CMP189 Algoritmos Geométricos
CMP189 Algoritmos Geométricos
CMP189 Algoritmos Geométricos Prof. João Comba Proximidade Diagrama de Voronoi (1907) Planejamento de movimento Encontrar o caminho mais curto sem colidir com paredes e objetos Sobreposição de Mapas Sobreposição de Mapas Algoritmos Geométricos Geometria Computacional: Início na década de 70 Problemas geométricos Meta: Buscar algoritmos e estruturas de dados com bom desempenho quando os problemas escalam de tamanho Aplicações: Computação Gráfica, Processamento de Imagens, Robótica, Sistemas Geográficos de Informação, VLSI, CAD, etc. Algoritmos Geométricos Problemas Típicos: Entrada: Objetos Geométricos (pontos, linhas, planos, etc) Saída: Resultados de consulta sobre os objetos, ou um novo objeto geométrico Ingredientes: Geometria, Topologia, Algoritmos, Estruturas de dados, Análise de algoritmos, Problemas numéricos Algoritmos Geométricos Limitações Comuns: Natureza discreta: aproximações discretas de fenômenos contínuos Objetos planares ou lineares (aproximações de objetos curvos) Permite concentrar em aspectos combinatórios dos problemas em detrimento de aspectos numéricos Problemas de baixa dimensão Primordialmente 2D (fácil de visualizar) e 3D (até certos limites) Histórico da área • Década de 80: Desenvolvimento de técnicas eficientes de projeto e análise de algoritmos • Década de 90: Maioria dos problemas abertos foi resolvida Problema: distância muito grande entre teoria e prática (muitas das soluções eram quase impossíveis de serem implementadas ou sensíveis a casos especiais) • Atualmente: Simplificar algoritmos existentes, lidar com problemas numéricos, produzir bibliotecas de procedimentos geométricos Projeto de algoritmos geométricos 1. Projeto de algoritmo básico ignorando situações especiais (casos degenerados). Ex. Pontos colineares, segmentos de linha verticais, etc). Assumir posição geral. Projeto de algoritmos geométricos 1. Projeto de algoritmo básico ignorando situações especiais (casos degenerados). Ex. Pontos colineares, segmentos de linha verticais, etc). Assumir posição geral. 2. Lidar com casos degenerados • Adicionar vários casos especiais • Modificar o algoritmo original para integrar casos especiais Projeto de algoritmos 1. Projeto de algoritmo básico ignorando situações especiais (casos degenerados). Ex. Pontos colineares, segmentos de linha verticais, etc). Assumir posição geral. 2. Lidar com casos degenerados • Adicionar vários casos especiais • Modificar o algoritmo original para integrar casos especiais 3. Implementação • Usar biblioteca de algoritmos geométricos • Desenvolver suas próprias classes Aplicações • Computação Gráfica: Interseções entre primitivas Primitiva apontada pelo mouse Subconjunto de primitivas dentro de uma região Remoção de superfícies ocultas em 3D Cálculos de sombras em ray-tracing e radiosidade Detectar colisões entre objetos Aplicações • Robótica: Planejamento de movimento de robô Planejamento de articulações de robo Alcance do braço Orientações das diferentes juntas Aplicações • Sistemas Geográficos de Informação: Representações de dados geográficos: Topografica, Hidrografica, Separações físicas e políticas, estradas (mapas diversos) Dados são muito numerosos Extrair informações eficientemente: Qual a média de chuva em uma dada região Como guiar um carro e definir rotas de navegação Sobreposição de mapas Aplicações • CAD/CAM: Placas de Circuitos, Projetos arquitetônicos Entidades geométricas (problemas geométricos aparecem) Interseções e uniões de objetos Decomposição de objetos em formas mais simples Visualização dos objetos projetados Conteúdo 1. Fundamentos 2. Interseções de Segmentos de Linha 3. Particionamento de Polígonos 4. Envoltórias Convexas 5. Diagramas de Voronoy 6. Triangulações de Delaunay 7. Algoritmos de Busca Pontual e Intervalar 8. Quadtrees, BSP-trees, R-trees 9. Grafos de Visibilidade 10. Planejamento de Movimento Conteúdo • Técnicas de Projeto de Algoritmos Lugares geométricos Transformações geométricas Dualidade Space Sweep Estruturas Hierárquicas • Estruturas de Dados: Cascadeamento Fracional Estruturas de Dados Persistentes Estruturas de Dados Cinéticas Análise caso médio Avaliação • Trabalhos teóricos e práticos • Trabalho Final: Definido de comum acordo com o aluno / orientador Alguns temas sugeridos Sugestões por parte dos alunos são estimuladas Preferencialmente dentro da área de pesquisa de mestrado Resultados esperados: Artigo técnico mostrando os resultados obtidos (em inglês) Apresentação final • Prova Final Bibliografia BIBLIOGRAFIA BÁSICA: • Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications. M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars, O. Scwarzkopf. Springer Verlag, 1997. BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTAR: • Computational Geometry in C. Joseph O’Rourke. Cambridge • • University Press, 1993. Applications of Spatial Data Structures. Hanan Samet. Academic Press, 1990. Ruler, Compass, and Computer: The Design and Analysis of Geometric Algorithms. Leo Guibas, Jorge Stolfi • Computational Geometry: Course Notes. David Mount (Univ. Of Maryland) • Introduction to Algorithms. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest. McGraw Hill. Exemplo: Envoltória Convexa convexo não convexo Exemplo: Envoltória Convexa Entrada: p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11 Saída : p2,p9,p11,p4,p5,p6,p8,p2 p9 p11 p1 p2 EC é um polígono convexo p4 p3 p7 p8 p10 p6 p5 Exemplo: Envoltória Convexa p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Envoltória Convexa 1 p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p8 p10 p6 p5 Envoltória Convexa 1 Algoritmo EC1: Entrada: Conjunto de pontos P no plano Saída: Uma lista de vértices da EC em ordem 1. E = ø 2. FOR todos pares (p,q) PxP (p!=q) 3. 4. DO valido = true FOR todos pontos r P(r!=p and r!=q) 5. IF r está a direita da reta pq 6. THEN valido = false 7. IF valido THEN adicione pq para E 8. Para o conjunto E de arestas, construa uma lista de vertices classificados em ordem cronológica p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 (n2-n) Envoltória Convexa 1 Algoritmo EC1: Entrada: Conjunto de pontos P no plano Saída: Uma lista de vértices da EC em ordem 1. E = ø 2. FOR todos pares (p,q) PxP (p!=q) 3. 4. DO valido = true FOR todos pontos r P(r!=p and r!=q) 5. IF r está a direita da reta pq 6. THEN valido = false 7. IF valido THEN adicione pq para E 8. Para o conjunto E de arestas, construa uma lista de vertices classificados em ordem cronológica (n2-n) * (n-2) = n3-3n2+2n p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p8 p10 p6 p5 Envoltória Convexa 1 Algoritmo EC1: Entrada: Conjunto de pontos P no plano Saída: Uma lista de vértices da EC em ordem 1. E = ø 2. FOR todos pares (p,q) PxP (p!=q) 3. 4. DO valido = true FOR todos pontos r P(r!=p and r!=q) 5. IF r está a direita da reta pq 6. THEN valido = false 7. IF valido THEN adicione pq para E 8. Para o conjunto E de arestas, construa uma lista de vertices classificados em ordem cronológica p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Como implementar o passo 8 ? Envoltória Convexa 1 Algoritmo EC1: Entrada: Conjunto de pontos P no plano Saída: Uma lista de vértices da EC em ordem 1. E = ø 2. FOR todos pares (p,q) PxP (p!=q) 3. 4. DO valido = true FOR todos pontos r P(r!=p and r!=q) 5. IF r está a direita da reta pq 6. THEN valido = false 7. IF valido THEN adicione pq para E 8. Para o conjunto E de arestas, construa uma lista de vertices classificados em ordem cronológica n3 -3n2 + 2n + n2 = O(n3) p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p8 p10 p6 p5 Complexidade de Algoritmos •Modelo: máquina de acesso randômico instruções sequenciais, sem ops. concorrentes •Tamanho da entrada •Tempo de execução: número de operações • • • • Linear (a*n+b) Quadrático (a*n2+b*n+c) Cúbico (a*n3+b*n2+c*n+d) Logarítmico: a * log n •Tamanho da saída Complexidade de Algoritmos c2 g(n) c g(n) f(n) f(n) f(n) c g(n) c1 g(n) n0 f(n) = !(g(n)) n0 n0 f(n) = O(g(n)) f(n) = "(g(n)) Primitivas Geométricas Como testar se um ponto esta a esquerda ou a direita de uma linha ? Ex. Ponto (5,7) e linha conectando pontos (2,3)e (3,8) Ex. ponto (5,7) e linha 2x + 3y = 5 292 13. Geometry Primitivas Geométricas points (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) which lie on it. Lines are also completely described by equations such as y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept, i.e., the unique point (0, b) where it crosses the x-axis. The line l has Linhas; slope m = ∆y/∆x = (y1 − y2 )/(x1 − x2 ) and intercept b = y1 − mx1 . Vertical lines cannot be described by such equations, however, because dividy = ∆x mxmeans + b dividing by zero. The equation x = c denotes a vertical line that ing by crosses the x-axis at the point (c, 0). This special case, or degeneracy, requires extra attention when doing geometric programming. We use the more general ax + by + c = 0 formula ax + by + c = 0 as the foundation of our line type because it covers all possible lines in the plane: typedef struct double double double } line; { a; b; c; /* x-coefficient */ /* y-coefficient */ /* constant term */ Multiplying these coefficients by any non-zero constant yields an alternate repreMaterial “Programming Challenges. Skienarepresentation e Revilla sentation forde any line. We establish a canonical by insisting that the y-coefficient equal 1 if it is non-zero. Otherwise, we set the x-coefficient to 1: points_to_line(point p1, point p2, line *l) { typedef double struct a; { /* x-coefficient */ double a; /* y-coefficient x-coefficient */ */ double b; /* double b; /* y-coefficient */ double c; /* constant term */ /* constant term */ } line; double c; } line; Multiplying these coefficients by any non-zero constant yields an alternate repreMultiplying coefficients by anya non-zero yields an sentation for these any line. We establish canonicalconstant representation byalternate insisting reprethat sentation for any line.1 We a canonical representation by insistingtothat the y-coefficient equal if itestablish is non-zero. Otherwise, we set the x-coefficient 1: the y-coefficient equal 1 if it is non-zero. Otherwise, we set the x-coefficient to 1: points_to_line(point p1, point p2, line *l) {points_to_line(point p1, point p2, line *l) { if (p1[X] == p2[X]) { if (p1[X] == =p2[X]) { l->a 1; representação canônica l->a = 1; l->b = 0; l->b == -p1[X]; 0; l->c l->c = -p1[X]; } else { } else {l->b = 1; l->b == -(p1[Y]-p2[Y])/(p1[X]-p2[X]); 1; l->a l->a == -(l->a -(p1[Y]-p2[Y])/(p1[X]-p2[X]); l->c * p1[X]) - (l->b * p1[Y]); l->c = -(l->a * p1[X]) - (l->b * p1[Y]); } } } } Primitivas Geométricas point_and_slope_to_line(point p, double m, line *l) {point_and_slope_to_line(point p, double m, line *l) { l->a = -m; l->a == 1; -m; l->b l->b == -((l->a*p[X]) 1; l->c + (l->b*p[Y])); l->c = -((l->a*p[X]) + (l->b*p[Y])); } } • Intersection — Two distinct lines have one intersection point unless they are • parallel; Intersection — Two lines have one intersection unlessslope theybut are in which case distinct they have none. Parallel lines share point the same parallel; in which case they have none. Parallel lines share the same slope but have different intercepts and by definition never cross. have different intercepts and by definition never cross. Primitivas Geométricas 13.1. Lines 293 bool parallelQ(line l1, line l2) { return ( (fabs(l1.a-l2.a) <= EPSILON) && (fabs(l1.b-l2.b) <= EPSILON) ); } bool same_lineQ(line l1, line l2) { return ( parallelQ(l1,l2) && (fabs(l1.c-l2.c) <= EPSILON) ); } A point (x! , y ! ) lies on a line l : y = mx + b if plugging x! into the formula for x yields y ! . The intersection point of lines l1 : y = m1 x + b1 and l2 : y2 = m2 x + b2 is the point where they are equal, namely, x= b 2 − b1 , m1 − m 2 y = m1 b2 − b1 + b1 m1 − m 2 intersection_point(line l1, line l2, point p) { if (same_lineQ(l1,l2)) { printf("Warning: Identical lines, all points intersect.\n"); (fabs(l1.b-l2.b) <= EPSILON) ); } bool same_lineQ(line l1, line l2) { return ( parallelQ(l1,l2) && (fabs(l1.c-l2.c) <= EPSILON) ); } Primitivas Geométricas A point (x! , y ! ) lies on a line l : y = mx + b if plugging x! into the formula for x yields y ! . The intersection point of lines l1 : y = m1 x + b1 and l2 : y2 = m2 x + b2 is the point where they are equal, namely, Interseção entre duas linhas x= b 2 − b1 , m1 − m 2 y = m1 b2 − b1 + b1 m1 − m 2 intersection_point(line l1, line l2, point p) { if (same_lineQ(l1,l2)) { printf("Warning: Identical lines, all points intersect.\n"); 13.2. 13.2. Triangles and Trigonometry 297 Triangles and Trigonometry 297 p[X] = p[Y] = 0.0; return; } Solving triangles is the art of deriving the unknown angles and edge lengths of a Solving triangles is the artmeasurements. of ==deriving the problems unknownfallangles and edge lengths of a triangle given a subset of such into two categories: if (parallelQ(l1,l2) TRUE) {Such triangle given a printf("Error: subset of such Distinct measurements. Such problems fall into two categories: parallel lines do not intersect.\n"); • Given tworeturn; angles and side, find the rest — Finding the third angle is easy, since } the three angles must sum to 180o = π radians. The Law of Sines then gives us a • Given two angles and side, find the rest — Finding the third angle is easy, since way to find the missing edge lengths.o p[X]angles = (l2.b*l1.c - l1.b*l2.c) - l1.a*l2.b); radians. The Law of Sines then gives us a the three must sum to 180 = /π (l2.a*l1.b way to find the missing edgefind lengths. • Given sides and an> angle, the rest/*—test If the angle lies between iftwo (fabs(l1.b) EPSILON) for vertical line the */ two edges, the Lawp[Y] of Cosines gives* us the way to find/ the remaining edge length. = - (l1.a (p[X]) + l1.c) l1.b; The Law of Sines then enables us to mop up the unknown angles. Otherwise, we • Given else two sides and an angle, find the rest — If the angle lies between the two can use the Law of Sines and the angle sum property to determine all angles, and p[Y] = - (l2.agives * (p[X]) + l2.c) / l2.b; edges, the Law of Cosines us the way to find the remaining edge length. }then the Law of Sines to get the remaining edge length. The Law of Sines then enables us to mop up the unknown angles. Otherwise, we and useA(T theAny ofnon-parallel Sines the angle property all •can Angles — lines each otherwhere at a to given angle. Lines The area ) Law of atwo triangle T isand given byintersect A(T ) =sum (1/2)ab, a isdetermine the altitude andangles, l : a x + b y + c = 0 and l : a x + b y + c = 0, written in the general form, 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 the ofLaw Sines The to get remaining b isthen the base the of triangle. basethe is any one of theedge sideslength. while the altitude is the intersect thethird anglevertex θ given distance from at the to by: this base, as shown in Figure 13.2(r). This altitude can be easily calculated via trigonometry or the Pythagorean theorem, depending on a1 b2 − a2 b1 The A(T )about of a the triangle T is tangiven θ = by A(T ) = (1/2)ab, where a is the altitude and whatarea is known triangle. a1 a2 + b1 b2 b is the base approach of the triangle. Thethe base one ofis the sides while the altitude is the Another to computing areaisofany a triangle directly from its coordinate For lines the inUsing slope-intercept form this reduces θ= (mbe m1 )/(m 1). This altitude 2− 1 mthe 2 + signed representation. linear algebra it can shown that distance from third vertex toand thisdeterminants, base, toastan shown in Figure 13.2(r). area A(T ) of triangle T = (a, b, c) is can be easily calculated via trigonometry or the Pythagorean theorem, depending on what is known about! the triangle. ! ! ax ay 1 ! ! Another approach!! to computing the area of a triangle is directly from its coordinate 2 · A(T ) = ! bx by 1 !! = ax by − ay bx + ay cx − ax cy + bx cy − cx by representation. Using linear algebra and determinants, it can be shown that the signed ! cx cy 1 ! area A(T ) of triangleonde T = (a,Tb,é c) definido is AREA(T), por pontos a, b, c Área de um triângulo This formula generalizes nicely to !compute d! times the volume of a simplex in d ! ! ax ay 1 ! dimensions. ! areas can be! negative, so we must take the absolute value to Note2that the) = signed ! bx by 1 ! = ax by − ay bx + ay cx − ax cy + bx cy − cx by · A(T ! compute the actual !!area. This is a feature, not a bug. We will see how to use the sign ! c c 1 x y of this area to build important primitives for computational geometry in Section 14.1. 296 This formula generalizes nicely to compute theGeometry volume of a simplex in d double signed_triangle_area(point a, point d! b, times point13. c) { dimensions. (a[X]*b[Y] - a[Y]*b[X] + a[Y]*c[X] Note thatreturn( the signed areas can be negative, so we must take the absolute value to - a[X]*c[Y] + b[X]*c[Y] - c[X]*b[Y]) / 2.0 ); compute the actual area. This is a feature, not a bug. We will see how to Cuse the sign } of this area to build important primitives for computational geometry in Section 14.1. b double triangle_area(point a, point b, point c) { double signed_triangle_area(point a, point b, point c) return( fabs(signed_triangle_area(a,b,c)) ); A { } return( (a[X]*b[Y] - a[Y]*b[X] + a[Y]*c[X] c - a[X]*c[Y] + b[X]*c[Y] - c[X]*b[Y]) / 2.0 ); a B } double triangle_area(point a, point b, point c) { Figure 13.2. Notation for solving triangles (l) and return( fabs(signed_triangle_area(a,b,c)) ); } Propriedades de Triângulos ortocentro: Ponto de interseção das alturas Baricentro: Ponto de interseção das medianas Circumcentro: Centro da circunferência circunscrita Incentro: Ponto de interseção das 3 bissetrizes Primitivas Geométricas O que acontece se os pontos estiverem sobre as linhas ? casos degenerados Uma aresta pq é uma aresta da envoltória convexa se e somente se todos os outros pontos da entrada estão estritamente a direita da linha dirigida entre p e q, ou eles se ele estão sobre a aresta pq Primitivas Geométricas O que acontece se os pontos estiverem sobre as linhas ? casos degenerados q r • r está a direita de pq • p está a direita de rq • q está a direita de pq p Uma aresta pq é uma aresta da envoltória convexa se e somente se todos os outros pontos da entrada estão estritamente a direita da linha dirigida entre p e q, ou eles se ele estão sobre a aresta pq Primitivas Geométricas O que acontece se os pontos estiverem sobre as linhas ? casos degenerados q r • r está a direita de pq • p está a direita de rq • q está a direita de pq p Uma aresta pq é uma aresta da envoltória convexa se e somente se todos os outros pontos da entrada estão estritamente a direita da linha dirigida entre p e q, ou eles se ele estão sobre a aresta pq q r p • r está a esquerda de pq • p está a esquerda de rq • q está a esquerda de pq Envoltória Convexa Incremental • Abordagem incremental: Adicionar pontos um por um e atualizar a solucao p9 p11 • p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Envoltória Convexa Incremental • Abordagem incremental: Adicionar pontos um por um e atualizar a solucao • Classificar os pontos em x, obtendo uma sequencia ordenada p1, p2, ..., pn • Calcular a EC superior percorrendo a lista acima da esquerda para a direita • Calcular a EC inferior percorrendo a lista acima da direita para a esquerda p9 p11 p4 p1 p2 p3 p7 p8 p10 p6 p5 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 VIRADA P/ ESQ p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Envoltória Convexa Incremental p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p2 p6 p11 p7 Envoltória Convexa 2 (Grahan's Scan 1972) Algoritmo EC_GS: Entrada: Conjunto de pontos P no plano Saída: Uma lista de vértices da EC em ordem 1. Classificar os pontos pela coordenada x (p1 .. pn) 2. Colocar p1 e p2 na lista L_SUP 3. FOR i:=3 TO n 4. DO Adicionar pi a L_SUP 5. WHILE L_SUP > 2 pontos e últimos!três fazem uma virada para esquerda 6. DO delete o penultimo ponto de L_SUP 7. Coloque os pontos pn e pn-1 na lista L_INF 8. FOR i: n-2 DOWNTO 1 9. Repita passos 4-6 com L_INF no lugar de L_SUP10. 10. Remover o primeiro e ultimo pontos de L_SUP e L_INF 11. RETURN Concatenacao de L_SUP e L_INF Envoltória Convexa 2 Algoritmo EC_GS: Entrada: Conjunto de pontos P no plano Saída: Uma lista de vértices da EC em ordem 1. Classificar os pontos pela coordenada x (p1 .. pn) 2. Colocar p1 e p2 na lista L_SUP 3. FOR i:=3 TO n 4. DO Adicionar pi a L_SUP 5. WHILE L_SUP > 2 pontos e últimos!três fazem uma virada para esquerda 6. DO delete o penultimo ponto de L_SUP 7. Coloque os pontos pn e pn-1 na lista L_INF 8. FOR i: n-2 DOWNTO 1 9. Repita passos 4-6 com L_INF no lugar de L_SUP10. 10. Remover o primeiro e ultimo pontos de L_SUP e L_INF 11. RETURN Concatenacao de L_SUP e L_INF O(nlogn) + O(n) = O(nlogn) Casos Degenerados O que acontece se 2 pontos possuem a mesma coordenada x ? A ordenação na coordenada x é incorreta p1 p2 p2 p1 O que acontece se 3 pontos são colineares ? p1 p2 não aparece na envoltória convexa p3 Problema 1 Resolver Ex. 681: Convex Hull Finding Data 18/3 (Mandar e-mail com aceitação Em Valladolid Gift Wrapping p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p2 p6 p7 p11 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p6 p2 p11 p7 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p8 p3 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p2 p6 p7 p11 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p6 p2 p11 p7 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p3 p8 p10 p5 p1 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p2 p6 p7 p11 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p6 p2 p11 p7 Gift Wrapping 1. Find point with smallest y coordinate 2. Find edge that minimizes counter-clockwise angle with respect to supporting line p3 p1 p10 p5 p9 p4 3. Repeat until reach last vertex p2 O(n2) p8 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull 1. 2. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 a Quickhull 1. p8 B p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull T(n) = O(n) + T(a) + T(b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 Quickhull T(n) = O(n) + T(a) + T(b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 T(n) = O(n) + 2T(n/2) Quickhull T(n) = O(n) + T(a) + T(b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 T(n) = O(n) + 2T(n/2) -> O(nlogn) Quickhull T(n) = O(n) + T(a) + T(b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p6 p2 p11 p7 T(n) = O(n) + 2T(n/2) -> O(nlogn) T(n) = O(n) + T(n-1) Quickhull T(n) = O(n) + T(a) + T(b) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Find extreme points above, below, left and right Define a quadrilateral connecting extreme points, discard internal points Process 4 triangles recursively For each triangle, find vertex with greater distance from the triangle baseline. Define another triangle and discard internal triangles Process 2 triangles recursively p3 p1 p8 p10 p5 p9 p4 p2 p6 p7 p11 T(n) = O(n) + 2T(n/2) -> O(nlogn) T(n) = O(n) + T(n-1) ->O(n2) Divide-and-Conquer p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p10 p8 p5 p6 Divide-and-Conquer 1. 2. 3. 4. • • • • Sort points in X Divide points in two sets A and B with similar number of elements Compute Convex Hull of A and B recursively Merge A and B to define convex hull Find lower tangent common to A and B Find rightmost point a of A and leftmost point b of B While ab is not lower tangent to a, decrease a While ab is not lower tangent of b, decrease b p9 p11 p4 p1 p3 p7 p8 p10 p5 p6 3 4 2 1 5 6 11 12 13 14 10 9 17 15 16 7 8 Left ch Right ch e1 e2 e7 e13 e3 e8 e12 e9 e4 e10 e6 e5 e11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15