Fellowship of Nienna
Fellowship of Nienna
OFFICIAL REALM OF NIENNA NEWSPAPER oneringtorulethemalloneringtofindthemniennanews NIENNANEWS oneringtobringthemallandinthedarknessbindthema Number 2 January 2007 Collectormania we went to Machester to meet Craig Parker and Miranda Otto LotR board game Seen strikes again! Have fun with this unique lord of the rings memo game NaNo report read all about the warp speed novel writing competition Fellowship of Nienna meet Seen and Elfmaiden NEW Sections: oneringtorulethemalloneringtofindthemniennanews interview with a nienna, pets corner, nienna’s smithy, collector’s box... lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Editor’s Note First of all, The Dwarven Workshop would like to wish all of its readers a very Happy New Year and hopes that everyone had a lovely Holiday Season. Following the success of the first issue, The Dwarven Workshop has the pleasure of presenting its second issue of Nienna News. Once again the magazine is packed with interesting items. There are articles about members hobbies and their collections. Results of competitions from the last issue and also competitions that were held on the Realm over the Holiday season. The fun continues with Fungorn Forest, produced by our very own Fun Maker. And the exciting news is that the Nienna Realm has its very own website. So make yourselves comfortable, grab a cup of your favourite beverage, perhaps a chocolate sock or two and settle down for a wonderful read. Many thanks to all our contributors. Huge Hugs. Chief Weeper ~ Rosie xxx lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 02 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Contents 02 03 04 05 06 08 10 13 16 18 20 22 26 28 Editor's Note Contents Nienna Headlines Carrying Nienna With You Many Meetings Character Spotlight Collectormania Report LotR Memory Game Fellowship of Nienna - Seen Fellowship of Nienna - Elf Interview with AinarielPalantir NaNo Report - Griffin NaNo Report - Becky Fungorn Forest 38 42 44 46 48 50 54 Nienna's Smithy Collector's Box Pets Corner Parody "The Darker-than-Grey Gate" Poetry LotR Memory Game Cards Gallery 28 Mystery Picture 28 LotR Anagrams 29 Crossword 30 Elrond's Balls of Foresight 32 Merry Christmas 34 Jokes from O'er the Brandywine 36 Captions and Captives lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 03 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Nienna Headlines Festive Trivia Tournament A brand new holiday event was held, hosted by morwenna it featured various questions, from LotR behind the scenes trivia to CoE’s history. After 4 rounds and 40 question the most succeseful Nienna was our leader Rose. Congratulations! 1. Rose 37 2. Seen 36 3. Aegor 28 Festive Treasure Hunt The rangers of Nienna tested their searching skills with another holiday game. Throughout the Realm were hidden small Christmas pics and the goal was to find them all! Rebecca_C won the competition with 21.5 points (out of possible 22), Ainariel Palantir was 2nd with 21 points and Griffin was 3rd with 19. Realm Scepter Award Yes, the Realm of Nienna is once again proud owner of Iluvatar’s scepter! With new rules for the inter-realm competition came a new challenge, design of a brand new Scepter. Our member Aegor tweaked in Photoshop a bit and made an image that won the race with 108 votes. Realm Trivia Tournament The loremaster’s challenge continues with questions tougher then ever. Once again, the winner is SeenZ in a close race that was decided in the very last round. Photo of the Month Winner Photo by SeenZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 11 Forth Eorlingas Rider’s name Aegor SeenZ Ainariel Palantir Rebecca_C Rosearialelven Lozadora Griffin Magoleth ElfmaidenofLorien jerazm Annuniel Jozy FEs 72 69 46 30 28 23 23 20 14 12 3 3 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 04 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Carrying Nienna with you The first time I knew about “Lord of The Rings” is through watching the first movie: “Lord of the Rings.” I had heard about it, but never found the time to watch it. When I finally did, I was hooked; my life was forever changed! After watching the film, I just had to read the book ~ and so I did. Since then I have seen and read “The Two Towers”, “Return of The King”; “ After watching and reading the trilogy, I became very curious of how it all started ( the history of Middle-earth, the Peoples of Middle-Earth etc.), and so I have since then read “The Hobbit”; The Silmarillion” (I can’t wait until I read “Unfinished Tales”!). When I first joined CoE, I was initially looking for a course on Quenya. While doing this, I checked out the other things CoE had to offer, which was a lot! I enrolled in the Quenya course, checked out the games and articles they had to offer. I was curious about the Realms but was very reluctant to join, because I was quite new and did not know much about the process. However, one of my pen pals suggested checking the Realms out. Since then, I finally navigated through the system; I have joined the Nienna Realm where I have found so many wonderful people who always make me feel welcome and are always willing to help. Many of the Niennites here are very gracious. They have always encouraged me to participate in the Realm’s games and contests ~ without their encouragement, I never would have ventured this thus far! They always are willing to listen to the ups and downs of life. Many have made me laugh, helped me get over the many colds I have had; offered very good advice on a plethora of subjects. I am very proud to be a member of such a wonderful community and would recommend this Realm to anyone! by Nienna_green lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 05 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Many Meetings Manchester Edition I registered with The Council of Elrond in December 2003, a first time adventure for me as I had never joined anything on the internet before. In 2004 I heard there was to be a Lord of the Rings convention in Manchester, my home town. I joined the Organizers site ~ getting brave now ~ and there became acquainted with a very nice lady. I encouraged her to join CoE, which she did, and then coaxed her into our Realm. We arranged our first meeting in April 2004, at a café in Manchester. I worried in case I would not recognise her, but my worries were soon eased as I saw her sitting at a table reading what else but Tolkien. It is a wonderful moment when you first meet a fellow CoEr and have someone, in person, to share your love of Tolkien, his books and the m o v i e s a nd I w a s n o t disappointed in my newly found friend, Magoleth. We have become firm friends and see each other on a regular basis. wedding in Scotland. The opportunity to meet another CoE member was just to wonderful to miss and I was delighted when she accepted my invitation to stay with me at my home and we cemented our friendship. She flew into Manchester International Airport, where I waited to meet her, anticipation and excitement abound. I knew her instantly as she came into view ~ she was carrying a staf f ! ! B e ll e ' s RP character/alter ego is an Istar, friend of Gandalf and sister to Radagast. What delight to finally meet. We enjoy chatting on Sundays, on MSN, with other members of Nienna and the Fans Over Forty thread, to write our RP “The Reunion”. In October 2004, Bellemaine, another Niennite and friend, was to visit the UK to celebrate her sister's lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 06 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk And more was to come, when in 2005, Magoleth and I met Istarnie, yes you guessed ~ also from Nienna, in the town of Garstang in the Lake District. We had a more than enjoyable day wandering round the town and along the Lancastrian Canal, chatting about Tolkien, his works and we found a rather middleearthish pub and a boat named Shadowfax. Another meeting that will stay with me, is a day in Manchester and lunch with Po t b e l l y H a i r y f o o t , Happy_Hobbit and Mo r w e n n a t h i s J u l y . Mo r w e n n a a n d I h a d arranged to meet with PB a n d Ha p p y _ Ho b b i t i n Waterstone's Book Shop, in the Tolkien section. Well, where else. We waited and felt sure we were being eyed suspiciously as we were there quite some little while. Lol!! Had we missed our friends! We even smiled at one or two gentlemen, who gave us strange looks. Well, they could have been PB. Finally, the moment arrived and PB was there. He and Happy_Hobbit had been waiting upstairs in t h e s m a l l c af é . T h e Manchester weather was good to us, we had a delicious meal and were even treated to a parade in Albert Square, u n d e r t h e gra n d e ur o f Manchester Town Hall. Of course, Morwenna and I had arranged it all. Lol!! I have made so many lovely friends in my time on CoE and in the Realm of Nienna, that have enriched my life, including members on the Fans over Forty thread in The Prancing Pony. A wonderful group of people who share their dayto-day activities, woes, blows and laughter. My life would be that much emptier if it were not for The Council of Elrond and the Realm of Nienna. by Rosearialelven lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 07 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Character spotlight - Gwaihir Gwaihir, the Windlord, also known as the Lord of the Eagles. Windlord is the literal meaning of Gwaihir. He is the descendant of Thorondor, the greatest of all Eagles. Gwaihir and Landroval, his brother, lived in an eyrie to the East of the Misty Mountains in Wilderland. With keen eyesight, Gwaihir was the swiftest of the Great Eagles. He was large enough and strong enough to bear the weight of a grown man. He was intelligent and like the other Eagles, had the gift of speech. In the summer of 3018, Gandalf asked Radagast to request the Great Eagles to fly far and wide and gather news of the Nine Ringwraiths, the mustering of Orcs and Wargs and about the escape of Gollum from Mirkwood. Gwaihir journeyed to Isengard to tell what the Eagles had learned and on September 18, he found the Wizard imprisoned by Saruman on the pinnacle of the Tower of Orthanc. The Eagle bore Gandalf away. It was Gwaihir who took Gandalf to Rohan, when the Wizard said that he needed a horse. On February 17, 3019, Gwaihir, answering Galadriel's request to find Gandalf, found the Wizard on the peak of Zirakzigil following the defeat of the Balrog. The entrance to the Endless Stair had been blocked and Gandalf had been unable to escape from the mountain. Gwaihir once again carried Gandalf, finding his burden to be as light as a feather, as the Wizard's old life had been burned away being reborn as Gandalf the White. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 08 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaep r council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk The Eagle carried Gandalf to Lothlórien and at the Wizard's request, flew to seek news of the Fellowship. Gwaihir returned to Gandalf with the news that Merry and Pippin had been captured by Saruman's Uruk-hai. Gwaihir and Landroval led a great Company of Eagles to the Black Gate on March 25, 3019. They swooped in to attack the Winged Beasts, but the creatures fled when they were summoned by Sauron to fly to Mount Doom where Frodo and Sam stood at the Cracks of Doom with The One Ring. When the Ring was destroyed, Mount Doom erupted and Frodo and Sam were stranded on a hill amid flowing lava and falling ash. Gandalf asked Gwaihir to carry him a third and final time. Gwaihir, accompanied by Landroval and Meneldor, flew swiftly to Mount Doom and with his keen sight he spotted the Hobbits through the fumes. The Eagles lifted Frodo and Sam and took them away to safety. Gwaihir rescues Frodo and Sam at Mount Doom It is sometimes assumed that Gwaihir is the same Lord of the Eagles who rescued Gandalf, Bilbo and the Dwarves in The Hobbit. However, this is may not be so. When Gwaihir carried Gandalf to Mount Doom, the Wizard stated that it was the third time the Eagle bore him (RotK, p. 227). The first two times were the rescues from Orthanc and the Zirakzigil, which seems to rule out a previous rescue, such as that in The Hobbit. However, it is possible that Gandalf was referring only to the times that Gwaihir had carried him recently. The name Gwaihir means "Wind Lord" from gwaew meaning "wind" and hir meaning "lord, master.” by Rosearialelven Gwaihir carries Gandalf from Isengard lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaep r council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 09 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Collectormania Report Having been there before Rose and I knew what is would be like but for you the dear reader a small overview. Only two thirds of the space inside the G-Mex building is used as it is so vast. There are bars and toilets and a restaurant and rows and rows of merchandising stalls. In fact aisles and aisles of them. Whatever you are in to. Star Wars and Star Trek are perennial favourites. Darth Vadar, Obi Wan, Storm Troopers abound as can be seen by two happy ladies. This year there was even a speeder bike! Princess Leia's everywhere and Boba Fett! After coming in from a breath of fresh air we turned a corner and who should be there???? Walking around and we found the booths set up for Autograph signings, and there sitting every so prettily was the lovely Miranda Otto! With of course her minders! lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 10 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Sitting next to her was the redoubtable Mark Ferguson (GilGalad) who unfortunately only appeared in the Fellowship but nonetheless was waiting to sign autographs. (sorry no photograph) But next to him, surrounded by females was yes you've guessed it the delectable Craig. Rose was determined that she wanted his autograph and so we queued but not for long! Believe it or not suddenly our fabulous Realm Head was tongue tied. It was almost like she had lost the power of speech, which as we all know is almost impossible! Rose was trembling when he put his arm around her as I am sure some of you would as well. Then Craig volunteered to have me in a photograph too, which was really nice of him. But Rose finally got her autograph and a kiss (Oh my, good job I was there to catch her) and we went away happy. (By the way the Pin Brooch in my coat is Gandalf the Grey, just thought you might like to know that) We then got our tickets for the “Talk” and went to wait in the queue for our seats. Last year we attended the talks given by John Rhys-Davies and also Andy Serkis, but this year it was to be Mark, Craig and Miranda. The audience waited patiently and soon the announcement “Ladies and Gentlemen Craig Parker, Mark Ferguson and Miranda Otto” and the applause broke out. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 11 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Well the jokes started almost as soon as they appeared on stage and before we knew what was happening questions started coming from all directions of the audience but no microphones were available, so Craig, as gallant as ever, set himself up as “The Roving Mic”. He ran around the room kneeling beside people and smiling into their eyes (sighs coming from Rose!) and Miranda and Mark were answering as many as they could. At one point questions were coming from the middle of a large crowd of people and Craig just climbed onto the chairs to get to them. We had a most enjoyable half hour listening to them recount stories of their time on the set and their memories. Like Miranda being told by Liv to go and have her sword fighting lessons so that she would be able to kill the Witch King. Mark recounted the Sword Masters lessons and also did a very passable imitation of the said gentleman's English accent. How they were taught to fight by numbers and had to practice in slow motion until they had learnt how to do it properly. Then Mark showed us what they meant and by the time he had finished he looked like Errol Flynn (who had apparently been one of the pupils of the Sword Master on Lord of the Rings, Bob Anderson) Then there was the story of how Lawrence (Gothmog & the Witch King) turned up for work one day and was having his prosthetics put on but they were falling off again. He had been out drinking the night before and the alcohol in his skin was causing the bits to drop off again!!! Then all too soon it was over. Sad really but there you go. All I can say is bring on “The Hobbit”! by Magoleth lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 12 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk The Lord of the Rings Memory Game You will need: Paper, pens, scissors, glue Thick cardboard (for the gameboard) Thin cardboard (for the cards) Clear packing tape Clear contact paper Acrylic or poster paint Seashells (4) Nailpolish Printer! Sizes(in inches): Board = 15x15 ME map = 7.5x7.5 Names = 13x2 Starting pics = 2.3x2.3 Cards = 1.4x1.4 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 13 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd The board: First, take a look at the finished --> The four ladies are the starting points, so they're depicted in picture. You can choose your own characters for this, of course. The rest of the characters are written, and I've done this in Old English style. If you're good at calligraphy, Old English goes well with the whole theme. You can also print out the writing, or try the Tolkien font I've used a map of MiddleEarth as the centre picture... again, this is up to you. Draw out the space for the pictures and the names. And before sticking everything on, place them on the board to see how it looks. Be careful when you stick the pictures. Make sure they're facing the right way. That goes for the names too If you make a mistake, just stick another one on top of it. Paint the outer area black... I've used poster paint, but acrylic will work well too. Now comes the hardest part... the contact paper. You can leave this out, but it keeps your board clean and shiny Get someone to help you with it. Start from an end, and leave some(about 2 inches) at the sides and back so that you can fold it over the other side. Smooth the paper over the board from an end. Do not let it stick somewhere in the middle! Once you've taped it, you should have a 2 inch tag on all four sides. Cut out the corners and fold them over. Paint the back of the board black, or cover it with black paper. You can write "The Lord of the Rings Memory Game" on it with golden markers and add a picture of the ring Now your board is ready! (You can find the cards for the memory game at the end of the magazine) lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 14 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk The Cards: Use the thin card for this. You'll need 36 cards of 1.4 inches each. The picture for the back of the cards is again your choice. Stick the front picture first ie the character. Use packing tape for the cards- fold it back like you did on the board. Then stick the back picture... and make sure both pictures face the same way! Make all the 36 cards, and you're ready to play! The Counters: We had the bright idea of using seashells as counters. It adds to the "ME-feel" Paint them with nailpolish... brown shades look the best. You can use paint, but nailpolish is easier and gives it a nice shiny look. How to Play: Your aim is to start from a corner character, circle the board and reach back to your character first. Shuffle up the cards and arrange them upside down in the middle of the board. Like so --> Anyone can start by picking up a card and showing it to everyone. If it is the required starting card, the player can pick again. Otherwise, the player replaces the card and the next player picks one. If you're starting from Eowyn, you have to pick her card first. Then Eldarion, MoS, Gil-galad, Pippin and so on. An alternative is to pick two cards(both Eldarion and MoS together, then Gilly and Pips together and so on. You can try this method if your memory is really good.) Finally you have to pick Eowyn again. If you pass another player on your way, that player is removed from the game(for not being fast enough, yeah.) The first player to get back to their character(or the last one remaining) is the winner. Enjoy! by Seen lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 15 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd fellowship of Nienna - SeenZ Real Name: Seena Birthdate: March 13 Zodiac sign: Pisces... Lives in: I'm actually from India, but I've lived in Dubai my whole life. Right next to the airport. Feel free to visit! What I do: Study Business. Boring. Really. But I survive... by bunking class to do more interesting stuff. Don't tell anyone though. What I'd rather do: Sleep. What I'd seriously rather do: Sleep. Reading! Oh yes, I love reading. Archie comics are the best! OK, LOTR is the best, but Archie is cool I love going to bookshops and just roaming around them, breathing in that "book smell". And then buying as many of them as I can, of course... and I won't wait to finish reading the ones I have before buying others Bad habit: Can't eat without reading and can't read without eating. It's a big problem when reading Stephen King novels. Music: I can listen to all kinds of music, but I prefer rock and metal. Maybe something LOTRish Like Blind Guardian! Gotta love Metallica too. I don't like pop or jazz that much... but I'll still listen to anything that Viggo sings. And the language doesn't matter to me... something my friends just don't understand I really don't care if I don't understand what they're singing as long as it sounds good Like Tiziano Ferro... great Italian singer. Making my world LOTR-ish: My favouritest hobby! I've now made two LOTR boardgames (with my friends), and we're in the process of making a third one.. and the fellowship brooch. Don't really know how that'll turn out though. My college books are covered with LOTR pics, I'm obsessed with this certain Ring that's on a chain around my neck... And I'm thinking of having 'Mobile Middleearth' written on my car windshield. I also like: Lurking for FEs, messing around with Photoshop, being annoying, being even more annoying. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 16 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk LOTR and CoE... Pets! Jerry is a tiny but hyperactive turtle, and nicks Jimmy's food all the time. I have to keep them on either side of the tank at feeding time so that Jerry won't see Jimmy's food. If I take Jimmy out of the tank and keep him on my hand, he'll put his head in and not move. If I do the same with Jerry, he'll immediately walk off my hand and I get to test my catching skills. The first time I heard about LOTR was after ROTK won so many Oscars *hangs head*. I bought the dvds of the three movies, stashed them somewhere and completely forgot about them. I saw FOTR when I was bored, and I was immediately hooked! Saw TTT too, then dad told me to go sleep... it was only 2 AM! I saw RotK the next day, then saw them all again. Then I went out and got the book, and read it in three days. Then I got the Silmarillion, the Hobbit and UT, and by then I was sufficiently obsessed with LOTR I managed to get FOTR and TTT EEs from a friend in Chicago(because of course, Dubai didn't have them!). And I was quite sad when the ROTK EE came out, but then found it in the Dubai airport! That was probably the happiest moment of my life! The first time I found CoE was when I was looking for LOTR wallpapers. Looked around a bit, saw it was a great site and joined! I'd been a member for a long time before I discovered the forums I used to love playing LOTR Hangman, but didn't have anyone to play it with. Then I saw the Hangman thread in the Games Forum, and discovered other addicts like myself... I think it's safe to say that CoE is a second home to me. Things you never knew... I went for keyboard classes and quit after two months. Apparently, it's not as easy as it looks. And the instructor told me off for trying to play the fellowship theme when I was supposed to be practicing something totally boring. The first time I went ice-skating, I fell down thrice and enjoyed it a great deal. Really. It's not like we get a lot of (read ANY) snow or ice here, so I enjoy it even if I'm just falling down on it. I like playing the llama song loudly when I'm stuck in traffic jams. It keeps me from getting irritated. I do get a lot of strange looks, but who cares? lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 17 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd fellowship of Nienna - Elfmaiden My real name is Jillian. I have two middle names too, Hope and Shauna. My birthday is 11/02/1991 Horoscope sign: Aquarius Occupation: A student and full time babysitter. My goal in life would have to be to become a great director like Peter Jackson. I fell in love with his work and knew that was something I wanted to do. Now I’m always fiddling around with my video camera and filming all the time. I am slowly learning what I’m supposed to do to become a director and it’s a lot of fun. I recall one time when me and my friends wanted to make a music video. I wanted to be in it so I put the camera on a stand and made sure it was ready. I ran back over so I could be in the shot and began playing guitar. After we had finished I was proud of my work, I knew we had done a great job. I quickly rewound the tape and waited for it to come up. It didn’t. I realized I hadn’t hit the record button before we started, I couldn’t believe I had forgotten the simplest thing! I guess you have to learn things the hard way. I live in New York, Albany New York. It’s upstate, I don’t live in NYC, and I’m glad about that, cause I’m a country girl. I haven’t lived in NY all my life, I’ve actually done a lot of traveling. I used to live in California, I was born there and I grew up there. I did live in New Zealand for a year. My Dad was born and raised in NZ, so we moved back there when I was about ten years old. They were actually asking for extras for the Lord of the Rings when I lived there, but we were planning on moving back to California so I couldn’t be an extra in the movie. Oh well. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 18 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk My hobbies: Okay, I have a lot of hobbies, here we go: I do horse back riding, English. I do HunterJumper. I play basketball and softball. I am a lover of sports! I do enjoy watching and playing sports. I also do Irish dance and hip-hop, but I would have to say sports take up most of my life. Another hobbie would be hanging out on the computer. My sister thinks I’m crazy, but this is how I contact most of my friends, like all my fellow Niennites! Another hobbie would be singing and participating in musicals. I am never shy about going onto a stage and singing or acting. I love it. I am also home schooled. We have musicals in our home school group and they are always good and fun to do. My pets: I have a dog and a cat, but the cat doesn’t really belong to me, more to my sister, the cat doesn‘t really like me. My dog is a crazy little animal, she loves to run and doesn’t like the UPS truck! I got my dog at a shelter, so she is kind of odd. She doesn’t like a lot of people, but she is friendly with most people. The first day I got her she was a skinny little thing. I had her sit on my lap for the drive home. Well, that wasn’t such a great idea. My doggy got car sick. She threw up all over my pants. Oddly enough I wasn’t really grossed out. Of course I wanted Sadie(my dog) off my lap so I could clean off my pants, but I didn’t totally freak out. Music: I love all kinds of music. From rock to classical. I love so much music. A lot of people don’t understand how I can like such different kinds of music, but I just say whatever, I guess I’m different. I love jazz as well, I can dance to that kind of music! I also love singing! Oh wait, I already mentioned that, oh well. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 19 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaep r council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Interview with AinarielPalantir 1. What first drew you to LotR? Curiosity. And Peter Jackson. Plain and simply. 2. Who is your favorite character in LotR and why? Umm, Éomer? Because of the looks? Lol. But really, I don’t usually pick favourites from movies or books because I’m more interested in and tend to concentrate on the big picture and the whole story rather than the details. But maybe I do like Aragorn and Frodo the most in the book. Hehe, how original. 3. Which character do you think you resemble the most? Well, of all the races I think I’m most like a Hobbit (not including the smoking and drinking ale though : D). Not heroic or graceful or extra wise or have any extra drama in their life, they’re just normal. From the main characters, maybe I could be Merry. Or then Rosie Cotton : ) 4. If you could change/rewrite one part of LotR what would it be? The book is brilliant as it is of course but maybe I’d prefer a bit less walking around at the beginning. 5. How many of Tolkien's books do you own other than Lord of the Rings, and how many times have you read them? I have the Hobbit, the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales. Have read each of them twice I think. 6. Can you remember what you did before you joined CoE? There’s something before CoE?? If so, I’ve totally lost it. Something to do with studying probably. 7. What aspects of Nienna's character and story do you find reflected in yourself, your own life and your own personality? I’d like to say it’s Nienna’s compassion. And crying for the wounds of our very very messed up world. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaep r council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 20 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 8. Have you ever been to a different Realm? No. I wasn’t quite sure of the realm when I chose it but it must have been fate… : ) 9. Aside from Tolkien which other authors do you enjoy reading? I’m actually a bad reader. I don’t really read much and I don’t have any favourite authors; if the subject is interesting I may read a book. Recently I’ve read Harry Potters and the Da Vinci Code, other than Tolkien. 10. What's your favorite TV series? At the moment “House M.D.” I thought I’d hate it but I loved it from the first episode : D And I also like “C.S.I Las Vegas”. 11. What is your all time favourite song and why? All time?! Oh my… No, I like too many songs to pick only one. Many songs remind me of things in my life or then they are just beautiful or make me wanna dance… A few good ones: Return to innocence by Enigma, Every breath you take by The Police, Mambo no 5 by Lou Bega, Sleeping Sun by Nightwish, Into the West by Annie Lennox, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for by U2, and a bunch of Finnish songs. And I can’t put even those into any order. 12. How many pets do you have? If you do not have any, what kind of pet would you get and why? I have two Shetland sheepdogs, Vikke 8 years and Chili 5 years. (There are pics in the gallery if you want to see them.) I’m also planning on getting a third dog next year. A cat would also be nice.… 13. When did you last break a balloon? It’s been a while since I really can’t remember. Have to do it next May when there’ll be balloons everywhere. 14. Where do see yourself in 10 years time? I have no idea. I don’t usually know how to answer these questions because my plan is to go with the flow. I don't make plans for many years to come, I just make decisions based on what comes ahead. I just hope it’s something happy. 15. Describe yourself in 3 words! Thoughtful, kind, weird. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 21 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd NaNo report by Griffin National Novel Writers Month (lovingly known as NaNoWriMo) is a challenge for authors everywhere to type a 50,000 word Novel starting November 1st and ending midnight November 30th. It's open for all ages and all skill levels. It's a fast paced writing experience that stresses quantity over quality. Weather you have a decent novel or not isn't the point. The point is that if you can write 50,000 words in one month, the sky's the limit! This year two Niennites took on this challenge and reached their final goal. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 22 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk How did you learn about Na t i o n a l No v e l W r i t i n g Month? I came across a link last year as I was surfing around the web. It was only two days before November 1st, but I signed up any way. What gave you the inspiration for your plot and how much planning did you do? I started with a few fuzzily remembered flashes from a dream and a word "StarChild". That's all I had a week before NaNoWriMo began. Then I slowly developed my plot. Some things I got from songs (including two key plot moments) and most of the rest I used my Magic Dice. Yes dice. Two of them. I would ask the Magic dice questions then roll them, if the blue dice was a higher number then that meant "yes", if the purple one then "no". Or they would be different scenarios and I would go with the one that rolled higher. Very eclectic I know, but it worked. What did your friends/family say when you began your writing endeavor? I always get the classic one-word responses: 1st year: “Why?” 2nd year: “Again?” What did they say when you made it to the finish line? Most cheered, but I was to far into my sleep deprived stupor to catch anything they said. How did spending so much time writing affect your FE snatching? Terribly. I don’t think I got a single FE the whole month. What was your highest point during November? Probably with in the first week, when I was still well rested and hadn’t come across any big plot snares. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 23 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd What was your lowest point? One day before the end when I was 3,000 words from my end goal. I was so close, but I had gotten to the end of my plot line and my over worked Muses had abandoned me. All I could do was sit and stair dumbly at the screen, my sore fingertips lying idly across the keyboard. How did you get inspiration to keep typing? I had to prove that last year wasn’t just a fluke. I also had several nice juicy bribes and limitless barging rights waiting at the end for me. Are you planning on doing NaNo again next year? Oh, ya! What was your favorite part about NaNoWriMo? The wonderful feeling of finally proving that I could do this and finally getting that story that’s been floating about in my head on paper. I cannot describe how exhilarating it feels to look back over the month an be able to say “I did that!” When did you finish your mad rush to 50k? I hit 50k mark on the 17th, but I didn’t get to my goal of 100k until two hours before midnight Nov 30th. How has NaNoWriMo affected your life (if at all)? NaNoWriMo has given me a lovely thick stack of papers that indeed look impressive, but I think the biggest thing I take out of NaNo each year is the pride to know that I can do this. I can sit down and over come a massive obstacle before me. I can preserver to the end. And if I can do this with NaNo then maybe, just maybe, I can go forth and apply the same determination and stubbornness to other things in my life (though hopefully with a little more sleep). lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 24 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk “And the Stars cry out no more” Draken has searched for the Elemental Sword of Ether since the first days of his betrayal, but the Ethali and their faithful Keepers have kept it from him. Now that the Ethali's power has waned he hunts down the pieces of the sword that was taken apart and scattered. Morgan, a normal man living a normal life, is thrown into the heart of this long battle when he and his friend Teron run across a Keeper in the woods about their village. The Keeper is killed, but before he dies he places his Charge in Morgan's care. Morgan, now a Keeper himself, must flee Draken's hunters. His only hope is to reunite the scattered pieces of the Ether sword and find the only other thing that Draken fears: the StarChild, the only one with enough power to overthrow Draken and his darkness of death. I also made up a little home page of sorts for my Great Editing Project. From there I will post a link to the 'novel'. (At the moment it's not up, but I will get at least the first few chapters this week end) Here's the link: http://www.featherandbrush.com/GEP/GEP-06.htm lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 25 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd NaNo report by Rebecca_C How did you learn about National Novel Writing Month? It was in Griffin's sig. Then in TAAM thread I asked her what it meant... The start of a whole new life. What gave you the inspiration for your plot and how much planning did you do? I wanted to write about someone in a worse situation than me really. And I didn't do any planning beforehand because I only got the idea on October 31st. I did a sort of plan to keep up with what was happening though. What did your friends/family say when you began your writing endeavor? Mad, of course The ones that know I kept it sort of quiet in case I didn't finish. What did they say when you made it to the finish line? Amazement that anyone could manage 50K in a month How did spending so much time writing affect your FE snatching? Not much because I don't tend to lurk around, I've not got the time anyway. I rely on nice people posting the one before and then me happening to be the next one in. What was your highest point during November? Realising, on about day 12, that I could do 2K an hour. Then going on the NaNo website and seeing somebody else describe that as warp speed writing. And obviously the feeling after having done the last 5K in two and a half hours was pretty good. What was your lowest point? Which one? I hate the plot, and when I first realised I had no choice but to write round in circles, that was awful. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 26 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk How did you get inspiration to keep typing? By typing when I wasn't really awake and didn't really care when I was doing Like at 6 in the morning. And I did listen to a lot of music as well, sitting at school with earbuds plugged into the computer. The teachers didn't mind though. Are you planning on doing NaNo again next year? Too right, I'm planning the next one already! What was your favorite part about NaNoWriMo? it kick-started the rest of my writing. When did you finish your mad rush to 50k? 19th November. How has NaNoWriMo affected your life (if at all)? I'm finding it easier to write other stuff. Like, a 1500 word Lit essay which used to take me days now takes an hour, then a few minutes the next day for grammatical editing. And whenever I run into trouble on my current novel, I find it so much easier to work through that. the novel... My main character is a single mother called Mandy. Her eight year old daughter Alyssa is killed by a drunk driver in the first 1000 words, and the whole novel is to do with how Mandy deals with this. To say she doesn't do very well is an understatement. A few days after the crash Mandy's friend Siobhan convinces her to see a therapist, but this doesn't work out and just leaves Mandy even more stressed. To make matters worse, a new patient arrives on the cancer ward where she works and all Mandy's maternal feelings are added to her care of this patient, Sandi. Mandy's stuck in limbo, not sure what to do and unsure how to cope. She gets hold a scalpel at work, and starts to cut herself. For a while she neither moves forward nor slips back, then she realises she can't afford to keep the house she had been living in with Alyssa. Mandy gets someone round to value the house, hoping to make enough money to buy a flat in the city close to the hospital where she works. When she is told her house isn't worth enough to do this, it's the final straw and she ends the novel by killing herself. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 27 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd fungorn Forest Once again I welcome you to Fungorn Forest weary traveller. Please, make yourself at home and enjoy our wonderful wonders. Lord Elrond is here again, with his balls of course, Merry is telling jokes and delievering Christmas presents at the same time, we have a brand new crossword, mystery picture and some anargrams to solve. Have fun! Ranger protector of the forest Aegor A Mystery picture Guess which famous Lord of the Rings character is on this picture and pm the answer to me, along with ? word from the crossword and solutions to all anagrams. The winner will enter The Fungorn Forest’s Hall of Fame! LotR Anagrams 'From ragtag me.’ ______ ______ 'Large dial.' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘On horrid fear.’ _____ __ _____ ‘The raw poet.’ __________ lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 28 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Nn ? Isen, Shire’s River in Healer Gondor, military of Minas Radagast Waymeet, HaradTirith Anorien leader waith ... Gorgor Nienna Green Leader of > Woses Wolf of > Isen USA City Beggining of hope TV series ? Nienna Evening News Famous 60’s group > Format Ilberic Cotton > > > TarAegnor Meneldur > Minas ... > > Gollum’s > House Isen’s little monkey Tookbank Golf > Indoors > Star Trek > Android Ironfoot > Starmoon > Dwarf of Erebor Nn Nienna’s dancing night > Northern Lights > Orchestra > Halls of > Varda Noldo Longbottom Negative Ion One Ring > Imrahil Dawn Aiglos > without end Metal > > Theodred Barad -... Forest > Nienna Eriador > > > Daughter of Hurin Reginard > elv.“men” Doom Ranger from the Nort h Rock Wilderland > Circle of Lightning > Nn Nn Nn MulTook timedia > > Isildur’s Brother Dwarven Drink > Middle of Nob Armed Conflict Wulf > Earendil’s air ship > Tala n Frodo > Ohio Isildur Nn Negative > Elven tree platform Women Tennis Associat. Nn Nn Tunisia Triple n The mystery word from the last issue was herugrim, herugrim, and the mystery picture character was Elendil. Elendil. Congratulations to SeenZ and Magoleth for answering correctly. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 29 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Elrond’s balls of foresight He’s back! Everyone’s favourite fortune teller is again rubbing his balls to give each us a little glimpse of the future. Find out what the new year has prepaired for you! Aries Do not give hugs to falling wargs, even if they do look like those fluffy stuffed dolls you played with as a child. Taurus Even though they call you Elendil the Tall do try to duck every once in a while, especially if you see a large, blunt object flying towards your right earlobe. Gemini White is definitely going "de mode" so you might want to refresh your wardrobe with some more color. Cancer This would be a great time to get your uncle his very own life insurance, you'll even get a bouquet of Simbelmyne for free! Leo If other Elves say that you turn into a dark queen during "that time of the month", you might want to try the famous "one ring" therapy to see if they are right. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 30 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Virgo You'll be flying a lot these days so make sure you collect all those extra air miles and exange them for an exotic trip of your choice! Libra A group of travelling salesman will arrive at your throne advertising a new anti-wrinkle lotion that will make you look 20 years younger. Scorpio If meeting a beautiful Elven queen be sure *not* to wear the Erebor's aftershave. Saggitarius Be sure to carry a lot of isotonic drinks for that weary cross country running. Capricorn Do not take the phrase "burning the midnight oil" too literally! Aquarius Take a mint. Pisces Your new hobby, diving, will turn wonders when you score 9.3 in the Moria's Olimpics with a perfect reverse three-and-a-half somersault. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 31 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Merry Christmas When he’s not stealing Gandalf’s rockets or killing evil witch kings Merry is flying with Rudolf the red-nosed Eagle across MiddleEarth delivering presents to all those elves, men and dwarves that have been good. To see what he gave them this year just keep reading! - Gimli a book "Horseriding for dummies” - Aragorn a small rubber duck (for those long, warm baths) - Eowyn Dreamy Ranger TM action figure - Elrond two brand new forseeing balls lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 32 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk - Gandalf latest Denethor & Gabana “funky wizard" winter collection - Sam "One hundred and one way to prepaire a brace of coneys when lost in the wilderness" cook book - Legolas a one year subscription to the “Elf's health" magazine - Haldir a dwarven dictionary - Saruman risk board game - Gollum Riddlemaster 2000, a collection of common hobbit riddles, games and tricks - Theoden a full treatmant at the "Blushing Wizard" beauty saloon lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 33 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Jokes from o’er the Brandywine A dwarf, an elf, and a halfling are having a mug of ale. Suddenly, a fly lands in each mug. The elf pushs his mug away, the halfling pours his out. The dwarf grabs the fly and shouts, "spit it out u little bastard!” A Halfling, a Gnome, and a Half-Orc are running away from the city guard when they come to a forest, and they each decide to hide by climbing a tree. When the Guardsmen arrive, they go to the first tree where the Halfling is hiding and shout, “We know you’re up there, come down!” The Halfling, thinking fast, says, “Tweet, tweet, tweet!” The Guardsmen, thinking that it’s a bird, move on to the next tree where the Gnome is hiding and once again shout, “We know you’re up there, come down!” The Gnome, thinking fast, says, “Whoo, whoo, whoo!” The Guardsmen, thinking that it’s an owl, move on to the next tree where the Half-Orc is hiding and once again shout, “We know you’re up there, come down!” The Half-Orc thinks for a while and then says, “Moo, moo, moo…” lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 34 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Two young dwarves came upon the Bridge of Khazad dum. "How deep do you think it is?" asked one. "Gosh, I don't know," answered his pal. "Let's drop a stone in and listen for it to hit bottom." They did. They waited, but there was no sound. They found a larger rock and threw it in. Still nothing. A short distance away, they spotted large boulder. Working together they dragged it over to the hole and with great difficulty they dropped it in. Still no sound! As they waited, a goat ran right between them and jumped into the hole. They were standing there scratching their heads when a third dwarf came along and asked, "Have you seen a goat?" "Well, yes, as a matter of fact," replied the first dwarf. "We just had a goat run past us and jump into that hole!" “Oh, it couldn't have been my goat," said the third dwarf. "Mine was tied to a boulder." An Elf, a Gnome and a Dwarf are standing side-by-side at the urinal. The elf finishes and proceeds to wash his hands. He is scrubbing and washing his hands clear up to his elbows. He turns to the other two and comments: "Our Elders have taught us Elves to be clean". The Gnome finishes his business and he quickly wets the tips of his fingers and comments: "Our Druid Elders have taught us Gnomes to be conservative of natures resources". The Dwarf finishes his business and heads straight for the door, He turns and comments: "Our Elders have taught us Dwarves how not to piss on our hands". An Elf, a Dwarf, and a Human walk into a bar...the bartender looks up and says "what is this, some kind of a joke?" lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 35 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Caption by: aear_fëa Legolas: 'Gimli, if you don't stop humming "Here Comes the Bride" RIGHT NOW I swear I'll...’ Caption by: Reasonably_Crazy Captions and Captives Gandalf: "I bet you blink first!" Aragorn: "You think!" Caption by: Rosearialelven Aragorn: Gandalf, there's a BALROG behind you!!!!!!!!!!!! Gandalf: Oh, that's Ralph, he's here for tea! lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 36 Theoden: *sigh* and that's all that's left of the last man that broke my neice's heart. Caption by: Rosearialelven "What to do you mean!!! There's *no* oil!!!" Caption by: I_am_no_man Gandalf: "Is that Éowyn? Giving food to Aragorn...?" Éomer: "Noooo, Aaaragooorn!!" Caption by: AinarielPalantir lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 37 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Nienna’s Smithy I have always enjoyed needlework since I was a child. I would embroider handkerchiefs and loved making clothes for my dolls. I suppose the interest stemmed from my mother’s employment as a home machinist, also one of my uncles was a dab hand at embroidery too. Over the years, and that is quite a few, I have turned my hand to knitting, embroidery, cross stitch and dressmaking. I think my favourite is cross stitch, which gives me immense satisfaction as the picture begins to emerge, cross stitch after cross stitch. Most of my work has been given as presents. But I have kept two. One is a beautiful depiction of white wolves with the image of a wolf emerging from the trees above them, the other is a picture of Poppies with a gold bead detailed frame. Cross stitch work does take its A detailed look of Wolf toll on the eyes though, pointwork depending on the aida (fabric used for working) which is the number of squares on the material and the size of the piece. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 38 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Cross stitch is a very simple form of embroidery using only 2 different types of stitches, from which a wide variety of needlework styles, designs and pictures can be created. It is both fun and easy to do, so if you're looking for a new hobby why not have a go. Usually, it is best to begin with a small project. detailed gold bead frame The Cross Stitch This stitch is composed of 2 straight stitches in the form of a diagonal cross. It can be sewn singularly or in blocks. However, to obtain a neat result, always ensure the top stitch of each cross lies in the same direction. The Back Stitch This stitch is generally used for lettering or to outline certain areas of the design. It is sewn by taking the needle back one hole and forward two, to produce a solid line of straight evenly-sized stitches. Once completed, you can mount your work and maybe display it on a wall. You can also make cards and bookmarks as gifts. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 39 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Dressmaking was quickly learned by me when my daughter joined a local Stage School. She needed costumes, she had a mother, and that was that. Not being able to afford patterns, I merely laid Julie on the floor on newspaper and cut around her. Over the years, 9 in all, she was at Stage School, I made dozens and dozens of costumes, not only for her, but for others and some even made it onto the legitimate stage in Pantomimes. Groans at the memory of sewing through the night to make 14 ballroom dresses for the finale of Cinderella. *holds head* Lots of pins, newspaper (for patterns), needles, long hours sewing and patience produced some costumes that I was very proud of. One costume I made had 500 sequins hand sewn onto the material. Here is my daughter and two friends in costumes I made. Their dance routine was to the song ‘The Waiter and The Porter and The Upstairs Maid’. A tune from the 1940’s. Here is Julie in a ballet dress I made. I always enjoyed making ballet dresses. by Rosearialelven lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 40 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk I love all kinds of sewing, but I think my favourite has to be patchwork, I was taught how to do it about four years ago and I haven’t stopped since! I really love putting together the different colours. Traditional patchwork tends to use just cotton fabric but I like using lots of silks and velvets, and putting fabrics of all different textures together. I usually use the traditional method of making, using paper patterns and hand sewing the whole thing, which is nice because I can do it whilst sitting and watching the Lord of the Rings! The only problem is I have all these amazing ideas for pieces I want to make with different combinations of fabrics, so it ends up that I rarely ever finish a piece, I just start making another so I have lots of works in progress and hardly any finished things !! The red cushion is the first patchwork piece I ever made, and the other two are works in progress, that I might just complete and turn into quilts or something one day…possibly by Lozadora lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 41 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Collector’s Box Although I love Lord of the Rings, I have not collected many items in that area. Just two Chess pieces. Oh and of course, I collect dust or rather they do. Lol!! by Rosearialelven Over the years I have collected many things, but my favourites are my Dragons. 30 in all. There have been more, but accidents happen and some have been broken and disposed of. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 42 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk I'm an avid book collector and although I've never counted them they must run into the thousands. My love of books comes from my parents. When I was growing up we went to two libraries a week plus a mobile library and the school library (which had a complete set of the Chalet School books!). I've decided to write about one book in my collection but before I do I need to mention that for about seven years from the age of 11 I kept a daily diary. In it I recorded everything from exam results, what I'd had for school dinner, birthday and Christmas presents and in later years books, clothes and make-up I'd bought. In June 1972 I bought my first pair of Levis for £4.99! On Christmas 1972 I listed my presents which included; a portable cassette recorder, a pair of moccasins and a lurid waistcoat (crochet multicoloured in acrylic no I never wore it), a diary and the most important present, a copy of Lord of the Rings. As soon as I opened the pages I was hooked. I can still remember some of the emotions I felt as I read the book, I can recall being very concerned about Strider, just who was he, was he leading the Hobbits into danger, was he working for the "other side"? and being profoundly moved by the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen. On 27th December I wrote in my diary "Lord of the Rings is a brilliant book". Maybe not the best review ever written but it summed up what I felt. My copy of the book went with me when I went to University and through thirteen house moves. In its pages are to be found things such as pressed rose petals (from a bouquet given to me by a boyfriend whose name I can no longer remember) and a home made bookmark featuring Snoopy. Throughout the years I have read and re-read the book until it is like and old friend. My copy of the Lord of the Rings is now battered and worn, as can be seen in this picture, but still sits in pride of place on the bookcase in the new house I have just moved into. Wherever I live it will always be with me, the most important book in my collection. by Morvenna lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 43 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd Pets Corner The first "pet" I'm going to write about is my horse. I know he's not a pet, or at least I don't treat him as one, but he's an animal I look after so I'll include him. He's a 12 year old racehorse cross pony, so that basically means he's fast and he's stubborn when he wants to be. I got him five years ago with the name Santa, which we haven't changed although nobody really likes it. He's 15.2 hh, meaning he's a small horse, but not small enough to be called a pony. The picture I've included is me and him jumping one of the smaller fences on our home course during a lesson. I didn't know it at the time, but he had a broken leg, which is why he wasn't going forwards and the picture isn't so good. The picture was taken at the beginning of the year when he'd been slightly lame (limping) once. This actually carried on for several months, one day he'd be OK, the next he wouldn't. So we got x-rays, and were told he'd cracked his cannon bone. He didn't compete much this season because of that. But about eight weeks ago we started going cross country again and jumped the biggest, most technical jumps on the course. After he'd dumped me on the floor over the first (not so big) jump then run home, of course. I went half a mile to fetch him, cantered back up to where the jumps are then w ithout sto ppi ng my instructer pointed at a fence that I wouldn't have jumped lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 44 I've also got a cat, but no pictures of her on the digital camera. She's 14 and I got her as my 4th birthday presant. My mum asked me what she felt like, and I sad "silky" so that became her name. Her parents were both half wild on a farm where they used to catch mice, and Silky seems to have retained that instinct for scratching and biting things. She's a silver colour with a white bib and tan markings, she's the prettiest cat I've ever seen. She's watching me now, wondering what I'm doing sitting in (what she thinks is) her chair. I hope you liked reading about my pets, I could now tell you about several other horses I've trained, including my sister's baby, but that would take too long and I'd probably just bore you all so I'll leave it there. But well done for reading it all! by Rebecca_C under normal circumstances. She just said "down the two steps, up the two, then the arrowhead" so I did it without thinking. Usually I'd have had more sense than to try it because it's not a straight line and there's not much to aim for on the last bit but it was OK. He's pretty much back to normal now so hopefully next summer we'll be doing some eventing again. That's a flatwork dressage test with no jumps followed by cross country, very fast with big wooden fences, then showjumping with the coloured jumps that fall down if you hit them. The other picture is me and Santa at a competition last year, that drop was about as tall as I am. I've had to zoom in a bit so hopefully it looks OK. We could have won that competition but I told him to jump one of the fences for the next level up and got myself eliminated... 45 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd The Darker-than-Grey Gate Handelf, Raghorn, Glumlo, Legless, Happy and Poppet ride up to the Black Gate. It swings open slowly. Handelf turns to the group, “Let me do the talking.” “Okay,” answers Raghorn. A figure appears at the Gate. The Gums of Coldsore inclines his head. “My Master, Coldsore the Great, would like to bargain for information about where the Quarterthing is and the Bling.” “Tell your Master *no* deal,” snorts Handelf in response, “we will not bargain. Never, no….!!” The Gums of Coldsore grins, showing long yellow teeth. “Not even for... a new vest.” He holds up Fourdoor’s mithril vest. Raghorn’s eyes widen. “Wow. That vest is awesome!!” Handelf looks at the vest. “Yes, it is, yes, very….” The Wizard stops mid sentence and turns to Raghorn. “WHAT!!” “Well it would go very nicely with my new crown,” Raghorn says with a cheesy grin. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 46 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk Raghorn turns back to the Gums of Coldsore, “Throw in two bags of gold.” “One bag!!” retorts the Gums of Coldsore. Raghorn raises an eyebrow and tightens his mouth. “Does your Master want the Bling, or what!!” The Gums of Coldsore thinks, stroking his chin. “Ok….” Raghorn moves forward. “A pleasure doing business,” he says, “and Fourdoor is half way up the Hill of Gloom as we speak." Stunned silence. Everyone stares, looks at each other, then all turn and ride away from the Darker-than-Grey Gate. “I said let me do the talking, stupid!!” Handelf hisses at Raghorn. “But the vest was a bargain!” Raghorn pouts “and we got two bags of gold too.” Handelf splutters. by Rosearialelven Raghorn rides towards the waiting army. “Hey guys look at my new vest, and supper is on me tonight.” lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 47 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd The Final Journey As I walk the road with my friend Sam, I try to remember who I am. A weight I feel around my neck, It pulls me down, I feel a wreck. I can't go on, my will is weak, I look at Sam and try to speak. His strength will last until the end. I stumble as we reach the bend. The mountain looms, not much further 'My Preciousssss', I hear someone murmur. Sam's beside me, it gives me hope. We're finally start to climb the slope. The eye has turned, time's running out, We climb, I fall, I start to doubt. But Sam is there, his arms around me He carries me, 'We'll make it, see.' We enter in, we've reached our goal, I have a duty, or lose my soul. Feet flap behind us, Sam turns around, A rock is thrown, Sam hits the ground. I scramble on, to do what's right, It's what I came for, to save the light. But now I'm here, I'm not so sure, 'The Ring', I smile, I'm not so pure. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 48 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk I place it on my hand and go from sight Then something grabs me, we start to fight. The pain. I scream! My finger's gone! We fight some more. What have I done! I see him now, at the edge he dances. Jumps and laughs, with glee he prances. I find my strength, he cannot have it, We fall and stumble into the fiery pit. Sam's face appears. My head in a spin 'Don't you let go! Don't you dare give in.' He stretches down, but I feel so weak He reaches further, my hand to seek. He pulls me up, I feel firm ground, We cling together and turn around. Looking down, poor Gollum's gone The Ring is melting. The mission's done. The mountain shakes and starts to tumble We run for safety, trying not to stumble. We run and run, and find a path To escape the danger and Sauron's wrath. We reach a rock, but still go higher It's quieter now, I remember the Shire. I turn to Sam and see his tears Nowhere to go, I share his fears. We close our eyes and wait our fate Middle Earth is safe, we weren't too late. Soft wings surround us, our way is clear. I wake, I'm safe. My friends are here. by Rosearialelven lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 49 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd LotR Memory Game - Cards lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 50 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 51 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcd 52 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk 53 Nienna News, official realm of Nienna newspaper JANUARY 2007 lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk dkj kdf by Rose by Griffin Disclaimer: This Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. The content has been produced by fans of J.R.R.Tolkien. Whilst we will be referring in part to the world created by J.R.R. Tolkien and using characters, scenarios and timelines created by him, or mentioned in the work of Christopher Tolkien, by no means is any "ownership" of their original creations implied. Images used in this magazine and related items are from the New Line Cinema Lord of the Rings movie trilogy and other Artists, and no ownership is implied by their use hereto. lord of the rings nienna nes official realm ofnienna newspaper council of elrond lord of the rings jrr tolkien abcdk falbvd http://niennanews.ifastnet.com