CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Filipe Pires [email protected] CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH The Centre for Astrophysics of the University of Porto is a scientific private association of the University, recognised of public utility, which started its activities in October 1990. Its objectives include the promotion and support of Astronomy through : - research , - education at the graduate and undergraduate levels , - conferences, courses and seminars , - activities for Primary and Secondary Schools, as well as the popularization of Astronomy through the Popularization Unit. 1 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Formal Training Doctorates CAUP is the Host Institution for Doctorates in Astronomy organized by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Doctoral Programme The Centre for Astrophysics of the University of Porto (CAUP) accepts candidates to the Doctoral Program in Astronomy of the Applied Mathematics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. Masters Degree in Astronomy Masters Degree in Teaching of Astronomy CAUP is the Host Institution of two Masters organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto Undergraduate Degree - Licenciatura Física / Matemática Aplicada The Astronomy Degree, the first in the country, provides an interdisciplinary training, including applications of mathematics, physics, computation, data handling and others essential to modern Astronomy. Informal Training Basics Sort course on Astronomy for secondary teachers CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Outreach at CAUP, regular activities: Astronomy in the schools - Portable planetarium - Talks - Exhibitions Astronomy for public - Astroteca (Public Library) - Astronomia às 21! (public talks) - Mais perto das Estrelas (public amateur observation) - Astronotícias (Astronomy News) Porto Planetarium - 5 different thematic shows - hands-on laboratory - Temporary Exhibitions Activities with other institutions (Minister from Science and technology). 2 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Porto Planetarium The Porto Planetarium opened it’s doors to the public in November 1998. The Planetarium is owned by a Foundation - Fundação Ciência e Desenvolvimento - that was established in 1995, by the University of Porto and by Porto’s Town Hall. The scientific supervision of the Planetarium is asserted by the Center for Astrophysics of the University of Porto, while the Foundation is responsible for the day to day management. The Planetarium dome seats 93 people, in specially designed chairs. Astronomers, in constant dialogue with the audience, guide them through the wonders of the Universe and of the night sky. CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Programs: - “O Vitor vai à Lua” - “Visões do Cosmos” - “ALMA: a procura das origens” - “A nossa estrela o Sol” - “Novos Mundos” 3 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Astronomy in the schools The in the Schools project involves a portable planetarium that takes astronomy to the class room, from pre-school to the 8th grade. Since 1990 the portable planetarium has had the participation of 170 000 students from all over the country. CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Astroteca Astroteca is a multimedia resource centre in Astronomy. It features a library, magazines, computers with software and internet access. Visitors are guided by specialists in Astronomy. The mission of Astroteca is: - Collect information about astronomy for everyone; - Support the teachers and students; - Connect the research Center and teaching. All visitors have the support of a monitor with astronomy background. The program “Aprender com a Astroteca” (Learn with Astroteca) is a cycle of hands-on activities that takes place on the last Saturday of every month, from 15:00 to 17:00, in the Astroteca. Materials included. Admission is free and open to everyone. 4 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Average of 2.5 news per month in 2006. 6 000 hit per month. CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH 5 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Mais perto das Estrelas – Closer to the stars Mais perto das Estrelas (Closer to the Stars) is a program of telescope observing sessions. Admission is free and open to everyone. The sessions take place on the second Thursday of every month, between 21:00 and 23:00 at CAUP. After a small lecture inside the dome of the Planetarium, weather permitting, there will be telescope observing on the outside of the building. Also avaiable for the schools. CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Astronomia às 21! – (Astronomy at 21!) Astronomia às 21! (Astronomy at 21!) is a cycle of monthly public lectures on Astronomy. The 45 minute talks are presented by researchers at CAUP. Admission is free and open to everyone. The lectures take place on the third Thursday of every month, at 21:30, in the auditorium of the Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett (Almeida Garrett Municipal Library), in the Crystal Palace Gardens. 6 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Temporary Exhibitions CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Temporary Exhibitions XMM European Science Week 2002/3 – Space Weather 7 CAUP RESEARCH TRAINING OUTREACH Activities with other institutions – Minister for science and Technology Scientific Holidays for Students - 2003 8