Report - George Hull Centre
Report - George Hull Centre
Annual Report 2005-2006 From the Board Chair and Executive Director The George Hull Centre is dedicated to children, youth and families. Families who have faced the pain, suffering and despair of interrupted lives. With courage, they have come for help. Children in trouble. Children with depression. Children with school problems. Children with drug problems. Children who want to die. The Centre offers hope and healing through a full range of mental health services. To children and youth, from birth through to age eighteen, and their families. Our staff – early childhood educators, child and youth workers, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists and speech and language pathologists – are united by a common commitment to work tirelessly to support children and their families to become strong and healthy. The dedication, skill, professionalism and caring that every one of the staff demonstrates is what makes The George Hull Centre such an outstanding organization. Brigid Murphy Board Chair “ Elizabeth Ridgely M.S.W., R.S.W. Executive Director I battled with obesity, alcoholism, depression and issues with self-mutilation. I was angry and hostile because I felt a void inside like a part of me was missing. But because of the seemingly endless patience of staff at the George Hull Centre I started to slowly mend. It was a long hard struggle. It is my strong belief that it is the people that stand with you in time of need that influence you the most in life. I owe my self-knowledge and happiness to the George Hull Centre. Without them, I don’t think that I would have made it as far as I have. Girls House Client ” Mission Statement The George Hull Centre is one of Ontario’s leading multidisciplinary, innovative children’s mental health centres. The purpose of The George Hull Centre is to reduce suffering and to enhance the quality of life of children, youth and families. The George Hull Centre engages the community, its families and volunteers in a variety of partnerships to provide hope, solutions and positive outcomes. Rose attended the Best Start Program with her infant son. She had no family support and a stormy relationship with her baby’s father. Staff helped her with her family relationships, future goals, academic upgrading, life skills and infant care. Eight years later, she is married, volunteers for a women’s shelter and belongs to a church group helping young single mothers. She returned to visit and presented staff with one hundred dollars. Bursting into tears, she told how she had frequently stolen milk and food from the program cupboards when she was desperate. She credits the program with giving her the strength and skill to raise her son competently. The Centre is most appreciative of the visit to the Clear Directions Program by the Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health, Government of Ontario. Not only did the Minister spend time with our clients who have severe substance abuse problems, he also invited them to visit his office. These clients had an inside look at government in action. They joined him for lunch. It was a life changing experience for our clients! “ ” The warmth and incredible support made a huge difference in our feelings of desperation. Parent The Year In Review The George Hull Centre served 4,050 children and families in 2006-2007. Prevention and Early Intervention Services include the Best Start Program, Preschool Speech & Language Services, the Ontario Early Years Centre, the Etobicoke Preschool Consultation Group, the Highfield Community Enrichment Project, and the Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition. 3,077 families used these services. The unique aspect of this service continues to be the linkage between programs. A child can move easily from one program to another program, depending on the need. The Community Clinic offered 19 groups and workshops to 298 parents and children on the waiting list, in treatment and from the community. The multidisciplinary team provided assessment and family treatment to 622 families who were distraught about their children. The suffering endured by the child and the family as they struggle with disheartening conditions such as depression, anxiety, school refusal, substance abuse, aggression, learning difficulties, and suicidal ideation, erodes the soul. The dilemma of need for service and availability of service permeates all children’s mental health centres. The Boys House, a long-term residential treatment program, served 14 disturbed adolescents. The boys come with heartache, which is expressed through anger and extremely self destructive behaviours. Group and individualized programming is designed to provide a range of opportunities that promote self-esteem, confidence and skill development. The Girls House, a long-term residential treatment program, served 12 disturbed adolescents. The girls come with heartache, which is expressed through self-destructive symptoms, such as severe underachievement, suicidal behaviours, cutting, prostitution, drug and alcohol abuse. Most have been sexually abused. Most have given up on themselves and their ability to develop a life worth saving. The School Program is a partnership program with the Toronto Catholic District School Board and the Toronto District School Board. It served 54 adolescents from the Boys House, Girls House, and the community. The troubled lives of our students have left them far behind academically. This program eases the academic struggle with classroom adventures in theatre, sports and musical performances. The partnership between the teacher and the child and youth workers is exemplary. Both are needed for our students who walk into the classroom with their heads down. Clear Directions: In partnership with Breakaway and the Toronto District School Board, the mission of Clear Directions is to help young people, whose lives have been shattered by drugs and alcohol, break the cycle of addiction, rebuild their lives and become productive members of the community. The multidisciplinary team, working with a harm reduction philosophy, engages youth by acknowledging and building on strength, instilling hope and inviting family and friends into the class and therapy rooms. Children’s Mental Health Ontario: The George Hull Centre has been successfully re-accredited for a four year period. The CMHO accreditation standards reflect community needs and current practices, as well as emerging trends in the field of children’s mental health. In 2005, Elizabeth Ridgely was elected to the Board of CMHO and co-chairs its Public Policy Committee. The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Research, Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance Director: Dr. Sandra Cunning The George Hull Centre is committed to research, program evaluation and continuous quality improvement in an effort to ensure the delivery of high quality and effective services to the children and families it serves. From the Brief Child and Family Phone Interview, we know that over 60% of the families seen by the Centre were having more difficulties in functioning than 98% of the general population. When children and families completed services, we found that 84% of children showed significant improvement in functioning. Clients expressed high levels of satisfaction with clinical services, workshops and groups. 88% to 99% of respondents indicated that they would either return for services at the Centre or recommend the Centre to a friend. 92% of referring professionals indicated that they would continue to refer families to the Centre. The Research Department has been involved in the development of the Child and Youth Services Information System for the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. The project is led by the Mothercraft Institute for Early Development and supported by the Ministry of Finance. The Etobicoke Brighter Futures Coalition (EBFC) is a forty-member collaborative of agencies, groups and individuals, which provides programs and services to improve the health and well-being of high-risk children between zero and six years of age. Dr. Cunning recently completed a two-year evaluation study of eight Health Canada funded EBFC programs and the Coalition itself. Over 500 clients participated in the evaluation. Results of the study demonstrated that the programs were consistently reaching the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Over 80% of adult participants were born outside of Canada, with 70% living in Canada for less than five years. Approximately 50% of participants reported an annual income of under $15,000. A significant proportion of families (approximately 40%) are headed by lone parents, the majority of whom are women. The most significant outcome was that clients reported feeling significantly more connected to their communities and to the available supports after participating in Brighter Futures programs, effectively reducing their sense of isolation, a significant risk factor for families. “ You may not know the reasons I do not make it to school in the mornings. Some days, I just don’t have the drive to get out of bed. Why do I sleep? To escape what is really happening around me. Why don’t I wake up in the mornings? Because I don’t want to face a new day. A new day brings loose ends, false hope, another number to add to a list of the unaccomplished. Why do I sleep? Because I do not want to wake. Girl, age 16, School Program ” The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto Launched in 1998, the Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto is run by a unique child welfarechildren’s mental health partnership: Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, Native Child and Family Services, The Etobicoke Children’s Centre, The George Hull Centre for Children and Families and Yorktown Child and Family Services. The project is supported by a research team, led by Dr. Sandra Cunning, with funding from the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, University of Toronto, and Hedge Funds Care. Research findings clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of family group conferencing in giving families a voice in planning for children who are in need of protection and keeping these children within their extended family. The Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto has received a total of 340 referrals. A total of 1,571 adults, family members and friends, and 558 children attended conferences. Plans have been developed for 248 children. For children who are in the care of child welfare because of abuse and neglect. For the care and safety of teenage mothers and their unborn babies. For children with a terminally ill or mentally ill parent. 87% of the children remained with or were returned to their families. The Family Group Conferencing Project of Toronto has provided training and consultation around the province. The Child Welfare Secretariat, Ministry of Children and Youth Services, has funded the publication of the Project’s training manual for distribution across the province. In addition to numerous presentations in Ontario, Daniel Bogue, Dr. Sandra Cunning and Inshirah Hassabu of The George Hull Centre have presented for the past five years at the annual American Humane Association’s International Family Group Decision Making Conference. Daniel Bogue and Elizabeth Ridgely presented Family Group Conferencing in October 2005 at the Accademia Di Psicoterapia della Famiglia International Family Therapy Symposium in Italy. Training Future Professionals Through the Centre’s formal affiliation agreement with the University of Toronto, the Centre offers learning opportunities to students from various professional disciplines. This year, the Centre provided learning opportunities for one resident in psychiatry, four social work students, two Speech and Language Pathology students, 62 medical students, and two medical students from the Determinants of Community Health Program. The Centre also welcomed 12 child and youth work students from George Brown, Humber, Seneca and Mohawk Colleges and Ryerson University. 12 nursing students from Humber College and one nursing student from Ryerson University/George Brown College were placed at the Highfield Community Enrichment Project. The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Family Therapy Training Program Director: Elizabeth Ridgely, M.S.W., R.S.W. Faculty: Daniel Bogue, M.S.W., R.S.W., Jane Bray, M.S.W., R.S.W., Martha Howard, M.S.W., R.S.W. The George Hull Centre is committed to the training and development of professionals working in the field. The Family Therapy Training Program offers both theoretical and clinical training to professionals across disciplines and across the country to promote family therapy as a central component of the treatment of children and adolescents. This year, the Family Therapy Training Program had 78 trainees in programs including the Theoretical Frameworks Seminar Series, Extern Program, Marital Therapy Seminar. A one day workshop on racism was presented by Dr. Ken Hardy, Professor, Syracuse University, who is known internationally for his work in the area of diversity and family therapy. During the past year, Elizabeth Ridgely provided family therapy consultation to Rapport Youth and Family Services, Brampton, and Family Service Association of Toronto. She presented on Couples in Crisis, Alliant International University, San Diego, California; on Two Cultures: One Family at the Ontario School Counsellors Association Parents Conference, Toronto; on Consent and Confidentiality at the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers Education Day, Toronto. We Love Our 141 Volunteers! They sit on the Board of the Centre. They sit on the Highfield Project Steering Committee. They sit on the Parents’ Association. They help in the classroom. They help with groups. They tutor children. They lead reading circles. They provide support to parents. They make snacks – hundreds a week at our early years programs and 1,150 a day at Highfield Junior School. Honorary mention to members of the Kiwanis Club of Humber Valley and the North Albion Collegiate Leadership Class who help run the Highfield Breakfast Club for 150 children every morning. “ The warmth and incredible support made a huge difference in our feelings of desperation. Our child was immediately made to feel that someone was listening! The help and support will never be forgotten or under-appreciated! Parent, Community Clinic ” The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Michael Syron Memorial Bursary The Michael Syron Memorial Bursary was established in honour of the founding Board Chair of the Centre, whose dedication and ideals contributed to the Centre and to the Etobicoke community. Funded by his children, Laura Syron, Stephanie Taaffe and Philip Syron, the bursary is presented annually to a university or college bound student graduating from a school located in the former City of Etobicoke. The award assists students who have done well in school and contributed to the community despite adverse personal circumstances. The 2005 Michael Syron Memorial Bursary of one thousand dollars was awarded to Granit Binaku, a graduate of North Albion Collegiate Institute, to study Kinesiology at York University. Granit came to Canada six years ago, fleeing the war in Kosovo. Smaller awards of two hundred and fifty dollars each were given to Aziza Mohammed, a graduate of Richview Collegiate Institute, to study International Relations and Political Science at Trinity College, University of Toronto, and to Nikisha Dowlatsingh, a graduate of the Etobicoke School of the Arts, to study at Western University. “ ” There were many times when I felt that the George Hull Centre was a lifeline for my family and I will always be grateful for all of the help and support we received. Parent Honorary Members of The George Hull Centre 1985-1990 Clive Chamberlain, m.d., f.r.c.p.(c), Founding Executive Director Speakers who enriched our Annual Meetings with their thinking, their advocacy and their presence: 2005 Alia Hogben 1998 Dr. Susan Bradley 2004 Ellie Tesher 1996 Michael Valpy 2003 June Callwood 1995 Anne-Marie Stewart 2002 Susan Perren 1994 His Excellency Allan Rock 2001 The Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain 1993 Tony Silipo 2000 The Hon. Hilary M. Weston 1992 Dr. Thelma Jean Goodrich 1999 Jeffery Wilson 1991 Dr. Colin Maloney The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Fundraising Events: The George Hull Centre Golf Tournament, August 2005 $38,000 A beautiful day. A beautiful golf course. National Pines Golf Club. A delicious lunch. A delicious silent auction. The Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, September 2005 $37,500 Another beautiful day. With the Honourable George Smitherman running for The George Hull Centre. The RBC Poker Tournament for Children’s Mental Health, February 2006 $181,800 A beautiful evening at RBC. A beautiful view. Beautiful food. Hosted and sponsored by RBC Capital Markets. Other sponsors: The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company Lombard Canada Ltd. Hope Travels, March 2006 $8,000 A beautiful dinner. A beautiful restaurant, Trapezzi Supper Club. A beautiful silent auction. A wonderful evening celebrating the Girls House. Contributing to the Girls House summer plan of driving to Newfoundland. Boys Helping Boys, Royal St. George’s College, April 2006 $3,275 A beautiful pasta dinner. Beautiful music. A beautiful silent auction. Wonderful dancing by Sole2Soul and Hawaiian Pacific Magic. Contributing to the Boys House summer plan of driving to Vancouver. The George Hull Centre 20th Anniversary Gala, May 2006 A beautiful dinner at the Capitol Event Theatre. A beautiful silent auction. A beautiful evening enhanced by Sonja Smits and Alan Frew. Signature Sponsor: The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company Helping Hand Sponsors: The Boiler Insurance and Inspection Company of Canada Cade Associates Insurance Brokers Limited Deloitte and Touche LLP Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Miller Thomson LLP Red Apple Entertainment Symcor Inc. The George Hull Centre for Children and Families $70,000 Financial Highlights 12 Month Period Ending March 31, 2006 $000’s Revenue Provincial Subsidy 6,165 Donations 396 Family Group Conferencing 126 Highfield Nutrition Program 82 Etobicoke Preschool Consultation 71 Highfield Child Care Program 22 Family Therapy Training Program 18 Interest and expense recoveries Total Revenue 7,060 Expenditures Salaries and benefits 5,353 Building Occupancy 534 Professional Services 298 Program and Client Expenses 307 Office and Administration 227 Awareness Amortization Travel and Vehicle 56 Training and Recruitment 23 Family Therapy Training Program 11 180 85 116 Total Expenditures 7,010 Funds Received and Managed on behalf of: Etobicoke Brighter Futures Health Canada CAPC 182 United Way Success by Six 110 Other Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services Provincial funding through the City of Toronto Other 13 1,112 17 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Making A Difference The Centre gratefully acknowledges the generous support of its donors. Corporate 407 etr Concession Company Limited Absolutely Fine Foods AIM Health Group Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc. All-Seasons Home Improvement Aurion Capital Management Inc. Aviva Canada Inc. Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Baron Insurance Services Inc. Bartimaeus Inc. Bass Associates Ltd. Blake, Cassels and Graydon LLP BMO Nesbitt Burns BMW Group Canada Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Cade Associates Insurance Brokers Limited Can-Am Food Brokers Limited Carruthers Financial and Associates Inc. Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP Central Ontario Regional Council of Carpenters, Drywall and Allied Workers Club Link Coca Cola Bottling Company Cuffwear Inc. CULE General Contractor Ltd. Danforth Yoga Spa Dapa Consulting Deloitte and Touche Diesel Management Discount Car and Truck Rentals DUCA Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. DWPV Services Limited Partnership Eclipse Fitness Club Epstein Cole LLP Extendicare (Canada) Inc. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin llp Frameworth Sport Inc. 10 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Futuremed Health Care Products LP Goodmans LLP Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Great-West Life Assurance Company Greiner-Pacaud Management Associates Guarantee Company of North America Guy Carpenter and Company (Canada) Ltd. Hershey Canada Inc. H.J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd. Hillcrest Mall HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc. Humbertown Jewellers Hummingbird Islington Nurseries JB McFee Construction J.D.R. Marketing Limited Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc. Jiffy Sign J.J. Barnicke Limited Karry’s Bros. Limited KPMG Corporate Finance Inc. Krest Dental Ceramics Langdon Hall Country House Hotel and Spa Loblaws Group Lombard Canada Ltd. Lulu Lemon Athletica Macquarie North America Ltd. Magic Lantern Theatres Ltd. Magna International Inc. Maple Leaf Sports Marketron International Mastermind Educational Toys McDermott Enterprises Ltd. McDonald’s Canada McLellan Group MeMeMe Inc. Mercer Human Resource Consulting Limited Microsoft Canada Co. Miller Thomson LLP Moksha Yoga Moores Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada N.S. Smith Real Estate Ltd. Norseman Plastics North 44 Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt LLP Pardu Interior Design Consultants Ltd. PartnerRe Canada PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Red Apple Entertainment Red Label Hair Co. Rick Davis Promotions Inc. Ridgely Studio Works Rogers Wireless Roycom Inc. Samuel Manu-Tech Inc. Samuel, Son and Co., Limited Shore Line Building Maintenance Sienna Films Inc. Sleep Country Canada Starbucks Coffee Company Stikeman Elliott Superior Liquidators Swiss Reinsurance Company Canada Symcor Inc. TD Newcrest TD Securities Employee Charity Auction Teranet Inc. The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company The International Group Inc. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company The Valecon Group Thermopatch (Canada) Inc. Torys LLP Turner and Porter Funeral Directors limited “ UBS Securities Canada Inc. Valecon Properties Corp. Vanderfleet Flowers Village Salon WD-40 Products (Canada) Ltd. Wheels Group X-Design Inc. Community Groups Blue Man Group Toronto Dixon Grove Junior Middle School Families in Transition Hawaiian Pacific Magic Islington United Church Kingsway-Lambton Untied Church Women Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Women’s League Royal St. George’s College St. Andrew’s College St. George’s Church Nursery School Inc. Soul2Sole Taoist Tai Chi Society Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association Foundations CIBC World Markets Children’s Miracle Foundation Davies Ward Phillips and Vineberg Foundation Institute for Cross-Cultural Exchange Ontario Trillium Foundation RBC Foundation The EJLB Foundation The KPMG Foundation Saying ‘thank you’ is not enough of an expression of the emotion that I feel when I reflect on the patience, understanding, kindness and professionalism that the Boys House staff generously showed my son during his year long journey. I know living at the GHC did him a lot of good because of the staff. Father of boy, age 14 ” The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 11 Individuals Peter & Cathy Acs Barbara Addie Jasmine Akbarali Jim Ali Kate Allan Jocelyn Allen Philip Allmen Veit Allrich Ron Alltree Ligia Almeida Barbara Andersen Jeff Anderson Michael J. Anderson Rick & Mary Angelson Brenda Ansara James Archer-Shee Aldona Armstrong Susan M. Armstrong Ray Arndt Janet Aronovitch Rick Arseneau Joe Arteaga Leilani Aquino Rae Augusto Sandra Augusto Peter Aziz Aaron Babel Gail Bacon Janice Bacon Terence Badour Matthew Baillie Amy Baker Max Balaban Mark Baldwin Estate of Elizabeth H. Band Greg Bandler Christopher J. Bardsley Portia Barriffe Diane Bartlett Barbara Basta Barbara Bastyr Kevon Bayat Nathalie Begin Manon Belisle Jalynn Bennett Kingsley Bennett Christiane Bergevin 12 Frank Bertucci Dr. Lion Berzin Brad Beveridge Dr. & Mrs. R.D. Beveridge Terry & Jan Beveridge Roger Bickers Doug & Gail Biefer Genny Billingsley Lawrence Birch Terry Bisset Carla Blackmore Tom Blake Sharen H. Blatt Shelagh Block Ken Blonski Charlie & Marie Blum Lisa Blum Daniel Bogue Sheila Bondi Dr. Steve Bongard Peter Borst Simone Bowman James Boyd Alan Bradley Colin Bradly Gord Brandt Jane Bray Karen Bray Mariana Brizuela Graham Brown Howard Brown Katherine Bryce Anja Bundze Geoffrey Butler Ian Button Kenneth Buttoo Donald Cade Marilyn Cade Darlene Cade Fraser June Callwood Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cameron Bruce Campbell Kathryn Campbell Norma Campbell June Cannavicci Ernest Cappellacci J. Pino Carriero Rudi Carter The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Bill Carty BJ Caruso Esther Carver Eva Casino David Cassar Michelle Cato Tom Cauchon Dr. Clive Chamberlain Eddy Chan Chichi Chang Yvonne Chan-Nicholson Brent P. Chapman Janet Charlton Krishna Chawla Gregory Chellew Morris Chochla Niels & Doris Christensen Hugh Christie Kathy Ciccolini Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ciccolini Carol Cimicata Ralph & Carol Cipolla Chris & Pam Clark Gordon & Margaret Clark Jennifer Clinch Jean Cloutier Jamie Colliver Joe & Venita Colonna Maris Uffelmann & Dean Connor Anne Conway George L. Cooke Marie Cordero Bob Coughlin Susan M. Cowan Deborah Cowley Steve Coxford David Craig Judith A. Craig Chris Crofton Bob Culbert Roy Cullen William & Sheila Cunning Pat Dales Jerry Dalla Corte Rebecca Danial Laurie Dart J.S. Darville Carol Anne Davidson Gina Davidson Steve Davies Susan Davies Rick Davis Juliet Davy Duncan de Chastelain Lina de Jong Angie DeFrancesco Florence Delkus Dawn DeNeire Larry Deramo Luc Deshaies Franca DiComo Antonella Digiovanni Elvire DiScipio Gerry Doerksen Meg Doherty Borka Dokuzovic Doug Dougherty Ken & Lynda Dryden Christine Duffield William Dunlop Sandra Dunne Tony Dunne Jan Durst Ed Dybka Halinka Dybka Dr. Gary Dyck George Easey Nora Gillespie & James Easto Don Eckhart Frances Edmonds Connie Eidinger Terry Elder Karen Elstone Philip Evershed Colin Fairlie Dionne Falconer Elizabeth Fanjoy Carole A. Farley Dr. Gordon Farndon Ryan Farquhar Ed Farrell Clara Fernandes Gina Ferris Jo-Anne Finegan Mervin Fisher Patricia Fisher Stewart Fisher Walter Flores Robert Foote Kathryn Forsyth Andre Fredette Jeremy Freedman Fred & Yvonne Froud The Froud Family Mark Fruitman Mary Fruitman Murray B. Frum Sylvia Furgiuele Olga Galbraith Jeffrey Gamble Jane Gardner Domenic Gatta Richard Gauthier P. Gazzoli J. David Girvin Dr. Marianne Gocker David & Roanne Goldsmon Ana Gomez Jeffery Greenfield Doreen Greenwald Janet Greenwood Lynne Gregory Zulema Guerrero Debra Haak Christine Haley Gordon Hall Susan Halpern Kirk D. Hamilton Peter Hamilton Christine Hampson Robert Hanna Nada Harcourt Daniel Harper Michael Harris Sandra Harris Jerry Hartman Bryn Harvey-Raymond Clare Harvey-Raymond Brahm Hauer Jack & Amy Hauer Thomas Heintzman Paul Henderson Paul Hendrick Tom Herauf Michael Heydon Debbie Holly Peter Holt Dermot W. Holwell Sheri Hord Sonia Houle Craig Houston Martha Howard Donna Hrynkiw Stephen J. Hucal Gabrielle Huebner David Huestis Susan Huff Elizabeth Huggins Nathalie & Meghan Hull Robert & Catherine Hull Warren Hull Anne Hull Campbell Marion A. Hunt David & Adele Imrie Shirley Ivens Jon Jacobs Julie Jaglowitz Claudette James William James Angela Jansen Janice Johnson Pam Johnson Emily Joyce Robert Juhasz Marilyn Kanee J. Kartechner Min Katz Dr. Manohar Keesari Robert Keilty Brian Keogh William Kerr Sharon Kiff Julie Kinnear E. Knowlton Tom Knowlton John Koopman Joe Korman Robert W. Korthals Miriam Koszela Susan Kotcheff Brian Kristjansen The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 13 Axel Kuhn Pei-Chi Kuo Gregory Kwan Paul Laberge Nancy Ladenheim Grace Lam Michael Lam Don Langill Rollande B. Latreille Marlene Laugesen John Laurie Angie Laurusaitis Lavinia Law Mary Law Renee Lydia and Audrey Lebed Ron Levy Wendy Li Susan Lilley Manoojkumar Lilmohan Joyce Linnett Katherine Lloyd Jacqueline Loach Richard Longley Louise Lore David Loucks Tonny Louie Marilyn Lowe Gordon Lownds David Lurie Peter Macaulay Arlene MacBride Ann MacDonald Florence MacDonald Scott Macdonald Anita MacIsaac Glenn MacKay Vlastimila Macko Margaret MacMillan Bruce Mann Jim Marinos The Marlatt Family John Martelli Catherine Martin Cathy A. Martin Francis Martin Leonel Martinez Kerry Masche Todd Masche 14 Ashi P. Mathur Fred May Steven Mayers Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain Duncan McCallum Leslie McCallum Leah McDoom Robert McEwen Liam McFarlane Tom McGrogan Greg & Bonnie McGuire Sandra McGuire Mark McHughan Patrizia McInnis Kara McIntosh Laura Syron & Keith McLaughlin Karyn N. McLean Andrea McLeod Ryan McLeod Lisa McMahon Terry McNally Ken Mead Catherine Meade Stania Melichar Bert Menear Patricia Merka Karen Mighty Barbara Miller Craig Mills Stephanie Mills Charlene Milton Philip W. Minnaar, C.A. Paul Moase Monica Monahan Lorena Moniz C. Elan Moore Darwina Moore Dr. Peter Moore Harold Moore Mary Morris Audrey Mullan Catherine Munro Gordon Munro Brigid Murphy Leah Murphy James Murray The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Saima Murtaza-Vahed Aaron Nantais Nicole Nantais Cathy Narduzzi Sylvia Naumovski H. Near Abraham Nehmad Zdenka Nejasmic Richard Nelson Maria Neto Craig & Lisa Newfield Paul & Diane Newhouse Robert Nice Kerry Nolan Sandie Nolan-Hall David Noon Lois Nuk Maureen O’Brien Jocelyne Cote O’Hara Cory Oliver Donald Oliver Glen Oliver Joan Oliver Arthur & Ruth O’Neil Dr. Christina Oprescu-Havriliuc Christina O’Reilly Marco Ortiz Karen Osorio-Valle Anthony Ostler Lisa Ottini Michael Overbury Mirabel Palmer-Elliott Effie Panagiotoupoulos Edward Paradowski Juliana Paris Joanne Park Pravir Patel Alana Patterson Catherine Patterson Mairi Payne Carroll Pearce Joe Pendlebury Susie Pereina Sandra Pereira Susan Perren Liliana Pestana Richard Peterson Larry Phillips Brian Pickard Christine Piening Maddalena Pignatari Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pigulski Virginia Pinto Doina Plopeanu Ruth Pluznick Jess Poland J. Mary Poole Colin Pope Alison J. Porter Barb Porter Tara Portland Mollyanna Potter Cynthia Potts Elizabeth Prescott Morris Pressello Don Price Shelly Ann Rae Tahir Raja John Ralph Abigail Ram Nerys Rau Terry Reynolds Tammy Richards Elizabeth Ridgely Rana Rifaie Michelle Ritch Linda Riverso Wesley Roberts Angela Robertson Jennifer Rogers Bonnie Romanson Marie Rounding Alison Rundle Rosalind Rundle Rita Russo Jackie Saliba Don Sangster Maria Santos Aldo Sarracini William Saunderson Michael Schafler Margaret Priest & Tony Scherman Sophie Schmidt Kathryn Schneider Mary Secord May Secord Anne Secord-Houston Catherine Secord-Swann Graham Segger Dr. Randi Shaul Elaine Shearer Tim Shkolnik Hilary Short Naeem Siddiq Wojtceck Sikorski Linda Intaschi & David Silcox Sirje Simm Clifton Simpson Shayna Singer Bobby Sinharoy Raymond Slattery Michelle Small Jenny Smit Lloyd Smith Donata Smolak Roman Smolak Steven Sofer Howard Sone Candice Sookoo Nyron Sookraj Dan Sooley Tim Spark Ron Sparrow Gerry & Nancy Sponagle Elise St. Marie Jim Stafford Olga Steckley John Stewart Timothy Stewart Cindy Storr Barbara Sutton Dr. Martin Svihra Lorne Switzer Mr. & Mrs. Alan Taaffe Mark M. Taylor Ellie Tesher Erin Timmons Mary Torro Doug Tozer Karen Traboulay Alex Troop Anita Turcotte John & Barbara Tyers John Ulrich Ahmed Vahed Ziyaad Vahed Carolina Vanden Berg-Douglas Anne-Marie Vanier Dena Veltri Timothy Wach Donald Waechter Jane Waechter Linda J. Wahrer David M. Walkowiak Dr. & Mrs. M. Walsh Doug Warrington Stanley Watroba Bruce Watson Dr. Penny Watson Reg Watson D. Webb Stephen Weiman Catharine Wells Loren Wells Steve Whitelaw Allyson Whyte Nowak William P. Wilder Nancy Wildman Margaret Williams Neil Witchlon Catherine Wong Sim Mee Wong Robert Woodall Diane Woodruff Joan Woods James Worts Eric Wredenhagen Borys Wrzesnewskyi Richard Wyruch Xiangmin Xu Aaron Young Caroline Young Natalie Zinman Jurij Zurba The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 15 Corporate Directory Management Team Elizabeth Ridgely, M.S.W., R.S.W., Executive Director Rick Arseneau, B.Comm., CGA, Director, Administration Daniel Bogue, M.S.W, R.S.W., Director, Prevention and Early Intervention Services Jane Bray, M.S.W., R.S.W., Director, Residential and Day Treatment Services Sandra Cunning, Ph.D., Director, Research Bill Davidovitz, M.S.W., R.S.W., Acting Director, Community Clinic Tahmo Gharabaghi, B.A., Program Manager, School Program and Clear Directions Lynne Gregory, C.Y.W., Program Manager, Ontario Early Years Centre Andrew Legatto, B.A., Program Manager, Boys House Elnora Magboo, M.A., Program Manager, Highfield Community Enrichment Project Karen Mighty, S.S.W., Program Manager, Girls House Audrey Mullan, Manager, Human Resources Inaam Sahar, SLP(Reg.CASLPO), Acting Manager, Preschool Speech and Language Services Anne Secord-Houston, B.S.W., R.S.W., Program Manager, Best Start Ruth Stirtzinger, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C), Psychiatrist in Chief Board Members Brigid Murphy, Chair Susan Armstrong, Vice-Chair Jasmine Akbarali Darlene Cade J.S. Darville Louise Lore Cathy A. Martin Ashi P. Mathur Naeem Siddiq Anne-Marie Vanier Jane Waechter Foundation Trustees Robert G.S. Hull, Chair Philip Allmen Hugh Christie J.S. Darville Parents’ Association Cathy A. Martin, Chair 16 The George Hull Centre for Children and Families Gordon Lownds Duncan McCallum Gregory McGuire Brigid Murphy Sorrow Drowning in this pool of sorrow, I cannot find the light. Reach for the stars, they say, But they are always out of sight. A star above is dying lonely, I hold my life in my fist. Time ticks by with clarity, I am bleeding from my wrist. It’s hard to fly, When you can’t even run. Once I had this world, No I have no one. Sorrow binds my steps, Barbed wire locks me in. People can’t hear me clearly, Now I know I cannot win. Sorrow never stops, It always keeps on killing. All my care has died inside of me, The scarlet blood is now spilling. If I needed someone to control me, If I needed someone to knock me down, I would change my direction, And save myself before I drown. Girls House Client, age 15 Girl, age five The George Hull Centre for Children and Families 600 The East Mall, Third Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M9B 4B1 Telephone: 416 622 8833 Email: [email protected] Website: The George Hull Centre Registered Charity No. 10808 2918 RR0001 The George Hull Centre Foundation Registered Charity No. 88864 7740 RR0001 Accredited by Children’s Mental Health Ontario
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