Field Trips 2016-2017 - New Mexico Audubon Council
Field Trips 2016-2017 - New Mexico Audubon Council
2016 F IELD T RIPS Every Saturday R ANDALL D AVEY A UDUBON C EN TER Every Saturday (except in January), a naturalist will lead a walk around the RDAC grounds, an Audubon Important Bird Area, at 8:00 AM. Binoculars can be provided. Dress appropriately. All welcome. For information, call: 983-4609. Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society F IELD T RIP S CHEDULE April 2016 – April 2017 Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society field trips are designed to promote understanding and appreciation of wildlife and their habitats. Our aim is to cultivate awareness of outdoor ethics in an atmosphere of friendly companionship. The field trips are free and open to the public. Some area entry fees are required and driving costs are shared. No pets, please. The trip leader should be contacted within a week of the trip as cancellation can occur for a variety of reasons. Participants must sign up for overnight trips at least a week in advance. A lack of interest up to two days before the scheduled time may prompt cancellation. If you are not in contact with the Trip Leader, be sure to check our web site for possible changes. On all trips, wear appropriate walking shoes and layered clothing appropriate for the weather and bring water, lunch, snacks and binoculars. Saturday, April 16 V ALLE DE O RO N ATIONAL W ILDLIFE R EFUGE Leader: Linda Mowbray, [email protected] 505-989-8295, We will visit this new urban wildlife refuge in ABQ. Meet in Santa Fe Place Mall near Sports Authority at 7:00 or at entrance to refuge at 8:00. Lots of walking on level surfaces seeking both farmland and riparian birds. Bring plenty of water. We’ll be finished by noon. Saturday, May 14 I NTERNATIONAL S PRING M IGRATION C OUNTS Leaders: Santa Fe: Sheila Gershen, 505-988-3143 Los Alamos: Mouser Williams, 505-850-6670 Taos: Meg Peterson, 575-758-4086 Colfax: Mary Jo Kelly, 575-595-4097 Rio Arriba: Dale Stahlecker, 505-670-2138 San Miguel: Cassidy Ruge, 505-425-2757 This is an event to document and assess the Spring migration. Less experienced birders will be placed with more experienced birders. Talk to a count leader at least one week before the count. Sunday, May 22 L OS A LAM OS A REA B IRDING S POTS Leader: Joe Fitzgibbon, 662-7707, Fitzgibbon This half day trip will introduce you to some of the interesting birding areas in the Los Alamos vicinity. Some walking may be strenuous up canyons. Contact leader for meeting places and times. Sunday, June 5 O RILLA V ERDE Leader: Jerry Friedman, 505-753-1946, [email protected] On this half-day trip we’ll be looking for raptors and a variety of songbirds. Meet at DeVargas Mall (in front of Starbucks) at 6:45 or the Rio Grande Recreation Area Visitor’s Center in Pilar at 8:00 AM Saturday, July 9 DEL R IO C AJA Leader: Linda Mowbray, 505-989-8295, [email protected] and others. This half-day trip requires high-clearance vehicles and will not take place at all if by some miracle the roads are muddy. We will be looking for some very interesting birds, including possible Crissal Thrashers and Gray Vireos. Contact leader for meeting place and time. Sunday, August 28 S ANTA F E S KI B ASIN Leader: Tom Taylor, (505)-424-3238, [email protected] This half-day trip is at very high altitude with moderate to steep hiking. However, good birding should readily be found due to the mixed flocks found this time of year. Townsend’s and Wilson’s Warblers, Warbling Vireos, plus both kinglets and Gray Jays are anticipated. Appropriate for all levels of birders. Meet at DeVargas Mall (in front of Starbucks) at 7:00 AM or at the ski basin at 7:30 AM. Contact leader to check on trip status. Saturday, September 10 L AS V EGAS N ATIONAL W ILDLIFE R EFUGE AN D E NVIRONS Leader: TBA Check Web Site We’ll look for fall sparrows and other interesting birds in the general area of LVNWR and other birding spots in the general area. Sunday, November 6 B ACK R OADS OF L AS V EGAS W ILDLIFE R EFUGE 2017 F IELD T RIPS Sunday, January 29 R OSY F INCHES AT S ANDIA C REST Leader: Tom Jervis, 505-988-1708, [email protected] A fun trip to Sandia Crest to see Rosy Finches and other winter montane species and watch the banding operation. We’ll spend the morning inside the Crest House and if the weather is cooperative, take a walk through the snowy woods to see what may be around. We will car pool from Santa Fe. Contact the leader for meeting time and place. Leader: Roy Stephenson, 505-500-6413, [email protected] This half-day trip will focus on the rarely-opened back roads of Las Vegas NWR . Contact leader for meeting time and place. Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society invites you to attend our meetings. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge. The building is wheelchair-accessible. Meetings consist of a short update of environmental issues and chapter activities, followed by a speaker. Presentation topics vary, ranging from areas of concern for our environment to tropical trips. For more information about speakers and topics, check the Mountain Chickadee or the Sangre de Cristo Audubon web site: Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at Christ Lutheran Church in Santa Fe (in the triangle between Arroyo Chamiso, St, Michael’s Drive, and Old Pecos Trail) at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held September, October, November, February, March, and April. November 15 - 20 OF THE C RANES Bosque del Apache NWR F ESTIVAL The festival offers many tours, classes, exhibits, and even a wildlife art show. The Bosque is an Audubon Important Bird Area. For information call the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge at 575-835-1828 or visit: C HRISTM AS B IRD C OUNTS The National Audubon Society began the Christmas Bird Counts (CBC) in 1901. These counts provide important information about wintering bird populations. There are close to 30 counts held in the state of New Mexico and the Sangre de Cristo Chapter participates in 10 counts in its area. The CBCs will be held between mid-December and midJanuary. Novices are welcome and will be paired with more experienced birders. For information, check the web sites: Sangre de Cristo Audubon; The New Mexico Audubon Council; Audubon New Mexico; New Mexico Ornithological Society; Contact the leaders of each count you want to participate in to make count arrangements. Saturday, February 4 DEL A PACHE NWR B OSQUE Leaders: Mary Ristow, 505-690-7336, [email protected] and Linda Mowbray, 505989-8295, [email protected] On this long one-day trip we should see large number of Snow Geese and Sandhill Cranes, plus raptors and other waterfowl. Appropriate for all level of birders. Spotting scopes are useful. Contact the leaders for meeting time and place. Friday-Sunday, Mid-April L ESSER P RAIRIE - CHICKEN F ESTIVAL Milnesand, NM The Lesser Prairie-chicken Festival has been canceled for the last several years due to drought. Contact: Tish McDaniel, 575-714-4577, or [email protected] in the late Fall for information about the 2016 festival. J OIN A UDUBON N OW ! Please enroll me as a member of the National Audubon Society and the chapter, with full membership benefits and a year of Audubon magazine. (Please Print) Name Address City State Zip An introductory membership is $20 and includes Audubon magazine six times a year, online access to the Mountain Chickadee, and the Audubon New Mexico Newsletter; subsequent years are also $20. Please put the chapter code (below) on the check, make it payable to National Audubon Society, and send to: Sangre de Cristo Audubon P. O. Box 22083 Santa Fé, NM 87502-2083 Chapter Code: Q52
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