September 2011 - Wabash Valley Audubon Society


September 2011 - Wabash Valley Audubon Society
Nature News and Notes
S e p t e m b e r
for Oct 19th
Linton native, Barbara
Simpson, Executive
Director of the the
Indiana Wildlife
Federation (IWF), will
talk about the Indiana
Wildlife Federation and
current projects and
priorities. IWF is
working with the
Natural Resources
Conservation Service
and Department of
Natural Resources on
the Healthy Rivers
September 2011
Initiative; and also
helping with the new
Goose Pond Fish and
Wildlife Area. One of
approaches to habitat
is emphasizing
connectivity…the green
corridors that can
connect existing large
tracts of private and
public habitat corridors
that can connect
existing large tracts of
private and public
IWF is
currently focusing on
the western side of the
state, hence the
partnership with
Healthy Rivers.
also spends a lot of
time working with DNR
2 0 1 1
and state government
on rules & legislation
that impact wildlife and
wildlife habitat.
Simpson will have an
update on that as well.
She also wants to hear
f r o m t h e W VA S
what we are doing and
how we feel our
partnership is going.
What more can IWF do
to help further the
WVAS interests?
The presentation will
take place Wednesday,
October 19, 2011, 7:00
p.m. at the Vigo County
Public Library, 7th and
Poplar Streets in
downtown Terre Haute.
The public is invited to
All events are open to the
public. If you have a
topic you would like to
present please contact
WVAS. If additional
information is needed call
one of the officers listed
President & Programs:
Marty Jones,
[email protected]
Vice-President &
Field Trips:
Phil Cox,
[email protected]
Joe Dickson will have
a fascinating program
on spiders at Dobbs
Memorial Grove Park
beginning at 10:30 AM
in the Nature Center.
Come join the family
Join Marion Jackson
for a tour of JacksonSchneyder Nature
Preserve. For more
information call Phil
Cox. (see left column
for Philʼs contact
WVAS field trip to the
shoreline of Lake
Michigan and JasperPulaski FWA. This is a
trip birders and nonbirders wonʼt want to
miss. See October/
November newsletter
for more information.
Barbara Simpson,
Indiana WIldlife
Federation, 7:00 PM at
the Vigo County Public
Library, 7th and Poplar
Streets in downtown
Terre Haute.
Bird Identification
Assistance. Join a
member of the
Wabash Valley
Audubon Society for
help finding and
identifying birds at the
Nature Center viewing
window. 10 AM to
Bird Identification
Assistance. Join a
member of the
Wabash Valley
Audubon Society for
help finding and
identifying birds at the
Nature Center viewing
window. 10 AM to
Maryrose Wampler,
Indiana native plant
and wildflower artist.
Her work is found in
homes, offices, and
throughout the
Midwest and is
displayed and sold by
the best art galleries
and print dealers. See
newsletter for location
and time.
Stephanie Taylor
Phil Milliren
[email protected]
Conservation &
Phil Cox
Board member:
Ellen Lunsford,
Helen Vermillion,
Joe Dickson Shelley
Arvin, Nicholas Brown
Social Chair:
Margaret Tamar,
Membership Chair
Brenda Milliren,
[email protected]
Memorial Fund:
Bird Count Compiler:
Peter Scott,
[email protected]
Audubon Help Needed
Some of the most valuable gifts
that an organization can receive
have no price tag on them. The
Wabash Valley Audubon Society is grateful
to its team of talented volunteers who share
their wealth of knowledge and experience to
help deliver its mission. We are currently
accepting volunteers to serve in the
following capacities: board member,
newsletter editor, memorial fund. To learn
more contact Marty Jones, 317-696-6246,
[email protected]
Bluebird Nest Box Monitoring
Overall, 2011 appears to
have been a successful year
for fledgling bluebirds. The
WVAS currently has 35 pvc
mounted bluebird boxes
located in Clay, Sullivan and
Vigo counties. Results are
still needed from a few volunteers. Once
those are in WVAS will post results in the
newsetter, website and on facebook.
Bird Seed for Sale
The next time you attend a WVAS event, plan
on purchasing bird seed. Scott Pet Foods
has provided several bags of various mixes
to help with WVAS conservation/fundraising.
Rare Bird Found in Southwest Vigo County
On August 21st, WVAS member, Jim Sullivan
discovered a Wood Stork, pictured above, on private
property along the Wabash River west of Prairieton in
SW Vigo County. Throughout the state of Indiana since
1900, wood storks have been recorded in only thirteen
years. According to the "Birds of Indiana" (Mumford
and Keller) flocks of 150 to 200 wood storks were seen
in Parke County between August 10 and September
28, 1901, and flocks of 40 or more were reported from
other localities. Incidentally, the first record of a wood
stork in Indiana was when John James Audubon was
traveling down the Ohio River below Evansville on
November 4, 1820. The attached photo shows the bird
feeding late evening on August 21st. Along with the
stork were hundreds of great egrets and great blue
Other local bird sightings:
WVAS Website and Facebook
T h e W VA S w e b s i t e a d d r e s s i s : The site is a
wealth of information, past and current. You
can find past newsletters, board meeting
minutes, google map showing west-central
Indiana birding sites, environment related
topics, and the latest updates to upcoming
The WVAS Facebook page may be found by
searching “Wabash Valley Audubon”. Our
facebook page is updated almost daily.
In August, Carrisa Lovette reported Eurasian Collared
Doves near her home on the near south-side of Terre
On September 21st, Michael Gerringer reported via INBird sighting hundreds of Broad-winged Hawks
migrating near the Clay-Vigo county line. They were
estimated flying at an elevation of 3000-4000 feet as
they made their way southward.
Winter is on its way!
Wabash Valley Audubon Society
P.O. Box 2338
Terre Haute IN 47802-2338
JOIN AUDUBON Wabash Valley Audubon
Society Code No. C1ZH05OZ
Name: _____________________________
Address: ____________________________
City: _______________________________
State: _____________ Zip:______________
E-mail: ______________________________
National Member..............................$20
Includes Audubon Magazine, Nature News
& Notes, National & Chapter Membership.
—Make Check Payable to: National
Audubon Society
Chapter Member..............................$15
Includes Chapter Membership and on-line
access to NNN.
Additional Contribution:
$_______________ —Make Check Payable
to: Wabash Valley Audubon Society
Mail to:
Wabash Valley Audubon Society P.O. Box
2338 Terre Haute, IN 47802-2338

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