Winter - AIDS Emergency Fund
LEATHER AND FEATHERS, AEF TURNS 31 WINTER 2013 The famous San Francisco Armory hosted our LEATHER and FEATHERS event on Thursday, September 26. The event gave guests ample room for creative costumes, several of which were recognized during the evening, and the setting contributed to a general sense of naughtiness. Guests enjoyed sexy cocktails, tasty bites by Macadamia Events Catering, VIP tours of Armory and sets by KINK. com. Special thanks to our Mistresses of Ceremony, Donna Sachet and Sister Roma. We also honored Troy Brunet, Empress XXV Marlena, Cynthia Hester and Neil Figurelli, all remarkable individuals who have proven their generosity and commitment to AEF again and again. The final treat was a musical set from Billboard Recording Artist Brian Kent, backed by his own band. TICKETS SONGSOFTHESEASON.NET SONGS OF THE SEASON: A LABOR OF LOVE A LETTER FROM DONNA SACHET For 20 years, we have gathered a talented group of friends, found a suitable venue, produced a top notch musical show, and raised significant money for AIDS Emergency Fund with Donna Sachet’s Songs of the Season. We start immediately after the shows end, analyzing sponsorship responses, evaluating performances, critiquing the venue, reviewing promotional efforts, and compiling it all to use the next year. Each year, around July, Richard Sablatura, my producer for over 10 years, begins to gently remind me of the approaching holiday season. This year, we had an especially challenging situation with the change of management at the venue at the Nikko Hotel, previously known as The Rrazz Room and now Feinstein’s. Despite some greatly appreciated help from P.R. rep Charlie Zukow, we could not come to an agreement with this lovely venue which ensured the right return on investment for AIDS Emergency Fund. We have always been committed to a top quality show and raising significant money for AEF. So, Richard and I began the search for a new venue, one with the right acoustic elements, ambiance, location, capacity, management, etc. Eventually, we found it right under our own noses. For 8 years, I have been performing in Sunday’s a Drag at the Starlight Room in the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, working closely with its manager Michael Pagan to improve lighting and sound, increase promotional efforts, maintain top quality performances, and evolve into a “must-see” San Francisco attraction. When I saw Molly Ringwald perform a cabaret show there in July, I knew it would work for Songs of the Season. Because of prior commitments, we are limited to only 2 nights and some challenges remain, but we know we are in great hands with Michael Pagan, who has an extensive background in theatre and cabaret. Guest performers are lining up, musicians are confirming, and generous sponsors are clamoring for information. So don’t delay! Donna Sachet’s Songs of the Season returns for its 21st year on Monday and Tuesday, December 2nd and 3rd, at the Starlight Room of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, as always, benefiting AIDS Emergency Fund. ture u F t h g i r r a Bt o f g n i n n Pla ms, Board Presiden lia Scott Wil For millions of uninsured and/ or low-income people with disabling illnesses, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as “Obamacare,” promises access to quality healthcare, regardless of income or pre-existing conditions. ACA will be the greatest change to our country’s healthcare system in decades. While the ACA will bring millions into care, nearly all of AEF’s clients disabled by HIV already have had access to healthcare and AIDS medications through the Ryan White Act, which also funds supportive services like emergency financial assistance from AEF or meals from Open Hand. The implementation of ACA poses huge challenges to people with HIV and their medical care providers. Gradually, people with HIV/AIDS will be moved off of Ryan White-funded medical care and onto Medicaid. Many in our community are concerned about what will happen with the Ryan White Act. Will it stay the same, shrink, or go away altogether? What about the funds from Ryan White that have been designated for the many other life-sustaining services for people with HIV, such as the emergency assistance funds distributed by AIDS Emergency Fund? These are huge questions that now loom over many AIDS organizations as we make near-, medium-, and long-term plans for how to best serve our clients’ needs in a rapidly changing environment. Because all AIDS service providers must change with the times and the populations that we serve, the Board of Directors of AIDS Emergency Fund is now embarking upon our strategic planning process, which happens every three years. We’ll closely examine the national, state, and local government funding environments, particularly in terms of the ACA and Ryan White, but changes in charitable giving to AIDS organizations and the evolving needs of HIV-positive San Franciscans are of equal concern. We’re honored to have Susan Colson, a consultant with extensive experience in nonprofit strategic planning, leading our charge. Other AEF Board members Eric Christiansen, Rory Quintara, and Brad Saget, as well as our Executive Director Mike Smith, will also serve on this critical project to conclude in early 2014. The goal of our strategic planning process is to produce a blueprint for a secure future: one that adds financial stability to AEF in these tumultuous times while ensuring that AEF continues to meet the needs of our clients for years to come. I look forward to sharing our findings with you in an upcoming issue of Heart to Heart. Dancing Queen Tea Dance is Coming in January! DJ Russ Rich and Christopher B will be rocking out Beatbox as Dancing Queen returns on MLK Weekend, Sunday January 19, 2014. Our Commun ity Never Sto ps Giving BIGMUSCLE.COM MEET AND GREET and founders Bill Sanderson and Andy Wysocki hosted their 10th Annual Meet and Greet at DNA Lounge over Folsom Weekend, Saturday, September 28th. This year’s event raised a whopping $13,000! Listening to our clients... Lee Harrington, Client Services Director As part of AEF’s contract with the SF Department of Public Health, our Client Services Department conducts an annual assessment of how we are doing at meeting the needs of our diverse client population. The feedback we received is very positive and I thought I’d share it with you, our friends and donors. In October, we conducted two focus groups — one for our community partner agencies and one for our clients. We asked the same questions of both groups: (1) What are your ideas/ suggestions about how AEF services can be designed and improved in addressing community needs/desires; (2) How can AEF include more clients in the planning process; (3) Does AEF already include HIV+ community members and/or providers in the planning process; (4) Are positive changes being made in the community by AEF, and are the services an asset to the community; and (5) Assuming it’s possible, what other services/ expenses should AEF offer/cover? Both groups felt that AEF is both efficient and effective, with a limited amount of paperwork and a quick turnaround for payments. As to client inclusion, the clients especially felt valued and respected just by virtue of being involved in the focus group. Partner agencies thought having a client on the Board would be a good way of including them in the planning process; however, the client group did not think that would be necessary, as they feel the Board already does a good job of representing the needs of our clients. Both groups acknowledged that volunteering for AEF allows clients access to the agency and its processes, and gives the clients a chance to feel like they are giving back to the community. Both groups felt that AEF’s services are not only an asset to the community but are vital in keeping people housed and healthy. The key priorities for both groups were to maintain the present quality and accessibility of services; to increase opportunities for clients to communicate with AEF and help both partners and clients feel more connected to AEF via social media and newsletters. Over the coming year, we work to improve our cultural competency, continue to respond to the needs of our clients, and maintain the open, welcoming and multi-lingual environment of our offices. Remodeling Forces Cancellation of AEF Holiday Dinner for People with HIV/AIDS A Million Thanks AEF’s annual free Christmas Eve Day dinner for people with HIV/AIDS will need to be cancelled for 2013 due to the renovation project at the War Memorial Opera House, which has hosted the event since 1988. Attended by more than 1,100 people, the all-day event had featured a lavish dinner of turkey with all the trimmings and entertainment by some of San Francisco’s most popular performers. “We’ve been looking at dozens of potential alternatives, but there are so few low-cost venues that can accommodate 1,100 people on Christmas Eve,” said Neil Figurelli, head of the all-volunteer committee that plans and executes the dinner. “It just breaks my heart to skip a year of this important tradition.” “With entirely donated food and labor, the event can be produced for about $10,000,” said Mike Smith, Executive Director of AEF. “A hotel venue would 2013 has been a busy year for our volunteers. We started the year with Dancing Queen T-Dance at Beatbox, then some beerbusts at the SF Eagle, the fairs with Up Your Alley, Folsom Street, Castro Street and then we celebrated turning 31 at the San Francisco Armory. In between all the Leather and Feathers, all of our volunteers made a tremendous difference. We especially want to thank all our office volunteers, who may not work the big events, but help out with day-to-day paperwork, errands and other inner workings of our development and volunteer departments. Special thanks to Craig Andersen, RJ Sloan, and Lupe Martinez for being such fantastic day-to-day office and errand volunteers. We are so thankful and lucky to have such great and committed volunteers. Thanks again and Happy Holidays! Don’t forget, if you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at 415-558-6999 x 225 or send me an email, [email protected]. cost ten times that, and church spaces are being used that day for services or don’t have big enough kitchens for prep.” The mostly low-income and/ or homeless attendees arrive on foot or by public transit, so an alternative venue would need to be near the Tenderloin or along the Market/Van Ness corridors. “We’ve also come to realize that an event of this nature needs to be in a city-owned facility that is welcoming to our hard-to-serve population,” said Figurelli. Frank Martinez, Volunteer Manager Led each year by Neil Figurelli, the Holiday Dinner Committee consists of Cindy Roberts, Terry Irvin, Randy Schiller, Gavin Middleton, Glennon Sutter, George Macaluso, and Stanley Wong. An additional 200 volunteers work as serving assistants. The event is completely underwritten by corporate and foundation gifts, including Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket Babylon, Bon Appetit Management (which donates 80 cooked and sliced turkeys!) and the Eli and Mae Rosen Foundation, among many others. Who’s Who at A EF FOUNDERS Frederick H. Booth , Jr. Walter Mellon BOARD PRESIDEN T Sylvester #MIGHTYREAL Scott Williams BOARD MEMBER S Derek Brocklehurst Eric Christiansen Lu Conrad Karen Edwards Lance Holman Rory Quintana Brad Saget Jerry Suarez Heather Renshaw Vu etin Happy Birthday to Sylvester! AEF celebrated Sylvester’s Birthday this year at the Midnight Sun and Harvey’s in his honor and to celebrate his new release, Mighty Real Greatest Dance Hits. Dual parties were hosted by AEF and Project Open EXECUTIVE DIRECT OR Hand; both agencies are major beneficiaries Mike Smith of Sylvester’s bequeathed music catalog. STAFF Jonathan Foulk There was dancing, performances, trivia Lee Harrington Jeff Jones and money was raised for both agencies. Yana Martichonok Frank Martinez Thanks Sylvester, we love you! Kome Muller Even if you already own all of Sylvester’s 12 Grace Street, Su ite 300 catalog, please consider adding this speSan Francisco, CA 94103 cial reissue package to your collection PHONE: 415.558 .6999 and you’ll help AIDS Emergency Fund FAX: 415.558.69 90 WEB continue to serve our community. Order your copy today! Digital on iTunes or CD/Vinyl on Amazon. Federal Tax ID: 94 -2922039 OH! PRIDE PARTY AT THE POWERHOUSE! HARDBOX AT BEATBOX Thanks to the Oh! Party and Powerhouse Scott for the generous Pride Party donation! Thanks for thinking of us during the busy Pride season. Thanks Rob Saures for hosting a fabulous party, and especially thanks for over $250 in donations you were able to raise for our clients. SPA NIGHT AT THE LOOKOUT WITH SISTER ROMA AND SISTER PAT! TANATHON What a success Sister Roma and Sister Pat had at the Lookout! Spa Night was fabulous and the Sisters were able to raise over $400 from their event. We love you Sisters! BILL DOES IT AGAIN! Donations keep coming in on behalf of tireless marathoner, Bill McCarty. Thanks so much for your hard work and the many miles you log on behalf of AIDS Emergency Fund. On behalf of our clients, we are forever grateful! Keep running Bill! SF EAGLE LEATHER DADDY AND LEATHER BOY CONTEST 2013 Thank you SF Eagle and San Francisco Leather Daddy title holders, David Meyer and Steve Gaynes, for hosting and passing the titles on to our new San Francisco Leather Daddy and Boy. It was a beautiful night to gather at the SF Eagle and see all the contestants, to participate in the fundraising raffles and toast the new title holders. Congratulations to Brett Brockschmidt, Leather Daddy XXIX and Leather Boy XXIX, Eric Burkett, we are all very proud to have this tradition continue and look forward to their new reigning year. The event raised over $600 for our clients. We are very grateful! Our friends at Tan Bella hosted their third annual fundraiser for AEF. They raised over $1,100 for us on this one-day fundraising event. 10% of sales for the day went back to our clients in need. Huge shout-out to Gregory Murray and the staff at Tan Bella for giving back to the community! We love you! Mention AEF and you will receive a very special discount for being a friend of AEF. THE SUNDANCE STOMPEDE October 31 – November 3. Four nights of dance parties. Three days of dance workshops. Hundreds of cowfolks. One amazing weekend! AEF is grateful to be a beneficiary of this event. A huge shout out to Ingu Yun and Dave Hayes for all that you do for AEF and the community! We love you both! FOLLOW US ON TW ITTER ‘LIKE’ US ON FACE BOOK aidsemergencyfun d Help AEF reach our goal of 3,000 “likes” EVERY PENNY COUNTS Empty Your Drawers was held on October 13 and raised over $1,000 in loose change. Thank you to those that came out and gave us your pennies! Every penny does count! A huge thank you to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the Bare Chest Calendar Men for making the event fun and festive. Lance Brittain has put his heart and soul into EPC and we thank you for all that you do for us! Become a Volunteer To learn about how you can volunteer, please visit: LeatherWalk Raised $11,000! Former Mr. San Francisco Leather, Lance Holman, led more than 125 people on the 22nd annual LeatherWalk down Market Street into South of Market, the traditional home of San Francisco’s leather community. The Walkers raised $11,000 in pledges from friends, family and co-workers to benefit AIDS Emergency Fund and Breast Cancer Emergency Fund. The traditional raising of the Leather Flag at Harvey Milk Plaza could not take place this year, due to new flag-raising guidelines that restrict the use of the pole to the rainbow flag only. So a new tradition was born on Sunday. A contingent of former SF Leather Daddy title holders hoisted a new leather flag up the new flagpole on the grounds of the SF Eagle Bar. Special thanks to all the performers who entertained the walkers and behind the scenes tech and production crew who helped the event moving smoothly. SAVE THE DATE LeatherW Sunday, S alk 2014 eptember 14, 2014 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT #925 AIDS EMERGENCY FUND Providing emergency financial assistance to people fighting HIV/AIDS 12 Grace Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, California 94103 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 2362 Market Street JOIN US FOR DINNER! 25% of proceeds benefit AIDS Emergency Fund and Breast Cancer Emergency Fund. Thursday, November 21 Call now to make your reservation and mention us: (415) 431-5000
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