Contents - The Ancaster Fairgrounds
Contents - The Ancaster Fairgrounds
Contents Ancaster Agricultural Society Events ...... INSIDE FRONT COVER President’s Message/Officers & Directors........................................2 Agricultural Society Past Presidents.................................................3 Homecraft President’s Message........................................................4 Homecraft Officers & Volunteers.....................................................5 Ancaster Fair Committees............................................................. 6-7 Fair Rules & Regulations/Fair Hours............................. 8-9 Horse Events...................................................................................10 Heavy Horses: Belgians, Percherons, Clydesdales....................11-12 Haflingers.................................................................................. 13-14 Hunters...................................................................................... 14-15 4-H Horse Show Achievement Day................................................15 Roadsters.........................................................................................16 Miniature Horses....................................................................... 16-17 W.H.A.O. Western Horse Show......................................................18 South Wentworth Plowing Match...................................................19 Cattle Show Rules...........................................................................19 Beef Shows: 4-H Inter-County Beef Show............................... 20-21 Any Purebred Breed............................................. 21-22 Commercial Breeding Females..................................22 Dairy Shows: Rules & Code of Ethics ................................... 22-23 National Championship Guernsey Show........... 23-25 All Ontario Inter-Club 4-H Dairy Show ........... 25-26 4-H Achievement Days: Calf, Field Crop, Exhibits................. 26-27 Dairy Goat Show....................................................................... 28-29 Sheep Show & Junior Sheep Show........................................... 29-31 Llama Show....................................................................................32 Poultry & Waterfowl................................................................. 32-35 Pigeons & Doves, Rabbits & Cavies........................................ 35-37 4-H Inter-County Rabbit Show.......................................................37 In Memoriam..................................................................................38 Life Members..................................................................................39 Fair Ambassador’s Message...........................................................44 Grain & Seeds.................................................................................45 Agricultural Display Competition...................................................46 4-H Inter-County Sheaf Class.........................................................46 Heritage Committee........................................................................47 Hay & Silage/Field Crop Competition...........................................48 Fruit and Garden Vegetables .................................................... 49-50 Vegetable Display/Fruit Display............................................... 50-51 Junior Classes 117 and 118....................................................... 52-56 Homecraft Division ................................................................. 57-85 Agricultural Service Diploma Recipients.......................................86 Fair Donations.................................................................................87 Ancaster Fair Ambassadors.............................................................89 A.A.S. Secretary-Treasurers & H.C. Past Presidents......................88 Local Fairs & Exhibitions & Ancaster Fair’s Got Talent................90 Admission Prices................................................................ 91 Fair Attractions................................................................................92 Baby Show.................................................. INSIDE BACK COVER 4-H Pledge................................................................ BACK COVER 1 ANCASTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’S PRESIDENT Linda Smith SECRETARY-TREASURER Kathy Smith President’s Message As summer is winding down the members/volunteers and staff of the Ancaster Agricultural Society are busy preparing for the 164th Ancaster Fair. It takes many volunteers hours and commitment to setup and take down such an event on the third weekend after Labour Day each year. The planning and organization begins as soon as one fair ends while ideas and suggestions are fresh in everyone’s minds. As this year’s President I welcome everyone to come out and have fun and experience a variety of activity for all ages. New volunteers and/or exhibitors are always welcome to join the Ancaster Agricultural Society. Please view our new and improved website or call the office if you have any questions or concerns. Hope to see you at the Fair! Linda Smith 2014 President OFFICERS FOR 2014 Andy Arth............................................ PAST PRESIDENT Linda Smith....................................... PRESIDENT Lawrence Blum.......................... FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Brenda Parkin......................... SECOND VICE PRESIDENT KATHY SMITH .................................. SECRETARY-TREASURER 2 ONE YEAR Andy Arth Shirley Peer Darryn Pickard Frank Regan Matt Regan Linda Smith DIRECTORS For 2014 TWO YEAR Robert Brown Robert Daniels Scott Ferguson Julie Forster Marie Smith Peggy Workman THREE YEAR Lawrence Blum Graham Hamilton Freeman Lane Brett Maragno Brenda Parkin Malcolm Reed JUNIOR DIRECTORS For 2014 Candace Dearsley Jesse Forster Fraser Lane Brad Larwood Helen PeerMatt Smith Carolyn Marsh ........................ Homecraft Representative to the Board Past Presidents (known) 1950-1951 Theo Brooks* 1952Ralph Baker* 1953Wilfred Wade* 1954 Sanford Ferguson* 1955 John Brooks* 1956Marshall Bethune* 1957 Addison Baker* 1958 Allan L. Stewart* 1959Wm. K. Dunham* 1960Walter Ferguson* 1961 John Smyth* 1962 John B. Gartshore* 1963Robert Richardson* 1964 Howard Cranston 1965 Thomas A Powell* 1966Michael Emick* 1967 John. J. Kenney* 1968Roy A. Billiald 1969Campbell McClure* 1970-1971 Stanley J. Davis* 1972Colin Lovering* 1973 Andrew Groen 1974Murray Ferguson 1975 H. L. Wilkinson 1976 Earl A. Baker* 1977 Donald E. Comley* 1978 T. Roy Berry* 1979 Arthur Bowes* 1980 David Johnman* 1981Raymond Wilson 1982Kenneth D. Forster 1983Robert Brown 1984 Brian Emick 1985 Lloyd Deeks* 1986Kenneth L. Peer 1987-1988 Paul Vis 1989 Tom Hickey* 1990-1991 Allan Payne 1992 LaVerda Donovan 1993-1994 John Groen 1995 Ted Parr* 1996 Bruce Pearson 1997 Jackie Ogilvie 1998-1999 Frank Regan 2000Randy Baker 2001 Dale Smith 2002Ken McCormack 2003Ross Westfall 2004-2005 Scott Ferguson 2006-2007 Diane Brooks-Langs 2008-2009Mike Zehr 2010 Steve Pearson 2011Mike Revill 2012-2013 Andy Arth * deceased 1852 Thomas Hammill* 1888William Anderson* 1890 Dr. Richardson* 1891R. G. Templar* 1892-1893 Joseph Herrington* 1894 Thomas A. Walker* 1895 Peter Middleton* 1896Charles Duff* 1897C. W. Marshall* 1898 James A. Reding* 1899Wm. Moffat* 1900 A. N. Horning* 1901 A. Bradshaw* 1902 J. B. Calder* 1903 G. Horning* 1904W. J. Harrington* 1905Robert Horning* 1906 James Anderson* 1907-1908R. F. Duncan* 1909 Thomas W. Farmer* 1910 F. O. Egleston* 1911 Alfred Brown* 1912 George Richards* 1913 James Draper* 1914 George M. Brown* 1915 John A. Moffat* 1916 G. B. Smith* 1917W. H. Smith* 1918William Francis* 1919 G. C. Johnston* 1920 E. W. Wright* 1921Wm. H. English* 1922 John Pickard* 1923Charles Norsworthy* 1924William McMullen* 1925 J. T. English* 1926 Tom McDermid* 1927 George B. Smith* 1928 John J. Brown* 1929 J. S. Howell* 1930R. R. Smith* 1931 S. K. Bonham* 1932 E. H. Wood* 1933 George J. Sharp* 1934 J. Hayes Woodley* 1935 Adam D. Butter* 1936Roy A. Moffat* 1937 Archie Smith* 1938 A. M. Shaver* 1939 H. A. Dickenson* 1940 J. B. Morton* 1941C. W. Moffat* 1942-1943 Gordon G. Callon* 1944-1945 George H. Bethune* 1946-1947Russell T. Kelley* 1948-1949 John McDougall* 3 Homecraft President’s Message I call myself “The Little Girl Who Grew Up on This Farm.” My Grandfather bought this farm in 1902 and farmed it until 1953. Although we didn’t live there, my father rented the land until 1985. I joined the Ancaster Agriculture Society, to work to keep this land -Agricultural. As volunteers WE can do this. At Ancaster Fair, I believe we have one of the best pictures of education and agriculture together with Old MacDonald’s Barn. The Education Committee works hard to set up inspiring displays for learning. School Fair challenges the elementary kids and the Junior department gathers in the teens. The Heritage Commitee will be working to keep our past alive. Marritt hall will be filled with exhibits from knitting and crocheting to canning, antiques, sewing and baking. There will be something for senior citizens,wood carvers,and needle crafters. The smell of fresh flowers and hay will pass by our nostrils. New pictures in photograhy and crafts will inspire the imagination. Quilts with their brilliant colours will be draped over the racks. Women’s Institute displays and 4-H exhibits will hug the walls. Vegetables and fruits will grace the display tables. Then there are the cows,the sheep, the horses,the goats,the chickens,the ducks and the geese. We have the midway,consumer products and the service clubs. What a “Great Learning Experience.’’ As Homecraft President for 2014, I look forward to seeing the many entries and meeting exhibitors. Come to Our Fair- “There is lots to see and do for kids from 1-92” Carolyn Fair-Marsh. Homecraft President 2014 4 HOMECRAFT OFFICERS FOR 2014 Tammy Quinn - Past-President Carolyn Marsh - PRESIDENT Susan Tremaine - 1st Vice-President Elaine Latulippe - 2nd Vice-President Audrey McCann-Ryder - Secretary Monica Kaminski - Treasurer Maisie Mysak - Friendship Convenor HONOURARY MEMBERS Norma Baker, Anne Brown, Audrey Calder, Betty Deeks, Marion Goodbrand, Reg & Dorothy Pottruff, Peggy Olmsted, Betsy Wilson, Betty Stewart HOMECRAFT VOLUNTEER Kay Aldgate Lori Ambo Louise Anderson Joe Arbogast JoAnna Arbogast Sarah Arbogast Harold Baker Laura Baker Violet Baker Astro Belisario Nancy Benedict Lawrence Blum Melanie Blum Jean Braithwaite Brigitte Brockelbank-Byers Diane Brooks-Langs Carrie Brown Robert Brownlie George Burtis Judy Burtis Betty Carter Joyce Calder Kim Callaghan Aline Chan Gus Chan Peter Chan Shirley Comley Bob Coulter Doris Coulter Gail Cox Bernice Cranston Lynette Cranston Martha Cranston Candace Dearsley Elsie Dearsley Jennifer Downey Mary Downey Meaghan Drury Sheila Drury Marion English Paul Faddies Lorna Faddies Alice Farrenden Pat Fearman Anne Ferguson Sandra Ferguson Lucy Fiander Julie Forster Betty Gilbert Bob Gilbert Mary Gould Annie Guy RJ Haimerl Kathy Harding Earla Harvey Joanne Hastings Bailey Hernden Chris Hernden Karen Hernden Kalee Hernden Jackie Hilton Pat Hummason Shirley Johnny Margaret Johnson Verna Jonasson Monica Kaminski Bonnie Kelley Karen Knor Alison Latulippe Elaine Latulippe Kaitlyn Le Beau Lucy Lockhart Margaret Lovering Kim Ludwig David Lum Debbie Lum Julia MacLean Carolyn Marsh Barb Masefield Bob Massie Vivian McBay Freddie McCormack Bryan McKay Marilyn McMillan Nancy Moore Michelle Money David Morris Donna Murray Maisie Mysak Ruth Nelles Brenda Parkin Mandy Parr Shannon Parr Sylvia Parr Kathleen Payne Maureen Peddle Lorraine Pederson Caroline Peer Helen Peer Ken Peer 5 Shirley Peer Darryn Pickard Glen Plant Linda Plant Lynne Pollard Tammy Quinn Bill Raiser Joanne Raiser Malcolm Reed Cathey Regan Cathy Reid Penny Santa-Barbara Bob Seitz Lela Simovic Donna Smith Elmer Smith Irene Smith Kathy Smith Linda Smith Marie Smith Marlene Smith Sheila Somas Margaret Somerville Shirley Sullivan Joe Thorogood Janet Tigchelaar Susan Tremaine Kim Tudball Ida Verburg Michelle Visser Brent Walker Willy Walker Lynne Wazny Nancy Westfall Ross Westfall Dorothy Wentworth Linda Weylie Dave Wilson Debbie Wilson Jesse Wilson Rebecca Wilson Karen Winger Marion Workman Peggy Workman Doug Wright Lyn Zimmerman Michelle Zimmerman Sheri Zimmerman ANCASTER FAIR COMMITTEES - 2014 HEAVY HORSES - Chairman: Kelly Regan; Randy Baker, Ed Langs, Frank Regan, Graham Regan, Jessica Regan, Matt Regan, Brian Revill HAFLINGERS - Co-Chairman: Lawrence Blum & Cathy Reid; Randy Baker, Dana Baker, Paul & Lorna Faddies HUNTERS - Amy Cleva; Averyhill Farm Inc. ROADSTERS -Chairman: Randy Baker; Jaimie Midgley, Kelly Regan MINIATURE HORSES - Chairmen: Jaimie Midgley; Craig Emick, Joan Emick, Lori Emick, Peter Emick, Tara Emick, Kate Squissato, Kim Squissato, Tia Squissato WESTERN HORSES - Peter Emick; Ross Westfall BEEF CATTLE - Chairmen: Bill Kelley, Wayne Smith; Bonnie Kelley, Tony Onufer, Patti Smith DAIRY SHOW - Martina Arth, Andy Arth, Doug Cranston, Larry Cranston, Jesse Forster, Ken D. Forster, Krista Gunby, Ken Lisso, Ken Peer, Dale Smith, Marilyn Stephens, Laura Schuurman, Matt Smith, Matt Regan, Frank Regan, Len Vis, Raymond Wilson. Guernsey: Kenneth D. Forster, Rob Forster GOATS - Chairman: Gerard McNeil; Grant Howley, Beryl Johnson, Jess Johnson, Linda Lindsay, Amanda Peaire, Chantal Thyne SHEEP - Chairman: Jim Groves; Betty Deeks, Lois Groves, Joshua Groves, Melissa Groves, Allan Payne, Peter Payne, Caroline Peer, Doug Wright LLAMA - Monica Veit, Nancy Gates, Sandra Whitelock POULTRY, PIGEONS, PETS & WATERFOWL - Chairmen: Susan Moreau, Amanda Beale, Fred Koops; Carol Beale, John Beale, Marion Hossack, Jan Koops, John Koops, Sue Koops, Laura Koops, Shelly & Tim Hillier, Jackie & Sarah Emick, Lara Zivanic Robinson, Sheila Chambers, Rona Noxon, Meghan Wilkinson, Fred Wilkinson GRAIN & SEEDS - Randy Baker, Lawrence Blum ; Jordan Baker, Maureen Baker, Bob Brown, Ed Langs, Kim Lockhart, Ken Peer, Andrew Spoelstra HAY & SILAGE - Chairman: Howard Cranston; Bob Brown, Lawrence Blum, Vivian McBay, Dale Smith, Ross Westfall, Raymond Wilson FIELD CROP COMPETITION - Dale Smith, Howard Cranston, Murray Cranston, Vivian McBay, Ken Peer, Ross Westfall, Raymond Wilson Fruit & GARDEN VEGETABLES and Fruit Display - Shirley Johnny; Andrea DiBattista, Bryan McKay, Brenda Parkin, Jesse Wilson, Rebecca Wilson VEGETABLE DISPLAY - Chairman: Howard Cranston; Vivian McBay, Ross Westfall, Dale Smith JUNIOR DEPARTMENT (CLASS 117) - Chairmen: Robert Forster, Terry Howell; Murray Cranston, Jesse Forster, Raymond Wilson JUNIOR DEPARTMENT (CLASS 118) - Bernice Cranston, Shirley Comley, Jackie Hilton, Pat Hummason, Karen Knorr, Lynne Pollard,Marie Smith, Lyn Zimmerman, Michelle Zimmerman 4-H DEPARTMENT - Ken D. Forster, Raymond Wilson, Rob Forster, Jackie Hilton, Allan Payne, Laura Thorkildsen, Terry Howell, Murray Cranston, Bill Switzer AMBASSADOR COMMITTEE - Chairmen: Caroline Peer, Andrea Smith; Maureen Baker, Julie Forster, Jesse Forster, Brenda Parkin, Sylvia Parr, Kathy Smith Archives Committee - Melanie Blum; Bob Brown, Monica Kaminski, Vivian McBay. Honorary Member: LaVerda Donovan CONCESSIONS - Allan Payne, Kathy Smith EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Chairmen: Marie Smith, Kathy Smith; Jordan Baker, Bernice Cranston, Bob & Bev Ducharme, Jackie Hilton, Ed Johnson, Chantelle Legere, Courtney Legere, Martina Legere, Ken McCormack, Jaimie Midgley, Andrea Smith, Craig Smith, Dale Smith, Julia Smith, Kendra Smith, Laura Thorkildsen, Melissa Warner, Randy & April Warner, Raymond Wilson, Cindy Zimmerman, Michelle Zimmerman 6 Heritage Committee - Melanie Blum; Bernie Ambo, Lawrence Blum, Ross & Ann Book, Wayne Bowen, Bill Daniels, Bob Daniels, Ken Daniels, George Daniels, Scott Dearsley, Leanne DeBoer, Jen Downey, Mary Downey, Rob Downey, Dale Fearman, Bailey Hernden, Kalee Hernden, Lew Hummason, Harold Kuret, Freeman Lane, Doug Luehmann, Barbara McBay. Honorary Member: Elsie Dearsley JUNIOR COMMITTEE - Candace Dearsley, Jesse Forster, Fraser Lane, Brad Larwood, Helen Peer, Matt Smith MARRITT HALL COMPLEX - Chairmen: Peggy Workman, Ross Westfall and Carolyn Marsh; Sarah Arbogast, Randy Baker, Nancy Benedict, Melanie Blum, Aline Chan, Doris Coulter, Murray Cranston, Rob & Julie Forster, Betty Gilbert, Kalee Hernden, Jackie Hilton, Shirley Johnny, Lucy Lockhart, Michelle Money, Sylvia Parr, Kathleen Payne, Darryn Pickard, Tammy Quinn, Cathy Reid, Penny Santa Barbara, Kathy Smith, Joe Thorogood, Janet Tigchelaar, Raymond Wilson OLD MacDONALD’S FARM - Chairmen: Cam Baker, Diane & Ed Langs; Arth Family: Andy, Martina, Jacob, Rebecca, Michael; Julie Baker; Ferguson Family: Scott, Christine, Eric, Mark, Jessica; Howell Family: Terry, MaryLynne, Bradley, Bennet; Edna Kennedy; Hunter Kennedy; Spencer Kennedy Brown; Kim & Lucy Lockhart; Money Family: Jeff, Michelle, Ryan, Paul; Hunter Kennedy Rullo, Yeudall Family: Andrew, Shelley, Ryan, Mark, John. PROPERTY COMMITTEE - Chairman: Linda Smith; Andy Arth, Randy Baker, Lawrence Blum, Brian Emick, Peter Emick, Scott Ferguson, Jesse Forster, Bill Kelley, Ed Langs, Ken McCormack, Jackie Ogilvie, Brenda Parkin, Allan Payne, Ken Peer, Frank Regan, Mike Revill, Dale Smith, Kathy Smith, Matt Smith, Ross Westfall, Raymond Wilson PUBLICITY - Tammy Quinn; Debbie Lum, Allan Payne, Shirley Peer, Ken Peer, Kathy Smith, Michelle Zimmerman SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE - John Groen, Terry Howell, Bruce Pearson, Kathy Smith SCHOOL FAIR COMMITTEE - Managers: Shannon & Mike Revill; Anne Book, Jackie Chisholm, Marian Ewen, Marion Goodbrand, Ann Hewitt, Marilyn Johnman, Christine Lovering, Mary McCormack, Erna Pickard, Brian & Lucille Reed, Gord & Mary Reeves, Brian Revill, Lee Revill, Linda Revill, Nancy Revill, Tracey Vis, Leo & Trish Vyn SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS - Sylvia Parr, Michelle Zimmerman; Larry Cranston, Brian Emick, David & Debbie Lum, Lynne Pollard, Cindy Zimmerman TRAFFIC CONTROL - Chairpersons: Lindsay Baker, LaVerda Donovan, Jill Ferguson, Scott Ferguson, Pat Hummason, Bernice Cranston, Andy Groen, Matt Regan, Mike Zehr; Sana Ahmed, Leena Al-Shenaiber, Tony Anderson, Nana Anse-Sam, Doug Baker, Maureen Baker, Dana Baker, Shannon Baker, Randy Baker, Kim Binkley, Kathy Bishop, Gary Bishop, Julia Bockner, Jackie Bradshaw, Maddie Brown, Doris Coulter, Krista Cranston, Candace Dearsley, Joe Domonkos, George Donner, Naha Fatma, Anum Fatma, Lloyd Ferguson, Erin Ferguson, Scott Ferguson, Martha Forbes, Jesse Forster, Sunni Genesco, Houda Ghaddar, Noor Ghaddar, Allan Graham, Randy Gunby, Cole Gunby, Krista Gunby, Bob Guy, Annie Guy, Joanne Hastings, Whitney Hicks, Joud Hosson, Cassie Jones, Joe Jones, Edna Kennedy, Hermann Koeppe, Sophia Krnjeta, Emily Legacy, Chris Lovering, Bruce Mair, Jean Maragno, Audrey & Bob Mullen, Ken Neeb, Ron Nuell, Brenda Parkin, Bruce Pearson, Beth Pearson, Ken Peer, Bob Pettigrew, Gord Regan, Mike Revill, Don Robertson, Hadeel Safieddine, Victoria Sher, Katy Smith, Linda Smith, Kendra Smith, Janet Tigchelaar, Sandi Toomes, Maha Uppal, Doreen Wilson, Raymond Wilson, Jamie Wood, Peggy Workman, Matt Youngblut, Junna Zein, Cindy Zimmerman, Sherri Zimmerman Information & Security - Chairman: Frank Regan; LaVerda Donovan, Brett Maragno, Brian Parr, Greg Parr, Matt Smith 7 FAIR RULES AND REGULATIONS MEMBERS 1. The Annual Membership Fee for Committee Members of the Ancaster Agricultural Society is $15.00. 2. An exhibiting Member winning $20.00 or over, will have $15.00 deducted towards next year’s membership card. EXHIBITORS 3. Exhibitors must purchase an exhibitor card; Adult Classes $10.00, Junior Classes 117 & 118 (ages 9 to 21) - $5.00, must accompany their entry form. An exhibitor may enter as many articles/exhibits as they wish, but only one article per section, except in specified Livestock Classes. A Junior entering Adult and Junior classes, requires an Adult Exhibitor Card only. 4. An exhibitor winning $20.00 or over (except Junior Classes and 4-H), will have $10.00 deducted for the next year’s exhibitor card. 5. An Exhibitor Card allows the exhibitor to exhibit at the Ancaster Fair and one free admission to the current Fair. 6. All exhibitors must abide by the rules of the Ancaster Agricultural Society. 7. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor, and must not have been shown prior to 2013, except where specified. ENTRY FORMS 8. Exhibitors must list their entries on the printed form enclosed with the Prize List. 9. All entries to be made to the Ancaster Fair, 630 Trinity Rd, R.R.#1, Jerseyville, L0R 1R0, or Entry forms received by August 29th will have entry tags mailed to exhibitor, if mailing is requested. 10.Entry forms received by August 22nd will be entered into a draw for three - $25.00 prizes! 11.Once an entry is made, an entry tag will be supplied for each article, which must be attached to the article to serve as a means of identification at the Fair. 12.Personal information on the entry form will be used for processing payment of prize money and mailing prize lists. ENTRY FEES 13.All entry fees are used for prize money. 14.A ten percent (10%) entry fee will be deducted from prize winnings, except in certain livestock classes and horse shows where 15% is deducted. No deductions will be taken from Junior or 4-H exhibitors. In certain classes where an entry fee has already been paid, no further deductions will be made. EXHIBIT PLACEMENT TIMES 15.Exhibits must be placed in the Marritt Hall Complex between the hours of 2:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 17th. 16.No entries will be taken on Thursday, September 18th. 17.Marritt Hall closes at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, Sept.21st exhibits must be picked up between 7:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Sunday, or 9am-noon Monday September 22nd, by claim ticket only. 8 JUDGING 18.An exhibitor lodging a protest regarding an exhibit must make it in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer, accompanied by a $10.00 deposit as soon as the problem is apparent. In no case shall a protest be lodged more than 24 hours after the Fair. The protest will be decided by the Committee under direction of the Chairman. In the case of Committee disagreement, or in the case of appeal, the President of the Ancaster Agricultural Society will make the final decision. Prize money may be forfeited. If the protest is not sustaining, the $10.00 deposit will be forfeited. 19.Judges shall have discretionary powers to withhold any prize where they deem an article unworthy. Judges may disqualify soiled and/or old exhibits. 20.Anyone who interferes with the judge while carrying out his/her duties shall forfeit the right to a prize, or could be asked to leave the property. PRIZE MONEY & AWARDS 21.Exhibitors may submit a list of their winnings to the SecretaryTreasurer on Fair days or immediately after. 22.Prize money will be paid by cheque when all clerical work is completed. 23.Cheques must be cashed before December 1st of the current year. 24.Awards for Most Points may be won by the same exhibitor for two (2) consecutive years. Following the third year, the exhibitor may again be eligible to win the Most Points Award. Points calculated: 1st - 10; 2nd - 9; 3rd - 8; 4th - 7; and 5th - 6. GENERAL 25.In case of insufficient funds due to weather or other conditions, the Ancaster Agricultural Society reserves the right to pay a percentage of the prize money. 26.In case there is an error in the printing of the Prize List, the Directors of the Ancaster Agricultural Society have the power to correct any errors. 27. Be it distinctly understood that in no case shall the Ancaster Agricultural Society, its Directors, Officers or Employees be held responsible for loss of, or damage to, any article or articles while being exhibited at the Ancaster Fair. Notwithstanding, reasonable care will be maintained at all times. 28.Proof of $2,000,000 LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries. Without proof of insurance livestock will not be allowed to show. 29.Additional information in Cattle Rules and Horse Rules. PRIZE LISTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM, FORMS SENT BACK TO: Ancaster Agricultural Society 630 Trinity Road, RR #1 Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0 Phone (905) 648-6198 - Fax (905) 648-2300 [email protected] FAIR HOURS: Thursday - 5:00pm to 10:00pm FRIDAY & SATURDAY - 9:00am to 10:00pm SUNDAY - 10:00am to 6:00pm 9 2014 ANCASTER FAIR HORSE EVENTS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th 9:00 A.M. - 4-H HORSE SHOW SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th 9:00 A.M. -W.H.A.O. WESTERN HORSE SHOW 9:30 A.M. -MINIATURE HORSE SHOW 10:00 A.M. - HAFLINGER SHOW SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st 8:00 A.M. - HUNTERS 10:00 A.M. - HEAVY HORSES 1:00 P.M. -ROADSTER HORSE ENTRY RULES: 1.Entry Forms must be mailed, emailed, faxed, or delivered in person on or before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 12th to the Ancaster Agricultural Society, 630 Trinity Rd. RR #1 Jerseyville, ON. L0R 1R0 2.Hunter Class entries close at noon Saturday Sept. 20th. A penalty will apply to entries after this time. 3.Ancaster Fair Exhibitor Card must be purchased for $10.00, except in Hunter classes. 4.Exhibitors please enter and exit the Fairgrounds at Gate #3, Trinity Rd. 5.Proof of $2,000,000 LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries. Without proof of insurance livestock will not be allowed to show. 10 HEAVY HORSES Sunday, SEPTEMBER 21st at 10:00 a.m. SHARP Pre-Entry - Entry Forms must be received on or before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 12th, 2014. Judges: Line Classes: Don Orr & Bruce Ross Hitch Classes: Don Orr Chairman: Kelly Regan; Randy Baker, Ed Langs, Frank Regan, Graham Regan, Jessica Regan, Matt Regan, Brian Revill RULES: 1. Line Classes - Sections 1 to 7 - $18.00 to all placings after 5th. 2. Team Classes - $35.00 after 5th placing. 3. A Maximum of two entries per exhibitor per section except 4-1 & 4-2. 4. All hitch classes must be hitched to a suitable vehicle. 5. In Class 1 - Belgians, Class 2 - Percherons, and Class 3 - Clydesdales, in sections 1 thru 9, if there is not a minimum of three entries per section, then breeds will be combined. CLASS 1 - BELGIANS Section 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1. Brood Mare ........................................ $ 45 35 25 20 18 2. Foal ....................................................... 45 35 25 20 18 3.Yearling ................................................. 45 35 25 20 18 4. Two Year Old ......................................... 45 35 25 20 18 5. Three Year Old ....................................... 45 35 25 20 18 6.Yeld Mare .............................................. 45 35 25 20 18 7. Gelding, 4 yrs. & over ............................ 45 35 25 20 18 Champion & Reserve Champion ............................. Rosettes 8. Team Light Draught ............................... 75 63 52 45 40 9. Team Heavy Draught ............................. 75 63 52 45 40 CLASS 2 - PERCHERONS 1. Brood Mare ........................................... 45 35 25 20 18 2. Foal ....................................................... 45 35 25 20 18 3.Yearling ................................................. 45 35 25 20 18 4. Two Year Old ......................................... 45 35 25 20 18 5. Three Year Old ....................................... 45 35 25 20 18 6.Yeld Mare .............................................. 45 35 25 20 18 7. Gelding, 4 yrs. & over ............................ 45 35 25 20 18 Champion & Reserve Champion ............................. Rosettes 8. Team Light Draught ............................... 75 63 52 45 40 9. Team Heavy Draught ............................. 75 63 52 45 40 CLASS 3 - CLYDESDALES 1. Brood Mare ........................................... 45 35 25 20 18 2. Foal ....................................................... 45 35 25 20 18 3.Yearling ................................................. 45 35 25 20 18 4. Two Year Old ......................................... 45 35 25 20 18 5. Three Year Old ....................................... 45 35 25 20 18 6.Yeld Mare .............................................. 45 35 25 20 18 7. Gelding, 4 yrs. & over ............................ 45 35 25 20 18 Champion & Reserve Champion ............................. Rosettes 8. Team Light Draught ................................ 75 63 52 45 40 9. Team Heavy Draught ............................. 75 63 52 45 40 11 CLASS 4 - SPECIAL CLASSES 1.Junior Showmanship on Line, Age 10 - 14 (as of Fair Date); No helpers allowed. 1st - $45.00; 2nd - $35.00; 3rd - $25.00; 4th $20.00; 5th - $18.00. Each additional - $18.00 .............. Rosettes 2.Junior Showmanship on Line, Age 15 - 18 (as of Fair Date); No helpers allowed. 1st - $45.00; 2nd - $35.00; 3rd - $25.00; 4th $20.00; 5th - $18.00. Each additional - $18.00 .............. Rosettes 3.Best Pair of Purebred Mares in Harness, all breeds 1st - $75.00; 2nd - $63.00; 3rd - $52.00; 4th - $45.00; 5th - $40.00. Each additional - $30.00 4.Lady Driven Team 1st - $75.00; 2nd - $63.00; 3rd - $52.00; 4th $45.00; 5th - $40.00. Each additional - $30.00 ............ Rosettes 5.Unicorn Hitch 1st - $100.00; 2nd - $75.00; 3rd - $60.00; 4th $50.00; 5th - $40.00. Each additional - $35.00 6.Four Horse Hitch, not necessarily owned by one exhibitor. 1st $210.00; 2nd - $170.00; 3rd - $125.00; 4th - $95.00; 5th - $70.00. Each additional - $65.00. 7.North American Six Horse Hitch Classic Series, not necessarily owned by one exhibitor. 1st - $500.00; 2nd - $400.00; 3rd $300.00; the remaining $1300 of the total $2500.00 prize money offered will be divided by all hitches in the class Class sponsored by the Ancaster Agricultural Society. 8.Lady Open Horse Cart Class. Ladies must dress appropriately. 1st - $70.00; 2nd - $55.00; 3rd - $45.00; 4th - $35.00; 5th - $30.00. Each additional - $25.00 9.Junior Driven Cart (ages 10-18), must be accompanied by an experienced driver. 1st - $70.00; 2nd - $55.00; 3rd - $45.00; 4th - $35.00; 5th - $30.00. Each additional - $25.00 Special: 1st place Junior Showmanship age 10-14 a Trophy in memory of Doug Wilkieson donated by the Bekendam Family LOSS OR DAMAGE Be it distinctly understood that in no case shall the Ancaster Agricultural Society, its Directors, Officers or Employees be held responsible for loss of, or damage to, any article or articles while being exhibited at the Ancaster Fair. Notwithstanding, reasonable care will be maintained at all times. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Upon making an entry the exhibitor shall indemnify and Hold Harmless the Ancaster Agricultural Society, their members, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings by any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to, all operations performed by or carried out by the exhibitor, his agents, employees, or servants or anyone for whose acts he may be held liable, howsoever caused. 12 Class 5 - HAFLINGERS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th at 10:00 a.m. SHARP North Ring Co-Chairmen: Cathy Reid & Lawrence Blum; Dana Baker, Randy Baker, Paul & Lorna Faddies Judge: Don Walker RULES: 1. All horses must be Registered Haflingers. 2.Registration papers must be available if requested. 3.Maximum two entries per exhibitor per section unless noted differently. 4. Same horse cannot be shown in draft and pleasure. 5. Pre-entry forms must be received on or before 4:30p.m. on Friday, September 12th 6. See Fair Rules and Regulations for exhibitor fees. 7. All harness classes must be hitched to a suitable cart or wagon. 8. See Horse Entry Rules. 9. All entries after 5th place will receive $10.00 prize money. Section: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1. Brood Mare (with foal)............................ $35 25 20 15 10 2. .Foal (current year) ....................................35 25 20 15 10 3. .Yearling ....................................................35 25 20 15 10 4. .Two Year Old Filly......................................35 25 20 15 10 5. Two Year old Colt or Gelding..................... 35 25 20 15 10 Junior Champion & Reserve...................... Rosettes Trophies for Junior Champion & Reserve donated by Fairchild Acres 6. Mare, 3 yrs. & Over................................... 35 25 20 15 10 7. Gelding, 3 yrs. & Over............................... 35 25 20 15 10 Senior Champion & Reserve...................... Rosettes Grand Champion & Reserve...................... Rosettes 8. Progeny of Dam...................................... $50 40 30 25 20 Two animals any age, the progeny of one Dam. Each animal must have been shown in its appropriate single section if offered. Both animals must be owned by the exhibitor and registered in the exhibitor’s name. One entry per exhibitor. 9. Get of Sire............................................... $50 40 30 25 20 Three animals any age, the get of one Sire. Each animal must have shown in its appropriate single section if offered. At least one animal must be owned by the exhibitor and registered in the exhibitor’s name. One entry per exhibitor. 10.Junior Showmanship on line................... $30 25 18 12 10 11 yrs. & under, (age as of fair date, list name and birthday on entry form). 11.Junior Showmanship on line................... $30 25 18 12 10 12-18 yrs, (age as of fair date, list name and birthday on entry form). 12.Haflinger Under Saddle (Walk/Jog)......... $35 25 20 15 10 .Appropriate attire is required for Western, English or Dressage. 13.Single Pleasure in Light Harness Carts or Wagon....................................... $50 40 30 25 20 14.Single Draft in Harness Carts or Wagon.. $50 40 30 25 20 15.Gentleman Driver (19 & over) Single Horse............................................ $50 40 30 25 20 13 16.Lady Driver (19 & over) Single Horse Lady Driver must be suitably dressed. Judged: 75% driving ability, 25% dress appearance................. $50 40 30 25 20 17.Junior Driver (18 yrs & under) Single Horse to be accompanied by a capable driver............. $50 40 30 25 20 18.Obstacle Course, Single Horse................ $50 40 30 25 20 19.Span in Harness, pleasure or draft.......... $70 60 50 40 30 20.Four Horse Hitch not necessarily owned by one person............................ $125 100 75 50 40 SPECIAL: $125.00 1st place winner of section 20, prize donated by BAKERS ATWORK OFFICE FURNITURE - CAMBRIDGE. Thank you to the Canadian and Ontario Halflinger Associations for their donation towards prize money. HUNTERS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st Centre Ring 8:00 a.m. Start South Ring 9:00 a.m. Start Chairman: Amy Cleva; Committee: Averyhill Farm Inc. Judges: Sharon MacBay, Shanya Kriegel-Belanger RULES: 1. Equine Canada rules apply. 2. Helmets and proper footwear must be worn at all times while mounted. 3. Beginner riders are 12 and under as of January 1st, 2014. Riders in this division may not cross enter into any other division. Points in classes 12 & 13 will not count towards division champion & reserve. 4. Novice riders are those riders in their first two (2) years of showing. 5. Junior riders are 18 and under as of January 1st, 2014. 6. Entries close at Noon on Saturday September 20th, 2014. 7. Proof of $2M LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED with all entries. OEF membership is acceptable if card is shown. 8. Full payment/open cheque required to receive show number. No refunds without doctor/veterinary certificate. 9. Only one (1) horse/rider combination per entry form. 10.A non-refundable administration fee of $15 will be added to all entries. 11.Un-judged schooling fee $10/round. 12.Entry fee before closing date: Classes 12-16: $5; all others: $10 Entry fee after closing date: Classes 12-16: $10; all others: $15 CENTRE RING- 8:00am start Hack Division 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Class 1- Road Hack....................................... 30 25 20 15 Class 2- Show Hack...................................... 30 25 20 15 Class 3- Pleasure Hack................................. 30 25 20 15 Hack Champion & Reserve.......................Rosettes Novice/Junior Un-Judged Schooling (one round per entry) 14 5th 10 10 10 Novice Division 2’ Class 4- Novice Hunter Over Fences............. 50 40 30 20 Class 5- Novice Equitation Over Fences........ 50 40 30 20 Class 6- Novice Hunter Under Saddle........... 30 25 20 15 Class 7- Novice Equitation on the Flat........... 30 25 20 15 Novice Champion & Reserve....................Rosettes 10 10 10 10 Junior Division 2’3” Class 8- Junior Hunter Under Saddle............ 30 25 20 15 Class 9- Junior Equitation on the Flat............ 30 25 20 15 Class 10- Junior Hunter Over Fences............ 50 40 30 20 Class 11- Junior Equitation Over Fences....... 50 40 30 20 Junior Champion & Reserve.....................Rosettes 10 10 10 10 30 minute Open Schooling for Beginner Riders Only (not before 11am) Beginner Division Class 12- Good Grooming................................. Ribbons Only Class 13- Leadline Walk/Trot............................. Ribbons Only Class 14- Walk/Trot Equitation...................... 20 15 10 5 5 Class 15- Walk/Trot/Canter Equitation........... 20 15 10 5 5 Class 16- Cavalletti Equitation....................... 20 15 10 5 5 Beginner Champion & Reserve..................Rosettes SOUTH RING- 9:00am start Low/Open Un-Judged Schooling .(one round per entry) Low Hunter Division 2’6” Class 17- Low Hunter Over Fences............... 30 25 20 15 Class 18- Low Handy Hunter........................ 50 40 30 20 Class 19- Low Hunter Stake.......................... 60 50 40 30 Class 20- Low Hunter Under Saddle............. 30 25 20 15 Low Hunter Champion & Reserve...............Rosettes 10 10 20 10 Class 21-Open Equitation on the Flat............... 30 25 20 15 10 Class 22-Open Equitation Over Fences 2’6”..... 30 25 20 15 10 Open Hunter Division 2’9” Class 23- Open Hunter Over Fences.............. 30 25 20 15 Class 24- Open Handy Hunter....................... 50 40 30 20 Class 25- Open Hunter Stake........................ 60 50 40 30 Class 26- Open Hunter Under Saddle............ 30 25 20 15 Open Hunter Champion & Reserve..............Rosettes 4-H horse show achievement day FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th The Hamilton Wentworth 4-H Horse Show - starting at 9:00 A.M. There will be a variety of classes held. Leader: Nancy Poole (905) 383-9831, [email protected] Thank you to all of our sponsors. 15 10 10 20 10 ROADSTER HORSES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st at 1:00pm North Ring Pre-Entry - Entry Forms must be received on or before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 12th, 2014 Judge: Bruce Ross Chairman: Randy Baker; Jaimie Midgley, Kelly Regan CLASS 7 - ROADSTER 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1. Span Roadster, Mares or Geldings in Harness............................ $80 70 60 45 40 2. .Single Roadster Mare or Gelding in Harness, under 15.2 hands...................................... 60 50 45 30 25 3. .Single Roadster, Mare or Gelding in Harness, 15.2 hands and over.................................. 60 50 45 30 25 4. Roadster to Bike - Over 15.2 hands (Driver to wear colours)............................ 60 50 45 30 25 5. Roadster to Bike - Under 15.2 hands (Driver to wear colours)............................ 60 50 45 30 25 6. Lady Driver with Single Horse................... 60 50 45 30 25 7. .Open Stake, Single Roadster, Mare or Gelding in Harness, $10 entry fee........................................... 150 100 75 40 30 $30 to all other entries. Maximum two entries per exhibitor in Class 7. Class Co-sponsored by Allison Stables, Hamilton and GreenHorizons Sod Farms, Mount Hope. Winner of class to receive a Trophy donated by Allison Stables. CLASS 12 - OPEN MINIATURE HORSE SHOW SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th at 9:30 a.m. Pre-Entry - Entry Forms must be received on or before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Chairman: Jaimie Midgley; Craig Emick, Joan Emick, Lori Emick, Peter Emick, Tara Emick, Kate Squisssato, Kim Squissato, Tia Squissato RULES: 1.Classes are open to all registered miniature horses 2.Division A – 34” and under (weanlings – up to 30”; yearlings – up to 32”; 2 Year Olds – up to 33”; 3 Year Olds – up to 34”) 3.Division B - not to exceed 38” in height. 4.All horses may be measured prior to the show, at random, if in question. 5.Proof of $2M LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries. 6.Youth Exhibitors participating in any driving class must wear a helmet. 7.Each horse/exhibitor combination will be assigned a number. There is a $2.00 rental charge for each number and will be refunded when returned. 8.ENTRY FEE BEFORE CLOSING Date: $2.00 per class Late Entry Fee AFTER CLOSING Date: $4.00 per class Only one (1) horse/exhibitor combination per entry form. 16 Section 1st 2nd 3rd 4th5th 1. Weanlings, Fillies & Colts........................ $15 12 10 8 6 2. Yearling Mare............................................ 15 12 10 8 6 3. 2 Year Old Mare........................................ 15 12 10 8 6 4. Senior Mare.............................................. 15 12 10 8 6 Grand Champion Mare & Reserve (1st & 2nd place winners of Sec. 1 - 4)......... Rosettes 5. Yearling Stallion....................................... 15 12 10 8 6 6. 2 Year Old Stallion ................................. .15 12 10 8 6 7. Senior Stallion.......................................... 15 12 10 8 6 Grand Champion Stallion & Reserve (1st & 2nd place winners of Sec. 5 - 7)......... Rosettes 8. Geldings - All Ages.................................... 15 12 10 8 6 Grand Champion Gelding & Reserve........... Rosettes The Supreme Halter Horse........................ Rosette 9. Multi-Colour Miniature (Limited to Appaloosa & Pinto Only)........................... 15 12 10 8 6 10.Solid Colour Miniature.............................. 15 12 10 8 6 11.Youth Showmanship (13 to 17)................ 15 12 10 8 6 12.Youth Showmanship (12 & under)............ 15 12 10 8 6 Lunch Break 13.Adult Pleasure Driving............................... 30 25 20 15 10 14.Youth Pleasure Driving (2 Wheel Cart Only)................................... 30 25 20 15 10 15.Youth Obstacle Driving.............................. 30 25 20 15 10 16.Adult Obstacle Driving............................... 30 25 20 15 10 17.Open Mini Barrel Race Driving (trot only). 30 25 20 15 10 18.Youth Halter Obstacle................................ 15 12 10 8 6 19.Adult Halter Obstacle................................. 15 12 10 8 6 20.Youth Hunter Jumper................................ 15 12 10 8 6 21.Adult Hunter Jumper................................. 15 12 10 8 6 Open Hunter Jumper Award - Toyland Domino Memorial Trophy 22.Youth Jumper............................................ 15 23.Adult Jumper............................................. 15 24.Youth Halter Egg & Spoon (13 to 17)........ 15 25.Youth Halter Egg & Spoon (12 & under)... 15 26.Open Costume........................................... 15 SPECIAL: 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 The William Michaluk Memorial Trophy To the Horse with High Points in Class 12. AGRICULTURAL SHOW FACILITIES Book your equine event at the Ancaster Fairgrounds: • 100’ x 220’ Indoor Arena • 3 outdoor rings, and warm up area • 60 box stalls available (10 x 10) • Indoor washrooms with showers • Ample Parking • Easy Access off of Hwy 403 We welcome you to visit us and experience our new facility for yourself. Contact one of our friendly staff for more information and to schedule a private tour. 17 6 6 6 6 6 clasS 13 - W.H.A.O. WESTERN HORSE SHOW Western Horse Association of Ontario Point Award Show SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th at 9:00 a.m. Sharp Show Manager: Peter Emick Judge: Rick Storey RULES: 1. Proof of $2M LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries, without proof of insurance livestock will not be allowed to show. 2.Complete Address and Postal Code must appear on Entry Forms. 3. A $10.00 Ancaster Fair Exhibitor Card is Required. Entry Fees: $3.00/class -Lead Line, Walk Jog and Youth Sections $5.00/class -All Other Sections $5.00/day -Non-WHAO members 4. Lead Line riders cannot enter any other class. 5.Riders showing Walk/Jog Pleasure 13 and under cannot show in any other classes except Youth Showmanship. 6.Riders showing Walk/Jog Pleasure 13 and over and Walk/Jog Horsemanship 13 and over cannot show in any other classes except Open Halter and Open and Youth Showmanship (based on age). 7.Youth Classes open to 18 years old and under. Section 1st 2nd 3rd 4th5th 1. Open Halter (Mares and Geldings).......... $20 15 10 5 5 2. Open Showmanship – Stake Class.......... $50 40 30 20 10 3. Youth Showmanship............................... $10 8 7 5 5 4. Open Dash for Cash................................ $30 25 20 15 10 5. Youth Dash for Cash............................... $10 8 7 5 5 6. Open Hunter Under Saddle...................... $20 15 10 5 5 7. Youth Hunter Under Saddle..................... $10 8 7 5 5 8. Open English Equitation.......................... $20 15 10 5 5 9. Youth English Equitation......................... $10 8 7 5 5 10.Open Versatility – Stake Class................. $65 55 45 35 25 Hunter under Saddle/Western Pleasure/Barrel Racing 11.Open Barrels – Stake Class..................... $50 40 30 20 10 12.Youth Barrels........................................... $10 8 7 5 5 13.Open Flag Race....................................... $20 15 10 5 5 LUNCH 14.Open Trail – Stake Class.......................... $50 40 30 20 10 15.Youth Trail............................................... $10 8 7 5 5 16.Lead Line (8 and under)................................ Ribbon Class Only 17.Walk/Jog Pleasure – 12 and under.......... $10 8 7 5 5 18.Walk/ Jog Pleasure – 13 and over........... $10 8 7 5 5 19.Walk/Jog Horsemanship - 13 and over... $10 8 7 5 5 20.Open Horsemanship................................ $20 15 10 5 5 21.Youth Horsemanship – Stake Class......... $45 35 25 15 10 22.Open Stake Race..................................... $20 15 10 5 5 23.Youth Stake Race.................................... $10 8 7 5 5 24.Open Western Pleasure – Stake Class..... $50 40 30 20 10 25.Youth Western Pleasure.......................... $10 8 7 5 5 26.Open Pole Bending.................................. $20 15 10 5 5 27.Youth Pole Bending – Stake Class........... $45 35 25 15 10 28.Open Command Pleasure........................ $20 15 10 5 5 18 SOUTH WENTWORTH PLOWING MATCH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014 At Normelean Farms 452 Carluke Rd., Ancaster hosted by the Vansickle & Cranston Families Lunch on site For Further Information Contact: SHARON PEARCe, Secretary-Treasurer (905) 679-6304, [email protected] CATTLE SHOW RULES 1. ENTRY DEADLINE: Beef entries must be received by Wednesday September 10, 2014 by 4:30 at the fair office. Guernsey - see National Championship Geurnsey Show page 23. 2. EXHIBITOR FEE & ENTRY FORM: A $10.00 Exhibitor Fee must be sent with the Entry Form if it was not deducted from the previous year’s winnings. The entry fee will be 15% of the prize money won. Personal information will be used for processing payment of prize money and mailing prize lists. Proof of $2M LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries. Without proof of insurance livestock will not be allowed to show. 3. LATE ENTRIES: Late entries will not be accepted and may not be shown in the ring. This rule will be strictly enforced. 4. DEFINITIONS: a)EXHIBIT: All registered animals, whether owned by one person or by more than one person are considered to be the production of the farm breeding unit on which they are maintained. b)EXHIBITOR: Any breed, person or firm which presents animals for official placing by a judge at the time specified by the fair for judging. c)BREEDING UNIT: Where common interests are involved in more than one breeding operation, such operations are considered one Breeding unit. Where there is doubt that more than one breeding unit exists, the interpretation shall be that only one breeding unit exists. The responsibility of proof of separation of breeding units shall rest with the exhibitor(s). d)PUREBRED: An animal determined by the by-laws of an association authorized to register animals of that breed. e)Each breed must be shown separately, and have at least three (3) exhibitors and twenty-four (24) exhibits per cattle breed. Prize money may be reduced if these requirements are not met. 5.CHECKING OF EXHIBITS: Checking of exhibits is the responsibility of the fair. The fair must exclude ineligible animals and those not positively identified before judging. Animals will be checked for health and identification prior to judging. 6. ANIMAL REGISTRATION: All exhibits must be registered in the name of the exhibitor in accordance with the bylaws of their respective associations. Registration papers must be available for checking by Ring Clerks and Breed Fieldsmen prior to the show. 7. PLACEMENT AND REMOVAL OF ANIMALS: Cattle must be in the barns by 10:00 a.m. on the day that the class is shown and must remain on the grounds for viewing until 5:00 p.m 8. All livestock exhibits must be brought in Gate 3: Proceed around the perimeter road and enter at Gate B, located west of the Show Arena. 19 BEEF SHOWS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st Animals placed by 10:00 a.m. Judging at 1:00 p.m. 4-H Animals placed by 8:00 a.m. Judging at 9:00 a.m. Chairmen: Bill Kelley & Wayne Smith Committee: Bonnie Kelley, Tony Onufer, Patti Smith Class 15 Class 16 Class 17 - 4-H Intercounty Beef Show - 9:00am - Any Purebred Breed - Commercial Breeding Females RULES: 1. See General Cattle Show Rules. 2. SHOW HARNESSES REQUIRED. 3. Two exhibits per class may be entered in a maximum of three (3) classes. Note exceptions in the Breeder’s Herd. 4. Each pen class entry shall be counted as one exhibit regardless of the number of animals in the entry. Animals shown in pen classes are not eligible to be shown in single or group classes, or vice-versa. All exhibits must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor. Note exceptions in the Breeder’s Herd. 5. All animals being shown in single classes must be registered as purebred by closing date of entries, except calves under 6 months (which must be tattooed). Calves over 6 months must be registered unless breed association bylaws prohibit registration until older. 6. All calves shown with the dam in Class 7 or 8 may not be shown in Classes 1 & 4. This will be strictly enforced. 7. Beef Committee reserves the right to reject sub-standard entries. 8. All exhibitors are required to provide their own straw. CLASS 15 4-H INTER-COUNTY BEEF CALF CLUB SHOW SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st - 9:00 A.M. Rules: 1. Exhibitors must be members of a 4-H Calf Club. 2. Entries must be sent to Ancaster Fair, 630 Trinity Rd., RR #1 Jerseyville, ON, L0R 1R0 on or before Wednesday, Sept. 12th. 3. All entrants must exhibit this year’s Calf Club Calf. This will be checked for verification. No Substitutes. 4. All exhibits must be on the grounds by 8:00 a.m, Sunday, September 21st. 5. Showing will commence at 9:00 a.m. 6. SHOW HARNESSES REQUIRED. 7. All entrants and leaders will receive a meal ticket. 8. All usual health certificates and registration papers must be on hand. 9. All ages are as of January 1st of the current year. 20 CLASS A - INTERBREED SHOWMANSHIP Prize Money: 1st-$35.00; 2nd-$30.00; 3rd-$25.00; all others-$20.00 and merit ribbons Section 1. Senior - 15 years and older Section 2. Junior - 10 to 14 years Section 3. Novice - First year members CHAMPION sHOWMANSHIP ........................................ ROSETTE CLASS B - INTERBREED TYPE Section 1. 2014 4-H Beef Project - Heifer Calf Section 2. 2014 4-H Beef Project -Yearling Heifer Section 3. 2014 4-H Beef Project - Steer/Market Heifer CHAMPION Market Animal ........................................ Rosette CHAMPION HEIFER .................................................... Rosette gRAND cHAMPION OF CLASS .......................................rOSETTE CLASS C - GROUP OF 4 Rules 1. Each calf must be a 4-H calf this year. 2. All four calves must be from the same club and entered under the Club Name by the Club Leader. 3. One entry per Club. 1st-$20.00; 2nd-$16.00; 3rd-$14.00; 4th-$12.00; All Others- $10.00; & rosettes Section 1. Group of 4, 4-H Calf Club Calves CLASS D - open youth Section 1. Showmanship - Must not have reached age 9 before Jan. 1 of the current year. Ribbon & $2.00 Coin CLASS 16 - any purebred breed Prize Money: $100.00; $75.00; $60.00; $50.00; $45.00; $40.00; All others - $20.00 Section 1- Bull - Calf born on or after Jan.1/14, minimum of three months of age on day of judging .......................... Prize Money Section 2- Bull- Yearling born Jan.1/13- Dec.31/13 ..Prize Money Section 3- Bull- Born Jan.1/12- Dec.31/12 .............. Prize Money Champion male ....................................... banner Reserve Champion Male ...................................... Rosette Section 4- Female - Calf born on or after Jan.1/14, minimum of three months of age on day of judging .............................. Prize Money Section 5- Female - Heifer born Apr.1/13- Dec.31/13 ... Prize Money Section 6- Female - Heifer born Jan.1/13 - Mar.31/13... Prize Money Section 7- Female - born Jan. 1/12 - Dec. 31/12 with her 2014, natural purebred, tattooed calf at foot. Female and calf shall be shown as a unit except that the calf is eligible to be shown as a single animal in Section 10 .......................................... Prize Money Section 8- Female - born prior to Jan.1/12 with her own 2014, natural purebred, tattooed calf at foot. Female and calf shall be shown as a unit except that the calf is eligible to be shown as a single animal 21 in Section 10 .................................................... Prize Money C h ampion female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B anner reserve champion Female ...................... Rosette Section 9 - Breeder’s Herd - a group of 4 animals bred by the exhibitor, both sexes represented, must be exhibited in previous classes. At least one animal must be owned by the exhibitor. Limited to one group exhibit per Exhibitor .... Prize Money, Trophy & Rosette Section 10 - Get of Sire - A group of 3 animals from the same sire, both sexes represented. At least one animal owned by the exhibitor. Animals must be shown in previous class... Prize Money & Rosette class 17 - commercial breeding females Section 1. Commercial heifer Calf Born on or after Jan. 1/14 (minimum 3 months) Section 2. Commercial Breeding Heifer born Jan. 1/13 - Dec.31/13 DAIRY SHOWS Committee: Martina & Andy Arth, Doug Cranston, Larry Cranston, Jesse Forster, Ken D. Forster, Rob Forster, Ken Lisso, Ken Peer, Dale Smith, Matt Smith, Matt Regan, Frank Regan, Marilyn Stephens, Len Vis, Raymond Wilson Committee to check Pedigrees and Clerk in the ring in co-operation with the Breed Fieldmen. RULES: 1. The general rules of the Ancaster Fair govern except where special rules are printed for a particular breed. 2. Exhibitors must provide their own straw. 3. SHOW HARNESSES REQUIRED, please ensure exhibitors provide their own harnesses. 4. Proof of $2M LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries. Without proof of insurance livestock will not be allowed to show. 5. Registration names and numbers, date of birth, etc., of all animals entered must be given at the time of making entry on the Livestock Entry Forms provided. Personal information will be used for processing payment of prize money and mailing prize lists. 6. In the event of sickness or for some other reason, a particular animal cannot be shown after the entry has been made, a substitution will be permitted. 7. Stall space will be allotted according to entries received. 8. All cattle must have NLID tags inserted in both ears. 9. See Cattle Show Rules. CODE OF ETHICS FOR DAIRY CATTLE EXHIBITORS: The following practices or procedures are considered unacceptable and defined as unethical in the show ring of registered dairy cattle. 1. Misrepresenting the age of the animal for the class in which it is shown. 2. Balancing the udder by any means other than by leaving naturally 22 produced milk in any or all quarters. 3. Treating the udder, internally or externally with an irritant, counterirritant, or other substances to temporarily improve conformation or produce unnatural animation. 4.Minimizing the effects of crampiness or lameness by feeding or injecting drugs. 5. Surgery of any kind performed to change the natural contour of appearance of the animal’s body, hide or hair. Not included is the removal of warts, teats and horns, clipping and dressing of hair and trimming of hooves. 6. Insertion of foreign material under the skin, into the topline or on the feet. 7.Criticizing or interfering with the judge, show management or other exhibitors while in the show ring or other conduct detrimental to the breed or show National CHAMPIONSHIP guernsey SHOW FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th at 10:00 a.m. Committee - Ken D. Forster, Rob Forster Judge: Seth Johnson RULES: 1. Entries must be received by the Canadian Guernsey Association Administration, 5653 Hwy 6 N, RR 5, Guelph, ON N1H 6J2 by Friday, August 29th (Fax 519-763-6582) 2. New exhibitors must send $10.00 for an exhibitor card to Ancaster Agricultural Society before Friday, August 29th, 2014. 3. Proof of $2M LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED when submitting all livestock entries. Without proof of insurance livestock will not be allowed to show. 4. Open to all purebred and 75% purebred Guernsey Cattle and subject to rules and regulations of the Canadian Dairy Breeds classifications and code of ethics. See Cattle Show Rules. 5. All cattle must have NLID tags inserted in both ears 6. The Ancaster Agricultural Society will provide 1 bale of straw per entry. 1. PEE WEE SHOWMANSHIP - Prize money to all entries - sponsored a) no entry fee b) Open to contestants who have not reached age 9 before January 1, 2014 c) Contestants must reside on a farm where registered Guernseys are maintained. d) Judged on showmanship only. 2. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP. Prize money to all entries - sponsored a) no entry fee, but entry must be made on official entry form by entry deadline. b) open to contestants minimum 9 years of age as of Jan. 1/14 who have not reached their 22nd birthday by Dec. 31/14. c) contestants must reside on a farm where registered Guernseys are maintained or be a member of a 4-H club having a Guernsey calf as their 2014 project. d) contestants may show either a heifer calf or a yearling heifer, not necessarily owned by them. e) judged on showmanship only. 23 Banners for all class winners Prize Money Junior Classes: $100; $90; $80; $70; $60; $50 - 6th to 10th place Section 3. Junior Calf-born on or after March 1, 2014................Prize Money 4. Intermediate Calf-born Dec. 1/13-Feb.28/14........... Prize Money 5. Senior Calf-born Sept. 1/13- Nov. 30/13 .................. Prize Money 6. Intermediate Yearling-born Mar. 1/13-Aug. 31/13..... Prize Money 7. Senior Yearling-born Sept. 1/12-Feb. 28/13............ Prize Money Junior & Reserve Junior Champion Female .............. Rosettes 8. Junior Herd - Group of 3 junior females. Exhibitor must have bred all three and own at least two. Each animal must have shown in the appropriate age class PRIZE MONEY SENIOR CLASSES: $100; $90; $80; $70; $60; $50 - 6th to 10th place 9. Dry Cow - must have completed one lactation ......... Prize Money 10.Female-2 year old-born Sept. 1/11-Aug. 31/12...... Prize Money 11.Female-3 year old-born Sept. 1/10-Aug. 31/11....... Prize Money 12.Female-4 year old-born Sept. 1/09-Aug. 31/10 ...... Prize Money 13.Female-5 year old-born prior to Sept. 1/09.............. Prize Money Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female .............. Rosettes 14.Breeder’s Herd - A group of 3 females. Exhibitor must have bred all 3 animals and own at least two. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited in the appropriate age class for single animals ............................ Prize money to 7th/ Ribbons to 5th 15.Progeny of Dam - two females with the same dam .... Prize Money 1st $50, 2nd $45, 3rd $40, 4th $35. 5th -10th $30 16.Best Udder Class - Judge shall designate one best udder in each milking class (10-13) ...................................... $50.00 each 17. Highest Composite BCA Award: Cow in the championship class with the highest Composite BCA score. DHI RECORDS must be available at ringside. AWARD -Plaque donated by Can-West DHI, Guelph, ON 18. HERDSMAN AWARD: Banner and sponsored gift -Neatness of exhibit and area immediately adjacent.........30 points -Appearance of Animals...................................................30 points -Attractiveness of signs, information or breed production..20 points -Initiative and courtesy displayed by the contestant, dealing with the public...............................................................20 points total: 100 points SPECIALs: Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor - Sponsored by Bill Luff, Secretary of World Guernsey Cattle Federation BREEDER’S HERD - Sponsored by the Ancaster Agricultural Society Homecraft Quilt Draw Tickets Available in Marritt Hall throughout the Fair Draw: Sunday, September 21st, 2014 at 5:30 pm 24 CLASS 112 ALL ONTARIO INTER-CLUB 4-H DAIRY SHOW SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th- 11:00 A.M. Committee: Martina Arth, Rob Forster, Krista Gunby, Ken Lisso, Laura Schuurman, Marilyn Stephens, Len Vis, Raymond Wilson Judge: Kyle Rivington Rules: 1. Exhibitors must be members of a 4-H Calf Club organized in 2014. 2. Entries must be sent to the Ancaster Fair Office, 630 Trinity Rd. RR #1 Jerseyville, L0R 1R0 on or before Wednesday September 10th. 3. All entrants must exhibit his/her own 4-H Calf which must be his/her 4-H project of the current year. No substitutes will be permitted. 4. All exhibits must be on the grounds by 9:00 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 20. 5. Showing will commence at 11:00 a.m. 6. All 4-H member ages are as of January 1st of the current year. 7. Judging is on a group basis. 8. 4-H Project Information Sheet may be required. 9. All entries must provide their own straw 10. SHOW HARNESS REQUIRED CLASS A - OPEN YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP - Shown at 11:00 a.m. RULES: 1. The calf shown must be an appropriate size for the showperson. 2. Exhibitor must not have reached age 9 before Jan. 1, 2014 3. Showperson must be able to safely show unaccompanied. SECTION: 1. Showmanship: All participants receive a Rosette & $10.00. SPECIAL: All prize money DONATED BY RAYMOND WILSON CLASS B - INTERBREED SHOWMANSHIP Prize Money: Group 1-$50.00; Group 2-$40.00; Group 3-$30.00 Section 1. Senior - 16 years and older Section 2. Intermediate - 13 to 15 years Section 3. Junior - 10 to 12 years Section 4. Novice - First year members CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION ROSETTES given in each section SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION: Gift donated by O’Neil’s Case IH Farm Equipment, Binbrook RESERVE CHAMPION: gift & rosette donated by Ancaster agricultural society SHOWMANSHIP Grand Champion FROM Hamilton-Wentworth: A Trophy donated by The Hamilton & District Labour Council CLASS C - INTERBREED CONFORMATION Prize Money: Group 1-$50.00; Group 2 -$40.00; Group 3 -$30.00 Section 1. Junior Heifer -Mar. 1/14 toMay 31/14 Section 2. Intermediate Heifer - Dec. 1/13 to Feb. 28/14 Section 3. Senior Heifer - Sept. 1/13 to Nov. 30/13 Section 4. Summer Yearling - June 1/13 to Aug. 31/13 Section 5. Junior Yearling -Mar. 1/13 toMay 31/13 (Depending on the number entered, some classes may be combined.) CONFORMATION CHAMPION: Gift donated by Crossroads Equipment, Jerseyville & Rosette 25 RESERVE CHAMPION: gift & rosette donated by ancaster agricultural society CLASS D - GROUP OF 4 Rules: 1. Each calf must be a 4-H calf project of the current year and must have been exhibited in Classes B and C. 2. All four calves must be from the same Club. 3. Entries are to be made in the Club Name by the Club Leader. 4. One entry per Club. 5. Each Club will be permitted one herdsman while in the show ring 1st - $40.00; 2nd - $32.00; 3rd - $28.00; 4th - $24.00; all others - $20.00 CHAMPION 4-H ROSETTES: donated by the AncASTER Agricultural SocIETY Gift Donated by Joe Loewith & Sons CLASS E - HERDSMAN’S COMPETITION -Neatness of exhibit and area immediately adjacent.........30 points -Appearance of Animals...................................................30 points -Attractiveness of signs, information or breed production..20 points -Initiative and courtesy displayed by the contestant, dealing with the public...............................................................20 points total: 100 points Prize Money: 1st - $50.00; 2nd - $40.00; 3rd - $30.00 all others $10.00 spECIAL: A trophy donated by Mapel wood Farms Refreshments following the show sponsored by Wentworth Dairy Producers & Ancaster Agricultural Society 4-h achievement Days CLASS 109 - ANCASTER 4-H Dairy CALF CLUB Saturday, September 20th, 2014 Animals in by 9:00 a.m. Judging at 10:00 a.m. Club Leaders - Martina Arth, Laura Schuurman, Len Vis RULES: 1. Open to 4-H members ages 9 to 21, who have been enrolled as members of the Ancaster Calf Club in 2014. 2. Exhibits shall be the calf enrolled in the 4-H Project for 2014. 3.Calves will be judged for conformation and showmanship. Section 1.Conformation .............................................................. Ribbons Grand Champion Conformation .............................. Rosette 2. Showmanship ............................................................. Ribbons Grand Champion Showmanship ............................... Rosette 26 CLASS 110 - HAMILTON-WENTWORTH 4-H FIELD CROP CLUB Club Leaders - Murray Cranston, Ken Forster, Dale Smith RULES 1. Entries must be placed on Wednesday, Sept. 17th between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. No entries will be accepted on Thursday. 2. Open to boys and girls ages 9 to 21, enrolled as members of the Hamilton-Wentworth 4-H Field Crop Club in 2014. 3. Exhibits shall consist of: a) Six Stalks of Silage Corn, and b) A Special Project CLASS 111 - 4-H INTER-CLUB EXHIBITS Committee - Raymond Wilson, Jackie Hilton, Terry Howell 1. Open to 2013-2014 4-H Clubs in Hamilton-Wentworth. 2. Clubs may place one exhibit from one of the 2014 4-H Projects or 2013 4-H Projects. 3. At least three clubs must place exhibits. There is no entry fee. 4. Each exhibit must have the name of the club and topic for each exhibit. 5. Table space of approximately 4’ x 3’ will be available for each exhibit. 6. Entries must be made to the Fair office prior to Friday, Sept. 5, 2014. 7. Exhibits must be placed Wed. Sept. 19, 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 8. Exhibits will be graded according to merit and classified A, B or C. Grade A - $25.00; Grade B - $20.00; and Grade C - $15.00. 9. The exhibit must have “4-H” or the 4-H Clover on the board. CLASS 116 4-H Photography Club Achievement Club Leaders – Mary-Lynne Howell, Terry Howell, Shannon Revil, Sherry Couchman Rules 1. Entries must be placed on Wednesday, Sept. 17th between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. No entries will be accepted on Thursday. 2. Open to boys and girls ages 9 to 21, enrolled as members of the HamiltonWentworth 4-H Photography Club 2014. 3. Exhibitors can enter any or all of the classes 4. Photo’s must be regular 4x6 size mounted on black or green Bristol board with 1” border around entire photo. No glass or frames or photo corners. Mount using rubber cement or two sided tape suggested. 5. Must be a photo taken by the exhibitor and not have been entered previous to 2014. 6. No computer enhanced photo’s or photocopied images. 7. ALL entries submitted by the same exhibitor must be distinctly different from each other. Identical photos or similar photos may not be entered under different sections. Exhibitor may only enter one photo in each section. 8. *Please note* Ancaster Fair and Hamilton Wentworth 4-H are NOT at fault for any lost or damaged photos. Section: 1. Animal/Bug close up 3. 4-H club activities 2. A day on the farm -series of 4. A Nature Landscape three photos 5. My Friend 27 DAIRY GOAT SHOW Sanctioned by the Canadian Dairy Goat Society JUDGED SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 at 9:00 a.m. Chairman: Gerard McNeil; Grant Howley, Linda Lindsay, Amanda Peaire, Beryle Johnson, Jess Johnson, Chantal Thyne RULES: 1. The General Rules of the Ancaster Agricultural Society and the Canadian Goat Society shall prevail. 2. Exhibitors must have an Exhibitor Card of the Ancaster Agricultural Society - if not deducted in 2013, an exhibitor fee of $10.00 must be sent to the Ancaster Agricultural Society, 630 Trinity Rd., RR #1 Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0 3. An Entry Fee of 10% will be deducted from Prize Money. 4. The entry deadline is Friday, September 12th, at 4:30 p.m. Late entries are not accepted. 5. Goats must be in place by 8:00 a.m. and remain until 5:00 p.m. 6. There will be no pre-show milkout. All milkers must be milked out within twelve hours before judging commences. 7. Substitutes may be made to the show secretary until 8:30 a.m. on the day of the show. 8. There will be a pre-show veterinary inspection which all animals must pass. The inspection will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 9. Each breed must be shown separately and have at least three exhibitors per breed and at least 24 animals. 10. Full Canadians may be shown in the Purebred Classes. 11. If minimum requirements are not met, the Fair Board reserves the right to pay only half the prize money listed. 12. The maximum total eligible exhibits from a breeding unit is 10 goats of each breed. An exhibitor may enter three animals in two classes to a total of 10 animals per breed. 13. All animals shown in the Group Sections and Specials must have been shown in their regular classes. 14. All exhibits must be owned by, and registered or recorded in the name of the exhibitor. Ages are to be calculated from the date of birth to the day of the show. 15. All papers will be checked. 16. Exhibitors must provide their own straw. Class 19-Nubian Class 21-Toggenburg Class 23-La Mancha BREEDS Class 20-Saanen Class 22-Alpine Class 24-Recorded Grade JUNIOR DIVISION - The junior division will be judged before proceeding to the senior division. The junior division consists of does under 24 months of age, that are not in milk and have never freshened. Prizes: $45, $40, $35, $30, $25, All others $15 Section 1. Junior Doe Kid - over 3 months and under 9 months. 2. Senior Doe Kid - over 9 months and under 24 months. Junior and Reserve Junior Champion ....................... Rosettes Prizes: $15, $12, $10, $8, $5 3. Junior Showmanship - 10 Years and Under ................. Ribbons 4. Senior Showmanship - 11 Years to 18 Years ............... Ribbons 28 SENIOR DIVISION - The senior division consists of does that have freshened Prizes: $45, $40, $35, $30, $25, All others $15 5.Milking Yearling over 12 months & under 24 months, in milk. 6. Doe over 24 months, and under 36 months, in milk. 7. Doe over 36 months, and under 60 months, in milk. 8. Doe over 60 months, in milk. Senior and Reserve Senior Champion ...................... Rosettes Grand and Reserve Grand Champion ...................... Rosettes PRIZES: $45, $40 9. Best Udder Class - Open to the best two udders in each of the milking classes. Prizes: $45, $40, $35, $30, $25, All others $15 10.Breeder’s Herd: A group of 4 animals (bred and owned by the exhibitor) consisting of at least three milking does. GROUP SECTIONS - Entries must be previously shown in their respective classes. All Classes will be shown together. Prizes: $45, $40 11.Progeny of One Dam - 2 does, any age, not necessarily owned by exhibitor. Dam must be named. .............................. Rosette 12.Get of One Sire - 3 does, any age, not necessarily owned by exhibitor. Sire must be named. ................................... Rosette 13.Best Mother & Daughter - any age not necessarily owned by exhibitor ..................................................................... Rosette 14.Best Three Females of One Breed ................................ Rosette SHEEP SHOW IN THE MURRAY DONOVAN BUILDING JUDGED SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman: Jim Groves; Betty Deeks,Joshua Groves, Lois Groves, Melissa Groves, Allan Payne, Peter Payne, Caroline Peer, Doug Wright RULES: 1. All entries must be made on or prior to Friday, Sept. 12th at 4:30 p.m. 2. All exhibitors must pay an exhibitor fee to the Ancaster Agricultural Society. If an exhibitor fee was not deducted from previous year’s winnings, a $10.00 fee must accompany the entry form. 3. Substitute animals must be entered before 9:00 a.m. in place of entries already made, to qualify for prize money. This rule will be strictly enforced. 4.Class 1,2,3,4 and 5 must be presented to the ring and class 6 will be determined by points. 5. Order of breeds printed in the prize list is not necessarily the order in which they will be shown. 6. Entry Fee - 10% of prize money won. 7. Each breed must be shown separately. However, if less than 2 exhibitors, will go into an “Any Other Breed” , short wool or AOB long wool 8. An exhibitor may enter only one animal per class except that he may make two entries in any two breeding classes of his own choice. 9. All entries must be owned and registered in the name of the exhibitor. All animals must be regulation regarding tatoo and/or tagging. Registration certificates must be available upon request. 10.Classes 27, 28, 32 and 33 must be shown in short fleece (staple less than 1 inch or 2.50 cm). Class 29 Southdowns to be shown slick shorn 29 head and legs, discretion of exhibitor. 11.Schedule of showing will be posted prior to show. 12. Exhibitors must provide their own straw. BREEDS Class 27 - Class 28 - Class 29 - Class 30 - Suffolk Dorset Southdown Lincoln Class 31 - Leicester Class 32 - Oxford Down Class 33 -Hampshire Class 34 - Any Other Breed Prizes - $45, $40, $35, $30, $25; All others $20.00 1. Ewe - “Yearling” - 3rd pair of temporary incisors must be in place - Born and bred in Canada ............................. Prize Money 2. Ewe - 1st pair of temporary incisors must be in place - Born the property of the exhibitor ........................................ Prize Money 3.Ram - “Yearling” - 3rd pair of temporary incisors must be in place ..................................................................... Prize Money 4.Ram - 1st pair of temporary incisors must be in place - Born the property of the exhibitor ...................................... Prize Money 5. Get of Sire - born the property of the exhibitor - A group of three animals, first pair of temporary incisors must be in place, by the same sire. Both sexes may be represented. Animals may or may not have been shown in previous classes. This is at the discretion of the Fair ............................................. Prize Money 6. Breeder’s Flock - bred and owned by exhibitor - A group of 4 animals. Both sexes to be represented. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited in one of the preceding classes. All animals in a group to be of one breed .................. Prize Money Champion Ram & Reserve Champion Ram (each breed) ... Rosettes Champion Ewe & Reserve Champion Ewe (each breed) ..... Rosettes Grand Champion Ram ................. Van-Gro Farms Award & Rosette Grand Champion Ewe ................. Van-Gro Farms Award & Rosette Reserve Grand Champion Ram ........................................... Rosette Reserve Grand Champion Ewe ............................................ Rosette 7. Ladies Lead Class - held in the SHOW RING at NOON a) Entry form must be received by September 12th. No entry fee. b) Yearling ewe or ewe lamb, conditioned, fitted and trained to show at halter. c) Except where otherwise noted, all rules for exhibiting sheep at Ancaster Fair apply. d) Entrants must have some interest in sheep and be 14 to 21 years of age, as of Jan. 1, of the current year. e) Entrants will be judged on the mode of dress selected, that compliments the individual and class, and lend elegance to the class. The major portion of the costume must be made of wool. f) Contestants will be required to enter ring at same location, lead their sheep around the ring and line up according to wishes of judges. g) Contestants will be required to take the microphone and introduce themselves. h) Points for judging: costume - 40%; poise and appearance of contestant - 35%; control and presentation of animal - 25%. i) First prize winner of the previous year is NOT eligible to show in this class, but is expected to come back to present rosettes during the sheep show and help with the “Ladies Lead Class” wearing her tiara and sash. j) The previous years winner is asked to dress appropriately while wearing 30 her tiara and sash as she is a representative of the sheep industry. (No blue jeans) k) Previous first place winners of Ladies Lead are not eligible to compete. 1st-$100.00, tiara & sash; 2nd-$75.00, gift; 3rd- $50.00 All Contestants Receive a Cash Award and Rosette Sponsors: Canadian Co-op Wool Growers; Ancaster Agricultural Society; Caroline Peer CLASS 113 - ONTARIO JUNIOR SHEEP SHOW SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th at 10:00 a.m, Must be on the grounds by 9:00 am. Prizes: 1st-$10.00; 2nd-$10.00; 3rd-$10.00; 4th-$7.50; 5th-$7.50; 6th-$7.50; 7th-$7.50; 8th-$7.50. All other entries-$5.00 1. Open to all youths of 4-H age 9 to 21. 2. Entries to be received by September 12th. 3. All exhibitors to present their lamb in clean 1” (2.5cm) fleece except for wool and hair breeds. 4. Exhibitors to show in white shirts, and black slacks. 5. Exhibitors may show in either 113A)Market Lamb and/or 113B) Breeding Lamb and may use different animal in each class, but not mandatory. 113A) MARKET LAMB under 110lb 113B) BREEDING EWE Lamb 113c) Lloyd Deeks Memorial Junior Showmanship 1.Novice 2.Junior ages 9-14 years 3.Senior ages 14-21 years Top 2 from each group to compete for Champion Trophy class 114 - OPEN YOUTH SHEEP SHOW SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th following Ontario Junior sheep show Prizes: 1st-3rd - $10.00; 4th-6th - $7.00; All Other Entries-$5.00. Prize Money & Ribbons day of the Show Sponsored by AYr Farmer’s Mutual 114A) YOUTH - Open to youth age 9 and under. 1. Exhibitors must show in white shirts, black slacks. 2. May show using halter. 114B) Costume - Open to all youths 9 years and under 1. To be held in conjunction with Ladies Lead 2. Both animal and youth to be costumed. Costume safety is a must. 3. No noise makers allowed 4. Parent or Guardian assistance is allowed 5. Entries to be received by September 12th. 31 CLASS 36 - LLama Show Open YOUTH show - In the Show Arena saturday SEPTEMBER 20th at 5:00 PM. Committee: Monica Veit, Nancy Gates, Sandy Whitelock RULES: 1. Proper Attire required for participants in show; black pants, white shirt (no logos), black shoes. 2. Entry forms must be in the Ancaster Fair Office by Sept. 12th, 2014 3. Llamas must be cleaned before entering the ring. 4. Black Halter and lead required for animal. 5. All animals must be on site by 3:00 pm and stay until the show is completed. 1st - $40.00; 2nd - $35.00; 3rd - $30.00; 4th - $25.00; 5th - $20.00; All other entries - $10.00 Section 1. Costume Class - Open - both Llama and handler to be in costume, each exhibitor must supply a short description/explanation of costume to be read by the announcer. 2. Showmanship a)Junior 9-12.................................Ribbons Only b)Intermediate 13-16.....................Ribbons Only c)Senior 17-21...............................Ribbons Only 3. Performance - Open - The class consists of a series of obstacles. Each obstacle is given 10 points. Points will be deducted for errors made by the handler or llama. Each exhibitor will be given three tries at an obstacle and then move on to the next obstacle. Donation made by Sonny’s Llama Farm Delhi, Ont. CLASS 39 - POULTRY In the Bruce Hossack Building Friday, SATURDAY & SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 19th - 21st Chairmen: Susan Moreau, Amanda Beale, Fred Koops; Carol Beale, John Beale, John Koops, Sue Koops, Laura Koops, Shelley & Tim Hillier, Jackie & Sarah Emick, Lara Zivanic Robinson, Sheila Chambers, Rona Noxon, Meghan Wilkinson Honorary Committee Members Marion Hossack & Fred Wilkinson Judge: Norm Saito RULES: 1. Exhibits may be placed from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. 2. All livestock exhibits must be brought in Gate 3. Proceed around the perimeter road and enter at Gate B, located west of the Show Arena. 3. Judging will take place at 10:00 a.m. sharp on Sat., Sept. 20th 4. Entries must remain on the grounds until 5:00 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 21st 5. Feed and reasonable care will be supplied to all entries. 6. Completed entry forms must be received by Friday, Sept. 5th. 7. An entry fee of 35 cents for each entry must accompany the 32 entry form. 8. Two (2) entries will be allowed in each section. 9. No added entries will be taken on show day. 10.Completed entry tags will be attached to the cages prior to the show. 11.We regret the necessity to limit our show size to 800 entries. 12.The new revised “Standard of Perfection” shall be the guide of the judge, therein, and all birds shall be judged by comparison. Prizes will not be awarded a bird unless it is deemed worthy of the same by the judge. The judge’s decision will be final. $15.00 Prize will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in each of the following: Standard, Bantam, Turkey, Waterfowl, Pigeons & Rabbits. A Rosette will be awarded to the Champion entry in each Division in Classes 39A, 39B, 39C, 39D, 40 and 40A. CLASS 39a STANDARD BRED 1st - $4.25; 2nd - $2.75; 3rd - $1.75 Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet Australops............................................ 1 2 3 4 Brahma, Light......................................5 6 7 8 Brahma, A.O.C.....................................9 10 11 12 Cochins, White.....................................13 14 15 16 Cochins, Black.....................................17 18 19 20 Cochins, A.O.C.....................................21 22 23 24 Cornish................................................25 26 27 28 Frizzles.................................................29 30 31 32 Game, Old English A.C.........................33 34 35 36 Guinea Fowl, A.C.................................. 37 38 39 40 Hamburg, Silver Spangled...................41 42 43 44 Hamburg, Black...................................45 46 47 48 Hamburg, A.O.C...................................49 50 51 52 Jersey Giant, A.C..................................53 54 55 56 Leghorn, White....................................57 58 59 60 Leghorn, Brown Light .........................61 62 63 64 Leghorn, Brown Dark...........................65 66 67 68 Leghorn, A.O.C.....................................69 70 71 72 Minorca, A.C........................................73 74 75 76 New Hampshire....................................77 78 79 80 Plymouth Rock, Barred........................81 82 83 84 Plymouth Rock, White.........................85 86 87 88 Plymouth Rock, A.O.C..........................89 90 91 92 Polish, Buff Lace..................................93 94 95 96 Polish, White........................................ 97 98 99 100 Polish, White Crested Black.................101 102 103 104 Polish, A.O.C........................................ 105 106 107 108 Rhode Island Red.................................109 110 111 112 Sumatra...............................................113 114 115 116 Sussex A.C...........................................117 118 119 120 Wyandotte A.C.....................................121 122 123 124 A.O.V. , Named.....................................125 126 127 128 33 CLASS 39b BANTAM 1st - $3.75; 2nd - $2.50; 3rd - $1.75 Small Bantams Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet Modern Game, Birchen........................1 2 3 4 Modern Game, Red Pyle......................5 6 7 8 Modern Game, A.O.C...........................9 10 11 12 Old English Game, Black......................13 14 15 16 Old English Game, Black Breasted Red...17 18 19 20 Old English Game, White.....................21 22 23 24 Old English Game, Duck Wing.............25 26 27 28 Old English, Game A.O.C......................29 30 31 32 Rose Comb, Black................................33 34 35 36 Rose Comb, White...............................37 38 39 40 Rose Comb, A.O.C ..............................41 42 43 44 Sebright, Silver.....................................45 46 47 48 Sebright, A.O.C....................................49 50 51 52 Large Bantams Cock Hen Cockerel Pullet Brahmas, Light.....................................53 54 55 56 Brahmas, Buff...................................... 57 58 59 60 Brahmas, A.O.C....................................61 62 63 64 Cochin, Black.......................................65 66 67 68 Cochin, White.......................................69 70 71 72 Cochin, A.O.C.......................................73 74 75 76 Cornish, Dark.......................................77 78 79 80 Cornish, A.O.C..................................... 81 82 83 84 Frizzles, A.C.......................................... 85 86 87 88 Hamburg, A.C......................................89 90 91 92 Japanese, Black................................... 93 94 95 96 Japanese, A.O.C................................... 97 98 99 100 Leghorn, White.................................... 101 102 103 104 Leghorn, A.O.C..................................... 105 106 107 108 Mille fleur............................................. 109 110 111 112 Polish, White........................................ 113 114 115 116 Polish, White Crested Black.................117 118 119 120 Polish, A.O.C........................................121 122 123 124 Plymouth Rock, Barred........................125 126 127 128 Plymouth Rock, White.........................129 130 131 132 Plymouth Rock, A.O.C..........................133 134 135 136 Rhode Island Red.................................137 138 139 140 Silkies, White.......................................141 142 143 144 Silkies, A.O.C.......................................145 146 147 148 Wyandotte, White.................................149 150 151 152 Wyandotte, Black.................................153 154 155 156 Wyandotte, Silver.................................157 158 159 160 Wyandotte, A.O.C.................................161 162 163 164 A.O.V. Feathered Leg, Named...............165 166 167 168 A.O.V. Clean Leg, Named.....................169 170 171 172 CLASS 39C TURKEY 1st - $8.00; 2ND - $7.00; 3RD - $6.00 Male Black Spanish.............................................. 1 Bronze.......................................................... 3 Turkey, A.V................................................... 5 34 Female 2 4 6 CLASS 39D - Waterfowl DUCKS: 1st - $3.75; 2nd - $2.75; 3rd - $2.25 Small Ducks Male Jr.Male Female Jr.Female Black East Indies..................................1 2 3 4 Call, White............................................5 6 7 8 Call, Grey.............................................9 10 11 12 Call, A.O.C............................................13 14 15 16 Large Ducks Male Female Buff.............................................................. 17 18 Cayuga......................................................... 19 20 Indian Runner.............................................. 21 22 Muscovy, Black & White.............................. 23 24 Muscovy, A.O.C............................................ 25 26 Pekin............................................................ 27 28 Rouen.......................................................... 29 30 A.O.V. Named............................................... 31 32 GEESE: 1st - $8.00; 2nd - $7.00; 3rd - $6.00 Male Female African......................................................... 33 34 Buff.............................................................. 35 36 Chinese........................................................ 37 38 Egyptian....................................................... 39 40 Embden........................................................ 41 42 Toulouse...................................................... 43 44 A.O.V. Named............................................... 45 46 Best Goose In Show - $10.00 donated by Susan Moreau in memory of Earl & Elda Grasley. Best RESERVE STANDARD In Show - $10.00 donated by Susan Moreau in memory of John Corcoran. CLASS 40 - PIGEONS & DOVES Leg band numbers must be recorded on cage tags. Class 39 rules apply. Judge: John Hoekstra Champion Pigeon or Dove - Rosette and Bag of Feed First Reserve Champion - $5.00 Second and Third Reserve Champions - $2.00 Prizes: 1st - $3.25; 2nd - $2.25; 3rd - $1.75 Cock Hen YoungBird Archangel, A.C.........................................1 2 3 Cropper, Norwich, Red.............................4 5 6 Cropper, Norwich A.O.C...........................7 8 9 Cropper, A.O.V.........................................10 11 12 Pouter, A.V...............................................13 14 15 Damascenes, A.C.....................................16 17 18 Fantail Black.............................................19 20 21 Fantail, A.O.Solid Colour..........................22 23 24 Fantail, Barred, A.C..................................25 26 27 Fantail, Saddled, A.C................................28 29 30 Fantail, A.0.C............................................31 32 33 Fantail, Indian, A.C...................................34 35 36 35 Helmet, Crested Red or Yellow.................37 38 Helmet, Crested A.O.C..............................40 41 Helmet, Plain Head Red...........................43 44 Helmet, Plain Head A.O.C. . .....................46 47 Homer, Racing, Blue Barred.....................49 50 Homer, Racing, Barred A.0.C...................52 53 Homer, Racing, Blue Check .....................55 56 Homer, Racing,Check A.O.C.....................58 59 Homer, Racing, Any Solid Colour.............61 62 Homer, Racing, A.O.C..............................64 65 American Show Racer, Barred A.C...........67 68 American Show Racer, Checked A.C........70 71 American Show Racer, A.O.C...................73 74 Ice Pigeon, A.C.........................................76 77 Jacobin, A.C.............................................79 80 King White...............................................82 83 King A.O.C...............................................85 86 Magpie, A.C..............................................88 89 Modena, Gazzi, Blue or Silver...................91 92 Modena, Gazzi, A.O.C...............................94 95 Modena, Schietti, Red or Yellow..............97 98 Modena, Schietti, A.O.C...........................100 101 Nun, A.C...................................................103 104 Owl, Chinese, Barred A.C.........................106 107 Owl, Chinese, Checked A.C......................109 110 Owl, Chinese, A.O.C.................................112 113 Owl, German, Black..................................115 116 Owl, German,Red or Yellow.....................118 119 Owl, German, A.O.C.................................121 122 Owl, A.O.V................................................124 125 Roller, Flying, Red ...................................127 128 Roller, Flying, A.O.C.................................130 131 Roller Show, Red or Yellow Marked.........133 134 Roller, Show, Black Marked ....................136 137 Roller, Show, A.O.C Marked.....................139 140 Roller, Show, Bellneck or Saddle A.C.......142 143 Roller, Show, A.O.C..................................145 146 Runt, Any Solid Colour.............................148 149 Runt, A.O.C..............................................151 152 Tippler, Flying, A.C...................................154 155 Tippler, Show, A.C....................................157 158 Trumpeter, A.V..........................................160 161 Tumbler, Komorner, A.C...........................163 164 Tumbler, West of England, Mottle A.C......166 167 Tumbler, West of England, A.O.C.............169 170 Tumbler, A.O.V.........................................172 173 A.O.V. Clean Legged, Named....................175 176 A.O.V. Feathered Legged, Named.............178 179 Doves Dove, White.............................................181 Dove, Ringneck........................................183 Dove, A.O.C..............................................185 Dove, A.O.V..............................................187 36 182 184 186 188 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 CLASS 40A - RABBITS & CAVIES Rules for Class 39 apply. PrizeS: 1st - $3.25; 2nd - $2.75; 3rd - $1.75; 4th - $1.25 Large Rabbits Buck Californian, A.C ........................................... 1 Flemish, Giant, A.C....................................... 3 Lop, Holland A.C.......................................... 5 Lop, A.O.V.................................................... 7 New Zealand, White..................................... 9 New Zealand, A.O.C...................................... 11 Satin............................................................. 13 Doe 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Small Rabbits Buck Jr. Buck Doe Jr. Doe Dutch, Black.........................................15 16 17 18 Dutch A.O.C......................................... 19 20 21 22 Dwarf, Netherland, A.C.........................23 24 25 26 Jersey Woolie......................................27 28 29 30 Lionhead..............................................31 32 33 34 Lop, Mini, A.C......................................35 36 37 38 Rex, A.C............................................... 39 40 41 42 A.O.V. Rabbit........................................ 43 44 CAVIES.................................................BOAR SOW Long Hair, A.C.............................................. 45 Short Hair, A.C............................................. 47 46 48 Class 115 Ancaster Fair 4-H Inter County Rabbit Show saturday SEPTEMBER 21st at 4:00 PM. RULES: 1. Entries must be sent to the Ancaster Fair Office, 630 Trinity Road, R.R.#1 Jerseyville, L0R 1R0 on or before Wednesday September 10, 2014 2. All Entrants must exhibit his/her own 4-H Rabbit of current year. 3. All exhibits must be in place by 2:30pm, Saturday September 20th in the Agricultural Demonstration Building and remain until 6:00pm. 4. Show will start 4pm Saturday September 20, 2014. 5. All entrants & leaders will receive a meal ticket courtesy of the A.A.S. 6. All 4-H member ages are as of January 1st of the current year. All exhibitors will receive $5.00 Class 1. Novice Showmanship - First Year Rabbit Club members 2. Intermediate Showmanship - Ages 10-15 years 3. Senior Showmanship - Ages 16 and older Reserve Champion of each class ..............$5 and Rosette Champion of each class ........................$10 and Rosette Reserve Grand Champion .......................$10 and Rosette Grand Champion ..................................$20 and Rosette Note: The 4H Rabbit Showmanship criteria is based on the Nova Scotia 4H Rabbit Showmanship Guidelines. 37 IN MEMORIAM Helen Billiald – Helen helped with quilting demonstrations at the Fair. Helen was also very supportive to her husband, Roy, during his time as President, as well as to her son, Carl, when he was a director. Tom Braithwaite – Tom’s love of horses started at a young age, when he showed ponies at the Fair. Later, Tom became involved with care and upkeep of the horse barns and track at the old fairgrounds, as well as maintenance on the grounds. His enthusiasm for horses and racing was well known in the fair community. Bill Dearsley- Bill received the Agricultural Service Diploma Award with his wife Elsie and the Ancaster Fair Life Membership. Bill volunteered most recently on the Heritage Committee, Marritt Hall Complex, and Horticulture Committee. Ray Harvey – Ray spent many volunteer hours helping to keep the grass cut and the property looking great. He also helped in the information booth at Fair time. Marjory Hastie – Marjory supported her husband Gerry as he volunteered in Marritt Hall for many years. Norma Martin – Norma occasionally helped at fair functions playing music and was supportive of her daughters, Nancy and Laura Jean, who served as fair ambassadors in the 1970s. Allan McBay – Alan was an active and integral member of the Heritage Committee from the beginnings of the committee until the 2012 fair, while in his 85th year. Al was an exhibitor bringing several tractors every fair and worked the demo ring on Sunday with his tractor and blade getting it ready for the antique tractor pulls. Patricia Vaughan – Tricia was a member of the West Niagara Agricultural Society and a 4H Leader. She helped each year with the Inter County 4H Dairy show at our Fair. Michelle Zimmerman received her Life Membership. Her pin was presented by her mom Lynn Zimmerman and 2013 Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. 38 LIFE MEMBERS Norma BAKER Harold BAKER Violet BAKER Randy BAKER Roy BILLIALD Melanie BLUM Anne BOOK Laverne BROOKS Anne BROWN Robert BROWN Audrey CALDER Joyce CALDER Shellard CALDER Bernice CRANSTON Howard CRANSTON Martha CRANSTON Murray CRANSTON Roberta DAVIS Elsie DEARSLEY Betty DEEKS LaVerda DONOVAN Brian EMICK Gwen EMICK Peter Emick Marian ENGLISH Murray FERGUSON Kenneth D. FORSTER Marion GOODBRAND Andy GROEN John GROEN Marion HARRISON Jackie HILTON Marilyn JOHNMAN Bill Kelley Margaret LOVERING Marilyn MacMillan Marnie MacMILLAN Mike Margetts Vivian McBAY Jean MARAGNO Susan MOREAU Jacqueline OGILVIE Sylvia Parr Alan PAYNE Bruce PEARSON Kenneth PEER Shirley Peer Erna PICKARD Dorothy POTTRUFF Reg POTTRUFF Brian REVILL Dale Smith Elmer Smith Irene SMITH Marie SMITH Margaret SOMERVILLE Betty STEWART Shirley Sullivan Janet Tigchelaar Betsy WILSON Raymond WILSON Lynn ZIMMERMAN Michelle Zimmerman Bill Kelley was presented his Life Membership Pin by Martina Arth and 2013 Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. 39 Janet Tigchelaar received her Life Membership Pin from Tammy Quinn and Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. Mike Margetts received his Life Membership Pin from Frank Regan and Jackie Ogilvie. Most Points in Homecraft presented to Gerri Korec by Homecraft Present Tammy Quinn and the 2013 Fair Ambassador. 40 Congratulations to our own Sylvia Parr. Sylvia is the 2014 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies President. The Ancaster Agricultural Society’s Scholarship Award was established for young people pursuing post secondary education, and qualify by being a member or exhibitor at Ancaster Fair or have 4-H or Junior Farmer involvement. Deanna Ringelberg receiving her scholarship from 2nd Vice President Lawrence Blum. Baking Award for Most Points presented to Joanne Watson by Marian English along with 2013 Fair Ambassador. 41 Aaron Smith was presented the Michael Emick Memorial Award for Hay & Silage by Brian Emick. Craft Award to the 1st place winner of “A unique story of a childhood experience” presented to Amanda Saville by Carolyn Marsh and Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. Ruth Brooks Memorial Trophy for Best of Show in Christmas Corner presented to Dave Wilson by Spencer Kennedy-Brown and Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. 42 Most Points Junior Boy presented to Hunter Sellar-Carrier and Most Points Junior Girls present to Jocelyn Forster by Marie Smith 2013 Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. The Archie S. Smith Memorial Trophy for High Points in School Fair presented to Holly Prince by Shirley Sullivan and Jennifer Stevenson. The Horticulture Award for Best Exhibit presented to Ignacio Villalobos by Darryn Pickard and Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. This award was donated by Enbridge Pipelines Inc. 43 Jesse Forster ANCASTER FAIR AMBASSADOR Welcome to the 164th Ancaster Fair. Six years after moving to the new fairgrounds we continue to see new and exciting things come to the fair. The fair is an important event that helps close the gap between the rural and urban areas and allows visitors to gain an understanding of the importance of agriculture within and outside their community. Every year our exhibitors continue to fill our buildings with everything from quilts, baking and photography, to field crops, vegetables and livestock. Of course none of this would be possible without our dedicated volunteers and staff who help to put on the fair year after year. In my year as ambassador so far I have attended several events such as the District 6 fall meeting, OAAS Convention, the Spring Discovery show, and the Homecraft Luncheon. I am currently looking forward to the CNE Ambassador of the Fairs competition held in Toronto during the CNE. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming our next ambassador please contact the office, ambassador committee or catch me during fair time for more information about the fair’s ambassador program. With summer underway fair time still feels ages away but don’t forget to leave September 18th through 21st open so you can come out and enjoy the fair. I hope to see you all there. Jesse Forster 2014 Ancaster Fair Ambassador 44 CLASS 41 - GRAIN & SEEDS Co-Chairmen: Randy Baker & Lawrence Blum; Jordan Baker, Maureen Baker, Bob Brown, Ed Langs, Kim Lockhart, Ken Peer, Andrew Spoelstra Judge: Dave Gowland RULES: 1. Entries will be disqualified if name of variety is not given where required. 2. All grain must be this year’s growth, and grown by the exhibitor. 3. Exhibits must be placed Wed., Sept. 17th, 2:00 pm. to 9:00 p.m. only. PRIZES: 1st-$12.00; 2nd-$11.00; 3rd-$10.00; 4th-$8.00; 5th-$7.00; 6th-$5.00; 7th-$4.00; 8th-$3.00; all others-$3.00. 1. One Peck Winter Wheat, Named. 2. One Peck Spring Wheat, Named. 3. One Peck Soybeans, previous year eligible, Named. 4. One Peck Oats, A.V., Named. 5. One Peck Barley, any 2-rowed variety, Named. 6. One Peck Barley, any 6-rowed variety, Named. 7. One Peck of Mixed Grain, Quality Judged only, Named. 8. Ten Ears Early Corn, 2800 Heat Units & under, Named. 9. Ten Ears Late Corn over 2800 Heat Units, Named. 10.One Peck Shelled Corn, previous year eligible, Named. 11. Six Stalks of Corn, shown with Husks Open, Named, No Roots. 12.Six Stalks of Corn, Tallest, Named, No Roots. 13.One Peck Red Clover Seed. 14.One Peck Timothy Seed. 15.Four Soybean plants to be mounted 30” x 30” display board(supplied by Ancaster Fair). Named, No Roots. 16.One Sunflower, Largest Head. 17. One Sunflower, Tallest 18. Half Bu. of Hybrid Corn on Cob, Named. Exhibited in clean half bushel hamper - $15.00, $13.00, $11.00, $8.00, $7.00, $6.00, $5.00 - All others $4.00. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 19. One Sheaf of Wheat $40.00 30.00 26.00 20.00 10.00 20. One Sheaf of Barley $40.00 30.00 26.00 20.00 10.00 21. One Sheaf of Oats $40.00 30.00 26.00 20.00 10.00 Section 22 to 28 open to Ancaster Field Crop Competitors Only PRIZES: 1st-$12.00; 2nd-$11.00; 3rd-$10.00; 4th-$8.00; 5th-$7.00; 6th-$5.00; 7th-$4.00; 8th-$3.00; 9th-$3.00; 10th-$3.00. 22. Six Stalks Corn, Named. Ears shown with husks open, No Roots. 23.One Peck Oats, Named. 24.One Peck Barley, Named. 25.One Peck Wheat, Named. 26.One Peck Mixed Grain, Named. 27 Ten Ears of Corn, Named. 28.One Peck Soybeans, Named. Prize Money for section 8 & 9 donated by CropTech Ltd, Dave & Sharon Gowland and Greg Kitching, dealers for Dupont-Pioneer seeds. Most Points in corn Classes: 1st-$75.00, 2nd-$25.00. Prize money donated by District #6 Grain Producers. Rosettes given to winners in sections 22-28 & best of sections 19-21 45 Most Points Overall in Grains and Seeds: 1 unit of Dupont Pioneer Seed Corn, donated by CropTech Ltd, Dave & Sharon Gowland and Greg Kitching, dealers for Dupont-Pioneer seeds. CLASS 110a - 4-h inter-county sheaf class Committee - Raymond Wilson, Bill Switzer 1. 2. 1st-$20.00; 2nd-$17.00; 3rd-$15.00; 4th-$13.00; 5th-$12.00; 6th-$11.00; All others-$10.00 Open to all 4-H Members One Sheaf, Wheat One Sheaf, Any Other Grain CLASS 41A - Ancaster fair DISPLAY COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS, BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CITY OF HAMILTON No entry fee or exhibitor fee. Guidelines: HELP US ADVERTISE & PROMOTE THE ANCASTER FAIR BY CREATING... A road side or entrance display utilizing your imagination. Remember; we have a strong agricultural history to be proud of and to be celebrated. Residents and Schools : Minimum size: 4ft by 4ft. Maximum size: unlimited. Display must be within viewing distance (30 metres) from roadway. Businesses & Organizations may use window display regardless of size. Display must include this year’s Ancaster Fair dates (September 18, 19, 20, 21, 2014). This year’s theme is: “Oh Canada!” Display must be completed and ready for judging by noon on Friday September 12th, 2014 and must remain until Sunday Sept. 21st, 2014 Judges will base their decision on the most effective and creative way in which the display best promotes the Ancaster Fair. Entry forms must be received by the Ancaster Agricultural Society by 5 p.m. on September 5th, 2014 NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED Pictures of all entries will be displayed at the Fair. Prizes: 1st - $100.00; 2nd - $75.00; 3rd - $50.00 and all others $20.00. A ROSETTE to be awarded to the prize winners and all other entries will receive a ribbon. Prize money and ribbons will be mailed out after the Fair. Sponsored by the Ancaster Agricultural Society Publicity Committee Submit Entries Attention: Publicity Committee 46 Heritage Committee Visit Us at Heritage Square All Weekend Long! ♦♦Pedal Tractor Races Sat & Sun 2 pm for ages 3-8 years ♦♦Bale Toss Sat & Sun: 1pm Children & Youth, 3:30pm Adults ♦♦Steam Cooked Corn available Sat & Sun afternoons ♦♦Threshing Demonstrations daily ♦♦Working Windmill on display ♦♦Steam Engines Operating All Weekend ♦♦Rope Making ♦♦Vintage Canadian Washing Machines ♦♦Antique Engine Display ♦♦Vintage Pedal Tractor display ♦♦Walking Plows ♦♦Vintage Well/Cistern Pump Display ♦♦Country School – check out our early 1900’s schoolhouse display Antique Cars Welcome Sunday 10am to 5pm Free Admission to vehicle and driver – entry at gate #1 Antique Tractor Pulls Sunday - Registration Sun 10am Pulls start at noon Free Admission to Pullers Class Sizes 2500lb to 12000lb Mini/Garden Tractor display 1980 & older All Colour Tractor Display featuring tractors 1980 and older Tractor Exhibitors Please bring in tractors Wednesday 12-6 pm and Thurs 9am to 4 pm Exhibitors require proof of liability insurance 47 CLASS 42 - HAY & SILAGE Chairman: Howard Cranston; Bob Brown, Lawrence Blum, Freeman Lane, Vivian McBay, Dale Smith, Ross Westfall, Raymond Wilson Judge: Don Douglas RULES: 1. An exhibit shall consist of a minium 10” and maximum 15” slice from a bale of 2014 hay, tied neatly. This will be strictly enforced. 2. Exhibitor must place an entry ticket on each exhibit. 3. Exhibits must be placed Wed., Sept. 17th from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 4. Judging will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 18th. 5. Judge may disregard hay improperly classed. 6. Judge must be satisfied hay has been baled by machine. 7. Hay will be disqualified if not properly dried for storage. 8. Hay must be current year’s crop, grown by the exhibitor, and properly cured for storage. Prizes: 1st - $12.00; 2nd - $10.00; 3rd - $9.00; 4th - $8.00; 5th - $7.00; 6th - $6.00; 7th - $5.00; 8th - $4.00 Section 1. 1st Cut Hay: Alfalfa, 85% or more Alfalfa. 2. 1st Cut Commercial Hay for Horses. 3. 1st Cut Hay: Legume and Grass Mixture. 4. 1st Cut Hay: Grass, 85% or more Grass. 5. 2nd Cut Alfalfa. 6. 2nd Cut Hay: Legume and Grass Mixture. 7. 3rd Cut Alfalfa. 8. Large Square Bale, 1 slab 4”-6”, 1st cut legume & grass 9. Haylage, any mixture, 1/2 Bu., Plastic bag supplied. Must be ensiled. 10.Corn Silage, 1/2 Bu., Plastic bag supplied. Must be ensiled. SPECIAL: 1ST PLACE Corn Silage $20 Voucher provided by GENERAL SEED COmpany 11.Baleage, 1/2 Bu., Plastic bag supplied. 12. Wheat Straw Sec. 13 & 14 open to Ancaster Field Crop competitors only 13.Corn Silage, 1/2 Bu., Plastic bags supplied. Must be ensiled. 14.1st Cut Hay, Legume and Grass Mixture. GENERAL SEED COMPANY - $20.00 Voucher for Best Slice of Hay chosen from Sections 1 to 4 & 8. Pickseed - $50.00 Gift certificate & rosette- grand champion bale, Rosette-RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BALE MOST POINTS CLASS 42 (Sec. 1 - 12) - Michael Emick MEMORIAL TROPHY CLASS 42A - FIELD CROP COMPETITION Chairman: Howard Cranston; Lawrence Blum, Murray Cranston, Freeman Lane, Vivian McBay, Ken Peer, Dale Smith, Ross Westfall, Raymond Wilson $25.00 for the highest points in each category donated in each of the following: Hay - Roy-A-Lea SeedsWheat - Shirlmar Farms Oats - Normelean Farms Barley - Douglas Butter Mixed Grain -AAS Silage Corn - Gowland Farms Ltd. Grain Corn - Miller Farms Soybeans - AAS SPECIAL: THE SANFORD BONHAM MEMORIAL TROPHY FOR THE HIGHEST SCORE IN THE OAT FIELD CROP COMPETITION. 48 CLASS 43 - 44 - 45 Chairman: Shirley Johnny; Bryan McKay, Brenda Parkin, Rebecca Wilson, Jesse Wilson CLASS 43 - Fruit and GARDEN VEGETABLES RULES 1. Entries must be grown by exhibitor. 2. All root crops must have 1” top left on. 3. Entries must be fresh and free of blemishes. 4. All containers supplied by the Society, unless specified. 5. No artificial treatment allowed on vegetables. 6. Entries must be named where specified 7. Awards for Most Points may be won by the same exhibitor for two (2) consecutive years. Following the third year, the exhibitor may again be eligible to win the Most Points Award. PRIZES: 1ST - $6.00; 2ND - $5.00; 3RD - $4.00; 4TH - $3.50; 5TH $3.00; 6TH - $2.50 Fruit: 1. Five Delicious apples A.V. 2. Five McIntosh 3. Five Spartan 4. Five Cortland A.V. 5. Five Mutsu or Crispin 6. Five Crab apples A.V. 7. Five Ida Red 8. Five Empire 9. Five Honey Crisp 10.Five Apples - A.O.V., not listed, named 11.Five Bartlett pears 12.Five Bosc pears 13.Six Prune Plums 14.Six Plums A.O.V. 15.One Watermelon - A.V. 16.One Watermelon - largest by weight 17.Three Clusters grapes, Blue Grapes, A.V. 18.Three Clusters grapes A.O.V. 19.Collection of Ontario fruit only, suitable for table display, container not to exceed 12 inches. Garden Vegetables: 20.Beets, 5, table type, any variety 21.Table Carrots, 4, any variety 22.Cucumbers, 3 specimens, slicing 23.Cucumbers, 6 pickling, up to 6 inches 24.Peppers, 4, Sweet Green 25.Peppers, 4, any variety, hot 26.Peppers, 4, any other type 27.Tomatoes, 12, grape type 28.Tomatoes, 12, cherry type 29.Tomatoes, 5, paste type 30.Tomatoes, 5, field type, A.O.V., correctly named 31.Zucchini, 1, heaviest by weight, dark green type ONLY 32.Onions, 4, Spanish 33.Onions, 4, Red 34.Onions, 4, A.O.V. 49 35.Onion, largest by weight 36.Garlic, any variety, 3 bulbs 37. Indian Corn, 5 Ears, husk pulled back 38. Potatoes, 12, white, correctly named 39. Potatoes, 12, red or rose, correctly named 40. Potatoes, 12, 3 varieties, 4 each, correctly named 41. Potatoes, 3, heaviest by weight 42. Beans, 12, green snap 43. Beans, 12, yellow snap 44. Vegetable or Fruit, funniest shape - see rule 3. 45. Squash, 2, pepper type 46. Squash, 2, butternut 47. Squash, 2, buttercup 48. Squash, 1, A.O.V., correctly named 49. Pie Pumpkins, 2, matched pair 50. Any other vegetable, matched pair, named COLLECTIONS -“JUDGED FOR QUALITY AND ARRANGEMENT” 1ST - $10; 2ND - $9; 3RD - $8; 4TH - $7; 5TH - $6; 6TH - $5 51.Rope or Braid of Onions, minimum length 12” 52.Rope or Braid of Garlic, minimum length 12” 53.Collection of at least 4 Different Types of Winter Vegetables, identified; i.e., potatoes, onions, cabbage, squash, garlic, etc. 54.Collection of Onions, 4 varieties, 3 of each, identified 55.Table Centrepiece Featuring Gourds, no less than 5 56.One Field Pumpkin, Ribbed Jack-O-Lantern type only SPECIALS: MOST POINTS TROPHY Vegetables - SHEARLEA ACRES, LYNDEN - EARLE AND SHARON CLUGSTON & FAMILY MOST POINTS Vegetables AWARD - STOKES SEEDS, ST. CATHARINES - $15.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE AND ROSETTE. SECOND MOST POINTS Vegetables - STOKES SEEDS, ST. CATHARINES - $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE AND ROSETTE. $10.00 TO THE WINNER OF MOST POINTS IN SECTION 38 TO 41 DONATED BY BRENDA PARKIN IN MEMORY OF GEORGE PARKIN SR. Fruit Most Points - Award & Rosette - donated by Steve Gregory - Edward Jones on Locke Street. Fruit Second Most Points - Rosette CLASS 44 - VEGETABLE DISPLAY 1ST - $50.00; 2ND - $45.00; 3RD - $40.00; 4TH - $35.00; 5TH - $30.00; ALL OTHER ENTRIES - $25.00; ROSETTES TO EACH EXHIBITOR A Collection of Garden Vegetables, grown by the exhibitor, to fill a 3’ triangle, design optional. Triangle forms supplied by the Ancaster Agricultural Society. Must be at least 50% vegetables. Variety 25 points; Quality - 50 points; Arrangement - 25 points. 50 CLASS 45 - FRUIT DISPLAY 1st - $60.00; 2nd - $50.00; 3rd - $40.00; 4th - $30.00 ROSETTES TO EACH EXHIBITOR Open to Individuals, Service Clubs, Church Groups, etc. A Display of Ontario Fruit - Theme - “Oh Canada” Arranged for display in a 3’x4’ space. Not less than three varieties, neatly labeled. Fruit does not have to be grown by the exhibitor. Educational and Commercial Value - 35 points Arrangement and Attractiveness - 15 points, Variety and Quality - 50 points. Awards for Most Points may only be won by the same exhibitor for two (2) consecutive years. Following the third year, the exhibitor may again be eligible to win the Most Points Award. SPECIAL: MOST POINTS AWARD THE HAZEL M. HEPWORTH MEMORIAL TROPHY The CIBC Award for most points in Fruits & Apples was presented to Amanda DeLuca by Rebecca Wilson-Sabo and the 2013 Fair Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. The Shearlea Acres Trophy for the most points in Vegetables was won by Doris Embury. The Hazel Hepworth Memorial Trophy for Fruit Display was won by Bonnie Sitts. The Ancaster Fair Starts on Thursday Join Us On Thursday Night, September 18th 5:00pm to 10:00pm For Rides, Our Ancaster Fair’s Got Talent Competition Smash-up Derby, plus much more 51 JUNIOR DEPARTMENT RULES 1. The Junior Department is open to residents of Hamilton & adjoining areas. 2. Open to Juniors 9 to 21 years, except where specified. 3. Each exhibitor in the Jr. Department must purchase a Junior Exhibitor Card for $5.00, which will also entitle the exhibitor one admission to the 2014 Fair. No deductions will be made from prize money won. 4. Entries must be the work of the exhibitor and in Class 118, must not have been shown prior to 2013. Field crops, vegetables and fruit must be grown on the family farm or garden. 5. In order to qualify for special awards, contestants must exhibit in at least 12 sections. 6. The special awards will be decided by points on the first 5 placings. Points Calculated: 1st Place-10 points; 2nd-9; 3rd-8; 4th-7; 5th-6. 7. Award for Most Points may be won by same exhibitor for two consecutive years only. After the third year, the exhibitor may again be eligible to win Most Points Award. 8. Entries must be placed on Wednesday, Sept. 17th between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. No entries will be accepted on Thursday. 9. Entries must not be removed until 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 21st. CLASS 117 - GRAIN, VEGETABLES & FRUIT Chairmen: Rob Forster, Terry Howell; Murray Cranston, Jesse Forster, Raymond Wilson Sections 1-18; 1st - $7.00; 2nd - $6.00; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $4.00; all others - $3.00; unless otherwise specified Section 1. Fall Wheat, 2kg, named 2. Oats, 2kg, named 3. Barley, 2kg, named 4. Shelled Corn, 2kg, previous year eligible 5. Soybeans, 2kg, named, previous year eligible 6. Mixed Grain, 2kg, named 7. Uncleaned Barley, 2kg, directly from storage bin 8. Uncleaned Oats, 2kg, directly from storage bin 9. Uncleaned Wheat, 2kg, directly from storage bin 10. Corn Silage, 1 peck, ensiled at least one week, plastic bags supplied 11. Haylage, 1 peck, plastic bags supplied 12. Hay, 6” slice, tied, 1st cutting, mixed 13. Hay, 6” slice, tied, 2nd cutting, legume 14. Tallest Corn, 1 stalk 15. Silage Corn, 6 stalks, variety named 16. Grain Corn, 6 ears, variety named 17. Indian Corn, 3 ears 18. One soybean plant with roots, named, mounted on a suitable board, maturity to count 19. HARVEST SPECIAL - 1 sheaf of grain - sheaf must measure a minimum of 13cm and not greater than 18cm at the centre band and be erected on a self-supporting stand. Prizes: 1st-$20; 2nd-$18; 3rd-$15; 4th-$12; all others-$10 52 Sections 20-37; 1st - $6.00; 2nd - $5.00; 3rd - $4.00; 4th - $3; 5th - $3; 6th to 8th - $2.00; unless otherwise specified 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Table Carrots, 5 Onions, 5, not peeled Beets, 5 Vegetable, Most Unusual Shape Tomatoes, Cherry or Grape, 10, stems on Tomatoes, 5, A.O.V., stems on Tomato, heaviest, 1, A.V. Cucumbers, 3, slicing Cucumbers, 5, pickling (2” to 5”) Peppers, 4, A.V. Table Squash, 1 Pie Pumpkin, 1 Potatoes, 5, A.V., named Gourds, 5 Largest Field Pumpkin, by weight Largest Squash, by weight Apples, 5, any variety, named One Sunflower, largest head 1st-$8.00; 2nd-$7.00; 3rd-$6.00; 4th-$5.00; 5th-$4.00; 6th to 8th-$3.00 38. Create Your Favourite Animal Using at Least 5 Different Vegetables 39. One Table Centre Featuring Fruit & Dried Cereal Grains 40. Model of a Farm Implement, made of Lego, etc. - under 20” 41. Ancaster Fair Special: Using seeds, grains, and field crop materials create a display to be mounted on plywood and hangable. Size not to exceed 14” x 14” (35cm x 35cm). The materials used do not have to be produced by the exhibitor. Creativity is encouraged! Entries from previous years will not be accepted. 1st-$20.00; 2nd-$18.00; 3rd-$16.00; 4th-$14.00; 5th-$12.00; all others-$10.00 Senior YOUTH POSTER COMPETITION “promoting your fair” 1st - $10.00; 2nd - $3.50; 3rd - $3.00; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.50; 6th - $2.50 -must be hand drawn by a student Grade 9 to Grade 12 (see School Fair booklet for younger grades) -Name and date of fair must be clearly shown on the poster -poster size: Minimum 23cm x 28cm; Max 28cm x 44cm without the border -each entry must be centered on CARDSTOCK or BRISTOL BOARD exposing on all four sides showing a 2” (5 cm) border. - the winner of the poster competition at the Ancaster Fair will be eligible to enter in the District competition. Upon qualifying at the district Level, the exhibitor is then eligible to enter the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Competition, held in February. Prizes are offered at each level. 1st Prize sponsored by Sylvia Parr Information on the Junior and Intermediate Youth Poster Competition can be found in the School Fair Prize booklet. 53 CLASS 118 - JUNIOR DEPARTMENT HOMECRAFTS Committee: Bernice Cranston, Shirley Comley, Jackie Hilton, Pat Hummason, Karen Knor, Lynne Pollard, Marie Smith, Lyn Zimmerman, Michelle Zimmerman THEME - “Oh Canada” RULES: 1. All food entries MUST be in appropriate size ziploc bags 2. All food entries are judged on taste, texture and appearance. 3. Please no glass or ceramic plates. 4. Place smaller items ie. muffins, cookies etc. on small paper plates. SECTIONS 1 TO 10 AGES 9 - 15 1st - $4.00; 2nd - $3.50; 3rd - $3.00; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.50; 6th - $2.50 1. Chocolate Brownies - iced - 3 2. Chocolate Chip Cookies - 3 3. Tea biscuits - plain - 3 4. Rice Krispie Squares - 3 - approx. 5cm x 5cm 5. Sewn Article 6. Creative display of 10 buttons - mounted securely 7. Decorated bird house 8. Animal made with Marshmallows not to exceed 30cm 9. On a paper plate make the face of a favourite animal seen at the fair. 10.Quilt Block SPECIAL: Highest Points in Sections 1 to 10 - $20 Award donated by Pat & Lew Hummason BAKING Sections 11 to 25 AGES 9 - 21 1st - $4.00; 2nd - $3.50; 3rd - $3.00; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.50; 6th - $2.50 TIPS FOR BAKING: a) No extras to be added unless specified; i.e., raisins, coconut, nuts, oatmeal b) No baking cups to be used when making muffins 11.SPECIAL: FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST - Best Homemade Bread - 1/2 Loaf :1st -$15.00 prize; 2nd - $3.50; 3rd - $3.00; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.50; 6th - $2.50 12.Tea Biscuits - with raisins - 3 13.Your Favourite Squares - named on a recipe card - 3 14.Brownies - no icing - 3 - 5cm x 5cm 15.Let’s Celebrate Canada - Decorated Cupcakes - Judged on decoration only - 3 16.Quick Loaf - 2 slices - named (eg. Banana, Pumpkin) 17.Pizza- 1 serving cooked 18.Peanut Butter cookies - 3 19.Chocolate Chip Cookies - 3 20.Rice Krispie Treat shaped not to exceed 15cm 21.Chocolate Chip Muffins - 3 22.Muffins - Any Variety except bran - 3 23.Wannabee Cookies - cookie ingredients exhibited in suitable jar (must have all dry ingredients included - Decorated as a gift recipe attached) 54 24. Krispie Oatmeal Cookies - 3 using recipe 1 cup butter 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup white sugar 1 cup Rice Krispies 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup oatmeal 1 egg 1 tsp baking soda 3 1/2 cups flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla Cream together butter and sugars. Beat in egg until well mixed. Add remaining ingredients, stirring until combined. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto lightly greased cookie sheet. Flatten slightly with fork. Bake at 325 F for 12-15 minutes. 25.SPECIAL: ROBIN HOOD FLOUR - Best Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie - not to exceed 10 cm: 1st -$15.00 SPECIAL: Highest Points in Sections 12 to 24 - Cookbook -Donated by Junior Department CANNING 26. Raspberry Jam - sealed - in jam or jelly jar (250ml) 27. Jam Freezer - Named 28. Strawberry Jam - sealed - in jam or jelly jar (250ml) 29. Relish, any variety - pint sealer (500 ml) 30. Applesauce - pint sealer (500ml) 31. Canned Fruit - pint sealer (500ml) 32. Jam - Any Variety - sealed - not listed - named(250ml) SPECIAL: Highest Points in Sections 26-32 - $20 Award donated by Howard & Bernice Cranston SPECIALS 1st - $10.00; 2nd - $5.00; 3rd - $3.00 33.Neighbour to Neighbour - Care package (non-perishable) Food items in a shoebox. Items to be retained and donated to local food bank. 34.Picnic for two in a basket including at least 3 items from the Junior Department Prize list SEWING & HANDICRAFTS & HOBBIES All articles of sewing should be clean and neatly pressed. 1st - $4.00; 2nd - $3.50; 3rd - $3.00; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.50; 6th - $2.50 35.Handmade Bag - sewn 36.Advent Calendar 37.Sewn Article to Wear 38.Quilt Block 39.Quilt Top any size, no panels 40.Quilted article eg. Placemats, runners, etc. - Judged on piecing only 41.Decorated Clay Pot - no plant 42.Knitted or Crocheted article 43.T-Shirt Decorated 44.Critter made from Pinecone(s) 45.Decorate Hat for any occasion 46.Autumn Door Decoration - ready to hang 47.Article made from Duct tape 48.Pillow case - sewn 49.Apron - sewn 50.Pumpkin decorated - NOT carved 51.Article of Jewellery - not earrings 52. Pair of earrings - handmade 55 53. Friendship Bracelet 54. Picture frame 55. Needlepoint Article (cross stitch, crewel etc.) 56. Bookmark 57. Design your own “Do Not Disturb” sign for your bedroom door 58. Fridge Magnets - 3 59. “Something Useful from Something Discarded” 60. Scarecrow 61. Handmade Christmas Ornament - 1 62. “Go Green” - reusable gift bag 63. Make a Sock Animal 64. Craft article from a kit - include instructions 65. Any Other Craft -NOT listed SPECIAL: Most Points in Sections 10, 38,39 & 40 -THE QUILT RACK, Ancaster - $25 Gift Certificate SPECIAL: Most Points in Sections 35-64 - $20 donated by Jackie & Bruce Hilton FLOWERS 66. 4 stems garden flowers - your choice 67. Centrepiece – Celebrating Canada featuring Red and White 68. Favourite Plant Named 69. Arrangement of Dried Grasses and/or weeds in a boot, No water. 70. Floating bloom - single bloom in suitable container with foliage SPECIAL: Most Points in Sections 66 to 70 - ANCASTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY - $10.00 ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY ARTICLES MUST BE READY TO HANG AND MOUNTED ON APPROPRIATELY SIZED BRISTOL BOARD NO SCOTCH TAPE - it may be disqualified 71. Photo - main subject “Predominantly Orange” mounted 20 x 25 cm approx. 72. Humorous Photo - Mounted 73. Collection of 4 Colour Photographs - Related subject - Mounted 40x40 cm maximum 74. Photograph of an Animal - Mounted 75. Computer Generated Digital Photo - mounted 76. Watercolour – Any subject – mounted 77. Pencil Crayon – Any Subject – mounted 78. Charcoal or lead pencil – any subject – mounted 79. Ink – Any Subject – mounted 80. Painting any medium except water colour – mounted SPECIAL: Most Points in Sections 71 to 80 - Lloyd and Lyn Zimmerman - $25.00 SPECIAL: GIRL winning MOST POINTS in Junior Classes 117 and 118 -Gift Certificate donated by Dale & Marie Smith SPECIAL: BOY winning MOST POINTS in Junior Classes 117 and 118 -$20.00 donated by Murray & Martha Cranston World’s Finest Shows Continuous Midway and Rides throughout the Fair!! Reduced Price on Ride Tickets Available at the Fair Office until September 17th 56 HOMECRAFT DIVISION CLASS 50 - BAKING Chairmen: Nancy Benedict & Penny Santa Barbara; Lori Ambo, Gail Cox, Marian English, Barb Masefield, Marilyn McMillan, Karen Winger RULES: 1. COMMERCIAL VENDORS ARE PROHIBITED FROM EXHIBITING. 2. Cakes and breads must be removed from pans. 3. Cover cakes and pies with saran wrap. 4. Place all other items in appropriately sized ziplock bags. 5. Place smaller items, ie. muffins, cookies, etc. on appropriately sized paper plate inside a ziploc bag. 6. Entries submitted on glass or ceramics at your own risk. 7. Winners must agree to use of name/picture for publicity without payment. 8. Baking exhibits left until Monday, will be disposed of. 9. All recipes and product labels to be retained BREAD Bread - One loaf 1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.50; 3rd-$4.00; 4th-$3.50; 5th-$3.00 Section 1. Cheesy Dinner Rolls, 3 2. Loaf - 60% Whole Wheat Bread The winner of section 2 may enter the Bread Competition at Dist. #6 - O.A.A.S., in November, and on winning, compete at the Convention. (pan size: min. 8”x4”x2 1/2” max: 9”x5”x3”) 3. Loaf - Multi Grain Bread - half loaf FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST SPECIAL 1st-$20.00 plus gift prize; 2nd-$4.50; 3rd-$4.00; 4th-$3.50; 5th-$3.00 4. Loaf - White Bread -Proof of Purchase Required - half loaf LOAVES, MUFFINS & TARTS 1st-$4.00; 2nd-$3.50; 3rd-$3.00; 4th-$2.50; 5th-$2.00 5. Fruit and Nut Loaf - half loaf 6. Date and Nut Loaf - half loaf 7. Lemon Loaf - half loaf - no nuts 8. Banana Loaf - half loaf - no nuts 9. Apple Cinnamon Muffins - 3 - no baking cups 10.Oatmeal Muffins - 3 - with fruit - no baking cups 11.Bran Muffins - 3 - no fruit - no baking cups 12.Fruit Explosion - 3 - no baking cups - recipe included 13.Raspberry Tarts - 3 14.Butter Tarts - 3 - with raisins - no nuts 15.Lemon Tarts - 3 - from scratch SPECIAL: ROBIN HOOD FLOUR BEST MUFFINS in Section 9-12 proof of purchase required. 1st - $25 Product Certificate; 2nd - $10 Product Certificate HOMECRAFT QUILT DRAW Tickets Available at 905-648-6198 and in Marritt Hall throughout the Fair DRAW: Sunday, September 21, 5:30pm 57 COOKIES & SQUARES 1st-$4.00; 2nd-$3.50; 3rd-$3.00; 4th-$2.50; 5th-$2.00 16. Ginger Cookies, 3 17. Shortbread Cookies, 3 18. Chocolate Chip Cookies, 3 19. Raisin Oatmeal Cookies, 3 20. Date-filled Oatmeal Cookies, 3 21. Belgian Cookies, 3 22. Drop Cookies, 3 varieties, one of each 23. Cookies, 3, exhibitor’s choice, not previously listed, Named 24. Date Squares, 3 25. Baked Squares, 3, exhibitor’s choice, Named, uniform 26. Chocolate Fudge - 6 pieces - no nuts SUITABLE FOR RESTRICTED DIETS 1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.50; 3rd-$4.00; 4th-$3.50; 5th-$3.00 27. Dessert Suitable for a Diabetic, with recipe, one serving 28 . Squares - 3-Suitable for Celiac recipe included SPECIALS 1st-$10.00; 2nd-$8.00; 3rd-$6.00; 4th-$4.00; 5th-$3.00 29. Fruit Cake, dark, approx. 1 lb., not iced 30. Fruit Cake, light, approx. 1 lb., not iced 31. Small Basket of Homemade Treats, everything edible, suitable for a Shut-In 32. Small Basket (or shoebox) of Treats, suitable for a Child, include game or activity 33. One Half Cinnamon Coffee Cake - (No Fruit) Entries must be accompanied by a recipe. Pies One Piece Only except for Section 40 1st-$4.00; 2nd-$3.50; 3rd-$3.00; 4th-$2.50; 5th-$2.00 34. Raisin Pie 35. Bumble berry Pie 36. Pumpkin Pie 37. Apple Pie 38. Cherry Pie 39. SPECIAL: Elderberry Pie-1st Prize Sponsored by Erna Pickard 40. SPECIAL: 1 Whole Lemon Meringue Pie with Pastry - Made From Scratch - Retained -$15.00 to the winner - Judged by A.A.S. 2014 Presidents CRISCO FAMILY FAVOURITE RECIPE CONTEST 1st-$25.00 Product Certificate, 2nd-$10.00 Product Certificate, 3rd-$3.00; 4th-$2.50; 5th-$2.00 41. Best Homemade Pie (one piece), 3 Tarts or 3 Muffins using Crisco Shortening. Judging will be based on appearance, taste and recipe creativity. Product label and recipe must be attached. CAKES 1st-$5.00; 2nd-$4.50; 3rd-$4.00; 4th-$3.50; 5th-$3.00 42. One Half Carrot Cake-iced with cream cheese icing-no decoration 43. One Half Upside Down Cake 44. 3 Decorated Cupcakes 45. One Half Chocolate Cake - layered - with icing -no decoration 58 Fleischmann’s Baking Powder and Crown Corn Syrup 46. Sticky Buns - 2 - proof of purchase and recipe must be displayed with entry 1st -$20.00 plus gift; 2nd-$3.50; 3rd$3.00; 4th-$2.50; 5th-$2.00 47. “COOKING WITH MILK” - Baked Apple Rhubarb Cobbler (1 serving) from 2013 Milk Calendar. 4 cups (1L) chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb (about 1lb/500g) 2 cups (500mL) diced peeled cooking apples 1/4 cup (60mL) liquid honey Grated zest of 1 orange or lemon Topping: 1 egg 1 cup (250mL) milk 1/2 cup (125mL) butter, melted 1/3 cup (75mL) liquid honey 1/4 cup (60mL) orange or lemon juice 1 1/2 cups (375mL) whole wheat flour 1/2 cup (125mL) chopped toasted walnuts or hazelnuts 1 tbsp (15mL) baking powder 1/2 tsp (2mL) baking soda 1/4 tsp (1mL) salt 1.Preheat oven to 375oF (190oC). Butter a 13x9-inch (3L) glass baking dish. 2.In prepared baking dish, combine rhubarb, apples, honey and orange zest; spread evenly. 3.Topping: In a bowl, whisk together egg, milk, butter, honey and orange juice. Without stirring, sprinkle with flour, walnuts, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon just until moistened. 4.Pour topping evenly over fruit, spreading gently to cover. Bake for 30 to 40 min or until fruit is bubbling, topping is golden and tester inserted in center of topping comes out clean. Let stand for at least 5 min before serving. Prep:15-20min - Bake 30 to 40 min - 6 to 8 servings. Gifts for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners donated by the Wentworth Milk Producers; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.00 SPECIAL: MOST POINTS BAKING - Award & Rosette; 2nd $10.00; 3rd - $8.00; 4th - $6.00 HOMECRAFT QUILT DRAW Tickets Available at 905-648-6198 and in Marritt Hall throughout the Fair DRAW: Sunday, September 21, 5:30pm HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Upon making an entry the exhibitor shall indemnify and Hold Harmless the Ancaster Agricultural Society, their members, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceeding by any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to, all operations performed by or carried out by the exhibitor, his agents, employees, or servants or anyone for whose acts he may be held liable, howsoever caused. 59 CLASS 51 - HOME CANNING Chairman: Janet Tigchelaar; Martha Cranston Janet: 905 648-4995 RULES: 1.All exhibits must be the work and submitted under the name of one natural person. 2.BUSINESSES ARE PROHIBITED FROM EXHIBITING. 3.Any tag bearing any name other than an individual will be disqualified and the class will be rejudged. 4.All entries must be displayed in standard canning jars. No baby food jars, etc. Incorrectly sized jars will be disqualified. 5.All jams and jellies must be in specified size jars. No wax allowed. 6.All fruit, relishes, pickles & juices must be in pint or 500ml jars. 7.All food that has been cooked, must be in sealed jars. 8.The exhibitor tags must be attached to jars with rubber bands. 9.All jars and rings Must be clean. 10. No identifying labels-name of product if called for on exhibitor’s tag. 1st - $5.00; 2nd - $4.50; 3rd - $4.00; 4th - $3.50; 5th - $3.00 JAM & MARMALADE - COOKED -250ml. jars - sealed Section 1. Strawberry 3. Blueberry 5. Raspberry 7. A Diabetic Jam -Named 9. Peach 11. Apricot 2. Blackcurrant 4. Marmalade - Named 6. 2 Fruit -Named 8. Blackberry - Named 10. Sour Cherry 12. Chutney JELLY - 250ml. jars - sealed 13. Grape 15. Crab Apple 17. Elderberry 19. Any Kind of Herb 21. Rhubarb Jelly 14. Raspberry 16. Two (2) Fruit - Named 18. Red Currant 20. Blackcap FREEZER JAM - 250ml. jars 22. Strawberry 23. Peach 24. Diabetic - Named 25. BERNARDIN HOME CANNING SPECIAL -Red Pepper and Garlic Jelly 1st Prize -$29 Gift Certificate; 2nd-$3.75; 3rd-$3.25; 4th-$2.75; 5th-$2.25 Must include a UPC CODE and LABEL from Bernardin Pectin. 1 cup (250 ml) finely diced red pepper 3 large cloves garlic 3/4 cup (175 ml) cider vinegar 3 cups (750 ml) granulated sugar 1 pouch (85 ml) BERNARDIN® Liquid Pectin Cut red pepper into 1/8 inch slices; cut slices into 1/4 inch (0.3 cm) dice. If desired, pepper can be chopped in a mechanical chopper, but take care to avoid pureeing peppers. Measure 1 cup (250 ml) diced red pepper into a large, deep stainless steel saucepan. Finely slice garlic cloves, then cut slices into slivers. Garlic can also be ground or 60 crushed, if desired. Add to red pepper with sugar and cider vinegar. Refer to liquid Bernardin pectin jelly instructions. More detailed instructions at : 1st - $5.00; 2nd - $4.50; 3rd - $4.00; 4th - $3.50; 5th - $3.00 CANNED FRUITS - pint or 500 ml jars 26. Pie Cherries 27. Plums 28. Peaches 29. Tomatoes 30. Pears 31. Apple Pie Filling 32. Applesauce 33. Rhubarb 34. Crab Apples PICKLES AND SAUCES - pint or 500 ml jars 35. Dill 36. Mustard Mixed 37. Nine Day 38. Zucchini Pickles 39. Icicle 40. Hot Dog Relish 41. Bread & Butter 42. Corn Relish 43. Any Dilled Vegetable 44. Pickled Asparagus 45. Pickled Carrots 46. Pickled Beets 47. Pickled Onions 48. Pickled Mixed Vegetables 49. Chili Sauce 50. Red Pepper Jelly - condiment 51. Boiled Salad Dressing 52. Fruit Chili Sauce 53. Spaghetti Sauce - no meat 54. French Dressing MISCELLANEOUS - pint or 500 ml - sealed 55. Maple Syrup 56. Bean Salad 57. Roasted Red Peppers 58. Honey - not sealed 59. Tomato Chutney 60. Tomato Soup 61. Rhubarb Juice 62. Pickled Eggs 63. Apple Butter 64. Bernadin SNAP Lid/Mason Jar Creative Craft Special. Decorative/Functional Homemade Craft with Bernardin Jar or SNAP Lid. 1st - $20 Gift Certificate SPECIAL: BERNARDIN HOME CANNING -$30 Gift Certificate to “BEST OF SHOW” winner who has used Bernardin lids. CLASS 52 - ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES “For the Casual Collector/Hobby Collector” Chairman: Sylvia Parr; Committee: Shirley Peer, Pat Fearman, Brenda Parkin, Ken Peer, Sandra Ferguson, Mandy Parr, Shannon Parr, Sheri Zimmerman Rules: 1. Articles must be at least 60 years old. 2. Amateurs only may enter. 3. Historical interest of entry would be appreciated but not necessary for prize. 4. Please note Homecraft Rules and Regulation #7 and #14 Definition: A pair is two (2) items that are the same. A collection is three (3) or more items that are different. ANTIQUES 1st - $5.00; 2nd- $4.50; 3rd - $4.00; 4th - $3.50; 5th - $3.00 Section: 1. String Ball Holder 2. Livestock Tatooer 3. Advertising Thermometer 61 4. Perfume Bottle 5. Powder Compact 6. Sock Dryer / Stretcher 7. Candy Tin 8. Coat 9. Metal Farm Toy 10.Plant Stand; not to exceed 36 in x 12 in 11.5 pc Silverware Place Setting 12.Vegetable Planter 13.Tobacco Cutter 14.Farm Photo Mounted 15.Cream Can 16.Pair of Book Ends Celebrating Fair Theme: “Oh Canada” 17.Table Hockey Game 18.Eatons Memorabilia 19.Canadian Stamp Collection 20.Any Item with a Canadian Coat of Arms 21.Ecanada Wear COLLECTIBLES Rules: 1. Items must be before 1970 2. Original work no reproductions 3. Please note Homecraft Rules and Regulations #7 & #14 Section: 22.Tupperware 23. Campbell Soup Memorabilia 24. Fun Automobile Accessory i.e. Fuzzy Dice / Bobble Head 25. TV Drama Memorabilia 26. Cookbook from the Sixties 27. Pop Bottle; not Coke or Pepsi 28. Hardy Boy Book 29. Set of Three Mixing Bowls 30. Building Toy i.e. Meccano / Lincoln Logs Special: Most Points Winner in Class 52 – Rosette and Cash Award ($25.00) Donated By Homecraft Division CLASS 53 - SENIOR CITIZENS Chairman: Melanie Blum; Dorothy Wentworth, Donna Smith, Mary Downey, Jennifer Downey, Bailey Hernden, Karen Hernden RULES: 1. Open to Men & Women 60 years of age and over 2. Entries may not have been shown prior to 2013 3. Senior Citizens entering in this Class may also enter other Classes in the Homecraft Division. 4. To qualify for most senior exhibitor prize, please remember to note age on entry tags 1st - $5.00; 2nd - $4.50; 3rd - $4.00; 4th - $3.50; 5th - $3.00 Section 1. Knitted Lace 2. Decorative Lampshade 3. Handmade Christmas Corsage 4. Rug, any medium 5. One Pillowcase, embellished 62 6. Butter Tarts, 3, plain, in resealable bag 7. Canadian, Eh? 8. Striped Socks, handmade, using multi-coloured yarn 9. Functional Wooden Item 10.Cottage Afghan, knitted or crocheted 11.Baby Afghan, knitted or crocheted, not larger than 45” 12.Decorated Sap Bucket 13.Quilted Pillow Sham 14.Quilted Article, any other kind 15.Scarecrow, any medium 16.Decorative Painting, (e.g. folk art) on any surface medium, not a framed picture 17.Bunka Picture, ready to hang 18.Decorative cushion 19.Poncho or cape, knitted or crocheted 20.Apron 21.Handmade Fabric Article of Clothing, must be sewn 22.Bib 23.Apple Sauce, 1 pint or 500 ml jar, sealed 24.Bazaar Article, suitable for Christmas 25.Bazaar Article, any other kind, $10.00 value or less 26.Bazaar Article, any other kind, valued at more than $10.00 27.Functional Purse or Tote 28.Article of Ceramic or Porcelain (no porcelain lace, please) 29.Potted Ivy 30.Bud Vase of 3 Handmade Flowers 31.Paper Tole Picture, ready to hang 32.Article embellished with needle work i.e. embroidery, crossstitch, needlepoint, crewel etc 33.Cross-stitch Picture, ready to hang 34.Useful Article made from Tool Shed Treasures such as hardware, auto parts, etc 35.Handmade Lawn Ornament, any medium 36.Stained Glass Article 37.Handcrafted article using buttons 38.Maple Fudge, 3 pcs, in resealable bag 39.Prayer Shawl 40.Repurposed Article made from Salvaged Article(s) i.e. coat hooks, chimes, lamp shades, etc 41.Handcrafted Birdhouse 42.Create a Hat, not Knitted or Crocheted 43.Clock Parts Creation 44.8x10 Photo of May 24 Fireworks, ready to hang 45.Favourite Cookie Jar, with story of why it’s your favourite SPECIALS: BEST OF SHOW - $5.00 and Rosette MOST POINTS – Rosette ANCASTER SENIOR ACHIEVEMENT CENTRE: Award for Most Points in Class 53 IN MEMORY OF BARBARA MACMILLAN: $10.00 to the Winner of Section 14, Quilted Article HOMECRAFT DIVISION: $10.00 to the Most Senior Exhibitor in Class 53 – AGE MUST be written on entry tag 63 CLASS 54 - CLOTHING Chairman: Lucy Lockhart; Donna Murray, Marlene Smith, Marg Somerville, Marion Workman Honourary Members: Peggy Olmsted, Betty Stewart RULES: 1. Sewn Yard goods by you only. *(Exception: Section 61, may purchase clothing item, must be machine embroidered by you) 2. Entries must be clean and not show wear. 3. Entries may not have been shown prior to 2013. 4. Please, no hangers left on entries. 1st- $5.00, 2nd - $4.50, 3rd - $4.00, 4th - $3.50 INFANT’S WEAR and CHILDREN’S WEAR Section (Two Years and under) 1. Dress – not smocked 2. Smocked Bishop Dress, with sleeves 3. Smocked Dress with Yoke 4. Christening Gown or Suit 5. Overalls or Pants 6. Headwear 7. Boy’s outfit 8. “Oh Canada” theme Bib 9. Nightwear 10. Sun Wear 11. Winter Wear 12. Jacket or Coat 13. 2-piece matching outfit 14. Smocked article not previously listed Section(Three to Fourteen Years) 15. Smocked Dress with Yoke 16. Smocked Bishop Dress, with sleeves 17. Dress, not smocked 18. Special Occasion Dress 19. Boy’s Dressy Clothing 20. Polar Fleece Clothing 21. Jumper or Pinafore 22. Nightwear 23. Smocked Nightgown 24. Pajama bottoms only 25. 2-Piece Matching Outfit 26. Hat 27. Pants or Overalls 28. Tracksuit 29. “Oh Canada” theme Vest 30. Skirt 31. Blouse or Shirt 32. Denimwear 33. Jacket or Coat 34. Playwear 35. Winter Wear 36. Boxer shorts 37. Article not previously listed Adult Wear 38. Dress 39. “Oh Canada” theme Vest 40. Unlined Jacket 41. Tailored Blazer/Jacket 42. Skirt 43. Shorts 44. Pants/trousers 45. Sportswear 46. Nightwear 47. Pajama bottoms only 48. Lingerie 49. Blouse/Shirt 50. Smocked article not previously listed Miscellaneous & Accessories 51. Hallowe’en Costume 52. French Heirloom Sewing 53. Serged sweatshirt 54. “Oh Canada” theme decorated sweatshirt (Not glued) 55. “Oh Canada” theme Half apron (no bib) 56. “Oh Canada” theme BBQ apron 57. Fancy apron (full or bibbed) 58. Purse/Handbag: closed with zipper or magnet snap 59. Backpack 60. Grocery Bag (open with no closures): Body of bag, any size between 30cm/12in to 46cm/18in in either direction 64 61. Machine-embroidered clothing 62. Doll clothes collection of 3: one of each- sun/beach wear, night wear & Halloween costume/dress-up wear 63. Accessories collection choice of any 3: wallet, change purse, make-up bag, travel jewelry bag, shoe bag, scarf, lunch bag, purse size sewing kit, book/reader cover. 64. Article of Clothing made from scraps found in your sewing room. MOST POINTS – ROSETTE - $25 “JUDGES CHOICE” AWARD – $25 SPONSORED BY LUCY LOCKHART BEST OF SHOW IN SMOCKING - $25 SPONSORED BY ALINE CHAN Every qualifying entry into Class 54 will be entered into a draw to win one of three Gift Baskets value 1)$50, 2 & 3)$25 each donated by Clothing Committee Chairman. CLASS 54A - “THE BUSY NEEDLES’ NOOK” Co-Chairmen: Betty Gilbert, Kalee Hernden; Kay Aldgate, Laura Baker, Lucy Fiander, Bob Gilbert, Chris Hernden, RJ Haimerl, Kaitlyn LeBeau, Lorraine Pedersen RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. No straight pins. Articles must be new work, not previously worn. Two pieces only where specified ie: select 2. Section 1 thru 6 MUST BE hung on a baby hanger to protect your exhibit. 5. Please provide suitable hanger for garments. INFANT’S WEAR - Newborn to 24 Months Section 1 thru 6 Must be hung on a baby hanger 1st - $5.00; 2nd - $4.50; 3rd - $4.00; 4th - $3.50; 5th - $3.00 Section 1. Infant’s Sweater with Panties or Booties or Bonnet knitted, MUST be hung on baby hanger 2. Infant’s Sweater with Panties or Booties or Bonnet, crocheted, MUST be hung on baby hanger 3. Infant’s Dress, knitted, MUST be hung on baby hanger 4. Infant’s Dress, crocheted, MUST be hung on baby hanger 5. Infant’s Cardigan, knitted, MUST be hung on baby hanger 6. Infant’s Cardigan, crocheted, MUST be hung on baby hanger 7. Baby Shawl, knitted or crocheted - approx. 36”by 36” 8. Baby Afghan, knitted - no larger than 50” 9. Baby Afghan, crocheted - no larger than 50” 10.Carriage Cover, knitted or crocheted- no larger than 50” 11.Bunting Bag using “Oh Canada” theme 12. 1 pair Booties, Bonnet, 1 pair Mittens, Toque, knitted - Exhibitor’s Choice: select 2 different items 13.1 pair Booties, Bonnet, 1 pair Mittens, Toque, crocheted Exhibitor’s Choice: select 2 different items CHILDREN - Three to Fourteen Years 14. Sweater, pullover style, knitted, with a Canadian theme 15. Sweater, cardigan style, knitted, one colour only 16. Sweater, cardigan style, knitted, two or more colours 17. Sweater, crocheted, with a Canadian theme 18. Pullover or Vest, sleeveless, knitted or crocheted 19. Slippers, knitted 20. Slippers, crocheted 65 21. Dress or jumper, knitted or crocheted 22.Toque, Scarf, 1 pr Mittens, knitted or crocheted- Exhibitor’s Choice: select 2 different items 23.Child’s Poncho LADIES WEAR 1st - $6.00; 2nd - $5.50; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $4.50; 5th - $4.00 24.Sweater, pullover style, with Canadian theme 25.Sweater, pullover style, knitted 1 colour only 26.Sweater, pullover style, crocheted 1 colour only 27.Sweater, cardigan style, knitted or crocheted 28.Shrug or shawl, knitted or crocheted 29.Vest or Shell, pullover style, knitted or crocheted, Canadian theme 30.Boot Cuffs, knitted or crocheted 31.Poncho, knitted or crocheted 32.1 Pair Socks or 1 Pair Slippers, Canadian theme 33.Toque, Canadian theme 34.Infinity Scarf MEN’S WEAR 35.Sweater, cardigan style, knitted or crocheted, Canadian theme 36.Sweater, pullover style, knitted or crocheted 37.Vest, knitted or crocheted 38.1 pair Socks, 1 pair Slippers, Toque, Scarf, 1 pair Mittens Exhibitor’s Choice: select 2 different items HOME BOUTIQUE 1st - $12.00; 2nd - $10.00; 3rd - $8.00; 4th - $7.00; 5th - $6.00 39.Afghan, wave or zigzag stitch, crocheted, 42” x 50” or larger 40.Afghan, wave or zigzag stitch, knitted, 42” x 50” or larger 41.Afghan, granny squares, 42” x 50” or larger 42.Afghan, “mile-a-minute” pattern, 42” x 50” or larger 43.Afghan bedspread, crocheted or knitted, 54” x 75” or larger 44.Afghan with great Canadian theme, crocheted or knitted, 42” x 50” or larger 45.Afghan, reversible style, knitted or crocheted, 42” x 50” or larger 46.Quilt style, crocheted or knitted, Pattern named ie: Log Cabin 42” x 50” or larger 47.Afghan, any other style, knitted or crocheted - 42” x 50” or larger 48.Lap Robe, knitted or crocheted, approximate size 36”x45” 49.Throw Rug, crocheted or knitted MISCELLANEOUS 1st - $5.00; 2nd - $4.50; 3rd - $4.00 50.Placemats, 2, knitted or crocheted, Canadian theme 51.Pot Holders, 2, knitted or crocheted 52.Tea Cosy displayed on a teapot 53.Article of clothing suitable for a pet, knitted or crocheted 54.Pet Toy, knitted or crocheted 55.Dish cloth Canadian Theme, knitted or crocheted 56.Fingerless gloves, knitted or crocheted 57.1 pair mittens, or 1 hat, or 1 scarf (article to be retained) No prize given for Section 57. Unlimited entries accepted. Donated to Ancaster Community Services. BEST OF SHOW Afghans - $25.00 Gift Certificate to Mary Maxim donated by Betty Gilbert IN MEMORY OF JOYCE SATCHELL: $10.00 to the Winner of Sec.26 BEST OF SHOW - $25.00 and Rosette THE ELMA & HAYES WOODLEY MEMORIAL PLAQUE -Most Points 66 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION of AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES ANNUAL Hand Quilted CHAMPIONSHIP QUILT COMPETITION 1.Entries must be solely made and hand quilted by the exhibitor and exhibited and judged at a local O.A.A.S. fair to be eligible for this competition. 2.Entry quilts must be a minimum of 324” (810cm) measured on the perimeter (smaller quilts will not be eligible to proceed to the next level of competition). 3.If a quilt entered, at the Ancaster Fair, has already been chosen as Best of Show at another Fair, please write this information on the entry tag, so a runner-up can be chosen, if necessary. 4.Ancaster Agricultural Society will provide 1st Prize - $15.00 and 2nd Prize - $10.00, and Champion & Reserve Champion rosettes. 5.At the Ancaster Fair, a Champion and Reserve Champion Quilt will be picked from all first and second prize winners in Sections 1 thru 11. The Grand Champion Quilt will then be entered at the District Annual Meeting Competition. 6.If a quilt wins Grand Champion at more than one Fair, the exhibitor must send the quilt on behalf of the Fair nearest his/her home address. The other Fair must then send their Reserve Champion Quilt to the District Competition. The prize money at the District Competition is $25.00, $15.00 and $10.00, donated by the O.A.A.S. 7.The first place winning quilt from the District Competition is eligible to enter the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Championship Quilt Competition at the February Convention in Toronto. A $500.00 Grand Prize will be awarded to the Exhibitor, who will retain ownership of the quilt. A certificate and ribbon will also be awarded to the winner. A $100.00 Reserve Grand prize will be awarded and the Exhibitor will retain ownership of the quilt. 8.Upon making an entry, the exhibitor agrees to participate in any promotional activities related to the competitions. 9.The quilt design and pattern designer must be named, if applicable. ONTARIO ASSOCIATION of AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES ANNUAL MACHINE-QUILTED Quilt/Wall Hanging COMPETITION 1.Quilt/Wall Hanging must be solely made and machine quilted by the exhibitor and exhibited and judged at a local O.A.A.S. fair to be eligible for this competition. 2.Quilt/Wall Hanging to be measured on the perimeter. Total perimeter measurement to be a minimum of 192 inches (480cm). Note the article can be square, rectangular etc. 3.Quilt/Wall Hanging must have visible machine quilting 4.Ancaster Agricultural Society will provide 1st Prize-$15; 2nd Prize-$10, and Champion & Reserve Champion rosettes. 5.Grand Champion or Reserve Champion quilt will be eligible to go to District #6 Competition. 6.First place winner at District #6 will be eligible to compete for Provincial Grand Champion at the O.A.A.S. Convention. 7.The quilt design and pattern designer must be named, if applicable. 67 CLASS 70 - Presidents Quilt Block Challenge Theme: “Oh Canada” Co-chairs: Brenda Parkin and Janet Tigchelaar; Bonnie Kelley, Tammy Quinn, Susan Tremaine 1st - $10.00; 2nd - $6.00; 3rd - $4.50; 4th - $4.00; 5th - $2.00 Blocks to be retained by Homecraft. Kits will be available from the office after May 1st. $5 deposit per kit will be returned when the block is returned (finished or not). One entry per section. Section: 1. Patchwork quilt block 2. Appliquéd quilt block Special prize sponsored by U-Quilt it, Smithville. HOMECRAFT QUILT DRAW Tickets Available at 905-648-6198 and in Marritt Hall throughout the Fair DRAW: Sunday, September 21, 5:30pm CLASS 55 - Quilting Chair: Aline Chan (519-213-1520); Carrie Browne, Judy & George Burtis, Kim Callaghan, Gus Chan, Peter Chan, Alice Farrenden, Lela Simovic, Joanne & Bill Raiser, Willy & Brent Walker All Committee members must wear white cotton gloves during judging. Each entry must be the work of the exhibitor, unless otherwise stated, must be clean, and may be shown only two consecutive years. Preference will be given to new work. Soiled and damaged articles will not be accepted. Traditional Quilting (Hand Quilted) 1st - $25; 2nd - $15; 3rd - $10 Sections 1 to 10: must be hand-quilted, unless otherwise specified, minimum 324 inches measured on the perimeter, OAAS rules. 1. Quilt, pieced and appliquéd 2. Quilt, appliquéd 3. Quilt, embroidered 4. Quilt, pieced Erna Pickard - $10.00 for 1st place winner in Section 4. 5. Quilt, judged for quilting only 6. Quilt, made by Exhibitor age 60 or over, PATTERN NAMED, age of Exhibitor indicated 7. Quilt, Exhibitor’s Choice, PATTERN NAMED 8. Quilt, sampler 9. Quilt, “cheater” panel 10.Quilt, wholecloth (wholecloth refers to a whole piece of fabric that forms the quilt top) 11.Quilt, group project 68 Machine Quilted Sections 12-17: 1st - $25; 2nd - $15; 3rd - $10 Exhibitor must be both Quilt Maker and Quilter. Quilt made using any type of machine (home sewing machine,shortarm, long-arm) minimum 192 inches measured on the perimeter, OAAS rules. 12.Quilt, wall hanging, sampler 13.Quilt, wall hanging,pieced, appliquéd Quilters Dream, Burlington - $25 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 13 14.Quilt, Exhibitor’s Choice Quilters Dream, Burlington - $25 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 14 15.Quilt, machine appliqued or embroidered (long arm accepted, exhibitor’s work only) SewEtc, Burlington - $20 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 15 16.Quilt, pieced and tied, minimum 40”x56” 17.Quilt, single, appliquéd by hand, minimum 40”x56” Various Quilts Sections 18-25, Prizes:1st - $15; 2nd - $10; 3rd - $8 18.Quilt, hand-embroidered, hand quilted 19.Quilt, single, appliquéd by machine 20.Quilt, child’s quilt, cheater panel, hand quilted 21.Quilt, child’s quilt, cheater panel, machine quilted 22.Quilt, child’s, nursery design, machine quilted Mary Maxim, Paris - $25 gift card, for Most Points in sections 20-22 23.Quilt, minimum 40”x80”, first quilt made by Exhibitor who has been quilting for three years or less 24.‘Rag’ Flannel lap quilt (min. 40”x45”) 25.Lap Quilt (minimum 30”x 40”) Other Quilted Items Sections 26-35, Prizes:1st - $10; 2nd - $8; 3rd - $5 26.Quilted placemats, set of 2 27.Quilted table runner 28.Quilted bag, tote or purse. Printed “cheater” panel may be included. 29.Miniature quilted wall hanging, minimum 18”x18”, with any theme 30.Miniature quilt, any technique including paper piecing (minimum 24” x 24”). 31.Quilted article made from recycled denim jeans. No machine embroidery. SewEtc, Burlington - $20 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 31 32.Quilted Christmas stocking 33.Quilted cushion, 20” and under 34.Hand quilted item, minimum 18”x18” 69 35.Any quilted article not included in sections 1 to 32 Len’s Mill Store, Brantford- $25 gift card, for Most Points in sections 26-35 Long-Arm Quilting Entries judged on Quilt Maker’s (Exhibitor’s) work only. Name both Quilt Maker and Quilter, if different. Sections 36-38, Prizes:1st - $15; 2nd - $10; 3rd - $8 36.Longarm quilted (maximum 45”x 50” or 190” on the perimeter) 37.Wholecloth, longarm quilted - a whole piece of fabric forms the quilt top (minimum 45”x 50” or 190” on the perimeter) SewEtc, Burlington - $20 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 37 38.Longarm quilted (minimum 60”x 60” or 264” on the perimeter) SPECIAL: Aline Chan - $30 for Most Points and $20 for second, sections 36-38 Art Quilts Quilt is defined as 3-layer sandwich, stitched together, any suitable method of edging. Sections 39-42 Prizes:1st - $15; 2nd - $10; 3rd - $8 39.Wall Hanging(s), Original Composition, any technique(s), predominantly fibre, any shape, suitable for hanging. TOTAL perimeter UNDER 100” when hung. SewEtc, Burlington - $20 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 39 40.Wall Hanging(s), Original Composition, any technique(s), predominantly fibre, any shape, suitable for hanging. TOTAL perimeter OVER 100” when hung. 41.Wall Hanging, Fused Appliqué, minimum 18”x18” 42.Wearable Art- Any Garment(s), ready for display SewEtc, Burlington - $20 gift certificate for 1st place winner in section 42 The Quilt Rack, Ancaster - $25.00 gift certificate for Most Points Quilting, sections 1-42 43. Quilt Block Special Any block, no theme 1st - $10; 2nd - $6; 3rd - $4.50; 4th - $4; 5th - $2 Sponsored by the Ancaster Quilters Guild Single quilt block, not quilted. Block size to be 12-1/2”x 12-1/2”. BEST OF SHOW sections 18-42: $75 gift certificate 2nd BEST OF SHOW sections 18-42: $50 gift certificate Donated by Cherished Pieces, Tillsonburg MOST POINTS OVERALL IN HOMECRAFTS $75.00 70 CLASS 55A - NEEDLECRAFT Chairman: Julie Forster; Joyce Calder, Bob & Doris Coulter, Sheila Drury, Ruth Nelles, Shirley Sullivan, Bob Seitz, Linda Weylie RULES: 1. Only safety pins to be used; Straight pins allowed for foamboard. 2. All articles to be NEW and handmade by exhibitor and not shown prior to 2013. 3. Judges may disqualify soiled or old exhibits. 4. All Pictures must be ready to hang. 5. All measurements are for WORK ONLY. 6. Needlepoint does NOT include counted Cross-Stitch. 1st - $6.00; 2nd - $5.50; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $4.50; 5th - $4.00 Section 1. Article of Weaving 2. Tea Cosy, fabric 3. Tea Cosy, any other kind 4. Casserole Dish Carrier 5. One Pillowcase, hand embroidered 6. One Pillowcase, Machine Embroidered Special: 1st place pillowcase, Machine Embroidered $20 gift certificate sponsored by SEW etc., Burlington 7. Article, Silk Ribbon Embroidery 8. Article with Shadow Embroidery 9. Article with crocheted trim 10.Kleenex Box Cover 11.Placemats, practical, no plastic canvas, two 12.Placemats, fancy, two 13.Placemat suitable for a child 14.Pot Holders, two 15.Pair of oven Mitts 16.Tablecloth, embroidered 48” and over 17.Tablecloth, of any other kind 18.Doily, crocheted, under 12”, mounted on foamboard 19.Doily, crocheted, 12” or over, mounted on foamboard 20.Table Runner, fabric minimum 36” long 21.Dresser Scarf, not quilted 22.Finger-tip Towel 23.Cross-stitch Article, not a picture 24.Counted Cross-stitch Article, not a picture 25.Hardanger, any article 26.Needlepoint Article, Plastic Canvas, one article under 12” 27.Needlepoint Article, Plastic Canvas, one article 12” & over 28.Tote Bag, practical 29.Tote Bag, decorative 30.Stuffed Toy, under 16” 31.Stuffed Toy, 16” or over 32.Doll, handmade, soft head and body, suitable for child 33.Doll, Best Dressed, handmade, fabric outfit 34.Doll, Best Dressed, knitted or crocheted 35.Cushion, Needlepoint 36.Cushion, Embroidered 37.Cushion, Crocheted 38.Cushion, Quilted 39.Cushion, Child’s practical 71 40.Cushion, Child’s decorative 41.Cushion, Cross-Stitch 42.Pin Cushion, decorative 43.Travel Neck Pillow 44.Floor Mat, Braided 45.Floor Mat, Latched 46.Needlepoint Picture, framed, under 12” wide 47.Needlepoint Picture, framed, between 12” and 20” wide 48.Needlepoint Picture, framed, over 20” wide 49.Crewel Picture, framed 50.Cross-Stitch Sampler, framed 51.Cross-Stitch Picture, not counted 52.Bunka Picture 53.Needle Felting, any article 54.Penny Rugging, any article 55.Any needlecraft article featuring our theme “Oh Canada” SPECIALS: Most Points Toys & Dolls sections 30-34 donated by M.A.S.T. Property Management - $20.00 and a Rosette In Memory of Emma Smith-Donated by Shirley Sullivan -Most Points in Sections 35-43 - $20.00 and Rosette BEST OF SHOW - $10.00 and Rosette MOST POINTS In Needlecraft - $25.00 and Rosette CLASS 56 - Amateur Art Chairman: Catherine Reid; Harold & Violet Baker, Verna Jonasson, Kim Tudball, Paul & Lorna Faddies, Robert Brownlie Honourary Member: Betsy Wilson Rules: 1. All pictures must be SECURELY WIRED and READY TO HANG from hooks or may be disqualified. 2. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor and may not have been shown prior to 2013. 3. No Paint-by-number kits allowed. 4. ALL pictures in sections 1 to 20 MUST BE FRAMED and READY TO HANG (note exception), sections 21 to 30 MUST BE UNFRAMED and READY TO HANG. 5. Tag attached to lower right-hand corner, may be attached at back so tag hangs below painting, any identifying marks (ie. Signature or stamp) covered with painters tape (masking tape may damage frame or painting). 6. One entry per section per exhibitor. 7. Not to exceed 42 inches in any direction. 1st - $10.25; 2nd - $8.25; 3rd - $6.25; 4th - $4.25 OIL OR ACRYLIC - FRAMED, ready to hang On Canvas or Artist Panel NOTE: Artist Cradled Panels 1” or deeper need not be framed, paintings on canvas must be framed Section 1. Landscape 3. Still Life 5. Shoreline 7. Any Other Subject 2. Floral 4. Animal(s) 6. Bird(s) 72 WATERCOLOUR - FRAMED, ready to hang 8. Landscape 9. Floral 10. Still Life 11. Animal(s) 12. Shoreline 13. Bird(s) 14. Any Other Subject PASTELS - FRAMED, ready to hang 15. Landscape 16. Animal(s) 17. Any Other Subject PENCIL OR INK - FRAMED, ready to hang 18. Portrait (human) 19. Any Other Subject - Ink 20. Any Other Subject - Pencil PAINTING - FRAMED OR UN-FRAMED, ready to hang 21. Abstract - any ONE (1) media only (pencil, ink, paint, etc.) 22. Three Dimensional Painting (i.e. extra layers of paper or canvas etc., to give three dimensional feel to painting) 23. Mixed Media - using TWO (2) or more media (paint, ink, pencil, etc.), embellishments accepted. 24. Collage Definition: A collage may include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of coloured or hand-made papers, portions of other artwork, photographs and other found objects, glued to a base, i.e. paper, canvas, wood, etc. 25. Class for Certified Developmentally Challenged Individuals. Any subject, any media, ready to hang UNFRAMED ART, ready to hang 26. Oil on Canvas , any subject, ready to hang 27. Acrylic on Canvas, any subject, ready to hang 28. Mosaic Article, ready to hang Definition: Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, or other materials applied to a base, i.e. paper, canvas, wood, etc. and usually but not necessarily grouted. 29. Oil or Acrylic, NOT on canvas or artist panel, any subject, ready to hang 30. Any Other Medium not previously mentioned, any subject, ready to hang UNFRAMED ART, NOT hanging 31. Mosaic article, not hanging 32. Article of clay, HAND sculpted (no molds), any subject 33. Article of clay from potter’s wheel, any subject 34. Any other medium, any subject, HAND sculpted SPECIALS: BEST REPRESENTATION OF CURRENT FAIR THEME “Oh Canada” - donated by Homecraft Division, Sections 1 - 34 $10.00 BEST OF SHOW - donated by Homecraft Division, Sections 1 - 24, $25.00 and Rosette BEST OF SHOW - donated by Homecraft Division, Section 25 - 34, $25.00 and Rosette MOST POINTS AWARD - Prize donated by Catherine Reid 73 CLASS 56A - PHOTOGRAPHY Chairman: Sarah Arbogast; Joe Arbogast, JoAnna Arbogast, Tristian Arbogast, Caroline Peer, Adam Krasnay Louise Anderson, Doug Wright, Mary Gould, Bob Massie, Malcolm Reed, Astra Belisario, Brenda Arbogast Honourary Members: Betty Deeks, Reg & Dorothy Pottruff PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: 1. ALL PHOTOS ARE FOR AMATEURS ONLY. COMMERCIAL VENDORS AND BUSINESS ARE PROHIBITED FROM ENTERING. 2. All Photos must be mounted on black bristol board with 1” border around entire photograph (CONstruction paper, MATTING and white border around photos will not be ACCEPTed). Punch one hole on top centre of bristol board hanging; exhibitor’s entry tag to be securely stapled AT TOP RIGHT SIDE EDGE of border. No elastic bands or yarn. Suggestion: rubber cement should be used for secure mounting. DO NOT USE CONTACT CEMENT AS IT WILL DAMAGE PHOTOS. NO PHOTO MOUNTING CORNERS. 3. No glass or frames. Judge will disqualify. 4. PHOTOGRAPH MUST BE TAKEN BY THE EXHIBITOR ONLY, and must not have been shown prior to 2014. Any submissions of plagiarism will lead to an automatic disqualification on all photographs entered by the exhibitor. In addition the exhibitor will receive a 5 year ban on future photo entries. 5. PHOTOCOPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NO COMPUTER ENHANCED IMAGES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 6. Photos taken using a digital camera will be accepted unless otherwise specified. 7. ALL entries submitted by the same exhibitor must be distinctly different from each other. Identical photos or similar photos may not be entered under different sections. Exhibitor may only enter one photo in each section. 8. Photographs not suitable for family viewing will not be judged or displayed at the committees discretion. 9. *Please note* the Photography Committee and the Ancaster Agricultural Society are NOT at fault for any lost or damaged photos. 10.Exhibits will not be accepted after 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014. 11.Judge’s decision is final. 1st - $8.00; 2nd - $6.00; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $4.00 AMATEUR ONLY - COLOUR Prints PHOTO - 5”x 7”- MOUNTED Section 1. Tews Falls, Dundas 2. Queen Anne’s Lace 3. Fall Harvest 4. Maple Keys (Trees Only) 5. New Life on the Farm (alpacas only) 6. Antique Tractor(s) 7. Owner and Pet Look-Alike 8. Bees 9. Cry Baby 10. Pink Rose(s) (in memory of Dorothy Norsworthy) 74 Advanced & AMATEUR - COLOUR Prints PHOTO - 5”x 7”- MOUNTED Section 11. Abandoned Train Tracks(s) 12. Pond Hockey 13. Kids with Their Fort(s) 14. Quilt(s) (in memory of Judy Matson) 15. Old Weathered Barn Door(s) 16. Draft Horse(s) 17. Adults Caught Napping 18. Apple Picking 19. What a Mess! (adults only) 20. Like Parent Like Child 21. Owl(s) ADVANCED - COLOUR Prints Sec. 22-25 PHOTO - 5”x 7”- MOUNTED Open to Amateur or Advanced. Commercial finishing allowed as well as own processing, computer enhancement, special effects, etc. Section: 22. Snowdrops in Flower 23. Brilliant Blue 24. Creative Light(s) 25. Hamilton at Night 26. Sepia & White - Twins 27. Black & White Photo - Frost 28. Black & White Photo - Cenotaph WW1 only SPECIALs: Most Points Sec. 1 to 10 - Rosette and “School of Image” gift card provided by Henry’s, Ancaster and a gift certificate from Sooter’s Photography. Most Points Sec. 11 to 21 - Rosette and “School of Image” gift card provided by Henry’s, Ancaster and a gift certificate from Sooter’s Photography. Most Points Sec. 22 to 28 -Rosette and “School of Image” gift card provided by Henry’s, Ancaster and a gift certificate from Sooter’s Photography. Best in SHow overall (judges choice) : $85 Gift card provided by Henry’s, 737 Golf Links Road, Ancaster, www. and a gift certificate from Sooter’s Photography, $60 voucher provided by Bell Arte Camera, Hamilton towards photofinishing, enlargements, etc. Most Points Overall - Gift Certificate from Sooter’s Photography, 651 Upper James St., Hamilton, Sooter1@gmail. com, $100 gift certificate provided by Bell Arte Camera,85 Ottawa St. N. Hamilton, $50 gift certificate provided by Camtech Photographic Service Ltd. 588 Concession St. Hamilton. CLASS 57 - CRAFTS Co-Chairmen: Carolyn Marsh, Peggy Workman; Earla Harvey, Margaret Johnson, Margaret Lovering, Vivian McBay, Maisie Mysak, Helen Peer, Sheila Somas, Susan Tremaine, Lynne Wazny This year’s theme is “Oh Canada” - keep this in mind and use if applicable in any of your entries RULES: 1. All hanging articles must be ready to hang, with hanger included. 75 2. Specified measurements include the frame. 3. All entries must be CLEAN and project MECHANICS must be secure 4. All entry tags attached on LOWER RIGHT CORNER of article - no wire. 5. All scrapbooking entries must be in 12”x12” sleeves with opening at the top. Journaling is to accompany each page 1st - $6.00; 2nd - $5.50; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $4.50; 5th - $4.00 Section Create: 1. a uniquely shaped door decoration using no wreath shape- no flower materials. 2. a pair of bookends. 3. a table centre arrangement for a Kitchen table; maximum height 8”. 4. an adult favour for a 40th wedding anniversary dinner. 5. any other new and unusual craft not used in Class 57. Name the craft on your entry ticket. 6. a novel holder/hanger for several scarfs. 7. a washable beachbag. 8. a pet’s placemat using plastic mactac. 9. a gift basket - medium size - no handle - maximum number of items 8 - for a shut-in senior. 10.a stand-up item for outside your back door, using this year’s fair theme - minimum height 3 feet adult bib. 12.a Thanksgiving piece with candles and gourds. maximum Height - 8”, Maximum Length - 20” 13.“It’s a jungle out there”. Create a stand alone decoration for your garden 14.a ready to hang useable bird house. 15.a play item for a little girl. 16.a WOODEN toy for a little boy. 17.a useable article out of Duct Tape. 18.a “whack-it”doll and List its use. 19.Decorate a pumpkin representing the fair theme. No carving Maximum weight - 20lbs 20.a ready to hang mobile for a child’s room. 21.a wall hanging using thread painting. 22.a painting on metal. 23.a handmade ballgown or wedding dress displayed on your favourite barbie doll. 24.a handmade ready to hang sign for your kitchen. 25.Decorate a flower pot with folk art. 26.a handmade woodcraft functional article. 27.a machine made woodcraft functional article. 28.a “fascinator”. 29.a handmade clutch bag to go with your favourite evening outfit. 30.a dream catcher. 31.a little girl’s dress from a pillowcase. 32.3 ready to hang outside ornaments for your Easter tree. 33.a handmade 3 piece jewellery set, mounted on a stand-up form - no kits 34.a bracelet, mounted on a stand-up form, no kits. 76 35.a handmade 4 piece jewellery set, mounted on a stand-up form - a kit may be used. Note: 2 earrings = 1piece 36.a hand-made cut and paste “Thinking of You” card. 37.a functional mosaic, using items from around your home. e.g. beans, buttons, etc. 38.Print the poem below on blank 8.5x11 white paper. (no felt pens, no calligraphy, no mounting) In Flanders Fields by John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. 39.Write a titled story of your favourite place to visit in Canada in 300 words or less on 8.5”x11” blank white paper (do not mount). Judged on story content. Rosette and special gift for 1st. 40.Craft Special - Decorate a bun basket for a buffet table with 4 different changeable coverings. To be judged on creativity, uniqueness and appropriateness. Exhibitor chooses each covering’s theme. Scrapbooking : Judged on theme, photos, and journaling. 112”x12” page only with sleeve open at top 41.a country wedding using wall-paper background technique. 42.a page of a visit to a pioneer village using 3D embellishment. 43.a page of children at play using a stamped background technique. 44.a picnic page incorporating tea-bag folding in the presentation. 45.a winter sport page choosing your own background technique. 46.a page of pets at play using stamping as part of the background. 47.a page of “Oh what a site!” choosing the most appropriate background technique(s). 48.a page of people on the move with 2 background techniques used. CRAFT SPECIAL - Section 40 - “Bun Basket” 1st -$25.00 & Rosette, 2nd -$20.00; 3rd - $15.00; 4th - $10.00 5th - $5.00 Prizes Donated by Don Lor Farm Most Creative Project - $10.00, Rosette and Retained Trophy Most Points in Scrapbooking - Sections 41-48- Rosette and $20.00 Gift Certificate. Prize donated by HRW Automotive. MOST POINTS AWARD - In Crafts, Section 1 thru 48 - $50.00 and Rosette 77 Classes for Certified Developmentally Challenged Individuals t t - NO Exhibitor Fee - NO Age Limit - ONE ARTICLE PER SECTION 49-54 49.An item made using assorted pasta 50.A functional article from natural materials 51.Create an item made from LEGO - display on a tray etc 52.Enter a cactus in a hand decorated pot. 53.Create and mount a piece of jewellery using a kit. 54.Create a decorative paper weight. SPECIAL: MOST POINTS in Section 49 to 54: $20.00 and Rosette CLASS 58 - HORTICULTURE Co-Chairmen: Kathleen Payne, Darryn Pickard; Committee: Elsie Dearsley, Elmer & Irene Smith, Brigitte Brockelbank-Byers, Kathy Harding, Alison Latulippe, Elaine Latulippe, Monica Kaminski & David Morris, Linda Plant, Linda Smith 1. Judging done according to Ontario Judging Standards for Horticulture & Design-Publication #34 (1996) - published by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2. All exhibits must have been grown by the exhibitor in sections 1 to 72 for at least 3 months. 3. Group entries accepted in Sections 73 to 86 ONLY. 4. No exhibits allowed under commercial vendor name. 5. Please refer to prize list for entry specifications; please do not rely solely on the entry tag for description 6. PLEASE DO NOT USE CONTAINERS OF VALUE. 1st - $5.00; 2nd - $4.50; 3rd - $3.50 4th - $2.50 POTTED PLANTS Section 1. Wall Planter - one flat side, ready to hang, house plant 2. Ivy Wall Planter - one flat side, ready to hang, house plant 3. One Hanging Plant(s), Foliage Only, 1 variety 4. One Hanging Plant(s), Flowering, 1 variety 5. Hanging Basket, to include more than 1 variety SPECIAL: 1st place Hanging Basket $25.00 gift certificate provided by Paterno Nurseries, Dundas 6. One Hanging Potted Spider Plant(s) 7. Begonia(s), Tuberous, in bloom 8. Begonia(s), Fiberous, in bloom 9. Hanging Potted Impatiens, 1 type, multiple stems allowed, in bloom 10.Potted Sunshine Impatiens, multiple stems allowed, in bloom 11.Indoor Plant(s), Flowering, 1 variety SPECIAL: 1st place Indoor Plant(s) $25.00 gift certificate provided by Nichol’s Florist, Brantford 12.Indoor Plant(s), Foliage Only, 1 variety 13.Geranium, potted plant(s), in bloom 14.Geranium, Ivy, potted plant(s), in bloom 15.Cactus, or cacti garden not to exceed 20”, container included SPECIAL: 1st place Cactus or Cacti Garden $25.00 gift certificate provided by Sharples Greenhouse & Nurseries 78 2136 Upper James Street, Mt.Hope 16.Coleus Plant, one type per container, multiple stems allowed SPECIAL: 1st place Coleus $25.00 gift certificate provided by The Dirt Depot, Dundas 17.African Violets, single crown, single flower, any colour 18.African Violets, single crown, double flower, any colour 19.One or more African Violets, growing in an unusual, novel or decorative container SPECIAL: BEST AFRICAN VIOLET sections 17-19 $25.00 gift certificate provided by Walter’s Greenhouses and Garden Centre, Paris 20.Christmas Cactus, does not need to be in bloom to show SPECIAL: 1ST PLACE CHRISTMAS CACTUS $25.00 gift certificate provided by Walter’s Greenhouses and Garden Centre, Paris 21.Bonsai, any variety SPECIAL: 1ST PLACE BONSAI $50.00 gift certificate provided by Whistling Gardens - Retail Centre & Botanical Gardens, Wilsonville, 22.Outdoor Planter, exhibitor planted, to include more than 3 varieties, not a hanging pot SPECIAL: OUTDOOR PLANTER 1st $50.00, 2nd $20.00, 3rd $10.00, 4th $5.00 gift certificates provided by Mountain Garden Centre, 3750 Hwy 6, Mount Hope 23.A collection of house plants, MUST BE NAMED, 3 varieties, on a tray, not to exceed 24 inches in all directions SPECIAL: 1ST PLACE COLLECTION OF HOUSEPLANTS $25.00 gift certificate provided by Satellite Garden Centre, Hamilton 24.1 potted herb - must be named SPECIAL: MOST POINTS IN POTTED PLANTS 1st - $50.00 gift certificate provided by Holland Park Garden Gallery, Dundas, Burlington 2nd - $25.00 gift certificate provided by Josmar Acres, Lynden SPECIMENS Conditioning Procedure: With a sharp knife, cut flower stems on a diagonal to keep them from resting flat on the bottom of a container, since this stops the upward flow of water. Hammer ends of all woody material so water may be absorbed easily. Stand flowers in tepid water to condition. Wrap snugly in newspaper any that have a tendency to develop unwanted curves. 25.Perennials, 3 stems, all different, MUST BE NAMED SPECIAL: 1st Perennials $25.00 gift certificate provided by Paterno Nurseries, Dundas 26. Grasses Ornamental, 3 stems, any variety 27.“Only A Red Rose”, floated in a suitable container with foliage 28.“Only A Rose”, any other colour, floated in a suitable container with foliage 79 29.A Red Rose, stem & foliage 30.A Multicoloured Rose, stem & foliage SPECIAL: “ A Multicoloured Rose” 1st - $10; 2nd - $7.50; 3rd - $5 4th - $2.50 section sponsored by Antler’s Garden Centre, Brantford 31.Sweet Pea, 1 spray, any colour 32.“A Flower For Your Sweetheart” - MEN ONLY SPECIAL: “ A Flower For Your Sweetheart” 1st - $20; 2nd - $15; 3rd - $10 4th - $5 section sponsored by Antler’s Garden Centre, Brantford 33.Gladiolus, 1 spike, any colour 34.Gladiolus, 3 spikes, any colour 35.Tuberous Begonia, 1 bloom and foliage, floating in water 36.Dahlia, 1 bloom, Decorative, own foliage 37.Dahlia, 3 blooms, under 4”, own foliage 38.Dahlia, 1 bloom, Cactus Type, own foliage 39.Dahlia, 1 bloom, any other variety SPECIAL: Best Dahlia, sections 36-39 $25.00 provided by ICECO Advanced Arena Products, Burlington 40.Geranium, 1 bloom, self foliage, Red Only 41.Geranium, 1 bloom, self foliage, any other colour 42.Geranium, 3 blooms, foliage optional, any colour 43.Asters, 3 blooms, light shades 44.Asters, 3 blooms, dark shades 45.Zinnias, 3 blooms, Pom Pom 46.Zinnias, 3 blooms, Dahlia Type 47.Coleus, 2 stems, Any Variety 48.Celosia, Plume Feathered, 1 stem 49.Celosia, Crested Cocks Comb. 1 stem 50.Chrysanthemums, 3 sprays of bicolour SPECIAL: 1st place Chrysanthemums, Bicolour, $25.00 gift certificate provided by The Dirt Depot, Dundas, 51.Chrysanthemums, any other colour, 3 sprays of one colour 52.Chrysanthemums, 3 blooms, not less than 4” stems 53.Salvia, 3 stems, any colour 54.Snapdragons, 3 spikes 55.Petunias, single, 3 blooms with stems, light shades 56.Petunias, single, 3 blooms with stems, dark shades 57.Petunias, double, 3 blooms with stems 58.Cosmos, 3 stems, not to exceed 15” 59.Marigold, single, 3 blooms 60.Marigold, large pom pom (African), 3 blooms 61.Marigolds, French, in a decorative container 62.Calendulas, 3 blooms 63.Hydrangea, 1 bloom, any variety, any colour SPECIAL: 1st place Hydrangea, $25.00 provided by ICECO Advanced Arena Products, Burlington 64.Any yellow flower SPECIAL: 1ST PLACE ANY Yellow FLOWER $25.00 gift 80 certificate provided by Josmar Acres, Lynden 65.Sedum, 3 stems 66.Dusty Miller, 1 Stem 67.Hosta, 3 leaves, solid, any variety 68.Hosta, 3 leaves, variegated, any variety SPECIAL: Best Hosta, sections 67-68 $25.00 provided by Cainsville Tire Discounters, 23 Old Onondaga Rd W, Brantford 69.Any other Specimen, 1 stem, not listed, MUST BE NAMED 70.1 Stem of ornamental seed head or fruiting body SPECIAL: 1ST PLACE SEED HEAD OR FRUITING BODY $25.00 gift certificate provided by Satellite Garden Centre, Hamilton 71.SPECIAL: Any specimen grown from William Dam Seeds. Package to be attached to tag: 1st $10.00; 2nd - $7.50; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $2.50 Section sponsored by William Dam Seeds, 279 Hwy 8, Dundas 72.Special: Restricted to exhibitors less than 21 years of age. A bouquet of flowers, maximum 5 stems, one or more varieties allowed. Must be named. 1st - $10; 2nd - $7.50; 3rd - $5 4th - $2.50 Section sponsored by Lynden Horticultural Society. SPECIAL: MOST POINTS IN SPECIMENS 1st - $50.00 gift card provided by Fortinos Ancaster 2nd - $25.00 gift certificate provided by William Dam Seeds, 279 Hwy 8, Dundas ARRANGEMENTS Sections 73 to 86 open to individuals or groups. All material to be fresh unless otherwise stated. 1st - $8.00; 2nd - $7.00; 3rd - $6.50; 4th - $6.00 5th - $5.50 73.British Columbia, Pacific Dogwood: An arrangement incorporating dogwood and white flowers. Not to exceed 30” high, container included 74.Alberta, Wild Rose: An arrangement of pink roses SPECIAL: 1st place Alberta, $25.00 provided by ICECO Advanced Arena Products, Burlington 75.Saskatchewan, Western Red Lily: A Christmas wreath featuring red flowers. Accessories allowed. Ready to hang. Special: Stan Davis Memorial Award: 1st place Saskatchewan, $50 provided by Davis Christmas Tree Farm 1865 Wilson St W, Jerseyville. 76.Manitoba, Prairie Crocus: An arrangement featuring ornamental grasses, Not to exceed 30” in height, container included. SPECIAL: 1st place Manitoba, $25.00 gift certificate provided by Sharples Greenhouse & Nurseries 2136 Upper James Street, Mt.Hope 77.Ontario, White Trillium: An arrangement featuring 3 varieties of white flowers. SPECIAL: 1st Place Ontario, $25.00 provided by Cainsville 81 Tire Discounters, 23 Old Onondaga Rd W, Brantford 78.Quebec, Blue Flag Iris: An all around arrangement in a wine glass 79.New Brunswick, Purple Violet: A purple arrangement featuring Moose accessories, not to exceed 30” in any direction 80.Nova Scotia, Mayflower: A nautical themed arrangement, accessories allowed, not to exceed 30” in height, container included. SPECIAL: Nova Scotia 1st - $20; 2nd - $15; 3rd - $10 4th $8; 5th - $7 section sponsored by Antler’s Garden Centre, Brantford 81.Prince Edward Island, Lady’s Slipper: An arrangement in a slipper. 82.Newfoundland & Labrador, Pitcher Plant: An arrangement in a decorative pitcher 83.Yukon Territory, Fireweed: FIRE AND ICE, a representative arrangement incorporating fire and ice. ICECO special SPECIAL: 1st Place Yukon Territory, $25.00 provided by ICECO Advanced Arena Products, Burlington 84.Northwest Territories, Mountain Avens: A miniature arrangement, must not exceed 5” in any direction 85.Nunavut Territory, Purple Saxifrage: An arrangement featuring short flowers, no higher than 4” as well as rocks or gravel 86.Canada, Maple leaf forever: A red and white arrangement featuring maple leaves. Maple leaves can be artificial. SPECIAL: Canada, 1st - $20; 2nd - $15; 3rd - $10; 4th - $8; 5th - $7 section sponsored by Antler’s Garden Centre, Brantford MOST POINTS IN ARRANGEMENTS 1st - $50.00 gift certificate provided by Canadian Tire Ltd., Ancaster 2nd - $25.00 gift card provided by Nichol’s Florist, Brantford SPECIALS: BEST EXHIBIT - $100.00 provided by ENBRIDGE PIPELINES INC. MOST POINTS AWARD - In Horticulture (Class 58) 1st $150.00 gift certificate provided by Connon Nurseries, Waterdown, 2nd $50.00 gift certificate provided by Harper’s Garden Centre, Ancaster 3rd $50.00 gift certificate provided by Shaver’s Flowers, Ancaster BEST SPECIMEN - $5.00 and Rosette BEST PLANT - $5.00 and Rosette BEST ARRANGEMENT - $5.00 and Rosette Best Exhibit - $5.00 and Rosette The Horticulture Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank our very generous sponsors for making the many special awards possible for the 2014 Fair. 82 CLASS 59 - CHRISTMAS CORNER Committee: Michele Money, Bonnie Kelley, Freddie McCormack, Cathey Regan, Michelle Visser Honourary Member: Norma Baker RULES: 1. NO Ceramics or Stained Glass allowed in any section. 2. Entries may be exhibited for two years only. 3. Please ensure all items are securely fastened to exhibit item. 1st - $4.00; 2nd - $3.50; 3rd - $3.00; 4th - $2.50; 5th - $2.50 Section 1. ONE Christmas Tree Ornament, ready to hang, Beaded 2. ONE Christmas Tree Ornament, ready to hang, Candy cane 3. ONE Christmas Tree Ornament, ready to hang, Stitchery 4. ONE Christmas Tree Ornament, ready to hang, Snowflake 5. ONE Christmas Tree Ornament, ready to hang, Reindeer 6. ONE Christmas Tree Topper, ready to Top the Tree 7. Candy filled mason jar decorated for Christmas 8. Handcrafted Christmas Card (not computerized) 9. Christmas Bazaar Item, approximate value $5.00 or less 10. One tea towel decorated for Christmas 1st - $6.00; 2nd - $5.50; 3rd - $5.00; 4th - $4.50; 5th - $4.00 11.One page Christmas Day Scrapbooking 12.One Christmas Stocking, ready to hang 13.Any Christmas item, machine embroidered 14.Christmas Tablerunner 15.Any Christmas item, hand carved not to exceed 24” 16.Christmas Door Decoration, not a wreath, ready to hang 17.Christmas arrangement with greenery (live and/or artificial) in an outdoor pot, pot diameter not to exceed 24” 18.Craft one Christmas Tree, not to exceed 24” high” 19.One Christmas item, made from recycled materials 20.Christmas garland, decorated. Not to exceed 6 feet. 21.Crafted Advent Calendar, ready to hang 22.Craft a Christmas Candy Cane min length 8”, max 36” 23.Craft a table center piece with minimum 1 candle, Max diameter 24” 24.A Basket of treats for your Grandfather 25.Craft a Santa’s Workshop, maximum dimensions 24” by 24”. SPECIALS: MOST POINTS AWARD - $20.00 Gift Certificate BEST OF SHOW - Rosette & $10.00 Gift Certificate RUTH BROOKS MEMORIAL TROPHY - Chosen by the Committee CLASS 60 - AMATEUR SPIRITS COMPETITION Chairmen: Tammy Quinn & Kim Ludwig; Janet Tigchelaar RULES: 1. All entries MUST be made by an amateur. 2. All competitors must have an Ancaster Fair Exhibitor Card. 3. No spirits will be returned. 4. Entry forms will be accepted at the Fair Office until Friday August 30th. 5. Each entry must have the tag supplied by the Ancaster Fair. Entries are to be brought to the Fair Office from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by Tuesday September 10th on weekdays only. 6. No single spirit may be entered into more than one section. 83 7. All spirits become the property of the Ancaster Agricultural Society. 1st - $15.00; 2nd $13.00; 3rd - $11.00; 4th - $9.00 Section 1. Red Table wine - colour range from light red to ruby or garnet, 10-13% alcohol content 2. White Table wine - colour range from clear to golden, 9 - 12 % alcohol content 3. Fruit, not grape 4. Port 5. Beer, any variety, named 6. A.O.V. from kit - named 7. Any variety not from kit, named 8. Cider SPECIALS: $25 gift certificate and Rosette to the first place winners of Section 1 red table wine and Section 2 white table wine donated by Wine Kitz - in the Canadian Tire Plaza, Ancaster Best of Show: $50 gift certificate donated by Rousseau House, Ancaster CLASS 61 - GROUP DISPLAY OPEN TO ANY ORGANIZATION: Women’s Institutes, Clubs, Senior Groups, Church Groups, Youth Groups such as 4-H, Jr. Farmers, etc. Committee: Doris & Bob Coulter 679-2139 1st - $50.00; 2nd-$35.00; 3rd-$25.00; all others $20.00 RULES: 1. Entries must be made on entry form provided by Friday September 5, 2014. 2. No exhibitor fee nor membership required. No deduction from Prize Money. 3. A sign 8 1/2“ x 11”, stating the name of the group to be supplied for posting after judging. 4. Exhibit must be arranged between 2 pm and 9 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 17th by not more than 3 members. 5. Space 40” high, 40” wide and 30” deep is allotted in order of exhibitor’s number. 6. Pegboard backing is provided, but, own backboards will be allowed if they do not exceed the allotted space. Two extra props are allowed. 7. All items must be the work and property of members of the organization or group. 8. Each item will be judged by points. Overall display will be judged for originality and co-ordination including the Theme sign. 9. Exhibit must be removed after 7 pm Sunday, September 21. THEME: “Things My Mother Taught Me” The display must include the following 5 items: 1. Hand-crafted door decoration 2. A handwritten article about a mother, about half a page 3. 3 chocolate chip cookies on a plate 4. A half apron using gingham 5. Jar of peach jam or canned peaches, sealed In addition, choose 3 of the following 5 items to be included 84 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One crocheted potholder Four pieces of chocolate fudge Jar of chili sauce, sealed Knitted scarf, about half finished, still on needles with ball of yarn Item with embroidery Rosettes will be awarded for the first 5 placings. CLASS 62 - WOODCARVING Chairman: Joe Thorogood; Dave Wilson Prizes: 1st - $7.00; 2nd - $5.00; 3rd - $3.00 RULES: 1. Maximum Size 18” x 18”, except for canes and walking sticks. 2. Novice Exhibitors - Not to have won 5, 1st place ribbons in any previous competition in novice class. 3. No computer generated exhibits, laser, scroll saw, etc. 4. All entries must be carved within the last 2 years. 5. Youth section is up to age 15. 6. 2 entries per section are allowed. OPEN AMATEUR Classes Section 1. Relief Carving - (shallow, deep, open) 2. Carving in the Round - (wildlife and domestic animals other than birds) 3. Birds, Ducks and Decoys - painted or unpainted 4. Caricature 5. Human Forms - painted or unpainted 6. Chip Carving 7. Wood burning - painted or unpainted 8. Spoons, Flowers, Chains, Boots, and Cottonwood Bark 9. Miscellaneous - bone, antler, soapstone, canes, walking sticks etc.) NOVICE Classes 10.Relief Carving - (shallow, deep, open) 11.Carving in the Round - (wildlife and domestic animals other than birds) 12.Birds, Ducks and Decoys - painted or unpainted 13.Caricature 14.Human Forms - painted or unpainted 15.Chip Carving 16.Wood burning - painted or unpainted 17.Spoons, Flowers, Chains, Boots, and Cottonwood Bark 18.Miscellaneous - bone, antler, soapstone, canes, walking sticks etc.) Youth Class 19.You can enter any painted or unpainted carving. 2 entries allowed, No Computer generated exhibits, laser, scroll saw, etc. SPECIALS: Best in Class - Open- Rosette plus $25 Gift Certificate Best in Class - Novice - Rosette plus $25 Gift Certificate Gift Certificates donated by Chipping Away, Best of Show: Rosette 85 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE DIPLOMA RECIPIENTS 1948 J. S. Howell* 1949 George Bethune* 1950W. E. Shaver* 1951W. S. McMullen* 1952W. G. Marritt* 1953Roy A. Moffatt* 1954 Sanford Bonham* 1955 J. Hayes Woodley* 1956 E. Theo Brooks* 1957 Addison Baker* 1958 A. M. Shaver* Mrs. H. A. Dickenson* 1959 H.A. Dickenson* Mrs. J. J. Brown* 1960Wm. K. Dunham* Mrs. M. R. Smith* 1961 Archie S. Smith* Mrs. Geo Bethune* 1962Walter Ferguson* 1963 Alex Thomas* 1964 Grant Cranston* 1965Wilfred Wade* 1966Ralph Willcock* 1967 Thomas A Powell* 1968Mrs. Roy A. Moffatt* 1969Marshall Bethune* 1970 John & Eleanor Gartshore* 1971 Gordon Harkness* 1972 Howard Cranston 1973Mrs. J. Hayes Woodley* 1974Robert E. Richardson* 1975 Stanley J. Davis* 1976 John Smyth* 1977 John H. Brooks* 1978 Earl* & Norma Baker 1979 Bruce V. Hossack* 1980 Lloyd Deeks* 1981Murray* & LaVerda Donovan 1982Ward Goodbrand* 1983Michael* & Gwen Emick 1984Roy Berry* 1985 Andrew Groen 1986Murray & Anne Ferguson 1987 Allan* & Betty Stewart 1988 Vincent & Leila Pottruff* 1989Melville* & Vivian McBay 1990 Erma Book* 1991 Frank & Dorothy Norsworthy* 1992 Arthur Bowes* 1993William Michaluk* 1994 Elmer* & Anne Brown 1995 John* & Audrey Calder 1996 Harold & Violet Baker 1997Raymond Wilson 1998 Garfield Smith* 1999 Lloyd Bradt* 2000 LaVerne & Ruth* Brooks 2001 Donald E. Comley* 2002Murray & Martha Cranston 2003 Leo* & Alice Vis 2004 Ted* & Sylvia Parr 2005 Melvin* & Erna Pickard 2006 Elmer & Irene Smith 2007 Brian Emick 2008 Brenda Parkin 2009Randy Baker, Al Payne & Ken Peer 2010 Shirley Peer 2011 Frank & Cathey Regan 2012 Bill* & Elsie Dearsley 2013 Dale & Marie Smith Agricultural Service Diploma presented to Dale & Marie Smith by Ed & Diane Langs for their many years of dedicated service to the Ancaster Agricultural Society. 86 DONATIONS The Board of Directors wish to thank all donors for your generous and continued support. It is donations such as yours that have helped Ancaster Fair become an excellent meeting place of rural and urban people, exhibiting agricultural and homecraft products, with family fun and entertainment. All donations received in the year prior to June 1, 2014 are shown below. Official receipts for taxation purposes are mailed out on a calendar year basis. We appreciate donations at any time. If you are not presently donating, please consider this worthwhile cause. Ed & Margaret Johnson Ancaster Horticultural Society Joe Loewith & Sons Ancaster Quilters Guild Luehmann Family Ancaster Senior Achievement Michael Margetts Centre Ayr Farmers’ Mutual Insurance MAST Property Management Bakers atWork Office Furniture Mary McCormack Miller Farms Vickie Bowes & Family Susan Moreau Doug Butter Maisie Mysak Audrey Calder Normelean Farms Shellard Calder Canadian Haflinger Association Lloyd & Gloria Oakes O’Neil’s Farm Equipment Case IH Ontario Haflinger Association Aline Chan Brenda Parkin Jackie Chisholm Erna Pickard Fuels/Crescent Oils Brian & Lucille Reed Murray & Martha Cranston Frank Regan Davis Christmas Tree Farm Catherine Reid District #6 Grain Growers Linda & Brian Revill Dodsworth & Brown Funeral Roy-a-lea Farms Home Shirlmar Farms Enbridge Pipeline Irene & Elmer Smith Gowland Farms Leverne Smith Greek Wagon Hamilton Wentworth Federation Betty Stewart Shirley Sullivan of Agriculture Sonny’s Llama Farm W. Hilgendag John & Ellie Voortman Hummason Family Peggy Workman Jerome Brothers Marilyn Johnman Donations & Dedications: We all have our favourite charities. Have you considered making the Ancaster Agricultural Society your designated charity of choice? We issue tax receipts for donations over $10. Consider letting your family members know that you would like In Memoriam donations to come to the fair to honour your memory. 7th Annual Vintage Tractor and Historical Auto Show September 20 & 21 For more information see page 48 87 PAST PRESIDENTS LADIES SECTION (HOMECRAFT DIVISION) 1946 Velda Dickenson* - Pres. 1983-1984Mrs. B. (Jackie) Hilton 1985-1986Mrs. R. (Pat) Hossack Ladies Section O.A.A.S. 1948Mrs. H (Elma) Woodley* 1987-1988Mrs. M. (Martha) Cranston 1949Mrs. J. H. (Reta) Moffat* 1989-1990Mrs. S. (Annie) Calder* 1990Ruth Brooks* - President 1950-1952Mrs. F. (Erma) Book* O.A.A.S. Homecraft 1953-1957Miss Grace Butter* 1991-1993Mrs. Sylvia Parr 1958-1959Mrs V. (Leila) Pottruff* 1994-1995Miss Melanie MacMillan 1960-1961Mrs. A. (Betty) Stewart 1962-1963Mrs. H. (Elma) Woodley* 1996-1997Mrs. Peggy Olmsted Sylvia Parr - President 1964-1965Mrs. D. (Laurene) Butter 1998 O.A.A.S. Homecraft 1966-1967Mrs. E. (Norma) Baker 1968-1969Mrs. H. (Bernice) Cranston 1998-1999Mrs. Shirley Peer 1970-1971Mrs. R. (Marnie) MacMillan 2000-2001Mrs. Bessie McEdwards* 1972-1973Mrs. R. (Dorothy) Pottruff 2002-2003Mrs. Julie Forster 2004-2005Mrs. Aline Chan 1974-1975Mrs. S. (Roberta) Davis 1976-1977Mrs. M. (Evelyn) Gracey* 2006-2008 Brenda Parkin 1978 Norma Baker - President 2009-2010Lucy Lockhart 2011 Lorraine Pederson O.A.A.S. Ladies Section 2012-2013Tammy Quinn 1978-1979Mrs Muriel MacAulay* 1980 Miss Margaret Didmon* 2014-Carolyn Marsh 1981-1982Mrs. L. (Ruth) Brooks* A.A.S. SECRETARY-TREASURERS 1852Wm. A. Cooley* 1861 D. M. Lee* 1869-1870 D. M. Lee* 1873 John Robb* 1874 D. M. Lee* 1876R. S. Stevenson* 1878-1879 Thomas Walker* 1880-1891 John J. Bowman* 1892-1902 Edward Kenrick* 1903-1907 B. W. Parker* 1908-1909 Lionel Stevenson* 1910 F. L. Cabel* 1911-1912 Thomas N. Farmer* 1913-1914 George W. Black* 1915-1920W. S. Thomson* 1921-1927 Joseph Harrington* 1928-1944 Earnest McMullen* 1945-1955Roy A. Moffat* 1956 Harold A. Hepworth* Gordon Harkness* 1957-1958 Gordon Harkness* 1959-1963W. G. Marritt* 1964-1975 Harold A. Hepworth* Hazel M. Hepworth* 1976-1988 Harold A. Hepworth* 1988 Arthur Bowes* 1989-1990 John R. Groen 1990Margaret H. Skinner 1990-1991 John R. Groen 1991-1999 Patricia J. Scozzari 2000-2014Kathy Smith Jesse Forster was selected as the 2014 Fair Ambassador. Shown here with 2012 Ambassador Andrea Smith and 2013 Ambassador Jennifer Stevenson. 88 ANCASTER FAIR AMBASSADORS Jean Donovan Karen Ferguson Janice Baker Laura Jean Kent Marie Cranston Nancy Kent Shelley Barge Gwendolyn Pacey Lindy Gray Mary Jane VanderEnde Sharron Meier Kim Groleau Kim Russell Lisa McClure Kathy Norsworthy Carolyn Davis Anne Marie Teis Debbie Draker Tammy Love Christine Koeppe Amber Norsworthy Shelley Calder Jennifer Parkin Tania Koeppe Suzanne Klein Heidi Koeppe Mary-Elizabeth Peer Suzanne Brooks Sarah Koeppe Krista Cranston Caroline Peer Kyla Forbes Whitney Lane Drew Spoelstra Julia Smith Shannon Baker Kendra Smith Candace Dearsley Andrea Smith Jennifer Stevenson Jesse Forster 1972-1973 Ancaster 1973-1974 Alberton 1974-1975 Dundas 1975-1976 Alberton 1976-1977 Carluke 1977-1978 Alberton 1978-1979 Ancaster 1979-1980 Jerseyville 1980-1981Carluke 1981-1982 Alberton 1982-1983 Alberton 1983-1984 Ancaster 1984-1985 Copetown 1985-1986 Carluke 1986-1987 Carluke 1987-1988 Mount Hope 1988-1989 Jerseyville 1989-1990 Dundas 1990-1991 Hamilton 1991-1992 Jerseyville 1992-1993 Ancaster 1993-1994 Carluke 1994-1995 Ancaster 1995-1996 Jerseyville 1996-1997 Mount Hope 1997-1998 Jerseyville 1998-1999 Mount Hope 1999-2000 Jerseyville 2000-2001 Jerseyville 2001-2002Carluke 2002-2003Mount Hope 2003-2005 Ancaster 2005-2006 Jerseyville 2006-2007 Binbrook 2007-2008 Ancaster 2008-2009 Alberton 2009-2010Mount Hope 2010-2011 Lynden 2011-2012 Ancaster 2012-2013 Ancaster 2013-2014 Lynden High School Students Looking to fulfill your 40 volunteer hours? The Ancaster fair can be a fun and rewarding way to meet those requirements. We are the busiest at fair time but there are volunteer opportunities year round. Contact the Fair Office at: 905- 648-6198 [email protected] 89 Local Fairs & Exhibitions August Dunnville Paris September West Niagara Niagara Regional Exhibition Binbrook International Plowing Match Wainfleet Langton Houghton Caledonia Milton (Halton) October Norfolk County Burford Rockton November Royal Winter Fair August 16-17 Aug. 28- Sept. 1 September 4-7 September 11-14 September 12-14 September 16-20 September 18-20 September 24 September 25 September 25-28 September 26-28 October 7-13 October 10-13 October 10-13 November 7-16 s ’ r i a F r e t s t ca n n e A t Tal Go Think you can sing? Come prove that you’ve Got Talent Entrance Deadline Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 Youth and Junior Competition Thursday, September 18th Adult Competition Saturday, September 20th Top 3 Acts in each category to perform Sunday September 21st More information and application forms available online at: or at the Ancaster Fair Office Phone: 905 648-6198 90 ADMISSIONS Thursday Night Adults ................................................................................. $10.00 Kindergarten to Grade 8 ......................................................... $5.00 Pre-School Children .............................................................. FREE Parking ............................................................................. FREE Friday Adults ................................................................................. $10.00 Kindergarten to Grade 8 - Until 4:00 p.m. ............................... FREE Kindergarten to Grade 8 - After 4:00 p.m. ............................. $5.00 Pre-School Children .............................................................. FREE Parking ................................................................................. FREE Saturday and Sunday Adults ................................................................................. $10.00 Kindergarten to Grade 8 ......................................................... $5.00 Pre-School Children .............................................................. FREE Parking ................................................................................. FREE Weekend Pass Adults ................................................................................. $25.00 Youth (13-17) ......................................................... $20.00 Child (5-12) .............................................................. $10.00 (HST included) Consider Having your next event at the Ancaster Fairgrounds Family Reunions, Weddings, Banquets & Dances Fund Raising Events, Craft Shows & Auctions Christmas Parties & Retirement Parties Meetings, Seminars & Trade Shows Home Shows, Flower Shows, Dog Shows & Horse Shows Our Facilities are Suitable for Small and Large Groups; for both Indoor and Outdoor Events and Activities Ample Free Parking with Large Well-lit Parking lots Wheelchair Accessibility Easy Access to Major Highways For booking information: Ancaster Agricultural Society 630 Trinty Rd. RR#1 Jerseyville, ON Phone: 905-648-6198; Fax: 905-648-2300 Email: [email protected] 91 - FAIR ATTRACTIONS 2 SPECIAL EVENT Stages DEMOLITION DERBIES Thurs. 7:30, Fri. 8 pm & Sat. 7:30 p.m. MARRITT HALL Homecraft Exhibits, Demonstrators - All Weekend Quilt Draw Tickets on Sale all Weekend Draw held Sunday, September 21st - 5:30 p.m. Inuksuk Search Ballot Box Education Building Don’t miss the interactive agricultural themed activities School Fair Exhibits Spelling Bee - Friday, September 19th at 11:00 a.m. in Marritt Hall Pet Show - Sunday, September 21st at 2:00 p.m. Registration 1pm. PONY RIDES Livestock Shows Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Llamas, Poultry OLD MacDONALD’S FARM Heritage Square Antique Tractor Exhibit All Weekend Long Classic Car Show Sunday Antique Tractor Pulls on Sunday noon Pedal Tractor Races Sat & Sun 2 pm for ages 3-8 years Steam Engines Rope Maker Operating Thresher Walking Plows Working Windmill Country School Exhibit For More Details See Page 47 SHEEP SHEARING DEMONSTRATIONS in the Agricultural Demonstration Building Cattle Breeds Display in the show arena WORLD’S FINEST SHOWS Continuous ALL WEEKEND BABY SHOW Saturday, September 20th 9 to 18 Months - 9:30 a.m. Registration 3 to 8 Months - 11:00 a.m. Registration 92