Pre-Ride Newsletter


Pre-Ride Newsletter
Welcome to SAGBRAW®
Pre-Ride Newsletter
Vol. 38 2015
August 1 - 7, 2015
Your safety on the tour is the utmost importance to us.
Ride Safe!
**Save **
information inside
Tour Staging Area
Mishicot High School
Saturday August 1st, 1- 3pm
This year we return to the popular eastern
Wisconsin route into Door County. It should be
a great ride with lots of fun and suprises along
the wonderful backroads and lake shores of
We’ve been working hard all year to make the
tour the best, and prove once again that Wisconsin is “heaven” for cycling!
During the tour, stop by and say hi, and let us
Happy Cycling,
A word about
the weather
weather can vary widely.
Night temperatures in
the northwoods can dip
into the 40s, so pack
a few warm clothes or
be prepared to layer.
On other tours we’ve
had a 220F night in the
north in 1992 and the
outside wash basins
froze; in 1995, we had
the other extreme —
1250 heat index for the
final three days of the
ride! Usually, however,
the temperatures are in
the 60’s to 70’s at night
and 80’s to 90’s during
the day.
Rain is common and should
be planned on.
INFO TABLE/RIDER SERVICES TABLE - Stop by for the latest info about routes, rest stops,
town info or to rent a chair.
We’re there to help make your
tour enjoyable. The Info Table will be located in
a prominent place at each overnight site.
Open 1pm-5pm; Closed for dinner 5-6pm;
All public
schools are
drug, guns &
alcohol free
MESSAGE BOARD - During the
tour check the Message Board
located near the Info Table. You’ll
find the latest about routes, local
businesses, weather, next days highlights and
you can also post a message.
“Cyclists fare best when
they act and are treated
as drivers of vehicles.”
--J. Forester
Effective Cycling
Welcome to the the 38th annual
SAGBRAW® tour!
W E WA N T Y O U ! Consider joining the
Volunteer Team! Volunteers have a lot of fun helping the tour run smoothly
– not to mention receive
a reduction in tour registration fee. (If you have
already registered and want to volunteer, we’ll
gladly refund the difference.) We have a few
riding and non-riding positions left. Check the
website for more information or email/call us.
Save money and have fun, volunteer today!
Volunteer Route Support Teams
Do you know someone who would
like to come on the tour but doesn’t
want to bike? Encourage them to
volunteer as a SAG driver! It’s fun!
HAM radio operators are always welcome. HAM
and SAG volunteers will receive free meal plan
and tent service. Email [email protected] call for more information.
Like us!
Also check Facebook
before, during and after the tour, and tell your family and friends
to follow you during the tour.
We will have a cellphone charging station
each night. Most overnight sites will have
wi-fi access and a computer lab for checking email.
VOLUNTEERS ARE AWESOME! This tour would not be possible without the help of super
volunteers. These hard-working and caring people donate their time to help you have a safe
and fun-filled vacation.
When you see a volunteer, please smile and say thank you! Your simple gesture will go a long
way in making them feel appreciated!
tour registration and tour start
Brief history
Started in 1978, originally called SAAGBRAW (Sentinel’s Active American’s Great
Bike Ride Across Wisconsin), was the first
cross-state bike tour
in Wisconsin. The very
first SAAGBRAW had
a route that went from
LaCrosse to Milwaukee. The tour has had
a number of different
organizers through the
years. Today it is organized by Two Bicycles
and a Map, Ltd., who
also organize the GRABAAWR® and the Bike
Northwoods Tour.
phone number
Staging Area and Tour finish
Mishicot High School, 660 Washington St., Mishicot, WI
Here you can park for the week, load your bike onto the luggage truck and ride the motorcoach to the
tour start. When you get back you’ll be treated to a free celebration lunch and hot showers!
PRE-RIDE CAMPING FRIDAY 7/31 AT THE TOUR STAGING AREA - Pre-Ride Tent Camping is FREE at the Tour Staging Area. No indoor camping or food will be available on Friday
night. Restrooms will be available. You can set up your tent once staff opens the site at 5 p.m.
No Towel Service nor Deluxe Tent option during pre-ride camping. Regular camping and all
services starts in Oconto on Saturday night 8/1.
Driving to the TOUR START - Be sure to allow yourself adequate time for the drive to the
Tour Start because construction delays are common this time of year. For specific driving directions
from your location, check and check the WI DOT construction hot line 511
CARPOOLING TO TOUR STAGING AREA - Many people carpool to the Staging
Area. Consider posting your Ride-Share message via the internet SAGBRAW®
facebook page. Happy carpooling!
Parking at the Tour stAGING AREA - Week-long parking is FREE at the Tour
Staaging Area. Be sure to sign the waiver and get your parking pass for your windshield
when you arrive. Parking is at your own risk. There will be a parking team on hand to
assist you. Please display the pass in the left-hand corner of your windshield.
BICYCLE LOADING - You do not need to disassemble or box your bike. It is a good idea to
remove panniers, front bags, mirrors, lights, computers, pumps, cell phones, and waterbottles
or anything else that might fall off in transport. Attendants will be onhand to load your bike.
Bikes will be unloaded in Oconto on 8/1, @5pm. We’ll need eveyone’s help to unload.
MOTORCOACHES - The motorcoaches will be continually arriving and each
will depart as soon as they are filled starting at 1pm. The last motorcoach will
depart at 3pm sharp. Load your luggage into the underneath luggage bins on
the motorcoach. The motorcoaches seat 55 passengers with air-conditioning and
a bathroom. No food will be available at the Staging Area in the morning. Bring a snack along.
The drive to the tour start is about 2 hours. An onboard movie & safety video will be shown.
Go to the order form on page 9 to purchase motorcoach option.
During the tour,
the above number
will be checked
daily from 9am to
9pm for messages.
Please tell your
family and friends
about this phone
Ride Safely!
Tour Registration
Tour Registration and Tour start:
Oconto Elementary School, 810 Scherer Ave., Oconto, WI
Tour Registration hours: Saturday, 8/1, 3-5pm and 8-8:30pm & Sunday, 8/2, 7-8am
Registration packet includes: maps & cue sheets, wristband, 4 luggage tags, bike number and
other prepurchased items. Packets are issued by rider number. An alphabetical list will be posted
so you can look up your rider number. Bring a copy of your confirmation to registration.
PARTICIPANTS JOINING THE TOUR LATER IN THE WEEK - You may pick up your registration
packet at any overnight site by reporting to the Info Table. Registration pickup times at the Info
table hours are daily from 7-8am in the morning,1-5pm and from 6-9pm.
Page 2
OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS are a combination of indoor and outdoor camping. At all sites, you have your choice of
either sleeping inside the gym or camping out on the school grounds. Showers will be available at the schools and also in the new
shower trailer. If sleeping inside, you will need a sleeping bag, pad and/or blanket. A tent is needed if you camp out (preferred
by 2/3 of the riders). If bringing a cot, add tennis balls to the bottom legs. To protect tents and gym floors.
MOTELS are optional. Consult the Official Motel List at We offer a popular and convienent
Motel Luggage Valet if you’d like your luggage waiting for you when you ride to the motel.
More info on page 8.
FOOD - The tradition of having community and school groups offering delicious and convienent dinners and breakfasts continues AND will be the Meal Plan. You may register for the Meal Plan in advance or purchase ala carte within the last half-hour
of the meal time. For those who prefer to eat in town, shuttle buses will be available in the evening from the overnight site. All
lunches are on your own. A community group may have a lunch stand set up along the route or restaurants may be available. Afternoon
concessions at the overnight site may also be available. Check out the Meal Plan menus on page 9.
THE DAILY REST STOP is a fundraiser for local community groups. You will be able to purchase high energy
snacks and bakery items. Some rest stops may have lunch available too. Use the rest stop as a chance to get
off your bike, hydrate and re-energize, A bicycle pump and first aid supplies will be available. Check your cue
sheets for location and closing time of the Daily Rest Stop.
WATER STOPS - In addition to the Daily Rest Stops there will also be Water Stops along the bike route. These
will be spaced out about every 10-20 miles. They will have water, bike pumps, first aid kit, cell phone and/or HAM
radio communications and a place to get off your bike and relax. Check your daily cue sheets for locations and
closing times of the Water Stops.
SAG SERVICE will run from 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. SAG vehicles will carry water, first aid supplies and bike pumps, but no food.
SAG service along the marked route is for mechanical breakdowns and supporting exhausted riders, not in need of
medical transport. They are not intended as a taxi service. SAG vehicles will either move along the route or be parked off
to the side of the road. If you want to signal a SAG to Stop, pat the top of your helmet, “Tap on top, we will stop.” The driver
will then move ahead of the cyclists and pull off the road. All riders under 16 years must have an adult accompany them in
the SAG vehicle.
As the tour progresses to the next overnight location, all route signs will be removed and the entire route will be closed daily
by 5:00 pm. Riders still out after 4 pm will be given an option of staying out on their own or sagging in. If you are sagged
during the day your bicycle will be tagged with your name and rider number and delivered to the Info table. If you leave the
bike route, services will not be available to you. Be sure to always bring your cue sheet(s) when you bike.
BIKE REPAIR ON THE TOUR - Once again we are delighted to have Wheel and Sprocket, providing our bikers with excellent mechanical support. The mechanics advise riders to bring along extra tubes and spokes specific to your bike; this
will decrease the likelihood of any “tour-halting” breakdowns. They will follow along the bike route and be setup at the rest
stop and at the overnight site.
WEATHER-RELATED EMERGENCIES - Weather forecasts will be posted in the morning on the Message
Board. Keep your eyes on the sky. If severe conditions develop or are predicted while you’re on the route, take
cover in a suitable shelter that will protect you. If you’re in a building, move into the interior hallways.
Riders who decide not to bicycle due to injury and/or illness are asked to let us know ASAP. This is so we can
plan to accommodate them and their bicycles in our vehicles. Please report to the Info Table NO LATER THAN 7:00 am with
your bicycle and gear.
When a tour participant requires any type of medical treatment during the tour at a hospital, clinic or
doctor’s office, they must obtain a medical release from the physician administering the treatment. Two Bicycles and a Map's
insurance carrier requires a medical release from a physician clearing a treated cyclist to continue on the tour. When the
participant returns from medical treatment, they must stop by the Info Table and submit the medical release form.
NIGHT STAFF - During the night, any emergencies should be reported to the staff person on duty. Check the daily message
board for staff sleeping location.
Page 3
Riding Two-abreast
is permitted on any
street as long as other
traffic is not impeded. When riding two
abreast on a two-ormore-lane roadway, you
both must ride within a
single lane.
Wisconsin bicycle law
Hand Signals Bicyclists are required
to use the same hand
signals as motorists
[346.35]. Hand signals
are required within 50
feet. of your turn. It is
not required continuously if you need both
hands to control the
Wisconsin bicycle law
WITH KIDS - Be sure
to stop by the Family Registration Table
We have some special
tips and information for
Lane positioning
Always ride on the right,
in the same direction as
other traffic. WI Bicycle
Law [346.80(2)(a)].
Ride Safely!
GETTING FIT - The question we hear the most is, How do I get in shape for the tour?
Before you jump on your bike, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Biking is a high-activity exercise. First and most important, get medical clearance from
your doctor before you start any exercise program. “Start out slowly,” says Dr. Kenneth
Cooper, author of Faith-Based Fitness, “it may have taken you 20 years to get out of
shape. If you try to get back into shape in 20 days, you can injure yourself.” First sit
down with a calendar and look at the time frame between now and the start of the event. Pencil
in on the calendar how much time you have available to train; consider how much time you think
you’ll need to train to be physically ready for the event. Make a plan and start setting your training
goals. If you’re not sure what kind of training is right for you, meet with a sports trainer who can
help you develop an appropriate program that fits your fitness level and schedule.
If this is your first ride of the year, pick a short distance with relatively flat terrain, and bike at a high
revolution per minute (80-90 rpm) with very low resistance. The next day, if you’re not sore, go a
little further . If you are sore, you overdid something! Back off and try to pinpoint what is causing
the problem. Was it the distance, terrain or low resistance/high rpm? Listen to your body!
“This is the period of time that cyclists set the ground work for a successful season,” says Pam
Barrett, physical therapist and certified athletic trainer who writes for the Wisconsin Bicyclist.
“Pedaling in a gear that requires a slow, labored pedal stroke or cadence quickly fatigues unconditioned muscles. Pedaling in a gear that allows faster spinning helps to eliminate knee pain, build
endurance and develop a smooth pedal stroke.”
Leave entire weekends free before the event to do longer rides. Bike at different times of the
day, in all kinds of temperatures and weather to get your body ready. Be sure to consume plenty
of liquids!
“If you think about drinking, you are probably already dehydrated. You need to be drinking about
one big water bottle per hour while riding,” says Barrett.
Join the New Bike Wisconsin Training program,
html, It’s free!
YOUR BIKE - What kind of bicycle should you bring on the tour? Bring one that
is suitable for long distance road touring and is comfortable to ride for five to six
hours a day. It’s important that you bike fits you, feels comfortable, has a comfy
saddle, and doesn’t cause you pain.
Get your bike in shape before the start of the tour. You or a mechanic should check and/or replace
the following items before the tour: brake pads, tires, wheels trued, spokes, drivetrain (chain,
deraileurs, gears). Make sure that you tighten all the screws on your bicycle, including those on
any acccessories. Clean your bike and chain. Remember to keep your chain well oiled during the
tour. Your bike will shift smoother, brake better and be nicer to ride. Check out the Resources
part of the website for more great tips,
ACCIDENTS - Should you witness or be involved in an accident, call 911. Please record:
who was involved, what happened, when, where and why it happened, including the
road and weather conditions at that time. If a car was involved, please get the motorist’s
driver’s license number, phone number, insurance info and car license plate number.
Then notify the tour directors about the accident as soon as possible.
ACCIDENT PREVENTION - Always wear your helmet and reflective triangle/fanny bumper. You
should always wear your wristband, carry personal identification, health insurance card, medical
information and a note pad and pen.
If you have a cell phone, be sure to bring it along.
FIRST TIME RIDER PROGRAM - If this is your first week-long bicycle touring event, we’ve developed a program just for you. We would like to help make your first bike touring experience as
safe and enjoyable as possible. We know that you may have a lot of questions and we would like
to help. We’ve planned a short meeting at the tour start to help expand your cycling knowledgebase and help you feel more comfortable on your bike. The First Time Rider meeting is onsite
after Registration. Check the message board for location and time.
Page 4
WHAT TO BRING - be sure to “PACK LIGHT” **recommended list**
Be sure to line your luggage with plastic
garbage bags to keep your belongings dry
in case of rain.
o bike & helmet
o up to (4) wheeled duffle bags 40lb
o tent (if camping outside)
o sleeping bag/pad
o bike shorts/jerseys
o bike handlebar bag
o bike gloves
o bike light (front white light and red
rear reflector required by law for
night riding)
o rain gear
o bike pump
o sunglasses
o bike shoes
o extra spokes (bikes may have three
extra inner tubes
bike lock & bike cover
safety triangle
fleece jacket
water bottles/Camelbak
garbage bags (liners)
first aid kit
walking shoes
long pants
long sleeve shirt
bug spray
hand sanitizer lotion
duct tape for repairs
clothes line & pins
Zip lock bag for cue sheet
energy bars
paperback book
notebook and pen
camera and film
swim suit
small pillow
cell phone
ear plugs and sleep mask
@$30 daily spending
money for lunches &
Attach the tour luggage tag
numbers to your bags. These
will help identify your bags
when they come off the luggage trucks. Pack everything
inside your bag in baggies or
plastic garbage bags to protect
the contents from getting wet.
The bags are spread out on the
ground at the overnight sites
at the end of the day’s ride and
are subject to getting wet if it
rains. (Although we do our best
to prevent this from happening.)
If bringing a cot, add tennis
balls to the bottom legs. To
protect tents and gym floors.
No breakables, flammables, sharp objects or liquids in
your luggage!
NO COOKING or use of cookstoves or campfires is permitted on school grounds at anytime due to fire codes.
BIKE LOCKS are highly recommended. You will frequently be away from your bike while eating, sleeping or stopping for
attractions along the route. While we haven’t had any big theft problems, locking your bike simply means you won’t have to
worry about it.
BIKE EQUIPMENT - You should bring TWO WATER BOTTLES or a Camelbak® with you on your bike each day. Carrying a
spare tube or patch kit will also help get you back on the road after a flat sooner than waiting for one of the repair trucks to show
up. A small bike bag for extra water, snacks, clothing, wallet or other things you may need during the day is recommended.
DAILY BAGGAGE TRANSPORT will be by truck during the tour. We issue only four baggage tags, (wheeled duffle bags are
ideal) 40 lbs per bag limit. Each morning during the tour, you need to bring your luggage to the truck by 8:30 a.m. Load your
own or hand it to the loaders. Do not just place it on the ground and walk away. Be sure you have everything you need
for the day, before you load it. Bags cannot be retrieved once loaded. Each afternoon, your baggage will be waiting for
you when you reach the next overnight site. Most sites will have a Red-Wagon team to assist moving your bags from the
luggage truck. We encourage you to tip the Red Wagon team as this benefits local volunteer groups.
Lost & Found - There will be a Lost & Found box near the Info Table. Riders finding items of higher value i.e. wallets,
purses, are asked to bring these and like items to the staff at the Info Table and assist in logging pertinent information regarding the item. Please do not deposit high value items in the regular Lost and Found box.
PERSONAL SAGS - Cars, buses, trucks, RVs or camper trailers are allowed to follow the tour provided
they purchase and display an On-Tour Vehicle Permit at all times. In addition, each person in the vehicle is
required to fill out a registration form, sign the waiver and pay a non-rider fee.
Pickup the Personal SAG Packet during registration, it includes driving directions (to avoid driving on the bicycle route).
Personal SAG’s staying at the overnight sites will not be allowed to park or setup until 12:00 noon. This will allow us time
to set up tour equipment and to designate camping and parking areas. If you choose to camp, hook-ups are not available at
overnight sites. No campfires or grilling are permitted. Observe quiet hours (no generators) from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily.
Note: No overnight Personal SAG parking will be available in Ellison Bay, due to space limitations. Please consider
nearby campgrounds.
To obtain an On-Tour Vehicle permit go to page 9.
CPAP machines are allowed at overnight sites. Bring an extension cord. Please check in at the Rider Services table during Registration to pickup a yellow tag to mark it.
Be sure to bring a lock and cover for your bike.
Page 5
SAGBRAW® Itinerary (tentative)
Friends and Family Emergency Phone Number 608-839-7041 (checked during the tour)
You can get on the
road as early as you
want, but we want everyone on the road no
later than 9am Please
bike with a light if you
bike early or late.
Forgot what you
signed up for?
To request a copy of
your confirmation by
emailing us at info@
Saturday, August 1
Staging Area: Mishicot High School, 660 Washington St., Mishicot, WI.
Motorcoaches leave between 1pm and 3pm
Registration: 3-5pm Oconto Elementary School, 810 Scherer Ave., Oconto WI.
Unload bikes: at school: 5pm
Late Registration: 8pm-8:30pm and on Sunday 7-8am
On your own for Special “Taste of Oconto” dinners in town
Welcome All-Rider meeting: 7:15pm Check message board for location
Sunday, August 2
Pass through towns: Little Sumaico
Overnight at Red Smith K-8 School, 2765 Sussex Rd., Green Bay, WI
Monday, August 3
Pass through town: Green Bay, Dyckesville
Overnight at Sturgeon Bay High School, 1230 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay, WI
Tuesday, August 4
Pass through towns: Jacksonport, Baileys Harbor, Sister Bay
Overnight at Ellison Bay
Indoor camping FULL, consider outdoor camping or motel.
Nightly Rider Meeting
6:30pm usually in the
cafeteria with updates
on the next day’s route.
Don’t miss it!
Be sure to wash your
hands to prevent the
spread of germs.
Quiet time is from 10
pm until 6am Please
be respectful of your
fellow bikers.
Wednesday, August 5
Pass through towns: Gills Rock, Washington Island
Overnight at Ellison Bay
Indoor camping FULL, consider outdoor camping or motel.
Thursday, August 6
Pass through towns: Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay
Overnight at Algoma High School, 1715 Division St., Algoma, WI
Friday, August 7
Pass through towns: Rio Creek, Kewaunee
Congratulations you made it! Showers available
Finish at Mishicot High School, 660 Washington St., Mishicot, WI
Free Celebration Lunch and for riders, $8 for guests. Don’t forget to tell us your food
New Bike Wisconsin Tech Tee
E-Z care. Wicking. UV protected. Syntrel Extreme Moisture Transport®
technology. 100% microfiber polyester. Silky hand feel. Covered stitched
seams. Unisex.
Order now, because quantities are limited.
To Order go to page 9.
Ride Safely!
Your wristband must be worn on your wrist at all times. It’s your entrance into all tour activities. The phone number for SAG service is printed on your wristband. When you need
help fast, just look at your wrist. Always display your bike tag number.
Page 6
SAGBRAW® Themed Days
To add an element of fun to the tour, we’ve planned “themed days”, i.e. , Krazy Helmet day, Hawaiian day, etc. Each day
will have a different look and feel and activities. Jump in and have a ball. Check out the suggestions to get the most fun out
of each day.
Saturday: Registration and Kick-Off Party and Taste of Oconto
Hop on the local shuttle bus to local area restaturant for “Taste of Oconto” and the All-Rider Welcome
meeting at 7:15pm. Meet your fellow bikers.
Sunday: Green Bay Packer Day Show off you green and gold as you stop at Lambeau Field, the storied home
of the NFL Green Bay Packers. Stop in and have a brat!
Monday: SAGBRAW Jersey Day
Show your colors by wearing your SAGBRAW jersey. Hop the local Shuttle bus for entertainment at the Music
Motel in Downtown Sturgeon Bay.
Tuesday: Green Day
Stop by the Info Table in the morning to pickup your small gabage bag to pickup trash along the bike route and
turn it into SAG’s. Stop by the Info table for your “Green Day” bike lapel pin. Suggestion: Wear someting green.
Wednesday: Krazy Helmet Day
Layover Day. Pick from many optional activities. Bike, zipline, kayak, ride the car ferry to Washington Island, shop
or just relax, your choice. Krazy Helmet Contest prizes. Suggestions: Bring items to decorate your helmet.
Thursday: Hawaiian Day
Stop by the Info Table to pickup your own Hawaiian leis before you head out. Suggestions: Wear a Hawaiian shirt
instead of a jersey, they’re colorful and cool.
Friday: Pirate Day
Enjoy a well deserved Celebration Lunch and a hot shower! Suggestion: Aye, matey’s-bring a bandana or pirate
All Week Long
Consult your Official SAGBRAW® Tour Itinerary in your registration packet and keep an eye on the message board for daily updates and
more fun activities and suprises each day! Subject to change.
SAGBRAW Tour Talent Show
Thursday night after the Nightly Rider meeting 7pm
Bring your funny ideas, skits or songs. We can carry your musical instrument in our vehicles.
We’re proud to offer a sport-cut jersey. It’s made by
Primal, one of the leading producers of technical
clothing for cyclists. It features wicking fabric, a fullfront zipper (making it easier to get on and off), and
strategically placed seams for your riding comfort. In
unisex sizes.
Order now, because quantities are limited.
To order go to page 9.
Page 7
If you are signed up for tent, towel or motel luggage valet be sure to check-in at the
Rider Services table during registration.
DELUXE TENTS - Are you tired of setting up, taking down and packing your tent
everyday? Let us do it for you! The tent service is hosted by local school and community groups which help raise funds for valuable school and community projects.
You’ll receive a roomy tent; single, double or jumbo size, camp chair and towel
service for the week; double & jumbo tents include 2 chairs & 2 towel sets. You will
need to bring your own mattress or pad and sleeping bag. When you arrive at the next overnight
location your tent will be setup, fresh towel inside and easy chair nearby ready for you to
relax in! To reserve your relaxing tent, go to page 9.
Don’t miss the FrenchProvence Slide Show
and the Hawaii Big Island Slide Show during the tour. Check the
Tour Itinerary for exact
times and location.
TOWN SHUTTLE Most overnight towns
will have a free school
bus shuttle. It’ll drive
between the overnight
site and into town to
the local restaurants
and highlights.
We’d love
your comments. Surveys will be
sent out by email at the
end of the tour. Anyone that does not have
email is invited to stop
by the Info Table and
fill out a survey anytime during the tour.
Cancellation PolicySee for complete
Ride Safely!
MOTEL LUGGAGE VALET - This optional service will transport your luggage daily to
one of the “official” motels of your choice by early afternoon each day and pick it up by
8 am the next day. Cycle directly to the motel and your luggage will be waiting for you.
You can sign up for either the entire week or just one night. Consult the Motel lists at for the Official Tour Motels. 40 lbs limit per bag.
To reserve the convienent Motel Luggage Valet, go page 9.
FRESH TOWELS - You’ll get a large clean bath towel, (24 inches by 42 inches),
and a small clean wash cloth each day. The towel service is hosted by local school
and community groups which help raise funds for valuable school and community
projects. This optional service is available to anyone who has ever pulled a smelly,
stinky, damp towel from their bag and thought, ‘there must be a better way’. The better way is to
sign up for this service, and trade those dirty towels for fresh, clean towels each day. It’s that easy!
To reserve your towel, go to page 9.
EASY CHAIR - Treat yourself to a relaxing camp chair. Your chair will be waiting for
you when you arrive at camp each night. The chairs come with a built-in footrest.
Kick your feet up and take a well deserved nap! To reserve your chair, go page 9.
Tour Jerseys, socks, water bottles and other goodies will be available. Quantities are limited.
To reserve your tour jersey now, go to page 9.
We’re thrilled that our favorite massage therapists, Kathy and Tracy back again! Their fabulous
massage techniques will do wonders for you after a long day on the bike. Check the message
board for location of the massage rooms.
stretching your body - Join in with Donna the warmup/stretching leader for a 20-25 minute warmup/stretching session each day at the overnight site. Bring a towel or mat.
Check the message board for location.
MORNING COFFEE - Start your day off right with a hot cup of java! Most overnight sites will
have a local morning coffee vendor setup by the camping area.
Bike ResponsibLY
SAGBRAW® follows relatively safe, low-traffic public roads. Bicycling, however, can be a hazardous activity. Your participation is on the condition that you have signed a waiver absolving the
organizers and sponsors from any liability, including attorney fees – in the event you or a minor
in your care is involved in an accident or are injured. You are expected to follow the rules of the
road and ride safely. An approved bicycle helmet is highly recommended.
Page 8
Meal Plan - Food is the primary source of fuel that propels you and your bicycle down the road. We are pleased to
offer a meal plan that will fill your fuel tank with convienient, delicious and healthy food. The meals will be served mostly
in school cafeterias, with breakfasts from 6-7:30 a.m. and dinner from 5-6:30 p.m. Ala Carte will only be available the last
1/2 hour of each meal, this is so we don’t run out of food for the pre-paid meals. A vegetarian option will be offered at each meal,
please indicate on your registration form your preference for vegetarian meals. No meal plans will be sold on the tour.
Menu (subject to change)
Oconto Sunday Breakfast Scrambled eggs, sausage, potatoes, bagels w/cream cheese, hot & cold cereal, fruit, juices, yogurt,
coffee, milk
Green Bay Sunday Dinner TBA Buffet
Green Bay Monday Breakfast TBA Buffet
Sturgeon Bay Monday Dinner Spaghetti with meat and without meat), green salad,garlic bread, fresh fruit, drinks, dessert
Sturgeon Bay Tuesday Breakfast Scrambled eggs, sausage, potatoes, bagels w/ cream cheese, old fashioned oatmeal, cold
cereal, fruit, juice, coffee/tea, milk
Ellison Bay Tuesday Dinner On your own
Ellison Bay Wednesday Breakfast On your own
Ellison Bay Wednesday Dinner On your own
Ellison Bay Thursday Breakfast Breakfast buffet: A faboulous spread of homemade pastries from Grandma’s Swedish Bakery
including the 1/2 pound pecan and cinnamon rolls, Danish puff, morning glory muffins, turnovers. Fresh cut fruit, jogurt, egg lasagna, Swedish pancakes wirh Door County cherrries or strawberries, potato pancakes, old fashioned oatmeal, scrambled eggs,
sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, beverage, juice
Algoma Thursday Dinner Spaghetti w/meat or veggie sauce with beans, spinach, salad bar, garlic bread, whole fruit, drinks,
Algoma Friday Breakfast French toast, sausage, hot and cold cereal, oatmeal, fruit, cinnamon toast, juice, yogurt, milk,
coffee, tea.
To pay by credit card, please go to and click on Signup. To use a check, please fill out and mail in
the order form below.
Name(s)_____________________________________________________________ (list all names)
Motorcoach & Bike transport: Mishicot to Oconto $110 8/1...........................______
Meal Plan: Full All Breakfast and Dinners $100
Vegetarian Y N
Dinner only $48; Breakfast only $60 ........................................______
Motel Luggage Valet $125 for week/ 1 bag
or $25/day X _____# of days X ____# of bags = ...........................................______
Deluxe Tent: $290 Single $350 Double $440 Jumbo
Includes tent setup & take-down, chair & towels, bring your own pad......................................______
Fresh Towel: $42 for the week. Fresh towels everyday........................................ ______
Easy Chair: $60 for the week. Your own cozy chair each day............................... ______
Easy Chair & Fresh Towel: $98 fresh towel and cozy chair daily......................... ______
On-tour Vehicle Permit: $80 required for all on-tour vehicles ..............................______
SAGBRAW® Jersey: $70 S M L XL XXL XXXL...........................................______
Bike Wisconsin® Socks: $10 M L ..................................................................______
Med: Womens 8.5-10.5, Men’s 7-9; Large: Women’s 11-13, Men’s 9.5-11.5
Bike Wisconsin® Tech Tee: $22 S M L XL 2XL ...........................................______
Page 9
July 10
Make checks
payable to:
PO Box 3142
Madison, WI
PO Box 407
Deerfield, WI 53531
[email protected]
Pre-Ride Newsletter
TOUR information inside
Tour Staging Area
1 - 3 p.m. Mishicot High School, Mishicot, WI
Saturday August 1st
Thunder Showers LLC