agenda memorandum - Town of Buchanan
agenda memorandum - Town of Buchanan
“In the Spirit of Town Government” TOWN OF BUCHANAN, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WI NOTICE OF REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. BUCHANAN TOWN HALL, N178 COUNTY RD N, APPLETON, WI 54915 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL & VERIFY PUBLIC NOTICE 4. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approval of the Minutes of February 24, 2015 Town Board Meeting. b). Approval of February 2015 Treasurer Report & Approve Bills. c). Approval of Operator’s License Applications, With No Applicable Violations per Town Policy. All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered at this point on the agenda. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT FORUM General public comments will be limited to five minutes in length. Commentators must state name and address for the record. The Board’s role is to listen and not discuss/debate comments nor take action on those comments at this time. 6. PRESENTATIONS: a). Presentation of 2014 Audited Financial Statements, Virginia Hinz, CPA; Schenck SC. b). Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce – Regional Partnership Presentation and 2015 Funding Request, Larry Burkhardt, CEcD. 7. ROUTINE REPORTS: a). Town Deputies – Update/Monthly Report on Town Law Enforcement Activities. b). EMS/Emergency Management – Update/Monthly Report on EMS & Emergency Management Activities. c). Fire & Rescue – Update/Monthly Report on Fire & Rescue Activities. d). Town Administrator – Update/Monthly Report on Administrative Activities. 8. PLAN COMMISSION ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: a). Application for Site Plan (2015-03): Applicant: Build to Suit, Inc. on behalf of GRD Menasha, LLC, Site plan application for Medical Office, BioLife Plasma Services; Parcel Number 030 264700. b). Application for CSM (CSM #2015-02): Applicants: Lewis Fuhrman on behalf of Sunnyside Farm, Inc.; Parcel 030617900; CSM splitting one lot into two lots. c). Application for CSM (CSM #2015-04): Applicants: David M. Schmalz of McMahon on behalf of 3169 Van Roy LLC; Parcel: 030170400; CSM splitting one lot into two lots. d). Application for CSM (CSM #2015-05): Applicants: David M. Schmalz of McMahon on behalf of 3169 Van Roy LLC; Parcel: 030170400; CSM splitting one lot into two lots. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: NONE 10. NEW BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: a). Noise Ordinance Variance Permit: Applicant GameDay Sports Bar, N225 Stoney Brook Road; For Dates May 23, May 24, July 3, July 4, September 5, September 6, 2015 b). 2014 Annual Report under MS4 General Permit. Buchanan Town Board Agenda for March 17, 2015 -1- 11. OTHER REPORTS/DISCUSSION: a). Update on Fire/Rescue/EMS Interim Staffing (Chief Schroeder). 12. CLOSED SESSION: a). Closed session pursuant to section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin State Statutes: Deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public property, investment of public funds, or conducting other specified public business when competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. “The Store” development agreement. 13. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future meeting agenda/discussion items and possible action on future Town Board agenda, including specific items for inclusion on or exclusion from future agenda. 14. ADJOURNMENT Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk Dated: March 11, 2015 Agendas are posted in the following locations: Darboy Sanitary District, FirstMerit Bank-Darboy, Town Hall bulletin board & Town Website: Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s Office at (920) 734-8599 with as much advance notice as possible. Buchanan Town Board Agenda for March 17, 2015 -2- “In the Spirit of Town Government” TOWN OF BUCHANAN, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WI MINUTES OF REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. BUCHANAN TOWN HALL, N178 COUNTY RD N, APPLETON, WI 54915 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER- Meeting called to order by Chairperson McAndrews at 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE– Pledge recited. 3. ROLL CALL & VERIFY PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice verified. Board members present – McAndrews, Lawrence, Reinke, Kavanaugh and Klanderman. Town officials present – Administrator/Clerk Gregozeski, Fire Chief Schroeder, Division Chief/EM Coordinator Van Schyndel and Deputy Jim Burke. Other members of the public were also in attendance. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approval of the Minutes of January 20, 2015 Town Board Meeting b). Approval of the Minutes of January 28, 2015 Special Town Board Meeting c). Approval of the Minutes of February 5, 2015 Special Town Board Meeting d). Approval of January 2015 Treasurer Report & Approve Bills e). Approval of Operator’s License Applications, With No Applicable Violations Per Town Policy Motion by Klanderman/Lawrence to approve all items as provided in the consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT FORUM: NONE 6. PRESENTATIONS: NONE 7. ROUTINE REPORTS: a). Town Deputies – Update/Monthly Report on Town Law Enforcement Activities: Deputy Burke provided a review of recent Town Deputy activities noting general activity slowness due to cold weather, traffic complaints from high school peak times near Kimberly and Kaukauna High Schools and recent training of Town Deputies. b). EMS/Emergency Management – Update/Monthly Report on EMS & Emergency Management Activities: Chairperson McAndrews thanked Division Chief Van Schyndel for her service to the Town and wished her good luck in her future career at Outagamie County as their new Emergency Management Director. Van Schyndel presented the monthly report that was provided to the Board. Van Schyndel also provided a brief overview of two calls the EMS crew was recently involved in. c). Fire & Rescue – Update/Monthly Report on Fire & Rescue Activities: Chief Schroeder presented the monthly report that was provided to the Board. d). Town Administrator – Update/Monthly Report on Administrative Activities: Administrator/Clerk Gregozeski provided an update on the following items: Update on Fox Cities Regional Economic Partnership, 2015 Spring Election, 2014 Fiscal Year Audit schedule, 2015 Computer Replacements, Ongoing Development in Town, Safe Communities Policy Summit, Records Retention and administrative staff training for Division Chief reporting functions. 8. PLAN COMMISSION ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: a). Application for Site Plan (2015-02): Applicant: Schierl Sales Corp., Owner: Fritz Schierl, Site plan application for Automobile Filling station, convenience store and quick serve restaurant; Lot 2, CSM 3268, Parcel Number 030 060400 - For Approval/Denial: Administrator/Clerk Gregozeski noted Schierl Sales Corp., Owner: Fritz Schierl submitted a Site Plan Application for an automobile filling station, convenience store and quick serve restaurant located at Lot 2 of CSM 3268, Parcel Number 030 060400 (northwest corner of State Park Road and County Road KK). He noted the applicant received conditional approval of a Special Exception to locate a filling station at the property noted above on March 18, 2014. Gregozeski noted based on administrative review, the proposed site plan met the following Zoning Code Requirements: Proposed use (automobile filling stations) for §525-27 (D) CL Local Commercial – Special Exception. Buchanan Town Board Minutes for February 24, 2015 -1- Lot dimensional requirements and building setbacks for §525-27 (E)(2) CL Local Commercial. Preliminary signage as shown meets requirements of §525-46. (Pole signs in CL Local Commercial are limited to 200 square feet per lot. Application shows 120 square feet.) Off-street loading requirements per §525-52 (Gross retail building area = 5,835 sq ft. requires 1 loading space; two off-street loading locations provided. Please note: Loading area not defined with markings. May not allow for minimum drive lane width of 24 ft.) Site plan application submittal per §525-80 of the Municipal Code. Dumpster and Dumpster Enclosures per §525-109. Landscape Requirements per §525-110. Outdoor Lighting Requirements per §525.111. Updated Lighting plan was provided after initial application. Building Material and Architectural Requirements per §525-112. Gregozeski noted based on administrative review, the proposed site plan may not meet the following Zoning Code Requirements: Off-street loading requirements per §525-52 Loading area dimensions not defined with application. Based on minimum requirements, minimum loading area may not allow for minimum drive lane width of 24 ft. Off-street parking requirements per §525-56. Plan provides 23 stalls. (Gross retail building area = 4,369 sq. ft. requires 1 per 200 square feet of floor area or 22 stalls + gross restaurant building area = 1,466 sq. ft. requires 1 per 100 square feet of floor area or 15 stalls; totaling 37 stalls. Off-street parking could be defined adjacent to fueling pumps, adding an additional 16 stalls, allowing conformance to Code.) Landscape Buffer Requirements per §525-38. The area designated on the landscape plan is inconsistent with the overall site plan. The landscaped buffer shall not be less than eight feet in width measured at right angles to property lines and shall be established along the entire length of and contiguous to the designated property line or lines. Alternatively, a six-foot-high opaque structure (fence) set in a sixfoot-wide landscaped buffer area may be substituted for the six-foot-high planted buffer. Note: High voltage electric transmission lines may not allow for most vegetation to be planted in area. The proposed development is separated from the existing residential area by an intervening Town property zoned AGD - General Agriculture with a future land use of a recreational trail. Gregozeski stated the Plan Commission reviewed the application and discussed the areas of concern identified above at their February 9, 2015 meeting: The Commission discussed the off-street loading areas. The Commission agreed off-street loading areas proposed were sufficient in size and scale to meet the requirements of code. The Commission discussed off-street parking and whether to include the areas adjacent to fueling pumps as parking spaces. The Commission agreed to include those areas in the total parking stall counts to meet code requirements. The Commission discussed the landscape buffer requirements under §525-38. The Commission discussed whether the proposed site plan was subject to the landscaped buffer requirements since an intervening trail is proposed between the commercially zoned property and the zoned residential properties to the west. The Commission agreed to not require the landscape buffer since an intervening trail property separates the commercial from residential. The Commission discussed the proposed off-site traffic improvements to State Park Road. The Commission detailed concerns they had with the overall layout of proposed median islands. The Commission agreed that a developer’s agreement must be drafted to address the issues related to off-site traffic improvements to State Park Road. Gregozeski stated the Plan Commission recommended approval of Site Plan 2015-02 (vote 4 to 1); with the following considerations & conditions: 1. No landscape buffer under §525-38 will be required along the western property line because of an intervening town trail property (zoned AGD – General Agriculture) which separates the proposed commercial development from residential; and 2. Off-street parking requirements are met with the inclusion of parking stalls next to each automobile filling pump; and 3. An approved Developer’s Agreement addressing payment and maintenance for public infrastructure improvements to include off-site traffic improvements to State Park Road and landscaping improvements to Town property shall be required; Buchanan Town Board Minutes for February 24, 2015 -2- Supervisor Reinke questioned the location of the fuel tanks as proposed. He raised concerns related to the proximity to the overhead power lines; noting concerns related to the installation of the tanks. John Kneer, from Rettler Corporation was in attendance and stated the petro engineers who designed the site did not have concerns based on the location. Mr. Kneer also noted that American Transmission Company has not provided any concerns at this time. Supervisor Kavanaugh stated that he did not want a raised median on State Park Road due to difficulties for large delivery trucks to enter the site. Gregozeski noted the proposed islands, as shown on the conceptual plan, can be painted and do not require to be raised; allowing larger turning movements. McAndrews stated that he made a motion to require the developer to pay for the improvements to State Park Road which failed. He stated he was not in favor of allowing a filling station to locate at the proposed site. He opined the site was too small to accommodate the proposed development. McAndrews also stated that he felt the development would jeopardize the safety of bicyclists in the area. Supervisor Klanderman clarified the proposed site plan was submitted after conditional approval of a special exception. He noted the approval of the site plan is based on knowing the use was previously approved and the evaluation should be based solely on the proposed site plan and not the approved use. Motion by Klanderman/Kavanaugh to approve Site Plan 2015-02 with the considerations and conditions recommended by the Plan Commission. Motion carried by voice vote 4 to 1. McAndrews dissenting. b). Ordinance 2015-01 – Drainage, Ditch and Watercourse Maintenance – For Approval/Denial: Gregozeski reviewed the draft ordinance proposed to lawfully regulate encroachments and alterations to roadside ditches, drainage easements and general watercourses in the Town. Gregozeski stated the Town has implemented a formal policy related to these items but has not had a formal ordinance to enforce. Gregozeski stated the ordinance would take into account Town policy and make the provisions enforceable. The Board reviewed and discussed the draft ordinance and agreed it was needed to enforce the Town’s drainage policy. Motion by Lawrence/Reinke to approve Ordinance 2015-01 Drainage, Ditch and Watercourse Maintenance as presented. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: NONE 10. NEW BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: a). Appointment to Fill Vacant Position on Town Plan Commission – For Approval/Denial: The Board reviewed and discussed the single applicant Mike Jensema for the vacant Plan Commission position. Gregozeski noted he currently serves on the Town’s Board of Adjustment and has taken a course through the UW-Extension office on Plan Commission roles and responsibilities. Motion by McAndrews/Reinke to appoint Michael Jensema to the Town Plan Commission for the term expiring July 1, 2015. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. b). Noise Ordinance Variance Permit: Applicant Tony Novak, Odd Buck, LLC, WIR Raceway, W1460 County Road KK, For Aug 8, 2015 – For Approval/Denial: The Board reviewed and discussed the application for a noise ordinance variance at WIR Raceway for Saturday, August 8, 2015. It was noted that this is the second consecutive year for this event and no complaints were registered in 2014. Motion by Klanderman/Kavanaugh to approve the Noise Ordinance Variance Permit for Odd Buck LLC for WIR Raceway, W1460 County Road KK for August 8, 2015. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. c). WE Energies Change/Relocation/Removal and or Installation of Street Lighting located at Van Roy Road and Eisenhower Drive for 2015 Roundabout Project – For Approval/Denial: The Board reviewed and discussed the removal and installation of street lighting contracts as presented by WE Energies for the 2015 Van Roy Road Roundabout project. Motion by Reinke/Lawrence to approve the WE Energies Change/Relocation/Removal and Installation of Street Lights order for Van Roy and Eisenhower Drive noting to pay the full installation costs upfront. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. d). Resolution 2015-01 Approving General Obligation Loan from State Trust Fund – For Approval/Denial: Gregozeski provided a review of the proposed borrowing for the 2015 and 2016 fiscal years. He provided a brief Buchanan Town Board Minutes for February 24, 2015 -3- overview of the State Trust Fund program and financial impacts of borrowing the funds for the proposed 10-year period. The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed borrowing and specific projects and equipment planned for the two-year period. Motion by Klanderman/Lawrence to approve Resolution 2015-01 as presented, authorizing the Town to borrow from the Trust Fund of the State of Wisconsin the sum of Two Million and 00/100 dollars ($2,000,000) for the purpose of designing, constructing, rebuilding, repairing and improving public highways, facilities, equipment and any other purpose otherwise allowed by law. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. e). Selection of Consultant to Conduct Level of Service Audit and Organizational Study for Town Fire, Rescue and EMS Services – For Approval/Denial: Gregozeski provided an overview of the four proposals submitted to conduct a level of service audit and organizational study for the Town’s Fire Department. He noted two proposals ranked highest. The Board reviewed and discussed the proposals. Motion by McAndrews/Lawrence to award a contract to Public Administration Associates to conduct the Level of Service Audit and Organizational Study of Town Fire, Rescue and EMS Services for an amount not to exceed $8,000. Motion carried by voice vote 4 to 1. Klanderman Dissenting. f). Approval of Engineering Contract with Cedar Corporation for 2015 Clancy Lamers Culvert Construction – For Approval/Denial. Gregozeski provided an overview of the engineering proposal for the 2015 Clancy Lamers Culvert Construction project. The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed services and confirmed the costs were within the 2015 budget amount. Motion by Reinke/Klanderman to approve the engineering contract with Cedar Corporation for the 2015 Clancy Lamers Culvert Construction project. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. 11. OTHER REPORTS/DISCUSSION: a). Division Chief (EMS) Vacancy – Interim Staffing Plan (Chief Schroeder) - For Discussion Only: Gregozeski provided an introduction for interim staffing for the Fire Department due to a vacancy at the Division Chief position. He noted that he tasked the Fire Chief with developing an interim schedule of responders to answer calls and handle other administrative tasks normally completed by the Division Chief. Chief Schroeder provided an overview of the draft schedule and costs associated with staffing the department during day-time hours. The Board reviewed and discussed the staffing schedule. McAndrews requested a vote be taken to confirm support of the administration’s plan for interim staffing. Motion by McAndrews/Kavanaugh to approve the interim staffing plan as proposed by the Fire Chief. Motion carried by voice vote 4 to 1. Reinke Dissenting. 12. CLOSED SESSION: NONE 13. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: The following future agenda items were discussed for a future meeting: developer’s agreement for “The Store” development, facility needs study and street lighting policy. 14. ADJOURNMENT – Motion to adjourn Lawrence/Klanderman at 9:22 p.m. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote. Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk Dated: February 26, 2015 Motion to approve by: _________________ Buchanan Town Board Minutes for February 24, 2015 Date: ___________ Carried ___ to ___ -4- TOWN MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Administrative Action AGENDA ITEM #: 4b (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is an administrative actioni item for Town Board Approval/Denial. SUMMARY: The attached Treasurer’s Report is for the period ending February 28, 2015. Significant tax transfers to the various other taxing jurisdictions are shown. Also, attached is a list which includes all bills and deposits for the period February 15th through March 7, 2015. Included is the Administrator/Clerk’s working budget summary for the period ending February 28, 2015. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Wis. Stats. §64.45 ‐ Disbursements from town treasury 2. Wis. Stats. §66.0607 ‐ Withdrawal or disbursement from local treasury 3. Town of Buchanan Budget & Financial Policy, adopted March 2010. FISCAL IMPACT: 1. As shown on list of bills and deposits for period. JDG ### Attachments: 1. February 2015 Treasurer’s Report 2. February 15 through March 7, 2015 Bills & Deposits List 3. Town Budget summary for period ending February 28, 2015 i Administrative actions involve the routine application of adopted rules, policies and standards. Examples include the approval of bills, the awarding of contracts/agreements and the issuance of permits and licenses for permitted uses. Discretion associated with these types of decisions is very limited and is based solely on state statutes, local ordinances and/or policy. Treasurer Report & Bills for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 1 Monthly Report February, 2015 Operating Account The Business Bank Previous Balance $ 4,387,219.03 Deposits Checks $ $ 538,528.61 2,964,230.02 Interest Credited on 2/28/15 Balance as of 2/28/15 $ $ 2,689.05 1,964,206.67 (Interest Year to Date: $19347.19) Segregated Funds (included in above total) Intersection Improvement Fund Fire Apparatus Fund Building Improvement Fund Trail Development Fund Contingency Account The Business Bank $ $ $ $ 499,286.00 76,270.00 21,541.30 10,000.00 Previous Balance Deposits $ 244,942.77 Withdrawals Interest Credited on 2/28/15 Balance as of 2/28/15 $ $ $ 163.47 245,106.24 Previous Balance Deposits $ $ 41,939.36 - Interest Credited on 2/28/15 Balance as of 2/28/15 $ $ 24.13 41,963.49 Previous Balance Withdrawals $ $ 3,053.60 - Interest Credited on 2/28/15 Balance as of 2/28/15 $ $ 0.24 3,053.84 Previous Balance Deposit $ $ 25,513.53 - Withdrawals Interest Credited on 2/28/15 Balance as of 2/28/15 $ $ $ 14.68 25,528.21 $ 345,000.00 (Interest Year to Date: $2,136.75) Park Impact Fees The Business Bank (Interest Year to Date: $298.66) Fire/EMS Communication The Business Bank (Interest Year to Date: $26.35) Fire Department Fundraising The Business Bank (Interest Year to Date: $153.61) Loan Balances Citizens Bank (Van Roy Road/Other Projects) (Original Loan Amount - $1,410,000.00) Balance as of 2/28/15 (Int. Paid Year to Date: ) (Int. Paid Inception to Date: $236432.56) TOWN OF BUCHANAN Bills for 3/17/15 Meeting 03/09/15 February 15 through March 7, 2015 Type Date 11010.0 · Bus Bank-Checking Deposit 02/17/2015 Deposit 02/24/2015 Deposit 02/27/2015 Deposit 02/27/2015 Deposit 03/03/2015 Paycheck 02/15/2015 Paycheck 02/15/2015 Paycheck 02/15/2015 Paycheck 02/15/2015 Paycheck 02/15/2015 Paycheck 02/15/2015 Liability C... 02/20/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Paycheck 02/18/2015 Liability C... 02/24/2015 Liability C... 02/27/2015 Liability C... 02/27/2015 Liability C... 02/27/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Check 03/02/2015 Bill Pmt -... 03/02/2015 Check 03/03/2015 Paycheck 03/04/2015 Check 02/15/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Check 02/16/2015 Bill Pmt -... 02/16/2015 Num Name Memo Deposit Deposit Deposit Interest Deposit ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH 33776 33777 33778 33779 33780 33781 33782 33783 33784 33785 33786 33787 33788 KAVANAUGH, CHARLES J KLANDERMAN, DEAN A LAWRENCE, KAREN L MC ANDREWS, MARK C REINKE, DENNIS G SCHROEDER, RICK L Internal Revenue Service FRANZKE, RICK A GIRARD, CHRIS L SIERACKI, CYNTHIA R KARRELS, JONATHON A SCHRADER, MARISSA M GREGOZESKI, JOEL D HENNESSEY, PATRICIA A VAN SCHYNDEL, LISA M Internal Revenue Service Department of Employee Trust Funds Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue Department of Employee Trust Funds FRANZKE, RICK A GIRARD, CHRIS L KELDERMAN, KELSEY E VAN SCHYNDEL, LISA M GREGOZESKI, JOEL D HENNESSEY, PATRICIA A SIERACKI, CYNTHIA R USPS Delta Dental of Wisconsin STAMPS.COM SCHRADER, MARISSA M Paul Hermes Hollandtown Fire Department Village of Wrightstown Fire Dept. JAHR, DANIEL W JAHR, DANIEL W Outagamie County Treasurer Darboy Joint Sanitary District No 1 Appleton Area Schools Kaukauna Area Schools Kimberly Area Schools Wrightstown Area Schools Fox Valley Technical College Advance Disposal-Green Bay-B8 39-1316254 39-1316254 69-036-0120-000 036-0000195431-02 69-036-0120-000 postage purchase Monthly Stamps.Com fee Mar 2015 Inspection fees 2015 Fire Contract 2015 Fire Contract 2014-taxes-2nd installment 2014 taxes-2nd installment 2014 taxes-2nd installment 2014 taxes-2nd installment 2014 taxes-2nd installment 2014 taxes-2nd installment 2014 taxes-2nd installment Paid Amount 4,370.60 4,481.09 3,524.68 2,689.05 2,937.12 -376.18 -400.18 -400.18 -559.19 -400.18 -1,220.01 -924.26 -460.52 -453.82 -911.28 -110.82 -183.70 -2,206.32 -696.37 -1,390.71 -2,004.86 -2,098.90 -771.46 -5.18 -346.40 -346.25 -594.93 -1,510.33 -2,206.32 -696.36 -911.27 -100.00 -179.46 -15.99 -166.23 -1,227.56 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 -7.20 -127.08 -722,810.09 -32,534.87 -1,979.94 -246,529.39 -1,086,749.21 -15,683.97 -153,009.05 -22,969.65 Page 1 TOWN OF BUCHANAN Bills for 3/17/15 Meeting 03/09/15 February 15 through March 7, 2015 Type Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Bill Pmt -... Paycheck Bill Pmt -... Date Num 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/16/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 02/23/2015 03/02/2015 03/02/2015 03/02/2015 03/02/2015 03/02/2015 03/02/2015 03/02/2015 03/04/2015 03/04/2015 33789 33790 33791 33792 33793 33794 33795 33796 33797 33798 33799 33800 33801 33802 33803 33804 33805 33806 33807 33808 33809 33810 33811 33812 33813 33814 33815 33816 33817 33818 33819 33820 33821 33822 33823 33824 33825 Name Cedar Corporation Darboy Corner Store Eagle Engraving, Inc. Garners Creek Storm Water Utility Little Chicago Lowe's News Publishing Company Inc. Outagamie County Highway Dept. Outagamie County Register of Deeds Outagamie County Sheriff TDS Metrocom Tractor Supply Company Verizon WE Energies-Street Lights WMCA Accurate Appraisal LLC Endeavor Electric, Inc EZ Glide Garage Doors and Openers Fox Valley Technical College General Code Kaukauna Utilities NES Ecological Services Omnni Associates, Inc. Outagamie County Highway Dept. Robinson Florist & Greenhouse The Horton Group-INS BILLS UNUM Life Insurance Company of A... Wisconsin Dept. of Justice Accent Business Solutions, Inc. Appleton City of Cellcom Appleton PCS Cintas Corporation #443 Staples Advantage The Horton Group-INS BILLS WE Energies GERHARTZ, LYLE J EAGLE PRINTING & GRAPHICS Memo Basin Storm Water Utility Jan 31st Dinner party Acct. 3841-040-796 Jan 2015 Invoice 932511-001 G3203 Acct # 009-09048840 Total 11010.0 · Bus Bank-Checking 11015.0 · Bus Bank-Contingency Svgs MM Deposit 02/27/2015 Interest 163.47 163.47 Interest Total 11020.0 · Bus Bank-Park Impact Fees MM 11030.0 · Bus Bank-Fire/EMS Comm Equip MM Deposit 02/27/2015 -26,846.46 -346.41 -87.85 -338,112.00 -1,293.19 -668.18 -47.29 -17,455.74 -150.00 -78,222.48 -628.19 -199.98 -80.02 -1,841.17 -15.00 -3,050.00 -2,330.60 -118.00 -763.25 -495.00 -126.90 -1,589.50 -286.25 -16,522.82 -130.15 -1,917.00 -144.40 -70.00 -81.25 -4,638.00 -48.37 -88.67 -142.55 -41.00 -1,419.38 -73.88 -652.30 -2,796,996.36 Total 11015.0 · Bus Bank-Contingency Svgs MM 11020.0 · Bus Bank-Park Impact Fees MM Deposit 02/27/2015 Paid Amount 24.13 24.13 Interest 0.24 Page 2 TOWN OF BUCHANAN Bills for 3/17/15 Meeting 03/09/15 February 15 through March 7, 2015 Type Date Num Name Memo Total 11030.0 · Bus Bank-Fire/EMS Comm Equip MM 11045.0 · Bus. Bank-Fire Dept Fundraising Deposit 02/27/2015 Total 11045.0 · Bus. Bank-Fire Dept Fundraising TOTAL Paid Amount 0.24 Interest 14.68 14.68 -2,796,793.84 Page 3 Town of Buchanan Year-To-Date Budget Comparison (Expenses) Fiscal Year 2015 Department 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET YEAR TO DATE 2/28/2015 As of: (UNDER) OVER BUDGET 2015 2/28/2015 PERCENT OF BUDGET General Government - 51000 51100 51300 51400 51500 51600 51900 Legislative (Town Board) Legal Service Fees General Administration Financial Administration General Building, Town Hall Other General Government $ 31,930 $ 33,000 $ 225,520 $ 21,500 $ 55,558 $ 23,446 $ $ $ $ $ $ 31,930 33,000 250,934 21,500 57,637 24,146 $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,100 7,150 41,339 8,399 11,697 3,305 $ $ $ $ $ $ (26,830) (25,850) (209,595) (13,101) (45,939) (20,841) 16% 22% 16% 39% 20% 14% Subtotal - General Government $ 390,953 $ 419,146 $ 76,990 $ (342,157) 18% Law Enforcement Fire & Rescue Emergency Management/EMS Building Inspection $ 405,490 $ 141,477 $ 85,480 $ 12,500 $ $ $ $ 400,002 157,847 91,720 12,500 $ 184,565 $ 43,569 $ 10,475 $ 2,455 $ $ $ $ (215,437) (114,278) (81,245) (10,045) 46% 28% 11% 20% Subtotal - Public Safety $ 644,947 $ 662,069 $ 241,064 $ (421,005) 36% Highway & Street Maintenance Road Related Facilities Mass Transit Sanitation $ 188,200 $ 33,018 $ 60,000 $ 320,000 $ $ $ $ 211,400 34,068 60,772 321,982 $ $ $ $ 27,614 7,819 46,363 $ $ $ $ (183,786) (26,249) (60,772) (275,619) 13% 23% 0% 14% Subtotal - Public Works $ 601,218 $ 628,222 $ 81,795 $ (546,427) 13% Parks Recreation Programs & Events $ $ 9,900 7,500 $ $ 10,500 - $ $ 1,968 - $ $ (8,532) - 19% Subtotal - Culture, Recreation & Ed. $ 17,400 $ 10,500 $ 1,968 $ (8,532) 19% Economic Development Planning & Zoning/Erosion/Conservation $ $ 3,637 23,370 $ $ 185 25,520 $ $ 11,462 $ $ (185) (14,058) 0% 45% Subtotal - Conservation & Development $ 27,006 $ 25,705 $ 11,462 $ (14,243) 45% Public Safety - 52000 52100 52200 52300 52400 Public Works - 53000 53300 53400 53500 53600 Culture, Recreation & Education - 55000 55200 55300 Conservation & Development - 56000 56700 56900 Expenditures Summary Department 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET YEAR TO DATE 2/28/2015 (UNDER) OVER BUDGET 2015 PERCENT OF BUDGET Other Financing Uses Contingency & Reserves $ - $ 70,027 $ - $ (70,027) 0% Subtotal - Other Financing Uses $ - $ 70,027 $ - $ (70,027) 0% Debt Service Fund - 58000 58000 Debt Service $ 188,798 $ 182,593 $ - $ (182,593) 0% Subtotal - Debt Service Fund $ 188,798 $ 182,593 $ - $ (182,593) 0% General Government Parks & Recreation Fire & Rescue EMS - Emergency Management Roads & Public Works Stormwater & Drainage $ 6,300 $ 10,000 $ 29,500 $ $ 547,156 $ - $ 8,500 $ 58,500 $ 114,500 $ 4,500 $ 2,384,350 $ - $ 4,925 $ $ $ $ 172,939 $ - $ (3,575) $ (58,500) $ (114,500) $ (4,500) $ (2,211,411) $ - 58% 0% 0% 0% 7% Subtotal - Capital Outlay $ 592,956 $ 2,570,350 $ 177,864 $ (2,392,486) 7% $ 2,463,278 $ 4,568,612 $ 591,143 $ (3,977,469) 12.94% Capital Outlay - 57000 57190 57620 57220 57230 57331 57348 TOTAL - General Fund Operating, Debt & Capital Expenditures Summary Town of Buchanan Year-To-Date Budget Comparison (Revenues) Fiscal Year 2015 Department Taxes - 41000 General Property Taxes Special Assessments - 42000 Intergovernmental Revenues - 43000 Licenses & Permits - 44000 Fines, Forfeitures & Penalties - 45000 Public Charges for Services - 46000 Intergovernmental Charges for Services - 47000 Miscellaneous Revenue - 48000 Proceeds Long Term Debt - 49000 TOTAL - Revenues As of: (UNDER) OVER BUDGET 2015 YEAR TO DATE 2/28/2015 2/28/2015 PERCENT UNDER/ OVER 2014 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET $1,525,733 $1,523,843 $1,885,308 $1,883,418 $1,635,323 $1,635,323 $ $ $0 $0 $0 $ $279,972 $282,774 $31,689 $ (251,085) 11% $69,495 $70,495 $17,579 $ (52,916) 25% (249,985) (248,095) - 87% 87% #DIV/0! $14,155 $14,155 $1,409 $ (12,746) 10% $273,654 $301,480 $4,023 $ (297,457) 1% $2,225 $1,900 $0 $ (1,900) 0% $191,809 $615,500 $7,614 $ (607,886) 1% $0 $1,397,000 $0 $ (1,397,000) 0% $ 2,357,043 $ 4,568,612 1,697,638 $ (2,870,974) 37.16% Revenues Summary $ TOWN MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Administrative Action AGENDA ITEM #: 4c (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 11, 2015 Operator’s License Applications for Approval/Denial RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is an administrative action item for Town Board Approval/Denial. Administrative actions involve the routine application of adopted rules, policies and standards. Examples include the approval of bills, the awarding of contracts/agreements and the issuance of permits and licenses for permitted uses. Discretion associated with these types of decisions is very limited and is based solely on state statutes, local ordinances and/or policy. SUMMARY: The attached list of bartender operator’s license applications were submitted for Town Board consideration. One of the listed applicants has an applicable violations per Town policy. The applicant was sent a notice to appear before the Town Board to explain and provide evidence why the Town Board should approve the application. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. §125.17 Wis. Stats. 2. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §339‐24G – Operators. 3. Alcohol License (Operators) Applications Policy, adopted January 2009. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: 1. March 2015 – Applicants for Bartender Operator’s Licenses 2. Notice of Applicable Violations to Zerena J. Aguayo Dated February 27, 2015 March 2015 – Operator’s License Applications for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 1 MARCH 2015 – APPLICANTS FOR BARTENDER OPERATOR’S LICENSES: 2014-167PV 2014-168PV 2014-169PV 2014-170PV 2014-171PV 2014-172PV 2014-173PV NAME & ADDRESS OF APPLICANT BUSINESS NAME VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO LICENSE APPLICATION NEW OR RENEWAL Tia L. McMath, 2700 N. Mason, Appleton, WI 54914 Chipotle None New Blake G. Fowler, 1804 W. Roselawn Dr., Appleton, WI 54914 Festival Foods None New Zerena J. Aguayo, 608 N. Summit St., Appleton, WI 54914 The Pit Stop Yes, (Letter Sent 2/27/15) New Stephen T. Knudstrup, 1700 N. Superior St., Appleton, WI 54911 Chipotle None New Natasha G. Taylor, 211 E. Kennedy St., Kimberly, WI 54136 The Pit Stop None New Paige M. Valiquette, 2823 Welhouse Dr., Kaukauna, WI 54130 The Chandelier Club None New Tyler Collins, 528 Applewood Dr., Kimberly, WI 54136 Chipotle None New February 27, 2015 Zerena J. Aguayo 608 N. Summit Street Appleton, WI 54914 RE: TOWN OF BUCHANAN APPLICATION FOR OPERATORS LICENSE Dear Zerena, The Town of Buchanan adopted the attached policy for granting operator’s licenses for the sale of alcohol. Upon review of your application we have found that there is a potential issue relating to our alcohol licensing policy. You need to appear at the next Town Board meeting or present other evidence prior to the meeting date to show why our Town Board should approve your application. The Town Board meeting you need to appear at is scheduled for: Tuesday, March 17, 2015, at 7 p.m. All Board meetings are held at the Buchanan Town Hall, N178 County Road N, Appleton, WI. If you cannot appear before the Board please send a letter prior to the meeting explaining why and the circumstances that involve your conviction. A letter from your employer supporting you would also be helpful. The Town Board will then make a decision for approval or denial of your license. You and your employer will be notified of this decision. Sincerely, Joel Gregozeski Administrator/Clerk (1) Attachment TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Presentation AGENDA ITEM #: 6a (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Presentation of 2014 Audited Financial Statements RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is item is for discussion only. SUMMARY: An audit of the Town’s 2014 fiscal year has been completed by our independent auditors, Schenck SC. Virginia Hinz, CPA with Schenck will be at our meeting to review the completed audit. 2014 was a sound fiscal year for the Town once again. The auditor will have several recommendations for the Board to consider and understand. Some recommendations identified during the course of the audit have already been implemented. I encourage the Board to ask questions of Virginia so that you have a good understanding of the audit and the Town’s financial position. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Wis. Stats. §60.41 – Annual Financial Statement 2. Wis. Stats. §60.43 – Financial audits JDG ### ATTACHEMENTS: 1. December 31, 2014 – Management Communications 2. December 31, 2014 – Annual Financial Report 2014 Fiscal Year Audit Presentation Page 1 of 1 TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Presentation AGENDA ITEM #: 6b (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Fox Cities Chamber Regional Partnership Presentation and Request for Funding RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is item is for discussion only. SUMMARY: Larry Burkhardt from the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce Regional Partnership will present information about the Partnership’s activities for 2014 and discuss upcoming changes to the governance structure of the Partnership. As you know, the Town did not budget direct funding for the Partnership in 2015. Approximately $3,460 or $0.50 per capita (6,920) was allocated annually as financial support of the partnership. Rather the funds were placed into contingency. Administration has concerned about the viability of the Partnership since multiple funding agencies have withdrawn (Villages of Harrison and Kimberly, Town of Grant Chute and City of Appleton). Administration recommends further information from representatives of the Partnership before the Town Board allocates funding. Board action to allocate funding should occur at a future meeting as it is not properly noticed for such action at this meeting. JDG ### Fox Cities Regional Partnership Presentation Page 1 of 1 TOWN MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM #: 7a Routine Report (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Monthly Report on Town Law Enforcement Activities RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is item is for discussion only. SUMMARY: Representatives from the Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department will present a monthly oral report for the past month. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Intergovernmental Agreement between Town of Buchanan and Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department, adopted June 2010. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: None Monthly Report on Law Enforcement Activities Page 1 of 1 TOWN MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Routine Report AGENDA ITEM #: 7b (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” TOWN OF BUCHANAN, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WI BUCHANAN TOWN HALL, N178 COUNTY RD N, APPLETON, WI 54915 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: March 5, 2015 Town Board Emergency Management/Division Chief Van Schyndel Update/Monthly Report on EMS/Emergency Management Activities and Grant Applications The following is a monthly report for Town Board review and discussion. Only significant and notable activities are listed, activities completed within the course of day-to-day operations are not listed. Any questions should be directed to Chief Van Schyndel. Monthly/YTD Calls Summary: February Calls Type by Priority Non-Emergency Non-Life Threatening Emergency Possible Life Threatening Life Threatening Life Threatening (no pulse/breathing) Emergency, Unknown Nature Invalid Assist TOTAL Year-to-Date 2015 2014 2015 2014 0 4 0 9 Last Year Total Call 33 15 10 26 22 172 6 0 5 0 8 0 16 0 83 8 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 10 0 21 19 37 49 310 EMS & Emergency Management Activities: 7 Personnel present at EMS Drill. Notes: QA calls, worked on where and how reports will be completed in duty room and how things will run after my departure and how things will function during the interim period. State approval for Narcan Pending Grant Applications: NVFC-Grant for 4 sets of gear through the National Volunteer Fire Council-Pending Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade Grant- Awarded 12-1-14 $5,000. WE Energies-Fire Prevention Grant-Awarded $500 FEMA-Grant for 4 sets of PPE & SCBA’s FEMA-Grant for a Quint TOWN MEETING: ACTION TYPE: February 24, 2015 Routine Report AGENDA ITEM #: 7c (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” TOWN OF BUCHANAN, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WI BUCHANAN TOWN HALL, N178 COUNTY RD N, APPLETON, WI 54915 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: March 5, 2015 Town Board Fire & Rescue Chief Schroeder Update on Fire & Rescue Activities The following is a monthly report for Town Board review and discussion. Only significant and notable activities are listed, activities completed within the course of day-to-day operations are not listed. Any questions should be directed to Chief Schroeder. Monthly/YTD Calls Summary: February Year-to-Date 2015 2014 2015 2014 Accident Clean-Up Auto Aid (Harrison Fire) CO Detector Fire Alarm Haz-Mat Cleanup Home Lockout Jaws of Life MABAS Open/Grass/Brush Burning Public Safety/Gas Leak/Wires Down Structure Fire Vehicle Fire Apparatus Medical Response 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 Last Year Total Call 26 2 10 7 7 0 3 7 15 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 1 TOTAL 2 7 7 16 95 Calls Type Notable Department Activities: Training/Drills MABAS, Driver Training, Equipment on 2324- 18 members 54 combined hours of training Radio/MDC, SCBA Drill 17 members 51 combined hours of training Ventilation/CO/ MDC-16 Members 48 combined hours of training FF 1 Class- 7 New Members 112 combined hours training 4 members have completed part B of FF 1 and are cleared for “Hot Zone” Duties TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Routine Report AGENDA ITEM #: 7d (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Monthly Report on Town Administrator Activities RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is item is for discussion only. SUMMARY: An oral report related to the activities of the Town Administrator’s office will be provided to the Town Board. The report will include (in no particular order) the following items: 1. Fire Department Organizational Study and Audit. 2. CE / Eisenhower / Van Roy Roundabout Project. a. Bid Award b. Tentative Project Timeline c. Public Information Meeting Tentatively Scheduled for April 15, 2015 @ Town Hall 4:00‐ 6:00 p.m. 3. 2015 Paving Project Update. a. Public Information Meeting Tentatively Scheduled for May 6, 2015 @ Town Hall. Brookhaven Drive 6‐6:45 p.m. & Springfield Drive 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. 4. Spring Drainage & Road Repairs. 5. 2015 Spring General Election. 6. Annual Town Meeting – Tuesday, April 21st @ 7:00 p.m. 7. 2015 Open Book & Board of Review Dates: a. Open Book – Monday, June 1st 4‐6 pm b. Board of Review – Wednesday, June 24th 6‐8 pm POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §102‐9 B(4) – Office of the Town Administrator – Responsibilities to the Town Board. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: None Monthly Town Administrator’s Report Page 1 of 1 TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Quasi‐Judicial AGENDA ITEM #: 8a (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 10, 2015 Site Plan 2015‐03; “BioLife Plasma Services” RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is a quasi‐judiciali action item for Town approval or denial. The motion to approve or deny must include the explicit reason for such action based on the findings of fact and standards of law; including any interpretations or conditions. SUMMARY: Applicant: Build to Suit, Inc. on behalf of GRD Menasha, LLC, have submitted a site plan application for a Medical Office, BioLife Plasma Services; Parcel Number 030 264700 (Eisenhower Drive, north of Pizza Ranch). Based on administrative review, the proposed site plan meets the following Zoning Code Requirements: Proposed use (medical clinic) for §525‐27 (D) CL Local Commercial. Lot dimensional requirements and building setbacks for §525‐27 (E)(2) CL Local Commercial. Preliminary signage locations as shown meet requirements of §525‐46. (Please note, sign detail not provided with application, must comply with code at time of permit application). Off‐street loading requirements per §525‐52 (Gross building area = 16,692 sq ft. requires 2 loading spaces; two off‐street loading locations provided. Off‐street parking requirements per §525‐56. Plan provides 158 stalls. (Gross building area = 16,692 sq ft. requires 1 per 200 square feet of floor area or 84 stalls. Site plan application submittal per §525‐80 of the Municipal Code. Dumpster and Dumpster Enclosures per §525‐109. Landscape Requirements per §525‐110. Please note, landscape buffer requirements per §525‐38 are not required since proposed development does not abut residentially zoned property. Outdoor Lighting Requirements per §525.111. Lighting detail not provided with agenda packet, but included with application. Building Material and Architectural Requirements per §525‐112. PLAN COMMISSION ACTION: The Plan Commission reviewed the application and determined the application was compliant with the Town’s Zoning Code at their March 9, 2015 meeting. The Plan Commission approved Site Plan 2015‐03 unanimously without any further conditions or considerations. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §525 ‐ Zoning Application for Site Plan 2015‐03 for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: 1. Site Plan Application 2015‐03 – “BioLife Plasma Services” i Quasi‐judicial actions involve the application of rules, policies and ordinances to the facts of a particular proposal or application. The Board acts in a quasi‐judicial manner when it considers special exception permits, site plans, land divisions, variances, license/permit revocations and similar decisions. Quasi‐judicial decisions involve the exercise of limited discretion. For example, when deciding whether to grant a site plan, the Board has the power to investigate facts, hold hearings, weigh evidence, draw conclusions, and use that information as a basis for their official decision. Discretion of quasi‐judicial decision makers is strictly limited by local ordinance and state law. Quasi‐judicial decision makers must apply the law as written and may not substitute their judgment for that of the governing body. Board members should not have conversations or receive correspondence regarding a quasi‐judicial matter that is pending before the Board or which may come before the Board except during a noticed meeting or hearing on the matter. Such outside contacts are known as “ex parte communication.” Parties are entitled by law to know and examine the source of information used by the Board in its decision‐making. Board members should avoid ex‐parte communication by suggesting that members of the public present information in an open meeting or public hearing or submit a written comment for distribution at the meeting. Board members should disclose ex parte communication at an open meeting or hearing to make the information part of the record so that it can be considered in decision making. Application for Site Plan 2015‐03 for Approval/Denial Page 2 of 2 0 200 400 600ft DISCLAIMER: This map is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete and conclusions drawn are the responsibility of the user. 0 200 400 600ft DISCLAIMER: This map is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete and conclusions drawn are the responsibility of the user. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19'-4" 10 11 VERIFY WIDTH & DEPTH OF TRASH ENCLOSURE W/ CONTRACTOR REGARDING TRASH SERVICE REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 12 13 16 17 NOTE: INTERIOR STUD PARTITION WALLS TO BE 20 GA., EXCLUDING ANY INTERIOR STRUCTURAL WALLS ALONG GRIDS D & G. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR GAUGE AND SPACING OF INTERIOR STRUCTURAL WALLS. HOLE IN CONCRETE TO FIT CANE BOLT TO LOCK GATE DOOR IN OPEN POSITION A002 1 TERMINATE GWB 6" ABOVE ACT, TYP. FILL CAVITY W/ SOUND BATT INSULATION 200 5TH AVENUE SE SUITE 201 CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401 319-363-6018 PHONE 319-363-7349 FAX [email protected] 7/8" HAT CHANNEL ACT, TYP. All reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by OPN Architects, Inc. as instruments of service shall remain the property of OPN Architects, Inc. OPN Architects, Inc. shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. 6" DIA. BOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE - PRIME THEN COVER W/ BLACK PLASTIC BOLLARD COVERS 20 GA. METAL STUD FRAMING @ 16" O.C. CMU - GROUT SOLID - REFER TO STRUCTURAL HOLE IN CONCRETE TO FIT CANE BOLT TO LOCK GATE IN OPEN POSITION 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB, BOTH SIDES 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB, BOTH SIDES © 2015 OPN Architects, Inc. 20 GA. METAL STUD FRAMING @ 16" O.C. Owner / General Contractor PROVIDE ATTACHMENT AT BASE REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR CMU FOUNDATION AND FOOTING PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING MATCH BUILDING COPING "D" CMU / METAL STUD PARTITION "A" METAL STUD PARTITION (2) LAYERS 3/4" PLYWOOD SHEATHING Type Mark Stud Width Width Fire Rating Comments Type Mark CMU Width Stud Width Width Fire Rating Comments 6" 4" CEDAR RAPIDS - DES MOINES - MADISON GWB TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECK TRASH ENCLOSURE 1/8" = 1'-0" 8' - 0" T.O. MASONRY A R C H I T E C T S OPN ARCHITECTS 6" 1'-6" 3 19 CMU BOND BEAM - REFER TO STRUCTURAL EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE - REFER TO ELECTRICAL. LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE LOCATED ON SIDE OF TRASH ENCLOSURE CLOSEST TO DONATION CENTER BUILDING. TOP OF FIXTURE TO BE MOUNTED 7'-4" ABOVE CONCRETE SLAB. 12 0° 0° 12 6" DIA. BOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE - PRIME THEN COVER W/ BLACK PLASTIC BOLLARD COVERS 18 REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR ATTACHMENT TO DECK A002 L 15 NOTE: INTERIOR STUD PARTITION WALLS TO BE 20 GA., EXCLUDING ANY INTERIOR STRUCTURAL WALLS ON GRIDS D & G. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR GAUGE AND SPACING OF INTERIOR STRUCTURAL WALLS. NOTE: REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION OF TRASH ENCLOSURE ON SITE & SITE CONDITIONS. 2 M 14 6" DIA. BOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE - PRIME THEN COVER W/ BLACK PLASTIC BOLLARD COVERS 19'-4" 6" DIA. BOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE - PRIME THEN COVER W/ BLACK PLASTIC BOLLARD COVERS N 9 6" 1 Project K 8" CMU BOND BEAM A1 A2 A3 3 5/8" 6" 8" 4 7/8" 7 1/4" 9 1/4" - - D1 5 5/8" 3 5/8" 11 3/8" - - BIO-LIFE PLASMA SERVICES CENTER MENASHA, WI REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR ATTACHMENT TO DECK 8" CMU W/ SPLIT FACE ON EXTERIOR J CMU BOND BEAM - REFER TO STRUCTURAL H EXTERIOR SIDE INTERIOR SIDE 6" 6" NOTE: INTERIOR STUD PARTITION WALLS TO BE 20 GA., EXCLUDING ANY INTERIOR STRUCTURAL WALLS ON GRIDS D & G. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR GAUGE AND SPACING OF INTERIOR STRUCTURAL WALLS. TERMINATE GWB 6" ABOVE ACT, TYP. ACT, TYP. 6" TERMINATE GWB 6" ABOVE ACT, TYP. ACT, TYP. ACT, TYP. CMU - GROUT SOLID - REFER TO STRUCTURAL 20 GA. METAL STUD FRAMING @ 16" O.C. 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB, BOTH SIDES 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB 7/8" HAT CHANNEL, BOTH SIDES PROVIDE ATTACHMENT AT BASE, BOTH SIDES G REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR CMU FOUNDATION AND FOOTING 6" CONCRETE SLAB "E" CMU PARTITION "B" METAL STUD PARTITION 0" T.O. CONCRETE FOUNDATION - SEE STRUCTURAL FOR REINFORCING 2 TRASH ENCLOSURE SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0" Stud Width B1 B2 B3 B4 3 5/8" 6" 1 5/8" 8" Width 4 1/4" 6 5/8" 2 1/4" 8 5/8" 1'-0 1/2" 3 3/4" 8'-3 3/8" 1-1/2" 20 GA. GALVANIZED ROOF DECK WELDED TO ANGLE (5/8" PUDDLE WELDS @ 12" O.C.) - PAINT PT-1, REFER TO A201 FOR EXTERIOR FINISH SPECIFICATIONS - - PROVIDE CORNER BEAD @ END OF TYPE "X" GWB 19'-4" E Fire Rating Comments 3/4" 8'-3 3/8" CLICK-LOCK SAFETY HASP 3 3/4" E1 5 5/8" Width L4X4X1/4 GALVANIZED ANGLE CONT. @ PERIMETER - PAINT PT-1, REFER TO A201 FOR EXTERIOR FINISH SPECIFICATIONS 8 5/8" - - REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR ATTACHMENT TO DECK PLAM ON 3/4" PLYWOOD 20 GA. METAL STUD FRAMING @ 16" O.C. 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB BOTH SIDES CMU BOND BEAM - REFER TO STRUCTURAL TERMINATE GWB 6" ABOVE ACT, TYP. CMU - GROUT SOLID - REFER TO STRUCTURAL 3/8"" DIAMETER STEEL ROD BRACING ON BACKSIDE OF DOOR D Fire Rating Comments PROVIDE ROLLED EDGES ON OUTSIDE CORNER OF CAP 4' - 0" T.O. WALL 1'-0 1/2" Type Mark CMU Width Sheet Issue Date CD SET 6" F Type Mark Previous Issue Dates ACT, TYP. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SIZE AND SPACING OF VERTICAL STEEL SUPPORTS AT PARTIAL HEIGHT WALLS 2/20/15 5/8" TYPE "X" GWB 7'-9 1/2" GATE HANDLES MOUNT AT 3'-0" C 7/8" HAT CHANNEL PROVIDE ATTACHMENT AT BASE 0" FINISH FLOOR REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR CMU FOUNDATION AND FOOTING "F" CMU PARTITION "C" METAL STUD PARTITION Type Mark Stud Width C1 6" Revision Dates Width Fire Rating Comments B 7 1/4" - - Type Mark CMU Width F1 5 5/8" Width 7 1/8" Fire Rating Comments - Drawing 7"BARREL HINGE, 3 EACH LEAF TS 5X5X1/4 - BEAR POST ON TRENCH FOOTING - PAINT PT-1 REFER TO A201 FOR EXTERIOR FINISH SPECIFICATIONS A 3 TRASH ENCLOSURE GATE ELEVATION 1/2" = 1'-0" CANE BOLT - 1 INCH MIN. DIAMETER COLD ROLLED STEEL - TO BE LOCKABLE IN UP POSITION TO PREVENT DRAGGING ON CONCRETE L4X4X1/4 GALVANIZED ANGLE CONT. @ PERIMETER - PAINT PT-1, REFER TO A201 FOR EXTERIOR FINISH SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL NOTES: 1. REFER TO HATCHING ON FLOOR PLAN ON SHEET A111 FOR LOCATION OF SOUND BATTS/INSULATION IN WALLS. 2. RUN FRAMING, CMU, AND GWB TO UNDERSIDE OF FLOOR / ROOF DECK OR TO FIRE RATED ASSEMBLY ABOVE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1-1/2" 20 GA. GALVANIZED ROOF DECK WELDED TO ANGLE (5/8" PUDDLE WELDS @ 12" O.C.) - PAINT PT-1, REFER TO A201 FOR EXTERIOR FINISH SPECIFICATIONS WALL TYPES & TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAILS OPN Project No. 15208000 4 WALL TYPES A002 1 2 3 4 5 NOTE: ALL WALLS AT DONOR FLOOR AND UPPER WALLS AT RECEPTION CLERESTORY TO HAVE LEVEL 5 DRYWALL FINISH NOTE: SEE A121 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FOR CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS. NOTE: REFER TO A111 FLOOR PLAN, A151 ENLARGED PLAN, AND A401-A404 INTERIOR ELEVATION SHEETS FOR CRITICAL "HOLD" DIMENSIONS FOR CASEWORK. DIMENSIONS LABELED WITH "HOLD" ARE TAKEN FROM FACE OF GYPSUM WALL BOARD ON BOTH SIDES OF WALL AND ARE INTENDED TO ALLOW CUSTOM CASEWORK TO BE INSTALLED TIGHT TO WALL. NOTE: REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR FLOOR SLAB CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS, AND REFER TO CONCRETE SEALANT FINISH SPECIFICATION ON A602 FOR CONTROL JOINT FILLER 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. N 3. 3 1 A301 A301 C D E 3 9' - 3" 19' - 0" 4'-0" 31' - 1" 31'-8" 6'-0" 20' - 6" 9'-8" 6'-0" 1'-4" 9'-4" G G.6 H J A341 181' - 4" M 1' - 7" 4. 5 F 17' - 1" 12'-0" 20' - 5" 20'-0" 15' - 1 1/2" 12'-0" W3 09 12'-4" W3 24' - 6" 6'-0" 15 6'-8" 6'-0" W2-A 21' - 2 1/2" 6'-8" 12'-0" W2-A 4'-0" 10'-8" 06 REF. A1 25'-7" 1'-2" 5'-5" B3 15 13 10'-4 1/2" DONOR FLOOR 135 01 C1 C1 17'-0" 4'-8 1/2" A2 7 A371 C1 134A 11" C1 C1 17'-1" 2 A371 W2-A 4 9'-0" 7'-0 1/2" 6'-4" 24 10 PACKING 133 10 01 13 19'-11 1/2" 3'-4" 3'-4" 119A 21'-0 1/2" 3'-4" 2'-6" 8'-2" 19'-11" 6'-0" 9'-9" 8" TYP. A1 8" TYP. 5'-2 1/2" 9'-10 1/2" 04 TO B1 GYP. DECK 29 134B 1 A161 28 15 16 17 2.7 2.8 19 20 21 4 A312 3 06 27 A402 29 14 18 06 04 FEC A1 02 10'-0 1/2" 2'-3 1/2" 37'-0" 5 A371 ELECTRICAL 123 A201 97'-8" A1 33 GYP. TO DECK 2 15'-1 1/2" 5'-0" 6'-1 1/2" 6'-0" 24 A1 2.3 22 23 24 3.2 25 26 27 RECEIVING 134 4'-8 1/2" 16'-3" 12'-0" 4" 1'-3" 29 30 01 01 A404 3" 4 3 A371 4 A404 A313 8 A371 SIM. 2'-0" B3 1'-2" B3 5'-2 1/2" 123A 13 28 SIM. 15 SIM. W2-A W8 1'-3" 1'-3" W2-A 20 19 A2 W2-A 127B 7" 6'-8" FEC 23 14'-6" C1 7" 131B 16'-7" 5'-0" 5'-0" 20'-6" 5'-0" 16'-9" 5'-0" 21 C1 B1 03 26'-7" 3'-8" C1 01 QUALITY 17 A402 MANAGER 137 16 A342 SIM. 24 24 17'-5 1/2" 01 A2 8 B1 A2 9" 15'-7" 01 C1 7'-2" 11" 14 11" C1 3'-5" 5'-0" 7'-3" FREEZER 132 7'-2" A312 C1 C1 B1 02 C1 A1 2 5 A2 7'-2" A1 21 6 A151 5'-0" A403 A2 C1 15'-7" 01 3 1/2" C1 W13 ASSISTANT MANAGER 141 141B 5'-10" A2 A1 01 A1 137A A1 19 10'-9 34 01 5'-0" 5'-0" C1 34 C1 A3 15'-8" 11'-10" SIM. W13 A1 14 9'-2" C1 15'-6" 3'-11 1/2" 09 3.6 142A W2-A 5'-2" A1 01 1 5'-0" 12'-9" 3'-0" 3'-4" CENTER MANAGER 142 140 9 A371 13'-2" 141A 5'-0" 143A A1 14 CENTER SUPERVISOR 139 A402 18 13 1'-2" A1 8'-9" EQ FEC CORRIDOR 139A 138 10'-8 1/2" HOLD 5" 02 21 EQ A1 SIM. COPY ROOM 136A 136 A403 14 TELE / DATA / MECH 3'-4" EQ A1 SIM. 1'-0" 4'-8" 1'-0" 4'-8" 1'-0" 3'-10" ALIGN 01 125A CUSTODIAN 125 11 12 31 2'-7" REF. ANTE ROOM 131 A1 05 REFER TO FREEZER DRAWINGS ON A161 FOR MORE INFORMATION 132A 12 01 16 A1 140A A403 9'-3" 20'-0 1/2" EQ 26 CORRIDOR 144 8'-2" EDQ 145 11 1/2" 118A 116A 131A 08 09 10 2.2 2'-8" 6'-0 1/2" PLASMA PROCESSING 150 A403 13 6'-7 1/2" A1 126A 1.8 8'-2" SIM. 01 3 A151 11'-6" B1 A1 08 22'-5" 6 A151 A2 HOST 149 MEN 126 BOILER ROOM 122 8'-0" 25 15 A403 CORRIDOR 122A 124 27'-8" 19 06 07 2 3'-4" 25 A1 WOMEN 127 134C A2 05 29 10'-1" 1 6'-7 1/2" 127A 124A A404 5'-6" A1 121B A2 BIOHAZARD 121 2'-4" A404 01 8 A151 A1 9'-5" 25 9'-1" A2 16'-10 1/2" B1 B1 B1 12'-6" 121A 31 11 1/2" DONOR PROCESSING 147 01 2 22 04 1.7 7" WAITING 148 11'-6" A1 150A 6 A151 A2 CORRIDOR 128 A1 LOCKER ROOM 129 LAB COATS 130 12'-0" A2 11 FE WH 120A 01 02 06 126B 34 C1 21 5'-6" 1'-11" 9'-10 1/2" KEYNOTE LEGEND 03 REF. DW 5'-6" 34 C1 1'-11" A403 1 A151 A403 16'-7 1/2" HOLD 1'-2" 4'-7 1/2" C1 CORRIDOR 119 A1 A2 31 06 A2 21 01 02 FEC 5'-2 1/2" 12 6'-10" 13 1'-0" 4'-5" 5'-0" A2 2 A151 UTILITY ROOM 120 17 A1 7'-7" 5'-0" SIM. 16 7 1/2" A1 7 A371 C1 A1 1 A1 3'-0" 02 C1 27'-6" FEC 129A 7'-2 1/2" 128A 16'-6 1/2" 5'-0" W13 16'-2 1/2" SIM. 7'-3" 5'-0" 15'-7 1/2" C1 3'-10" A403 RECEPTION 146 16'-2 1/2" 15'-7" 4'-11" 1'-0" SIM. 4'-8" 1'-0" 18 A403 SIM. 2'-10" 2'-10" 3" 22 A3 C1 C1 C1 21 TRAINING 01 SUPERVISOR 116 01 01 4'-8" 1'-0" C1 32 7 15'-5" 01 C1 17'-0" A1 8'-0" 01 BREAK ROOM 118 A341 11'-4 1/2" C1 5'-0" 5" EDQ 108 6 A151 13 11" 16'-3" A402 22 C1 16'-8" 112A 5'-0" 1'-2" 1'-0" 6'-8" 01 114A 9'-4" A1 C1 9 A371 SIM. 12'-4" 12'-4" 10 14 01 A401 W1 12'-0" 5'-5" 100B 2'-10" 4 A371 6'-0" 109A 16 18 16 2'-9" 7'-4 1/2" A401 DONOR FLOOR 115 A2 A1 3'-8" 8'-9 1/2" 23'-8 1/2" C1 11 02 4'-8 1/2" C1 1'-7" CONFERENCE 143 11'-4 1/2" 6'-10 1/2" A2 17'-1" 7 1/2" EXAM 114 A401 10 4'-8 1/2" 16 2'-0" A2 ISO TRAINING 117 20 A403 3 E 17'-0" A404 4 8 A371 27'-9 1/2" A301 10 113A FEC 01 1'-3" HOLD 1'-0" VESTIBULE 100 1'-0" A401 SIM. A1 4 A2 A1 SIM. 3 A371 01 A404 11" 11 HALL 111 A1 11 CLOSET 107 13'-11" 100A 6 2.6 A1 3'-10" A2 06 1'-0" EXAM 109 A1 A1 12'-4" 1 14'-6" A201 G 18 1'-0" 2.4 07 5'-5" 2'-4 1/2" 2'-10" H 11'-4 1/2" A1 110A A1 SIM. 15'-1" 3'-8" 8'-9" 01 101A A401 01 107A 2'-0 1/2" 13'-7 1/2" W1 12'-0" 5 8'-5" CLOSET 112 11'-6 1/2" 11'-1 1/2" A1 2 D 105A A1 HALL 106 A1 A401 10 2'-4" 30 A1 J 11 EXAM 113 8'-10 1/2" SIM. 01 A1 B3 8'-11" SIM. 15 W2-A 8'-2" A1 A1 01 WOMEN 105 7'-6" 12'-0" A301 A2 104A 01 101 5 MEN 104 7 1/2" 9'-5" 5'-4 1/2" 01 E1 11'-0 1/2" 21 8'-2" DW W2-B F1 35 SUPERVISED PLAY 3'-0" 23'-9" 6'-0" K 9'-1" 7'-6" 102A 6'-1 1/2" 3'-4" 9" EXAM 110 A2 D1 7 A151 W2-A SIM. 1'-3" 1'-3" 2'-9" 1.4 F 5 A151 1'-3" 6'-10 1/2" TOILET 102 2 A371 ALIGN 4 A151 W5 B3 09 4 32 4'-0" 3'-4" 6'-0" 7'-4" 6'-0" 7'-4" 6'-0" 7'-4" 6'-0" 5'-4" 9'-4" W3 12'-0" 20'-0" 4 12'-0" 15 09 69'-4" 2'-2 1/2" W3 1'-3" 4 C CEDAR RAPIDS - DES MOINES - MADISON OPN ARCHITECTS 200 5TH AVENUE SE SUITE 201 CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401 319-363-6018 PHONE 319-363-7349 FAX [email protected] © 2015 OPN Architects, Inc. 1 L A R C H I T E C T S All reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by OPN Architects, Inc. as instruments of service shall remain the property of OPN Architects, Inc. OPN Architects, Inc. shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. 1' - 7" 5'-0" W1 ALL INTERIOR PARTITIONS ARE WALL TYPE A1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SEE SHEET A001 FOR WALL TYPE DESIGNATIONS. DIMENSIONS ARE MEASURED FACE-OF-FINISH TO FACE-OF-FINISH OR ROUGH MASONRY OPENING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE - TYPICAL FOR ALL DRAWINGS. IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTANT DRAWINGS, NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK - TYPICAL FOR ALL DRAWINGS. REFER TO ENLARGED PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL WALL TYPE LOCATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND KEYNOTES. 2'-2 1/2" A301 B 1'-3" A A201 1'-3" 2 19 33 34 35 CASEWORK - SEE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET. MOUNT TOP OF CABINET @ 46" A.F.F. FREEZER UNIT W/ RECESSED SLAB - SEE STRUCTURAL FOR AREA OF RECESSED SLAB 6" Ø BOLLARDS FILLED WITH CONCRETE PRIME THEN COVER W/ BLACK PLASTIC BOLLARD COVERS SHIPS LADDER TO ROOF HATCH - O'KEEFE'S MODEL 523 ALUMINUM SHIPS LADDER (75 DEGREE ANGLE) OR EQUIVALENT CONCRETE STOOP ELKAY TWO LEVEL ELECTRIC WATER COOLER MODEL EZSTL8WSL2K WITH BOTTLE FILLING STATION, OR APPROVED EQUAL BY ARCHITECT MOP SINK W/ MOP RAIL AND NRP 8'-0" A.F.F., ALL SIDES ROOF DRAIN LEADER - REFER TO PLUMBING FLOOR SINK FOR CONDENSATE LINES - REFER TO MECHANICAL. VERIFY LOCATION W/ MECH. WALL MOUNTED FIRE EXTINGUISHER HUFCOR CONTINUOUSLY HINGED ACOUSTI-SEAL 632 SERIES OPERABLE PARTITIONS WINDOW TO BE INSTALLED TO ALLOW INTERIOR BLIND MOUNT ON OFFICE SIDE - SIDE THAT NOTE IS PLACED INDICATES SIDE TO MOUNT BLINDS INSTALL 'AC' PLYWOOD ON WALL OF TELE/DATA ROOM. COORINDATE HEIGHT AND LOCATION W/ TELE/DATA CONTRACTOR ROOF OVERFLOW DRAIN - REFER TO PLUMBING OWNER PROVIDED TV - CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TV 6'-0" A.F.F. W/ SWIVEL WALL MOUNT HOT WATER HEATER. VERIFY SIZE AND LOCATION W/ MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OWNER PROVIDED TV - CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TV ON CENTER OF CASEWORK VERFIY HEIGHT W/ ARCHITECT FREEZER CHART OWNER PROVIDED EQUIPMENT COAT HOOK RAIL LOCATION - (2) SMEDBO 12" BESLAGS BODEN HOOK SME-B1054, TYP. MOUNT COAT RAIL @ 5'-1" O.C. A.F.F. FOR ALL LOCATIONS EXCEPT SUPERVISED PLAY, WHICH SHOULD BE MOUNTED 42" O.C. A.F.F. ELECTRICAL WALL HEATER - SEE MECHANICAL FREEZER CONTROL BOX, COORDINATE LOCATION W/ FREEZER INSTALLER. 14" X 14" VENT. PAINT TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL SURFACE. MOUNT 12" A.F.F. TO CENTER OF VENT. SOLID POLYMER PANELS - REFER TO DETAIL 15/A403 AND 1/A151 FOR TYP. SPACING RECESSED FLOOR BOX ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT TABLE PROVIDED BY OWNER. CONTROL JOINTS RADIATING OUT FROM FREEZER CORNER TO CONTINUE TO NEAREST ADJACENT CONTROL JOINT - REFER TO STRUCTURAL FOR CONTROL JOINT SPACING AND A602 FOR JOINT FILLER SPEC EXPOSED COLUMNS - PAINT PT-1 RECESSED AED WALL CABINET PROVIDED BY OWNER - FINISH RECESSED OPENING WITH DRYWALL CORNER BEAD, MUD, SANDING AND PAINT. MOUNT HANDLE AT 48" A.F.F. 4" CONCRETE HOUSEKEEPING PAD COORIDINATE SIZE AND LOCATION WITH EQUIPMENT. VENDING MACHINE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OWNER STORAGE SHELVING BY OWNER REFER TO 6/A151 FOR "HOLD" DIMENSIONS AT PARTIAL HEIGHT WALLS OPERABLE WINDOW - REFER TO A601 WINDOW ELEVATIONS Owner / General Contractor Project BIO-LIFE PLASMA SERVICES CENTER MENASHA, WI Sheet Issue Date CD SET 2/20/15 Previous Issue Dates Revision Dates A201 B 1 FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" Drawing FLOOR PLAN LEGEND FLOOR PLAN INSULATION/ SOUND BATT MASONRY A FREEZER UNIT OPN Project No. 15208000 A111 2 3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS GENERAL NOTES: 10 11 12 MECHANICAL UNIT BEYOND SHOWN FOR REFERENCE CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED WINDOW SYSTEM 1 1.4 1.7 6 CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL A301 2 2.2 S-1: ANAMOSA LIMESTONE , VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH VENEER HEAD AND SILL, TYP. A301 MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. 1.8 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 14 16 A313 3.2 3.6 4 CEDAR RAPIDS - DES MOINES - MADISON CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL MECH. UNIT SHOWN FOR REFERENCE 8' - 8" WINDOW HEAD 200 5TH AVENUE SE SUITE 201 CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401 319-363-6018 PHONE 319-363-7349 FAX [email protected] CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 All reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by OPN Architects, Inc. as instruments of service shall remain the property of OPN Architects, Inc. OPN Architects, Inc. shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING © 2015 OPN Architects, Inc. SE-1: MASONRY EXPANSION JOINT AT INSIDE CORNER. TYPICAL AT ALL INSIDE MASONRY CORNERS. 3' - 0" WINDOW SILL 0" FINISH FLOOR OPERABLE WINDOW - REFER TO A601 WINDOW ELEVATIONS. S-1: ANAMOSA LIMESTONE, VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH VENEER LIMESTONE EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" Owner / General Contractor ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED WINDOW SYSTEM PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION @ MECH. WELL 1/8" = 1'-0" 5 MECHANICAL UNIT SHOWN FOR REFERENCE DASHED LINES INDICATES STEPPED ROLLER SHADE. ROLLER SHADES STEP APPROXIMATELY 7" - REFER TO SECTIONS DASHED LINES INDICATES STEPPED ROLLER SHADE. ROLLER SHADES STEP APPROXIMATELY 7" - REFER TO SECTIONS MECHANICAL WELL SPACE Project 6 4 3.6 3.2 CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL PT-1: FIELD PAINT COLOR: BIOLIFE BRONZE MANUFACTURER: SHERWIN WILLIAMS ORDER #: 1338-0026881 CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL 3 7" APPROX. CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL WINDOW SYSTEM FINISH: CLEAR ANODIZED 2.8 A301 2.7 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.7 1.4 MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL 5 A301 CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS 13' - 8" T.O. BRICK EJ EJ EJ EJ C-1: PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING W/ STANDING SEAM JOINTS. SUBMIT COLOR SAMPLE TO ARCHITECT FOR FINAL APPROVAL EJ BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING ROOF DRAIN - REFER TO ROOF PLAN FOR LOCATION BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING 8' - 8" T.O. R.O. 7' - 4" T.O. DOOR BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING SPLASH BLOCK CENTERED BELOW ROOF DRAIN - SEE ROOF PLAN 0" FINISH FLOOR NOTE: GAS PIPING AND ELECTRICAL CABINET TO BE PAINTED BIOLIFE BRONZE, PT-1 - SEE A201 EXTERIOR FINISHES SCHEDULE WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" 6" DIA. BOLLARDS FILLED W/ CONCRETE - PRIME THEN COVER W/ BLACK PLASTIC BOLLARD COVERS PT-1: PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS TO MATCH ADJACENT BRICK COLOR - SEE EXT. FINISH SCHEDULE ON A201 G PT-1: PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS TO MATCH ADJACENT BRICK COLOR - SEE EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE ON A201 CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL A341 ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL S-1: ANAMOSA LIMETSONE , VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH VENEER HEAD AND SILL, TYP. J A301 G MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. H F DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS 4'-0" CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM 1 5 PARTIAL WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" 6 4'-0" 2 DASHED LINES INDICATES ROLLER SHADE BEYOND REFER TO SECTIONS E 3 A301 D C B A DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS G.6 CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM S-1: ANAMOSA LIMETSONE , VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH VENEER HEAD AND SILL, TYP. 13' - 8" T.O. BRICK EJ EJ MENASHA, WI CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOW SYSTEM FINISH: CLEAR ANODIZED BIO-LIFE PLASMA SERVICES CENTER 1 MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. SE-1: EXTERIOR CAULK COLOR: BASF- BROWN -200U IRV/10 MANUFACTURER: SONNEBORNE S-1: ANOMOSA LIMESTONE VENEER FINISH: VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH MANUFACTURER: WEBER STONE CO. PHONE: (319) 462-3581 EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL EJ MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. EJ BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING S-1: ANAMOSA LIMESTONE, VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH VENEER LIMESTONE 8' - 8" WINDOW HEAD BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING 3' - 0" WINDOW SILL 0" FINISH FLOOR 1'-6" SE-1: MASONRY EXPANSION JOINT AT INSIDE CORNER. TYPICAL AT ALL INSIDE MASONRY CORNERS. 1'-6" E OPN ARCHITECTS CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM EJ BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING 1 19 A R C H I T E C T S CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL EJ 18 CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS C-1: PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING COLOR: GRAY TYPE: .040 ALUMINUM 17 DASHED LINES INDICATES STEPPED ROLLER SHADE. ROLLER SHADES STEP APPROXIMATELY 7" - REFER TO SECTIONS 4 ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM. 13' - 8" T.O. BRICK CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL COLOR: LIGHT GRAY MANUFACTURER: ALPOLIC MATERIALS NOTE: SYSTEM TO BE CAULKED AT ALL JOINTS 15 MITERED FRAME W/ GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. BR-1: UTILITY BRICK COLOR: WELSFORD IRONSPOT MANUFACTURER: SIOUX CITY BRICK & TILE CO. C-1: PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING W/ STANDING SEAM JOINTS. SUBMIT COLOR F SAMPLE TO ARCHITECT FOR FINAL APPROVAL 13 DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL COLOR: DARK GRAY MANUFACTURER: ALPOLIC MATERIALS NOTE: SYSTEM TO BE CAULKED AT ALL JOINTS H 5 CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL BR-2: MODULAR BRICK COLOR: WELSFORD IRONSPOT MANUFACTURER: SIOUX CITY BRICK & TILE CO. J 8 9 BUILDING SIGNAGE LOCATION; PROVIDE ELECTRIC AS REQUIRED CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL EXTERIOR FINISHES SCHEDULE: K 7 CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM 3. ALL EXTERIOR LINTELS ABOVE DOORS AND WINDOWS TO BE GALVANIZED STEEL DO NOT PAINT. L 6 C-1: PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING W/ STANDING SEAM JOINTS. SUBMIT COLOR SAMPLE TO ARCHITECT FOR FINAL APPROVAL 2. BRICK CONTROL JOINT LOCATIONS TO USE CAULK SE-1. REFER TO EXTERIOR ELEVATION FINISHES SCHEDULE. M 5 DASHED LINES INDICATES STEPPED ROLLER SHADE. ROLLER SHADES STEP APPROXIMATELY 7" - REFER TO SECTIONS 1. EXPOSED GAS PIPING OR ELECTRICAL CABINET TO BE PAINTED "BIOLIFE BRONZE". COORDINDATE COLOR W/ ARCHITECT. N 4 7" APPROX. 1 Sheet Issue Date PT-1: PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS TO MATCH ADJACENT BRICK COLOR - SEE A201 EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE 4'-0" D 3 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM CD SET 2/20/15 Previous Issue Dates B C D DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM CW-1: ALUMINUM CURTAINWALL, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM E F G G.6 CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL EJ EJ J CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL Revision Dates CP-2: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL C-1: PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING W/ STANDING SEAM JOINTS. SUBMIT COLOR SAMPLE TO ARCHITECT FOR FINAL APPROVAL MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. MITERED FRAME WITH GLAZED BUTT JOINT, TYP. EJ H DIAGONAL HATCH INDICATES FROSTED GLASS S-1: ANAMOSA LIMETSONE , VEIN CUT, MACHINE SMOOTH VENEER HEAD AND SILL, TYP. CP-1: ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL 13' - 8" T.O. BRICK 4'-0" LAMBS TONGUE SCUPPER FOR OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN W/ SPLASH BLOCK BELOW DASHED LINES INDICATES ROLLER SHADE BEYOND REFER TO SECTIONS A C LAMBS TONGUE SCUPPER FOR OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN W/ SPLASH BLOCK BELOW EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ EJ BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING BR-2: MODULAR SIZE BRICK FOR SOLDIER COURSING B 8' - 8" WINDOW HEAD BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING BR-1: UTILITY SIZE BRICK FOR FIELD COURSING Drawing 3' - 0" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A SE-1: MASONRY EXPANSION JOINT AT INSIDE CORNER. TYPICAL AT ALL INSIDE MASONRY CORNERS. 4 NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" LAMBS TONGUE SCUPPER FOR OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN W/ SPLASH BLOCK BELOW 1'-6" 0" FINISH FLOOR 1'-6" WINDOW SILL ST-1: ALUMINUM STOREFRONT, THERMALLY BROKEN, CLEAR ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEM LAMBS TONGUE SCUPPER FOR OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN W/ SPLASH BLOCK BELOW OPN Project No. 15208000 4'-0" A201 TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Quasi‐Judicial AGENDA ITEM #: 8b (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 10, 2015 Minor Land Division – Certified Survey Map (CSM #2015‐02) RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is a quasi‐judiciali action item for Town approval or denial. The motion to approve or deny must include the explicit reason for such action based on the findings of fact and standards of law; including any interpretations or conditions. SUMMARY: Applicants: Lewis Fuhrman on behalf of Sunnyside Farm, Inc.; Parcel 030617900; has submitted a certified survey map (CSM) splitting one lot into two lots for Town approval/denial. Based on administrative review it is our interpretation, the proposed meets all Town Code requirements for land division and zoning. The proposed land division appears compliant with Town Code §460 – Subdivision of Land. The proposed land division appears compliant with Wisconsin State Statutes Ch. 236. The proposed land division appears compliant with Outagamie County Ordinance. The proposed land division appears consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The current zoning district is AGD‐General Agriculture. The principal use is for agricultural purposes. Per §525‐23E(1) principal Agricultural Uses. The minimum lot area shall be at least four acres; lot width: 200 feet; and front yard: 25 feet. The prosed land division appears compliant with this zoning district. PLAN COMMISSION ACTION: The Plan Commission reviewed the application and determined the application was compliant with the Town’s Land Division Code (Chapter 460) at their March 9, 2015 meeting. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application without any further conditions or considerations. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §460 – Subdivision of Land 2. Wisconsin State Statutes: §236 ‐ Platting Lands And Recording And Vacating Plats 3. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §525 ‐ Zoning Application for CSM 2015‐02 for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 2 JDG ### Attachments: 1. Application for Minor Land Division 2015‐02 i Quasi‐judicial actions involve the application of rules, policies and ordinances to the facts of a particular proposal or application. The Board acts in a quasi‐judicial manner when it considers special exception permits, site plans, land divisions, variances, license/permit revocations and similar decisions. Quasi‐judicial decisions involve the exercise of limited discretion. For example, when deciding whether to grant a site plan, the Board has the power to investigate facts, hold hearings, weigh evidence, draw conclusions, and use that information as a basis for their official decision. Discretion of quasi‐judicial decision makers is strictly limited by local ordinance and state law. Quasi‐judicial decision makers must apply the law as written and may not substitute their judgment for that of the governing body. Board members should not have conversations or receive correspondence regarding a quasi‐judicial matter that is pending before the Board or which may come before the Board except during a noticed meeting or hearing on the matter. Such outside contacts are known as “ex parte communication.” Parties are entitled by law to know and examine the source of information used by the Board in its decision‐making. Board members should avoid ex‐parte communication by suggesting that members of the public present information in an open meeting or public hearing or submit a written comment for distribution at the meeting. Board members should disclose ex parte communication at an open meeting or hearing to make the information part of the record so that it can be considered in decision making. Application for CSM 2015‐02 for Approval/Denial Page 2 of 2 TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Quasi‐Judicial AGENDA ITEM #: 8c (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 10, 2015 Minor Land Division – Certified Survey Map (CSM #2015‐04) RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is a quasi‐judiciali action item for Town approval or denial. The motion to approve or deny must include the explicit reason for such action based on the findings of fact and standards of law; including any interpretations or conditions. SUMMARY: Applicants: David M. Schmalz of McMahon on behalf of 3169 Van Roy LLC; Parcel: 030170400 has submitted a certified survey map (CSM) splitting one lot into two lots for Town approval/denial. Based on administrative review, it is our interpretation, the proposed application meets the following Town Code requirements for land division and zoning. The proposed land division appears compliant with Town Code §460 – Subdivision of Land. The proposed land division appears compliant with Wisconsin State Statutes Ch. 236. The proposed land division appears compliant with Outagamie County Ordinance. The proposed land division appears consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Based on administrative review, it is our interpretation, the proposed application does not meet the following Town Code requirements for land division and zoning: The current zoning district is CP‐Planned Commercial. The minimum dimensions are: lot area: two acres; lot width (street frontage requirement): 200 feet; maximum lot coverage: 35%. This district contemplates more than one principal building on a lot. There are no minimum lot area requirements per building. If future development is proposed for Lot 1, the developer will be required to rezone the property to CL‐ Local Commercial prior to permit approval. Please note: Lot 2 remains compliant with present zoning dimensional requirements. PLAN COMMISSION ACTION: The Plan Commission reviewed the application and determined the application was compliant with the Town’s Land Division Code (Chapter 460) at their March 9, 2015 meeting. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application without any further conditions or considerations. Application for CSM 2015‐04 for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 2 POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §460 – Subdivision of Land 2. Wisconsin State Statutes: §236 ‐ Platting Lands And Recording And Vacating Plats 3. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §525 ‐ Zoning JDG ### Attachments: 1. Application for Minor Land Division 2015‐04 i Quasi‐judicial actions involve the application of rules, policies and ordinances to the facts of a particular proposal or application. The Board acts in a quasi‐judicial manner when it considers special exception permits, site plans, land divisions, variances, license/permit revocations and similar decisions. Quasi‐judicial decisions involve the exercise of limited discretion. For example, when deciding whether to grant a site plan, the Board has the power to investigate facts, hold hearings, weigh evidence, draw conclusions, and use that information as a basis for their official decision. Discretion of quasi‐judicial decision makers is strictly limited by local ordinance and state law. Quasi‐judicial decision makers must apply the law as written and may not substitute their judgment for that of the governing body. Board members should not have conversations or receive correspondence regarding a quasi‐judicial matter that is pending before the Board or which may come before the Board except during a noticed meeting or hearing on the matter. Such outside contacts are known as “ex parte communication.” Parties are entitled by law to know and examine the source of information used by the Board in its decision‐making. Board members should avoid ex‐parte communication by suggesting that members of the public present information in an open meeting or public hearing or submit a written comment for distribution at the meeting. Board members should disclose ex parte communication at an open meeting or hearing to make the information part of the record so that it can be considered in decision making. Application for CSM 2015‐04 for Approval/Denial Page 2 of 2 2/19/2015 Erik Jungbacker - Authorized Agent 0 100 200 300ft DISCLAIMER: This map is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete and conclusions drawn are the responsibility of the user. “In the Spirit of Town Government” TOWN OF BUCHANAN, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WI BUCHANAN TOWN HALL, N178 COUNTY RD N, APPLETON, WI 54915 Preliminary Consultation Checklist for Land Division Owner/Surveyor & Phone Number Doug Woelz, McMahon Consultation/Review Date January 19, 2015 Applicant provided or made aware of Town ordinance (effective 1/1/2009) Reviewer Location (e.g. address and/or section number, general description): __X___YES _____NO – See Attached Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk and Zoning Administrator ¼, ¼, S 28, T21N, R18 E - Buchanan Visible structures, encroachments, fences, waters and streets shown YES Proposed Land Division is: _____Subdivision Number of Lots Created 2 Road Access YES – Van Roy Road Present Use VACANT Intended Use TBD __X___CSM REGULATORY REVIEW Zoning District CP-PLANNED COMMERCIAL Future Land Use (per Town Comprehensive Plan) COMMERCIAL Conservation Design Required NO Garners Creek Stormwater Utility District YES Darboy Joint Sanity District YES Official Map Consistency YES ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Slopes Exceed 12% Floodplains/Wetlands/Shoreland Unique Features – Environmentally Sensitive Areas NO See Outagamie County See Outagamie County OTHER/MISCELLANEOUS Recommend a preliminary consultation with Outagamie County Planning & Zoning. – COMPLETED Owners and Treasurers Certificate required and signature approval of Town Chairperson and Town Clerk. Names of landowners within 300 feet in Sanitary District. Comments/Suggestions TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Quasi‐Judicial AGENDA ITEM #: 8d (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 10, 2015 Minor Land Division – Certified Survey Map (CSM #2015‐05) RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is a quasi‐judiciali action item for Town approval or denial. The motion to approve or deny must include the explicit reason for such action based on the findings of fact and standards of law; including any interpretations or conditions. SUMMARY: Applicants: David M. Schmalz of McMahon on behalf of 3169 Van Roy LLC; Parcel: 030170400 has submitted a certified survey map (CSM) splitting one lot into two lots for Town approval/denial. Based on administrative review, it is our interpretation, the proposed application meets all Town Code requirements for land division and zoning. The proposed land division appears compliant with Town Code §460 – Subdivision of Land. The proposed land division appears compliant with Wisconsin State Statutes Ch. 236. The proposed land division appears compliant with Outagamie County Ordinance. The proposed land division appears consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The current zoning district is CP‐Planned Commercial. The minimum dimensions are: lot area: two acres; lot width (street frontage requirement): 200 feet; maximum lot coverage: 35%. This district contemplates more than one principal building on a lot. There are no minimum lot area requirements per building. PLAN COMMISSION ACTION: The Plan Commission reviewed the application and determined the application was compliant with the Town’s Land Division Code (Chapter 460) at their March 9, 2015 meeting. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application with the following conditions: 1. Restricted driveway access onto Eisenhower. Access should only be granted through current shared driveway shown on northeast corner. 2. Require applicant to dedicate additional 15 feet of right‐of‐way along Eisenhower Drive for a further trail. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §460 – Subdivision of Land 2. Wisconsin State Statutes: §236 ‐ Platting Lands And Recording And Vacating Plats 3. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §525 ‐ Zoning Application for CSM 2015‐05 for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 2 JDG ### Attachments: 1. Application for Minor Land Division 2015‐05 i Quasi‐judicial actions involve the application of rules, policies and ordinances to the facts of a particular proposal or application. The Board acts in a quasi‐judicial manner when it considers special exception permits, site plans, land divisions, variances, license/permit revocations and similar decisions. Quasi‐judicial decisions involve the exercise of limited discretion. For example, when deciding whether to grant a site plan, the Board has the power to investigate facts, hold hearings, weigh evidence, draw conclusions, and use that information as a basis for their official decision. Discretion of quasi‐judicial decision makers is strictly limited by local ordinance and state law. Quasi‐judicial decision makers must apply the law as written and may not substitute their judgment for that of the governing body. Board members should not have conversations or receive correspondence regarding a quasi‐judicial matter that is pending before the Board or which may come before the Board except during a noticed meeting or hearing on the matter. Such outside contacts are known as “ex parte communication.” Parties are entitled by law to know and examine the source of information used by the Board in its decision‐making. Board members should avoid ex‐parte communication by suggesting that members of the public present information in an open meeting or public hearing or submit a written comment for distribution at the meeting. Board members should disclose ex parte communication at an open meeting or hearing to make the information part of the record so that it can be considered in decision making. Application for CSM 2015‐05 for Approval/Denial Page 2 of 2 2/19/2015 Erik Jungbacker - Authorized Agent 0 100 200 300ft DISCLAIMER: This map is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, current, or complete and conclusions drawn are the responsibility of the user. “In the Spirit of Town Government” TOWN OF BUCHANAN, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WI BUCHANAN TOWN HALL, N178 COUNTY RD N, APPLETON, WI 54915 Preliminary Consultation Checklist for Land Division Owner/Surveyor & Phone Number 3169 Van Roy, LLC David Schmalz, McMahon Consultation/Review Date February 16, 2015 Applicant provided or made aware of Town ordinance (effective 1/1/2009) Reviewer __X___YES _____NO – See Attached Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk and Zoning Administrator Location (e.g. address and/or section number, general description): Lot 1 CSM 2914 ¼, ¼, S 28, T21N, R18 E - Buchanan Visible structures, encroachments, fences, waters and streets shown PARTIAL, STRUCTURES SOUTH OF PROPOSAL ARE NOT SHOWN (Duplexes) Proposed Land Division is: _____Subdivision Number of Lots Created 2 Road Access NOT CURRENTLY PRESENT, ADJACENT TO EISENHOWER DRIVE Present Use VACANT Intended Use TBD __X___CSM REGULATORY REVIEW Zoning District CP-PLANNED COMMERCIAL Future Land Use (per Town Comprehensive Plan) COMMERCIAL Conservation Design Required NO Garners Creek Stormwater Utility District YES Darboy Joint Sanity District YES Official Map Consistency YES ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Slopes Exceed 12% Floodplains/Wetlands/Shoreland Unique Features – Environmentally Sensitive Areas SEE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION GRADING AND BUILDING See Outagamie County See Outagamie County OTHER/MISCELLANEOUS Recommend a preliminary consultation with Outagamie County Planning & Zoning. – COMPLETED Owners and Treasurers Certificate required and signature approval of Town Chairperson and Town Clerk. Names of landowners within 300 feet in Sanitary District. COMPLETED Comments/Suggestions TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Administrative Action AGENDA ITEM #: 10a (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Noise Ordinance Variance Permit RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is an administrative actioni item for Town Board Approval/Denial. SUMMARY: Under Municipal Code Section §405‐5, The Town Board may grant temporary noise variance permits for special community events and other events. Mr. Chris Paulson of Game Day Sports Bar has applied for a temporary noise variance permit for musical events scheduled for 2015 at Game Day Sports Bar, N225 Stoneybrook Road. Mr. Paulson has received noise variance permits in the past for similar dates/events over the past several years. Complaints are occasionally registered with the Town related to the noise generated from past events. Mr. Paulson has taken a direct approach to the complaints and has met several times with Appleton City residents to hear concerns and to make adjustments where feasible. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Municipal Code: Chapter §400‐5 – Noise Variance Permits. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: 1. Noise Variance Permit Application – Chris Paulson, Game Day Sports Bar, for the dates May 23, 24, July 3,4 and September 4, 5. i Administrative actions involve the routine application of adopted rules, policies and standards. Discretion associated with these types of decisions is very limited and is based solely on state statutes, local ordinances and/or policy. Noise Variance Permit Application for Approval/Denial Page 1 of 1 TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Administrative Action AGENDA ITEM #: 10b (For Approval/Denial) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 2014 Annual Report under MS4 General Permit RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is an administrative actioni item for Town Board Approval/Denial. SUMMARY: Pursuant to s. NR 216.07(8), Wis. Adm. Code, the Town of Buchanan (an owner or operator of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MS4) is required to submit an annual report to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) by March 31 of each year to report on stormwater activities for the previous calendar year. Attached is the form (3400‐195) provide by the DNR. This form is for reporting on activities undertaken in calendar year 2014. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Town of Buchanan Storm Water Management Plan, Adopted June 2008. 2. Wis. Adm. Code s. NR 216.07(8). FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: None i Administrative actions involve the routine application of adopted rules, policies and standards. Examples include the approval of bills, the awarding of contracts/agreements and the issuance of permits and licenses for permitted uses. Discretion associated with these types of decisions is very limited and is based solely on state statutes, local ordinances and/or policy. 2014 Annual Report under MS4 General Permit – For Approval/Denial Page 1 of 1 TOWN MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Non‐Routine Reports AGENDA ITEM #: 11a (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Update on Division Chief (EMS) Vacancy & Interim Staffing RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is item is for discussion only. SUMMARY: Fire Chief Rick Schroeder will provide an update on Fire Department interim staffing.. JDG ### Attachments: None Update on Division Chief (EMS) Vacancy & Interim Staffing Proposal Page 1 or 1 TOWN BOARD MEETING: ACTION TYPE: March 17, 2015 Closed Session AGENDA ITEM #: 12a (For Discussion Only) “In the Spirit of Town Government” AGENDA MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: RE: Honorable Town Chairperson and Town Supervisors Joel Gregozeski, Administrator/Clerk March 12, 2015 Closed Session – Development Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: This is item is for discussion only. SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin State Statutes: Deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public property, investment of public funds, or conducting other specified public business when competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. “The Store” development agreement. Information related to this item will be disseminated at the meeting. POLICY/PLAN REFERENCE(S): 1. Wis. Stats. §19.85 (1)(e) FISCAL IMPACT: NONE JDG ### Attachments: None Closed Session Page 1 of 1