Magazine April 2006

Transcription Magazine April 2006
April 2006
Issue 30
of charge
James Loney
Christian, Activist,
Openly Gay…Hero?
Gay Legalese
Marriage: Get It
While It’s Hot
Calgary’s resource for Business, Tourism, Events,
Bars and Entertainment for the Gay, Lesbian,
Bi and Gay Friendly Community.
Established originally in January
1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM
Communications. Named changed to in 1998. Stand alone
company as of January 2004. First Issue
of Magazine, November
Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino,
[email protected]
Editor Rob Diaz Marino,
[email protected]
Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs
Steve Polyak [email protected]
Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Nina Tron,
Stephen Lock, M. Zelda, Jason Clevett,
Jerome Voltero, Darryl A. Aarbo, Alykhan Velji,
Nico Hofferd, Kevin Alderson, Shone Abet,
Matchbox Max, Tamrin Hildebrandt, and the
Gay and Lesbian Community of Calgary
Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino
Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino
Please forward all inquiries to: Magazine
Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2
Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888)
Fax (403) 703-0685
Table of Contents
Masthead continued on page 4
Letter from the Publisher
8 Reader’s
Award Results from 2005
12 Aids Vancouver’s
Safer Sex Campaign
Honouring Gay Men Who Do It Right
Map & Event Listings
Gay Legalese
Q Scopes
Adult Film Review
A Couple of Guys
James Loney
E-mail [email protected]
Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year
Find out what’s happening
Marriage: Get It While It’s Hot
“Watch your diet, Capricorn!”
Christian, Activist, Openly Gay…Hero?
1st World Outgames in Montreal A Historic First
Continued on page 4 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Continued from page 3
Q Puzzle
The Clean House
Bitter Girl
Continued from page 3
Just Ask Nina!
Copies Printed Monthly, up to 10,000
ATP’s Newest Show is Gloriously Messy
The Dish who dishes advice
By women - for Everyone!
Distribution points 200 points in
Calgary, largest distribution points for
any Gay publication in Calgary. Also
distributed coast to coast across Canada
in select locations in Toronto, Vancouver,
Edmonton, Montreal, Regina, Saskatoon,
Winnipeg, and other places across Canada.
Please call us if you would like to be a
distribution point.
hoot! hoot! hoot!
Distributed by DLRJ Distributions, Canada
Post and by
Queens, Courts and Crowns
Engaging, Challenging & ThoughtProvoking Films
“Extreme View of Family”
The World of Drag
Trend Setting Bathrooms
Far Away
Theatre Junction’s Unique “Grand” Debut
Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo,
Barristers and Solicitors
Renewed Attacks on Same-Sex Marriage
Printers North Hill News
Letters from the ISCCA Candidates
This Issue Cover Models Brad Bostock and
Phil Ivers, photographed by Steve Polyak
and Rob Diaz-Marino.
Fundraising Photos
Press Releases
Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal)
Classifieds Ads
Will They Work?
Events that happened around Calgary
May 2006
Ad Space Booking Wednesday April 26th 2006
Ad Submission Friday April 28th 2006
Press Deadline
In Circulation - Wednesday
May 3rd 2006
Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month
(unless otherwise stated) magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month
(unless otherwise stated)
The opinions expressed in this magazine are
not necessarily those of or
the contributors of the magazine.
People photographed or interviewed,
writers, advertisers, contributors and
anyone else involved with this publication
are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi,
bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be
straight people that are gay friendly.
No part of the publication may be reprinted
without the expressed permission of the
Copyright 2006
Letter from the Publisher
By Rob Diaz-Marino and Steve Polyak
At the beginning of the month we attended
the Calgary Eagle’s Dirty Bird awards – a
parody of the Oscars where they made up
clever nominations for their patrons in certain categories. Though there was a category
for G-rated pool table incidents, I miraculously managed to escape nomination for my
little fall-down-go-boom incident last June
during my birthday. It was fun hearing the
mock movie titles they made up for the people nominated in each category – our favorite was Lady Fawn in “Up the Creek With a
Paddle”! Unfortunately the joke was on us
– Steve and I won for Best Lesbian Couple…
woo freakin’ hoo. So why can’t I wipe the
grin off my face as I write this?
As sponsors of the Vagina Monologues this year, Steve
and I got courtesy tickets to attend the performance. As
gay men, we thought we could get away living our lives in
blissful ignorance of the Vagina, otherwise known as the
“down there”, the “cootchie-snorcher”, or our favorite new
euphemism “douche-canoe”. Though some parts made
us feel a little nauseous (especially the sketch about the
period), this performance made us realize what women
have to go through in their everyday lives, and some of the
horrors of abuse in a male-dominated society. For us, the
vagina is no longer such a conceptual black hole – better
understanding leads to better appreciation, and certainly
more respect…even if it did make me think thank God I’m
a gay man. I have a number of straight buddies who are
very uptight about their sexuality, so they could certainly
use something like this to help them finally break through
all the damned taboo about the opposite sex (and maybe a
Penis Monologues wouldn’t be a bad idea for them either).
It was quite apparent that everyone in the audience, gay
and straight alike, were quite moved by the performance. I
dare say the Vagina Monologues received a standing ovulation!
Once again Steve and I had to split up to photograph all
the events happening this month. With Metro the Club
and the Rekroom closing their doors, it was important
for me to photograph at Kim Would’s last Saturday show
at the Rekroom. This happened to be the same night as
the 2nd Annual Straight to Diva at the Calgary Eagle,
which was designated to Steve. Unfortunately I had to
leave Kim’s show a little early because I got an emergency
call from Steve – he had come down with the latest bout
of the Flu, and the fever was hitting him hard. He felt
like he was going to pass out, and his hands were getting
so shaky that he could no longer even hold the camera
steady. I showed up as soon as I could to find Steve
shivering in the corner by the bar, pale as a sheet. After
getting him his winter coat and giving him some Tylenol,
I continued taking photos of the event. Understandably
I was a little too preoccupied to join in the partying, but
Straight to Diva was a great success – they announced
that they beat last year’s grand total by $2000! The Tylenol helped, and soon Steve got his color back and was able
to take some wrap-up photos. Thank goodness for Mark
who was kind enough to keep watch over Steve while I
was away taking photos, and gave us a ride home after the
event done.
HGTV’s Designer Superstar Challenge came to an end
this month, and although Aly didn’t win, he still made it
into the top 3! We’re very proud of him, but we have to
release our grip on him for a couple of months as his appearance on the show has lead him to be part of another
This Month
The ISCCA Coronation is coming up this month. Don’t
forget to vote for the Emperor and Empress candidates
that you would like to represent Calgary. Matchbox Max
contributed an article this month that explains what the
Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch is all about
– read it on page 36. Also, take a gander at the platforms
of this year’s Emperor and Empress candidates on page
48. For more information on the dates and locations of the
Coronation Week events, visit
Another major event coming up that you’d better not
forget about is the Apollo Western Cup weekend! Sign up
to compete or just go watch all the guys and gals magazine #30, Apr. 2006
ting sweaty while they play. Test your vocal abilities in
the Apollo Idol competition, and of course, party your
heart out at the Apollo dance on Saturday the 15th! Visit for all the details.
Kim Fontaine, the Saskatchewan singer/songwriter
whose CD we reviewed last year, will be making her way
back to Calgary this month. She will be performing on
Friday April 21st at the Karma Lounge.
Bar Banter
Metro the Club and the Rekroom recently announced
that they would be closing their doors on the 1st of April,
which had many people touting this as the end of an era.
The business has been sold, and after the estimated 2
weeks of renovations the new owners will reopen as an
alternative club/restaurant by the name of Ilyxor. It is
surreal to think that a gay space that we’ve known for over
16 years will be no more, and even moreso that a brand
new business will be a connection to all those memories.
Burning Down the Rumor Mill
Our Reader’s Choice survey results are finally in (see
page 8), and one major trend that we noticed was staunch
bar loyalty. Now, there’s nothing wrong with having a
favorite bar, but in some cases this became a little ridiculous. Some people simply nominated their favorite bar
indiscriminately for every category – in some cases for
categories that didn’t even apply! On the other hand, the
thing that people most frequently said was missing in our
gay community was unity, especially in the bar scene. I
find it ironic because in my view these two issues are on
the opposite sides of the same coin.
Now, I feel it necessary to clarify that the “Bar Wars” did
not start just recently – it all has been going on for years.
It seems that a lot of people have forgotten this fact and
are pointing the finger solely at the newer players on the
scene, which is neither fair nor accurate. In fact, I would
argue that pointing the finger at only the bars is a gross
miscalculation. Where do the bars get their information
about what the other bars are doing? Mostly from their
clientele. What are their clientele doing while they’re at
the bars? Drinking alcohol, or in some cases, regrettably
using other substances. What happens when people drink
too much alcohol or get high? They do and say things that
they shouldn’t.
So simply put, I believe the bar-goers are to blame for
bootstrapping the Bar Wars; the people who are so loyal
to one bar that they rarely step foot into another one, and
yet they talk like they know all about the inner workings
of their “enemy”. I especially blame the people that decide
to start a lie for fun or for profit, to see how much damage they can cause to businesses they only know through
hearsay. I even blame the people who hear the latest
gossip and mindlessly pass it on verbatim to their friends.
Talk becomes rumor and rumors spread like wildfire,
evolving and becoming more outrageous and dangerous as
it passes from person to person like some kind of disease.
Then before you know it, the bars are acting on what they
have heard from their customers – 10 people told them the
6 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
same story, so it must be true! They are taking the offensive against some threat that may have never even existed,
and sometimes they cross the line by actually doing something nasty outright to their competition. Then comes the
retaliation from those they offend, and it goes back and
forth et infinitum. Even with the death of a business, the
negativity just redistributes to the ones that remain - it’s
all the same people with nothing resolved.
For those who expressed their concern about this constant infighting, I hear you, and I am just as concerned,
frustrated, and annoyed. I’m afraid it’s going to take burning down the rumor mill, and some giant leaps of faith
from the bars to clear up all the hard feelings and political
pollution that has accumulated. Since
Magazine started, we have witnessed 7 bars close their
doors (The Verge, Indulge, Solar Café, Detour, Pulse, Metro
the Club, and the Rekroom), and now there are only 5
left (Backlot, Calgary Eagle, Money Pennies, The Texas
Lounge, and Twisted Element). Some of these bars have
been more caught in the fray than others, but none are
100% blameless. I applaud those that have tried to keep
away from all the negativity, but it can sometimes be just
one moment of weakness that sucks you in. Now more
than ever, Calgary needs a Gay and Lesbian Chamber of
Commerce where everyone can finally sit down and resolve
their issues, in the spirit of co-operation.
In the meantime, as the general public goes, I highly
suggest that the extreme bar loyalists try going out
somewhere else for a change, and I don’t mean with arms
crossed and eyes closed. In addition, the gossip queens
need to realize they have a brain between their ears and
their mouth – it’s time to start being more of a filter than
a funnel. And this applies to everyone - if you really want
to know something then go right to the source, not your
friend’s boyfriend’s brother who used to work for them but
got fired. The truth is seldom as juicy as we’d like it to be.
Anyway, I better stop myself on this rant. Go ahead and
call me a jerk if you think my saying all of this is totally
uncalled for, and certainly call me out if you think I’m
mistaken – our Letters to the Publisher section would be a
great vessel for public debate.
Help Wanted
Did you ever think to yourself that Steve and I could really use a break with the excessive amount of work we do?
Right now we need a reliable part-time employee to take
over handling sales. We’re also on the lookout for more
writers who are willing to take assigned article topics and
conduct interviews. If you know of anyone who might be
interested, please point them in our direction! Resumés
can be faxed to (403) 703-0685 or E-mailed to magazine@g
If you’re looking rather to express your opinion, write a letter
to the publisher by E-mailing [email protected]. If
you’ve got something good to say about someone or something,
then that’s awesome! If you’ve got something bad to say about
someone or something…well, just try to keep those claws sheathed! magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Award Results from 2005
By Rob Diaz Marino
The results are in! This year’s Reader Survey probed further into the spending habits
of our readers. Yes, there may have been
a lot of questions but it helped us feel out
our market and determine what areas would
be best for our advertisers to target. Your
answers also helped us gain new ideas and
insights on what we can do to improve the
magazine and better serve the community’s
Our ballot quantities increased by 7% since 2005,
not including spoiled entries. Many ballots were voided
this year because they did not have a valid name, phone
number, or E-mail address. Without that information
there is no way for us to ensure that each person has
submitted only one ballot, thus we had to discard those
surveys to prevent any potential ballot stuffing. It’s
unfortunate - many of the awards were really close calls,
and these ballots could have made a difference in some
of the categories. For next year’s survey, even if you’re
not interested in winning any of the prizes, at least give
us a first name and a phone number so that we can
count the answers you give!
8 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Ballot Submission
67% - Ballot Boxes
16.5% - The Twisted Element
14.2% - Money Pennies
11.0% - The Backlot
9.2% - The Texas Lounge
6.9% - Metro the Club / Rekroom
5.9% - Timothy’s Coffee
2.3% - The Calgary Eagle
2.3% - Priape
1% - Other Locations
28% - Online
2.7% - Snail Mail
Please note that only the top 3
selections are listed.
Bar/Club with Friendliest Staff
28% - The Twisted Element
23% - The Backlot
19% - Money Pennies
Bar/Club with Best Happy
27% - The Backlot
19% - The Twisted Element
18% - Money Pennies
Best Bar/Club to Watch a Drag
13% - Diva-Licious Sundays @ Twisted
5% - Name That Tune @ Money Pennies
48% - The Twisted Element
40% - Metro the Club / The
6% - Pulse / Loading Dock /
Favorite Bar/Club Special Event
Best Bar/Club for Karaoke
Favorite Independent Gay Event
27% - Money Pennies
27% - The Texas Lounge
27% - The Twisted Element
33% - The Canadian Rockies International Rodeo
29% - Calgary Pride
5% - Calgary Cares
Bar/Club with Sexiest Clientele
Favorite Live Theatre Company
52% - The Twisted Element
14% - Metro the Club / The
32% - One Yellow Rabbit
14% - Alberta Theatre Project
7% - Stage West
13% - The Calgary Eagle
14% - Studio 54 Party @ Twisted
7% - White Party @ Twisted
5% - Straight to Diva @ The Calgary Eagle
Most Outstanding Community Volunteer
Bar/Club with Sexiest Staff
47% - The Twisted Element
13% - The Backlot
13% - The Calgary Eagle
12% - Dr. Richard Denney
7% - Lorrie Murphy
5% - Jarod (Jaylee)
Most Outstanding Non-Profit
Best Bar/Club to Play Pool
23% - The SHARP Foundation
13% - ARGRA
13% - The ISCCA
34% - Metro the Club / The
22% - The Twisted Element
17% - The Calgary Eagle
Gay Business with Most
Positive Impact
Bar/Club with Best DJs and
22% - The Twisted Element
20% - Money Pennies
14% - Priape
43% - The Twisted Element
35% - Metro the Club
8% - Money Pennies
Reader Demographics
Most Community-Minded Bar/
76% - Male
22% - Female
2% - Transgendered
31% - Money Pennies
27% - The Twisted Element
18% - Metro the Club / The
Best Bar/Club Over All
37% - The Twisted Element
16% - The Backlot
16% - Metro the Club / The Rekroom
73% - Openly Gay
16% - Semi-Closeted
7% - Bisexual
3% - Straight
1% - Closeted
Please note that some of the following fill-in-the-blank questions
have low percentages because many different answers were
Relationship Status
All-time Favorite Female Persona
18% - Nina Tron
16% - Carly York Jones
9% - Dyna Myte
All-time Favorite Male Persona
51% - Bruce Lee
14% - Dion Boink
8% - Matchbox Max
Favorite Weekly Bar/Club Event
54% - Single
28% - Long-term
9% - Casual
8% - Long-term Open
1% - Widowed
Residence Location
48% live Downtown
44% live in the Suburbs
5% live in Rural districts
16% - Sexy Shorts Thursdays @ Twisted magazine #30, Apr. 2006
9 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
By Stephen Lock
HIV/AIDS prevention education within the
gay men’s community is always a challenge.
A message that works for one segment of our
community may not work for, or may even be
offensive to another part.
Philip Banks, Director of HIV Prevention with AIDS
Vancouver, understands those challenges. With both last
year’s Think Again campaign and this year’s Gay Men
Play Safe (GMPS) campaign, both he and AIDS Vancouver, in partnership with a variety of other AIDS Service
Organizations (ASOs) across Canada, have attempted to
address the challenge.
While part of the original $700,000 over four years
funding, GMPS targets quite a different segment of the
gay men’s population than the edgier Think Again campaign did.
The original campaign specifically targeted men who,
for a variety of reasons, do not consistently use condoms
during anal intercourse. One of the main reasons was
an assumption about the other man’s health status (“if
he was positive he’d tell me” and “he must be negative”).
“We weren’t trying to get all gay men to stop having
condomless anal intercourse,” said Banks. “In the early
days of the AIDS education movement, messages were
often preachy. They told gay men how to have “correct”
sex. That sort of message simply is not sustainable.”
“What we were attempting with the Think Again
campaign was to get men to question their assumptions about the men they were fucking. Sometimes anal
intercourse without a condom is fine – when the two
men are clearly HIV-negative, for instance – but we were
Community | Spotlight
concerned many gay men were incorrectly assuming the
health status of the other guy.”
GMPS, on the other hand, takes a far more lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek approach while at the same time
seeks to honour those gay men who have been practicing
safer sex. It routs the popular perception that unsafe
sex such as barebacking or ‘bug-chasing’ is on the increase in our communities.
“It has been estimated, based on surveys and focus
groups, that approximately 15 to 25 per cent of sexually
active gay men do not consistently use condoms during
anal sex,” Banks points out. “However that leaves 75
to 85 per cent of sexually active gay men who are really
aware of HIV issues and who do consistently use condoms. We hardly ever hear about them.”
The focus of GMPS is towards this segment and seeks
to reinforce their resolve to be safer and, in addition, to
send out the message to be as safe as one can be.
“Over the last 20-odd years of the AIDS epidemic,
those men who have been practicing safer sex, who do
use condoms, who take steps to reduce their risk, have
rarely received any credit for doing so,” says Banks.
“Mainstream media, and even gay media, have tended to
focus in on those who are not playing safe.”
The problem with this, says Banks, is that if the only
messages gay men are seeing and hearing are about
unsafe sexual practices is the insinuation of blame being attached to gay men, then unsafe sexual behaviour
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“I think, over all, the gay men’s community has done
an amazing job around HIV/AIDS,” says Banks. “The
generation of gay men who first had to deal with the
onslaught of AIDS very quickly started changing their
sexual behaviour; they adapted very quickly.”
He noted that, before AIDS, gay men did not have to
use condoms.
“Condom use was totally foreign to the vast majority
of gay men…condoms were something heterosexual men
used as contraceptives, primarily. Once HIV/AIDS was
identified as a sexually transmitted infection, the community adapted quickly and started using condoms as
a matter of course during all sorts of sexual activity, but
certainly during anal sex. The gay men’s community was
on the forefront of responsible, intelligent, responsive
education and the community was successful in accomplishing an almost total paradigm shift to using con-
12 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
doms…we may have seen them as ‘really straight’ and
not have liked using them very much, but we did use
them. That’s pretty amazing for an entire population to
make such a profound shift in perceptions and attitudes
in such a short time. GMPS seeks, in part, to acknowledge that and celebrate that.”
GMPS also seeks, in a lighthearted way, to reinforce
the continued usage of condoms, which is in reality the
broad community norm.
“In the early 1990’s, many gay men were beginning to
react to the portrayal of those who, for whatever reason,
chose not to use condoms while fucking as ‘the bad
gays,’” says Banks.
Some of these men chose not use condoms out of a
sort of sexual radicalism, reacting to what they perceived
as authority figures trying to control sexual expression.
Others succumbed to what has commonly been referred
to as ‘condom fatigue’ or ‘safer sex fatigue.’ There were,
and are, complex and varied reasons for men choosing
not to use condoms and debates have raged in the gay
men’s community for years around those reasons.
“Our messaging now is not so much about ‘peer pressure’ as it is about ‘peer influence,” says Banks. “We
aren’t saying to other gay men ‘this is what you have to
do’ because that is guaranteed to alienate some segments of our community. It creates a ‘good gay/bad gay’
refused to carry the ads.
The publisher of Outlooks
said he thought it was too
bad ASOs and other agencies still felt it necessary to
use sexualized imagery to
’speak‘ to gay men.”
“Gay Calgary Magazine,
however, approached us
and said they would be
glad to run the ads…and
did so for no charge, which
was fantastic,” notes
Part of the response to
the Think Again campaign
sprang from the publicity
around the unwillingness
of various media outlets to
carry the ads.
“That controversy actually stood us in pretty
good stead at the end of
the day,” says Banks. “It
Continued on page 39
“Instead, we are saying we all make choices when it
comes to our lives, how we live them, the sex we have,
and the type of sex we have. Those are all valid choices
for those who make them. We offer a selection of choices, with the information to back it up. What an individual does with that information is up to them to decide,
based on informed consent and understanding.”
The Think Again campaign originally targeted six cities
(Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal,
and Halifax). It then expanded to sixteen cities and
then to twenty-two cities. The campaign was originally
American; AIDS Vancouver bought it from its American
developers, then adapted it to Canadian sensibilities and
standards and tailored the campaign for Francophone
use in Quebec.
“Many advertisers would not carry the Think Again
ads,” says Banks. “Patterson Advertising in Calgary, for
instance, refused the ads for their billboards, saying the
images were too sexual even though, while highly suggestive about what was happening in the images, were
not explicit, often only showing two men’s heads and
“Some gay media, such as Outlooks in Calgary, also magazine #30, Apr. 2006
14 magazine #30, Apr. 2006 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Events Listing
Find out what’s happening
Calgary Listing
Foxwood B&B O12
1725 - 12 St SW • (403) 244-6693
Accommodation review in
Magazine August 2004 - Issue 10
The Seville Park Place O40
239 12th Avenue SW • (403) 265-6111
Renovated Bachelor Suites Starting at
$525/month. Right in the heart of the Gay
Westways Guest House O13
216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758
Accommodation review in
Magazine June 2004 - Issue 8
Bathhouse and Sauna’s
Goliath’s O6
See our ad on page 59
308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911
Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
7 Days a Week, Specials on Lockers and Single
Rooms for Students. Valid student ID must be
shown. Student Rates unavailable 8pm to 4am
Alykhan Velji
See our ad on page 58
(403) 617-2406
Interior Decorator
Adult Depot
See our ad on page 11
140, 58th Ave SW •(403) 258-2777 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
1514 14th St SW •(403) 264-7399 O23
Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals
Adult Source
Business review in Magazine
October 2004 - Issue 12
10210 MacLeod Trail S • (403) 271-7848
1536 - 16 Ave NW • (403) 289-4203
2770 - 32 Ave NE • (403) 250-8225
1127 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 244-6537 O20
4310 - 17 Ave SE • (403) 273-2701
Calgary’s largest selection of adult DVD, VHS,
toys and magazines.
B&D Emporium Inc. O14
Business review in Magazine
July 2004 - Issue 9
829 17th Ave SW • (403) 265-7789
Adult clothing store and accessories specializing
in fetish, leather, latex, Gothic, punk, and
Barbies Shop O48
See our ad on page 41
1518 4th Street SW • (403) 262-8265
Adult clothing store, shoes, Gothic, punk, fetish,
custom corsettes and more.
Bay, the O29
200 - 8th Ave SW • (403) 262-0345
Brian Mahoney & John McNeill
See our ad on page 49
#10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141
Re/Max Reality Professionals
Courtney Sebree Aarbo O24
See our ad on page 35
1138 Kensington Road NW • (403) 5715120
Business review in Magazine
August 2004 - Issue 10
Barristers & solicitors
Christopher Wittke, AMP
(403) 451-8648 • Toll Free (877) 718-0884
Mortgage Agent
Phone chat room for 18+
Kimmie’s Mobile Massage
See our ad on page 11
(403) 999-2070
Professional massage therapists that come to
your home or office
See our ad on page 72
(403) 777-9494 trial code 3500
Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+
La Fleur O41
See our ad on page 11
#103 - 100 7th Avenue SW
(403) 266-1707
Florist Shop
Deva Dave Salon O32
See our ad on page 13
4th Floor,
1304 4th Street SW • (403) 290-1973
MaxWell Reality - Dale Erickson
(403) 253-5678
MaxWell Real Estate Agent
Doug R. Glasser
See our ad on page 58
9625 MacLeod Trail SW • (403) 278-2900
Re/Max Reality Professionals
Ho Ho Ho Inc. O38
2nd Floor,
Scotia Centre Downtown• (403) 398-4685
The Christmas Store
Interactive Male
(403) 261-2100, Trial code 3418 or try 1900-451-3800 ($1.99/min)
MFM Communications
See our ad on page 49
(403) 543-6970
Web site hosting and development. Computer
Hardware and Software.
More Better Buses
(403) 651-1692
Providing unique, comfortable & affordable
transportation. Charter us for: High School
Graduations, Senior Groups, Pub Crawls and
Sporting Events
Priape Calgary O16
See our ad on page 15
1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800
Business review in Magazine
May 2004 - Issue 7
Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather
wear, movies and magazines. Gifts.
Professional Relaxation Massage
See our ad on page 44
(403) 510-7572
Male to Male massage by appointment only
Rev. Nadene Rogers
See our ad on page 59
(403) 247-0602
Marriage Commissioner
Russell’s Cobalt O45
See our ad on page 24
735 12th Avenue SW • (403) 228-7822
Hair & Aesthetics
Sol Sourced Weddings
See our ad on page 13
(403) 270-9480
Wedding Commissioner
Thomas Cook Travel
See our ad on page 35
Wade Wiley
(403) 253-8494
The Woman’s Bookshop
See our ad on page 58
2030 34th Ave SW • (403) 240-3210
Books, Gifts, Art for both Women and Men.
Pride products.
Voice over IP (VOIP) phone service and long
(403) 770-1940
Clubs and Bars
BackLot O3
See our ad on page 37
209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211
Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close
Business review in Magazine
March 2004 - Issue 13 Internet Terminal Location*
Calgary Eagle Inc. O4
See our ad on page 24
424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847
Open Wed-Sun 5pm-close
Business review in Magazine
February 2004 - Issue 4 Internet Terminal Location*
Sunday - Beer Bust 4-8pm. Two Big Beef bones
$5.95. $2.00 Draft (12oz) Canadian. magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Wednesday - Free Pool
Thursday - Get Boned. Two Big Beef bones
$5.95 and Wing Night. 20 cents per wing
Friday - Dark Night - “Feel your way around
and come in the Dark”
Toonie Sundays (First and last Sunday of every
month) - $2 Pizza Slices and $2 Draft
Loading Dock O7 CLOSED
318 - 17 Ave SW
Metro the Club O8 CLOSED
213 - 10 Ave SW
Money-Pennies O9
See our ad on page 29
1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411
Open Mon-Fri 11:00am-close; Sat & Sun 10:
Business review in Magazine
January 2004 - Issue 3 Internet Terminal Location*
Pulse (Formerly Detour) /Arena O5
318 - 17 Ave SW
The Rekroom O10 CLOSED
213a - 10 Ave SW
Texas Lounge O6
See our ad on page 58
308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911
Open 7 days a week, 11am-close
Check the web site for updated
event calendar information.
Business review in Magazine
November 2004 - Issue 13
Tuesdays - Karaoke
Wednesdays - Hi-Ball Specials
Saturdays - Karaoke
Sundays - Beer Specials (selected brands)
Ernestine Movie Matinee: April 9th Brokeback
Mountain, April 16th King Kong, April 23rd
Jeepers Creepers 2, April 30th Star Trek 4 - The
Voyage Home, May 7th Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone
Twisted Element O33
1006 11th Ave SW - Front Entrance• (403)
See our ad on page 14 and 71
Wednesday to Sundays 9:00pm to close Internet Terminal Location*
Twisted Element Lounge O33
See our ad on page 14 and 71
1006 11th Ave SW - Backdoor Entrance •
(403) 802-0230
Tuesday to Friday 4:00pm to close
Saturday and Sunday 9:00pm to close, use
front entrance
Community Groups and
Aids Calgary O2
200, 1509 Centre St South • (403) 5082500
Non-Profit review in Magazine
March 2004 - Issue 5
Alpine Frontrunners Club Calgary
(403) 660-6125
[email protected]
The AFCC was formed in 1991 after individuals
who participated in the Gay Games in
Vancouver decided they wanted to form a
club to promote health and fitness in the gay
The club has a membership of approximately
20. These members are active in Team Calgary
which supports athletes going to the Gay
The AFCC hosts a Pride Run as part of Gay
Pride Week, every June (on Father’s Day). As
well, we send teams to the Banff Mountain
Ekiden race held the Saturday after Canadian
Thanksgiving in October.
AFCC Fun Runs: Tuesdays. Eau Claire YMCA.
200 Barklay Parade SW (4th street and 3rd ave
SW) June thru October, at 6 pm. Outdoors.
Saturdays. 9 am. Eau Claire YMCA.
Brunch follows; location varies.
Join our mailing list: calgaryfrontrunners@c
Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports
See our ad on page 2
Non-Profit review in Magazine
April 2004 - Issue 6
same general format as last year. Games are
at the North Hill Curling Club (1201 - 2 Street
N.W.) with two draws on Saturdays: 2:20 p.m.
and 4:30 p.m. and at the Inglewood Golf and
Curling Club, Saturdays at 12:30 p.m
Inner-City Volleyball - YWCA, 320 - 5th Avenue
SE, Sundays, 4:00 - 6:30PM. Cost: Apollo
yearly membership: $15. 12 week league fee:
$55. Drop-in Fee: $6 Apollo members. $8
Non-Apollo Members
Outdoor Pursuits - WE DO IT OUTDOORS.
Skiing, hiking, camping, biking. Any outdoor
sports. Why do it alone when you can do it
with a group. Weekends and weekdays, all
year round. Drop us a line.
Western Cup -
April 13 to April 16
Thursday April 13th - Registration
Friday, April 14th (Good Friday) - Viva Las
Vegas. Join us for an evening of fun on Friday
at the Westin Hotel. A fun-money casino, and
the finals of Apollo Idol.
Saturday, April 15th - Competitions and Dance.
The competitions are over and it is time for
the Hero’s Ball, commencing at 8:00 pm. Join
everyone at The Calgary Westin Downtown
Ballroom. You won’t want to miss out on
Calgary’s largest springtime social event!
Sunday, April 16th (Easter) - Our Sunday
morning Celebration Brunch is from 11:00 am
to 1:00 pm.
ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo
See our ad on page 23
Hotline: (403) 541-8140
Non Profit Group review in
Magazine June 2004 - Issue 8
Badminton - at Western Canada High School
(641 17th Ave. SW), Sunday afternoons in the
MAIN GYM, 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Drop-in
Fee: $8 for each 2.5 hour session for Apollo
members or $10 for non-members. 26-week
Annual membership are available
April 22nd, 2006 Dance at Victoria Park
Community Association, 1302 - 6th St SE,
Calgary AB T2G 4Z2
Rainbow Riders Bowling League - Let’s 10 Pin
Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE, Wednesday’s
at 6:30pm. Season is from September to April.
League fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental
is $2.00
Between Men and Between Men Online
Sean (403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Peer support, sexual health education for gay
or bisexual men, as well as those who may
be uncertain or questioning their sexuality.
Discussions range from personal relationship or
life issues, to sexual health and well-being.
Unity Bowling League - Let’s 10 Pin
Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE, Sundays at 2:
00 p.m. Season begins September 18, 2005.
League fees are $15.00 per day. Shoe rental
is $2.00
Apollo Curling League - 15th season of Apollo
Curling will began in October 2005, with the magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Artists for the Quality of Life
(403) 890-1261
Mondays - Meetings at Money-Pennies from
7pm to 8:30pm
Calgary Humane Society
See our ad on page 56
(403) 250-7722
Animal Adoptions and for Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals
Calgary Gay Fathers
(403) 777-9499 ext 2090
[email protected]
Peer support group for gay, bisexual and
questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month
Calgary Men’s Chorus
(403) 262-6295
Rehearsals for the Calgary Men’s Chorus will
now take place weekly on Wednesday nights
and will resume on March 1 at 7:00pm.
Rehearsals will be located at Woodcliff United
Church, 5010 Spruce Drive SW (just north of
Bow Trail on 50th Street SW).
Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition /
Coalition santé arc-en-ciel Canada
See our ad on page 45
P.O. Box / C.P. 3043
Saskatoon SK Canada S7K 3S9
toll -free / sans frais 1-800-955-5129
fax/ télécopieur 306-955-5132
CBCA Sexual and Reproductive Wellness
304, 301 14th Street NW
(403) 283-5580
CBCA offers counselling and educational
services that help people consider their sexual
and reproductive choices in informed and
responsible ways.
RU a lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited or
queer youth, ages 17-24? RU interested in
helping make Calgary a safer place for people
of diverse sexual orientation? If UR, we are
looking for dynamic volunteers for our AntiHomophobia Program.
This program is intended to raise awareness
and understanding among students about the
experiences of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, two
spirited, transgendered, queer and questioning
youth. If you are interesting in sharing your
experiences with other youth, and are available
days, please call us at 283-5580 and ask for
an Educator or contact [email protected]..
(403) 508-2500 Ext. 107 or
[email protected]
Choices provides tailored prevention and
education. Choices employs a harm reduction
philosophy to educate men and HIV/AIDS
and STDs, so they are able to make the best
decisions for themselves.
Different Strokes
Swim Club.
Non-Profit review in Magazine
March 2005 - Issue 17
Wednesday - 7:00 to 8:00 PM at YWCA
(Fitness on Fifth), 320 - 5 Avenue S.E. not the
Eau Claire YMCA $5.00
Sunday - 6:00 to 7:00 PM YWCA (Fitness on
Fifth), 320 - 5 Avenue S.E. not the Eau Claire
YMCA $5.00
Don’t Buy In Project
This Calgary Police Service Initiative aims
to encourage youth to working towards an
inclusive environment in which diversity is
embraced in their schools and community.
Egale Canada
#310, 396 Cooper
Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7
1-888-204-7777 toll free
Stephen Lock – Regional Co-Director (Male)
(403) 708-5302 cell phone
[email protected]
Egale Canada is the national advocacy and
lobby organization for gay men, lesbians,
bisexuals, trans-identified people and our
families. Membership fees are pay-what-youcan, although pre-authorized monthly donors
are encouraged (and get a free Egale Canada
t-shirt). Egale has several committees that
meet by teleconference on a regular basis;
membership on these is national with members
from every region of Canada.
Gay Prairie Alumni
This group is for all gay/lesbian/transgendered
alumni of Prairie Bible Institute and/or Prairie
High School in Three Hills, Alberta. It’s
purpose is twofold: First, social -- to renew old
friendships and make new ones. Second -- to
talk about our common experiences as gay
people at a fundamentalist school. Any other
questions, please feel free to ask.
Girl Friends
Girlsgo Productions
(403) 510-2502
Event production and promotion in Alberta for
women. Check online for fun things to do!
GLASS, Gay & Lesbian Association of
Students and Staff
See our ad on page 24
PF4255 in the Professional Faculties Building,
University of Calgary
(403) 220-6394
Non-Profit review in Magazine
October 2004 - Issue 12
GLCSA - Gay And Lesbian Community
Services Association O1
See our ad on page 31
206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre
(403) 234-8973
Non-Profit review in Magazine
February 2004 - Issue 4
Heading Out
Sean (403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Twisted Element 11:00 and 12:30am
Wednesday. April 12th - Candidate Show @
Twisted Element 10:30pm
Saturday, April 15th - Voting for New Emperor
Empress @ Backlot, Doors open @ Noon
Thursday, April 20th - In Town Show @ The
Twisted Element 9:00pm, Tickets $5.00
Friday, April 21st - Out of Town Show @ The
Eagle 8:00pm, Tickets are $10.00
Saturday, April 22nd - Coronation 2006 @
Metropolitan Convention Centre 6:00pm,
Tickets $40.00
Sunday, April 23rd, 2006 11:00am @Twisted
Element “Victory Brunch”
Sunday, April 23rd - Alaskan Ice Party @ The
Eagle 3:00pm
Peer group for men who are looking for an
alternative social activity to the bar. Activities
vary and are fun and entertaining. The group
meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month
from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Sunday, April 23rd - Houston Party/Tough Drag
Show @ The Eagle @ 9:00pm
HIV Peer Support Group
(403) 230-5832
[email protected]
Worship – Every Second Sunday of the month
at 7pm. Meet at St Stephen’s Anglican Church,
1121 - 14 Ave SW. Christian fellowship for
gay, lesbians, bisexuals and our friend and
Illusions Calgary
#206, 223 - 12th Ave. S.W.• (403) 2348973
Social group for Calgary and area transgender
community members (cross dressers,
transvestites, drag kings and queens). Illusions
provides a safe, discrete and welcoming
atmosphere, in which transgendered people
can meet others of like mind. Illusions offers
discretion, acceptance, compassion and a safe
place to express your gender. Cross-dressing is
the purpose of the group, but is not mandatory.
Inside Out
206, 223 - 12 Ave SW, Old “Y” Centre•
(403) 234-8973
Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages
15-25. The group aims to let youth know they
are not alone, and to connect them with their
peers. Every Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It
is a funky and safe environment with a variety
of resources and activities.
ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the
Chinook Arch
See our ad on page 57
Non-Profit review in Magazine
November 2003 - Issue 1 and December 2003
- Issue 2 Crowns for Kids
Sunday, April 9th - Candidate Show @
Integrity Calgary
Kitty Group
Phone: Nico (403) 605-6597
E-mail: [email protected]
A social group for womyn – Every First
Saturday of the month at 7pm. At The Good
Earth Café, 1504 - 11 Ave SW
Knox United Church
506 - 4th Street S.W. • (403) 269-8382
Knox United Church is an all-inclusive church
located in downtown Calgary. A variety of
facility rentals are also available for meetings,
events and concerts.
Worship Services
Wednesdays - Communion Service 12:10 pm
Sundays - 11:00 a.m. September to June
Sundays - 10:30 a.m. in summer July and
L Zone
New Directions
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Drop in peer/social support group to provide
support and resources for individuals who
identify as transgendered, transsexual or intersexed. Social support meetings 1st Friday of
every month from 7 pm to 11 pm and peer
support meetings 3rd Friday of every month
from 7 pm to 9 pm at GLCSA.
Powder and Pride
Pride Calgary
See our ad on page 14
(403) 262-3410
Non-Profit review in Magazine
May 2004 - Issue 7
Pride Parade and Street Festival - Sunday June
11, 2006
Xist 2006, Pride Dance and Cabaret - Saturday
June 17, 2006
Pride Rainbow Project
[email protected]
The Pride Rainbow Project was started in Fall
2003 by 4 youth of the Unitarian Church
of Calgary. The Pride Rainbow Project is a
project designed to show support for same-sex
marriage in Canada and elsewhere. It is a
fabric rainbow banner approximately 5 feet
wide, and the goal is to make it 3.2km (2
miles) long, in order to break the world record
(set by a group in Florida at 1.25 miles)! It
contains the 6 colours of the pride flag: Red,
Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. The
project is youth run, but anyone can help!.
Primetimers Calgary
E-mail: [email protected]
Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social
interaction for its members through a variety of
social, educational and recreational activities.
It is open to all gay and bisexual men over forty
and respects whatever degree of anonymity
that each member desires.
April 1st – International Dining Out – New
Berliner - #19 – 2219 – 35 Ave.N.E.
– Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610 – 10 St.
S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM
April 2nd - General Meeting at the Old “Y”
223 – 12 Ave. S.W. Meeting starts at 5:00PM.
Dinner to follow at the Eagle.
April 4th - Card night at Harvey & Tony’s If
you wish to attend please confirm with them
at 547-9129 . We will meet at MoneyPennies
around 6:00PM for their Tuesday evening
dinner special and then on to cards.
April 5th – Free Pool at the at the Eagle
April 6th – University Drama Dept. presents
“Taking Flight” a series of 3 short plays. For
tickets phone :220-7202 Tickets are $2. - $5.
Info phone 220-4999
April 7th – Pub Crawl – Meet at the Backlot at magazine #30, Apr. 2006
6:00PM. Since the Rekroom will closed as of
Apr’1st we will have to go to the Piano Bar at
the Twisted Element . They will have strippers
staring at 9:30PM.
April 11th – Bridge Night at Neil’s . Please
call Neil if you wish to attend Meet at
MoneyPennies for their Tuesday Special prior
to cards
April 12th – Free Pool at the Eagle
April 13th - Pumphouse Theatre Production
of “Smash” Curtain time 8:00PM. Tickets
available at 808-3818.
April 14th – Western Cup Weekend begins.
Various venues throughout the city. Gala dance
to be held at the Westin Hotel Saturday night.
April 15th – Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610
– 10 St. S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM
April 19th – Free Pool at the Eagle
April 21st – Potluck and Movie Night at Neil’s
Number of people will be limited to fourteen.
If you would like to attend please let Neil
know what you will be bringing. Please arrive
around 6 or 6:30.
April 22nd – ARGRA Dance at the Victoria
Park Hall
April 23rd - Dinner at the Eagle Dinner served
around 6:00PM
April 25th – Bridge Night at Neil’s . Please
call Neil if you wish to attend Meet at
MoneyPennies for their Tuesday Special prior
to cards
April 26th – Free Pool at the Eagle
April 29th – Coffee Hour at Timothy’s 1610
– 10 St. S.W. Meet at 10:00 AM
Rocky Mountain Bears
Non-Profit review in Magazine
January - Issue 3
Thursday, April 13 – Annual General Meeting,
7:30 p.m. Location: Lafe & John’s Park Place
Condominium 323 - 13th Avenue S.W. - Main
Floor Party Room. Positions to be elected:
Secretary, Events Coordinator, Vice President
April 20 to 23 – Spring Thaw in Seattle,
Contact Bob at [email protected] if you
are interested in going
Saturday, April 22nd – Hot Tub Party at Brad
& Gerry’s, 556 Lysander Drive S.E. 8:00 p.m.
Bring your own booze and towel
Saturday, April 29th - Bar Night at The Eagle
Safety Under The Rainbow
See our ad on page 13
Mission: To raise awareness and understanding
of same-sex domestic violence and homophobic
youth bullying.
Western Leather Federation
Coffee Night – Wed, 8:30pm. At the Calgary
Project Areas:
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
Partnerships – Create partnerships with likeminded groups. Organize a meeting to discuss
a province-wide cross-sector entity addressing
domestic violence and homophobic bullying.
Training - Develop and pilot training modules
that address GLBTT domestic violence and
homophobic youth bullying. See the website or
contact the office for information on the next
training session.
Research – Conduct an enviro-scan of services
and support available to GLBTT family violence
and abuse victims.
Directory – Publish a province-wide directory
of services and supports addressing same-sex
domestic violence and homophobic bullying.
Survey – Conduct a survey on how same-sex
domestic violence and homophobic bullying
affects GLBTT individuals. Contact the office if
you would be willing to fill out this survey.
Peer social/support group for women providing
an evening of fun, bonding, discussion and
activities. Meets every Friday 7pm to 9pm at
Vigor Calgary
(403) 255-7004
Violence in Gay Male Relationships (VIGOR)
is a committee of professionals dedicated
to increasing the awareness of gay men’s
domestic violence and the services available
to them.
Youth 4 Youth
102, 1212 - 1 St. S.E. • (403) 283-8591
Sharp Foundation
Phone: (403) 272-2912
E-mail: [email protected]
Alberta’s website for youth with sex-and-gender
differences. lists the resources,
information and services to help youth find safe
and caring spaces in Alberta.
SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest
(403) 234-8973 or [email protected]
A workshop for women that want to be
themselves in a supportive, safe environment. It
is a chance to grow and share their experiences
related to women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten
week period on Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy
or Krista at 585-7437. To participate, please
call the exclusive SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you
may leave a voice message for Trudy or Krista)
or leave your name and a contact time/number
with the Gay & Lesbian Community Services
Association at 234-8973.
Speak Sebastian
Radio Show – Every first & third Wednesday
from 9-10pm. Radio for the gay, lesbian,
bisexual, trans gender and kink community.
Listen on CJSW FM 90.9.
Team Calgary
Urban Sex
Radio Show – Every second & forth Wednesday
from 9-10pm. Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual
lesbian trans gendered and straight issues here
in Calgary and around the web. Listen on CJSW
FM 90.9. magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Calgary Eagle Inc. O4
See our ad on page 24
424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847
Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close
Restaurant review in Magazine
December 2003 - Issue 2 Internet Terminal Location*
Haddock & Hoof’s
See our ad on page 14
3851 17th Avenue SW
(403) 242-0522
Specializing in Fresh East Coast Seafood
Money-Pennies O9
See our ad on page 29
1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411
Business review in Magazine
April 2004 - Issue 6 Internet Terminal Location*
Timothy’s Coffee O 27
See our ad on page 59
1610 10th St SW • (403) 244-7750
Restaurant review in Magazine
September 2004 - Issue 11
Monday - Saturday: 7am to 11pm
Sunday: 8am to 11pm
The Twisted Element O33
1006 11th Avenue SW • (403) 802-0230
See our ad on page 14 and 71
Restaurant review in Magazine
January 2005 - Issue 15 Internet Terminal Location*
Victoria’s Restaurant O18 CLOSED
306 - 17 Ave SW
Theatre and Art
Alberta Ballet
May TBA, Calgary
School of Alberta Ballet Year End Show
June 9 & 10, Calgary & Edmonton
House & Garden Show
ATP, Alberta Theatre Projects O36
Phone: (403) 294-7402
March 28 – April 15, 2006 - The Clean House
A place for everything and everything in its
place: that’s what Lane expects from her wellordered life in her clean house. But in Sarah
Ruhl’s hilarious comedy, she discovers that
life is a gloriously messy business! Mathilde,
Lane’s housekeeper is unable to keep things
neat as she is grieving the death of her
parents, the funniest people in Brazil. Order
in the household is temporarily restored when
Lane’s sister Virginia strikes a secret deal to
keep herself busy with the housework, while
Mathilde concentrates on her true passion for
crafting the perfect joke. The two women soon
learn that Lane’s husband Charles has fallen
for an enigmatic older woman and it is her
presence in their lives that once and for all
makes a mess of Lane’s clean house. From
chaos spring unexpected feelings, friendships
and a strange sort of magic that transforms
their sterile environment into a world of passion
and enchantment.
Imaginative and affecting, this inventive
comedy by Sarah Ruhl, one of the freshest new
voices in American theatre, is blazing a trail
across stages in the US.
May 2 – 20, 2006
Before he discovers his talent, young Vincent
Van Gogh must find himself. While working in
London, Vincent secures lodgings with Ursula,
her lovely daughter Eugenie, and fellow lodger
and artist, Sam. Vincent is drawn to Eugenie,
but soon develops a closer bond with Ursula
whose life is shrouded in secrecy and sadness.
As he pulls back the veils of sorrow, Vincent
discovers a muse whose love transforms his
life. Ursula’s grey world is in turn transformed
by Vincent’s brilliant, colourful passion. Their
relationship changes both their lives. Can they
ignore social convention and family disapproval
or will they be forced to part?
Basing his story on facts drawn from Vincent
Van Gogh’s biography and letters, England’s
Nicholas Wright weaves a passionate tale
of self-discovery. Vincent in Brixton has
captivated audiences on London’s West End
and Broadway. The play won the BBC Award
for Best New Play at the 2003 Olivier Awards
and was nominated for a Tony Award for Best
New Play.
Broadway Across Canada
July 5 - July 30, 2006 - Phantom of the Opera
at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra • (403) 571-0849
Fairytales International Gay & Lesbian
Film Festival
See our ad on page 15
The Globe Cinema O49
617 8th Avenue SW • (403) 262-3308
Call for showtimes
Jubilations Dinner Theatre
1002 - 37th Street SW, at the Westbrook Mall
• (403) 249-7799
Canadian Graffiti
February 10 - April 16, 2006
Hello out there all you hip cats and fine Ladies
this is Wolf man Zack coming at you live on the
airwaves! Taking you all back to a time when
cruising up and down the main drag is the
only way to spend a Saturday night! With the
radio blasting and a girl snuggled up close let
the music sweep you away! Its the last night
of summer holidays. Many of the old gang will
be heading off to new lives in new cities. This
could be the last night we are all together! We
have all gathered at Old Maws Drive in Diner
to party away the night grooving to the tunes
spun by the Wolf man and to say our goodbyes
to each other and perhaps to our childhood.
Looks Could Kill Art Boutique
Art Central, lower level #11, 100 7th Ave SW
• (403) 264-7576
Now showing Racetrack Jewellery and Clothing
by Jennifer McCaw, and Tattoo Jewellery by
Cherry Pie. Soon available: copies of “How To
Fake An Orgasm”, “ Watching Lesbian Porn”
and more videos as well as “Landscape” prints
by Dayna McLeod.
New Gallery O25
516D - 9 Ave SW • (403) 233-2399
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 5pm
One Yellow Rabbit O35
Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the
Performing Arts • (403) 299-8888
QUAB Gallery Inc. O43
See our ad on page 12
212, 100th 7th Avenue SW • (403) 2612855
Pumphouse Theatre O37
2140 Pumphouse Avenue SW • (403) 2630079
March 31 - April 8, 2006
Morpheus Theatre Presents HMS Pinafore with
Trial by Jury In the Victor Mitchell Theatre
Tickets $13.00 Adults, $11.00 Students/
Seniors, Wednesday to Saturday @ 7:30 pm,
Saturday and Sunday matinees @ 2:00pm
HMS Pinafore’s gentle satire builds upon the
theme of Love between members of different
social classes. The gentlemanly Captain of the
Pinafore, who claims that he would never swear
at his crew, does not know that his daughter
has fallen in love with a common sailor serving
on her father’s ship. Meanwhile, the Captain
has arranged for her to marry the First Lord
of the Admiralty, Sir Joseph Porter. Sir Joseph
himself has risen from humble beginnings to
gain his office by political acumen, despite
having never gone to sea! And the Captain
himself fancies a poor bumboat woman. Fear
not: it all works out in the end.
In Trial By Jury, a jilted bride sues for breach of
promise of marriage: the Defendant has found
a new love. The judge and jury are much taken
with the Plaintiff, while the ladies in the Public
Gallery seem enamored of the Defendant. The
Defendant claims that any damages must be
small since he is such a “very bad lot” that the
Plaintiff couldn’t endure him for even a day! He
offers to “marry this lady today and marry the
other tomorrow.” The judge ponders this nice
dilemma and makes an imaginative ruling to
settle the case happily.
April 6 - 15, 2006
Gas & Light Productions Presents SMASH In the
Joyce Doolittle Theatre
Tickets $16.00 Adults, $14.00 Students/
Seniors. Tuesday to Saturday @ 7:30 pm,
Sunday matinee @ 2:30pm For Tickets Call
Based on the novel An Unsocial Socialist by
George Bernard Shaw. This is a witty and
intelligent comedy of manners in high Shavian
fashion. Sidney Trefusis is a millionaire socialist
who leaves his bride on their wedding day
because he fears that his passion for her will
get in the way of his plans to overthrow the
British government. All the action takes place
in the grounds of an exclusive girls school
where love triangles, mistaken identities, Marx,
Engels, pistols and the proletariat jostle for
position in this very funny adaptation of Shaw’s
last comic novel.
April 14 - May 6, 2006
StoryBook Theatre Presents Disney’s Beauty
and the Beast In the Victor Mitchell Theatre
Tickets $7.50 - $15.50. Wednesday to Friday
@ 7:30 pm. Saturday/Sunday matinees @
Noon and 3:30pm. For Tickets Call 216-0808
Step into the enchanted world of Belle and her
father who live in a lovely French provincial
town. When her father doesn’t return from a
trip to the local fair, Belle soon discovers he is
being held captive in an old castle by a horrible
beast. She trades her freedom for his and
the “tale as old as time” begins. This superb
production contains all the wonderful songs
from the film.
April 19 - 29, 2006
Ground Zero Theatre Presents Drunken F***er
In the Joyce Doolittle Theatre
Tickets $15.00 Plus $1.75 Service Charge.
Tuesday to Saturday @ 8:00 pm For Tickets
Call 263-0079
Drunken F***er explores alcoholism through
its facets including famous alcoholics, the
history of alcohol, affects of alcohol on the
human body, and more; all as we follow one
man down the dead end road that is his life.
Fueled by as much mind numbing alcohol
as one person can stand, we bear witness to
the Drunken F***er in all his glory emerge
liberated and sober. Sad, funny, tragic and
heroic the redeeming story of the Drunken
F***er leaves you with a spark of hope and an
experience of true life you won’t soon forget.
May 3 - 13, 2006
Broad Minds Productions and Cappuccino
Musical Theatre Presents Eve In the Joyce
Doolittle Theatre
Tickets $20.00 Adults, $13.00 Students/
Seniors Plus $1.75 Service Charge, Tuesday to
Saturday @ 8:00 pm, Sunday matinee @ 2:
00pm. For Tickets Call 263-0079
Eve is an imaginative musical retelling of
the creation myth from the Bible, Torah and
Koran, which has dominated western culture for
Millennia. God wants to set the record straight
and clear Eve’s name for the fall of mankind.
Find out what really happened in the Garden
of Eden and how Eve finds the key for getting
humanity back to Paradise! This original
production, written by an Alberta playwright
and composer, will be workshopped and
premiered as a co-production in Cappuccino
Musical Theatre’s and Broad Minds’ 2005-6
May 12 - 20, 2006
Workshop Theatre Presents Play It Again Sam
In the Victor Mitchell Theatre
Tickets $18 Adult, $12 Students/Seniors.
Tuesday to Saturday @ 8:00 pm, Sunday
matinees @ 2:30pm For Tickets Call 2630079
A mild mannered film critic is dumped by his
wife and his ego is crushed. His hero persona
is the tough guy played by Humphrey Bogart
in many of his movies and the apparition of
Bogart begins showing up to give him advice.
Skew Gallery O44
1615 10th Avenue SW • (403) 244-4445
727 42 Avenue SE • (403) 243-6642
Forever Plaid, By Stuart Ross
February 16 - April 23, 2006
One of the most popular and successful
musicals in recent memory. This deliciously
goofy revue centers on four young, eager
male singers, killed in a car crash in the
1950s on the way to their big concert, and
now miraculously revived for the posthumous
chance to fulfil their dreams and perform the
show that never was. Singing in the closest of
harmony, squabbling boyishly over the smallest
intonations and executing their charmingly
outlandish choreography with over-zealous
precision, the “ Plaids “ delivers a program of
beloved songs and delightful patter that keeps
the audiences humming along to some of the
greatest nostalgic pop hits of the 50s
Jesus Christ Superstar, By Andrew Lloyd Webber
& Tim Rice
April 27 - July 2, 2006
Raw, energetic, flamboyant and passionate,
Jesus Christ Superstar introduced Broadway to
Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice and the
“ Rock Opera “. With its galvanizing, sungthrough, contemporary rock score and cutting
edge sensibility, this provocative retelling of the
events of Christ’s last week on earth leading
up to his crucifixion infuses one of the worlds’
best known stories with musical theatre savvy.
Featuring musical numbers such as “ I Don’t
Know How To Love Him “, “ Everything’s
Alright” and “Jesus Christ Superstar “
Stride Gallery O47
1004 MacLeod Trail SE • (403) 262-8507 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Theatre Junction
MARCH 21 – APRIL 8, 2006 - FAR AWAY,
CARYL CHURCHILL. A brilliant and chilling play
of a society desiring safety and stability while
making choices that perpetuate an increasingly
unstable world. Having sold out premieres
in London and New York, FAR AWAY has
gripped audiences around the world with its
unapologetic humanity.
Truck Gallery O46
815 1st Street SW (Basement) • (403)
Vertigo Mystery Theatre O34
161, 115 – 9 Ave SE • (403) 221-3708
If you would like to add your business
or non-profit group to the list above,
please call (403) 543-6960 or E-mail
[email protected]. You can add your
information to the directory on
the website for free. endeavors to have the
information here as accurate as possible. Events
and listings can change at any time so it is
recommended to check with the establishment
before you head out. Non-Profit groups free
listings. Business receive a listing once an ad
has been placed. The business listing will
last 1 year after the last ad is placed unless
there is a service located at
that location.
Edmonton Listing
Community Groups and
Bears Movie Night
Bears club of Edmonton meets the last Sunday
of the month for movies 1- 6 pm in the TV
room at the Pride Centre of Edmonton 10010
109 St. Edm Ph:488-3234
Ph: (780) 488-3234
Trans Education/Support Group
Support and education for all transsexual,
transgendered, intersexed, two-spirited and
questioning individuals meets 1st, 3rd and last
Sunday of each month, 2-4 pm at the Pride
Centre of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph:
Meditation Circle
Guided Meditation Group, Drop In - no
charge to the public. Meets the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of each month in Meeting Room A
at the Pride Centre of Edmonton 10010 109 St.
Edm, Ph: (780) 488-3234, Facilitator Hanne
Csanyi – [email protected]
Trans Education/Support Group
Support and education for all transsexual,
transgendered, intersexed, two-spirited and
questioning individuals meets 1st, 3rd and last
Sunday of each month, 2-4 pm at the Pride
Centre of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph:
The HIV Positive Gay Men’s Group
Drop in caring circle every Thursday, 1-4 pm
@ 7-9 pm in main area, at the Pride Centre of
Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph: (780) 4883234 Facilitator: Mark, HIV Outreach
The HIV positive Gay Men’s Group is a place
for gay men to come and share their feelings
on how it is affecting their personal lives. This
is a personal private time for them to express
how it has changed their outlook on life. As
well to support and help each other dealing
with being HIV positive. Whatever is said in the
room stays within the room. Remember! You
are not alone!
Sunday Night Mens Discussion Group
Mens social and discussion group meets
every Sunday @ 7 pm at the Pride
Centre of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm
Ph: 488-3234, Contact: Rob Wells [email protected]
Monday Movie Night
Weekly movie nights, with themed movies and
discussion afterwards at the Pride Centre of
Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph:488-3234
Womens Spirituality Group
Drumming Circle, meets 2nd Tues of every
month in the TV room @ 7 pm at the Pride
Centre of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph:
488-3234, Facilitator: Kuaitzi
Bisexual Discussion Group
Open to drop in - Mixed social and discussion
group meets the first and third Tuesday of
every month in Meeting Room A @ 7pm at
the Pride Centre of Edmonton 10010 109
St. Edm Ph:488-3234 Facilitator: Vanessa
- [email protected]
Community Potluck Dinner
Everyone welcome. Second Tues of every month
bring the family and share good food and a
socialize with great people! 7 – 9 pm at the
Pride Centre of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Youth Understanding Youth
Youth support and social group meets every
Saturday from 7 to 9 pm at the Pride Centre
of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph:
(780) 488-3234 Contact: [email protected]
( )
1st Saturday of every month from 10 am
to 1 pm at the Pride Centre of Edmonton
10010 109 St. Edm Ph:488-3234 Contact
Womonspace for details)
Prime Timers
Monthly Member Meetings at the Pride Centre
of Edmonton 10010 109 St. Edm Ph:4883234
Parents Rock the World Workshops
PFLAG Canada: Edmonton Chapter - Workshop
Series Tuesdays (Feb 7, March 7, April 4, May
2, June 6), Pride Centre (10010 – 109 St) 7:
00 – 10:00 p.m. Ph: (780) 488-3234
A series of workshops for Parents of Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning
children. Each session will feature a 30 – 45
minute topic specific presentation, followed
by a group discussion. Social time for sharing
and networking will follow at the end of each
session. Call the Pride Centre to register or for
more details.
Dykes to Watch Out For!
Discussion and Social Group Wednesdays (Feb
8, Feb 22, March 8, March 22), Pride Centre
(10010 – 109 St) 8:00 – 10:00 pm, Ph:
(780) 488-3234
A social and discussion group for gay women,
dykes, lesbians and questioning women
wanting to network, learn more about issues
and interested in building community! Call
Pride Centre to register, or you can also just
drop in for just one session!
GLBT Seniors Drop IN
Every Wednesday Pride Centre (10010 – 109
St), 10:30 am – 3:30 pm
The Pride Centre is thrilled to introduce a new
program serving our GLBT seniors. Hosted by
Jeff Bovee, contact the Centre at 488-3234 for
more info.
In together Out Together Get Together
A welcoming group for GLBT members in
their 20’s, 30’s & 40’s and their friends, in
Edmonton, Alberta and surrounding area,
for social activities and support through
sharing. Hosted by Robert Blatchford http:
Edmonton Listing provided by
Moonfyre Cardinal
Volunteer and Event Coordinator
Pride Centre of Edmonton
10010 109 st
Edmonton AB T5J 1M4
Gay Legalese
Marriage: Get It While It’s Hot
By Darryl Aarbo
We have seen a lot of lesbian and gay couples
coming into the office recently getting ready to
marry before the Conservatives have a chance to
revoke the laws passed by the last government.
Since marriage has not been an option in our
community for very long, many people may not
be aware of some of the basic legal principles that
apply to marriage. Marriage is an important legal
commitment that brings many consequences.
Thus, there is more to planning a wedding than
picking flowers and choosing the best place for
a reception, although those are very important
considerations too.
There are two very important legal consequences
of marriage that many people do not consider. First,
once you get married then any Last Will and Testament
that you have becomes automatically void, regardless
of whether you have already named your future wife or
husband. It always becomes void and, when you die,
you die “intestate”. This means that your assets may not
go to where you want because your money will be distributed according to some very inflexible rules set by the
government. Do not assume that everything will go to
your new wife or husband. Further, dying intestate will
significantly increase the costs of administering your estate. This means that less money will go where you want
and much more will go to the lawyers. Thus, you need
to prepare a new will in close proximity to your marriage.
You should see the lawyer before your marriage to plan
properly. If you have any net worth then I would not recommend using a “will kit”, even if it has been “approved
by lawyers”. It has only been approved by the lawyers
selling the kit. Lawyers make far more money in the long
run off people who prepare their own wills than if they
used a lawyer to prepare the will in the first instance.
marriage (like a will). Regardless of what the cohabitation agreement states, it will not cover the period of time
during the marriage. A new agreement called a prenup
must be signed. Unlike a will, you must have a lawyer
prepare a prenup. They are completely invalid unless
each party has a lawyer to sign off on the agreement. In
other words, you cannot buy a “prenup kit”.
Marriage is an important legal commitment, as well as
an important emotional commitment between two people.
It means the commingling of assets regardless of ownership, and an obligation to support your new spouse for
a period of time that can extend well after the marriage
has ended. Everybody should have a will and everybody
getting married should consider a prenup, especially if
one person has more assets or income than the other, or
you are rushing into marriage because you are afraid the
door will close.
Darryl A. Aarbo
If you wish to send in a letter, please email it to legaladvice Darryl A. Aarbo can be directly reached at
Courtney Sebree Aarbo, Barristers & Solicitors, 1138 Kensington
Road NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 3P3. Visit their website at http:
// Phone (403) 571-5133. Fax: (403) 571-5134
Other than the question, all personal information (i.e. name,
address, E-mail) will remain confidential.
Magazine does reserve the right to alter questions for brevity and
Second, if you have a “Cohabitation Agreement” then
it will not continue to have any effect after the date of
marriage. If you do not want your property to be mixed
with the assets of your new spouse or you do not want
to pay spousal support (alimony) if you get divorced then
you must get a prenuptial agreement (“prenup”). They
are not the same documents and a cohabitation agreement will never turn into a prenup, even if it states that
it will become a prenup. Some cohabitation agreements
state that they will continue to be effective after a marriage, but that only means that they will continue to be
effective for the period before marriage. In other words,
they do not become retroactively void because of the magazine #30, Apr. 2006
24 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Q Scopes
“Watch your diet, Capricorn!”
By Magazine Staff
Mars, the planet of assertion and lust, moves
into moody, nurturing Cancer this week. It’s not a
good fit for him! Give yourself room for mad, hot,
passionate acts of affection - or the energy could
come out in nasty tantrums.
Lifestyle | Astrology
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Try your
hand at some new and foreign cuisine. Dig
through the cookbooks at your local library or secondhand bookstore, or look online for recipes from some culture that you’ve never tried. If the kitchen is too dangerous a place for you to explore, restaurants will do!
ARIES (March 20 - April 19): You’ve been
mouthy lately, but at least you’re logical in
your outspokenness. Moods and feelings are going to
take over. You may not be able to sustain the rational
lines you’ve been pursuing, so embrace the language of
desire and nurturance.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Any
erotic needs that are not being met will be
especially demanding now. That should not be a problem. You’re a sex magnet if you go topless or low-cut, or
just lead with your chest.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Retail therapy
is taking a clearer focus. What do you really
need or want? Are you sure it’s something you can buy?
If in doubt, indulge in a wonderful meal at an especially
nice restaurant or in fancy treats to enjoy at home.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20):
Hot or heated? Either way, discussions with
your partner (or whomever is closest!) are shifting from
ration to passion. Never mind what’s logical. What do
you and your darling want? Express your purest desires
and find common ground.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You take pride
in your rational capacities, but your motorized mouth is now running on emotion and empathy.
This is good for you - as long as you don’t try to assert
that there’s any logic behind those expressions of feeling.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Like your
ruling “planet,” Romeo’s “fickle moon,” you
have your bright and dark sides. It’s time for you to hide
out and be gentle to yourself. Take some time out at a
spa or indulge in comfort foods.
LEO (July 23 - August 22): You’re suddenly
showing the instincts of a border collie, trying to round up your friends into an involved, integrated
unit. Spontaneous acts of affection - and baking - should
prove more effective than your more usual bursts of
inspiration and will.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19):
Keep up your exercise and watch your diet.
Your tummy is likely to be a bit delicate these days. Nipple piercings are prone to inflammation in the next few
weeks. Be careful not to let bad moods affect your work.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18):
Rough, aggressive, passionate play is attractive to you now. No need to shop for fancy accoutrements
- cast an imaginative glance around the kitchen. Spatulas and clothespins are the most obvious resources.
PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Be very
careful of cuts and burns in the kitchen - and
of arguments with Mother or other relatives. And yes,
that includes your partner! Any frustrated energy is best
released by cleaning house and getting rid of clutter.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Recent
arguments with authority figures - or with
subordinates in your own role of authority - are likely to
turn emotional. Stop and think about what is nurturing
your ambitions and how hierarchical relations - at work
or not - can be more supportive. magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Adult Film Review
By Jerome Voltero
“Dawson’s 50 Load
Weekend – Part 1” by
Treasure Island Media
This movie seeks to
solve the age old question,
“How much cum can one
man take?” Apparently
the prequel, “Dawson’s
20 Load Weekend” wasn’t
enough to satisfy him,
so he’s gone on to push
the limits of decency even
Now just a warning,
as you probably guessed
from the premise of this film, there is A LOT of unprotected sex. At many points I couldn’t help but pray
that all of the potential “sperm donors” were properly
screened, or else it could be disastrous for everyone! But
once you get past the initial shock (you’d better feel at
least slightly alarmed), then the film is pretty hot.
In this case, it’s all about the quantity of guys. I found
it almost humorous how they kept a scoreboard of how
many loads Dawson had taken. The tops were likely
instructed to get off and go, rather than holding out as
long as possible as with most pornos. This resulted in
the majority of scenes ranging from 2 to 5 minutes, with
the occasional 10-20 minute romp.
They didn’t bother to hide the line up of guys in the
background, waiting their turn. I guess I can’t blame
them – Dawson is quite the looker. Some of the tops
were muscle bears, some were young and thin, and
some were…well, just plain gross. At one point they
had multiple guys going at the same time with Dawson
as the catcher. He wouldn’t swallow it but rather spit it
out into a bowl to save it for the turkey baster at the end
– how kinky. I’m not such a connoisseur of the stuff so
this was a little much for me but, if you have an affinity
for cum then this film will be downright electrifying.
Part 1 only has the first 25 loads - the rest happen in
part 2 of this fascinating documentary. Dawson will definitely be worthy of an entry in the Gayness Book of Worn
Rectums (har har).
“Bareback Mountain” by Lycan Films
You just know somebody had to think of this title – it
was way too obvious. Even though it was apparent from
the two twinky-boys on the cover that this wasn’t going
26 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Review | Adult Male
to be my kind of porno,
I rolled my eyes and
thought what the heck. I
quickly realized just because they’re riding on the
fame of Brokeback doesn’t
mean this porno is anything special. But then
again I’m a fur queen, so
this movie fits me like a
glove does my foot.
The critics complained
about the guys in Brokeback not really being
“cowboys” but rather
shepherds. Watching five minutes of Bareback Mountain would instantly divert their petty complaints about
realism. Truly, the only thing that makes this a cowboy
movie are the hats and the cheesy matador-esque music
that repeats enough times to have you humming along.
The boys are so young and unblemished, one wonders
if they’ve ever seen the light of day (tanning beds don’t
count). Certainly, why would they bother leaving the
safety of their uncharacteristically lavish home when
they can just play pool and grease each other’s poles all
day? These are just some rich young brats who raided a
drag-king’s wardrobe.
Thank god I live in Calgary with some REAL cowboys,
because if the cast of Bareback Mountain was my only
selection, I would die of boredom. All you twink-lovers
can feel free to loudly disagree with me.
Dawson’s 50-Load Weekend
Treasure Island Media
Adult Depot
Over 2500 Gay Titles for Sale or Rent
See their special this month on Discontinued DVD
Rentals (Page 11)
1514B 14th Street SW – (403) 264-7399
140 – 58th Ave SW – (403) 258-2777
[email protected] magazine #30, Apr. 2006
James Loney
Christian, Activist, Openly Gay…Hero?
By Stephen Lock
Up until a couple of weeks ago, few people
had ever heard of the Christian PeaceMakers
Team unless they were themselves in a theatre of conflict. Nobody had heard of James
Loney one of the four men captured by “Iraqi
insurgents,” and one of whom was subsequently killed.
When he, along with Canadian Harmeet Sooden,
Briton Norm Kember, and American Tom Fox were
captured, the world’s attention turned once again to the
chaos of the Middle East. News agencies reported on the
negotiations’ progress, editorials were written about the
plight of the three remaining workers, but what was not
mentioned was Loney’s homosexuality or that he had
a partner, Dan Hunt, waiting for him back home in the
Both Loney’s family and the organizers within CPT
made a decision to keep his gayness a secret for fear of
jeopardizing his life.
Iraq is one of the most anti-homosexual nations on
earth. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and a few
other heavily traditional Islamic countries kill those convicted of homosexuality by beheading, shooting, strangulation, or hanging.
If during his incarceration his captors had realized
Loney was gay, he would not have returned home alive.
They would have “executed” him immediately.
Here in Canada we have recently come through a
long and exhaustive struggle to have equal marriage
made into law. I supported that, I worked hard on that
campaign, and am proud we were successful. However,
when one looks around at the situation of our gay/bi
brothers, to a lesser but
still significant degree our
Answers to this month’s
lesbian/bi sisters, to say
Q-Puzzle on page 32
nothing of our trans cousins, not only in Third World
countries but in much of
the US, queer Canadians
really need to more fully
realize just how damn good
we have it.
This is not to minimize
some of the real social and
political issues many within
our GLBTQ communities
28 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
face – alienation, marginalization, depression, familial
abandonment, substance abuse problems, homo-lesbobi-trans-phobia, anti-queer violence - the whole gamut of
dysfunctional social networks most members of minorities have imposed on them by dominant culture. These
are real issues facing our communities in North America
and need attention.
However, every once in awhile the James Loney’s of the
world remind us just how lucky we are here, for all the
problems we face.
Mainstream media, to its credit, hasn’t gone all sensational on this – although it might yet happen. Loney’s
return to the US was major news, of course. He was met
at the airport by family, friends…and Dan. Press reports
dropped references to “Loney’s partner, Dan Hunt”
into the copy as casually as they dropped the names of
parents and other family members. For those of us who
have been around a while, this sort of media treatment is
nothing short of amazing.
It really isn’t that many years ago when any reference
to Loney’s partner, if any, would be self-consciously
couched in terms of “long time friend,” or “companion.”
In more recent years, the media would have been all over
this…headlines would scream “He’s Gay!” when referring
to Loney. To feature Hunt simply as his partner, just
as the media would portray the husband of a straight
woman returning from that situation, or the wife of a
straight man returning, is major.
One of the big questions arising on various GLBTQ
and activist discussion lists is the question of Loney’s
religious affiliation, and how is an openly gay man able
to work within a Christian activist environment?
Most “Christian activist organizations” tend to be
of the Focus on the Family, Concerned Christians, and
Lifesite variety - pro-family, pro-life/anti-choice, traditional values, anti-GLBTQ rights (or outright just plain
anti-GLBTQ), and in favour of the traditional definition
of marriage…in other words, against equal marriage.
That being the case, how could an openly gay man in a
14-year relationship with another man self-define as a
“Christian activist,” let alone be involved with a Christian
activist network?
At first blush, it would appear there would be a conflict. We all know what “Christian activism” is about,
don’t we?
The organization styles itself as “committed to reducing
violence by…getting in the way” and its modus operandi
is to peacefully interfere in military operations by acting
as human shields. CPT also “provides organizational
support to persons committed to faith-based non-violent
alternatives in situations where lethal conflict is an immediate reality or is supported by public policy.”
The organization is sponsored by the Mennonite
Churches of the USA and Canada, Church of The Brethren, The Quakers, The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North
America, The Basilians, and The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. All in all, a fairly conservative crowd.
Loney’s own religious background is rooted in Roman
Catholicism. How did a nice activist-minded gay boy get
himself involved with this bunch?
The Mennonite Church, while heavily involved in social
justice issues and the peace movement, is still a theologically conservative church. As Anabaptists, Mennonites
are part of the same tradition as Amish, Hutterite, The
Brethren, and the Dukabours.
In the 1987 “A Call to Affirmation, Confession and
Covenant Regarding Human Sexuality,” the Mennonite
Church (USA) stated; “We confess our fear and repent of
our absence of love toward those with a different sexual
orientation and of our lack of understanding for their
struggle to find a place in society and in the church.”
Okay, that’s not too bad.
However, in the section immediately following this, is;
“We understand the Bible to teach that genital intercourse is reserved for a man and a woman united in a
marriage covenant and that violation even within the
relationship, i.e., wife battering, is a sin. It is our understanding that this teaching also precludes premarital,
extramarital, and homosexual genital activity. We further
understand the Bible to teach the sanctity of the marriage covenant and that any violation of this covenant is
sin.” Classic “love the sinner, hate the sin.”
six houses in Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood, offering free dinners and up to 10 beds in each house. They
make a particular point of being gay-friendly and offering
sanctuary to military deserters from the United States.
According to the Globe and Mail story Catholic Worker
has been involved in protests with “far-left groups” such
as the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and the Homes
not Bombs campaign. Loney’s pacifist leanings are what
apparently led him to the Christian Peacemaker Teams.
The CPT is also gay-friendly, aligning itself with other
left-leaning Christian groups.
Such activity does not make the group popular
amongst some interests. CPT has been accused of taking
a one-sided approach to international conflicts. Critics
maintain the group is anti-Israeli and too pro-Palestinian
and its own website, while talking about the Christian
edict to “love thine enemies,” also tends to cast Western
interests as that enemy.
The evolution of a socially-conscious, pacifist, leftist
gay man, who clearly possesses strong Christian roots,
into an openly gay peace activist working within a leftist
Christian organization with strong ties to the Mennonite
Church is a story waiting to be told. I smell a Movie of
the Week in the works….
Stephen Lock is a long-time glbtq activist, Vice-President and
Regional Co-Director for Egale Canada and also the producer and
host of a semi-monthly glbtq radio show, Speak Sebastian, airing
at 9pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month on CJSW FM
90.9 (
The Mennonite Church USA acknowledges a “lack of
understanding” for the struggles GLBTQ people face,
both in society and within the Mennonite Church itself,
but equates homosexuality as being on the same level
of sin as wife battering and adultery. Homosexuality
is wrong – doesn’t matter if it’s all about back alley sex
or living and loving in a committed relationship – the
church makes a blanket statement, devoid of understanding or subtleties: Homosexuality is a sin, all of it is
a sin…no exceptions.
Of course, the position of the Roman Catholic Church
regarding homosexuality is well known (they’re against
it…) and equally as dogmatic.
Turns out CPT, while strongly Mennonite in its roots,
is actually highly queer-affirmative. Both Loney and his
partner were instrumental in building the Toronto chapter of the Catholic Worker movement, an organization
that tilts toward socialism, and is queer-positive, during
the early 1990s. At the time, he and his co-founders
were described as young Christians in their 20s who had
“seriously considered studying for the priesthood,” according to a recent Globe and Mail story.
Dorothy Day, a journalist-turned-activist in the 1930s,
founded Catholic Worker. She espoused pacifism and
opened hospitality houses for the indigent in New York
City. In Canada, the Catholic Workers run a network of magazine #30, Apr. 2006
1st World Outgames in Montreal A Historic First
By Stephen Lock
Montreal is playing host to the first annual
World Outgames, a huge coming together of
GLBTQ amateur athletes from around the
world. The Gay and Lesbian International
Sports Association (GLISA), a group formed to
develop gay and lesbian sport worldwide, are
the organizers of the event. It is the second
such organization after Gay Games.
GLISA sanctions world and continental games that
welcome and encourages queer athletes, creates a calendar of global GLBTQ sports events, fosters the creation of
new GLBTQ federations, clubs and teams, and supports
existing sports organizations. The association promotes
certain core beliefs that hold the acronym “PRIDE” (Participation and celebration, Respect and fairness, Innovation, Diversity, Empowerment).
GLISA itself grew out of a think tank of leaders in
both the GLBTQ and mainstream sports world who met
in Montreal in January 2004 to discuss the future of
GLBTQ sports following a philosophical and financial disagreement with Gay Games. GLISA is quick to point out
in its dealings with media that the Out Games are not in
competition with Gay Games, or in reaction to them, but
rather are a continuation of the spirit of GLBTQ sports
and an expansion of opportunities for queer athletes
from around the world to connect and compete.
“The City of Montreal, and Montrealers in general, were
very supportive of hosting Gay Games VII,” says Pascal
Dessureault, Press Secretary for the 1st World Outgames
Montreal 2006. “During negotiations with Gay Games
there were some disagreements and differences around
how to approach these games and it was decided, based
on the business model we had developed, to go ahead
and create a new event. The backing was there, the
venues were there, everything was in place. To have lost
this opportunity would have been an economic blow [to
To date, approximately 12,000 participants have registered and organizers expect close to 250,000 spectators,
generating close to $170 million for Montreal.
The Montreal World Outgames take place July 26th to
29th, 2006 in that city’s Palais des Congrès, the convention centre located in the heart of the historic city.
The Preliminary Programme of the International
Conference on LGBT Rights opens with keynote speakers Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of Montreal; Jean Charest,
30 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Community | Spotlight
Premier of Quebec; and Louise Arbour, The Canadian
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,
based out of Geneva, Switzerland.
“The International Human Rights Conference is a first,
that we know of,” says Dessureault. “So far, we have had
a thousand delegates register for the conference and our
goal is 2,000 delegates. No other GLBT conference has
ever had those numbers.”
In addition to the main International Conference, there
are two sub-conferences taking place: Workers Out!,
dealing with GLBTQ labour issues and Out for Business,
a gathering of GLBTQ Chambers of Commerce from all
over the world. A bursary program has been initiated to
assist delegates coming from Third World countries.
Other keynote speakers throughout the conference include: Mark Tewksbury; Martina Navratilova; Episcopalian Bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson; author of
The Trouble With Islam Today, Irshad Manji; Archbishop
of Cape Town, South Africa (retired) Desmond Tutu;
Brazilian Appellate Judge, Court of Justice, State of Rio
Grande do sul, Maria Berenice Dias; substitute Senator
and former Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Mexican Federal Congress, Patria Jimenez; Spanish President
José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero; and others.
During the brainstorming sessions, the organizers put
forward various names of international individuals involved in or supportive of GLBTQ human rights. Letters
of invitation were then sent out.
“It helped that the City of Montreal, the Province of
Quebec, and the Government of Canada were so supportive of the games and the conference,” says Dessureault. “We approached individuals known for their
work in human rights, and specifically for their work in
GLBTQ human rights, to invite them to speak at this
conference. We were very pleased with the level of affirmative response. It is very meaningful, for instance, to
have the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human
Rights speaking at this conference. That has never happened before.”
While much of the funding and other administrative
work was accomplished under Paul Martin’s government,
Dessureault does not anticipate any problems under a
Stephen Harper government.
“He has been invited. It’s too early to tell if we will
experience any problems or reactions from his MPs. The
funding is already in place, we’ve been working with the
relevant departments to get this all up and running…so
we will see what happens. We have had a high level of
cooperation from the government on this, so we are confident there will be few, if any, problems.”
The various issues to be addressed in the five plenary
sessions include GLBTQ rights in the US and Canada,
Africa and the Arab World, Latin America, Asia and the
Pacific Region, Europe, as well as the future of GLBTQ
rights worldwide. Over 200 workshops on various aspects of rights work are planned.
“We put out a Call for Proposals early in the process,”
says Dessureault. “We received over 800 workshop
proposals and eventually managed to choose 200 we
thought would be of interest to delegates.”
Such an enormous and high profile undertaking
requires considerable cash. Again, various interests
stepped up to help bring this conference to fruition.
“Approximately twenty-two per cent of our funding
comes from corporate donations, such as Tourism Montreal, Labatt’s, Radio Canada, Bell Canada, Air Canada,
and Via Rail, to name a few. One third is from registrations, one third is government funding at civic, provincial
and federal levels, and then we have product marketing
and branding.”
Throughout the conference, organizers will refer to
the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well
as to the United Nations’ Freedoms and International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (http:
At the close of the Conference, participants will be
presented with the Declaration of Montreal and will have
opportunities to comment on the Declaration before and
during the Conference. It is hoped this Declaration to
the United Nations, and to national governments, will be
instrumental in mobilizing unequivocal support for LGBT
rights worldwide.
The Games themselves will be a major athletic and cultural event that brings together people from all over the
world. The games welcome everyone, regardless of their
sexual orientation, age, gender identity, race, religion,
nationality, ethnicity, physical challenge, political beliefs,
physical ability, athletic/artistic skills or HIV/ health
status. As with the Gay Games, all that matters is the
desire to support the ideals of the Outgames. People with
specific needs or disabilities are integrated as full-fledged
participants, volunteers, officials and spectators.
Their website ( declares,
“Montréal 2006’s vision is to orchestrate the largest and
most magnificent gathering of gays, lesbians, bisexuals,
transvestites, transsexuals and heterosexuals coming together in a festive spirit of celebration in North America’s
City of Festivals. Montrealers of all persuasions, gay and
non-gay, are dedicated to making this event a resounding success, thereby bearing out Montréal’s reputation
as a City of Games.”
Montreal OutGames 2006 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Q Puzzle
“Extreme View of Family”
Fun | Crosswords
By Magazine Staff
CLUE: a crossword that pokes fun at the
idea that sexuality is just for procreation.
1 Messy little balls
6 Warhol critic Greenberg
10 Sheryl Swoopes’ org.
14 Jethrene Bodine’s
15 “Baby Doll” band
16 One to blow on
17 Sound of a sudden,
involuntary discharge
18 Sinead O’Connor’s
country 19 Got a little
20 If the only purpose of
___ …
23 Virginia Woolf’s A Room
of ___ Own
24 “Woe ___!” (Hamlet)
25 Noise of the lambs
28 Recipient of Bugs’
30 One of Ang Lee’s
awards for Brokeback
34 Bishop prefix in a
Cather title
36 Stocking stuffer?
37 It ignites when you flick
your Bic
38 … is to enable people in
___ …
41 Susan Feniger main
42 Bruin Bobby
43 Verlaine or Rimbaud
44 Wonder Woman weapon
45 Opening parts?
47 Wood and more
48 Prefix with peein’?
50 Sitcom character hung
like a horse
52 … then gay men should
only have sex while filling
out ___
58 Kiss of the Spider
Woman setting
59 The Kids in the Hall bit
60 Sexual orientation, e.g.
62 A Streetcar Named Desire director Kazan
63 Box with a tail
64 Dirty Dancing director
65 Say “She’s just a friend”
to a jealous lover, e.g.
66 Origin of a pansy
67 Falcon grabber
1 Danny Pintauro’s concern at Stanford
2 One who says, “Let us
3 Island of Queen’s Surf
and Diamond Head Beach
4 Relief that rhymes with
5 Orton’s Entertaining Mr.
6 Queens on a board
7 Oral legend
8 Pick-me-up
9 Star Canyon lists
10 From A to B, to Boulanger
11 “___ lay me ...”
12 Celebrity biographer
13 Blowjob filmer Warhol magazine #30, Apr. 2006
21 Nervous gay man?
22 Colette’s love
25 Tower of many tongues
26 Where to find your
favorite boxers
27 Member names and
passwords at and
29 Prod
31 One that can be
paddled on the stern
32 Paid for a hand
33 Takes a load off
35 Rough stuff
37 Streisand
39 Tony winner Take ____
40 Fed a forgotten line, on
45 77 Sunset Strip character whose name means
46 Snow White’s dwarfs,
49 Throws two jacks off on
an inside straight, e.g.
51 Word for skin
52 Made a hole-in-one, to
53 Cut
54 Lena of Queen of the
55 Nick at ____
56 Bar by the altar at the
Cathedral of Hope
57 Farm erection
61 Ann Heron’s One Teenager in ____
Answer key is on page 28
The Clean House
ATP’s Newest Show is Gloriously Messy
By Jason Clevett
Review | Theatre
After a successful run for playRites, ATP
returns to their cornerstone series with The
Clean House by Sarah Ruhl. Filled with
laughter and heartfelt emotion, the show is
one of the best ones I have seen in Calgary
theatre this season.
“A place for everything and everything in its place” is
the mantra for successful doctor Lane, played by Marie
Stillin. She likes a clean house, unfortunately Lane’s
housekeeper Matilde (Carmen Aguirre) is still grieving
the loss of her parents, “The funniest people in Brazil”
and doesn’t feel like cleaning. Lane’s sister Virginia
(Valerie Ann Pearson) has a solution, striking a deal with
Matilde to clean the house in secret. The discovery of
some rather non-Lane style undergarments are the first
clues to what will unfold in the second half of the show.
It is in the second half that the show truly comes together, as the first act built up subtly to the climax and
left the audience hanging anxiously for the second part.
It is there where Lane’s life falls apart when her husband
Charles (Brian Dooley) introduces his soulmate Ana
(Kyra Harper) to the group. This is truly one of the funniest scenes in the show as Charles explains his reasoning. From there, the characters fight, love, and come to
understanding and friendship.
While Sarah Ruhl’s script is well written and hilarious,
it is not something that would work without an extremely talented cast. ATP Artistic Director Bob White has
chosen this cast perfectly; each has grasped what makes
their character tick. Stillen’s portrayal of the uptight
Lane is flawless – she has the ability to translate her
feelings to the audience with just a look or movement.
Aguirre’s Matilde is brilliant – she is over the top in all
the right ways and her jokes and comments are some of
the brightest spots in the show. Her performance alone is
worth the price of admission, and on top of that you add
the rest of the cast! These two over the top characters
are balanced out by the other dysfunctional but more
subdued characters. It’s the perfect blend.
I’m not going to give away too many other plot points
because what makes The Clean House stand out is how
the story unfolds and the heart that it contains. Behind
the multiple stomach-grabbing laughs is a really pure
and genuine story that makes you think, and will elicit a
lot of strong emotional reactions. You end up genuinely
liking these characters despite their many flaws, because
our flaws are what make us human.
Sometimes a great theatrical experience comes from
an unexpected route. Sometimes it is strong voices in a
musical, a stunning performance in a one-person show,
the art of puppetry or a big sweeping storyline. The Clean
House has none of these but I would put up what I saw
in this show against anything else I have ever raved
Go and see this show - you’ll understand what I mean
when it’s over.
Alberta Theatre Projects presents
“The Clean House”
March 28th – April 15th, 2006
(403) 294-7402 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
34 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Just Ask Nina!
The Dish who dishes advice
By Nina Tron
Dear Nina,
I am at loss of where to turn, I’ve heard your name
mentioned by many of my gay friends, the man I’ve been
involved with for many years and the father of my child
has been dressing in drag on the side. He assures me
that it is not anything for me to worry about as it is a
form of sexual expression. I’ve been supportive to this
point but I do not understand his reasoning for this
behavior, it’s about his need to express himself. It’s the
pink elephant in our relationship and he refuses to talk
openly with me about it, as he feels that it is nothing I
should be worried about. I think he would be best served
if we were to break up, so he could explore his identity.
What do I do?
Confused Girlfriend
Dear Confusion,
How could you not be confused, the man who fathered
your child is cross dressing. I have always said if something don’t feel right, chances are my dear you’re right!
So if you think there is more to this, then so do I my
dear. Now it’s the what-to-do that is up to you! If this
is the type of relationship you want: the man, the pink
elephant, the baby and you, then you’ll probably have to
find a bigger place to live. Or you can move on and get
yourself together. You can still be supportive as he is
the father of your baby, but if it ain’t what you want then
don’t wait! I urge you to also think of the child, because
if you’re confused by this situation as an adult, imagine
how confused your child is!!!
Best Wishes,
I am here for you,
and I look forward to
hearing from you all,
I can be reached at:
[email protected]
or Mailed to Ask Nina c/o Magazine,
Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue
SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R
0M2. You can also watch
Nina every Sunday night
and events through out the week at Twisted Element,
1006 11th Avenue SW.
Other than the question, all personal information
(i.e. name, address, E-mail) will remain confidential. does reserve the right to alter questions
for brevity and content. Responses are for entertainment
value only. magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Queens, Courts and Crowns
The World of Drag
By Matchbox Max
As the current highest double crowned
lesbian representative of the ISCCA, SA, I get
a lot of questions. Most often asked, “What is
the crown for?” To explain this fully we need
to dig back into history.
Calgary currently has 2 active organizations which
“Crown” their representatives each year. The ISCCA, SA
and Illusions. The crowns are a public symbol of title.
Each position has different sizes and types of crowns.
The Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch,
Social Association otherwise known as ISCCA, SA, is
a chapter of the International Imperial Court System,
founded over 40 years ago in San Francisco by Empress
I, Jose, The Widow Norton. The ICS is the second largest
GLBT organization in the world with over 70 chapters
in the USA, Canada, Mexico and the UK. The main goal
of this International governing body is to set “universal”
standards and direction for smaller groups to raise funds
for their own local charities through hosting shows and
many other fund raising activities within the community.
The ISCCA, SA is the longest running GLBT organization in Calgary. We are registered with the Government
of Alberta as a Non-profit Charity Fundraising Organization, currently in our 30th year. We are ambassadors of
goodwill and represent Calgary and Southern Alberta at
various functions throughout North America and abroad.
The Annual Coronation Ball is the night the current
reign steps down and new Emperor and Empress, the
highest public figureheads for the following year are
crowned. It is the wind-up of the old and start of the
new. Monies raised all year long are given to the charities this night. We also host many visitors and sister
courts for the event. Three to four weeks before the ball
is the “campaign” where approved members compete for
the titles. They’ll be out in the bars schmoozing you with
trinkets, pictures and various other advertising. Talk to
them, get their views on new ideas and see what they are
about, then go vote for whom you think is best suited to
represent you. Ball Week is the week prior to the ball and
all kinds of events are held throughout this period. Voting is held this year on April 15th, from noon to midnight
at the Backlot, and the next Emperor and Empress will
be voted in by the community itself. You don’t need to be
a member to vote, just have ID within the 403 area code!
As the court has grown throughout the years, additional help has been deemed necessary and the Emperor
and Empress respectively submit names of their choices
for the titles of Imperial Crown Prince Royal, Impe36 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Community | Spotlight
rial Crown Princess Royale, Imperial Grand Duke and
Imperial Grand Duchess. These titles are voted in by the
current Board of Directors. Any member can run for any
title as long as the appropriate traditional gender of the
title is portrayed at functions throughout the reigning
year. Membership in the ISCCA, SA is a minimal $5.00
per year.
The Emperor, Empress, Prince, Princess, Duke and
Duchess are known as the Upper House. As such, they
are the key organizers and they host various fundraising
events throughout their year. Additional committed
volunteers are part of the lower house with various titles.
It’s not always an easy job arranging events around other
organizations events and venues, or coming up with new
The ISCCA, SA has a Board of Directors to ensure
continuity each year, as well as to ensure high standards
of the organization, enforce protocol, and when necessary, use disciplinary measures according to government
registered bylaws.
The second organization in Calgary is the Illusions
Social Club. It is a transgender/transvestite club where
members, their spouses and friends can go to a safe
place for social functions. They have elected an Empress
of Illusions in past years.
We are people who enjoy entertaining you with dance,
lip sync, cross-dressing and gender-bending; we mostly
perform as opposite sex figures. Most of us do not wish
to have a sex change, our additional padding, packing,
makeup etc. is for entertainment purposes only. Our
shows are for your entertainment and we also sell 50/50
tickets at most of them. Shooter bars and raffles for various items are also part of some shows and venues.
Each individual’s gowns, jewelry, hair, make up and
costumes are not purchased through any organizational
funds. This is all at one’s own expense. Some travel
expenses can be reimbursed with approval of the respective boards. Tipping performers at shows is purely an
individual preference; a loonie is the minimal standard.
Some tip as a show of respect for the song, the performer, or the costumes. Bowing and curtseying is done
among performers and members as a show of respect
and hierarchy of titles.
So now, next time you see us at dances or at various
other bars or functions you know what we are about.
When we are out in crowns, it is usually before or after
our events. Feel free to come up and talk to any of us if
you have questions or check out what we’ve been up to
with fundraising.
Calgary’s Ball week is coming up in April and I encourage you to check out the week’s functions on the website
and posters. Our current reign, Emperor 29 Dion and
Empress 29 Argentina, along with their upper and lower
houses have worked hard all year long and would like to
see your support at their step down. Come out and see
what we are all about!
Further information can be found at: (transgender program)
In service to the Community,
His Imperial Sovereign Highness,
The Double Crowned, Silver Streaked, Rainbow
Gentleman, Prince Charming of the Ladies,
Imperial Grand Duke 16
Imperial Crown Prince Royal 25
Matchbox Max
[email protected]
38 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
fostered interest, it piqued people’s curiosity, and it made
them pay attention. However, we recognized we couldn’t
trade on that sort of controversy again with the GMPS.
There was no value in creating a campaign in which the
ads were not being run.”
While there was a good response to the Think Again
campaign based on follow-up surveys, the campaign
didn’t affect change in most men. The GMPS campaign
had three times the number of respondents to its followup survey and the current feedback is that it did affect
some change in behaviour.
“That’s fine,” says Banks. “The ads had different objectives and, in our view, both hit the mark.”
GMPS is actually two campaigns. One is a text only
campaign targeting public venues such as billboards.
The second campaign involves the use of photos of men’s
crotches in sexy briefs, jockstraps etc., with the name
men give to their penises emblazoned across them (i.e.
Butt Pirate, Ass Master, Chicken Baster, Jack Hammer,
etc.). The latter campaign is specifically targeted to gay
clubs, bathhouses, and queer periodicals.
“We really struggled with keeping this campaign sexy…
we didn’t want to take sex out of it,” says Banks. “As
men, and certainly as gay men, we are visual creatures.
We respond to sexual imagery; we pay attention to it.”
Whether our response to such imagery is the ‘chicken’
or the ‘egg,’ we do respond to such imagery. When talking about sex and sexuality it would also seem to make
sense to use sexual and/or sexy imagery.
Rethink Advertising, the ad firm behind both campaigns, was not sure they could produce such images
for the original campaign. The AIDS Vancouver team
thought otherwise and eventually the ad firm went with
their suggestions.
“Of course, what flies in Montreal or Toronto doesn’t
necessarily fly in smaller more conservative centres,”
says Banks, “and we needed to be conscious of that in
the designing of the campaign.”
The cheekiness of the campaign is quite conscious.
“If you live in a war zone long enough,” observes
Banks, “then you adapt. HIV infection is our war zone. It
still has a huge impact on our community and our lives –
and that impact is not always positive. You can’t live for
decades with death and dying at the top of your mind;
you will begin to shut down. Many older gay men lived
through all that, losing loved ones, friendship groups, all
that. They adapted and incorporated safer sex into their
sexual life.”
“Younger gay men have a totally different perspective
on HIV/AIDS. They haven’t gone through what the previous generation of gay men went through. I don’t think
anyone would want them to, but because their experience of HIV/AIDS is different, their approach is different
and our education efforts need to reflect that.”
For more information on the Gay Men Play Safe campaign log on to magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Engaging, Challenging & Thought-Provoking Films
By women - for Everyone!
Preview | Theatre
By Tamrin Hildebrandt, Festival Coordinator
Each year the Herland Film & Video Festival brings a diverse selection of engaging,
challenging and thought provoking films and
videos by independent Canadian women artists to Calgary audiences, and this year is no
Herland is Calgary’s longest running independent film
festival, embarking on her 16th year, and is unique in
that she focuses on presenting works by women. As a
feminist organization, herland has made a commitment
to showcasing work by diverse populations, including
First Nations women, women of colour, women with disabilities, queer women and the transgendered community. Her sustaining philosophy is anti-sexist, anti-racist,
and anti-homophobic.
This has been an exhilarating year for herland and
there are some exciting things happening. The 2006
festival will take place at The GRAND; a grand space
that celebrates Calgary’s vibrant history and provides a
venue for the arts to thrive. We hope that The GRAND
will become herland’s new home as the festival continues
to grow and meet the needs of Calgarians and women
media artists.
There is something for everyone at the festival:
An Eco-Feminism program, for all those tree huggers
out there.
The Gender Continuum program, taking a revealing
look into the Trans community.
The Gala, celebrating women in the arts.
The Aboriginal program, showcasing works by Aboriginal women.
An International program that provides a glimpse into
Southeast Asia.
A full Queer program - revealing the intricate and intimate details of lesbian life.
Local Motion - a diverse range of films/videos by Calgary artists.
A Shorts program - a lot can be said in a short film.
With a wide range of themes and genres, herland offers
an exciting line-up that promises to inspire, enlighten,
educate and entertain. As always, the programming committees have not shied away from controversial topics
such as eating disorders, body image, urban sprawl, oil
40 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
& gas, coming out, breast cancer and the sex trade. Nor
have they forgotten that, though women face many challenges and adversities, we all need to laugh and find joy
and beauty in our lives and in ourselves.
Herland Film Festival
(403) 245-3441
[email protected]
hoot! hoot! hoot!
Preview | Theatre
Bubonic Tourist has gone and done the
unexpected, unexplained and unconventional
again by bringing you four performance,
video and installation artists playing with the
notion of opera, in hoot hoot hoot: a festival
of the operaesque, running from April 20-22
at Motel in the EPCOR CENTRE.
Whether it’s David Bateman’s queer, white deconstruction of Madame Butterfly, internationally renowned
Istvan Kantor’s trans media, philosophical adventure
Nineveh, local artist Delea Shand’s interpretation of John
Cage’s Aria or Don Simmon’s cinematic installation, the
works in hoot hoot hoot beg, borrow, steal and often
times out and out destroy opera as it is known in high
art circles.
godsavesthedragqueen productions (David Bateman) – Lotus Blossom
A PhD in English/Creative Writing, Bateman has
presented his text-based performance art across Canada
and the United States. Lotus Blossom Special (Metamorphosis and Misidentification in Madame Butterfly) offers
an alternative, contemporary interpretation of “Madame
Butterfly”, while addressing race, gender, and sexual
identity issues via stand-up comedy, country music,
and autobiographical storytelling, as well as focusing on
Asian-Canadian subjectivity from a queer, white perspective.
Istvan Kantor - Nineveh
Hungarian born Canadian performance and video artist, industrial music and electropop singer, and founder
of Neoism, Istvan Kantor is most known for his works involving vandalism and gore, painting large X’s in his own
blood on the walls of modern art museums. In doing so,
the artist has been banned from
many of the worlds art galleries
and received the Canadian Governor General’s Award in Visual and
Media arts, 2004. His 1997 trans
media piece titled Nineveh, features image, text and sound integrated in an exalted and streaming
operatic testimony.
and continued on to study opera and classical music at
the Trinity College of Music in London. Shand’s love for
classical musicians such as Mozart and Strauss, doesn’t
eliminate her desire to explore innovative performance,
and expand her repertoire to include contemporary
works. John Cage’s Aria has become an obligatory stage
for a singer such as Shand, who is interested in contemporary music. The text, pronounced according to the
intonation suggested by the curves, contains vowels,
consonants, words and phrases in five different languages: Armenian, Russian, English, French and Italian.
Don Simmons
Using audio samples from International/Foreign films,
Simmons creates an experience for viewers that manipulates and controls their emotions while experiencing the
piece. These false and emotional states situate the viewer
inside the movie, making them relate and emphasize
with the characters. The experience of the piece is that of
a living cinematic moment. The installation features electronic devices that detect
movement using infrared
sensors, a basic stamp
chip, a stereo amplifier,
and a speaker. In explaining the motivation behind
this short but influential
festival, Bubonic Tourist’s
Artistic Director, Eric
Moschopedis says, “Opera
as we know it is so often
reserved for our grandparents. I want to know what
opera is to the innovative
and emerging artists in our
For more information
on hoot hoot hoot or
to purchase tickets,
please contact Bubonic
Tourist at 403.294.7484
or visit their website at
Delea Shand - John Cage’s Aria
Classically trained singer, Shand
graduated from Calgary’s own
U of C with a degree in English, magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Trend Setting Bathrooms
Interior | Design
By Alykhan Velji
In the design world at the moment, bathrooms are definitely getting more attention.
No matter how small or big, there are great
ways to add some drama to your bathroom.
These are the top 3 trends that are having a
huge impact in the world of bathrooms at the
Spa Retreat
This trend has been created by the onset of amazing
spas that have been opening up around the world. They
pay much attention to design details but keep their appearance soothing and calm. Who wouldn’t want a trip to
the bathroom to feel like you just entered relaxing retreat!
You can achieve this look by the incorporation of gentle
colors such as light greens, sky blues, and whites. Accent
colors such as oranges can also be infused into the space
for hits of color. Think birds of paradise, calla lilies, and
orchids for inspiration - they are simple yet elegant. To add
warmth to the space, bring in wood tones such as Wenge,
Zebra Wood, and Walnut. which can be in a form of a
framed mirror, vanities, and flooring. It used to be a huge
faux pas to use wood in bathrooms because of humidity
but, thanks to modern technology, there are companies
that have made their business to create bathroom-perfect
wood flooring. When it comes to accessories, think simplicity! White porcelain vessel sinks in organic forms will fit in
perfectly with clean lined hardware and faucets. As far as
showers, think more wet-room. This is a new take on the
stand up shower where basically the whole bathroom is
a wet space. This will open the room up creating a larger
more airy feeling - perfect for that Zen shower after a
healthy, revitalizing yoga session!
Urban Getaway
This is a very modern
bathroom look that predominantly uses dark woods. A
fantastic look that is becoming über-trendy is the use of
floating cabinets. You’ll want
to lean toward the no–clutter, look which is reinforced
with these cabinets because
there are no legs to disrupt
the view. Add a twist to this
look with the addition of hot,
bold colors such as lacquer
red, white, and lime green.
Think square over mount
42 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
sinks with funky faucets. Frosted glass also makes a great
addition, and can be used either for separation, as counter
tops, or for shelving. Mosaic tiles would also look stunning
in the space as well; subway tiles in colors such as white,
gray or black. Be creative and funky with the use of color!
Think of the FAB interior of a club and then infuse these
ideas into your bathroom. If you like the clean, contemporary look then the Urban Getaway bathroom is the way
you should go.
New Traditional
My favorite look! It’s all about mixing and matching
modern pieces with the traditional! This look is a fantastic juxtaposition, and is all about DRAMA! If you have an
older home, and by that I mean something that is over 100
years, you will have amazing bones to work with; claw foot
tubs, marvelous moldings, and if you are lucky, handsome
fixtures and sinks. But if not, you can still achieve this
look in your bathroom. We all have seen gorgeous gold gilt
Victorian mirrors used in very traditional spaces. Think of
lacquering these mirrors in white or black to give it that
modern edge. This piece over a super modern vanity and
sink will look stunning! The look is best achieved when
you use black and white, but highly lacquered pieces are
also fantastic. For those of us that are blessed with huge
bathrooms that can incorporate a little seating area, why
not do a stunning antique Bergere chair upholstered in
terry cloth…how divine! Don’t be afraid to mix and match,
just remain within the color palette. Another great hint:
Lucite furniture/accessories are an amazing addition to
this look.
Many people spend a lot of time in the bathroom, getting
ready, taking baths, whatever it may be. Thank god that
they are getting the attention that they deserve! Whatever
your style is, don’t clutter your bathroom with a lot of
stuff. Think storage, first and foremost, because no one
likes to see a mess. Then, think of the look you want to
achieve, and with your new knowledge, explore your options. There are plenty of amazing stores around Calgary
that carry one-of-a-kind bathroom lines that are sure to
tickle your fancy!.
Happy Decorating!
Places to Check out Around Calgary:
Ellipses Design (1213 9th Ave SE)
Royal Flush
Art of Hardware magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Far Away
Theatre Junction’s Unique “Grand” Debut
Review | Theatre
By Jason Clevett
You can feel the history when you walk into
the Grand Theatre in downtown Calgary. It
truly is a beautiful space blending modern
design with the original brickwork and feel of
the 94-year-old building. More recent memories include standing in awe at the masks,
costumes and theatrical supplies at Don’s
Hobby Shop, and regular trips to the movie
theatre that the space used to house.
Those memories were in my head when I attended the
opening press conference in early March, and when I returned to the theatre to see Theatre Junction’s first new
show, Caryl Churchill’s Far Away, I was immediately
impressed with the theatre space itself – easily one of the
largest and most versatile spaces in Calgary.
The show stars Duncan Ollerenshaw as “Todd,” Karen
Johnson-Diamond as “Harper,” Adrienne Smook as
“Joan” and Franca Haesler as the younger version of
Joan. It starts off well enough with a disturbing scene
between young Joan and Harper as Joan confesses to
witnessing her uncle commit a brutal crime, which sticks
with her into adulthood.
It is then that the show takes a turn for the bizarre,
as we meet Todd who works in a hat factory with newcomer Joan. The two discuss the dirty corporation that
they work for while designing hats for a parade. We then
witness the parade – an unsettling look at a different
world. The show then heads back to Harper’s cabin in
the woods as war engulfs the world and every living thing
participates in the conflict – leading to a bizarre conversation involving allegiances and if the deer and crocodiles
are with us or against us. It’s surreal and a bit confusing.
Far Away succeeds in that it has you walk out of the
theatre thinking, which is what good theatre is meant
to do. While the actors are great and it is a good piece,
I found myself wondering why this particular piece was
chosen as the comeback after Theatre Junction’s nearly
two year hiatus. Clocking in at just fifty minutes, it went
in a far different direction then The Optimists and The
Edible Woman, Theatre Junction’s awesome final two
performances at the old Betty Mitchell Theatre; I am not
sure that the piece resonated with them. While I applaud
Theatre Junction for putting on a show such as Far
Away sometimes it is better to play safe, especially when
the spotlight is so focused on something like the first
show of the reborn company.
44 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Still to come from Theatre Junction is Compagnie
Marie Chouinard’s Body-remix, which runs April 25th to
29th. This month, The Grand will also be the site of the
Herland Film Festival.
Also of interest during my first visit to the Grand was
checking out the Velvet Restaurant. The drinks were reasonably priced, so feel free to indulge in a cocktail before
or after the show. They have an intriguing menu – but
be prepared that it is upscale dining, and quite pricey.
We decided to sample their dessert menu after the show,
both the crème brule and the macadamia nut ice cream
were pleasing to both the eye and the palate. Whether
attending a show, stopping in for dinner or grabbing a
drink Velvet has a lot to offer.
While Far Away may not work for everyone who sees
it, it shows that Theatre Junction is back as a major and
important player in Calgary’s theatre scene, and many
are glad to see them back inside the newly restored
Grand theatre.
Theatre Junction presents
”Far Away”
Until April 8th, 2006
“Body Remix”
April 25th – 29th
Tickets: (403) 205-2922 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Renewed Attacks on Same-Sex Marriage
Will They Work?
Queer Quest
By Kevin Alderson, Ph.D., C. Psych. and Kathleen Lahey, J.D., LL.M..
“The union of a man and a woman is the
most enduring human institution, honored
and encouraged in all cultures and by every
religious faith. . . . Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural
roots without weakening the good influence of
society”(George W. Bush, 2004).
There is a resurgence of interest in same-sex marriage
(SSM) in both Canada and the United States. Within the
past two weeks, I have been interviewed by a reporter
with The Advocate magazine, and both me and co-author
for our book, Same-Sex Marriage: The Personal and the
Political, were asked this week to provide information to
a Page working for the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC. In response, I am pleased to
again be co-authoring with Prof. Kathleen Lahey, this
time for Queer Quest.
Why the resurgence? As you can imagine, not everyone
was pleased with the parliamentary decision made under
our former liberal government that legalized same-sex
marriage throughout Canada, effective July 20th, 2005.
I remember the former Pope warning Jean Chretien not
to do it, and I remember some leaders of other countries warning Paul Martin not to do it. Nonetheless, they
did it. You have to give our former Canadian leaders a
thumbs-up for having the nerve to pass legislation that
protects equal rights to our queer community, despite
opposition from elsewhere. The opposition – by the way
– is not always far away.
George W. Bush called for a ban on same-sex marriage
in 1994 [1], and many states have subsequently adopted
Defence of Marriage Acts (DoMAs) that define marriage
as only between a man and a woman. You don’t have to
look as far as the U.S. to find opposition to SSM, however – simply turn your head to Ottawa. Prime Minister
Stephen Harper has made his views and the views of
his party clear from the start – they are conservative on
many layers.
Okay, so what does the future hold for same-sex
marriage in both Canada and the United States? Let’s
begin with the U.S. In the U.S., marriage is controlled
by both federal and state jurisdictions. In effect, their
federal government does not have the power to change
the laws regarding “capacity to marry” – in other words,
they cannot decide for their country whether same-sex
couples should be allowed to marry or not. The federal
government can only affect how same-sex couples are
46 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
treated when it comes to
federal issues, such as for
purposes of federal income
taxation. Every U.S. state
maintains the power over
who can and cannot marry,
so for same-sex marriage
to become legal throughout
the U.S., it would require
something like a domino
effect to occur.
A domino effect in the
U.S. is currently unlikely.
At this point in time, Massachusetts is the only state
that currently permits same-sex marriage. Although
there are same-sex marriage cases working their way
through the courts in five other states, it may still be
several years before any final decisions are produced. In
the meantime, the number of DoMA laws promoted by
panicky politicians grew to over 40 after the 2004 U.S.
elections. Although these laws exist for the sole purpose
of trying to prohibit same-sex marriage, they all try to do
it without actually using words like “lesbian,” “gay,” or
even “same-sex.” Some state courts have ruled that some
DoMAs do not have the desired legal effect, but again, it
will take a good 5 to 10 more years to clear the road to
same-sex marriage even when they can be litigated.
The picture in Canada is very different. It is true that
Stephen Harper has attempted to take political advantage of the conservative and religious backlash to Canadian same-sex marriage. He actively sought out support
from those groups on the promise that he would reopen
the discussion of SSM in the House of Commons, and
would seek repeal of the new federal civil marriage law
that extended SSM to the whole country just last year.
Can he and his government, however, change what has
already been written into national law?
Now it gets interesting. Of course governments can
change laws, and they do all the time. But this law
providing SSM was enacted because of court challenges
to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Long
before the federal government decided to enact the new
civil marriage bill in 2005, queers in a total of nine provinces and territories had already won the right to marry
through court decisions, because Charter challenges
brought in each of those jurisdictions resulted in court
orders that permitted them to marry beginning in 2003.
These court orders opening up marriage to same-sex
couples were not just whimsical court decisions that appeared out of nowhere – they were squarely based on the
equality provisions in section 15 of the Charter of Rights,
which, since 1995, the Supreme Court of Canada has
ruled protect queers from discrimination just like they
protect other minority groups. In addition, in December
2004, the Supreme Court of Canada added its weight to
all these court cases in a strongly-worded judgment that
advised the federal government that its proposed new
civil marriage bill – extending same-sex marriage to all
the other parts of Canada - was constitutionally valid.
The Supreme Court concluded that same-sex marriage
was unquestionably “consistent” with the equality guarantees of the Charter, and spoke in affirming language
of the many provincial and territorial decisions that had
already been reported. Indeed, in its advisory decision,
the Court even refused to consider whether marriage
could still be validly limited to just opposite-sex couples,
because the Court said that it did not want to issue an
opinion on the many rulings on that point (all of which
said no) that had already been issued by those provincial
and territorial courts.
Given the strength of the many court rulings that have
already repeatedly established that the old prohibition
on same-sex marriage violates the Canadian Charter,
Harper is not likely to be able to actually change the law.
There are two basic reasons for this:
First, the only constitutionally valid way to abolish
same-sex marriage would be to get enough parliamentary
votes to invoke the notwithstanding clause of the Charter
(section 33). This clause lets Parliament pass constitutionally invalid legislation ‘notwithstanding’ the fact
that it is constitutionally invalid – but only for a period
of no more than five years. This is not likely to happen:
Throughout the last election campaign, Harper repeatedly insisted that he would not use the notwithstanding
clause, but would change the marriage laws with a bare
majority vote. Even if he were to change his position
on this, and were to try to invoke the notwithstanding
clause, it is extremely unlikely that his minority government could collect enough votes to do so.
Second, if the Harper government were to try to
repeal the new civil marriage law with a bare majority vote in Parliament, there is no doubt that the many
people who are either already married or who want to
have the right to marry would immediately turn to the
courts to challenge the new law – and these would still
be the same courts that had already ruled that denying
queers the right to marry violates the Charter in the first
place. Furthermore, these court challenges would have
an additional target – the failure to validly invoke the
notwithstanding clause to protect the repealing law from
Charter challenge for a period of five years. This would
simply mean that the federal government would become
embroiled in protracted litigation all over again, and at
another huge price. Whichever way the issue might play
out, the Charter has been set up to prevent disgruntled
politicians playing on backlash sentiments from doing
what Mr. Harper apparently thinks he should try to do.
As we wrote in 2004, “Queer marriage has come to
Canada to stay.” [2] We live in a country that is now the
world leader in the protection of queers from violations of
their human rights. Indeed, Canada is the only country
where same-sex couples from around the world can come
to visit us, marry, and return to their homelands, possibly to seek legal recognition of their Canadian marriages
in their home countries. If anything, then, Canada’s
policies on same-sex marriage will no doubt reinforce
and perhaps even speed up the domino effect worldwide
as same-sex couples eventually come to be able to marry
in many more places. As psychological research has
shown for many years, queers are loving people, and are
as capable of showing committed love when compared to
heterosexual couples. We are counting on other Canadians to be loving as well, and to refuse to be taken in by
the backlash politics of the Harper government.
Dr. Alderson is an assistant professor of counselling psychology
at the University of Calgary who specializes in gay and lesbian
studies. He also maintains a private practice. He can be contacted
by confidential email at [email protected], or by confidential
voice mail at 605-5234.
Kathleen Lahey is Professor and Queen’s National Scholar at
the Faculty of Law, Queen’s University. She can be contacted at
[email protected].
1) Bush calls for ban on same-sex marriages. (2004, February 25). Retrieved
March 30, 2006 from
2) Lahey, K. A., & Alderson, K. (2004). Same-sex marriage: The personal and the
political. Toronto: Insomniac Press, p. 99. magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Letters from the ISCCA Candidates
Dear Readers,
As a Candidate for Empress 30, I believe in the aspect of
being there for the community. If it wasn’t for the community and their support, we would not be here today.
If successful in my campaign for Empress 30, I will
work this year to get more of our own community involved
with supporting each other to make every voice heard and
respected. This is also a year about making everything fun
again, as our past Emperors and Empresses have accomplished. I believe, by making support and awareness as
fun as possible, it will be remembered for years to come.
Malibu Stacey
Dear Readers,
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Dyna Myte
and I am one of the two candidates running for Empress
30 this year. For those of you that are not familiar with the
ISCCA I will give you a brief description.
It stands for The Imperial Sovereign Court of the
Chinook Arch. It is a non-profit organization that raises
money for charities. Every year the community votes on
a new Emperor and Empress, whose job is to organize
fundraising in our city by doing various functions that
include shows, BBQ’s, shooter bars, and 50/50 tickets,
as well as hosting many other events. The Emperor and
Empress also travel to other cities for coronations. This
is the time when the current reigning Upper House steps
down from their positions and a new group is elected and
takes over. By going to these coronations the Emperor and
Empress are representing Calgary and promoting all that
Calgary has to offer. In a sense we are goodwill ambassadors for the community.
The reason I would like to be the newly elected Empress
is because I feel that I can do some good in this community. Arthur Ashe once said, “From what we get we can
make a living, from what we give, however makes a life.”
This quote means a great deal to me because I feel we need
to work together with all of the bars and gay associations.
We need to stop the prejudices within our own community and realize that it does not matter if you are gay, bi,
lesbian, transgender or transsexual, or if you are a big old
Drag Queen. We all want to feel like we belong.
If elected Empress I plan to work with all of the bars
and gay associations in the city to come up with fun and
interesting ways to make money for charities. I also plan
to travel quite a bit to promote our beautiful city and all of
you, however I will never neglect my own community because they are the ones that are there for me all year long.
In closing, I want to take the time to say thank you to all
of the people that have helped me through this campaign.
48 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Community | Spotlight
Please feel free to come up to me with any questions that
you may have.
Voting for Emperor and Empress is at the Backlot on
April 15th, 2006 from noon until midnight.
Thank You,
Dyna Myte
Greetings to all,
My name is Wolfgang Von Bearstein and i am a candidate for Emperor 30. I would like to take a moment of your
time to explain my thoughts and reasons for wanting to
represent our community and Calgary as Emperor.
In this, the 30th year of the I.S.C.C.A. we have seen the
city and the gay community change and grow up in so
many exciting ways. Having been a part of that for the last
15 years I would like the opportunity to help nurture that
growth process. Ours is a dynamic community, comprised
of gay, leather, lesbian and transgender, as well as many
other social clubs within these groups.
It is my thought that we should be unified as a community; gathered together to show everyone the strength we
have in the face of adversity. Together under one flag, our
flag, we can accomplish so much.
That is my goal, to bring unity to our family, and to give
back to the city and to the groups that are so close to our
hearts through fundraising events. The fundraisers have
been paramount to the I.S.C.C.A. since its inception. With
the growth of our city I would like to see the expansion of
the types of fundraisers we do. If elected I hope to continue
working with the current establishments in the city as well
as finding new and exciting venues.
These past few years I have had the honor of working
and traveling with the I.S.C.C.A. In that time, I have made
many new friends and found a sense of belonging in a
community whose spirit is very much alive and vibrant.
On April 15th 2006, I ask you all to come out to the
Backlot to vote, from noon till midnight. All of this year’s
candidates are here for you, running for you, wanting to
better the community and the city around us. It would
give me tremendous pride to represent you, our community and the spirit that lives within it.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Wolfgang Von Bearstein magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Fundraising Photos
Photos by Steve Polyak of Magazine
ISCCA Candidate Show at the Texas Lounge
50 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
St. Patrick’s ARGRA Dance
Femme Fatale Fundraiser at Twisted Element
The Vagina Monologues magazine #30, Apr. 2006
ISCCA Drag Shows
Hosted by Kim Would at the Rekroom
52 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Straight to Diva at the Calgary Eagle magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Irish Auction for Sharp at the Texas Lounge
54 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Dragon Boat Fundraiser at Money Pennies
Press Releases
Calgary to host North American Outgames
in 2007
Calgary-based Apollo, Friends in Sports, will partner
with GLISA-North America to host the inaugural North
American Outgames in April of 2007. This event will see
participants coming to Calgary from across North America and beyond to participate in sporting competitions, a
cultural festival and a human rights conference.
Based on GLISA’s Outgames template, the North American Outgames will be similar in nature to the 1st World
Outgames taking place July 26th – August 5th, 2006 in
The 1st World Outgames is an international athletic
and cultural event bringing together people from 120
countries of the world. Based on the principles of Participation and Celebration, Respect and Fairness, Innovation, Diversity and Empowerment (PRIDE), the games
welcome everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation,
age, gender, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, physical challenge, political beliefs, physical ability, athletic/
artistic skills or hiv/health status.
There are no minimum athletic standards to qualify
for the Outgames. The only requirement is the desire to
support the ideals of the Outgames. People with specific
needs or disabilities are integrated as full-fledged participants, volunteers, officials and spectators. By accepting the Outgames’ challenge, all Outgames participants
become winners.
Apollo, Friends in Sports has been successfully hosting an annual invitational sporting event in Calgary, The
Western Cup, for the past 24 years – one of the only gay
and lesbian groups in North America to be able to make
such a claim. 2007 is the 25th anniversary of Western
Cup, and the Outgames will be a showcase for 25 years
of pride and accomplishment for the Apollo organization
and its members.
Community | Spotlight
torch to bring the continental version of the Outgames to
Initial plans include eight sports, tentatively scheduled
as badminton, ten-pin bowling, curling, ice hockey, running, squash, swimming, and volleyball. The footprint
of the cultural festival is currently comprised of various music events, art exhibitions, and a film festival.
The human rights conference will involve international
keynote speakers who are experts in the field of human
rights, and workshops involving the entire community.
Various celebrations are planned throughout the week
which will highlight Calgary’s hospitality, western heritage and diversity.
The events will be held during the week leading up to
and including the Easter weekend in April 2007. Venues
will be located primarily in the downtown core and at the
University of Calgary.
For more information:
Brad Bostock, co-chair
[email protected]
(403) 613-7012
Phil Ivers, co-chair
[email protected]
(403) 540-3973
By Tawde Clarke, Pride Calgary Media/Outreach Coordinator
Apollo Western Cup Director and Calgary Outgames
co-chair Brad Bostock says “This is a fantastic opportunity to show off Calgary and its community. This is
our chance to add to the legacy that Western Cup has
already established and show the diversity that Calgary
has to offer”.
After a year of triumphs for the GLBT community on
the national level, Pride Calgary’s Board of Directors
have embraced the momentum of change and applied it
to one of our city’s most dynamic festivals. This year’s
Pride Festival promises excitement with new venues and
entertainment for everyone from suburban families and
single professionals to the bass chasing club kids and
outrageous performers.
A former Calgarian himself, Thomas Kevin Dolan, CoPresident of GLISA adds, “We are delighted to combine
the history and tradition of the Western Cup with the
legacy and innovation of GLISA and the Outgames. The
Calgary Outgames will establish a high standard indeed for annual continental Outgames in North America
leading up to the 2nd World Outgames in Copenhagen
in 2009. And we are thrilled Calgary has picked up the
What better way to kick off the week than with a
fantastic parade! It’s time to pick up and move from
our tiny two lanes on 17th Avenue and hike our fabulous little butts a bit further downtown. On Sunday
June 11th the parade will head along Stephen Avenue
Walk for the first time! We’ll do a bit of history-making
on Calgary’s historic main street. It’s a great chance to
come out see our supporters, the cheeky floats, and magazine #30, Apr. 2006
sibly bump into the hunk you lost track of at the bar the
night before.
After the parade make your way down to the street festival at Olympic Plaza, another new venue for this year’s
Pride Festival. It’s a good opportunity to hook up with
your crew and get acquainted with various GLBT organizations and businesses and celebrate Pride. We’ll feature
live music, DJ’s and more. Oh, and don’t forget the ever
popular beer garden located in a separate section of the
park. Get primed or nurse a hangover and most importantly “Whoop it up!”
The grand finale of Pride Week of course is Xist 2006,
the Pride Dance and cabaret. Come party with 2000 of
your closest friends and take in the best in house, disco
and pop with amazing sound, lighting and visuals. Join
us at the Roundup Centre on Saturday June 17th. You
don’t want to be the one girl in the pack that misses out.
Of course the Pride Festival would not happen without
the support of our sponsors, so we must tip our hats to
GayCalgary,com Magazine and CJSW. If you want to get
involved with Pride Calgary as a volunteer or as a sponsor, visit our website at
Thank You Calgary - D2 What a Success
By John Finlayson
Calgary has done it again by a landslide! Straight to
Diva 2 held at the Calgary Eagle on March 25, 2006 was
an overwhelming success. Once again this fundraising
event for the HIV Peer Support Group played to a maximum capacity crowd. This event like so many depends
on the spirit from which it is brought forth: to help
improve the lives of those around us. I never cease to be
amazed at the community and all Calgarians who give so
This year the final tally raised was $6,135.00, this surpassed the first event of last year by over two thousand
I’d like to take this moment to thank all of the following for their donations to the auction items:
Izzo Bizo, La Fluer, The Bay, The Calgary Eagle, B&D
Emporium, Momma G., Dave A., Wade D., Bill G., Kelly
G., Dragon Spirit Designs, Lorna L., DJ, House of Curios, Aveda, ARGRA, 10th Avenue Antiques, Cakeworks,
Hair 2000, Jim H., Intergretive Health, Lady Fawwn
& Wolf, Kaadiki Designs, Priape, Mosaic Art & Gift
Redkin, Steve R., Amiel W.
A very special thank you goes out to Jimmy & Annette
for their countless hours gaining auction items.
For the support and generosity of our volunteers whom
worked extremely hard to make the evening a success:
Linda, Wolf, Rob, Matt, DJ, Paul, Ian, Lorna, Joe, Curtis, Neal, Steve, Rita, Bill, Kelvin, Aaron, Mark, and Dave.
To our co-hosts: Michelle McDougal & Dyna Myte; for
our other media sponsors: City TV & CFCN TV
56 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
A big thank you to the co-sponsors: The Calgary Eagle
( Ron & Barry ) and Magazine (Rob
& Steve) and finally a HUGE thank you to our Divas
“Lawrence, William and Scott” for putting themselves out
there to support such a great cause.
We’re looking forward to next year to bring you a new
event and show, for now take care of yourselves and your
loved ones.
Johnathan Finlayson
O/B HIV Peer Support Group magazine #30, Apr. 2006
58 magazine #30, Apr. 2006 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Queer Eye - for the Calgary guy (or gal)
Events that happened around Calgary
Photos by Steve Polyak of Magazine
Calgary Eagle Dirty Bird Awards and T-Dance
60 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Money Pennies Comedy Night, T-Dance, and Birthdays magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Different Strokes - Mardi Gras!
62 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
UB Productions - Powder and Pride, photos courtesy of
Dawn Tournier
The Backlot - St. Patrick’s Day magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Metro the Club and the Rekroom, Sunday Drag Shows,
Members Last Night and Kinky
64 magazine #30, Apr. 2006 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Diva-Licious Drag Shows at the Twisted Element
66 magazine #30, Apr. 2006 magazine #30, Apr. 2006
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Arts & Crafts
Furniture/home Furnishing
Garage Sale
Hi Fi
Musical Instruments
Vehicles For Sale
Professional Services
Animal Care
Computer Services
Funeral Services
Hair Removal
Legal Services
Musical Services
Skilled & Technical Service
Real Estate
Business For Sale
Homes Furnished
Homes/condos/lofts For Sale
Homes/condos/lofts/apt. For Rent
Homes/condos/lofts/apt. To Share
Investment Opportunity
Office/business Space
Real Estate Agent
Rooms To Rent
Seeking Accommodation
International Travel
Travel Agencies
Travel Canada
Travel USA
Business Personals
Dating Services
Erotic Massage
Friends Female
Friends Male
Mail Orders
Model & Escort
Phone lines
Professional Services
Xxx Videos/magazines
Classified Ads
211 Employment/Sales 314 Health & Fitness 400 Magazine ARE YOU TOUCH DEPRIVED? Some
We want YOU to be a part of
Calgary’s first professional Drag King
Troupe, we need 4 kings and one
delicious lady friend who can hold
her own to round out the troupe.
Auditions to be held on Tuesday, April
25th at 7pm, Room ST145, University
of Calgary. No experience necessary, but you better BRING IT, LIKE
Questions: Call Shone 209-5926 or
Michelle 819-1492
Adult Depot, Calgary’s Oldest, is
looking for new blood. FT/PT. Apply
at either 1514B 14th Street SW or
142 58th Avenue SW or fax (403)
Employment/Help 308
Small charter Bus Company is looking
for gay drivers with clean class two,
with air brake, license. Non smoker
non drinker preferred. For casual
work. Experience with a stick is a
bonus. Respond to Canadian Premier
Charters, at box 75056, Cambrian
RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J8
is looking for experienced part time
sales reps in the Calgary, Edmonton,
Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto
areas. Must be able to do cold calls
and have transportation or enjoy
hitting the pavement. Fax resumes to
(403) 703-0685 or contact us at (403)
543-6960 or (888) 543-6960 or email
us at [email protected]
Employment/Sales 314
Looking for an highly motivated
promotion person to acquire business
for a small charter coach/tourism
business. All pay would be based
on commission. This is a great
opportunity to add to your portfolio
or get job experience. Respond to
Canadian Premier Charters, at box
75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary,
Alberta, T2K 6J8
signs may be: unsupportive sexual
patterns, loneliness, difficulty or
inability to orgasm, premature
ejaculation, fear of intimacy. Start
feeling better today. Touch Therapy
(403) 614-5526. www.sextherapyand
MASSAGE. Reach states of arousal
that are free from shame and sexual
habits, let go of limiting beliefs and
behaviors. Erotic Massage leads to
spiritual, emotional and physical
revitalization and wellbeing. Wake
up your body to new levels of excitement and enjoyment. Feel more free
and alive than ever before. Book
your private 2 hour couples or one
hour individual coaching session
today. Male or female therapist
available. Contact (403) 614-5526.
Prof Services
Painting and small home repairs.
Pruning, rustic and willow accents,
Free estimates. 10% off January and
Sharon: 239-7668 cell: 389-8077
Private housekeeper, 24 years old.
Nice Looking. Will clean nude. Boyish
looks. Justin (403) 471-5036
Start enjoying all of what life has to
offer! Call today (403) 619-5526.
Classifieds continued on next page magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Classifieds continued
I’m a compassionate counsellor
who understands our community.
Individuals, Couples & Families.
Emotional, Physical & Spiritual
Wellness. Extended medical insurance
coverage. Bryan Campbell 265-8462
Legal Services
Same-Sex, Conjugal, Common-Law,
Spouse, Children, Parents Sponsorship; Refugee Claims; Immigration Appeals; Citizenship; Visitor,
Student, Work Visa / Extensions,
Uncontested Divorces, Agreements,
Wills, Translations / Interpretations
50+ Languages, 590-3818 Anwar
Rehman, Member Canadian Society
of Immigration Consultants CSIC
ID M041099, Gay Friendly, CIBS,
200, 2705 Centre Street North. Visit
us online at email:
[email protected]
Montreal Village B&B
Room only $49/night, TV, Cable,
Telephone, Air, Wi-Fi, Video XXX,
The Whistle Stop Vacation House
Golden BC
Newly Renovated , Sleeps 9, Out Door
Hot Tub, Hydro Fitness Gym, Business
Center, Laundry Facilities, Galley
Kitchen, BBQ.
Minutes From Kicking Horse Ski
Resort. $250.00 Daily ,Weekly Rates.
Toll Free# 1 866 538 6625
Personal/Friends 906
Northern Lights B&B
Swimming pool and Antique rooms
TV/VCR (780) 483-1572
[email protected]
44, Male, Brazilian, Masculine hairy
top, HIV-Negative, Foot & Tickle
Fetishist SEEKS 30-40, non-slim
ND/NS, Tattoo & Piercing-Free,
caring, cuddlish, supportive, balanced, mature, masculine, bottom,
blond(+), ticklish Lifetime Partner
to build 100% Monogamous Serious
Lasting Relationship.
Erotic Massage
of the body’s best kept secret pleasure centre. Discover the ultimate
relaxation and pleasure of anal
massage. Coaching sessions for individuals and couples. (403) 614-5526.
Personal/Friends 906
Single GWM early 40’s looks
younger. Looking for fun. Cannot entertain. Very discreet. Safe.
Clean. Drug Free. n/s. not into bar
scene. No mind games. Reply to
[email protected] or mail
to Box 1002 c/o
Personal/Friends 906
Married male, early 40’s, 6’3, good
shape, looking for a good friend,
married too, about same age
for long term relationship. Email
[email protected]
Personal/Friends 906
Single GWM, early 40’s, general
non-scene. Fit, good shape. Looking
for like-minded normal fun, down
to earth, honest, kind, professional, mature male for long-term
relationship. Hoping to find someone
to be both a life-long partner and
best friend. Is that you? Reply to
[email protected] or mail
to Box 1001 c/o
Magazine magazine #30, Apr. 2006
Marc, Box 3670
2001-970 Rio, Brazil
Personal/General 907
Looking for single female, or female
couple interested in a surrogate
dad for sperm donation. I am 6’3,
blonde, blue eyed, in fantastic health
of Irish - Italian descent. Respond
to Canadian Premier Charters, at
box 75056, Cambrian RPO, Calgary,
Alberta, T2K 6J8
Bodybuilder: 5’-6” 210lbs very solid,
muscular, dark brown hair shaved
head goatee. 34 y.o. Easy going masculine for an unforgettable moment.
by apt only.
[email protected] magazine #30, Apr. 2006