Newsletter - Hauraki Plains College
Newsletter - Hauraki Plains College
9 April 2009 Issue 4 Hauraki Plains College Newsletter Tena Koutou matua ma Dear parents and caregivers 23 April Day one of Term Two 25 April ANZAC DAY 9 May Cross Country Champs Reports issued 24 May Teacher – Parent Interviews Within the next few weeks, NCEA results from last year will be publically available. NCEA results are normally reported in two ways – participation rates or July 1st return rates. The first is normally used by the media as it includes all pupils who were entered to complete a qualification in any given year. Below are our participation results compared with national average at each level. NCEA Level 2 is considered the basic qualification needed to demonstrate that a young person has the knowledge and skills for life and work in the 21st century. While achieving this basic qualification is an important goal for some students, striving to achieve a Merit or Excellence endorsement is an appropriate goal for others in terms of both personal best and ensuring entry to tertiary courses which may have a limited intake. One of the Board of Trustees’ targets therefore is to increase the number of students who achieve endorsements. To achieve a Merit or Excellence endorsement, students are required to achieve a minimum of 50 credits at the endorsed level. In 2011, 106 students achieved a Merit or Excellence endorsement in their NCEA qualication, an increase of 35 from the previous year. 15 June Teacher Only Day A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our centennial celebrations There are no silver bullets to improving student achievement and we have worked for many years on a number of contributing factors including the following: Developing a learning centred culture Building positive, respectful and supportive relationships between students and staff Engaging students in worthwhile, relevant and diverse learning opportunities Developing teachers’ understanding of how students learn and developing teaching practice in the classroom Ensuring students have basic and advanced skills as required in reading, writing and maths 2 Kaihere Rd, PO Box 44 NGATEA Phone: (07)867-7029 Fax: (07) 867-7020 email: [email protected] 1 As with anything worthwhile, this is a work in progress and the Board’s Annual Plan sets out how we are intending to continue to refine this work. In the end, every student who fails is a cause for concern and must be urgently addressed. On the other hand, every student who is doing best work and becoming best self needs to be celebrated. Tying Career Choices to Job Prospects a Wise Move There are many considerations in selecting a career, not least of which is personal interest and job satisfaction. We spend so much of our life at work that we need to be happy in the work that we do. But future job prospects and earnings should also be a consideration. Will we get a job when we qualify? Will the salary justify the expense of the training? With the first term over, it is important that students take stock of where they are at in their learning and set a goal for next term. Reports are due out in week three of next term, followed by teacher – parent interviews. In choosing a career, ideally we should look at long-term prospects for occupations as we would hope to stay in employment for the duration of our career. But job prospects at the time of graduation are important too. Not finding a job in our chosen field can damage our long-term career prospects. Not working in our chosen field erodes the skills and knowledge obtained during study and increases the chances of being channelled into a career for which our qualifications are irrelevant. Best wishes to staff and students for a refreshing break over the next two weeks especially after such a busy term. Ngaire Harris Principal Academic It is difficult to look into the future and identify which occupations are likely to have good prospects, especially at the point at which we qualify. Infometrics' forecasts of industry growth and the changing skills needed within industries can give us clues about which occupations will be in growing demand in the near future. Up Coming Careers Events – Term 2 Monday 30 April Auckland University of Technology Liaison visit 1:30 Careers Centre Friday 11 May Waikato University Open Day, Bus Trip Saturday 12 May Massey University Liaison visit/seminar 1:30 Careers Centre Thursday 17 May Massey University Liaison visit/seminar 1:30 Careers Centre Tuesday 22 May Otago University Liaison visit/seminar 1:30 Careers Centre The New Zealand economy is hungry for highlevel skills. Indeed, nearly half of all new jobs created over the next five years will ideally require a degree. A commerce degree is a safe choice as it is the category with by far the biggest expected increase in demand. Demand for these qualifications will be supported by robust growth in the financial and business services sectors, which have been the growth leaders in the New Zealand economy over the past decade. Another growth leader is telecommunications, which has been expanding rapidly, and will continue to do so, with the ever widening range of telecommunication services available to households and businesses. Prospects for highly skilled occupations within the industry, such as professional telecommunication and electronic engineers, are outstanding. Wed/Thu 23/24 May Gateway 1st Aid Course HPC Pavilion Wed 23 May Study Link Presentation (Student Allowances/Loans). All Year 12/13 students. 2 2:12 Awards However, prospects for lower-skilled technicians are less rosy as rapid technological advancement in the industry is resulting in the industry substituting technicians for graduate engineers. English A field of study with good prospects is information technology. Demand for IT professionals will grow as firms invest in new IT systems after under-investment during the recession. Job prospects are enhanced by the low supply of new IT graduates. Fabrics Craft Science After poor prospects for many years, it is now a great time to get a trade qualification, although prospects differ across fields of study. Demand for trades workers has been suppressed in the past by the decline in manufacturing and, more recently, construction. Prospects in both of these sectors are turning around. Social Studies Yasmeen Surrey Elena Schouten Natalyha Surgison Natasha Price Julia Barugh Cheyenne Tata-Moyle Tessa Zank Donne Wallace-Hunter Zac Watkin Oliver Liddell Julia Barugh Zac Richards David van Vliet Year 9 Camp A big thank you to all the parents, staff and students who helped on the Camp this year. It was much appreciated by all the people who ran the camp. Without the assistance of parents and students we would not have a successful camp. Prospects for the building trades, and indeed most occupations related to construction including structural engineering, architecture and surveying, are excellent. During the next few years, activity in the construction industry is predicted to pick up to levels even higher than the peak of the building boom in the mid-2000s. It is not just the rebuild in Christchurch that will contribute to this but also repair work to leaky buildings and the rapid growth in residential construction, which will be required to overcome the shortage of residential accommodation that has built up during the construction slump over the past five years. Unfortunately many students did not collect all their gear from camp when they arrived home and it sat around for a week or so even when the gear was named. One student came to collect his tent but had been collected by someone else. If you received a tent back from camp that does not belong to you could you please return it to the college. - Andrew Whiteford is a Senior Analyst at Infometrics ( Congratulations to all Year 9 students who took part in all the activities that were offered to them. We all look forward to your camping and cooking skills in Year 10. Source: New Zealand Herald 2/4/12 Academic Dean – Lynette Benns Farewell Mrs Bentley Students have been informed that the final date for changing courses/subjects for this year was March 30. Students are now required to remain in their current subjects and get on with their learning and achieving credits for NCEA or the Junior Diploma of Learning. For the remainder of the year if you have any concerns about your child’s achievement in a particular subject please contact me or the Dean. Our best wishes to Mrs Catherine Bentley who is leaving us this week to take up a Deputy Principal position at Woodford House in Hastings. Mrs Bentley’s contribution has been huge as English teacher, curriculum leader and Deputy Principal and on behalf of the BOT, staff and students we hope she finds her new school an exciting and welcoming challenge. 3 Much Ado About Nothing Welcome to the Garden Ramble Forty-eight students made the trip to Auckland to see Much Ado About Nothing in the Shakespeare under the Stars programme at Auckland University last month. Sitting in the outside amphitheatre under the clock tower, the students were engaged by the wellacted and lively comedy of gossip, rumour, true and false love. The production was set in the post-WW2 era with live music, period costumes and subtle references adding to the humour and drama of the play. It was a great night with excellent student behaviour and response to the play. Even the weather cooperated – a lovely calm and balmy evening. The weather has certainly turned and we are now well on our way to getting our Autumn/Winter Horticulture area established. We have germinated cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli seeds and have planted some carrot and radish into our outdoor raised gardens. Next week some cabbage, cauli and broccoli seedlings will be going in to our outdoor beds. In class we have been looking at parts of a plant and seed structure and investigating the germination process and photosynthesis. We are now looking at other propagation techniques, such as cuttings and will be making some for box hedge (buxus) and lavender very shortly. A big thank you to Fiona Donaldson (Year 13) who kindly donated a trailer load of compost to the Horticulture classes. Thanks Fiona! Thanks must go to all of the Horticulture students for helping out with all of the loading of soil and bark for their raised beds and the gardens around the school. They are all looking fantastic. A REQUEST: If anyone has a shade house that is no longer in use, or a sink unit that can be used outside, could they contact me at school, Miriam Courtney (07) 8677029. Administration FRIENDS, FAMILY & STAFF Of HAURAKI PLAINS COLLEGE Uniform & Stationery Shops Just a reminder to everyone that the Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday and Friday from 12 – 2pm during the school terms. COST + 10% + GST 4% of all sales will come back to HPC ONE WEEK ONLY The Stationery Shop is open every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at interval (11 – 11:25am). 7TH – 14TH MAY Only at NOEL LEEMING THAMES Student Services Any students going on school trips must hand their consent forms into the Student Centre WITH payment for that particular trip. If the form is unaccompanied by the payment it will not be accepted. COME ALONG AND SUPPORT HPC WITH THIS FUNDRAISER A FLYER required which will be sent with our Newsletter at the start of Term Two. 4 From the Guidance Dept… Free Weekly Health Clinic for Students That’s right! In conjunction with the Hauraki Plains Health Centre, the District Health Board, and Care NZ (Hamilton), we provide free access to a DOCTOR, a NURSE and a specialist DRUG & ALCOHOL COUNSELLOR, each Tuesday morning. The free weekly clinic is held in our purpose-built, Student Centre facility, here at the College. All consultations are confidential and are coordinated by Mr Benns, our School Counsellor. If you would like to know more, don’t hesitate to contact Mr Benns (07 8677029) Community Notices Book Fair with a difference This year the annual Hauraki Plains College Book fair will be held over 2 days in the Ngatea War Memorial Hall. There is a huge selection of book titles that have been gathered from all parts of New Zealand (believe it or not) and these will be for sale for $2 each. The dates for this fun event are 12th and 13th May. However, the second day (Sunday) will also be a Craft fair and bags of books will be sold for $5. Crafters from Hauraki Plains College will be selling their wares. We would also like to invite crafty people from the community to sell their goods. The cost for a stall site is $10 and the market will be in the War Memorial Hall alongside the book fair. If you are interested in getting a site please contact Christina Stilwell on 0276372524 or 078677710. 5 Science Department Ball Winners 2012 Urgent need for ice-cream containers. We don’t need the lids. Please drop off at school office. Thanks Congratulations to the following students who won a Sports Ball in the beginning of the year Stationery Shop draw. Wanted – for permanent display in our Dog Box – an old style type of long sleeve white shirt and a short sleeve white blouse. Contact Kerry Strange at the College if you can help with this. Autumn Ramble – 9 Holes of Golf WHERE WHEN Hauraki Golf Course Wednesday mornings 9:30am – 10am start Beginning Wed 11th April WHO Golfers and anyone wanting to try golf COST $5.00 WILL I ENJOY IT YES!!!!!!!! ANY QUESTIONS Phone Kathy 8673137 Proactive Parenting Course This year Crossroads will be running its first parenting course in June, on the 8th, 15, and 22nd (Fridays) 7:30 – 9pm. This is open to all parents – all ages. It is led by professionals from Presbyterian Support. Cost is a gold coin. Enquiries please phone Steve 09 2327323 Paeroa Buses & Shuttles They are now offering a service to Hauraki Plains College. This service can now be changed to accommodate Puke Road, down Pukahu and along Awaiti Road if there is enough children to make this route viable. The cost of this service is $350.00 per term. Please ring Keri on 07 8627176 6 Year 9 Josh Webber Hannah Ashford-Beck Jacob Kewish Zac Richards Dayna Balsom Sheldon Byrne Sophia Brumby Emma Newton Gus Barrier Courtney Robinson Phillip Jamieson 9TJ 9SY 9GD 9BS 9MJ 9JY 9WB 9WK 9GO 9MT 9RB Year 10 Hannah Berridge Kelvin Church Micky Mills Shyanne Thompson Lucie Day Kauri Rogers Regan Easton-Sydney Donne Wallace-Hunter Nicholas Wiseman Jayden Davis 10ST 10CP 10BL 10ST 10BL 10SG 10HU 10CP 10FZ 10CB Year 11 Leana McKay Chelsea Duck Nathan Balderston Kylie Ritchie Mikayla Peters Ryan Walker Luke Melis Shawn Ryan Rachell Osborne 11BC 11MA 11CO 11LU 11HR 11CS 11MA 11CS 11AL Year 12 Cody Povey Shalbie Bowen Tanishia Albert-Penu Emily Bisset Callum Duckworth 12CX 12VW 12CV 12IN 12VW Year 13 Gemma Fisher William Aitken Daniel Smith Fiona Donaldson Nick van der Lee 13ct 13FA 13KT 13KT 13KT 4th May Huntly MotoX Event 6th May Waikato/BOP SS Show Hunter Champs th 9 May HPC X-Country Champs 16th May HPC Shooting Champs at Taupo 19th May NISS Swimming Champs 20th May Waikato SS Show Hunter Champs 23rd May TVSS X-Country Champs 30 May Boulton Cup Netball Tournament 6th June Waikato SS X-Country Champs 10th June NISS Show Hunter Champs 12th June Waikato SS Skateboard Champs 13th June TVSS Sycling Champs (Reserve Day 14th) 14th June HPC Shooting Champs at Putararu 16th June NZSS X-Country Champs 20th June Waikato/BOP Individual Duathlon 25th June TVSS Golf – Round 2 Sports News from the HPC Sports Coordinator Cindy Berridge E-mail [email protected] Sports Website Another hectic 3 weeks has just flown by with many events having taken place including the HPC, Thames Valley, Waikato/Bay of Plenty and North Island Athletics Championships, the North Island Secondary Schools Rowing Champs, the Thames Valley and Waikato Swimming Sports, the Thames Valley Touch Tournament plus Equestrian and Triathlon events!! It is impressive to see so many students competing in such a wide range of different sports and proudly wearing the HPC colours. You may have noticed our students out and about at sporting events in our new shirts and/or singlets. Thanks to some funding received from ‘Water Safety’, we have smartened up our look and it is now compulsory for all students to wear these. To complete this uniform, students will be required to wear plain black track pants and/or plain black shorts, so any students wishing to participate in sport will need to have these please. Shirts/singlet’s will be supplied. With this in mind 2 shirts and 2 singlets went missing at the Thames Valley Athletics day. If anyone has these items at home, it would be appreciated if they could kindly be returned so they can be used at future events. A big thank you to all of our staff and community volunteers who have freely given up their time to coach, manage or support many of the summer sports teams. Volunteers are vital to any sport, club and committee and are crucial to the success of programmes and communities, so thank you very much; we could not do it without you!! 26 June Waikato SS Gymsports Champs Please keep me informed of any sports results, representative selections or information for the newsletter and website. 30th June NISS Cycling Champs Email [email protected] or phone me 07 8677029. Photos welcome! 7th – 14th July College A Netball Gold Coast th 7 With regards to the HAPU points – Tikapa managed to retain the cup for another year winning the Inter-Hapu challenge with a total of 119 points. Piako were 2nd (104), Waihou 3rd (103) and Ohinemuri 4th (101). Congratulations to all of our champions. A Reminder At this time of year there are a lot of winter sports codes and teams looking to start their preseason trainings, trials and musters. Whilst the actions of coaches and trainers to get their teams physically ready for the demands of the particular winter sport should be commended – it must be remembered that if a student has a commitment to a summer sport then this takes precedence over any winter sport trials, trainings and meetings. Should a student need to be in 2 places at once then they are to go to the summer sport first and then catch up with the staff member concerned with regards to the winter sport. If any students are unsure of whom this is then there is a list of the Teachers in Charge on the sports notice board. Recent Achievements HPC Athletics Champs Waikato / BOP Individual Triathlon The wet weather managed to hold off for the HPC athletics finals day on the 29th February. After all the results were collated and counted the respective champions were found. Throughout the day there were some great individual ‘showdowns’, particularly in the sprint races and of course in the Inter-Hapu relays. HPC had 3 students compete at this secondary schools event on Wednesday 14th March at Lake Karapiro. A strong competition saw our girls up against competitor’s extremely elite in this sport. Libby Gray racing in the U19 Girls placed 4th, Briar Hansen finished 5th in the U16 girls with Gemma Hansen racing in the U14 girls finishing 14th. Well done girls, great effort! Junior Girls Track Champion Reece Downham Junior Girls Field Champion Awhina Richards-Kingi Intermediate Girls Track Champion Sarah Speedy & Alisha Bennenbroek Intermediate Girls Field Champion Alisha Bennenbroek Senior Girls Track Champion Georgina Speedy Senior Girls Field Champion Darnielle Baker Junior Boys Track Champion – Sam Thompson Junior Boys Field Champion – Sam Thompson Intermediate Boys Track champion Matt Franks Thames Valley Triathlon It was unfortunate that the Thames Valley Triathlon was cancelled this year and a large number of our students – individual and teams, will have to wait until next year to compete. National Schools Triathlon Due to the Thames Valley Triathlon being cancelled two teams from HPC decided to fly the HPC flag and compete at the National Secondary Schools Triathlon in Cambridge where the competition was extremely tough. The Intermediate girls team of Georgia McCormackGoeth, Kayla Hamblyn and Charlotte Van der Lee finished 12th in their age group while Joshua McCormack-Goeth and Adrian Knight finished 17th in a very strong field of junior boys. Well done, great effort. Intermediate Boys Field Champion Thawne Roberts Senior Boys Track Champion Thomas Prescott Senior Boys Field Champion Thomas Prescott 8 Thames Valley Athletics Champs As a combined team HPC managed to place 3rd out of the 13 schools competing with a total score of 1225 points. Thank you to Martyn Hamblyn for your assistance on the day. Much appreciated. A team of 55 athletes plus 3 staff headed to the Paeroa Domain on the 8th March for the Thames Valley Secondary Schools Athletics Championships. Once again HPC athletes showed some good form and managed several top 3 placings which are highlighted below. Well done team on a great effort by all. Fantastic results! Results Junior Girls Reece Downham Kayla Hamblyn Te Ara Watene-Mercep Awhina Richards-Kingi 4 x 100m Relay Team – 2nd 200m 1st, 100m 2nd 200m 2nd, 100m 3rd, Long Jump 3rd 300m 2nd, Discus 1st Discus 3rd Junior Boys Gus Barrier Adrian Knight Dylan Hawkings 4 x 100m Relay Team – 3rd 3000m 2nd 300m 3rd High Jump 2nd Intermediate Girls Laine Yeager Ruby Walsh Shyanne Thompson Alisha Bennenbroek 4 x 100m Relay Team – 2nd High Jump 1st Javelin 3rd Triple Jump 3rd 100m 3rd Intermediate Boys Jordan Walker Robbie Paul Isaac Lyons (AWD) 4 x 100m Relay Team – 3rd Senior Girls Darn Baker Tegan Porter Georgina Speedy 4 x 100m Relay Team – 3rd Senior Boys Thomas Prescott Aidan Summers Josh Mounsey Sean Handcock Ricky Hayward 4 x 100m Relay Team – 2nd Isaac Lyons Aidan Summers Waikato / Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Athletics Championships Shot-put 2nd Shot-put 3rd Shot-put 3rd Those HPC students who placed in the top three at Thames Valley were selected to attend the Waikato/BOP Athletics Championships which were held at the Tauranga Domain on Sat 17th March. Although all those selected didn’t make it to these championships because of other commitments, 9 students represented HPC and performed well with 2 athletes placing in the top 3. 200m 2nd, Long Jump 2nd, Triple Jump 1st Javelin 2nd, 400m 2nd 100m 2nd Results: Intermediate Boys Robbie Paul: Shot-put 3rd 200m 3rd 800m 3rd, Discus 2nd 3000m 3rd, 1500m 3rd Javelin 2nd 400m 3rd Senior Boys Sean Handcock: Javelin 3rd Congratulations to you both for those fantastic results and well done to everyone who qualified and competed at this event. A great turnout for HPC. 9 Senior Girls Helena Gasson North Island Secondary Schools Athletics Championships Following their success at the Waikato/BOP Athletics champs, Sean Handcock and Robbie Paul travelled to Tauranga to compete in the North Island Secondary Schools Athletics champs last weekend. Both faced some tough competition and did extremely well qualifying to compete at this event. Good effort from you both. Sophie Wiseman Libby Gray Senior Boys Kobi Nicholson Relays Junior Girls: Junior Boys: Intermediate Girls: Senior Girls: Senior Boys: 100m Medley 1st 100m Free 1st – Record 1:01.80 50m Fly 1st – Record 30.12 100m Back 1st – Record 1:11.35 50m Back 1st – Record 33.66 50m Breast 3rd 100m Back 3rd 4x Free – 3rd, 4x Medley 3rd 4x Free – 2nd, 4x Medley 2nd 4x Medley – 3rd 4x Medley - 1st, 4x Free – 1st Record 57.33 4x Medley – 3rd School Relay Flying Squad – 3rd (6xFree) – Sian Teulon, Josh McCormack-Goeth, Georgia McCormack-Goeth, Jamie Knight, Helena Gasson, Harry Smit. Sean Handcock – Snr Boys Javelin Thames Valley Swimming Championships Well done to all of our champions. Congratulations to Josh McCormack-Goeth, Sophie Wiseman and Helena Gasson for their record results, fantastic achievements!! A squad of 23 swimmers represented HPC on Tuesday 28th February at the Matamata pool. A great day was had and congratulations to all who took part. A big thank you to Glenda Gray, Dianne Gasson and Peter Gasson for your assistance on the day. Much appreciated. Waikato Secondary Schools Swimming Championships The results were as follows: Junior Girls Sian Teulon 100m Medley 3rd, 100m Back 3rd, 50m Fly 3rd Junior Boys Josh McCormack-Goeth 100m Medley 1st, 100m Free 1st 50m Fly 1st – Record 29.59 Brayden Palethorpe 50m Back 2nd 100m Back 2nd 100m Breast 3rd Intermediate Girls Georgia McCormack-Goeth 50m Breast 1st 100m Freestyle 3rd 100m Breast 2nd Zoe Summers 50m Freestyle 2nd Intermediate Boys Jamie Knight 50m Fly 3rd On Wednesday 21st March a team of 13 swimmers competed in Hamilton at the Waikato Secondary School Swimming Champs. The competition was tough but our students came away with several top placing’s. Well done to you all, outstanding results. The results are as follows: Josh McCormack-Goeth was 1st in the Junior Boys 50m Butterfly - RECORD 28.40, 1st in 50m Freestyle and 2nd in the 100m Butterfly. Brayden Palethorpe was 3rd in the Junior Boys 100m Backstroke. Georgia McCormack-Goeth placed 3rd in the Intermediate Girls 50m Breaststroke. Sophie Wiseman was 1st in the Senior Girls 100m Freestyle. Libby Gray placed 3rd in the Senior Girls 100m Individual Medley. 10 Helena Gasson was 1st in the Senior Girls 200m Individual Medley – Record 2:26.56, 1st in 50m Butterfly – Record 29.78 and 1st in 100m Butterfly – Record 1:06.84. Sophie Wiseman qualified for a number of swims and was competing despite illness and injury which has taken her out of swimming and training for some months. While Sophie did not make any finals, she is back on track and training hard to regain her former strength. Well done to our Senior Girls Relay Team (Georgia, Sophie, Libby, Helena) who placed 2nd in both the Freestyle and the Medley Relay events. At this meet, both Helena and Sophie also qualified to swim at New Zealand’s toughest meet, the NZ Open Championships in Auckland. With all our points combined our girls team managed to finish in 6th place and the boys team 8th place. Overall HPC finished in 7th place out of a total 30 schools with a total of 829 points. Superb effort. National School Open Water Swim Championships Congratulations to our new Waikato Champions and awesome effort everyone for your successful day. A big thank you to Glenda Gray for your assistance at this event. Two swimmers from Hauraki entered the first ever National Open Water Championships at Lake Karapiro. Georgia and Joshua McCormack-Goeth swam 1km, with wetsuits amongst a strong field of swimmers of around 200 from around the country. Georgia‘s first time ever open water swimming saw her finish midfield in her age group and happy with the experience. She is keen to give it another go next year. Joshua finished second in his age group, collecting a national open water medal and completing a successful season of swimming. He is also keen to give it a go again next year as it appears set to become a regular championship event on the national calendar. Waikato Swim Team National Swimming Championships Three swimmers from Hauraki Plains College competed in the National Age Group Swimming Championships in Wellington in March. Helena Gasson (17) made a number of finals, her best swim in the 50 Breaststroke where she gained a bronze medal and now claims the top Waikato breaststroker title. Josh with his Silver Medal From Open Swim Event Joshua McCormack-Goeth (14) had a tough week after recovering from a stomach bug which saw him withdraw from a day’s racing, and rebuilding his strength and energy. Despite this, the last event of the last day of the championships saw Joshua gaining a bronze medal in the 100 butterfly event. 11 Please note: whilst we do our best to recognise all recent outstanding achievements there may have been some missed. If this is the case please bring this to the attention of the Sport and Recreation Coordinator. Football Congratulations to the 1st XI Girls and Boys teams that have been selected, team lists are now up on the sports noticeboard. We have five teams this year, 3 girls and 2 boys with trainings well underway now, the following teams have trainings at HPC; Thames Valley Secondary Schools Touch Competition On Monday 12th March Hauraki Plains College hosted the TVSS Touch Competition. Three HPC teams (Junior Boys/Girls and Senior Mixed) travelled the great distance to the Ngatea Domain to take on the rest of the schools in the Thames Valley. Some tough competition, especially from Waihi and Paeroa, but HPC worked hard with all three teams making it through to the finals. The junior girls played a great game but unfortunately ran out of steam and finished runner up to Paeroa. An exciting game from the junior boys, went into drop off after full time, with HPC finishing up with a well deserved win against Thames. However Paeroa proved to be too strong taking out a win in the senior mixed competition and also retaining the trophy for 2012. A successful day and well done to all who took part. Girls 1st XI & Boys 2nd XI every Tues/Thurs 3.30pm. Girls 2nd XI & Development every Mon/Wed 3.30pm. Tennis Fees are $80 and need to be paid prior to player’s first game. Thames Tennis Club Championships for 2012 were recently held and the following HPC students placed: Both the Girls and Boys 1st XI teams will be attending Tournament Week. Further details and information will be available soon. Boys 16 & under singles: Ryan Tanner 3rd. Boys 16 & under doubles: Ryan Tanner and JD Paki (Thames) Winners. A Grade Boys singles: Ryan Tanner 4th. A Grade Boys doubles: Ryan Tanner and JD Paki Winners. Girls 16 & under doubles: Rachel Rees and Marie Melcher (Thames) Runners up. 12 & under doubles: Megan Goodwin 1st C Grade doubles: Megan Goodwin 2nd The Boys 1st XI will train every Mon/Fri 3.30pm down at the domain. The following coaches have been confirmed: Girls 1st XI Lance Trow st Boys 1 XI Terry Lee/Nigel Douglas Girls 2nd XI Vacancy nd Boys 2 XI Desmond Pickard Girls Development Vacancy If anyone is available to help out with the Girls 2nd XI or Development team, please contact Cindy Berridge (TIC of Football) 07 8677029 or [email protected] . The season kicks off next term with the Girls 1st XI, Boys 1st XI and Boys 2nd XI all playing in the Waikato League and the Girls 2nd XI & Development teams playing in the Thames Valley League. Next football meeting will be held Monday 23rd April in the school pavilion at 7pm. All parents/caregivers and players can attend. If you wish to receive the football meeting minutes please contact the secretary, Daphne Willis at [email protected] 12 The next tournament is at Huntly Slater Park on the 4th May. Our HPC team host this and is promising to be once again a success for MX school riders with some coming again from as far as Wairoa and Kerikeri – that is dedication for you. HPC MotoX Team Amanda Fitzpatrick Western Heights MotoX Tournament on the 30th March welcomed us with a FROST! Although light it was still cold and the woolly socks luckily were in the car. What a great day we had with 24 riders on the track. There was no down time with riders in every race. The only hiccup was that I had not recharged the camera so didn’t get the usual 500 photos – I’m sure they will remind me next time! The riders were great and although we had some tired riders come over from OPC they appreciated being able to ride. Well done to Kent Morley coming in 20th out of 58 riders in the MX2 Senior National 250 Class. Huge pat on the back to the new members of the team who had never been to the track and some had never raced before. Their resilience and determination shone as did their smiles. Lucas Smyllie had the best result of the day coming home 4th in the 250cc class, the school team managed to come home 10th out of 23 schools which was fantastic. All results can be found on The team really stood out and were so easy to see on the track at a distance with their pink Mohawks and giant pink HPC on their backs they all looked impressive. I’m not sure how many people said to me “the Mohawks are great, we can see them!” A huge thank you to all the parents/supporters/caregivers who help these students to ride and compete. Without them we wouldn’t have a team and they wouldn’t be riding for HPC AND we wouldn’t have such an amazing “pit crew” when it comes to bikes that don’t want to play! Alivia Singer We now have a Hauraki Plains College MotoX Team Facebook page and we would love you to go in there have a look and LIKE us please. When we get to 500 LIKES there is a reward for the team. It’s also now my way of communicating any info to the team and parents. Stephen Smyllie runs it and does a sterling job – you will only read good stuff on this page. Luther Wenn 13 HAURAKI PLAINS COLLEGE ROWING CLUB On 9th, 10th & 11th March the North Island Secondary Schools Rowing Champs were held at Lake Karapiro with schools competing from all over the North Island. All our athletes competed in various weather conditions, wind and rain during the heats on Friday creating delays in the racing, to calm days on the Saturday and Sunday. Five crews made it to A finals on the Sunday – the U15 girls four, the U18 senior novice boys four, the U17 girls quad and four and the U17 girls double resulting in a Bronze medal for Emily Speedy and Sonja Rose coached by Luke O’Neil. Six crews made B finals resulting in a number of crews likely to be strong competition at nationals. The last week of March will find us competing in our season’s finale – the Secondary Schools Champs (Maadi Cup) to be held in Twizel. Results in the next newsletter. We had a successful day with our Boys team, consisting of Andrew Wenham, Sam Cox, Liam Shelley, Nicholas Wiseman and Brandon Kelly, getting into a shoot off for first place, but after a hard fought battle ended with a second placing. Sam Cox won a 7th overall placing in the Individual Boys event. Our Girls team, consisting of Rachael van Bysterveldt and Fiona Donaldson, won a first place, with Rachael and Andrew Wenham gaining a first place in the Pairs Trophy. Rachael also gained a first place in the Girls Points Trophy. Well done to all the shooters who attended this day. We had a great start to the shooting year. Sally van de Wetering TIC NETBALL After a series of trials over the past few weeks twelve netball teams have now been named. Many thanks to the selectors who gave up their time to organise the trials and name the teams. We are still very short of coaches, managers and umpires. Now that your daughter has been named in a team, it may be possible for you to coach, manage or umpire for that team. Please contact Mrs Benns urgently if you are able to help us out. We can not field teams if they do not have the personnel to look after them! Netball commences on Friday 27 April for most College teams. However, some teams will also have a game/s on Wednesday 25 April due to TV League commitments. Emily, Sonja & Luke Shooting The Hauraki Plains College shooting students attended their first clay target shooting event on the 15 March which was held at the Auckland Metropolitan Clay Target Club, hosted by Kings College and Waiuku College. 14 Many thanks to Anne Leonard who has been most successful in applying for and receiving grants to enable HPC to purchase brand new uniforms for 10 of our teams. Our College Netball teams should be looking very smart this season. We have also received funding for new bags and balls for most teams. Rugby Equestrian News Coaches and Managers 2012 1st XV Head Coach Phil Hale Assistant Coach Barry Priest Manager Denny Hale Development Head Coach Normie Anderson - Matua Assistant Coach Bart Thompson Manager Niki Farrant th 4 Grade Head Coach Sam Aislabie Assistant Coach Israel Rangitaawa On 30th March our small team of 2 set off very early to the N.I.S.S Dressage Championships at St Peters in Cambridge. It was a very early start for Natasha Watters and she gained a 5th place in her first test and 5th place in test two. Well done Natasha. Fees Reminder that fees are $75.00. These need to be paid to the student centre. Students who have not paid fees by the 17th May will not be able to play until this is sorted. If you have difficulties paying fees then you need to sort it out with the school or see Matua. Students will be issued with a breakdown of costs for their fees. It is very important that fees are paid in order for school rugby to continue to run efficiently and effectively. Dress Code/Uniform This year the uniform for both 4th Grade and Development will be changed. It has been decided that both teams will wear a standard uniform. Although this means additional costs for the trousers, we hope that this will improve the standard of dress. Players need to be dressed in appropriate attire for games. The standard uniform for the following teams are 1st XV to be dressed in number ones. Development and 4th Grade need to be dressed in grey long trousers, school shirt (black), school jersey and shoes. Failure to wear appropriate attire will result in players being stood down for that game. So make sure that you have the correct gear. Grey trousers can be purchased from the uniform shop. Code of Conduct A reminder to all players coaches and supporters about behaviour during the rugby season. To ensure the safety of all the code of conduct MUST be followed. Any players, coaches or supporters who do not abide by these rules will be reprimanded according to what incident has occurred. So lets all get on board and be positive in our attitude and conduct. If you have any queries about rugby please either contact coaches or teacher in charge of rugby, Matua Anderson Kia ora, Matua Anderson 15 She was ably supported by Erin Cooksley who had a 10th and 15th placing, this was a great achievement as there were 25 competitors in each of the events. I would also like to congratulate the students who competed in the New Zealand Horse of the Year Show. Not only did they spend hours and days qualifying for each of their events but this is an open competition. Among the top 10 placings in their classes were Hannah Mills SJNZ Development Medal Pony Equitation 90cm Annex 6th. Alisha Bennenbroek Category C Welcome Hunter 80cm 6th. Treleenah Bentley Category B Open Welcome Hunter 70cm 6th. Reece Downham- Smith Debutante Large Show Pony of the Year - 138cm & not exceeding 148cm 8th. Maddison Hair Junior Teams Games 4th and 3rd equal in Class 3 C Grade: Individual Championship Games, Under 17 Years. A reminder to all Equestrian team members you must supply the entry fees with your entry form as we cannot enter you in a team without the appropriate fees being paid please. Entry forms for the Show Hunter Series held at St Peter’s are now available on line or from School but they must be handed in to Ms Leuthart. Have a great holiday and enjoy the time to spend with your horse or pony before winter sets in. Please Support Our Sponsors BRETT HARRIS Come ride with us. ELECTRICAL LTD ‘Call in and see our friendly staff for all your farming needs’ Ron Agnew DRIVING INSTRUCTOR - Car – motorcycle - Truck and Trailer - Bus & Taxi Endorsements - “StreeTalk” Time Reduction Course FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL WORK FULL RANGE OF LOAN AND NEW MOTORS 7 DAYS / 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE BRETT OR ODETTE (07) 867 5196 87 Orchard Rd. Ngatea 07 867 7056 Veterinary Surgeons Neil Haywood Peter Marshall Natalie Rangihika Laura Pattie HAURAKI PLAINS MOTORS LTD 1 Pipiroa Road NGATEA Ph.07-867 7021 Fax: 07-867 7023 BESTPRACTICE New Zealand Veterinary Association We provide a NZVA “Best Practice” accredited, comprehensive veterinary service for all farm animals and pets. Email: [email protected] Driver Education covering Thames, Hauraki Plains and the Coromandel Peninsula Hayley Green a lawyer with TM Ph / Fax 07-868 6888 Mobile 0274-588 200 PURNELL JENKINSON OLIVER LAWYERS PO Box 31 Ph: 07 868 8680 611 Mackay Street Fax: 07 868 8718 Thames Mobile: 021 543019 Email: [email protected] & Shields Gas Plumbing Craftsman Gasfitters, Plumbers and Registered Drainlayers Specialising in . . . LPG Installations & Maintenance Domestic & Commercial Plumbing PO Box 248, Paeroa Phone 07 862 7927 Facsimile 07 862 7928 Mobile 021 289 0255 NGATEA STATIONERY & POST SHOP PH: 867 7440 SAVING – The best way to get things you want and need – JOIN KIWIBANK TODAY. See us for your Stationery, Magazine and Card requirements. Relax, indulge and enjoy 11 Belmont Rd, Paeroa ph. 07 862 8133 Milking Machines & Pump Services Ltd FOR ALL LEGAL ADVICE For all your Milking Machines Water Pumps Cooling Towers Installing & Servicing GRAHAM O’Brien Partner FREE QUOTES NO OBLIGATION Council Building, Ngatea Ph (07) 867 7014 PO Box 77 Ngatea 32 Orchard Road, Ngatea ALSO AT TAKANINI PHONE (09) 298 9460 Phone 07 867 7360 16 Ngatea’s Number One Main Street, Ngatea 07 867 7990 Gift Phone: Shop Mobile: 029 277 1964 Email: [email protected] AQUA FILTER PRODUCTS For Clean, Safe, Great Tasting Water Suppliers of Domestic Water Filters, Water Coolers & Genesis Water Distillers Call Ted Engebretsen 2 Pinnock Place, Ngatea 0800 650 100, A/H 07 867 7114
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