Hopkins Street Masterplan


Hopkins Street Masterplan
Hopkins Street Masterplan
Footscray VIC, Australia
Places Victoria
Total Site Area
1.3 ha
Final Master Plan
Hayball Architects
Traffix Group
Regional Development Victoria
McGregor Coxall, in collaboration with Hayball
Architects, were engaged by Places Victoria to
prepare a Master Plan for the redevelopment of the
Le Mans Site in the Joseph Road Precinct, Footscray.
In the role as joint urban designer with Hayball,
McGregor Coxall produced three development
scenarios to test the development feasibility for the
1.3 hectare site. Each scenario, informed by
specialist input from Antartica and Room 11
architects, studied the mix, make up and disposition
of a variety of different residential products coupled
with community and local village style uses.
McGregor Coxall also led the landscape architecture
and public realm design of the site and its surrounds.
The design significantly improved the site's
connections to the river and broader context whilst
adding development value and improving amenity for
the neighbourhood.