Hospitaller Newsletter - March 2005


Hospitaller Newsletter - March 2005
Volume I Number IV
Newsletter of the St. Joseph Commandery of The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller
March 2005
By H.E. Bailiff William E. Peacock,GCSJ and H.E. Bailiff Glen McLaughlin, GCSJ, MMSJ
By Chevalier Laurence C. Hernandez, KCSJ
Dear Knights & Dames, Squires & Demoiselles,
Dear Knights & Dames, Squires & Demoiselles,
One of the great advantages of having a democracy in an organization such
as our ancient, chivalric Sovereign Order of St.John, is that we proudly trace
not only our history back nearly a thousand years but also the orderly succession of our elected leaders. Glen McLaughlin was elected Prior in 2003
to succeed Owen Brown who became Grand Commander and Chair of the
Petit Conseil. Glen McLaughlin carried over the Owen Brown's appointment of Bill Peacock as Vice
Chancellor, essentially the
deputy to the Prior. Because of
such long and close working
relationships, we experience
seamless transitions, and the
health or our Priory is thus
It is an honor to have been elected Commander of the St. Joseph
Commandery. Those who have preceded me in this position have set a high
standard for service and commitment to the Order, and I will strive to maintain it. I look forward to working with all of you to continue our service to
those less fortunate.
Glen McLaughlin has presided
over the last three Investitures
during which the Priory of the
Western United States grew
from 136 to 186 Members as of
the recent and beautiful event at
Grace Cathedral. Under Glen's
leadership, Bill Barnsdale of the San Francisco Commandery and Don
Watson of St. Francis (Military) Commandery moved ahead significantly
both in Membership and fund raising. San Francisco's newly elected
Commander, Bill Stein, inherits a vibrant Commandery, and all of us thank
Bill Barnsdale for a job well done. Meanwhile, Bill Peacock, as Commander
of St. Joseph Commandery, has bequeathed his former Vice Commander
and elected successor, Larry Hernandez, a total of 106 Members and a full
treasury of over $400,000 resulting from two fabulous Summer Garden
Parties and a separate additional fall effort that brought in over $200,000
counting a matching gift from the Sobrato Foundation.
Enough about your elected leadership: It is our Members who deserve the
heartfelt thanks of both the undersigned, the outgoing and the incoming
Prior, for your actions that so clearly recognize that the essence of success
for our charitable purpose to serve the Poor and sick in Christ: it is spelled
“PARTICIPATION.” Your involvement, however you choose to do so, is
the fulfillment of your oath as Knights and Dames, and you are to be commended on your commitment. Please keep it up!
Yours in St. John,
This issue of The Hospitaller focuses on the 2005
Investiture of Knights and Dames into the Priory
of the Western United States at Grace Cathedral in
San Francisco. Presided over by Grand Master,
Bob Brodie, the event invested twenty new
Knights and Dames into the Commanderies of
Saint Joseph, San Francisco and St. Francis. This
event also witnessed the confirmation of Bailiff Bill
Peacock as Prior of the Western United States. Bill
Stein's election was confirmed as he was inducted
as Commander of the San Francisco Commandery.
In matters related to our St. Joseph Commandery, our financial commitment of $300,000 to The San Juan Bautista Child Development Center is
all but completed, although the construction is not. The House on the Hill
contribution of $200,000 is also well on its way to closure, thanks to the
fabulous response of our Members to the challenge grant from The Sobrato
Foundation which we fulfilled in December. You are a dynamic and generous group.
Our able Almoner, John Jerrehian, is currently leading a review of future
potential recipients for support from our Order, and your ideas are welcome.
Again, it is an honor to have been chosen as your Commander. With your
help I know that we will continue to fulfill our mission of service to the sick
and poor in Christ.
Yours in St. John,
The Ch r istmas Ball
By Dame Sandra Farris, DCSJ
With lights glittering and twinkling on Nob Hill, the cable car
bells ringing and the night fresh and crisp, you could just feel
Christmas in the air. It was the perfect evening for the annual
Knights of St. John Christmas Ball, superbly chaired by Bill
The evening began with a cocktail reception. Spotted checking
out the silent auction items were Brookes and Owen Brown,
Joel Goodrich, Susan and Karl Lucas, Pat and Joseph
Townsend, Jill and John Jerrehian, Mark Calvano with
Kimberly Givsan, Kevan and Anita Del Grande with their
daughter, Alicia Sanguinetti, and her husband, Rick, and John
and Sue Sobrato.
Leading the 226 guests into the Peacock Court for dinner was
Piper Ian Sherwood wearing the traditional Scottish kilt. Bill
Peacock with Nancy Finan provided an informal receiving line
as the guests flowed into the ballroom.
Military medals were resplendently evident on the chests of
many, including Alan Blake, Chris L'Orange, Don Watson and
Merlin Davis, accompanied respectively by Barbara, Katherine
Korn, Sue Tognazzini, and Kathleen.
The room looked stunning with round tables set with centerpieces of holly, hydrangeas and red berries. Finding their places
for dinner were Ellen and Glen McLaughlin, Jill and Ernest
Cockrell, Nina and Ed Alvarez up from San Luis Obispo with
their good friends, Helen and Andy Pavicich, Caroline and
Colin Macnab, Bill Marr and Carol Bartz, LaDonn DuBois
with Carl Stoughton, Linda Olinger and Barbara and Dan
Mount. The dinner was deliciously chosen and arranged by Jan
Stein whose husband, Bill, will be the incoming Commander in
the San Francisco Commandery.
The live auction followed with auctioneer extraordinaire Larry
Chew getting high bids on the great items procured by Lynn
White. Pam and John Stringer bought the stay at Sonoma
Mission Inn, Cindy and Todd Ganos a stay at the Kauai condo
donated by Marie and Gene Straube, Patricia and Walter Joyce
bought a stay in the Maui home donated by Linda and Miles
Barber, Kristina and Bill Musgrave bought the Landmark
Vineyard picnic donated by Melody and John McNulty, Janet
and Robert Fenwick bought the stay at the condo in Sun Valley
donated by Kathleen and William Gisvold, Stan and Pamela
Atwood bought the cooking class for fourteen at La Rusticana
Vineyards donated by Frank and Marilyn Dorsa and Mary Jane
and Gus Constantin did early Christmas shopping with high
bids on the Maui condo donated by Bianca and John
Zimmerman and the 10-day Mediterranean cruise on the
Yachts of Seabourne.
Following the auction, dancing began to the Walt Tolleson
Orchestra. Greeting people on the way to the dance floor were
Jemma and Victor Abouhater, Carol and John Traub, Marilyn
and Gennaro Malzone and Helen Chew joining her husband,
Larry, after his stint as auctioneer. Before going to the dance
floor Phyllis and K.G. Romine announced to their table partners (Pamela and Stan Atwood, Nicki and Joe Parisi, Marilyn
and Frank Dorsa and Sandra Farris with Mat Kiisk) that they
have sold their Los Gatos home and will be moving to
As the guests departed with their party favor, this year a silver
desk memo pad with the Knights of St. John crest, and their
programs, Bill Barnsdale with his wife Florence reserved
December 3, 2005, for the next Christmas Ball. Plan now for
another beautiful party. u
The Ch r istmas Ball
The Ch r istmas Ball
By Dame Colleen Wilcox, DCSJ
“Our 2005 Investiture Ceremony was perhaps the most inspirational yet,” said our newly elected Prior of the Western United
States, Bill Peacock. “Grace Cathedral continues to be an aweinspiring setting for welcoming new Members into our Order.”
Many of our members painstakingly planned the activities so the
weekend would be a truly memorable experience for all, starting
with an elegant cocktail reception honoring the Aspirants high atop
Nob Hill at the stylish home of Jeanne and Bailiff Lynn White.
The honored special guest was HMEH Grand Master Bailiff
Robert G. Brodie, GCSJ, CMSJ.
On the day of the Investiture, the
Aspirants were hosted to a luncheon
with Officers of the Order at the elegant Big Four Restaurant. It was a
time for forging friendships among
the Class of 2005, and, as Marshal
Chris L'Orange rehearsed with
them at the Cathedral, one could
feel them begin to build the “2005
Team Spirit.”
The evening's Investiture was a solemn and memorable ceremony,
reminding us all of the importance of our work for the poor and
sick in Christ and the dignity of our history.
Several of our hard-working Knights and Dames were promoted,
and newly elected Commanders Bill Stein (San Francisco) and
Larry Hernandez (St. Joseph) were confirmed. Bailiff Glen
McLaughlin was awarded the Order's Medal of Merit for his outstanding work as our Prior.
Members and guests then proceeded to the Fairmont Hotel
for a celebratory dinner party
and gala ball at the elegant
Crown Room, once again
organized flawlessly by Bailiff
Jan Stein who was earlier presented with the Bufano statue
Humanitarian Award.
The Members owe a great debt to the magnificent efforts of Deputy
Marshals Larry Hester, Merlin Davis and Christoper Barnes. Many
thanks to our fine Officers and so many others who helped make this
year's Investiture weekend so grand. Our heartfelt appreciation for
all their efforts.
Sara B. (Sally) Allen
Sally Allen is a third generation Californian and is the mother
of three daughters and the stepmother of three sons. She is also
the grandmother of 17-year old twins, a grandson who is five
and a granddaughter who is one. Sally is married to C. Donald
Allen Jr., Commander Emeritus of the St. Joseph Commandery
of the Order of St. John. Sally is a graduate of the University of
Colorado, a member of Delta Phi Delta, Art Honorary.
Mrs. Allen has a long history of public service in the Santa
Clara Valley. A Saratoga resident for the past 42 years, Sally
retired from a career in Human Resources after ten years of
service with the West Valley-Mission Community College District
in December 1997.
Sally has been involved in many community service activities
that include:
League of Eastfield Children's Center
Eastfield Ming Quong Foundation Board of Directors
San Jose Symphony Auxiliary Board of Directors
National officer of collegiate sorority
Forewoman of the Federal Grand Jury in and for the
Northern District of California (Santa Clara, San Benito,
and Monterey Counties)
Child and Adolescent Advisory Commission of Santa
Clara County
Santa Clara County School Attendance Review Board
Board of Directors, American Heart Association of Santa
Clara Valley, 1996-2002
West Valley-Mission Community College District
Advancement Foundation 1998-2003
Valle Monte League Board of Directors, (supporting
mental health agencies in Santa Clara Co.) 1996-present,
Chairman of major fundraiser, Christmas Tree Elegance,
2000, President, 2003
Trustee, University of Santa Cruz Foundation,
Rotary Innerwheel of Cupertino
Rotary Paul Harris Fellow
James West Fellow and member of the 1910 Society of
the Boy Scouts of America
Mrs. Allen has devoted many hours of her time in recent years
to the activities of the Sovereign Order of St. John Knights
Hospitaller. She has served as the chairperson of several subcommittees as well as serving as the Co-Chairperson of the St.
Joseph Commandery Summer Garden party annual fundraiser
in 2001.
An avid skier, Sally now divides her time between her homes in
Saratoga, California and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Barbara Ann Beaulieu Avery
Barbara Avery is a native of Tuskegee, Alabama, and traveled
extensively with her family while her father completed his
career with the United States Air Force.
Mrs. Avery graduated from San Jose State University with a
degree in Business Administration. Barbara enjoyed a long and
successful career as a financial advisor with Morgan Stanley
and has just recently retired from that career. She has been married to her husband, Robert L. Avery, since 1967 and has two
adult sons.
Barbara Avery has had extensive involvement in community
service organizations that include:
• Second Harvest Food Bank - served for six years on the
Finance and Investment Committee, developing the investment policy statement and the investment plan. Here
Barbara received the Community Voluntarism
Appreciation Award from the Junior League of San Jose
and Excellence in Board Leadership Award from Compass
Point Nonprofit Services.
• American Musical Theatre of San Jose - Member of the
Board of Directors for over 10 years, and served on all
committees. Served as Secretary for four years. Served as
President 1995 and 1996. Awarded Distinguished
Volunteer Fund Raiser award from National Society of
Fund Raising Executives.
• Foundation Board of Directors for Evergreen Valley
College and San Jose City College. Began serving in 2003.
• YMCA Central Valley Branch, Board of Managers - served
on several committees including the annual fund raising
campaign, and the capital campaign.
• Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.- Member for 24 years.
Helped develop the first debutante and scholarship
program for African-American girls in Santa Clara County.
• Santa Teresa Hospital - Emergency room and recovery
room volunteer. Assisted in developing the training
program for hospital volunteers. Received the Ford Motor
Company Community Service Award for her work on this
training program.
• American Red Cross Board of Directors, Santa Clara Valley
Chapter - served a three-year term, worked on several
committees including the emergency committee and the
diversity committee.
• Bellarmine Auction -Wine Table Chairperson - served as
the chair of the wine auction at Bellarmine College Prep's
annual fundraiser. Served in this position for past twelve
Jude Barry
Jude Barry is a native of Rangoon, Burma and today lives in San
Jose with his wife, Jeannette, and their two young children. He
is a graduate of Bellarmine College Prep (1980) and the College
of the Holy Cross (1984).
Mr. Barry founded Catapult Strategies, Inc., in 2001 and serves
as chief executive officer. Much of Jude's professional career
has been devoted to public service. He began his work in
Washington, DC, in the office of Senator Edward Kennedy
where he served as press aide and deputy political director. He
later worked on the Gary Hart presidential campaign and in
1988 he served as the national budget director for the Richard
Gephardt presidential bid. In 2004, Jude served as the state
director for Howard Dean for President.
Before founding Catapult Strategies, Inc., Jude was chief of staff
to San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales. Until his departure in 2000,
he was considered “the main architect and strategic planner” of
Gonzales' political career and led successful campaigns to
expand the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
and extend the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) System to
Silicon Valley. He developed San Jose's strategy to maintain it's
standing as the “Capital of Silicon Valley” and the “Internet
Capital of the World.” Jude has worked with technology companies in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere: Wave Systems,
Progeny, Linux Systems, Smart Paper Networks and Propel.
Because of his expertise in politics, policy and technology, Jude
is a regular source for Bay Area news reporters and CNN.
Mr. Barry serves on the boards of:
The Hakone Foundation
KTEH Public Television
Leo McCarthy Center for Public Service and Common Good
(University of San Francisco)
The San Jose Cathedral Foundation
In 2002 Jude served on the (San Jose) Bishop's Task Force on
Sexual Abuse and authored the much-heralded final report.
Jude served on the Task Force for the Future in 2002 for
Bellarmine College Prep. Jude also served as Assistant to the
Provost at Santa Clara University and helped lead the campus
reorganization from 1997-1998. Jude is active in his local
parish and school through the St. Christopher's Holy Name
Buck's affiliations include: The Buchanan Society in Glasgow,
Scotland (6th generation member); The Clan Buchanan Society
International Inc.; the Queen's Club; Reserve Officers'
Association; Military Officers' Association of America; Red
River Valley Fighter Pilots' Association; Veterans of Foreign
Wars; American Legion; Disabled American Veterans and Loyal
Order of Moose. Buck is also on the Board of Directors of the
Jimmy Doolittle Air and Space Museum and the Jimmy
Doolittle Education Foundation.
LtCol. Buchanan is married to the former Patricia
RoseVrooman; they have two daughters, Martha K. Buchanan
and Sherry C. Valot.
William L Buchanan
William L. (Bill) Buchanan is Vice President of Cannon Street,
Inc., which he co-founded in 1996 with his partner, Rick Smith.
George (Buck) Buchanan was born in St. Louis, MO. Because
of his father's assignments as a pilot in the US Army Air Corps,
Buck spent the first nine years of his life in many different parts
of the US, literally from coast to coast and border to border.
After the war, his father worked for the Civil Aeronautics
Administration in the Territory of Hawaii where the family
lived the next nine years.
Bill Buchanan was born in Quantico, Virginia in 1942. Upon
graduation from Oregon State University in Liberal Arts with a
Science/Technology Minor in 1964 he was commissioned a 2nd
Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. His service
included tours of duty as a rifle platoon commander with 2nd
Battalion 5th Marine Regiment in the Republic of Vietnam
(1966 and 1967) and as Assistant Operations Officer with 1st
Battalion, 28th Marine Regiment at Camp Pendleton,
California. From 1969 until 1996, Bill served as a Special
Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Oklahoma
City and Tulsa, Oklahoma and Chicago, Illinois as well as
Monterey and San Francisco, California. His career included
assignments in general criminal matters, foreign (Near
East/North Africa) counter-terrorism and foreign (Soviet)
Buck attended George Washington University, dropping out
after two years to enlist in the USAF in 1959. He was assigned
to bases in Texas, Georgia, California, Kansas, Missouri,
Florida, Alabama, Illinois and Oklahoma as well as international locations in Viet Nam, Taiwan, Japan, England, Korea,
Germany and the Philippines. He retired in 1988 as a
Lieutenant Colonel.
Since co-founding Cannon Street, Incorporated, Mr. Buchanan
has served the corporate and legal communities with investigation services that include the following: asset searches, corporate fraud, due diligence, electronic countermeasure sweeps,
executive backgrounds, intellectual property matters, judgment
recovery, litigation support, security surveys and threat assessments.
LtCol. RET Buchanan's combat experience included: EC-121
"College Eye" Viet Nam '65, RC-130BII Viet Nam 66-69 -1300+ hours combat flight time and 1200+ hours combat support flight time. His total flight time was: 13,000+ hours in the
F-89J, EC-121D, RC-130BII, C-130A&E, C-5A, and F-4C&D.
Bill has contributed time and/or funds in varying degrees to
charitable components of the following organizations:
The Boy Scouts of America
The Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation
The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund
Golden Gate Young Marines
The Golden Gate Breakfast Club
George S. Buchanan
LtCol. Buchanan was the recipient of several military decorations: Air Medal with 11 Oak Leaf Clusters; Air Force
Commendation Medal; Combat Readiness Medal with 4 Oak
Leaf Clusters; Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service
Medal; Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Viet Nam Service
Medal with 6 Battle Stars; Reserve Forces Service Medal
w/1Hour Glass; and Republic of Viet Nam Service Medal with
1 Device.
He is also the recipient of numerous Military Awards that
Bronze Star w/combat V
Vietnam Campaign Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry
Presidential Unit Citation
Republic of Vietnam Civic Actions Medal
Bill lives in Mill Valley, California with his wife, Claire, and his
bird dog, Joey.
Ronald A. Castellino
Dr. Ronald A. Castellino lives in Atherton, California with his
wife, Joyce Cuneo Castellino. The couple has three grown
sons. Dr. Castellino currently serves as Chief Medical Officer
with R2 Technology, Inc. in Sunnyvale, California.
Ron attended Creighton University, in Omaha, Nebraska as an
undergraduate from 1955-1958 and the Creighton University
School of Medicine from 1958-1962. His postdoctoral internship was taken at Highland Alameda County Hospital,
Oakland, California 1962-1963. Residency in Diagnostic Radiology
followed at Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,
California from 1965-1968, (Chief Resident 1967-1968). Dr.
Castellino served in the Peace Corps in Brazil as the Senior
Assistant Surgeon of the U.S. Public Health Service from 1963
to 1965.
Dr. Castellino is a licensed physician in California and New
York and received his certification from the American Board of
Radiology in 1969. He has held numerous positions at the
Stanford University School of Medicine including:
• 1968-1974, Asst. Professor of Radiology
• 1970-1990, Section Chief, Diagnostic Oncologic
• 1974-1981, Associate Professor of Radiology
• 1979-1989, Section Chief, CT Body Scanning
• 1981-1993, Professor of Radiology (on leave 19901993; emeritus, 1993 - present)
• 1981-1986, Director, Diagnostic Radiology and
Associate Chairman, Department of Radiology
• 1986-1989, Chairman (Acting), Department of
Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
He also served with the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the
Cornell University Medical College, New York, NY:
• 1990-1998, Chairman, Department of Radiology,
Member (emeritus, 1999-present)
• 1994-1998, Professor of Radiology, Cornell University
Medical College, New York, NY
Ron has served on numerous Scientific Medical Societies from
1970 until the present. Some of his honors and awards include:
• 1962, Alpha Omega Alpha National Honor Medical
• 1974-1975, John S. Guggenheim Fellow
• 1990-1998, Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair, Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
• 1995, Fellow, American College of Radiology
Over the course of his career Dr. Castellino has served as
Associate Editor on eight professional and medical journals.
He has served as a member of twelve major professional committees, six major Stanford Medical Center Committees, and
two Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Committees.
Ron has served as a consultant to the Xerox Corporation,
General Electric Medical Systems, The Fox Chase Cancer
Center, The Berlex Oncology Foundation and the Alliance
Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Dean S. Chesnut
Dean S. Chesnut received his MA from San Jose State
University Communications Studies Department in 1985. He
has been professionally involved in commercial real estate
development and finance since the beginning of his career in
1985 with Bishop Hawk. A summary of his twenty year career
in commercial real estate in the Silicon Valley includes:
• Equus Associates, Owner 1995-present
• Industrial Property Associates, Owner 1991-1995
• Fox & Carskadon Commercial Services Agent
• Bishop Hawk, Agent 1985-1989
• General Development, Inc.- President -- formed in
February of 2004 with two other partners presently
repositioning a 40,000 sq. ft. office building in
Sunnyvale, California, creating a model for low-income
housing development
• General Development Industries, Inc. Financing Partner
Dean's community involvement has included work with ProBono Leasing, City Team Ministries, and The Monterey Bay
Teen Challenge.
Mr. Chesnut is a member of the Association of South Bay
Brokers, The Flying Twenties (a private aviation club) and
Fireside Aviation. His interests are varied and wide-ranging. An
avid pilot, Dean is deeply involved in civil aviation as a member of The Flying Twenties. His interests also include moderate
altitude mountaineering, tennis, skiing, opera, theatre, symphony concerts, travel, reading and hiking.
Dean resides in Sunnyvale, California with his wife,
Stephen A. Finn
Stephen A. Finn is a native of San Francisco, California.
Mr. Finn resides in Los Altos Hills, California, and divides his
time between the Bay Area and Denver, Colorado, where his
business, Trust Company of America, is headquartered. He
received his BS from San Jose State University in 1973 and
earned his MBA from Santa Clara University in 1976.
Steve has made strategic and developmental contributions in
both business and public arenas for the past two decades. He
is currently the Chairman and CEO of Trust Company of
America. In 1981 Mr. Finn founded LCS Investor Services, a
data management service provider for partnership syndication
services. In 1988, he acquired Gemisys Corporation, a company that provides outsource services to businesses (i.e. check disbursements, electronic funds management, printing and distribution of confidential financial documents). As the outsourcing financial services industry continued to develop, in 1992,
Steve founded Trust Company of America. Having the ability
to provide access to an effective trading platform and office outsource services to independent investment advisors added yet
another dimension. Trust Company of America currently acts
as custodian for over $3 billion in assets.
Mr. Finn is also involved in several community organizations.
In 1998, he was elected to serve a four-year term on the Los
Altos Hills City Council, from 2000-2001 as Mayor. He is a
member of the President's Technology Committee and the
President of the Association of Colorado Trust Companies.
Giving back and investing in the future is another of Steve's priorities. He is a major donor to the building fund for Regis
Jesuit High School in Aurora, Colorado. He has also contributed $2 million to the Community School of Music and Art
at Finn Center, located in Mountain View, California. Finn
Center was recently chosen as one of ten winners of the prestigious
Business Week/Architectural Record Awards. Additionally, Mr.
Finn is a Board Member for St. John's Cemetery in San Mateo,
John J. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
John J. Fitzpatrick, Jr. was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
After graduating cum laude from Villanova University in 1965
he served on active duty as a United States Marine Corps pilot,
including 140 combat missions during a Vietnam tour of duty.
Honorably discharged as a Captain, he entered the University
of Georgia Law School where he won a moot court competition, and was Executive Editor of the International Law
Journal; he graduated cum laude in 1974. He also joined the
Reserves as an Air National Guard Pilot, Forward Air
Controller and Administrative Officer. John later transferred to
the Air Force Reserve in Legislative Liaison and later became an
ADR Specialist in the Pentagon. In addition to 9 Air Medals
and other decorations, John was awarded the Air Force
Commendation Medal, Organizational Excellence Award and 3
Meritorious Service Medals. He held a Top Secret Clearance
and was promoted to Colonel in 1992, transferring to the
Retired Reserve with that rank in 1997.
Col. Fitzpatrick is Senior Counsel in the Chevron Texaco Law
Department. Since the Chevron-Gulf merger in 1985, his
responsibilities have included Political Law Counsel and representation, counsel to Corporate Aviation Services and varied
responsibilities for major facility construction, retrofitting,
cogeneration, and communications hardware and software,
purchasing contracts, refining, marketing, litigation management, antitrust and environmental law. He also served for six
years as an instructor in Values and Ethics in Chevron's Senior
Management School, before which he served six years as Vice
President and Corporate Secretary to the oil industry's funding
entity for a nationwide oil spill cleanup corporation.
John is an experienced Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
attorney. He was court-appointed arbitrator in Pennsylvania for
five years and has served on the American Arbitration
Association Commercial Panel since 1979 and the Construction
Panel since 1987. He currently serves pro bono as a Small
Claims and Traffic Court Judge Pro Tem. He is a member in
good standing of the Georgia, Pennsylvania, District of
Columbia and California Bars and the Chartered Institute of
Arbitrators, London.
Mr. Fitzpatrick resides in Moraga, California with his wife,
Maureen, and their three children.
William Fries II
William Fries II is a life long fourth generation resident of San
Francisco, California.
After graduating from the San Rafael Military Academy, Mr.
Fries enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley, studying
Political Science and enrolling in the campus ROTC program.
He received his AB in Political Science from The University of
California, Berkeley in 1939. Bill served in the United States
Navy from 1939 until 1946, where he saw action in the Pacific
Theatre of World War II. Mr. Fries was awarded the Purple
Heart for wounds suffered in that conflict.
From 1950 until the present Mr. Fries's career has focused on
domestic and international real estate as well as forty years in
personal investment. He is a member of The Villa Taverna.
Mr. Fries has generously endowed many San Francisco cultural
and scientific institutions over the years, including the The
California Academy of Sciences Butterfly House in Golden Gate
Park, The Fries Gallery at The California Palace of the Legion
of Honor and the Eucalyptus Garden Court overlooking the
Japanese Tea Garden at the New DeYoung Museum in Golden
Gate Park. Mr. Fries also endowed the new gardens of the
Grace Cathedral, donated extensively to the fund drive for the
preservation of Mission Dolores and has endowed exhibits at
the San Francisco Zoological Society and The Living Desert
Museum in Palm Desert, California.
Mr. Fries' other philanthropies include:
• Pets Unlimited, Board of Directors and Contributor
• Pets in Need, Board of Directors and Contributor
• San Francisco Zoo Board, Director and Contributor
• Grace Cathedral, Trustee Emeritus
• Mission Dolores, Contributor and Advisor
• DeYoung Museum Past Board of Directors
Bill has been a long time member of the Native Sons of
California Pioneers.
Philip Gioia
Philip Gioia is a native of New York City.
Mr. Gioia attended the Virginia Military Institute from 1963 to
1967. Upon graduation with a BA in American and European
History, Phil was also honored as Distinguished Military
Student (DMS) and Distinguished Military Graduate (DMG).
He attended Georgetown University from 1971 to 1973 in conjunction with his military service, earning his MSFS from the
School of Foreign Service in International Policy and
Economics, awarded 'With Distinction.' Mr. Gioia attended
The Graduate School of Business at Stanford University from
1977 to 1979, receiving his MBA in Finance and Marketing.
He also served as President of the Class of 1979.
From 1967 to 1977 Mr. Gioia served as a Regular Officer in the
Infantry of the United States Army. Military service included
Rifle platoon leader, Infantry company commander, 82nd
Airborne Division and First Air Cavalry Division, in CONUS
and two combat tours of Vietnam; Army staff duties at ASD,
Washington DC, and HQ Sixth US Army, Presidio of San
Francisco, CA; Armor Officer Advanced Course, Ft. Knox,
Kentucky; and graduate schooling, Georgetown University.
Major Gioia has earned numerous decorations, awards and
honoraria throughout his life including:
United States Army:
• Silver Star Medal w/Oak Leaf
• Purple Heart Medal w/Oak Leaf
• Bronze Star Medal w/”V” and Oak Leaf
• Air Medal w/ten Oak Leaves
• Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry First Class w/Palm
• US Army Ranger, Master Parachutist, Jumpmaster, and
Pathfinder qualifications
Boy Scouts of America:
• Eagle Scout
• Order of the Arrow
Mr. Gioia is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of the
Temple of Jerusalem with the rank of Chevalier in the Priory of
St. Francis. He has also served in elective office as the past
Mayor and Town Councilman of the Town of Corte Madera,
Phil resides in Corte Madera, California, with his wife, the former
Lianee Nicole Row, and their two daughters.
Jerry Alan Hanson
Dr. Jerry Alan Hanson is a native of Mt. Vernon, Illinois, and
spent his young life in Midland, Texas.
Dr. Hanson received his B.A. in Economics from Rice
University, Magna Cum Laude, in Houston, Texas in 1964. He
received his M.D. from University Southwestern Medical School,
Dallas, Texas, in 1968. Jerry served his internship at Parkland
Memorial and Dallas V.A. Hospitals in 1968 and 1969. He
completed his residency at the Boston University Medical
Service, Boston City and Boston University Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, from 1969 to 1971. Dr. Hanson received his
board certifications from the American Board of Internal
Medicine in 1972 and the American Board of Cardiovascular
Disease in 1979.
Jerry served in the United States Army at the U.S. Army
Hospital in Seoul, Korea, from August, 1971 to September,
1972 and the Madigan General Hospital, Fort Lewis, Washington,
from September 1972 to July, 1973. He now holds the rank of
Major, USA RET.
Jerry currently serves as The Medical Director of Cardiology
for the Regional Medical Center of San Jose. He has had a long
and distinguished career in medicine in the Santa Clara Valley,
starting there in private practice in 1975.
Dr. Hanson received a Fellowship in Cardiology at the
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington from July 1973
until July, 1975.
Dr. Hanson has held numerous professional positions including:
• Councilor, Santa Clara County Medical Society,
• Delegate, California Medical Association, Alternate
from Santa Clara County, 1984-1988
• Chairman External Affairs, Santa Clara County Medical
Association, 1986-1990
• Chief of Staff, San Jose Medical Center, 1987-1988
• President, Santa Clara County Heart Association,
• Board Member, California Affiliate, American Heart
Association, 1985-1987, 1989, 1990
He is
involved in many community organizations including:
San Jose Rotary Club, 1981 - present
Board Member, Villa Montalvo Association, 1984-1990
Board Member, Silver Creek Valley Country Club,
• Board Member, Children's Discovery Museum,
• Board Member, Health Dimensions, Inc., 1996-1998
• Board Member, Health Trust, 1998
Dr. Hanson served as Co-director, Division of Cardiology, San
Jose Medical Center from 1996 to 2000 and as the Medical
Director of Cardiology at San Jose Medical Center from 2003
to 2004.
Jerry lives in Los Gatos, California, with his wife, Lois.
Byron S. James
Byron S. James is a native of Los Angeles, California. He
resides in Piedmont, California with his wife, Caryl. The couple
continued on page 16...
Order of St. John Aspirants - 2005
John Staples
Dean Chesnut
John Fitzpatrick
Bill Buchanan
Larry Hernandez
Bob Leonard
Steve Finn
Bill Fries
Jill Lawther
Al Wagner
Ron Castellino
Bob Brodie
Jerry Hanson
Phil Gioia
Michele Zschau
Maureen Salaman
Mark Jobst
Byron James
Bill Peacock
Sally Allen
Bill Stein
Bill Musgrave
Barbara Avery
Jude Barry
Buck Buchanan
has two sons, David and Scott.
Mr. James received his B.A. from Rice Institute in 1954, earning a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Rice Institute in 1955
and an M.B.A. from Northwestern University in 1959.
Byron served in the United States Navy from July 1955 through
September 1957 and was honorably discharged with the rank
of Lieutenant in March 1964. He has enjoyed a long and distinguished career over a broad range of disciplines in finance, real
estate development, mining and petroleum refining. Project
evaluation and project finance have been the central disciplines,
experiences and responsibilities of Mr. James' professional
career of 45 years. Having maintained a private consulting business and working for small- to medium-sized companies
enabled him to gain valuable experience in Company
Mr. James professional affiliations include:
Private Consulting Companies
Havilah Associates/Principal, 2001 to present
James and Associate/Principal, 1970 to 1983
Merchant Banking
Merchant Group International/Assistant to Chairman,
2000 to 2001
Mining Companies
Motherlode Gold Mines Consol./CFO & Secretary
1976 to present, Director,1984 to present
Pacific Far East Metals/CFO and Secretary, 1996 to present,
Director, 1996 to present
Real Estate Companies
Commercial Mortgage& Investment/Regional Loan Officer
1997 to 1998
Commercial Lending Corp./V P, Packaging, 1984 to 1986
Investment Mortgage Int'l./V P, Underwriting, 1980 to 1982
Wikiup Properties/Broker Associate, 1979 to 1981
Watson & Watson Real Estate/Senior V P, 1978 to 1981
Urban Research & Development/Principal Consultant
1972 to 1974
Petroleum Company
Chevron, USA/Economic Analyst, 1959 to 1970
Refinery Engineer,1959 to1970
Bryon focuses his charitable activities on his church. He has
served in numerous capacities including
• Chairman of the Board of Trustees
• Chairman of the Budget Committee
• Chairman (two times) Long Range Planning Committees
• Member of the Church Executive Committee
• Church Treasurer (7 years)
• Board of Deacons (7 years)
Mark Jobst
Mark Jobst is a native of Brisbane, Australia, and holds the
rank of Major in the Royal Australian Infantry.
Major Jobst has held numerous posts in the Royal Australian
Infantry Corps since he completed the General Reserve Fulltime Commissioning Course at the Land Warfare Centre in
1991 and was commissioned into the Royal Australian Infantry
Corps as a Rifle Platoon Commander with the 31st Battalion
(The Kennedy Regiment) in Townsville. After completing
Assault Pioneer and Mortar Command courses he was posted
on higher duty allowance for three years as the Mortar Platoon
Commander, and on occasion acted as the Executive Officer of
Support Company.
Numerous subsequent postings throughout Australia,
Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand culminated with Mark's
appointment in 2003 as a Training Development Officer with
the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra. He was
then selected to attend the US Naval Postgraduate School in
California in June 2003 for two years to complete a Master of
Science (Management) degree.
Mark's academic qualifications include a Bachelor of
Economics and other associate degree and certificate level qualifications in business administration, advertising, training and
theology. He also received a University Prize in Economic
Development. His civilian employment included four years
with the Department of Training and Industrial Relations
(Queensland). During this time he also worked as a part-time
lecturer in management and marketing, as well as developing
and delivering some commercial training projects such as conflict resolution training for high security inmates, and staff
development for government employees.
Major Jobst was also heavily involved in a wide range of voluntary community organizations including three years as the
sole Technical and Further Education representative on the
Queensland Alcohol and Drugs Tertiary Learning Settings program. In this position he provided a successful submission for
tender to facilitate the development of alcohol and drugs policy,
regulations and guidelines for tertiary learning settings throughout Queensland. He then worked for two years as a selfemployed civilian where he developed an aquaculture development plan, and a proposal and management plan for the establishment of a regional arts group in South Australia before
transferring to the regular Army.
Mark is an accomplished didjeridoo player. He currently resides
in Moss Landing, California, with his wife, Nancy, and their
two children.
Jill Renee Lawther
Jill Renee Lawther has enjoyed an extensive and varied career
of voluntarism in the Santa Clara Valley for over twenty years.
A retrospective of Ms. Lawther's volunteer resume includes:
• 2000-Board of Directors;
Second Vice President/Membership Chairman. Art
Director and Print Chairman for Valle Monte League
• 1999-Board of Directors. General Chairman to Annual
Fundraiser. Art Director and Print Chairman for Valle
Monte League.
• 1994 - 1998 - Board of Directors for Valle Monte
League. Art Director and Print Chairman. Founding
member of “Grand View League,” a fundraising
organization for American Cancer Society in Santa
Clara Valley.
• 1993-Provisional, Valle Monte League. Organization
supports four mental health organizations.
• 1990 -1992 - Board of Directors, Junior League of San Jose
• 1988-Junior League of San Jose-Fashion Show Program
Chairman. Editor and Art Director of 174-page
program book including full color ads. Executed all
designs. Model in fashion show.
• 1987-1988 - Chairman. Junior League of San Jose
Graphic Design Service. 1987-Junior League of San
Jose-Rummage Sale Auction Committee Chairman
• 1985-86 Member. San Jose Repertory Company Board
of Board of Directors and the San Jose Symphony
• 1982-1986 Numerous positions with the San Jose
Robert Kenneth Leonard
Robert Kenneth Leonard is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He
earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Morehead State
University, Morehead, Kentucky, in 1975 and received his
Master of Arts Degree from Pepperdine University, Malibu,
California, in 1978.
Mr. Leonard served on active duty with The United States
Marine Corps from July of 1975 until April of 1979. He was
promoted to Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve on
November 6, 1981. While on active duty, Capt. Leonard was
deployed with the Fleet Marine Force Pacific with the military
occupation specialties of Amphibious Assault Offer and
Infantry Officer. Capt. Leonard remained on Reserve Duty until
January of 1984.
Bob's personal career has focused on many aspects of marketing, advertising and brand development. He has worked with
• J. Walter Thompson, 1979-1982, New York and Detroit
offices, where he was account executive on the Ford
Motor Company and Burger King accounts
• Ketchum Communications, 1982-1984, San Francisco,
as account executive on The Beef Council and
California Strawberry Advisory Board
• Foote, Cone & Belding, 1984-1896, San Francisco,
Senior Account Executive with the accounts of Castle &
Cooke Foods, Italian Swiss Colony Wines and Gourmet
Brands frozen potatoes
• Saatchi &Saatchi, 1986-1987, New York and Houston
where he opened the Houston office and managed the
Mercedes-Benz regional advertising account in the
Southwestern United States
• Mercedes-Benz of North America, 1988-1992,
Montvale, New Jersey, where he was Manager for U.S.
Regional Marketing Communications
• J. Walter Thompson, 1992-1995, Detroit and Los
Angeles, Vice President, Management Supervisor -managed the “Young Adult Marketing Program” and
“The Motion Picture & Television Product Placement
Program.” The placement of the Ford Explorer in the
blockbuster movie “Jurassic Park” was his most
significant achievement.
• Maris, West & Baker, 1995-1997, Jackson, Mississippi,
& Little Rock, Arkansas Office Manager and Account
Director -- managed the agency's biggest account,
Entergy Corp., a regional electric utility company
From January 1998 until March, 2004 Mr. Leonard has
worked as a Marketing Consultant in Sonoma, California.
Since March of 2004 Bob has been a Licensed Residential Real
Estate Agent in Santa Rosa, California.
Bob will marry Kathleen May Prisant in April 2005.
William Musgrave, Jr.
Bill Musgrave, Jr. is a native of Austin, Texas.
Mr. Musgrave is a senior business executive with a diverse
international general management background, including
expertise in early stage ventures and corporate turnarounds. He
presently leads The Enterprise Network of Silicon Valley, an
incubator for high-tech startups.
In 1969, he enrolled in George Washington University under a
Navy sponsored program, and was awarded a MBA degree in
1970. In 1972 he returned to George Washington University to
enroll in their doctoral program in business administration, and
in 1975 was awarded a Doctor of Business Administration
(DBA) degree. He attended Southern Methodist University in
1968 in pursuit of an MBA, but a Navy transfer precluded him
from completing the degree.
Bill served for twenty-eight years in The United States Navy,
retiring in 1992 with the rank of Captain. During his naval
career, Capt. Musgrave served in surface combatants in the
Pacific and Atlantic. He is a Vietnam veteran of the Swift Boat
program. He went on to hold senior procurement reform positions in Washington, D.C. and commanded a 4,700-person
contract management region. Capt. Musgrave’s decorations
include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of
Merit, and the Purple Heart.
After military retirement in 1992, Bill occupied himself as a
management consultant, working with the National
Association of Black Procurement Professionals and the
Government of the District of Columbia. From 1993 to 1994
he served as Associate Director of Procurement and Contract
Management at the University of Maryland.
In 1994 ESI International, a project management-training firm
in Arlington, Virginia, recruited Mr. Musgrave. Here he
expanded the company's course offerings and lines of business.
In 1996 Bill joined DRS Ahead Technology, Inc. of San Jose,
California, as vice president of strategic planning, a post that he
held until 1998.
In 1999 Mr. Musgrave became President and Chief Executive
Officer of The Enterprise Network of Silicon Valley. The
Enterprise Network is one of this nation's most successful hightech incubators with 30 to 35 start-up companies under sponsorship. TEN has launched eBay, iPrint, and Xros along with
over 60 other successful startup companies.
Bill lives in Morgan Hill, California, with his wife, Kristina.
The couple has two children and is in the process of adopting a third.
Maureen Kennedy Salaman
Maureen Kennedy Salaman is a native of Glendale, California.
Ms. Salaman holds Academic and/or Professional degrees
• M.S. Degree in Theology, California School of Theology
• M.S. and Ph.D., International University of Nutrition
• Ph.D., Institute of Drugless Therapy, Edinburgh,
• Honorary Ph.D. in Science, Oral Roberts University,
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Maureen is the author of nine books on nutrition. Her volume,
Nutrition The Cancer Answer, was voted best health book by
the American Book Exchange, and best health book in Great
Britain, Canada, The Philippines and Australia.
Additional volumes include:
• Nutrition: The Cancer Answer II
• The Diet Bible
• Foods That Heal
• The Light at the End of the Refrigerator - Foods That
Heal Companion Cookbook
• All Your Health Questions Answered Naturally
• How To Renew You - The Complete Primer on Age
• The Renew You Diet
• Achieving Super Immunity
From 1985 through 1989 Ms. Salaman hosted “Accent on Health,”
while doing live television for 11 other TV networks. For the past
fifteen years she has hosted “Making Healthy Choices,” presently
on Le Sea Broadcasting, Sky Angel satellite and DirecTV each day
of the week except Saturdays; 3:00 p.m. PST, Sunday, 9:30 p.m. to
12:30 a.m. Channel 321 on DirecTV and Le Sea network station
and satellite on Sky Angel weekdays, reaching a total of 80 million
people per broadcast. Hugely sought after by the public and media,
Maureen has toured Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, the Orient,
and the continent of Africa speaking to audiences on natural healing and its beneficial lifestyle. She has hosted the Angel Award winning television program, Accent on Health, and an informational
talk show, The Informed Viewer, as well as thousands of live and
pre-recorded television and radio broadcasts. Her award-winning
television shows have run continuously since 1983.
Ms. Salaman is listed in Who's Who of Editors and Authors,
Who's Who of America, Who's Who of American Women, and
Who's Who of the West. She was awarded the “Right Stuff”
Award from the distinguished Life Center of Houston, Texas.
Serving twenty years, Maureen is the longest elected president of
the National Health Federation, the oldest and largest health freedom organization in the world.
Maureen resides in Atherton, California.
John N. Staples
John N. Staples is a native of Durham, North Carolina.
Mr. Staples is currently Senior Vice President of Fiduciary Trust
International of California, located in San Mateo, California.
His prior professional experience has included:
• Director of Business Development and Client Services,
Dresdner RCM Global Investors, Private Client Group,
San Francisco, California
• Regional Manager for Sales and Marketing of
Investment Management and Trust Services, Bank of
America Private Bank, San Francisco, California
• Head of Advisory Services, Alex Brown Capital
Advisory and Trust Services, Western Region, San
Francisco, California
• Partner, Millard, Morris, and Staples, Attorneys at Law,
Carmel, California
John received his education at St. Paul's School, in Concord, New
Hampshire, where he graduated in 1964. He received his B.A. in
English from Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, in 1968 and
graduated from Pepperdine University Law School, J.D. in 1976.
Between Trinity College and Pepperdine University, Mr. Staples
served in The United States Marine Corp as a helicopter pilot
from 1968 to 1973 and served in Vietnam from 1970 to 1971
where he earned the Single Mission Air Medal for valor. He
served in the United States Marine Corps Reserves and the
California Air National Guard from 1973 to 1988. John holds
the rank of Lieutenant Colonel RET in the United States Air
Force Reserves.
John currently serves on the Board of Directors/Trustees of
• Marine Corps University Foundation, Quantico,
• The Jim Tunney Youth Foundation, Pebble Beach,
His prior board service has included:
• Valley National Bank (Subsidiary of Household
International) Chairman of Audit Committee
• Household Bank (Subsidiary of Household
• Monterey County Bar Association, Executive Committee
• United Way of the Monterey Peninsula
• Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art
• California Association of Independent Schools, Trustee
• All Saints' Day School, Chairman, Board of Trustees &
Chairman, Endowment Campaign
He is a member of
• The Cypress Point Club, Pebble Beach, California
• The Pacific Union Club, San Francisco, California
• The Old Capital Club, Monterey, California
• The San Francisco Estate Planning Council,
San Francisco, California
• The California Bar Association
John resides in San Francisco, California, and is the father of
three children.
Michele has served as a Demoiselle in the Order Of St. John and
will be invested as a full Dame of The Order at this Investiture.
She currently resides in Gold River, California.
engaged to be married to Mr. Jim Steeb. u
Michele is
Michele Elizabeth Zschau
Michele Zschau is a native of Honolulu, Hawaii, but spent
most of her early life in Chicago, Illinois.
Michele is a graduate of the University of Santa Clara. She has
had a diverse career in the high tech industry and also worked
in the political arena.
Ms. Zschau is the founder and served as CEO of IBT Financial,
Inc., a market leader in providing nationally certified Internetbased training and continuing education to the financial services and technology industries. She also founded and served as
President of Z Net solutions LLC, a leading Oregon Web development firm. Prior to Z Net, Michele managed the successful
election campaigns of former California Congressman Tom
Campbell and former Supervisor Ruben Barrales. She recently
served as Chair of the ACEP Board, Institute of Certified
Bankers and is a Foundation Board Member of Central Oregon
Community College. Michele has also served as a long term
planning consultant for the Center for Global Development in
Washington, D.C.
Ms. Zschau was recently appointed to the California Chamber
of Commerce where she currently serves as the Vice President
of Public Affairs; as such she leads the California Chamber of
Commerce's public affairs activities, including JobsPAC, which
provides support to pro-business candidates running in open
legislative seats; ChamberPAC, which supports business friendly incumbents and makes recommendations to the Chamber
Board on primary candidate endorsements; and CALBUSPAC
which was established to qualify, support and/or oppose primary election ballot initiatives.
Silicon Valley Hospitaller
Chevalier Larry Hernandez, KCSJ
Dame Colleen Wilcox, DCSJ
Dame Sandra Farris, DCSJ
M. J. Pelzner Design
Scotty Morris Photography
Chris Conroy Photography
Joan Thompson
Pacific Printing and Fulfillment, Inc.
Silicon Valley Hospitaller
c/o Dame Colleen Wilcox, DCSJ
59 College Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Upcoming Events
April 16, 2005
Vancouver Commandery Investiture
Vancouver, B.C.
October 1, 2005
Grand Priory of Europe Investiture
Harrogate, UK
May 21-22, 2005
Armed Forces Day Event
St. Francis (Military) Commandery
Sonoma, CA
October 15, 2005
Victoria Commandery Investiture
Victoria, B.C.
September 10, 2005
St. Joseph Commandery
Summer Garden Party
December 3, 2005
San Francisco Commandery
Christmas Ball
Members are encouraged to bring guests to major OSJ events, such as the Summer Garden
Party, the Christmas Ball, and the Investiture, in order to introduce possible prospective petitioner to our charitable mission and to meet our fellow Knights and Dames. It should be
noted that in order to be considered for Membership in the St. Joseph, St. Francis or San
Francisco Commanderies a prospective petitioner must have attended at least one major
Order of St. John event.