2016 - Franchise Times


2016 - Franchise Times
2016 Finance Directory
Marketing anD Franchise saLes
speciaL white papers section
hr anD training
reaL estate
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The Suppliers and
vendors you want and
Need live and breathe in
these 84 pages
2016 Finance Directory
Marketing anD Franchise saLes
speciaL white papers section
hr anD training
reaL estate
he Rolling Stones may have had it right when it comes to life—“You can’t
always get what you want, but if you try real hard, you just might find, you
get what you need”—but not in the franchise world. In franchising both
franchisors and multi-unit franchisees can find a dedicated universe of consultants,
human resources experts and techies all devoted to art of business-format
franchising. And by reading this book, you’ll find what you want, and also maybe
some service or product you never knew you needed til now.
Need marketing help to both find franchisees and keep the ones you have ringing
up sales? We have a section in this book dedicated to those very experts.
Have a legal problem or need to ensure your FDD is compliant, current and
crafted correctly? See our attorneys section.
Need more money to grow or add infrastructure? Turn directly to our
comprehensive Lenders Directory.
This edition of the Franchise Times Vendor Directory introduces you to the
prolific world of franchise advisors and suppliers—all listed alphabetically by their
specialty. These are the professionals who are not only committed to the franchise
community, but the ones who already know the inner workings of business-format
franchising. In other words, you don’t have to educate them on how you do business
in order for them to help take your company to the next level.
In addition, we include pertinent editorial—some original, some borrowed from
past issues of Franchise Times—to highlight some of the issues this listing of
vendors can help solve.
We’re sure you’ll find the content invaluable—so much so that you’ll keep this
directory handy on your desk. But if you’re not into paper, it’s available online so
you can access it 24/7.
Our best advice is to keep thumbing through theses pages until you find someone
in the right role—before your business starts gathering moss.
SponSored by:
Publisher/Vice President:
Mary Jo Larson
[email protected]
Executive Editor:
Nancy Weingartner
[email protected]
Managing editor:
Beth Ewen
[email protected]
Tom Kaiser
[email protected]
Vendor Directory Designer:
Steve Hamburger
[email protected]
National Sales Manager:
Lucas Wagner
[email protected]
National Sales Director:
Kevin Pietsch
[email protected]
Web Marketing:
Adam Griepentrog
[email protected]
Senior Graphic Designer:
Joe Veen
[email protected]
Production Manager:
Greg DeMarco
Production Staff:
Steve Schmidt
John Hamburger, President
Executive Editor
Nancy can be reached at 612-767-3200
or at [email protected]. Follow her on
Twitter at http://twitter.com/nanweingartner
www.franchisetimes.com For more information, contact
National Sales Manager:
Lucas Wagner
[email protected]
Special Franchise Times Supplement 3
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Attorney/Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Attorney/Legal International . . . 22
Business Services
• Accounting Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
• Advertising Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
• Architecture and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
• Business Process Outsourcing . . . . . . . . . 28
• Conference Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
• Digital Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
• Energy Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
• Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
• Franchise Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
• Franchise Development-Consulting . . . . . . . 30
• Franchise Sales Marketing/Search Engines . . 32
• Franchise Sales Outsourcing . . . . . . . . . . . 33
• Human Resources-Labor-Management-Payroll . 33
• Insurance Services and Risk Reduction . . . . . 34
• Marketing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
• Media Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
• Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
• Public Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
• Remodels and Restorations . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
• Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
• Royalty Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
• SEM-SEO Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
• Tax Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
• Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
• Valuation Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
• Accounting Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
• Back Office Systems and Software . . . . . . . 41
• Data Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
• Demographic and Mapping Services . . . . . . 42
• Digital Menu Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
• Dining Room Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
• Financial/Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
• Internet and Intranet Services . . . . . . . . . . 44
4 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
• Kitchen Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
• Payment Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
• Point-of-Sale Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
• Point-of-Sale Systems and Cash Drawers . . . . 45
• Quick Service/Drive-Thru Restaurant Solutions 46
• Telecommunications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
• Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
• Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
• Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
• Signage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
White Papers
• DirectCapital Franchise Group . . . . . . . . 53-55
finance & real estate
• Finance & Real Estate Directory . . . . . . . . . 57
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Preparing for a crisis before there is a crisis
By Tom Kaiser
rises come in many forms, be it a fire,
foodborne illness, natural disaster,
shooting or data breach. Those
with a few incidents under their belt stress
that, due to the nature of public-facing
businesses, it’s only a matter of time that
something unexpected happens to threaten
your brand.
The secret, crisis experts say, is laying the
foundation with some basic preparation
to ease the calm and provided leaders and
team members with the basics on handling
a negative event rather than making it
Uncover your vulnerabilities
Rick Van Warner, president of Orlandobased Parquet Group, has weathered many
high-profile incidents throughout his
career including mass shootings, sexual
harassment, discrimination and foodborne
illnesses, among many others.
From his 20 years of experience, Van
Warner said people tend to lose their good
judgment during a crisis and that it’s his job
to help companies made it through these
situations without unduly damaging the
brand or impacting sales.
When starting work with a new brand,
Parquet Group conducts a vulnerability
assessment to examine all aspects of the
business for potential vulnerabilities or
gaps in procedures to see if any preexisting
conditions could fan the flames of a future
After implementing fixes, Parquet
transitions to on-camera media training
for the executive team, and drafting
manuals and procedures that apply from
the headquarters down to individual units.
“A lot of this is common sense,” he said,
“however anything that can save time in the
heat of the crisis is a lot of value to making
sure that you can navigate it properly.”
One of the most critical aspects is making
sure that every manager or shift leader at
every single location understands what to
do if they’re faced with a difficult situation.
All should know, at a bare minimum, what
6 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
are the first two phone calls to make after
an incident.
Aiding this first, crucial step, Van
Warner advises clients to maintain a
“living, breathing contact sheet” including
everyone’s cell numbers and email addresses
for situations that arise outside of business
hours. After facts have been gathered and key
decision makers notified of the plan, Van
Warner advocates getting in front of the
media with a timely, appropriate message.
“If you don’t shape the message over a
situation others will shape it for you, and
that will potentially be your competitors,
a disgruntled ex employee, a speculative
member of the media—it doesn’t matter,”
he said. “If you don’t speak for yourself,
others are going to speak for you.”
“No comment,” he said, might be the
worst possible response with the speed of
social media and the news cycle. Even a
basic holding statement can tell constituents
that the company is aware of the situation,
fully in the middle of it and doing its best to
handle the situation in an appropriate way.
Focus on the facts
Franchise lawyer Joseph Fittante, a
shareholder of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly
& Lindgren, Ltd., in Bloomington,
Minnesota, said crisis management for
franchisors is a different beast than at nonfranchised companies.
“You’re not only worried about the
franchisee involved, but the other
franchisees in the system and how it’s going
to affect them,” he said. “Your job is to make
sure that effect is as minimal as possible.”
Before making any public statements,
he recommends focusing on gathering the
facts, which could have significant legal
implications farther down the line.
The second priority, he said, is
reaching out to any individuals that may
have been injured or impacted by the
event. After that, he recommends drafting
a statement and sharing it with all internal
parties to ensure consistent messaging from
the entire organization.
“The worst thing you can have is the
franchisor give one response [to the media]
and have the franchisee give another,” he
To allow terminating the license of
an individual franchisee, Fittante said
franchisors must include language in the
franchise agreement giving flexibility to act
in the event of a brand-damaging crisis.
Jon Austin, a senior partner at
Minneapolis, Minnesota-based J. Austin
& Associates, is a communication
specialist with extensive crisis management
experience, particularly in the airline
With decades of experience, he’s
fascinated by the environment of a corporate
crisis. He underscored the importance of
having basic crisis plans that can be pulled
off the shelf in a hurry. Time is incredibly
precious in such moments and, he said,
“you really are behind from the instant this
thing happens.”
Due to the psychological group-paralysis
in extreme cases, he said companies often
underestimate how debilitating such
www.franchisetimes.com incidents can be, meaning entire multiunit organizations can be crippled when
everybody’s focused on an unfolding
Preventing paralysis, he said, is aided
by having a dedicated response team and
decision-making structure, with backups
for all key players, allowing the rest of the
company to continue functioning as close
to normal as possible.
Rank-and-file employees, he said, are
one audience likely to be neglected in a
communications plan to the detriment of
the company.
“A lot of execs forget that their employees
are not nearly as well informed as they think
they are,” he said. “They are sometimes
desperately interested in what’s going on,
and frankly, they can be helpful if they are
Terminating a franchisee
While terminating a franchise agreement
may seem logical in the event of a crisis that
threatens the brand, New York attorney
Richard L. Rosen said such a move may
not be as cut and dry as it seems.
“I always think of terminating a franchise
is a fairly drastic step, and without question
it can be completely warranted, but you
really have to understand the facts and
whether it’s something the franchisee
could have controlled or not controlled,
or whether they were breaching the
agreement,” he said.
Rosen added it can be difficult to pin
down where the truth lies—especially in
this situation—but that it’s crucial to gather
as much firsthand knowledge as possible
before making any big moves like revoking
a franchise agreement.
To remain vigilant and attempt to prevent
incidents when possible, he recommends
spending as much time in the field with
franchisees to see that they’re running their
businesses in a careful way that complies
with company standards.
“Typical things that go wrong are
less likely to go wrong if you’re really on
top of the issues,” he said, adding that
frequent training should also be part of any
preventative measures.
Even with proper prevention, however,
there’s only so much preparation a company
can do given the unpredictable nature of
“The one thing we all have to realize as
life goes on that things happen that we
may never expect,” he said. “It may be
something relatively inconsequential and
it may be a disaster that claims peoples’
lives—sometimes there’s nothing you can
do about it.”
Prepare for your own
future crisis
1. Understand that adrenaline
clouds judgment—hence the
need to prepare in advance.
2. Conduc t a vulnerabilit y
ass e ssm e nt to e x a m i n e
potential gaps in procedures.
3. Ensure all team leaders and
managers know who the first
phone call should be in a crisis.
4. Maintain a “living, breathing”
contact list that includes cell
phones and email addresses to
reach key decision makers any
time or day.
5. Create a relationship with a
crisis manager in advance to
save precious time.
6. Tr ain key e xe cutives in
on-camera delivery.
7. Draft a timely media statement
once basic facts have been
8. Reach out to any impacted
parties and offer appropriate
9. R e v i s e y o u r f r a n c h i s e
agreements to give flexibility
following brand-damaging
10. Work closely with franchisees
to make sure standards are
being followed.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 7
Taking the guesswork out of choosing a new POS
By Tom Kaiser
s the intersection point between
a company and its customers,
point-of-sale technology is the
backbone of many retail operations.
In recent years, the numbers of POS
providers and available integrated
features have both multiplied to the
benefit of end users and franchisors,
but this plethora of choices has also
made choosing a new POS system
more complicated than it used to be.
For t u n ate ly, e ven a s s e c u r it y
standards have become ever-more
stringent, technology providers have
leveraged cloud technology, improved
ha rdwa re a nd cha nge-on-t he-f ly
software to make the latest generation
of POS more responsive to the needs of
a wider range of stores—from mobile
kiosks to high-volume inline stores.
Seeking improved reporting
Back in 20 08, still using oldschool Sharp cash registers, San Jose,
California-based Togo’s Sandwiches
w a s re a dy to upg r a de it s P OS
technology. After an exhaustive process,
the company ultimately went with a
Micros-based system.
Six years later, as the chain wanted to
implement gift card, loyalty and mobile
programs, the company realized once
again it was time to kick the tires on a
new, more modern POS system.
Susan Koch, vice president of finance
at Togo’s Sandwiches, found the POS
buffet had expanded significantly in the
intervening years.
A POS monitor f rom Squ irrel
Systems, which emphasizes access to
data as a selling point.
“Looking at all of the different
technologies out there, we realized they
all needed to integrate with our POS
system, and with the Micros system we
had, that wasn’t going to happen,” she
said. “We moved really quickly once we
found Squirrel” Systems, and realized
“they were very able, willing and excited
to work with new vendors to integrate
8 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
into POS.”
Beyond added functionality, Koch
was hoping whatever new system the
Togo’s team selected would include the
ability to generate customized reports
for both corporate in San Jose and its
individual franchisees afield.
Burnaby, British Columbia-based
Squirrel Systems recommended a
partnership with Restaurant Magic
Software, of Tampa, Florida, which
gave Togo’s a solution that included the
detailed reporting features it required.
“A lot of companies I had seen, would
either be really good and strong at POS,
but then lacked a little in reporting, so
I felt good about that,” she said.
“Within a month of signing with
Squirrel, we had a system up and
Improved reporting has allowed
Togo’s to capture better data, which
has provided more information on its
catering business, among others, that
the company aims to grow during 2015.
It has also used the new platform to
better analyze discount programs, and
test front-facing customer payment
To ot he r f r a nc h i s or s s e e k i n g
to cha nge POS providers, Koch
recommends attending expos like the
Multi-Unit Restaurant Technology
Conference (MURTEC) to weigh
the available options and meet staff
members from the various companies.
The process, she said, has become
much more complicated “because in
the past there were a couple of players
out there, and it was mostly about the
hardware. Now it’s more about the
software and integration with all of the
other things out there that weren’t there
before. So it’s changed a lot and actually
become much harder.”
Mike Devine, vice president of sales
and marketing at Squirrel Systems,
said flexibility in catering to specific
users’ requirements has become vital
to providing franchisors and on-theground operators with additional data
to move their businesses forward.
“Being able to understand where your
sales are, what your inventory is, what
your labor costs are—access to data is
critical today,” he said. “Companies
need that in order to make the right
decisions to be successful.”
Devine recommends meeting with
all stakeholders—not just the IT
staff—before making a change in POS
providers to avoid needing to make
another change in the near future.
“Where is the business going from a
strategic perspective and what are the
needs going forward?” he said. “This is
a long-term decision. People buy POS
and they expect it to stay in there for
five, seven, 10 years minimum.”
Tablet-based point of sale
When Norcross, Georgia-based Great
American Cookies began searching
for a new POS provider, its priority
was a system that could integrate data
from two different POS systems so the
company wouldn’t need to require its
franchisees to immediately upgrade.
The company selected NCR Silver, a
cloud-based provider that runs on iPads
and is a simpler, lower-cost option than
more complex legacy solutions.
With data now flowing in from all of
its stores, rather than just those with
the latest equipment, Great American
Cookies can test new products and
analyze the success or failure with
greater accuracy and less hassle than
“I’m able to look at 300 stores, not
250 stores, to understand whether this
has been a successful promotion or
not,” said Vice President David Kaiser.
To improve back-office reporting to
collect and analyze historical and real-
www.franchisetimes.com time data, Great American Cookies
partnered with CimpleBox.
“We’re providing our franchisees
with a tool that will help them be
more effective in managing their
business so, honestly, the NCR Silver
solution standing alone wouldn’t have
made it out of the box,” Kaiser said.
“The NCR team has been more than
accommodating to make modification
to their out-of-the-box software.”
“I’m able to look at 300
stores, not 250 stores,
to understand whether
this has been a successful
promotion or not,”
—Great American Cookies’ Vice
President David Kaiser.
With an eight-week pilot program, it
took Great American 12 to 14 weeks
from going live in the first store to
rolling out the new POS systemwide.
Reggie Kimble, director of business
development at Duluth, Georgia-based
NCR, said the emergence of tablets
offers POS providers the chance to
develop lower cost solutions aimed at
smaller and independent operators,
which he said fits well with many
franchise systems.
“ T he c ool fe at u re is a l low ing
merchants with that same point of sale
to manage email marketing campaigns
t o t he i r c u s t om e r b a s e , C R M
functionality, inventory management
and it allows them to implement a
loyalty solution,” he said. “Through
our partner relationships, we’re able to
extend that functionality even further
and open up avenues with accounting
and payroll platforms.”
What to expect, when you’re
expecting a new POS
& business development at Phoenix
Managed Systems in Reston, Virginia,
says there are a number of things to
consider in shopping for a new POS
system beyond the technology itself—
including security.
“POS systems have become very
advanced and have almost limitless
f u nctiona lit y, a l l relative to t he
amount of money a company has to
spend,” he said. Consideration needs
to be given to the overall operations
of the business (inventory automation,
item returns/exchanges, automatic
reordering, time and attendance, video
overlay, the list goes on) and a balance
must be struck between the cost of the
system versus efficiency and impact on
cost of goods.
Security, of course, is another key
issue. Most, if not all, newer POS
systems are Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standard (PCIDSS)
compliant; however, there are still
concerns regarding general network
security. Businesses, he said, need to
be aware that hackers can get around
those systems in order to reach critical
He added, “in many, many cases,
both the POS system and the network
are required to be PCIDSS compliant.”
A s most new POS systems a re
Internet driven, Grant added it’s
important to realize something “as
harmless as plugging in a laptop by a
store manager” can introduce security
threats to a company’s network.
Cost for POS systems t ypica lly
range from $1,500 to $3,000 per store.
With an eye on extending the useful
life of systems, Grant recommends
focusing on comprehensive, rather
than piecemeal, upgrades.
“If purchased the right way,” he said,
“the applications within the hardware
can usually be stretched to perform
over a three- to f ive-year period,
sometimes longer.”
Grant added it’s always a wise idea
to test the equipment and software
before rolling out a new POS system
on a company-wide basis.
Greg Grant, senior director, sales
Special Franchise Times Supplement 9
Becoming the ‘magnetic franchise’
By Joe Calloway
hen planning how to grow
business in your present
franchise, or if considering
adding a new franchise, include the idea
of creating magnetism as a part of your
thinking. Being a magnetic business
owner means that you attract a neverending stream of new customers who
are drawn to you like steel balls to a
magnet. Where do they come from? Your
existing customers send them to you.
Word of mouth—what your customers
say about you—is the single most
important factor in attracting new
business. Consider these facts:
• 85% of fans of brands on Facebook
recommend bra nds to ot hers.
• 43% of consumers are more likely
to buy a new product when learning
about it through word of mouth on
social media. (Nielsen)
• 77% of consumers are more likely
to buy a new product when learning
about it through word of mouth from
friends or family. (Nielsen)
• 81% of U.S. online consumers’
purchase decisions are inf luenced
by their friends’ social media posts.
(Market Force)
Identify a natural magnet
To be a magnet you have to know how
to identify a natural magnet. It’s simple,
you go online and look for patterns of
positive word of mouth about a brand.
If a brand has significant variations in
customer word of mouth from location
to location, i.e. there’s as much negative
as positive, that’s usually a function of
variations in leadership. It all starts
with leadership.
Build a magnetic culture.
Culture is our values, what we believe
is important, and how we behave with
ourselves and others. Culture is what drives
our performance and it is what ultimately
creates our results. 10 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
This is the hard work of leadership. This
is the most important work of leadership. Culture creates magnetic businesses.
Running a franchise business can
seem complicated at times, but across
the board, leaders of magnetic franchises
have the ability to simplify. It’s a vitally
important key to success.
Making things complicated take
the power out of the magnet. Simple is
effective, efficient. Simple wins. Great
leaders make things simple.
Here’s a great strategy for being
magnetic that keeps it simple:
• Identify the three specific things you
want your customers saying about you;
• Identify the three things your team
must get right every day to inspire your
customers to say those things;
• Execute excellence consistently.
This is the formula I’ve used with my
clients and that has been used by a wide
range of market-leading businesses,
franchise and otherwise.
Lead with intention
Being a magnetic business doesn’t
happen by accident. Chief Marketing
Officer Michael Cobb said it best,
“Outcomes start with intention.” We give lip service to lots of great
sounding slogans, like, “We believe in
continuous improvement,” “We exceed our
customers expectations,” and “Our people
are the best.”
Those are all great ideas, but without
absolute intention, focus, and dedication
from leadership, they are nothing more
than meaningless posters on the break
room wall.
Your team does more than listen to what
you say. What’s more impactful is what
they watch you do, and what is important
to you. Why magnetic matters
W. Edwards Deming, who many people
believe was the greatest business thinker of
our time, once wrote, “Profit in business
comes from repeat customers, customers
who boast about your product or service,
and that bring friends with them.”
For a business—any business—that’s
the gold standard. Magnetic means that
the customers come to you. Customers
are drawn to you. Word of mouth has
always been the single greatest influencer
of buying decisions. But today, with the
Internet, your customers don’t tell just four
or five people about their experience with
you, they tell dozens, hundreds, or even
thousands. When potential customers see
reviews of you online, it is a Zero Moment
of Truth in their decision to buy or not
to buy. Great reviews and positive word
of mouth and they are very likely to buy.
Negative reviews and you are almost
immediately out of consideration.
This means that the experience you
create for customers isn’t just an important
part of your marketing— it IS your
So, how do you make it happen? The
quick answer is that you become incredibly
good at what you do. So good that people
talk about it. That’s it. It’s simple, but like
anything else worthwhile, it isn’t easy. The
hard work and leadership that it takes to
become magnetic is well worth the effort,
because when you become a customer
magnet, your success is sure.
Joe Calloway’s new book is “Magnetic: The Art Of
Attracting Business.” He’s a performance expert
with a client list that includes a wide range of businesses, from franchise organizations to companies
like Coca Cola, Cadillac, and American Express.
Presenters Wanted
There’s a lot behind hiring the right speaker for your franchise event
electing a speaker is a little like
choosing a route. You can’t decide
the course until you determine your
ultimate destination. The first step in choosing the right
speakers is to get absolute clarity on
what you want to accomplish with your
event. The event should advance your
strategy. The speaker or speakers must
help you accomplish that goal.
There’s an old stor y about the
completely ineffective person who was
flawlessly performing the wrong job. You
can have a great speaker, but if it’s not
the right speaker for what you’re trying
to accomplish, you’ve wasted everyone’s
time. A classic mistake people make when
choosing speakers can happen when
someone says, “My cousin heard a great
speaker at her event. Everyone loved that
speaker!” Then someone says, “Find out
if that speaker is available,” and you’re off
and running down the wrong path with a
great speaker who will contribute nothing
toward helping you accomplish your goal.
With few exceptions, a truly effective
speaker will understand your audience,
what they do and what their challenges
are. They will have ideas, information, or
insights into exactly how your attendees
can be more successful on a significant
level. He or she will inspire, inform,
motivate and even entertain within the
context of having made a meaningful
connection with your audience. There
are some very effective “one-size-fits-all”
speakers who can do the same presentation
every time for every audience, but it’s rare.
How to speak to speakers
Before deciding, call the speaker. There
is no better way to confirm whether
someone is a good fit than by talking to
them. The most professional and effective
speakers usually want that pre-selection
conversation as much as you do. Be
cautious about hiring speakers who sell
themselves as the “right” speaker for you
www.franchisetimes.com before he or she knows the particulars.
It’s your responsibility to communicate
your goals and purpose to enable the
speaker to shape his or her content to
be on target and impactful. We’ve all
sat through presentations that at the
conclusion we’ve thought, “Well, that
was probably interesting on some level
for someone, but it had nothing to do
with us.” Tell your speakers who the other
presenters on the agenda will be. Most
speakers will leap at the chance to
collaborate, which gives them the ability
to highlight, reinforce and build on each
other’s key messages. This enhances
audience retention and presents a more
integrated event.
One important element in selecting a
speaker is to know the degree to which
you want your speaker to provoke thought
and confront existing views. Sometimes
a speaker who “ruffles some feathers”
can be more effective and create more
value than a “feel good” speaker. There
are times when positive motivation and
fun are the best thing, and others when
a tough, challenging speaker is what you
need. The key is to get that clarity as you
plan, know exactly what you are looking
for, and keep looking until you find it. Turning to the pros
A good speakers bureau can narrow
down the field of potential speakers who
are a great match for your event. It can
save hours of web searching and will
usually have personal experience with
the presenters. Achieving a level of intellectual and
emotional balance in your event program
is vitally important. It’s a mistake to
think that if your conference or event is
serious business that every speaker you
have should be a serious speaker. You’ll
accomplish more if you lighten things up
every now and then. A program of 100
percent mind-numbing content won’t get
you nearly as far as substantive content
balanced with humor, motivation, or
inspiration. In seeking program balance, decide on
the level of interaction you want. Many
speakers have skills beyond just doing
a one-way presentation. Consider that
for some parts of your agenda, you may
want to use a speaker who can act as a
facilitator for participant discussion or
moderate a panel.
Who do you want to be the hero of
your event? Who do you want to be the
star? It might make sense to bring in a
celebrity or incredibly charismatic speaker
that everyone will love. But if your aim
is for your attendees to be the heroes and
the stars, find a speaker that is in sync
with that goal. The most effective speaker
is the one who makes the presentation
and the message about the audience, and
shines the spotlight on them.
Make sure you select a speaker who is
the right match for your attendees on two
levels, emotional and intellectual.
A lways remember your guiding
principle should be “begin with the end in
mind.” Now, go have a great meeting!
The authors are two seasoned speakers, Joe
Calloway and George Campbell, and one meeting industry expert relentlessly focused on franchise success, Kris Young, who are also organizers
of WeSpeakFranchise.com.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 11
Attorney / Legal
Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
2200 IDS Center
80 South 8th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Led by a Hall of Fame Legal Eagle,
Carmen D. Caruso Law Firm represents franchisees, area developers, dealers and distributors in core franchise law cases and
in the entire gamut of contract, fraud, business tort, business
divorce, governmental or employment law disputes that any business might face.
In the last year Carmen has taken four cases to trial, in Illinois,
Wisconsin and California, and has won each one - and we successfully defended a multi-unit franchisee against employment
discrimination claims too.
Phone: (612) 977-8400
We are recognized as one of America’s Best Law Firms and
individually Carmen is consistently named to Super Lawyers,
Leading Lawyers and Best Lawyers in America.
Email: [email protected], [email protected], nbuller@briggs.
Please feel free to contact us for more information or a confidential assessment of your case.
Contact: Jim Long, Jay Schlosser, Nathan Buller
Website: www.briggs.com
Year Started: 1882
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: American Bar Association Forum on
Carter & Tani
402 East Roosevelt Road, Suite 206
Wheaton, IL 60187
Additional Offices: St. Paul, MN
Contact: Doris Carter
International services offered: yes
Phone: (630) 668-2135
Company Description: Briggs and Morgan’s franchise practice provides full-service representation of franchisors. Led by two
shareholders, each with over 25 years experience litigating franchise disputes nationwide, we focus on litigating claims regularly
confronted by franchisors including statutory and contract interpretation/enforcement; implied covenant claims; non-compete
enforcement; fraud/misrepresentation claims and enforcement of
arbitration provisions. We also provide counsel and assistance to
franchisors in connection with all aspects of the franchise relationship, including contract drafting and negotiation and disclosure/
registration obligations.
Email: [email protected]
Carmen D. Caruso Law Firm
77 West Washington Street, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60602
Contact: Carmen D. Caruso
Phone: (312) 626-1160
Website: www.cartertani.com
Year Started: 1991
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: American Bar Association Forum on
International services offered: no
Company Description: Since our founding in 1991, our knowledgeable attorneys have offered personalized, high quality, effective
legal services to franchisors, subfranchisors, area developers, and
franchisees in a variety of industries. We represent established and
new franchise companies at affordable rates. We help protect your
interests while furthering your goals. We offer a complete array of
franchise law services including franchise program development,
registration and disclosure, franchise sales compliance, counseling
and contract preparation in all aspects of the franchise relationship,
trademark registration and protection, and other intellectual property matters.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cdcaruso.com
Year Started: 2010
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: American Bar Association Forum
on Franchising and leadership positions in Section of Litigation;
International Association of Franchisees and Dealers; American
Association for Justice, Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago Bar
12 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
DLA Piper
Drumm Law, LLC
One Atlantic Center
14656 W. 56th Dr
1201 West Peachtree Street, Suite 2800
Arvada, CO 80002
Chicago, IL 30309
Contact: Mike Drumm
Contact: Rich Greenstein
Phone: (720) 257-9060
Phone: (404) 736-7816
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.drummlaw.com
Website: www.dlapiper.com
Year Started: 2010
Year Started: 2005
Targets: Franchisors
Targets: Franchisors
International services offered: no
Association Memberships: General Counsel to the International
Franchise Association and leadership positions at the IFA, IBA, ABA
Forum on Franchising
Company Description: Drumm Law services newly developing
and existing franchise organizations, large and small. Drumm Law
was founded upon the principles of maintaining low overhead and
leveraging technology to provide affordable legal services to its clients. Drumm Law combines the expertise of large law firms with
the flexibility, pricing and customer service of small law firms. Mike
Drumm, CFE, our principal, is also a franchisor and brings real
world experience to the practice of franchise law.
Additional Offices: Albany, NY; Atlanta, GA; Atlantic City, NJ;
Austin, TX; Baltimore, MD; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; Dallas,
TX; Houston, TX; La Jolla, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL;
Minneapolis, MN; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Phoenix, AZ;
Raleigh, NC; Reston, VA; Sacramento, CA; San Diego, CA; San
Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Short Hills, NJ; Silicon Valley, CA;
Tampa, FL; Washington, DC; Wilmington, DE
Additional Worldwide Offices
Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech
Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea,
Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Oman,
Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak
Republic, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United
International services offered: yes
Company Description: DLA Piper’s Franchise and Distribution
practice has been a national and international leader in franchise
and distribution law since modern franchising began, helping to
shape the field from its inception. Our clients come from most of the
75 business sectors that have adopted franchising as a method of distribution and cover a broad spectrum of size and experience, from
entrepreneurs and start-up companies that are establishing new programs, to the largest franchisors, manufacturers and distributors.
Our clients manage distribution networks that range from dozens to
thousands of outlets. The majority of our clients are franchisors and
distribution companies, but we also represent multiple outlet, area
development and master franchisees, and franchising joint ventures
on a wide variety of franchising, distribution, corporate, real estate,
technology, finance, environmental, tax, and other matters.
Cross-Border Franchising
At the forefront of the franchise and distribution legal
industry, we represent clients from Canada, the U.S. and
internationally in all types of franchise matters.
For more information, contact Edward (Ned) Levitt in
Canada at 416.646.3842 or [email protected],
or Paul R. Fransway in the U.S. at 734.623.1713 or
[email protected].
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 13
Einbinder & Dunn LLP
Faegre Baker Daniels
104 West 40th Street
2200 Wells Fargo Center
New York, NY 10018
90 S. Seventh Street
Contact: Michael Einbinder, Terrence Dunn, Julie Lusthaus
Denver, CO 55402
Phone: (212) 391-9500
Contact: Brian Schnell
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Phone: (612) 766-7699
Website: www.ed-lawfirm.com
Year Started: 2005
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: ABA Forum on Franchising; ABA Law
Practice Management Section; ABA Business Law Section; New
York State Bar Association; American Association of Franchisees and
Dealers; International Franchise Association; American Franchisee
Association; International Association of Franchisees and Dealers;
New York Restaurant Association; Association of the Bar of the City
of New York (Panel Memberships on Franchise Law, Commercial
Law and Commercial Litigation); New York State Bar Association
Committee on Franchise Distribution and Licensing Law;
Manhattan Chamber of Commerce; ABA Real Property, Trusts &
Estates Section; Westchester Bar Association; Westchester Women’s
Bar Association
Additional Offices: White Plains, NY; Millburn, NJ
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Einbinder & Dunn, LLP (E&D) has
extensive experience representing franchise clients. The firm has a
unique perspective developed from counseling and advocating for
franchisors and franchisees nationwide. For franchisor clients, E&D
prepares FDDs and related documents, offers general corporate
counseling, litigation, arbitration and mediation services. E&D also
handles transactional matters for its franchisee clients and represents
them in all litigation, arbitration and mediation venues. E&D
services clients in many industries including retail leasing, manufacturing, fast food, optical, health care, recreation, and business
strategy. Michael Einbinder provides arbitration services through
the American Arbitration Association.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.faegrebd.com/franchise
Year Started: 1887
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: IFA, IFE, ABA Forum on Franchising
Additional Offices: Beijing, Boulder, Chicago, Denver, Des
Moines, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Indianapolis 96th Street,
London, Minneapolis, Shanghai, South Bend Washington, D.C.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Faegre Baker Daniels has helped hundreds
of emerging and market-leading franchisors launch, grow, protect
and evolve successful systems in a wide range of industries. We are
one of the few franchise practices in the world which combines years
of results-oriented experience with innovative approaches and solutions to our clients’ needs. No practice has a better understanding of
how the nuances of franchising impact franchisors and their franchise networks.
Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC
4151 Okemos Road
Okemos, MI 48864
Contact: Mark J. Burzych, Esq.
Phone: (517) 381-0100
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fsbrlaw.com
Year Started: 2007
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: ABA Forum on Franchising,
International Franchise Association
International services offered: no
Company Description: For over two decades, Mark Burzych
has represented franchisors/franchisees in all facets of the franchise relationship. Mark has represented franchisors in drafting
and maintaining compliant disclosure documents and in franchise
agreement enforcement actions. He has also represented franchisees
in disputes with their franchisors. As a Michigan based firm, we can
represent franchisors/franchisees in other areas of practice unique to
Michigan, such as in Michigan Liquor Control Commission licensing matters, and Michigan based employment matters.
14 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
FisherZucker LLC
Foley & Lardner LLP
21 South 21st Street
3000 K Street N.W., Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Washington, DC 20007
Contact: Lane Fisher
Contact: Roberta F. (Bobbi) Howell, Michael Lockerby,
Mary Leslie Smith
Phone: (215) 825-3100
Phone: 202-672-5300
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Website: www.fisherzucker.com
Year Started: 1995
Website: www.foley.com
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association;
ABA Forum on Franchising; Philadelphia Franchise Law
Additional Offices: Cherry Hill, NJ; Brunswick, GA
International services offered: yes
Company Description: FisherZucker is a law firm with a national
practice dedicated almost exclusively to franchising and business licensing matters, with offices in Pennsylvania, New Jersey
and Georgia. Our lawyers have extensive experience in pre-litigation counseling, mediation, litigation and arbitration and regularly
litigate cases nationwide. We also advise clients on franchise development, regulatory compliance, corporate formation/governance
and trademark licensing and protection matters. Our experienced
attorneys are well versed in multi-unit franchising, international
franchising and complicated disclosure issues.
Year Started: 1846
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Additional Offices: Boston; Brussels; Chicago; Detroit;
Jacksonville; Los Angeles; Madison; Miami; Milwaukee; New York;
Orlando; Sacramento; San Diego; San Francisco; Shanghai; Silicon
Valley; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tokyo; Washington, D.C.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Foley & Lardner LLP combines powerful
resources and award-winning client service to help you achieve your
business objectives — efficiently and cost-effectively. As federal and
state distribution laws continue to evolve and become increasingly
more complex, our Distribution & Franchise attorneys provide the
antitrust, tax, contract, labor and employment, litigation, IP, data
privacy, and licensing legal services that allow you to manage your
relationships to your advantage.
More than enough knowledge
for a textbook; Stimulating
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Franchise Times Guide to Selecting, Buying and Owning
a Franchise is the book franchisors want you to read so you’ll be a
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stories and information you need to make an informed decision. Don’t
invest in a franchise until you read it.
Now available for download on your Kindle
or iPad or you can go to our website for
a hardcopy you can study.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 15
Fox Rothschild LLP
2000 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Contact: Elizabeth D. Sigety
Phone: 215-918-3554
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.foxrothschild.com
Year Started: 1907
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
(IFA); Women’s Franchise Network (WFN); Franchise Business
Networking (FBN); Professional Athlete Franchise Initiative (PAFI);
American Bar Association’s Forum on Franchising; Pennsylvania
Restaurant Association (PRA);
International services offered: no
Company Description: Fox Rothschild LLP is a full-service,
national AmLaw 100 law firm with nearly 650 attorneys practicing in 21 offices coast to coast. Our Franchising, Licensing &
Distribution Practice is well positioned to address the needs of franchise and distribution companies, whether based on industrial,
retail, food, entertainment, service, technology or home-based businesses. Our attorneys have advised hundreds of franchise businesses
at all stages, across the United States and internationally. No matter
what your situation, our attorneys can help you move forward.
For information on the regulatory aspects of franchising, business
finance, employment litigation and the protection of intellectual
property, visit the Franchise Law Update Blog: franchiselaw.foxrothschild.com.
Additional Offices: St. Cloud, MN; Fargo, ND
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Gray Plant Mooty has one of the largest franchise and distribution practices in the world. Our lawyers
in Minneapolis and Washington, DC, serve franchisors in U.S.
and international markets. Our services include all aspects of legal
representation and counseling of franchisors, including franchise
program development, registration and compliance, litigation and
dispute resolution, trademark counseling and registration, international development, franchise M&A, franchise relationship
counseling, franchise audits, and detecting and addressing financial
fraud and underreporting.
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
MetLife Building
200 Park Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 75201
Contact: David W. Oppenheim
Phone: (212) 801-2272
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.gtlaw.com
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association;
American Bar Association Forum on Franchising
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Additional Offices: Albany, NY; Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Atlanta, GA; Austin, TX; Boca Raton, FL; Boston, MA; Chicago,
IL; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Florham Park, NJ; Fort Lauderdale,
FL; Houston, TX; Irvine, CA; Las Vegas, NV; London, England;
Los Angeles, CA; McLean, VA; Mexico City, Mexico; Miami, FL;
Orlando, FL; Philadelphia, PA; Phoenix, AZ; Sacramento, CA; San
Francisco, CA; Seoul, Korean; Shanghai, China; Silicon Valley, CA;
Tallahassee, FL; Tampa, FL; Tel Aviv, Israel; Tokyo, Japan; Warsaw,
Poland; Washington, D.C.; West Palm Beach, FL; White Plains,
NY; Wilmington, DE
International services offered: yes
600 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Company Description: Greenberg Traurig attorneys have represented clients in establishing franchise and distribution operations in
all 50 U.S. states and more than 40 countries internationally. With
franchise and distribution-focused transactional, litigation and intellectual property law experience, our franchise and distribution team
has a thorough understanding of both the legal and business aspects
of franchising and distribution.
Gray Plant Mooty
500 IDS Center
80 South Eighth Street
The Watergate- Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 295-2200
Contact: John W. Fitzgerald, Kirk W. Reilly, Robert L. Zisk
Phone: (612) 632-3000
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.gpmlaw.com/Practices/Franchise-Distribution
Year Started: 1865
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association;
ABA Forum on Franchising
16 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C.
Ivey Barnum & O’Mara, LLC
St. Louis, MO, Chicago, IL
170 Mason Street
Belleville, IL 63102
Greenwich, CT 06830
Contact: Dawn M. Johnson, Leonard D. Vines, Beata Krakus,
Abby L. Risner
Contact: Steven Steinmetz, Esq., Karla Ray, Esq.
Phone: (314) 241-9090
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.greensfelder.com
Phone: (203) 661-6000
Website: www.ibolaw.com; www.ibopersonalinjurylawyers.com
Year Started: 1950
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Year Started: 1895
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
ABA Forum on Franchising, Meritas Law Firms Worldwide,
International Lawyers Group, International Distribution Institute
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Our nationally and internationally recognized attorneys regularly represent domestic and international
franchise clients in complex litigation matters, acquisitions of franchised brands, and transaction and regulatory matters incident
to both domestic and international franchise businesses. We provide strategic planning to help businesses grow and avoid disputes,
backed by a full-service law firm with the depth to counsel clients on
a variety of legal issues.
Additional Offices: New York, NY; New Canaan, CT
International services offered: no
Company Description: Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara, LLC provides
a full range of legal services to its clients including franchise operators, commercial lenders and banks. Our services include the analysis
of asset ownership structure; the formation of holding and operating
entities; the review, analysis and negotiation of franchise documentation, leases, construction contracts and all related financing
documentation. For our commercial lending and banking clients, our
services include a thorough due diligence review of the collateral and
all borrowing entities together with the preparation of all necessary
loan documentation. Our attorneys also advise clients on other related
issues including: title, joint ventures, leasing, syndication, and zoning.
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Special Franchise Times Supplement 17
Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss, P.C.
Monroe Moxness Berg PA
27777 Frankin Road, Suite 2500
7760 France Avenue South, Suite 700
Southfield, MI 48034
Minneapolis, MN 55435
Contact: Jay Welford & David Steinberg
Contact: Randy Evans
Phone: (248) 351-3000
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.jaffelaw.com
Year Started: 1968
Association Memberships: American Bar Association Forum on
Franchising, International Franchise Association
Additional Offices: Ann Arbor, MI., Detroit, MI., Naples, FL.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Jaffe has vast experience in all aspects of
franchising across a broad spectrum of industries. Jaffe represents
franchisors in the complete development of their franchise systems,
including the creation of franchise disclosure documentation, the
securing of intellectual property rights, compliance with federal and
state regulations, adherence to state registration laws and advertising compliance. Jaffe also represents franchisees in the evaluation
of franchise opportunities and in the negotiation of franchise documentation.
Phone: (952) 885-5999
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.MMBLawFirm.com
Year Started: 1986
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
American Bar Association Franchising Forum
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Monroe Moxness Berg PA is a Minneapolis
law firm with a strong reputation for work in the franchise community. We have the knowledge and experience to deliver unparalleled
services, both nationally and internationally, in the areas of
mergers and acquisitions, financing (including senior debt, mezzanine financing, equity investment and other specialty finance
transactions), franchise and distribution, financial workout and
restructuring, commercial real estate, estate and business succession
planning, wealth preservation and taxation. The range of our experience makes us More Than a Law Firm : we offer creative ideas,
identify unique financing sources, and help develop not only the
legal solutions but also the financial and franchise tools necessary for
the growth, viability, success and development of our clients.
1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100
Moye White LLP
Los Angeles, CA 90067
16 Market Square
Contact: Al Mohajerian
1400 16th Street - 6th Floor
Phone: (310) 556-3800
Denver, CO 80202
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Lynne Hanson, Billy Jones, David Katalinas, Craig Knobbe
Website: www.mohajerian.com
Year Started: 1996
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: American Bar Association
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Al Mohajerian is a Certified Specialist
in Franchise and Distribution Laws by the State Bar of California
Board of Legal Specialization. He has over Eighteen (18) years of
experience in franchise law. The Firm represents franchisors and
multi-unit franchisees in Franchise and Distribution, Regulatory
Compliance, Intellectual Property and Labor matters, from counseling and registrations to mediation and litigation.
18 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Phone: (303) 292-2900
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Website: www.moyewhite.com
Year Started: 1976
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Alliance of Law Firms,
International Franchise Association, American Bar Association Forum
on Franchising
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Moye White’s franchise & distribution
attorneys deliver complete solutions to franchisors, licensors, manufacturers, and others who rely on franchise systems or third party
relationships to distribute products and services. Our attorneys represent clients ranging from large private and public multinational
companies to growing and start-up franchise and distribution systems,
as well as multi-unit developers and operators, investors, private equity
funds and venture capital companies contemplating franchise and distribution system investment opportunities.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Preti Flaherty
1 First Canadian Place, 100 King Street West
One City Center
Toronto, ON M5X 1B8 CA
Portland, ME 04101
Contact: Andraya Frith
Contact: Timothy J. Bryant
Phone: 416-362-2111
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.osler.com
Year Started: 1862
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: CFA; IFA
Additional Offices: Montreal, QC; Calgary, AB
International services offered: yes
Company Description: With more than 40 years of significant experience in franchise law, Osler’s integrated franchise team provides
full-service business advice and litigation counsel to franchisors of all
sizes in almost every product and service category. Our national franchise group is consistently ranked in the top franchise law category
of The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, and our franchise lawyers have also been repeatedly recognized in Best Lawyers and the
International Who’s Who as leaders in their field.
Perkins Coie LLP
Phone: (207) 791-3000
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.preti.com
Year Started: 1972
Association Memberships: American Bar Associations, Forum on
Franchising and Litigation Practice Specialty Sections
Additional Offices: Boston, MA; Concord, NH; Augusta, ME;
Washington, DC
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Preti Flaherty has the largest franchise
law practice in northern New England. National and international
in scope, our primary focus is on emerging franchises in a variety of industries, from day care centers and engineering services to
restaurants and ice cream shops. The majority of our clients are franchisors, but we also represent multiple outlets, area development
and individual franchises on corporate, regulatory, tax, finance, real
estate, employment, intellectual property and related matters.
1900 Sixteenth Street, Suite 1400
Quarles & Brady LLP
Denver, CO 80202
411 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 2400
Contact: Leonard MacPhee, Joyce Mazero
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: (303) 291-2300
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.perkinscoie.com
Year Started: 1911
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association;
American Bar Association - Forum on Franchising; Various State Bar
Additional Offices: Anchorage, AK; Beijing, China; Bellevue, WA;
Boise, ID; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Madison, WI;
New York, NY; Palo Alto, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Portland, OR; San Diego,
CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Shanghai, China, Taipei, Taiwan;
and Washington, D.C.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Backed by a full-service international law firm,
we represent franchisors of all sizes and maturity in various lines of business. We assist our clients in creating key business terms aligned with their
business values forming the basis for structuring, selling, and modifying
their franchise systems. With the large number of moving parts, our goal
is to work with our clients to create an integrated and collaborative process
among the franchisor’s business team, in-house legal team, lead outside
counsel, and local counsel to focus on what matters and complete transactions in a timely, efficient, and legally compliant manner.
www.franchisetimes.com Contact: Andrew Beilfuss
Phone: (414) 277-5111
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.quarles.com
Year Started: 1960
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: ABA Forum on Franchising;
International Franchise Association
Additional Offices: Madison, WI; Chicago, IL; Indianapolis,IN;
Washington D.C.; Tampa, FL; Naples, FL; Phoenix, AZ; and
Tucson, AZ
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Quarles & Brady’s nationally recognized
franchise team provides domestic and international franchise clients
with the experience and knowledge they need to make strategic decisions to grow and protect their business and brand. Our team assists
clients in the areas of franchise dispute resolution, transactions,
mergers and acquisitions, regulatory compliance, and domestic and
international franchising. We represent local, regional, national, and
international clients in a multitude of service and product industries.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 19
Rachlis Duff Adler Peel & Kaplan, LLC
Sotos LLP
542 South Dearborn Street, Suite 900
Suite 1200, 180 Dundas Street West
Chicago, IL 60605
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 CA
Contact: Daniel S. Kaplan
Contact: John Sotos, John Yiokaris
Phone: (312) 275-0339
Phone: (416) 977-0007
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.dskaplanlaw.com
Website: www.sotosllp.com
Year Started: 2001
Year Started: 1982
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: IFA, ABA, and CFA.
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association;
ABA Forum for Franchising, Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago
Bar Association.
International services offered: no
Additional Offices: Northfield, IL
International services offered: no
Company Description: Franchise law is at the core of Mr. Kaplan’s
practice. He and his partners have represented clients in franchise
related matters in over 150 franchise systems and have resolved
hundreds of franchise disputes. They blend real-world, practical business acumen with a thorough understanding of the factors
that make franchising a unique legal environment. Mr. Kaplan has
been named as one of the very best U.S. attorneys in franchising by
Franchise Times Magazine as determined by clients and peers.
Company Description: As Canada’s premiere franchise law firm,
we are dedicated to helping companies develop, grow and protect
their business. We work with a wide range of Canadian franchisors
on everything from franchise agreements to licensing, distribution,
trademarks, employment issues, real estate-in fact, all commercial activity. Catering to Canadian and international clients from
start-ups to established systems, we assist international franchisors
wishing to expand into Canada and Canadian franchisors with their
international expansion.
Stark & Stark - Attorneys At Law
993 Lenox Dr, Building 2
Snell & Wilmer
Two California Plaza
350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2600
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Contact: Susan Grueneberg
Phone: 213-929-2543
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.swlaw.com
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: American Bar Association - Forum
on Franchising, International Franchise Association, International
Council of Shopping Centers
Additional Offices: Orange County, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Tucson,
AZ; Denver, CO; Las Vegas, NV; Reno, NV; Salt Lake City, UT;
Los Cabos, MX
Lawrenceville, NJ 8648
Contact: Adam Siegelheim
Phone: (609) 791-7003
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stark-stark.com/franchise.html
Year Started: 1933
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Since 1933, Stark & Stark has offered innovative legal solutions to meet our clients’ needs. Whether we’re
serving global corporations or small local businesses, our practice
reflects firm-wide strengths in all of the core legal areas that impact
franchises. With more than 100 attorneys supported by a staff in
excess of 200, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of service to each client.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Snell & Wilmer’s franchise group provides
comprehensive legal services to franchisors in a variety of industries.
Our attorneys advise clients through every stage of the franchising process, from structure and regulatory compliance to franchisee
relations and dispute resolution. We assist U.S. concepts expand
both domestically and internationally, and help non-U.S. concepts
enter the U.S. market.
20 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
The Richard Rosen Law Firm, PLLC
Wiggin and Dana LLP
110 East 59th Street, 23rd Floor
One Century Tower
New York, NY 10022
P.O. Box 1832
Contact: Richard L. Rosen
New Haven, CT 06508
Phone: (212) 644-6644
Email: [email protected]
Two Liberty Place
Website: www.richardrosenlaw.com
50 S. 16th Street
Year Started: 2004
Suite 2925
Targets: Franchisors
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Association Memberships: AAFD, IFA
(215) 988-8310
International services offered: yes
Contact: Bethany L. Appleby, Dean T. Fournaris, James A. Goniea
Company Description: Richard L. Rosen has represented franchisors and franchisees in a wide range of business and legal matters for
over 30 years. Mr. Rosen has formed, guided and counseled franchisee associations as well as franchising entities and has litigated,
arbitrated and mediated on their respective behalves when necessary.
His franchise clients have encompassed virtually all business areas
including the fast food, gas service station, healthcare, fashion, real
estate, optical, hotel, senior care, mobile services, recreation, home
improvement, childcare and learning fields. Mr. Rosen has written and lectured extensively on franchise topics and issues. He is a
member of the American Bar Association Forum on Franchising,
a founding member of the New York Franchising and Licensing
Section of the New York State Bar Association and its current
chairman, the immediate past Chairman of the Fair Franchising
Standards Committee of the American Association of Franchisees
and Dealers, a member of the Steering Committee of the National
Franchise Mediation Program, a member of the CPR Institute for
Dispute Resolution Distinguished Panel of Neutrals, and a member
of the International Franchise Association. Richard Rosen is rated
amongst Martindale-Hubbel’s List of Pre-eminent Attorneys. In
2008 he received the AAFD’s Total Quality Franchising Lifetime
Achievement Award. Richard Rosen is a charter member of the
“Legal Eagle” Hall of Fameand is listed in Who’s Who In America,
Who’s Who in American Law, Best Lawyers in America, Super
Lawyers, the International Who’s Who of Franchise Attorneys and
a variety of similar publications. Practice Areas: Franchise Law,
Business Law, Real Estate Matters, Dispute Resolution (including
Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation).
Phone: (203) 498-4400
www.franchisetimes.com Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.wiggin.com
Year Started: 1935
Association Memberships: American Bar Association - Forum on
Franchising, International Franchise Association
Additional Offices: Greenwich, CT; Hartford, CT; Stamford, CT;
New York, NY
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Wiggin and Dana represents national,
regional and start-up franchisors and distributors across industries.
The firm regularly assists these clients in regulatory, transactional
and litigation and arbitration matters. Wiggin and Dana assists
franchisors in every step of franchising - from franchise program
creation, regulatory compliance, system documentation, day-today counseling, agreement enforcement and alternative dispute
resolution. We also offer services in related legal areas, including
employment, antitrust, vicarious liability, bankruptcy, creditors’
rights, intellectual property and secured transactions.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 2 1
Miller Thomson LLP
DLA Piper
40 King Street West, Suite 5800
One Atlantic Center
Contact: Richard Leblanc
1201 West Peachtree Street, Suite 2800
Chicago, IL 30309
Contact: Rich Greenstein
Phone: (404) 736-7816
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.dlapiper.com
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Scotia Plaza
Toronto, ON M1C 5G5 CA
Phone: (416) 595-8657
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.millerthomson.com
Year Started: 1951
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
Canadian Franchise Association, American Bar Association
MetLife Building
Additional Offices: Vancouver,BC; Calgary,AB; Edmonton, AB;
Saskatoon, SK; Regina,SK; London, ON; Kitchener-Waterloo, ON;
Guelph,ON; Markham,ON; Montreal,QC.
200 Park Avenue
International services offered: yes
New York, NY 75201
Company Description: We are Canada’s national franchise law
firm, with 11 offices positioned to help you accelerate your Canadian
expansion, expertly and cost effectively. We handle all manner of
franchise sales, expansion into and within Canada, purchasing and
selling franchises, tax planning, corporate structuring, intellectual
property and dispute resolution.
Contact: David W. Oppenheim
Phone: 212-801-2272
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.gtlaw.com
Hoffer Adler LLP
Toronto: R. Leblanc (416.595.8657)
Vancouver: G. Plottel (604.643.1245)
425 University Avenue, Suite 300
J. Shackell (604.643.1284)
Toronto, ON M5G 1T6 CA
Alberta: Contact: Joseph Adler
D. Smits (403.298.2409)
Phone: (416) 977-3444
London: M. Robinson (519.931.3543)
Montréal: P. Cloutier (514.871.5486)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hofferadler.com
B. Geiger (780.429.9774)
Year Started: 2004
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
International Bar Association, American Bar Association - Forum
on Franchising, Canadian Franchise Association, International
Trademark Association and International Network of Boutique Law
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Let our boutique franchise law firm help you
expand your system into Canada, cost effectively and efficiently. Our
lawyers have represented franchisors, master franchisees & franchisee
of over 375 franchise systems and we regularly assist US franchisors
to expand cross-border. Joseph Adler is the immediate past General
Counsel of the Canadian Franchise Association and his partner Lloyd
Hoffer, is an experienced franchise litigator. Joseph and Lloyd are
ranked as two of the leading franchise lawyers in Canada.
22 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Sotos LLP
1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100
Suite 1200, 180 Dundas Street West
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 CA
Contact: Al Mohajerian
Contact: John Sotos, John Yiokaris
Phone: (310) 556-3800
Phone: (416) 977-0007
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.mohajerian.com
Website: www.sotosllp.com
Snell & Wilmer
Two California Plaza
350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2600
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Contact: Susan Grueneberg
Phone: (213) 929-2543
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.swlaw.com
Everyone wants to eat at your restaurant. But no one wants to starve while
waiting for a table. DineTime has a solution. An app that combines wait lists
and reservations into one system for faster lines and a growing business.
That’s what we call heaven. 855.538.7328 or visit us at dinetimehost.com
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 2 3
business services
Business Services
Accounting Services
Accounting Outsource, Inc.
4425 Fitch Avenue, Suite 114
Nottingham, MD 21236
Contact: Richard Beil
Phone: (866) 285-8339
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.accountingoutsource.com
Year Started: 1992
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: yes
Company Description: A Total Franchise Solution...
Utilizing the best in Technology, Talent and Service AOi stands
ready to deliver on your accounting needs. Whether a start-up or
established enterprise we will save you money. Completely paperless
and 100% on the Cloud. Call today for a free quote. All services are
performed in Baltimore Maryland.
Bennett Thrasher LLP
3625 Cumberland Boulevard, Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30339
Contact: Jeff Eischeid
Phone: (770) 396-2200
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.btcpa.net
Year Started: 1980
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Bennett Thrasher LLP is a leading full-service certified public accounting and consulting firm. Bennett
Thrasher’s restaurant industry client base includes franchisors, franchisees and other related companies. Services include assurance, tax
consulting, tax compliance, outsourced accounting, M&A advisory, valuation and other financial consulting. Bennett Thrasher
creates significant value and a unique positive experience through
collaboration with - and between clients, partners, associates and the
community. For more information, visit www.btcpa.net.
Business Licenses, LLC
21 Robert Pitt Drive
Monsey, NY 10952
1000 2nd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Contact: John Osman
Phone: (877) 811-0923
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.avalara.com/about/partners/franchise
Year Started: 2004
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships:
Additional Offices: Durham, NC
International services offered: no
Contact: Alan Ruttenberg
Phone: (854) 356-8390 x116
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.businesslicensesolutions.com
Year Started: 2004
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Company Description: Business Licenses, LLC is the leading
end-to-end governmental business license compliance company in
the U.S. We offer research, outsourcing, and software solutions to
both franchisors and franchisees of all sizes looking for assistance
with their licensing or permitting needs. We support every county
in America and assist with hundreds of license and permit types
including food, alcohol, tobacco, lottery, alarms, and much more.
Company Description: Avalara is a leading provider of sales tax
automation software, helping businesses manage the complex rules
and regulations related to transactional and indirect taxes.
24 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
business services
Intuit, Inc.
7979 East Tufts Avenue, Suite 400
7535 Torrey Santa Fe Road
Denver, CO 80237
San Diego, CA 92129
Contact: Sandy Shoemaker
Contact: Account Manager
Phone: (303) 740-9400
Phone: (800) 449-8934
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.eksh.com
Website: franchise.intuit.com
Year Started: 1976
Year Started: 1989
Additional Offices: Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: yes
Additional Offices: Canada
Company Description: EKS&H is a public accounting firm
focused on improving your bottom line. We provide traditional
audit and tax services and a wide range of consulting services from
information technology to business process improvement. Our
commitment to the highest level of client service, results in your
compliance needs being met timely and with the highest quality.
Our value-added services are focused on your success as a franchise
system. Your success is our mission.
International services offered: yes
InfoSync Services
Company Description: Intuit Inc. creates business and financial
management solutions that simplify the business of life for small
businesses. We have a dedicated Franchise Account Team with the
experience and expertise to help franchises choose the right solutions
for QuickBooks financial services, reporting, marketing, and more.
7501 W. Memorial Rd.
1938 N. Woodlawn, Suite 110
Oklahoma City, OK 73142
Wichita, KS 67208
Contact: Rebecca Oakes
Contact: Steve Davis
Phone: (800) 580-4505
Phone: (316) 681-4301
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.paycom.com
Website: www.issvc.com
Year Started: 1998
Year Started: 2001
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Additional Offices: Oklahoma City, OK; Dallas, TX
Company Description: Paycom offers cloud-based human capital
management technology that streamlines the employment processes
for franchises. Recruiting, hiring and everything in between can
be managed with our turn-key solution that includes talent acquisition, time and labor management, payroll, talent management
and HR management. Paycom works with well-known franchise
brands helping them lower labor costs, drive employee engagement
and limit compliance exposure. By reducing administrative burdens,
Paycom empowers franchisees to focus on infrastructure and realize
their full growth potential.
International services offered: no
Company Description: InfoSync’s comprehensive outsourced
accounting and payroll services empower restaurant management
teams across the country by allowing them to focus on running
great restaurants rather than managing administrative processes.
Our continual investments in leading technology, such as the
UltiPro® payroll / human capital management system and InfoSync’s
own powerful online financial and operational reporting systems,
provide our clients with world-class capabilities at a tremendous
value. Our client-base includes: publicly- and privately-held companies…franchisees, franchisors, and company-owned brands…casual,
fast casual, QSR, and fine dining concepts. Find out why leaders
in over 60 different concepts trust InfoSync to manage their critical
financial and payroll processes.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 2 5
business services
Quatrro FPO Solutions
RMH Business Solutions, Inc.
1850 Parkway Place, Suite 1100
4345 Nathen Lane, Suite J
Pleasant Prairie, WI 30067
Plymouth, MN 55442
Contact: Kane Polakoff
Contact: Bob Hackl
Phone: (248) 707-0375
Phone: (763) 557-2818
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.quatrrofpo.com
Year Started: 2014
Year Started: 1993
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
(IFA) Member International Franchise Association Supplier Forum
Additional Offices: Chattanooga, TN
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Quatrro FPO Solutions is the market
leader in providing comprehensive accounting services by leveraging industry’s leading accounting platforms that result in enhanced
financial visibility and improved business processes. We have a dedicated team of accounting professionals who provide the insight and
reporting so our clients are able to react quickly to changing conditions within their business.
Our client base includes over 6500+ Small & Medium businesses
across Auto Parts, Restaurant, Retail industries, Hospitality and
Healthcare industries that are franchises of some of the legendary
and iconic brands of US, as well as other Not-For-Profit organizations. Our expertise in the franchise industry and investment in
underlying accounting platforms and tailored business intelligence
& analytics enables us to offer an array of services tailored to each
client resulting in total cost savings up to 40%.
International services offered: no
Company Description: RMH Business Solutions provides all of
the essential tools to assist small businesses in navigating the business world. We offer business formation, payroll & tax preparation
and retirement planning for business. Having it all in one place
means you get a simpler and less expensive one-stop shop for all your
back office needs. RMH Business Solutions created a concept that
incorporated all of the business solutions under one roof. Ask about
our Preferred Vendor Program!
Advertising Agency
blue onion
940 Wadsworth Blvd.
Remote Quality Bookkeeping
12 Spring Terrace
Bridgewater, MA 02324
Contact: Mark J. Kilduff
Phone: (508) 889-0201
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.myrqb.com
Year Started: 1999
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
International services offered: yes
Company Description: RQB provides online bookkeeping/payroll
services for franchise systems/franchisees. We provide the bookkeeping and back office support your franchise needs using QuickBooks
and flat monthly billing that suits any budget. We automate bookkeeping processes so that banking is reconciled weekly, and all
transactions are tied out with accounts payable and the POS. Our
goal is to get our clients away from hours of attempting to track
business and back to running/growing their business.
26 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Lakewood, CO 80214
Contact: Todd Kuhlmann
Phone: (844) 339-5005
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.digourideas.com/FT
Year Started: 1981
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Company Description: Attention franchisors and franchisees: let’s
talk about growing your business. Since 1981, blue onion has been
helping clients generate leads and increase sales. We’re a full service
ad agency experienced in the franchise space. We cover everything
from advertising, branding and media buying to digital design, web
development, mobile marketing and video production. Our experienced team can help you convert leads to business. We don’t sell
marketing tactics, we sell results. Call us for a free competitive analysis today!
business services
Architecture and Design
213 West Liberty, Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
F.C. Dadson SIB, LLC
Contact: Carey Jernigan
N1043 Craftsmen Drive
Phone: (734) 327-6630
Greenville, WI 54942
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Larry Myer
Website: www.regroup.us
Phone: (920) 757-1486
Year Started: 2003
Email: [email protected]
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: IFA, FBN Detroit, WPO, ABA, C200,
Website: www.fcdadson.com
International services offered: yes
Company Description: re:group is an integrated marketing agency
that works collaboratively to provide strategic clarity, and insightful
creative, which results in digital and traditional marketing programs
that build brand engagement and enterprise value. Specializing in
companies with a two-step distribution model, Ann Arbor based
re:group has generated demonstrable results for franchise, health
care and financial services companies.
Call to discuss your needs:
(855) 264 8485
Or visit our website at
Sales Processing
Deposit Tracking
Bank Reconciliation
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
General Ledger
www.franchisetimes.com •
Financial Reportng
Sales/Use Tax
Corporate Tax
Document Mgmnt
of continuous Partnering with
Multi-Unit Operators!
Special Franchise Times Supplement 2 7
business services
Louis+Partners Design+Architecture
InfoSync Services
2138 N. Cleveland-Massillon Road
1938 N. Woodlawn, Suite 110
Akron, OH 44333
Wichita, KS 67208
Contact: Barbara Churchill
Contact: Steve Davis
Phone: (330) 659-3161 x225
Phone: (316) 681-4301
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.louisandpartners.com
Website: www.issvc.com
Year Started: 1990
Association Memberships:
Design: IIDA Color Association of America, National Restaurant
Association, International Franchise Association, AIG, International
Academy of Visual Arts Designers Accord
Architecture: AIA: 3 year Director NCARB ICC USgBC
Entrepreneurs for Sustainability Foodservice Consultants Society
Conference Services
We Speak Franchise
PO Box 24658
International services offered: yes
Minneapolis, MN 55424
Company Description: We use design to help create brand separation by developing unique experiences that bring your brand vision
and potential to life. And we do it in a way that’s engaging and will
make your customers notice . . . and care.
Contact: John Erickson
We are brand strategists, interior designers, architects and graphic
designers. We believe insightful thinking and skillful design are
important in helping you create a differentiated and meaningful
brand experience.
Website: www.WeSpeakFranchise.com
Louis+Partners engages in all types of design initiatives including:
architecture, brand strategy, brand identity & naming, environmental design, graphic design, interactive design, packaging and
Business Process Outsourcing
Accounting Outsource, Inc.
Phone: (800) 397-9198
Email: [email protected]
International services offered: no
Company Description: We Speak Franchise is a collaborative of
Speaker/Experts who have a relentless focus on franchise success.
We provide singular content and outstanding presentation skills to
franchise events.
Digital Advertising
blue onion
940 Wadsworth Blvd.
4425 Fitch Avenue, Suite 114
Lakewood, CO 80214
Nottingham, MD 21236
Contact: Todd Kuhlmann
Contact: Richard Beil
Phone: (844) 339-5005
Phone: (866) 285-8339
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.digourideas.com/FT
Website: www.accountingoutsource.com
28 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
business services
21700 Oxnard Street, Suite 1600
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Contact: Jordan Smith
Phone: (318) 550-0193
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.reachlocal.com/franchise
International services offered: yes
Company Description: With over nine years of franchise marketing experience, ReachLocal helps your franchise get more local leads
and customers. A dedicated account management team will work
with your team to build the right online marketing strategies and
campaigns, provide dedicated support, and customized performance
reporting. In addition to a dedicated service team, you will get quick
campaign set-up and optimized performance from a robust suite of
digital marketing solutions. Ready to grow your franchise’s revenue?
Contact us today!
Year Started: 2003
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 2 9
business services
Energy Management
Franchise Development-Consulting
CenterPoint Energy
Edwards Global Services
1111 Louisiana Ave
19800 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77002
Irvine, CA 92612
Contact: Calvin Roberts
Contact: William Edwards
Phone: (713) 207-8452
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.centerpointenergy.com
Year Started: 1990
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Company Description: CenterPoint Energy offers rebates for energy-efficient commercial natural gas equipment to help our customers
in Arkansas, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Oklahoma save energy
and money on some of the hardest working equipment in their facilities. Rebates are available for boilers, boiler system components,
water heaters, foodservice equipment, custom energy-saving projects
and more. Call 855-OPT-4GAS or visit CenterPointEnergy.com for
more information.
Financial Services
Intuit, Inc.
Phone: (949) 375-1896
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.edwardsglobal.com
Year Started: 2001
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: IFA
International services offered: yes
Company Description: As a recognized leader in taking U.S. franchises global, Edwards Global Services (EGS), maximizes our
franchise clients’ return on investment (ROI) by successfully taking
U.S. franchises into carefully selected countries. Founded in 2001
and with over 110 years of senior executive international franchising
experience, EGS works with USA education, food, retail and service franchises to help them realize the full global potential of their
Franchise Marketing Systems
425 Tribble Gap Rd.
7535 Torrey Santa Fe Road
Cumming, GA 30040
San Diego, CA 92129
Contact: Tom DuFore
Contact: Account Manager
Phone: (800) 610-0292 x102
Phone: (800) 449-8934
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.franchisemarketingsystems.com
Website: franchise.intuit.com
Year Started: 2009
Targets: Franchisors
Franchise Compliance
Management 2000
PO Box 69130,
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Contact: Bob Gappa, CFE
Phone: (800) 847-5763
Email: [email protected]
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
New England Franchise Association, Northern Illinois Franchise
Association, Philadelphia Franchise Association
International services offered: no
Company Description: Are you looking to franchise your business? Do you need more leads and franchise sales? If so, Franchise
Marketing Systems is your solution. We are the only full service
franchise consulting agency that offers franchise development, franchise marketing, and franchise sales support to its clients. With over
ten years of experience in building and developing franchise brands,
you want to work with the experts when considering a franchise
expansion program. Call for a FREE consultation (800) 610-0292.
Website: www.mgmt2000.com
30 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
business services
Management 2000
1288 Commissioners Rd. W., Suite 204
PO Box 69130
London, Ontario N6K 1E1 Canada
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Contact: Jeff Lefler
Contact: Bob Gappa, CFE
Phone: (800) 975-6101
Phone: (800) 847-5763
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.franchisegrade.com
Website: www.mgmt2000.com
Year Started: 1981
Targets: Franchisees
4075 Wilson Boulevard
Additional Offices: Little Rock, AR; Houston, TX
Association Memberships: IFA, CFA
Suite 410
International services offered: yes
Arlington, VA 22203
Company Description: As a well-known, sought after and experienced consulting firm, we help Brands [franchised and multi-unit]
grow: 1] by getting new franchisees & locations and 2] by creating new customers and retaining existing customers. Helping over
1,450 clients since 1981 with: Franchising their Business, Improving
Recruit Systems, Team Member and Customer-Centric Cultures,
Business Planning, Effective Field Consultants, How to Manage by
Numbers, Franchisee Training & Development, and Operations
Contact: Edith Wiseman
Phone: (800) 485-9570
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.frandata.com, www.franchiseregistry.com
iFranchise Group, Inc.
905 W. 175th Street, Second Floor
Homewood, IL 60430
McKeeCo Services, LLC
Contact: Judy Janusz, VP Operations
Phone: (708) 957-2300
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ifranchisegroup.com
Year Started: 1997
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
and Canadian Franchise Association
Additional Offices: Irvine, California, Dallas Texas, Toronto,
International services offered: yes
Company Description: The iFranchise Group is comprised of the
nation’s top professionals in strategic planning and development,
operations documentation, franchisee training, franchise marketing and sales, and executive recruiting for franchisors. Whether
you are an experienced franchisor refining or improving an established company or looking to expand through franchising for the
first time, the iFranchise Group can provide the real-world guidance
and hands-on assistance needed to reach your full growth potential.
Call for a complimentary copy of iFranchise Group’s DVD on How
to Franchise Your Business .
www.franchisetimes.com 343 Ashford Court
Heathrow, FL 32746
Contact: Lynette McKee, CFE
Phone: (407) 333-3533
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mckeecoservices.com
Year Started: 2012
Targets: Franchisors
International services offered: no
Company Description: McKeeCo Services is a strategic advisory
firm assisting mature, emerging and start up franchisors to achieve
their business and development goals. The brand is led by Lynette
McKee, CFE, a nationally recognized and award winning franchise
industry leader.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 3 1
business services
Franchise Sales Marketing and
Search Engines
Franchise Gator
Franchise.com & Franchise Solutions
15 Rye Street, Suite 205
Portsmouth, NH 03801 US
Contact: Sharon Dietrich
Phone: (866) 854-3771
599 W. Crossville Rd., Suite 200
Email: [email protected]
Roswell, GA 30075
Website: www.Franchise.com, www.FranchiseSolutions.com
Contact: Eric Bell
Year Started: 1994
Phone: (678) 748-3022
Association Memberships: IFA, Portsmouth Chamber of
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.franchisegator.com
Year Started: 2002
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
Southeast Franchise Forum
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Two sites. One contract. Wide reach. Get
the most out of your recruitment marketing campaigns. Partner
with two trusted sources at once. It’s lead generation simplified.
Define your target market and price per lead, then pay as you go.
Start making more franchise sales connections today.
International services offered: no
Company Description: Franchise Gator has once again been
ranked the #1 franchise directory on the Franchise Benchmark
Report, proving that our wide exposure doesn’t just put your opportunity in front of a large audience, but in front of the right audience.
Grow your franchise with Franchise Gator.
Franchise Opportunities Network
3355 Lenox Rd, Suite 750
Atlanta, GA 30326
Contact: Jill Ptacek
Phone: (866) 325-9830
Email: [email protected]
375 Northridge Road, Suite 475
Website: www.FranchiseDirect.com
Atlanta, GA 30350
Year Started: 1998
Contact: Matt Maxwell
Targets: Franchisees
Phone: (770) 391-5050
Association Memberships: IFA International Franchise Association
Email: [email protected]
Additional Offices: Dublin, Ireland
Website: www.FranchiseOpportunities.com
International services offered: yes
Year Started: 2001
Company Description: Franchise Direct’s directory provides you
with a wide list of franchises for sale and business opportunities for
sale. It represents top franchises and businesses, with an impressive
article index relating to the franchise industry. Choose your perfect franchise partner with our assistance. Franchise Direct’s global
network features sites for the USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Ireland,
Spain, France, Germany, South Africa and Asia. Visit us at www.
FranchiseDirect.com to start a franchise today!
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
Additional Offices:
International services offered: no
Company Description: Franchise Opportunities Network
(FON) is the leading online lead generation network for franchises
and small businesses. The network consists of 3 main websites - FranchiseOpportunities.com, FranchiseForSale.com, and
FoodFranchise.com. Since 2001, FON has been helping franchises
grow by providing quality franchisee prospects. We look forward to
helping you grow your franchise!
32 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
business services
Human Resource-Labor
1107 9th Street, Suite #340
Sacramento, CA 95814
Contact: Taria Michalet
Phone: (877) 814-9416
Email: [email protected]
71 Hanover Road
Website: www.streamsend.com/FT
Florham Park, NJ 7932
Year Started: 1998
Contact: Joe Francis
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association (IFA)
International services offered: no
Company Description: StreamSend Franchise is a powerful marketing automation platform that streamlines and centralizes
franchise email marketing and social media programs and enables
automated, geo-targeted promotions and data-driven campaigns.
Franchise Sales Outsourcing
Franchise Marketing Systems
Phone: (480) 477-8971
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ADP.com/Franchise
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
(IFA) Founding Franchise Action Network Annual Meeting and
Franchisee of the Year Award Sponsor
International services offered: yes
Company Description: We give franchises of every size the tools
to help their people thrive. From basic payroll and operations to
complex talent management and analytics, we help their businesses
succeed. What we deliver isn’t just a better HR system; it’s a better
425 Tribble Gap Rd.
Cumming, GA 30040
Contact: Tom DuFore
Phone: (800) 610-0292 x102
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.FranchiseMarketingSystems.com
The Monitor
Published monthly, the Restaurant Finance Monitor provides readers with an in-depth
analysis of the restaurant-financing marketplace. It’s the most complete understanding
of the financing markets available anywhere in the restaurant industry.
Subscribe to the Monitor by calling 800-528-3296 or log onto www.restfinance.com
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 3 3
business services
7501 W. Memorial Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73142
Contact: Rebecca Oakes
Phone: (800) 580-4505
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.paycom.com
Insurance Services and Risk
Higginbotham - Insurance & Risk
500 W. 13th Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Contact: Craig Harbuck, Brian Schneider
Phone: Craig (817) 347-6962, Brian (817) 347-6964
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.higginbotham.net
Year Started: 1948
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Higginbotham is a single source solution
for insurance and financial services that has served businesses and
individuals since 1948. Our firm represents more than 100 standard and specialty insurers to give you coverage options and buying
power. We maximize the efficiency of your coverage and budget
with risk and administration services. As one of the nation’s largest insurance brokers, we have the resources to manage complex
national and international franchise programs, and smaller, regional
programs. Call or email today for an insurance and risk management assessment.
Additional Offices: Florida: Jacksonville, Orlando; Illinois:
Chicago; Indiana: Bloomington, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis;
Michigan: Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rapids; Ohio: Cleveland,
Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo; Tennessee: Nashville
International services offered: no
Company Description: As one of the largest privately held insurance brokers in the nation, Hylant is able to provide a tailored risk
solution to lower costs through volume pricing so your organization
receives the best coverage at a competitive rate. The Hylant franchise practice specializes in business insurance, executive protection
products (Franchisor’s Liability/D&O), 831b Captives, consulting services for the Affordable Care Act, and group health insurance
placement for franchisors and franchisees. We have over 80 years of
expertise in innovative insurance solutions and serve clients locally,
nationally and internationally.
KAH Insurance Brokerage, Inc
210 Broadhollow Rd, Suite 210
Melville, NY 11747
Contact: Stephen McCluskey & Sean Dolan
Phone: (631) 271-1721
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kahinsurance.com
Year Started: 2005
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Company Description: KAH Insurance Brokerage is a national
firm with one of the only true exclusive insurance programs for franchise food franchisees.
Endorsed by both national franchisors and regional franchise
groups, our policy’s are tailor fit for various franchise system requirements.
The cornerstone of our success and long term competitive rate structure is found in our utilization of our exclusive claims management
We invite your inquiries and look forward to the opportunity of
working with your organization.
Marsh & McLennan Agency
811 Madison Avenue
7225 Northland Dr N, Suite 300
Toledo, OH 43604
Minneapolis, MN 55428
Contact: Jeannie Hylant
Contact: Doug Imholte
Phone: (800) 249-5268 x 2721
Phone: (763) 746-8221
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hylant.com
Website: franchising.rjfagencies.com
Year Started: 1935
34 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
business services
Association Memberships: IFA
Website: www.constantcontact.com/franchise
Additional Offices: Nationwide
Year Started: 1995
International services offered: yes
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Company Description: Work with a firm that KNOWS franchising. Marsh & McLennan Agency specializes in franchise business
insurance programs that are tailored to each franchise client. Our
full service franchise risk management platform is designed to
reduce risk and address vicarious liability concerns that are unique
to franchising. Additionally, franchise specific healthcare solutions
ranging from a custom healthcare marketplace/exchange to group
health, benefits, and wellness programs. Programs are designed to
with the focus on helping our franchise partners navigate insurance compliance and health care reform and become a franchisor of
Company Description: Constant Contact for Franchise has
email and a suite of other online marketing tools both you and
your franchisees need to grow. Our marketing tools allow for
both centralized controls while enabling local franchisee success
and are affordable, easy-to-use, and include free award-winning
support. We even have the option for complete “do-it-for-me” services. Trusted by over 850 franchise brands, Constant Contact is
the preferred email marketing vendor of the International Franchise
Safeguard by Team MHC
Marketing Information
blue onion
11900 Portland Avenue South
Burnsville, MN 55337
Contact: Dave Hartung
Phone: (952) 882-3308
940 Wadsworth Blvd.
Email: [email protected]
Lakewood, CO 80214
Website: www.teammhc.com
Contact: Todd Kuhlmann
Year Started: 1987
Phone: (844) 339-5005
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Email: [email protected]
International services offered: yes
Website: www.digourideas.com/FT
Constant Contact for Franchise
1601 Trapelo Rd.
Waltham, MA 02451
Company Description: Safeguard by Team MHC builds, manages
and facilitates marketing asset management programs for franchise systems. A dedicated Team MHC account management team
accompanied by a personalized on-line portal will help you better manage and facilitate Print, Premiums, Apparel and Signage.
Experience cost savings, brand compliance and overall operating
efficiencies throughout your entire franchise system.
Contact: Elizabeth O’Connor
Phone: (866) 889-3710
Email: [email protected]
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 3 5
business services
TopFire Media
905 W. 175th Street
Homewood, IL 60430
Contact: Matthew Jonas
Phone: (708) 249-1090
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.TopFireMedia.com
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Clayton Kendall provides a simple, easy
to use e-store platform that connects your franchisees to Clayton
Kendall’s integrated front-to-back inventory management system
allowing for the creation, production, fulfillment, distribution and
shipping of all your marketing and sales materials to be controlled
with a simple click of a mouse. Clayton Kendall is the single source
marketing solution for national franchises such as Massage Envy,
Orange Theory Fitness, European Wax Center, and Blaze Pizza.
Year Started: 2013
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
International services offered: no
Company Description: TopFire Media is a fully-integrated digital
PR firm specializing in franchise business that offers a variety of digital media services such as public relations, social media publishing,
search engine marketing, pay-per-click advertising, website development, search engine optimization, mobile websites and mobile
marketing, and video production.
Public Relations
BizCom Associates
16301 Quorum Dr
Suite 150A
Addison, TX 75001
Contact: Scott White
Phone: (972) 728-1450
Media Production
blue onion
940 Wadsworth Blvd.
Lakewood, CO 80214
Contact: Todd Kuhlmann
Phone: (844) 339-5005
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.digourideas.com/FT
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bizcompr.com
Year Started: 1999
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: IFA, PRSA, American Marketing
International services offered: yes
Company Description: World-class Public Relations and
Marketing Communications for franchise companies, entrepreneurs
and other creative business leaders.
We can help you promote your product or services worldwide. We’ve
done it for hot young franchise start-ups. We’ve done it for established franchise multinationals. We can do it for you.
Clayton Kendall
Fish Consulting, LLC
2001 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 310
167 Dexter Drive
Hollywood, FL 33020
Monroeville, PA 15146
Contact: Lorne Fisher
Contact: Dan Broudy
Phone: (954) 893-9150
Phone: (412) 798-7120
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fish-consulting.com
Website: www.claytonkendall.com
Year Started: 2004
Year Started: 1999
Association Memberships: Supplier Forum Member (IFA);
Membership Committee (IFA); Supplier Forum Advisory Board
(IFA); Marketing & Technology Committee (IFA); Educational
Foundation Board of Trustees (IFA); Frequent speaker at franchise
conferences and events
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Additional Offices: Additional Distribution Centers: Phoenix, AZ,
Honolulu, HI, Toronto, CAN, Melbourne, AU
36 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Additional Offices: New York, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, London
International services offered: yes
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Ripley PR, Inc. is a national B2B public relations agency. We know what’s important to you - building a successful
franchise brand and getting a solid return on your public relations
investment. Using our proprietary brand of “analytical creativity”, we
provide you with simple, ongoing analytics to show you exactly how
we help you succeed. This isn’t typical agency thinking, but we’re not
typical. We want you to succeed. After all, your success is our success.
Company Description: Fish is a national PR and marketing agency
that specializes in providing strategic communications and support
primarily for franchise companies in the retail, hospitality, restaurant, healthcare and technology industries. We’re proud to serve
some of the industry’s leading franchises including Dunkin’ Donuts,
Baskin-Robbins, Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Massage Envy Spa and
Orangetheory Fitness, to name a few. You launch the brand. We
start the conversation.
Konnect Public Relations
Remodels & Restorations
888 S. Figueroa St., Suite 1000
Fullerton Building Systems
Los Angeles, CA 90017
13605 1st Avenue North
Contact: Sabina Gault
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: (213) 988-8344
Contact: Terri Elias
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (800) 450-9782
Website: www.konnect-pr.com
Email: [email protected]
Year Started: 2009
Website: www.fullertonbuildingsystems.com
Targets: Franchisors
Year Started: 1962
Association Memberships: IFA
Targets: Franchisors
Additional Offices:
Association Memberships:
International services offered: no
Additional Offices: Worthington, MN; Mandan, ND; Tulsa, OK
Company Description: Konnect Public Relations is a midsize agency
with offices in Los Angeles, New York and Austin, TX, that specializes in the creation and execution of ROI-driven PR campaigns for
franchise brands. A team of experienced and talented marketing professionals, Konnect PR develops outstanding national and in-market
strategies through strong and proactive media relations that produce
results in the form of increased leads, sales and brand awareness. The
agency supports clients by securing press placements in high profile
consumer, business and trade media, in addition to proving services
including grand opening strategy, event support, competitive analysis
and monitoring, media training, social media and more.
International services offered: yes
Ripley PR, Inc.
210 East Street
Company Description: Fullerton Building Systems was founded in
1962 as a manufacturing division of Fullerton Companies. Through
an ongoing commitment to innovation, technology and service, we
design, engineer, deliver and assemble panelized building packages
with factory applied finishes - in record time. Our panels are manufactured with consistent quality, are engineered for quick assembly
in the field ensuring you fewer delays and reducing the overall construction build schedule. Typical smaller projects can be completed
in 5 days. This accelerated on-site duration sets a quick pace for other
subsequent trades, minimizes setbacks due to inclement weather
allowing you to open your new facility weeks sooner than a traditional
approach. At Fullerton, we deliver excellence at the speed of business.
Watch the video on our website to see how our unique approach can
add value to your building program.
Maryville, TN 37804
Contact: Heather Ripley
Phone: (865) 977-1973
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ripleypr.com
Year Started: 2013
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: IPREX Global Partner, PRSA, AdFed,
American Marketing Association
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 3 7
business services
Royalty Auditing
Royalties, Inc.
1288 Commissioners Rd. W., Suite 204
313 E Main St.
London, Ontario N6K 1E1 Canada
Kennesaw, GA 49120
Contact: Jeff Lefler
Contact: Becky Bennett, CFE
Phone: (800) 975-6101
Phone: (269) 545-1805
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.franchisegrade.com
Website: www.RoyaltyCompliance.com
Year Started: 2012
Year Started: 1998
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Targets: Franchisors
International services offered: yes
Association Memberships: IFA, Southeast Franchise Forum
Company Description: FranchiseGrade.com is the #1 market
research company in franchising. We compare and grade franchise
systems providing franchisors with data driven marketing to differentiate their brand investment value from competitors, and provide
prospective franchisees with risk analysis of franchise system investment options. By reviewing more than 2,500 Franchise Disclosure
Documents every year we are able to maintain an extensive database
of current franchising information for our industry leading research
and analysis.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Royalties, Inc. has been providing royalty
compliance inspections for the franchise industry for over 15 years.
Whether it’s your desire to inspect one location or all of your locations, you’ll find that we can provide a cost effective program that is
designed specifically for your franchised brands. Call us today to be
assured that you are receiving all of the royalties due to you!
SEM-SEO Services
4075 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 410
Arlington, VA 22203
Contact: Edith Wiseman
Phone: (800) 485-9570
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.frandata.com, www.franchiseregistry.com
Year Started: 1990
Association Memberships: IFA, NRA, NAGGL, NADCO
International services offered: yes
Company Description: FRANdata is the industry leader in the
strategic analysis, forecasting and measuring of franchise performance. Our deep industry expertise and breadth of historical and
predictive capabilities allow us to address our client’s problems like
no one else can. By leveraging the largest database of franchise information in the industry, FRANdata harnesses facts and figures into
best practices that set strategies and transform acceptable outcomes
into highly successful businesses for our clients.
blue onion
940 Wadsworth Blvd.
Lakewood, CO 80214
Contact: Todd Kuhlmann
Phone: (844) 339-5005
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.digourideas.com/FT
8000 Centerview Parkway
Memphis, TN 38018
Contact: Andy Garner
Phone: (901) 612-3903
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.highervisibility.com
Year Started: 2008
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
38 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
business services
Association Memberships: BBB, Google Certified Search Partner,
Bing Certified Search Partner, Member of the International
Franchise Association
Company Description: HigherVisibility is a full service digital
marketing agency based in Memphis, TN. HigherVisibility offers
a comprehensive suite of services including SEO, SEM, Affiliate
Marketing, Social Media Management, and Design/Development.
Tax Services
Professor, National Association of Professional Women, Working
Women of Florida
International services offered: yes
Company Description: As a 15 year franchise owner - turned
speaker, I offer a truly unique perspective not likely found elsewhere.
From funding to exiting, my talks and workshops are based on in
the trenches experience and then juxtaposed with your organizational processes and conference goals. Layered with fresh ideas and
actionable take aways, humor and authenticity - your conference
investment is guaranteed to ‘hit the mark’ and with lasting impact.
Accounting Outsource, Inc.
4425 Fitch Avenue, Suite 114
Nottingham, MD 21236
Contact: Richard Beil
Phone: (866) 285-8339
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.accountingoutsource.com
Bennett Thrasher LLP
Real-World Experience
for Real-World Solutions
3625 Cumberland Boulevard, Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30339
Contact: Jeff Eischeid
Phone: (770) 396-2200
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.btcpa.net
Christy Wilson Delk - Speaker/Workshop
424 Henkel Circle
Winter Park, FL 32789
Contact: Christy Wilson Delk
Phone: (407) 399-5554
Email: [email protected]
The nation’s leading franchise consulting firm for both start-up and established franchisors.
The nation’s leading franchise sales outsourcing firm.
And now TopFire Media can provide franchisors with a complete solution to their digital media
needs — including Public Relations, SEO, SEM, Social Media, Inbound Marketing, and Video.
Of course, everyone says they are the best.
The difference?
We have the credentials to prove it:
 Over 50 consultants, marketing, and franchise sales professionals
 Former C-Level executives from over 20 different franchisors
 Over 900 years of combined franchise experience
 Experience with 98 out of the top 200 franchise brands
 Track record of franchise sales success — over 10,000 during our careers
 Intelligence: we have tracked over 200,000 franchise sales leads in the last three
years alone
 Franchise Dynamics sold over 500 franchises in 2013 and 2014
 Third-Party vendor program for preferred pricing
We know what works in the real world. Whether you are a start-up or an
established franchisor, call us to learn how we can put our experience to
work for you.
Website: ChristyWilsonDelk.com
Year Started: 2014
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: Rollins College - Adjunct Business
www.franchisetimes.com ®
Franchise consultants
Special Franchise Times Supplement 3 9
business services
Expand Interactive
Contact: Jay Malcolm
Macomb, Michigan; Midland, Michigan; Saginaw, Michigan;
Selfridge, Michigan (Military); Troy, Michigan; Cedar Hill,
Texas; Fort Worth, Texas (Military); Louisville, Kentucky; Toyota,
Kentucky; Ford KY Truck Plant (KTP); Ford Louisville Assembly
Plant (LAP); Cerritos, California; Glen Ellyn, Illinois; New Orleans,
Louisiana (Military)
Phone: (419) 410-3555
International services offered: yes
Email: [email protected]
Company Description: Franchising Management Degree:
Northwood University can prepare you for the business challenges
opportunities of this career option: launch your own franchise; purchase an existing franchise; take over a family business; or take your
existing franchise to the next level. Northwood University is committed to the most personal attention to prepare students for success
in their careers and in their communities; it promotes critical thinking skills, personal effectiveness, and the importance of ethics,
individual freedom and responsibility.
4040 Embassy Parkway, Suite 180
Akron, OH 44333
Website: www.expandinteractive.com
Year Started: 2008
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships:
Additional Offices: Charleston, SC
International services offered: no
Company Description: Expand started in 2008 with a clear mission to rid the world of ineffective, costly and--most of all--boring
training. Ever since, we’ve been producing interactive eLearning
that’s not only impactful, but downright entertaining and we’ve
built a different kind of knowledge sharing software that tracks and
reports on training impact, not just completions. We’re passionate
about helping organizations realize real business outcomes as a result
of training.
Valuation Services
Hopkins Appraisal Services
4721 S Cliff Ave, Suite 100
Independence, MO 64055
Management 2000
Contact: Brock J. Rule, MAI, ASA
Phone: (816) 373-1890
PO Box 69130
Email: [email protected]
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Website: www.hopkinsappraisal.com
Contact: Bob Gappa
Year Started: 1982
Phone: (800) 847-5763
Additional Offices: National coverage of all 50 states from eight
offices: Kansas City, San Diego, Phoenix, Austin, Des Moines,
Pensacola, Orlando, North Palm Beach.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mgmt2000.com
Northwood University
4000 Whiting Drive
Midland, MI 48640
International services offered: no
Company Description: Hopkins Appraisal Services specializes
in the valuation of restaurants including quick service, fast casual,
casual, family, grill/buffet, and fine dining. We can value real estate,
equipment, and/or business. Purposes include mortgage lending, as
well as financial reporting.
Contact: Keri Nieto
Phone: (989) 837-4342
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.northwood.edu
Year Started: 1959
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships:
Additional Offices: Alpena, Michigan; Bay City, Michigan;
Belleville, Michigan; Flint, Michigan; Gaylord, Michigan; Grand
Rapids, Michigan; Lansing, Michigan; Livonia, Michigan;
40 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Valuation Research Corporation
330 East Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 1425
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Contact: Richard Nordberg
Phone: (414) 221-6220
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.valuationresearch.com
Year Started: 1975
Additional Offices: Valuation Research Corporation has domestic
offices in Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, Milwaukee, New
York, Princeton, San Francisco and Tampa. Our international valuation staff is located in Europe, Mexico, South America, Canada,
China and Australia. Collectively, we have over 60 offices in 17
countries with more than 850 employees.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: VRC is an international valuation advisory
and consulting firm that has been providing valuation support to its
clients for over 40 years. Our professionals have expertise in the valuation of real estate, equipment, and intangible and financial assets.
Active in the valuation and accounting communities, we participate on the Financial Accounting Standards Board committee for
the development of SFAS Nos. 141 and 142, Emerging Issues Task
Force, and are the co-founders and leaders of the Appraisal Industry
Task Force (AITF).
Client engagements range in size from single unit franchises to systems consisting of hundreds of locations. Our valuation studies are
used by public and private clients, and their lenders and advisors, in
connection with:
• Franchise Repurchases and Negotiations
• Mergers and Acquisitions
Accounting Services
1000 2nd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Contact: John Osman
Phone: (877) 811-0923
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.avalara.com/about/partners/franchise
7501 W. Memorial Rd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73142
Contact: Rebecca Oakes
Phone: (800) 580-4505
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.paycom.com
Back Office Systems and Software
• Buy/Sell Agreements
11800 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 900
• Shareholder Valuations
Reston, VA 20191
• Bankruptcy and Restructuring
Contact: Tim Johnson
• Tax and Financial Reporting
Phone: (703) 390-9300 x162
• Fairness and Solvency Opinions
Email: [email protected]
Partner with a leader in the valuation profession. Our work has been
recognized by client and peer nominations, which has earned us the
designation of Valuation Firm of the Year for the past four consecutive years by the International M&A Advisor Awards and for three
of the past five years by the Association for Corporate Growth. Let
us know how we can help your franchise - contact us today.
Website: www.franconnect.com
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: IFA Member, CFA Member
International services offered: yes
Company Description: FranConnect is the most comprehensive franchise management software on the market. Over the past
10 years, we’ve partnered with more than 600 franchise companies around the world to boost franchise development, operations
efficiency, and local marketing success. We are the only organization that provides an integrated, end-to-end solution for your entire
business to help simplify processes, increase productivity, ensure
compliance, and ultimately, maximize your profitability.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 41
Waterstreet Franchise Management
Software, Ltd.
Demographic and Mapping Services
308 - 55 Water St.
Intellevue LLC
Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Canada
Contact: Jeff Dumont
Phone: (604) 484-0148
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.waterstreet.net
11102 East 75th Place
Tulsa, OK 74133
Contact: Jeffrey Davis
Phone: (918) 250-5561
Year Started: 1997
Email: [email protected]
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association
Website: www.intellevue.com
International services offered: yes
International services offered: yes
Company Description: WATERSTREET Franchise Management
Software (FMS) is cloud-based business software tailored to each
unique franchise system. Our solution streamlines the collection,
consolidation and delivery of information when and where it is
needed. Our FMS is easy to use and effectively addresses the turnkey requirements of any size and type of franchise system.
Waterstreet has grown up on franchising. We pioneered the use of
cloud based software solutions and today are recognized as the leading provider of software to the Franchise community.
Whether a Service, Retail, or Restaurant system, Waterstreet
Franchise Management Software provides the tools for improving
franchise performance and profitability.
Data Management
Year Started: 1995
Company Description: IntelleVue offers turn-key services and
mapping software, demographics for franchisors to 1). Analyze
market demographics (residential and/or business) to find and quantify customer population to build equitable franchise territories
2). Produce nation-wide analysis to identify and rank new market
expansion transforming franchise growth into a pro-active search
and less of a re-active commitment. 3). Web - www.FranchiseVue.
com - a web-based mapping subscription to allow franchisors the
ability to distribute territory info via the web.
Digital Menu Boards
SICOM Systems, Inc.
4434 Progress Meadow Drive
iLumen, Inc.
Doylestown, PA 18902
730 Peachtree St, NE, #575
Contact: Wendy Kemmerer
Atlanta, GA 30308
Phone: (800) 547-4266
Contact: Micahel O’Shaughnessey
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (404) 446-1600
Website: www.sicom.com
Email: [email protected]
Year Started: 1988
Website: www.ilumen.com
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Year Started: 2001
Association Memberships: GWFA, New South Coalition, NEFA,
Tri-States, MAFA, SCFA, Tri-States, MURTEC, MUFSO, EMEA,
Targets: Franchisors
International services offered: yes
Company Description: iLumen helps franchise systems improve
unit economics and manage risk by making it easy to collect -from
any source- and standardize financial and operational data into
actionable insights. Our award-winning, cloud-based business
intelligence solutions are used by franchise companies, financial
institutions and more than 30% of the top U.S. accounting firms,
to improve decision-making. Let us show you how easy it is to collect and transform complex financial data into valuable, customized
42 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
International services offered: yes
Company Description: SICOM is a Digital Signage, Point of Sale,
Enterprise Reporting and Business Intelligence, and Loyalty company headquartered in Doylestown, PA. SICOM is dedicated to the
research, design, development, manufacturing, marketing and service of technology systems for the demanding restaurant industry.
The largest approved POS and Digital Signage vendor for BURGER
KING® and Popeyes® restaurants throughout North America, South
and Central America, Caribbean and the EMEA region. SICOM
currently offers solutions to some of the largest global brands such
as Burger King®, Popeyes® Louisiana Kitchen, Carl’s Jr®, Hardee’s®,
Arby’s®, H-E-B Supermarkets®, Toppers Pizza® and many more.
SICOM provides a complete turn-key solution with global infrastructure to support worldwide deployments.
Signature Systems, Inc. (PDQ POS)
National Headquarters
760 Veterans Circle
Warminster, PA 18974
Contact: Sales Department
Phone: (877) 968-6430
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pdqpos.com
Complete PCI DSS Compliance
Dining Room Management
QSR Automations, Inc.
2301 Stanley Gault Parkway
Louisville, KY 40223
Contact: Heath Wechter
Phone: (502) 297-0221
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.qsrautomations.com
Year Started: 1996
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Association Memberships: Kentucky Restaurant Association
(KRA), Buffalo Wings National Franchisee Association (BWNFA)
Additional Offices: Sales offices across the United States and strategic distributors around the globe, including UK, Asia, and Canada.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Established in 1996, QSR Automations is
an industry leader in restaurant software and hardware solutions.
Our front-of-house and back-of-house programs aim to effectively enhance productivity and profit while providing unsurpassed
guest experience. Our ConnectSmart® Kitchen display systems and
DineTime® guest management programs are used in restaurants of
all sizes and concepts worldwide. QSR products are installed in over
70,000 restaurants and seat more than 1 million people every day.
For more information visit www.qsrautomations.com or www.dinetimehost.com.
Network UTM Protection
Server Protection
End-Point Protection
Unified Security Management
Full-Featured, Including…
Robust Online Ordering
Integrated Processing
The Fastest POS & the Easiest to Use
Throughout all 50 states, 100s of clients in 1000s
of locations came to 1 conclusion:
Signature Systems is the industry leader for POS
data security & PCI DSS compliance.
That’s because our partnerships with Sophos
Sophos & AlienVault give us the most
comprehensive and cost-effective security
package in the restaurant POS industry.
“Signature Systems is a visionary in its industry.”
“Our partnership immediately strengthens their ability to
provide proven, compliant world-class security solutions
to a highly vulnerable customer base, namely restaurant
businesses that can’t afford the exorbitant costs and
brand defamation that accompany card fraud liability
and data breaches.”
Erin Malone, Sophos VP Channel Sales, North America
877-968-6430 | PDQpos.com
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 4 3
Kitchen Display
QSR Automations, Inc.
1000 2nd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Contact: Josh Osman
Phone: (877) 811-0923
Email: [email protected]
2301 Stanley Gault Parkway
Louisville, KY 40223
Contact: Heath Wechter
Phone: (502) 297-0221
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.avalara.com/about/partners/franchise
Website: www.qsrautomations.com
Internet and Intranet Services
Payment Security
IFX Franchise Management Systems
Signature Systems, Inc. (PDQ POS)
12750 High Bluff Drive, Suite 460
San Diego, CA 92130
Contact: Dan Martin, CFE
Phone: (858) 724-1024
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ifxonline.com
Year Started: 1996
National Headquarters
760 Veterans Circle
Warminster, PA 18974
Contact: Sales Department
Phone: (877) 968-6430
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pdqpos.com
Targets: Franchisors
Association Memberships: IFA Supplier Forum
International services offered: yes
Company Description: IFX is a full service Franchise Management
Firm servicing 200+ franchise brands and 30,000+ franchisees in
23 countries since 1996. IFX’s Strategic and Technology Divisions
work hand-in-hand to assist franchise organizations in implementing key growth management strategies and web-based SaaS
applications designed to maximize operations, improve communications, implement compliance initiatives and boost ROI.
Franchise development; management; marketing; training, support; communication; secure document delivery; social media
management; sales and royalty reporting and more. 10 modules
that franchise companies can mix and match into one platform to
accommodate their growth and budgetary needs.
Point-of-Sale Software
POSitive Technology
20010 Century Blvd, Suite 401
Germantown, MD 20874
Contact: Mike Nicholson
Phone: (888) 706-9989
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.POSitiveTechnology.com
Year Started: 1999
Association Memberships: National Retail Federation, Retail
Solution Providers Association, International Franchise Association
Additional Offices: New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Scottsdale, AZ;
Dallas, TX; San Francisco, CA
International services offered: yes
Company Description: POSitive Technology brings 20+ years of
retail automation experience to the franchise industry, providing
44 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
an end-to-end solution to manage retail franchise operations. Our
solutions include Point of Sale, Mobile Point of Sale, Integrated
eCommerce, Integrated Supply Chain, Item and Merchandising
management for both the franchisor and franchise, as well as fully
integrated Customer Marketing Solutions, Social Media integration, and Business Intelligence Reporting. POSitive Technology
sets the standard for retail technology and automation by providing
solutions that give retailers total control while at the same time providing the customer omni-channel access to the retailers business.
Signature Systems, Inc. (PDQ POS)
National Headquarters
two of the IT industry’s leading data security firms: Sophos and
AlienVault. Fully PA-DSS compliant and backed by a 24x7x365
live domestic support team of experts, our top rated POS system
is both EMV (smart chip) and NFC (Apple Pay/Google Wallet)
ready. Sophisticated yet simple, our innovative, high-performing
and ultra-secure restaurant solution can truly help sustain the ongoing success, growth and compliance of your most prized asset: your
QSR/Drive-Thru/Pizzeria/Fine Dining/Bar business.
Point-of-Sale Systems and Cash
760 Veterans Circle
Warminster, PA 18974
Contact: Sales Department
Phone: (877) 968-6430
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pdqpos.com
Year Started: 1987
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Company Description: Touted as the “Fastest POS on the planet”
and the easiest to learn and operate, PDQ POS from Signature
Systems, Inc. is a full-featured restaurant management solution for
both single store owners and multi-store franchises/chains throughout the U.S.A. Complete with on-line ordering, rewards/loyalty,
enterprise reporting and everything else you’d expect from a leading POS provider, PDQ POS also offers an unprecedented data
security package by virtue of its certified partnership status with
Signature Systems, Inc. (PDQ POS)
National Headquarters
760 Veterans Circle
Warminster, PA 18974
Contact: Sales Department
Phone: (877) 968-6430
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pdqpos.com
Helping your franchise reach its global potential.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 4 5
Quick Service and Drive-Thru
Restaurant Solutions
BullsEye Telecom
25925 Telegraph Rd, Suite 210
Southfield, MI 48033
Contact: John Dwyer
Signature Systems, Inc. (PDQ POS)
Phone: (877) 438-2855
National Headquarters
Email: [email protected]
760 Veterans Circle
Website: www.bullseyetelecom.com
Warminster, PA 18974
Year Started: 1999
Contact: Sales Department
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Phone: (877) 968-6430
Association Memberships:
Email: [email protected]
Additional Offices:
Website: www.pdqpos.com
International services offered: no
Company Description: Join leading national brands like Pizza
Hut, Carl’s Jr., El Pollo Loco, TGIF, Domino’s and so many more
that chose BullsEye for savings up to 33% and simplicity. Get the
power of choice. Keep your current phones, but switch to a digital
platform, or replace them with a Hosted PBX phone system all with
NO out-of-pocket costs and one flat local and long distance rate
nationwide. Work with a single provider and simplify operations
with one consolidated bill, while promoting specials and increasing
revenue with smart features like Auto-Attendant and Message-OnHold. Send us your bills, we’ll show you savings, simplicity and
advantaged no other provider can.
Bulk TV & Internet
8537 Six Forks Road
Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27615
Contact: Tom Steinmiller
Phone: (919) 780-5151
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bulktv.com
Year Started: 2004
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
International services offered: no
Company Description: Bulk TV & Internet (Bulk TV) provides
DIRECTV to over 4,000 commercial properties nationwide including franchise groups for Pizza Hut, Burger King, Denny’s and
Hardees to name a few. Bulk TV offers franchisees DIRECTV service at discounted national rates, with the benefit of nationwide
programming consistency through a single provider. Bulk TV customers receive consolidated billing options, VIP customer care and
installation as well as residential discounts available for employees.
46 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Products / Supplies
Commercial Lighting Industries
F.C. Dadson SIB, LLC
81161 Indio Boulevard
N1043 Craftsmen Drive
Contact: Frank Halcovich
Greenville, WI 54942
Contact: Larry Myer
Phone: (920) 757-1486
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fcdadson.com
Year Started: 1975
Association Memberships: International Franchise Association,
International Council of Shopping Centers, Retail Design Institute
International services offered: yes
Company Description: F.C. Dadson is your single source for retail
environments, displays, and kiosks. We specialize in creating attractive, yet functional solutions that address clients’ build-out needs
including design, construction, fixtures, kiosk programs, signage,
equipment and fulfillment, logistics, and installation.
Indio, CA 92201
Phone: (760) 343.2704
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.commercial-lighting.net
8 0 0 . 7 5 5 . 0 1 5 5
Year Started: 1991
Association Memberships: IFA, IAFD
International services offered: yes
Company Description: MASTER National Supplier of Lighting
Site & Security Lighting, Track & Pendant Lighting, Recessed
Cans, Troffers, Emergency Lights, Exit Signs & Ceiling Fans,
Lighting Controls & Electrical Gear - we supply all architectural
standards, Design & Photometric Services.
• Global Procurement Specialists.
• All Major Manufacturers.
• Deep inventory levels-strong delivery logistics.
One Source Retail
• Dedicated, experienced project managers ensuring Lighting
Concepts are Consistent.
1120 Montrose Ave
• Value Engineering with lighting expertise, strong manufacturers
partnerships-years of experience.
St. Louis, MO 63104
Contact: Michael Hojnacki
Phone: (888) 772-4788
Email: [email protected]
Dedicated to delivering quality product and service that is on time,
at budget and as specified.
Website: www.onesourceretail.com
Year Started: 1998
Targets: Franchisees
Association Memberships: IFA
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Let One Source Retail maintain your
image by providing a Store-In-A-Box™ solution. OSR delivers retail
solutions that reduce costs and speed up the build-out process,
allowing the franchisee to open sooner. By providing a one stop shop
for design, equipment, graphics, lighting, flooring, audio/visual and
fixture manufacturing we are able to place all items needed on a single dedicated truck. Let us help ease your build-out woes with our
Store-In-A-Box™ program.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 4 7
Digital Dining
Canedy Sign & Graphics
7370 Steel Mill Drive
4857 Nash Rd
Springfield, VA 22150
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Contact: Maura O’Connor
Contact: Teresa Crump
Phone: 703-912-3000
Phone: (800) 325-0205
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.DigitalDining.com
Website: www.canedysign.com
Year Started: 1984
Year Started: 1937
Association Memberships: RSPA
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
Additional Offices: Dealers throughout North America
Association Memberships: International Sign Association (ISA),
Tri-State Sign Association (TSSA), Mid-South Sign Association
International services offered: yes
Company Description: As a pioneer in the PC based POS hospitality market, we are proud of our 30+ years in business. Today,
we continue to lead our industry with extremely innovative functionality and features, most of which have come from suggestions
made by our more than 60,000 customers. From independents to
large chains, from quick service to table service, our software can
be configured to meet your needs. Digital Dining Mobile POS will
increase your sales & and reduce labor.
International services offered: yes
Company Description: Centrally located, Canedy Sign & Graphics
excels at designing, manufacturing and installing signs for multi-location corporations and franchises. Our expert designers, project
managers and fabricators strive for consistency in logos, materials
and quality for maximum consumer brand identity. Canedy’s experience can make your franchise signage a turn-key solution.
• Interior and Exterior
Fullerton Building Systems
• Permitting and Landlord approval in the US & Puerto Rico
• Electronic Message Centers
13605 1st Avenue North
• Illuminated Signs
Plymouth, MN 55441
• Custom Signs
Contact: Terri Elias
Phone: (800) 450-9782
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fullertonbuildingsystems.com
One Source Retail
1120 Montrose Ave
St. Louis, MO 63104
Contact: Michael Hojnacki
Phone: (888) 772-4788
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.onesourceretail.com
48 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Thomas Sign and Awning Company, Inc.
4590 118th Avenue N.
signs. From concept to installation, we will handle every step of the
process. We offer all sign types, including awnings and wide-format
digital printing. Our products include:
Clearwater, FL 33762
Contact: Patti Canady
• Architectural Elements
• Architectural Signage
Phone: (800) 526-3325
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ThomasSign.com
• Channel Letters
Year Started: 1969
• Digital Graphics
Targets: Both Franchisors & Franchisees
• Directional Signs
Association Memberships: ISA, ICSC, WBENC
• Electronic Displays
International services offered: no
Company Description: At Thomas Sign and Awning Company,
our goal is to create distinctive signage that both compliments your
location’s overall design and architecture and distinguishes you from
your competition. Your sign program will be professionally managed utilizing a project manager who will coordinate every step in
producing and delivering your signs. We manage your sign program, while you take care of your business needs. Thomas Sign
and Awning is a leading manufacturer of corporate identity of all
types, sizes and shapes for clients nationally, regionally and locally
since 1969. Located on 10 acres, our 100,000 square foot facility is
outfitted with the latest equipment for designing and manufacturing
• LED Retro-Fit Programs
• Monument Signs
• Neon Signs
• Pylons Signs
• Wall Signs
Want to know more about us? Visit us at www.ThomasSign.com and
while you’re there, download our brochure.
Specializing in the Appraisal of Restaurants
and Convenience Stores
AppRAiSAlS foR:
VAluAtionS of:
Specialty Lenders
Buy or Sell Decisions
Partnership Buyouts
SFAS 142
Desktop Business Value
Fixtures & Equipment
Goodwill Enterprise
Fee Simple
Leased Fee
Portfolio/Mass Appraisal
Tangible assets are valued by inspection and from comparables.
We visit, measure, and inventory your site and obtain local land comps.
[email protected]
Austin | West Palm Beach | Denver | Pensacola | Houston | Phoenix | Kansas City | SanDiego | Los Angeles
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 4 9
alphabetical index
Accounting Outsource, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24*, 28, 39
ADP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Avalara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24*, 41, 44
Bennett Thrasher LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24*, 39
BizCom Associates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
blue onion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26*, 28, 35, 36, 38
Briggs and Morgan, P.A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bulk TV & Internet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
BullsEye Telecom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Business Licenses, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Canedy Sign & Graphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Carmen D Caruso Law Firm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Carter & Tani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
CenterPoint Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Christy Wilson Delk – Speaker/Workshop Leader. . . . . . . 39
Clayton Kendall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Commercial Lighting Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Constant Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Digital Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
DLA Piper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13*, 22
Drumm Law, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Edwards Global Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Einbinder & Dunn LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
EKS&H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Expand Interactive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
F.C. Dadson SIB, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 47*
Faegre Baker Daniels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fish Consulting, LLC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
FisherZucker LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Foley & Lardner, LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Fox Rothschild LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Franchise Gator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Franchise Marketing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30*, 33
Franchise Opportunities Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Franchise.com & Franchise Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
FranchiseDirect.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
FranchiseGrade.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 38*
Franconnect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
FRANdata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 38*
Fullerton Building Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37*, 48
Gray Plant Mooty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Greenberg Traurig, LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16*, 22
Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Higginbotham – Insurance & Risk Management. . . . . . . . 34
Higher Visibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Hoffer Adler LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Hopkins Appraisal Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Hylant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
iFranchise Group, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
IFX Franchise Management System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
iLumen, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
InfoSync Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25*, 28
Intellevue LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Intuit, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25*, 30
50 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Ivey Barnum & O’Mara, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss, P.C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
KAH Insurance Brokerage, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Konnect Public Relations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Louis+Partners Design + Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Management 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 31*, 40
Marsh & McLennan Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
McKeeCo Services, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Miller Thomson LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
MOHAJERIAN PLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18*, 23
Monroe Moxness Berg PA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Moye White LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Northwood University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
One Source Retail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47*, 48
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Paycom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25*, 34, 41
Perkins Coie LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
POSitive Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Preti Flaherty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
QSR Automations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43*, 44
Quarles & Brady LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Quatrro FPO Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Rachlis Duff Adler Peel & Kaplan, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
re:group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ReachLocal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Remote Quality Bookkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Ripley PR, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
RMH Business Solutions, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Royalties, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Safeguard by Team MHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
SICOM Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Signature Systems, Inc. (PDQ POS) . . . . . . . . 43, 44, 45*, 46
Snell & Wilmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20*, 23
Sotos LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20*, 23
Stark & Stark – Attorneys At Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
StreamSend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The Richard Rosen Law Firm, PLLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Thomas Sign and Awning Company, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 49
TopFire Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Valuation Research Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Waterstreet Franchise Management Software, Ltd.. . . . . 42
We Speak Franchise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Wiggin and Dana LLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
• Full descriptive listing
Wait til you see What
We can do With
White papers…
Good things come to those who wait for a Franchise Times White Paper to
download. You can access our library of well-researched, timely and informational
White Papers, written by experts in a variety of fields, on our website (www.
franchisetimes.com) under the White Papers header. Restaurant operators (and
anyone else who wants to) can also check out the White Papers on our sister site,
the Restaurant Finance Monitor, at www.restfinance.com.
And if you’re an expert with knowledge to share,
we have the vehicle for you to share it with the world.
Contact Mary Jo Larson at [email protected]
or Lucas Wagner at [email protected]
52 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 5 3
Franchise Financing Made Quick,
Easy, and Affordable
The franchise business is an expensive one. As a franchisee, you already know that opening up a new
store can cost anywhere from $50,000 to $5 million depending on your industry. But then there are the
ongoing costs of training, advertising, insurance, and other fees. It becomes increasingly important in this
line of work to have access to the capital you need with as few barriers as possible.
Finding the time to do everything necessary to maintain a successful franchise is one of the biggest
challenges franchisors and franchisees both face. There is an easy way to overcome the obstacle of time
and that, according to Christian Faulconer, CEO of Franchise Foundry, is by, “Lining up proper financing
and the right team.”
While finding the right team is up to you and your staff, lining up financing should be a weight off your
shoulders. You need a financing team, product, and package that serves it like you serve it – fast, easy,
and affordable.
Richard Henderson, Vice President of Franchise Financing at Direct Capital says, “Franchisees are seeking
quick and easy access to capital at attractive rates and terms to deliver on burdensome, but critical,
obligations to upgrade technology and remodel, as well as to strike quickly as acquisition opportunities
present themselves.”
That’s why getting access to that capital shouldn’t be difficult. In order to run a successful franchise
business, you don’t always have time to navigate a long and involved credit approval process. When you
want to open a new restaurant, remodel your existing restaurant, or replace equipment or technology, you
want to do it now. This means you need a funding process that’s smooth and expedient, and a financing
partner that knows your business.
So how do you choose a lender? Henderson recommends that you first look for a “reputable lender before
you need one. Do your homework and find one who can provide references from happy franchisees in
your brand with whom they have worked. Prior customers should attest to the lender’s speed, ease,
flexibility, and attractive terms.”
But why? Chances are, if you are not facing a mandatory equipment upgrade or remodel today, you will
be soon. As more and more competition faces the franchise market, CMOs and CTOs are increasingly
looking to cutting edge technology upgrades to gain an edge. Henderson says that today’s POS and POP
technology, for example, can provide an incredible competitive advantage. “Today’s point of sale and
point of purchase systems ‘get to know’ consumers and automate the cross-sell/up-sell process while
Direct Capital Corporation | NH Headquarters | 155 Commerce Way | Portsmouth, NH 03801 | 866.777.0117 | www.directcapital.com
easily integrating with mobile payments providers, marketing applications, ecommerce software, and
loyalty programs.” Having a lender that understands the value of acquiring these systems and is eager to
lend to lend you the money to do so is a crucial first step.
Once you feel confident that you have found a lender who is suited to supporting your financing
requirements, ask yourself if their ease, speed, and affordability is up to your standards. You need to
always be focused on what you do best: serving your customers and building your business. Your lender
should handle the rest. Ask them to explain what is involved in the loan application and funding process.
Does it seem fast and easy? Ask if you can speak to a representative directly if you prefer a one-on-one
relationship. If they give you options to customize your experience to best suit your needs, you will feel
better and more confident that you have made a good choice.
Then, you need to discuss with that lender your specific needs because building a relationship with your
financial lender is crucial to your success. In your world, making your business thrive is a priority and
your lender is a big part of helping you achieve that. Henderson adds, “A reputable lender understands
the unique needs of your franchise system, is willing to gain an in-depth understanding of your business
and your long-term goals, and should be more than happy to do all of the ‘heavy lifting’ involved in the
application and funding process for you. Many service providers tend to forget who works for whom!”
Lastly, when your lender presents you with terms, consider them carefully. This includes evaluating and
selecting payback options, understanding the true all-in rates offered, and considering how the payments
fit in with your cash flow. Much like your lender did, you also want to make sure you can handle all of the
terms of the finance agreement. Don’t dig yourself into a hole. Get the financing you need, but do it on
terms that make sense for your budget.
Henderson says, “Look for a lender who helps you comfortably match debt service with cash flow so
completing projects requiring financing doesn’t create an unreasonable burden on your business in the
Whether you are brand new at the franchise business, or have been at it a long time, with these steps
in mind, carefully selecting a financing partner will be a breeze. Just remember: Speed, efficiency, and
building relationships are the three pillars of a one-in-a-million franchise financing strategy.
Direct Capital Corporation | NH Headquarters | 155 Commerce Way | Portsmouth, NH 03801 | 866.777.0117 | www.directcapital.com
56 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 5 7
Alliance Bank of Arizona, a division of Western Alliance Bank . . . .
ApplePie Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ARF Financial LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arlington Capital Advisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ascentium Capital LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Atlantic Capital Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auspex Capital Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Balboa Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bankers One Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bank of America Merrill Lynch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BBVA Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BMO Harris Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boefly.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Broadstone Real Estate, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Business Loans Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cadence Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capital Growth Advisors, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capital Insight LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capital One Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CapitalSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CapitalSpring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Citizens Restaurant Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CIT Retail & Restaurant Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Direct Capital Franchise Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Element Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Envoy Net Lease Partners, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Faris Lee Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
First Franchise Capital Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FGP Commercial Leasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FocalPoint Partners LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Franchise Capital Advisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Funding Solutions, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GE Capital, Franchise Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GRS Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HomeBanc N.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IOU Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complement your existing brand with these established and emerging franChise brands
fall/Winter 2015
direcTory For
M & T Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MarshallMorgan, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matthews Retail Group, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The McLean Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N3 Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NewQuest Crosswell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Noble Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Northern Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NRC Realty & Capital Advisors, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pacific Premier Franchise Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paragon Small Business Capital Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Peak Franchise Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pinnacle Commercial Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Praetorian Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regions Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ridgestone Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Siegel Financial Group & Its Affiliate Franchise America Finance . .
Spirit Realty Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stearns Bank N.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stifel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
STNL Advisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
STORE Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Susquehanna Commercial Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TCF Franchie Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TD Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trinity Capital, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
United Capital Business Lending, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
United Community Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verdad Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VEREIT, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Webster Bank, M.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weichmann & Associates, LLC/Meyer Metz Capital Partners, LLC .
Wells Fargo Restaurant Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wells Fargo SBA Lending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wintrust Franchise Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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58 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
ApplePie Capital
Alliance Bank of Arizona,
a division of Western
Alliance Bank
201 California Street, Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94111
1 Washington St, Suite 1400
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (800) 720-0241
Contact: Josh Jansen
Website: www.applepiecapital.com
Phone: (602) 797-3613
Toll Free: (800) 471-1682
Contact: Rob Gramhill
Email: [email protected]
Website: westernalliancebank.com
Other Information: Let our unprecedented speed, flexibility and fresh
ideas serve as your recipe for growth, no matter what’s on your plate.
At Western Alliance Bank, we offer tailored financing solutions—from
$5MM to $35MM—for everything from acquisitions, refinancing,
and re-imaging to real estate, leasehold, and equipment finance. Put
us to the test and learn how Western Alliance bank and it’s divisions,
Alliance Bank of Arizona, Bank of Nevada, First Independent, Bridge
Bank and Torrey Pines Bank, can serve you today.
Other Information: ApplePie Capital provides a fresh new approach
to franchise financing. Our franchise loan marketplace enables entrepreneurs to quickly and efficiently obtain financing to start, expand,
remodel, refinance, or recapitalize their franchise business. We provide
loans of $100K - $1 million with competitive fixed rates, no personal
collateral requirements, and funding in 30 days or less.
ARF Financial LLC
3027 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 202
League City, TX 77573
Phone: (281) 538-8311 x2101
Contact: Steve Glenn
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arffinancial.com
Other Information: ARF Financial LLC has just launched a new 3 Year
Loan Product for operators who need collateral-free, longer-term financing! Perfect for opening additional units, completing required refreshes,
purchasing equipment, meeting franchise development commitments,
taking out equity partners or paying off shorter-term financing. This new
loan product can make large scale projects affordable allowing you to take
advantage of emerging opportunities; with payments that are half the
typical one-year loan amortization. If you are looking to take advantage
of a new opportunity, need up to $750,000 and are looking for the lowest
payment available, then you can bank on ARF Financial!
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 5 9
finance & real estate
Arlington Capital Advisors
Ascentium Capital LLC
2000 Morris Avenue, Suite 1100
Birmingham, AL 35206
23970 Highway 59 North
Kingwood, TX 77339
Phone: (205) 488-4384
Phone: (281) 902-1931
Contact: John Goldasich
Contact: Len Baccaro
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arlingtoncapitaladvisors.com
Website: www.ascentiumcapital.com
Other Information: Arlington Capital Advisors is a M&A Advisor
specializing in raising capital and liquidity transactions for the
multi-unit consumer sector; with a specific focus on sell-side and
buy-side mergers and acquisitions, sourcing growth capital and other
capital-centric strategic alternatives.
Our team has first-hand experience in all facets of consumer
businesses: family-owned businesses, entrepreneurship, operations and finance. Our goal is to become our clients’ trusted advisor,
providing personalized, independent advisory services that help
determine the right strategic course of action while maximizing
shareholder value with proven expertise and integrity.
Our strategic advisory process delivers tailored solutions and ensures
that the right blend of expertise, resourcefulness and skillful execution
are employed to exceed each client’s objectives. Arlington has offices
in Birmingham, Atlanta, and a partner based in New York. For more
information on us, our team and our prior transactions, please visit
Other Information: Ascentium Capital offers specialized financing, leasing and working capital solutions focused on the success of
the franchisee! Take advantage of affordable payment options for
new locations, acquisitions, remodels, refinancing, leasehold and
equipment, including POS, furniture and fixtures. Experience fast,
flexible financing with two-hour credit decisions on ApplicationOnly up to $250,000 or financing up to $1.5 million with financial
statements. Ascentium offers custom financing for single or multiunits. Contact your finance specialist today—we’ll finance your
business growth!
Atlantic Capital Bank
3280 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30305
Phone: (404) 460-4426
Contact: Mike Smith, SVP, Manager Franchise Lending Group
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.atlanticcapitalbank.com
Other Information: At Atlantic Capital, we collaborate with franchisors and distribution companies to tailor conventional and SBA
financing programs that help franchisees and distribution customers
access capital to grow their businesses and achieve financial success.
We help single-location and multi-unit operators across multiple
industries execute key strategies such as:
• Acquisition financing
• Ownership/Partnership transfer
• Equipment financing
• Inventory, accounts receivable, and working capital financing
• Unit remodeling
• Real estate acquisition and development
• Debt consolidation and refinance
• Cash management
60 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
Auspex Capital Inc.
6 Centerpointe Dr, Suite 610
La Palma, CA 90623
Phone: (562) 424-2455
Contact: Chris Kelleher
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.auspexcapital.com
Other Information: Auspex Capital is a boutique investment
banking and financial advisory firm specializing in the restaurant
industry. Auspex’s services include buy-side and sell-side M&A advisory, senior debt placement, asset valuation, institutional private
equity and mezzanine debt placement and sale lease-back structuring and placement and financial restructuring. Since its inception,
Auspex has raised in excess of $3.75 billion of debt capital for franchisees of a wide range of national and regional concepts and has
advised on more than 120 M&A transactions. Our trademark is
precise and thorough empirical analysis. Auspex’s objective is to
build long-term relationships with restaurant industry entrepreneurs by providing its clients with innovative ideas, comprehensive
analysis, value added solutions and flawless execution at every
opportunity. We are intensely committed to delivering superior
results to each and every client.
Bankers One Capital
261 South Main Street, Suite 337
Newtown, CT 6470
Phone: (203) 791-9998
Toll Free: (877) 635-0643
Contact: Reginald Heard
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.bankers1capital.com
Other Information: Bankers One Capital is a national franchise
financing firm with a focus on general franchise concepts and the
restaurant and hospitality industries. Financing programs for well
established and fast-growing franchise systems to support their single- and multi-unit operators for start-up, acquisition, new equipment,
remodels and expansions. We secure loan approvals for both conventional loans and SBA loans. Outsourced support platform in loan
structure advisory, comprehensive loan packaging and complete management of the entire loan process cycle services.
Bank of America
Merrill Lynch
Balboa Capital
2010 Main Street, Suite 1100
Irvine, CA 92614
Phone: (866) 991-7911
Contact: Angela Anderson
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.balboacapital.com
Other Information: Balboa Capital has made franchise financing an integral part of our business. Since opening our doors over
two decades ago, we have helped franchisees in all business industries acquire the funding and working capital solutions they need.
Whether you are purchasing new equipment and technology, starting the franchise remodeling or re-imaging process, or adding a new
franchise location, Balboa Capital will develop a financing program
based on your specific needs and budget.
www.franchisetimes.com 100 Federal Street,
Mail Stop MA5-100-09-06
Boston, MA 02110
Phone: (617) 434-1897
Other Information: Restaurant businesses face many challenges,
from growing costs and competition to changing consumer tastes.
Our Restaurant Group is dedicated to understanding and meeting the unique needs of operating companies, franchisees and
franchisors across the industry. Whether you’re funding growth
and operations or remodeling facilities and upgrading equipment,
you have specialized expertise, comprehensive solutions, financial
strength and 55 years of restaurant experience to help you succeed.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 6 1
finance & real estate
BBVA Compass
2850 E. Camelback Rd., Suite 310
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 285-3691
50 W. 72nd Street, Suite C6
New York, NY 10023
Contact: James Short
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 266-3263
Website: www.bbvacompass.com
Contact: Mike Rozman
Other Information: BBVA Compass is a member of BBVA Group,
a customer-centric global financial services group founded in 1857.
The Group has over $724B in assets and operates in 31 countries.
With BBVA Compass, you benefit from the best of both worlds: the
strength of being part of a global bank and the highly responsive service you associate with a financial institution close to home. BBVA
Compass Food Franchise Finance provides nationwide financing to established franchisors, franchisees, and independent chains.
We provide a full suite of banking products including loans, treasury management, and derivatives. Our experienced team provides
capital for refinance, M&A, remodel, acquisition, and new-store
Email: [email protected]
BMO Harris Bank
7700 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 510
Irvine, CA 92618
Website: www.boefly.com
Other Information: BoeFly.com is the on-line platform connecting
franchise borrowers with multiple lenders from its more than 3,600+
banks and specialty-finance companies. BoeFly’s proprietary matching technology delivers franchisees more favorable loan terms and
quicker fundings. BoeFly’s patent-pending bQual solution delivers
real-time prequalifications using the same credit scores required by
lenders and the SBA.
BoeFly is a strategic ally of the International Franchise Association
and the choice of 125+ brands including Checkers, Kiddie Academy
and Liberty Tax.
Broadstone Real Estate, LLC
Phone: (949) 413-3450
530 Clinton Square
Rochester, NY 14604
Contact: Rick Thompson
Phone: (585) 287-6499
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Christopher Brodhead
Website: www.bmoharrisbank.com/franchisefinance
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: Whether you need financing for acquisitions,
development, remodeling, or require services such as M&A advisory and interest-rate hedging, it’s crucial to partner with a financial
institution that understands the needs of restaurant companies.
Backed by the resources of BMO Financial Group, our franchise
finance specialists will partner with you to create a strategic plan for
your business’ needs—both now and as you grow. To learn more
about how we can help, visit bmoharrisbank.com/franchisefinance.
Banking products and services are provided by BMO Harris Bank
and are subject to bank and credit approval. BMO Harris Bank® is a
trade name used by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Member FDIC.
Other Information: Broadstone Real Estate manages Broadstone
Net Lease (BNL), a private REIT with over $1.3 billion in total asset
value, that acquires freestanding, single-tenant, triple-net leased
properties throughout the United States, primarily via sale leaseback and UPREIT transactions. With a diversified portfolio of 270+
medical, industrial and retail properties in 32 states, and an investor
base spanning three continents, the REIT targets individual or portfolio acquisitions within the $5 million to $200+ million range.
62 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
Business Loans Direct
6930 E Chauncey Lane, Suite 275
Phoenix, AZ 85054
Phone: (480) 347-0823
Toll Free: (800-574-7962
Contact: Micah Kinsler
Email: [email protected]
Website: businessloansdirect.com
Capital Growth Advisors, LLC
4999 Carolina Forest Blvd., #21-A
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Phone: (734) 997-0813
Contact: Reid Sherard
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.capgrow.net
Other Information: BusinessLoansDirect.com is a leader in financing small to medium size businesses nationwide. As a direct funding
source, our objective is to provide a financing program uniquely
designed for every business model and growth plan. We assist with
the capital needed for operating expenses, equipment upgrades, renovations and new location purchases. With BFS you are assured a
financial solution that will be there for you every step of the way.
Other Information: Capital Growth Advisors, LLC (CapGrow) is a
financial advisory firm exclusively serving the multi-unit restaurant
industry. Utilizing more than 80 years combined finance experience, CapGrow’s services include M&A representation/consulting,
capital sourcing and business valuations, as well as strategic advisory
services. Clients, which include franchisees, franchisors and independent restaurants with five or more units, benefit from CapGrow’s
team approach to each engagement, whereby one or more of the
senior partners is actively involved in each engagement.
Cadence Bank
Capital Insight LLC
6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd,
600 Embassy Row/ Suite 270
Atlanta, GA 30328
Phone: (770) 274-6871
Contact: Daniel Holland
Email: [email protected]
Website: cadencebank.com/restaurants
Other Information: At Cadence Bank, our Restaurant Banking
Team is all about the total solution. Connecting you to resources,
experience and solid advice that is focused on getting it right.
Our team is solely dedicated to the Restaurant sector and has the
experience to find financial solutions and advisory services for franchisors and franchisees in all stages of the business cycle.
We can expertly guide you toward the most effective financial solutions for your current capital needs and future goals. Our solid team
of bankers is fluent in the unique financing challenges and opportunities of the restaurant industry, and can provide the insight and
connections to help your company reach its full growth potential. Our expertise centers on franchisees of national brands with a
minimum of 10 stores and restaurant operating companies with a
national or super-regional presence.
www.franchisetimes.com 16220 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite 275
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Phone: (480) 556-1864
Contact: Brett Bishov
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.amazingbankers.com
Other Information: Capital Insight is a nationally prominent middle-market investment bank focused on providing a full range of
financial and operational advisory services to companies in industries with an investment concentration in multi-unit retail concepts,
real estate and other assets.
We are a team of highly experienced, senior-level professionals with
complementary skill sets at the financial, operational and executive
leadership level. This allows us to bring a unique and collaborative
approach to investment banking. We can understand your business
at an entirely different level and articulate all the reasons that you
deserve the best terms the capital markets may be offering, whether
it’s your overall cost of capital or the total value of your business
enterprise or both. We’re not just here to advise you at the outset of
your transaction, but through all of its stages. We’re here to deliver a
difference; we’re here to deliver results.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 6 3
finance & real estate
Capital One Bank
499 Thornall Street, 11th Floor
Edison, NJ 08837
Phone: (732) 321-4675, (732) 321-4698
Contact: Arlene Pedovitch, SVP or Nancy McIver, SVP
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.capitalone.com
Other Information: Capital One Financial Corporation (www.
capitalone.com) is a financial holding company whose subsidiaries,
which include Capital One, N.A., and Capital One Bank (USA),
N.A., had $210.4 billion in deposits and$306.2 billion in total assets
as of March 31, 2015. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, Capital
One offers a broad spectrum of financial products and services to
consumers, small businesses and commercial clients through a variety of channels. Capital One, N.A. has branches located primarily
in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia and
the District of Columbia. A Fortune 500 company, Capital One
trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “COF”
and is included in the S&P 100 index.
950 Third Ave 24th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (646) 651-1577
Contact: Mara Engel
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.capitalspring.com
Other Information: CapitalSpring provides creative capital to
experienced restaurant management teams and operators to support growth, refinancing, development and other special situations.
CapitalSpring typically invests $5M to $50M in the form of mezzanine debt, passive equity and creative capital.
Citizens Restaurant Finance
One Park Plaza, Suite 600
Irvine, CA 92614
Phone: (949) 726-7307
Contact: Armando Pedroza, Senior Vice President
Email: [email protected]
25742 445th Ave.
Genoa, NE 68640
Phone: (402) 993-2569
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.capitalsource.com/rfm15
Website: www.citizensrestaurantfinance.com
Other Information: Citizens Restaurant Finance is a leading
national provider of restaurant financing and full-service banking,
offering customized solutions for successful restaurant operators
across the country. Our experienced team of restaurant lenders
works with multi-unit franchisees and restaurant chain owners,
focusing on developing relationships and helping our customers
grow their businesses.
Other Information: CapitalSource Small Business Lending (SBL)
delivers a one-stop financing solution for established and new franchisees who are looking to acquire, develop, or reimage existing
locations. CapitalSource SBL offers competitive rates on loans from
$500M up to $15MM. Get your business moving forward, contact
Michelle Ternus today.
64 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
CIT Retail
& Restaurant Finance
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Element Financial
655 Business Center Drive, Suite 250
Horsham, PA 19044
Phone: (267) 960-4016
Phone: (212) 461-5200
Contact: Bernie Lajeunesse
Toll Free: (855) 782-8242
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Burt Feinberg
Website: www.elementcorp.com
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: Element Financial is a partnership-driven
financial services company that services North America’s most prestigious equipment manufacturers and franchise organizations. Our
Franchise Finance Group designs and implements solution-based
financing programs for top franchisors, equipment manufacturers
and buying cooperatives. We are committed to our strategic partner
relationships, and our best-in-class programs that support multitiered distribution. With over $10.0 billion in assets behind us, we’re
ready to put our expertise to work for you.
Website: www.cit.com/restaurants
Other Information: CIT Retail & Restaurant Finance helps
companies grow. We provide innovative, customized restaurant
financing, and advisory services in all stages of the business cycle,
including acquisitions, debt refinancing, recapitalizations, and for
growth capital. CIT Retail & Restaurant Finance will act as sole
lender, a co-lender in club executions, and has the capital markets
capability to underwrite and arrange larger transactions.
Direct Capital
155 Commerce Way
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: (603) 433-9413
Contact: Douglas Solomon
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.directcapital.com/franchiseFinancing
Other Information: In the franchise business, it’s known that
the fewer barriers to accessing capital, the better. For franchisees,
any given year may include necessary upgrades like remodels, the
replacement of equipment or technology, or even construction of
new locations, refinancing, structures transactions or partner buys
outs. Direct Capital aims to make the process of funding these projects as smooth and expedient as possible.
www.franchisetimes.com Envoy Net Lease
Partners, LLC
1363 Shermer Road, Suite 320
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone: (847) 239-7250
Contact: Ralph N. Cram
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.envoynnn.com
Other Information: Envoy provides high leverage construction
and bridge loan financing to qualified restaurant chains, franchisees
and their developers for single-tenant restaurant properties nationwide. Envoy offers the following programs: Up to 100% real estate
financing for franchisee mergers and acquisitions. Up to 100% construction loan financing for single-tenant, restaurant properties. Up
to 90% bridge loan financing for sale/leaseback transactions. Up to
90% real estate acquisition and rebranding financing. Download
flyers on each financing program at www.envoynnn.com.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 6 5
finance & real estate
Faris Lee Investments
18301 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 800
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone: (949) 221-1800
Contact: Sarah Spataro
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.farislee.com
Other Information: Faris Lee Investments is a national leader in
retail investment advisory and brokerage services. We assist corporate owners and franchisees with the sale of performing, NNN
leased, vacant or excess real estate. Services include: portfolio or
individual store sale-leaseback, valuation, lease structuring, financing or presale of stores under construction.
First Franchise
Capital Corporation
One Maynard Drive, Suite 2104
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Phone: (201) 326-4021
Contact: Richard Riecker
Email: [email protected]
FGP Commercial Leasing
3625 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 228
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Phone: (800) 471-1682
Contact: Scott Simcik
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fgpcl.com
Other Information: We are the Franchise Industry’s New Best
Practices Real Estate Management firm, providing All-in-One Site
Selection, Lease Negotiation, and Legal Review services in all 50
• Site Selection – Customized and supervised to maximize the
revenue potential of each franchisee by controlling the intangibles of location visibility, access, traffic patterns, and tenant
• Lease Negotiation – Reducing start-up costs, protecting
working capital and profitability by maximizing landlord
concessions and tenant improvement allowance while negotiating the lowest monthly rental rates within the low and high
square-footage allowance.
• Legal Review – To strive for the highest degree of lease flexibility with a corporate signature, expiring personal guaranty, early
termination clause, subleasing, and refundable deposits.
One voice and one system to supervise all new franchise locations
will not only remove inconsistency, but control quality and standardize each of these three vital areas.
FGP Commercial Leasing’s real estate team offers you a strategic
partnership with talented, experienced, and passionate professionals
who have secured over 1,600 franchisee locations. If you would like
a 1-hour FREE demonstration of how FGP Commercial Leasing
could benefit your franchise system, email [email protected] or call at
Website: www.firstfranchisecapital.com
Other Information: First Franchise Capital Corporation is a
national lender with one of the most experienced teams in the franchised restaurant industry. We’ll work with you to secure exactly the
right financing, while we provide advice and support that puts your
franchise success first. Our loans range from $200,000 to in excess
of $20 million. We specialize in financing for remodels, new store
development, refinancing, acquisitions, recapitalization and development lines.
66 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
Franchise Capital Advisors
FocalPoint Partners LLC
9903 East Bell Road, Suite 130
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
11150 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 1550
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (480) 355-4399
Phone: (505) 828-4662
Contact: Rod Guinn
Contacts: Stephen Schwanz,
President & Managing Director
Ryan Kress, Managing Director
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: focalpointllc.com
Website: www.franchisecapitaladvisors.com
Other Information: FocalPoint Partners LLC is an independent
investment bank, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, capital raising (debt and equity), and financial restructurings. The firm
provides unbiased, innovative financial advice by truly understanding the needs of its clients and devising strategies that best fit those
objectives. We are seasoned veterans with backgrounds in law,
public accounting, lending, private equity and investment banking. Securities products and services are offered through FocalPoint
Partners’ sister firm, FocalPoint Securities LLC.
Other Information: Franchise Capital Advisors is a boutique investment bank and financial advisory firm concentrating on:
Toll Free: (888) 479-9111 x4450
• Mergers & acquisitions
• Monetization of real estate through sale-leasebacks
• Debt & equity placement
• Divestiture
• Recapitalization
• Debt & lease restructuring
FCA’s team has completed over $4.0 billion of transactions and has
40+ years combined experience.
Franchise Capital Advisors prides itself on dedicated focus on customer service and concentration on every client’s specific needs
FASTTrack Your Franchise
Business Loans $350,000 or Less Approved in HOURS,
Loans up to $5 Million Approved in Days!
Nationwide Preferred SBA Lender
Experienced, providing financing to 250+ different franchise systems
We get the job done!
Email: [email protected]
www.franchisetimes.com Member FDIC.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 6 7
finance & real estate
Funding Solutions, LLC
199 N. Main St., Suite B1
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: (734) 207-0800
Contact: Jerry Jones
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.funding-solutions.biz
Other Information: Funding Solutions has specialized in the
financing requirements of franchisees since 1999. The professional
staff possesses over 70 years of expertise in the finance industry. We
work closely with franchisors to gain an understanding of the concept and apply that knowledge to better assist franchisees with their
capital needs. We offer a complete line of financing products to
provide tailored solutions for start-ups, expansions, debt restructuring, remodels, re-sales, working capital, equipment, and real estate
purchases. Financing options include equipment financing, conventional/SBA loans, development lines of credit, and various working
capital lines. Project amounts of any size.
GRS Group
300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 145
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (630) 690-4335
Contact: Barry Bain
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.grs-gloabl.com
Other Information: As a global affiliation of independent commercial real estate services firms with over 600 professionals on 3
continents, GRS Group is able to provide expert advice wherever
our clients need us. GRS Group services include Financial Advisory,
Assessment, Title Insurance, and Energy Management. For over 20
years, our professionals have advised clients on thousands of properties worldwide. We provide a single point of contact capable of
assembling teams of GRS Group experts and delivering integrated
services to help clients achieve their investment goals. For more
information, visit http://grs-global.com or call (877) 477-2731.
HomeBanc N.A.
GE Capital, Franchise Finance
101 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 4100
Tampa, FL 33602
8377 E. Hartford Dr., Suite 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Phone: (813) 228-8300
Phone: (866) 438-4333
Contact: Stuart Forsyth
Toll Free: (800) 274-6908
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: HomeBanc N.A. has received a 5 Star
“Superior” rating from BauerFinancial, Inc.; was named a Best
Place to Work for Millennial Employees in America by the Center
for Generational Kinetics and Best Companies Group; ranked the
No. 1 bank on Florida Trend magazine’s Best Companies to Work
for in Florida list; the No. 1 bank in the small business category
of Tampa Bay Times “Top Workplaces” ranking; and the No. 1
Florida-based bank for 7(a) SBA Florida-based loan volume for the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2014, by the National Association
of Government Guaranteed Lenders. HomeBanc offers a variety
of retail deposit products, along with SBA, USDA and commercial
mortgage loan products.
Website: www.gefranchisefinance.com
Other Information: GE Capital Franchise Finance is a leading
lender for the U.S. franchise finance market via direct sales and
portfolio acquisitions. With more than 30 years of experience and
over $5 billion in served assets, we provide financing to more than
2,000 customers. We specialize in financing mid-market operators
with multiple stores in the restaurant and hospitality industries. Our
team of industry experts work with entrepreneurial customers to
help them develop individualized growth plans. Our customers also
receive access to its proprietary industry research and cutting-edge
digital tools. For more information, visit http://www.gefranchisefinance.com or follow company news via Twitter (https://twitter.com/
68 2016 finance and real estate Directory
Toll Free: (201) 326-4021
finance & real estate
M & T Bank
IOU Financial
Small Business Lending. Simplified.
600 Townpark Lane, Suite 100
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone: (844) 750-5468
Contact: Loan Consultants Available
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ioufinancial.com
Other Information: Small Business Loans Up To $150,000
3-Minute Application, Pre-Approved in Seconds!
IOU Financial’s fast, flexible small business loans are always there
when you need them. Banks take weeks to decide if you qualify
for financing. IOU Financial can deliver funds in as little as 24-48
25 S. Charles St, 18th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: (410) 244-4252
Contact: Karen Schonfeld
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mtb.com
Other Information: M & T Bank is one of the top 20 full-service
U.S.-based commercial banks, with 16,000 employees and a long
history of community banking. Founded in 1856, M & T provides
commercial, retail, business, investment, mortgage and professional banking services through more than 650 branches and 1,500
ATMs throughout New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland Delaware,
Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, DC. M & T’s subsidiary,
Wilmington Trust, offers customized private wealth and institutional services.
If you have been in business for more than 2 years, have average
business credit or better, we can help fuel the growth of your business! Call us today!
MarshallMorgan LLC
14800 Quorum Drive, Suite 470
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: (972) 387-3131
Contact: Larry Simmons
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.marshallmorgan.net
Other Information: MarshallMorgan is a leading franchise finance
firm with attorneys and MBA’s that specializes in acquisitions and
divestitures, business and real estate valuations, sourcing debt and/or
equity tailored to the needs of our clients, loan workouts, lease negotiations, sale-leasebacks and partnership buy-outs. The Company
has completed over $850MM of transactions in the franchise sector and has a pipeline of markets for sale across major brands. The
principals of MarshallMorgan used to be part of Yum Brands M&A
division where they divested over 2,100 restaurants to franchisees.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 6 9
finance & real estate
Matthews Retail Group, Inc.
841 Apollo St., Suite 150
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: (310) 919-5827
Contact: Gary Chou
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.matthewsretailgroup.com
Other Information: Matthews Retail Group Inc. offers advisory
and transactional services in the commercial real estate industry. It
specializes in structuring sale-leasebacks, managing portfolio dispositions and selling NNN leased, vacant or excess real estate. The
company has one of the largest market shares nationally in the QSR
sector and has a long list of clients, including some of the world’s
largest corporate restaurant companies, publicly traded REITS, private equity funds, and franchisee operators.
The McLean Group
2000 Powell Street, Suite 1250
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: (510) 419-2245
Contact: Burt Yarkin
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.mcleanllc.com
Other Information: The McLean Group’s Franchise Services
Division provides advisory services for sell side and buy side M&A
transactions, corporate financial restructuring, refinancing and capital formation. Led by seasoned bankers with extensive experience
as senior franchising industry executives, our team understands the
unique qualitative and quantitative value drivers impacting franchise companies in the marketplace. Our bankers are supported by a
research, analysis and valuation staff that has broad expertise with a
wide array of leading middle market franchise companies and stateof-the-art research databases.
The McLean Group has completed transactions with many of the
industry’s most prominent strategic buyers, private equity firms and
family offices. We maintain close working relationships with key
decision makers and strategic players found in all of the sector’s large
and mid-tier public and private firms and are well-positioned to help
you address your company’s financial requirements.
N3 Real Estate
620 E. Southlake Blvd
Southlake, TX 76092
Phone: (817) 552-6781
Contact: Brenna Wadleigh, CEO
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.n3realestate.com
Other Information: N3 is a national real estate firm that develops
and owns free-standing buildings and strip centers. We provide the
capital and the resources to find sites and build your new store on
a leaseback basis. N3 has developed over 200 sites for national and
regional retailers.
70 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
NewQuest Crosswell
8827 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N.,
Suite 200
Houston, TX 77040
Noble Properties
Phone: (281) 477-4322
4280 Professional Center Drive, Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Contacts: Allen Crosswell, Darryl T. Robinson, Brian Barrow
Phone: (561) 966-0070
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Contact: Neil Albritton
Website: www.newquestcrosswell.com
Website: www.nobleproperties.com
Other Information: NewQuest Crosswell takes pride in our process and strives to build long-term relationships with our clients to
continually service real estate development needs.
Other Information: Noble Properties is a privately owned real estate
investment and development company. We are long-term investors
who acquire, develop and finance single-tenant properties nationwide.
Operating as a private company, we pride ourselves in being the easiest
and most flexible net lease buyer to work with in the country. Noble
Properties works directly with operators nationwide on sale-leaseback
transactions which allow operators to generate cash through their real
estate assets and re-invest in their business. Noble can also fund the
development of an operator’s new location(s) through creative funding
agreements which are tailored to the individual needs of the operator.
Noble Properties provides full build-to-suit development services in
Florida. Please call us to discuss your opportunity.
• Site search and feasibility analysis to pinpoint the optimal location
• Capital resources to assume pre-development risks in acquiring
• Quick, on-the-ground response to fast-track permitting and
• Value-added building design and engineering to maximize
• Financial fortitude to deliver the most cost-competitive project
• Flexible leasing solutions to create the best scenario for each client
• In-Place procedures for a smooth, hassle-free move-in
Our ability to finance the project coupled with our expertise to
manage the development process allows clients to focus on what
they do best, operate their core business.
Email: [email protected]
Northern Bank
275 Mishawum Road
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: (781) 569-1525
Contact: Ray Clark
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.nbtc.com
Other Information: Northern Bank was formed in 1960 by a small
group of aspiring businessmen who decided to form a new local bank in
Woburn, MA. Today that same bank has grown to become a national
franchise lender; been named one of the top-performing banks by SNL
Financial for the last five years in a row; and was recognized by The
Warren Group as the top 2014 Commercial Lender. Northern Bank has
a unique entrepreneurial spirit which comes through in their ability to
respond quickly and always, always be thinking ahead.
www.franchisetimes.com Special Franchise Times Supplement 7 1
finance & real estate
NRC Realty
& Capital Advisors, LLC
Paragon Small Business
Capital Group
8601 N Scottsdale Road, Suite 310
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
2970 Clairmont Road NE, Suite 700
Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: Office: (480) 374-1421
Phone: (404) 419-1856
Cell: (480) 216-9900
Contact: Charles Yorke
Contact: Dennis Ruben
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.paragoncapitalsolutions.com
Website: www.nrc.com
Other Information: Paragon Small Business Capital Group is a
team of 16 experienced SBA professionals. Our team has over 150
years of combined experience to help you navigate the SBA lending world of 7(a), 504, USDA B&I, and Conventional loans for
small businesses. We specialize in franchise lending with loans to
63 unique franchises over the last decade. Contact us to learn how
Paragon Small Business Capital Group can provide growth for your
small business.
Other Information: NRC Realty & Capital Advisors LLC provides a full array of real estate and financial advisory services to
the franchise restaurant industry including: Portfolio Analysis and
Optimization; Refinancing, Recapitalization and Sale-Leaseback
Financing Options; Workouts and Restructures; Divestiture
Strategies; and Merger and Corporate Acquisition Opportunities
(sell side and buy side).
To learn more, visit us at www.nrc.com.
Pacific Premier
Franchise Capital
3154 18th Avenue, Suite 3
Columbus, NE 68601
Peak Franchise Capital
580 Decker Drive, Suite 123
Irving, TX 75062
Phone: (972) 719-5690
Contact: Michael Elliott
Phone: (402) 562-1801
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Sharon Soltero
Website: www.peakfranchisecapital.com
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: Peak Franchise Capital is a boutique financial advisory firm primarily focused on the restaurant industry.
Peak’s clients include franchisees, franchisors, independent restaurant owners, lenders and private equity firms. The professional team
at Peak utilizes its knowledge and experience in advising clients on
acquisitions, divestitures, debt and equity financing, restructuring,
valuations, development and strategic planning.
Website: www.ppbifranchise.com
Other Information: Pacific Premier Franchise Capital works with
multi-unit operators in the nation’s franchised restaurant brands.
The company provides equipment loans as well as real estate loans
from $250,000 to in excess of $20 million. For more information
as to what Pacific Premier Franchise Capital can do for you, call
Sharon Soltero today at 402-562-1801.
72 2016 finance and real estate Directory
finance & real estate
Regions Bank
Pinnacle Commercial Capital
101 West Ohio Street, Suite 2000
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 472-2828
Contact: Mylan Dawson
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pincomcap.com
Other Information: Pinnacle Commercial Capital is a specialty
finance company providing a full suite of financial loan products and advisory services to owners and operators of franchise and
branded retail businesses. Clients include franchisors and multi-unit
owner-operators of national and regional franchises, such as fastfood corporations, casual dining and family dining restaurants, auto
aftermarket and specific specialty retail franchises. With Pinnacle
it’s not just a loan, it’s a relationship.
1180 West Peachtree Street, Suite 1250
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: (404) 888-5108
Contact: Robert Daniel
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.regions.com/restaurants
Other Information: Regions Restaurant Banking has a nationwide focus on established franchisees, franchisors, and operating
companies of top brands providing capital for growth needs, including mergers and acquisitions, new-unit development, and remodel
financing with a full complement of treasury management services.
Our team includes dedicated industry specialists who average 15+
years of experience in the sector offering specific domain expertise and deep relationships with industry CEOs, CFOs, and Private
Equity Investors.
Ridgestone Bank
13925 W North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53005
Praetorian Group
Phone: (847) 805-9533
Contact: Carolyn Flanigan
15 Ansonia Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (201) 417-2067
Other Information: As one of the Top 10 SBA lenders in the country, Ridgestone Bank is an experienced franchise lender. Our “SBA
Preferred Lender” status allows a streamlined, efficient process to
accomplish a variety of financing needs for franchisees, such as:
Toll Free: 1-888-272-6333
Contact: Gene Cerrotti
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: Praetorian Group is an M & A firm focused in
the restaurant industry. We have sold over 3,600 units in the last 18
years including over 1,400 re-franchised units for numerous franchisors
We value, market, help secure financing and marshall the transaction through to closing.
www.franchisetimes.com Website: www.ridgestone.com
• Debt consolidation and refinance
• Acquisition financing
• Real estate and construction
• Expansion, remodel, equipment and inventory
• Working capital
Benefits of a Ridgestone Bank SBA loan include:
• Longer terms
• Greater cash flow
• Lower equity requirements
Special Franchise Times Supplement 7 3
finance & real estate
Siegel Financial Group
& its affiliate Franchise America Finance
101 E. 8th Ave, Suite 301
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Phone: (610) 668-9780
Contact: Nathan Greenberg
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.franchiseamericafinance.com
Other Information: Siegel Financial Group (SFG) and its affiliate
Franchise America Finance (FAF), have been serving the franchise
industry for more than 30 years as a financing resource concentrating in debt and equity placement, business valuation and business
brokerage. SFG and FAF forge collaborative relationships with franchisors to focus on the financial needs of its franchisees whether for
start-up, remodel, expansion, capital restructure or succession. SFG
and FAF are committed to being the best provider of financial solutions in the nation.
Spirit Realty Capital
16767 N. Perimeter Drive, Suite 210
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: (480) 315-6610
Contact: Gregg Seibert
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.spiritrealty.com
Other Information: Spirit Realty Capital Inc. (NYSE:SRC) is a
premier net lease real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests
in single-tenant operationally essential real estate, generally
free-standing, commercial real estate facilities where high-quality,
middle-market tenants conduct retail, service or distribution activities that are essential to their sales and profits. Our diverse asset
portfolio is comprised of 2,547 assets, leased to 474 tenants operating in 27 different industries that span across 49 states.
Contact [email protected]
74 2016 finance and real estate Directory
Stearns Bank N.A.
4191 2nd St South
St. Cloud, MN 56301
Phone: (320) 258-4805
Contact: Theresa Tschumperlin
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stearnsbank.com
Other Information: Stearns Bank specializes is FAST nationwide
franchise financing. Get on the FastTrack with loans $350,000 or less
approved in hours and loans up to $5 million approved in days!
• Experienced, providing financing for 250+ different franchise
• Low-doc closing with a strong sense of urgency
• Flexible, no defined “credit box” or unnecessary limitations
• Work with a top nationwide Preferred SBA Lender - $1.9 billion
in assets
• Call 1-888-320-2899, we get the job done!
1 Montgomery Street, 37th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 364-2528
Contact: Murray Huneke
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.Stifel.com
Other Information: Stifel is a leading middle-market, full-service
investment banking and wealth management firm with over 350 investment banking professionals and 2,800 financial advisors nationwide,
$200+ billion in client assets, and more than 1,700 companies under
equity research coverage. Stifel’s Restaurant Investment Banking team
manages public and private offerings of equity and debt securities;
initiates, structures, and negotiates mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures; and advises companies on financial restructurings. Recently, the
team has successfully executed over $3.5 billion in transactions for clients such as Tender Greens, Shake Shack, Dave & Buster’s, The Habit,
PDQ, El Pollo Loco, Zoës Kitchen, Einstein Noah and others.
finance & real estate
STNL Advisors
18 Elm Street, 2nd Floor
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone: (866) 576-3325
Toll Free: (866) 322-6450
Contact: Glen Kunofsky
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stnladvisors.com
Other Information: Single Tenant Net Lease (STNL) Advisors
provides consulting services to franchisors, franchisees, and private equity firms by developing comprehensive real estate solutions
for assets in existing portfolios and acquisition pipelines. STNL
maximizes asset value by monetizing owned real estate through
sale-leaseback programs and provides restructuring and repositioning strategies related to leasehold properties. By dedicating our focus
and resources to net-leased investments and sale-leaseback transactions, our group has developed unparalleled expertise in property
valuation and positioning and has access to more investors than any
other source, creating the broadest buyer interest and maximizing
value for our clients. STNL Advisors has restructured and closed
over $5.5 billion in net-leased leasehold properties and sale-leaseback
STORE Capital
8501 E. Princess Drive, Suite 190
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Commercial Finance
2 Country View Road, Suite 300
Malvern, PA 19355
Phone: (443) 966-1792
Toll Free: (877) 262-1333
Contact: Brian Colburn
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.susquehanna.net
Other Information: Susquehanna Commercial Finance Inc. (SCF) is
a wholly owned subsidiary of Susquehanna Bank (NASDAQ: SUSQ)
with $18B in assets and is a direct lender providing competitive
financing for franchise development, acquisitions, equipment, remodels, partner buyout, debt refinancing and banking services. $25,000 to
$5M, terms to 10 years, no commitment fees, experienced franchise
lender who understands your brand and financing needs.
TCF Franchise Finance
11100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 801
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: (855) 617-9511
Phone: (480) 256-1100
Contact: Cindy Edwards
Contact: Mary Fedewa,
Executive Vice President, Acquisitions
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: As a direct lender, TCF Franchise Finance (a
division of TCF Equipment Finance Inc.) is a provider of seniordebt solutions to Wendy’s franchisees as well as other national QSR,
family and fast-casual franchise restaurant concepts nationwide.
TCF Franchise Finance is a cash-flow lender offering both business
value loans and commercial real estate financing from $100,000 to
$10,000,000 for acquisitions, capital loans, equipment upgrades,
new builds, partnership buyouts, refinancing and remodels.
Website: www.storecapital.com
Other Information: STORE Capital is the Leader in middle-market net-lease solutions. STORE’s mission is to address the long-term
capital needs of real estate intensive operating businesses throughout
the United States. Through tailored real estate lease and mortgage
financing solutions, STORE’s aim is to create wealth for its customers by improving the capital efficiency of their businesses.
www.franchisetimes.com Website: www.tcfef.com/franchise
Special Franchise Times Supplement 7 5
finance & real estate
TD Bank
United Capital Business Lending Inc.
40 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 06897
215 Schilling Circle, Suite 100
Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1102
Phone: (203) 246-8035
Phone: (317) 514-6906
Contact: Brian Frank
Contact: William Wildman
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.tdbank.com
Website: unitedcapitalbusinesslending.com/franchise-financing.
Other Information: TD Bank is a full service institution dedicated
to serving the Restaurant and Franchise Operator. Our lending
capabilities include supporting operators in refinancing, acquisitions, new development, and remodeling.
Other Information: United Capital Business Lending (UCBL)
provides a full suite of financial products and services to owners of
franchise and branded retail businesses. UCBL specializes in franchised restaurant financing and also provides equipment and fixed
asset financing for non-franchised general commercial businesses.
UCBL is a subsidiary of BankUnited, N.A., ranked 3rd on Forbes
list of “Best Banks in America 2015.”
Trinity Capital LLC
11755 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 2450
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 268-8330
Contact: Kevin Burke
United Community Bank
Email: [email protected]
550 South Main Street, Suite 550
Website: www.tcib.com
Greenville, SC 29601
Other Information: Trinity Capital is a boutique investment banking firm creating wealth and value by providing strategic financial
advice and world-class service to restaurant owners, franchisees and
franchisors. Trinity Capital is expert on issues involving changes of
corporate ownership, capital raising, valuations and debt restructuring. Our professionals have advised on strategic transactions
totaling over $60 billion in value and have witnessed almost every
conceivable transaction structure, deal term and document provision. We have a proven track record of successful outcomes and all
aspects of our transactions are managed with senior level attention.
Whatever your investment banking needs, expect exceptional results
from Trinity Capital.
Phone: (215) 622-6763
76 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
Contact: Frank Gallagher
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.UCBI.COM
Other Information: United Community Bank is an SBA Preferred
Lender offering SBA 7(a), SBA 504, and USDA B&I loans nationally to the Franchise community. Whether you are a first-time
operator or a seasoned franchise professional, our dedicated team of
experienced franchise lending professionals will work with you to
prove we are The Bank That SERVICE Built.
finance & real estate
Webster Bank, N.A.
Verdad Capital
1211 South White Chapel
Southlake, TX 76092
Phone: (817) 912-0222
Contact: Jason Keen
Two Stamford Plaza,
281 Tresser Blvd., 4th Floor
Stamford, CT 06901
Phone: (203) 328-8131
Toll Free: (877) 743-4358
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ab Igram, Senior Vice President, Sponsor and Specialty
Website: www.verdadrealestate.com
Email: [email protected]
Other Information:
Other Information: Webster Bank, N.A. is one of the largest independent banks headquartered in New England. With $22 billion
in assets, we have the financial strength you can depend on and the
willingness to lend. Webster’s Sponsor & Specialty Finance Group
focuses on providing cash-flow based, senior-secured debt solutions
to middle-market companies, including multi-unit restaurant franchisees and regional and national brands including those backed by
private equity capital.
• 100% financing provided for single tenant build-to-suits
• 100% financing provided for sale-leasebacks
• 100% financing provided for portfolio acquisitions
• Immediate capital availability
• 100% open book program
• Quick underwriting, no red tape
• Full-service development solution
2325 East Camelback Road, Suite 1100
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 778-6000
Contact: Glenn Kindred
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.VEREIT.com
Other Information: VEREIT is a leading, full-service real estate
operating company with investment management capability.
VEREIT owns and actively manages a diversified portfolio of retail,
restaurant, office and industrial real estate assets and manages real
estate investments on behalf of the Cole Capital non-traded REITs.
www.franchisetimes.com Weichmann & Associates,
LLC/Meyer Metz Capital Partners LLC
6937 Spring Valley Way, Suite 200
Ft. Worth, TX 76132
Phone: (214) 284-4951
Contact: Craig Weichmann
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.weichmannandassociates.com
Other Information: W&A is a boutique Investment Banking firm
specializing in the unique needs of both emerging brands and turnaround situations. Yes, W&A can handle all traditional Investment
Banking functions like buying or selling, but W&A is best known
for dealing with special situations that arise. Our Advisory Services
and Strategic insights keeps developing brands on track and helps
CEOs find positive solutions when companies face major challenges.
Serving as Managing Partner of Meyer, Metz Capital Partners
broadens our ability to handle bankruptcies, provide management
services and/or become a buyer where necessary.
Special Franchise Times Supplement 7 7
finance & real estate
Wells Fargo SBA Lending
Wells Fargo Restaurant Finance
625 Marquette Avenue South,
13th Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55402
1808 Aston Ave, Suite 250
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (877) 650-4849
Contact: Wells Fargo Restaurant Finance
Toll Free: (866) 557-7474
Contact: Tammy Hambrook
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wellsfargo.com/sba
Other Information: Wells Fargo is America’s number one SBA
lender in dollar volume for six years in a row, approving a record
$1.6 billion in SBA 7(a) loans for small businesses in federal fiscal
year 2014 (Oct. 1, 2013 - Sept. 30, 2014).
Phone: (888) 272-6333
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.wellsfargo.com/restaurants
Other Information: Wells Fargo Restaurant Finance provides
financing to corporate restaurant brands, restaurant franchisees,
experienced commercial real estate investors who own restaurant
properties, private equity firms, and other investors in restaurant
Our SBA loan products cover a variety of projects and objectives:
• Leasehold improvements, remodeling
• Start-ups
• Real estate purchase (owner occupied)
• Construction (ground up and expansion)
• Business acquisitions, including manager and partner buyouts
• Debt refinance
• Equipment and inventory
• Working capital
Loan amounts up to $5,000,000
Wintrust Franchise Services
1949 St. Johns Avenue
Highland Park, IL 60035
Phone: 847-432-2488
Contact: Sandra McCaren
Email: [email protected]
Other Information: With over 50 years of franchise lending experience, Wintrust Franchise Services can help you get to the next
milestone in your business. Our franchise lending experts will create a strategy with you tailored for your financial needs including
financing for acquisitions, development and remodeling. Wintrust is
a full- service banking organization providing Wealth Management,
Small Business Administration Lending, Mortgage, Treasury
Managment and Leasing.
78 2016 franchise times Vendor Directory
N o v e m b e r 9 - 11, 2015 • w y N N H o t e l • l a s v e g a s
beck weathers
Inspirational survivor of a Mount
Everest climbing tragedy and author
of Left for Dead: My Journey Home
from Everest.
arthur laffer
Famous for the Laffer Curve and
known as the “Father of Supply-Side
Economics,” Dr. Laffer is an economist
and former member of Ronald Reagan’s
Economic Policy Advisory Board.
L a f f e r v s r e i c h D e b at e
robert reich
One of the world’s leading thinkers
about work and the economy, Reich is a
public policy professor at the University
of California and was Secretary of Labor
in the Bill Clinton administration.
Let’s make a DeaL!
atteND the restauraNt
DeaLmakiNg eveNt of the Year!
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in the restaurant business
• Buy and sell restaurant businesses
and real estate
• Find new expansion opportunities
• Attend expert financial workshops
• Receive continuing education credits
• Make valuable contacts and more
Capital For growth!
If you are serious about growing
your business, the restaurant
industry’s dealmaking event can’t
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wynn Hotel las vegas
AAA Five Diamond Award-Winning
Las Vegas hotel is an excellent venue
for networking and education.
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