41 - Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
41 - Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Notes 802 Limnol. Oceanogr., 4 l(4), 1996, 802-809 0 1996, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Interannual variability of a salt-marsh ecosystem Abstract-Data from Great Sippewissett Salt Marsh are used to gauge the extent of change of Spartina aZternzj7ora marsh during periods of several to 22 yr. Our data all relate to plant production: from aboveground, maximum plant biomass measured over the entire period; from belowground, live root and rhizome biomass measured in 1974 and 1983, CO, evolution from the sediments for 7 yr, and pore-water concentrations of dissolved sulfide for 6 yr. All the measures indicated a relatively low degree of interannual change in salt-marsh areas vegetated by talland short-form S. aZtern$ora.The similarity in both plant and biogeochemical parameters between years is likely related to the regular, high-frequency tidal flooding of grass stands. These interannual comparisons of each quantified parameter support the contention that measurements made in any single year can be applied to other years with suitable precautions to account for seasonal cycles. Our data also illustrate the importance of long time series for establishing sound correlations in environmental data. Understanding the degree of interannual change in ecosystems is important for both ecological theory and the practical study of ecosystems. In planning studies of ecosystem function and structure, it is generally necessary to know the extent to which observations made in a given year are applicable to those made in other years. Even in relatively simple systems, it is often impossible to investigate all the necessary components simultaneously. The construction of ecosystem models usually requires integration of diverse data sets collected over many years (Kremer and Nixon 1978; Cammen et al. 1982). Studies of succession require periods comparable to the life cycles of the dominant organisms (Reiners 1992). As Krebs (1991, p.7) pointed out: All ecologists favor long-term studies. . . . But, like other scientists, ecologists prefer to do experimental work. . . . We must combine these two approaches to solve the major ecological questions. Unfortunately, given the realities of ecological research, interannual variations are often assumed to be small based only upon available qualitative indicators such as species composition. In 25 yr of mostly experimental study of Great Sippewissett Marsh (GSM), Falmouth, Massachusetts we have also collected quantitative, long-term data that address the question of the degree of temporal change in this salt-marsh ecosystem. Our primary focus is to determine the level of interannual variation in basic parameters relating to the production of individual stands of Spartina alterniflora. We do not examine the spectrum of spatial variation across the marsh. One confounding feature in assessing temporal trends of north-temperate marshes is the strong seasonal variation in almost all major ecological parameters (Jass- by and Powell 1990). We have attempted to circumvent this problem by analyzing annual cycles and using em- pirically determined maxima. Salt marshes subject to extreme changes in conditions, such as large changes in salinity due to infrequent flooding or extreme alterations in freshwater flows or high rates of rise in relative sea level, can show significant interannual alterations in productivity. Over longer periods, the plant species composition in such marshes may also change drastically. Even in marshes with relatively constant external forcing (primarily by tides), large interannual variations in plant production and community structure can be produced on scales of meters by periodic accumulations of wrack (Pethick 1974; Hartman et al. 1983; Valiela et al. 1985). Our results from GSM are representative of the more typical conditions of the larger expanses of coastal marshes, where hydrologic conditions are relatively constant and wrack accumulations are generally confined to the marsh-upland boundary-a marsh where, if there is “constancy” among years, we should find it. Our findings should be representative of coastal marshes with regular flooding and moderate rates of sealevel rise. Long-term biological data sets for which data quality is known and consistent sampling has been conducted are relatively scarce for coastal ecosystems (Wolfe et al. 1987). We report on a series of such measurements made in short and creekbank Spartina marsh. The assays all relate to production of S. aZternz$ora, the dominant macrophyte of regularly flooded intertidal salt marshes along the Atlantic coast. Measurements included aboveground plant biomass (harvest and plant height), belowground live root and rhizome biomass, and belowground CO2 evolution and dissolved sulfide concentration. These parameters are all aspects or results of the carbon cycle of the salt marsh. The aboveground biomass results extend for more than two decades while underground biomass data are from 1974 and 1983. CO, efflux and sulfide concentrations were measured for 6 yr. Much of the plant biomass data is calculated from plant height measurements made once a year in early autumn, and these measurements are proportional to maximum standing crop. Seasonal studies of the patterns of growth and decay of Spartina have been presented previously (Valiela et al. 1975, 1976; Howes et al. 1984). Measurements of CO2 and sulfide were made at intervals through the active season to encompass seasonal variations, which are mostly temperature controlled (Kaplan et al. 1977; Howes et al. 1985a), and comparisons were made of the maxima in each year. All the marsh parameters were measured at GSM, which our group has studied since 1970. The marsh sites include the two 3 lo-m2 experimental control sites for our fertilization studies (Valiela et al. 1975) as well as other comparable “short Spartina” sites. These sites are occupied Notes by S. alterniflora of -30 cm in height. The sites are intertidal, normally flooded l-2 times per day, are ~2 m from the nearest creekbank, and have highly reduced sediments and poor drainage (Howes et al. 1986). Additional measures of maximum plant height and biomass came from “creekbank marsh” -S. alterniflora growing on the banks of the tidal creeks from the control (N = 2) and fertilized plots (N = 12). The data for creekbank Spartina height are comparable to the control data because fertilization has no effect on the biomass of creekbank Spartina (Valiela et al. 1978). The data for aboveground biomass of S. aherniflora are from calculated total living and dead biomass from an empirically derived relationship between the harvested dry weight and measurement of the 10 tallest nonflowering plants in a sample and from harvested dry weight (60°C) of the maximum standing crop of living and dead biomass produced that year. Measurements were made on duplicate, randomly placed 0.1 -m2 quadrats taken within each marsh type in each plot. The relationship between measured and calculated biomass was determined by weekly sampling through the 1983 growing season to find the maximum biomass and plant height (within samples). A linear regression gave an adequate estimate of biomass for Spar- tina: gm-2 803 goor, 800 , - , , , , , , A , , Short , , , Spartina / , , , , ,7 alterniflora 600 0) '6 500 PO h 4 400 300 0 control -overall 2 mean 01 “““““““““‘1’ 71 2000 73 , 75 , , 77 , , ( 79 ( , 81 , B 83 , , Tall , 85 , , Spartina 87 , , 69 , , 91 , I I alterniflora El a control 0l”“““““““““‘I 71 73 75 77 / DlOtS 79 81 83 85 87 69 91 Year = 93.6 + 11.6 x cm where cm is the average height of the 10 tallest nonflowering plants in the sample (r2 = 0.83, N = 105). A smaller set of measurements from earlier years did not show a significantly different relationship (data not shown). We also have periodic comparisons of harvested and calculated maximum biomass throughout the two decades. A paired t-test of these Spartina data from creekbank (P = 0.6, N = 23) and short-form (I’ = 0.3, N = 40) marsh areas indicated no significant difference between harvest and calculated biomass numbers. The relation between maximum biomass and total grass productivity in GSM was discussed by Valiela et al. (1975) and for other marshes by Roman and Daiber (1984), Shew et al. (198 l), and Kaswadji et al. (1990). We sampled for living roots and rhizomes with 6.5cm-diameter cores to depths >20 cm, below which there was no living plant tissue (Valiela et al. 1976). Roots and rhizomes were separated by hand, dried, and weighed, and their carbon content was measured with a PerkinElmer CHN elemental analyzer. The 1983 data are from triplicate cores. CO2 losses through the sediment surface were measured with field and laboratory techniques in which cores and bell jars were used to isolate sediment samples and collect gases for analysis by gas chromatography (Howes et al. 1985a). These data do not include plant respiration except for root respiration that did not take place through aerenchyma. Data at each sampling are from three marsh sites, with 3-6 cores taken per site. Sulfide concentrations were measured with pore-water sippers. Samples were fixed in the field and handled and analyzed according to Howes et al. (1985 b) to prevent errors due to sulfide loss or oxidation. Precipitation data are from the University , Fig. 1. Maximum aboveground biomass of Spartina alternifora at Great Sippewissett Marsh. A. Short S. alterniflora in control plots. B. Tall S. alterniflora from control plots and from experimentally fertilized plots. of Massachusetts Cranberry Experiment Station at the head of Buzzards Bay, -20 km north of the study marsh. Water and air temperatures and solar radiation are from Woods Hole, at the other end of the bay, -7 km south of the marsh. Monthly mean sea-level data are from the NOAA database for the tide station at Woods Hole. We used deviations from the 60-yr trend averaged from June to August. Aboveground, maximum living and dead biomass in our short Spartina plots varied from 383 to 523 g m-2 in control stand 1, similar to the range for control stand 2 (342-5 10 g me2) (Fig. 1A). There was no significant trend to the time series in either stand; even adjacent years showed no significant (P < 0.05) autocorrelation. Control 1 produced - 8.5% more biomass than control 2 -a statistically but probably not biogeochemically significant difference considering that most of the Spartina production passes through the detritus pathway. The coefficients of variation, 10% for control 1 and 9% for control 2, were not significantly different (P < 0.05, T-test) from each other. S. alterniflora production, plant height and density, is controlled principally by nitrogen supply (Valiela et al. 1978). Nitrogen supply in marshes with high organic sediment is controlled principally by sediment redox (Morris 1980; Howes et al. 198 l), which is controlled by air entry into the sediment as a result of drainage and(or) evapo- Notes 804 7200 I I I I3 fl 7150 3ii 4 4 P 0 2 A -Q 6950 M .r( $ 6900 I I I I I I I 0 June, July, August I I - I I l I I l l , l 89 90 1930 to 1990 trend 7100 7050 7000 6850 71 I I I I I I I 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 I 79 I I I I 80 81 82 83 I I, 84 85 86 l , 87 88 Year Fig. 2. Mean monthly tides at Woods Hole plotted relative to datum of 1972. The values for June-August are highlighted with circles. The solid line is the regression on mean annual levels from 1930 to 1990. transpiration (Howes et al. 1986). Low sediment redox in salt marshes results primarily from the accumulation of dissolved sulfide produced by microbial sulfate reduction in the surficial sediments. Other factors also affect a00 32 “: E! w Radiation, 700 - 700 600 28 500 - 650 011 0V 400 'fi 24- 7 600 300 2 i a00 “: El 1600 w 1400 I I .---- I I I I I1 May to July I I I I, rain 1 I I I I I 35 -80 30 - 70 0 Biomass 25 2z 1200 - I50 fl - 50 E! 20 15 $4oj 1000 : a00 !i .A P 600 1* 400 rl 200 - 30 r, 10 t - 6 mean OLI”“““““““I~I '7 1 ‘73 ‘75 5 sea level - 20 -10 JO ‘77 ‘79 ‘81 ‘83 ‘85 ‘87 ‘89 ‘91” Fig. 3. Top- maximum aboveground biomasses (mean of two sites) plotted with June-August solar radiation at ground level, and June-August mean air and water temperatures. Bottom - mean maximum aboveground biomass for unfertilized creekbank marsh (mean of two sites) plotted with May-July rainfall and mean sea-level deviations from the 1930-l 990 trend for June to August. plant production (e.g. salinity, Nestler 1977; Morris et al. 1990). The net result of all these factors is that short Spartina is stunted by a high water table leading to low redox from sulfide accumulation that reduces nitrogen uptake; creekbank stands approach potential growth maxima as controlled by initial nitrogen supply, light, and temperature. We compared variations in aboveground height in tall and short stands of S. alterniflora with meteorological data (precipitation, air and water temperatures, and incident solar radiation) and with variations in local sea level during the two decades of study. These comparisons were first made on individual study plots and then on the means of replicate plots using the number of years to derive the degrees of freedom in the analyses. Visual inspection of Fig. 1A suggests a correlation between the variations in short Spartina biomass in the two plots, especially during the early 1980s. If a relation between environmental conditions and biomass is to be found, it should be most evident during those years. We examined a number of environmental factors summed or averaged over various time periods during the growing season to see whether there was any clear indication of such a relationship. The tide data (Fig. 2) illustrate both the smaller variability in monthly average levels in summer compared with the entire year and the difference between measuring monthly deviations from the rising long-term mean vs. the absolute datum. Of the possible correlations with peak Spartina biomass from either a logical consideration or visual inspection of the data, the most likely were monthly (June-August) mean tidal deviations from the mean long-term trend (June-August solar radiation, air temperature, and water temperature) and May-July rainfall (Fig. 3). These factors were chosen because Spartina grows in air but is regularly flooded by tides, so air and water temperatures affect it, as does 805 Notes Table 1. Regression statistics for tall (creekbank) and short (inland) Spartina alterniflora maximum environmental factors 197 l-l 99 1. Tall Mean sea level, Jun-Aug Air (“C), Jun-Aug Solar radiation, Jun-Aug Water (“C), Jun-Aug Rain, May-Jul aboveground biomass and Short Sign of relation r2 PC Sign of relation r2 P-c + 0.296 0.020 0.050 0.018 0.044 0.07 0.71 0.44 0.66 0.46 + + - 0.105 0.079 0.000 0.022 0.00 1 0.10 0.22 0.40 0.52 0.87 sunlight. Tidal deviations affect sediment oxidation. Rain dilutes the salinity of surface marsh sediments, and Spartina grows better at lower salinities. Rain is distributed fairly uniformly throughout the year on average (average annual total during the study period was 1,229 mm). We tried both annual and growing season precipitation. We first analyzed only the 198 1-1991 decade because these data covered the period during which most of the other carbon cycle parameters were measured. Within this subset of data, we could predict 64% (adjusted r2, stepwise multiple regression) of the variability in mean maximum standing crop biomass of the two plots from average water temperatures during the growing season (P = 0.01) and June through August total radiation (P = O.OOS),both positive correlations. Upon obtaining these results, we expanded the analysis to include the environmental data from the previous decade. When we analyzed the full 22 yr, the multiple regression model was not significant (adjusted r2 = -3%). None of the analyses done separately on either one of the plots for the entire period showed any significant correlations with the environmental variables (Table 1). It is possible that controlling factors changed over the study period or that the significant correlations found in the first analysis were simply spurious (i.e. when enough correlations are tried a posterior-i, some will eventually show a significant correlation merely by chance). For creekbank marsh, we have data from both control and fertilized plots (Fig. 1B) for the 15 yr from 1977 to 1992. As with the short grass areas, there were no significant temporal trends or autocorrelations among years. In addition, we found no differences between the control and the fertilized plots except for a slightly greater variability in the control plots (control C.V. = 16%; fertilized C.V. = 11%). Unlike the more inland marsh, creekbank marsh does not show a consistent increase in biomass with fertilization (Valiela et al. 1978). The smaller interannual variability of maximum biomass suggested in the data from the fertilized vs. control creekbank stands is consistent with the hypothesis that adding nitrogen reduces one source of variation by assuring that nitrogen uptake by the plants can remain at the physiologically maximum level, manifesting itself as less variable biomass accumulation (Valiela et al. 1975, 1978). Correlation analysis performed over the 15-yr period on the creekbank data from the control plots revealed a margin- ally significant negative correlation between deviations in mean sea-level rise and maximum standing crop (P = 0.067, r = 0.55). The 1974 root and rhizome biomass data were reported in dry weight units by Valiela et al. ( 1976); we converted these data to carbon using the oven-dried root and rhizome material archived for carbon analysis. Carbon is a more accurate estimator of production than dry weight, and the seasonal picture is more clearly defined. The standard errors for the 1983 dry weights averaged -45% of the means (data not shown) compared with the carbon values, which had standard errors that averaged 2 1% of the means. This difference is likely due to inorganic material (e.g. iron), which remains associated with the roots and which, because of its relatively high density, increases the variability observed in dry weight. The seasonality of root and rhizome biomass was similar in 1974 and 1983, and biomass was slightly (not statistically significant) higher in 1983 (870 vs. 1,020 g m-2 respectively). Aboveground biomass varied in the opposite direction (50 1 vs. 370 g m-2). In 1983 there was a deviation from the longterm mean sea-level trend (71 mm) that was near the maximum observed during our 20-yr study period; the 1974 value was near the minimum (28 mm) (Figs. 2 and 3). These data suggest there might be a response to flooding frequency whereby more plant resources go into roots with greater flooding. A flooding response is consistent with the observation that the ratio of roots to shoots is lower in the better drained creekbank marsh than in the short Spartina marsh (Valiela et al. 1976) and with the finding that the root: shoot ratio varies with nitrogen availability (Morris 1980). Because S. alterniflora, like most perennial grasses, translocates and stores photosynthate during winter to support initial growth the following spring, we examined the relationship of each year’s aboveground growth relative to the previous year. No significant relationship was observed for the 20 yr of study, possibly due to the relatively small amount of roots and rhizomes that overwinter in north-temperate marshes (White and Howes 1994). CO2 efflux data from the marsh surface were collected for a period of 7 yr (Fig. 4). In each year, measurements were made in August-September, with seasonal measurements in some years to show the annual cycle. We have not attempted to draw a curve through the points, Notes 806 0.4 / I I I I I I I .... ..“. A Mar May Jun Jul Aug Sep act Nov I , 30 0 1978 E 0 v 1979 1980 E u v 0 1981 1982 n 1983 Dee J 25 2 Jan Fig. 4. CO, flux from the short Spartina marsh surface. For comparison, the mean water temperature is shown by the curve. Each point represents the average of 4-8 replicates from three different short Spartina alterniflora sites, C.V. < 10%. but we do include a curve of mean water temperature over most of the same period to illustrate the general relationship (Fig. 4). The increasing CO, flux lagged behind temperature increase in spring, increased faster than temperature as plant senescence began in late summer, and dropped in proportion to temperature in autumn (Howes et al. 1985a). In any one sampling, the variation 0 0 v Jun 0 Aug 1 1963 1984 1985 v 0 n 1986 1989 1991 Dee 2 mM 3 Dissolved 4 5 6 Sulfide Fig. 5. Sulfide concentrations (f SE) in short Spartina alternzjZoramarsh sediments measured during the 2 weeks around 1 September. 1983 datum is the mean of three sites on three dates; 1984-three sites, one date; 1985 -two sites, four dates; 1986-two sites, three dates; 1989 -three sites, one date; 199 lone site, one date. Inset gives seasonal changes for 1984 at four depths (O-2 cm, l - 5 cm, V- 10 cm, v- 20 cm), showing that the relative constancy between years is not a result of lack of seasonal change. in efflux was small (< 10%). Sampling was always at low tide during the same stage of the lunar tidal cycle. It appears that the composite seasonal cycle is relatively constant regardless of the subsample of the data that comprises it. Dissolved sulfide concentration in marsh sediments changes greatly through the seasons in relation to the production of sulfide in the anoxic, belowground decomposition cycle (Valiela et al. 1976) and sulfide reoxidation (Howes et al. 1984). We have most of an annual cycle in short Spartina marsh for 1984 and analyses from the period around 1 September in 1983, 1985, 1986, 1989, and 199 1, which are not distinguishable statistically from those for 1984 (Fig. 5). In salt marshes, there is a close coupling between sediment conditions (nutrient uptake, oxidation-reduction potential, sulfide concentration, salinity) and plant production (Howes et al. 1986; Koch et al. 1990; Morris and Haskin 1990). This coupling may play a role in the relatively low interannual variation in both aboveground plant biomass and dissolved sulfate levels. Overall, the correlations were weak between aboveground biomass of both short- and tall-form S. alterniJlora and various regional environmental variables: rainfall, air and water temperatures, solar radiation, and sealevel deviations from the 60-yr trend. In all cases, ~30% of the interannual variation was described (Table 1). These results seem to contrast with a detailed 5-yr study of a South Carolina salt marsh, in which interannual differences in July and August absolute sea level were found to be strongly and positively related to annual production of Spartina (Morris and Haskin 1990; the regression in our data was negative). The basis for the relationship is believed to be that decreased flooding frequency results in elevated interstitial salinities to the point where plant growth is inhibited. Notes Table 2. Interannual Marsh. 807 statistics for the parameters measured during the 22 yr of study of Spartina alterniflora in Great Sippewissett Short Spartina biomass (g m-“) Creekbank biomass (g m-2) Aug CO, production (mol m-2 d-l) Aug sulfide concn at 5 cm (mM) Belowground biomass (g C m-2) N (v) Mean SD C.V. (%) Range of annual means 22 15 6 6 2 440 1,260 0.29 3.71 946 32 140 0.018 0.48 75 7.3 11.0 6.4 12.9 7.9 370-50 1 1,023-l ,623 0.27-0.32 2.94.5 872-1,021 There are, however, major differences between the South Carolina and Massachusetts marshes that provide insight into additional complexities in the relationship between salt-marsh production and variations in meteorology or sea-level rise. First, there was almost a 1O-cm interannual sea-level variation in South Carolina compared with only 7 cm in Massachusetts. More important is that interstitial salinities in GSM short S. alterniflora marsh are much lower than in South Carolina and do not reach a level at which salinity has an important inhibitory effect (Howes et al. 1986). De Leeuw et al. (1990) reported a negative correlation between aboveground production and rainfall deficit that they believed was due to changes in soil conditions, but all of their synchronously varying communities were higher in the intertidal zone than ours and flooded much less frequently. Therefore, one might expect that the soil salinity and moisture content of their communities would show a much greater weather influence than would be the case in our marsh. Furthermore, although we have seen an apparent “greening” of the marsh following rain (Valiela et al. 1976), experimental watering with freshwater did not increase aboveground biomass (Valiela et al. 1982). It appears that year-to-year changes in production in more frequently flooded salt-marsh areas may be less susceptible to variations in sea-level rise. The l-2 times daily flooding of GSM may have removed the potential for the salinity-sea-level interaction that seems to mediate productivity in the short Spartina marsh in South Carolina. However, increased sea levels increase both the flood duration and frequency. Because sediment oxidation in short Spartina marsh is generally controlled by water-table excursion as controlled by the extent of water removal between tides (Howes and Teal 1994; Howes et al. 1986), increased flooding may negatively affect production by decreasing sediment oxidation. The best correlations of peak biomass of both tall- and short-form Spartina were with sea-level deviations, with increasing sea levels having a negative effect on biomass (Table 1). As might be expected from the reliance of creekbank sediment oxidation on pore-water drainage facilitating air entry, the negative effect of increased sea levels was greater in creekbank than in inland grass areas. S. alterniflora is generally restricted to the intertidal zone, so large increases in flooding can result in conversion to open water and decreases to a shift in dominant plant species. With moderate sea-level rise, areas vegetated by S. alternijlora maintain their elevation through accretion of plant organic matter and trapped inorganic particles. Although on average sea level is rising each year, in any given year the average level may be higher or lower than the previous year (Fig. 2). Thus, the effects of varying sea levels over the long term should ordinarily be considered in terms of deviations from the long-term trend as opposed to from a fixed datum, as was done by Morris and Haskin (1990). At GSM during the study period, the average sea-level rise has been -5 cm, similar to estimated marsh accretion (Orson and Howes 1992). The effect is that sea level relative to marsh surface elevation (on average) has been constant, whereas relative to a fixed datum, both have risen. Our other biogeochemical indicators are more closely coupled to underground processes but still intimately connected with Spartina ecology. Aboveground production supplies the organic matter that is translocated underground and forms the plant tissues in that part of the system. When these tissues die, they become a part of the peat, are removed from the marsh, or are decomposed in place. Decomposition to CO2 accounts for at least 80% of belowground production (Howes et al. 1985a). Most of this decomposition occurs in the first year, so that while COZ production is affected by production in previous years, the effect is very small (Howes et al. 1985a; Valiela et al. 1985; White and Howes 1994). Most of the sediment is anoxic, so sulfate reduction accounts for a large part of belowground decomposition. The concentration of the sulfide so produced is controlled by the balance between production (highest during autumn when the grasses are senescing and soil temperatures are still high) and consumption by oxidation (which brings the concentrations down again in spring and early summer, Howes et al. 1984). By whatever pathway the plant parts decompose, they produce COZ, which eventually passes to the atmosphere or is to a small extent reabsorbed by growing plants. The production of CO2 is the best measure available to us of the integrated biological activity within the marsh sediments (Howes et al. 1985a). The concentrations of sulfide, the flux of CO2 to the air, and the biomass of parts of living and dead plants belowground all have annual cycles. The comparison values in a given year with the values at a similar point in the annual cycle in other years gives a measure of temporal variability (C.V. between years) within the saltmarsh system. For the data with measured annual cycles, we used the data from the end of August to the beginning of September for comparison. For sulfide, we chose the 5-cm-depth level, which is where the roots are most active. The variation at greater depths was slightly less and 808 Notes -2% greater at the 2-m level, as might be expected because some oxygen penetrates to this depth (Howes et al. 1986). The C.V. is about + 10% (Table 2), equivalent to the variability between sites. The ranges of values are considerably larger, especially for the creekbank marsh. The variability in short Spartina stands in GSM is comparable to that found in the aboveground standing crop measured in a Japanese IBP (Int. Biol. Program) grassland for all species (11.2%), although the dominant Miscanthus sinensis showed a C.V. of 15.9% (Shimada et al. 1975). Variations in productivity in terrestrial grasslands are strongly related to variations in rainfall (Figueroa and Davy 199 1; McNaughton 1985). Stability in these systems is related to diversity, with the explanation that with greater diversity, there are more likely to be species present that can thrive during environmental perturbations and compensate for those competitors that cannot (Tilman and Downing 1994). In contrast, regularly flooded salt marshes, like GSM, are well watered and have a low diversity of higher plants. These are “highly connected ecosystems” that need fewer species to be stable and have more resilient populations and a more persistent composition, but are more likely to lose species if one species is removed (see Pimm 1984). The nature of the short Spartina salt-marsh system is determined by the regular tidal inundation it experiences and the resulting salinity, high sulfide, and low redox conditions that limit the plants that can thrive there to a single species. We believe that the reproducibility of the cycles described here for the periods during which they were studied demonstrates a degree of invariance within the short Spartina part of the salt-marsh system that is driven by regular tidal inundation and that justifies considering any year comparable to another within the bounds of our abilities to measure marsh processes. The variability in the plants is about the same as that in CO, and S2-, but the degree to which this is the result of cause and effect or simply of similar random variation is unknown. The effects of interannual variations in aboveground biomass (plant height) on consumers in the marsh, especially insects feeding directly on the standing plants, is potentially significant and requires further study. Although we believe that the average variation (of the order of + 10%) can be biologically significant, as an interannual variation it is small relative to our ability to describe the biogeochemistry of this system at this level of long-term effort. John M. Teal Brian L. Howes Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Acknowledgments We thank M. Taylor, D. Goehringer, S. Brown-Leger, R. Van Etten, and N. Persson for field assistance and A. Gifford and D. Gifford for use of their salt-marsh property. I. Valiela deserves special thanks for his active participation in earlier phases of this research and for discussions since its beginning. The References L. M., U. BLUM, E. D. SENECA, AND L. M. STROIJD. 1982. Energy flow in a North Carolina salt marsh: A synthesis of experimental and published data. Am. Sot. Microbiol. Bull. 29: 111-134. DE LEEUW, J., H. OLFF, AND J. P. BAKKER. 1990. 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Submitted: 24 May 1994 Accepted: 7 November 1995 Amended: 14 February 1996 Errata In the article by Chandy and Greene (July 1995: Vol. 40, No. 5), the regression equations (p. 950) for Pseudocalanus and Acartia should ready = 0.141~ - 4.75 and y = 0.13x + 1.24, and the slopes from these regressions should read y = 0.33x + 5.89 for P. newmani and y = 0.66x + 2.25 for A. Zongiremis. It thus follows (p. 953) that for the Acartia experiments E = 0.33 h-l from the regression slope and for the Pseudocalanus experiments E = 0.66 h-l from the regression slope.