May 2 - the Island Clippings!
May 2 - the Island Clippings!
May 2, 2013 • Issue 893 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 “Your Island Newspaper” Visit us online at email: [email protected] Tel: 705 246-1635 Fax: 705 246-7060 Thieves Hit St. Joe Work Site Do you recognize these people? If so, you can help Crime Stoppers and the Ontario Provincial Police in solving a Break and Enter crime that occurred last week, right here on the Island. Sometime during the night of Monday, April 22nd thieves broke into an enclosed work trailer at a logging site on a property located in the 5000 block of the 5th Side Road in Jocelyn Township. The owner had left the trailer late Sunday afternoon and returned early Tuesday morning to find that the lock had been pried off, the trailer entered and approximately four thousand dollars worth of work tools stolen including: 2 Husquavarna 562 chainsaws, a craftsman ¾ inch drive socket set, a Mastercraft impact wrench, and several more tools. Surveillance cameras on the property captured the suspects on video. There appeared to be 2 males and one female who initially entered the trailer and left with the two chainsaws and a can of gas. They returned to the trailer three hours later and stole more items. Do you have any information about this crime? Can you help identify these suspects? Crime Stoppers will pay double rewards for any break and enter solved before May 31st, 2013. Call Crime Stoppers at 705-942-7867 or 1-800-222-8477 OR you can visit their website at or text the keyword SSM along with your tip to 274637. The Real Estate Stop Reproduced from surveillance camera video David Nelson Sales Representative “Your Island Realtor” 949-7867 • 246-2757 A Great ‘House Concert’ at the Old Town Hall WEDNESDAY NIGHT’S ‘The Mountains and the Trees’ concert looks to be the start of something truly wonderful. As reported in our April 11th issue (# 890) Wednesday’s concert is the first of what will hopefully become a series of ‘House Concerts’ by talented musical acts who are ‘Just Passing Through.’ every note that his mellow guitar and ukulele stylings evoked, along with his harmonica self-accompaniment, not to mention his “horn section”, which consisted of his own voice. We think that the Events Committee is definitely on to a good idea! As the 7:30 pm start time for the concert drew near, the organizers had set out four rows of seats, hoping that there would be enough of a turnout to make the concert worth everyone’s trouble – including the featured performer Jon Janes (aka The Mountains and The Trees). They needn’t have worried. By 7:30, several more rows were needed, then even more rows, with people still arriving after 8 pm. All in all, over 50 people turned up, and nobody was disappointed. Jon treated us to a wonderful sampling of his superbly poignant and poetic music, all delivered in a soft, almost-hypnotic voice that kept everyone tuned in to every turn of phrase and Zachary Schryer-Lefebvre & Jon Janes GEE’S TREE REMOVAL SERVICE We will not be undercut Over 15 years’ experience Call for a free, no obligation estimate. FULLY INSURED 50% OFF FOR THE MONTH OF MAY We specialize in tree/limb removal a casual dining experience 705 255-7047 • [email protected] OPENING this Thursday! “No Job Too Small” May Hours: Thursday through Sunday 11:30 am to 8 pm NJ TS Contracting 946-8966 • decks • roofing • siding • repairs • cottage maintenance • fully insured VISA/MASTERCARD ACC EPTED 246-2501 Located at the Marina, Richards Landing Page 2 For those who came to hear him, the night delivered a wonderful musical experience in a small, cozy and personal setting, at a very affordable price. And hopefully for Jon, he had a chance to make some new friends and fans of his music, before moving on to his next performance the following evening in Thunder Bay. And a few of us who hadn’t yet left got to witness the coming together of two Island Clippings cover stories! Following the concert, Jon stayed to mingle and chat with his audience, one of whom was guitar maker Zachary Schryer-Lefebvre, who we featured in the following week’s issue (# 891, April 18th). Soon, Jon was trying out Zach’s ‘Song Sparrow’ guitar (which he approvingly gave very high marks), which led to the two musicians playing together, sitting on the edge of the stage, yet off in a world all their own. We’re looking forward to the next ‘House Concert’ … although Jon “The Mountains and the Trees” Janes will be a hard act to follow! Rod Wessell and Son • Septics • Road Building • Lot Clearing Open Storage Available Call 246-2811 Days or evenings and weekends Pure Concrete Designs Formed It. Poured It. STAMPED IT. • fire pits & patios • sidewalks & steps • driveways • garages FREE ESTIMATES • stamp concrete • exposed agg. • broom finish • concrete sealing (705) 943-0893 HAZARD TREE REMOVAL • Professional • Certified • Trained • Experienced • Local Call Matt at (705) 542-9951 1611 P Line, St. Joe Island (at 10th) Covering all your glass and renovation requirements ... • Residential • Commercial • Automotive New Windows, Doors & Siding, Glass Repairs Thermal Units, Mirrors etc. 246-1999 Cell: 945-1999 DON’S GARAGE Remodeling•Renovation•Maintenance HOME ,IMPROVEMENT ,ISLAND 6/$1'+20( 03529(0(17 Tel: 705 246-2545 GENERAL HANDYMAN SERVICES Fax: 705 246-1289 RR#1 RICHARDS LANDING ON Call GREG 989•7794 [email protected] KENTVALE Published weekly by Heather & Brian Fox HOW TO REACH US: By email: [email protected] By phone: 246-1635 • By fax: 246-7060 By mail: The Island Clippings, 5285 5th Side Road, R. R. 1, Hilton Beach, Ontario P0R 1G0. Or simply use one of the Island Clippings boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners or the Hilton Beach Post Office. Off-Island Subscription Rates: $65. per year plus tax. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damage arising from errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the ad in which the error occured. There shall be no liability for non-insertion of any ad. Cost for ads may be adjusted from time to time due to price increases of postage, paper and ink. Ads cannot be copied. The editor reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject an ad. Articles submitted do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor. Sales & Service 712 K Line Road You must see this 125 year old General Store 246-2002 PHYSIO AND FITNESS take control of your health No Referral Required 971-4620 Linda Hyndman, Registered Physiotherapist BridgeLink Medical Centre [email protected] For all your Real Estate Needs! Visit us online and read the Clippings in colour! EXIT REALTY LAKE SUPERIOR • Brokerage, Independently Owned and Operated • Sales Representative Murray Pritchard - Call 705-849-0976 Email - [email protected] Wessell Firewood Processed Hardwood Firewood 705 246-0334 Delivery Available Any questions regarding services please call Kevin or Katie Page 3 369 Queen Street East, Suite 100 Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 1Z4 Ph: 705-941-2900 Fax: 705-941-2903 Island Insight Letters to the Editor printed in the Island Insight Column reflect the views of the writer and not necessarily those of the Island Clippings. Praise for Outstanding Students CDL MICHIGAN R.M.G. Maple Products, Inc. CDL Corporate Store, Serving Northwestern Ontario, Michigan and Indiana We have the supplies you need in stock. Save the Date: May 4th 2013 Come hear Steve Childs talk about Confections, t Larges Maple nt e Equipmer in li p p u s the st! Midwe and Tubing & Vacuum Everyone is welcome for seminars, equipment demos, cash & carry specials, expert advice, and FREE LUNCH! Early Order Special: Save 5% on R.O.’s, Evaporators, and Manufactured Stainless Steel Equipment April 1 – May 31, 2013 We Buy and Sell Bulk Syrup! Call for pricing and information. Check out for our events calendar. Store Hours: 8-4:30 Mon –Sat, • Or if we are boiling we’re open! RMG Maple Products, Inc. 11866 W. Thompson Rd. • Rudyard, MI 49780 906-478-3038 • [email protected] 8709 Hwy 17 E. Bruce Mines, ON 705 785-3739 I received a call from the principal of our Public School. He said he thought it would benefit students to begin volunteering as early as grades 7 & 8. He asked if I would be interested in having his students provide volunteer help at our upcoming Maple Syrup Festival. Of course I said that would be wonderful and he proceeded to send notification home to parents to see if they would be interested in letting their children volunteer. Your One Stop Shop for Everything Maple DOGS O NLY G ROOMING BY S HELENA Truly personal attention... Grooming one dog at a time - yours! On Friday, he called me to advise that he had a list of students interested in volunteering. Now remember, they are too young to be working on their required volunteer hours. On Saturday, April 13th, 5 students arrived at the Legion and were willing to do whatever was asked of them. They collectively put in 30 hours of volunteering. At the end of the day, 3 of them approached me and asked if they could come back tomorrow. On Sunday, April 14th, we had 10 students and 1 parent come out to help us. They collectively put in 62 hours of volunteering. I have nothing but praise for these outstanding students! They were hard working and tackled any job required. The girls in the kitchen even stayed to help with cleanup! All of them said they would be willing to come and help out at other functions if required. Their parents can be very proud of their children. I say put your hands together for a job well done! I would like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to: Lydia Smith, Gavin Veenstra, Riley Glover, Emma Junor, Carolyn Devon, Kyle Gauthier, Hailey Seyska, Mackenzie Hulme, Kayla Bishop and Nolan Ford (Grade 8’s) and to Max Fairservice and Tanya Baker (Grade 7’s). Thank you also to the volunteering parent and to Mr. Ingram for initiating this project. Gloria Riddell Trail Permits It is a very costly venture to maintain the trails for snowmachines. Chainsaws, brushing equipment, lumber for bridges, culverts to drain wet spots, repairs to the groomer and fuel to run the equipment requires cash. Where does the cash come from? The sale of Trail Permits! On many occasions this past winter, I have seen perhaps 2 permits on 10 machines. Due to a lack of funding, the Professional dog grooming services for all breeds Continued on page 5 Page 4 Sudoku ISLAND INSIGHT...continued from page 4 Answer on page 10 Voyageurs Snowmobile Club will, in all probability, have to close next season. To all you sledders who happily ‘beat the system’, you have no reason to complain next winter about the lack of trails. Another issue is the ATV riders. It is indeed fun to ride the trails in summer, especially when no permits are required. A major problem is that you continue to ride through spring fed mud holes and these holes get bigger and deeper to such a point that the groomer cannot get through. The holes must be bypassed, which sometimes requires the construction of a new trail, which is costly. If there are no groomed trails next winter and trees, etc. have fallen across the trail in summer, just ask yourselves what happened. One last thing to ponder: if the trails are closed permanently, all signs, bridges. culverts, etc. have to be removed. D.B. Smail Three men walked in to a bar. You would think one of them would have seen it! Husqvarna lawn and garden tractors. Enjoy the ride. Professionals want results and that’s what steers them to Husqvarna products. It’s the reason you should drive one of our lawn and garden tractors for yourself. With heavy-duty chassis, fabricated decks, hydrostatic transmissions and ergonomic design, these precision cutting machines will help you perform like a pro.To find out more about our tractors and find a dealer near you, visit © 2013 Husqvarna AB.All rights reserved. KENTVALE StepThrough Design Sales & Service 705 246-2002 712 K Line Road Richards Landing Starting at Page 5 $ 1,69999 MSRP Carl Thomas Broker of Record 705-246-8585 [email protected] Ken White has taken a “leave of absence” from real estate to be with his wife in Toronto while she has treatments there. Carl and Terry will be looking after his business and encourage all Ken’s clients to contact them for any real estate related matters. We hope all goes well and Ken will be back soon. View More Pictures on line at HAWKS SOAR HIGH... over this 86 Acre parcel with two road frontages on D Line and Tenth near Richards Landing. Beautiful rolling acreage with open meadows, mature bush and stream. Lots of great locations for building a new home. $99,000 ST. JOSEPH ISLAND HUNTING ACERAGES 260 Acres near Fort St. Joseph fronting on A Line. Hydro and telephone at the road. $150,000. 100 Acres with easy access to the bridge on the I Line. Lots of mature maples. $139,000. 51 Acres near Stribling point with one acre of waterfront and the balance across the road. $139,000. 50 Acres Mature bush off the A line, hard to access but lots of deer. $40,000. sold SHIPPING CHANNEL AT YOUR FRONT DOOR A nicely updated three bedroom home on St. Joseph Island with spectacular views of the shipping channel at Sailors Encampment. Large kitchen/dining/living room area that is surrounded by windows overlooking the waterfront. Many recent updates including shingles, flooring, painting, HWT tank, water pump and pressure tank. Heated with wood furnace and electric baseboard backup. $219,900. n ew l i st i n g LOONS SWIM BY This well kept 2 bedroom bungalow on a quiet inland lake. 2 car garage, bunkie, and sheds with power to all of them. Only 10 minutes off the Highway with mail delivery and garbage pick-up. Docking your boat is not a problem here. $175,000 STERLING BAY GEM 4.5 Acres of mature maples at Kent’s Corners, driveway and building apron already in. $34,900. 100 Acre bush lot. Great for hunting, maple syrup, some lumber value. Excellent spot for home site with easy access to bridge and Hwy 17. $139,000. PANORAMIC WATER VIEWS! Great sunsets and views over the shipping channel this nearly new home is an island gem. 2 bath open concept with main floor master, open staircase to two more BR's and bath. Large great room with vaulted ceilings and stone fireplace, large kitchen and dining area. Full basement and large rear deck for viewing all the water activities. $285,000. GREAT VIEWS OF LAKE HURON Beautiful waterfront lot on Lighthouse Point Drive in Thessalon with 200 feet of frontage on Lake Huron. Lot is serviced with natural gas, water, sewer, electricity and is only minutes away from Thessalon and all the amenities it has to offer. Spectacular views make this the perfect spot to build the house of your dreams. $129,900. BESIDE THE LAKE! This 2 bedroom bungalow has a great view overlooking Gawas Bay. All newer windows in the main part and laminate flooring thruout. Oversized 2 car garage and your own private dock and beach for fishing and swimming. 5 minutes to the bridge. Great summer retreat at $175,000 Call Terry Great waterfront home on scenic Sterling Bay, St. Joseph Island. Large open concept living, dining, kitchen area and master bedroom on second level. First level has a large family room, guest bedroom and sauna. New flooring throughout. Two car garage with loft plus a large workshop with 220 wiring. Maintenance free exterior with vinyl siding and metal roof. Beautiful yard and good useable waterfront with great boating, fishing and swimming. $239,900. More pictures at WORLD-CLASS RESIDENCE! Once in a rare while will a truly magnificent home such as this be available. Built without compromise the home reflects on the best. Designer kitchen for people who like to cook and entertain at the same time. The library overlooks the fabulous two storey grand room with fireplace and views of the lake and glorious sunsets. Bonus family room, spacious bedrooms with ensuites and separate guest suite from walk out lower level. Beautiful views from the 14 x 30 cedar deck overlooking the shipping channel. All the extra features need a tour to appreciate. $549,000 PURE COUNTRY Beautiful 7 Acre property just east of Thessalon. 2.5 baths, 3+1 BR, family sized kitchen, huge family room and hardwood flooring. Large front porch, two tier side deck leading to fully screened gazebo. 3 car garage for cars and outdoor toys. Wood/oil combo furnace and on town water. This home is in excellent condition and can handle the biggest of families. $239,900. Northern Advantage BUILDING LOT WITH GREAT LOCATION Office: 705-942-6000 Well treed 3 acre lot on Canoe Pt. Road. Paved road, hydro available, and only minutes from Hilton Beach, Kents Corner and the Bridge. Not on the water but priced accordingly. Great spot for a retirement home. $24,900. ALGOMA’S LARGEST REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE Page 6 Terry Uusitalo Sales Representative 705-942-6000 Cell 705 257-9602 [email protected] WATERFRONT WITH CHARM & PRIVACY OVERLOOKING GAWAS BAY! Charming 3BR chalet overlooking the water. Totally renovated in 2005 with newer kitchen, gas fireplace, woodstove, quality flooring and windows. Large garage with workshop and 2nd floor bunkie for visiting family and friends. Sandy beach and dock for swimming and fishing. Quick and easy access to Hwy 17. $279,000. ATTENTION DEER! I know you like this 50 Acre parcel of mature bush with streams running across and open meadows for grazing, but I’d clear out before November because hunters too will love the cedar cabin that sleeps 6, has propane lights, fridge and stove plus generator. It has easy access off the U line and affordably priced for a hunt group at $79,900. Beautiful 3 bedroom waterfront home on Copper Bay Rd., only minutes from Bruce Mines. Built on a very private 2 acre lot with great views of the North Channel. Has had many updates including both bathrooms, kitchen, flooring and a 4 zone radiant heating system. There are vaulted ceilings, lots of windows, a large wrap around deck, HWD flooring throughout and the "almost new" appliances are included. Available for immediate possession. Offered at $284,900. WOODS AND WATER! Take morning walks with the dog and enjoy the sights and sounds of the lake at this idyllic cottage tucked in the trees along the X Line on St. Joseph Island. Modern kitchen and bath, large dining room, family room, wrap around porch and large heated double garage will bring happiness to the lucky buyer at $138,900. NORTH CHANNEL BEAUTY NESTLED IN THE PINES! Well built 3 bedroom log cabin with many updates on a 28 acre wooded lot. 2 garages, one with oversized walls and door with plenty of room to store the equipment and toys. Whether as a family retreat, seasonal or year round home or hunting getaway, this one deserves a look. $209,000. This St. Joseph Island waterfront home has 3 bedrooms and a beautifully treed lot with deep water. There is a large kitchen with maple cupboards, cathedral ceilings, oil forced air furnace, gas fireplace, central air, new shingles and a double car garage. The waterfront has large shale rock and has great views of Hamilton Bay. The lot beside is also available for sale. Owner motivated. Visit Ken’s website at [email protected] for more pictures. Offered at $258,000. commercial GAS, GIFTS AND VARIETY! Long established family business with separate 40 x 60 steel building with reinforced concrete floor for additional business opportunities. Double lot allows expansion. Good return for a person who wants to be their own boss. Call Carl for details. PERFECT STARTER! Cute 3BR bungalow with single garage town services and large rear yard backing onto school yard. Reno's include shingles, kitchen, siding, fascia and main floor laundry room. Ceramic and laminate flooring and wood stove for supplementary heat. Just move in and enjoy at the reasonable price of $99,900. FOR BUSINESS OR YOUR PLEASURE! PERFECT HOUSE - PERFECT WATERFRONT A beautiful waterfront home on Canoe Pt. Road with 150’ of frontage on the North Channel. This home has 3 bedrooms, large open concept living room/dining area with cathedral ceilings, hot tub/sauna room, large den/sunroom and a large country kitchen. Other features include a single attached garage, lots of hardwood flooring, a large deck overlooking the water. This home has a very private setting with good usable waterfront. $389,900. Continue with the long established car and truck repair business with repeat clientele and licenced technicians or use the large steel sided shop with new steel roof, fully equipped with 3 hoists, 3 roll up doors, office and parts storage for you own business or personal use. All located on 5A lot with 3BR house, double garage and walking distance to the lake. Call Carl for details. GAS STATION AND REPAIR GARAGE Long established turn key operation with all equipment included. Great location on Trans Canada Hwy with over 930 feet of frontage. Lots of possibilities and a chance to be your own boss. Call Carl for details. ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE the perfect year round waterfront residence comes available at the north end of the island near Stribling Point. Beautifully maintained 3 bedroom home with open concept living area with a large expanse of windows overlooks the shipping channel. Extra features include an insulated and wired bunkie for extra family and friends, a wood deck for summer and gorgeous water views, 20 x 24 garage/workshop. This house is in mint condition and is perfect for summer or year round living on the island. $249,000. ISLAND COMMERCIAL BUILDING! Located on main corner entering the island at Kent's Corners. High visibility with lots of parking this modern commercial building has bakery and restaurant equipment aleady installed for the continued present use or can easily be converted to a new business endevour. Just reduced in price to $199,000. Page 7 A Trip Down Memory Lane March 28, 2013 • Issue 888 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 FOR MORE THAN 35 YEARS, TD Canadian Children’s Book Week has introduced thousands of children to their favourite authors, storytellers and illustrators across Canada and encouraged them to explore the many benefits of getting lost in the pages of a book. “Your Island Newspaper” Visit us online at email: [email protected] Tel: 705 246-1635 Fax: 705 246-7060 Yes, there IS a Doctor in the House again! OUR LOCAL HEALTH CARE got a welcome shot in the arm last month, with the arrival of Dr. Guy Lupien as the first of two new physicians coming to join our community. He replaces Dr. Ian MacKay, who chose to return to Nova Scotia in January. December 20, 2012 • Issue 879 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 “Your Island Newspaper” Visit us online at email: [email protected] Tel: 705 246-1635 Fax: 705 246-7060 An Un-Merry Christmas By Jerry Voll WE HAD NEVER EXPERIENCED anyone taking offence at the singing of Christmas carols. Indifference occasionally, mocking once or twice, but not offense. My wife and I looked forward each year to joining a group of friends for a night of door-to-door caroling. Imagine our shock, then, on receiving a letter from a neighbour riled that we had come uninvited to her doorstep and sung several carols. We had meant no harm. Our only intent had been to spread a little Christmas goodwill around the neighbourhood. But for this neighbour it brought no cheer at all. Judging by her note, we had pretty much spoiled things for her. Screwing up our courage, my wife and I phoned her and asked if we could pay her a visit. We mentioned her note to us and told her we were eager to make amends. She listened, then gave us her address and invited us for a cup of tea. “We would appreciate that. We certainly didn’t mean to offend you.” “No, I’m sure you didn’t. And that’s one of the reasons I didn’t go to the door while you were singing and ask you to leave. “It was on a Christmas Eve when a drunk drove his car into my mother and two of my daughters as they walked along the hedgerow at the side of our road.” Dr. Lupien is no stranger to the pressures of Emergency medicine. Although he has practiced family medicine for over 30 years, he has specialized in Emergency medicine for most of his career. Originally from Montreal, he served for the past 8 years as a community physician in the Northern Ontario town of Iroquois Falls on the Abitibi River, north of Timmins. His extremely large and demanding practice included family medicine, hospital emergency and inDr. Guy Lupien in his office with a portrait of his family patient care, as well as caring for the area’s nursing home residents. And now, believes that the key to one’s overall happiness lies in having a he has chosen St. Joseph Island as the place to call home. purpose in life and giving of themselves to other people and He first visited the island, along with the Thessalon area, in their community. “I’ve had enough of living in a city!” he December. “My first impression was very good – of the declared. “For me, the rural life is the only way to live, but community, the hospital [MMH], the clinic [Bridgelink] and even the best of nature and the most beautiful surroundings the team that’s in place.” A lover of nature and outdoor activ- mean nothing if the people are not kind and caring themities such as boating and snowmobiling, Dr. Lupien quickly selves.” felt a strong attraction to the beauty of the island that was to Perhaps surprisingly, he comes to our community quite become his new home. undaunted by the demanding schedule of being ‘on call’ The biggest ingredient in his decision to move here though, every second day. In fact, being an acute care specialist, he was the “people” side of our community. He passionately thrives on the challenges. “The Emergency Room is where The Real Estate Stop Book Week is the largest celebration of Canadian books for young people in Canada with over 25,000 children and teens expected to take part. Continued on next page David Nelson Sales Representative “Your Island Realtor” 949-7867 • 246-2757 “My mother saw the car coming and tried to shove the girls into the bushes, but it did no good. The driver never stopped and was never discovered. But my mother and my two little girls’ lives were stopped forever. They never recovered.” Did you know that every issue we’ve published is archived in full colour on our website? You can revisit every issue by visiting our website, and clicking on the ‘Archives’ button. “That night drained away all my joy in Christmas, for good. Now each Christmas, when everyone else is partying and carrying on, I have that black night to look back on.” The following afternoon, the three of us were sitting at her kitchen table. As Jane (I’ll call her that) poured the tea she said to us, “I suppose you want me to tell you why I was upset that you came here to sing at Christmas?” The Real Estate Stop Book Week Public Reading at Children’s Library Next Tuesday This year celebrates the theme “All the Bookshelf ’s a Stage: Celebrating the Performing Arts” from May 7, 2013. With the popularity of performing arts shows like Glee and So You Think You Can Dance, the theme highlights how reading can encourage creative expression without the nerves that come along with getting on stage. “I was lost in those memories when your group of carolers came along. I want no part in the worldly ways of celebrating Christmas. There’s nothing ‘merry’ about it for me!” My wife and I listened in silence. We hadn’t expected this at all, and were quite shaken by Jane’s Continued on next page David Nelson Sales Representative “Your Island Realtor” 949-7867 • 246-2757 Next Tuesday, May 7th, Canada’s very own illustrator Kim LaFave and author Gary Kent will be visiting The Children’s Library in Richards Landing from 9 to 10 am for a public reading. They’ll also be available to meet the families and children who have supported their work. We like to think that they’re all there waiting for you, like old friends. The Corporation of the Township of Jocelyn TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Jocelyn proposes to enact a by-law to stop-up, close and sell that portion of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows: What a great outing for the kids! Pcl 5813 SEC ACS part original road allowance in front of LT 12 PL M197, Township of Jocelyn, PT 1 1R12316 The said by-law will come before Council for consideration at its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 at the Jocelyn Township Office, 3670 5th Side Road, Jocelyn Township. At that time Council will hear in person or by solicitor or agent, any person who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected and who applied to be heard. Date: April 5, 2013 Harmony Tea Room ... invites reservations for our ‘Ladies We Love Tea’, Saturday, May 11th, 11:30-3:30. Hats and gloves will add to a Downton Abbey Theme for the day. Janet Boucher, Clerk Township of Jocelyn Page 8 Reserve at 705-246-2634 HAR MONY TEA ROOM HOPE 2CU4T St. Joe Hosts Algoma Firefighters Meeting By Fraser Adams On this past April 19th to 21st weekend we had a very successful Algoma Mutual Aid Conference held at the Community Centre in Hilton Beach. This was a biannual meeting of the member Fire departments from the entire Algoma District. There were activities on Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Guests had the chance on Friday to try out some auto extrication tools, inspect the latest offerings from suppliers and have some Mrs. Mac’s Pizza. Saturday brought two courses for attendees: Inspection and Enforcement and Water supply with 19 and 29 students respectively. The 2013 Spring AMAA business meeting was held Sunday morning. The food for the weekend’s dinner was appropriately maple themed and was infused with local syrup. Ham, scalloped potatoes, maple baked beans and maple glazed carrots Two Instructors from the Fire Marshal’s office presented the Inspection and Enforcement course and Jocelyn Chief Dave Belsito instructed students in the water supply course. We also had volunteers and equipment from all the island fire departments involved in this training. Continued on page 11 Saturday Evening provided two speakers. The first, Doug McRae, spoke of Fire Behavior and some of the interesting phenomenon he has witnessed as a Forest Fire Researcher. The second, was Sunjeev Sodi, presenting the Superior Tanker Shuttle certification program, which when achieved can save residents a substantial amount on home and business insurance. We would like to gratefully acknowledge the gift bags from Moose Sweats stuffed with items from: Thompson Maple Products, Kent Bros. Pure Maple Syrup Ltd., Island Coffee Roasters, Kentvale Home Hardware, The Township of Hilton, Village of Hilton Beach, Township of Jocelyn and St. Joseph Township. There were also great door prizes from: Island Scoop Ice Cream and Gifts, Makes Scents Maple Products, Mountain Maple Products, Gilbertson Maple Products, Mark Henderson Maple Products, Ambeault’s Confectionery, the Island’s 1812 committee, AJ Stone and Canadian Safety Equipment. Your Island Garage Building Expert ... Book Now for Spring! and get 10% OFF your Down Payment! Shell includes Labour & Materials 24’ x 28’......$14,784 26’ x 26’......$14,872 28’ x 30’ .....$18,480 plus taxes Ask us for pricing on other sizes! Home Improvements [email protected] We would also like to thank Don Levesque for providing us with a van to cut up. Without it, practising with the AutoEx tools would just not have been the same. Mark Henderson 246-2110 Page 9 Friday Night Foods at the Legion The lounge will be serving Buffalo Chicken Wings as well as the regular menu. Entertainment for the evening is Ross Phillips Entertainment supplied by volunteer musicians Come and try your luck at the meat draw! Take out available FOR SALE Shaw Direct satellite dish and 2 receivers - all for $100. Also, free dryer in good working condition, you pick up. Call 705 246-3231. 16” aluminum tire rims (4) excellent condition $200. Call 705 246-1521 leave message. Kenmore 18.2 cu. ft. fridge. Almond. Very clean: $100; Kenmore 30” range hood. Almond. $25; 2 tv cabinets, oak finish with 4 doors and shelves. 27” x 29” opening for tv: $20 for both. Call 705 246-2133 Free! Queen size mattress and box spring, in good condition. You pick up. Call 705 246-3177 ITEMS WANTED Looking for copies of photos, poems, stories from former students of Harmony school to display this summer at our 50th anniversary of the closure of Harmony as a school. Please send copies to us at RR#2 or by e-mail to [email protected]. Does anyone have a Brookred plum or other red flesh plum that I can cut a twig off and use for grafting? Call Laurie at 705 246-2753 REAL ESTATE 16+ acre property with large frontage on Twin Lakes owned by All Tribes Camp for sale. Quiet side of Twin Lakes, across Hilton from Busy Beaver Campground. Asking $44,900. Call for details and maps. 246-3975. GARAGE/YARD SALE 1701 P Line Saturday May 4 & Sunday May 5. Features a spoon collection, bell collection, desk, dressers, 36” tv, Christmas village and lots more. For info, call 705 246-7047 ANNOUNCEMENTS Power Hours Have Changed!: Effective May 1st, Algoma Power’s ‘Time of Use’ electricity billing changed from ‘Winter’ to ‘Summer’ hours, so things are now the opposite of what you might be used to. ‘Peak’ hours are now 11 am to 5 pm while ‘Mid-Peak’ times are from 7 am to 11 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm. ‘Off-peak’ hours remain the same, from 7 pm to 7 am. Weekends and statutory holidays remain as ‘Off-peak’. Clear? AlgomaTrad Family Dance Friday, May 3 at Johnson Township Community Centre, Desbarats. Music by Benoit and Zach Schryer Lefebvre. Caller Dan Gorno. Admission: $10/person, $5 students, and 10 and under free. The Township of St. Joseph reminds all permanent and seasonal residents that Provincial law requires all dogs to have dog tags. Please bring proof of vaccination. The St. Joseph Island 1812 Committee invites you to a Fish Fry in the Lounge at the Royal Canadian Legion on Saturday, May 11. Terry See joins the volunteer voyageurs to serve whitefish between 4:00 and 8:00. Watch for the Island Horticultural Society's annual plant sale coming up Saturday, May 18th. It happens on the grounds of “The Green Oak Gallery”, Richards Landing 8 am to 12. Any perennials to share? Members are available to come along and dig. Please contact Maria Smith at 705 246-2483 Grace United Church congregation will continue to meet at Harmony St. Marks 11 am service for May 5, 12, 19th. Health Week Luncheon on Thursday, May 9th, 11 am - 2 pm at Richards Landing Royal Canadian Legion. Hosted by Matthews Memorial Hospital Auxiliary with Dr. Trefry Centre and Island Branch Cancer Society. Cost $7. with proceeds going to the local hospital, health and seniors programs. Door prize draws, raffles and a variety of information display tables. Your support is greatly appreciated. Mother Nature has informed us that she fully plans to end this cruel joke that she has been playing. She is going to get things warmed and greened up in plenty of time for the Lions’ Bridge Walk for Dog Guides on May 25, 2013 at Kent’s Corners. You can now plan to attend and help raise funds to supply guide dogs for those in need. For the young at heart and those who are interested in children's books, you're invited to join the presentation of author, Gary Kent and illustrator, Kim LaFave. These men will be at St. Joseph Island School on Tues. May 7th at 9 to 10 am. Contact Dawn at 246-2877 for more info. The North Shore Community Singers present “For The Love of Music!” Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th at the Historic 12-sided Barn. 1410 Basswood Lake Road, Sowerby. Shows begin at 7:30 pm. Tickets available from Choir members and Forestland in Thessalon $10. Page 10 Interested in learning a few fast, quick and easy work night meals that the whole family will enjoy? Come out to the Healthy Eating Workshop hosted by Algoma Public Health Saturday May 4th 1 - 3 pm at the Dr. Trefry Centre. Email Jennifer Woods at [email protected] or call 705-246-2625 to register! 1953 was a very good year! Please join us as we celebrate Ursula Urscheler’s 60th Birthday with a surprise come and go tea on Saturday May 11th from 2 to 4 pm at Harmony St. Mark’s United Church, Richards Landing. Sudoku Answer Puzzle on page 5 RECIPE CORNER MARKET St. Joseph Island Susan Chuipka’s Buttermilk Cornbread 1 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup flour, preferably unbleached 1 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1 1/2 tsp. sugar 2 tbsps. butter 1 cup milk 1 cup buttermilk 1 egg 3 tbps. mild vegetable oil Your Island Grocery Store ... fresh meat, produce, groceries and more! Downtown Richards Landing Preheat oven to 450°F. Spray a 10 inch cast iron skillet with oil and set aside. Stir all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Add butter to prepared skillet and put in oven to heat skillet and melt butter. Don’t let the butter burn. Whisk wet ingredients together. With as few strokes as possible, (this is important) add dry ingredients to wet. Pour batter into skillet once the butter has melted. Bake the cornbread 25 to 30 minutes. Serve hot in wedges from the pan. Can use a Pyrex pan if you don't have a cast iron skillet. Serve with soup for a nutritious, tasty and filling meal. 705 246-2500 or email us at [email protected] HOURS 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY CLOSED SUNDAYS Visit Moose Sweats First! Thanks Sue! Do you need a baby gift for a new arrival or an older little one. FIREFIGHTERS...continued from page 9 brought back memories of the Maple Syrup Soirée held in that same hall a few years ago. The tireless efforts of the small army of volunteers: prepping, setting up, baking, cooking and cleaning up are greatly appreciated. WE HAVE EXPANDED OUR BABY SECTION Books, “Sophie the Giraffe”, Sippy cups, feeding dishes, puppets and interactive toys Coffee and tea was provided by Island Coffee Roasters. The sheer number of pots of coffee and tea made are surely an indication of a superb product. Soft bamboo sleepers, towels and washcloths The goals behind hosting this conference were to: Provide local training, Showcase St. Joseph Island, Promote local businesses, Work together as Fire Departments and local governments for the betterment of residents and to eat some fantastic food. Pacifiers that close before it hits the floor, and cloth travel high chair OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MONDAY - SATURDAY 10 - 5 • SUNDAY 11 - 5 This conference was a success and quite possibly the best turnout the AMAA has ever had. Thank you for your support! 246-2777 Page 11 RICHARDS LANDING Classified Ads and Announcements The Island Clippings is pleased to publish personal Classified Advertising and Public Service Announcements of 50 words or less, free of charge to Island residents, as a community service. Other than personal for sale ads (please limit three items) the announcement must be of value to the community. We reserve the right to decide if the ad is of service to the community. Ads or announcements for non-residents or items or services, to be sold for profit, or generate income or events charging an entrance fee (which includes “not for profit organizations”) as well as items valued at over $1,000. will incur a nominal charge of $10. plus HST. We reserve the right to determine if a fee is required. We reserve the right to edit down to 50 words or less. Bu s ines s or co m m erc ia l a d s, i nclu di ng th o se pl a ce d by i ndiv i du a ls d o n o t q ua l i f y a s C la s s i f i e d a d o r P u b li c S e r v i c e A n n o un c e m e n t s . Such advertising must be via display advertising, governed by our published rates in effect at that time. Ads or announcements will appear in one issue, but may be repeated, to a maximum of three weeks (space permitting). Advertiser must resubmit ad each week. To ensure space for everyone, please limit your content to a maximum of 50 words. Ads can be placed by: Email to: [email protected] or by phone 705 246-1635 (from 9 – 5, Mon-Fri) or fax 705 246-7060. Mail to: Island Clippings RR1, Hilton Beach, ON P0R 1G0 Or simply put it in one of our pick-up boxes conveniently located at Ambeault’s, Kent’s Corners and the Hilton Beach Post Office. Sorry, we’re not available on Sundays. WHAT’S HAPPENING ON ST. JOE Andrea S. Young, RMT Friday Hens & Stitches, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10 am to 12 pm Island Cast-a-Weighs, Calorie Watchers, Hilton Community Hall (rear door, basmt) - 8:30 am Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon St. Joseph Twp, Public Library - 6 pm to 9 pm Hilton Union Library - 3 pm to 5 pm & 7 pm to 9 pm - Phone number: 705 255-3520. Fitness Class with Jennifer Woods, Dr. Trefry Centre - 11 am to 12 pm Tuesday Friday Foods at the Legion AA Meeting, United Church (new addition, side door) - 8 pm Saturday Children’s Library - 10 am to 3 pm, Story time 10:30 am Nordic Walking Group - Tranter Park at 10 am. Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Phone number: 705 255-3520. Cribbage (singles), Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($4.00 per person) Quilting - 1-3 pm, Downstairs Hilton Hall except the 3rd week held at the Trefry Centre. Fitness - Strength and Conditioning at Richards Landing Old Town Hall - 7 pm to 8 pm St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm. Wednesday Pool in the Legion lounge - 11 am to 3 pm. St. Boniface Roman Catholic, Hilton Beach at 4:30 pm. Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon Jam Session, Legion - 3 pm to 6 pm Nordic Pole Walking at the Legion - 10 am to 11 am Sunday Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) The Anglican church worships at 11 am. Free Methodist, 10th Side Rd. Coffee, tea and friendship at 10:30 am. Worship service 11 am. Island Bible Chapel, Richards Landing. Lord’s Supper 10 am, Family Bible Hour 11:15 am. Grace United, Hilton Beach. 9:30 am. Harmony St. Marks United, Richards Landing. 11 am. Monday Bridge, Dr. Trefry Centre - 1 pm to 5 pm (Open to all seniors) 60+ Exercise Program, Dr. Trefry Centre - 10:00 am St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Food Bank, United Church, Richards Landing (side door) - 1 pm to 3 pm REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST 88 Barr Road S. Desbarats 705 542-2840 Debbie’s Hair Hut A f u l l s e r v i c e f am i l y s a l o n o f f e r i n g o n l y th e fi n e s t ha i r p r od u c ts . Debbie Shaughnessy - Owner 246-0457 Deadline for display ads is Mondays at 3 pm Deadline for classifieds is noon Tuesdays BUBBLES ISLAND CLEANING SERVICE Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 noon, Story time 10:30 am BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL CLEANING UPHOLSTERY/CARPET CLEANING Hilton Union Public Library - 1 pm to 5 pm Phone number: 705 255-3520. EMAIL: [email protected] Jocelyn Social Ski/Snowshoe - 1:30 pm Mountainview trails Pool, Legion - 7:30 Thursday Euchre, Legion Hall - 7:30 pm ($4.00 per person) St. Joseph Twp. Public Library - 1 to 5 pm & 7 to 9 pm Walking at the Legion - 9 am to noon Dr. Trefry Centre’s Day Out Program - 9 am to 3:30 pm Free pool all day in the Legion lounge Children’s Library - 9 am to 12 noon, Story time 10:30 am Carpet Bowling for 50 Plus, Legion - Refreshments Available - 1 pm Zumba, Richards Landing Old Town Hall - 7 pm to 8 pm Page 12 PHONE 705 542-9215 Changes Hair Salon For Appointments Please Call 941-0802 Julie Stevens Serenity Spa 705-785-3647 facial, pedicure, massage, hot rock & much more ... Arlene: Esthetician
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