Frankreich (Solidarités Jeunesses) 2015 INTERNATIONAL


Frankreich (Solidarités Jeunesses) 2015 INTERNATIONAL
Frankreich (Solidarités Jeunesses)
Solidarités Jeunesses (SJ) is an association of a movement for informal education which values voluntary
commitment, strong political will, and social solidarity as its core principles. Our course of actions is influenced by
our ideal vision of a society in which progress is social, respect for human beings and the environment is a
fundamental and shared value, and the freedom to choose, to dream, and to resist is innate and encouraged by
Our activities are organised for all, regardless of gender, social and cultural background, or nationality. Since its
creation, SJ participates in the construction and maintenance of peace by promoting intercultural and
international social connections here in France and abroad. SJ works through participative pedagogy which
supports initiative and personal commitment and combines the skills and intelligences of all our volunteers and
Solidarités Jeunesses is composed of one National Secretary based in Paris, seven Regional Delegations, and two
partner associations. Our delegations host volunteers from France and from all around the world for short or long
periods of time all year round. Furthermore, those delegations and partners host and provide assistance to young
people with fewer opportunities, as part of our efforts for inclusion and solidarity. All of our delegations and
partners are situated in unique environments, such as castles, former camp-sites, isolated villages in the heart of
mountains, and former factories. These places have all been renovated thanks to the work of our short- and longterm volunteers, workers and permanent staff.
SJ has been working in partnership within national and international networks (Cotravaux, CNAJEP, CCIVS, NVDA
and the Alliance) for decades.
In partnership with other organisations since 1995, Vir'Volt boosts the dynamic of
international workcamps for young volunteers in urban and rural areas of Ile-de-France. Since
2007, Vir'Volt has moved to La Ferté-sous-Jouarre (in the North East of the Seine-et-Marne
region), to a former camp-ground in order to participate in local cultural and social activities.
The Beaumotte Center association was created in 1979 on the site of an old factory on the
banks of the "Onion" river. It is located in the village of Beaumotte-Aubertans, a village of
391 inhabitants. The nearest towns are Vesoul (25 Km) and Besançon (30 Km). The
association provides a place of respite for those in difficulty and a training ground for people
to develop and test their own abilities. The presence of international volunteers guarantees
openness, tolerance of differences, and active solidarity.
Founded in 1974 by a small group of locals, the REV became the Languedoc-Roussillon
regional delegation of Solidarités Jeunesses national movement in 1979. The delegation is
based out of two houses located in the centre of the village of Beauvoisin. The smallest house
is a permanent home of volunteers, and contains two permanent offices: this is where life
takes place in this community of sharing and discovery of traditions, habits, moods, dreams.
Since April 2011, the REV has hosted small groups, an practice that we want to develop in
order to facilitate the exchange between people from different cultures, generations and
social backgrounds.
The castle of Prureaux is a welcoming place that provides opportunities for all to participate
in projects and learn how to live and work together in spite of linguistic, socio-cultural, socioeconomic difference and prejudices existing in society. This is an opportunity for people from
near and far to share the experience of collective living. The diversity of the inhabitants of
the castle is culturally enriching and teaches people how to live together, exchange their
customs and traditions, and live in respect and tolerance.
Solidarités Jeunesses Poitou-Charentes is an active member of the Solidarités Jeunesses
movement. La Maison des Bateleurs, which opened 16 years ago in Montendre, organises
around 15 international workcamps in the region, and several other international activities year
Villages des Jeunes, regional delegation of Solidarités Jeunesses in the Provence Alpes Côte
d’Azur region works towards the social integration and participation of all its volunteers, in
particular by helping the socially disadvantaged locally, nationally and internationally.
Its objective is to allow people from different social and cultural situations to work together
to complete projects beneficial to the community.
The association runs two international hosting centres: the Faï farm and the hamlet of
Vaunières. From these two locations, the association runs various types of activities
(workcamps for disadvantaged people and volunteers, hosting events promoting social and
international exchange...) which bring together people of different nationalities and cultures
(volunteers, families, holiday makers) through group projects (decorating buildings,
environmental work, hospitality work, cultural activities, raising awareness about key issues
in the environment). These projects can be both social and professional (such as vocational
training, restoring abandoned buildings, preserving the buildings and the environment and
thus the heritage of these places, supporting local projects and stimulating local social
Vaunières is a village at an altitude of 1200 meters, rebuilt by thousands of young people
over 35 years. It was once an isolated hamlet in a valley of the Alps, but now it is an
international meeting place.
Abandoned by its former inhabitants, the Faï farm was functional up until the middle of the
XXth century. The landscape of this farm creates natural “organ”, and when the wind passes
through these “singing mountains” it produces a beautiful sound.
The Citrus association is the Regional Delegation of Solidarités Jeunesses in Midi-Pyrenées. Citrus
was established in 2002 in Toulouse, under the initiative of a group of young volunteers driven
by the desire to develop volunteer projects in Midi-Pyrenées. Citrus gradually took shape in
Quercy Midi Country in the Tarn-et-Garonne.
Neige & Merveilles became a mountainside hosting and entertainment community in 1994.
Since 2007, Neige & Merveilles conducts actions in favour of sustainable development,
renewable energy, development of mining heritage and local history, improved reception
conditions, development of entertainment and leisure practices combining heritage and
respect for the environment.
Since 2013, international projects in arts and cultural themes are held in Dordogne. Following a
very positive hosting from the local population, a branch of Solidarités Jeunesses was created in
Aquitaine, in 2015. This summer international workcamps around the small heritage and
environment are organised. The future Aquitaine delegation's goals are : developping
workcamps and international exchanges, networking of local partners, encouraging mobility and
youth engagement and developping artistic and cultural projects in this area.
Passadou is an association from Lozère, created further to a will of people to act at the local
Passadou is thus the door which we cross to enter a world of sharing, exchanges and
opening. All year round, we lead local actions: night-strolls, concerts, international
workcamps, youth exchanges... We work in partnership with Solidarities Jeunesses as
regards our actions with the international and wish to create a place of permanent welcome
in Lozère resting on what exists in the regional delegations of Solidarities Jeunesses.
Volunteering is an exchange, a meeting, facilitated by someone who wants to offer their time, energy, and fresh
perspective to a general interest project. Volunteering is also a welcoming community that offers to the volunteer
a valuable opportunity to learn, to experiment and to undergo personal development. Being a volunteer is not
merely an activity, but a many faceted process brought about by our partner associations before, during and after
the volunteer project is completed. At SJ, volunteering does not mean humanitarian aid, because we do not deal
with emergency situations, but rather an intercultural exchange and apprenticeship. Voluntary service exists
almost everywhere in the world and is a commitment which varies across different countries, cultures, and types
of projects. Volunteering brings together diverse communities and separate entities, local associations, men,
women, youths and local authorities.
Volunteering is above all a personal commitment, which invites you to a deep discovery.
Group Life
Most of our work camps bring together between 8 and 15 volunteers of around 5 different
nationalities and with an average age of 20.
The group is responsible for cooking and cleaning so volunteers are asked to bring their
favorite traditional recipes!
The adult camps are open to volunteers of 18 years or older and usually there is no upper
age limit unless a specific partner has requested one.
We do not ask that volunteers have any particular qualifications, but they must be
motivated to help and open to experiencing life as a volunteer in a rural area along with
people from diverse backgrounds. A basic knowledge of English and French is helpful.
Camp Leaders
There will be two camp leaders who will accompany the group as they organize aspects of
daily life at the workcamp, such as managing the budget, cooking, recreational activities
etc...A technical leader for specific manual tasks is often provided by the host community in
order to guide volunteers in the methods and procedures of these tasks.
Camp Language
The language used by the group will be dependent on the group itself and on the capacities
of each volunteer, but English and French are the most common languages on our projects.
Volunteers will be hosted in various types of accommodations, including but not limited to
rooms provided by the local association, in tents, or in schools, depending on the project
and the region.
Solidarités Jeunesses provides insurance for accidents and civil liability (accidents caused by
participants, damages that result from the conduct of the insured). This insurance doesn't
cover sicknesses that may occur during your stay in the workcamp.
Leisure Time
Solidarités Jeunesses considers the workcamp as the environment for volunteers to
experience community life. It is for this reason that volunteers organise their leisure time
activities together in accordance with local conditions, group preferences and financial
resources (budget planning). Opportunities may vary between visiting tourist attractions in
the region, discovering the surrounding environment, and organising culture evenings with
locals, etc... It is the responsibility of each volunteer to contribute to a positive and lively
group dynamic!
Codes for the
– Art
– Renovation
– Construction
– Social
AUV (Auvergne)
IDF (Île de France)
FC (Franche Comté)
PC (Poitou-Charentes)
AQUI (Aquitaine)
– Culture
– Environmental
– Teenage
– Family
PACA (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)
LR (Languedoc Roussillon)
MP (Midi-Pyrénées)
N&M (Neige & Merveilles)
Adult Work camp:
 No participation fee
 Workcamps usually last 3 weeks
 Age limit : 18+
 Work hours: 28 to 30 hours per week (morning)
 Afternoons are dedicated to cultural, non-formal education activities or leisure
Teenage Work
 Participation fee for teens : 150.00 Euros
 Medical questionnaire and parental authorisation form have to be sent to SJ a
minimum of 3 weeks before the camp starts. We need original copies!!
 Age Limit : 15 -17 years
 Working hours: 20 to 25 hours per week (morning)
 Afternoons are dedicated to cultural, informal education/recreational activities
On-Going Work
camps (Adult):
 No participation fee
 SJ Delegations propose 3 workcamps for about 3 months, the volunteers and the
delegation discuss the beginning and the duration of the stay together, considering the
mutual capacities
General Rules:
 REV : maximum stay 1 month
 PACA and PC: minimum 3 weeks up to the hole period
 Age Limit : 18+
Youth Exchanges:
 These projects are open to current partners who have already signed the preliminary
Agreement of Partnership
 APV for the group leaders of each partner country
 Groups should be prepared by the group leader before the project starts
 Group leaders participate in the youth exchange as co-leaders during the project
Family Work
 Participation fee per child : 40 Euros
 Participation fee per adult: 80 Euros
 3 Family workcamps in 2015
 Duration : 1 week
 Between 3 and 8 families (6-8 kids from 4 to 15 years; and 5-7 adults)
 Families are hosted in studios or collective rooms of 2 to 6 volunteers. Considering
the make-up of the groups we can propose « family » rooms or « kids » rooms on one
side and parents rooms on the other side of the house.
 Age Limit for children : 4 – 15, there is no age limit for adults
14/04/15 – 23/04/15
6-8 vols
Project : Installation of a space to be used as a youth center. At the heart of the project “Bouge ta Bogue” ; which is relevant
to the local adolescent population and is organized by the association CITRUS, a public locale has been offered, allowing the
local teenagers to create a space of their own to meet up and exchange ideas. The plans for the center will be drawn up, in
advance, by the youth concerned by the project. The application, within the framework of an “international workcamp”, will
enhance the project by bringing a fresh perspective and an intercultural influence.
Work : At the heart of a group comprising 8 local adolescents and 8 international volunteers, your job will, firstly, be to
convert the space designated as the new youth center at Laguépie and secondly, you will be assigned the job of repainting the
bedrooms of the municipal premises where you were welcomed at your arrival. You will have the opportunity to learn
interesting renovation and construction techniques; using recycled materials amongst others.
Leisure activities : During the workcamp, you will have the possibility to discover the life of young people in rural France. You
will also be participating in the cooking and preparation of collective meals, along with the organization of outings and the
festivities celebrating the completion of the renovated venue.
Accommodation : You will be hosted in a communal center in collective bedrooms. Bring your sleeping bag along.
Location : Laguépie is located 100 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Albi
Closest train station: Laguépie (82)
Participation fee : 80€
26/04/15 – 09/05/15
12 vols
Project : L’espace Randonnée (Hiking area) of the Pays du Buëch ( brings together five
communities from communes in the Hautes Alpes around a common objective : develop, invigorate and promote nonmotorised hiking activities: pedestrian, bike tourism, VTT and horse riding, for the purposes of tourism and local
development. In the face of extensive maintenance work required every year over the 1000 kilometres of trails, since 2010
l’espace Randonnée organises many international volunteer workcamps in partnership with the association Les Village des
Jeunes ( This workcamp is an occasion for a true immersion in nature : it will allow you to
discover the beautiful Hauts-Alpins countryside, its fauna and its flora. The proposed work is accessible to all but it involves
walking in mountains every day to reach the site of the workcamp.
Work: This workcamp involves clearing bush from paths invaded by vegetation, cutting down trees, pruning or marking out
the trails in the Rosanais sector. In this region lying next to the Drôme, the meeting of alpine and Mediterranean vegetation
creates a diversity and surprisingly rich flora, whether it be in the wild or in the heart of the countryside. Every week, the
group will move to different sections, a time to discover the countryside from different points of view.
Leisure: During free time, you will be able to go swimming in the Rosanais lake and in nearby rivers, carry out sporting
activities and to organise international meals with the local inhabitants. During the weekends, touristic outings to discover the
region may also be organised. For the enthusiasts of VTT and bike tourism, note that the session in May finishes with the
“Buiscyclette”: a local sports event that takes place in a convivial and family atmosphere with numerous activities.
Accommodation: Camping
Location: Rosans (30km from Serres, 40km from Nyons, 200km from Marseille)
Closest train station: Serres
07/06/15 – 28/06/15
12 vols
Project: In 2013, the town of Aspremont, a small locality of 320 residents located in the Buëch valley (Hautes-Alpes), bought
the remains of a castle overlooking the town. Soon afterwards, a small group of residents formed with the shared purpose of
creating places for walking and hosting outdoor cultural events. In order to encourage the local population to take part in this
project, and given the extent of the work to be completed, the town approached les Villages des Jeunes to request that an
international youth workcamp be put in place. Overlooking the village, on a promontory from which can be seen the entirety
of Aspremont, the castle was probably built to control the routes from Sisteron, from Gap, and from the Cabre pass. The ruins
that exist recall the architecture of the 16th century, but the first construction of the castle is thought have begun in the
Middle Ages.
Work: This year's workcamp will focus on restoring one of the four original towers, which is for the most part in ruins. After
having made improvements to the interior walls of the tower in order to install scaffolding, the task at hand will now be to
remove stones in danger of falling and then to reintegrate them into the wall. This workcamp, completed under the
instruction of an archaeological overseer will allow you to discover techniques of traditional masonry and built heritage
Leisure : Opportunities for meeting locals will be organized, and you will have the chance to take part in local events including
the Aspremont village local celebration. During free time; you will be able to discover the small nearby villages and enjoy the
surrounding nature with hikes, swimming and sporting activities. Sightseeing trips in the surrounding area will also be
Accommodation: in tents, on a camp ground
Location: Aspremont (40 km from Sisteron, 35 km from Gap)
Closest train station: Aspres sur Buëch or Veynes Dévoluy
Project: In the south of the Hautes-Alpes department, the town of Laragne is situated between the Alps mountains and the
hills of Provence. In the outskirts of the town, the specialized hosting center, Soleil Ame, hosts twenty autistic residents
throughout the year. During this project, you will help the educative team to build an outdoor kitchen, so that the residents
can make picnics and pizzas outside, in their garden.
Work : Together with the long term volunteers of the international center « The village of Vaunières » and some of the
autistic residents, you will build a little oven to cook pizzas, create tables and set up the kitchen worktops. You will thus have
the possibility to create links which cross international borders as well as borders related to disabilities. You will also have
time to discover Laragne, visit the region and organize outdoor activities.
Accommodation: in mobil-homes, at the camping ground of Laragne
Location: Laragne (10 km from Sisteron, 40 km from Gap)
Closest train station: Laragne
Special requirements: We are looking for very motivated volunteers, who are ready to work in a specialized hosting center
with severely autistic people suffering both mental and physical disabilities.
17/05/15 – 23/05/15
17/05/15 – 30/05/15
24/05/15 – 30/05/15
8 vols
8 vols
8 vols
Project: The Clausonne abbey is situated in the Saix, a small village in the canton of Veynes in the Hautes-Alpes. Today, only
the remnants of this 12th century building are found as the abbey was destroyed, burnt, rebuilt and finally used as a farm and
school in the 19th century. Clausonne remains however a remarkable site, sharing the beauty of the wildness that surrounds
it : situated at 1200m of altitude, in the heart of a vast « circus » of mountains, the abbey became the route point for
numerous hikers that visit the Haute vallée of Maraize. Thus, rather than letting the vegetation once again cover the ruins of
Clausonne, the inhabitants of Saix founded an association 20 years ago in order to highlight this site. Progressively, thanks to
numerous international workcamps that have worked there, this place lives again and is currently open from April to October.
The workcamps organised at the Clausonne site are received by the hosting centre of the Faï farm, not far from there. The Faï
is an extraordinary place, there you will find young people in difficulty, employees in training, professional artists or long term
volunteers. We hope during your stay at the Fai that you will bring your willingness and good humour to bring the spirit of
encounter to life and to work together to animate this place.
Work: The West part of the abbey was added in the 19th century, the period when the abbey was used as a livestock farm.
Even if this part called « the cochonniers » was the object of a workcamp last year, it still needs to be reinforced. The first
intervention permitted to secure a zone by removing the vegetation and consolidating the walls. This year, you will continue
this work in order to make this zone look nicer and above all, to make it more accessible. You will repoint the masonry and
strengthen it if needed. The stones will be laid out and reassembled identically. A coping will protect the walls for a better
water evacuation. Moreover, a small group will work on the maintenance of the site: bush cutting, weeding...
Leisure: Situated in a remarkable natural environment, Clausonne is an exceptional place to discover the pleasures of
mountain hiking and life in a rural area, with its local markets and producers. In the evenings at the Ferme du Faï, you will be
able to organise games, international meals and project movies. During the workcamp, touristic outings to discover the towns
and villages of the region may also be organised and you will participate in the music festival.
Accommodation: In rooms at the Ferme du Faï
Location: Clausonne, 5km from the village of Saix, 30km from Gap, 200km from Marseille
Closest train station: Veynes Dévoluy
09/06/15 - 30/06/15 RENO
12 vols
Project: After many successful workcamps on the Oléron Island, the community has anew called upon the association La
Maison des Bateleurs to organise an international workcamp of the restoration of two oyster-farming cabins. Organised in
partnership with the association "électron libre", which aids those in the process of reintegration, the idea of the project is to
allow these people to recreate a social link, beginning with the volunteers. This association organises workshops around art
and manual work: tailoring clothes, decoration, painting... and varied events which create connections between the people.
Work: at the moment, the association does not have a space to allow for these meetings. You will renovate two wooden
cabins, located along the canal. Taking part in wood construction works - carpentry, frame-building, and cladding - you will
restore the cabins from wall to ceiling, and finish off with painting - preferably in bright and vivid colours!
Leisure activities: this very favourable geographic situation will allow you to enjoy walks on the island and along the beaches,
and to swim in the ocean. Social gatherings with the inhabitants and the members of the association will be arranged as well.
Accommodation: collective, indoor
Location: Château d'Oléron, Charente-Maritime, in the middle of the sea, 40 km from Rochefort
Closest train station: Rochefort
10/06/15 - 01/07/15
12 vols
Project: Located at the mouth of the Charente river, the peninsula of Fouras-les-Bains is home to three harbours and five
beaches. For its first workcamp, the municipality has contacted the association Solidarités Jeunesses to renovate a part of the
Fort de l'Aiguille. This fort is a redoubt, a fortification system built by the French military engineer Vauban. The redoubt
protected Fouras from a potential enemy sea invasion.
Work: the restoration of a part of the fort's main facade will be done in three stages. You will help the technical leader to
remove plants from the facade, and to remove and replace the chalk mortar joints between the stones. Other works of
traditional masonry are planned, such as redoing the stone coping (top layer of the wall) and stone-cutting.
Leisure activities: if you like the beach, seagulls and shells, you can spend every free minute enjoying them! You can also visit
the Aix Island by boat, a small car-free island in the middle of the ocean. As it is a popular sea-side resort, June also provides
the chance for participation in summer events like the Nuit des Carrelets and the local music festival.
Accommodation: collective, indoor, in Fouras
Location: Fouras-les-Bains, Charente-Maritime, 30 km from La Rochelle
Closest train station: Rochefort
14/06/15 – 01/07/15
12 vols
Project: For the sixth consecutive year, the association Vir'Volt and its partners are organising the Vir'Volt Festival (27-28
June), an artistic inter-cultural event designed to vitalise the local community. Through live-music performances and other
activities the festival provides a platform for meetings and cultural exchange between volunteers (both local and
international), artists and the general public.
Work: As a volunteer you will alternate between two kinds of workshop: one focussed on designing and creating decorations
for the venue, the other taking place in a recording studio with the aim of preparing a musical performance to be delivered
during the festival. In order to promote the festival, volunteers will give musical and theatrical performances in the town, and
during the festival itself they will play the role of the offbeat police, our very own international guardians of the peace!
Leisure activities : Volunteers will have the chance to enjoy the association's campsite and to discover the cultural and natural
heritage of a region which is home to such famous products as Champagne and Brie. Volunteers will also be able to attend a
range of events in the area, such as the concerts in the kiosk, which take place in the town every Sunday throughout the
month of June.
Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in communal tents (yurts, tipis) on the association's campsite. Participants need to
bring along a sleeping bag.
Location: The town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 60 km East of Paris, in the Seine-et-Marne region.
Closest train station: La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Note: This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If participants wish to visit Paris, they should arrive some
days before or leave some days after the dates of the summer camp.
04/07/15 – 24/07/15
12 vols
Project : This project was originally put in place by the association of Solidarités Jeunesses (Aquitaine) and the commune of
Buisson-de-Cadouin (which includes Paleyrac since 1974). At the crossroads of several departmental urban poles (Bergerac,
Sarlat,) and the tourist attractions of the Périgord pourpre, the Périgord noir and the country of the bastides (fortified towns).
Work : you will be working to restore several aspects of the local heritage. Possible projects will include for example cleaning
and restoring a small stream, or calvaries (monument topped by a cross).
Finally this freshly cleared space must be designated with beacons and road markings.
Leisure activities : during your free time, you will be able to explore various hiking paths and discover the many different
leisure activities to be enjoyed in this region. This workcamp will take place during the highly animated summertime season.
Every Friday night, you will be able to go to the « Night Market» (evening farmers' market) and take part in different local
activities. You will also be able to take advantage of activities on the Dordogne river (canoeing, swimming, etc).
Accommodation : campground tents.
Location : Paleyrac, 4,8 km from Buisson-de-Cadouin and 32 km from Sarlat-la-Canéda, between Sarlat and Bergerac.
Closest train station : Le Buisson-de-Cadouin.
THE LABYRINTH 04/07/15 – 25/07/15 ENVI 13 vols
Project : Did you already get lost in a labyrinth ? Not in this one because you will be one of the master builders. For the fourth
time in a row the sociocultural center of Vergèze will host a group of international volunteers. The center is very implicated
and offers a large number of various activities to the local population. The municipality is very attached to the project as well
and will be on hand for a good organization.
Work : the work of the volunteers will consist in the preparation of a plot in the municipal park that will add another
attraction for the inhabitants coming to enjoy themselves in the park. You will prepare the place (cleaning, leveling and lay
out the course) and then plant the bushes that will form the labyrinth. A logistical help for the organization of festivities
(citizen party, local festival) is also planned and will allow you to share lots of moments with the locals.
Leisure activities: through the work, but also thanks to the contact with the local population, participants will have many
opportunities to discover local life in this festive period, with, for example, the local bull festival and the fireworks of July 14 .
The region offers a rich variety of outdoor leisure activities: the beach, hiking, discovering the roman city of Nîmes, visit the
mineral spring of Perrier….
Accommodation: in a room of the sociocultural center. Facilities and other spaces for collective life (cooking, meals, …) are
available in the same building.
Location: Vergèze, small community of 4000 inhabitants is situated on half-way between Nîmes and Montpellier.
Closest train station : Vergèze.
05/07/15 – 18/07/15 RENO 10 vols 18+
19/07/15 – 01/08/15 RENO 10 vols 18+
Project: Since 1960, Neige et Merveilles association has been taking over and renovating the old buildings of Vallauria Mining
Works, creating an accommodation and learning center there. After decades of working alongside the old mining site as well
as the various specialists operating on the site (geologists, mineralogists, archaeologists, speleologists), the association turned
its thoughts from 2009 onwards on how to enhance and capitalize on this heritage. The first step in this exercise was to carry
out an inventory of the old mines and the site in its present-day context. The mining heritage of Vallauria is characterized by
spectacular ancient underground mining works. The Vallauria Mining Works embodies a desire to develop activities, within
the framework of a local sustainable development project, opening the site to a large public.
Work: making the mine safer by consolidating and cleaning the ground in the heart of the mine and its main tunnels. This
work uses traditional construction techniques as dry stone (retaining walls, stairs). Part of the work is also to evacuate rubble
using wheelbarrows along wooden duckboards. You will be supervised by a heritage restoration professional.
Leisure activities: a learning facilitator will accompany the group throughout the stay, encouraging young people to become
part of a cultural dynamic, by giving them a chance to discover the findings of research carried out on the geological and
mining heritage of Vallauria. Our aim is also to draw young people into a program of discovery activities, encourage all kind of
initiatives and incite them to take part in sportive and cultural activities opening up opportunities for discovery, share
experiences and exchange for each of them.
We can offer them the kind of things they are looking for: discovering the region’s historical and cultural heritage (national
park and Vallée des Merveilles [“valley of wonders”], medieval villages), formal and informal encounters with people working
in the mountains (shepherds, guides), participation in local cultural festivals, taking part in high-adrenaline sports activities
(via-ferrata, assisted climbing routes, canyoning).
Accommodation: Inside a building, bedroom for six people with sanitary facilities. Please bring a sleeping bag or bed linen.
Location: Tende, situated 80 km away from Nice, 50 km from Monaco
Closest train station : Tende
Airport: Nice
SJ15 INSULATING FAÇADE HOTELLERIE 1 05/07/15 – 18/07/15 RENO 8 vols 18+
Project: In the heart of the Hautes Alpes, the association “Les Villages des Jeunes” has been managing, livening up and
renovating the reception centre of Vaunières since 1964. It is an old mountain hamlet, now a ‘springboard' place for youth
and adults experiencing family, health or professional difficulties, and who need to take some time to recharge, acquire new
skills and reflect on their plans. Vaunières is also a place where families, tourists and people with disabilities come on holiday
to enjoy the calm of the mountains and the dynamics of the place. The workcamps that we organise at Vaunières with
volunteers from all over the world allow us to strengthen the cultural diversity of our activities and to make this site open to
the world, a place where people of all ages and all social and cultural backgrounds agree to meet by working together and
sharing collective life. We hope that you also, a volunteer from France or abroad, will come in this spirit of encounter and
working together which brings our project to life.
Work: The hosting centre consists of several buildings, including the “Hôtellerie”. During winter this house was restructured
with a new apartment for permanent staff and a lodge as the result. This workcamp will give you the opportunity to step in to
the part where the walls will be insulated, beginning with the east façade. The work includes placing a natural insulator, after
having prepared the walls and constructed a stationary, wooden framework to hold the plaster. This workcamp will let you
discover new techniques, such as traditional plastering and the use of ecological materials!
Leisure activities: Situated in a remarkable natural environment, Vaunières is an ideal place to discover the joy of hiking and
life in a rural area, with its markets, people and its producers. In the evenings, you will be able to organise games,
international meals or show movies. During the project, touristic outings to discover the towns and villages of the region may
also be organised.
Accommodation in tents, all facilities available on site
Location: Vaunières (7 km from the village of St Julien en Beauchêne, 40 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Lus la Croix Haute
SJ17 CEVENNES PATHS 05/07/15 – 25/07/15 ENVI 12 vols
Project: L'Espinas is a small hamlet situated in Cevennes's mountains, at the heart of the Cevennes National park. It is crossed
by the road of the crests which is a big way of transhumance in the direction of the Mont Lozère. The municipality of St
Andéol de Clerguemort acquired the hamlet, then abandoned and in ruin, twenty years ago. By now, it is a place of life and
exchanges where there is a local bar and a training place for dry stone walling.
The hamlet welcomed two workcamps last years, to work for clearing a ruin, the making of dry stone walling, and the creation
of a chestnut path. This year, the municipality with the local associations, wish to concentrate on the repair and the
arrangement of pedestrian paths on the municipality of St Andéol de Clerguemort. This workcamp is co-organised with the
association Passadou.
Work : You will thus work on the arrangement of paths on the themes of the orchard of sweet chestnut tree and some dry
stone walls. You will make some clearing, the cleaning, and you will be asked to make benches, banisters and wooden games
for every public.
Leisure activities : You can use your leisure time to discover the natural resources and locals traditions of Cevennes and the
Mont Lozère, make some hikes, participate in local events, swim in the Luech (a little river), visit the open markets...
Location : L'Espinas, St Andéol de Clerguemort, 40km of Alès, 40km of Florac
Accommodation : in tents, at l'Espinas
Closest train station : Génolhac
SJ18 TAVEL 05/07/15 – 26/07/15 RENO 13 vols
Project : Tavel, a village in the department of Gard with rich traditions and an important wine culture, will host a group of
international volunteers for the first time. You will help to restore a stone wall in a traditional technique in the center of the
village that is very animated in this time of year (local festival, Avignon’s theater festival).
Work : the work of the volunteers will consist in the restoration of dry stone walls in a traditional technique that is typical for
the region. These walls are surrounding a large place that you will also work on (cleaning and clearing) in order to allow the
local people to use it. A logistical help for the organization of local festivities is also planned and will allow you to share lots of
moments with the locals.
Leisure activities: through the work, but also thanks to the contact with the local population, participants will have many
opportunities to discover local life in this festive period. The region offers a rich variety of outdoor leisure activities: hiking,
the public swimming pool, discovering the vineyards and the city of Avignon…
Accommodation: in the local sports hall. Facilities and other spaces for collective life (cooking, meals, …) are available in the
same building.
Location : Tavel, village of 1800 inhabitants, is located between Orange and Avignon.
Closest train station : Avignon: City station at 15 km, TGV station at 18 km.
07/07/15 – 28/07/15
RENO-ENVI 12 vols
Project: The city of Saint-Yorre is known for its natural springs. The city has recently bought the park of Larbaud where one of
these spring flows. Local authorities invite internationals volunteers to help them to renovate this park in order to enhance
this park for local populations and transform it as a nice place to stroll in.
Work: During the workcamp, you will work at the environmental clearing of the park (clearing weeds for instance) around the
lac of the park and around the canals banks. Your job will also consist in restoring some constructions: walls and bridges.
Each year a celebration is organised in order to give a chance to local inhabitant to meet the international volunteers who
contributed to the restoration of the park, if you want you can participate in the organisation of this event.
Leisure: This project allows you to discover the region (Vichy, Moulins); to visit sightseeing places and to meet local
populations and the local youth. Of course, you will be invited at local festivities.
Accommodation: in a municipal building in the park.
Location: Saint-Yorre (Allier) to 8 km to Vichy
Closest train station: Vichy
Project: Local authorities from the Bocage Bourbonnais are engaged in policies of animation and promotion of their
territory. it organises a workcamp each year in order to give a chance to volunteers to explore the beautiful region that has
given birth to the Bourbon dynasty (king of France XVI – XIX centuries). In this perspective, local authorities have decided to
renovate the signs of hiking paths of several constituencies.
Work: You will start your project with the observation of renovation needs at the chosen hiking paths (orientation, use of the
maps). Then, you will work on the necessary works in order to improve the sign system: reparation of the signs that already
exist (carpentery, paint, cut the plants to clean the path) and installation of new signs (engraving, paint, fixing).
Leisure activities: You will have an opportunity to visit the region and explore its culture (Jardin de Tivoli, Foire Médiévale de
Souvigny, historical heritage of the region...). You will also have the opportunity to be involved in the organisation of a guided
walk. A mini-bus will be provided for your trips.
Accommodation: in tents, at a camping next to a pond of Vieure.
Location: Vieure 40km to the west from Moulins sur Allier
Closest train station: Moulins sur Allier
08/07/15– 29/07/15
RENO 15 vols
Project : This is the first workcamp to take place in Labastide-Saint-Georges Albias. This lovely village was built in
the 13th century, in the heart of the “Cocagne land”, where pastels used to be grown and used by many artists such as
Ingres. You'll be welcomed by a dynamic and motivated municipal team, as well as by friendly inhabitants who will act as your
village guides, helping you to discover its heritage, its park on the river bank, and its summer events.
Work: The work will consist of renovating the stone wall of the cemetery. You will learn how to build a stone wall, including
replacing stones and sealing gaps. Work will also consist of clearing grass from sections of the wall. A group of enthusiastic
former masons will help you complete these tasks.
Leisure activities: You will be able to take part in summertime events, and enjoy natural and cultural local heritage
sites. Popular options include hiking, canoeing, and cycling. You can pay a visit to Lavaur, Albi and other famous locations
nearby. Meetings can be organized with the local associations, such as a word-famous Buddhist monastery, the leisure center,
the elders organization, a local bee-keeper or apple producers...You will have the chance to create an interactive presentation
of your country of origin. Sharing with the locals is an important part of this experience.
Accommodation: in tents in the local rugby stadium, with access to a kitchen, toilets and showers.
Location: Labastide-Saint-Georges, between Toulouse and Albi.
Closest train station: Lavaur
SJ23 BIÈS SOCIAL FARM : A PLACE FOR UTOPIA 08/07/15 – 29/07/15
RENO/ENV/SOC 10 vols 18+
Project : This project marks the sixth collaboration between the Association of Biès Farm and Citrus. The association, "A Place
for Utopia", is open throughout the year for people in difficulty (single women, disabled people, solidarity camping ...). The
colourful and dynamic local team will be happy to share with you their values and their cooking, prepared using the farm's
products. Because sign language being is spoken by "Place for Utopia" team, this project is ideal for those who are hearing
impaired or deaf.
Work: This project will focus on the interior of a large room of the 13th century farmhouse. You will remove the sealing
from its stone walls, reseal the freshly cleaned wall, and participate in various projects in this building, which will become a
venue for concerts, conferences, meetings etc. You will actively participate in cooking meals with the hostess for the rest of
the group and members of the association. You will gather vegetables and fruits from the garden, as well as sharing gardening
tasks. You will have the support of several volunteers of the association and share your work with the association members
and beneficiaries. Working time= full days (9- 16h).
Leisure activities: An exceptional view on the Pyrenées and the nearby sites such as the Black Mountain, the Canal du Midi
and St Ironwood Lake make this location a good introduction to the Lauragais region. Time spent with the members of the
association will be an integral part of the project. You will also have plenty of time to explore the beautiful surrounding areas,
a short distance from the Ariège and the Pyrenées.
Accommodation: You will stay in a dormitory in the main house on the farm.
Location: Mourvilles-Hautes is located 50 km South-East from Toulouse.
Closest train station : Villefranche-De-Lauragais
09/07/15 – 30/07/15 RENO 12 vols 18+
Project: the community of Montguyon has a rich cultural history, including a castle and a church that are classified as historic
monuments. This village has already welcomed several workcamps to restore the exterior facade of the presbytery next to the
church. This site is regularly used by the religious community as a place of work, to host pilgrims on the path of St Jacques de
Compostelle, scouts and youth groups, give refuge to people in difficulty and to welcome local activities and events. This
community and its members have a great deal of experience in welcoming international visitors as they have been welcoming
global artists for the last 30 years as a part of Mondiofolk, a festival of traditional songs and dances from around the world.
Work: this workcamp is dedicated to the continuation of its predecessors’ efforts. The workcamp will ask you to remove and
replace the chalk mortar joints between the stones of a part of the exterior walls, in order to reinforce and re-embellish the
building. A technical expert who will introduce you to traditional restoration techniques will accompany all work.
Leisure activities: you can enjoy the recreation area of the Lake of Beau Vallon: the well-maintained beach, pedal-boats and
canoes await you! The fascinating local history of Montguyon is exemplified by a castle, stable and ramparts, as well as a
dolmen, an ancient, single-chambered tomb, which is also known as the “covered alley of mad stones”. During the summer
events, such as nightly markets, you will be able to participate in the organization of nighttime happenings, giving you the
opportunity to meet the locals and taste regional specialties. Excursions to nearby towns, large cities such as Bordeaux and
Angouleme, or day trips to the ocean can all be arranged. Cognac and St. Emilion, towns well-known for their wine-making
traditions, are also quite close.
Accommodation: In the presbytery
Location: Montguyon, Charente-Maritime, between Bordeaux and Angoulême
Closest train station: Montendre
10/07/15 – 31/07/15 RENO 12 vols 18+
Project: after the successful hosting of an international workcamp in 2006, the community of Puyravault has anew asked the
association Solidarités Jeunesses to invite international volunteers. This community, close to the marsh Marais Poitevin,
fondly remembers the enriching experiences of the 2006 workcamp. In an effort to revive this exciting dynamic in its
community, the municipality hopes the organization of the workcamp will allow locals and workcamp participants alike to
invest themselves in this project and to thus be able to exchange and form connections.
Work: you will take part in the restoration of a wall of the village church. Techniques of traditional masonry will be taught to
you in the process of removing and replacing the chalk mortar joints between the wall stones. A technical leader will be with
you during the work times, introducing you to techniques passed through the generations. You will paint and refurbish the
local community hall and other outdoor features.
Leisure activities: You will enjoy local summer events offered by the community. You will also have the opportunity to
discover the region, the Marais Poitevin, sightsee in La Rochelle, swim in the Atlantic ocean, but above all to get to know and
share time with the local population.
Accommodation: collective, indoor, in a classroom of the village's primary school
Location: Puyravault, Charente Maritime, 30 km from La Rochelle
Closest train station: Surgères
10/07/15 - 31/07/15 RENO 12 vols 18+
Project: Montlieu la Garde is a village in the region “Saintonge boisée” which regularly hosts international workcamps.
Reputed for its ecological museum, the Maison de la Forêt (Forest House) that makes the local natural richness more
accessible to the public by organizing hiking tours, exhibitions and events, Montlieu-La-Garde is an ideal place to welcome
you! Excited by the commitment and engagement of international volunteers, the municipality wishes to organize another
international workcamp, which has become indispensable for international encounters and exchanges.
The village envisages work on the beautification of the town hall’s square. Due to the lack of maintenance, a rich cultural
heritage has been forgotten, and is just waiting to be brought back into the spotlight!
Work: you will work on the refurbishment of a part of the town hall’s square. You will take part in the restoration of a water
basin, of two wells and a wall as well as in the improvement of the stairs. You will have the chance to work with stone,
undertake works of traditional limestone masonry as well as carry out small painting and landscaping tasks. A municipal
technical employee will coordinate the work time and assist you on the planned work.
Leisure activities: Montlieu la Garde is situated in between two large cities: Bordeaux and Angoulême, and not far from St
Emilion and Cognac, landmarks for French wine-making tradition. Between visits to the swimming pool, discovering the
region and walks along the Voie Verte, you will share many memorable encounters with the local population. Outside working
times, you will also take part in summer events: the national holiday, the traditional medieval festival and also visits of local
food producers, tasting their specialties.
Accommodation: in a house of the village
Location: Montlieu-la-Garde, Charente Maritime, between Bordeaux and Angoulême
Closest train station: Montendre
(dates to be confirmed in April)
11/07/15– 01/08/15
16 vols
Project: The Pinson Mound Redoubt is a military fortification dating from the late 19 century. The redoubt is located at the
top of a small hill in the middle of a 110 hectare regional park. International summer camps here contribute to the restoration
and renovation of the fort, with the aim of opening it to the public (especially for heritage days in September). During the
project volunteers may also be interested in learning about the redoubt's history, as well as the Pinson Mound regional
development project.
Work: This year volunteers will continue to restore the fort's surrounding wall. Initial work will be carried out by local young
people in April in order to prepare the area for the summer work camp. As a volunteer in this camp you will work with these
local youngsters to clean and reinforce the stones of the upper part of the wall.
Leisure activities: This summer camp is organised in conjunction with four neighbouring towns, the goal being to encourage
local young people to engage with the camp's activities. As such you will be able to take part in cultural outings and social
exchanges organised with local partner associations. Other free-time activities will be organized collectively, depending on the
wishes of the group and the available budget.
Accommodation: You will sleep on inflatable mattresses in school dormitories. Participants need to bring along a sleeping
Location: The town of Montmagny, located 15 km North of Paris.
Closest train station: Deuil-Montmagny.
Observations: This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If participants wish to visit Paris, they should
arrive some days before or leave some days after the dates of the summer camp.
SJ29 COMMUNITY OF THE COMMUNES OF VALLÉE DE L'HOMME 11/07/15 – 31/07/15 ENVI 12 vols 18+
Project : This project was originally put in place by the association of Solidarités Jeunesses (Aquitaine) and the commune
of Bugue. This commune is situated in the Périgord Noir, on the shores of the Vézère, near its junction with the Dordogne. The
nearby Eyzies-de-Tayac/Sireuil are characterized by a troglodyte architecture, an exceptional, natural environment, a rich
prehistoric local heritage, with ornate caves such as the Font de Gaume which make this village a global capital or prehistory.
Work : you will work on the clearing and road marking of 150 km hiking paths throughout the communes of Eyzies, du Bugue,
Campagne, Saint Cirq and Saint Chamassy. This workcamp is the first of many of this kind.
Leisure activities : during your free time, you can visit the many prehistoric caves, visit the international Pole of Prehistory,
the museum of prehistory, the Périgord Noir aquiarium, etc. This workcamp will take place during the highly animated
summertime season. At the heart of Périgord Noir, you will be able to enjoy the unique charm of the troglodyte villages of the
Dordogne. Water activities (Dordogne, Vézère, Céou) such as canoe trips, swimming, and barge trips will also be available to
Accommodation : in houses, in the Sireuil accommodation center.
Location : between the communes of Eyzies and Bugue. 17 km from Sarlat-la-Canéda.
Closest train station : Bugue and Eyzies.
12/07/15 – 01/08/15
12 vols
Project: At the foot of the Massif du Dévoluy, in the Hautes-Alpes, stand the remains of the castle of Lesdiguières, at the
entrance of a hamlet of the same name, in the district of Glaizil. This castle was built in the 16th century by François de
Bonne, the future duke of Lesdiguières and the last constable of France. Only the ruins of the old chapel, the towers, and
broken down sections of the walls can be found at the site of this once-grand castle, ranked as a French national historic
monument. The general council of the owners of the site, and the association of Lesdiguières, have decided to preserve this
element of local history and to bring it back to life. It is with this effort in mind that, since 2010, a dynamic partnership has
formed with Les Villages des Jeunes to organize an international youth workcamp each year.
Work: In 2013, a field program focused on repairing a section of the surrounding wall took place. Since last year, we work with
the improvements of the walls of the old stables. These improvements will take place under the supervision of an
archaeological overseer and will give you the opportunity to discover techniques of traditional masonry. Please be aware that
the work may be physical as you sometimes have to carry big stones!
Leisure activities: You will be able to organize hikes, swimming trips, sports and games, and sightseeing tours in the
surrounding areas. During your free time, you will also be able to organize events with locals such as international meals, joint
workcamp days, parties, festivities…
Accommodation: in tents on the St. Firmin campgrounds
Location: Lesdiguières, district of Glaizil (30km from Gap)
Closest train station: Gap
12/07/15 – 01/08/15
12 vols
Projet : This project was originally put in place by the association of Solidarités Jeunesses (Aquitaine) and the commune
of Lalinde. An old fortified town (12th century) which today includes some 3000 inhabitants. Lalinde is located south of the
department of Dordogne, in Périgord pourpre, and is characterized by its canals (19th century) which runs alongside the rivers
of the Dordogne from east to west.
Work : you will work to restore the basin of the canal, located in the heart of the village. This will include the renovation of
the stones surrounding the basin. The goal is to carry out a masonry project, cutting and cleaning the stones.
Leisure activities : during free time, you will be able to walk along the Lalinde canal, and explore the various hiking paths and
the magnificent countryside of the Dordogne. This workcamp will take place during the highly animated summertime
season. From the 20th to the 21st of July, you will attend the traditional music festival, known as the « tradigordines ». You
will also be able to take advantage of the Dordogne river (canoeing, swimming, etc) and outdoor activities provided by the
municipal campground (pool, mountain biking...). Numerous cultural sites (castles, Roman churches, etc) in the surrounding
area and a contemporary art exhibit, with its artists collective, on the campground, may also satisfy your cultural curiosity.
Accommodation : campground tents, along the shores of the Dordogne.
Location : Lalinde is 25 km from Bergerac and 50 km from Sarlat-la-Canéda and from Périgueux.
Closest train station : Lalinde.
15/07/15 – 05/08/15
RENO /ENV 15 vols 18+
Project : Septfonds, named after its seven sources, has hosted Citrus for three years. This year marks the beginning of a new
international workcamp, designed to maintain the strong link between the association and the village and to maintain local
tourist attractions. Located in the department of Tarn-et-Garonne, famous for its stones construction and straw handicrafts,
Septfonds has a rich and complex local heritage, shaped by the hands and the memory of local men and women. In the 19th
Century it was the birthplace of the straw hat, the invention and manufacture of which invention caused the city to flourish.
The Second World War also left a mark on the village, with the thousands of Spanish, Polish and Jewish people deported to its
detention camp. The whole village, as well as its memorials, have been built with Septfonds stone, extracted during the war
from dozens of quarries. In 2014, strong bonds of friendship were created between the international volunteers, the technical
leaders and the locals.
Work : This year work will mainly concern these stones, which are the remaining witnesses of Septfonds' history. The group
will continue the work started last year by focusing on the quarrier path (clearing brushwood, building up the path) and the
restoration of many dry-stone walls. Thanks to this work, those elements will become part of a historical tourist trail. You will
be welcomes by a municipal employee, and by volunteers of an association specialized in the building of dry-stone walls.
Leisure activities : Beside the working time, volunteers may explore the many attractions Septfonds has to offer (dolmens,
chapel, commemoration places, ancient straw hat factories). They will enjoy meeting the welcoming locals and
associations. They will have the opportunity to wander through the streets of beautiful medieval villages such as SaintAntonin-Noble-Val, Bruniquel, Penne or to visit Montauban, home town of the great neo-classical painter Ingres. In this
wonderful region, canoeing, hiking or bathing in rivers will be included in possible free-time activities.
Accommodation : at the stadium premises, with all available facilities.
Location : Septfonds is located 90 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Cahors
Closest train station : Caussade (in the department of Tarn-et-Garonne, 82300)
SJ33 VILLEFRANCHE DE ROUERGUE 15/07/15 – 05/08/15
Project : This project marks the first collaboration between Villefranche-de-Rouergue and Citrus. The New City of the Middle
Ages, built in 1252, Villefranche de Rouergue is in the center of a triangle formed by Albi , Cahors and Rodez. With a rich
architectural heritage, the town has preserved the originality of its medieval urban plan, its strong commercial tradition and
its fragrant markets with a great diversity of local products. It is here that one sees the town's southern influences: the roofs
of the city are done Roman tiles, this is no longer the Massif Central, but already the Midi from Toulouse. This ancient fortified
town has a wealth of cultural activity and activities provided by numerous local organizations.
Work: This project will involve clearing a space surrounding the aerodrome of Villefranche. Walkers enjoy exploring this
attraction but do not have access to a secure path . This is where you come in: work will include removing weeds, trees
and bushes to create a trail for walkers. Other existing roads may be cleared according to the progress of work on the
aerodrome site. You will be accompanied on this mission by three municipal employees. The second part of the project is
more culturally focused. The pool of Villefranche erects the largest slide in Europe on July 18th and 4 people in your group
will be asked to ensure the safety of children taking part in pool activities. Lastly, your group will participate in the
organization of the city's night market taking place on July 27th , setting up tables, serving diners, and when the event is
finished, helping clear the site.
Leisure activities: During free time you can take part in summer festivities such as "The place is yours " ( ...), a Dj set, and
activities organized at the pool, local farmers markets, and concerts. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the Aveyron river,
located a few kilometers away, where you can swim or canoe. You are encouraged to explore the local natural and cultural
heritage of the area, including hiking, swimming canoeing, and enjoying city tours and museums, as well as visiting Najac and
other remarkable sites nearby. Exchanges can be arranged with local associations for interactive discovery of your country of
origin. Meetings with residents and farm tours for discovering and tasting local specialities will also be available to you.
Accommodation: in a house located 15 minutes by walking from the city center, with all the necessities and a garden.
Location: Villefranche-de-Rouergue, 135 km North-East of Toulouse, between Cahors and Rodez
Closest train station : Villefranche-de-Rouergue
15/07/15 – 05/08/15
12 vols
Project: Merignac le Pin is a small town situated in Saintonge, which, for the first time is welcoming an international
workcamp. This town, next to the hosting center of La Maison des Bateleurs, is very supportive of the association. Following
the acquisition of a field containing a public washing place, the municipality has decided to rebuild this important piece of its
national heritage.
Work: you will begin by removing the debris and ruins surrounding the site. After clearing the area, you will begin the
reconstruction of the washing place. You will learn carpentry, sheathing, and construction skills. Your main activity will be
woodworking, then continuing the work on the landscaping of the area. A local from Montendre will accompany you during
the working period.
Leisure: you will have the opportunity to enjoy different activities with the locals like visiting the Maison des Bateleurs, the
local hosting center of Soliarités Jeunesses and exploring the landmarks of the region: La Rochelle, Cognac, and St Emilion…
Exchange between different delegations and other volunteers will be possible. You can also participate and involve yourself in
a large number of events and meet the local population.
Accommodation: in the town hall
Location: Mérignac, Charente-Maritime, between Bordeaux and Angoulême
Closest train station: Montendre
18/07/2015 – 08/08/2015
14 vols
Project : The association “Centre de Beaumotte” and the towns of “Rhin et Cherimont” have been organising workcamps
together for 5 years now. This workcamp has become the not-to-be-missed event of the summer for the local inhabitants.
They will be impatiently waiting to share and discover new cultures with you.
Work : You will be part of a fountain’s renovation. You will learn basic techniques of traditional masonry and will try stone
working and stone cutting with professionals.
Leisure : The City, his Mayor and locals want to share a unique experience with you. Therefore, you will be able to visit many
touristic places of Franche-Comté Region with locals. Depending on the weather, walking and swimming will be planned.
Activities such as visiting the cities of Belfort, and Ronchamp or planning international meals will also be organised.
Accommodation : You will sleep in a community hall on camp beds in a common room. Please bring a sleeping bag.
Location : Ronchamp is 20 minutes away from Belfort
Closest train station : Belfort-Montbeliard train station
18/07/2015 – 08/08/2015
12 vols
Project : The aim of this project, organised in partnership with the town of Confracourt is to host 12 volunteers and 2 leaders
in order to have a deep intercultural exchange, collective life, and a meaningful collective work. Meeting and Connecting with
the locals is one of this workcamp’s goals.
Work : You will take part in renovating wood structures that were assembled to illustrate traditional wood works in the
Confracourt Forest. You will work with a professional and will participate in local heritage renovation such as the
“Charbonnier’s hut”.
Leisure : All activities will be organised with a town's representative and will target to discover local culture and outdoors
activities. Others activities will also be planned such as an international meal, walking or swimming, visiting castles or the city
of Besançon.
Accommodation : You will sleep in a community hall on camp beds or mattresses in a common room.
Location : Confracourt is situated in Haute Saône, Franche-Comté
Closest train station : Vesoul train station
18/07/15 – 08/08/15
10 vols
Project : The association “Centre de Beaumotte” and the town of Hugier have been organising workcamps together for 2
years now. This workcamp has become the not-to-be-missed event of the Summer for Hugier local inhabitants and local
association. They will be impatiently waiting to share and discover new cultures with you.
Work : You will be part of one wall renovation based on traditional masonry. You won’t need any previous experience in
stonework to be able to participate in this workcamp. You must only know that work might be a bit physical.
Leisure : The town, his Mayor, local association and locals want to share a unique experience with you. Therefore, you will be
able to visit many touristic places of Franche-Comté Region with locals. Depending on the weather, walking and swimming
will be planned. Activities such as visiting the cities of Besançon, or planning international meals will also be organised.
Accommodation : You will sleep in a common room in the center of the village on camp beds. Kitchen is separated of the
sleeping room. Please bring a sleeping bag.
Location : Hugier is 20 minutes away from Besançon Franche-Comet TGV
Closest train station: Besançon TGV
19/07/15 – 09/08/15
RENO 12 vols
Project: The local region of Bocage Sud (25 km from Moulins) has been proposing workcamps for many years. These
workcamps allow volunteers to discover the region and their inhabitants ! The warmth and enthusiasm of the local
inhabitants is a constant characteristic of these workcamps, so that this year two workcamps are organised.
Habitants of Saint – Hilaire and Noyant d`Allier are eagerly waiting each year to meet new volunteers in order to share
amazing moments with them.
Work: Concerning Noyant d'Allier, it is a village where an important Asian community is living. You will work there on the
renovation of the Mine museum (maintenance of pieces of the museum) as well as the restoration of the doors of the
Then, you will work on the restoration of an Bread Oven which was discovered at Saint-Hilaire during the international
workcamp last year. One part of the work will be the restoration of the wall of the guildhall.
Leisure time: This workcamp allows you to meet young people of the region and discover the contryside lifestyle but also to
visit touristic places. A mini-bus will be provided for your trips.
Accommodation: in the village common room of Saint-Hilaire and then the one of Noyant.
Location: Saint-Hilaire and Noyant d’Allier (Allier), 25km from Moulins-sur-Allier
Closest train station: Moulins-sur-Allier
RENO 10 vols
Project : Morlhon-Le-Haut is a little village perched on a hill surrounded with woods. It offers a beautiful view over the little
medieval and fortified city of Villefranche de Rouergue. This project focuses on the renovation of a little stone bridge
spanning a stream in the woods. It is located in a small valley that sheltered a lot of human activities : mills, smithies, mines
etc... The bridge was almost destroyed by a rise of the river some fifty years ago. This project is the third collaboration
between Citrus and the municipality of Morlhon-Le-Haut.
Work : Your task will consist of the last part of the bridge restoration. You will be working in a beautiful natural place to finish
the second arch of the bridge. To do this, you will be placing stones on the bridge to build small stone security walls and path.
The final part of the project will consist of cleaning pedestrian paths that pass through the bridge and setting up picnic tables
and signs. Your technical leader is an enthusiastic municipal employee who will help you learn traditional masonry. Be ready
to work hard and carry big heavy stones.
Leisure activities : Aside from working time you will have the opportunity to discover the North-West part of the province of
Aveyron, which contains many remarkable natural sites, as well as an important architectural heritage, including fortified
towns, castles and abbeys. On the second weekend you will be invited to take part in the local traditional festival in which the
local youth offer flowers to each household in the village! There will be many other activities in this celebration and of course
all along the project you will meet the inhabitants who will be very pleased to tell you stories of their village. They can not
wait to meet you and hear about your story and culture.
Accommodation : Dormitory in the village hall with all available facilities
Location : Morlhon le Haut is located 135 km North-East of Toulouse, between Cahors and Rodez.
Closest train station : Villefranche-de-Rouergue
SJ45 SOUVIGNY – MEDIEVAL FAIR 25/07/15 – 14/08/15
CULT 12 vols 18+
Project: For the 21st year in a row, the association Souvigny Grand Site proposes to a group of volunteers to get involve in
carrying out a remarkable one-week medieval event. This event hosts more than 30 000 visitors each year.
Work: The team of volunteers will take part in the preparation, as well as in the daily animation of several stands. At the end
of the week, volunteers will help in clearing the location.
This year the association is also going to work on gathering testimonies and anecdotes about the Fair, in order to compile
them on paper and give birth to the first issue of the “Gazette de la Foire”.
A very intense working week is waiting for you punctuated by great meetings. This workcamp is a challenging experience
which requires each volunteer to be really motivated all along the week.
Leisure activities: tours of the region, which include tours in the nearby cities, museums, etc. The event planners will support
you in moving around.
Accommodation: interior, in a dormitory in Souvigny
Location: Souvigny (Allier), 10 kms away from Moulins-sur-Allier
Closest train station: Moulins-sur-Allier
THE LITTLE WAY TO SCHOOL 25/07/15 – 15/08/15 RENO 15 Vols 18+
Project: Following several workcamps organized by the association Vir'Volt in La Ferté-Alais between 2003 and 2006 and in
2013 and 2014, the town council has once again asked the association to develop an international workcamp. This year, you
will repair a way to the school.
Work: According to the specification that was discussed with the municipality, you will make stairs and repair the path. The
work will include also the cleaning, cutting and collecting the dry branches, leaves and grass of the area.
Leisure activities: Volunteers will have the opportunity to meet the local population and to explore their surroundings.
Nearly, there is a regional natural park called Gâtinais, an educational farm and an aerodrome. You will also be able to take
advantage of events taking place in the local community such as concerts or canoing. Volunteers will be able to organize their
own collective activities depending on their wishes and the available budget.
Accommodation: In tents in the town campsite. Please bring along a sleeping bag.
Location: The town La Ferté-Alais is located 50 km South of Paris, in the Essone region.
Closest train station: La Ferté-Alais
Observations: This project should not be seen as a touristic stay to visit Paris. Participants should plan to arrive some days
before or to leave some days after the dates of the project, if they want to visit Paris.
25/07/2015 – 15/08/2015
16 vols
Project : The association “Centre de Beaumotte” and the town of Esprels have been organising workcamps together for 5
years now. This workcamp has become the not-to-be-missed event of the Summer for Esprels local inhabitants. They will be
impatiently waiting to share and discover new cultures with you.
Work : You will be part of the cemetery's wall renovation based on traditional masonry. You won’t need any previous
experience in stonework to be able to participate in this workcamp. You must only know that work might be a bit physical.
Leisure : The town, his Mayor and locals want to share a unique experience with you. Therefore you will be able to visit many
touristic places of Franche-Comté Region with locals. Depending on the weather, walking and swimming will be planned.
Activities such as visiting the cities of Besançon, and Ronchamp or planning international meals will also be organised.
Accommodation : You will sleep in the town school on camp beds in a common room. Kitchen is located outside under a
shelter. Please bring a sleeping bag.
Location : Esprels is 20 minutes away from Vesoul
Closest train station: Vesoul train station
25/07/2015 – 17/08/2015
14 vols
Project : The international workcamp of Cohons is a project that aims at hosting 14 young volunteers from all over the world
to share their culture and participate in a heritage renovation project trough the organisation of artistic and cultural events.
This workcamp is organised by the “Centre de Beaumotte”, the town of Cohons and a group of local rural actors.
Work : The main aim of this project will be the restoration of dry stone walls: preparation of the ground, sorting out of the
stones, stone-cutting, …
The workcamp will aim at working on a breach in a retaining wall of the terraced Gardens of Vergentières (classified as
Remarkable Garden).
Leisure : The workcamp will be part of the summer hosting project of the town which will organise outdoors activities
(climbing, canoeing), local heritage discovering trips and cultural activities (movie screenings, festival, nights out)
Accommodation : You will sleep in a community hall on camp beds in a common room. Please bring a sleeping bag.
Location : Cohons is 9 km away from Langres
Closest train station : Langres
01/08/15 – 21/08/15
12 vols
Project : This project was originally put in place by the association of Solidarités Jeunesses (Aquitaine) and the commune
of Coly, which is situated in a chain of hills, with varying altitudes, forming a considerable mountain range surrounded by the
left bank of the Vézère and by the right bank of the Coly. This commune extends to several other communes, including
Terrasson and Condat-sur-Vézère. It is located apporximately 20 km from Sarlat, near to Lascaux, and 4 km from the
magnificent 12th century abbey of Saint- Amand de Coly, considered the most beautiful fortified church of Périgord.
Work : You will work to restore the ruins of the castle of the abbot of Coly, specifically the restoration of its bread oven.
Surrounded by ruins, it will be necessary to raise the nearby walls and those of the bread oven itself.
Finally, the restoration of this bread oven will allow the annual celebration of the « Fête du pain » (bread holiday) by the
Leisure activities : during free time, you will be able to explore the numerous hiking paths and many different leisure
activities of the region. This workcamp will take place during the highly animated summertime season. Every Tuesday
evening, you will be able to go to the « Marché des producteurs » (farmers' market) at Saint- Amand de Coly, 3,6 km from the
workcamp site. This night market provides an intercultural experience focused on local artisans, games, cooking, and many
other things. You will also be able to enjoy activities on the river (canoeing, swimming, etc).
Accommodation : campground tents.
Location : Coly, 25 km from Sarlat-la-Canéda, 32 km from Brive-la-Gaillarde and 6km from Condat-sur-Vézère.
Closest train station : Condat-sur-Vézère.
02/08/15 – 15/08/15 RENO
10 vols +18
Project: The castle of La Brigue, with its original round tower, was the house of Count Ludovic Lascaris, lord of La Brigue and
Limone in the 1370s. It became the property of the municipal district of La Brigue in 1989. The first works that urgently
needed to preserve the site, particularly the tower, were carried out in 1993. The Patrimoine et Traditions association
managing this project is a non-profit association set up in 1995. Today it has 250 active members, all volunteers. Its aim is to
safeguard and rehabilitate the cultural and architectural heritage of La Brigue, to develop site layouts and to organise and run
cultural and artistic events. The restoration of the castle is the key feature of the association's work.
Work: The works will be supervised by heritage restoration professionals and will focus on the East wall: clearing of weeds
and bushes out of the site, finding and collecting stones, removing unstable stones and levelling screed, removing of
vegetation, repointing of walls and reinforcement with mortar. (work on secure scaffolding)
Leisure activities: The entertainment programme focus mainly on a visit to La Brigue’s village and the Roya-Bévéra valleys,
awarded "Land of art and history" label by the French Ministry of Culture. Topics such as construction techniques, modernday know-how and respect for heritage, could be covered.
Participation in festive events (traditional festivals) and sports activities (via ferrata assisted climbing routes or canyoning) will
also be on offer to volunteers.
Accommodation: built premises, bedrooms of 6 people on the project site, all the facilities available
Location: The project site is located 80 km away from Nice and 50 km away from Vintimille (Italy)
Closest Train Station : Tende
02/08/15 – 22/08/15
12 vols
Project : This project was originally put in place by the association of Solidarités Jeunesses (Aquitaine) and the commune
of Coulaures, part of the district of Savignac les églises. Located in the Périgord blanc, northeast of the department of
Dordogne, Coulaures is traversed by the Isle river. This village of 900 inhabitants has a rich historical heritage, and notable
includes five castles.
Work : you will work on the restoration of local heritage sites. This work will include the renovation of a part of a stone wall in
the center of the village. You will be using traditional masonry techniques.
Leisure activities : during your free time, you will be able to explore the numerous hiking paths and the magnificent
countryside of the Dordogne. This workcamp will take place during the highly animated summertime season. For example you
will ba able to take part in the celebration of the 15th of August. On this day, every year, Coulaures organizes a partnership
with a foreign country. This year the tradition will be honored at this time by nearly 1000 people, it will be a time for rich
cultural exchange.
Accommodation : in houses, in the heart of the village.
Location : Coulaures is 15 km from Thiviers, 8 km from Savignac les églises and from Excideuil and 30 km from Périgueux.
Closest train station : Thiviers.
03/08/15 – 15/08/15
03/08/15 – 29/08/15
16/08/15 – 29/08/15
12 vols
12 vols
12 vols
Project: The Clausonne abbey is situated in the Saix, a small village in the canton of Veynes in the Hautes-Alpes. Today, only
the remnants of this 12th century building are found as the abbey was destroyed, burnt, rebuilt and finally used as a farm and
school in the 19th century. Clausonne remains however a remarkable site, sharing the beauty of the wildness that surrounds
it : situated at 1200m of altitude, in the heart of a vast « circus » of mountains, the abbey became the route point for
numerous hikers that visit the Haute vallée of Maraize. Thus, rather than letting the vegetation once again cover the ruins of
Clausonne, the inhabitants of Saix founded an association 20 years ago in order to highlight this site. Progressively, thanks to
numerous international workcamps that have worked there, this place lives again and is currently open from April to October.
The workcamps organised at the Clausonne site are received by the hosting centre of the Faï farm, not far from there. The Faï
is an extraordinary place, there you will find young people in difficulty, employees in training, professional artists or long term
volunteers. We hope during your stay at the Fai that you will bring your willingness and good humour to bring the spirit of
encounter to life and to work together to animate this place.
Work: The work will be held in order to improve land use around the site. You will continue the path calade: site preparation
(sorting stones, levelling, layout of the foundation), construction of retaining walls and realization of the pavement. This work
will allow you to discover the traditional masonry and the conservation of historic monuments.
Leisure: Situated in a remarkable natural environment, Clausonne is an exceptional place to discover the pleasures of
mountain hiking and life in a rural area, with its local markets and producers. In the evenings at the Ferme du Faï, you will be
able to organise games, international meals and project movies. During the workcamp, touristic outings to discover the towns
and villages of the region may also be organised and you will participate in the music festival.
Accommodation: In rooms at the Ferme du Faï
Location: Clausonne, 5km from the village of Saix, 30km from Gap, 200km from Marseille
Closest train station: Veynes Dévoluy
04/08/15 – 25/08/15 ENVI
14 vols
Project : The municipality of Fa and the local association Voyages en éco-logis will welcome a group of international
volunteers for the first time. This workcamp will take place in a charming little village at the beginnings of the Pyrenees in the
area where formerly lived the Cathars.
Work : the work of the volunteers will consist in repairing public paths through the village and the surroundings of the
medieval tower of Fa, as well as the preparation of the ground that belongs to the association (clearing and small construction
work). A logistical help for the organization of festivities in the village is also planned and will allow you to share lots of
moments with the locals.
Leisure activities: through the work, but also thanks to the contact with the local population, participants will have many
opportunities to discover local life in this summer period. The region offers a rich variety of outdoor leisure activities: hiking,
taking a bath in the river or hot springs, visit the Cathar castles….
Accommodation: in a room of the municipality (possibility for tents as well) with facilities. Another room will be available for
collective life (cooking, meals, …).
Location: Fa, small village of 400 inhabitants, is located in the south of Carcassonne (50 km).
Closest train station : L’Esperaza at 2 km.
GENSAC-SUR-GARONNE 07/08/15-28/08/15 10vols CONS/ENV 18+
Project : This project marks the first collaboration between Gensac-sur-Garonne and Citrus. Gensac is a charming village
situated between Toulouse and the Pyrenees mountains, with stunning views over a rolling landscape. The town hopes this
project will bring activity and youth back to its streets. You will be greeted by an energetic municipal team and by friendly
locals who will show you their home town and local festivities.
Work: This project will involve the construction of a concrete block wall to expand the perimeter wall of the cemetery of
Gensac . You will learn how to build a wall alongside local volunteers, who will help you in your daily tasks. In addition to this
project, you will clear bush from a bridge over the small river, which will allow the the town to reopen a much-needed hiking
Leisure activities: You will take part in summertime festivities and will have plenty of time to enjoy the area and its outdoor
sports activities : hiking, canoeing, exploring caves, or bathing in the fresh Ariège river, located a few kilometers away. Free
time will include the exploration of local natural and cultural heritage, including visits to Foix, the colorful farmers' market of
Saint-Gaudens, and the Pyrenées mountains and its incredibly rich and bountiful landscape. Exchanges can be arranged with
local associations for interactive discovery of the volunteers' countries of origin. Meetings with residents and farm tours for
including tasting local specialities will also be available to you.
Accommodation: in tents, at the stadium premises, with all necessary amenities.
Location: Gensac-Sur-Garonne 60 km South from Toulouse, between Foix and Saint-Gaudens.
Closest train station: Carbonne
10 vols
Project : The municipality of Verfeil sur Seye has been a faithful Citrus partner for years. It is a little medieval village built in
the 13 century up a promontory, surrounded by a beautiful green and hilly landscape. It has a rich and complex history and
still today, beyond an apparent quietness, Verfeil is inhabited by a great variety of people and dynamic organizations. There a
great - but not so well-known - French jazz singer used to live : Colette Magny...
Work : Several workcamps have already taken place in Verfeil and this one will concern the restoration of a fountain, built of
local stones and tiles. The work will consist in renovating the fountain's roof by carving tiles and replacing the former ones.
Other parts of the work will be done by cleaning several places in the village, like an old washing place, previoulsy restored by
international volunteers. Your technical leader will be a very friendly and dynamic town employee, Christian, who is already
looking forward to welcoming you!
Leisure activities : Beside the working time you will have the opportunity to hike on many nature trails around the village, to
join the local people playing games of pétanque, to enjoy the national Music Day as well as the village festival. You can
discover the amazing countryside along the Gorges de l'Aveyron and the other surrounding medieval villages, such as Saint-
Antonin Noble Val, Najac, Cordes sur Ciel....
Accommodation : In tents on a field near the football ground, showers in the stadium's locker room, kitchen and everyday life
in the village hall nearby.
Location : Verfeil is located 100 km North-East from Toulouse, between Montauban and Albi.
Closest train station : Lexos
12 VOLS 18+
Project: this project was born from the collaboration between the history and archeology society of Saint-Jean d'Angély and
the town of Mazeray. The Logis-Le-Clouzeau, hidden by surrounding forests, is the site of the remains of a feudal castle, visibly
demolished after the French Revolution. The discovery of the "cellars" on this plot has led to an increased interest in this site.
As a part of the effort to preserve this precious token of the past, this project is the first step before archaeological
excavations can begin. Some objects have already been found, highlighting traces of occupation during the high middle ages
and even in gallo-roman times.
Work: the terrain will be cleared before your arrival. During the workcamp you will clear it more thoroughly in preparation for
the future archaeological work. Guided by an archaeologist and the volunteers from the history and archeology society, you
will remove everything that blocks the cellars and clean the zones that will allow the opening of the archaeological site. Once
the entrance of the cellars is accessible you will also clear the inside.
Leisure Activities: the towns of Saint-Jean d'Angély and of Mazeray will organize several activities to help you integrate into
local life. The volunteers of the history and archeology society will accompany you in the discovery of the richness of the
historic and archaeological heritage of the area. Events may be organized with the recreation center for an interactive
discovery of the volunteers’ home countries. Other attractions in the surrounding area include the artificial lake of Bernouet
and its open-air-cafe, and the Beaufief castle.
Accommodation: in tents, on the campgrounds of Mazeray
Location: Mazeray, Charente-Maritime, 1h from La Rochelle
Closest train station: Saint-Jean d'Angély
08/08/15 – 29/08/15
RENO 12 vols 18+
Project: The region Bocage Sud, 25km from Moulins, proposes for several years an itinerant workcamp which gives an
opportunity for volunteers to explore the region and meet local people, always eager to meet people like you!. There will be
mutual exchange between the volunteers and the local population. Two itinerant workcamps will be organised for four
different communities. The communities of Châtel-de-Neuvre and Cressanges are waiting for you with open arms and are
wishing to share good moments with you, and help you to explore their villages.
Work: Concerning Cressange, you will start your project with the observation of the needs of renovation at the chosen hiking
paths (orientation, use of the maps). Then, you will work on the necessary works in order to improve the sign system:
reparation of the signs that already exist (carpentery, paint, cut the plants to clean the path) and installation of new signs
(engraving, paint, fixing).
And then, at Châtel-de-Neuvre where you will work on the church park renovating a stone wall (cleaning and fixing the
stones).. and clearing the local river banks.
Leisure time: This workcamp will be the opportunity to meet young people of the region and discover the lifestyle of the
countryside, and also to visit touristic sites. A mini-bus will be provided for your trips.
Accommodation: in local primary school in Cressanges, and then in an apartment at the heart of the village of Châtel-deNeuvre.
Location: Cressanges and Châtel-de-Neuvre (Allier), 25km from Moulins sur Allier
Closest train station: Moulins sur Allier
09/08/15 – 28/08/15
12 vols
Project : L’espace Randonnée (Hiking area) of the Pays du Buech ( brings together five
communities from communes in the Hautes Alpes around a common objective : develop, invigorate and promote nonmotorised hiking activities: pedestrian, bike tourism, VTT and horse riding, for the purposes of tourism and local
development. In the face of extensive maintenance work required every year over the 1000 kilometres of trails, since 2010
l’espace Randonnée organises many international volunteer workcamps in partnership with the association Les Village des
Jeunes ( This workcamp is an occasion for a true immersion in nature : it will allow you to
discover the beautiful Hauts-Alpins countryside, its fauna and its flora. The proposed work is accessible to all but it involves
walking in mountains every day to reach the site of the workcamp.
Work: This workcamp involves clearing bush from paths invaded by vegetation, cutting down trees, pruning or marking out
the trails in the Veynois sector. In this region lying next to the Drôme, the meeting of alpine and Mediterranean vegetation
creates a diversity and surprisingly rich flora, whether it be in the wild or in the heart of the countryside. Every week, the
group will move to different sections, a time to discover the countryside from different points of view.
Leisure activities: During free time, you will be able to go swimming in the Rosanais lake and in nearby rivers, carry out
sporting activities and to organise international meals with the local inhabitants. During the weekends, touristic outings to
discover the region may also be organised. For the enthusiasts of VTT and bike tourism, note that the session in May finishes
with the “Buiscyclette”: a local sports event that takes place in a convivial and familial atmosphere with numerous activities.
Accommodation: Camping
Location: around Veynes (25km from Gap, 200km from Marseille)
Closest train station: Veynes Devoluy
RENO/CULT 15 vols 18+
Project: This summer the town of Torcy is hosting the fourth edition of the 'Festi'Val Fraîcheur', an urban-culture festival,
organised by local youth associations, which showcases performances of music, graffiti and break dancing. The aim of this
festival is to promote the expression of cultural diversity, to create links between different generations of people and to
encourage young people to engage with their community.
Work: As a volunteer in this camp you will work with local young volunteers from various partner organisations to help to
prepare the park where the festival takes place. You will work in order to make the venue accessible and safe to all, as well as
attractive. You will also help to promote the festival in the local community and act as stewards for the public during the
festival itself. After the event, you will help to clear the site of the festival and celebrate the end of the project with the local
Leisure Activities: You will have the opportunity to meet many other young people from the community of Torcy and its
surrounding areas. You will also be able to arrange other activities according to the opportunities and the available budget.
Accommodation: You will sleep on mattresses in a local gymnasium.
Location: Torcy, approximately 30km east of Paris.
Closest Train Station: Torcy RER
Note: This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If participants wish to visit Paris, they should arrive some
days before or leave some days after the dates of the summer camp.
12/08/15-05/09/15 ENVI
Project Close to the majestic valley of the Lot, Concots is a charming village in the Lot, all built in stones at the heart of a green
and preserved nature. In summer, the sun dominates, cicadas sing, and mind lends itself to adventure on pathes, valleys, hills
and rivers. In this beautiful setting which houses some 400 inhabitants , Concots is worth seeing, not counting the hospitality
and friendliness of its occupants. A strong local commitment to revitalize the town and its surroundings via the rehabilitation
of various places gave birth this year to a first workcamp with Citrus .
Work: Work will concern the cleaning of a 1000m² natural place that will be transformed into a garden shared by inhabitants
and local associations, thanks to your help. You will take the massive grass off this area, but also clean and restore an ancient
small house that will be used as a locale for stocking gardening tools. Last part of the work will consist in rebuilding stone
walls cercling the place, and setting up outside installation such as benches and tables, but also signs indicating the existence
of this garden. You will be helped in your mission by various local volunteers.
Leisure: Beside the working time, you can take part in summer events, and will be free to enjoy the natural and cultural
patrimony of the Quercy region. Popular options will consist of hiking and canoeing. You will enjoy visiting remarkable places
such as the medieval village of Saint-cirq-Lapopie, the city of Cahors or the very dynamic and colourful town of Limogne en
Quercy. Meetings will be organised with local associations such as the local library, school or local painters to create an
interactive presentation of your countries of origin and build interesting activities. Sharing with the inhabitants will be an
important part of the experience.
Accommodation: In an ancient presbytery transformed as a holiday cottage located in the heart of Concots, with all available
Location: Concots, à 120 km North-East from Toulouse, between Cahors and Brive-La-Gaillarde.
Closest train station : Cahors
21/08/15 – 01/09/15
RENO 9 vols 18+
Project: Béceleuf is a small village close to the Poitevin marsh which has already hosted several international workcamps.
Rochard is an ancient farm which has been transformed into a rustic holiday cottage by an association that hosts groups of
children, hikers and campers in yurts. Different environmental related projects have been realized here, including a waterpurification feature as well as dry toilets.
Work: this year, the objective of the workcamp will be the restoration of the holiday cottage. The volunteers will learn
traditional masonry, stone cutting and woodworking techniques. Moreover, the group will have the task of planning a parking
area for handicapped people. Experienced volunteers of the association will supervise all these activities.
Leisure: excursions in the region and activities with the locals will be organized: visits to the Poitevin marsh, concerts, art
exhibitions... The residents and the volunteers from local associations will also organize a village festival. The international
volunteers will be involved in the organization of this event. An international meal will be organized for the volunteers, a
moment of exchange which is eagerly awaited by the local people.
Accommodation: in a yurt, next to the cottage
Location: Béceleuf, (Deux-Sèvres), 20km north from Niort
Closest train station: Niort
22/08/15-12/09/15 ENV/RENO
12 vols
Project: for the second year in a row, Chouppes, a small village of 750 people has decided to host an international work camp.
Impressed by the enthusiasm and spirit of last year’s volunteers, the town eagerly welcomes this year’s international work
force. The town wishes to spread awareness of the local natural areas, where many migratory birds come to breed. Some
species are recognized and protected by the LPO, the League for the Protection of the Birds. In order to make observation and
enjoyment of this bucolic area more accessible, the village wants to build a 9km path. This workcamp will allow the
installation of observation points and explanatory panels along the path.
Work: to allow bike and pedestrian access, you will finish the weeding and clearing of the path. You will also have the chance
to start installing signs such as arrows and interactive boundary stones. Following the tracks of an old railway road, a lovely
stone bridge crosses the path. As the work advances, you may have the opportunity to work on the restoration of the bridge,
using traditional masonry techniques.
Leisure activities: During the free time you will have the opportunity to experience local festivals. Exploration of local
landmarks and destinations, such as La Rochelle, Futuroscope, and Poitiers, will be the focus of group excursions. Activities
will also be organized with the local people and associations. The intercultural exchange and discovery of a new cultural will
enliven each aspect of any group leisure activities.
Accommodation: collective, in the house of the associations
Location: Chouppes, 30km away from Poitiers
Closest train station: Poitiers
SJ73 THE HOUSE OF THE OPEN AIR CLASSES 29/08/15 - 19/09/15 RENO 8 vols 18+
Project: the town of Melle is a loyal partner of Solidarités Jeunesses Poitou-Charentes and has hosted several workcamps over
the last few years. As a small and unique town, Melle is full of character. Located in the middle of the Poitou-Charentes
region, it is known for its rich local heritage, including a UNESCO roman church, a collection of old motorbikes, middle age
silver mines, and a perennial contemporary art collection. This small city is very concerned with environmental protection,
and it has fostered an arboretum with more than 1800 different species.
Work: you will continue the restoration of the interior of a building designed for hosting open-air classes, near the communal
washing house of Loubeau and the Béronne. The work on this building began as part of last year’s international workcamp.
Volunteers will carry out various tasks, such as masonry work, insulation installation, and painting. A technical leader from the
town will accompany all work.
Leisure: in your free time you will have the opportunity to attend summer concerts and shows. You will have the chance to
discover the international biennial exhibition of contemporary art in Melle. Other regional charms include tourist attractions
and landmarks, a local cinema and swimming pool. Activities with the locals will be arranged and a minibus will be made
available for the group to go on excursions to the ocean, La Rochelle, Poitiers and Niort.
Accommodation: indoors, in the tourist hosting center of Melle, in the center of the village
Location: Melle, 60km away from the sea, between Poitiers and La Rochelle
Closest train station: Niort
01/09/15 – 22/09/15
12 vols
Project: The town of Montendre hosts international workcamps every year. This community of 3000 residents wants to
showcase their town's castle, which makes a substantial part of their cultural identity. The town recently put in place a path
around the castle. You will continue the work of last years' workcamps.
Work: This year, you will work on the battlements of the castle, and will complete diverse reconstructive tasks. The object will
be to carry out these tasks using traditional masonry techniques: taking out joints then cleaning holes, replacing joints with
lime mortar, and rebuilding certain areas of the wall.
Leisure activities: The aim will be to exchange the cultural wealth of volunteers with local young people, town residents, and
with the associations of Montendre. The volunteers will also participate in national heritage days. Visits around the
surrounding area will be organized according to the wishes of the group: visits to towns, oceans, museums… You will meet
young people from the community center during activities such as the Pizza night !
Accommodation: indoors at the international hosting center.
Location: Montendre, Charente Maritime, 65 km from Bordeaux.
Closest train station: Montendre.
02/09/15 – 23/09/15
RENO/ENV 12 vols
Project : This is the first workcamp to take place in Penne. Penne is a small, medieval town known for its unique and
impressive castle, floating on a stone mountain, seeming to defy gravity. Its well preserved medieval architecture and green
forests invite you to wander around its streets and paths. Located in the Gorges de l'Aveyron and near other notable medieval
villages, Penne will welcome you with warmth and simplicity.
Work: The work will consist of several tasks in the village. You will restore a paved street by replacing some stones to make it
more convenient and comfortable for the locals. You will clear the grass from several hiking paths, in the beautiful forest,
traversed by a small river. A local retiree will assist you with these tasks. Part of your workcamp will also consist of offering
activities to the school's children to help them discover your country.
Leisure activities:
your free time you can
nearby Aveyron river.
options include hiking, and canoeing. You can also visit Montauban and its famous Ingres Museum or the medieval villages
of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val or Bruniquel. Meetings can be organized with local associations to create an interactive
presentation of your countries of origin. Sharing with the locals is an important part of this experience.
Accommodation: in a typical house lent to the program by a local. You will be able to spend time with the owner, who will be
living next door.
Location: Penne, 70 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Cahors.
Closest train station: Caussade
05/09/15 – 26/09/15
12 vols
Project : This project was originally put in place by the association of Solidarités Jeunesses (Aquitaine) and the commune
of Castelnaud-la-Chapelle, classed among « the most beautiful villages of France ». It overhangs the junction of the Dordogne
and Céou rivers, across from its neighbors at Beynac-et-Cazenac and La Roque-Gageac. It has an exceptionally rich local
heritage, notably including a fortified castle, from the 12th century, categorized as historical heritage, the castle of Milandes,
formerly owned by Joséphine Baker.
Work : you will work on the restoration and the cleaning of a fountain. Work will include clearing the access path and
improvements to an old wash house, and the reconstruction of a part of the stone roof of the fountain.
Finally, this area will be designated by road markings and beacons.
Leisure activities : during free time, you will be able to explore the numerous hiking paths and many different leisure activities
of the region. This workcamp will take place during the highly animated month of September. Among the tourist attractions in
the surrounding area there is the castle of Milandes, which provides grandiose shows of falconners and their birds of prey. You
will also have access to the museum of the 100 years war and many other activities focused on the Dordogne and Céou rovers
(canoeing, swimming...).
Accommodation : inside, in the village cabin.
Location: Castelnaud-la-Chapelle is 13 km from Sarlat-la-Canéda.
Closest train station : Sarlat-la-Canéda.
05/09/2015 – 26/09/2015 ENVI 10 vols 18+
Project : You already understand that there is something to do when you hear their names: prevent the witch’s claw (an
invasive plant) from spreading and save the lake and its diversity. The only way known and effective is to remove them by
hand. You will support the syndicate RIVAGE that is one of the organizations working for the protection of this particular
biotope and that welcomes international volunteers for the fourth time.
Work: the work will consist in removing invasive plants and carrying them off to stop them grow again and choke all the other
vegetation. The concerned area is between the sea and the lake, on sandy soil. The syndicate is also running the “Lake’s
House” with an exhibition. There will be visits and information meetings for participants in order to discover and be sensitized
for this exceptional environment.
Leisure activities: through the work, but also thanks to the contact with the local population and a large number of
associations implicated in the project, the group of volunteers will have many opportunities to meet people, present their
work and discover local life and the region (hikes at the seaside, local patrimony, oyster farm…). And, the beach is only a few
minutes walk!
Accommodation: in tents on a municipality camp site. Facilities and a kitchen-tente are available.
Location: Leucate is situated at 40km from Prepignan and 40 km from Narbonne, very close to the sea.
Closest train station: Leucate-La Franqui, a few kms from Leucate-Plage.
06/09/15 – 26/09/15
12 vols
Project: The site of Arzeliers, south of the Hautes-Alpes, stands on a small mountain from which can be seen a beautiful view
of the Durance valley. This former village, today in ruins, is the birthplace of the town of Laragne : on this site we find a chapel
as well as the ruins of several houses. For the past few years, the town of Laragne has been working to maintain, enhance,
and bring life back to the ruins of the castle of Arzeliers, which make up part of the rich historical heritage of this region. Since
2013, international youth workcamps were organized with this goal in mind along with the association of Les Villages des
Jeunes and the friends of the abbey of Clausonne. After the success of the first experiences, the town proposes a continuation
of these conservation works in 2015.
Work: This year the workcamp will focus on the preservation of the ruins of the former chapel. The purpose will be to
construct a stone base (small pillar) while supporting the remains of the vault of the north wall of the chapel. On the facade
of the south wall of the chapel, the work will focus on strengthening the foundations, which has suffered damage from
erosion. These projects, accessible to everyone, will serve as an initiation to techniques of traditional masonry and will allow
you to discover different methods of preserving historical built heritage.
Leisure activities: Opportunities to meet the locals will be organized and you will have the chance to participate in local
events including a sculpture festival in Laragne. During your free time, you will be able to discover Laragne and nearby towns
and enjoy the surrounding nature with hikes, swimming trips, and sport activities.
Accommodation: in tents, on a campground
Situation: Laragne (10 km from Sisteron, 40 km from Gap)
Closest train station: Laragne
LE FORT LIEDOT DE L’ILE D’AIX 07/09/15 – 28/09/15
RENO 12 vols
Project: The island of Aix is a small island in the Atlantic ocean that has already hosted several international workcamps.
Marked by a lively maritime tradition, the island is dotted with several historically charged sites, notably Fort Liédot (listed as
a historical monument of France). The community organizes numerous activities all year long in order to keep this island lively
and exciting. The fort includes three battlement walkways. Thanks to prior action one of these walkways can be safely visited
by locals and tourists.
Work: This year, volunteers will take up the construction of a new battlement walkway. The work consists of dissembling a
supporting wall in order to repair the stones and then rebuild the wall. The technical overseer will instruct volunteers in
traditional techniques of masonry identical to those used during the original construction of Fort Liédot.
Leisure activities: The volunteers will organize intercultural activities with local schoolchildren. They will be able to take part
in various activities proposed by local clubs, including fishing and sailing. You will also be able to go to the beach to enjoy
some walks, beach volley and bike rides. The volunteers will take part in the community's music festival as well as many other
local events, and will be able to visit certain nearby towns, such as La Rochelle, Rochefort... The group of volunteers will also
help the community organize cultural heritage days.
Accommodation: collective indoors in the center of the village.
Situation: In the middle of the sea (!), 20 km from Rochefort-sur Mer, west of France
Closest train station: Rochefort, (Charente-Maritime)
28/09/15 – 18/10/15
12 vols
Project: The Mixed Intercommunal Syndicate of Gestion du Buëch and its Tributaries (Le Syndicat Mixte Intercommunautaire
de Gestion du Buëch et de ses Affluents, SMIGIBA) handles the ecological management of the purification and the protection
against floods of the rivers of the Buëch valley in the Hautes-Alpes. Since 2011, our association, Les Villages des Jeunes, has
organized several international workcamps in partnership with the technical team of SMIGIBA while working to conserve
riverbanks and encourage the local population to get involved with river preservation.
Work: In 2015, a project will take place to preserve the river banks of a small river in la Roche des Arnauds. This project will
take care of pruning small trees, removing blockages in the river bed and restore the sections of the banks that have been
damaged. This restoration will be brought about using plant-based engineering techniques: seeding, planting shrubs, creating
reinforcements out of branches. Another part of the project will consist in restoring the ecological continuity in the Arron
mountain river (in Sigottier). You will construct small fish ponds in the river so that fishes can jump over obstacles when they
go up the river to lay eggs and colonize other sectors. Thanks to the experts of SMIGIBA, this workcamp will allow you to
discover trades linked to environmental preservation of the environment and the aquatic environment and to reflect on the
management of rivers and streams.
Leisure activities: Your free time will be an opportunity to participate in local events, to organize hikes and bivouacs in the
surrounding areas and to visit the region.
Accommodation: in tents on a campground of at the Farm of Faï, in 4 to 5 person dormitories
Location: Veynes, 25 km from Gap
Closest train station: Veynes Devoluy
03/06/15 - 28/08/15
6 vols 18+
Project : Montendre is a village of 3000 inhabitants with an international hosting center : La Maison des Bateleurs. Volunteers
hosted there have been participating in the association projects for almost 20 years.
Tasks : You will take part in the enrichment of the environment project which is already included in the structure of the
association. The goal of this project is to develop the pedagogical tools (garden, hen-house, compost) necessary for
awareness of a life respectful of nature.
La Maison des Bateleurs regularly hosts groups of adolescents or young adults on short-term trips in order to allow them to
discover the values of the association through their participation in workshops : workcamp, collective living, intercultural
exchanges... You will contribute to the welcoming and organization of these groups. Moreover, you will participation in the
logistical organization and the leadership of various events : musical, cultural, and artistic, as well as the annual celebration of
La Maison des Bateleurs and the Free Music Festival of Montendre.
Leisure : During your free time, you will be able to enjoy excursions to discover the local heritage (La Rochelle, Bordeaux...),
game nights, home-made pizza evenings, marshmallow parties next to the fire place... All these moments will be shared with
the people hosted in the center.
Accommodation : mixed collective, in La Maison des Bateleurs
Location : Montendre, Charente Maritime, 75 km from the sea between Bordeaux and Angoulême.
Closest train station : Montendre.
Note : You can participate in this workcamp for at least 1 month. Priority will be given to volunteers staying for the whole
20/07/15 –29/08/15
8 vols 18+
Project: In the heart of the Hautes Alpes, the association “Les Villages des Jeunes” has been managing, livening up and
renovating the reception centre of Vaunières since 1964. It is an old mountain hamlet, now a ‘springboard' place for youth
and adults experiencing family, health or professional difficulties, and who need to take some time to recharge, acquire new
skills and reflect on their plans. Vaunières is also a place where families, tourists and people with disabilities come on holiday
to enjoy the calm of the mountains and the dynamics of the place. The workcamps that we organise at Vaunières with
volunteers from all over the world allow us to strengthen the cultural diversity of our activities and to make this site open to
the world, a place where people of all ages and all social and cultural backgrounds agree to meet by working together and
sharing collective life. We hope that you also, a volunteer from France or abroad, will come in this spirit of encounter and
working together which brings our project to life.
Work: The hosting centre consists of several buildings, including the “Hôtellerie”. During winter this house was restructured
with a new apartment for permanent staff and a lodge as the result. This workcamp will give you the opportunity to step in to
the part where the walls will be insulated, beginning with the east façade. The work includes placing a natural insulator, after
having prepared the walls and constructed a stationary, wooden framework to hold the plaster. This workcamp will let you
discover new techniques, such as traditional plastering and the use of ecological materials!
Leisure activities: Situated in a remarkable natural environment, Vaunières is an ideal place to discover the joy of hiking and
life in a rural area, with its markets, people and its producers. In the evenings, you will be able to organise games,
international meals or show movies. During the project, touristic outings to discover the towns and villages of the region may
also be organised.
Accommodation in tents, all facilities available on site
Location: Vaunières (7 km from the village of St Julien en Beauchêne, 40 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Lus la Croix Haute
Note : You can participate in this workcamp for at least 3 weeks. Priority will be given to volunteers staying for the whole
20/07/15 – 29/08/15
8 vols 18+
Project: In the heart of the Hautes Alpes, the association “Les Villages des Jeunes” ( has
been managing, livening up and renovating the reception centre of le Faï since 1990. It is a former agriculture domain
situated at an altitude of 1000 meters. The old buildings of the farm have been developed into small apartments and group
accommodations. At le Faï, from April to December, the association organises inclusion projects for local people who are
faced with social and professional difficulties and host teenagers and young adults experiencing family, health or professional
difficulties in order to give them a possibility to get professional experience. In the summer, the Faï is also a place where
professional artists and musicians come to work in and with this extraordinary place. Together, they create and perform at the
yearly festivals that take place at the Faï. The international workcamps organised at the Faï contribute to make this place
something “extra”, where people in different ages, from different countries and cultures, employees and volunteers, artists
and tourists, live and work together for some days or several months.
We hope that you also, a volunteer from France or abroad, will come in this spirit of encounter and working together which
brings our project to life.
Travail: You will work near the activity room we renovated recently. You will build an access ramp at the building entrance for
people with reduced mobility. We will expand the space at the back of the activity room in order to make a parking plot for
people with reduced mobility. We will flatten the little square in front of the door room. Fully carried out on site, the
construction of the ramp will be an opportunity for you to learn woodworking. The expansion and leveling of the ground will
involve the construction of a wooden retaining wall or stone.
Leisure activities: As the Faï is surrounded by an extraordinary nature, it is an ideal place when it comes to discover mountain
hiking and the rural villages with their peasant markets and local products. In the evenings you can organise games, film
nights, international meals… You can also organise more “touristic” trips to the towns and villages of the region.
Accommodation in tents, all facilities available on site
Location: The Farm of the Faï (3km from the village of Saix, 30 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Veynes Dévoluy (18km)
Note : You can participate in this workcamp for at least 3 weeks. Priority will be given to volunteers staying for the whole
14/04/15 – 23/04/15
8 vols
Project : Installation of a space to be used as a youth center. At the heart of the project “Bouge ta Bogue” ; which is relevant
to the local adolescent population and is organized by the association CITRUS, a public locale has been offered, allowing the
young locals to create a space of their own to meet up and exchange ideas. The plans for the center will be drawn up, in
advance, by the youth concerned by the project. The application, within the framework of an “international workcamp”, will
enhance the project by bringing a fresh perspective and an intercultural influence.
Work : You will have the opportunity to learn interesting construction techniques; using recycled materials amongst others.
Leisure activities : During the workcamp, you will have the possibility to discover the life of young people in rural France,
including their family surroundings. You will also be participating in the cooking and preparation of collective meals, along
with the organization of outings and the festivities celebrating the completion of the renovated venue.
Accommodation : collective bedrooms in a building with all avaibilities, located in the heart of the village of Laguépie.
Location : Laguépie is located 100 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Albi
Closest train station : Laguépie (82)
Participation fee : 80 €
SJ16 PATHS FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE 1 05/07/15 – 24/07/15 CONS 12 vols 15-17
SJ50 PATHS FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE 2 26/07/15 – 14/08/15 CONS 12 vols 15-17
SJ68 PATHS FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE 3 16/08/15 – 29/08/15 CONS 12 vols 15-17
Project: In the heart of the Hautes Alpes, the association “Les Villages des Jeunes” has been managing, livening up and
renovating the reception centre of Vaunières since 1964. It is an old mountain hamlet, now a ‘springboard' place for youth
and adults experiencing family, health or professional difficulties, and who need to take some time to recharge, acquire new
skills and reflect on their plans. Vaunières is also a place where families, tourists and people with disabilities come on holiday
to enjoy the calm of the mountains and the dynamics of the place. The workcamps that we organise at Vaunières with
volunteers from all over the world allow us to strengthen the cultural diversity of our activities and to make this site open to
the world, a place where people of all ages and all social and cultural backgrounds agree to meet by working together and
sharing collective life. We hope that you also, a volunteer from France or abroad, will come in this spirit of encounter and
working together which brings our project to life.
Work: The hosting centre is located in the mountains and the differences in levels make it difficult for the ones with reduced
mobility to use the site. The objective of this workcamp is therefore to increase the accessibility to the outdoor areas of the
hosting centre. During the work you will adapt the already existing paths to make them more accessible and also create new
sections to connect them. In this way you will learn about the development standards for persons with reduced mobility as
well as smaller foundation and earth-moving works. Moreover you will make paving stones using different mortars, make low
walls with stones from the river and also do some gardening.
Leisure activities: Situated in a remarkable natural environment, Vaunières is an ideal place to discover the joy of hiking and
life in a rural area, with its markets, people and its producers. In the evenings, you will be able to organise games,
international meals or show movies. During the project, touristic outings to discover the towns and villages of the region may
also be organised.
Accommodation in tents, all facilities available on site
Location: Vaunières (7 km from the village of St Julien en Beauchêne, 40 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Lus la Croix Haute
Participation fee : 150€
ENVI/RENO 06/07/15 – 19/07/15
ENVI/RENO 03/08/15 – 16/08/15
ENVI/RENO 17/08/15 – 30/08/15
12 vols 15-17
12 vols 15-17
12 vols 15-17
Project: The local Association 'Le Creneau' is located in the heart of the Auvergne region. The Association hosts volonteers
from different social and cultural backgrounds all year long. These volonteers are living and working together to gain and
improve various skills. The aim of this association is to host everyone, including people with special needs.
Work: The volunteers will work on the improvement of the accessibility of the castle to people with special needs. The work
will consist of building a new access entrance; gardening as well as landscaping development and ironworks. The residents of
medical centre will join volunteers from time to time to work with them.
Leisure activities: This workcamp will give you a chance to meet people from France and from all over the world; to discover
rural life, to visit Vichy, Moulins and some other sightseeing places of the region.
Accommodation: In a campsite.
Location: Montcombroux Les Mines (Allier) 45 km from Vichy
Closest train station: St. Germain-des-Fossés
Participation fee : 150 €
SJ28 LA FERTÉ-SOUS-JOUARRE 1 11/07/15 – 31/07/15
SJ57 LA FERTÉ-SOUS-JOUARRE 2 03/08/14 – 21/08/15
27 vols
27 vols
Projects: During the 19 century the town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre was renowned the world over for the quality of the
millstones it produced. The sale of these millstones brought the town great wealth, evidence of which can still be seen today
in a number of fine buildings situated throughout the community. Since 2007, the association Vir´Volt has been based in the
town and has helped to celebrate the heritage of its millstone industry through the organisation of international workcamps.
Work: Throughout the summer, international, French and local volunteers will take part in different millstone-heritage
restoration workcamps. Projects will include the restoration of a wall surrounding a beautiful park called the Pigeon's
Fountain Park and some clearing works on the "Associative's Garden", which is situated on the banks of the Marne. For this
work, volunteers will be trained in traditional masonry techniques which use cement made with limestone. Wood work will
be necessary to build to the garden wood's hut. In addition to this, other small-scale workcamps could be carried out in the
gardens of the association.
Leisure activities: Volunteers will have the chance to enjoy the association's campsite and to discover the cultural and natural
heritage of a region which is home to such famous products as Champagne and Brie. You will also be given the opportunity to
meet and socialise with local young people. Other leisure activities will be organised collectively depending on the wishes of
the group and the available budget.
Accommodation: In communal tents (yurts, tipis) on the campsite of the association. Participants need to bring along a
sleeping bag.
Location: The town of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 60 km East of Paris, in the region of Seine-et-Marne.
Closest train station: La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Note: This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If participants wish to visit Paris, they should arrive some
days before or leave some days after the dates of the summer camp.
There will be 27 participants in this workcamps, half of them being French local volunteers.
Participation fee: 150€ for international volunteers.
20/07/15 – 02/08/15 12 vols 15-17
Project : The « Créneau » association is located in a little castle, in the heart of a big property. All year long, the association
welcomes people who come from different cultural and social background as well as from different countries. All these
people do voluntary work together. These different projects contribute to the building of the volunteer’s life projects.
For twenty years, the association has up-kept and rebuilt sustainably the developed and undeveloped parts attached to the
castle's propriety « Le Château des Prureaux ».
Indeed, volunteers all through the years have built great things such as a sustainable wastewater treatment plant, a
composting tray, a wooden Eco-house, a wooden recycling plant « La récuperie ».
Work: One aspect of the work at the castle is to learn how work and how to maintain these installations (annual
maintenance, weeding the sustainable wastewater treatment plant...). An other aspect of the work is to make notice boards
that will allow next volunteers to be able to learn easily how these installations work and to promote these installations to
Leisure activities : This workcamp gives you the opportunity to meet international people as well as people from France and
to discover rural lifestyles... If you wish to do so, you can visit the cities next to your living place like Moulins or Vichy or visit
some other touristic places of the Allier region.
Accommodation : Under tents.
Location : Montcombroux- Les-Mines (Allier), 45 km to Vichy.
Closest Train station : Saint Germain- des- Fossés.
Participation fee : 150 €
24/07/15 – 10/08/15 RENO/ENV
15 vols
Project : This project takes place on Citrus' activity site, in the village of Laguépie. Here you will pursue the association's two
main projects started 2 years ago by other international volunteers - building a big collective kitchen and landscaping the
garden. Along with dynamic workcamp leaders, you will share the working time as well as the meals and intercultural
exchanges with a team of local social insertion workers and a group of French teenagers.
Work : Masonry and gardening will be the main activities. Half of the work will be dedicated to continue the building of the
kitchen next to Citrus association's office. The other half will be spent on various tasks in the garden, where we grow both
vegetables and flowers and provide the village inhabitants with a nice place to meet and run gardening workshops. The works
will be guided by permanent staff of the association.
Leisure activities : Beside the working time you will have the opportunity to swim in the river, to hike on surrounding trails, to
meet local young people, organize pizza parties around a traditional bread oven, playing games, and to discover some
beautiful medieval villages such as Najac, Cordes sur Ciel, Saint-Antonin Noble Val. Workshops will be held to understand the
basics of a healthy diet.
Accommodation : in tents on Citrus' site, with all available facilities.
Location : Laguépie is located 100 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Albi
Closest train station : Laguépie
Participation fee : 150 €
SJ49 PATHS FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE 4 26/07/15 – 02/08/15 CONS 12 vols
SJ52 PATHS FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE 5 02/08/15 – 09/08/15 CONS 12 vols
Project: In the heart of the Hautes Alpes, the association “Les Villages des Jeunes” has been managing, livening up and
renovating the reception centre of Vaunières since 1964. It is an old mountain hamlet, now a ‘springboard' place for youth
and adults experiencing family, health or professional difficulties, and who need to take some time to recharge, acquire new
skills and reflect on their plans. Vaunières is also a place where families, tourists and people with disabilities come on holiday
to enjoy the calm of the mountains and the dynamics of the place. The workcamps that we organise at Vaunières with
volunteers from all over the world allow us to strengthen the cultural diversity of our activities and to make this site open to
the world, a place where people of all ages and all social and cultural backgrounds agree to meet by working together and
sharing collective life. We hope that you also, a volunteer from France or abroad, will come in this spirit of encounter and
working together which brings our project to life.
Work: The hosting centre is located in the mountains and the differences in levels make it difficult for the ones with reduced
mobility to use the site. The objective of this workcamp is therefore to increase the accessibility to the outdoor areas of the
hosting centre. During the work you will adapt the already existing paths to make them more accessible and also create new
sections to connect them. In this way you will learn about the development standards for persons with reduced mobility as
well as smaller foundation and earth-moving works. Moreover you will make paving stones using different mortars, make low
walls with stones from the river and also do some gardening.
Leisure activities: Situated in a remarkable natural environment, Vaunières is an ideal place to discover the joy of hiking and
life in a rural area, with its markets, people and its producers. In the evenings, you will be able to organise games,
international meals or show movies. During the project, touristic outings to discover the towns and villages of the region may
also be organised.
Accommodation in tents, all facilities available on site
Location: Vaunières (7 km from the village of St Julien en Beauchêne, 40 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Lus la Croix Haute
Participation fee : 40€ / child (up to 14), 80€ / 15+ and adult
Note : Children from the ages of 6 to 14 years old are able to take part in this workcamp. Younger children, from the age of 2,
are welcome, but they must remain under the care of their parents throughout the duration of the workcamp.
09/08/15 – 16/08/15
15 vols
Project: In the heart of the Hautes Alpes, the association “Les Villages des Jeunes” ( has
been managing, livening up and renovating the reception centre of le Faï since 1990. It is a former agriculture domain
situated at an altitude of 1000 meters. The old buildings of the farm have been developed into small apartments and group
accommodations. At le Faï, from April to December, the association organises inclusion projects for local people who are
faced with social and professional difficulties and host teenagers and young adults experiencing family, health or professional
difficulties in order to give them a possibility to get professional experience. In the summer, the Faï is also a place where
professional artists and musicians come to work in and with this extraordinary place. Together, they create and perform at the
yearly festivals that take place at the Faï. The international workcamps organised at the Faï contribute to make this place
something “extra”, where people in different ages, from different countries and cultures, employees and volunteers, artists
and tourists, live and work together for some days or several months.
We hope that you also, a volunteer from France or abroad, will come in this spirit of encounter and working together which
brings our project to life.
Work : You will work near the activity room we renovated recently. You will build an access ramp at the building entrance for
people with reduced mobility. We will expand the space at the back of the activity room in order to make a parking plot for
people with reduced mobility. We will flatten the little square in front of the door room. Fully carried out on site, the
construction of the ramp will be an opportunity for you to learn woodworking. The expansion and leveling of the ground will
involve the construction of a wooden retaining wall or stone.
Leisure activities: As the Faï is surrounded by an extraordinary nature, it is an ideal place when it comes to discover mountain
hiking and the rural villages with their peasant markets and local products. In the evenings you can organise games, film
nights, international meals… You can also organise more “touristic” trips to the towns and villages of the region.
Accommodation in tents, all facilities available on site
Location: The Farm of the Faï (3km from the village of Saix, 30 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Veynes Dévoluy (18km)
Participation fees : 40€ / child (up to 14), 80€ / 15+ and adult
Note : Children from the ages of 6 to 14 years old are able to take part in this workcamp. Younger children, from the age of 2,
are welcome, but they must remain under the care of their parents throughout the duration of the workcamp.
Youth exchanges are open to organisations that have signed the Erasmus+ partnership agreement for the specific project.
The projects have been submitted at Erasmus+ National Agency for the 1st of February deadline and have not been
confirmed yet by our National Agency. Therefore please do not make any arrangements before the projects have been
07/06/15 – 21/06/15
20 vols
Project: This youth mobility exchange aims to facilitate the meeting between young people from different cultures and socioprofessional backgrounds, to work all together on mobility and intercultural concepts.
All the participants will produce collectively a video as a communication tool about volunteering and mobility subjects.
The first week will be dedicated to workshops body language and self-expression while the second week will be devoted to
the realization of the video. The participant will learn the various steps and techniques of video-making (shooting, directing,
editing ..)
All the workshop will be led by theatre and video professionals.
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Ukraine, Estonia and Turkey.
Accommodation: You will be hosted in a typical regional house called “La Maison des Bateleurs”. The organisation welcomes
around 8 volunteers per year so the participants will have the opportunity to spend time, live and share meals with them.
You will be accommodated in 2 dormitories of 8 people with bunk beds. There is a common bathroom with showers and
Location: Montendre, Charente Maritime, 75 km from the sea between Bordeaux and Angoulême
Closest train station: Montendre
29/06/15 – 19/07/15
20 vols
Project: The idea of the association "Le Créneau" is based on intercultural exchanges through collective life. The association
promotes sustainable living supported by fundamental European values. This project is focused on developing young people's
mutual understanding in the context of the ecological theme. The association is located in an isolated spot surrounded by
nature. Therefore, the main part of the project is to manage daily life and the natural resources, mostly turning waste into a
resource. To make this circularity, participants will be included in a process to find a solution to reach this goal. To improve
waste management is very important to continue the association's life and for the local community as well.
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Italy, Lithuania and Greece. Priority to young people with fewer opportunities.
Accommodation: "Le Créneau" provides accommodation for participants in a camping place which is located in the park that
belongs to the association. Participants can stay at wooden domes, which are made of reused material, or at smaller camping
tents. Dry toilets and showers are provided next to the camping area. Participants will be involved in the collective life
(cooking / cleaning / etc...) with the help of the long term volunteers living there.
Location: Montcombroux-les-Mines (03130), 45km from Vichy
Closest train station: Moulins
28/07/15 – 19/08/15
24 vols
Project: In 1990, a unique acoustic project was born at the Faï farm in the Alps: gigantic trumps (amplifiers) were created in
order to emphasize the natural echo of the surrounding mountains. Since then, every 17th of August, we organize a music
festival to promote this extraordinary instrument.
The aims of this project are to contribute to the organization of the festival and to exchange about development of cultural
events in rural areas
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 24 participants in total coming from France,
Spain, Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine.
No specific skills are required to take part in this project, just a strong motivation to experience a multicultural collective life
and work together on the preparation of the festival. Participants having experience in this field and willing to share their
knowledge are welcomed!
Accommodation: You will be accommodated under tents and will have at your disposal all the facilities of the centre (dining
room, kitchen, showers and toilets). If possible and according to the number of people on site, you will be hosted in
dormitories. You will share the daily tasks (meals, cleaning...).
Location: The Farm of the Faï is 3km from the village of Saix, 30 km from the city of Gap, 200km from Marseille (and more
than 3 hours from the sea side…)
Closest train station: Veynes Devoluy
29/07/15 – 18/08/15
20 vols
Project: Like many people we frequently wonder how to be more aware and respectful about environmental problems in our
daily life. The municipality of Beauvoisin and our association share a big garden in the center of the village that we want to
develop into a pedagogical garden, with examples of organic farming, eco-construction and alternative energy. Our goal is
that people come and see and get motivated to do it – together with us in the garden and at their homes.
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Belarus, Spain and Iceland.
Location: Beauvoisin, 20 kms from Nîmes
Closest train station: Beauvoisin
02/08/15 – 23/08/15
20 vols
Project: This idea of a "Melting Potes festival" was born at Vaunières, an international hosting centre where cultural diversity
is omnipresent: all year through, European and international volunteers live there, together with people from very different
social backgrounds. As Vaunières is located in a very rural area, the idea was also to stimulate the local cultural life by offering
a festival where people from the villages around could meet each other. This year we want to continue to promote cultural
diversity and deconstruct stereotypes by focusing on a collective reflection about "Migrations and Europe-s".
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Estonia, Italia and Israel.
Accommodation: Participants will be accommodated under tents and will have at their disposal all the facilities of the centre
(dining room, kitchen, showers and toilets). If possible and according to the number of people on site, they will be hosted in
Location: Vaunières (7 km from the village of St Julien en Beauchêne, 40 km from the city of Gap)
Closest train station: Lus-la-Croix-Haute
19/08/15 – 09/09/15
20 vols
Project : The « 7 continent » is the name given to a huge amount of waste which covers an area of 3,5 million km² in the
Pacific Ocean. Through our daily consuming practices, especially the use of packaging, we are involved in this worldwide
natural disaster. Even if the region of Lozère is one of the most protected and preserved area in France, and is part of a
national park, the inhabitants of this region are also concerned by this problem and should think about a sustainable solution
to the management of rubbishes and wasted packagings.
This project of youth exchange is integrated into the continuity of the reflection committed within the Passadou association :
what do we set up so that every citizen of the world becomes aware of current environmental stakes? It seems within the
competence of the association to educate and to raise awareness the youth towards a sustainable development, and to give
them the ways to their level, to act in knowledge and in conscience.
The topic about the waste management is for Passadou a priority point to tackle, because, besides provoking in the oceans,
the death of million birds, fishes and marine mammals every year, the plastic waste affect human populations today. On one
hand, waste at sea increases the difficulties for fishing, and on the other hand, the human being at the end of the chain food,
ingest fragments of plastics which can have ill effect on the health.
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Spain, Slovakia and Italy.
Workshops : The activities break down into three phases :
A phase of discovery, exchanges and reflection about the theme
The second phase of meeting and creation of a communication medium
A last phase focused on the sharing of knowledges and the valuation of the project
For these three weeks, you will meet inhabitants, elected representatives and local actors, with whom you will set up various
workshops. As well, visits will take place in a waste reception center and an office of sorting and waste recycling.
With a professional in communication, you will think about the realization of a communications tool to raise awareness on
the waste problem.
Leisure activities : You can take advantage of your leisure time to discover natural resources and local traditions of the Mount
Lozère and in sources of the Tarn, swim in river, make some hike, participate in festivities...
Situation : Le Pont de Montvert (48), from 25 km of Florac, 45 km of Mende, 55 km of Alès
Accommodation : On a camping place in tents
Closest train station : Génolhac
24/08/15 – 13/09/15
20 vols
Project: The Bissap is the traditional drink in Senegal. Made of red flowers of Ibiscus, this is a cold beverage that is drank
during the summer with friends and family. The associations of Le Créneau and Teraanga are working together to build
connections between the village of Nguekokh in Senegal and the local community in France. The aims of this partnership are
to increase the mutual understanding between the 2 cultures and to participate on the social, economical and educational
development. This year, both associations have decided to organize two festivals happening in the same time in Nguekokh
and Montcombroux-les-Mines in France to celebrate this partnership of 10 years. Both events will be broadcast in both
places. During two days, the local community in France will have the opportunity to discover the Senegalese culture while the
local community in Senegal will discover the European one. In both places, French and Senegalese music bands will gather to
perform together.
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Spain, Wales and Armenia.
Accommodation: “Le Creneau” provides accommodation for participants in a camping place which is located in the park that
belongs to the association. You can stay at wooden domes, which are made of reused material, or at smaller camping tents.
Dry toilets and showers are provided next to the camping area. You will be involved in the collective life (cooking / cleaning /
etc...) with the help of the long term volunteers living there.
Location: Montcombroux-les-Mines (03130), 45km from Vichy
Closest train station: Moulins
02/09/15 – 22/09/15
20 vols
Project: September 19 2015, the town of la Ferté sous Jouarre is organising the 7 "Blue Hands Festival", dedicated to street
arts and to the history of the area which used to be an important place of extraction and manufacture of millstone. The « blue
hands » are the workers who were cutting the stones and stealing pieces of the flint which penetrated the flesh. Since several
years organisation VirVolt is giving a performance at the festival.
Participants: 4 participants from 18 to 30 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Greece, Russia and Serbia.
Accommodation: in tents, at the camping ground of the hosting center Vir'Volt.
Location: La Ferté sous Jouarre (Seine&Marne, 50km from Paris)
Closest train station: La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Youth exchanges are open to organisations that have signed the Erasmus+ partnership agreement for the specific project.
The projects have been submitted at Erasmus+ National Agency for the 1st of February deadline and have not been
confirmed yet by our National Agency. Therefore please do not make any arrangements before the projects have been
06/07/15 – 23/07/15
20 vols
Project: This is a youth exchange bound to the lasting approach of our development. The 18-day voyage will be filled with
opportunities to learn about working together and collective life through personal and social growth. The role of human
impact on a global scale will also be placed at the forefront. The group of adolescents will give forgotten and forsaken objects
new life. Discussing amongst themselves, the participants will propose creative activities using recuperated materials,
including textiles. This immersion in some of the artistic methods of recycling will underline the capacity to give life to
abandoned objects in both a creative and exciting manner. These reflective workshops will be completed with the mindset of
respect towards the environment. This is done with the aim of emphasizing collective decision making. An international
shared meal and giant exhibition space will permit the participants to show the works that they crafted in the diverse
workshops they participated in during the month of July.
Participants: 4 participants from 15 to 17 years old and 1 leader by country so 20 participants in total coming from France,
Italy, Latvia and Estonia.
Accommodation: In tents on Citrus' site, with all available facilities. Bring your sleeping bag along.
Location: Laguépie (100kms from Toulouse)
Closest train station: Laguépie
Participation fee: 100€
11/07/15 – 29/07/15
24 vols
Project: In July 2015, two festivals will coincide to animate the village of Laguépie. These festive and cultural activities will
serve as the base for the making of a film about the implications of 'citizenship' within a rural community. The video project
will allow the exploration of notions of 'the objectivity of the media' and freedom of expression. The film realised by the
group will be screened at the opening of a concert on July 25th.
Participants: 5 participants from 14 to 17 years old and 1 leader by country so 24 participants in total coming from France,
Macedonia, Finland and Turkey.
Accommodation: The campleaders will meet you at the train station of Laguépie and take you to the “base nautique” where
you will sleep during the project. You will stay in rooms of 4 people. Each room as a little bathroom and toilets. You will also
be able to use 2 big meeting rooms and a large equipped kitchen.
Location: Laguépie, which is located 100 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Albi
Closest train station: Laguépie
15/07/15 – 31/07/15
24 vols
Project: The Association Centre de Beaumotte set up an exchange around human rights and European citizenship. You will
take part in some workshops about respect and human rights and will realize at the end a movie that will be the result of your
Participants: 5 participants from 15 to 18 years old and 1 leader by country so 24 participants in total coming from France,
Italy, Belgium and Latvia.
Accommodation: You will be hosted in the green yard of Centre de Beaumotte (70190, Franche Comté, France) using camping
All the association facilities will be available to use. (Kitchen, Showers, communal areas).
In this way, you will be responsible of your free time and everyday life.
Location: Beaumotte
Closest train station: Vesoul
Participation fee: 100€
01/08/15 – 16/08/15
24 vols
Project: The Beaumotte’ s center association sets up an exchange between music young authors and artists in general. This
exchange has a purpose to <gather them> and make them debate about the European actuality.
The goal is to create one show to be presented on the 15th of August, during a celebration event that would be especially
organized for this occasion.
The first week will be dedicated to create a music instrument and to bond the members of the project.
The second week will be dedicated to set up a show, while the participants learn about the different phases and techniques of
this one.
Participants: 5 participants from 15 to 18 years old and 1 leader by country so 24 participants in total coming from France,
Germany, Italy and Czech Republic.
Accommodation: The group will be hosted in the green yard of Centre de Beaumotte using camping tents. All the association
facilities will be available to use. (kitchen, showers, communal areas).
Location: Beaumotte (70190, Franche Comté)
Closest train station: Vesoul
Participation fee: 100€
13/04/15 – 23/04/15 15 vols 17-29
Project: The association Le Créneau is based in a rural area in the center of France. It has been working for 20 years on social,
educative and cultural local development. The mobility issue is often a source of inequality as rural areas are not well
connected. Youngsters have to live with this inequality and lack of transportation. This project aims at making young people
aware that they can be a driving force of their own mobility.
You will talk about interculturality and transportation in each country. The aim will also be to build a mean of transport and to
use it at the end of the project for one or two days to go to a place you will chose with the group.
Participants: Volunteers coming from France, Germany and Russia. Priority will be given to youngsters with fewer
Accommodation : “Le Creneau” provides accommodation for participants in a camping place which is located in the park that
belongs to the association. Participants can stay at wooden domes, which are made of reused material, or at smaller camping
tents. Dry toilets and showers are provided next to the camping area. According to the weather, you will be able to sleep in
dormitories of 4 to 7 people in a house of the association. Participants will be involved in the collective life (cooking / cleaning
/ etc...) with the help of the long term volunteers living there.
Location : Montcombroux-les-Mines (03130), 45km from Vichy
Closest train station : Moulins-sur-Allier
12/08/15 – 29/08/15 15 vols 15-17
Workcamp aspect: «The Kitchen »
4 to 5 half days of work each week on the construction of the kitchen and the improvement/development of surrounding
areas (construction of stone walls, paved walkways, and/or external insulation)
Workshop aspect: « The Garden»
Workshops concerning food and nutrition, dealing with three main subjects: understanding the environment, careers and the
preparation of certain meals
Leisure activities: Volunteers participate in local discoveries and special events organized by and chosen by the group itself
(canoeing, horse riding, festivals, etc…) over the course of three group outings.
Accommodation : in tents on Citrus' site, with all available facilities. Bring your sleeping bag along.
Location : Laguépie is located 100 km North-East of Toulouse, between Montauban and Albi
Closest train station : Laguépie
Participation fee: 100€