Study on the Highly-Efficient District Heating and Cooling System for
Study on the Highly-Efficient District Heating and Cooling System for
Study on Economic Partnership Projects in Developing Countries in FY2013 Study on the Highly-Efficient District Heating and Cooling System for the High-Tech Park in Iskandar, Malaysia Final Report February 2014 Prepared for: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC Japan External Trade Organization Prepared by: Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. Reproduction Prohibited Preface This report is the summary of “Study on the Highly-Efficient District Heating and Cooling System for the High-Tech Park in Iskandar, Malaysia” which has commissioned from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan to Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd., Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. This survey was to investigate feasibility of the project which is to install Highly-Efficient District Heating and Cooling system into the High-Tech Park in Iskandar, Malaysia with 700 million yen (23.5 million RM), to improve the quality of energy infrastructure and efficiency of energy utilization. We hope this survey will help to realize the above-mentioned project. February 2014 Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. Project Site Map Project Area (Iskandar) Project Site (Nusajaya Tech Park) (Plan(Phasing Plan)) (Birdview) Source: Compiled by study team based on document provided by IRDA and Ascendas List of Abbreviation Abbreviation ADTEC Full Name Advanced Technology Training Center Shah Alam (PUSAT LATIHAN TEKNOLOGI TINGGI (ADTEC) SHAH ALAM AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area AOTS Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship APEN Asia Professional Education Network API Air Pollutant Index Ascendas Ascendas Pte Ltd. ASEAN Association of South‐East Asian Nations BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOI The Board of Investment, Thailand BPO Business Process Outsourcing BRICs Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa C/F Cash Flow CDM Clean Development Mechanism CEMD Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths CER Certified Emission Reduction CHP Combined Heat and Power CO2 Carbon Dioxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COP Coefficient Of Performance COP15 COP18 The 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change The 18th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change CRT Cathode ray tube DNA Designated National Authority DO Dissolved Oxygen DOE Department of Environment DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio EC Energy Commission EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMS Energy Management System EPU Economic Planning Unit ETP Economic Transformation Programme EV Electric Vehicle FC unit Fan Coil Unit FCV Fuel Cell Vehicle FEMS Factory Energy. Management System FINAS National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia) FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return FPD Flat Pannel Display FTZ Free Trade Zone GDP Gross Domestic Product HDC Halal Industry Development Corporation HIDA The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association ICT Information & Communication Technology IPP Independent Power Producer IPS Independent Power Supply IPU Integrated Power Unit IRDA Iskandar Regional Development Authority IRR Internal Rate of Return ITI Industry Training Institute JAKIM JABATAN KEMAJUAN ISLAM MALAYSIA (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation JCM Joint Crediting Mechanism JETRO Japan External Trade Organization JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JIM Industrial Training Institute Pasir Gudang JMTI Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute JODC Japan Overseas Development Corporation JST Japan Science and Technology Agency JV Joint Venture KeTTHA Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Malaysia KISMEC Kedah Industrial Skills and Management Development Centre KTPC Kulim Technology Park Corporation kW Kilo Watt LED Light Emitting Diode LNG Liquefied Natural Gas MATRADE Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation MBC Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation MDTCC Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives & Consumerism MEGAJANA Pendinginan Megajana Sdn Bhd METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry MIDA Malaysian Investment Development Authority MJIIT Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy MPJBT Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah MSC Multimedia Super Corridor MWh Mega Watt per Hour NCF Net Cash Flow NDP Malaysian National Depletion Policy NEM Malaysian New Economic Model NEP Malaysian New Economic Policy NKEAs Malaysian National Key Economic Areas NNA NNA JAPAN CO., LTD. Nox Nitrogen oxides NPP Malaysian National Physical Plan NUR Northern Utility Resources Distribution Sdn Bhd NVP Malaysian National Vision Policy OJT On-the-Job Training OTC Over the Counter P/L Proft Loss Statement PETRONAS PETRONAS Gas Berhad PGU Peninsular Gas Utility Line PIMS Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studio PPP Public Private Partnership R&D Research and development RM Malaysia Ringgit RT Refrigerating Ton SAJ Saj Holdings Sdn. Bhd. SATREPS Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development SEB Sarawak Energy Berhad SEDA Sustainable Energy Development Authority of Malaysia SESB Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. SiLC Southern Industrial and Logistics Cluster SOx Sarbanes-Oxley SPC Specific Purpose Company SPEC Specification SS Suspended Solids TNB TENAGA NASIONAL Sdn Bhd UEM Sunrise UEM Sunrise UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UPS Uninterruptible Power Supplies USRT United States Refrigerating Ton VAT Value Added Tax WMO World Meteorological Organization WQI Water Quality Index Table of Contents Preface Project Site Map List of Abbreviations Table of Contents Executive Summary (1) Background and Necessity of the Project················································································ S-1 (2) Basic Policies to Determine Concepts of the Project ·································································· S-2 (3) Project Summary ············································································································ S-4 (4) Implementation Schedule ································································································· S-11 (5) Feasibility of the Project ·································································································· S-12 (6) Technical and Economical Advantages of Japanese Companies to implement this Project·····················S-14 (7) Project Site Map ············································································································ S-16 Chapter 1 Overview of the Host Country and Sector (1) Economic and Financial Conditions of Malaysia······································································· 1-1 1) Overview of economic and industrial policies ········································································ 1-1 a) Economy, industry and state finance ················································································ 1-1 b) Overview of economic and industrial policies ····································································· 1-4 2) Overview of national land development policy (standing of Iskandar regional development) ················ 1-5 (2) Overview of Project Sector ································································································ 1-6 1) Current Use of Electricity in Malaysia and Projected Future Demand ············································ 1-6 2) Energy Policy of Malaysia ······························································································· 1-9 3) Government Organizations Involved in the Energy Sector ························································ 1-10 4) Overview of the Energy Sector ························································································ 1-11 a) Electricity Sector ······································································································ 1-11 b) Gas Sector ·············································································································· 1-11 5) Environmental Impact and Projections, Environmental Policy···················································· 1-13 a) Projected Environmental Impact on the Area of the Project ···················································· 1-13 b) Environmental Policy································································································· 1-15 (3) Situation of Project Area ·································································································· 1-17 1) Iskandar Malaysia Development Plan ················································································· 1-17 a) Overview of Development ··························································································· 1-17 b) Infrastructure Development ························································································· 1-18 c) Related regulations and laws ························································································ 1-21 2) Development of Nusajaya High-Tech Park ·········································································· 1-23 a) Overview of Development ··························································································· 1-23 b) Tech Park Development Plan ······················································································· 1-25 c) Infrastructure Development ·························································································· 1-28 Chapter 2 Study Methodology (1) Study contents ··············································································································· 2-1 1) Project overview ·········································································································· 2-1 2) Study Purpose ············································································································· 2-1 3) Study Contents ············································································································ 2-2 (2) Study methodology and structure ························································································· 2-3 1) Methodology ··············································································································· 2-3 2) Structure ···················································································································· 2-4 (3) Study schedule··············································································································· 2-6 1) Overall study schedule ··································································································· 2-6 2) Field study ················································································································· 2-6 Chapter 3 Justification, Objectives and Technical Feasibility of the Project (1) Background and Necessity of the Project················································································ 3-1 1) Economic growth and energy use efficiency improvement ························································· 3-1 2) Iskandar development plan and energy infrastructure development ··············································· 3-1 3) More efficient energy use in high-tech industrial parks ····························································· 3-2 4) Assistance for entry of Japanese companies through infrastructure and human resources development ····· 3-2 5) Comparative review with other options ················································································ 3-3 (2) More Efficient, Rational Energy Use ···················································································· 3-5 (3) Various Considerations Required to Determine Project Details······················································ 3-9 1) Nusajaya High-Tech Park target industry analysis and measures to attract industry ······················· 3-9 a) Success factor analysis of Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) ························································· 3-9 b) Trend of the targeting industries in Malaysia and other Asian countries ······················· 3-12 c) Analysis of Japan industry trends ··················································································· 3-21 d) Examination of Target Industries (Car Electronics, Biomedical, Halal Foods and Other Food Processing, Visual Contents, Data Center, etc.) ················································································· 3-26 e) Energy Demand Assumption Based on the Demand Assumption for Expected Companies ··············· 3-35 f) Infrastructure and Human Resources Development as a Measure for Inviting Industries ········ 3-39 2) Possibility of Technology Promotion in Nusajaya High-Tech Park ·············································· 3-43 a) State of Infrastructure and Implemented Systems in Kulim High-Tech Park Considered As a Benchmark························································································· 3-43 b) System for Inter-plant Accommodation of Chilled Water Using High-Efficiency Turbo Chillers The following describes the chilled water accommodation system supplying to ready-built factories in Phase 1a area of Nusajaya High-Tech Park ···································································· 3-48 c) High-efficiency District Cooling System with Steam Absorption Chillers Using CHP and Waste Heat (Steam) ················································································································ 3-50 d) Expanded District Cooling System with Area-wide Heat Accommodation Covering the Nusajaya High-Tech Park and Adjacent Development Areas ·············································· 3-53 e) Total Energy Service System Providing Chilled Air, Heat, and Power to Factories ························ 3-54 (4) Overview of the Project ··································································································· 3-56 1) Basic Policies to Making Concepts of the Project ··································································· 3-56 a) Planning Concept······································································································ 3-56 b) Basic Policies to Making Concepts of This Project ······························································ 3-56 2) Overall Contents of the Project ························································································ 3-58 a) Final Target of the Project ··························································································· 3-58 b) Contents of the Project (Scope of the First-stage Project)······················································· 3-60 3) Future Plan ················································································································ 3-64 Chapter 4 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts (1) Analysis of the Present States of Society and Environment··························································· 4-1 1) Analysis of Present State ································································································· 4-1 a) Social and Environmental Background ············································································· 4-1 b) Natural Environment ·································································································· 4-1 c) Social Environment ···································································································· 4-5 2) Future Projections (supposing the Project is not implemented) ···················································· 4-6 (2) Positive Environmental Impacts of the Project ········································································· 4-7 1) Environmental improvement effect····················································································· 4-7 2) CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) ·············································································· 4-7 (3) Environmental and Social Impact Due to Project Implementation ·················································· 4-8 1) Determining Environmental and Social Concerns ··································································· 4-8 2) Consideration of Other Options to Further Minimize Environmental and Social Impacts ···················· 4-14 3) Discussions with Implementing Agencies and Information from People and Groups Familiar with Environmental and Social Conditions of the Local Area ··························································· 4-14 (4) Overview and Actions Required to Satisfy Host Country’s Legislation Concerning Environmental and Social Considerations ············································································ 4-15 1) Overview of Legislation Concerning Environmental and Social Considerations Related to Project Implementation ·································································································· 4-15 a) Overview of the Main Administrative Organizations Involved in Environmental and Social Considerations ································································································· 4-15 b) Overview of Main Legislation Related to Environmental and Social Concerns ····························· 4-16 2) Host Country EIAs Required for Project Implementation ························································· 4-18 a) Industrial Site Suitability Evaluations ·············································································· 4-18 b) EIA Target Operations ································································································ 4-22 c) EIA Procedures ········································································································ 4-24 (5) Host Country (Implementing Agency and Relevant Agencies) Must-Do for the Project ························ 4-27 Chapter 5 Financial and Economic Evaluation (1) Estimated Project Cost ····································································································· 5-1 (2) Overview of Preliminary Financial and Economic Analysis ························································· 5-1 1) Financial and Economic Analysis ······················································································ 5-1 a) Costs and Revenue ····································································································· 5-1 b) Operation and Management Cost ···················································································· 5-1 c) Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) Calculations ··························································· 5-1 2) Economic Analysis ······································································································· 5-4 a) Power consumption and the result of Co2 reduction ····················································· 5-4 b) Benefit for the factories to be in the industrial park ···················································· 5-4 Chapter 6 Planned Project Schedule ....................................................................................................................... 6-1 (1) Nusajaya High-Tech Park development schedule ····························································· 6-1 (2) Project implementation schedule ··················································································· 6-2 Chapter 7 Implementing Organization ................................................................................................................... 7-1 Chapter 8 Technical Advantages of Japanese Company (1) Shape of Projected Japanese Company Participation (Investment, Material and Equipment Procurement, Facility Operation and Management, etc.)8-1 (2) Technical and Economical Advantages of Japanese Companies to implement this Project······················ 8-2 1) Technical ··················································································································· 8-2 2) Economical················································································································· 8-3 (3) Measures Necessary to Promote Orders to Japanese Companies ········································ 8-4 Executive Summary (1) Background and Necessity of the Project 1) Economic growth and energy use efficiency improvement Malaysia grew driven by the exportation of primary commodities and then succeeded in export-oriented industrialization in the 1990s, which led to its remarkable development in Southeast Asia to grow from a low-income nation to a more developed country. In 1991, it formulated Vision2020 that aims to become a member of developed countries in 30 years and promoted development of such infrastructure as electricity and water supply including industrial park development and preferential tax treatment and made aggressive efforts to attract foreign capital. In 1987, the Japanese government, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (current Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) announced the New Aid Plan to promote concerted economic cooperation (trade, investment and economic cooperation) and assisted industrial sophistication through such cooperation as the compilation of industrial sector development promotion plan and Kulim Hi-Tech industrial park (hereinafter “KHTP”) development plan by the ministry and Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter “JICA”). Recently, the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) was formulated for further economic growth. For its realization, efforts are needed to improve the quality of energy infrastructure, secure maintenance human resources, and ensure industrial competitiveness through cost reduction by energy use efficiency improvement together with deregulation for attracting new investment from overseas and domestic industrial human resources development. 2) Iskandar development plan and energy infrastructure development Comprehensive development that includes finance, administration, education, healthcare, housing and amusement in addition to hi-tech industrial park is underway, covering an area three times as big as Singapore, in Iskandar region in southern Johor State. The population in the region is expected to grow from 1.4 million in 2006 to 3 million in 2025 and Gross Domestic Product (hereinafter “GDP”) from 20 billion yen to 93 billion yen at an annual growth rate of 8 % in the same period. The total investment until 2012 reaches 87.56 billion MR (approx. 2.36 trillion yen) according to the Iskandar Regional Development Authority. Stable and efficient energy infrastructure development is needed as it is essential for Iskandar development as the driving force behind further growth. 3) Sophistication of energy use at hi-tech industrial park Malaysia promotes and develops such value-added industries as automotive electronics, biomedical, halal and other food processing and visual contents in addition to conventional electrical and electronics industries. S-1 Establishment of large data center, etc., for the financial sector in addition to the industries above is also expected as spillover from the neighboring Singapore that is seeking to secure new low-cost human resources and land because of its geographic and demographic restrictions. Under such circumstances, industrial parks are expected to provide quality infrastructure service, which includes proper operation and maintenance and securing human resources for it, in addition to quality power supply, backup power sources, effective use of waste heat, efficient cooling installations and energy-saving installations 4) Assistance for entry of Japanese companies through infrastructure and human resources development More than 70 Japanese companies have their factories in industrial parks in Johor State where Iskandar Malaysia is situated. More than 90 % of companies that have entered into Malaysia have interest in investment in Iskandar, according to some data (source: NNA News in August, 2012). Japanese companies have more and more interest in Iskandar development and there are such symbolic projects as opening of a major shopping center and an amusement park featuring a popular character. Furthermore, in June 2013, one of the biggest Japanese trading companies participated in eco-friendly city development in Medini development. Some data also reveals that Japanese companies that entered into Malaysia and Singapore are most interested in manufacturing Iskandar region, which raises expectation for entry of automotive electronics biomedical, halal and other food processing and visual contents with growing demand. Meanwhile, such matters as lagged infrastructure development that includes energy and shortage of human resources for maintenance are pointed out as concerns and the government and private sector are expected to tackle the issues urgently concertedly. (2) Basic Policies to Determine Concepts of the Project Concepts of this Project which aims for introduction of high-efficiency district cooling system in Nusajaya High-Tech Park in Iskandar region in Malaysia will be planned based on points described below. 1) Planning Concept ・ Introduction of high-efficiency district cooling system using proven Japanese technology. ・ Create the business model for integrated energy infrastructure service aiming to serve as the model for eco industrial park in Malaysia. ・ Create the business model considering the sustainability of the project and incorporating not only the provision of equipment but also human resource development and other factors. 2) Basic Policies on Making Concepts of This Project S-2 a) Basic Policy 1: Create the project plan which considers the development plan and existing conditions of the targeted industrial park, Nusajaya High-Tech Park; Ascendas and UEM Sunrise, the developer of the targeted industrial park, Nusajaya High-Tech Park, is planning to develop the park, total ground area of 512 acres (approx. 207 ha), in three phases. The contracts with companies will begin in January 2014, phase 1a (approx. 7.2ha) construction will be completed in 2015, and factory operation is planned to begin at the end of 2015. Phases 1b (approx. 41.4ha), 2 (approx. 66.8ha), and 3a (approx. 34.4ha) are planned to be completed in March 2016, September 2017, and March 2019, respectively. The developer has not yet decided the development schedule for other 3b and 3c. Utility infrastructure, electricity, water, sewer, and gas except gas pipeline, will be prepared by the completion of Phase 1a. The end point of the gas pipeline is currently at 15km east of the Nusajaya High-Tech Park. The gas pipeline will be built according to the demand in surrounding area. Ascendas is planning to have two types of factories in the industrial estate; Ready Build Factory (hereinafter “RBF”) and Build to Suit (hereinafter “BTS”). In regards to the RBF, Ascendas will design the building and each company will install air conditioning system to the RBF. As for the BTS, Ascendas will build the building and all equipment according to the requirements by each company. Because the site is located near Singapore, tenants are expected to be factories in the fields of data centers, car electronics, biomedical, bio, and halal foods. The contents of the Project and plans will be determined based on the above developing schedule and situations. b) Basic Policy 2: Contents of the Project reflecting the needs of companies During our interviewing survey, we found that factories operating in Malaysia have a problem that about 40% of total electric power consumption is consumed for cooling system because of scorching sun and high temperature throughout the year, and finding a way to cut this cost is a big concern for them. Although many factories use old air conditioning equipment with low cooling efficiency, they are unable to renew these equipment because of the high initial cost. With respect to human resources, factories have difficulty in employment and development of general workers and shortage of engineer-class workers for the management of infrastructure facilities in factories. Because job hopping is very common in Malaysia, it is difficult to secure necessary workers. The contents of the Project will be decided based on the needs of companies considering these findings from interviewing. c) Basic policy 3: Contents of the Project with harmonizing with the policies, investment incentives, etc. of the Malaysian government S-3 During the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 15), the Malaysian government pledged “40% voluntary reduction of per-GDP CO2 emission by 2020 relative to 2005.” In response, efforts are being taken in Malaysia aiming at the realization of a low-carbon society. For Iskandar region, which is covered by this study, Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar was formulated in July 2013 by Iskandar Regional Development Authority with the assistance of the Japanese government. It aims to reduce CO2 emission in 2025 by 40% relative to the business-as-usual level (based on 2005 emission level). This Project is in accordance with “Green Energy System and Renewable Energy,” one of the 12 action plans listed here. With respect to investment incentive schemes in Malaysia, the Malaysian government is promoting “pioneer status” to projects encouraged based on the national policy. The approved companies can obtain partial exemption from corporate income tax (70% of statutory income is exempted from taxation and only 30% is taxable) for 5 years. The contents of this Project will be decided with an understanding of the applicability of incentive schemes related to environment and investment, and this will greatly contribute to the profitability of this Project. (3) Project Summary 1) Final Target of the Project Eventually, it will be aimed to develop businesses as follows based on the cited “Basic Policies on Making Concepts of the Project”. This Project consists with two categories: energy supply and operation management project and human resource development project for workers for the maintenance of infrastructure facilities in the park. S-4 Figure 1 Descriptions of the Overall Contents of the Project (Final Target of the Project) Source: Study Team a) Energy supply for the industrial park ・ High-quality electric power is supplied to factories by means of power generation using high-efficiency gas combined-cycle cogeneration and collective reception of power from the utility cooperation covering Iskandar region, TENAGA NATIONAL Sdn Bhd (TNB), as the backup power source. Surplus power is to be sold to the TNB. In the future, the power generated will also be supplied to adjacent development areas, such as Gerbang Nusajaya and Medini. In this case, the sold power will not be supplied directly from the generator over cables but through the power grid of the utility corporation. ・ Planned specifications and capacity. Generator: Combined-cycle gas turbine. Power generation capacity: 45 MW. b) District cooling system using steam accommodation ・ The steam generated in high-efficiency gas combined-cycle cogeneration is accommodated to factories, and district cooling system with using steam absorption chillers is implemented. Steam supply capacity: about 6.5 t. (Please add description by Fuji Electric). c) Energy management of factories in the industrial park ・ Install the smart meters into factories for mutual information exchange. S-5 ・ Cloud-based Factory Energy Management System (FEMS) will be introduced to factories and the service provider will carry out factory energy management. d) Consulting service for energy saving ・ Provide diagnostic service and guidance for factory energy saving. e) Leasing and operation management of high-efficiency energy-saving equipment such as district cooling equipment ・ Equipment leasing business is conducted to provide district cooling equipment, inverter, electric power meter, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), high-efficiency transformer, high-speed circuit breaker, etc. Because of this, factories will be able to suppress initial investment cost and lighten tax burden and other expenditure associated with the possession of equipment asset. ・ The service provider performs maintenance of leased equipment. Because of this, each factory has no need to have dedicated engineers for the cooling equipment; and also, enables to reduce the maintenance cost. f) Human resource development of workers for maintenance of infrastructure facilities in the industrial park ・ Develop maintenance workers for the industrial park in collaboration with existing vocational schools and other institutions. ・ In the future, high-level human resource development will be conducted through joint study and other forms of collaboration with organizations such as the University of Technology, Malaysia and universities in EduCity, which is located in the neighborhood. S-6 2) Contents of the Project a) Targeting area The demand will not show soon because the industrial park will be developed in multiple phases, as shown in Basic policy 1 “Development plan for the targeted industrial park, Nusajaya High-Tech Park.” In addition, the gas pipeline has not been constructed yet. For these reasons, the first stage of the Project will include only the district cooling using grid power and chilled water accommodation in Phase 1a area (approx. 7.2 ha), which will be developed first. We will install a system using gas for power generation and district cooling with steam accommodation after the construction of the gas pipeline. Figure 2 Targeting area Targeting area of this study Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas Figure 3 System image (District cooling system through grid power and chilled water accommodation) Source: Study Team S-7 b) Concept Design and Equipment Specification High-efficiency turbo chillers will be placed in a part of the utility area, and chilled water pipes are led to factories from there. Pipes are buried underground beneath the roads in front of factories. The bore diameter of chilled water pipes will be 400 mm near the high-efficiency turbo chillers, 300 mm in midway sections, and 200 mm near factories. The heat loss of underground pipes, made of materials preventing heat loss, is assumed to be 5%. The total elongation of pipes is about 1,100 m. As piping can be routed to cross roads in the park, chilled water accommodation between factories will be designed with piping crossing the road. The piping plan and the structure beneath a road are shown below. The present study clarified the equipment installation conditions for high-efficiency turbo chillers and the conditions for chilled water piping. While we considered the chilled water accommodation system and determined conditions focusing on RBF, these conditions for equipment installation and chilled water piping can be applied to not only RBF but also BTS and commercial areas. If there is at least 500 United States Refrigerating Ton (USRT) of combined cooling load that is expected to persist for 5-10 years, it is possible to construct a chilled water accommodation system by adjusting the capacity of high-efficiency turbo chillers and the bore diameters and lengths of chilled water piping. Figure 4 Location of high-efficiency turbo chillers and underground chilled water piping layout Location of high-efficiency turbo chillers Source: Study Team S-8 Figure 5 Section plan of water piping Source: Study Team The capacity of high-efficiency turbo chillers will be 2,500 USRT based on the floor area requiring air conditioning and demand assumption. The 2,500 USRT high-efficiency turbo chillers will comprise two 1,000 USRT units and a 500 USRT unit, considering efficient operation responding to demand and redundancy. The equipment layout plan is shown below. Figure 6 Equipment Layout Plan (Plan) (Section) 12m 12000 6000 計器室 Electrical Control Room 電気室 Ground (Plants) Turbo chiller 1A 1000USRT AU-1 ECC-1(A) 24m CWP-1(A) CP-1(A) AU-2 CWP-1(B) Turbo chiller 1B 1000USRT AU-3 18000 ECC-1(B) CP-1(B) Turbo chiller 2 500USRT ECC-2 CWP-2 CP-2 Source: Study Team S-9 c) Issues and Solutions towards the utilization of proposed technologies and systems. Major issues are whether there are an assured cooling load for the adoption of proposed technologies and systems. Sales of sections in the tech park will start from January 2014, therefore availability of the adoption of proposed technologies and systems will be considered with reviewing the actual trend of factories’ demands and the amount of cooling load. d) Business Scheme for the Proposed Project In this Project, a special purpose company (SPC) established by the Joint Venture (JV) company among Inter Act, Fuji Electronic, other Japanese companies, Malaysian companies, and Ascendas will operate the business. The investing companies will bear 50% of the project cost, and 50% will be loaned from a financial institution. Because this business complies with the environment promotion policy of the Malaysian government and it will be the first case of district cooling in an industrial park, it is likely to be eligible for Pioneer Status and other investment incentives from the Malaysian government, as well as preferential tariff from the utility corporation, TNB, and other supports. Each factory contracts with the SPC to receive chilled water supply service and pays the bill. The SPC pays the cost of power to TNB and the cost of water to the water supply company. The SPC operates the business in cooperation with the local operation management company and the engineering/construction company. After the gas pipeline is constructed and it becomes possible to expect sufficient demand with the increase in the number of factories in the park according to the industrial park development plan, we will add energy supply for the industrial park, district cooling system using steam accommodation, energy management of factories in the industrial park, consulting service for energy saving, leasing and operation management of high-efficiency energy-saving equipment, and human resource development of workers for maintenance of infrastructure facilities in the industrial park on appropriate timing. Figure7 Business Scheme for the Service Company Private Bank [Investers] InterAct, Fuji Electric, and other Japanese Companies or Malaysian Companies JICA Loan Singapore Companies Government of Malaysia TNB Water Supply Investment Loan Incentives Servicing Payment of Electricity tariff SPC Factories (JV Companies) Payment of tariff Payment of Water tariff Company Operation/Maintenance Contract Engineering/Construction Contract Engineering/Construction Operation/Maintenance Companies Companies Source: Study Team S-10 (4) Implementation Schedule The Project can be implemented when the potential customers of cooling systems are figured out. It is difficult to formulate concrete schedule at this stage. Meanwhile, if certain companies that use the cooling service will surely establish their business in the tech park, the economic feasibility of the Project can be examined more specifically based on the scale of the demand, whether it can be implemented or not can be determined, and the efforts toward its implementation can be accelerated. Concrete information on business establishment will be exchanged with Ascendas as needed to examine the materialization of the Project. The table below shows the schedule of district cooling installations development if it is judged that there is a sure prospect of sufficient demand. Table 1 Draft of Project Implementation Schedule with Sure Prospect of Sufficient Demand Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3~ Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1) Demand Study 2) Negotiation and adjustment with Ascendas & UEM Sunrise 3) Decision making on the implementation of the district cooling business ★ 4) Establishment of the district cooling company 5) Financing 6) F/S, Basic design, EIA survey 7) Apply for the business license 8) Detailed design 9) Preparation for bidding to decide each construction and plant 10) Bidding result & Contract 11) Preparation for the construction 12) Construction (Piping, etc.) 13) Plant construction 14) Negotiation for contract with users 15) Preparation for the operation 16) Start operation service Source: Study Team based on document provided by Ascendas S-11 1 2 3 4 (5) Feasibility of the Project 1) Estimated Project Cost We targeted equipment cost (including 3 Electrical Centrifugal Chillers, 3 Cooling Towers, 3 Chilled Pumps, 3 Cooling Pumps, 2 Make-Up Pumps for Cooling Water, 1 Expansion Tank, 1 Water Tank and others.), piping installation work, electrical installation work, aqueduct construction, installation work of the fire extinguishing system, installation work of the pneumatic plant and others for the cost estimation. To calculate the construction cost for the above items, further study with considering several points regarding the aqueduct construction, such as sectional design of the road, conditions for the construction, future technical innovation, and price fluctuations due to market expansion is required. 2) Overview of Preliminary Financial and Economic Analysis The Project’s main source of revenue is expected to be the sale of cold air to the companies located in the industrial park by SPCs established by Japanese and local corporations. 3) Financial and Economic Analysis a) Costs and Revenue Revenue based on the several conditions of the project costs was estimated. Cost (Initial Costs, Running Costs, Power Purchase Cost and others) and revenue (Cold Air Sales) in each item were assumed according to similar cases, materials from TNB and others. b) Operation and Management Cost We considered operation and management costs for each of the Projects’ operations based on the basic conditions of financial and economic analysis. c) Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) Calculations i) Conditions of Calculations We calculated Cash Flow and FIRR by the previously mentioned revenue, costs of construction, management fee and operation cost on the premise of net cash flow (NCF) and assumed a 10 year Project period. We did not consider the market value of the turbo chiller after 10 year. Since Malaysia’s inflation rate currently hovers around 2%, we set the inflation rate at 2%. This project has high possibility of being applied MIDA Pioneer Status or other preferential measures, however, we did not consider of such measures in this calculation as conservative case. Followings are other conditions for the calculations. S-12 Table 2 Financial Calculation Conditions Items for calculating income and expenditures Standard/scale Construction period Notes 1 year Operating period 10 years Depreciation period 10 years Interest (commercial banks) 4% Interest (JICA financing) 3% Construction fund repayment period The initial fixed period is five years. 7 years (commercial banks) Construction fund repayment period 10 years Deferment not considered (JICA financing) Equity capital ratio(commercial banks) 50% Equity capital ratio(JICA financing) 30% Inflation rate 2% Fixed asset tax 0.3% Corporate taxes, etc. 25% Value added tax 5% Source: Study Team ii) FIRR Calculations We used the above conditions to determine the situation with loans from commercial banks or financing from JICA. Case 1: Loans from commercial banks (4% interest, LTV50%) Case 2: Financing from JICA (3% interest, LTV70%) We calculated non-leverage PIRR and after leverage Equity-IRR on the premise of 10 years calculation period and the above conditions. We calculated PIRR and the result shows 13.8% to 13.9% on the non-leverage basis. The Project PIRR exceeds the roughly 4% interest rate on 10 year Malaysian government bonds, so we believe the Project can work under the conditions of the above cases. While interest of the JICA financing is 3% comparing to 4% of the commercial banks, LTV is 70% (JICA) and 50% (Commercial banks) each. Therefore, total interest payments to JICA between 10 years operational period is about 1.45 times as much as loans from private banks. On the other hand, equity is reduced by 40% because of the difference about Equity-Capital Ratio between 30% (JICA case) and 50% (Commercial bank case). Consequently, the gap between PIRRs under the cases of loan from JICA and commercial banks is only 0.1%, however, Equity-IRR of JICA case is about 1.6 times as high as that of commercial bank case. S-13 We analyzed the sensitivity analysis with the demand fluctuation and the retail price of cold air under the case of loans from the commercial banks. Compared to the base case, on the one hand, PIRR is decreased to about 0.7 times in the case of -10% demand and increased to about 1.27times in the case of +10% demand, on the other hand, Equity-IRR is about 0.66 times in the former case and about 1.27 times in the latter case. In respect to cold air sales, sales price which able to secure more than 4% PIRR as market rate of interest is considered. The demand fluctuation and the price fluctuation affect the business profitability. Thus, demand risk reduction with securing reliable demand and setting reasonable price is required for the implementation of the project. (6) Technical and Economical Advantages of Japanese Companies to implement this Project 1) Technical The Project is expected to introduce integrated management of cooling loads within Iskandar region industrial parks (district cooling systems), to reduce environmental impact and manage electrical energy for the entire region, and to further develop the use of heat and electrical energy. With its high annual average temperature, Malaysia does not have seasons where heating and cooling is used and seasons in between when it is not used the way Japan does. Cooling is the main air conditioning they do throughout the year, and they use both Central Heat Source System and individual air conditioning. When introducing district cooling systems to Iskandar region industrial parks, Central Heat Source System enables the integrated management of air conditioning heat source facilities, and the main equipment required will be turbo refrigerators, cooling towers, cold water pumps, cooling water pumps, power receiving and transformation facilities and control facilities. Turbo refrigerators are general-purpose equipment manufactured domestically the same way that they are manufactured outside Malaysia. The coefficient of performance (COP) is used as an indicator of turbo chiller efficiency, and domestic manufacturers’ COPs of six or greater are not that much different than the COPs of non-Malaysian manufacturers. That said, the Top-Runner System in Japan spurred the development of high-efficiency transformers, lighting and other electrical equipment, and even electrical equipment not subject to the Top-Runner System is influenced by energy conservation efforts in Japan and is becoming more advanced in various fields such as electrical motors and high-voltage inverter control. For instance, regarding high efficiency of the electric motor, Japan has established the premier efficiency (IE3) technology in IE code, the efficiency class of the international standard “IEC60034-34”. Japanese technology achieved to down the loss factor to approximately 35% than the standard efficiency (IE1). Also, in respect to invertor technology for controlling the electric motor, Japan has put the high efficient equipment with power factor over 95% to practical use. S-14 The improved efficiency of electrical equipment is helping reduce the volume of energy consumed by manufacturing equipment, cooling facilities and air conditioning heat sources for district cooling systems at factories that typically use large quantities of power, but it is also vital technology for reducing environmental impacts across entire regions. Japan’s electric power technology is among the best in the world and is delivered safely and consistently from its points of generation to its points of use. Thus, when we build a high-standard, consistent energy infrastructure for Iskandar region industrial parks, we are building an energy system that is fused with the technology Japanese corporations possess. Japanese technology is at or above global standards for air conditioning heat source facilities, electrical equipment and various other fields, and domestic corporations manufacture and develop own technology, therefore, in technical terms, Japanese corporations are highly advantageous for the implementation of the Project. 2) Economical Products manufactured by Japanese corporations are high-tech and high-quality, but they tend to be more expensive than products manufactured in other countries. However, Japan exported 800,000 commercial air conditioners to Malaysia from 2010 to 2012 and is doing as well as last year with private-sector offices and stores so far in 2013 (according to data from the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association). The relocation of industrial businesses into Iskandar region industrial parks should boost demand for air conditioning heat source facilities and electrical equipment, and, given the above conditions, Japanese companies could be advantageous for this Project in economic terms. Furthermore, installation of Japanese equipment will help the realization of creating energy system with mitigating the life cycle cost for the regional cooling system. S-15 (7) Project Site Map Project Site Map Project Area (Iskandar) Project Site (Nusajaya Tech Park) (Birdview) (Plan(Phasing Plan)) Source:Study Team based on document provided by IRDA and Ascendas S-16 Chapter 1 Overview of the Host Country and Sector (1) Economic and Financial Conditions of Malaysia 1) Overview of economic and industrial policies a) Economy, industry and state finance Postwar economy of Malaysia has developed driven mainly by the exportation of such primary commodities as timber, crude rubber, palm oil, tin and crude oil thanks to its abundant natural resources. The primary commodities accounted for approx. 80 % of export values in the 1960s, and rubber accounted for more than 50 %. However, the ratio of rubber began to drop sharply in the 1970s and thus the ratio of primary commodities declined although palm oil secured a certain percentage and the ratio of timber and crude oil fluctuated due to such external factors as rapid economic growth in Japan. The ratio decreased to approx. 60 % in the 1980s and further to 30 % in the 1990s. It still continues to decline and the relative standing of primary commodities in Malaysian economy has dropped significantly. Figure1- 1 Transition of percentages of export amount by item Rubber Cotton Lumber Palm oil Crude oil Other Source: Current Status and Future Prospect of Malaysian Economy (Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.) Meanwhile, the Malaysian government promoted industrialization after the 1960s and the nation has been regarded as a success case of development of a developing country. Particularly, the long administration of the fourth Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad stabilized the politics and empowered the leadership and Japanese companies directly invested in the country actively from the later 1980s and early 1990s as a result of promotion of industrialization policy with emphasis placed on partnership with Japan and other Asian counties, as symbolized by Look East policy. Particularly, it successfully attracted overseas investment in electric and electronic sectors, which pulled Malaysian economy. 1-1 Table1- 1 History of Malaysian Industrialization Time Overview Import-substituting industrialization began in the late 1950s after 1960s Malaysia gained independence, but it stalled at the end of the Import-substituting industrialization 1960s due to the limited size of the domestic market. The Free Trade Zone Act of 1971 ushered in the creation of special 1970s industrial zones in Penang and other places throughout Malaysia, First export-oriented industrialization and efforts continued to attract foreign corporations geared toward exporting that created ample employment opportunities. The Mahathir administration established national automaker 1980-1984 PROTON in 1983 and continued other heavy industrialization Heavy industrialization policy while depending on the introduction of technology from foreign corporations. The heavy industrialization of the first half of the 1980s ground to 1985-1989 a halt due to the increasing financial burden and the slumping Second export-oriented industrialization global economy, and focus shifted again to export-oriented industrialization. Vision 2020 (devised in 1991) became a key development policy 1990s to now to support industrialization policy aimed at joining the ranks of Conversion to industrialized country developed countries. Source: Current Malaysian Economy and its Challenges (Institute for International Monetary Affairs) As a result, the real GDP grew at an annual average rate of 9.5 % from 1990 to 1996. Although such external factors as Asian currency crisis in 1997, IT slump, series of terrorist attacks in the US and SARS outbreak in China in 2001 hit the Malaysian economy to push down the growth rate, it still continued to grow stably after 2003. Although it market negative growth in 2009 due to the global financial crisis triggered by the subprime loan crisis in 2009 in the US, it recovered in the following year and has been between 5 to 6 % for the last several years. Figure1- 2 Malaysian Real GDP Growth Rate 12 % 10 9.5 9 9.9 9.2 8.9 9.8 10 8.9 8 6 7.3 7.2 6.8 6.1 5.4 5.9 5.8 6.3 5 5.1 4.6 4 5.6 2 0 0.5 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 -4 -6 -8 2008 2009 2010 -1.6 -2 -7.4 -10 Source: Study Team based on various data 1-2 2011 2012 The mid to long term reform visions and plans of the Malaysian government can be largely categorized into long term (frameworks for long term economic growth, which include Vision 2020 and New Economic Model), mid term (materialization of long-term frameworks into policies, strategies, programs and projects, which include 10th Malaysia Plan) and short term (execution of policies, strategies, programs and projects). The federal budget falls on the category of implementation of short term policy. The federal budget comprises the budget speech read by the Finance Minister in meetings and the economic report announced also by the Finance Ministry. The speech focuses on issues and appeal points (including existing measures) that the administration should tackle and the report provides detailed figures by sector. The FY2014 budget has 5 pillars of invigorating economic activities, strengthening fiscal management, human resources development, intensifying urban and rural development, and ensuring the well-being of the people, aiming to strengthen economic resilience, implement reforms and fulfill public promises. The total expenditures and it’s details are shown in Figure1- 3. The federal revenues increase by RM 4 billion from FY2013 to 224.1 billion RM aiming to reduce the deficit from 4 % this fiscal year to 3.5 % in relation to GDP. Figure1- 3 Breakdown of Expenditures Malaysian Budget FY2014 1,000 million RM *Economic sector: infrastructure development, industry, agriculture, local development, etc. *Social sector: education and occupational training, health and welfare, housing, and community development Source: NNA News on October 28, 2013 1-3 b) Overview of economic and industrial policies As mid to long term development plans, Malaysia set up New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1970, National Development Plan (NDP) in 1991, National Vision Policy (NVP) in 2001, and New Economic Model (NEM) in 2010. With the long term national economic development plans as guidelines, the Malaysia Plan was formulated every 5 years as well as Industrialization Master Plan, etc., as more concrete economic policies, to promote industrialization policy focusing on manufacturing. In March 1991, in his speech, then Prime Minister Mahathir announced Vision 2020, a national goal that presents national ground design for the next 30 years. It aims to become a member of developed countries in all aspects including politics, society and culture with economy as the main target by 2020 with the aim to achieve economic growth at an anural rate of 7 %; and eight times increase of GDP and four times increase of income by 2020. The mid to long term plans after the 1990s have been formulated based on the Vision and are prioritized common goal in Malaysian national policies. The NEM announced in 2010 promotes improvement of the domestic quality of life by achieving high income, development of the entire nation, and sustainable development, aiming at the country’s departure from more developed country and becoming a member of developed countries in 2020. Specifically, it presents 8 strategic reform initiatives (a: re-energizing the private sector to drive growth, b: developing a quality workforce and reducing dependency on foreign labor, c: creating a competitive domestic economy, d: strengthening the public sector, e: transparent and market-friendly affirmative action, f: building the knowledge base and infrastructure, g: enhancing the sources of growth, and h: ensuring sustainability of growth). Prime Minister Najib, in June 2010, announced the National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) comprising 11 key industrial sectors and one key region that will drive the nation’s economic growth together with the 10th Malaysia Five-Year Plan. The five-year plan set macroeconomic growth target as well as the scale and distribution of public sector development plan and it plays a guiding role of investment decision of private sector. Specifically, it aims at an annual GDP growth rate of 5.8 % and raising per capita GDP to 12,140 dollars by2015. The 11 key sectors of NKEAs are oil and gas, palm oil and related products, financial services, wholesale and retail, tourism, information and telecommunication technologies, education, electrical and electronics, business services, private healthcare, and agriculture with the capital of Kuala Lumpur that accounts for one-third of GDP as the key location of economic growth. The 3rd Industrialization Master Plan that is also a national economic policy is formulated almost every decade and most latest one was announced in August 2006. Although the 1st and 2nd master promoted formation of industrial clusters, the 3rd master plan promotes realization of innovation and sophistication of manufacturing and service sectors in order to transform them into internationally competitive industries in view of developed country status in 2020. The master plan sets the economic growth rate of 6.3 % with service sector at 7.5 % and manufacturing at 5.6 % by sector during the term. 1-4 2) Overview of national land development policy (standing of Iskandar regional development) The Malaysian administration system is three-tiered, consisting of the federal government, the state governments and local authorities. The national land policy plans are also formulated at the 3 levels. The federal government formulates Malaysian five-year plan and National Physical Plan (NPP) and they are interpreted into state five-year plans and structure plan. There are 2 types of structure plan, one formulated by each state for itself and the other formulated as a wider-area development plan by a wider area that has important development issues covering 2 or more states. The state plans are then incorporated in local plans or special-district plans to serve as the framework for local development plans. The NPP is a statutory plan based on the 2001 amendment of the Town and Country Planning Act that was established in 1976 and is formulated after discussions between the federal and state governments. It is formulated in reference to the urbanization goals and polices of concerned sectors. The target of the current NPP is limited to Malay Peninsula and there are other plans for Sabah and Sarawak states. The 1st NPP (2006-2020) approved in 2005 sets up the “selection and concentration” strategy and reveals a plan of promoting growth of key urban zones that include Kuala Lumpur (Selangor State where the capital is located), George Town (Penang State in west coast), Johor Bahru (Johor State in which southern Iskandar development region is situated), and Kuantan (Pahang State in east coast), so they will serve as the driving force behind the national development. The NPP was revised five years later in August 2010, in which climate change, conservation of biodiversity, green and new technology, and sustainable tourism are added. As called “concentrated decentralization,” main strategies are to focus development along potential growth corridors (urban and industrial development, agriculture, tourism, transportation, infrastructure and urban services), focus urban development in designated urban conurbations and other key urban areas, spread development to lagging and non-urbanized regions, and provide access to ecotourism and agricultural resources. It takes over and expands the selective concentration strategy of the 1st NPP. 1-5 Figure1- 4 Malay Peninsula Development Plan Source: National Physical Plan 2 Meanwhile, then Prime Minister Abdullah, in March 2006, announced long-term major development plans for five regions aiming to correct regional gap. It is a development plan up to 2030 at the longest and promotes foreign capital investment for which the country will provide one-stop service by establishing an independent supervising agency in each development region and provide investment incentives that include preferential tax treatment for investors in the focused industrial sector in the designated regions. The Iskandar development plan is one of the plan and other development plans include the northern corridor economic region whose center is Penang State, Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy that is expected to grow as a renewable energy cluster, East Coast Economic Region that includes 227 of oil and gas development projects by state-run oil company, Petronas, and Sabah Development Corridor that focuses on agriculture, tourism and logistics. 1-6 (2) Overview of Project Sector 1) Current Use of Electricity in Malaysia and Projected Future Demand Malaysia's domestic primary energy production in 2011 was 84.3 million tons of oil equivalent (toe), a drop of 9% from the 2008 figure of 91.9 million toe. Liquid natural gas accounted for 56.2% of energy produced in 2011, and oil for 36.4%. These two types of fuel comprised 92.6% of energy produced in Malaysia that year. Given expected rise in demand for energy in Malaysia, primary energy production is projected to increase by about 1.7% annually on average, and exceed 1 million toe in 2035. Oil and natural gas currently account for about 90% of all energy produced. Given the amount of untapped oil reserves and issues with developing new oil fields, oil imports are projected to rise, and a greater percentage of energy will likely be produced from coal, partly replacing oil. Figure1- 5 Primary Energy Production in Malaysia by Energy Source Source: International Energy Agency Figure1- 6 Projected Production of Primary Energy in Malaysia by Energy Source Source: APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 5th Edition, 2013 1-7 Electricity in Malaysia is produced by government-owned power companies (Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB), Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB)) and privately owned utilities (Independent Power Producers (IPP)). The country's total generation capacity is 24,257 MW. The 10th Malaysia Plan, citing concerns about globally unstable electricity prices and gas shortages, sets out to promote renewable energy and clean thermal power generation. Electricity production in Malaysia has risen steeply since 2008 and is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 5% from 2013 to 2021. The utilities have announced plans to boost generation capacity by 4,500 MW by 2017. Table1- 2 Power Generation in Malaysia (as of June 2012) Net Generation Capacity (A) Peninsular Malaysia 21,873 MW Sabah 1,035 MW Sarawak 1,349 MW Peak Load (B) TNB: 7,096 (32.4%) IPP: 14,777 (67.6%) SESB: 410MW (39.6%) IPP: 625MW (60.4%) SEB: 1,349 (100%) Supply Cushion (A) – (B) / (B) 15,872 MW 38% 843 MW 23% 1,067 MW 26% Government utilities: Total 24,257 MW 8,855 MW (36.5%) - - IPP: 15,402 MW (63.5%) Source: Study Team based on the The Japanese Chamber of Trade & Industry, Malaysia 2014 Malaysia Handbook Figure1- 7 Power Generation in Malaysia by Energy Source Source: International Energy Agency 1-8 2) Energy Policy of Malaysia In 1974, Malaysia enacted the Petroleum Development Act, granting exclusive rights to develop and manage the country's oil and natural gas supplies to the state-owned company Petronas. Since then, the government has set out its energy policy in the National Energy Policy Objectives in 1975; the National Energy Policy in 1979; the National Depletion Policy in 1980; the Four Fuel Diversification Policy in 1981; and the Fifth Fuel Policy in 2000. The National Energy Policy was an especially important piece of legislation in the energy sector, setting targets for energy development and consumption and strategies to secure safe and efficient supplies. It promoted efficient use of electricity, discouraged wasted consumption and unproductive uses and aimed to lessen environmental impact by developing sustainable energy supplies. Based on these objectives, Malaysia's five-year plans have included specific strategies to increase energy supply and efficiency of use, beginning with the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001–2005). The Tenth Malaysia Plan (2011– 2015) focuses on the following 5 strategic pillars: Strategic Pillars of Energy Policy in the Tenth Malaysia Plan ●Adoption of Market-Based Energy Pricing ・Reduce subsidies and achieve market-based pricing by 2015 in order to attract new players to the energy supply chain and increase energy security. ・Gas prices for the power and non-power sectors will be revised every 6 months to gradually reflect market prices. ●Initiatives to Secure and Manage Reliable Energy Supply ・Energy security will be enhanced through the development of alternative resources, particularly hydropower as well as importation of coal and liquefied natural gas (LNG) by 2015. ・In the transport sector, blending of bio-fuel will be made mandatory beginning in 2011, further enhancing fuel security. The application of super critical coal technology will be explored to reduce carbon emissions. ・In addition, the development of nuclear energy as an option for electricity generation will be considered to ensure reliable and cost-effective supply in Peninsular Malaysia. ・Development of new coal-based plants will be undertaken to ensure security of supply in Peninsular Malaysia. ●Measures to Encourage Efficient Use of Energy ・Encourage efficient use of electricity in the industrial, commercial, residential and transportation sectors. ・Set minimum energy performance standards for appliances and develop green technologies. ●Stronger Governance ・Improve governance of the energy sector in order to raise productivity and efficiency. ・Liberalize the gas supply industry to facilitate the entry of new suppliers, and restructure the electricity supply industry to instill greater market discipline. ・Create separate accounting procedures for generation, transmission and distribution activities; ensure transparency in contracts for new generation plants. ●Managing Change: An Integrated Approach to Achieve the Target Outcomes 1-9 ・There will be a broad range of initiatives, covering pricing, supply-side and demand-side management, and requiring new oversight mechanisms to ensure optimum benefit. Figure1- 8 Five Strategic Pillars of the New Energy Strategy (Tenth Malaysia Plan) Source: Tenth Malaysia Plan 2011–2015 3) Government Organizations Involved in the Energy Sector The body responsible for creating Malaysia's policies and strategies concerning energy supply is the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA). KeTTHA promotes green industries, implements measures for environmental preservation and creates policies to improve energy efficiency. The Energy Commission (EC), a branch of KeTTHA, regulates the electricity and gas sectors; its roles include creating guidelines for suppliers, implementing energy-related regulations and overseeing energy prices. Another body under KeTTHA, the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA), manages a program by which electricity produced from renewable sources can be sold to utilities at fixed prices. The organization responsible for economic development policies, including the Malaysia Plans, is the Economic Planning Unit (EPU). In the energy and environmental sectors, the EPU and KeTTHA collaborate to develop energy policy and promote green technology. 1-10 4) Overview of the Energy Sector a) Electricity Sector Electricity in Malaysia is produced by government-owned power companies. As mentioned in the first section of this chapter, while IPPs charge high electricity rates, they are shut out of electricity distribution, which is handled entirely by government utilities. In Peninsular Malaysia, the target area of the Project, TNB supplies electricity through transmission networks operating at 500 kV, 275 kV, and 132 kV. The Johor Bahru area is supplied by transmission lines of 275 kV. Electricity rates charged by TNB vary by use (residential, commercial, industrial, mining, street lighting, neon/floodlights, specific agricultural use), voltage, and time of day (for medium or high voltage). b) Gas Sector 53 % of natural gas consumed in Peninsular Malaysia in 2010 was used to generate power for TNB, while non-power use (mainly industrial and commercial) accounted for about 40% of consumption. 7 % of the supply was exported to Singapore. Small-scale industrial customers who use gas for non-power purposes at flow rates of 5 mmscfd or lower are supplied by Gas Malaysia and Petronas, which also delivers directly to customers. Gas Malaysia distributes gas to industrial, commercial, and residential customers via pipelines connected to the Peninsular Gas Utility Line (PGU Line), a Y-shaped line on Peninsular Malaysia owned and operated by Petronas. The estimated cost of gas for this Project is MYR16.07/MBTU (manufacturing rate). The Malaysian government announced in May 2011 that it would raise natural gas prices by MYR3 every 6 months beginning in July of that year. However, prices were actually raised only that July, with no further hikes since then. Figure1- 9 PGU Line(Peninsular Gas Utilization Line) Source: PETRONAS 1-11 Figure1- 10 Energy Sector Overview (electricity, gas) Cabinet Prime Minister's Office Economic Planning Unit (EPU) ・Creates strategies and policies Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Collaboration Water (KeTTHA) for economic development ・Promotes green industries ・Creates the Malaysia Plans ・Creates policies to improve energy efficiency Energy Commission (EC) Sustainable Energy Development Authority ・Creates guidelines for electricity and gas suppliers (SEDA) ・Implements energy-related regulations ・Manages a fixed-price purchase program for renewable energy [Electricity suppliers] TNB SES SEB IPP [Gas suppliers] PETRONAS Supply Gas Malaysia B ※Government utilities responsible Electricity customers for transmission Non-power use Generation use Major industrial Minor industrial (TNB etc.) customers customers (Above 5 mmscfd) (5 mmscfd and below) Source: Study Team 1-12 5) Environmental Impact and Projections, Environmental Policy a) Projected Environmental Impact on the Area of the Project In the Iskandar region, where the Project site is located, greenhouse gas emissions are predicted to rise by 175% from 2005 levels by 2025, based on current trends. The increase is attributable to the region's rapid growth: the population is expected to double and the GDP increased 4 times by 2025, compared to 2005. The Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), with the belief that “without ‘the green,’ there is no sustainable development,” 1 has developed a green-focused agenda that involves 12 actions to achieve a low-carbon society. Implementation of the 12 actions in IRDA's plan would reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Iskandar region in 2025 by 40%, compared to the amount of emissions projected for that year based on current trends. The Project was developed in line with the goals described in Action 5 of the plan: Green Energy System and Renewable Energy. Figure1- 11 Iskandar Malaysia Green-Focused Agenda Implement Observe/Strengthe Environment n Planning/Managing Monitor/Reconside Corporations/ind r ustry Federal Planning/develop policy Value added ing products/services Social and cultural growth Blue Print Competent personnel Low-carbon lifestyles IRDA BP National Physical Plan Economic growth Environmental Agenda Green economy Development Plan Comprehensive Development Plan Eco-friendly public transportation system TOD Transit Oriented Development Form Infrastructure Main arteries Transportation FIT EE building/areas Rainwater use RE and resources Urban planning Gradual development/DC SWM Land use planning Development/develo pment processes for decarbonizing technology Reuse Recycle Reduce Compost Low Carbon Society Solid Waste Management Source: 2nd International Forum on the Future City Initiative A Green-Focused Agenda for Iskandar Malaysia: Toward Low Carbon Green Growth and Society 1 From the presentation by Ismail Ibrahim, Chief Executive of IRDA, at the 2nd International Forum on the Future City Initiative 1-13 Figure1- 12 Current and Projected Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Iskandar Malaysia Source: Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025 Second Edition Table1- 3 12-Action Plan for a Low Carbon Society Action Objective 1 Integrated green transportation 2 Green industry 3 Low-carbon urban governance 4 Green building and construction 5 Green energy system and renewable energy 6 Low-carbon lifestyle 7 Community engagement and consensus building 8 Walkable, safe, livable city design 9 Smart growth 10 Green and blue infrastructure and rural resources 11 Sustainable waste management 12 Clean air environment Green economy Green community Green environment Source: 2nd International Forum on the FutureCity Initiative A Green-Focused Agenda for Iskandar Malaysia: Toward Low Carbon Green Growth and Society 1-14 b) Environmental Policy 1. National Environmental Policy In 2002, the Malaysian government formulated the National Policy on the Environment, which aimed to integrate sustainability into all plans for economic development and enhance quality of life, protect ecosystems, and conserve and ensure responsible use of natural resources. The policy had three main objectives: i. A clean, safe, healthy and productive environment for present and future generations. ii. Conservation of the country's unique and diverse cultural and natural heritage with effective participation by all sectors of society. iii. Sustainable lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production. The government laid out eight principles in the policy to support the above objectives, balancing economic development goals with environmental imperatives. 1. Stewardship of the environment 2. Conservation of nature's vitality and diversity 3. Continuous improvement in the quality of the environment 4. Sustainable use of natural resources 5. Integrated decision-making 6. Role of the private sector 7. Commitment and accountability 8. Active participation in the international community 10th Malaysia Plan (2011–2015) The Tenth Malaysia Plan sets out to promote energy efficiency, which it cites as key to developing the world-class infrastructure necessary for economic growth and improved productivity. The plan calls for the industrial sector to use high-efficiency machinery and technology and promotes a shift toward more energy-efficient, higher value-added activities. Green Technology Financing Scheme In his 2010 budget speech, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced the establishment of the Green Technology Financing Scheme, which aimed to improve the supply and utilization of environmentally friendly technology. Under the original scheme, which took effect January 1, 2010, the government bore 2% of total interest on loans to beneficiaries and guaranteed 60% of each loan, and financial institutions bore the remaining 40% financing risk. Under the current version of the scheme, which was revised October 11, 2013, the government offers a choice between a 2% rebate on net interest or a guarantee of 30% of the loan. 1-15 The scheme defines green technology eligible for funding as "the development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources, which minimizes and reduces the negative impact of human activities." Green technology must meet the following criteria: i. Minimizes degradation to the environment ii. Has zero or low greenhouse gas emission iii. Safe for use and promotes healthy and improved environment for all forms of life iv. Conserves the use of energy and natural resources v. Promotes the use of renewable resources Figure1- 13 Green Technology Financing Scheme, Revised on October 11, 2013 Source: Green Technology Financing Scheme website 1-16 (3) Situation of Project Area 1) Iskandar Malaysia Development Plan a) Overview of Development Since 2006, the Iskandar region of southern Johor State, which at 2,217 square kilometers is about three times the size of Singapore, has undertaken large-scale, comprehensive development of high-tech industrial parks and areas including finance, administration, education, health care, housing, and amusement. The development plan is one of 5 wide-area economic development projects being implemented by the Malaysian federal government. The population of the region is predicted to rise to 3 million in 2025, compared to 1.4 million in 2006, and the region's GDP is projected to grow annually by about 8%, reaching 93 billion yen in 2025, compared to 20 billion yen in 2006. The IRDA, which was established in 2007 to oversee development, has reported that up to and including 2012, the region has received RM87.56 billion (approx. 2.36 trillion yen) of investments. Iskandar Malaysia comprises five flagship zones, labeled A through E, each of which focuses on different types of economic activities. Five Flagship Zones A: Johor Bahru City ・Located in the old urban area of Johor Bahru, which is the capital of Johor and the main gateway to Singapore via the Causeway. ・Key economic activities include financial services, arts and culture, and urban tourism. B: Nusajaya ・The development area where the high-tech industrial park that is the site of the Project is located. The state and federal governments recently moved their offices here (to Kota Iskandar). The developper is also seeking to attract universities and hospitals. ・Key economic activities include high-tech manufacturing, medical facilities, educational institutions, tourism, and biotechnology. C: Western Gate Development ・A regional distribution center with a free trade zone with tax incentives and a major container port in the Port of Tanjung Pelepas. The zone is also home to the Tanjung Bin Power Plant and is an access point to Singapore. It also has several nature conservation areas registered as Ramsar Convention sites. ・Key economic activities include warehousing, distribution, marine services, high-tech manufacturing and food production, sectors that benefit from the free trade zone. D: Eastern Gate Development ・Contains Pasir Gudang, the manufacturing hub of southern Peninsular Malaysia; Pasir Gudang Port; Pasir Gudang Industrial Park; Tanjung Langsat Port; and Tanjung Langsat Industrial Complex. ・Key economic activities include electrical and electronics, chemical, and oleochemical-based industries, as well as ports, logistics and warehousing. E: Senai-Skudai ・Contains Senai Airport, as well as IT businesses and shopping centers. 1-17 ・Key economic activities include airport services, IT, and precision machinery. Figure1- 14 Iskandar Malaysia and its Five Flagship Zones Senai-Skudai E Eastern Gate Development Nusajaya Western Gate B A D Development C Johor Bahru City Source: ISKANDAR MALAYSIA b) Infrastructure Development Electricity Iskandar Malaysia's development plan sets out to provide world-class electricity infrastructure by ensuring sufficient supply, improving reliability and efficiency, and providing a high level of utility service. The plan describes the following specific steps to achieve those goals. ・Peak electricity use in Johor in 2010 was 2,000 MW, 65% of which was used by the Iskandar region. Combined generation capacity of TNB and IPPs in 2010 was 3,219 MW. ・In order to meet future demand, which is projected to increase from 4,410 MW in 2013 to 9,510 MW in 2025, new transmission lines of 500 kV, 275 kV, and 132 kV and 23 new transformer stations will be developed by 2025. ・The plan aims to improve reliability, reducing average annual outage time per customer from the current 62 minutes to 20 minutes by 2015. The plan also specifies three levels of outage recovery time, and seeks to provide recovery times of within 15 minutes in 90% of the Iskandar region, and within 5 seconds in special areas that would constitute two to 3 % of the region. Gas Gas in the Iskandar region is supplied by PETRONAS and Gas Malaysia via pipelines connected to the PETRONAS-operated PGU line. Gas Malaysia supplies areas located near the PGU line, including Pasir Gudang, TG.Langsat, Tebrau, Tampoi, Larkin, Plentong, Senai, and Kulai. Gas Malaysia supplies gas to 135 manufacturers in the region. The price of gas for manufacturers is the same as elsewhere in Malaysia: RM16.07/1 MMBTU. 1-18 Figure1- 15 PGU Line (Peninsular Gas Utilization Line) Thailand Kerteh Kemaman Malay Peninsula Kuantan Kuala Lumpur (KLCC) Putrajaya Port Klang Shah Alam Seremban Nilai (KLIA) Gas fields Gas Malaysia service area PGU Line Kluang Pasir Gudang Iskandar development Senai area Singapore Source: Tokyo Gas Water Supply Malaysia established the state-owned Water Asset Management Company (WAMCO) in 2006. Since then, the company has acquired all previously existing water treatment plants and is responsible for construction of new plants, which it leases to private operators in a concession-based system. In Johor, where Iskandar Malaysia is located, WAMCO finished purchasing all water treatment plants in 2009. SAJ Holdings manages the region's water supply under a concession agreement from 2000 to 2029. As of 2011, around 850,000 customers receive water from the utility. The table below shows water consumption in the Iskandar region in 2005. Supply was adequate to meet demand. 1-19 Table1- 4 Water Supply in the Iskandar region (2005) Source: Important facts and details on Nusajaya, IRDA, 2008 Water consumption in Iskandar Malaysia is projected to reach 1,418 million liters per day in 2025; the region plans to build new treatment plants to meet the growing demand. Table1- 5 Projection of Water Supply Demand in Iskandar Malaysia Source: Important facts and details on Nusajaya, IRDA, 2008 1-20 c) Related regulations and laws Restrictions on Foreign Investment i) Restricted sectors, prohibited sectors Foreign equity participation in sectors of national interest (e.g., water, energy, electricity supply, broadcasting, defense, security) is limited to 30%. Aside from such sectors, most industries are open to private firms. ii). Restrictions on foreign equity participation Restrictions are imposed on the proportion of foreign equity investment in private firms, with foreign investors required to apply for licenses and permits from government agencies. However, the Malaysian government sees the value of foreign participation in areas where the participation may contribute to economic and industrial development, and, aside from some minor exceptions, allows 100% ownership of firms in the manufacturing, distribution and service sectors. In the manufacturing sector, complete foreign ownership is nearly always permitted, whether for investments in new businesses or investments to expand or diversify existing concerns. In non-manufacturing sectors, there have long existed quotas on equity proportions that affect both Malaysian and foreign investors seeking to acquire shares or buy up firms, but in April 2009 the government announced plans to liberalize the service industry, and removed the 30% Bumiputera equity requirement on 27 service sub-sectors. iii) Minimum equity investment In the manufacturing sector, companies valued at RM25 million or greater, or with 75 or more full-time employees, are required to apply for a manufacturing license. Manufacturers that do not meet either of those conditions may receive a certificate of exemption from the license requirement. In non-manufacturing sectors, the Guidelines on Foreign Participation in the Distributive Trade Services Malaysia (May 2010), issued by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives & Consumerism (MDTCC), require foreign investors to invest a minimum of RM10 million. iv) Land ownership by foreign firms Foreigners and foreign firms are allowed to purchase land in Malaysia. Land is under the jurisdiction of states, so prospective land and property owners must gain approval and register their titles at relevant state agencies. Incentives to foreign investment The government of Malaysia encourages foreign investment in certain sectors via tax incentives. Promoted sectors include manufacturing, agriculture, aerospace, biotechnology, tourism, environment-related industries (environmental conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy use), distribution, information technology, research and development, medical devices, vocational training, manufacturing-related services, international procurement centers and regional distribution centers, financial services, industrial design services, and 1-21 international schooling. Businesses located in the government-designated Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) also qualify for incentives. The main types of incentives are as follows. i) Pioneer Status Companies with Pioneer Status are given an income tax exemption of 70% for 5 years, beginning the date they start manufacturing. Dividends paid out of tax-exempt income to shareholders are also exempted from tax. Furthermore, IDR-status companies that commence operations by 2015 are eligible for a 100% exemption on statutory income taxes for 10 years. ii) Investment tax allowance As an alternative to Pioneer Status, companies may apply for investment tax allowance (ITA). Companies approved for ITA may receive a 60% tax allowance on expenditures on qualifying plant and equipment, for a period of 5 years from the date of the initial investment. As with Pioneer Status, IDR-status companies are eligible for a 100% exemption on statutory income taxes for 10 years. iii) Exemption of import duty and sales tax on equipment investments Businesses in the manufacturing sector may apply for exemption of import duty and sales tax on machinery used directly in manufacturing, spares and consumables, and investments to boost electricity efficiency. The import duty exemption applies to equipment that cannot be manufactured locally, while the sales tax exemption applies to locally procured equipment. iv) Exemption of import duty and sales tax on raw materials Businesses in the manufacturing sector may also apply for exemption of import duty and sales tax on imported raw materials for use in manufacturing. The exemption applies to raw materials that are not manufactured in Malaysia, or even if they are manufactured in the country, do not meet the business's requirements for quality and price. 1-22 2) Development of Nusajaya High-Tech Park a) Overview of Development Nusajaya, the area that hosts the Nusajaya High-Tech Park that is the focus of the Project, is designated as Flagship B in Iskandar Malaysia. Nusajaya is located west of Johor Bahru, the capital of Johor, and 20 minutes from Senai Airport and 15 minutes from the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link. The developer of Nusajaya is actively seeking to attract industries including high-tech manufacturing (High Tech Park), biotech (Southern Industrial and Logistics Cluster (SiLC), Bio-XCell), creative industries, medicine, (Medical Park, Afiat Healthpark), education (EduCity) and tourism (Puteri Harbar, International Destination Resort). Nusajaya encompasses an area of approximately 97.1 square kilometers. Figure1- 16 Location of Nusajaya Source: Important facts and details on Nusajaya, IRDA, 2008 Figure1- 17 Important sites in Nusajaya Source: Progress February 2011–October 2012, IRDA, 2012 1-23 The Nusajaya High-Tech Park is in the western part of Nusajaya; and it has an area of approximately 210 hectares. The park was developed as a joint venture by UEM Sunrise, the Nusajaya region’s main property development firm, and Ascendas, a real-estate firm established by Jurong Town Corporation of Singapore. Nusajaya is engaged in the following efforts around industrial park development, based on the concept of integrated, international class development, with environmentally friendly infrastructure, design, and facilities. The developer of Nusajaya seeks to attract a range of industries such as electronics, pharmaceutical and medical devices, food processing, precision machinery, consumer goods, logistics and warehousing, and engineering and expects medium-sized firms to move into the park. ・High quality infrastructure Offer high quality infrastructure to support precision engineering, electronics, light industries, green industries, warehousing and logistics, food processing, and pharmaceutical and medical devices. ・Software solutions Utilize support from government institutions to smooth businesses' entry into the zone by designing one-stop public services for businesses, helping businesses to secure human resources and acquire licenses, etc. ・Service facilities Provide manufacturers in the park with a range of amenities and supporting facilities ・Quality of life Develop world-class rail service, F&B, and other facilities Figure1- 18 Location of the Nusajaya High-Tech Park Educity Nusajaya High Tech Park Medini development zone Gerbang Nusajaya development zone Source: Ascendas & UEM Land Joint Venture Tech Park @ Gerbang Nusajaya Iskandar Malaysia (February 2013) 1-24 b) Tech Park Development Plan Nusajaya High-Tech Park covers a total area of approx. 210ha and the development is planned in multiple phases as shown below. Figure1- 19 Nusajaya High-Tech Park Development Plan in Multiple Phases Phase 3b 68 acres (27.5ha) Phase 1a & 1b 120 acres P Phase 3C 74 acres (30ha) (48.6ha) Phase 3a 85 acres Phase 2 165 acres (34.4ha) (66.8ha) Area Phase 1a & 1b Phase 2 Phase 3a Phase 3b Phase 3c TOTAL acre 120.00 165.00 85.00 68.00 74.00 512.00 ha 48.56 66.77 34.40 27.52 29.95 207.20 Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas The development schedule of the Nusajaya High-Tech Park is as follows as of November 2013: Phase 1a & b Phase 2 Phase 3a Construction Operation aimed to begin in 2015 Sep. 2015 to Sep. March. 2017 to schedule ~operation begins sequentially until 2017 March. 2019 March 2016 ※Development schedule of Phase 3b and Phase 3c are yet to be formulated. Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas 1-25 Ascendas is going to develop Phase 1a area, figure1-20, in advance. Ascendas is planning to have the industrial sites in the inner areas enclosed by blue lines (40 m roads) as the RBF, and to construct factories in advance and sold with land. The areas outside of the blue lines (40 m roads) are developed as the BTS, where the factory owner acquires land and constructs the factory to suit its purpose. The floor area of each RBF will be in the range from 1,000 to 3,000 m2. It will be a two-story building with a factory space on the first floor and an office (250-400 m2) on the second floor. The total area of RBF in Phase 1a will be 70,000 m2, in which 43 factories will be plotted. The size of each RBF is smaller than a typical assembling or processing factory. Figure1- 20 Development plan of Phase 1a & 1b Build-to-suit factories (Commercial) Phase 1a Phase 1b ;Ready-built factories Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas 1-26 Development planning map of Phase 1a is as follows. Figure1- 21 Development plan of Phase 1a Source: Materials provided by Ascendas 1-27 c) Infrastructure Development 1. Electricity The table below illustrates projected demand for electricity in Nusajaya. It should be possible to generate enough electricity to meet projected demand, and utilities plan to build new transformer stations to keep pace with economic development. Nusajaya has also set the following two goals for reliability of electricity supply. ・Reduce average annual outage time per customer from 105 minutes in 2004 to 20 minutes. ・Reduce average number of outages /y per customer from 1.11 in 2004 to under 0.5. Figure1- 22 Projection of electricity demand in Nusajaya Source: Important facts and details on Nusajaya, IRDA, 2008 Gas The Nusajaya High-Tech Park is not currently supplied with gas. The park is located about 15 km from the PGU line. In determining whether to build a line to the park, Gas Malaysia will comprehensively consider the following 2 conditions. ・Supply amount (demand) As a condition to building a new gas supply line, Gas Malaysia requires that it receive profits of at least 9%. If profits fall below 9%, the customer must pay the difference. Gas Malaysia requires a minimum volume of 15,000 MMBTU/kW x 15kW = 2,250,000MMBTU, or about 90MW. ・Supply period It will take 8 years for Gas Malaysia to reach to 9% profit level, therefore, long-term demand is a necessary condition to building a pipeline. 1-28 Figure1- 23 PGU Line of Iskandar Malaysia About 15km Nusajaya High-Tech : PGU Line Park Source: Study Team based on an interview with Gas Malaysia Water Supply The Nusajaya High-Tech Park will be supplied with water by SAJ Holdings, as is the rest of Iskandar Malaysia. Water supply prices of SAJ Holdings are shown in the below table. Figure1- 24 Water prices by type of demand Source: SAJ Holdings website 1-29 Chapter 2 Study Methodology (1) Study contents 1) Project overview The development project launched in 2006 in Iskandar region in southern Johor State in Malaysia covers an area three times as big as Singapore and is expected to prime new economic growth in the country by attracting new investment and industries. Nusajaya in the development region is an area where comprehensive development that includes commercial and residential districts and educational, healthcare and amusement facilities in addition to the Nusajaya High-Tech Park is planned. The target of the project is the Nusajaya High-Tech Park to be developed by Ascendas and UEM Sunrise in Nusajaya and it examines the feasibility of introduction of stable and efficient power and heat supply systems based on their integrated management by using Japanese highly efficient district cooling technologies. Specifically, KHTP where cooling installations are introduced to all plant is used as benchmark and, as the first step, highly efficient turbo chillers that efficiently produce the cool water with using electricity from the power line will be introduced to the phase-1 industrial park (approx. 57 ha) that is expected to be completed in the end of 2014 to examine the cooling system that accommodate cooled water among plants. The target of the second step is the area of remaining industrial park development (approx. 153 ha) of the Project, it will examine the introduction of highly efficient district cooling installations by accommodating heat not only within the industrial park where gas-turbine CHP (combined heat and power) that utilizes the gas supply (to be developed in 2015) and the steam absorption chiller that uses the waste heat from the CHP but also the entire area including neighboring development areas. Furthermore, quality power supply, backup power sources, effective use of waste heat, and installation of energy-saving installations as well as proper operation and maintenance and human resources development for it will be combined as packaged energy infrastructure service to establish an independent business model. It will also examine the use of Research and Development (R&D) facilities of plants and companies in the industrial park as human resources development center through educational and research exchange with neighboring science and research cities. 2) Study Purpose Stable, efficient and quality energy infrastructure development will likely help secure industrial competitiveness necessary for further economic growth and encourage new investment from overseas in Iskandar development that serves as the driving force behind it. It is also important to develop human resources for proper operation and maintenance of the infrastructure system and it is essential to work on both sides as a pair. 2-1 Similarly, key to the success of the industrial park is promptly securing companies that come there. For this, strategic promotion to attract them by identifying the target industrial sectors and development of infrastructure and human resources to encourage their entry are needed. The KHTP that is developed with assistance from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and JICA of Japan and cooperation between Japan and Malaysia serves as a success case. It’s been 20 years since its development and more than 30 global companies and many Japanese companies are located there. The project approach of identifying target industries to successfully bring them in is very effective and the knowledge to be gained through the analysis of the factors will be used in the study. The purpose of the study is to examine development of stable and efficient energy infrastructure and human resources for its maintenance from technological, environmental and social, and economic and financial perspectives based on proper demand forecast. 3) Study Contents Malaysian overall master plans that include economic and industrial policies, national land development policies, energy and environmental policies (current energy use and environmental impact and their future forecast, energy and environmental policies and overview of related projects and execution structure, etc.) and such separate concerned matters as infrastructure development plans of Iskandar development and Nusajaya High-Tech Park and their current status, legal system and other concerned regulations, and various preferential treatment will be examined. The target industries that include automotive electronics, biomedical, halal and other food processing, visual contents and data center will be analyzed based on the comparative analysis with Thailand, Indonesia, China and other neighboring countries and analysis of Japanese industrial trend to forecast demand for companies that may be situated in the industrial park and future energy demand. Furthermore, development of engineers and technicians to secure human resources for maintenance of energy facilities as well as researchers who connect industry and science in view of collaboration with universities and poly-tech centers will be also examined. Development of infrastructure and human resources, which includes optimal system specifications and technological feasibility and framework of human resources development, as efforts to attract industries will be examined based on the results of the study above and feasibility of an independent business model that utilizes the system will be also examined based on the economic and financial analysis and necessary environmental and social impacts. 2-2 (2) Study methodology and structure 1) Methodology Bibliographical survey and field study were conducted on the items below and feasibility was examined based on technological study and economic and financial analysis. 【Main study items】 1. Overview of economic and industrial policies, national land development policies and energy and environmental policies of Malaysia (1) Overview of economic and industrial policies (2) Overview of national land development policies (status of Iskandar development) (3) Overview of energy and environmental policies ① Current energy use and its future forecast, energy policies of electricity, gas, etc.: and execution structure and overview of energy projects ② Environmental impact and future forecast and environmental policies 2. Overview of Iskandar development and Nusajaya High-Tech Park development (1) Development plan and current status of entire development area and infrastructure, legal system and other related regulations, various preferential treatment, and future challenges, etc. (2) Plan and current status of Nusajaya High-Tech Park development and its infrastructure development, legal system and other related regulations, various preferential treatment, and future challenges, etc. 3. Target industry analysis and examination of measures to attract industry to the Nusajaya High-Tech Park (1) Factor analysis of success of KHTP (2) Trend of the targeting industries in Malaysia and other Asian countries (3) Analysis of industrial trend in Japan (4) Examination of target industries (automotive electronics, biomedical, halal and other food processing, visual contents, data center, etc.) (5) Energy demand forecast based on demand forecast of companies that may come to the industrial park (6) Infrastructure and human resources development as measures to attract industries 4. Possibilities of popularization of technologies in Nusajaya High-Tech Park (1) Status of infrastructure and introduction system of KHTP to be used as benchmark (2) Cooling system of accommodating cooled water among plants by introducing highly efficient turbo chillers (3) Highly efficient district cooling installations with steam absorption chiller that uses CHP and waste heat (steam) from the CHP (4) Extensive district cooling system that accommodate heat extensively including the Nusajaya High-Tech Park and neighboring development areas (5) Total energy service system that includes heat supply, cooling system, quality power supply and energy-saving management 5. Environmental and social impacts of introduction of system 6. Feasibility of total energy service operation 2-3 (1) Financial and economic feasibility (2) Project implementation schedule (3) Technological advantages of Japanese companies (4) Forecast of Project financing 7. Action plan and challenges for Project implementation 2) Structure The figure below shows the team structure of the study. Figure2- 1 Study Team Structure [Project manager] Manager, Urban Development and Transportation dept., Overseas Division, KK [Technology] Manager, ICT group, Transport Planning & Communications Technology dept, Global Consulting H.Q., OG [Advisor] General Manager, Energy and Environment dept., Business Development Division, KK [Cooperative firms] Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. InterAct Inc. Kitakyushu City [Industrial analysis/demand forecast] Researcher, Urban Development and Transportation dept., Overseas Division, KK [Facility planning (1)] Senior Manager, Smart Factory technology dept., Industrial Infrastructure Business Group, FE [Facility planning (2)] Manager, general smart communication technology dept., Power and Social Infrastructure Business Group, FE [Energy-saving] Manager, Energy and Environment dept., Business Development Division, KK [Economic and financial analysis] Manager, PFI/PPP management dept., Business Development Division, KK [Project scheme] Engineer, Comprehensive Project Planning dept., Project Management Division, KK [Legal system] Researcher, Urban Development and Transportation dept., Overseas Division, KK [Measure study] Researcher, Operation dept., Overseas Division, KK [Environmental and social analysis] Engineer, ICT group, Transport Planning & Communications Technology dept, Global Consulting H.Q., OG Notes) KK: Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. FE: Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. OC: Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. Source: Study Team 2-4 [Financing plan/financial analysis] Researcher, PFI/PPP management dept., Business Development Division, KK The figure below shows the structure of cooperation of Malaysia. Figure2- 2 Cooperation Structure of Malaysia Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) VP Strategic Communications Ascendas Pte Ltd UEM Sunrise Berhad South East Asia Development Chief Executive Officer Project Director Source: Study Team 2-5 (3) Study schedule 1) Overall study schedule The figure below shows the overall study schedule. Figure2- 3 Overall study Schedule Event 2013 Sep Oct 2014 Nov Dec Jan Feb (Domestic work) ①Preparation ②Domestic work (Field survey) ①1st field survey 29 Sep.~8 Oct. (10days) ②2nd field survey 10 Dec.~23 Dec. (14days) 19 Jan.~26 Jan. (8days) ③3rd field survey (Seminar etc) ①Interim report seminar ▼ ②Draft report submission ▼ ③Final report seminar ▼ ④Final report submission ▼ Source: Study Team 2) Field study A total of 3 field studies were implemented as mentioned above. Interviewees include government, other related organizations and private sectors of both countries. 2-6 Chapter 3 Justification, Objectives and Technical Feasibility of the Project (1) Background and Necessity of the Project 1) Economic growth and energy use efficiency improvement Malaysia grew driven by the exportation of primary commodities and then succeeded in export-oriented industrialization in the 1990s, which led to its remarkable development in Southeast Asia to grow from a low-income nation to a more developed country. In 1991, it formulated Vision 2020 that aims to become a member of developed countries in 30 years and promoted development of such infrastructure as electricity and water supply including industrial park development and preferential tax treatment and made aggressive efforts to attract foreign capital. In 1987, the Japanese government, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (current Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) announced the New Aid Plan to promote concerted economic cooperation (trade, investment and economic cooperation) and assisted industrial sophistication through such cooperation as the compilation of industrial sector development promotion plan and KHTP development plan by the ministry and JICA. Recently, the 10th Malaysia Plan (2011-2015) was formulated for further economic growth. For its realization, efforts are needed to improve the quality of energy infrastructure, secure maintenance human resources, and ensure industrial competitiveness through cost reduction by energy use efficiency improvement together with deregulation for attracting new investment from overseas and domestic industrial human resources development 2) Iskandar development plan and energy infrastructure development The development area in the Iskandar region of southern Johor State is 2,217 km2, which is three times the land of neighboring Singapore. In addition to the Nusajaya High-Tech Park, comprehensive development that includes finance, administration, education, healthcare, housing and amusement is underway. The regional GDP is expected to expand 8 % annually. From 2006 to 2025, the population is projected to increase from 1.6 million to 3 million, with GDP per capita going from approximately RM 49,000 (USD14,790) to RM 103,000 (USD31,100). As announced by Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) co-chairman and Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, cumulative investment figures from 2006 through October 2013 have reached RM 129.42 billion. He says they will attract RM 20 to 21 billion in annual investment towards achieving a cumulative goal of RM 383 billion by 2025. Notably, RM 49.31 billion of this is foreign investment. By industry, manufacturing received the most investment at RM 45.68 billion, while government infrastructural development received RM 12.64 billion. From this, we see that the Iskandar Development Project, anticipated to be the catalyst to further spur growth in the Malaysian economy, is making steady progress. Manufacturing and other core industries are expected to expand, and further investment and companies will likely be attracted for stable, efficient energy and other infrastructural development critical to these industries. 3-1 3) More efficient energy use in high-tech industrial parks Iskandar Malaysia is divided into 5 flagship zones, A to E. Each of these zones has its own distinctive development underway, with major logistical infrastructure in Senai Airport, Pasir Gudang Port, Tanjung Pelepas Port, Tanjung Langsat Port, the Johor-Singapore Causeway, the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link and Johor Bahru Inner Ring Road. Each flagship zone also has various investment incentives through free trade zones, tax exemptions and deregulations, with each using its characteristics to expand and newly establish technology and industrial parks. Flagship B in particular is conveniently located. Called Nusajaya, this 97 km2 zone has access to Tanjung Pelepas Port in the west and Senai Airport to the north, in addition to laying claim to the Second Link and Inner Ring Road. This access has attracted industries and development of industrial parks such as Nusajaya SiLC, Bio-XCell and other tech parks. The developer of Nusajaya High-Tech Park is attracting electronics, pharmaceutical and medical devices, food, precision machinery, logistics and warehousing, and other industries. Not limiting themselves to the typical electrical and electronics industry,the developer of these park is hoped to attract value-added industries such as automotive electronics and biomedical, as well as new sectors such as food processing for halal and other specialty foods and visual contents. Further, there is some spill-over effect from neighboring Singapore, which requires low cost land, materials, energy supply and human resources given its geographical and demographic constraints. Other than the aforementioned industries, this location is thus also expected to be used for large financial sector data centers, call centers and business process outsourcing (BPO) facilities providing outsourcing for back office operations. To fulfill these functions, the industrial parks will require a quality power supply, backup power, effective means of using waste heat and efficient cooling systems. They will also require quality energy infrastructural services, with proper operation and maintenance, as well as the manpower needed for such services. 4) Assistance for entry of Japanese companies through infrastructure and human resources development More than 70 Japanese companies are located in industrial parks in Johor State where Iskandar Malaysia is situated. More than 90 % of companies that have entered into Malaysia have interest in investment in Iskandar, according to NNA study of August 2012. Japanese companies have more and more interest in Iskandar development and there are such symbolic projects as opening of a major shopping center and an amusement park featuring a popular character. Furthermore, in June 2013, one of the biggest Japanese trading company participated in eco-friendly city development in Medini development. 3-2 Some data also reveals that Japanese companies that entered into Malaysia and Singapore are most interested in manufacturing Iskandar region, which raises expectation for entry of automotive electronics biomedical, halal and other food processing and visual contents with growing demand. (See Table 3-1) Meanwhile, such matters as lagged infrastructure development that includes energy and shortage of human resources for maintenance are pointed out as concerns and the government and private sector are expected to tackle the issues urgently concertedly. (See Table 3-2) Figure 3- 1 Expectations for Iskandar development Source: NNA study in August, 2012 Figure 3- 2 Concerns in Iskandar development Source: NNA study in August, 2012 5) Comparative review with other options Both supply and demand side initiatives are essential to making energy use more efficient. For the supply side, making power plants more efficient or using renewable energy are options. This Project, however, will focus on 3-3 demand side initiatives. It will promote installation of energy-efficient equipment, proper energy management and utilization of waste heat and other untapped energies. Breaking down energy consumption by sector for Malaysia in 2007, industry was highest at 44 %, followed by transport at 36 % and residential, commercial and other sectors at 20 %. (APEC Energy Overview) This Project will focus on upgrading energy efficiency by the industrial sector in industrial parks, the most important group in this case. The results will subsequently be spread throughout the country to maximize effect and help to ease domestic energy demands. 3-4 (2) More Efficient, Rational Energy Use Both electric power and cold energy should be considered in discussions of how to make energy use more efficient and rational in Malaysia, and more specifically the Nusajaya district in Iskandar. Electric power is supplied to the district by TNB, the Malaysian state-owned power utility company. Cold energy is independently produced by district consumers. Cold energy is produced from electric power, natural gas, heavy oil or coal. Nusajaya demand for cold energy generally translates to cold air demand given the tropical climate. This study focuses on energy efficiency for cold air production, evaluating feasibility and project viability. With large, central air conditioning systems being the norm, there is room for improvement in terms of energy efficiency. Central air conditioning is also used in large commercial establishments and urban development in Japan. In Japan, developers are taking another look at CHP with the goal of making more effective use of primary energy. CHP uses natural gas and petroleum-based fuels as primary energy to supply electric power, steam and cold air. This study will investigate the effect on both consumers and businesses of supplying Nusajaya High-Tech Park with energy-efficient cold air. Commercial air conditioning equipment can be divided into single room and central systems. Within single room systems, there are single unit packaged air conditioning systems for offices and multiple unit systems. Within central systems, there are turbo air refrigerators, absorption refrigerators and chillers. Additionally, central systems have been developed into CHP systems to supply heat and electric power. Individual room cooling systems are suited to air conditioning for smaller businesses. They can be installed in offices and plant facilities as needed. Their energy source is electric power. Central systems are suited to air conditioning for larger applications. These systems are planned for installation in the plant design phase. Generally, plants with larger cooling needs will use central air conditioning systems. Their energy source is electric power or steam (thermal). CHP systems generally use natural gas as their primary energy, making a continuous supply of natural gas a requirement for combined heat and power. In terms of energy efficiency, CHP is most efficient, followed by central air conditioning and finally individual air conditioning systems. In terms of handling fluctuations in demand, of course, individual air conditioning systems are the more rational investment. They can be incrementally installed as needed to fill cold air demands. 3-5 In terms of rationally handling fluctuations in demand, individual air conditioning systems are most efficient, followed by central air conditioning and finally CHP systems. Thus, energy efficiency is relative to rational investment in demand changes. Recently, more and more plants are foregoing installation of commercial air conditioning systems and relying on on-site air conditioning services, receiving their cold air from air conditioning outsourcers. Businesses in Malaysia are also making efficient use of overnight power to provide district cooling services as a means of increasing energy efficiency. These cold air supply services make things more efficient by centralizing air conditioning and installing air conditioning units in step with the demands of specific areas and commercial facilities. According to our calculation and interview surveys to the companies which have enjoyed the district cooling services in Malaysia, the district cooling system reduces electricity cost 15% less than the individual air conditioning system. The district cooling services which we interviewed focuses on production and sales of cool air with using nighttime electric power and thermal storage tank. If production and sales of cool air with using CHP with gas has been started, energy efficiency will increase more. We calculated and estimated that the companies which exploit the cool air service may reduce the electricity cost 20% reasonable than the individual cooling system. (See Table 3-3) The key to implementing district cooling services as a business is ensuring constant demand in the target region, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A typical cooling system and the comparison are shown below. 3-6 Figure 3-3 typical cooling system Conventional Cooling System Method Cooing System Fan coil unit Outdoor unit Factory A Multi-unit system 【Installation】 Cooing tower Fan coil unit Cold water chiller Factory A Chiller system (Cold water) 【Installation】 Recent Technology Cooling System Method Cooing System Cooing tower Fan coil unit 【Installation】 Factory A Factory B Factory C Turbo chiller Turbo chiller Energy control center Bulk receiving of electricity 【Installation】 Power Sale to Tenaga and Factory Combined Heat and Power + Absorption chiller Fan coil unit Power Line Factory A Factory B Factory C Absorption chiller Cooing tower Power Sale CHP Source: Study Team 3-7 Energy control center Table 3-1 Comparison among typical air conditioning systems Power Heat Supply Method Life Cycle Cost of the Cooling System (Factory) Ownership of the Facilities (Factory) Type Method Energy Efficiency of the Facilities (COP) Individual Cooling System Multi-Unit System 3.0 Electric Power Cool Air 100% Need Central Cooling System Turbo Chiller 6.0 Electric Power Cool Water 85% No Need CHP Cogeneration + Absorption Refrigerating Chiller - Gas Steam 80% No Need Source: Study Team 3-8 (3) Various Considerations Required to Decide Project Details 1) Nusajaya High-Tech Park target industry analysis and measures to attract industry a) Success factor analysis of Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP) KHTP finds itself in the state of Kedah, a prominent grain-producing region. Kedah is located north of Penang, whose capital of Georgetown is the second largest city in Malaysia. Kedah produces one third of Malaysian rice, also producing plenty rubber, palm oil and tobacco. It is also known as the home of Malaysia's first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and more recently Mahathir bin Mohamad. Kedah is dwarfed by Penang in numbers with only 7 industrial parks, but has had these parks for 20 to 30 years. Malaysia's first high-tech park, KHTP, lies at the core of this group of Kedah parks with a complex of motorcycle parts and foreign electronics manufacturers. For motorcycle parts, it has Malaysian manufacturer Modenas in addition to Japanese Honda and Suzuki outfits. Figure3-4 Positional relation of KHTP Source: KTPC website Located 30 km from Penang Island and 106 km from the state capital of Alos Setar, KHTP has 1,450 ha in total development area. Of this, the full 250 ha of Phase I was sold, along with nearly all 226 ha of Phase II. The 175 ha of Phase III are steadily attracting prospects, and construction on Phase IV is currently being planned. Since 1992, more than 30 multinational corporations have entered the park, most of them from the electrical and electronic 3-9 sector. Other industries include fabricated metal products, chemicals and chemical products, machinery and equipment, and petroleum products. Park residents include western companies such as Intel and First Solar, as well as Japanese companies such as Fuji Electric and Panasonic. Japan participated in drafting the master plan for KHTP construction. Project history is as follows: ・ In the 6th Malaysia Plan (1991-1995), the Malaysian government plans on training for value-added industries and attracting high-tech industries. ・ Based on the New Aid Plan announced by MITI in 1987, a three-year study for the Malaysia Industrial Development Plan is conducted from 1987 to 1990 with technical cooperation from MITI, JICA and JETRO. ・ In the above development plan, Malaysia expresses a desire to build a high-tech industrial park in Kulim, Kedah and requests cooperation from the Japanese government. ・ Through the MITI study scheme, a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) study team submits a concept plan report in 1991. ・ In 1992, a JICA study team revises the concept plan and drafts a basic plan for the industrial zone and baseline design with MITI support. ・ Also with MITI support, JICA sends a study team to build a master plan for the overall project for the tech park complex with industrial, research and development, housing, urban and amenities zones. The master plan gave the following recommendations for attracting companies. First, the target industries for Phase I were high-tech electronics industries and their supporting industries and manufacturing. High-tech electronics here included semiconductors, computer-related equipment, video equipment, LCD displays, electronic components, audio equipment and color TV CRTs, and supporting industries and manufacturing included bearings, moldings, plastic processing machinery, plating and heat treatment, metal machining tools and metal stamping. The plan also indicated that attractive investment incentives such as preferential tax treatment, research and development, and training were essential to attracting tenant companies. It recommended establishing a selection committee to create a list of target companies and dispatch a foreign investment promotion mission, a development promotion organization through a public-private partnership between the Kedah Regional Development Authority and private developers, and a technical development center to handle education and training of member company employees. In addition, the plan said that the KHTP would need to attract personnel with high-level education and good engineers to be successful. To make it more attractive as an industrial park, the plan suggested more than just an industrial development zone. It recommended a development complex with a luxury residential area, medical facilities, a university, polytechnic school or other industrial personnel training facilities, a research and development zone, police, fire department and other community infrastructure, and golf courses and other leisure facilities. 3-10 Based on the advice of the master plan, 12 target industries were selected, wafers, semiconductors, solar cells/clean energy, high-tech electronics, medical and scientific instruments, process control and automation equipment, optical equipment, optoelectronics, biotechnology, high-tech materials, R&D and new technologies. This has since been expanded to include multimedia, space and other industries through the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Malaysia Cybercity certification. The managing company for the park, Kulim Technology Park Corporation (KTPC), is a private entity with federal and state government officials on its board. KTPC works on the national level to attract companies to the park, with a focus on MIDA and state government. With government backing, KTPC grants corporate tax exemption and 60 % reduced investment tax for 5 years, flexible employment for foreign skilled workers, foreign exchange accounts and other investment incentives to companies granted pioneer status. Land prices are also controlled with MIDA support and have become more stable than when development began. The KHTP grounds consist of six zones, industry, R&D and human resource development, amenities, residential and commercial, urban functions, and schools and education. Residential areas and a hospital are situated around the golf course located in the middle of the park, along with police and fire stations and a special area government office. To ensure higher quality, more stable electric power for the area, Malaysia’s only power generating / transmitting service company (Independent Power Supply: IPS) other than TNB was established, supplying power with gas co-generation. In terms of securing human resources, KTPC has various ways of supplying quality personnel for tenant companies. It attracts candidates from polytechnic schools and engineering departments in region universities, and it also supports education at the KTPC-supported KHTP Techno Center and the Kulim branch of the Kedah Industrial Skills and Management Development Center (KISMEC). As described above, soundly acting upon the recommendations included in the master plan has made KHTP a model tech park for all of Asia, not just Malaysia. It has successfully attracted leading global companies and ensured long-term continuous and stable operation. With many companies still inquiring, there are plans underway to expand the industrial zone. Currently, JICA is helping to develop an industrial development strategy in Zambia utilizing its experiences in Asia. It is pushing initiatives to spread the successes in Malaysia across the globe, currently conducting a feasibility study in collaboration with KHTP on complex special economic zones (industrial parks) as one of the 12 investment promotions specified in the strategy. 3-11 b) Trend of the targeting industries in Malaysia and other Asian countries 1. Malaysia’s recent trends in industrial clusters <Foreign direct investments in manufacturing> ・ Malaysia has formed a cluster base for the electronics industry. Its government has offers preferential tax treatment to the manufacturing industries, including the electrical and electronics industry, as part of its foreign investment policy. In 2012, the electrical and electronics industry scored the highest number of foreign direct investments with 112, or 13.9 % of all FDIs. It was second in terms of FDI amounts. ・ Still, FDI in the electrical and electronics industry are down 82.6 % from 2011. Looking at the number of FDIs by industry, investments are diversifying, with more investments going to transport equipment at 10.6 %, machinery manufacturing at 10.4 %, chemicals and chemical manufacturing at 9.1 %, and food manufacturing at 8.3 %. ・ Malaysian industrial clusters are changing. Investment in Malaysia is in the process of converting from low-value-added industries, such as assembly and labor-intensive industries, to high value-added industries with promise for new growth. <Work environment trends> ・ Malaysia has already attained the income levels of a more developed country GDP per capita in 2012 reached $10,304, putting it above $10,000 for the first time. Thus, wage levels are rising. Worker’s wages are relatively higher than in other ASEAN countries. <Investments in solar power> ・ As described above regarding changes in Malaysia industrial clusters and work environments, Malaysia is aiming for new clusters in high value-added product areas. One new industrial cluster making progress is the renewable energy sector, including solar panels. The Malaysian government is developing policies to attract companies, introducing time-limited incentives such as corporate tax exemptions. With Japanese, American and European companies establishing production bases one after another, the cluster base is taking form. Once investment case is Panasonic, who has operated a partial production plant for solar cells in northern Kedah since December 2012. 3-12 Table3-2 Number of FDIs to manufacturing in Malaysia (left) and FDI amounts to manufacturing in Malaysia (right) (based on approved FDI) Chart 13 - Number of Cases of Direct Foreign Investment in the Manufacturing Sector in Malaysia (Based on Approval) (Units: Cases, %) 2011 2012 2010 Chart 14 - Amount of Direct Foreign Investment in the Manufacturing Sector in Malaysia (Based on Approval) (Units: Million Ringgit, %) 2011 2012 2010 Cases Cases Growth rate Electric & electronic products 85 129 51.8 Transport machinery 34 110 223.5 Machinery production 47 74 57.4 Chemicals & chemical derivatives 46 69 50 Food production 33 64 93.9 Metal products 26 63 142.3 Plastic products 37 55 48.6 Furniture & related products 12 60 400 Base metal products 22 38 72.7 Wood & wood products 13 45 246.2 Textiles & textile products 16 14 -12.5 Paper, printing, & publishing 10 37 270 Non-metallic mineral products 18 25 38.9 Rubber products 20 19 -5 Scientific & measuring devices 26 11 -57.7 Petroleum & petrochemicals 9 15 66.7 Other 9 14 55.6 Beverage & tobacco 2 4 100 Leather & leather products Total 465 846 81.9 (Note) Figures may not sum to total due to rounding. (Source) Prepared from Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) Chemicals & chemical derivatives 1735.6 3220.6 Electric & electronic products 11842.3 18703.7 Base metal products 3595.5 3587.4 Transport machinery 745.4 1065.3 Petroleum & petrochemicals 1089.4 968.5 Machinery production 1019.4 251.4 Rubber products 172.7 91.2 Food production 1215.5 2567.9 Plastic products 255.8 271 Metal products 1524.3 804.7 Paper, printing, & publishing 70 318.7 Textiles & textile products 500.5 236.1 Non-metallic mineral products 2237.4 1464 Beverage & tobacco 2.1 25.4 Scientific & measuring devices 2179.8 356.4 Wood & wood products 49.3 83.4 Furniture & related products 241.2 54.6 Other 580.5 77.7 Leather & leather products Total 29056.7 34149 (Note) Figures may not sum to total due to rounding. (Source) Prepared from Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) Cases Growth rate 112 85 84 73 67 61 57 53 37 34 31 27 21 20 16 14 5 4 3 804 -13.2 -22.7 13.5 5.8 4.7 -3.2 3.6 -11.7 -2.6 -24.4 121.4 -27 -16 5.3 45.5 -6.7 -64.3 0 -5 % Amount 13.9 10.6 10.4 9.1 8.3 7.6 7.1 6.6 4.6 4.2 3.9 3.4 2.6 2.5 2 1.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 100 Source: MIDA 3-13 Amount Growth rate 85.6 57.9 -0.2 43.1 -11.1 -75.6 -47.2 111.3 5.9 -47.2 355.3 -52.8 -34.6 1109.5 -83.6 69.2 -77.4 -86.6 17.5 Amount 5671.2 3252 1934 1848.7 1376.8 1243.1 1218.6 1118 707.3 605.4 597.4 328 310 220.6 177.1 149.8 81.4 5.7 0.3 20845.4 Growth rate 76.1 -82.6 -46.1 73.4 42.2 394.5 1236.2 -56.5 161 -24.8 87.4 38.9 -78.8 768.5 -50.3 79.6 49.1 -92.7 -39 % 27.2 15.6 9.3 8.9 6.6 6 5.8 5.4 3.4 2.9 2.9 1.6 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.4 0 0 100 2. Target industry trends in recent years [Automotive electronics] <Significant trends in the next-generation automobile industry> ・ Looking at the global automotive market, North America, Europe and Japan accounted for most of the market until the mid-1980s, however, by 2008 emerging markets had come to account for nearly half, at 46 %. Due to this type of expanding demand in emerging countries, in more and more cases companies are finding the need to respond by developing cars optimized to regional markets. ・ Meanwhile in Japan and Europe where there is high environmental awareness, user preference for fuel-economic small vehicles is growing. The scale of the world market for automotive electronics is expected to reach $314.4 trillion dollars by 2020; this is equivalent to an annual average growth rate of 7.3% between 2012 and 2020. ・ In Japan, a major issue for the automotive industry in terms of next-generation automobile strategies today in the 2010’s, is striking a balance between promoting next-generation vehicles and maintaining global competitiveness. However, considering that income levels in emerging economies will rise in the future and motorization will continue to progress, there is a good possibility that these fuel-efficient cars may become a trump card for industry, seeing that automakers should continue to gain market share in emerging markets. <Target industry trends in Asian countries> ・ In Asia, in addition to Bangkok and China, trends to set up new production bases in Jakarta are still going strong. Automobile production in Indonesia and Thailand (in 2012) totaled 3.52 million units, accounting for 83.0% of the total production of ASEAN regions. This showed that automotive industry agglomerations in both countries are progressing compared with other countries. ・ This was also against the backdrop of time-limited programs which raised prominence in both countries, such as the first-car program introduced in Thailand in December of 2012 and the low price eco-car incentives introduced in Indonesia in May of 2013, however, the breadth of the automotive industry is on the increase. ・ While the large-scale investments, such as new plants, stand out in Indonesia and Thailand, other manufacturers have also been making inroads. These include automotive research and development facilities in China, semiconductor and measurement equipment manufacturers created based on increased demand in the automotive industry in Malaysia. 3-14 Table3-3 Sales and Production of vehicles in major Asian cities Chart 7 - Automobile Production and Sales in Major Asian Countries (Unit: 10,000 automobiles, %) 2006 2012 Production/ Production/ Domestic Production domestic Production domestic sales sales sales Japan 1148 574 200.1 994 537 185.2 China 719 722 99.6 1927 1931 99.8 S. Korea 384 116 329.8 456 141 323.3 ASEAN 208 163 127.3 424 342 124 Thailand 119 68 174.2 245 144 170.8 Indonesia 30 32 92.8 107 112 96.5 Malaysia 50 49 102.5 57 63 90.7 Philippines 5.6 9.9 56.3 7.5 15.7 48.1 Vietnam 3.5 4.1 85.3 7.4 8 91.5 India 196 175 111.8 418 359 116.5 Pakistan 19 19 103 16 16 100 (Source) Prepared from CEIC, ASEAN Automotive Federation, Malaysia Automotive Association, and OICA Domestic sales Source: “New industrial cluster trends in Asia”, JETRO Figure3-5 Worldwide forecasts for hybrid vehicles and system structure (10,000 cars) Market Projections and System Composition of Hybrid Cars in the World Other India China Years of hardship Japan Accumulation of manufacturers’ plan EU US Year Note: Cars with ISS (idle stop system) are not included in projections. Source: "The auto industry since 2010," Nomura Research Institute 3-15 [Bio-Medical] <Significant trends in the pharmaceutical industry> ・ The scale of the worldwide pharmaceutical industry expanded to 86 trillion yen in 2010, and has been growing steadily at about 6% annually. Looking at the growth rate of the pharmaceutical industry by region, significantly higher growth rate is anticipated for emerging regions such as Asia and Africa due to the growth of population and incomes. ・ Looking at the trend of the world's leading companies shows that amidst the increasing difficulties of creating new drugs, an increasing number of companies have been diversifying revenue sources by distributing business resources to marketed drugs and generic drugs while being mindful of their own product pipeline. ・ The markets of Japan, the U.S. and Europe are fully mature due to the global expansion of pharmaceutical companies. And while they continue to compete over market share, markets in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) countries and emerging economies in Asia have become new targets. Amidst this, some western companies have already been aggressively developing sales offices and development bases in emerging countries. ・ In addition, in emerging economies in Asia such as China, Korea, and Singapore, companies have been creating bio-clusters and the like in their own countries as research and development facilities. Also, moves to continue supporting the pharmaceutical industry and drug development as a matter of national policy have been gathering momentum. <Target industry trends in Asian countries> ・ In Asia, bio-medical industrial agglomerations built up by Singapore are becoming more prominent. Behind this is the Singapore government, which has been proactively fostering these measures as one of the pillars to drive the country's economy since 2000. They have provided "Biopolis" as a bio research base, instituted a variety of tax incentives, and operate 11 multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology-related companies in 25 manufacturing facilities. ・ A pharmaceutical company, Astellas, has been taking advantage of the rich resources of Malaysia to carry out joint research and drug discovery with Malaysian state-owned enterprise SIRIM, and others. ・ In addition, according to the Asia Pacific Ocean Region Pharmaceutical R & D Fact-book, India is the number one developer of new drugs, compared with other generic companies in the world in most recent years, displaying remarkable growth. ・ Not only is the Asia-Pacific region an attractive market for pharmaceutical manufacturers with its large potential patient population, but the number of patients that register to clinical trials is in the process of shifting from the United States to the Asia-Pacific region. ・ Expansion into Thailand and Malaysia can be seen by the establishment of medical facilities such as a Cancer Institute and a Medical Center partnered with China, Japan and Singapore, 3-16 Figure3-6 Changes in the scale of the global pharmaceutical industry (left) and Growth rates by region (right) (Trillion yen) Chart 1-1 Changes in the Size of Pharmaceutical Industry in the World Chart 1-2 Growth Rate in Regions World total 107 trillion yen World total 86 trillion yen Region Latin America 2006-2010 annual average growth rate 2011-2015 projected annual average growth rate North America Europe World total 67 trillion yen Asia, Africa, Australia Japan Asia, Africa, Australia Europe Japan North America Latin America World total Source: Development Bank of Japan, "Current state of the drug industry, focused on drug discovery and towards development of bio-ventures " [Visual contents] <Major trends in visual contents industries> ・ The U.S., Europe, and Japan will still account for 80% of the global content market in 2020. Meanwhile, the scale of the market in Asia is continuing at a high growth rate of 7% per year, surpassing Japan. In particular, the future content market size is expected grow in China, India, and Russia, while Southeast Asia, France and the United States are showing higher receptivity to Japanese content <Target industry trends in Asian countries> ・ In October of 2013, Malaysia expressed to the world its intention to function as a hub for the Asian visual contents industry. By 2020 the industry will create a GDP of 1 billion dollars with an added goal of expanding employment to 10,000 people. Also, the government is providing incentives in an effort to attract video content companies from around the world. ・ A high level of activity is being seen, including: the opening of a new representative office by U.S. Google, a series of licensing business expansions by the likes of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Itochu Corporation in Indonesia; the signing of a five-year deal between Fox International Channel and a local television provider in Thailand; and Walt Disney's decision to establish a JV company in China. 3-17 Figure3-7 Worldwide content industry forecast Based on final consumption amount (1) Total of all countries analyzed Total of Europe (2) Total of Asia (3) (1) Income from consumers except for the following cases: If advertising is the source of income, the amount of payment from advertising agencies. Market size for TV and anime programs is calculated as the amount of secondary use program sales, that for character goods the licensing income of right holders. (2) France, Germany, Spain, Italy, UK, and Russia. (3) China, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Source: Global Entertainment and Media Outlook (PwC), various other trade materials, analysis by A. T. Kearney Anime & character Music TV Game Movie Publication Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Cool Japan Festival 2010" [Food processing (halal food)] <Significant trends in the halal food industry> ・ The halal food industry is a massive business with a market of 1.9 billion people, which accounts for about one-quarter of the world's population. The market scale has been speculated to be 2.1 trillion dollars, with 580 billion dollars in food alone. In the U.S. and Europe, big-box supermarkets are already competing in the halal food business, including McDonald's, Carrefour, and Tesco. ・ Companies expanding their meat food business in Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand are benefiting greatly by the introduction of halal. Malaysia is one country which has been positioned as an early developer of halal industry-related business, achieving exports of 1.0157 trillion dollars in 2011, which accounted for 5% of the country's total export value. ・ This sort of background has led to Malaysia being used as a halal business hub for Asia. Since the 1980's, Nestlé has converted 20% of their factories, including those which produce products Nescafe and Kit-Kat to halal production, and Wal-Mart has begun handling halal products in 77 stores from 2008. McDonalds and other fast food chains have also been extending their businesses into the halal food industry. <Target industry trends in Asian countries> ・ Brunei and Malaysia are the only locations in the world performing halal certification publicly. There is a variation in reliability in other countries since it is entrusted to religious institutions or non-specializing businesses. ・ Dubai is attempting to become a distribution hub for halal industry in the Middle East, and has also hosted the Halal Trade Fair since 2008. ・ In Malaysia, they have mapped out a three stage industry master plan for the halal industry since 1998, and this background has allowed it to grow into a distribution hub for the halal industry in Asia. In addition, they 3-18 have been working on aggressively expanding the industry through measures such as providing incentive plans relating to halal food production for foreign capital backed agricultural sectors. 3. Malaysia's advantages in target industries [Fundamental advantages] ・ Malaysia is thought to be well equipped with the basic foundation needed to attract foreign capital, including: a low occurrence of natural disasters and stable political system; a stable infrastructure, including power distribution; workers with a high level of technical capability; an advanced level of English communication; and, inexpensive purchase cost into the industrial estate in comparison with all four countries. ・ In addition, they are adopting an aggressive stance by, for instance, providing incentives for foreign capital investment into precision machinery industries such automotive electronics - a target industry, the biomedical industry, video and other content industries, and food industries such as halal food. [Advantages in the automotive electronics industry] ・ According to automotive industry trends, owing to the relatively inexpensive labor force and large population, expansion trends of large-scale factories in Indonesia and Thailand are solid, forming a core for the automotive industry in the ASEAN region. Further, in China it's likely there may be that a shift to even higher value-added automotive research and development based on rising labor wages and other factors. ・ Although extensive automotive industry agglomerations and proximity to large-scale markets is important in the automotive electronics field, it is believed that Malaysia, which has high technological capabilities, holds advantages due to anticipated demand for eco-cars that is being brought about by increased environmental awareness in Asia as a whole. This is in addition to strengths in electronics and other precision machinery industries in the central ASEAN region. [Advantages in the bio-medical industry] ・ Malaysia is a world-leading exporter of medical gloves and catheters, and produces a wide variety of medical equipment such as orthopedic surgical products and surgical equipment. Most of these types of medical devices produced in Malaysia meet international quality standards on a voluntary basis from the producers. The manufacturing sector and service industry associated with such medical device manufacturers is concentrated domestically, forming a structure that supports the medical device industry. ・ The agglomerations in Singapore are remarkable in today's biomedical industry. However, it's believed Malaysia is highly superior since it is conceivable to create a business structure in such a way that takes advantage of its proximity with Singapore and the fact that the medical device industry infrastructure is already established - making it possible to carry out research and development in Singapore, and factory production in Malaysia. [Advantages in the visual contents industry] ・ The visual contents industry in Malaysia has provided incentives for foreign capital participation. It has set a goal to create jobs for 10,000 people domestically, and carry out 1 billion dollars of production by 2020. The 3-19 National Film Development Corporation of Malaysia (FINAS), which was established in 1981, has taken on the responsibility of promoting these initiatives. ・ In addition, both the shooting and airing of movies domestically is thriving, since works certified as domestic movies are mandated to be screened twice a week in Malaysian theaters. Further, Malaysia is regarded as superior from the fact that there are a large number of studios fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, and the production base for visual contents have been put in place. [Advantages for food processing (halal food)] ・ Brunei and Malaysia are the only countries carrying out certification of halal by public institutions, and their halal standards are said to by amongst the most rigorous in the world. Because of this, halal products that are able to obtain certification in Malaysia have built up great trust in the Islamic world. ・ For this reason, some businesses can be seen engaging in export to the Islamic market, including the Middle East, by producing halal in Malaysia and acquiring certification, thus demonstrating the high advantages of the halal food industry. 3-20 c) Analysis of Japan industry trends Five years have passed since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, however, the economy has begun picking up in 2013. Exchange rates hovered around a weak yen, and a period of high stock prices continued due to expectations towards the economic policy of the new cabinet since the fall of 2012. After reinstatement of the LDP in a House of Representatives election in December, Abe's Cabinet launched a policy consisting of: a bold monetary policy; an agile fiscal policy; and, a policy to stimulate growth from private investment. Under this concerted effort policy, known as the "Three Arrows" agenda for economic revival, an upwards correction of the yen and an increase in stock values has continued, growing fiscal 2012 real GDP to +1.2% year-on-year. The real GDP for 2013 is also expected to grow 2.7%, with focus on an improvement in consumer confidence of individuals through rising stock prices, and returning foreign consumption. (Mizuho industry survey, Vol. 43) Looking at manufacturing sector activities, the price competitiveness of Japanese products has increased against the backdrop of excessive upwards correction of the yen, and exports have remained strong. (Table 36) Figure3-8 Changes in Japan's total exports Source: Trade Statistics of Japan, Ministry of Finance According to the results of JETRO’s FY2012 Survey on the International Operations of Japanese Firms, answers concerning export business plan for the future (3 years or so) showed that 53.4% (1,046 companies) intended “further expansion” and 12.3% (240 companies) “were not currently engaged in export business but intended to start it.” The Survey of Japanese companies in Asia and Oceania conducted by JETRO in December 2012, in the question about the directions for business development in the next 1-2 years in manufacturing industries, found that the % of companies considering expansion was the highest in the industry categories of motor vehicles/Motorcycles (67.7%), precision machinery (65.3%), food (64.6%), and chemical/pharmaceutical (61.1%). The business prospects for FY 2013 in each of these industry categories are discussed blow. In the automobile industry, domestic markets are expected to shrink by 6% relative to the previous year due to negative factors such as population aging and falling birth rate, the tendency of young people to avoid the use of cars, as well as the 3-21 impact of the termination of eco-car subsidies, although there will be last-minute purchases before the planned increase in the consumption tax in April 2014. As for overseas markets, while U.S. markets will be robust thanks to the continued recovery of personal consumption, the decelerating growth of Asian markets and the stagnation of European markets are expected to cause a slowdown of the growth rate. In this respect, export from Japan is expected to remain nearly unchanged with a small increase of 0.2%. On the other hand, overseas production is expected to grow by 3.5% as a result of construction of new factories and reinforcement of production capacity in the context of demand expansion in emerging countries (China and ASEAN) and North America (Mizuho Industry Survey Vo. 43). Figure3-9 Trends of Overseas Production and Export of Automobiles by Japanese Automobile Industry Source: Mizuho Industry Survey Vol. 43 (Trends of Japanese Industries in FY 2013 (Automobiles)) The growth strategies proposed by Premier Abe’s administration features “next-generation automobiles” as a key element in the strategic market creation plan. In view of the tightening of fuel efficiency regulations in many developed countries (Japan, Europe, and the U.S.) and energy security issues in emerging countries, the key to further growth is the development of next-generation technologies, such as hybrid cars, electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles, that can achieve better fuel efficiency than the improvement of efficiency of conventional motors, as well as the spread of such technologies through international unification of specifications and standards. Figure3-10 Flow to the Development and Spread of Next-generation Automobiles Idle stop Regenerative brake Hybrid car Plug-in hybrid car Source: Study Team 3-22 Electric Vehicle Fuel cell car In the field of electronics, the major driving force in 2012 was smart phones both in domestic and international markets, while the shipment of flat panel TV and personal computers, which had long been supporting the markets, turned to a decrease from the previous year. This tendency is expected to become stronger in 2013. In contrast to the sluggish sales in developed countries, the share of emerging countries in the shipment of various products increased to levels in the range from approx. 50% to approx. 70%. Future market growth is expected to occur mainly in emerging countries such as Asia and South America. In consequence, the demands for flat panel displays will continue to grow, mainly in medium and small sizes for smart phones, tablets, car navigation systems, etc. Similarly, semiconductors and general electronic parts for smart phones are growing, while those for personal computers are decreasing dramatically. Industrial power semiconductors and memories, on the other hand, are expected to grow steadily. The global shipping amount of general electronic parts from major Japanese companies is projected to be 3.679 trillion yen (a 3.8% increase from the previous year) (Mizuho Industry Survey Vol. 43). On the other hand, Japanese companies are losing share in the sluggish markets for flat panel TV and personal computers but also staying at a low share in the growing smart phone markets. It is difficult for them to expect large growth in the fields of these digital products. In this situation, they are trying to survive relying on the demand growth in new business fields, such as the spread of next-generation automobiles containing more electronic parts than conventional cars, solar power generation and other renewable energy technologies, and advanced medical devices. In the field of medical devices, the market size in 2012 marked the all-time high at 2.6 trillion yen, owing to the aging of the Japanese population and the development of new products, as well as the increase in capital investment reflecting equipment renewal. The markets for medical devices are broadly classified into three categories; therapeutic devices such as artificial joints and catheters, diagnostic devices such as endoscopes and other diagnostic imaging devices and various testing devices, and other devices including sphygmomanometers and contact lenses. The popularization of “minimally invasive medicine,” which endeavors to minimize pain, fever, bleeding, etc. in surgery and testing procedures to reduce the burden on patients and facilitate recovery, and the revision of medical treatment fees to raise the national insurance reimbursement points for diagnostic imaging procedures were among the factors that expanded the demands for therapeutic and diagnostic devices and drove the markets. The growth of market size is expected to continue in 2013 at a similar rate of 8% (Mizuho Industry Survey Vol. 43). As for overseas markets, the economic crisis in Europe caused a cut of medical expenditures in some countries such as Italy and Spain, resulting in a 3% negative growth in 2012 and little expected changes in 2013. On the other hand, the market in the U.S. grew by about 4% due to the introduction of the substantially mandatory health insurance system by the Affordable Care Act of 2010. A demand increase of about 6% is expected for 2013 due to economic recovery and the spread of minimally invasive medicine. In Asia, the markets for medical devices have been growing at high rates in the context of continuing population growth, the progression of population aging, and the improvement of citizens’ income levels. In particular, China has been showing growth at the rates above 3-23 20%, reflecting the progress in health care reforms and the rapid development of healthcare infrastructures. In Asia as a whole, the markets grew by 13% in 2012, and similar growth is expected for 2013. A problem of the medical device industry in Japan is the heavy dependence on imports for the supply of products in relation to the market expansion reflecting the world-wide progression of population aging, the spread of minimally invasive medicine, and the high economic growth of emerging countries in Asia and elsewhere. Medical devices need small-lot multiple-variety production, and investment costs must be recovered on a global basis. In this respect, Japan is not a preferred location of development and production centers, because the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law regulates development and production in Japan more stringently than the practice in many other countries and long time is required before applications are approved. However, this situation can be seen from a different angle. The “import” in statistics includes the articles manufactured by Japanese companies at overseas production centers and imported to Japan, and as suggested by this fact, there are increasing opportunities for development and production in Asian countries counting on the demands in Japan and other Asian countries, which offer big markets for Japanese companies and other foreign companies. Although pharmaceuticals are in a generally similar market situation to medical devices, European and American markets occupy about 60% of the pharmaceutical business in the world. Although there are large potential demands due to population aging, the impact of medical cost reduction as a result of economic crisis in Europe and the low occurrence of influenza and allergy epidemics in the U.S. caused a negative growth in 2012. The growth in 2013 is expected to be about 2%, because prices are going down due to the entry of generic medicines following the patent expiration of major products. On the other hand, emerging markets in BRICS and ASEAN countries recorded growths of about 10% in 2012, led by the 20% growth in China. This tendency is expected to continue in 2013. The domestic production of processed foods has remained nearly constant at 22 to 23 trillion yen for several years. The production amount is expected to increase by 1.1% in 2013, as a result of price rises reflecting the rises in fuel and raw material prices, approaching the level before the Lehman shock in 2008. 3-24 Figure3-11 Trends in Domestic Production of Processed Foods Source: Monthly Report on Liquor and Food Statistics In this situation, the top eight food company groups with the consolidate sales of 700 million yen or more (Asahi Group, Ajinomoto, Kirin, Suntory Foods, Nippon Ham, Maruha Nichiro, Meiji, and Yamazaki Baking) reported increase in revenue and increase in profit. Strong overseas business has been the main factor pushing up sales and operating profit. Among the top 8 publicly-listed food companies, those with the highest % of overseas sales in 2012 were Ajinomoto at 41%, Suntory at 30%, and Kirin at 27% (Survey by Study Team). The Abe administration in its growth strategy called “Strategic Market Creation Plan” pledges to increase Japan’s export of agricultural, forestry, and fisheries products and foods from 449.7 billion yen (including 173.1 billion yen in processed foods) to 1 trillion yen in 2020. To achieve this goal, the plan aims to acquire global food markets targeting at rich and middle-income populations in neighboring Asian countries through the three interrelated actions of “promotion of the use of Japanese food materials in foreign cuisine,” “overseas expansion of Japanese food culture and food industry,” and “export of Japanese agricultural, forestry, and fisheries products and foods.” 3-25 d) Examination of Target Industries (Car Electronics, Biomedical, Halal Foods and Other Food Processing, Visual Contents, Data Center, etc.) As pointed out in “C) Analysis of Factors for Success of Kulim High-Tech Park,” an important factor for the success of the industrial park is the strategic measures for inviting companies, which include identifying target industries and providing the best possible incentives such as preferential tax treatment and deregulation in cooperation with federal and state governments and administrative organs. In this respect, our discussion in “d) Analysis of Trends in Japanese Industries” identified a number of fields where future business expansion is highly expected: transportation machinery and equipment (automobiles), precision machinery/apparatus and chemicals/pharmaceuticals (electronics, medical devices/pharmaceuticals), and foods (food processing). These fields need to achieve continuous growth based on not only the expansion of domestic markets but also overseas production and the expansion of overseas sales assimilating the demands in emerging markets such as rapidly prospering Asian countries around Japan. On the other hand, Japan is the leading country in terms of the direct investment in Malaysia from overseas. The amount of Japanese investment in Malaysia in the period of 2 years and 7 months from January 2007 to July 2009 totals to approximately RM 17.7 billion (5.34 billion dollars), being way ahead of approximately RM 14.5 billion from Australia in the second place and approximately RM 11.6 billion from the U.S. in the third place. When we look at the data for the nearest year, the amount of direct investment from Japan in 2012 was approximately RM 2.8 billion, holding the top ranking over Singapore (approx. RM 2.2 billion) in the second place and China (approx. RM 2.0 billion) in the third place. Many Japanese companies recognize the importance of Malaysia as a base for international division of work, while Malaysia continues to consider Japan as an important business partner. The good trade relationship between Japan and Malaysia has been nurtured through past interactions. Prompted by the start of the Mahathir administration in the 1980s and the announcement of the “Look east policy” in 1982, about 15,000 people learned technologies and management methods from Japan through overseas student programs and professional training, and the presence of these people supporting the development of business environment contributed greatly to the present situation. It was also important that Japan supported sophistication of industries through inter-government cooperation in various forms based on the New Aid Plan proposed by the (then-called) Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1987. The New Aid Plan, featuring the “trinity economic cooperation,” facilitated the growth of individual target industries and supported the advancement of Japanese companies through (1) technical cooperation projects conducted by JICA such as developmental studies using the dispatch of experts to governmental organizations, reception of trainees, and establishment of training centers; (2) dispatch of experts and reception of trainees for the private sector conducted by Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC) and Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS); and (3) economic cooperation tools provided by JETRO such as trade and investment promotion and yen loans by Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF) for the development of the necessary economic infrastructures for the development of industry. 3-26 Figure3-12 Target Industries of New Aid Plan in Malaysia (from 1987 to 1990) ・1st year: Dies, metal parts for automobiles, ceramics, glass products ・2nd year: Office electronic device CRT, ceramic IC package, rubber footwear ・3rd year: Cast products, computers and peripheral devices Source: Excerpted from the materials from Institute of Developing Economies The efforts toward industrialization that started with import substitution industrialization in the latter half of the 1950s, shortly after the nation’s independence, has established the presence of Malaysia as a base for international division of work in the ASEAN region pursuing the export-oriented economic development model. In the field of electric and electronic industries, in particular, the country is a major center of export in ASEAN and is serving as a core of the supply chain of electronic parts going to China. Table3-4 Major Export Items of Malaysia (Top 5 Items) <Based on customs clearance> Electric & electronic products Palm oil and its derivatives Liquified natural gas (LNG) Petroleum products Crude oil Total (including other categories) 2010 Amount 249907.3 62222.7 38741.6 25542.1 30764.7 638822.5 (Units: Million Ringgit, %) Export (FOB) 2011 Amount 236534.9 83395.5 49963.4 33037.7 31982 694548.5 % Source: Excerpted from the materials from JETRO 3-27 34.1 12 7.2 4.8 4.6 100 Growth rate -5.4 34 29 29.3 4 8.7 Table3-5 Major Export and Import Counterparts of Malaysia <Based on customs clearance> China Japan US Hong Kong S. Korea Taiwan ASEAN Singapore Thailand Indonesia Philippines EU25 Netherlands Germany UK Total (including others) 2010 Amount 80104.6 66763.1 60950.9 32407.9 24330.5 20208.9 162159.7 85253.1 34136.2 18090.2 9968.4 68688.3 20216 17346.4 7194.6 638822.5 Export (FOB) 2011 Amount 91246.8 79965.6 57577.7 31241.9 25819.5 22706.5 171536 88160.7 35719.9 20820.8 10940.6 71946.8 19298.3 18409 7154.6 694548.5 % 13.1 11.5 8.3 4.5 3.7 3.3 24.7 12.7 5.1 3 1.6 10.4 2.8 2.7 1 100 Growth rate 13.9 19.8 -5.5 -3.6 6.1 12.4 5.8 3.4 4.6 15.1 9.8 4.7 -4.5 6.1 -0.6 8.7 2010 Amount 66429.8 66534.8 56258.9 12680.7 28686.7 23828.8 143636 60277.8 32972.3 29390.1 11308.1 54122.3 3395.8 21331.8 5825.6 528828.2 (Units: Million Ringgit, %) Import (CIF) 2011 Amount 75612.6 65321.9 55405.3 13588.6 23175.5 27069.2 159390.1 73515.1 34506.5 35097.7 4779 59967.6 3612.3 21960.8 6140.8 574234.1 % 13.2 11.4 9.6 2.4 4 4.7 27.8 12.8 6 6.1 0.8 10.4 0.6 3.8 1.1 100 Growth rate 13.8 -1.8 -1.5 7.2 -19.2 13.6 11 22 4.7 19.4 -57.7 10.8 6.4 2.9 5.4 8.6 Source: Excerpted from the materials from JETRO With this success in export-oriented development, Malaysia grew from a developing country to a more developed country, and aspires to achieve developed nation status in 2020. On the other hand, there is a concern that the country falls behind less developed countries in cost competitiveness because of the cost increase associated with growth and the Bumiputera policy privileging the people with Malay ethnicity, the nation’s abilities in technology and development have not become a match for those of developed countries, and economic growth rate may be held down in such situation. However, “Malaysia Investment Climate” by JBIC in July, 2009 and the company hearing conducted in this study found that Malaysia has more stable social conditions than other emerging countries, its financial and foreign exchange policies are discreet and sound, and economic management gives a sense of stability and reliability. Japanese companies operating in Malaysia highly evaluate the government’s willingness to support foreign capitals, the stability of infrastructures, and the quality of workforce. Tariffs on virtually all items in the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) will be abolished by 2015, and the shift to free trade is expected to greatly boost the international competitiveness of Malaysia. In the future, the country is expected to serve as a hub for Islamic finance and halal foods, making use of the advantage of being an Islamic country in Asia, to develop high-efficiency energy infrastructures making use of the experience in electric and electronic industries accumulated by the country as a key player in this field, and to increase the level of industrial workforce, aiming at the sophistication and diversification of new industries with high value added. In addition, talks between Malaysia and Singapore concerning the Iskandar development project began in July 2007. The meeting between Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia and Prime Minster Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore in September 2010 resolved the issue around the ownership of land in Singapore by the Malaysian 3-28 national railroad system. In January 2012, a joint task force was established for the promotion of industrial collaboration relating to this project. A series of events in this line have been stimulating cooperation and complementation between the 2 countries pivoted on the railway project that would strengthen the connectivity between the countries. As a consequence, there is an increasing possibility for the companies in Singapore, which suffer from increases in various costs and shortage of land and workforce, to use the Iskandar Malaysia as part of an expanded economic area. In particular, a spillover effect to the Iskandar Malaysia is expected in the fields such as data centers and BPO, where the reduction of land and energy costs can be very effective. Therefore, we specifically examine the possibilities of target industries, including car electronics, biomedical, halal foods and other food processing, visual contents, and data centers. With respect to car electronics, we have already seen that a recent trend in the automobile industry is the popularization of next-generation cars based on the development of next-generation technologies, such as hybrid cars, electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles, that can achieve better fuel efficiency than the improvement of efficiency of conventional motors. This causes the use of more electric parts in a car, or so-called shift to car electronics. The types of parts used in a car change dramatically. The comparison of the % of electronic parts by car type shows that hybrid cars and high grade cars have more car electronic parts than conventional cars. As much as 47% of the total cost of parts in a hybrid car is occupied by car electronics. Even among conventional gasoline-powered cars, cars with idle-stop and regenerative brake systems have more electric parts. The automobile industry must respond to this change occurring everywhere in the world. Figure3-13 Percentage of Car Electronic Parts 0% 20% 60% 47 Hybrid Car ハイブリッドカー 80% 100% 53 28 Luxury Car 高級車 コンパクトカー Compact Car 40% 72 15 85 エレクトロニクス部品 Electronic Parts その他 Others Source: Materials provided by Hiroshima Industrial Promotion Organization 3-29 Table3-6 Product Classification in 5 Major Categories in Car Electronics Car electronics product category Power train Chassis Body Passive safety Active safety Product types included in summation Electronic fuel injection, electronic diesel engine control (common rail), electronic automatic transmission, electronic CVT Electronic suspension, electronic power steering, cruise control, ABS, electronic stability control (ESC) Automatic air controller, separate control air conditioner, keyless entry system, smart entry system, drive recorder, microcomputer power seat, shock sensor-controlled door lock release, liquid crystal digital meter, head-up display, raindrop sensing windshield wiper, automatic light Airbag system, side airbag system, smart airbag with occupant detection ACC/pre-crash system, rear monitor system, intelligent parking assist, rear sonar, lane keeping system, doze driving prevention system, blind spot warning system, night vision, adaptive headlight, low air pressure warning system, automatic parking brake Source: “2009 Survey Results on the State and Future of Car Electrics Markets,” Yano Research Institute Table3-7 Electric Technology Elements and Power Electronic Parts Motors Inverters & Converters Batteries Other Component Technology and Commercialized Component Electric water pump for air conditioning Electric water pump for engine cooling Electric water pump for motor and inverter cooling Vacuum pump for negative pressure on brake Generator Vehicle drive motor DC-DC Converter Inverter for vehicle drive motor Battery charger (wireless) In-vehicle AV 100V power source Secondary cell Fuel cell Power cable No Idling Deceleration Regeneration HV PHV EV FCV ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ △ ◎ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ △ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ △: Specialized alternator, Lead battery, or power cable conventionally used ○: Helps improve fuel efficiency ◎: Necessary Source: Materials provided by Hiroshima Industrial Promotion Organization The automobile market in Malaysia has been growing steadily, marking the all-time high of 628,000 vehicles in 2012. The improvement of purchasing power associated with economic growth, the well-developed highway network, the government’s subsidy to fuel costs, and the political promotion of affordable cars for citizens 3-30 continue to drive motorization in the country, and the market is expected to grow to least 800,000 vehicles in 2020. As a consequence, there are nearly 700 companies manufacturing automobile parts in Malaysia, and many of the nearly 5,000 types of automobile parts are produced starting from early processes of work. The annual amounts of export and import respectively showed an 18% increase during three years. Many manufacturers are collaborating with Japanese parts makers, and are endeavoring to assimilate state-of-the-art technologies. The interviews with a Japanese parts maker showed that Malaysia became the hub of the supply of electronic parts to the entire ASEAN region after it began operation in 1980. The company produces computer for engine control, for air conditioner control, for power steering, for air bags, etc. In this respect, Malaysia has already achieved industrial agglomeration in the field of electric and electronics industries including supporting industries, owing to the operation of foreign- companies, and there are necessary infrastructures and workforce. It is therefore possible to expect the production of car electronics by electric and electronic manufacturers. According to the interviews with a Japanese- electric and electronic manufacturer, they consider it possible to have an operation in the Iskandar Malaysia, operations in 4 locations were to be consolidated to one site through selection and concentration. The companies, including the above-mentioned Japanese- car parts maker and another Japanese electric and electronic manufacturer, indicated that air conditioning systems represented 40 to 50% of total electricity cost, and therefore were highly interested in the introduction of high-efficiency air conditioning systems. The biomedical industry is one of the most promising industries in terms of future expansion, owing to the global progression of population aging and spread of minimally invasive medicine, as well as the rapid economic growth of Asian and other emerging countries driving the expansion of markets for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. In this respect, medical devices are part of the electric and electronic industry, where Malaysia has a competing power. Similarly to the case of car electronics, Malaysia already has the foundations for the growth in this field. The Economic Transformation Program ETP), in which the Malaysian government actively tries to encourage foreign investment by specifying the key areas of economy, lists the development of private healthcare as one of the 12 key areas of economy. In particular, according to the interview with MIDA, it lists ten areas with future investment potential that are characterized by the key words of high technology, high value added, knowledge, skill, and capital-intensive production, and six of these areas (high-tech materials, high-tech devices, optical/light technologies, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology) listed with the other areas (alternative energy, aerospace industry, ICT, and petrochemical products) are related to biomedical. Strong support of the government can be expected in these areas. Since Malaysia set the aim of creating the bio industry as a national policy in the 8th National Plan in 2001, the government has been continuously developing a system to support this industry. Malaysia Biotechnology Corporation (MBC) was created for the purpose of unification of various authorities concerned, and concrete support schemes were developed, including the provision of investment incentives through biotechnology status certification in the BioNexus program, which is a package of support measures. 3-31 In fact, Bio-Excel Industrial Park in the Nusajaya area in the Iskandar Malaysia is now in the process of development aiming at the clustering of biotechnology and healthcare companies. Several foreign-affiliated companies from the U.S., France, India, Korea, etc. have decided to move in, and have become eligible to tax exemption and subsidies by obtaining the BioNexus status. BioSingapore, the trade organization of bio and life science industries in Singapore, and Bio-Excel Industrial Park are collaborating together in inviting companies and personal exchanges. Singaporean companies moving into the park are given incentives such as the ten-year exemption from income tax and tax reduction for investment. According to the interview with a Japanese medical device manufacturer operating in Singapore, the company is currently performing equipment maintenance, mainly functioning as the regional headquarters for the sales of medical device in Asia. By the time when the Iskandar Malaysia will have substantial industrial agglomeration in biomedical fields and there will be many healthcare-related establishments, it will be possible for the company to operate a maintenance base and necessary back office in locations near the equipment requiring servicing. In this case, the facility and the office will not be of the size of a factory, but a business floor in an office building. Therefore, it will not be suitable to the location in a factory lot in this high-tech park. However, the plan of Ascendas includes office lots intended for functioning as a business park, and location in this site may be possible. Food processing basically does not belong to an industrial category characterized by high-technology, high value added, knowledge, skill, and capital-intensive production, which the Malaysian government wants to invite. It is often regarded as a conventional industry that is labor-intensive and produces less value added. In fact, a Japanese food processing company in Singapore commented during an interview that it is difficult to gain value added in this field, but the company was trying to have distinction and competitive power by early introduction of eco-friendly production processes such as those featuring energy conservation and waste water treatment. However, the food processing industry has a special meaning in Malaysia because it is an Islamic country. The Islamic law defines the foods that Muslims can eat legally as halal foods. In the case of meat, it must be obtained using a special method of slaughter and must be prepared, processed, transported, and stored in designated lines separate from non-halal foods. In this respect, the Malaysian government promotes the “halal hub policy” and is working to establish the status of the country as a center for production and distribution of articles and services directed to Islamic countries in the Middle East and Africa. According to MIDA, the global market size for halal-certified foods is estimated to be 4,862.28 billion yen a year. As part of active efforts in this field, Halal Development Corporation (HDC), which is the government organization promoting the global expansion of halal markets, and the official halal certification organization of the government have established Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), which can issue halal certification marks that are honored in most Islamic countries. In fact, halal is applied not only to foods but also to cosmetics and medicines. The growth potential of halal markets is considered very large. For Japanese food processing companies, production in Malaysia and obtaining halal certificates for their products is a good way not only to expand sales to Islamic consumers in Malaysia but also to operate in the center for market expansion targeting at about 1.8 billion people in Islamic countries and Islamic consumers in more than 3-32 160 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere in the world. In July 2013, a trade and investment envoy led by Minister of International Trade and Industry Mustapa visited Japan, and stated that manufacturers of beef, pastes, sauces, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc. had plans for entry into halal industries. It was also stated that Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) conducted a survey on the possibility of Japanese companies in halal markets and the benefit to Malaysia. In fact, according to MIDA, the investment by Japanese companies in the field of food processing in 2011 was about RM 7400 million in 50 cases, and all of these cases received halal certificates from JAKIM. Construction of “halal parks” for companies operating in the production of halal foods and related services is planned in 20 locations, and 10 of them have already begun operation. Selangor Halal Park, the largest of these parks located in the suburb of Kuala Lumpur, is very popular, and 90% of lots have already been sold. A Japanese- food processing company starting business in Singapore stated in an interview that the company is now constructing a new factory in an industrial park near Senai Airport. About 50% of the products will be supplied to Singapore, where is in short distance from the factory, where the company can benefit from price differences, and the rest will be exported to neighboring countries and Middle East countries. As for data centers, it should be first noted that Malaysia has “Vision 2020,” which plans for a breakaway from the dependence on manufacturing that continued until the 1990s and then transform Malaysia into a knowledge-economy and achieve developed nation status in 2020. As the core policy for the realization of this plan, the country has been promoting the MSC. It consists of various measures including the construction of a city for information industries called Cyberjaya and a city for administration called Putrajaya in Kuala Lumpur suburbs, installation of high-speed communications network in the area, enactment of cyberlaws to provide preferential tax treatment and other incentives to companies participating in MSC (MSC status), and human resource development through establishment of a specialist college. The development of this program started as a center for application development modeled after the Silicon Valley in the U.S. Thanks to the low occurrence of natural disasters and low operating costs, Malaysia is now attracting much attention as a good place for global data centers. The government is also eager for capacity expansion to accommodate data centers, and has committed to provide 5 million square meters, ten times the current area, by 2020. According to the interview with a Japanese communications company that has the main data center in Singapore and is constructing a data center in Cyberjaya in Maraysia, this company was the first foreign-affiliated company to obtain MSC status. The company highly appreciates the stable supply of electric power in Malaysia, as well as the supply of water for water cooling. Regarding the location in Iskandar Malaysia, the company finds it attractive that there is a cluster of IT-related facilities in the development area around Senai Airport. Other companies, such as a Japanese car parts manufacturer having a data server in Singapore and branching out into Malaysia and a medical device manufacturer branching out into Singapore, also confirmed the possibility of moving their servers to Iskandar Malaysia depending on costs, infrastructure development, and other conditions. 3-33 In addition, although this study did not collect information from related Japanese companies, there is a plan for the construction of Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios (PIMS) in Nusajaya area, which contains some target project sites for the main study in Iskandar Malaysia. PIMS will be a world standard studio for visual contents production. The oversize facility will also contain a 100,000 square feet pond for filming, post production facility, and a studio with a water tank for underwater filming. This project will cause the investment of about RM 200 million by 2020 and will create 11,000 new jobs. When completed, the area is expected to accommodate agglomeration of industries related to the project, and there also will be foreign- film and TV communities moving into the area. As a concrete project, construction of a 14-hectar creative village “Media @ Medini” is planned near the studios. Related businesses such as film-making equipment rental will also be situated. Perbadan Kemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia (FINAS) announced in March 2012 that 30% of the cost of film production in Malaysia will be reimbursed in cash, and this stimulated the interest in film making in Malaysia. This incentive is applicable to the production of a Malaysian film with a project cost of RM 2.5 million or more and a foreign film with a projected cost of RM 4.85 million or more. 3-34 e) Energy Demand Assumption Based on the Demand Assumption for Expected Companies 1. Projection of the General Demand of Whole Nusajaya High-Tech Park The following table shows the land use plan of whole Nusajaya High-Tech park. Table3-8 Nusajaya High-Tech Park Land Use Plan Area (ha) Use Commercial area 7.4 (Commercial facilities, residence for employees, etc.) Industrial area 95.1 Others (road, etc.) 52.8 Total 155.3 ※Excluding Phase 3b and 3c Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas Approximation of the maximum cooling load is estimated as follows on the assumption that all factories in the tech park belong to targeted industries and they need air conditioning for each work space. Cooling load=Site area×Building-to-land ratio×Cooling load consumption par unit area =95.1ha×60%×500USRT/ha ≒28,000USRT The developer planned to develop the Nusajaya High-Tech Park in 3 gradual phases; Phase1, Phase 2 and Phase 3. In this development plan, land construction, installation of infrastructure facilities, attraction to factories, tenant occupancy, starting operation will be started in the period from 2013 to 2020. Details of the development plan for each phase (development schedule, period, scale, number of factories by industry category and cooling load) are shown in below. Table 3-9 Cool Air Demand by Phase Operation Development Development Phase From Scale Number of Factories Cooling Load 52 factories(RBF:36,BTS:16) 9,084USRT Schedule (Tentative) Phase1 2013-2018 2015 48.6ha Phase2 2016-2022 2018 66.8ha 160 factories 12,486USRT (RBF:100,BTS:60) Phase3 2020-2024 2022 34.4ha 3-35 42 factories(RBF:16,BTS:26) 6,430USRT Note: We calculated the cool air demand with estimating whole demand based on the development scale. Source: Study Team based on Ascendas information In addition, demand for each year is shown below. The demand in below figure shows the maximum cool load in case Ascendas develops the park according to the development schedule and gets assumed factories in the park. Thus, the business type of the factories in the park may impact on this estimation. Figure 3- 14 Demand for each year 30,000 23,499 冷房負荷(USRT) 25,000 25,428 28,000 28,000 18,449 20,000 15,327 15,000 Phase3 12,206 9,084 10,000 Phase2 5,450 Phase1 2,725 5,000 0 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 年次 Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 0 30% 2016 2,725 TOTAL 0 2,725 年次 2013 2014 2015 60% 2017 5,450 5,450 2018 9,084 0 25% 2019 9,084 3,122 50% 2020 9,084 6,243 9,084 12,206 15,327 75% 2021 9,084 9,365 0 18,449 30% 2022 9,084 12,486 1,929 23,499 60% 2023 9,084 12,486 3,858 25,428 2024 9,084 12,486 6,430 28,000 2025 9,084 12,486 6,430 28,000 Note: We calculated the figure with estimating the demand by each development phase. Source: Study Team 2. Projection of cooling load in Phase 1a Detailed cooling load of phase 1a that is planning to start up by 2015 will be assumed. The factories to situate here are assumed to be those of high-tech-related industries. Because high-tech-related factories need air conditioning of factory work spaces, we assume the energy demand from cooling load assuming a floor area of 70,000 m2. Assuming that factories do not operate on Sundays, the number of working days in a year will be 298 days and there will be 67 holidays. The daily cooling load pattern in 43 factories is drawn assuming factory operation from 7:00 to 18:00. The assumptions concerning demand and the cooling load pattern estimated from the floor area of RBF are shown below. 3-36 Figure3-15 Calculation of total floor area of Phase 1a 11816m2 U P SEMI-DETACHED TYPE 2 1535m2 3087m2 1419m2 2467m2 9136m2 DETACHED TYPE 2 1142m2 2533m2 SEMI-DETACHED TYPE 1B DETACHED TYPE 1 2467m2 7992m2 SEMI-DETACHED TYPE 1A 2533m2 15684m2 13163m2 2659m2 2467m2 999m2 2361m2 2533m2 SEMI-DETACHED TYPE 2 2905m2 12048m2 MAIN ENTRANCE CENTRAL PARK 2835m2 FOOD CENTRE Phase 1a Total floor area 69,839m2 Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas 【Calculation of Cooling demand for Phase 1a】 ・ Required Chilled Water Rate ;0.05USRT/m2 (=151.2Kcal/m2=633MJ/m2) ・ Total Floor Area ; 69,839m2(assume that all area needs AC) ・ Cooling Load ・ Working Day(298days/year) ; 2,095USRT Sunday (67 days/year) ; 314USRT Maximum Cooling Load ; 2,410USRT(= 2,095USRT×1.15) (Supply Temperature: 7°C, Return Temperature: 12°C) ・ Cooling load pattern (shown in the below figure) Figure3-16 Cooling load pattern Cooling load (USRT) Time(hrs) Source: Study Team 3-37 3. Demand in the area of Phase 1b BTS are custom built factories assuming the use as data centers and food processing-related factories. The cooling load in these factories is considered to be larger than that of RBF high-tech-related factories. In particular, cooling is the key factor in the operation of data centers. They need high-quality cold air supply with a backup capacity ensuring, say, 99.9999% reliability. Although RBF are built for sale, air conditioning systems are not included in the factory facilities to be sold. Basically, these systems are provided by the purchaser of the factory. In order to realize a cold air supply service of district cooling type, there must be a certain number of factories in a limited area so that the collective cooling load can be handled as a whole. BTS with relatively large cooling loads can be served either by on-site cold air supply using a cooling system installed in each factory or by a district cooling-type service. The choice between these methods depends on several factors such as the timing of factory construction and the contract with the factory concerning the period of cold air supply. Commercial spaces are planned for the construction of commercial facilities and offices. After buildings are built, cooling load is expected to occur from 7:00 to 17:00 on work days. 3-38 f) Infrastructure and Human Resources Development as a Measure for Inviting Industries The interview survey at factories in Malaysia indicated that the percentage of air conditioning cost in total energy cost is as high as about 40%. In particular, high-tech-related industries reported high percentages of air conditioning cost. Although factory operators strongly want the reduction of air conditioning cost, such reduction has not been realized because of the need for certain investment in plant and equipment. Therefore, it is necessary that the new industrial park can provide air conditioning, which is needed for high-tech industries, at a lower cost as an additional service. As discussed in “(2) More Efficient, Rational Energy Use ,” there are 3 types of air conditioning systems: individual air conditioning, central air conditioning, and CHP, which is an extension of central air conditioning aiming at the effective use of primary energy. Although the installation of air conditioning systems greatly depends on demand situations, it is important to support (1) sale or leasing of individual air conditioning equipment, (2) on-site air conditioning service as a form of central air conditioning, and (3) district cooling service as a form of central air conditioning in combinations depending on the demand in the industrial park, so that cold air can be supplied to users at a low cost and also the operator of the cold air supply service can establish a certain amount of performance figures. Malaysia has been promoting industrialization as a national policy and inviting foreign capital by means of the provision of investment incentives and the development of necessary infrastructures. As a result, the country established its status as the industrial hub in the ASEAN region in the field of electric and electronic industries. As a semi-developed country, Malaysia has become the front runner in economic growth among ASEAN countries. Financial merits such as preferential tax treatment and infrastructure development are a necessary but not sufficient condition for the invitation of foreign companies, which has supported economic growth through the success in industrialization. Even if there are adequate hardware facilities, industries cannot be invited if the companies establishing and operating factories cannot employ people with necessary skills in needed numbers. If the employment and income of people cannot be secured in this way, it is impossible to continue economic growth. The Malaysian government has been placing great emphasis on education policies since the independence of the country. All past and present prime ministers except for the first had experienced the post of Minister of Education. Several education reforms have been implemented, based on the belief that education is the main way to obtain human capital supporting the development of the country. The National Higher Education Strategic Plan (2007-2020) was formulated in 2007. Asserting that economic development needs nurturing of human capital with first-class mentality, construction of a knowledge-based economy, and creativity and innovation, the plan identified promotion of higher research and development, expansion of higher education, internationalization of universities, etc. as key strategies. Starting from 1966, education was placed in the five-year plan, which is the comprehensive long-term national development plan prepared at five-year intervals. The 10th Five-year Plan (2011-2015) included the establishment 3-39 of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) within University of Technology, Malaysia to provide higher-quality education responding to the needs of industries. This school was planned to teach state-of-the-art technological knowledge and work ethics using Japanese-style education. In response, Japan signed a roughly 6.7 billion yen loan contract for the purpose of providing educational and research equipment and consulting service to MJIIT. At the present, MJIIT is receiving support from 25 universities in Japan and collaborate with them in the dispatch of teachers and acceptance of overseas students. More than 40 Japanese teachers at the maximum are planned to be sent in the future to teach 550 students, and students are obliged to work in internship at Japanese companies for 12 weeks, receiving scholarship from the government. There are four programs consisting of electronic system engineering, mechanical precision engineering, environmental green technology, and technical management engineering. Emphasizing basic engineering education in the fields of semiconductors, LED, solar energy, industrial electronic devices, etc., the school is also making effort at promotion of green technology and training of people to support it. Ministry of Higher Education is responsible for higher education at universities and other institutions. In addition, Ministry of Human Resources has 27 vocational training schools in the country. These include, in decreasing order of skill level, Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute (JMTI) in Penang State, four Advance Technology Training Centres (ADTECs), and 22 Industrial Training Institutes (ITI. ADTECs are for the people who have some work experience after graduation. New graduates enter ITI and then are employed by companies. For this reason, there are close relationships between ITI in a region and companies operating there concerning the supply of workforce. Actually, the employment rate of graduates from vocational training schools is 100%. Graduates receive 3-month On-The-Job Training (OJT) at companies, and thereafter, nearly 90% of them are employed by the same companies. The ITI in the Iskandar Malaysia is located in Pasir Gudang. About 80% of graduates join companies in Johor Bahru State. Local companies are providing fund and teaching materials relating to the lectures in various programs and educational and experiment facilities, and there is a lot of industry-academia collaboration. For example, Petronas, an oil company, is working in cooperation concerning the welding technology for oil piping, and a Japanese- precision machine manufacturer has cooperative relationship in instrument technology. Pasir Guang ITI in Zone D, located to the east of the Iskandar Malaysia has not offered courses on air conditioning and heat technologies because there have been no requests for such courses from companies in the vicinity. Such courses are offered only at ITI Mersing on the eastern coast at the distance of 100 km from Johor and at ADTEC in Shah Alam, the capital of Selangor State, where Kuala Lumpur is located. However, with the progress of the development works in the Iskandar Malaysia and the increase in companies situated in industrial parks such as Nusajaya High-Tech Park, the ITI in this region will receive more requests regarding the supply of human resources. The demand for engineers in air conditioning and heat technology at factories is also expected to increase. 3-40 As mentioned above, the questionnaire to Japanese companies in Malaysia and Singapore indicated that a cause of concern about operation in the Iskandar Malaysia is the lack of infrastructure including energy and the lack of human resources including those for infrastructure maintenance. While this Project will provide hardware facilities for high-efficiency energy infrastructure, its implementation will require invitation of industries to the high-tech park, and the business development of a total energy service will be a part of this Project. From this perspective, it is necessary to consider measures for stable supply and qualitative improvement of human resources. For this reason, the total energy service company planned in this Project should serve as a human resource development center supporting the training of maintenance personnel for energy facilities for companies and R&D establishments chiefly in the high-tech park. As the first step of concrete measures for this purpose, we consider cooperation with ITI Pasir Gudang in the training of engineers and technical specialists in the maintenance of energy facilities. This cooperation aims to start training programs in air conditioning and heat technologies using JICA’s technical cooperation project combining “dispatch of experts,” “acceptance of trainees,” “provision of equipment,” etc. and the scheme for overseas expansion of technical college curriculums provided by Asia Professional Education Network (APEN), which is an organization formed by Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology in Japan and universities in the ASEAN region. In this undertaking, we consider the use of not only lectures at ITI but also OJT with internship and the use of remote and correspondence education systems using network-based systems and multimedia teaching materials. Further for the future, we aim to create a business model in which we provide educational and training facilities and programs for the development of industrial human resources to support energy infrastructure for factories and R&D establishments in the Nusajaya High-Tech park, and also provide educational courses for the continued maintenance and improvement of skills. On the other hand, the contact point of APEN in Malaysia is University of Technology, Malaysia, which has the Johor Bahru campus in the Iskandar Malaysia in addition to the Kuala Lumpur campus. As mentioned before, MJIIT is hosted in the Kuala Lumpur campus. There is a possibility of cooperation with MJIIT regarding the acceptance of students in internship and researcher training through possible joint studies in the future. This is expected to be effective in technical examination of future business expansion in Malaysia and neighboring countries. Although we also considered the cooperation with EduCity, which is planned across the street from the Nusajaya High-Tech park, EduCity is currently planned as a liberal arts university providing mostly lecture-based general education as a branch campus of a university in a Western country, and such cooperation is considered difficult at the present, as pointed out by a JICA expert participating in the blueprint preparation concerning CO2 emission reduction in Iskandar development at the Johor Bahru campus of University of Technology, Malaysia. 3-41 Figure3-17 Proposed Cooperation Scheme Regarding Development of Industrial Human Resources Source: Study Team 3-42 2) Possibility of Technology Promotion in Nusajaya High-Tech Park a) State of Infrastructure and Implemented Systems in Kulim High-Tech Park Considered As a Benchmark 1. Background to Construction of KHTP KHTP was opened in 1996 as the first high-tech industrial park in Malaysia. The development of this KHTP was supported by many Japanese cooperation projects, as summarized below. 1987-1990 1991-1995 1991 1992 Study for “Malaysia Industrial Development and Promotion Plan” is conducted through technical cooperation of MITI, JICA, and JETRO Following “Malaysia Industrial Development and Promotion Plan,” the country desires construction of a high-tech industrial park in Kulim Province, Kedah State and requests cooperation from the Japanese government Nurturing of high value added industries and invitation of high-tech industries are planned in the 6th Malaysia Plan Following MITI study scheme, UNIDO study team submits “Concept Plan Report” Supported by MITI, JICA study team reviews “Concept Plan Report” and conducts basic planning and basic design of industry zone Supported by MITI, JICA study team develops the master plan for the entirety of the composite high-tech park project consisting of industrial, R&D, residential, urban, and amenity zones Financial support by JBIC concerning the export of production facilities to semiconductor factory 2001 The development of KHTP was promoted comprehensively as a combination of the following six areas. Figure3-18 Development Areas of KHTP 1. Industry 2. R&D 3. Amusement & recreation 4. Residence 5. Urban functions 6. Education Source: Kulim Technology Park Corporation Website 3-43 Figure3-19 Status of Development of KHTP (Layout Map in 2012) Source: Kulim Technology Park Website 3-44 2. State of Infrastructure Implementation [Electricity] Starting form 1997, an IPS called Northern Utility Resources Distribution Sdn Bhd (NUR) has been providing electricity to KHTP. In addition to the companies situated in the park, electricity is also supplied to residential and commercial areas. However, electricity is not supplied to the areas outside of the industrial park. Apart from TNB, NUR is the only IPS supplying electricity in Malaysia. NUR ensures non-interrupting supply of electricity using power generation by a 220 MW combined-cycle gas power generator and system interconnection with TNB. This stable power supply infrastructure is an essential element for the operation of high-tech industries in the park. Although some of the Japanese companies in KHTP have uninterruptible power supply systems, they say interruption of power supply from NUR is extremely unlikely. Figure3-20 NUR Power Station A View Inside NUR Power Station Overall View of NUR Power Station Source: Photo by Study Team Source: Materials from ESBI (O&M Company) [Gas] Gas for industrial use is supplied by Air Products STB Sdn Bhd via the gas pipeline buried in factory premises. Figure3-21 Industrial Gas Supply Facility Source: Kulim Technology Park Corporation Website 3-45 [Information Communications] The companies in the park are served by fiber optics cables of Telecom Malaysia, and the operation of services are conducted within the park. Residences are provided with an internet connection service called UniFi. Figure3-22 IT Center Source: Kulim Technology Park Corporation Website [Educational Institutions] In addition to primary and secondary schools, there are higher education facilities, University Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Spanish Institute, KISMEC, and other educational institutions. In particular, KISMEC provides human resource development based on the syllabus related to industry. According to the interview with KHTP, it is now considering a plan to invite multiple study fields of a university in a building. Figure3-23 Educational Institutions Primary & Secondary Schools Higher Education Facility Source: Kulim Technology Park Corporation Website [Targeted Industries] KHTP invites companies in the following 12 areas: 1. Wafer Fabrication & Related Activities 2. Semiconductor & Related Activities 3. Green Energy (Solar Cell / Fuel Cell / Polymer Battery / Renewable Energy) 4. Advanced Electronic Industries 5. Medical and Scientific Instruments 6. Process Control and Automation Equipment 7. Optical and Electro-optical Application 8. Optoelectronics 3-46 9. Biotechnology 10. Advanced Materials 11. Contract R&D Services 12. New and Emerging Technologies 3-47 b) System for Inter-plant Accommodation of Chilled Water Using High-Efficiency Turbo Chillers The following describes the chilled water accommodation system supplying to ready-built factories in Phase 1a area of Nusajaya High-Tech Park. The capacity of high-efficiency turbo chillers will be 2,500 USRT based on the floor area requiring air conditioning and demand assumption. The 2,500 USRT high-efficiency turbo chillers will comprise two 1,000 USRT units and a 500 USRT unit, considering efficient operation responding to demand and redundancy. The equipment layout plan is shown below. Figure3-24 Equipment Layout Plan (Plan) (Section) 12m 12000 6000 計器室 Electrical Control Room 電気室 Ground (Plants) Turbo chiller 1A 1000USRT AU-1 ECC-1(A) 24m CWP-1(A) CP-1(A) AU-2 CWP-1(B) Turbo chiller 1B 1000USRT AU-3 18000 ECC-1(B) CP-1(B) Turbo chiller 2 500USRT ECC-2 CWP-2 CP-2 Source: Study Team High-efficiency turbo chillers will be placed in a part of the utility area, and chilled water pipes are led to factories from there. Pipes are buried underground beneath the roads in front of factories. The bore diameter of chilled water pipes will be 400 mm near the high-efficiency turbo chillers, 300 mm in midway sections, and 200 mm near factories. The heat loss of underground pipes, made of materials preventing heat loss, is assumed to be 5%. The total elongation of pipes is about 1,100 m. As piping can be routed to cross roads in the park, chilled water accommodation between factories will be designed with piping crossing the road. The piping plan and the structure beneath a road are shown below. The present study clarified the equipment installation conditions for high-efficiency turbo chillers and the conditions for chilled water piping. While we considered the chilled water accommodation system and determined conditions focusing on RBF, these conditions for equipment installation and chilled water piping can be applied to not only RBF but also BTS and commercial areas. 3-48 If there is at least 500 USRT of combined cooling load that is expected to persist for 5-10 years, it is possible to construct a chilled water accommodation system by adjusting the capacity of high-efficiency turbo chillers and the bore diameters and lengths of chilled water piping. Figure3-25 Location of high-efficiency turbo chillers and underground chilled water piping layout Location of high-efficiency turbo chillers Source: Study Team Figure3-26 Section plan of water piping Source: Study Team 3-49 c) High-efficiency District Cooling System with Steam Absorption Chillers Using CHP and Waste Heat (Steam) Companies in the Nusajaya High-Tech Park potentially or manifestly need a stable supply of electricity. This need is particularly high with high-tech industries, and the stable supply of electricity is a factor for a company to choose an industrial park. Assurance of a stable supply of electricity represents a value of an industrial park, and gives it an edge over other industrial parks. The most energy efficient type of a district cooling system is a system that supplies not only heat but also electricity by means of CHP. While this system can supply electricity stably to its service area by using CHP, the security of electric power can be enhanced further by duplication of power source using the grid system of TNB as a backup. In the context of energy supply business, CHP provides a great advantage because it brings a profit from power supply in addition to the profit from heat supply. However, CHP can be used only when low-cost natural gas is available. At the present, Nusajaya High-Tech Park is not served by a natural gas pipeline, but information obtained in this study indicated a possibility of a natural gas pipeline in the future. The following shows the system configuration assuming the use of CHP in district cooling under a certain set of conditions. 1. Assumed the heat and power service areas The system discussed here assumes the heat and power service areas shown in the figure below. Figure3-27 Heat and Power Service Areas Source: Study Team 3-50 2. Demand assumption Because companies are invited to the park in phases of areas, the following analysis is based on demand assumption in Phase 1a, which Ascendas plans to offer first among the areas of Nusajaya High-Tech Park. While the supply of electric power covers the entire area, heat (chilled water) covers half of the entire area. Heat is assumed to be needed by some companies and not needed by others, depending on business categories and operation patterns. In addition, because factories may have areas that do not require cooling, such as warehouses, the area with cooling is assumed to be 60% of the factory floor area. Power and heat demands are calculated from factory floor area and assumed per-unit values. ・ Total floor area receiving power: 69,839 m2 ・ Factory per-unit power demand: 500 kW/1,000 m2 (500 W/m2) ・ Total floor area receiving heat: 34,920 m2 × 60% = 20,952 m2 ・ Factory per-unit heat demand: 1,000 USRT/20,000 m2 (0.05 USRT/m2) From the above, the demands for power and heat are respectively assumed to be: ・ Power demand: 34,920 kW ・ Heat demand: 1,048 USRT 3. System Overview The figure below shows the overview of the CHP system providing power and heat. Figure3-28 Overview of System with CHP Source: Study Team 3-51 Because power is supplied to the entire Phase 1a area, it is received collectively from the power grid. Any surplus power will be sold and deficiency will be made up for by purchase of power. However, because the CHP power supply capacity should be sufficient to cover the entire Phase 1a area, the system is designed so that there will be the sale of surplus power but no purchase of power in normal situations. With respect to the supply of heat, chilled water is supplied only to the factories in the area where both heat and power are supplied. The heat (steam and hot water) generated during CHP power generation is used in chilling facilities to make chilled water, which is sent to factories via pipelines. Factories use the supplied chilled water for air conditioning (cooling). 4. CHP Configuration The configuration of the CHP system to supply heat and power is shown in the figure below. Figure3-29 CHP Configuration Source: Study Team Because the demand for heat (chilled water) is smaller than the demand for power, the system is configured based on a combination of a combined-cycle gas turbine power generator and a gas engine power generator. To achieve efficient utilization of waste heat from the gas engine for the supply of heat, chilled water is produced from steam using an absorption chiller and from hot water using a Gene-Link. The CHP system is designed for power-controlled operation, in which power is generated depending on the power load in the area. Because of this operation method, any surplus steam relative to heat (chilled water) load will be discarded, and any deficiency will be supplemented by steam back-up using a once-through boiler. The following shows a list of CHP components. 3-52 Table3-10 List of Main CHP Components № Equipment Spec. 1 Gas engine generator + waste heat boiler 5,200kW 2 Gas turbine generator + waste heat boiler 28,350kW 3 Condensing steam turbine generator Units Notes 1 1 Total 42,050 kW 8,500Kw 1 4 Gene-Link 630RT 1 5 Absorption chiller 250RT 3 6 Once-through boiler 1.77t/h 2 Total 1,380 RT 7 Supply steam header - 1 8 Chilled water header - 1 9 Gas compressor - 1 Source: Study Team d) Expanded District Cooling System with Area-wide Heat Accommodation Covering the Nusajaya High-Tech Park and Adjacent Development Areas As of December 2013, Gas Malaysia is not providing gas to Nusajaya area. Gas Malaysia considers that elongation of the gas pipeline becomes possible if Nusajaya area had a demand for gas corresponding to the power generation capacity of approximately 90 MW. TNB is promoting the construction of the high-voltage grid network to Nusajaya area. In view of the electric power policy of Malaysia, it is considered very difficult for a private business company to obtain the right to generate power using a gas fuel and sell the power to factories in a specific area like the power generation/sale company in KHTP. The power generation/sale business in KHTP was realized under the strong leadership of the Malaysian government. TNB offers a special power tariff for district cooling for the purpose of effective use of nighttime power. Considering these situations, a district cooling system with CHP in Nusajaya area is possible in the following 2 cases: (1) power generation and steam supply using 90 MW distributed power sources are planned under the strong leadership of the Malaysian government, or (2) factories that collectively need 90 MW power and factories that collectively have sufficient heat and chilled air demands are constructed. In both cases, realization as a project will require long time for the negotiation with TNB, securing of power and heat demands, etc. On the other hand, there are several plans in Nusajaya area such as the building cooling of Kota Iskandar (local government building), district cooling of EduCity (a university campus complex), and district cooling and heat supply for bio factories by Bio-Xcell utility company. It is clear that potential demand for chilled air exists. When we consider short-term business development, it is considered better to supply chilled air in a distributed manner according to the clustering of demand for chilled air than to implement district cooling with area-wide 3-53 heat accommodation covering a wider area. In this case, the energy source will be the electric power provided by TNB, and the power rate applied to this case will be that for district cooling. MEGAJANA, a subsidiary of TNB, is providing a district cooling service in Cyberjaya in Kuala Lumpur using the power rate for district cooling, and this business is producing good track records owing to the demand for chilled air for use by IT-related companies, including data centers, in Cyberjaya. Because the rate for electric power as the energy source has been set clearly as the rate for district cooling, the business basically starts with bringing together collective demand that is large enough to support business operation and taking advantage of the power rate for district cooling. Then, we should conduct a chilled air supply service in a distributed manner so that the users in the service area can receive chilled air at a reasonable cost and the business operator can gain profit. The development in Iskandar and the development of Nusajaya area will continue for more than 10 years from now. On a short term basis, we should consider distributed district cooling using electric power as the energy source. On a long term basis, we should consider the possibility of gas supply to Nusajaya area, the possibility of selling power to TNB, the possibility of selling power to factories in specific areas, and the introduction of CHP depending on the heat and chilled air demand of factories. e) Total Energy Service System Providing Chilled Air, Heat, and Power to Factories A chilled air supply system can be implemented in three forms: (1) conventional model, in which each factory installs its own air conditioning system; (2) on-site cooling model, in which a chilled air supply service provider installs air conditioning systems in factories and provides chilled air to factories; and (3) district cooling model, in which the chilled air supply service provider supplies chilled air to multiple factories from its central air conditioning system. In (2) on-site cooling model and (3) district cooling model, factories do not own air conditioning systems and they are freed from the maintenance of air conditioning systems, payment of power charges for air conditioning, and payment of water charges for air conditioning. Therefore, the use of service in model (2) or (3) enables factories to reduce the lifecycle cost of factory air conditioning (about 15% reduction according to the estimation by Study Team). It is necessary to choose form models (1), (2), and (3) according to the air conditioning needs of the factory, and consider the efficient method of chilled air supply. The following shows the conceptual images of (2) on-site cooling model and (3) district cooling model. 3-54 Figure3-30 Image of system configuration of District Cooling and On-site Cooling y g 【District Cooling Model 】 Factory A Factory B Factory C Turbo chiller (for Phase 1A only) 1000USRT X 2 500USRT X 1 Electrical Control Room 【On-site Cooling Model】 Factory Space Fan coil unit Cooing tower Turbo chiller or Air Conditioning Source: Study Team Generally speaking, approximately 40% of the energy consumption of factories in Malaysia is used by air conditioning systems. Factory can reduce energy use by choosing high-efficiency individual air conditioning systems (multi-split air conditioners for buildings, package air conditioners for offices, etc.) or high-efficiency central air conditioning systems (such as turbo chillers). The chilled air supply service provider can have a contact with each factory through “the service in supplying chilled air.” This contact can provide a starting point for interactions, such as a proposal for factory energy saving that is not related to air conditioning and a proposal of technical solutions to a problem in factory operation. For example, we can expect a proposal concerning energy saving in a factory power system and a proposal concerning heat demand in a food factory. In the case of a RBF, the occupant must provide the electric facilities at and beyond the transformer. Starting from the chilled air supply service to a RBF, one can make proposals targeting at the electric facilities at and beyond the transformer, such as a high-efficiency transformer and a UPS system aiming at more stable power supply. In this way, by getting hold of air conditioning, which occupies the largest % in energy consumption, in the form of “service in providing chilled air,” the provider can be involved in the energy use in the factory and provide total energy service for the factory covering chilled air, heat, electric power, etc. as a business. 3-55 (4) Overview of the Project 1) Basic Policies to Making Concepts of the Project Concepts of this Project which aims for introduction of high-efficiency district cooling in Nusajaya High-Tech Park in Iskandar region in Malaysia will be planned based on points described below. a) Planning Concept ・ Introduction of high-efficiency district cooling using proven Japanese technology. ・ Construction of the business model for integrated energy infrastructure service aiming to serve as the model for eco industrial park in Malaysia. ・ Construction of a business model considering the sustainability of the project and incorporating not only the provision of equipment but also human resource development and other factors. b) Basic Policies to Making Concepts of This Project 1. Basic Policy 1: Project plan which concerns the development plan and existing conditions of the targeted industrial park, Nusajaya High-Tech Park; Ascendas and UEM Sunrise, the developer of the targeted industrial park, Nusajaya High-Tech Park, is planning to develop the park, total ground area of 512 acres (approx. 207 ha), in three phases. The contracts with companies will begin in January 2014, phase 1a (approx. 7.2ha) construction will be completed in 2015, and factory operation is planned to begin at the end of 2015. Phases 1b (approx. 41.4ha), 2 (approx. 66.8ha), and 3a (approx. 34.4ha) are planned to be completed in March 2016, September 2017, and March 2019, respectively. Development schedule of Phase 3b and Phase 3c are yet to be formulated. Except for the gas pipeline, infrastructure in the park including electric power, water, and sewerage will be put into service before the completion of phase 1a. The gas pipeline has its end point at a distance of 15 km to the east from Nusajaya High-Tech Park, and will be extended after confirmation of demand in the surrounding areas. Two types of factories will be constructed in the park: semi-order type, in which a building designed by Ascendas will be provided and the occupant will install air conditioning and other facilities, and order type, in which the building and all facilities will be built to order of the occupant. Because the site is located near Singapore, expected tenants and factories are data centers, car electronics, biomedical, bio, and halal foods. The contents of the Project and plans will be determined based on the above developing schedule and situations. 2. Basic Policy 2: Contents of the Project reflecting the needs of companies During our interview survey, we found that the factories operating in Malaysia have a problem that approximately 40% of total electric power consumption is consumed because of scorching sun and high temperature throughout the year, and finding a way to cut this cost is a big concern for them. Although many factories use old air 3-56 conditioning equipment with low cooling efficiency, they are unable to renew these equipment because of the high initial cost. With respect to human resources, factories have difficulty in employment and development of general workers and shortage of engineer-class workers for the management of infrastructure facilities in factories. Because job hopping is very common in Malaysia, it is difficult to secure necessary workers. The contents of the Project will be decided according to the needs of companies considering these findings from interview survey. 3. Basic policy 3: Contents of the Project with harmonizing with the policies, investment incentives, etc. of the Malaysian government During the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 15), the Malaysian government pledged “40% voluntary reduction of per-GDP CO2 emission by 2020 relative to 2005.” In response, efforts are being taken in Malaysia aiming at the realization of a low-carbon society. For Iskandar region, which is covered by this study, Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar was formulated in July 2013 by Iskandar Regional Development Authority with the assistance of the Japanese government. It aims to reduce CO2 emission in 2025 by 40% relative to the business-as-usual level (based on 2005 emission level). This Project is in accordance with “Green Energy System and Renewable Energy”, one of the 12 action plans listed here.: With respect to investment incentive schemes in Malaysia, the Malaysian government is promoting “pioneer status” to projects encouraged based on the national policy. The approved companies can obtain partial exemption from corporate income tax (70% of statutory income is exempted from taxation and only 30% is taxable) for 5 years. The contents of this Project will be decided on the premise of the applicability of incentive schemes related to environment and investment, and this will greatly contribute to the profitability of this Project. 3-57 2) Overall Contents of the Project a) Final Target of the Project Eventually, it will be aimed to develop businesses as follows based on the cited “Basic Policies to Decide Concepts of the Project”. Tis Project consists of 2 categories: energy supply and operation management project and human resource development project for workers for the maintenance of infrastructure facilities in the park. Figure3-31 Descriptions of the Overall Contents of the Project (Final Target of the Project) Source: Study Team 1. Energy supply for the industrial park ・ High-quality electric power is supplied to factories by means of power generation using high-efficiency gas combined-cycle cogeneration and collective reception of power from the utility cooperation covering Iskandar region, TNB, as the backup power source. Surplus power is to be sold to TNB. In the future, the power generated will also be supplied to adjacent development areas, such as Gerbang Nusajaya and Medini. In this case, the sold power will not be supplied directly from the generator over cables but through the power grid of the utility corporation. ・ Planned specifications and capacity. Generator: Combined-cycle gas turbine. Power generation capacity: 45 MW. 2. District cooling system using steam accommodation ・ The steam generated in high-efficiency gas combined-cycle cogeneration is accommodated to factories, and 3-58 district cooling system with using steam absorption chillers is implemented. Steam supply capacity: about 6.5 t. (Please add description by Fuji Electric). 3. Energy management of factories in the industrial park ・ Install the smart meters into factories for mutual information exchange. ・ Cloud-based FEMS will be introduced to factories and the service provider will carry out factory energy management. 4. Consulting service for energy saving ・ Provide diagnostic service and guidance for factory energy saving. 5. Leasing and operation management of high-efficiency energy-saving equipment such as district cooling equipment ・ Equipment leasing business is conducted to provide district cooling equipment, inverter, electric power meter, LED, UPS, high-efficiency transformer, high-speed circuit breaker, etc. Because of this, factories will be able to suppress initial investment cost and lighten tax burden and other expenditure associated with the possession of equipment asset. ・ The service provider performs maintenance of leased equipment. Because of this, each factory has no need to have dedicated engineers for the cooling equipment; and also, enables to reduce the maintenance cost. 6. Human resource development of workers for maintenance of infrastructure facilities in the industrial park ・ Develop maintenance workers for the industrial park in collaboration with existing vocational schools and other institutions. ・ In the future, high-level human resource development will be conducted through joint study and other forms of collaboration with organizations such as the university in EduCity, which is located in the neighborhood. 3-59 b) Contents of the Project (Scope of the First-stage Project) 1. Targeting area The demand will not show soon because the industrial park will be developed in phases, as shown in Basic policy 1 “Development plan for the targeted industrial park, Nusajaya High-Tech Park.” In addition, the gas pipeline has not been constructed yet. For these reasons, the first stage of the Project will include only the district cooling using grid power and chilled water accommodation in Phase 1a area (approx. 7.2 ha), which will be developed first. We will install a system using gas for power generation and district cooling with steam accommodation after the construction of the gas pipeline. Figure3-32 Targeting area Targeting area of this study Source: Study Team based on materials provided by Ascendas Figure3-33 System image (District cooling system through grid power and chilled water accommodation) Source: Study Team 3-60 2. Concept Design and Equipment Specification High-efficiency turbo chillers will be placed in a part of the utility area, and chilled water pipes are led to factories from there. Pipes are buried underground beneath the roads in front of factories. The bore diameter of chilled water pipes will be 400 mm near the high-efficiency turbo chillers, 300 mm in midway sections, and 200 mm near factories. The heat loss of underground pipes, made of materials preventing heat loss, is assumed to be 5%. The total elongation of pipes is approximately 1,100 m. As piping can be routed to cross roads in the park, chilled water accommodation between factories will be designed with piping crossing the road. The piping plan and the structure beneath a road are shown below. The present study clarified the equipment installation conditions for high-efficiency turbo chillers and the conditions for chilled water piping. While we considered the chilled water accommodation system and determined conditions focusing on RBF, these conditions for equipment installation and chilled water piping can be applied to not only RBF but also BTS and commercial areas. If there is at least 500 USRT of combined cooling load that is expected to persist for 5-10 years, it is possible to construct a chilled water accommodation system by adjusting the capacity of high-efficiency turbo chillers and the bore diameters and lengths of chilled water piping. Figure3-34 Location of high-efficiency turbo chillers and underground chilled water piping layout Location of high-efficiency turbo chillers Source: Study Team 3-61 Figure3-35 Section plan of water piping Source: Study Team The capacity of high-efficiency turbo chillers will be 2,500 USRT based on the floor area requiring air conditioning and demand assumption. The 2,500 USRT high-efficiency turbo chillers will comprise two 1,000 USRT units and a 500 USRT unit, considering efficient operation responding to demand and redundancy. The equipment layout plan is shown below. Figure3-36 Equipment Layout Plan (Plan) (Section) 12m 12000 6000 計器室 Electrical Control Room 電気室 Ground (Plants) Turbo chiller 1A 1000USRT AU-1 ECC-1(A) 24m CWP-1(A) CP-1(A) AU-2 CWP-1(B) Turbo chiller 1B 1000USRT AU-3 18000 ECC-1(B) CP-1(B) Turbo chiller 2 500USRT ECC-2 CWP-2 CP-2 Source: Study Team 3-62 3. Issues and Solutions towards the utilization of proposed technologies and systems. Major issues are whether there are an assured cooling load for the adoption of proposed technologies and systems. Sales of sections in the tech park will start from January 2014, therefore availability of the adoption of proposed technologies and systems will be considered with reviewing the actual trend of factories’ demands and the amount of cooling load. 4. Business Scheme for the Proposed Project In this Project, a SPC established by JV among Inter Act, Fuji Electronic, other Japanese companies, Malaysian companies, and Ascendas will operate the business. The investing companies will bear 50% of the project cost, and 50% will be loaned from a financial institution. Because this business complies with the environment promotion policy of the Malaysian government and it will be the first case of district cooling in an industrial park, it is likely to be eligible for Pioneer Status and other investment incentives from the Malaysian government, as well as preferential tariff from TNB and other supports. Each factory contracts with the SPC to receive chilled water supply service and pays the bill. The SPC pays the cost of power to TNB and the cost of water to the water supply company. The SPC operates the business in cooperation with the local operation management company and the engineering/construction company. Figure3-37 Business Scheme for the Service Company Private Bank [Investers] InterAct, Fuji Electric, and other Japanese Companies or Malaysian Companies JICA Loan Singapore Companies Government of Malaysia TNB Water Supply Equity Loan Incentives Servicing Payment of Electricity tariff SPC Factories (JV Companies) Payment of Water tariff Payment of Tariff Company Engineering/Construction Contract Operation/Maintenance Contract Engineering/Construction Operation/Maintenance Companies Companies Source: Study Team 3-63 3) Future Plan After the gas pipeline is constructed and it becomes possible to expect sufficient demand with the increase in the number of factories in the park according to the industrial park development plan, we will start energy supply for the industrial park, district cooling using steam accommodation, energy management of factories in the industrial park, consulting service for energy saving, leasing and operation management of high-efficiency energy-saving equipment, and human resource development of workers for maintenance of infrastructure facilities in the industrial park on appropriate timing. Figure3-38 Future image of system installation (District Heating and Cooling System with distributing power and heating steam) Source: Study Team 3-64 Chapter 4 Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts (1) Analysis of the Present States of Society and Environment 1) Analysis of Present State a) Social and Environmental Background The rapid development of tin mines in Malaysia from the beginning of the 20th century resulted in polluted water and sludge flowing into Malaysia’s rivers, and natural rubber and palm oil production added industrial effluent to rivers and the ocean to exacerbate Malaysia’s environmental problems. The country quickly industrialized with the introduction of foreign capital, and increased industrial effluent and waste made environmental problems even worse in the 1970s. The Environmental Quality Act, 1974 was enacted to counter these problems and established restrictions on effluent and atmospheric emissions. That same year, the Department of Environment (DOE) was established to take care of environmental administration. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) system to prevent environmental destruction due to large-scale development was introduced in 1985. Malaysia ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in September 2002 in response to global environmental problems. b) Natural Environment 1. Climate Malaysia is made up of West Malaysia, which occupies the southern half of the Malay Peninsula, and East Malaysia, which occupies the northern third of the island of Borneo. Both halves are located between latitudes 2ºN and 7ºN and have a tropical rainforest climate, where it is warm and humid throughout the year. West Malaysia has monsoons (seasonal winds) that blow to the southwest from May to September and to the northeast from November to March. The temperature in Johor Bahru, where the Project site is located, stays largely between 22ºC and 33ºC and is at its hottest from March to May. Figure4- 1 Johor Bahru Climate ℃ 35 350 30 300 25 250 20 200 15 150 10 100 5 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mm Average 平均降水量rainfall Mean maximum temperature 平均最高気温 Mean minimum temperature 平均最低気温 0 9 10 11 12 月 Month Source: Study Team based on World Meteorological Organization (WMO) data (average values from 1974–2000) 4-1 2. Air Over 70 percent of air pollutants in Malaysia come from emissions from automobiles, motorcycles and other mobile sources. The southern part of Johor Bahru is one place in Malaysia where rain acidification has progressed significantly. Malaysia uses an air pollutant index (API) to publicize the state of air pollution. Malaysia’s API consists of five levels (Good, Moderate, Unhealthy, Very Unhealthy and Hazardous) determined by 5 parameters (PM10, CO, NO2, SO2 and O3). According to data from 2008 to 2011, Johor Bahru had some years and areas with an Unhealthy API over 101. Figure4- 2 Air Pollutant Emissions Breakdown Factories power plants, etc. (27.3%) Other (3.3%) Automobiles, motorcycles (69.4%) Source: Compendium of Environment Statistics 2012 Malaysia (Malaysian Department of Statistics) Figure4- 3 Acid Rain Level by Region Source: Annual Air Quality Report (2005) (Malaysian Meteorological Department) Table4- 1 Air Pollutant Index (API) and Air Pollution Levels API 0–50 51–100 101–200 201–300 300 or above Air Pollution Level Good Moderate Unhealthy Very Unhealthy Hazardous Source: Study Team based on information from the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia website 4-2 Table4- 2 API by Region (2008–2011) 2008 2009 2010 2011 Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Larkin (Johor Bahru) 5 101 2 99 15 111 3 84 Cheras (Kuala Lumpur) Bandaraya (Malacca) Seberang Jaya Kuching Miri Kota Kinabalu 8 3 6 5 6 1 135 80 99 72 76 55 4 4 5 10 6 1 168 137 106 114 179 78 26 22 28 16 17 10 169 139 93 54 89 68 11 12 6 4 4 2 150 97 98 100 96 61 Source: Study Team based on the Compendium of Environment Statistics 2012 Malaysia (Malaysian Department of Statistics) 3. Water Malaysia uses a water quality index (WQI) to publicize the state of water pollution. Malaysia’s WQI consists of three pollution levels (Clean, Slightly Polluted, Polluted) determined by 6 parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen and suspended solids (SS)) that also affect the assignment of five WQI classes. The WQI of the Pulai River, which is near the Project site, was 80 in 2010 and 74 in 2011, resulting in a Slightly Polluted pollution level and its assignment into Class III, which means that its water requires special treatment before it can be supplied. Figure4- 4 Pulai River Area Near Project Site Pulai River Source: Study Team based on maps from the Iskandar Regional Development Authority 4-3 Table4- 3 Water Quality Index (WQI) WQI 81–100 60–80 0–59 Water Pollution Level Clean Slightly Polluted Polluted Source: Compendium of Environment Statistics 2012 Malaysia (Malaysian Department of Statistics) Table4- 4 WQI Classes Class Evaluation Based on Intended Use WQI I Water Supply 92.7 or higher Treatment not required Fishery-Related Existence of aquatic organisms extremely sensitive to water quality Existence of aquatic organisms sensitive to water quality General commercial fishery zones, drinking water for livestock II 76.5–92.7 Requires standard treatment III 51.9–76.5 Requires special treatment IV V 31.0–51.9 31.0 or lower Irrigation Water for uses other than the above Source: Compendium of Environment Statistics 2012 Malaysia (Malaysian Department of Statistics) 4. Waste Waste is defined in Malaysia’s Environmental Quality Act as “all materials designated as ‘scheduled waste,’ or anything in solid, semi-solid, liquid, gaseous or vaporous form whose volume, structure or methodology causes pollution and is emitted, discharged or can be measured in the environment” (quoted from Article 2) and includes a wide array of waste including harmful and hazardous waste as well as sludge from regular manufacturing operations and discharge treatment. Though the volume of scheduled waste within Malaysia decreased from 2010 to 2011, it has showed a tendency to increase in recent years. Furthermore, Johor Bahru produced the highest volume of waste of any Malaysian state in 2011. Figure4- 5 Annual Waste Volume in Malaysia Source: Compendium of Environment Statistics 2012 Malaysia (Malaysian Department of Statistics) 4-4 Figure4- 6 Waste Volume by State (2011) Waste volume (Unit: 1,000 tons) Source: Compendium of Environment Statistics 2012 Malaysia (Malaysian Department of Statistics) c) Social Environment Development is progressing in the financial, political, education, medical, residential and amusement industries in the general area around the Project site. Malaysia continues to attract high-tech corporations to the site under consideration as well; heavy industries are not expected to locate there. The Gerbang Nusajaya region includes the Project site, and the Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve sits to the west of the area of Gerbang Nusajaya being developed. According to the designated national authority (DNA) about the submission of EIAs, a detailed environmental impact evaluation that included the Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve, a registered Ramsar Convention (Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat) site, has been done during the development of Gerbang Nusajaya. In addition to the usual 10% of residents of the area, nearly 200 indigenous people who live traditional lifestyles in places like the Sungai Pulai Forest Reserve have also been interviewed and briefed on the development project during this EIA. The local stakeholders have been briefed and given their understanding. DOE evaluation for a preliminary environmental impact was also done in 2013 in the course of developing Nusajaya High-Tech Park, in which the Project site is located. The developer of the park has already had the authorization for the project implementation. 4-5 Figure4- 7 Registered Ramsar Convention Site Registered Ramsar Convention site Source: Sstudy Team based on Iskandar Regional Development Authority maps 2) Future Projections (supposing the Project is not implemented) As explained in Chapter 3, plans call for the development of the 512 acres (roughly 207 ha) occupied by Nusajaya High-Tech Park, the industrial park targeted by the Project, to be divided into three phases. Corporations that will move into the industrial park will begin concluding contracts in January 2014, and Phase 1a (RBF construction) should be complete by 2015 so that factories can begin operating by the end of 2015. If the Project is not implemented, each RBF from Phase 1a would probably install its own individual air conditioning system. In that case, the estimated amount of electricity consumed per year would be 10,499 MWh (7,537 MWh during the day, 2,962 MWh at night) based on hypothetical demand and cold air demand curves from “Chapter 3 (3) Various Considerations Required to Determine Project Details, Demand Assumption for Expected Companies.” 4-6 e) Energy Demand Assumption Based on the (2) Positive Environmental Impacts of the Project 1) Environmental improvement effect The required electricity and generated greenhouse gas (CO2) can be reduced by implementing a highly efficient device, the turbo refrigerator. The turbo refrigerator requires only approximately 50% of the electrical power of existing individual air conditioners and emits 50% of the CO2. A calculation of the reduction in CO2 emissions is provided in Chapter 5 Financial and Economic Evaluation. The energy consumption with the constructing cooling water pipe into the project site is curtailed by implementing that facility during the Nusajaya High-Tech Park developing period. 2) CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) Even though Japan will not participate in a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol after 2013, Japan is still entitled to participate in CDM projects based on the Decision of COP18/CMP8. However, it is our view that this project is not suited for CDM. Some of the reasons for this are that CDM has complicated procedures and requires a long time for registration of the project and certification of emission reduction (CER). In addition, according to the European Climate Exchange, the current CER contract trading is below €1/tCO2, so this has little crediting benefit to the project. In order to effectively address climate change, the Government of Japan has proposed the establishment of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM). The basic concepts for the JCM are: Facilitating the propagation of leading low carbon technologies, products, systems, services, and infrastructures as well as the implementation of mitigation actions, and contributing to the sustainable development of developing countries. Appropriately evaluate the contributions to GHG emission reductions or removals of mitigation actions implemented in developing countries and use those emission reductions or removals to achieve emission reduction targets of the developed countries. Contributing to the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC by facilitating global actions for emission reductions or removals. The IRDA has drawn up the Low Carbon Society Blueprint 2025 for developing the Iskandar area, where includes the Nusajaya High-Tech Park. The plan aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% of 2005 levels by 2025. JICA and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) supported the establishment of the plan through the Japanese government program, Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS). JCM is more flexible than CDM and potentially more useful for the Nusajaya High-Tech Park development, which will continue for several more years. 4-7 (3) Environmental and Social Impact Due to Project Implementation 1) Determining Environmental and Social Concerns Detailed EIA is to be applied to the project which has large impact to the environment. Such detailed EIA has already been implemented as part of the development of the Gerbang Nusajaya region, which includes the Project site, and the report has already been approved. The Project is implemented for the purpose of improving the environment; high-efficiency district cooling services for the industrial park have been considered as part of the Project. There is no need to perform further EIAs for the high-efficiency district cooling services for the industrial park within the development area like those from the Project for which such assessments have already been implemented, but the Department of Environment (DOE) that has jurisdiction over Johor Bahru requires that they be compared with industrial site suitability evaluations. We have confirmed the fact that further EIAs are not required through interviews with the environmental consulting company, DNA involved in EIA submission, and the Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah (MPJBT). We used JICA’s Basics of Environmental and Social Considerations and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Guidelines for Confirmation of Environmental and Social Considerations to determine environmental matters likely to be impacted by the Project and other matters that should be considered. We also referred to lists of thermal power generation and other infrastructure facilities because the Project will introduce high-efficiency district cooling to the industrial park. Table4- 5 Environmental and Social Considerations Class Environmental Matters Main Items to Check 1. Permits, Licenses and Explanation (a) Have EIA reports, etc. been prepared? (b) Have EIA reports, etc. been approved by the government of the host country? (1) EIA and (c) Does that approval come with any environmental conditions? If so, have those conditions permits and been satisfied? licenses (d) Other than the above, have any required licenses or permits related to the environment been obtained from local governing agencies? (2) Briefing local stakeholders (a) Have local stakeholders been properly briefed about details and impacts of the Project or otherwise provided with public information, and have they granted their understanding? (b) Has the Project been made to reflect comments from residents and other local stakeholders? 4-8 Specific Environmental and Social Yes: Y Considerations (Reasons/basis for answers, No: N ways to alleviate problems, etc.) (a) Y (a) EIA reports covering the development (b) Y of the Gerbang Nusajaya region, which (c) N includes sites under consideration for the (d) N Project, have already been prepared. However, the implementation of the Project is outside the scope of EIA. (b) The aforementioned EIA reports have been approved. (c) (d) Since the implementation of the Project is outside the scope of EIA, there are no EIA conditions regarding the Project, but we do need to refer industrial site suitability evaluations to the Johor Bahru DOE. (a) N (a) The Project is outside the scope of EIA, (b) N but as an industrial park, the site must go through the procedure of industrial site suitability evaluations. (b) The Project will introduce high-efficiency cooling equipment to an industrial park, so it will not have much of an impact on residents in the area. Thus, Class Environmental Matters Specific Environmental and Social Yes: Y Considerations (Reasons/basis for answers, No: N ways to alleviate problems, etc.) there is little need to incorporate their opinions. Main Items to Check 2. Pollution Control Measures (a) Have multiple alternative proposals (a) Y (3) Considering for project plans been considered (and alternative have environmental and social matters proposals also been considered as part of them) ? (a) Will air pollutants emitted from (a) YN target infrastructure facilities, auxiliary (b) facilities, etc. (sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, etc.) satisfy the host country’s emissions standards and environmental standards? Will anything be done to (1) Air quality maintain air quality? (b) If coal-fired power plants are involved, is there any concern that coal dust blown from storage yards, coal transporting facilities or coal ash landfills could pollute the air? Will anything be done to prevent such pollution? (a) Will effluent or seepage from (a) YN infrastructure facilities, auxiliary (b) – facilities, etc. satisfy the host country’s (c) Y emissions standards and environmental standards? (2) Water (b) If coal-fired power plants are quality involved, does seepage from storage yards or coal ash landfills satisfy the host country’s emissions standards? (c) Will anything be done to prevent this effluent from polluting surface water, soil, groundwater or the ocean? (a) Will waste from infrastructure (a) Y facilities and auxiliary facilities (3) Waste properly treated or disposed of in line with the host country’s regulations? (a) Will anything be done to prevent (a) Y effluent and seepage from infrastructure (4) Soil facilities, auxiliary facilities, etc. from contamination polluting soil and groundwater? (5) Noise and vibrations (a) Will noise and vibrations satisfy the (a) host country’s standards? (a) If pumping large quantities of (a) N groundwater, is there cause for concern about ground settlement? (a) Will anything cause foul odors? Will (a) N (7) Foul odors anything be done to prevent foul odors from occurring? (6) Ground settlement 4-9 (a) Alternate proposals that use conventional technology have been considered. (a) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but we will employ technology to ensure that emissions standards are met. (b) There are no plans to use coal. (a) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but we will employ technology to ensure that emissions standards are met. (b) There are no plans to use coal. (c) We will take preventative measures as necessary after examining the necessary information during the detailed planning stage. (a) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but we will treat and dispose of waste in line with Malaysia’s regulations. (a) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but we will treat and dispose of waste in line with Malaysia’s regulations. (a) Malaysia does not have environmental standards for industrial noise or vibration, but we will take preventative measures for the sources of noise and vibration during the detailed planning stage. (a) We are thinking of using municipal water; there should be no cause for concern about ground settlement. (a) The Project does not include anything that produces foul odors. Class 3. Natural Environment 4. Social Environment Specific Environmental and Social Yes: Y Considerations (Reasons/basis for answers, No: N ways to alleviate problems, etc.) (a) Is the site located within a protected (a) N (a) Nothing qualifies as a protected zone as (1) Protected zone as defined by host country law or defined by law or international treaty. zones international treaty? Will the Project impact any protected zones? (a) Does the site include virgin forest, (a) N (a) The target area for the Project does not natural rainforest or ecologically (b) N include any such areas. important habitats (coral reefs, (c) N (b) The target area for the Project does not mangrove wetlands, tidal flats, etc.)? (d) NY include habitats for rare species. (b) Does the site include habitats for rare (e) N (c) Nothing qualifies as a habitat for rare species that require protection under species, so there should be no cause for host country law or international treaty? concern about significant impacts. (c) If there is cause for concern about (d) (e) We are still in the initial stages of significant impacts on ecosystems, will considering the Project, so this has not been anything be done to reduce those examined in detail, but we will take impacts? measures as necessary after considering the (2) Ecosystems (d) Will use of surface water or necessary information during the detailed groundwater for the Project have any planning stage. impact on rivers or other aquatic environments? Will anything be done to reduce any impact on aquatic organisms? (e) Will the discharge of thermal effluent or seepage or the intake of large quantities of cooling water have any negative impact on ecosystems in the surrounding watersheds? (a) Will changes to the water system (a) N (a) We are thinking of using municipal because of the Project have any negative water; there should be no cause for concern impact on the flow of surface water or about ground settlement. As for discharge, (3) groundwater? we are still in the initial stages of Hydrometeorol considering the Project, so it has not been ogy examined in detail, but we will take measures as necessary after considering the necessary information during the detailed planning stage. (a) Will the Project significantly (a) N (a) The Project will not significantly (4) Geography transform the geography or soil transform the geography or soil structure of and soil structure of the site or the surrounding the site or the surrounding area. area? (a) Will the implementation of the (a) N (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) The Project cause any involuntary (b) N Project does not call for anyone to be resettlement? If so, will efforts be made (c) N resettled. to minimize the impact of resettlement? (d) N (b) Before residents are resettled, will (e) N they receive proper briefing on (f) N compensation and measures for starting (g) N (1) new lives? (h) N Resettlement (c) Will resettlement studies be done, (i) N and will resettlement plans include (j) N compensation through a reacquisition payment and lifestyle recovery following resettlement? (d) Will compensation be paid prior to the resettlement? (e) Is the policy for compensation put Environmental Matters Main Items to Check 4-10 Class Environmental Matters Specific Environmental and Social Yes: Y Considerations (Reasons/basis for answers, No: N ways to alleviate problems, etc.) Main Items to Check out in writing? (f) Will resettlement plans give proper consideration for women, children, elderly people, poor people, minorities, indigenous peoples and other socially vulnerable people? (g) Will you get residents’ consent before resettling them? (h) Will a proper system for the resettlement be established? Will sufficient implementation capabilities and budget measures be carried out? (i) Will the monitoring of the impact of resettlement be planned? (j) Will a system for dealing with complaints be built? (a) Will the Project have a negative (a) N impact on the livelihoods of residents? (b) N If necessary, will you consider how to (c) N alleviate that impact? (d) N (b) Does the Project have the sufficient (e) YN social infrastructure it requires (hospitals, schools, roads, etc.)? If not, are there plans to build it? (c) Will the driving of large vehicles for the Project have an impact on road traffic in the surrounding area? If (2) Life and necessary, will you consider how to livelihoods alleviate that impact? (d) Is there any risk of disease (HIV and other communicable diseases) occurring due to the influx of workers doing Project work? If necessary, will you make proper considerations for public health? (e) Will the intake of surface water or groundwater and the discharge of thermal effluent have an impact on the current use of water or the surrounding watersheds (especially on fishing)? (a) Does the Project produce cause for (a) N concern about losing archaeologically, (3) Cultural historically, culturally, religiously heritage significant heritage or landmarks? Will measures determined by host country law be considered? (a) Will the Project negatively impact (a) N any scenery that requires particular (4) Scenery consideration? If so, will necessary measures be taken to mitigate that impact? (a) Have you considered reducing the (a) – (5) Minorities Project’s impact on the cultures and (b) – and indigenous lifestyles of minorities and indigenous peoples peoples? 4-11 (a) The Project will introduce high-efficiency cooling equipment to an industrial park, so it will not have much of an impact on residents in the area. (b) The area surrounding the Project site already has a steady social infrastructure. (c) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but we will take measures as necessary after considering the necessary information during the detailed planning stage. (d) The area surrounding the Project site already has a steady social infrastructure, and we are considering a district cooling service within the industrial park, so there should be little risk of infection. (e) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but we will take measures as necessary after considering the necessary information during the detailed planning stage. (a) The area in question does not include any such heritage. (a) The Project will introduce district cooling services to an industrial park, so there is no scenery that requires particular consideration. (a) (b) The area in question does not include any such people. Class Environmental Matters Specific Environmental and Social Yes: Y Considerations (Reasons/basis for answers, No: N ways to alleviate problems, etc.) Main Items to Check 5. Other (b) Will the rights of minorities and indigenous people to their land and resources be respected? (a) Will host country laws related to (a) Y working environments be observed as (b) Y they should be for the Project? (c) Y (b) Will you install safety equipment, (d) Y manage hazardous materials and make other safety considerations for Project personnel on the technical aspect for preventing work-related accidents? (6) Working (c) Will you create health and safety environment plans, implement safety education (including traffic safety and public health) for workers and plan and make other safety considerations for Project personnel on the non-technical aspect? (d) Will security personnel related to the Project take proper measures to maintain the safety of Project personnel and residents of the surrounding area? (a) Have measures to alleviate pollution (a) Y from construction (noise, vibrations, (b) Y turbid water, dust, exhaust, waste, etc.) (c) Y been taken? (b) Will construction have a negative (1) Impact impact on the natural environment during (ecosystems)? Have measures to construction alleviate that impact been taken? (c) Will construction have a negative impact on the social environment? Have measures to alleviate that impact been taken? (a) If coal-fired power is to be used, (a) – have measures to prevent spontaneous (2) Preventative fires from breaking out in storage yards measures been taken (sprinkler facilities, etc.)? (a) Will monitoring by technicians of matters above that will have an impact on the environment be planned and implemented? (b) How will items to be planned, methodology and frequency be determined? (3) Monitoring (c) Will a system for monitoring by technicians (organization, personnel, machinery and equipment, budget and their sustainability) be established? (d) Will there be regulations for the methodology and frequency of technicians’ reporting to local governing agencies? 4-12 (a) Y (b) – (c) Y (d) Y (a) (b) (c) (d) Malaysian Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 will be observed as Project services are implemented. (a) (b) (c) The Project will introduce district cooling systems to an industrial park, so the scale of construction work will be small, and the impact of construction on the environment will be minor. However, we will consider measure to alleviate these impacts during the detailed planning stage. (a) There are no plans to use coal. (a) (b) (c) (d) We are still in the initial stages of considering the Project, so this has not been examined in detail, but monitoring of the discharge of water used for cooling may be necessary. We will check with the Johor DOE during the stage in detailed planning when we examine the amount of effluent, and, if necessary, we will establish a monitoring system, monitor by required methodologies and frequencies, and report as required. Class 6. Important Points Specific Environmental and Social Yes: Y Considerations (Reasons/basis for answers, No: N ways to alleviate problems, etc.) (a) (a) No access roads, etc. are planned for the (b) N Project, so this does not apply. (b) We will use existing power transmission facilities. Environmental Matters (a) If necessary, add items from checklists for roads, railways and bridges and evaluate those items to be checked (when access roads for Referring to infrastructure facilities, etc. will be other built). environmental (b) If necessary, add items from checklists checklists for power transmission, transformation and distribution and evaluate those items to be checked for power line laying, pylons and submarine cables. (a) If necessary, verify the impact on (a) Y neighboring countries and global Cautions when environmental issues (when considering using disposing of waste in neighboring environmental countries or using elements related to checklists acid rain, ozone layer destruction or global warming). Main Items to Check (a) We will seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Source: Study team JICA’s Basics of Environmental and Social Considerations, Environmental Checklist, Thermal Power Generation and Other Infrastructure Facilities, Environmental Checklists 4-13 2) Consideration of Other Options to Further Minimize Environmental and Social Impacts CHP, which uses natural gas as its primary energy source, is a more environmentally friendly option than the chilled water accommodation system, which uses high-efficiency turbo chillers, from the latest proposal. District cooling systems that use CHP would make more efficient use of their primary energy source than they would with the proposed chilled water accommodation system, resulting in greater energy conservation and CO2 reduction. However, as explained in Chapter 3 (3) Various Considerations Required to Determine Project Details, district cooling systems that use CHP cannot be built because natural gas is not supplied to the Project site. We believe the use of CHP should be considered as part of the long-term, sustainable development of the Nusajaya High-Tech Park. 3) Discussions with Implementing Agencies and Information from People and Groups Familiar with Environmental and Social Conditions of the Local Area During our consideration of the Project, we interviewed local government-affiliated agencies, Japanese companies in the Malaysian market, the developer Ascendas and the environmental consulting company, which is DNA to which we submit EIAs. Below are their views on the environmental and social aspects of the Project. Malaysia has very strict environmental standards for effluent. Potassium dichromate is the oxidizing agent used to determine COD in Malaysia, so their standards are stricter than those of Japan, in which potassium permanganate is used. If monthly water quality tests reveal that effluent fails to meet environmental standards, factory operations must be suspended. Reservoirs in the industrial park will also be tested once monthly, and if they fail to meet environmental standards, factory operations must be suspended. The consultant that serves as the DNA must prepare documents related to EIAs. There are earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters. Those are characteristic points of Malaysia’s natural environment Most Japanese companies tin the Malaysian market have introduced water recycling facilities, solar power generation facilities and other environmentally friendly machinery and equipment. This is indicative of their corporate culture of taking steps to reduce the environmental burden of building new factories. They have also set their sights on reducing CO2 emissions and are trying to conserve energy by doing things such as using fluorescent lights with inverters. Some corporations have gotten results through non-technical efforts to conserve energy, such as turning lights off when leaving the room or setting air-conditioning to high temperatures. Some Japanese companies are considering using heat reflective coatings on their roofs to reduce the expense of air-conditioning, and many companies are talking about the environmentally friendly impacts of efforts to save on heating and cooling costs. 4-14 (4) Overview and Actions Required to Satisfy Host Country’s Legislation Concerning Environmental and Social Considerations 1) Overview of Legislation Concerning Environmental and Social Considerations Related to Project Implementation a) Overview of the Main Administrative Organizations Involved in Environmental and Social Considerations 1. Department of Environment (DOE) (environmental administration oversight organization) The Environmental Quality Act (EQA) was established in 1974 to prevent, alleviate and regulate pollution and provide regulations for environmental improvement. The DOE was established in 1975 to oversee environmental administration based on the EQA. The DOE is part of the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment, which was established in 2004. The Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment is a lateral integration of the four ministries that had jurisdiction over such matters until 2004. There are federal government and local administrative organization in Malaysia. Local administrative organizations in Malaysia include states, districts within states called “daerah” and towns called “mukim”. State governments have authority over land, agriculture and forestry, the fishing industry and water resources, but the federal government has authority over environmental administration. Thus, state governments generally do not handle environmental issues; DOE state offices located in each region handle environmental regulations and other environmental administration. However, in Sarawak Division, there is an environmental department bureau and this handles the environmental issues only on agriculture. Local authorities are responsible for the collection, treatment and disposal of general waste. Table4- 6 Departments Under Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment Departments Under Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment Department of Director General of Lands and Mines Department of Survey & Mapping Malaysia National Institute of Land and Survey Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia Forest Research Institute Malaysia Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia Department of Environment (DOE) Department of Wildlife & National Parks Peninsular Malaysia Department of Irrigation and Drainage National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia Ministry in Control Prior to 2004 Ministry of Land and Co-operative Development Ministry of Primary Industries Ministry of Science Technology and Environment Ministry of Agriculture Source: Study Team based on the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment homepage 4-15 2. Conservation and Environment Management Division (CEMD) (Organization in Charge of Global Warming) Malaysia ratified the UNFCC in July 1994 and the Kyoto Protocol in September 2002. The CEMD is Malaysia’s DNA based on the Marrakech Accords, which are operating agreements and bylaws of the Kyoto Protocol. The National Steering Committee of Climate Change investigates climate change issues under the CEMD. 3. Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) (Organization in Charge of Renewable Energy) The SEDA was established in April 2009 under the KeTTHA, which was born of the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications, based on the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2011. SEDA’s main role is to manage and operate feed-in tariffs in place based on the Renewable Energy Act 2011. b) Overview of Main Legislation Related to Environmental and Social Concerns Malaysia’s environmental legislation is based on the EQA, which was enacted in 1974 and became effective in 1975. The EQA gives the head of the DOE the authority to propose the implementation of monitoring and legislation related to overall environmental regulations, issue all types of permits and licenses to prevent effluent from polluting the environment, and monitor and expose violations of regulations. Rules and orders for each regulation are set forth based on the EQA. Table4- 7 Main Regulations and Orders Related to Environmental and Social Considerations in Malaysia Control of Motor Vehicle Emissions Environmental Quality (Control of Lead Concentration in Motor Gasoline) Regulations 1985 Environmental Quality (Motor Vehicle Noise) Regulations 1987 Environmental Quality (Control of Emission from Diesel Engines) Regulations 1996 Environmental Quality (Control of Emission from Petrol Engines) Regulations 1996 Integration of Environment and Development Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 (Amendment) 1995 Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Crude Palm Oil) Order 1977 (Amendment) 1982 Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Crude Palm Oil) Regulations 1977 Environmental Quality (Licensing) Regulations 1977 Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Raw Natural Rubber) Order 1978 (Amendment)1980 Control of Municipal and Industrial Waste Water Pollution Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations 1979 (Amendment) 1997 Control of Toxic and Hazardous Waste 4-16 Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) regulations 1989 (Amendment)2005 Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Wastes Treatment and Disposal Facilities) Order 1989 Environmental Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Wastes Treatment and Disposal Facilities) Regulations 1989 Promotion of Investments (Promoted Activities and Products) (Amendment)(No.10) Order 1990 (made under the Promotion of Investments Act, 1986) Control of Industrial Emissions Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 1978 Environmental Quality (Compounding of Offences) Rules 1978 Environmental Quality (Delegation of Powers on Marine Pollution Control) Order 1993 (Amendment) 1994 Environmental Quality (Prohibition on the Use of Chlorofluorocarbons and other Gases as Propellents and Blowing Agents) Order 1993 Environmental Quality (Prohibition on the Use of Controlled Substance in Soap, Synthetic Detergent and Other Cleaning Agents) Order 1995 Renewable Energy The Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2011 The Renewable Energy Act 2011 Occupational Safety and Health Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 Factories and Machinery Act 1967 Source: Study Team based on the DOE’s Environmental Measures Japanese Corporations Take When Operating Outside Japan (Malaysia Version) and the homepages of environmental administration organizations in Malaysia 4-17 2) Host Country EIAs Required for Project Implementation a) Industrial Site Suitability Evaluations In Malaysia, land newly zoned for industrial or residential use must undergo industrial site suitability evaluations to determine site suitability and sufficient buffer zones, even if the industries are outside the scope of EIA. The main point of EIAs is to prevent large-scale development projects from impacting the environment; industrial site suitability evaluations serve to reduce environmental impacts on residents in areas surrounding those planned for industrial development and are set forth by the DOE in ”Guidelines for the Siting and Zoning of Industries”. These guidelines contain the sizes of buffer zones between the following four types of industries and residential zones. i. Light Industries ii. Medium industries iii. Heavy industries iv. Special industries The Project will introduce high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment to an industrial park, and while the industries are outside the scope of EIA, the Johor DOE must be provided with industrial site suitability evaluations. These evaluations are a type of manufacturing license condition, and the Johor DOE issues licenses upon fully understanding the nature of operations, effluent, noise, waste and other factors. The following operations require applications for additional permits, licenses and registration. [Written Authorization for Effluent Treatment Facilities and Designated Facilities ] The construction of effluent treatment facilities, designated facilities (namely, crude palm oil factories and natural rubber factories) and waste treatment facilities must be authorized with a written permit from the DOE. [Authorization for Building/Installing Incinerators and Smokestacks] Building and/or installing incinerators, combustion facilities and smokestacks must be authorized in advance by the DOE. [Registration and Notification Regarding Scheduled Waste Discharge] Corporations that discharge waste must submit notification that they are a Waste Generator and observe waste regulations. 4-18 Figure4- 8 Procedure for Environmental Requirements in Malaysia Source: DOE’s Environmental Measures Japanese Corporations Take When Operating Outside Japan (Malaysia Version) 4-19 Table4- 8 Guidelines for the Siting and Zoning of Industries: Target Operations and Scales, and Buffer Zone Sizes Industry Type Light Industry A Industry Characteristics and Requirements Buffer Zone Size 30 m Does not produce noise. No smokestacks; does not produce exhaust. Does not discharge industrial effluent other than sewage, household effluent and non-hazardous solid waste. Does not use harmful or hazardous raw materials; does not produce scheduled industrial waste. Satisfies height restrictions determined by local municipal authorities. Uses electricity and gas as fuel. Does not use radioactive materials or scheduled industrial waste. Note: Light Industry A corporations do not produce any type of industrial exhaust or large amounts of waste. Light Industry B 50 m Does not produce noise. No smokestacks; does not produce exhaust. Does not use or produce scheduled industrial waste. Satisfies height restrictions determined by local municipal authorities. Depending on the location, treats sewage and industrial effluent onsite before discharging it so that 1979 environmental regulation standard A or B is satisfied. Features multiple operations (e.g., foodstuff production and leather production). Does not use radioactive materials or scheduled industrial waste. Note: The industrial effluent and exhaust emissions of Light Industry B corporations satisfy relevant environmental regulations based on the regulations of the 1974 EQA. Medium Industry Machinery, power generators and such produce quite a bit of noise, but throughout the day and the night, the noise is controlled such that it stays below 65 db at the boundaries of the factory and 45–55 db at the boundaries of neighborhoods and buffer zones. Produces some exhaust but controls emissions such that they satisfy 1978 environmental regulations related to preventing air pollution. Is able to treat sewage and industrial effluent onsite before discharging it so that 1979 environmental regulation standard A or B is satisfied. Uses harmful or hazardous raw materials during the production process. Produces scheduled industrial waste but can treat it onsite or transport it away from facilities or offices for treatment in such a way that satisfies 1989 environmental regulations for scheduled industrial waste. 4-20 250 m Industry Type Industry Characteristics and Requirements Buffer Zone Size Produces smoke or foul odors that impact the health of workers or the area surrounding industrial facilities but have valid ideas to resolve or prevent the smoke and odors in line with 1978 environmental regulations related to preventing air pollution. Smokestack heights are approved by the DOE as consistent with the specific production capabilities of industrial facilities based on atmospheric modeling and simulations. Is located in the same designated industrial park or industrial zone as differing, yet coherent industries. Does not use radioactive materials. Note: All effluent and exhaust emissions must satisfy relevant environmental regulations set forth in the 1974 EQA. Heavy Industry Must be located in an industrial park or in a designated industrial park built a sufficient distance away from residential zones, livestock farms, agricultural farms, recreation areas and designated tourism areas. Factory fences must be located at least 500 meters away the nearest residential zone. Details must be included in EIA reports. Operation produces noise, but proper, advanced technology is employed day and night to reduce noise at levels recommended by WHO (75 db or lower at the boundaries of the factory and 45–55 db at the boundaries of neighborhoods and buffer zones). Produces gases of a content, volume or density that requires detailed, technical designs that include operations and control mechanisms to reduce exhaust emissions and measures to alleviate exhaust emissions in line with the 1978 environmental regulations related to preventing air pollution. Smokestack heights must be determined by detailed atmospheric monitoring and simulations from EIA reports. Produces industrial effluent of a content, volume or density that requires detailed, technical designs that include operations and control mechanisms for central treatment facilities to satisfy 1979 environmental regulations related to sewage and industrial effluent. Uses harmful or hazardous radioactive materials and/or scheduled industrial waste. Have acquired necessary authorization for pollution control technology and planned measures to resolve or alleviate pollution. Produces scheduled industrial waste that cannot be treated onsite or fails to satisfy levels recommended by 1989 environmental regulations 4-21 500 m Industry Type Industry Characteristics and Requirements Buffer Zone Size related to scheduled industrial waste. Must include technology required to reduce levels of scheduled industrial waste to acceptable levels in response to the aforementioned regulation, or must treat scheduled industrial waste at collection and treatment facilities, or must reuse it at another facility, or must sell it off to another business so that it can be reused. Must consider coherence with differing industries if located within an industrial park or industrial zone. Thermal effluent must be grounded on thermal plume modeling and simulations and clearly written on EIA reports. Note: Must use appropriate control procedures for all effluent and exhaust emissions and satisfy relevant environmental regulations based on the 1974 EQA. Special Industry Manufactures products using advanced technology. 200 m Uses advanced, clean technology for its manufacturing process and control mechanisms that is clearly written out in EIA reports, and has a parent factory or is similar to an existing, working factory. Reduces and minimizes exhaust emissions, effluent and scheduled industrial waste with plenty of leeway to satisfy relevant environmental regulations based on the 1974 EQA. Is coherent with neighboring factories and is located in a designated special industrial zone. Has also been designed in an environmentally friendly manner. Note: Using clean technology much produce close to zero waste. Sources: DOE Environmental Measures Japanese Corporations Take When Operating Outside Japan (Malaysia Version); and DOE/MNRE Guidelines for the Siting and Zoning of Industries b) EIA Target Operations The scale and range of EIA target operations across 19 fields are described in the 1987 environmental order related to EIA, and such operations require that Preliminary Assessments are conducted. Table4- 9 EIA Target Operations (operations that require Preliminary Assessments) Field 1. Agriculture 2. Airports 3. Drainage and irrigation Target Operations (a) Land development plans for turning 500 ha or more of forest into farmland (b) Agricultural programs that require resettlement of 100 or more families (c) Developing 500 ha or more of farmland (including conversion to different types of farming) (a) Constructing airports (with runways 2,500 m or more) (b) Developing runways within state/national parks (a) Constructing dams or man-made lakes or expanding man-made lakes 200 ha or more in area (b) Draining 100 ha or more of wetland, wildlife habitat or virgin forest (c) Irrigating 5,000 ha or more of land 4-22 Field 4. Reclamation 5. Fishery Target Operations Reclaiming 50 ha or more of shoreline (a) Constructing fishing ports (b) Port or harbor expansion that includes a 50% or higher increase in annual fishing capacity (c) Dry land aquaculture projects that involve the clearing of 50 ha or more of mangrove wetlands 6. Forestry (a) Rezoning 50 ha or more of hillside forest (b) Clearing or rezoning forests located within municipal water supply, irrigation or hydropower reservoirs or intake areas or within state/national parks or land abutting national marine parks (c) Clearing 500 ha or more of forest (d) Rezoning 50 ha or more of mangrove wetlands to industrial, residential or agricultural zones (e) Clearing mangrove wetlands on islands within national marine parks 7. Residential Developing residential zones of 50 ha or more 8. Industrial (a) Chemical: Production capacity for a single product or multiple products of 100 tons or more per day (b) Petrochemical: All scales (c) Non-ferrous (primary smelting) Aluminum: All scales Copper: All scales Others: Production capacity of 50 tons or more per day (d) Non-metal Cement: Consecutive load capacity of 30 tons or more of clinkers per hour Lime: 100 tons or more per day in quicklime rotary kilns; 50 tons or more per day in smelting furnaces (e) Iron and steel: 100 tons or more per day for operations requiring raw iron ore; 200 tons or more per day for operations requiring scrap iron (f) Shipbuilding: Ships 5,000 tons or more (g) Pulp and paper: Production capacity of 50 tons or more per day 9. Infrastructure (a) Constructing hospitals that drain into shoreline recreation areas (b) Developing industrial parks for medium/heavy industries of 50 ha or more (c) Constructing expressways (d) Constructing national highways (e) Construction new cities 10. Port and harbors (a) Constructing ports and harbors (b) Expansion of ports and harbors that includes a 50% or higher increase in annual cargo handling capacity 11. Mining (a) Mining minerals under new mining rights that apply to 250 ha or more (b) Ore processing that includes sorting of aluminum, copper, gold or tantalum (c) Dredging sand from 50ha or more of land 12. Petroleum (a) Developing petroleum or gas fields (b) Constructing pipelines over land or water of total length 50 km or more (c) Facilities for separating, processing, handling or storing petroleum or gas (d) Constructing petroleum refineries (e) Constructing storage areas (excluding gas stations) for petroleum, gas or diesel fuel with storage capacity of 60,000 or more barrels within 3 km of commercial, industrial or residential zones Petroleum, gas or diesel fuel storage 13. Power (a) Constructing thermal power plants that burn fossil fuels with the capacity to generate 10 generation and MW or more transmission (b) Planning dams or hydropower generation that satisfy one or both of the following conditions: (i) Dams and supplementary buildings 15 or more meters tall covering an area of 40 ha or more (ii) Reservoirs 400 ha or more in area (c) Constructing combined cycle power plants (d) Constructing nuclear power plants 14. Quarrying Plans to quarry admixture materials, limestone, silica, quartz, sandstone, marble or decorative 4-23 Field Target Operations building stone within three kilometers of existing residential, commercial or industrial zones or planned development zones that have already been granted permits and approval 15. Railways (a) Constructing new railways (b) Constructing feeder lines 16. Transportation Construction on mass rapid transit projects 17. Resorts and (a) Constructing coastal resort facilities or hotels containing 80 or more rooms recreation (b) Constructing mountaintop resorts or hotels that mark out 50 ha or more of land (c) Developing tourism or recreational facilities within national parks (d) Developing tourism or recreational facilities on islands in ocean waters officially claimed as part of national marine parks 18. Waste treatment (a) Poisonous/hazardous waste and disposal (i) Constructing incineration plants (ii) Constructing (outdoor) collection plants (iii) Constructing (outdoor) effluent treatment plants (iv) Constructing landfill disposal facilities (v) Constructing (outdoor) storage facilities (b) Municipal solid waste (i) Constructing incineration plants (ii) Constructing compost plants (iii) Constructing collection/recycling plants (iv) Constructing municipal solid waste landfill disposal facilities (c) Municipal wastewater (i) Constructing wastewater treatment plants (ii) Constructing drainage to the ocean 19. Water supply (a) Dams and reservoirs 200 ha or more in area (b) Pumping 4,500 m3 or more of groundwater per day for industrial or agricultural use or for an urban water supply Sources: DOE Environmental Measures Japanese Corporations Take When Operating Outside Japan (Malaysia Version); and DOE/MNRE Environmental Requirement: A Guide for Investors 2010 c) EIA Procedures A committee made up of the DOE and ministries or agencies related to the target operation screen the Preliminary EIAs submitted to the DOE by the entities who proposed the target operations. If there are no problems, the committee approves the Preliminary EIAs, and industrial development agencies are cleared to implement operations. Detailed EIA reports must also be prepared and submitted to the DOE when it is deemed from the nature of the operation and the Preliminary EIAs that the operation will have a significant impact on the environment. 4-24 Figure4- 9 EIA Procedures Source: DOE Environmental Measures Japanese Corporations Take When Operating Outside Japan (Malaysia Version) 4-25 Table4- 10 Detailed EIA Target Operations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Target Operations Iron and steel Industry Pulp and paper mills Cement plant Construction of coal fired power plant Construction of dams and hydroelectric power schemes Land reclamation Incineration plant (scheduled waste & solid waste) Sanitary landfill Project involving land clearing where 50% of the area or more having slopes exceeding 25% degrees (except quarry) Logging involving an area exceeding 500 hectares Development of tourist or recreational facilities on island in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks Construction of recovery plant (off-site) for lead-acid battery wastes Scheduled wastes recovery or treatment facility generating significant amount of wastewater which is located upstream of public water supply intake Nonferrous metals- primary smelting Source: DOE/MNRE Environmental Requirement: A Guide for Investors 2010 4-26 (5) Host Country (Implementing Agency and Relevant Agencies) Must-Do for the Project The Project is an environmental and social consideration project and does not require EIAs to be implemented. Once the corporations that will move to the industrial park under consideration are determined, we must do a detailed design of the systems to be introduced and conduct industrial site suitability evaluations. During these evaluations, it would be best to discuss matters for monitoring related to environmental and social considerations. Since we will also consider introducing power supply operations via CHP in the future, it will be important to continuously hold discussions with the tenant corporations, residents and suppliers in the surrounding area and other stakeholders. Below are items that will have environmental and social impacts in the future that we need to consider for the implementation of the Project. Table4- 11 Requirements for Project Implementation Requirements for Project Implementation Related Organizations Detailed design of systems to be introduced and industrial site suitability Johor DOE evaluation process Determining matters to monitor and their frequency Johor DOE Continuous discussions with stakeholders Tenant corporations Residents and suppliers in the surrounding area Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah (MPJBT) Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) Source: Study Team 4-27 Chapter 5 Financial and Economic Evaluation (1) Estimated Project Cost We targeted equipment cost (including 3 Electrical Centrifugal Chillers, 3 Cooling Towers, 3 Chilled Pumps, 3 Cooling Pumps, 2 Make-Up Pumps for Cooling Water, 1 Expansion Tank, 1 Water Tank and others.), piping installation work, electrical installation work, aqueduct construction, installation work of the fire extinguishing system, installation work of the pneumatic plant and others for the cost estimation. To calculate the construction cost for the above items, further study with considering several points regarding the aqueduct construction, such as sectional design of the road, conditions for the construction, future technical innovation, and price fluctuations due to market expansion is required. (2) Overview of Preliminary Financial and Economic Analysis The Project’s main source of revenue is expected to be the sale of cold air to the companies in the industrial park by SPC established by Japanese and local corporations. 1) Financial and Economic Analysis a) Costs and Revenue Revenue based on the several conditions of the project costs was estimated. Cost (Initial Costs, Running Costs, Power Purchase Cost and others) and revenue (Cold Air Sales) in each item were assumed according to similar cases, materials from TNB and others. b) Operation and Management Cost We considered operation and management costs for each of the Projects’ operations based on the basic conditions of financial and economic analysis. c) Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) Calculations 1. Conditions of Calculations We calculated Cash Flow and FIRR by the previously mentioned revenue, costs of construction, management fee and operation cost. On the premise of net cash flow (NCF) and assumed a 10 year Project period. We did not consider the market value of the turbo chiller after 10 year. Since Malaysia’s inflation rate currently hovers around 2%, we set the inflation rate at 2%. This project has high possibility of being applied MIDA Pioneer Status or other preferential measures, however, we did not consider the implementation of such measures in this calculation as conservative basis. We set the factory occupancy ratio; 62.5% for the 1st year, 75.0% for the 2nd year, 87.5% for the 3rd year and 100% for after 4 year. Followings are the other conditions for the calculations. 5-1 Table5- 1 Other Conditions Items for calculating income and expenditures Standard/scale Construction period Notes 1 year Operating period 10 years Depreciation period 10 years Interest (commercial banks) 4% Interest (JICA financing) 3% Construction fund repayment period The initial fixed period is five years. 7 years (commercial banks) Construction fund repayment period 10 years Deferment not considered (JICA financing) Equity capital ratio(commercial banks) 50% Equity capital ratio(JICA financing) 30% Inflation rate 2% Fixed asset tax 0.3% Corporate taxes, etc. 25% Value added tax 5% Source: Study team 2. FIRR Calculations We used the above conditions to determine the situation with loans from commercial banks or financing from JICA. Case 1: Loans from commercial banks (4% Interest, LTV50%) Case 2: Financing from JICA (3% Interest, LTV70%) We calculated non-leverage PIRR and after leverage Equity-IRR as the FIRR for the entire Project on the premise of 10 years calculation period and the above conditions. ・Calculation formula for PIRR I: Investment in factories and equipment Cn:After tax net loss in “n” year + Installment Cost + Interest payment r:Discount Rate (PIRR) 5-2 ・Calculation formula for Equity-IRR CapI: Capital Investment Cen: After tax net loss in “n” year + Installment Cost – Reimbursement amount for the principal loan Re: Discount Rate (EIRR) The Project PIRR exceeds the roughly 4% interest rate on 10 year Malaysian government bonds, so it seems to be possible to loan from commercial banks and we consider the project feasible under the conditions of the above cases. While interest of the JICA financing is 3% comparing to 4% of the commercial banks, LTV is 70% (JICA) and 50% (Commercial banks) each. Therefore, total interest payments to JICA between 10 years operational period is about 1.45 times as much as loans from private banks. On the other hand, equity is reduced by 40% because of the difference about Equity-Capital Ratio between 30% (JICA case) and 50% (Commercial bank case). Consequently, the gap between PIRRs under the cases of loan from JICA and commercial banks is only 0.1%, however, Equity-IRR of JICA case is about 1.6 times as high as that of commercial bank case. We analyzed the sensitivity analysis with the demand fluctuation and the retail price of cold air under the case of loans from the commercial banks. Compared to the base case, on the one hand, PIRR is decreased to about 0.7 times in the case of -10% demand and increased to about 1.27times in the case of +10% demand, on the other hand, Equity-IRR is about 0.66 times in the former case and about 1.27 times in the latter case. In respect to cold air sales, sales price which able to secure more than 4% PIRR as market rate of interest is considered. The demand fluctuation and the price fluctuation affect the business profitability. Thus, demand risk reduction with securing reliable demand and setting reasonable price is required for the implementation of the project. 5-3 2) Economic Analysis We performed economic analysis to verify the relevance of implementing the proposed Project in economic terms. However, due to the nature of the Project that is not becoming a implementing body of tech-park development but a provider of advanced cooling system, we calculated the amount of power consumption and CO2 reduced rather than EIRR. a) Power consumption and the result of Co2 reduction We verified the amount of power consumption and CO2 reduced supposing the Project was implemented. Supposing the Project was not implemented, each factory would use its own individual cooling system, so it was a matter of comparing the two situations. The table below shows that implementing the Project would reduce power consumption 32.14% to 4,849,650kWh. If we convert the amount of power consumption reduced into CO2, we arrive at 4,849,650kWh× 0.689=3,341(t-CO2). Comparing with the individual cooling system, we believe that installation of the regional cooling system is much helpful project for prevention of global warming. Table 5-2: Power Consumption Reduced Per Year if Project is Implemented Unit System COP Power consumed Power costs - Turbo Individual Refrigerator Systems (A) (B) Savings Notes (B) – (A) 1.47 1 - kWh 10,235,800 15,085,450 4,849,650 RM/year 3,686,406 6,491,182 2,804,776 Applied Tariff C2 Source: Study Team b) Benefit for the factories to be in the industrial park The factories can treat the initial cost for installation of the cooling system as the off balance. Factories can reduce the risk with neglecting the maintenance and management cost for the equipment. This will increase their benefit for the factories to be advanced into the industrial park. 5-4 Chapter 6 Planned Project Schedule (1) Nusajaya High-Tech Park development schedule Nusajaya High-Tech Park covers a total area of approx. 210ha and the development is planned in multiple phases as shown below. Figure6- 1 Nusajaya High-Tech Park Development Plan in Multiple Phases Phase 3b 68 acres (27.5ha) Phase 1a & 1b 120 acres P Phase 3C 74 acres (30ha) (48.6ha) Phase 3a 85 acres Phase 2 165 acres (34.4ha) (66.8ha) Area Phase 1a & 1b Phase 2 Phase 3a Phase 3b Phase 3c TOTAL acre 120.00 165.00 85.00 68.00 74.00 512.00 ha 48.56 66.77 34.40 27.52 29.95 207.20 Source: Study team based on materials provided by Ascendas The development schedule is as follows as of November 2013: Phase 1a & b Phase 2 Phase 3a Construction Operation aimed to begin in 2015 Sep. 2015 to Sep. March 2017 to Schedule ~operation begins sequentially until 2017 March 2019 March 2016 Note: Development schedule of Phase 3b and Phase 3c are yet to be formulated. Source: Study team based on materials provided by Ascendas Detailed schedule will likely change significantly in accordance with the demand for the industrial park. 6-1 (2) Project implementation schedule The Project can be implemented when the potential customers of cooling systems are figured out. It is difficult to formulate concrete schedule at this stage. Meanwhile, if certain companies that use the cooling service will surely establish their business in the tech park, the economic feasibility of the Project can be examined more specifically based on the scale of the demand, whether it can be implemented or not can be determined, and the efforts toward its implementation can be accelerated. (Project implementation schedule for Phase 1a) The table below shows the tech park development schedule of Phase 1a as of November 2013. The sales activities of the tech park will start in January 2014. It will be the schedule of district cooling installations development if it is judged that there is a sure prospect of sufficient demand in February 2014. Concrete information on business establishment will be communicated with Ascendas as needed to examine the materialization of the Project. Table6- 1 Project Implementation Schedule with Sure Prospect of Sufficient Demand in Phase 1a(draft) Year Month Land Clearance & Earth works Building Infrastructure 2013 2014 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ▲ ▲ ▲ Docs submission Complete Start construction ▲ ▲ BP Submission BP aporoval Start Construction ▲ IP Submission 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 2015 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ▲ Complete ▲ ▲ IP approval Start construction ▲ complete ▲ ▲ CCC Submisison CCC approval Customer District Cooling System ▲ Contract companies ▲ handover Business Start ▲ Confirm demand Confirm feasibility (if enough demand expected) △ D/D Document submission, construction △ △ complete Plant implementation Start operation Source: Study team based on materials provided by Ascendas 6-2 (Detailed project implementation schedule after the demand shows) Ascendas started land sales of the industrial park in January, 2014, however, we have not been received detailed company information which would locate in the industrial park. This is because they have just started to sales promotion. We are planning to proceed this study in order to materialize this project with exchanging information about companies’ trend with Ascendas. Our detailed project implementation schedule for the district cooling after the demand shows, as below table. Table 6- 1 Detailed project implementation schedule after the demand shows (Tentative) Item Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1) Demand Study 2) Negotiation and adjustment with Ascendas & UEM Sunrise 3) Decision making on the implementation of the district cooling business ★ 4) Establishment of the district cooling company 5) Financing 6) F/S, Basic design, EIA survey 7) Apply for the business license 8) Detailed design 9) Preparation for bidding to decide each construction and plant 10) Bidding result & Contract 11) Preparation for the construction 12) Construction (Piping, etc.) 13) Plant construction 14) Negotiation for contract with users 15) Preparation for the operation 16) Start operation service Source: Study Team 6-3 Year 3~ 1 2 3 4 Chapter 7 Implementing Organizations Table 7-1 shows the main work, authorities and operational capacities of the host country’s organizations relevant to the implementation of the Project. Each organization has sufficient operational capacity. Table 7-1 Implementation ability of the relevant agency of Host Country Relevant Agency Ascendas Main Work, Authorities and Operational Capacity ・ The master developer of the Nusajaya High-Tech Park, the project’s target site. Develops the park in a JV with UEM Sunrise ・ Engaged in the development and operation of over 5.4 million square meters of industrial parks, etc. across Asia, its local company, Ascendas Malaysia, is in charge of the Project for Tech Park. UEN Sunrise ・ The master developer of all development in the Nusajaya region within the Iskandar B region. Develops Nusajaya High-Tech Park in a JV with Ascendas. ・ A Malaysian government-owned group company that engages in real estate investment and land development and the most valuable land developer on Bursa Malaysia whose operations include infrastructure facility management. IRDA ・ A government-run corporation that promotes Iskandar Malaysia’s development plan to attract investors and is in charge of granting beneficial investment conditions within the region. ・ Leads efforts to achieve a low-carbon society within the region and devised plans expected to reduce CO2 emissions 40% from 2005 to 2025 in the Low Carbon Society Blueprint 2025. MIDA ・ Established in 1967 by the Malaysia Industrial Development Authority (Incorporation) Act. ・ The organization that performs screening and evaluations when foreign capital is invested in the manufacturing or service sectors. TNB ・ Malaysia’s government-run power company privatized by the National Electricity Board, its predecessor, in 1990. ・ Will receive power from the implementation of the Project. KeTTHA ・ In charge of drafting and implementing the Malaysian government’s energy policy. DOE ・ The licensing authority for the Project’s EIAs. MPJBT ・ The state government of Johor, in which the Project will be implemented, that installed the one-stop service center to serve as the licensing authority for industrial park development. Gas Malaysia ・ A corporation funded by PETRONAS (Malaysia’s government-run petroleum and gas supplier) and established in 1992 that provides gas to Peninsular Malaysia. ・ A gas supply network has not yet been organized in the Nusajaya region, but the future supply of gas should continue to be considered based on demand. Source: Study team 7-1 Chapter 8 Technical Advantages of Japanese Companies (1) Shape of Projected Japanese Company Participation (Investment, Material and Equipment Procurement, Facility Operation and Management, etc.) Within this project, it was planned for InterAct, Fuji Electric, other Japanese corporations, local enterprises and Ascendes to establish a SPC and conduct business operations. Regarding business investment, the plan was for 50% of the costs to be borne by the aforementioned investment companies and the other 50% to be borrowed from lending institutions. It is assumed that JICA will function as the loan financial institution. Considered business viability with regard to procurement, it would be difficult to buy Japanese products only. However, it would be possible for Japanese manufacture as a prime contractor to construct and install whole system procuring Japanese products and the third country’s products as well as Malaysian’s. Those Japanese manufacturers will assume responsibility for the warranty of that system. As for the operation and management of facilities, materials and equipment, the Japanese manufacturers that supplied the equipment will enter into maintenance agreements to perform scheduled inspections and other items that require special technology, and daily operations and maintenance will be outsourced to local companies with which they can collaborate on a subcontract basis. In addition, along with the increase of tenant companies in accordance with the development of the gas pipeline and the industrial park development plan, as soon as demand can be expected and depending on the industrial park energy supply business and steam accommodation business, various services are planned to be implemented when the demands arises. These include regional cooling services, industrial park plant energy management services, energy conservation consulting services, highly-efficient energy saving equipment leasing services, operational management services, and training services for industrial park infrastructure maintenance personnel. Depending on the service in question, the further participation of Japanese companies is expected.. Figure 8-1: Project Implementation System [Investment companies] InterAct, Fuji Electoric, and other Japanese companies Malaysia companies Singapore companies Equity Private Bank or JICA loan Loan SPC (JV Company) Incentives Engineering/construction Contract Malaysia Government Operation/Maintenance Contract Engineering /Construction Companies Operation /Maintenance Companies Source; Compiled by study team 8-1 (2) Technical and Economical Advantages of Japanese Companies to implement this Project 1) Technical The Project is expected to introduce integrated management of cooling loads within Iskandar region industrial parks (district cooling systems), to reduce environmental impact and manage electrical energy for the entire region, and to further develop the use of heat and electrical energy. Malaysia, with its high average annual temperature, differs from Japan in that it does not have cooling, heating and interim periods where air conditioning operations changeover. Air conditioning systems are mainly used for cooling throughout the year, while central heat source system and individual air conditioning systems are adopted. When introducing district cooling systems to Iskandar region industrial parks, central heat source system enables the integrated management of air conditioning heat source facilities, and the main equipment required are turbo refrigerators, cooling towers, cold water pumps, cooling water pumps, power receiving and transformation facilities and control facilities. Turbo chillers are general purpose equipment that are manufactured in Malaysia as well as by overseas manufacturers. The COP is used as an indicator of turbo chiller efficiency and, with the COP of Malaysian manufacturers being 6 or over, the COPs within Malaysia tend not to vary much with those abroad. That said, the Top-Runner System in Japan spurred the development of high-efficiency transformers, lighting and other electrical equipment, and even electrical equipment not subject to the Top-Runner System is influenced by energy conservation efforts in Japan and is becoming more advanced in various fields such as electrical motors and high-voltage inverter control. For instance, focusing on high efficiency of the electric motor, Japan has established the premier efficiency (IE3) technology in IE code, in the category of efficiency class of the international standard “IEC60034-34”. Japanese technology achieved to down the ratio of loss factor to approximately 35% comparing with the standard efficiency (IE1). Also, in invertor technology for controlling the electric motor, Japan has put the high efficient equipment with power factor over 95% to practical use. The improved efficiency of electrical equipment contributes to reductions in the volume of energy consumed by manufacturing equipment, cooling facilities and air conditioning heat sources for district cooling systems at factories that typically use large quantities of power, and it is also vital technology for reducing environmental impacts across entire regions. Japan’s electric power technology is among the best in the world and is delivered safely and consistently from its points of generation to its points of use. Thus, to build a high-standard, consistent energy infrastructure in Iskandar region industrial parks, the form that the energy system should take is one that integrates the technology possessed by Japanese companies. 8-2 Japanese technology is at or above global standards for air conditioning heat source facilities, electrical equipment and in various other fields, and Japanese corporations have own technology to product and develop those facilities by themselves, therefore, in technical terms, Japanese corporations are highly advantageous for the implementation of the Project. 2) Economical Products manufactured by Japanese corporations are high-tech and high-quality, but they tend to be more expensive than products manufactured in other countries. However, Japan exported 800,000 commercial air conditioners to Malaysia from 2010 to 2012 and in 2013 also, with units for private sector offices and stores showing strong sales, exports have achieved the same status as the previous year. (according to data from the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association). The relocation of industrial businesses into Iskandar region industrial parks should boost demand for air conditioning heat source facilities and electrical equipment, and, in economic terms, Japanese companies could take a commanding role in this Project. Furthermore, installation of Japanese equipment will help the realization of energy system with mitigating the life cycle cost for the regional cooling system. 8-3 (3) Measures Necessary to Promote Orders to Japanese Companies We have worked together with the Singaporean company Ascendas, which has development experience with Singapore Science Park and International Tech Park, Bangalore in India, to implement this study of Nusajaya High-Tech Park, which was developed by Malaysian company UEM Sunrise, the main developer of Iskandar. It would be extremely beneficial to have Japanese governmental support, from the study stage to the implementation stage, while performing strategic alliances with local enterprises, in order to deepen a trusting relationship with an aim to promoting orders to Japanese companies. Ascendas and UEM Sunrise are government funded investment organizations and have an abundance of capital. Japanese corporations, on the other hand, do not have as much financial clout despite possessing superior technology and human resources. One reason Japanese corporations are not making progress in receiving orders is that, while specs for Japanese products are high, their prices are also high. Further, despite the fact that the specs of products from China, Korea and other third countries are inferior to Japanese products, they still meet the minimum requirements in Malaysia and are inexpensive and thus are ultimately chosen over Japanese products. On the other hand, Japanese companies have been implementing corporate efforts to increase their competitiveness, such as shifting the production of non-core technology to countries with low labor costs and increasing production efficiency through creating products by combining components made in Japan, Malaysia and third countries. However, there is a limit to what can be achieved by Japanese companies which have high labor costs. Japanese companies’ business activities for sales promotion, technology introduction, and technology transfer has high needs in line with investment. However, there are some difficulties; such as securing human resources and the cost for HRD. Under these circumstances, we suggest the following policies to increase orders to Japanese companies. Use Japanese government associated funds, expand low-interest, local-currency financing and enhance guarantee functions to finance the investments of Japanese corporations outside of Japan. At early stage of business, companies tend to dispatch Japanese human resources who have skills and knowledge of advanced technologies. Japanese government should give monetary support not only for such mid-term consecutive dispatch but also for repetitious short-term dispatch for several weeks or 1 month. We are hoping for financial support for the project from the Japanese government including JICA financing. 8-4