November 2015 - Nestucca Valley School District


November 2015 - Nestucca Valley School District
District Newsletter
November 2015
Superintendent’s Message
Welcome to Fall. As we are moving through the beginning of the year, I would like to take time to present our
Vision, Mission, and Board Goals for 2015-16. It is important for our school families to be familiar with what we
believe to be the driving force that give our schools direction and guidance. We have had a good start to the
school year and will be working on communication and opportunities for us to be partners in the day to day
education of our students. I look forward to seeing you at our schools.
2015-2016 Vision, Mission and Goals Statements
NVSD Vision Statement: Inspiring excellence, instilling diligence, and initiating life-long learning
NVSD Mission Statement: Where all students are prepared to become contributing, productive, and successful
members of their community, our nation, and then world
School Board Goals for 2015-2016
Financial Goal: Maintain a financially sustainable District budget with open accountability by informed and prudent
decision-making. The Board will receive, review, and discuss a detailed monthly financial report. The Board will work
towards a 5-10% ending fund balance.
Culture Goal: Foster a culture of pride and respect, among the students, staff, and community.
Instructional Goals: 1. All students will demonstrate proficiencies in Math and English Language Arts at grade level
for success in post-secondary education, training, or the work place; 2. All students will graduate from high school
meeting College and Career Readiness benchmarks.
Support Goal: Implement CCSS Standards and the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Nestucca Valley School District
P.O.Box 99
Cloverdale, Oregon 97112
Fax: 503-392-9061
David Phelps
In This Issue
Superintendent’s Message, Choir & Band, Activities Calendar, JR/SR High News, The Wildcat Way,
Food Corps at NVES, Cedar Creek Childcare, Wildcat Spirit, We are Committed at NVSD
“Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow”
HS Choir
dents will focus on for upcoming Band Festivals (that piece is on the State
*Please make note our FALL CONCERT is
List). Speaking of advancing skills, did you
November 3rd at 7pm! We hope to see all
know that one benefit of your child learning
of the high school parents at this concert.
music is that it increases their capacity for
The students have been working hard on
memory? One study showed that students
their selections: Afro-Celtic Diddle, No Time, studying music increased their spacialRadioactive, and a combined piece with the temporal skills 34% more than students not
junior high choir.
studying music. According to Science
* The NHS Choir has also been asked to per- News (October, 2009), new research sugform before the backpack fundraiser at the gests that regularly playing an instrument
can increase a child or an adult's IQ by seven
Kiwanda Center on November 14th from
points. Go, Bobcat Musicians!
6:30 to 7:00 pm. All choir students will be
performing there voluntarily with Mrs. Ser- * Results of the HS District 3 Honor Band
ven (except those in the fall play that night). nominations will be known soon.
Jr High Band
* Please make note our FALL CONCERT is
November 3rd at 7pm!
* Exciting News! We have TWO students
who were accepted into ALL-STATE MIDDLE
SCHOOL BAND of Oregon (to be held January 14-15 at the Hult Center in Eugene):
Congratulations to 8th grader Nycole Kimber
(clarinet) and 8th grader Logan Blackburn
***News Bulletin for students new to HS
Band or Choir: the performance attire has
arrived. Please send the purchase amount to
school as soon as possible, or a payment
*Exciting news! Our following choir students * Exciting news: CONGRATS to MIRANDA
towards it, so that students can have the
have been chosen to represent NESTUCCA
dresses and tux pants hemmed to the corWHITE, a senior clarinet player, who is the
at the District 3 High School Honor Choir at first Nestucca HIGH School Band musician to rect height (remember to wear the perforSt Helens High School on January 29 and 30: be accepted into ALL-STATE for OREGON in mance shoes when setting the height).
Soprano 1, Morgan Kirkpatrick & Cameron several years! She submitted her audition
Weger; Soprano 2, Mariah Hallock & Gina
for Symphonic Band three weeks ago, and
Maack; Alto 1, Brittany Plasker & Raeanna
worked very hard to make the best recordHughes; Alto 2: Tess Buford & Emilia Cuevas; ing possible! (I believe Bill Oram may be the
Tenor 2, Cody Kirkpatrick; and Bass 1,
last NHS Band player to perform at Oregon
Tuesday November 3, 2015
Kendrick Mick & Ian Anderson.
All-State). You're making history, Miranda!~
7pm in the High School gym
Way to go!
* And more exciting news: we have one
member from the high school choir who
auditioned for all-state and was accepted
* Students are to wear either all black, or
into ALL-STATE CHOIR for Oregon, to be held * Students are working on a piece that also
black from the waist down and white from
at Eugene, Oregon (Hult Center) on January uses percussion accompaniment, which is
the waist up. Please wear black shoes and
15-17, Friday through Sunday. Congratulaplayed by choir members who auditioned
wear black socks with black trousers. Ties
tions to Cameron Weger, a freshman, who
for the parts! Their other piece is a beautiful
are encouraged, but to be kept to appropriwas selected as a Soprano 2 as a result of
Latin piece, called Dona Nobis Pacem (high
ate themes (music theme or plain colors/
her audition.
school students were treated to this rendidesigns)--nothing too bright or "wacky" that
tion when the junior high choir sang on the
draws attention to just one person. And do
steps in the Commons one lunch time). The
please comb/fix your hair.
Commons has great acoustics for choral
* Please make note our FALL CONCERT is
singing! Lastly, the junior high choir will join We hope to see all of the high school parNovember 3rd at 7pm!!
ents there! (Teens may act like they don't
the high school choir for a combined piece
*Students have been working hard to supply
care if you come, but they DO CARE, and
at the end of the concert.
30 + different pep band tunes for the footthey are happy when family comes to
ball and volleyball games. They love to cheer * Exciting news! Congratulations to the Dis- watch.)
on their fellow students at these events, as trict 3 Middle School Honor Choir members,
Logan Blackburn (tenor), Alex Welch (bass),
well as members of the band who play on
Emma Cross (alto), and Mariah
the teams.
Graham (soprano)!
* They have also been working diligently on
concert pieces, and learning the skills needed to advance their musicianship. Songs
include a Suite from Bohemia, which stu-
Fall Band/Choir Concert!!!
Jr High Choir
HS Band
Activities Calendar
November 3
Fall Concert, HS & Jr. High Band and Choir
Jr. High Football at Dayton, 4:00 p.m.
November 4
Last Jr. High Football game at home vs Dayton,
4:00 p.m.
November 5
Last Day of the 1st Quarter
November 6
Teacher Workday, No School
November 7
Speech at Silverton
November 10
First Jr. High Girls Basketball of the season at
Sheridan, 3:45 p.m.
November 11
No School - Veteran's Day
November 12
AP World History Trip - Portland Art Museum
Jr. High Girls Basketball at Home vs Amity,
3:45 pm
November 13 & 14
Fall Play, 7:00 p.m.
November 16
First Day of Winter Sports practice
Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
November 17
Jr. High Girls Basketball at Dayton, 3:45 p.m.
November 18
1st Quarter PRIDE Awards Assembly
November 19
Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:00-8:00 p.m.
Jr. High Girls Basketball at Home vs Gaston, 3:45
November 20
No School, Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00
a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Open Scrimmage Boys & Girls Basketball, 6:00
November 21
Speech at Glencoe
November 24
Jr. High Girls Basketball at Home vs Perrydale,
3:45 p.m.
Meet the Bobcats
Come Meet the 2015-16
Bobcat Basketball Teams!
You are invited to watch the
Boys and Girls basketball teams
Friday Nov. 20th at 6pm.
Admission is $5 and all proceeds
will be split between the boys
and girls basketball programs.
Come support our teams and
get an early look at the
excitement we will be bringing
to the gym this winter!
Nestucca Valley School District
participates in the National
School Lunch Program (NSLP) and
School Breakfast Program (SBP).
Students may be eligible to
receive Free or Reduced
breakfast and lunch.
Nestucca Valley School District
can not participate in the Special
Milk Program while operating the
NSLP and SBP. Any student who
purchases an individual milk,
regardless of their meal
eligibility, will be charged $.50
for the milk.
If you have any questions
regarding this notice, please
contact Liz Kellow at the District
Office. 503-392
-4892, Ext.
A note from Coach Amy Elder
Although this was a rebuilding season, losing
six starters from last year, we finished our
season in a district playoff game and had two
players win all league awards.
Willow Wood received 2nd team all league
and Thelma Chavarin received honorable
We had a young team this season and are
looking forward to having four returning
starters next year !
Substitute bus drivers are needed, with a
starting wage of $14.13 per hour. These
drivers are needed quite often, so this is
fairly steady work. If you are interested in
finding out more information, please contact
Jerry Boisa at (503) 392-3194 x131.
School Conferences and NO SCHOOL Days
Nestucca Jr/ Sr High School Conferences are as follows:
School all day Thursday, November 19th, Conferences 4-8pm
NO SCHOOL Friday November 20th, Conferences 8am to Noon
NO SCHOOL Friday November 6th
NO SCHOOL Wednesday November 11th
NO SCHOOL Friday November 20th
NO SCHOOL Wed/Thur/Fri November 25th, 26th, 27th
Youth Transition Program
Welcome Back! With school under way and students back in classes. Nestucca High School Youth Transition
WOW Club has been very busy. The year has just begun and they are already in full swing. Thanks to all who
made it possible to clean the Nestucca's Grandstands, before our BIG game against the Knappa Loggers. 46-0
win WOW!
WOW Club meets twice a month during lunch. The club is student ran peer-group, improving the community
by increasing communication between local clubs & supporting each other.
It was a successful Outdoor School Science Program this Fall. We had ten students volunteered, went
through student counselor training. Counselors went the last week of September to Camp Westwind
with our Nestucca Elementary Sixth Graders.
Looking ahead to the October 31st Cape Kiawanda Community Center
is hosting a Halloween Carnival from 6:00 P.m - 9 P.m. Nestucca
Students will work and volunteer to help run games, face painting &
fun cake walk! It will be Spook -Ta -cular!
Mission Statement: Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is
progress, working together is success.
The Wildcat way
Parents and Friends,
The end of the first nine weeks is approaching, which means report cards will soon be ready. Parent
teacher conferences are being scheduled now. There will be no school on Thursday November 19 because
of parent/teacher conferences. Conferences will run from 8:00am to 8:00pm on Thursday and from
8:00am to 12:00pm on Friday November 20th. We strive to have 100% of our parents attend the Fall parent
teacher conferences. These meetings are very important to the success of your child. Please look for the
blue form that was sent home in the October 23, “Friday Folder” and schedule a time to come talk about
your child.
Recently, The Oregon Department of Education released, all schools, state report cards. Our report card
can be found on our website. If you find yourself having questions concerning the NVES school report
card, I welcome you to please contact me. I can quickly summarize our report card by stating it was a
great year of growth for all NVES students.
This year students will have school during the week of Thanksgiving. November 23rd-24th, Monday and
Tuesday, students will attend school. The Thanksgiving holiday break begins on Wednesday November 25,
Once again Mike, Shelly and Marlene Trent purchased a pumpkin for every student in our school. Thank
you Trent family. Also a big thank you to Tony and Sue Hancock for donating pumpkins to our front door
display and to Rose Wharton for decorating the front entry.
I look forward to seeing each of you at parent teacher conferences!
Misty Wharton
[email protected]
503 392 3435 Ext. 302
Friday - November 6th
Wednesday - November 11th
Thursday & Friday - November 19th & 20th
Wed/Thurs/Fri - November 25th, 26th, 27th
Halloween Carnival
Saturday October 31st 4-7pm
Hello NVSD!
I hope everyone can bring their little ghosts and goblins out to enjoy this event. The Fire Department will be joining
us and selling a little hot dog meal. The P.I.E. group will also have a bake sale table to help pay for this free event.
The P.I.E. group has put a lot of hard work into this carnival and we have
gotten a lot of awesome community members and older student volunteers that will be joining us to help out.
I want to say thank you to all our volunteers and to my hardworking P.I.E group, you're the best!
*So come join us on October 31st from 4-7pm, and lets make this a night
these kids will always remember.*
Mr. Christensen, Mr. Holloway, Ms. Cabral and 38 sixth grade students attended NWRESD
Outdoor Science School from Tuesday September 29, 2015 through Friday October 2,
2015. Outdoor School was held at beautiful Camp Westwind which is set at the mouth
of the Salmon River. The Nestucca students and staff were at Outdoor School with
students from Sauvie Island Charter School. The students, along with having camp style
fun, learned about the unique environment in which we all live, work and play.
While at Outdoor School some of the things students were able to study was the water
shed, aquatic species, tides, tide pools, soils and plants. Students stayed in cabin groups
with high school counselors and enjoyed working together to contribute to each other's
camp experience. Students assisted in serving meals, cleaning the camp site, and making
sure other tasks were taken care of. Every night there was a campfire where all of the
students learned songs presented skits and generally had fun.
The NWRESD staff did a wonderful job working with the students from Nestucca and
were excellent educators who made the camp experience even more fun. When asked
about Outdoor School Mr. Holloway said, "Outdoor School is a truly unique and
irreplaceable educational experience for our sixth grade students. I am glad each of our
students had an opportunity to participate in outdoor school, it was a fun time for our
Meet Miss Sarah, from Food Corps,! Sarah comes in weekly
to teach our students standards based garden
lessons. This week she made Carrot Top Pesto with the
kids. They really loved it! Watch for our December
Newsletter with more information and a note from Sarah!
Diane Wilkinson, Director
30720 US 101 S.
Hebo, OR 97122
(503) 392-4449
Update from the Nestucca Valley Early Learning Center: Adventist Health is offering a FLU
CLINIC here on Tuesday, November 3rd from 3:00-5:00. Families welcome, insurance will be
billed, or it is $20 per person. Cedar Creek Preschool has a Starry Night Wine and Painting
fundraiser coming up on Friday, November 13th. Tickets are $50 each and spots are limited!
We are still looking for SMART readers starting November 17th every Tuesday from 10-11. Go
to to fill out an application. Don't forget- when school is closed Cedar Creek is here for those ages 0-12 years! We do not offer drop-in care, but fill out a registration packet on our website and call the center at least a week ahead to be sure there is
room! We are only closed November 26th and 27th- open all other days Monday-Friday 7am6pm. The Nestucca Valley Head Start program is in full swing, beginning Art Literacy and the
Book Mobile this month, as well as a field trip to the library! There is NO SCHOOL at Head
Start on Wednesday November 11th or the 26th and 27th.
Be sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook at CedarCreekChildCareCenter to see all of the activity!
We’ve got Spirit, how about you?
Photos from Spirit Week at NVES
We are Committed at NVSD
We are committed to preparing all students for success in college and career.
We know that whether they want to go to college or straight into the workplace, our students need to be able
to think critically and solve complex problems. Ensuring that our students have these tools empowers
parents and students, because it gives them the ability to make choices about their future and make the
most of their opportunities.
The student test results released this fall mark a new baseline that enables all of us to know where students
stand on their path to success.
These results measure the academic goals laid out in our college and career ready standards aimed at preparing
students with the skills and knowledge they need.
The assessment scores this year should not be compared to previous scores. As with any change, there is a
period of adjustment as teachers and students get used to the new standards and tests.
The new assessments replaced our previous end-of-year test OAKS (Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and
Skills). It is a much better, more accurate tool for educators, students, and parents as we work together to
prepare students for success in the 21st century.
It’s already working for students and teachers—more young people are prepared for success. The results set a
new baseline, and we will see scores increase over time.
For example, in Kentucky, the first state to begin using the Common Core State Standards, the
percentage of high school graduates ready for college and career has increased from 34 percent to
62 percent in four years.
Across the district, our students are performing
above state averages, confirming that we’re on the right track to setting all students up for success.
We are continuing to support teachers across the district through professional development on College and
Career-Ready Standards and the new assessments so that they can further strengthen instruction, and help
students who may be struggling and need additional assistance.
For the past 5 years, our educators have been working hard to help all of our students rise to the challenge set
by our new academic goals. We applaud their efforts and will continue to find ways to support them.
Teachers are the experts about what is happening in their classrooms and are an invaluable resource for
parents. I encourage parents to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) with any questions you may have about
your child’s score report or academic trajectory.
Superintendent David Phelps