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00 SERVICE AND QUALITY SINCE 1983 05 10 15 20 DENSITY HYDROMETER 25 30 35 45 ISI DENSIT Y HYDROMETERS Petroleum - Educational - Industrial - Scientific Sr. No. 128456 50 ISI DENSIT Y PETROLEUM KIT Use for Petrol Outlet to check Density P R O D U C T 40 THERMOMETERS VACUUM PRODUCTS Educational HYGROMETERS Environmental - Industrial CALIBRATIONS SERVICES Works & NPL Calibration Certificates NABCB QM 018 I N F O R M A T I O N Petroleum - Medical - Educational - Industrial - Scientific OMSONS : THE VISON OF MEASUREMENT OMSONS has been manufacturing innovative and high quality measurement equipment for scientific and industrial purposes for the last 27 years. Our Products and services include laboratory equipment for all oil industries School, Universities and Research purpose. Our inspiring principles are to develop and market innovative high quality products so that we can offer the best available tools for a modern measurement and training system to all our clients and all oil companies. With a large and established customer database throughout India, OMSONS is highly recommended as a premier manufacturer of reliable, high quality and competitively price products. Started as a family business, OMSONS has today become a premier company of Petroleum Density Measuring instruments in India. Nevertheless, family tradition and its value are still at the basis of our work. The principles underline the company mission have been the foundation of decades of success and we hold these principles as being as imported now as they were in 1983. Thus, We are ready to meet new market demands with the passion and the dedication of the past, together with the tools of tomorrow, convinced that out gratification and our customer satisfaction will be the one and the same. On overwhelming response of our products, we got ISI mark on our leading products i.e. density hydrometer in 2001 from bureau of Indian standard and the other products are online . CALIBRATION SERVICES On overwhelming response from our OMSONS products, We registered our product i.e. Density hydrometer under Bureau of Indian Standards (ISI) in 2001. For quality programs like ISI and ISO our products based on that standards and traceability toNPL master pieces . The instruments calibrated in our laboratory on ISI standard along with NPL traceability certificates. We calibrate the instruments and the correction to be applied at *3 or *4 points on the recommended scales at our works certificates. Copy of NPL traceability certificate also provided for reference . We calibrate the Hydrometer and Thermometer with one step higher instruments for providing more accuracy relating to their least counts . CONTENTS PAGE Calibration Service 2 Density Petroleum Hydrometers with ISI mark 2 Density Petroleum Kit 3 Specific Gravity Hydrometer 3 Specific Gravity Hydrometers 4 Baume Hydrometer 5 Twaddle Hydrometer 5 Brix without & with Thermohydrometers 6 Soil Glass Hydrometer 6 Sikes Hydrometer 7 Alcoholometer 7 Sikes Hydrometer (ZEAL Made in England) 8 Alcoholometer (ZEAL Made in England) 8 Lactometer 9 Urinometer 9 Wine Testing Kit 10 Brass Hydrometers (Baume / Brix) 10 Glass Thermometers Petroleum / Industrial / Scientific / Educational 11 Precision Thermometers 12 Hygrometers (Dry & Wet) 12 Minimum Maximum Thermometers 13 Wall Thermometers 13 Thermometers Soil / Ground Joint / Inclosing Type 14 High Power Supply for Spectrum Tube 15 Crook’s Radio Meter 15 Sample Bottle Container 15 Spectrum Discharge Tube 16 Oil & Water Paste 16 Whirling Hygrometer 16 1 DENSITY PETROLEUM HYDROMETER L-50 SP / M-50 SP ISI MARKED CERTIFICATION TARIFF 00 00 Serial No. Item 1. 2. 3. Hydrometer Thermometer Thermohydrometer Rs. (Each) 10 05 IS:3104 20 10 30 DENSITY HYDROMETERS PART 1 15 For Analytical Laboratories O Shot & Wax Poised, Adjusted for use at 15C M-50 SP. 40 20 Calibration 0.001, Max Length 270 mm, Accuracy ± 0.0002 50 30 45 Sr. No. 128456 50 Cat. No. : 1009 40 Sr. No. 107945 35 Cat. No. : 1002 25 Cat. No. Range 1001 0.650 - 0.700 g/ml 1002 0.700 - 0.750 g/ml 1003 0.750 - 0.800 g/ml 1004 0.800 - 0.850 g/ml 1005 0.850 - 0.900 g/ml 1006 0.900 - 0.950 g/ml 1007 0.950 - 1.000 g/ml Price Each Rate IS:3104 PART 1 DENSITY HYDROMETERS For Analytical Laboratories O Shot & Wax Poised, Adjusted for use at 15C L-50 SP. An ISO Certified Company May 05, 2010 2 082223 May 04, 2015 0.800 g/ml - 0.000 1 g/ml 0.820 g/ml + 0.000 1 g/ml 0.840 g/ml 0.000 0 g/ml 0.850 g/ml 0.000 0 g/ml Calibration 0.0005, Max Length 335 mm, Accuracy ± 0.0002 Cat. No. Range 1008 0.650 - 0.700 g/ml 1009 0.700 - 0.750 g/ml 1010 0.750 - 0.800 g/ml 1011 0.800 - 0.850 g/ml 1012 0.850 - 0.900 g/ml 1013 0.900 - 0.950 g/ml 1014 0.950 - 1.000 g/ml NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) Price Each Rate DENSITY PETROLEUM KIT / SPECIFIC GRAVITY HYDROMETER IS:3104 DENSITY PETROLEUM KIT PART 1 Cat. No. Price 1015 Density Petroleum Kit ISI mark (with Calibration Certificate) Containing : Hydrometer ISI Marked M-50 SP 0.700-0.750 g/ml Hydrometer ISI Marked M-50 SP 0.750-0.800 g/ml Hydrometer ISI Marked M-50 SP 0.800-0.850 g/ml O Thermometer Range -10 to 50C (Least count. 0.25) Whatman Filterpaper No. 2 (90 mm) Water Paste Oil Paste (Dip Paste) Glass Jar Borosilicate 500ml. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 1 pkt. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. Calibration Certificate for Density Hydrometers & Thermometers. (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) All goods packed in a convenient beautiful bag. Cat. No. : 1015 SPECIFIC GRAVITY / BEAUME GLASS HYDROMETERS. FOR GENERAL PURPOSE 800 O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C 60 80 20 0.800 40 0.850 0.900 0.700 - 2.000 70 - 70°Be 0.950 1.000 SPECIFIC GRAVITY GLASS HYDROMETERS FOR GENERAL PURPOSE O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C Catalogue No. SP. GR. RANGE 1021 0.600-0.800 Sp.Gr. 1022 0.800-1.000 Sp.Gr. 1023 1.000-1.200 Sp.Gr. 1024 1.200-1.400 Sp.Gr. 1025 1.400-1.600 Sp.Gr. 1026 1.600-1.800 Sp.Gr. 1027 1.800-2.000 Sp.Gr. 900 0.750 AMBALA MADE INDIA IN 60 80 1000 Cat. No. : 1022 1020 UNIVERSAL HYDROMETER 40 0.700 1.000 - 1.500 0 - 50°Be 1.500 - 2.000 50 - 70°Be 1019 20 PRICE Rs. (Each) Sr. No. 090623 1018 SP. GR. RANGE O Be RANGE 1.000 - 2.000 0 - 70°Be 0.700 - 1.000 10 - 70°Be Cat. No. : 1017 Catalogue No. 1016 HEAVY LIQUID 1017 LIGHT LIQUID PRICE Rs. (Each) NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) 3 GENERAL PURPOSE HYDROMETERS (SPECIFIC GRAVITY) SPECIFIC GRAVITY GLASS HYDROMETERS FOR HEAVY CHEMICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT LABORATORIES O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C Catalogue No. 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 900 10 20 30 40 50 60 SP. GR. RANGE 0.600 - 0.700 Sp.Gr. 0.700 - 0.800 Sp.Gr. 0.800 - 0.900 Sp.Gr. 0.900 - 1.000 Sp.Gr. 1.000 - 1.100 Sp.Gr. 1.100 - 1.200 Sp.Gr. 1.200 - 1.300 Sp.Gr. 1.300 - 1.400 Sp.Gr. 1.400 - 1.500 Sp.Gr. 1.500 - 1.600 Sp.Gr. 1.600 - 1.700 Sp.Gr. 1.700 - 1.800 Sp.Gr. 1.800 - 1.900 Sp.Gr. 1.900 - 2.000 Sp.Gr. PRICE Rs. (Each) SPECIFIC GRAVITY GLASS HYDROMETERS FOR ANALYTICAL PURPOSE 70 O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C 90 Sr. No. 090623 1000 Cat. No. : 1031 80 Catalogue No. 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 4 SP. GR. RANGE 0.600 - 0.650 Sp.Gr. 0.650 - 0.700 Sp.Gr. 0.700 - 0.750 Sp.Gr. 0.750 - 0.800 Sp.Gr. 0.800 - 0.850 Sp.Gr. 0.850 - 0.900 Sp.Gr. 0.900 - 0.950 Sp.Gr. 0.950 - 1.000 Sp.Gr. 1.000 - 1.050 Sp.Gr. 1.050 - 1.100 Sp.Gr. 1.100 - 1.150 Sp.Gr. 1.150 - 1.200 Sp.Gr. 1.200 - 1.250 Sp.Gr. 1.250 - 1.300 Sp.Gr. 1.300 - 1.350 Sp.Gr. 1.350 - 1.400 Sp.Gr. 1.400 - 1.450 Sp.Gr. 1.450 - 1.500 Sp.Gr. 1.500 - 1.550 Sp.Gr. 1.550 - 1.600 Sp.Gr. 1.600 - 1.650 Sp.Gr. 1.650 - 1.700 Sp.Gr. 1.700 - 1.750 Sp.Gr. 1.750 - 1.800 Sp.Gr. 1.800 - 1.850 Sp.Gr. 1.850 - 1.900 Sp.Gr. 1.900 - 1.950 Sp.Gr. 1.950 - 2.000 Sp.Gr. PRICE Rs. (Each) NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) BAUME HYDROMETER/ TWADDLE HYDROMETER O BAUME ( Be) GLASS HYDROMETERS O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C Catalogue No. PRICE Rs. (Each) O 00.0 - 10.0 Be O 10.0 - 20.0 Be 20.0 - 30.0 OBe 30.0 - 40.0 OBe 40.0 - 50.0 OBe 50.0 - 60.0 OBe 60.0 - 70.0 OBe 00.0 - 20.0 OBe 20.0 - 40.0 OBe 40.0 - 60.0 OBe 3 4 5 6 7 PRICE Rs. (Each) 1081 30.0 - 60.0 OBe 1082 00.0 - 40.0 Be 1083 00.0 - 50.0 OBe 24 8 9 10 O 00.0 - 30.0 Be 1 2 SP. GR. RANGE 1080 0 Cat. No. : 1070 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 RANGE O Be Sr. No. 092260 Catalogue No. O 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 1084 O 00.0 - 70.0 Be 42 46 48 TWADDLE GLASS HYDROMETERS SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C Catalogue No. RANGE TWADDLE 1085 O 0 - 26 Tw Tw No. 1 1086 24 - 50 OTw Tw No. 2 1087 48 - 74 OTw Tw No. 3 1088 72 - 104 OTw Tw No. 4 1089 102 - 138 OTw Tw No. 5 1090 136 - 174 O Tw Tw No. 6 PRICE Rs. (Each) NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) Sr. No. 093336 50 O Cat. No. : 1086 44 5 BRIX HYDROMETER/ SOIL GLASS HYDROMETER O BRIX (Bx) GLASS HYDROMETERS WITH BUILT-IN THERMOMETERS (THERMOHYDROMETERS) O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C /*27.5CO 20 0 1 Catalogue 21 No. 22 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 2 23 3 4 24 5 25 6 26 8 9 10 27 28 29 1. 000 0. 995 Sr. No. 085738 30 30 10 15 0 20 Cat. No. : 1115 SOIL HYDROMETER 1. 030 25 Sub 20 10 PRICE Rs. (Each) O 00.0 - 10.0 Bx O 10.0 - 20.0 Bx O 20.0 - 30.0 Bx O 30.0 - 40.0 Bx O 40.0 - 50.0 Bx O 50.0 - 60.0 Bx O 60.0 - 70.0 Bx O 70.0 - 80.0 Bx O 80.0 - 90.0 Bx O 00.0 - 30.0 Bx O 30.0 - 60.0 Bx O 60.0 - 90.0 Bx O O BRIX (Bx) GLASS HYDROMETERS Bx = % SUCROSE (SUGAR) IN WATER O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C /*27.5CO Add 50 O C 40 05 Sr. No. 05342 Cat. No. : 1105 Cat. No. : 1091 7 RANGE BRIX Catalogue No. RANGE PRICE Rs. (Each) 1103 O 00.0 - 10.0 Bx 1104 10.0 - 20.0 Bx 1105 20.0 - 30.0 Bx O O O 1106 30.0 - 40.0 Bx 1107 40.0 - 50.0 Bx O O 1108 50.0 - 60.0 Bx 1109 60.0 - 70.0 Bx O O 1110 70.0 - 80.0 Bx 1111 80.0 - 90.0 Bx 1112 00.0 - 30.0 Bx O O O 1113 30.0 - 60.0 Bx 1114 60.0 - 90.0 Bx O SOIL GLASS HYDROMETERS O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C Catalogue No. 6 RANGE (°SOIL) 1115 0.995 - 1.030 Sp.Gr 1116 -5 to 60 Sp.Gr PRICE Rs. (Each) NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) SIKES HYDROMETER / A L C O H O L O M E T E R O SIKES (SK) GLASS HYDROMETERS FOR DISTILLERY & ALCOHOL INDUSTRIES SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 51FO 0 RANGE O SIKES PRICE Rs. (Each) 1117 00.0 - 20.0 O 1118 00.0 - 20.0 O 1119 20.0 - 40.0 O 40.0 - 60.0 O 60.0 - 80.0 O 1120 1121 6 7 SK 8 9 SK 11 SK 60.0 - 90.0 100 10 12 13 O 1123 3 5 SK 80.0 - 100.0 SK 2 4 ASK 1122 1 14 O 90 15 SK 16 17 18 GLASS ALCOHOLOMETER 19 GAY LUSSAC % v/v ETHYL ALCOHOL IN WATER O O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE @ 15.6C/20C 20 80 Cat. No. : 1118 Catalogue No. 70 60 RANGE v/v% ALCOHOL 1124 00.0 - 20.0% 1125 20.0 - 40.0% 1126 40.0 - 60.0% 1127 60.0 - 80.0% 1128 80.0 - 100.0% PRICE Rs. (Each) 40 30 20 10 Sr. No. 07386 00 Cat. No. : 1129 50 Catalogue No. GLASS ALCOHOLOMETER GAY LUSSAC % v/v ETHYL ALCOHOL IN WATER O O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE @ 15.6C/20C Catalogue No. RANGE v/v% ALCOHOL 1129 0 - 100% 1130 0 - 10% 1131 10 - 20% 1132 20 - 30% 1133 30 - 40% 1134 40 - 50% 1135 50 - 60% 1136 60 - 70% 1137 70 - 80% 1138 80 - 90% 1139 90 - 100% 1140 94 - 104% PRICE Rs. (Each) NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) 7 SIKES HYDROMETERS/ ALCOHOL HYDROMETER ZEAL ZEAL MADE IN O SIKES HYDROMETER AT 51F ZEAL Made in England Catalogue No. RANGE O SIKES 20 1141 00.0 - 20.0 OASK 21 1142 00.0 - 20.0 OSK 23 1143 20.0 - 40.0 OSK 24 1144 40.0 - 60.0 OSK 26 1145 60.0 - 80.0 OSK 27 1146 80.0 - 100.0 OSK 22 ENGLAND PRICE Rs. (Each) 25 28 29 30 31 O 33 ZEAL Made in England 34 36 37 ZEAL 40 Cat. No. : 1141 38 39 RANGE v/v% ALCOHOL Catalogue No. 35 1147 00.0 - 20.0% 1148 20.0 - 40.0% 1149 40.0 - 60.0% 1150 60.0 - 80.0% 1151 80.0 - 100.0% PRICE Rs. (Each) O O GLASS ALCOHOLOMETER @ 15.6C/20C ZEAL Catalogue No. 1152 8 O ALCOHOL % v/v HYDROMETER @ 15.6C/20C ZEAL 32 GAY LUSSAC % v/v ETHYL ALCOHOL IN WATER ZEAL Made in England RANGE v/v% ALCOHOL PRICE Rs. (Each) 0 - 100% 1153 0 - 10% 1154 10 - 20% 1155 20 - 30% 1156 30 - 40% 1157 40 - 50% 1158 50 - 60% 1159 60 - 70% 1160 70 - 80% 1161 80 - 90% 1162 90 - 100% NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) L A C T O M E T E R S / U R I N O M E T E R S LACTOMETERS (BLACK) SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 84FO Catalogue No. SP. GR. RANGE 1163 1.000 - 1.040 PRICE Rs. (Each) 0 10 20 30 Catalogue No. SP. GR. RANGE 1164 1.000 - 1.040 PRICE Rs. (Each) Cat. No. : 1163 Sr. No. 074646 LACTOMETERS (SILVER COATED) SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 84FO LACTOMETER 40 0 10 20 30 40 URINOMETERS (BLACK) O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C SP. GR. RANGE 1165 1.000 - 1.060 PRICE Rs. (Each) Sr. No. 06536 Catalogue No. URINOMETER 60 Cat. No. : 1166 50 URINOMETERS (SILVER COATED) O SHOT & WAX POISED, ADJUSTED FOR USE AT 20C Catalogue No. SP. GR. RANGE 1166 1.000 - 1.060 PRICE Rs. (Each) NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) 9 WINE TESTING KIT/ BRASS HYDROMETERS WINE TASTING KIT COMPLETE Cat. No. 1167 Containing : Hydrometer SIKES Thermometer Sikes table book Glass jar (Borosilicate) Price Rs. O 55 - 90SK -20 to 120FO 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 100 ml. BRASS BEAUME HYDROMETERS O ADJUSTED FOR USE @ 20C Catalogue No. Cat. No. : 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 0 1 2 3 4 5 RANGE O Be PRICE Rs. (Each) O 00.0 - 10.0 Be O 10.0 - 20.0 Be 20.0 - 30.0 OBe 30.0 - 40.0 OBe 40.0 - 50.0 OBe 50.0 - 60.0 OBe 60.0 - 70.0 OBe 00.0 - 20.0 OBe 20.0 - 40.0 OBe 40.0 - 60.0 OBe 6 7 9 10 BRASS BRIX HYDROMETERS Cat. No. : 1168 8 O ADJUSTED FOR USE @ 20C Catalogue No. PRICE Rs. (Each) 1178 O 00.0 - 10.0 Bx 1179 10.0 - 20.0 Bx 1180 20.0 - 30.0 Bx O O O 1181 30.0 - 40.0 Bx 1182 40.0 - 50.0 Bx O O 1183 50.0 - 60.0 Bx 1184 60.0 - 70.0 Bx O O 1185 70.0 - 80.0 Bx 1186 80.0 - 90.0 Bx O O 1187 00.0 - 30.0 Bx 1188 30.0 - 60.0 Bx 1189 10 RANGE O O 60.0 - 90.0 Bx NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) GLASS THERMOMETERS PETROLEUM / INDUSTRIAL / SCIENTIFIC / EDUCATIONAL PETROLEUM USE THERMOMETERS Yellow Glass With Screen Printing Mercury Field Packed in Plastic Case Cat. No. Product RANGE Total length 1190 Thermometer -10 to 50 OC 300mm 1191 Thermometer -10 to 50 OC 300mm IP-64 420mm Least Count. (0.25) Least Count. (0.5) 1192 Thermometer Least Count. (0.2) PRICE Rs. (Each) 1/ OC 4 (-20 to 102 OC) 1/ OC 1 1/ OC 1 50 8 6 4 2 GENERAL PURPOSE GLASS THERMOMETERS 40 Yellow Glass With Screen Printing Mercury Filled Packed in Plastic Case 8 1193 Thermometer O -10 to 50C 1194 Thermometer O -10 to 110C 1195 Thermometer O -10 to 110C 1196 Thermometer O -10 to 150C 1197 Thermometer O -10 to 250C 1198 Thermometer O -10 to 360C Least Count. (0.5) Least Count. (1.0) Least Count. (0.5) Least Count. (1.0) Least Count. (1.0) RANGE PRICE Rs. (Each) 4 2 30 8 Cat. No. : 1200 Product Cat. No. : 1194 Cat. No. Cat. No. : 1190 6 6 4 2 20 8 6 4 Least Count. (2.0) 2 GENERAL PURPOSE GLASS THERMOMETERS Yellow Glass With Screen Printing Red Alcohol Filled Packed in Plastic Case 10 8 6 4 Cat. No. Product RANGE PRICE Rs. (Each) 1199 Thermometer O -10 to 50C 1200 Thermometer O -10 to 110C 2 0 Least Count. (0.5) Least Count. (1.0) 1201 Thermometer -10 to 110C 1202 Thermometer O -10 to 150C 1203 Thermometer O - 50 + 50C 1204 Thermometer O - 50 + 100C 1205 Thermometer O - 100 + 50C 1206 Thermometer O - 100 + 100C 1207 Thermometer 0 to 220FO 1208 Thermometer 0 to 400FO Least Count. (0.5) Least Count. (1.0) Least Count. (1.0) Least Count. (1.0) Least Count. (1.0) Least Count. (1.0) O 2 4 6 8 10 NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) 11 H Y G R O M E T E R S / PRECISION THERMOMETERS PRECISION THERMOMETER YELLOW GLASS WITH RED ALCOHOL FILLED, SIZE 18" LONG Cat. No. TYPE RANGE Division DRY O C O F WET O C 1209 Alcohol O -10 To 50C 1/5 50 120 50 1210 Alcohol O -10 To 50C 1/10 40 1211 Alcohol O -10 To 110C 1/5 1212 Alcohol O -10 To 110C 1/10 1213 Alcohol O - 50 + 50C 1/1 1214 Alcohol O - 50 + 100C 1/1 1215 Alcohol O - 100 + 50C 1/1 1216 Alcohol O - 100 + 100C 1/1 40 100 30 30 80 20 20 60 10 0 10 40 20 0 10 Cat. No. : 1221 10 PRICE Rs. (Each) PRECISION THERMOMETER YELLOW GLASS WITH MERCURY FILLED, SIZE 18" LONG DRY 40 O F C 10 10 90 20 10 0 F 20 30 RANGE Division 1217 Mercury O -10 To 50C 1/5 1218 Mercury O -10 To 50C 1/10 1219 Mercury O -10 To 110C 1/5 1220 Mercury O -10 To 110C 1/10 O 20 50 40 TYPE WET & DRY BULB HYGROMETER 90 ORDINARY QUALITY WITH PLASITC BODY INCLUDE HUMIDITY CHART C&F 30 80 80 70 20 70 60 60 50 10 50 40 40 30 20 0 PRICE Rs. (Each) 100 C 50 O 100 O WET Cat. No. Cat. No. 1221 30 Product Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer RANGE PRICE Rs. (Each) O -10 to 50C 20 WET & DRY BULB HYGROMETER Cat. No. : 1222 DELUXE MODEL WITH PLASTIC BODY INCLUDE HUMIDITY CHART C&F 12 Cat. No. 1222 Product Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer RANGE O -10 to 50C NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) PRICE Rs. (Each) MAXIMUM & MINIMUM THERMOMETERS/ WA L L T H E R M O M E T E R S MAXIMUM & MINIMUM THERMOMETER MINIMUM O O C 2/1 1/1 20 30 20 0 10 20 40 60 100 30 20 20 10 30 0 40 120 50 140 60 MAXIMUM & MINIMUM THERMOMETER 1224 Max. & Min. Thermometer RANGE 40 0 60 40 0 60 20 80 80 30 40 40 50 WALL THERMOMETER PLASTIC BODY RANGE C Big Size (Half Meter) 30 120 40 40 0 20 20 30 PRICE Rs. (Each) O F 2/1 50 120 40 100 20 C 50 120 O -10 to 50C 100 80 80 20 60 60 10 40 40 20 10 F 2/1 30 10 -10 to 50C O 1/1 40 0 Cat. No. : 1225 Wall Thermometer 20 10 1/1 O Small Size 1226 0 100 20 20 0 Wall Thermometer 10 O -40 to 50C 30 1225 10 40 20 PRICE Rs. (Each) O Product 20 20 O Cat. No. 30 80 10 100 DELUXE MODEL WITH MAGNATE PLASTIC BODY Product 2/1 60 80 Cat. No. 20 100 20 10 10 60 30 120 40 120 C 0 0 C 50 F 40 140 50 O O C 40 O F O Cat. No. : 1224 O -30 to 60C 20 10 NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) Cat. No. : 1226 Max. & Min. Thermometer PRICE Rs. (Each) Cat. No. : 1223 1223 RANGE MAXIMUM Product MINIMUM Cat. No. MAXIMUM ORDINARY QUALITY WITH MAGNATE PLASTIC BODY 13 T H E R M O M E T E R S SOIL / GROUND JOINT / INCLOSING TYPE SOIL THERMOMETER BRASS CONE Thermometer Fitting In Yellow Glass With Screen Printing Red Alcohol Filled Cat. No. 1227 Product RANGE PRICE Rs. (Each) O -10 to 60C Thermometer Least Count. (1.0) GROUND JOINT THERMOMETERS (CONE TYPE) Total Length = 300mm 1 1 Cat. No. TYPE RANGE Division 1228 B10 -10 to 50CO 1/1 1229 B10 -10 to110CO 1/1 1230 B14 O -10 to 110 C 1/2 1231 B14 O -10 to 250 C 1/1 PRICE Rs. (Each) O C 60 50 1/ 1 40 O C 5 0 1232 B14 O -10 to 360 C 2/1 4 0 1233 B19 O -10 to 110 C 1/1 3 0 1234 B19 -10 to 250CO 1/1 2 0 1235 B19 O -10 to 360 C 2/1 1 0 0 0 30 20 10 0 INCLOSING TYPE THERMOMETER 14 Cat. No. : 1228 Cat. No. : 1227 TOTAL LENGTH = 300MM Cat. No. TYPE 1236 Alcohol O -10 To 50C (1/2) 1237 Mercury O -10 To 50C (1/2) 1238 Alcohol O -10 To 110C (1/1) 1239 Mercury O -10 To 110C (1/2) 1240 Alcohol O -10 To 150C (1/1) 1241 Mercury O -10 To 150C (1/1) 1242 Mercury O -10 To 250C (1/1) 1243 Mercury O -10 To 360C (2/1) RANGE NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) PRICE Rs. (Each) HIGH POWER SUPPLY / CROOK’S RADIO METER / SAMPLE BOTTLE CONTAINER HIGH POWER SUPPLY FOR SPECTRUM TUBE Cat. No. PRICE Rs. 1244 2400.00 Cat. No. : 1244 CROOK'S RADIOMETER SINGLE Cat. No. PRICE Rs. (Each) 1245 Cat. No. : 1245 SAMPLE CONTAINER BOTTLE (ALUMINIUM) Capacity : 1 Ltr. Cat. No. Type 1246 With Box 1247 Without Box PRICE Rs. (Each) Cat. No. : 1246 NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) 15 SPECTRUM DISCHARGE TUBE/ O I L & W AT E R PA S T E WATER & OIL (DIP) PASTE FOR PETROLEUM USE Cat. No. RANGE 1248 PRICE Rs. (Each) WATER PASTE PACKING 100 GMS. Cat. No. RANGE PRICE Rs. (Each) Cat. No. : 1248 1249 OIL PASTE PACKING 100 GMS. SPECTRUM DISCHARGE TUBE USA TYPE Cat. No. : 1249 (VACUM TUBE) C C 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 10 5 Cat. No. : 1261 O 50 15 16 1/2 O 50 MADE IN INDIA Cat. No. : 1252 1/2 20 Cat. No. TYPE PRICE Rs. (Each) 1250 Neon 1251 Mercury 1252 Hydrogen 1253 Helium 1254 Nitrogen 1255 Argon 1256 Oxygen 1257 Water Vapor 1258 Carbon 1259 Sulphur 1260 Kripton 15 10 5 0 0 WHIRLING HYGROMETER -5 -5 Available in Mercury or Red Spirit with Conversion Table and Wick Cat. No. TYPE Range 1261 Alcohol -5 to 50C/F 1262 Mercury -5 to 50C/F PRICE Rs. (Each) O O NOTE: Works Calibration Certificate available for all Hydrometers/Thermometers (Traceable from N.P.L. Certificate) PRICE ON REQUEST - ASTM/BS Standard Hydrometers or Thermometers - API Hydrometers or Thermometers - Custom Made (As per Customers Specification & Drawing) TERMS & CONDITIONS : PRICES : All the prices are ex-works are subject to change without notice. DELIVERY : Dispatching same day or next day after receiving the orders. PACKING : Packing and Forwarding Will be extra at cost. TAXES : Sales Tax will be charged extra as per government Rules. PAYMENTS : Documents will be sent through Speed Post or Courier. New customers are requested to send 100% advance with order. DEDUCTION : No deductions are allowed under any circumstances. No Breakage is allowed in glass items. GUARANTEE : All our products are guaranteed for one year against bad workmanship or defective material. JURISDICTION : All transactions are subject to Ambala Jurisdiction only. MODIFICATION : NOTE Any special service rendered including Certification & Modification shall be charged extra. : This cancels our all previous price lists. WE MANUFACTURE : •A.S.T.M. Hydrometers, Thermometers, I.P. Hydrometers, Thermometers (Prices on Request). • Hydrometers can be manufactured as per customer’s specifications. •We also issue Works Certificates for Hydrometer for individual Accuracy. (at extra cost ) •Density Hydrometers with Mark for Petroleum Industries. •We manufacture all type of Laboratory Glassware. Price on request. NARINDRA SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES Office : 2773/18, Timber Market, (New Science Market), AMBALA CANTT. 133 001 Haryana (INDIA) Factory : Plot No. 265, HSIIDC, Saha, AMBALA. Haryana. Phones : 0171-2645769, 4003733 • Telefax : 0171-2606340 Mobiles : 98120 63733, 98131-63495. Website : E-mail : [email protected], [email protected] Dealer / Distributor