (vi) ‘Public Safety Zone’ has the same meaning as in the Act. (vii) ‘Secretary’ means the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Incorporation of spatial areas by reference Pursuant to section 4(3) of the Act, this declaration incorporates as a matter any area of State forest designated in any Fire Operations Plan, or in any map approved from time to time under any Fire Operations Plan as ‘burn’ or ‘planned burn’. Declaration of Public Safety Zone and areas to which the declaration applies Any area of State forest that is a Fire Operations Area or Buffer is declared to be a Public Safety Zone and, pursuant to section 5(1)(a) of the Act, is an area to which this declaration applies. Purpose for which the areas have been declared Pursuant to section 5(1)(b) of the Act, the purpose for which a Public Safety Zone has been declared are specified as: a) fire operations; and b) the maintenance of public safety. Period of the declaration Pursuant to section 5(1)(c) of the Act, the period for which the Public Safety Zones are declared is specified to be the period commencing from 9 October 2015 to 8 October 2016 inclusive. Activities prohibited a) For the purposes of section 5(1)(e) of the Act, the activities that are prohibited in the areas declared to be Public Safety Zones are specified to be: (i) activities that interfere with exempt persons undertaking fire operations; (ii) activities that would expose any person to risks to their health or safety. b) In clause 6(a) of this declaration – (i) ‘activity’ includes: (a) entering a Public Safety Zone; (b) remaining in or being present in a Public Safety Zone; (c) walking, riding or driving in a Public Safety Zone; (d) camping or setting up a camp in a Public Safety Zone; and (e) placing an obstruction within a Public Safety Zone. (ii) ‘exempt person’ means any person or class of person specified in: (a) clause 8 of this declaration; and (b) section 9 of the Act. Periods when access is prohibited For the purposes of section 5(1)(d) of the Act, the period during which access to a Public Safety Zone is prohibited is the period from commencement of Fire Operations in a Public Safety Zone to the cessation of Fire Operations in that Public Safety Zone, as determined by the following: Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2151 Fire Operations: (i) commence or commenced in a Public Safety Zone upon either of the following occurring or having occurred: (a) a notice being displayed on or near that Public Safety Zone in accordance with section 11(1) of the Act; (b) equipment, machinery or vehicles for fire operations being present in that Public Safety Zone; and (ii) cease upon a notice of the completion of Fire Operations in that Public Safety Zone being displayed on or near that Public Safety Zone by an employee of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water or VicForests. For the purposes of this declaration, Fire Operations can commence and cease more than once in a Public Safety Zone. 8. Exempt person or class of person Pursuant to section 5(2) of the Act, the following persons or classes of person are exempt from the operation of this declaration: (a) Employees, agents and contractors of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water, VicForests, Country Fire Authority and Hancock Victorian Plantations who are trained in Basic Wildfire Awareness or higher, or are accompanied by a person trained in Basic Wildfire Awareness or higher. (b) Employees, agents and contractors of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water and Vic Forests engaged in carrying out their functions. (c) Employees, agents and contractors of the Country Fire Authority, WorkSafe, Environment Protection Authority and the State Emergency Services engaged in carrying out their functions. (d) Members of Victoria Police engaged in carrying out their functions. Dated 28 September 2015 Executed by the Secretary to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning by being signed by its delegate BRENDAN ROUGHEAD Regional Director, Grampians Region pursuant to a delegation made under section 11(2) of the Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 and dated 3 September 2012 Notes: 1. Fire Operations Plans and maps approved in or under these plans are held at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Regional Offices at Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Benalla, Traralgon, and at 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002 (by appointment with the Planned Burning Delivery Manager). The maps are also available on the following website: 2. In addition to the above persons or classes of person exempted under section 5(2), section 9 of the Safety on Public Land Act 2004 provides that a public safety zone declaration does not apply to the following: – the Secretary; – an authorised officer; – a utility engaged in the carrying out of its functions in a State forest; – a transport authority engaged in the carrying out of its functions in a State forest; – a person or class of person authorised under section 10 of the Safety on Public Land Act 2004 to be in the public safety zone. 2152 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Water Act 1989 BULK ENTITLEMENT (RIVER MURRAY – LOWER MURRAY URBAN AND RURAL WATER – IRRIGATION) CONVERSION ORDER 1999 Minor Amendment Notice 2015 (No. 2) I, Lisa Neville, as Minister administering the Water Act 1989, by notice amend the Bulk Entitlement (River Murray – Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water – Irrigation) Conversion Order 1999. 1Title This Notice is called the Bulk Entitlement (River Murray – Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water – Irrigation) Minor Amendment Notice 2015 (No. 2). 2Purpose The purpose of this Notice is to amend the Bulk Entitlement (River Murray – Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water – Irrigation) Conversion Order 1999 (the Bulk Entitlement) to adjust the loss allowances for Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water’s irrigation districts to enable the final transfer of water savings from the Sunraysia Irrigation Modernisation Project to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. 3 Authorising provision This Notice is made in accordance with section 45 of the Water Act 1989. 4Commencement This Notice comes into effect on the day it is published in the Government Gazette. 5 Amendments to clause 13 Allowances for Distribution Losses (1) For clause 13.2(a)(iv) of the Bulk Entitlement substitute – ‘(iv) for Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water’s irrigation districts, 6.6 GL;’ (2) For clause 13.2(c)(iv) of the Bulk Entitlement substitute – ‘(iv) for Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water’s irrigation districts, 12.6 GL;’ 6 Amendment of Schedule 1 – Tables allocating shares of water available (1) For Schedule 1 of the Bulk Entitlement substitute – ‘SCHEDULE 1: TABLES ALLOCATING SHARES OF WATER AVAILABLE (clauses 6, 12 of the BE Order) Table 1: High-reliability Entitlements (GL) Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2153 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Table 2: Low-reliability Entitlements (GL) ’. 2154 Victoria Government Gazette 7 G 40 8 October 2015 2155 Amendment of Schedule 5 – Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water – River Murray Primary Entitlements (1) For the clause 1 of Schedule 5 of the Bulk Entitlement substitute – ‘1. Supply of water to holders entitlements issued in respect of the Murray Water System, for taking from the Murray water system Table 1 – Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water – River Murray Primary Entitlements Dated 28 September 2015 ’ LISA NEVILLE MP Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water 2156 G 40 8 October 2015 Victoria Government Gazette Planning and Environment Act 1987 VICTORIA PLANNING PROVISIONS Notice of Approval of Amendment Amendment VC128 The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment VC128 to the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP) and all planning schemes in Victoria. The Amendment comes into operation on the date this notice is published in the Government Gazette. The Amendment changes the VPP and all planning schemes in Victoria by: amending Clause 18.04-1 (Melbourne Airport) and Clause 18.04-2 (Planning for airports) to include the National Airports Safeguarding Framework (NASF) as a policy guideline; amending Clause 18.04-1 (Melbourne Airport) to update the policy guidelines by replacing Melbourne Airport Master Plan (Australia Pacific Airports (Melbourne) Pty Ltd, September 2008) with Melbourne Airport Master Plan, 2013; and amending Clause 11.14-1 (Localised planning statements) to include the Bellarine Peninsula Localised Planning Statement (Victorian Government, 2015) (BPLPS) as a policy guideline. The Amendment is available for public inspection on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) website, JIM GARD’NER Executive Director Statutory Planning and Heritage Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2157 ORDE RS IN COUNCIL Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 REPEAL OF ITEMS FROM THE THREATENED LIST Order in Council The Governor in Council, under section 10(1) of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, repeals the items described in the Schedule below from the Threatened List. Schedule ITEMS REPEALED FROM THE THREATENED LIST Rare Bitter-bush (Adriana quadripartita) Western Water-starwort (Callitriche cyclocarpa) Dated 6 October 2015 Responsible Ministers: LISA NEVILLE Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water JAALA PULFORD Minister for Agriculture MATTHEW McBEATH Clerk of the Executive Council 2158 G 40 8 October 2015 This page was left blank intentionally Victoria Government Gazette Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 This page was left blank intentionally 2159 2160 G 40 8 October 2015 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1994 NOTICE THAT STATUTORY RULES ARE OBTAINABLE Notice is hereby given under section 17(3) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 that the following Statutory Rules were first obtainable from SAI Global Bookshop, 85 Buckhurst Street, South Melbourne on the date specified: 108.Statutory Rule:Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) (Fertilisers) Regulations 2015 Authorising Act:Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1992 Date first obtainable: 7 October 2015 Code B 109.Statutory Rule:Traditional Owner Settlement (Negotiation Costs) Regulations 2015 Authorising Act:Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 Date first obtainable: 7 October 2015 Code A 110.Statutory Rule: Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Cultivation of a Narcotic Plant) Regulations 2015 Authorising Act: Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 Date first obtainable: 7 October 2015 Code A 111.Statutory Rule: Freedom of Information Amendment Regulations 2015 Authorising Act: Freedom of Information Act 1982 Date first obtainable: 7 October 2015 Code A Victoria Government Gazette 112.Statutory Rule: Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Amendment No. 13) Rules 2015 Authorising Act: Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998 Date first obtainable: 7 October 2015 Code A Victoria Government Gazette G 40 8 October 2015 2161 PRICING FOR SPECIAL GAZETTE, PERIODICAL GAZETTE AND VICTORIAN LEGISLATION Retail price varies according to the number of pages in each Victoria Government Special Gazette, Victoria Government Periodical Gazette and Victorian legislation. The table below sets out the prices that apply. 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