( . Jayachandran) - Surat Municipal Corporation
( . Jayachandran) - Surat Municipal Corporation
REGISTERED POST/BY HAND No.N-11026/1 /2009/BSUP/JNNURM -Vol. III Government of India Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Room No, 201, G Wing New Delhi, dated 3" February, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith a copy of the minutes of the 50"' meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation held on 21" January, 2009 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (I-IUPA) to consider and sanction projects under Sub-Mission on Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). 2. The appraisal agencies (i.e. HUDCO, BMTPC) are requested to convey the decisions of the Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee to all the State implementing agencies/nodal agencies for BSUP and IIISDP to take appropriate follow up action as per the minutes of the meeting. 3. A copy of the minutes is forwarded to the Secretaries in-charge of BSUP and II-ISDP in the States /UTs with a request to take further follow Lip action. ( . Jayachandran) Deputy Director (BSUP) Telephone 011-23061519 Encl: Mitiiites of the meeting To Members of the CSMC as follows: 1. The Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi. 2. The Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi. 3. The Principal Adviser (IIUD), Planning Commission, Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi. 4. The Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavacan Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. 5. The Secretary, Ministry of Social justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 6. The Secretary, Ministry of I-Iealth and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi, 7. The Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 8. The Joint Secretary and FA, Ministry of Urban Development and Minis rt y of HUPA, New Delhi. 9. The Chief Planner, Town and Country Planning Organisation (1'CPO), I.P. Estate, New Delhi. 10. The Adviser, CPU LEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Nieman Bhavan, New Delhi. 11. The CMD, Ilousing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd., I IUDCO Bhavan, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. 12. The Joint Secretary (JNNURM)/Mission Director, Ministry of [-lousing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, New Dcllii - Member-Secretary Copy to the concerned officers in respect of projects considered in the meeting:1. Shri Iladadare, Chief Engineer, Maharashtra I lousing and Area Development Authority (MI-IADA), Griha Nirman Bhavan, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400 051. 2. Shri Vivek Bharadwaj, Special Secretary, UD Department and Secretary, KMDA, Government of West Bengal, DF-8, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-64 3. Shri Kousik Das, Additional Chief 1 ngineer, MI Directorate Department of Municipal Affairs, Government of West Bengal, I" Floor, Bikash Bhavan, Koll:ata-700 091 I 4. The Additional CEO, Gujarat Urban Dcv clop'lie nt Mission ((JUDSI), ("MI 'B Building, GUDM Office, Sector 10-A, Gandhinagar, Cujarat. 5. Shri Chintamani, Director, SUDA, Government of Uttar Pradesh, 10-Ashole Marg, Navehetna Kendra, Luc know 6. Dr. P. Bore Gowda, Commissioner, Karm,taka Suta Clearance Board, Si eshadtipuram, Bangalore 7. Shri Senthilkumar, P. Director of 0-[unicipal Administration, Government of "Tamil Nadu, 6''' Floor; Ezbilagam Annex, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005. 8. Shri Shailesh Singh, Secretary, Urban Development Department, Government of)har'khand, Ranchi. 9. Start Gajanand Ram, General Manager, GRDA Lrd, SLNA For)NN URM, )harkhand, Ranchi. Copy to the Secretaries in charge of Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP) and Integrated IIousing & Slum Development Programme IDP) in the States/UTs:he Principal Secretary, The Principal Secretary, Ulrban Development & Ifoussing Department, Municipal Administration Department Government of Andhra Pradesh, Government of Andhra Pradesh, L-Block, A.P. Secretariat, L -Block Secretariat Hyderabad- 500 002 II tabad 500 002 'the Secretary, the Principal Secretary, Municipal Administration Dep.rrtmzm; Urbifn1 eve opinent & Tourism, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, I- 131ock Secretariat, Civil Secretariat, I Iyderabad-500 002. Itanagar. The Corriinissionea cSccirtary, UD Departirient,"""^...^. Gove ntncnt of Assam, Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Guwahati -781 006. - The Seeici uy Urban Devclopinent Department, Government of Bihar, Vikash 1311awan, New Secretariat, --Patna.. The Additional Secretary & Director 1'Iac Secretary (housing), (BUDA), Government of 13ihar Urban Development Department, Saehivalaya Government of Bihar, Patna - 800 015 Vikash Bhawan,Patia. The Secretary, 7 ha Seeretaty(flousing) Urban Administration & Development C overnment of Goa, Secretariat Anucsc, Government of Chhattisligarh, FIX,' 1-louse, Room NO 316, DKS Bhawan, Pauaji- "10300t Mane l g t , l our 4 _ 9 2 001 1'hc Principal Serrctary(UD) & Ho:: tnr3, J The C htef I accutive UI fic et, Gov( neu tit of Gujarat, C,Hquat Urban l hvdopmeut Mission C tiff B 13th ra g, Sector-10A , Bl oc k N o, .11 9'H fl oor, New Said ivalaya, C tndl it agar 382 016, C, undhiu-near-382 010. 'I1u C c mmissioncr & Sea Clary, Dept ❑ eat of Urh n Development, Government o f f -facyana, he Secretary (U D), Cover umcnt of flimnc aal I' desn, Sltimla -171 002 ,,C0 20 Scc.7C, Chanel{gads - 160 001. L-. --- - -- -- - --- ----- - - _. _. The Secretary, The Principal Secretary (Housing), Housing and UD Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir, Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla - 171 002 New Secretariat, Srinagar The Director, Urban Local Bodies Government of Jammu & Kahsmir, 151-A/D, Gandhi Nagar, The Secretary Urban Development Department, Government ofJharkhand, Ranchi -834 004. Jammu. The Principal Secretary (Housing) The Secretary (Housing) Government ofJharkhand, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 Government of Karnataka, Room No.213, 2' Floor, Vikas Sauda Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Road, Bangalore-560 001 The Principal Secretary to Government UD Department, The Secretary (Housing), Government of Kerala, Government of Karnataka Room No.436, Floor, Wets Sauda Thiruvananthapura n - 695 001 Secretariat, 4"' Dr. B.R.Amhedkar Road Bangalore 560 001 The Principal-Secretary, Local Self Government Department The Secretary , Government of Kerala Thiruvananthapuram - 695 001 Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram-695 001 The Executive Director Kudumbashree The Principal Secretary, Urban Administration and Development State Poverty Eradication Mission Department, Local Self Governmen t, Government of Kerala Government of Madhya Pradesh, 2"" Floor, TRIDA Building, Mantralaya, Chalakuzhy Road, Medical College (PO), Bhopal - 462 032 Thiruvanantha uram 695 011. The Principal Secretary (I Iousing & Environment), Government of Madhya Pradesh, Mantralaya, Ballabh I3havaa, Bhopa l - 462 032 he Commissioner, fic Urban Administration & Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Nagar Palika 13havan, Shivaji Nagar 13ho p al -462 016 The Principal Secretary (UD), Government of Maharashtra, The Principal Secretary (I -lousing), Government of Maharashtra, Room No.425, 4i, floor Room No.268, Mantraalaya, Mumbai-100 032 2"" Floor, Mantralaya, Mumbai-d00 032 Commissioner & Secretary, The Secretary, Urban Affairs & I-Iousing, [-Iousing, UD & Municipal Administration, Government of Meghalaya, Government of Manipw:, Main Secretariat Building Chief Secretariat, Shillong-793 001 r Imphal -795 001 3 fIt c Commissioner & Secretary, Urban Development & Poverty Allevianon Department Government of .Mizorarn, The Principal Secretary, Urban Development Dcnartmear, Government of Nagaland, Kohima - 797 001 Civil Secretariat, Aizwal-796 001. 1'he Commissioner & Secretary , Works & I lousing, Government of Nagaland Kohima - 797 001 The Principal Secrerary(LSG) Government of Punjab Mini Secretariat Sector-9, Chandig,arh 160 001 The l'rinclpal Secretary, UDI-I & LSG Department, Governrncnt of Rajasthan Room No. 29, Main Building, Secretariat, Jaipur The St cretar , Dcpal tnnent of UD & I-Lousing, Government of Sikkim, NI-1 31A, Gangtok - 737 101 The Secretary, Municipal Aclrninistration & Water Supply, Government ofTamil Nadu, 6"i Floor, Evhilagam Annexe, Cheradc, Chcnnai- 600 009 'the Principal Secretary (UD & MA) Government of Uttar Pradesh, Room No.825, 8°i floor, Bapu 1311awan, Ludcnow -- 226.001 The Director, SODA, -Government of Uttar Pradesh, Navchetna Kendra, t0, Ashok Marg, Luclunow. "I'he Project Director (JNNURNM), Urban Development Directorate, Covcnuncnt of Uttarakhaud, 43/6, ,Mani Mlaudir Harg, Uharimpnr, Dchradun 218 001 ' f lie Principal Secretary (UD), Govt;:orientof West Bengal, Nagarayan D1'-8, Sector I, 13ichan:ragar, Koli^:.rr 700 061 The Principal Secretary (Housing & UD), Governmcnt of Orissa, Orissa Secretariat, Bhubaneswar - 751 001 1'he Secretary (I lousing & UD) Covernmcnt of Punjab, Room No.419, Mini Secretariat, Sector-9 Chandgarh 160 001 The Secretary, Local Self Government Department, Government of Rajasthan , Room No.39, SSO Building, Goverutneut Secretariat Jaipur 302 005. TT Ic Secretary (I-lousing & U D), Governinetit of Tatnil Nadu, Fort St. George, Secretariat, Chcnnru--000009 The Secretary (UD), Government of Tripura Civil Secretariat, Pt. Nehru Complex, Avartala /99 001 The Principal Secretary (Mousing), Government of Uttar Pradesh, 325 Bapu Bhavan, T.uckuow- 226 001 The Principal Secretary ((JD), Government of Uttarakhand, Ul tat°akhan(1 Secretariat, 4 13, Subhash Road DI .IIRAI)UN-2111001. 'I'hc Secretary (UD & Ito i ing), Chandigarh Administration, 110' Secretariat, Sector 9, Chandigarh-160 001 The Secretary (Housing), Government of Puducherry, Chief Secretariat, Puducherry-605 001 The Secretary, Local Administration Department Government of Puducherry, Chief Secretariat, Puducherry-605 001 The Principal Secretary (UD), Government of NCT of Delhi, 9"' Floor, C Wing, Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate, New Delhi. The Commissioner & Secretary, (Relief & Rehabilitation), UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Secretariat, The Additional Secretary (UD), Government of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate, New Delhi-I 10 002 The Secretary (Housing & UD), UT of Daman & Diu, Secretariat, Mori Daman-396 220 Port Blair -744 101 The Secretary (Housing & UD), UT of Dadra & Nagar Ilaveli, Secretariat, Silvassa-396 220 The Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Department, UT Administration of Dadra & Nagar I laveli, 2"" Floor, Secretariat, Silvasa - 396 230. Copy to: 1. The Joint Secretary to Ilon'ble Prime Minister (Kind attention Shri R. Gopalalcrishnan), PMO, South Block, New Delhi. 2. PS to Ilon'ble Minister (I-IUPA) 3. Sr. PPS to Secretary (HUPA) 4. Joint Secretary (I--I), Ministry of HUPA 5. The Joint Secretary (PP), Ministry of Minority Affairs, Room No.1125, 11'i Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, New Delhi. 6. The Joint Secretary ([J1), Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi 7. Director (UPA), Ministry ofIIUPA 8. OSD QNNURM), Ministry of I-IUPA. 9. Director (Administration), Ministry of HUPA 10. DSQNNURM), Ministry of IIUPA 11. USQNNURM), Ministry of HUPA 12. DDQPC), N130, Ministry of HUPA 13. DD(Data & MIS), NBO, Ministry of HUPA 14. DD (NRC), NBO, Ministry of IIUPA 15, so (II-ISDP), Ministry of IIUPA \il-fi:Monitoring Cell QNNURM), Ministry of HUPA 17. The CMD, NI3CC, "NBCC Bhavan", Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 18. The CHID, IIPL, Jnngpura, New Delhi-110014 19. The Executive Director, BMTPC, Core 5 A, First Floor, India [Iabitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 20. The Director (Corporate Planning), IIUDCO, "IIUDCO I3havan", India habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi l10 003. 21. The Director, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uuarakhand-247 667 Copy to:- Guard folder onjNNURIvl (ivl. Jayachan(Iran) Deputy Director (BSUP) MINUTES OF THE 50Tr-r MEETING OF THE CENTRAL SANCTIONING AND MONITORING COMMITTEE (CSMC) OF THE SUB-MISSION ON BASIC SERVICES TO THE URBAN POOR (BSUP) UNDER JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NATIONAL URBAN RENEWAL MISSION (JNNURM) Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, 2PtJanuary, 2009 The 50th Meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee ((,SMC) of the Sub-Mission on Basic Services to the Urban Poor (RSVP) under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURNI) was held under the Chairpersonship of Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in New Delhi on 21^, January, 2009. The list of participants is at Annexure - 1. 2.1 joint Secretary & Mission Director (JNNURNI) welcomed the Chairperson and the Members of CSMC;. He reminded the Mernbers present regarding the guidelines issued by t1-rc Planning Commission for utilization of additional ACA allocation of Rs.500 Crores under the new fiscal stimulus package announced by the Government of India for revival of the economy. This amount is required to be disbursed, taking into account the ability of the States/UI's to spend, start or complete projects under BSUP'.irid II-ISDP. The States/U1's have been requested to come Lip with necessary project proposals, seeking ACA out of (i) I:he balance of the 7-year Mission period allocation and (ii) the new package - latest by the end of second week of i''cbruary 2009. Delay or inability'on the pant of the States/Ul's to submit appropriate proposals, sirnultaneou sly demonstrating adequate progress towards completing the alreadysanctioned projects, would go against their claim for additional allocation of 1\C,'\ under tlrc new package. 2.2 Joint Secretary & Mission Director JNNUZiM) suggested that as decided by the CSMC / CSC, earlier, the States/(J "1's may avail the services t 5^ of engineering and town plu.ning experts for tl_eu PAIL)/1'IUs' to ensure hat: DPRs follow the appropriate town planning norms and PWD rules. 1-le drew accent on of the States/LP1's towards undertaking capacity building programmes tinder JNNURNI for which funds were released. JS 0NNURiy1) brought to the notice of the officers present that any delay on ;he part of States/UTs to submit, UCs foe funds released earlier for capacity building activities under 13SUP and II-ISDP is likely to lead to the stoppage of new releases of Central assistance by the Finance Ministry not only under JNNUIZNI but also under other schemes He SJSRY. 2.3. Joint: Secretary (JNNURM)-emphasized the need on part of. the Chief Kxecutive of State Level Nodal Agency (SI,NA)/Stare Secretary to ensure that the DPRs placed before the CSMC/C:SC are in accordance with (Ile Guidelines ofJNNURi M (13SUP/IIISDP ) and those issued by the CSMC/CSC from time to time. 't'he estimates included in the DPRs must conform to the latest Schedule of Rates brought out by the State Government . Further, the hills of quantities need to be certified as correct by the competent authority. The State Level Nodal Agency/Secretary must ensure that the necessary tec hnieil certification / approval from the competent State engineering authorities as per PWI ) Code / State Government Orders is secured before the DPlts arc placed before the Sate Level Steering Canuiittee (S1SC ) / State Level Coordination Conunittee ( SIXTY, as the case gray be, for approval . " Thus all necessary procedures and checks nnust be completed before APRs are sent to a ppraising agencies for appraisal and onward submission ro the Cenral Committee Cot i at Srurcl or ua; Ccr F nrJtonurr, & Mon,torurt ; Conunrl err ^ consideration . T he details of SL S(: / S1.("(: approval and appraisal report by the Appraising Agency accompanied by check lists must he placed 1-Clore Ill(! CS!A-IC/CS(; for con,,ideration, ll^^ 2.4 JS & Mission Director QNNUR.\1) brought to the notice of the appraising agencies the obsetvadons by CSIIC / CSC that it would be their responsibility to ensure that all the guidelines, codes, standards and check lists are satisfied before the)' send appraisal reports to OSD UNNU1 I) for placing the same before the CSi\IC/CSC. In particular, the appraising agencies would be responsible to ensure that land proposed for housing is free of encumbrance, DP.Rs/estimates (rates and bills of quantities) are certified by the competent authority, eligible beneficiaries are identified, action is taken for biomettic identification, whole slum approach is adopted, a definite plan of action is worked out to put the place vacated by slum-dwellers to productive use in the case of relocation projects, town planning norms as applicable under State laws are followed, State/U1,13 shares are available, beneficiaries have agreed to pay for their contribution and the Guidelines of JNNURM, toolkits and instructions issues by the CSMC/CSC are adhered to. JS & Mission Director UNNURM) reiterated the important points emphasized by the Chairperson in the earlier meetings of CSMC / CSC for adherence/implementation by the States/UT's/UI_,13s (Annexur •e-II). 3.1 Secretary ([1UPA) & Chairperson, CSMC emphasized the need for building adequate expertise in SLNAs/PMUs/PIUs, especially in the fields of engineering, town planning, community tnobilizalion and MIS. She informed that the States/UTs would have Flexibility to engage professional technical /town planning experts in their PMU/P[Us using the ACA funds released by Got. She expressed the view that in the absence of implementation of well-formulated slum development plans following town planning norms, with provision of ,eater and sewer infrastructure, roads, community facilities, open spaces etc. the slums would remain as slums and the purpose of)NNURUA,l would be defe_ited. 3 \s s 1, hecreta,y (IILiP,A) infOuned that it 0700151 be t1e responsibility of all concerned to c,ssurc that every beneficiary household under 13SUP and SDP is given indi^id^ral water connection stud individual toilet connected to city sewer system. 3.2 Secretary (I- Ul A) informed that while formulating slut" development projects under 13SUP and I141DP, the States/ULLs should adopt it `whole slum' approach. In the case of projects proposals for in-.rilu development, it must be ensured that detailed lay-out plan indicating adequate space for provision of infrastructure facilities such as water, storm drainage and sewerage lines, roads and open spaces like packs and water supply, sewerage and playgeouuds and showing; connectivity to city toad uctworlks, is available. Unless it proper spatial plan is trade at the project forrru.rlation stage itself, it. would be difficult at a later stage to execute such infrastructure facilities in the colonies developed under 13SUP and ff--ISDP. This is very irnpottant as more often than not such infrastructure facilities are not conceived at the time of approval of project as connectivity to city wide infrastructure is yet to be furred up. 3.3 Secretary States/Ul , ( 11UPA ) & Chairperson , CSMC suggested that the I3s should take action to accord land tide / occupancy right to he beneficiaries before corning up with proposals under 13SUP and IIISDP. The Iille / pasta needs to he non - transferable. Secretary (1-1UPA) expressed that any delay in giving land tenure would only cause delay in instruclcd that in cases II,e itnhlemcn(ation of projects . Secretary (HUPA) ' s would occ d to complete where the process is not completed , States/U'1 t he process of identificaiaon of beneficia ns in all respects, including issue within one of iiometric cards and Land title or occupancy right documents by CS31(. . VC, nonr the irate of t1 .urn .> I p:o;cc t- rte; 3.4 Secretary (HCP^1) & Chairperson, CS2vIC emphasized that basic environmental infrastructure facilities such as sanitation and water supply should invariably be provided for while formulating I3SUP/IHSDP projects. Individual toilet and individual water connection should be made available to every houses being constructed for the urban poor / slumdwellers. Under a `whole slum' approach, pucca houses of the urban poor not having these facilities must also be provided with the same. Special care should be taken to see that the colonies being developed under BSUP and IHSDP are 100% covered under sanitation facilities. The Chairperson emphasized that urban renewal cannot be achieved, without meeting the requirements of basic sanitation for these disadvantaged segments. The States/ULBs should not give priority to community toilet unless it is absolutely essential or unavoidable. They should also focus on providing social infrastructure facilities needed in the colonies being developed under BSUP and 1HHSDP. Facilities such as health centre, schools /additional class rooms, livelihood centre, community centre, etc. should be incorporated in the DPR. The Chairperson suggested that other requirements such as police station, post office, public transport services, bus stop, taxi stand, local shops, market complex, electricity transformer and sub-station, water supply reservoir / overhead tank, hospital, garbage dumping bins, etc. should be ensured. 3.5 Secretary (I-IUPA) & Chairperson, CSMC emphasized the need for establishing connectivity between slum and city infrastructure trunk systems. lnfi'astrucLure networks being developed under DSUP arid IHSDP should invariably be integrated or planned to he integrated with trunk-Line infrastructure facilities, either already existing or being developed under UIG / UIDSSIy1T or State Government: programmes. 5 I5^ Ch States^UL[3s should ensure proper coorcin<i tion an.ongst various encics engaged in the implementation of jNNU[Zm. (UJG, U.1DSS.AI"I', SUP and 1I-ISM)) and other schancs to make surf that slums and lowincome communities are linked to city-wide infrastructure systems. The project appraisal teams for UIG, IJIDSSMT, 13SUP and II-[SDP must ensure such linkage. Secretary (I-TUPA) further suggested that all care must he taken to ensure that avenue plantations, green lilts, parks and playgrounds ate developed in all 13SUP and 11-ISDP colonies so as to create green and cco-flicndly habitats for the urban poor. 3.6 The Chairperson, CSMC and Secretary (1 PUPA) expressed the view that shelter and basic amenities to the urban poor may not suffice them to move above the poverty line. She suggested that where 15SUP and [11SDP projects are being taken up, the We Governmenis/ULI3s should make effort to dovetail the implementation of SJSRY with JNNURM. Such a step would provide the urban poor with access to livelihoods and enable them to overcome poverty. Secretary (I RAW) stated that prograinnies for skill development, self-employment, and community development are necessary to facilitate sustained improvements in the living conditions of the urban poor. She reiterated that the objective of allcviatitig urban poverty would he achieved if only proper action is taken for the convergence: of various schenies such as UIG, U1l)SSM'I', Sauna Sikhsa iAhhiyau, National Social Assistance Progrunnne, SJSRY etc. wish 13SUP and 11-IS1)P. 3.7 secretary the suggestions made by the (SLA-IC; SC to States^U"i`s^UI,13s regarding addressing the problems faced by projects involve relocuion. She lwneficiades where 13SUP and [1 [SI)P of tlhe ensu! a Smooth ad1 , mrncot pr ocess e nlphtt`_I/,ed timaL in ord t.0 poor beneficiaries to the new sites, the ULB concerned should not only ensure the provision of all basic amenities, it should also initiate a process of community engagement through social counselors / community-based organizations / reputed NGOs with the close involvement of their community development department / community organisers. Secretary (HUPA) desired that the States/UTs may work out suitable institutional arrangements for the maintenance of houses constructed under BSUP and IIISDP through resident welfare societies, etc. when the houses arc under construction, 4. l'or the CSMC Meeting, the following items were put up in the agenda, brief details of which are at Annexure-IIT:- (i) 23 new BSUP projects (13 from Uttar Pradesh, 3 from Gujarat, 1 each from West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Jharlchand and 3 from Maharashtra) (ii) Proposals seeking 2-1/3,,1 instalment::a) Yd instalment for I project: in Surat, Gujarat b) 2-d instalment for I project: in Ahmedabad, Gujarat Ncw Projects Uttar Pradesh 5.1. 't'he representative of the Stale of Uttar Pradesh made a presentation on 13 projects (4 from Meerut, 3 from Lucknow, 1 each f-1-0111 Varanasi and iWahabad, 2 each from Kanpur and ;Mathura). The Following:Committee observed the Theshould reconcile the slurp data provided by the 2001 Census and the data presented based on the surveys conducted by 7 \cS the State/UL13s once^ned and nfonir he easons for discrepancies; m The State/UL13s should prepare and present maps distinctly, showing the derails of houses left out (being yucca houses), houses proposed for full development (being katcha houses) and those pr b oposed for upgradation in the case of in-situ projects. They may e shown in different colours in the reaps. Ii should be ensured that the pucca houses left out are provided with individual toilets in case they do not have; In all slum dcveloprncnt/redevelopment projects, there should be proper planning for improvements, such as laying; of roads of minimal width, sewer line, water line, parks, playgrounds, community halls, livelihood centres, etc. The State/ULli should ensure that there is adequate space for infrasuuclure connectivity also. Unless proper infrastructure facilities are provided, the slurps would remain as slums defeating the purpose of )NNURM; o The State/UL13s should present detailed lay-out reaps for in situ slurp development projects, showing toads, water and sewer lines and their future connectivity to city wide infrastructure systems. Efforts must he made to ensure that every beneficiary has individual water and toilet / sewer connection 'Che slurp development map should describe how waterlines and sewage lines will be laid to connect every household and he connected to city trunk lines in the colonies being developed in-situ. In the case of relocation projects, definite action plans should he drawn to put the area vacated to productive, use and ensure that the um relocated is denotificd and,not encroached upon; A SC approval for the projects should b(! furnished; © The State/ULBs should explore the possibility of providing digester instead of individual septic tanks, if feasible. The digester may perhaps be connected to sewage line later; o In the project at Kanpur, enough distance between water pipe line and sewerage line should be maintained to ensure that drinking water is not polluted by mixing of water, sewage and sullage; The State/ULBs should furnish technical details/estimates signed by the competent authority in terms of PWD Code/State Government Orders. Exact specification of the estimates for the transit camp should be provided; • For the projects at Lucknow, why State PWD SoR is not followed and instead, CPWD rates are adopted may be explained; • For all the projects undertaken under BSUP and IHSDP the State/ULBs should engage Third Party Implementation Monitoring (TPIM). This may be done within one month. In case there is delay in engaging "TIM agency for BSUP and IHSDP, the services of TPIM.A for UIG and UIDSSMTprojects should be utilized; • Biometric identification of the beneficiaries should be conducted within 2 months; e In all the projects the Sate/ULB should ensure that proper connectivity of slum infrastructure to city-wide infrastructure is ensured; e 't'he State/U1,13 should adopt a `whole slum' approach. The lane( vacated by the beneficiaries should be denotifled; The State Government should put in place a mechanism for coordinated implementation of UIG, BSUP, UIDSSMT and If [,SDP and the 23 reforms at State and ULB levels. The elected i Psi lement.ation JNNUR\1 UL13s must be closely involved in the projects; o Significant efforts be taken to augment the capacity of local bodies which may eventually take up slum dcvelopment/upgradation, urban poverty alleviation and protection of interests of weaker sections as envisaged in the Constitution 711i Amendment [Act; and o The appraisal agency should certify that all the estimates in the DPR are as per prescribed SoR and the town planning nouns as applicable under State "Town Planning laws are adhered. 5.2. The representative of the State informed the State government has undertaken a very significant reform to accord land tenure to the slumdwellers occupying government: lands as on 15.1.2009. IIc informed that: the observations of the Commitece would be followed and the necessary documents would be furnished. 5.3. In order to enable the State to come up with necessary documents/info-rnation, the Committee deferred the proposals seeking approval to 13 projects. 6.1. Tlie representatives of the State of Gujarat made presentation on 3 projects (I from Vadodata and 2 front Sura(). 'T'he Municipal Commissioner, Surat gave an account of the city's strategy to achieve the status ol_ a slut-&cc city and the efforts being made in that regard. The Municipal. Comntissioncr, Vadodara presented the ef[orl.s being made by the city to provide affordable housing rid basic to the poor. The Committee made the following observations: o ]_'he housing unit design may be mnodiGcd to provide proper ventilation i {7cluding; l.xilcory e The State/ULBs should de-notify the places from where people have been relocated under BSUP project; u Beneficiary contribution may be limited to a reasonable level, say Rs.40,000 per DU a Adequate community infrastructure does not seem to have been provided in the DPR of Vadodara; the Municipal Corporation should ensure that the colonies being developed have the same level of infrastructure as the rest of the city. 6.2. The Municipal Commissioner, Vadodara, informed that community infrastructure facilities like community centre, anganwadi, etc. are being taken up separately by utilizing funds received from other sources. He informed the Committee that adequate space for such infrastructure facilities has been provided in the DPR. 6.3. Taking into consideration the comments of the appraisal agency (BMTPC), presentations made, information furnished by the representatives of the State and assurance that the observations made by the Committee would be duly taken into account, the Committee approved the 3 proposals. Abstracts of the approved components are at Statement - I to III of Annexure-IV. Maharashtra 7.1. The representative of the State of Maharashtra made a presentation on 3 projects (1 each in Nagpur, Nanded and Pune-Pirnpri-Chinchwad). The Committee observed the following:- 0 SI,SC approvals for the projects are to be furnished; C yMI o Slum-wise lists of beneficiaries in the case of the Pimpri - Chinchwad Municipal Corporation project need to be made available; -Chinchwad o The parameters of the proposed PPP model in Pimpri must be approved by the competent State authority; and Ceriificadon regarding availability of encumbrance - free land and requisite technical information for the DPR at Nanded should be furnished. 7.2. Taking into consideration the comments of the appraisal agency (HUDCO), the Committee deferred two projects (Pone and Nanded). The Comnuttee approved the proposal for the I3SUP project at Nagpu, presented by the Commissioner, Nagpur Municipal Corporation. The Committee also encouraged the approach mooted by NMC to develop slums with the involvement of private developers. The Commissioner, NMC was requested to develop a suitable proposal and come up to CSMC. Abstracts of the approved components of the Nagpur project of Central are at Statement TV of Annexure -IV. First instalment assistance will he released on receipt of SI,SC approval. 7.3. 'I'hc chairman, Nagpur improvement'T'rust made a presentation on DPR involving Gunthewari colonies, which are being regularized under law. 'I.'he Chairperson informed that colonies could be taken up for development only jr it whole slurp approach could be taken, beneficiaries belong to f?WS and Housing of only 25 square metres of carpet area was provided. The State Government also needs to prioritise wile her notified shiers have to be taken up for development first or (Cunthew,vu:i colonies. further, the regularization charges being collected may be made available for development of the areas. 12 West Beria-al 8.1. The representative of the State of West Bengal made a presentation on the project in Kollcata (Budge Budge). The Committee observed the following: (i) The water and sewer lines in the colony should be connected with city wide systems being developed under UIG and other schemes. (ii) The State should come up with proposals for release of second/third/fourth installments by the end of January 2009. Adequate number of proposals under BSUP is not forthcoming; the State may take special action to prepare projects for Kolkata and Asansol to avoid diversion of funds to other States. 8.2. The representative of the State informed that action would be taken to send proposals under 13SUP shortly. Taking into consideration the presentations and comments of the appraisal agency (HUDCO), the Committee approved the project. Abstracts of the approved components are at Statement -V of Annexure-IV. Jl trlcband 9.1. The representative of the State of )backhand made a presentation on the project proposed at Ra.nchi. 'I'hc Committee observed the following:- o SI,SC approval for the project should he furnished; o The proposed site has some adjacent vacant land, The ULB should ensure that this is not encroached upon and new slums are not allowed to come up. If need be such land should be properly 13 I, tw. be factored in the D1'R arricaded as a park; cost Cor the; same can b and out a n_echanis 1 for o The UL73 should talcs laid role n working maintenance of the assets being created under BSLP. 9.2. The representative of the State unformed that the observations of the CSiMC would receive clue consideration and the ULI3 would work out a mechanism for proper maintenance of the colonies and assets being reefed. "1'h representative of Jharkhand assured the Committee that the vacant spaces will he protected from encroachment by strict enforcement. 'Caking into consideration the presentation and comments of the appraisal agency (IILDCC), the Comutittee approved the project. the approved components are at Statement First Abstracts of -VI of Annexure-IV. instalment of Central assistance will be released on receipt of SLSC approval. 10.1. The Commissioner, Karnataka Slum Clearance Board presented a project: for Bangalore. The Committee observed the following:• Slum-wise list of heneftciaries must he prepared and heir biometric idetijlication completed; o Details of livelihood of the slum dwellers and provision of livelihood centre should he fui'nislrcd; and o A structured mechanism may be put in place to ensure coordination between Karnataka Shan Clearance Boards and 13angalorc Municipal Corporation. l'lhe civic body may he involved in the projects from tics beginning. 10.2. The State Government representative informed that they will furnish the list of beneficiaries within a month. He also informed that the State would provide a livelihood centre within the community centre itself. 10.3. Taking into consideration the information furnished by the State and their assurance and the comments of the appraisal agency, the Committee approved the project. Abstracts of the approved components are at Statement VII of Annexure-IV. 11.1. The proposal from Tamil Nadu for BSUP project in Chennai was deferred as no State Government / SLNA representative was present-. 20^3" instalment Gujarat 12.1. 2°t instalment for 1 project in Ahmedabad and 3"' instalment for 1 project in Surat: Both Deputy Secretary (JNNIJRM and representative of the State of Gujarat briefed the Committee about the proposals. In the 43rd CSMC meeting held on 26th November, 2008, the 3rd installment for Project titled "Detailed Project for Slum Relocation at Surat (DPK-1)" was approved subject Lo conditions that:- ` "4th irululbnenl world lie relea_red cfler rellle^ne^rt of ch'.pula in rc j)ect rf con1lruclioil of /84 nails. f^ no settlement war reached al the lime of seeking 4/h cvad final in.rla/lmerat for t/izr pr jest, the Central.rhare for the dr:ifiuling housing nails (horuinc + iif r+sirrrcture) world be deducted from lbe ftnal iiutallment" and 15 S^ I he lla ce/LI-1) should l ecli eace 10 the /tt7, luJi /o'/1,^' rn c(ccli/lam Detailed P.I t/hr_hlunr 1telacation Gcuryc'jr rturJe In the lcryont of the propeet litter " 1/'y : rim is check lrhelber at Surat (DPR-1). The cgep^ sisal ayency decid e ! examine and that wh .cther they have acry Cori the changes conJonn to the RYE" guidelines shoz.dd be reported to the Cendui impiiculion . If there was acyo desialiorn, the fume (CSRcC) far appropriate deenion. S'anetioning di NVlonitozny Committee lieu Appraisal Agency has czar cud DPR-1 to 1)PIZV and submi^ftd the upon as tollows:- "1111 the madfed laynule have been gone through vi.u-vat ocEeine lly proposed. With rasped to DPR-l, in certain cases honsiny layouts Ave been mach/led to accommodate more social in/rastructure /iacilllior i.e.rhop.i; 13ahvadi, etc which were not prrposed have alto been relectec! elfin ; implerrrentation earlier, /lllernate location /hr 903 1)(11 kfficullie.c like local opposition, court matter etc. 13uildiy pion for 247 DU.)) which includes DUs not constructor niece to local opposition, has been rnodfied & identa/ied to he in lender stago. 1 io,uever, rand fed huildin8 plan o/247 DUe ha.r cli^hlly more carped built up area than proposed earlier 7'he change in layout & alternate localionu its some cu.ies alnny with phy.iical /inandul progre.ix were reported With respect to DPR-II, at ('P-1//1.life, where 4704 DUI out o/ lotal5424 DU.c are to be constructed, clcart^e in Overall.n?e layout has taken place. However; there i.r no chanve indicated in the 13udctiny/DU play. In balance 720 1) ()"I which were propped to he conplruc'ted at E'-1113 rite, due to non po.u more o/ entire land, their part work (384 UU.) has been planned at alternate lncaliou. In these unite (1/co there is no c'banye in Buikliny/1)U l'l:ur cxciptfor 10 1)U ,/ca' the area of D( It ha.r actually increased. in the DPK Ill to V, both botany tayont pious and buihk y , /,,tan have been mooch/icd nrith rcppect to cni;urallylrcopo ed <, c <ror .1 cy C3 MC. In add/tcon, in DPR-V against Coda Ill prapa.,ed rnonoh'/file HCC construelion c°chnoh)pJ, the execution e/ h,uldluos has actually been done r ?n(c ncertioncrl RCC: 16 eahnology . The high tender premium received has been cited as reason for change in technology /finally adopted for execution. In the modz/ied budding plan of DPR Ill, IV & V, the huih-up/sipper built ep area is more, through the carpet area has marginally reduced However, the modified plan marks provi ion at each floor which could be used for assemblylmeeting & can also provide better air/light ventilation. In view of the above facts & taking note of no reduction in overall built up area at the same approved cost, the deviations may he accepted & based on physical and /nancial progress of die projects release of subsequent installments may he considered " The report: was considered by the CSMC and accepted. The CSMC decided that in future minor local modifications in the housing designs/layouts compared to what were furnished at the time of sanction of projects (without reducing the area of DU) could be approved by the State Level Steering Committee / State Level Coordination Committee subject to the condition that the Central share is not increased and additional amount is not asked for. However, cases of all modifications in the DPRs made at State/local levels must be recorded and brought to the notice of the Appraisal Agency. The latter would record the modified housing designs/layouts in the sanctioned DPR and inform the Mission Directorate. The Appraising Agencies, OSD ONNURM) and DS QNNNURM) would Farce action accordingly. 12.2. The Committee approved the proposals for 2°1' instalment in the case of the project in Ahmedabad and 3,d instalment for the project in Surat. Details of the approval are at Annexure-V. 12.3. The Municipal Commissioner of Surat also presented the requirement for 4th Installment for DPR - I and DPR-III . Since the documentation work is yet to be completed and complete documents are not yet submitted by SLNA, it was decided to defer the same for subsequent meeting. 17 1titi 12 4 \Vhilc presenting the proposal for rdcasinl 4dh instalntcut for tltc project titled "Detailed Project for Slum Relocation at Surat (DP12 I)", the Municipal Commissioner, Surat. informed the Conrn^ttce that the project has achieved requisite financial and physical progress. Deputy Secretary ()NNUR 1) informed that the original copy of the Utilisation Certificate from Surat is yet to he received. S-VIC is also to furnish compliance about the conditions imposed by the CSMG when 31'1 instalment for tae project was sanctioned in the 43'1 meeting of CSi[VIC held on 26.11.2008. The Committee decided that the State should furnish regtusite information and on examination by the Mission Dit-ectolate, funds would be released for he 41h' instalment. 13. Concluding did CSMC netting Secretary (I1 UPI\) & Chairperson requested the States/U'I's to tonne up with adequate number proposals for the release of 20/30/41 installments and new Projects under BSUP and I1-ISDP by tare second week of February 2009 in order to enable the release of ACA out of this year's allocation. She suggested that: Al efforts should be made by the States/U"1's/UI;Bs/imPlcrncnting agencies to ensure that the projects sanctioned under 1-3SUP and 111SDI are grounded and completed without tame and cost: overruns and with utmost quality. She rcnainded that the Mission has a. target of IS lakh houses for the urban boor out of which the Mid-term target of 5 lakhs committed before I-lon'hle Prime Minister has to he achieved by the middle of 2009. Secretary (1IUPA) requested the State Secretaries to hold a detailed review, assess the progress, fix rnilcstones for progress copies of IN. rcvicw ru Bing minutes to the and send \liasion Directorate. She sugggested that trey should cstabiish PNIU/PIUs expeditiously, institute P1iAIA, gear up the. JNNUIZiA1 irnplenaentation process, undertake ' ^^ a t Slrc, and city monthly monitorin ; and c tatblish supporting burnt > ris Ig levels. Lastly, Secretary (IIUPA) emphasized the need for urban policy reforms to address not only the backlog and current urban issues but also the challenges of future urban growth, say in the next 20-25 years. The circumstances that led to the emergence of slums and urban decay calling for the launching of JNNURb1 need to he are addressed through preventive measures. Secretary (HUPA) expressed that without the implementation of urban planning and local government reforms, JNNURM would remain a mere infrastructure upgradation programme, and none of the policy changes for vibrant, productive, sustainable, inclusive and humane cities that JNNURM hopes to drive would materialize. 14. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. ANNEXURE I LIST OF PAILPICIPAN'I'S IN i III- 50''' 1\II_ ETING OF CENTRAL SANCTIONING AND MONITORING (OD4\fI I I E (C SMC,) OF BSUI' HELD jZy UNDER THE CIIAIRPERSONSlIU' O11 SF:CRE'TA (II[JPA) ON 21.L2009 in Chair 31s. Kirin Dl ingrt SccrCIstr)0 and Urban Poverty Allevianu ❑ Ministry of I-lousint a d Mrs on Director, 3 [Mist)' of IHUPA ❑ 2. Do P.M. Mohanty, Joint Secretary aNNURN a 3. Shri D.S. Negi, OSD CNNC'RN'I), Ministry of IIUP A ,1 Ms. 13abuiC.al, Director, Ucp irtmcnt of Expcnditruc. Ministry of Finance 5. ShriLalitKapur,Director,Ministyof 1^,mvironmentand forests 6. Shri V.K. Gupta, Deputy Financial Adviser, Ministry of Urban Development 7. Srhi Vivclc Nangia, Deputy Secretary QNNURM), Ministry of I JUPA S Dr. Sidharth Dhcode, Mcrnber PNMDA, Punc Municipal C orporarion 9. Shri Avinash Salve, Member of Standing Committee & Councilor, Punc Municipal Corpora lion 10. Shri Shiv Kumar Singh, IT OIiicCr, JNNURM Nlanitoriug Ccll, Ministry of IIUP1 11 Shri U R Singh, Al k Ncw Delhi. ShriSitatarn Kuntc Secretary, housing DcparttIent covcrnnusttof Mahaeashtra 12 . 13. Shri P. Pardcslii, (omutissiouur, PMC Maharashtra S111 Chlnl.unaui, Director, SUDA, Govcrnmcut of Una] Pttdcsh Z1 . l5 Shri Abhl,hck Goy tl Space Design Gloup, llclht 16. Slid U.K. Panda, Director, Meghalaya Urban Devclopmcrttllgcncy, Rartong Building, Secretariat, Shillong 793 001 Dr. Dccpak Govutd N4raisckar, Municipal Commissioner, N utded, M tharashtr;t U. 18. Slat Dilip Band, Divisional (.otnnnssioncr, Punc and Chaurn ur PCN'CDA 19. Shri Ascem Gupta, Municipal Cornmisstoncr, Nagpur 20. Dr. Sanjay iMlukhcrjec, Chairman, Nugpur IrnprovementTrnst, Station Road, Kingsway, Sader, Nagpur 21. Ms. Manta Verma, Additional GPO, Gujarat Urban Development Mission (GUDM , Gujarat 22. Ms D. lh ua, CPA, AODA & Director JNNURN Ahoncdahad Municipal Corporaliou 23. Dr. P. Bore Gowda, Cnmmusioner, Kunataka Slum Clearance 13oamd Shcshadripur,rrn, I3angalou. 24 Ms. S. Ap una, Cocnnossionc r Surat Municipal Corporation Mug!isarai, Surat 25. Ski I . Kalathi, Lxecutivc ()Hirer, Parmnal Municrp.tluy, Chcnrr ri 1. Ashok Kumar, Munk ipal Fnbrnccr, Panunal Municipality, Chenrrai 26, Shri 1,0 20. Shri P josh Bakal DGM, NBC C: lid, New Delhi Slrri K.K. Kh+nke, li:xccutivc. I'.up,inoo ,Slurp Itchabi!iiation Authority, Negpur Municipal Corporation, NtI per 29. Shri Hokin K. Put-war, CPO Rartchi Municipal Corporation ICtuiou 30. Shri GajauvItl Rain, General Manager, GKDA, 1I11d Moor, Pniigriu Sagan, Katch;iry Rood, 12anchi-L 31. Slid S C. Venire, Project (hirer, DUDA, I,noki ow 32. Shri itajmuui, Project Of[lcer, DUDA, Variaucc, Ms SI tc rr i;hr(!c') It t i, C ourt lout, 1P1?, Drew Delhi r 1 31s. i) tlwct Ka.w Consnlt,tu. 1'1i, Nc , Dcllti Shri S K N paw, Director (CP), I LUDO(, Ncw Delhi. 33 . 36. Mts. Usha P. Mahavir, Dy. C:hief, IIUDCO, Ncw Delhi 37. 6[s. Rude i Roy, Assistant Chief, [IU1rC O, Nc.v Delhi 33. Shri AT . (iwari, ACT', f [UfDCO, Neu Dclhi. 37 Shri Area Lana, tl>>raisal Officer, IIl uco, i.c.rJ;now P. Shri Suibas Ditvaso, Cl'.CJ, PC_D'FD:A, I'uoe^ 20 o 41, Shri It. Subrill manyem, Commissioner, I lousing, Government of Andhta Pradesh, I-Iederabad 42. Shri Kousik Des, Additional Chief Engineer, ME Dte., Government of West Bengal 43. Shri Asim Sarkar, Superintending Engineer, ME Dte, Government of West Bengal 44. Shri IGngshokRoy, Executive Engineer, ME,, Die., Department of Municipal Affairs, Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhawan, 1" Floor, South Block, Salt Lake, Kolka[a 700 091. 45. Shri M.K. Des, Municipal Commissioner, Vadodara, Gujarat 46. Shri D.R.Eadadare, Chief Engineer, Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority, Mumbai 47. Shri M. ]ayachandran, Deputy Director, Ministry of 1-IUPA. ANNIE' XURE-II IMPORTANT POINTS REGARDING FORMULATION AND EXECUTION OF BSUP AND IFISDP PROJECTS o In Case there is time constraint, a regular sOC10-ccol omlc survey' Can be preceded by cr rapid rziruey for identzfyin^ beufcicines, their main uud sirhsidiai occupations, their educational and skill projile caul felt-needs so as to Willingness of the desigir appropriate racial infustnrcture for each payect. beneficiaries should also be Laken for any rehahilitatlon/relocation projects. o Affordability of the urban poor should he kept foremost in view while working out Beneficiary Contribution. ,'1ny contribution amount beyond their financial capacity may lead to the imposition of undue burden on them. Therefore, special care needs to be takers while deciding upfront beneficiary contribution of F'Nil payment. Overall construction cost of the housing unit should be kept at a minimum. The housing component should generally be at least 50% of the total project cost with it view to giving primacy to provision of shelter to the urban poor except where housing units have already been constructed/are being constructed under VA'M13AY or other I';WS scheme of Central or State, Covcrnments. Further, considering the difficulties and special needs of the urban poor at some locations, clusters having more than 15 housing units can also be considered. o Each project should be accompanied by it list of beneficiaries based on socio-economic survey and UI,Bs should go for hio-metric cards and ensure that houses arc allotted to properly l ugeted beneficiaries and the possibility of sale/misuse of housing units is avoided The list. should he notified and placed in the websitc of the Ul,B/JNNURM. The layout plan must be socially cohesive and should facilitate social interaction. 1?fforls may he made for providing at kart 30`% open spaces with 15% green area in the layouts and adequate social and livelihoods inf astructure. u sldcduate space must he provided for eommuuity acttvilics, informal sector trtarlcets, livelihood aclivines, pen for annuals (if permitted and requir('d), sp u_e to t. tree earn 01 e:orv e lgenl. e rvic e_s such as health, education and rccreauon conforming to the specific needs of each of the slum pockets and their beneficiaries. a The houses proposed should have two roosts, balcony, kitchen and llRlMCi1.1211 Cr cmn CCI!ml and sCp 7LfltC 171ChrOOn a nd l a^'^IIC tllltlgs s ol age. sp e e. for Iceeplng se U: CO nn C.C CO n. ^sp( cts s uc h as ^- l in rooms/kitchen, location of kitchen, location of toilet and bathroom in the houses to facilitate privacy, independent access from both rooms to toilet and bathroom, leaving a small space for fitting exhaust fan in kitchen and toilet, balcony for drying clothes etc., are some of the nuances that can be thoughtfully incorporated in the design of the houses for the poor. o The State authorities/ULBs may adopt some of the innovative designs and layouts of houses, multi-purpose community centres, informal sector markets and animal pens, etc. Prepared and compiled by IIUDCO and BMTPC. The Toolkit published in this regard may be referred to. n The State authorities, in consultation with appraisal agencies, should ensure that necessary clearances such as environmental clearance, Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) regulation clearance, land use clearance, etc. are obtained. They should also ensure that necessary technical approvals are secured from the competent agencies as per State PWD Code. Since these projects are required to be generally completed in 12 to 15 months, it is generally expected that any escalation in the project cost is bane by the State Government/ULB concerned. For reducing escalation in the cost projects, the following option could be exercised:i) Purchasing materials (cement, steel, sanitary pipes, electrical items) in bulk, wherever considered prudent and feasible with a view to reducing cost; ii) Encouraging labour contribution from the beneficiaries under the supervision of qualified personnel; iii) Bifurcating tendering (between housing component and infrastructure component) with a view to reducing- the possibility of time and cost overruns; and iv) Creating/using a revolving "Basic Services for Urban Poor (13SUP) l^und" earmarked out of the municipal budget and supplemented by other innovative measures like crosssubsidization for meeting cost escalation. o Wherever informal sector markets are taken up as a part of social infrastructure, their operation on a time-sharing basis by inhabitants for enabling wider coverage of beneficiaries can be considered by the UI,13 concerned. Adequate provision should be made for solid and liquid waste disposal and digester technology could be adopted in place of dualpits/septic tanks, wherever feasible. o 'load-side plantations with tree guards and green belts arc advisable. 23 ^cl ^ o Responsibllity of the technical spectEcations (adherence to State Code) and their approval by the c ompusnt authority lies with PWD The t ppraisal agenetcs must the UJ_, 35/State Level Nodal Agency . ensure that technical specifications are duly approved by the technically competent audionty as pct State Government Public Works code. o Prime Minister's New 15-Point Programme for the Welfare of Yin important objective of the new programme it to errscae the Minorities: that the benefits of various government schethres for- the auederf»lvileAed react the In this regard, care diradvanntcrged rectiorr5 of the minority courmnnitie, should be taken to take up clusters of minority beneficiaries to the extent possible. Wherever feasible, efforts should be made to allocate upto 15% of cargos and outlays under 13SUP and 11IS1)P for the minorities, Similarly, priority should be given to accommodate physically challenged beneficiaries. a Capacity Building Activities: In the year 2006-07, the Ministry of 1-1UPA had released fund to the State Governments for capacity building activities including Research and "Training towards implementation of 13SUP and 111SCW projects. Unless the States submit utilisation certificates for the funds released earlier, further rely ase of Central Assistance would be held up, as utilisation certificates have to be furnished within 12 months from the date of closure of the financial year to which financial sanction pertains. o Status of Project Implementation: the States/Ul_,13s should present Quarterly Progress Reports/Monthly Progress Reports as per prescribed format, without fail to enable the Ministry to report to Prime Minister's Office in (fine. Further, one page abstract on the status of implementation of projects and reforms must be presented before presenting the details of project proposals in the, inectings of Central Sanctioning & Monitoring; Committee/Central Sanctioning Committee. Setting up of PMU/PIA/PIU; The States/U'l's should submit proposals to the o/o 050 (JNNURM) which will get the same appraised and bring up before the Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Coil tuittce/Central Sanctioning Committee. "transparent method should be adopted in the selection And and Pills. Such appointment of proicssionels in PiMU s appointments should not he pconancn( in ri rase hull only in terms of short-term engagements. 'I lie appourtments should not be seen as a place for parking the dead-wood Each appointment should be based on prescribed lams of reference and the dehverahles should he measured. Vario aet:vitl_c 'asks and outcomes have to he clearly spelt out in nce'rU11, States/ UI,I3s eLoeld mucise uUnost Ca^ caution in malting such appointments on a contract basis. The States/ULBs should try and ensure minimum expenditure by selecting/appointing professionals at an appropriate fee rather than immediately opting for the maximum amount indicated by the Centre. However, the calibre of such professionals should be of a reasonably high level. If need be, qualified persons from Central/State Government/ULBs could be taken in PMU/PIA/PIU on deputation. The personnel with PAlUs/PIUs should work in tandem/collaboration with the State Level Nodal Agency / ULBs. • Fees for Preparation of DPRs: The States should submit proposals to the concerned Appraisal Agency which had appraised the projects. The Appraisal Agency has a crucial role in examining the claim with particular reference to the various stages of improvement and modifications that were brought out in the DPRs before they were finally approved by the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee/Central Sanctioning Cotrtmittee. The Appraisal Agency should submit proposals to the Ministry for releasing Central Assistance towards the cost of preparation of DPRs (both in the case of DPRs prepared by in-house personnel as well as by Cons t.dtanis). These will be considered by the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee. After approval, recommendation will be sent to the Ministry of Finance/Ministry of Home Affairs for releasing Central Assistance out of the ACA. allocation for the particular State/UT in the case of projects prepared by consultants. The Central Assistance for DPRs prepared through in-house personnel of the States would be released from out of the 1`/n JNNURM fund in the Budget of Ministry of HUPA as decided in the Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee /Central Sanctioning Committee meetings earlier. • Community Development Network (CDN): 't'he States / UI's should prioritise and get necessary approval from SLSC/SI,CC to the proposals concerning Community Development Network (CDN) so as to seek Community participation Fund. Such proposals received in the Ministry of I1UPA will be appraised by a team working under the COO-UNDP Project on National Strategy for Urban Poor coordinated by the National Project Coordinator/Deputy Secretary (JNNURM). The reports will then be placed before the Central Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee. Community Development Networks involving Neighbourhood Groups, Neighbourhood Committees and Community Development Societies should he promoted so that the dynamics of the CDN lead to fa ttcrnity in the ncighhourhoocls and the issues of alienation of all suits arc eliminated CDN should work towards better inter and t era- relationships in colonies to get over the dividing forces. '[his will strengthen a feeling of solidarity among the residents. Third Party Inspection and Monitoring (TPIM) mechanism: TPIM should be instituted to bring transparency and quality in the implementation of BSUP and [IISDP projects. '['lie Ministry is giving necessary assistance to the States for l PI M. 'Coollut has been prepared and communicated to the State Governments. a Quality of Projects: Housing for the poor does not mean poor quality housing. Utmost emphasis must be given to the quality of houses for the poor. A vector-free atmosphere and healthy living environment should be ensured in the housing projects under list] P/li-ISDP. Survey: No efforts should he spared for Socio-economic conducting socio-economic surveys of potential bent fciaries. This would facilitate assessing the needs of the henef]ciaties, especially for schools, health centres and other social/community f tcilties. Based on the socio-ecottomtc survey, hiometric identity cards should be issued to the beneficiaries to ensure that they cto not sell the dwelling units and squat elsewhere. Such surveys should cover housing, health, educational and livelihood profiles of the urban poor. The surveys would assist in designing good BSUP/114SDP projects by taking into account important aspects such as dependency load in the existing schools, capacity of hospitals for in-patients, need for multi-purpose community centres atilt out including livelihood centre and itiformal sector matlcets. 1-111DC0 and 13NTIPC have developed good dest^ ns of Brest a, colonies and vanouts ly/ter of sacral zir/ru.rlnic/nre facildie.r whizch could be erppropiialely uu.red )V/51/0 farrrz<rlallud prr-eet^rro^toartlr. A Toolkil hers ahu /7eeu pe/hiished. o City Poverty Reduction Strategy Report. The city of Rsjkott (Gujarat) has brought out a City Poverty Reduction Strategy Report. Other cities/towns may hriug out similar reports. Security: It is o Convergence of Health, Education and Social [Iealth, frdtieatiorn aril Social necessary to integrate provisions of to lead a better Security with housing for the Poor to enable them Governments quality of life. The Urban Local Bodies a nd State ouvergc ice of f unities have a critical role to play to ensure proper cfor education, health and social under the tlready ato ilablc chcutes through difctent cl^-p r„feint.;/uclds T lic security itnplementeu an terms of access to school, projects should list out the deficiencies 26 ^s^^ primary health centre, provision of social welfare measures so that timely remedial measures in accordance with the socio-economic survey can be taken up. Provision of adequate infrastructure for school and health care should be taken at the formulation of the project itself. A mere statement that adequate number of schools/ health centres is available in the vicinity of the proposed housing colony would not be sufficient. The State/ULB/ implementing agency should certify that such facilities available in the vicinity are also accessible to the slum dwellers. Similarly proper convergence of schemes in the realm of social security such as old age pension, health insurance, maternity benefit scheme, etc. should be accessed to benefit the urban poor selected under JNNURM. o Educational facilities: Proposals for additional schools or additional rooms in existing schools must he pail: of the DPRs. The capacity of the existing schools to absorb the children from colonies being developed under BSUP and IHSDP needs to be studied. The estimate of school-going children (including those from the new colonies) and demand for classrooms in terms of prevailing norms, capacity in existing schools and the additional capacity required should be worked out. Similar exercise should be done for providing health care facilities. Further, action needs to be taken to provide other community infrastructure and facilities. Detailed estimates of requirements as per norms, availability and gaps to be addressed have to be prepared at the initial stage of project preparation itself. o Projects for in-situ development: States should come up with projects for in-situ development with good lay-outs and type designs. The emphasis should be to provide a better and supportive atmosphere for living and working. The in-situ development should not end tip with creation of another cluster of houses without access to water, sanitation and social infrastructure. a Sense of belongingness: To create a sense of belongingness, the slums may be named in consultation with the intended beneficiaries. Provision of a low cost enclosure around open spaces in the slum pocket: being covered under BSUP/1I ISDP could he considered by States/ULBs, if the cost is not prohibitive. o O&M System for Maintenance:- Maintenance of the assets and upkeep of cleanliness and hygiene in the housing complexes / colonies developed under BSUP and IHSDP should he given importance. State Governments/ULBs should evolve a viable mechanism for maintenance of the assets created under BSUP and 27 \SC IIISllP projects, especialilthe houses -iud common facilities constructed. Three ley reforms core to the urban poor: Shcc:a1 attention should be paid for the implementation of the t:hu.c key reforms stipulated under JNNURM that are critical to the urban poor: (i) internal earmarking within local body budgets for basic services to the urban poor; (ii) provision of basic services including the implementation of 7-Point Charter in accordance with agreed timelines; (iii) ea niarlcing at least 20-25°/, of developed land in all housing projects (both public and private agencies) for kWS/LIC category with a system of cross subsidization. o IEC activity: In a people-centric programme like I3SUP and [I]SDP under JNNURM, there is a need to generate greater awareness among the targeted sections so that they received what is intended for them by the Government. Any awareness campaign should have a national appeal and recall value with consistent and coherent slogans and themes. The States/U],13s could bring out. advertisements in vernacular languages with local adaptation of the templates prepared by the Ministry of IIUPA. States/U:I,Bs should ensure that the local adaptation does not deviate from the letter and spirit of the national templates and the messages coIivcysd are only about the prograrnme and related policy advocacy. 'T'hey should also ensure that all such media campaign. is in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations applicable. Cost of such campaign, in accordance with Government approved rates, would be reimbursed to the States/UL13s under I FC component of) NN URM subject to limits fixed by CSMC. Reirribursement will he made if prior approval of the Mission llurectorate/CSMC /C SC in the Ministry of PUPA was obtained before launching- such calnpatgn. Proposals for reimbursement of such expenditure will be submitted through 1-IUDCO which will put up the same to the Central Sanctioning; and Monitoring Conunitece for its consideration aid approval of reimhursentcnt through Department of 1 xpcnditure, Ministry of Finance or Ministry of Home iAffairs, as the case may A. ?S I .cam j'wiJ a a a a S to n -I vi Li - -I_' '-'I m N N N ID ^ a a a a a aa• -_- m H O s: a - a -I S n cr -I n ° S Cl) O ID S Cl) ID . V ID O N ID < a vt w n m c rD ro U. m N m o' °1 m ' n m o i v n n On E rD On O vt ID -1 C l1 a O>?- a fS N O 90 C ml '> >. C D= v n N ^ ^^ n ti m n n n` m o -p m u m O" m . -t- tU lJ n O N O' Li I j- c Dl ID m ID m N N. N n cc 3 ^ Li s O -1 p ^ m '^ I o W VI n 2 lA NJ O O o N rD - IU ID n r1 CJ r. U ^ C In I T fD IU O o o. U cc I N v w (D (D ( (D Cu rt w o_ w m < O D v w ° c -a to w w N -, O N N Pi 3 w 11 N 0 = C w n (D a N W 3 r O o (D -h 0 W N CD Cj) .p Oo N W W 00 A 61 Q1 61 W 03 4' w N a 0 LU w i O n_ C Cl N n O -u in O m oI ^ rr o T J rD ill CD U- A N -c -O 0 [T !D h O J ?. r -^ U O r nl -a 9 n ro W c_ fJ CI CI(1 m P -c o m O -. O c W Q Q ti O ON n O 9 O (C ^' cC 4 3' nY C O- n.cumn rU o 3 - rD m C (D n n n n CD a N d _ _ _ C) CD rCD CD G a - Lu L• .G ti' C- A U c C' N n rD v Lu CU CD CD C) 6 O 5' O nO O o S .- D m (n ^l [) O C) n - CC J l: m VI N n n U d s N - In o' m r t O n n o ,' CO N D N V1 (3 ' ^ O < CD Cr m N? n Ca p C J n' O CD O n C P 0 m .9 n C) ro < O u o D `i _ U n 0- m c Q C. CJ 5 c ID < CD CD a Ln o N n c 3 O O. S C O O nl -' X W lu G ti 6 rD CD -) a C n O O n CU U T n: C C H m 0 N of i F a v Cr ^' a T -s a in - D! '< N o o U I'. m PI m w n o m S un c o w w Lt '^ n w om w "' .^ ID C C -, c n - c zw CL Io ° c a ru n o 3' o ° ° w 0 3 v co 1 3 Cw w s w -3 w a w p ? N O1 c OJ Z In n 73 c w w Z > O n m m Z 0 03 W o VI 00 w m 0 V N n m VI Z m O W x O m Z ^+ -I O -1 w n (^ Z O -i m n r to _ m -I a' ^ N -I m n -I m O nI = to _m 0 O z v 'O m W O N V'' ai N ^^ Ca in ^I O. l0 G C Eu . N n 0 6 N m S ^^ m .J ma ,y. O Cm O ^Q O m -O 0 A ^p w Z N '' -i 7 iv O J (JO h O D' -^ " N Cyr c d 0 Q' _ O ^ ^n n, l J -. n w _ J t - O "` v N v n N O 7 m S S n ° 0 O O C -C mmi r C n C O r rv f0 G . N ] '^ A O n I in N N O O O_ ro -n O C a ^' J O N O N' N rlo it tN Q' to r0 d ± N. n _ d _ 0 ? m in > n z m = p -. 6 O -^ h 6 d n m nI n. F ,n n [u n J J m z o Vl LA C I O N J v S N. c c G' o. o O O 6 O D O c °1 , m N- n a v * O N. n n 0 O O' ?i m Z A O 0 o n a C) o o o Co J I =. i o N s ro C n L1 W -I N o N - ^' N -I -_ Ol O Z N m o J n. m J Z 0 n 3 0 R^ C Cr (D r̀Y -r fD -, C -n R 3 n_ f rn N C 00 N Ui e. • n n U C) n n n ^ n D (n ^t C O ul ". "° (D ut N 9 U1 L (r n< f N N N T T] C) N C fJ N D Q N to O' rn] m D (A N RAJ ❑ M r N n a 0 ^« W (D =1 (D t~n N N r 0 ^- o o 0 C O GU U : O N 2 7 m -D., 7 N < in v O r m O ^' - _ C) (r -D C' "O Ct C X -. v1 in iv J m rD v 0 n o m ru -) -s C N ' t (D N O C) U C) C iD (D N C N' u V1 ^_. N n ^' O d N (t( (J C (-n n C) CT ,rjr` l' 0 vt J ^ O m N d ( O N m '0 C it D C) m m u O 0 r O N o °{ (D O- a - c3 O 2 O (J n m J 0 n S pJ O. l Q N N n O } Y U U Q^ V^ N o CJ C N O mr O ri in CO - n o w 'rir w 0 n ;T rCD m a li t C n 3 IT r+ V Q c CIO 0 Ri Co N vt p • C • < w !D & C S O a C O v w n - p fD n 0 b v n (0 ' O m vi o C O m O n \L^ C N W 3 0 1 l C n C' m N r. n C D n-ro -o, ^'ro N Ln 0 ^ U an D D, N m a O v. JJ ^. lD N i ^ n p S in 0 fJ A C o CJ O a N w 0 3 a rn ti S r -Ci 13 in n a a o lp (D O D m v m 2. ro n N C a 0 a n C, r O. O 73 w U 0 N c- o' O v an C D n' N O r no • o c S ro r rD n p C an O N s o 3 m n C n o C 0 LI i N c CD 7 m W m J !l LD W • S( 0 rD 13 vi d O S C "O n O r O n m O d 3 o ,D :- a n 0 6 M C ^ J C rD c 0 S v G o rF F Cf G iD N. 0 73 0 O Ca N cc 00 N V, o Co 0 C) C _ x yr N n C? ° a 0 CD O O _M1 6 00 n 0 Di N O 13 0 a O ,r a O O Di a C N N N rt m 0 0 '^ 3 (D FD ' O rt v Q C -' n N 3 0 O v v m O n T N n m n0 vh 0 N N C -± m n a n ro 1 O 0 CD S p. n r C n 0 n C rtw c n s Co r c n x SrD P N f rt C rD n UnN N W a LU W w Cl O co V V n -Io) r -I w C) m n N G S N 0 C Di (D D) O (r/1 n ID n rD r" n (1 n tD r S 0- mn. 0 0 ^: mn o a rD -_a FD- _ 1 r^ -I O C) O W •I • • • N -I m n C) In J' N n 0 O Ct O N ( - 0) n N G O to n) W m' v+ (D O n. o CD ,^i _J- C Ur r C: N nth H o 3 _ o 4 5' C .^ v) f . n, W tD °, d O n D C o. O o S ri o n Cr O ''. a -. vJ N U O' CCU N -1 N _i O ^• ' .- -h C Q CS m O C C p. C C n 3 O G C C) O Cp CD x_ o C) N C IV N N O n' H ,v m u Q N 0) N F C) CC iN m r < Di iD r r CD Di CI LI N -1 d Vt O O J a m m ^i N N rr _i C) 0 o n w N un m n C d J }) C CD C f) a ] O ci D m P N N N n' N N a u: J 2 C) w ^y FD C) T C) 5C). T m of 3 N C < C) '^. tDf, a m s o N O mt^ n) 0 p\ n R iD i cJ • CT Cl C)) [1 1/I C N n D S `w c a w P NJ m a t3 t 3p 0T w V c n z j o m . . N `Yr vi -' O w ^ to U3 w c (D C LA 3 CL N C r' S N n 0 zi 6 to 0 rD CD w 0 3 w 0 0 0 Y W Cr' < r -I Ul rll p : Ort M [J N rD rD -r O -I O D s n -I O N D N V N Q 0 n OT NO C .P 0 U O N O CD o N O Ca' 0o O S a' 27 a Q V rt n O. a' ru A rD n 3 T N O N V r O N O 'p V w w m rD N ni O S n r° ti A O O ° O 2 a _ In 0 c a c c 9 ro G v_ h O Gl f0 N to .r S V m m !D a C O 0 N Rl rD n 10 D 0 V7 O N a CNN " o N p U. (n m 3 N I o 3 T N 6 rD a o n D an CO O rD r 2 O o n O n o C tP O n ;_1 N as L N l/, u N W nH T rD 0 T t S. t N T V V rD n O L O n rC C O Q N ra N in N N N O O 00 -r CO O Ol rn fU m VP ' S rD LI ' a n -0A w C z 0 rn X N Q I e - r p1 O G El oq N N ^ n < o Q° FD N p D N O O O N N O O O N O Y ^ UUi n n m : N rh 3 N T O C^ p 0 e N CY O m N D H S v h N /D n q 9 9 9 p N 9 n. _ N S CT N y 0 (u G v+ ci N N I' o N Ct O - (P ~ {1 C < < N • O 0 L N v a 0 0 u -r v n O p' n ❑. 0 7 w z N D O ' w eM R 1 T 0 pi N w a a w 3 c o v w n 3 v+ cn D c w 5 " q'PU• in = m < w ^' w nom. 0 o 0 z w o O 0 °. m CC d m r• rn m ro C -o ° s fl ^ W c w (n m cn n z v R° D N V1 N P in W O O n C D n W 0 ,r N _ =r LU bo ry w m 00 W ^, o, -" w w z n m z x p D D cn S r. ww M m n o rn O 00 ^(n n O ° ro n N ➢ a S C < C 4 -^ g C 0 (n C n y n 2! (n OL C Q' O. 3_ o n N. N ° 3 N C O 0 C :3 n W ° v' m C ° a O 04 a' ° n. N. fD a O z ° S n O N a _ 3 N N N a S ° O -A -A m O C z n '^ N D -n ' < n N 9 N FD, _1 C X vi b D °) N G ° 2 n. °- S N Ql S O w !D N p- a _M1 N' W Cf a N N n o C n o _. N Q N > n a o fD `G S N N V 9 N O- O W A - C a ti 0 o tin O rD 3 N o C C) n Q° (n JJ O N < Q ' O m -i mm D t o ° n n !D w N O N N . oOJ D- C: N =1 yr ' m E - o c n a o c 0 2 fD 0 w io U 3 3 N a r.^ (i n n s n a s - 0r 0 3 CD v LI N rt a 7 Z w 3 w= °- r N 3 n pi w n (D c ^• n o 0 o n N a) rr a m' rn Ui C3) O (n • O p•• O O O 0 P O rs -1-i -1 n --I W Ill to -, n -1 rD o -r 7 0 ^- ro ' S b P o -i n -1 Ri. r, w yl o cn ' o Y m ro `-: b ^- ; o c , ro ro n - . Gl ^^ rn ^^ rD ru vi ro u n n O b u^ J -n ID m D S n a- .. in (D o n c1 q 0. C) Cj rD c ( -^ J n u m n m C ,, rt U v. Q \ .v O m CD -. ^' O Cl 0) U1 ^p vu N J o -„ c m DL o N rD b ] ' -r CC :. ^- N L =. - p G n d n '^ O y< U O n lJ .. un -« m a - rn t 7 - n' c - N C ,• rr J p1 r o p _r n m cr o ^r, o n I ID c^ ^ '.oi vi n] o C^ n m ro R rJ -* N d in C E x, m O. . L ''^ a C-c c r n Ur '6 lIl - O or n N iu I D ^P o o" O d -o In O w _.. Cr n ^ ^ cz -l __ Co O trt S O ^^] N p O m o ^{ n tr ca 5 O 01 n !D CA n n m O i G i CJ' in c rD tD lD ..n d OJ -^ v ^ fD ^ } C _] n (J nl N O A O o' C O =3 G rn ^^ rD r U r 0 U.: lip 0i ` a C Cr r^ O 1 P r N P m of C: r - - rr c ? in a (D 0 a a 3 w 0 n P) m in z rn Qo O n Lo C D 0 z n p m n m to w Z 0 N D D a n O m m n N w O N G O n u) z m r-i O H t ro r S a N N Q '^. ff In J O -^ ^ ' O. N O n n i J ' V^ O <n -_n -J O in O (Gl MD C •_ c N 10 v N ❑. N 3 m r ^r N u, C O ~ W N H O ut N n -i 00 n fD fD ^ J C vi ^F N J ^ O N - ^ O Q. O S U N "0 vii r c -' O J n O o N n , o p J O O' cu Vt -^ - J N 8 O rt N °- n N in• J' C O .* ^' 1^ ❑ O' fD D N G ' N n N Fn I n o N' o o N vO O o N -, I-r J N oNJ n ° N, v 2 0 a O CT o m N ; -p n f0 "O in G -c "O CD f0 n -U (7 N N SI fD F R Q' N •-* O O J J O O' o- f. E o ID J4 . ru 0 to n• in n n C N, !0 -n N n 1^ 3 co z Z O ^. S d m O z 1 =*: g N s `" D n a G p nM n Q N. 6 O n m { Ul IO Q z N 04 U J (Z Q C 3 f^ 2 20 OI F p c ct C z a O O 0 O (D n H iF m m m CD n C 21 c v w V1 U' m Z D n o O -r Z n Z m N rn CD t0 S N O PC rn W - U, N Ca 00 m z 0 l/) N w m n -!, 0 U' w in N < n O m LA c n Z N U1 Ul CO v FTI Q ❑ - O N -^ CIi -+ n -I H m n W V1 (^ ^- c O 2' m o -> rn 61 o cn t"J a n m t n, r^ -1 ro n. p1 cni m ru o p1 I O T, C1 O tD v, C t' V C n E,' cl o = rs r i' N m o r m m O Z D O Z n O ro C __ -J O o o S Y m Fri S Cr rC C rD tD (7 N Cu Cu J m rc1 r' _r. '' ^^ O o P, :J W m m C t- O- O D .J GO l0 N "^ O t- n d O ID Cu ^^ O U O N `o. n L[1 N 2 (n L m ru O IZ 0 n. G n a_. n -. ,,-., tD N r0 LD ^^ IpaO r I nCu C H 3 U tD ID C C CD w 1 m N' N j -a uC 0 O IJ (D fD n O O C tv n m .^ S Ci O U O ^ ^ ^ y S .- F ID o a of c. I7 IH a 'U :'.. r^ I Ej w m f0 I 0 J C1 9 Q rJ -7 t' L, I1'o n 0 w rD w w w CU' In U, in m N N N ----------- -------------T H m 0 H rr, N m ^-; VI n Q- of o N H m n -i rn ci w N CD 7 m N n ti 0 N lj 1 o N - _ n -o N p 0 N ut Dn n- O N O rD O Uo -, Z O a a O -O N N r-h N ` I,, r- 0 O TJ n. ro o r n a 1 J C I J O O n Z O O a N n oq 1 N I r 0 _ N O i O rD UI G Co 00 0 a". o J o a U a CL O -O n X O O O N N O J N Cr ,n EL j J J H N : m OE O ti C_ Q o Nn^. mND O a Vl O J^ _ N a N O o n N Jo U A J O N rD V N !D a rn O " N O O n. N D ( N C J C , J Oa -OOx O -O n NO - N N O (D Cr in' O O ro !D J O O O N 0 C ^, O N .r n O _r Q o G' ^. O nb ,^ ,J, 9 -' rD 0 70 n J (n -, ti DD V1 .1 -< O. -Q m rD N m n n Fs O " CX1 'Jt to o rj r^ N) N rl r C U. m O J Or O C O L),) A O U o rD •1 N C = ^, -< 1 - m O' LT 0 O ni O , O' CO 0 ai =J - O C 01 m n CfD p_ a O r rD (n -, O C O v, t, < S N fr N S J O" l v, c N n Ol U) n n U ni O O 0 (I1 ) v, 2 I n m W Cr S cz fD Cm n a n o 0 O m w < Z a pi cu lO : Z N pi m m a n m C- O C) 13 w FJ CO O x n 0 z L/I ❑ rn 9, V . ^- Grl l1 (D O ? fU I rD n ll) VJ -O ID !J n _I !D _r N 0. 'J n ^ m ^ r o 0 o n' Is c CD 0 C (D a' rD ro D' n CIU w cn C) rr 00 W ci O O IC 00 O N V N N cc ml r m d 1 N N O C "J n G t O c C v o ^' n u l V 3 o C 0) 0 n _ m FD C 2 N n N ^. v, N a -o J 0) G C o a a N o w o- nj c 10 r T 0 N N n. N O or N n 0 (D n --1 (D O O N) O` 0) ,O no 0 CM S CD (T i O U rn N n 0 o N 7 -I - -I W ^ .I ❑ V1 -H n ' o- ❑ ID \ O S - .-S O n lD i rD (-)I 0 CD -0 = "O `r -' - (D ❑ rD C) ❑ (D CD (D (D C ^`- - CD n 0 N p n Q. ^_n n m In ±3 - ^0❑i 2 N N -C} n n 0 ro D V 0 C N 3 it -O J- fl =• i CC) O C. O_ O C < 9- -i C n m CC) (D ❑ z clO vi CL '^ co Q co C) D O CD 10 (D -' lD i _ cry r O In u O n -Or, Ci z O7 C (J N O rD S ^n_ yr D C CD O c n n S (3 CD (D C Q. ° 5 l CD O C❑ rJ C) N ] (D (D ❑_. lT O CL O n 0 (D -r fD C C Q 0 N S O (D C O N U. O n O J r^ (}D (D n CC2) ^, CD I CL C2 n rjl S _. ❑ n -. _T o - O (D 0_ C. J -I -^^s, O ` CI r) n C C7 C) N v ' (1 O ID i1_ S T 7 Cr o, fD m o n n ❑ - -l _^ c _„ - rn -0 ❑ J O 1 ^. n 95 ❑ i` i^ . ( n N CO in rh DI O I^ u zr ^ c n n ' (- n ( (i_ J W Q n 0 Z CM C rn w -0 -0 -I n ^J (D D (D CD -O CD (D (D cD Q N O_ (D CO 5 N C C) C D O (D -. (D < N n O S O c n0 N 1C/ J^ O ^ CO . O C) o N N Q. C O -. 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V' O v (n ^ ^ J' J ^ V ^ ^ ^J„ () fC4 4^ o F n °n b o n m. w n p a w p. m o 0 d' w w C .°i a io r ry U ry ro 0 '^ r CE f RJ n _. `n a FH+ ;( - W p n d ?^ a' N,n N a U 0 w w[ y' w y rv .F ° A n N I (y' i-s ° 4' . n O 0 n n^ o G 04 o o H W R1 fY u a. cn r n n o ^d w V N ~ ^ V N N .^i J n o F. !'• IT^ O !! W ~ I N ry On ro n H cl s, °^ Q o ?' SI N W o W n °' W O ,,..{{ ^' o 'd q N Vt O r N w V ut v °° v H CO O o O J x Y v. ~ ^. nP J C C\ N W W to ! 0 N V o n ^^ y j 'y ft WC m '^' lD o n o b w 9 w p N a O ° p m pp G E Id C 0 P. n N °' w C p w vo g n O A> W J V' A A N () E Vl U N .) hA w p v O 17 O O O N ^. v O i ,^ O N Q v) _. IJ A 00 m n o ... m N N cJ a W OO N N + n r0 P r-, ^ '^ ' ° _n J a ^ A ^.^ cn n tr 4 o C ^ n 5 m `c oq c v [ (^ G C w w ^, ^. n ° w n n Y C y ,^ o w ^, w O N n o C < o .^ rv .^ ^ O .-. M. p rt ^' O rq w O r 4m G d o p C C n ti M1 G \ z^ W v .Ni -n 2 G ro - o w W tr9 C N U 00 N O p O n ^^ o O (E 0 O 0 O O N W 0 0 I N fA 0 0 ' ^- ' Iv ;^ (n ' N 4 rD O U Pj .^-^ N P _ O O n a pn ``^, a v. o a w F3 ^^ O Q W G1 O W ttl CP w ^ F-] O 0 O O T J \ T ,C CP^ 5 ^. w o CoP r W y n ^ io IJ ^ on :T ^ ^ ry o !p ^ v. N b °. w y W ^ W C; p .b n'] y a 'CJ ry O lD w n ri t . O ^p NW WO ^^ a ICJ CPS p^' o °B n a J W 'b 3 F =_ -^ N o Cy l7 G G' O O m o icy n ^' o IJ ^r Y v U, O w G^ o W W m p. rn w Pte. .,may °, G TJ a' „ W a Nn C o .g w o W .9, ' a" rt. p a p oQ 0 td ^ W W UQ a. O ° :' oa o q rv ^7 a' i ° iv n rn n 0 7 'o N C, ,l . G ?O m `-' PIP r: ^ [ y O' w P P 'rte' ^' "C ^ 1-3 m 2, A O ^O ^ F^ N J b. O ^^ hJ V & W r V. ^W G^ O O O ,. VI W ^I W W PJ Ui W W iP J P _ IJ N A N V -U _. O N l^ l7 p W U n '> U ro ,1 p, N N V 'may U v; _ ,I ^I m 1 ^.] ^n :: tJ I I V' w N .^ W N a. N Iv O n o v n N Gl o rt G ry P G V] .. v V. 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O •^ W C\ 00 G' A O A < ' N ul O, v) J to m A t1 GA .,. .' a :n U) N ur C OJ W N N J W -.I Ca0 . -, VI Cn J O J dl U A O A O , ry y q. w o ] b \ ° N H C 'c7 d' o G p 1,) CO W ^ yj ' A ;;py P N C O' D Q• ^ N (o C) O n ° [ p ° .. x w 8 W N C i• d l. v'7 p tY O (^ C a o n n ^' o 0 G `^ n ` ^ ° N N ' G121,r C O ' ' N N ,r * ''^ N n n 'l7 N O P 0 ma ^iJ .y O H O pn d o ^/ w ° O N n In C C v° o a w ^^, \ a y CPS g ro C u, W F. ^. 'J' rD d ' 0 ,ry N C G A' O n O P ^. O ^^t G p d lD G w a w n a a n^ O• n o Q' O' ^' n d t w y fD C y W \0 W V' W V ' W \o P O .I N O A O U' W A Ur O W O N O N O o V^ J In O J Ur a N W W 0 ,V' J P -. C0 ( J L\ N OJ - .+ N W C-' A N W W O o (C N O fc O W W N N c' A A N O dJ O Ur U r W W N N G1 c A A : a Vi u\ VI P N W O N ? W W o y 5. 'i O - ` n ^, O y N ^ G n .- n [ [n ro r C'Y G ti ' - N ^., C ;i N [/I 7 W G i !D n R U H n C, (I ^' r r Gl u r IJ UI ul O O V' O O A_ Q. O C)) W C.) O N N A i-+ N' 0 O ' O A> W F-r •-• Cn L1 W H Vr O N n_ C/J C/ P N_ v , 7 U' P O N O .\ I f C0 V' N V W W .^- N I-r '-, 1_ O_ Gl P VI G CA O C o ,7 C Ui A ed n vLi N _ -' a t Ln n n r+ v N' 'a. W G O• r "^ n n Y is d 3 ^> N U^ .^ C ! C^ Y N ^^ N Y Y ' ^ a O ^ ^ y O G N ° ro ro ^3 n O N M ^7j ^ C w n rv x O w N J w O G td o nw ^ C a 4 7J N `N'J P O 0 FP N 0 .P w 0 O 0 0 O 0 W 0 c w U' U^ 0 W ^ /7 C O W w N N k W , W O In r7 v' pj W O cn N C O U^ v w r O Wv "' J r ° O n - W .° w a' ro w 7 `° n N ,^ d O . to Fy' N ..."a n ^ Pt w ° U9 cl d w 2 Uq ^-` "^ O 'O p• G -d CI. G x c a F- p0 C'7 p O ^ y ^ ^ n C \ OO UO O H r„ .. q o p. i0 n n N UQ O Fl n G ^y M N n O w n o „ n o .^ 'e^, v, ^` ro v^ ' n W -' n o l0 P , w M C '.'^ fa' n O o O ^• d" n ,G. G w ° n rv °. U. w G .7 '^ O b O G 0 ^ b1 tF1 W F+ 1 - N c) c' N J C Ur J Ui ^ Lii W W U A N F J U^ uC r W ca m w o c^ w w c^ w Cq .° c) a -P Vr C) W O N) N N a O E W W -. -' N O c. J 7' O W F •^ ^-' Gl G, O O W A W O W O ^O ') ' O G CI O 1 4- O QJ r A O V^ O V' .^ W O P .- 1. O ') C O U^ ^J C O P V^ JJ O A Y Gl C) p-] n ^. O A Vi C) N o C/^ O CA J W O .. n p r w rj G w ;i c^ o w w p 09 C) c) ' ru n . N w p -I 7) Ul P G J U lJ n .n 0 0 C U, ul '7 r r ^^ O `J m U a S a c C) rt re C" n b N o a c N rt r. w p p Cb (i 0 fD R O G rv tj Hn C i'1'I O H p H m o rn ^' rD N O !n w f/3 nw 7 H n n f° w a o w w D p o w .. rv w w n CD 7J W .+ - C 'D '0 O b _ W V A A V I O V' 0 0 0 0 O O O O W N W N Ut Y PC J rn _ ry W W w 0 ',^ O O v - (b W A v' O Ut N A y n F- v' ro J G^ .+ N A W N .+ P .'y. C -d '' O' ^' w w ?^ '° d .'v d ; pa rv w N ^' r' M C1 a s Q r^ o ro o ^' WW 'oJ d t rl n W uw. O w aw w p Vl wC rt G b n RD ^. g' :wf ^• O ^ . Cd O l7 O p a Yt Ft) G p O ^" O a O rn ^v' N a a w 9 Oo n j G W G cy a O tD `^ ro ^. w o O ^ O fD ' T7 L' ^l n rt i D .^ n W o P d O t7' .O' " N n O m C O Q' °, rv o ^. ^ N w o 0 y o x' p cr C H S. W n n n td 9 V. V^ N W V' W Ec W W O .O .+ V) U Vi W fJ N VJ W N J r_S lJ C\ A O Gl W O N J C' N ^' W Ll w Vi w W .+ .F- ^--• v' (o -I O fn N W C J L0 W A m ^^ O O W W O P U N a ^J O o p' p ^ O ^' P w fD 2 W rv U U M O O V i Vj N O m N. O Q O N Vi w R w Cn N A A A ^I P A W N A^ C o^ w t1 p T p '" V p ^. N a P w J 7Q v " O o o rD „ rv rv o c w w o •, P wQ o cl CD O o w W O' y ^ yy H C o a' w o _ Cd rP a p o a w n rD t0 C ^. rt p o• n !DD bj 4' o `G O N d5 p .. ^. W O N u 1 .+ i.+ N N (n YtJ A 'V ^. w N O O O O N O Uv Uv N pj N 0 N O 0 O 0 O N) N G\ Go J A N A W A ^-+ P v O ^a C) W V' I O _ O Ui N W Ni A Qi W - W J J W W A W .-' J IJ GA O 0 N O V i J CUA Ui ' N IJ O 0' J O C` 0- .- Vt W N) CO -4 ^I W IJ tJ J n N A- O V^ C C, G^ C\ U1 N V( W A Ut O^ V^ A- V) ^D P O^ N W Y ,-'' J ^-+ Ni L, U) Cq J Ut w rD ^ G [n w G0 N IJ i V V O U^ O N 0 F-^_ O O 0 O O 0 O w t+ N Fj U) W - W .+ -N .^ ut Vi F? 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"' rn X °° o n 1 :t. r [ l G 77 a. tr p^ ' 0' K N ^.i n r a I !N r a jv "O, O ,n (n d rv vi w rv O td o nm p t/ O N G n (D N 'U -d O Y io \ o O H N\ o n O d O' 71 q N' O n ° &J `^ „ O CY n L'^ O O ^+' G J' o _ o b7 ?! w > V O 1--^ W i G l Vr V^ W V ut W ut iJ IO A Ut IA W (it UJ W O Gl I'" Gl A A N N I--^ N 0) J N N O W W v A .P. (jJ O W 'mil J W -l m Gil rr N C1 " O Vj J b^ CA v1 W N 0) (A A 1 N V J O W CA O N trJ O I ] °' o w y r Y r n n Ij O H rv n n 19 coq f" r ^-t I tpn J' V Off' rJ' O Iv ^' tJ' In .^ a nJ p, to CP O w I_' N Ur 2 tr] b1 n N C m CA Gl Y Y o _j N ? N J W ' I-+ J O U^ LJ CJ vn c, OF to O C) v P 'C w IJ w O IJ O w J L^ O O O J= IJ 11 W ON 4l CP Nt Y o o o o O o m b J 0) _ __ G^ N U^ N VI J A N c^ ✓ o o n L• cn V o ~ w A rn J aI NV' N bl N vJ V^ N I_o r, N w C ^ _.: V P I A JJ J G^ .;^ t: A n N P is_ L CA O O ^I L ^ H n VI Uo UI _ m O w n CS' N W I-t M /'^ N r n n n n U N A O) N IY GJ O Ut Ut A O V' V V Gl lJ Gl /J U, N N ^ ^ ^ N t P C,, ; ^, .= ^O ='^ ° -ono ''^ O Gujarat Name of the State 0 N p Ahmedabad c Surat 'a VJ x7 p O y '^y}': r 00 00 d n o a C ^• w Name of city c° 5 o ^° ti n n ° ro z o, B M 5 c. w V^ O 0 p C. 0 M rt rt n O 0 o m W ^ M^i1 W n n A A O O, O ^ n 0 O c O C rt 0 n. mow .., N n w o C 0 P w " m 0 a n rt b 7 r N C7 00 e A S ^ °~ rt o W y 7 a' N W w w °o 0 0' a J "'1 N ^7 r r w 0oq 0 C ~ -' CO R b A N 0. w o J 0 00 p O o o P a s m 0. 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