Winter 2011 - All Black Radio | Diaspora Radio
Winter 2011 - All Black Radio | Diaspora Radio
About NNRA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance (NNRA) is a network of neighborhood newspapers and radio programming that reaches millions of Caribbean Americans and African Americans in New York City. Our publications and radio coverage reach readers and listeners in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island and Manhattan. We also have readers and listeners in Long Island, New Jersey and Westchester. All of these newspapers and radio programs are community specific and owned by members of these communities and offer our advertisers and business partners decades of experience in niche marketing. We deliver geographically specific news featuring writers and celebrity hosts loved and respected by those communities, as well as news, lifestyle, local and international sports, interviews, religious programming and music, in short, “edutainment”, thus catering to a diverse readership and listenership, numbering in the millions. For advertisers, NNRA offers an opportunity for both market-wide and neighborhood targeted advertising, allowing businesses to get their messages into the specific areas they want to penetrate. N N R A R ad io Partners IRIE Jam Radio WPAT 930AM WVIP 93.5FM Community Newspaper Partners tCaribbean American Weekly tCARE Journal Winter 2011 tThe Consumer Advocate tThe Immigrant’s Journal tToday’s Christian t Incarcerated N N RA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 2 About Caribbean American Weekly (CAW) wned and produced by Caribbean people, Caribbean American Weekly (CAW) is a weekly paper whose island flair does not preclude it from providing useful information to immigrants from any and all countries of origin throughout the New York metropolitan area. A bold new idea in newspaper publishing, CAW serves a blend of international news, sports, interviews, feature articles and political analysis without heavy controversy, local news and informative columns to create a newspaper that readers read and share with others. Moreover, each week the paper is accompanied by one of its four topicspecific inserts/also stand-alone publications: the Immigrant’s Journal, CARE Journal, CaribVillage, Incarcerated and the newest, The Consumer Advocate. With these rotating specialinterest sections, the paper is able to attract an audience beyond those interested in Caribbean-American and island life, into the wider population of other immigrant communities, African- and Hispanic-Americans, and small business owners and entrepreneurs. CAW’s affiliate paper, Today’s Christian, also provides ties to faith-based communities and the organizations based therein. Additionally, we have multi-cultural radio programs on various radio stations, including the number one immigration show in the tri-state area. Shows are aired live and repeated through our 24/7 Internet & Community Radio,( O Winter 2011 NN RA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 3 Branding With Us dvertising in Caribbean American Weekly (CAW) is an excellent marketing strategy that will increase your visibility and your profitability by funneling your campaign directly to New York’s diverse population. Our publications can deliver your message through targeted direct response campaigns to promote, position and deliver your products and services among the Caribbean-American, Latino, African-American, Christian and immigrant communities. If you have an individual segment in mind, ask about our special supplements including health, home buying, wedding bells, franchising, independence celebrations, travel and more. A With a readership of 100,000 copies throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Westchester and parts of New Jersey, CAW has the base to reach your potential customers often and in high volume. Current advertisers run the gamut of real estate agents and law firms to health insurance companies and nursing review courses, but you also have the option of honing in your target market even more narrowly by advertising with one of our inserts on a monthly basis. Does your business offer products for small businesses or franchise owners? Turn to The Consumer Advocate. Do you provide services for African-Americans? CARE’s race-conscious articles will attract the audience who can benefit best from your products and services. With a new and improved, all-inclusive website, CAW attracts thousands of visitors each week to The site also provides Diaspora Radio to its visitors, where you can have your ads interspersed with the West Indian and African-American mix of music that includes Calypso, Reggae, Compa, Hip Hop, Zouk, Soca, Cadence and more. As those who frequent our site browse the links to the many sections of our paper, you can also have your banner ad flashing right before their eyes. Winter 2011 N NRA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 4 Demographic Highlights he number of foreign-born residents in New York City had already reached 2.9 million as of 2000, according to the Department of City Planning’s statistics, and later findings by the U.S. Census Bureau (which are even being challenged as underestimations) recorded an additional increase of 77,000 people (about 1.0%) in the city’s immigrant population between April 2000 and July 2003. The immigrant population grew by 788,000, or 38%, between 1990 and 2000, and went from 28% to 36% of the total city population. Of those immigrants, one-in-five is from the non-Hispanic Caribbean and 13% come from the Dominican Republic alone. T Foreign-born populations (omits U.S.-born children to foreign-born parents) we serve by Borough: Foreign-born populations (omits U.S.-born children to foreign-born parents). Populations we serve by neighborhood: Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens 1. Washington Heights 2. Flushing 3. Astoria 4. Bay Ridge-Bensonhurst 5. Elmhurst 6. Gravesend-Homecrest 7. Flatlands-Canarsie 8. Jackson Heights 9. Corona 10. Sunset Park-Industry City 385,827 931,769 452,440 1,028,339 29% 38% 29% 46% 90,300 86,900 84,700 78,600 74,600 70,300 68,900 64,200 61,400 59,200 Top Immigrant Groups in New York City (omits U.S.-born children to foreign-born parents) 1. Dominican Republic 2. China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) 3. Jamaica 4. Guyana 5. Mexico 6. Ecuador 7. Haiti 8. Trinidad & Tobago 9. Colombia 10. Russia Winter 2011 369,200 261,600 178,900 130,600 122,600 114,900 95,600 88,800 84,400 81,400 N NRA 5 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Demographic Highlights In 2000, 79% of the foreign-born population in New York City was between the ages of 18 and 64. The Genders For every 100 females who immigrate, there are 90 males. Homeownership In 2000, 28% of the city’s foreign-born are homeowners, accounting for 40% of the city’s owner-occupied housing units. Rental Immigrants account for nearly 50% of market rate rentals and have thus been crucial in maintaining occupancy of the city’s housing stock. In some areas up to 70% of recent-occupancy can be tied to immigrant households. Average Household Income for Foreignborn Labor force participation rates for females in Jamaican, Trinidadian, Haitian and Guyanese households were among the highest in the city as of 2000, with those for males at the city average or higher. Household incomes were either close to, or above, the city median ($37,700). City Immigrant Population Rate Due to high fertility rates among foreign-born women, immigrants and their U.S.-born offspring together actually comprise 55% of the city’s total population. All figures are generated by The Newest New Yorkers 2000 Briefing Booklet produced by the New York City Department of City Planning. Winter 2011 N N RA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 6 The Immigrant’s Journal he Immigrant’s Journal Legal & Educational Fund, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 1998, dedicated to the diverse immigrant groups that constitute the fabric of New York. Our purpose is to educate and empower the immigrant communities through the development and coordination of various plans of action on important issues that are crucial to their growth. In summary, our goals are: T To educate the members of the community about the contributions that immigrants have made to the United States, economically and historically. To inform members of the immigrant community about the changes in immigration law, the educational system, health issues, voting rights, financial opportunities, home purchasing and other basic information. To legally assist and direct members of the community facing immigration and other legal problems. For many years, new immigrants to the United States have been misinformed, embezzled and denied opportunities. This existed as a result of the lack of credible publications and organizations geared toward new immigrants. Hence, The Immigrant’s Journal was launched to fill that void. The Journal provides up-to-date information on laws and regulations affecting the immigrant communities, as well as news and human interest stories. Today, the Journal is published in English, Spanish and French. In March 2005, the first Annual Think Tank Conference: Protecting Immigrants, was held at the Brooklyn Museum, where the Immigrant’s Journal Legal & Educational Fund, Inc. Membership Program was launched. The event was a success and the Membership Program currently boasts over 3,000 members. Winter 2011 N N RA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 7 CARE Journal CARE Journal focuses on issues of race and discrimination at the same time that it highlights the achievements of people of color. "The common goal of 22 million Afro-Americans is respect as human beings, the God-given right to be a human being. Our common goal is to obtain the human rights that America has been denying us. We can never get civil rights in America until our human rights are first restored. We will never be recognized as citizens there until we are first recognized as humans." — "Racism: The Cancer That Is Destroying America," in Egyptian Gazette (Aug. 25 1964). Malcolm X CaribVillage is a lifestyle and community magazine that focuses on entertainment, health, travel, fashion, wedding bells and more, featuring profiles on Caribbean-American events and Caribbean carnivals and festivals, organizations and remarkable people. Winter 2011 NN RA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 8 Today’s Christian Ministries oday’s Christian Ministries promotes good moral behavior. The sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible, God's infallible written Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. We believe that it was uniquely, verbally and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it was written without error (inerrant) in the original manuscripts. It is the supreme and final authority in all matters on which it speaks. We accept those areas of doctrinal teaching on which, historically, there has been general agreement among all true Christians. Because of the specialized calling of our movement, we desire to allow for freedom of conviction on other doctrinal matters, provided that any interpretation is based upon the Bible alone, and that no such interpretation shall become an issue which hinders the ministry to which God has called us. T Publication The mission of Today's Christian is to provide a comprehensive Christian publication that facilitates the empowerment of all Christians in the community. It is our hope that through spiritual, economic and educational growth, readers will become better equipped to serve the Lord, the Church and the wider community. Winter 2011 NNRA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 9 New American Chamber of Commerce (NACC) W ith sections such as Franchising 101, Consumer Tips, Know Your Rights, Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, Small Business Solutions and Fraud Prevention, The Consumer Advocate covers a broad base of topics that are of importance to all. NACC hosts various monthly seminars such as: Clergy Breakfast Small Business Solutions Identity Theft & Credit Repair CAW Fire Your Landlord Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Wills, Estate & Investment Planning Immigration CARE Police Misconduct & Litigation Franchising Events: Franchise Expo & Business Conference Beauty, Health & Wellness Expo We create and participate in key events such as: Caribbean Netball Association Caribbean Concert Series Caribbean Theatre Series Carnivals & Parades Caribbean Park Festival Taste of the Caribbean Caribbean American Heritage Month Think Tank Conference Caribbean American Beauty Pageant Drums of Thunder Competition All Fours Alliance World Cup CARE Chess Program Guyana Family Fun Day Brooklyn Music Festival Caribbean Soccer League Gospel Concerts Beauty, Health & Wellness Expo Sponsorship packages are available. Plus, our special advertising supplements help you maximize your advertising dollar! Our conference rooms are available for rental. Winter 2011 N NRA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance 10 Consumer Advocate Winter 2011 N N R A 11 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Consumer Advocate Winter 2011 N N R A 12 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Advertise For Success ICE: Immigration & Cultural Exposé (ICE) Immigration news and legislative updates, legal questions & answers, interviews and more. Free off air legal consultations on any legal matter. English ICE: Saturdays 6pm-7pm on WPAT 930AM Latino ICE: Mondays 2pm-3pm on WPAT 930AM English ICE: Thursdays 7am-8am on WVIP 93.5FM Legally Speaking: Mondays 7:30am-8:00am on WVIP 93.5FM Legal information and answers to all your issues from bankruptcy and personal injury to immigration! The Consumer Advocate: Tuesdays 9:00am-9:30am on WVIP 93.5FM All radio shows feature music and audience participation and are aired live and repeated on the web. Winter 2011 N N R A 13 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Circulation & Listenership Circulation Brooklyn Queens Bronx Manhattan Long Island Westchester New Jersey 60,000 22,500 20,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 5,000 Listenership Brooklyn Queens Bronx Manhattan Staten Island Long Island What is a special publication with I.Q. Inc .? t Front page article t Full color ad t Feature article (depends on ad size) t Targeted or general distribution How do I promote my event with I.Q. Inc.? l Special publication (sponsorship) l Advertisement l Radio interview l Radio spots Winter 2011 836,531 723,036 492,329 663,531 116,052 90,575 D o you w ant to become a R adio H o st? T ak e our radio host co ur se! CALL: 718 -771-0988 for more info. N N R A 14 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Rates for all Publications • • • • • • Caribbean American Weekly (weekly) The Immigrant’s Journal (bi-weekly) The Consumer Advocate (monthly) CARE Journal (monthly) Today’s Christian (monthly) Incarcerated (monthly) UNIT Full page Junior page Two-thirds Half-page (horizontal) Half-page (vertical) One-third (horizontal) One-third (vertical) One-quarter One-eighth (horizontal) One-eighth (vertical) SIZE(inches) 10 x 14 7 x 10 14 x 6.5 10 x 6.875 4.875 x 14 7.5 x 7 3 x 14 4.875 x 6.875 2x6 4x3 COLOR $800.00 $600.00 S500.00 S425.00 $425.00 $350.00 $350.00 $250.00 $200.00 $200.00 B&W $640.00 $480.00 $400.00 $340.00 $340.00 $280.00 $280.00 $200.00 $160.00 $160.00 Minimum size for color ¼ page. Frequency discount of retail rates SAVE 6x 10% 13x 15% 26x 20% 39x 25% 52x 30% Premiums: additional 25% rates. Winter 2011 N N R A 15 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Advertisers Contact Us Some of the advertisers that have benefited from our marketing: tAd Zoom Media tAFLAC tAfrican Arts Festival tAFUWI tAll Fours Alliance tAmerican Mortgage Company tBrooklyn District Attorney’s Office tBrooklyn Parents for Peace tC.M. First Step Training tCandidate for City Council Erlene King tCandidate for City Council Gerry Hopkins tCandidate for Congress Chris Owens tCaribbean Airlines tCaribbean American Beauty Pageant tCaribbean American Business Association tCaribbean Food Delights tCensus 2010 tCity Council Member Jumaane Williams tCity Council Member Kendall Stewart tCity Council Member Mathieu Eugene tConsulate of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago tEmancipation Support Committee – T & T tEmigrant Mortgage Company tEmigrant Savings Bank tEverybody’s Magazine tGrace Kennedy – Caribbean Outpost tGraphic Business Solutions Winter 2011 Spring 2010 tHopkins Consulting Group tKeith Miller Group tLaw Firm of Figeroux & Associates tLourdes Academy tMagicKids USA tManhattan Legal Services tMayor Michael Bloomberg tMinority Business Council tMiracle Deliverance International Ministry tNegril Village Restaurant tPan Trinbago tPreferred Partners tSenator Eric Adams tSenator John Sampson tSenator Kevin Parker tSesame Flyers tSons & Daughters of Jamaica tSt. Lucian Expo tTrini Breakfast Shed tTri-State Home Care tU.S. Small Business Administration tUniversal Airlines tVera Moore Cosmetics tVerizon – FIOS tVictory Schools tWashington Mutual Bank tWells Fargo N N R A 16 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Mechanical Requirements Line Screen & DP1 • All documents are 85 lpi • Tiff, Jpeg and Eps images: 300 dpi • Bitmaps: 400 dpi Grayscale images must be 8 bit, not 16 bit. PhotoShop CMYK Settings • Dot Gain: Standard – 36% • Separation Type: GCR • Black Ink limit: 100% • Total Ink limit: 240% PDF File Submission Guidelines • Embed all fonts, including 35% sub-set • Color files must be CYMK, not RGB • Composite file, without crop marks We also accept files from these PC/MAC compatible programs: • QuarkXpress 6.1* • InDesign CS* • Illustrator CS2** • PhotoShop*** *Must include all fonts and artwork **All type must converted to outline. ***Files should be flattened and saved as PS PDF, CMYK as appropriate. Files cannot exceed versions listed above. General • Repros of original artwork required • Deadline for proof copy one (1) week prior to publication date. • All our mechanicals remain the property of I.Q. Inc. • Files 10MB or smaller can be sent via email. Please include the name of the marketing executive and advertiser in the subject line. • Please mail CDs of larger files to 26 Court Street, Suite 701, Brooklyn, NY 11242 in care of your marketing executive. • Mechanicals, artwork, layout or design of an ad concept created by the design team of I.Q. Inc. that is not published in any publication owned and/or operated by NNRA and is used in other publications will be charged a rate of $100 per hour utilized. Winter 2011 Space Reservation & Materials Deadlines Caribbean American Weekly Publication Day: Wednesday Reservation Deadline: Prior Wednesday @ 6pm Material Deadline: Friday @ 5pm The Immigrant’s Journal (bi-weekly) 1st & 3rd Fridays of every month The Consumer Advocate 2nd Friday of every month Today’s Christian 3rd Friday of every month CARE Journal 4th Friday of every month N N R A 17 Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance Corporate & Marketing Office: 26 Court Street, Suite 701 Brooklyn, NY 11242 Tel: 718-771-0988 Fax: 718-222-3153 E-mail:[email protected] Website: NNRA Neighborhood Newspaper & Radio Alliance