25th annual Trade show a huge success
25th annual Trade show a huge success
a c . e g i k i m t h e ti m e ss ta r. ca $1.50 WEDNESDAY, May 7, 2014 - Vol. 69 No. 29 INDEX ARTHUR BLACK . . . . . . . . . . 3 OPINION PAGE . . . . . . . . . . 4 LIFESTYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 COMMUNITY EVENTS . . . . 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 MARKETPLACE . . . . . . . . . . . 15 coming eveNTS SWING INTO SPRING WITH SENSATIONAL HOT RODS MAY 11th Arena surface booths as seen from the box of a pick up truck on display MOTHERS DAY MAY 11th GREENSTONE MARKET MAY 17th VICTORIA DAY MAY 19th Have a community event coming up? Let us know and we will include it here! [email protected] 25th annual Trade show a huge success On May 2nd and 3rd the Geraldton District Chamber of Commerce held its 25th annual trade show, and it was one of the largest trade shows in over a decade. The trade show, held yearly two weeks after Easter, is the largest event the Chamber puts on and takes months of planning and many partners to pull off. This years trades show co-ordinator Pam LeBlanc did a fantastic job as always in securing exhibitors for the show. The show was actually over sold this year, and exhibitors were placed in the lobby of the Geraldton Community Centre (a practice that has not done in years). The Curling rink surface also boasted the highest amount of booths on the ice surface in years. Exhibitors and the 840 adults who attended the show over the weekend all seemed to be impressed at the turn out, and excited to feel a buzz in the air and the end of winter which is what this trade show seems to always represent. Eric K. Pietsch Past President - Geraldton Chamber of Commerce GE RA L D T O N Weather Forecast WEDNESDAY CLOUDY WITH SHOWERS HIGH: 12°C LOW: 1°C THURSDAY CLOUDY WITH SHOWERS HIGH: 11°C LOW: 4°C Curling Club ice surface FRIDAY LIGHT RAIN HIGH: 14°C LOW: 8°C SATURDAY ISOLATED SHOWERS HIGH: 14°C LOW: 4°C SUNDAY VARIABLE CLOUDINESS HIGH: 18°C LOW: 2°C MONDAY ISOLATED SHOWERS HIGH: 17°C LOW: 6°C TUESDAY VARIABLE CLOUDINESS HIGH: 14°C LOW: C FORECAST DATA GATHERED FROM WWW.THEWEATHERNETWORK.CA Major drilling provided tours of a drill rig for adults and kids to go through BEARDMORE • CARAMAT • GERALDTON • JELLICOE • LONGLAC • NAKINA news Tbaytel Announces Chair of Municipal Service Board and Presents Annual Report to the Community CARAMAT MOURNS THE LOSs OF TWO PIONEERS. The small town of Caramat lost two long time residents, within a week. This was a very difficult time for both, the families, and friends. Emmanuel Poulin (April 10th, 2014) and Owen Furlotte (April 17th, 2014) both passed away peacefully with family by their side, Owen at home and Emmanuel in the Geraldton hospital. Both families held a celebration of life at the Caramat Recreation Centre. Families and friends shared the memories of two great individuals who would do anything to help their com- munity. Both had made it quite clear that families came first, and they both would go to great lengths to make life better for them. Both had many other loves in their lives, and their community was among them. Emmanuel was our repair man, although most residents were unaware of this, Emmanuel kept the community club’s machinery operational, although he sometimes had a few choices (concerned) words for the operators. He did all this work for next to nothing in return. He would some- time work very late in the evening so that the machine was ready for work the next day. The only time that it would be difficult to get him to fix things is when his favorite wrestling show was on TV. Owen, on the other hand had another love in his life, and this was music, he had a favorite guitar (Gibson) that he played. Owen would entertain people with his friends (FOG) and would not expect to be paid for his services. Owen would be happy just knowing that his music made someone happy. Owens’s love for music goes back many years, Owen once played lead guitar for a famous singer by the name of Bobby Curtola. In closing, I can say that this community is in a state of sorrows for the lost of two dear friends that loved their community and wanted to help in any way they could, although, sometime that work remained unseen or unheard of. We as a community will miss them very much, but we will also cherish the wonderful memories that both have left us with. Emmanuel and Owen Goodbye, may you rest in peace. “We love you” Your community, Caramat Ontario Written by: Armand Giguere President Caramat Community Club Inc. Thunder Bay City Council has named Mr. Jack Jamieson, HB Comm. LL. B., as the newest Chair of Tbaytel’s Municipal Service Board, effective May 1, 2014. Mr. Jamieson has served on the Board in various capacities since 2008 including as Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee and the Governance and Nominating Committee. “With close to 30 years of experience practicing primarily in corporate and commercial law in Thunder Bay, Jack’s working knowledge of the business landscape of Northern Ontario is unparalleled,” says Dan Topatigh, Tbaytel’s president and CEO. “Having worked closely with Jack for a number of years through his previous involvement with Tbaytel’s Municipal Service Board, I am pleased to now welcome him as he begins his new role as Board Chair.” Mr. Jamieson has practiced with CARREL+Partners LLP since 1979, when he was first called to the bar. He is a life-long resident of Thunder Bay, a graduate of Lakehead University and the University of Western Ontario and has professional affiliations with the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Thunder Bay Law Association and the Institute of Municipal Assessors of Ontario. Mr. Jamieson has been counsel to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation since 1986 and he also represents the Thunder Bay International Airports Authority. Mr. Jamieson will lead Municipal Service Board members as they continue to build upon Tbaytel’s four core guiding principles of financial stability, employment creation, regional economic development and technological innovation. Mr. Jamieson assumes the role held previously by former Board Chair Michael Power who served in the position since 2008. “On behalf of Municipal Service Board members, Tbaytel’s executive management and management teams, and our entire employee base, I would like to thank Michael for his contributions and continued commitment during the course of his tenure as Chair of the Board,” says Topatigh. “The knowledge, experience and insight he provided was invaluable and came at a period in Tbaytel’s history where we were able to move forward, grow and expand to confidently position the company as the leading telecommunications provider in Northern Ontario.” GERALDTON MINOR HOCKEY CASH CALENDAR WINNERS April 26 Agnes Fisher April 27 Steven Ouellet April 28 Chad Treflin April 29 Sean Mykula April 30 Brad and Ashley Gagnon May 1 Samantha Poulin May 2 Rob Haslam www.InvestInGreenstone.ca Municipal Economic Development Office 2 UPDATED FREQUENTLY! Wednesday, May 7, 2014 #276 $25 #153 $50 #440 $25 #172 $25 #598 $100 #625 $25 #316 $25 editoriaL NEED A PASSWORD? TAKE MINE By Arthur Black Dear Cyberthieves Out There: The first thing I want you to know is that you don't scare me. Your latest scam – this 'Heartbleed' computer bug that's got security experts going apebleep? Advising us to “change all your passwords for everything”, as one nervous nerd advised? Forget it. I'm not doing that. Not because I'm computer savvy (hah!) or feeling devilishly defiant – the fact is, I've already used all the passwords I can handle. My mental password floppy disc is full. I've used my mother's maiden name, my father's middle name, my high school nickname, the name of my first dog, last cat and only parrot. I've combined them with my birthdate, my wedding anniversary, the square root of my childhood street address, my telephone number (backwards) plus a series of capital letters, not to mention #,$,@,%, & and*'s inserted randomly, followed by the married name of the third male cousin on my wife's side. Want to hear my last p a s s w o r d ? BowSer52!!Minnie5805 //(yrplaceormine)198FO UR. Take it. Run with it. Fill your cyberboots. That's just my latest password, you understand. Obedient little cybersucker that I am, I've been changing them every six months. When that became too mentally challenging, I started rotating them regularly, so that last month's Facebook password became this month's LinkedIn password which would be relegated to next month's Gmail account and... Yeah, well. That, too, became cumbersome, so I invented this new system where I wrote out all my passwords in ballpoint and Scotch taped the list to the wall beside my computer. Perfect! I had them all in one place where I could find them when I needed them. I showed off my new system to the Resident Critic. “How's that for handy and innovative?” I crowed. She rolled her eyes and remarked, “So now anyone who wants your passwords just has to walk into your office and steal this list?” After pointing out to Resident Critic that sarcasm is not an attractive character attribute I fell to musing about her observation. And that's when the scales fell from my eyes. Why, I asked myself, do I have all these stupid passwords? Why do I have any passwords at all? I'm not a CSIS agent or a dope dealer. I'm not a secret porn troller or a pedophile. On-line banking? I don't indulge. I subscribe to this antedeluvian habit of actually going to my bank and interacting with a human (we used to call them 'tellers'). We banter, I get a free smile, sometimes two – and she has to do the math. It's a great system, and I don't have to remember an eight-digit, purposely randomized cryptic and confusing Open Sesame code. I just have to remember what street the bank is on. So I guess this column is an open letter to everyone in cyberspace. Please don't send me anything if it requires a password. I'm not playing that game anymore. The only 'password' I'm retaining is my email handle and that's easy: [email protected]. Feel free to use that, copy it or sell it to that guy in Nigeria who's keen to send me thirtysix million dollars. You’d rather do faceto-face? That's easy too. You can find me in the bank lineup most Monday mornings. Wednesday, MAy 7, 2014 L onglac Pizzeria will be having a Mothers Day Brunch Sunday May 11th 9am -12pm GREENSTONE HARVEST CENTRE 807-854-3663 401 E Main Street (side) Open the second and fourth Thursday of the month, with the exception of July and August. Drivers needed to deliver hampers to various communities. Call the above if interested Ad sponsored by Times Star 3 OPINION PAGe EDITOR - PUBLISHER: Eric Pietsch ADVERTISING: Sherri Pietsch ART & GRAPHICS: Justin Saindon PRESS OPERATOR: Mike Goulet BOX 340 • 401 MAIN ST. • GERALDTON, ON • P0T 1M0 TEL: (807) 854-1919 FAX: (807) 854-1682 EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday CORRESPONDENT: Bob Rotz YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION $78.00 +tax From Nakina ... COMMENTARY BY BOB ROTZ What A Week! Especially if you're from up here in the bush and even remotely interested in the Ring Of Fire....which "From Nakina certainly is! Mon April 28th MNDM Mike Gravelle announced the provincial Liberals were making One Billion Dollars available for RoF transportation corridor infrastructure, while encouraging the Harper feds to do the same thing. This was a BIG part of the new Liberal budget that was tabled Thursday May 1st. Of course Timmy Hudak's immediate response was to condemn it. No surprise. But alas, Andrea decided to wait until the next day so she and her NDP would have ALL the microphones in place and the spotlights would all be on HER. It made me think of the scenario for the famous Charlie Brown baseball cartoon, that was sort of facing Ms. Horwath, where Chuck would emerge as either 'The Hero or The Goat'. Of course, Sharles Schultz's famous pen made Charlie the Goat. And Andrea? 4 B-A-A-A-A-A! She did it all on her own. And from what I'm hearing, which is obvious as the nose on your face, she had no intention of backing the budget right from the getgo. Now her party is going to do a crash and burn because of her decision. Anyway, thanks a heap Andrea, from all of us people (Matawa First Nations included) who had thought/hoped that maybe the Ring Of Fire was finally gonna get rolling. You took what was surely the first ever ''PRO NORTHERN ONTARIO'' budget that this guy has seen....at least since I've been filling this space...and tossed it in the shredder. (I was gonna say 'sh--ter' but that wouldn't be polite) Anyway, in a matter of a few hours after The Andrea Show, Premier Kathleen immediately decided (very wisely it says here) that rather than wait on the two opposition parties to call a Non-Confidence Motion, she'd fone Ont LtGov David Onley, and ask him to dissolve parliament. Done. As you've heard, June 12th is the Ontario Community Newspapers Association date. And the good news is if/when the Liberals are returned to power....perhaps with a majority?....the Pro Northern Ontario Budget will still be there. In Spite of Andrea Horwath. B-A-A-A-A-A!! Sports Shorts And Torts The new Vancouver Canucks head of hockey Trevor Linden didn't take long to lower the boom on coach John Tortorella as the Canucks failed to make the playoffs this year. Canned.....after the FIRST year of a FIVEyear/ten million dollar contract. Hey, don't shed too many tears for Torts though, as Vancouver still owes him roughly $8 Million, so they'll not be holding a Tag Day for the bombastic outgoing coach any tyme soon. Damn....I wish yours truly could earn $2 Million a year for sitting on my ass. Interestingly, Torts last team, the Rangers, are in the second round vs the Penguins, and methinks are now coached by former Vancouver coach Alain Vigneault. Sort of like 'musical coaches'? Ya gotta love pro sports, eh? As for Tortorella, some owner, somewhere will be dumb enough to offer him yet another fat contract....wait and see. Hey Torts, don't sweat it, there's lots more bridges to burn out there. How dumb is dumb? We had a brand new "F/N" 2014 Jerk Of The Year (JOTY) candidate emerge from out of the blue last week. NBA LA Clippers 80 yr old owner Donald Sterling. Well, he doesn't really 'own' the team anymore, at least from where NBA Commissioner Adam Silver stands. He fined Sterling some $2.5 Million dollars for some very nasty racist stuff that made the rounds, I believe worldwide on Facebook *(TM). A very rude comment he made....but was dumb enough not to at least deny....to his 'girlfriend', a 31-yr old black woman named V. Stiviano. Yes, it's ''V". I wonder what the 'V' stands for? And, it seems Donald's people are saying ''V'' and Sterling are The Times Star is published 52 times per year on Wednesdays by Times Star c/o Pietsch Group Inc. The deadline for advertising, editorial or article submissions is 10:00 am Friday morning. Press Run approx. 1625. Letters to the editor, articles and viewpoints are welcomed. All letters must include your name, address, signature and phone no. for verification. Volunteer submissions may be edited for size. Potentially libelous or slanderous material will not be published. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication of any material. All submitted material becomes property of Times Star c/o Pietsch Group Inc., unless otherwise noted Times Star c/o Pietsch Group Inc. is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association, the Manitoba Community Newspapers Assocation, the Canadian Community Newspapers Association, the Ontario Press Council. NOT 'romantically linked', stating that this nonbimbo is actually Sterling's ''archivist''. No, that's not a typo. No doubt lots of multi-millionaires have ''archivists'' right? Not sure that Sterling's wife of 50 years agrees with that, as she went after Miss 'V' in court in March for $1.8 Million....something about an apartment, expensive cars, clothes....you know, the usual. Hey an ''archivist'' DOES need to keep up appearances, does she not? This is another famous sports figure that won't need a Tag Day either. Donald bought the Cllippers in 1981 for $12 Million. They are now worth some $575 Million....or more! Any bets on how much Miss V might get out of this deal? Bottom line is how can an NBA team owner....who apparently '' (fairly closely quoted) ''does not want blacks coming into my arena''....run a team for THAT long in a league whose players are approximately 75% (or more) black athletes? Black and white NBA players from past and present....from Kareem Abdul Jabbar to Steve Nash....are speaking out on this thing, but Sterling is still gonna walk away loaded. Minus Miss V's portion of course. And Mrs Sterling....his loving wife of 50 years....will be waiting at the bank I'm sure. Odds And Ends Another "F/N" JOTY candidate was back on the front page last week....again. Rob Ford. Misbehaving yet another tyme. But, he seemingly is actually going to meet his self-admitted alcohol problem head-on this tyme and has gone somewhere into re-hab. And as of Sunday last, we don't know if it's the Betty Ford Centre or not. Doesn't really matter, does it? Hey, I know "F/N" has done our share of Fordbashing the last year or so, but if last week's news is correct, it would be very nice to see the T.O. media back off and leave him the hell alone. Late nite Wednesday, May 7, 2014 US talk shows will lose interest in Ford soon as he stops becoming 'interesting' if you know what I mean. And if Fats truly wants to get clean, whether he ever runs for mayor again is not in the least important at this point. Unless the media make it that way. File this baby under 'Predictions Gone Wrong'. WAY wrong. It's 1939....The Great Depression is nearly over and WW II has just officially begun....and The New York Times has just announced that ''TELEVISION will fail''. Don't know the filing reporter's name but it said "People won't have tyme to stop and stare at a screen''. That's just about 40 years or so after somebody else claimed ''the automobile will NEVER replace the horse''. Are you 'expecting' or 'with child' by any chance? You and your spouse want to come up with a new/different/catchy name for your bundle of joy? Well, "F/N" Research Dept learned last week that there's a trend to come up with odd-sounding monickers by todays new parents. Initially it was a CFNO FM item but we also did some digging on The Net. Anyway, at present the 'oddest baby name in the USA' (I expect it likely includes Canada too) is ''Zzyzx''. I've heard it pronounced ZAY-zix or ZEE-zix, yet I'm not sure what gender it applies to? Either I'm sure. (*I'm trying to imagine being called Zzyzx Rotz. Whoah...doesn't work! Buy a vowel, please!) By the bye, Zzyzx is the name of a road and a town in california....so that sort of explains it, eh? *Thought Of The Day..."Ridin high in April, shot down in May''.....(lyrics from Frank Sinatra's 'That's Life'...seemingly applicable to either Ontario's derailed budget or NBA racist owner Donald Sterling *see above) "From Nakina"...until next tyme. Clergy Speaks LIFESTYLe Letter to the Editor Revivalist Pastor James A. Kennedy THE THOUGHTS OF GOD “The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us; He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the LORD, Both small and great. May the LORD give you increase more and more,” Ps 115:12-14 Ever wonder what God is thinking about? Consider this; while running the entire universe and ruling over the affairs of all creation, He still has time to sit on His throne and think. But what does He think about? What does the supreme God of all gods think about deep within His heart? The above verse gives us some glimpse into the thoughts of the Most High. He’s thinking about us! Yup, us! The above verse says that He (God) is mindful of us, and what is on His mind you may ask? It is increase! Yes increase for you and I. Increase and blessings. Now I’m quite sure that if you would meditate on this it will give you peace and comfort. What a comforting thought to know that God is mindful of us and that He wants us to be increased in all areas of our lives. Increased blessings, increased favor, increased finances, increased relationships, increased health, increased happiness, increased joy, increased love, increased peace, increased kindness, increased everything. Yes God has increase on His mind! The next time worrying or fretting creeps in, think the thoughts of God, because He is in heaven and is thinking of increase. Increase to you and yours. Until He returns, God Bless! Roy Davies CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ROY DAVIES PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1024 Main Street P.O. Box 1123 Geraldton, Ont. (807) 854-1460 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday - Thursday 9AM – 12PM AND 1PM - 4PM Friday -, Monday Closed Dear editor, After a career of railing against the Senate, Prime Minister Stephen Harper now says that we’re “stuck with the status quo”. Canadians don’t have to settle for this defeatism— there is a practical plan left to fix our broken Senate. Mr. Harper was reacting to a unanimous Supreme Court ruling that his proposed reforms would require constitutional amendments approved by at least seven provinces representing 50% of the population. Abolishing it would require the unanimous consent of all ten provinces. Canadians don’t want to open up the constitution for a long, rancorous debate with the provinces that would distract from solving their problems. Yet the problem is worse today than when Mr. Harper started eight years ago. He has turned the Senate into a hyper-political, hyper-partisan chamber, which he personally stocked with the likes of Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau. Fortunately there is a better way. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has a plan to remove partisanship and patronage from the Senate, and to restore the original purpose of the Fathers of Confederation: a chamber of sober, second thought. Under a Trudeau government, all Senators would be appointed through an open, transparent and non-partisan appointment process. Senators would be selected on quality and good judgment, picking the best of the best from each province. Parties and partisanship would become a thing of the past. No constitutional battles required. To get started, Justin removed all Senators from the Liberal caucus. In one morning, he achieved more Senate reform than Mr. Harper had in his entire career. Real change to the status quo is within reach. We just need the leadership to get it done! Yours sincerely, Scott Simms, MP Liberal Party of Canada Critic for Democratic Reform Northerners pay the price for government-approved hydro and gas hikes NDP House Leader and Timmins-James Bay MPP Gilles Bisson says the government is failing hard working Ontarians who can’t afford to pay outrageous price increases for gas and hydro. “We know that the Ontario Energy Board approved an application of Union Gas for a 28% increase,” said Bisson during question period. “[And] we see coming down the pipe a 44% increase on hydro costs as a result of what [the government has] put forward.” Bisson says that while many northerners are willing to swallow additional costs associated with the long, cold winter, it doesn’t make sense for the price increases to be permanent. “People cannot afford to pay, and they expect to see their government being there to assist them and not to stand on the sidelines,” explained Bisson. Bisson urged the Liberal government to take action to help Ontarians. “Can you tell me why the government is standing on the sidelines while the OAB rubber stamps these huge rate increases?” asked Bisson. “Will the minister take action and stand with the people of Ontario, and not necessarily just these gas companies?” CHIROPRACTOR Geraldton Now available in Dr. Dan Gleeson Tu e s d a y a f t e r n o o n s We e k l y CALL 807-768-2225 TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT Wednesday, May 7, 2014 REGIONAL CHURCH CALENDAR GERALDTON FAITH CHAPEL 1319 Main Street, P.O. Box 657 Church 854-0092 Pastor Steve Woods 854-7652 [email protected] Pastor Keith Comer 854-0028 [email protected] 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service Wednesday @ 7:00pm - Bible Study Youth Programs Tues 3:30 - 5:00 Gr 6-8 Thurs 3:30 - 5:00 JK to Gr 5 Fri 7:00 - 8:30 Gr 9 & up ****** ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 301 Third Avenue SW, P.O. Box 342 Telephone: 807-854-0187 Student Minister Sea Young Lee Email: [email protected] 11:00 Sunday morning worship on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month Everyone welcome ****** GERALDTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Worship is held in the John Owens Residence in the Dining Room First and Third Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to come and worship with friends and family ****** ST. THERESA PARISH Geraldton - 854-0849 Father Roger Pronovost Monday - Friday at 10:00 am MASS: Sunday Morning - 10:00 a.m. ****** ST. BRIGID'S PARISH Nakina - 854-0849 1:00 pm - Bilingual Father Roger Pronovost ****** IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Aroland - 3:00 pm Father Roger Pronovost ****** ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH Longlac - 876-2332 MASS: Saturday, 7:00 pm Sunday, 10:00 am ****** ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA GERALDTON: ST. JAMES’ MEMORIAL CHURCH 527 Main Street, Geraldton contacts: Bev Kolody 854-0759 Michelle Ferring 854-2000 11 a.m. Sunday morning worship on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month Everyone welcome! ****** COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH OF BEARDMORE 30 McKenzie Avenue Rick Mikesh, Pastor Sunday a.m. Service 11:00 Kid's Sunday School 11:00 (ages 5grade 6) Good News Club 6:30 Wed (ages 5-grade 6) Youth Group 7:30 Wed (grades 7-12) cbcbeardmore.com 875.1332 ALL are Welcome! ****** LONGLAC PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 92 Skinner Ave. - Longlac Pastor Ken Desmarais Sunday Service 11:00am Kids’ Club on Thursday from 6:00pm - 7:30pm Bible Study, Youth and Women’s group also available Call for more details 876-4619 All are welcome. ****** GREENSTONE CHRISTIAN CENTRE 98 Indian Rd. Longlac Pastor Mario Miousse Phone 876-9830 Services: Sunday Morning Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School Ages 4 - 12 Sunday Evening 6:30 pm All are Welcome ****** FAITH CITY CHURCH Pastors Glen & Bev Wesley 310 Main Street Celebration Service: Sunday 10:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Children’s Adventures in Faith (6-12 yrs) call for more information Tele: Church: 854-1051 Call: 853-0485 Email: [email protected] www.faithcitychurchgeraldton.com Non-denomonational Everyone Welcome 5 Regional news GREENSTONE MARKET It may seem laughable or incomprehensible, but there was a time in our history when people actually made things. The younger generation most likely assumes that there were always machines, computers and robots in existence and that they have always provided us with whatever we wished for or needed, but some of us can still remember the days when peoples' hands were more accustomed to tools than keyboards. There was a time when most of the items at the grocery store only had one ingredient, when most clothing had no labels or brand names, and when possessing anything plastic was a cause of embarrassment. Even though it may seem that craftsmanship is a quaint, fading remnant of our distant past, there are people in your community who are steadfastly maintaining, developing and sharing skill sets that produce handmade clothing, foods, jewelry and much more. Sporadic gatherings of these artisans in the past have provided opportunities for them to sell their wares to the public and to promote the virtues of their respective endeavours. A newly invigorated group of them have now embarked on an effort to establish a more regular and frequent schedule of these gatherings and to encourage more regional craftspeople to take part. Since we live in an age when even pets have their own websites, it seems only reasonable to have one created for local artisans. The goal of this website is to showcase regional creations, to encourage creativity and craftsmanship, and to nurture a growing trade in locally-sourced products. The next monthly Greenstone Market will be held at the Geraldton Legion on May 17, 2014 from 12pm-3pm with Free Admission to the public. Contact the Legion 854-0901 to reserve a table. For Market information, visit www.greenstonemarket.co m. The Friends of CBC Thunder Bay The Friends of CBC Thunder Bay is fighting back against deep cuts to programming in northwestern Ontario. Recently, CBC announced cuts that will have a huge impact across the corporation, including here in northwestern Ontario. Our regional afternoon program, Voyage North, is slated for cancellation. This will mean the loss of two jobs at the Thunder Bay station, and the loss of nearly HALF of our regional air-time. Voyage North is the ONLY drive-time radio program in Canada to be cancelled as part of this round of cuts. Voyage North is a show dedicated to reflecting our communities, our voices, our people, passions, struggles and celebrations. Unless we convince management to reverse the decision, the program will be replaced with an afternoon show based in Sudbury, a city 13 hours away by car. Listeners in Kenora can drive to Calgary as quickly as they can travel to Sudbury. We know times are tough financially for CBC. Without stable and predictable federal funding, management must now make hard decisions. But, managers still have leeway in how they choose to make cuts. It’s time to stand up and tell the decision-makers to leave Voyage North alone. The Friends of CBC Thunder Bay is asking people across the region to join us in a show of support. A letter campaign is already underway, directed at members of parliament, and CBC management. Please help us let them know that public broadcasting matters in northwestern Ontario. For more information, or to find out how to organize a day of action in your community, please contact us. We can always use more friends! Jean-Paul De Roover, spokesperson, Friends of CBC Thunder Bay 807-251-3376 [email protected] Twitter: @SaveCBCTbay facebook.com/saveCBCtbay 6 Cadet Drill Competition The Northwestern Ontario Drill Competition was held this weekend 3-4 May 2014 at the Thunder Bay Armoury. One hundred and fifty cadets from teams across Northwestern Ontario participated in this event. The teams were made up of cadets from army, sea, and air cadet units from across Northwestern Ontario including cadets from Kenora, Fort Frances, Dryden, Nipigon, and Thunder Bay. The competition was tight with 84 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron from Thunder Bay taking the trophies for Top Drill Team with Arms and Drill Without Arms. Top Drill Commander for Drill without Arms went to Sgt Branden Wodell of 84 RCACS Astra and Top Drill Team Commander for Drill with Arms was a tie between Sgt Branden Wodell of 84 RCACS Astra and CPO2 Connor Kraft from 42 RCSCC Vindictive. The Golden Boot Award for the Best Dressed Team went to the Combined Army Team lead by LCpl Jordan Wodell of 2294 Army. Drill in the cadet program promotes the acquisition of knowledge and skill through repetitive practice by enhancing precision, memory, discipline, and coordination. The Canadian Cadet Program is funded federally and provides amazing opportunities to all youth between 12-18 years. All cadets have inclusive opportunities for leadership development, fitness, various trades and transferable skills, travel, and citizenship development all with the goal of developing Canadians for the future of our country. Cadets standing at attention during the opening of the Northwestern Ontario Drill Competitionheld in Thunder Bay at the Thunder Bay Armoury OSSTF – District 6B Educational Support Staff Appreciation Day Wednesday, May 7th, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation of District 6B and the Superior Greenstone District School Board, joins with others across Ontario to celebrate the contribution of educational support staff workers to the education of students as part of Education Week, said Sandra Corrigan, President of OSSTF - District 6B’s Educational Support Staff. “OSSTF founded the first Education Week in Ontario in 1930 to celebrate the excellence of public education. It is natural, that as part of that week, we acknowledge the contribution of educational support staff.” Classrooms are much more than four walls with students in desks and teachers at the front of the room. It takes a complete education team to educate students today and provide them with the skills, resources and supports they need to be successful. It is the hard work of these education teams in schools, board offices and universities that ensures a safe, clean, welcoming environment for learning. Secretaries, custodians, technicians, and plant support personnel, to name a few, all contribute to the well-being of our students. Educational assistants, social workers, attendance counsellors, psychologists and speech language pathologists and other members of the team provide the necessary support for our special needs students. It is fitting that we recognize that the whole school or university is a classroom and that it takes the efforts of many individuals to ensure that students’ needs Wednesday, May 7, 2014 are met within our educational system. We ask that all Ontarians, especially students and parents, help us celebrate Support Staff Appreciation Day by expressing their gratitude to educational support staff for the roles they play in inspiring confidence in our students and helping them build their futures,” concluded Sandra Corrigan, District 6B - Educational Support Staff President. OSSTF/FEESO, founded in 1919, has 60,000 members across Ontario. They include public high school teachers, occasional teachers, educational assistants, continuing education teachers and instructors, psychologists, secretaries, speech-language pathologists, social workers, plant support personnel, attendance counsellors, and many others in education. regional news Geraldton Curling club wind-up The Geraldton Curling Club held their annual windup on Saturday, May 3, 2013 at the club. Members, guests and sponsors enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner followed by the annual awards presentations and a dance. President Karen Saarimaki took the opportunity to thank all of the executive, staff, volunteers (members and non-members) as well as sponsors who helped make the evening as well as the season, another great success. The Curling Club is very fortunate to have the support of both local and out-oftown businesses, as well as the community, in keeping the club viable when so many others in Northern Ontario are struggling to stay open. A special presentation was made on behalf of the club by Karen to Dave Barker, Brian Aaltonen, Ron Melhuish and Kurt Pristanski, who will be representing Northern Ontario and the Geraldton Curling Club at the 2014 National Travelers Curling Club Championship to be held in Halifax in November. The following is a list of award winners from each of the regular leagues: MEN’S LEAGUE Tuesday Night First Event- Errington Home Hardware 1. Cory Nephin, Bill Arnott, Jamie Armstrong, Alain Pelletier 2. Dave Barker, Brian Aaltonen, Ron Melhuish, Ray Blanchard Second Event – MacIver’s Auto 1. Dave Barker, Brian Aaltonen, Ron Melhuish, Ray Blanchard 2. Cory Nephin, Bill Arnott, Jamie Armstrong, Alain Pelletier Thursday Night First Event – Herb Pile Memorial 1. Bill Assad, Dave Houston, Sheldon Assad, Rob Kurish 2. Claude Beaulieu, Ernie Michon, Andre Poulin Second Event – Daneff’s Food Market 1. Cory Nephin, Bill Arnott, Martin Lafrance, Dominique Lafrance 2. Kurt Pristanski, Gerard Dufour, Alain Pelletier, Stephane Leblanc LADIES LEAGUE First Event - Gay Muree Ladies Wear 1. Colleen Lemieux, Julie Valley, Bev Sivic, Lisa Slomke 2. Karen Saarimaki, Heather Dyke, Tara Evoy, Sylvie Fortier Second Event – RBC Royal Bank 1. Karen Saarimaki, Heather Dyke, Tara Evoy, Sylvie Fortier 2. Colleen Lemieux, Julie Valley, Bev Sivic, Lisa Slomke Club Championship – Club 1. Karen Saarimaki, Heather Dyke, Tara Evoy, Sylvie Fortier 2.Colleen Lemieux, Julie Valley, Bev Sivic, Lisa Slomke MIXED LEAGUE Blank End Contest – Canada Brokerlink 1. Andrew Hackner, BrandiJo Fortier, Mitch Shallow, Serena Davis Four End Contest – Times Star/Mikige C/O Pietsch Group Inc. 1. Ron Melhuish, Lana Letourneau, Stephane Leblanc, Marilyn Melhuish First Event – Dominion Motors 1.Cory Nephin, Amie Nephin, Jamie Armstrong, Tara Evoy, Bill Arnott, Diane Tanguay 2.Al Luomala, Pina Luomala, Suzanne Lafrance, Erica Cotton, Kevin Clark Second Event – Stedmans 1.Cory Nephin, Amie Nephin, Jamie Armstrong, Tara Evoy, Bill Arnott, Diane Tanguay 2.Steve Anderson, Sylvie Fortier, Beth Anderson, Edgar Carreira Cory Nephin rink (accepted by his wife Amie) Dave Barker rink Melhuish rink Colleen Lemieux rink Nancy Kyro 25 Years of Service NOSM Seeks High School Students for Summer Health Sciences Camps The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) maintains a commitment to providing information to rural, remote, Francophone and Aboriginal youth about health careers. Health Sciences Summer Camps at NOSM provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about professions in the health-care sector. These week-long programs take place within the modern, technologically advanced settings of the medical laboratories on NOSM's West Campus located at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, and the East Campus located at Laurentian University in Sudbury. The Camps provide students with an opportunity to explore health-care careers, obtain hands-on experience, and find a mentor. Camp activities include: learning to put on and remove casts; DNA analysis and techniques used by Crime Scene Investigators; physiology and functions of the human body; cultural awareness; and, preparing for health ca- reers such as medicine, nursing, and emergency care. NOSM is currently looking for interested high school students who will be attending Grade 10 and 11 in September 2014. The camps are free, and are held in Thunder Bay and Sudbury on July 7-11, 2014. Students interested in participating in the camps are encouraged to contact Véronique Poirier toll free at 1-800-461-8777 ext. 7198 or by email at [email protected]. Wednesday, May 7, 2014 in Greenstone office 854-0800 cell 854-7614 www.royallepagethunderbay.com [email protected] 101 Tractor Tire Rd. 620 First St. E. 3 Popowich Dr. 207 Second Ave. SW 108 Second Ave. NE 300 First St. E GREENSTONE’S ONLY MVA CERTIFIED APPRAISER 7 Regional NEWs Record-Breaking Bid at Elekta Bachelors for Hope Charity Auction Event’s 16 Year Total Nears the $1-million Mark A 15 minute back-andforth bidding war for the Alaskan Cruise package at the 16th annual Elekta Bachelors for Hope Charity Auction resulted in the largest winning bid in the event’s history. The cruise prize package, valued at $4,150, was won with a whopping $10,700 bid! The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation would like to thank all 471 women who attended the sold-out event for their energy, generosity and commitment to supporting exceptional cancer care here in Northwestern Ontario. The evening featured a gourmet meal and the auction of Thunder Bay’s most eligible bachelors complete with fabulous date packages. There was also a Bling Blitz where 370 of the guests bought little silver boxes, one of which contained a $1,000 diamond necklace. Of course, without Bachelors, the event simply wouldn’t happen. This year’s Bachelors included Ian Kehoe, John Lingner, Mike Smit, Manuel Cabrera, John Charry, Don Harris, Claudio Coppola, Damian Norman and Taylor Harris. Each of the Bachelors volunteers their time and individually collects donations to be part of the event – many for very personal reasons. Bachelor Manuel Cabrera shared that he had just finished up chemo treatments for Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma, and Bachelor Damian Norman has a lifelong friend who was treated for breast cancer and has now fully recovered. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Greenstone has, by Resolution of Council, declared the following lands to be surplus to the needs and requirements of the Municipality of Greenstone and that the Municipality intends to dispose of these lands, as directed under the Ontario Municipal Act. GERALDTON WARD ROLL NO. 740.006.21101 TB 12210 PT 56R731 PART 3 GREENSTONE 131 EAST STREET, Geraldton Ward (vacant property) Any person or corporation interested in purchasing the above noted land is requested to submit their offer or proposal in writing to the undersigned by 3:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2014. This offer or proposal must include a detailed description of the intended development for the lands. Please be advised that that any offer or proposal accepted by Council will be subject to all legal fees and other standard and/or specified conditions and that a survey and registration of an easement shall be the responsibility of the purchaser as a condition of sale. The 2014 Elekta Bachelors for Hope Charity Auction raised $88,462, bringing the event’s 16 year fundraising total to $939,589 in support of exceptional detection, diagnosis, treatment and research of breast cancer for the women of Northwestern Ontario. Overall, this year’s event raised $88,462 in support of the fight against breast cancer in Northwestern Ontario through the Health Sciences Foundation’s Exceptional Cancer Care Campaign, bringing the 16-year total to $939,589! Northwestern Ontario have access to the latest equipment to detect, diagnose, treat and research breast cancer. Exceptional close-to-home cancer care is paramount and we’re very grateful to everyone who joined us and supported the Exceptional Cancer Care Campaign.” “I’m absolutely amazed,” said Athena Kreiner, Manager, Annual Giving at the Health Sciences Foundation. “I think it speaks to the importance of our cause – ensuring that women in “This event just keeps getting bigger and better,” said Laurie Clarke, Committee Member. “It’s an honour to work with such a committed organizing committee, volunteer 100% of the funds raised by the Elekta Bachelors for Hope Charity Auction remain in Northwestern Ontario to increase breast cancer awareness through education, increase access to breast cancer screening, improve breast cancer treatment, and support world-class cancer research. GREENSTONE HARVEST CENTRE 807-854-3663 401 E Main Street (side) All offers or proposals to purchase will be reviewed by the Planning Department with recommendations being forwarded to Council no sooner than the regular public meeting on Monday, June 9, 2014. Open the second and fourth Thursday of the month, with the exception of July and August. Drivers needed to deliver hampers to various communities. Call the above if interested The Municipality of Greenstone is under no obligation to accept any offer or proposal. Acceptance of an offer or proposal does not guarantee the approval of any required planning or development applications. Please address all offers/proposals to: Ad sponsored by Times Star Stephen Mykulak Director – Protective & Planning Services Municipality of Greenstone PO Box 70 Geraldton Greenstone, Ontario Tel: 807-854-1100 Fax: 807-854-1947 Email: [email protected] 8 Bachelors, sponsors and volunteers to ensure we continue to raise funds that will directly impact the breast cancer care women receive in our region.” Wednesday, May 7, 2014 REGIONAL News End of Season Karate News Longlac Martial Arts congratulates all students who competed in the Hachi-O-Kai tournament in Geraldton Saturday April 26th An end of season grading took place Monday April 28th and we are very proud of each student's achievement, dedication and hard work. Wishing you all a great summer and looking forward to seeing you back in the fall. Sensei Sean, Danielle and Denis. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Section 42(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone, at a Regular Meeting held on April 28, 2014, passed By-law 14-32, being a By-law to authorize Voting By Telephone/Internet for the 2014 Municipal Election. Section 42(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 provides that a municipal council may pass a by-law authorizing an alternative voting method that does not require electors to attend a voting place in order to vote; AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT copies of By-law 14-32, which includes Schedule ‘A’ - Telephone/Internet Voting Election Policies and Procedures, are available at any Ward Office of the Municipality of Greenstone, and can be accessed on the Municipality’s website: www.greenstone.ca under Local Government. By-law 14-32 states: 1. THAT the alternative voting method of “Voting by Telephone/Internet” is hereby authorized for the Municipal Election to be held in 2014. 2. THAT a Voter Information Letter be provided to every person who qualifies to be an elector. The Letter will be mailed “first class” or will be directly provided to each qualified elector. The Voter Information Letter shall consist of: • A sealed envelope containing a Personal Identification Number (PIN) • A telephone access number and internet address for voting • A Greenstone Voter Help Line number for assistance • Locations of Greenstone Voter Help Centers • A list of candidates for office • Such other necessary material as the Clerk/Returning Officer determines. 3. THAT Voter Help Centers be established at locations throughout Greenstone designated by the Clerk to assist electors with the Voting by Telephone/Internet process, to make additions, deletions and corrections to the Voters’ List and to assist with other general election inquiries. AND THAT Voter Help Centers be established and located as follows: • • • • • • Greenstone Administration Office /Geraldton Ward Office, 1800 Main Street, Geraldton, ON Beardmore Ward Office, 285 Main Street, Beardmore, ON Longlac Ward Office, 105 Hamel Avenue, Longlac, ON Nakina Ward Office, 200 Center Avenue, Nakina, ON Superior Greenstone Association for Community Living, Geraldton, ON Geraldton District Hospital, Geraldton, ON 5. THAT every elector has the responsibility of completing the ballots in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, and the procedures authorized by this By-law before 8:00 p.m. on Voting Day. 6. THAT this By-law applies to Section 43 (advance votes) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. 7. THAT this By-law does not apply to Section 44 (voting proxies) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (i.e. Proxy voting will not be permitted.) 8. THAT the Clerk/Returning Officer shall prepare policies and procedures for the Voting by Telephone/Internet municipal election which shall be attached to and form part of this By-law as Schedule ‘A’. 9. THAT the Clerk/Returning Officer shall provide a copy of this By-law to each Candidate, to each School Board and to each resident upon request. 10. THAT any person, corporation or trade union guilty of corrupt practices or contravening the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 or the policies and procedures as established in this By-law may be prosecuted pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. 11. THAT the Clerk/Returning Officer shall give the electors notice of the passage of this By-law and the manner in which electors may use this alternative voting method. 12. THAT Voting by Telephone/Internet shall apply to all voting in the 2014 municipal election in the Municipality of Greenstone. This alternative voting method replaces the traditional polling or voting location method. Each qualified voter is eligible to vote only once in the Municipality of Greenstone election. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk/Returning Officer at the Greenstone Administration Office in Geraldton at 854-1100 or toll free at 1-866-462-2064. Elizabeth (Lisa) Slomke Clerk/Returning Officer Wednesday, May 7, 2014 9 COMMUNITY EVENTS SUPPORT GROUPS RESOURCE PROGRAMS RESOURCE PROGRAMS BOARD MEETINGS GROUP ACTIVITIES Geraldton Hospice Northwest Palliative Care Support Services - For more information, call Brenda Abraham at 854-1862 ext. 138. ----------------------- • ---------------------Do you, a family member or friend suffer from depression, manic depression, panic attacks, schizophrenia or other mental illness? To find out how we can help, please call the Mental Illness Support Network at 854-2649. ----------------------- • ---------------------DEPRESSION SUPPORT SELF-HELP GROUP Tuesdays afternoons 2:00pm to 3:30pm The Mental Illness Support Network, 310 Main St. 854-2649. Let’s work together to help each other. ----------------------- • ---------------------If someone you love has a drinking problem, we care. Alanon meets Mondays, 7:00 pm, Greenstone Family Health Team Boardroom, Northern Horizons Health Centre. ----------------------- • ---------------------- Area AA Meetings Sunday • Open Door Group, Longlac Pentacostal Assembly, 92 Skinner Ave., Longlac, 7:00 pm. Tuesday: • Starting Over Group, Thunderbird Friendship Centre, 301 Beamish Ave. W, Geraldton, 7:00 pm. Thursday: • Open Door Group, Longlac Pentacostal Assembly, 92 Skinner Ave., Longlac, 8:30 pm. Contact 854-0201, 876-2877 or 853-1036 for more information. ----------------------- • ---------------------TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Weight Loss Support Group meets Tues., Longlac Senior's Centre. Weigh-in begins 4:30pm, meeting 5:00pm. Everyone is welcome. Geraldton meets on Thursdays at the Northern Horizons Health Centre - West Entrance 510 Hogarth Ave. W. Weigh in time 6:30pm Meeting at 7:00 ----------------------- • ---------------------Diabetes Support Group October 7, 2013 and will run the first Monday of every Month Time: 6:30 to 7:30 Place: Greenstone Family Health Team Board Room Everyone Welcome For further information please contact Michelle Brunet, Health Educator, 854-0051 Ext 242 ----------------------- • ---------------------Caregivers Support Group September 26, 2013 and will run the fourth Thursday of every month Time: 1:45 to 3:30 Place: Greenstone Family Health Team Board Room Everyone Welcome For further information please contact Michelle Brunet, Health Educator, 854-0051 Ext 242 GERALDTON NAKINA 2013 SUPERIOR-GREENSTONE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Public access to the meetings is provided by videoconference from the Geraldton Composite High School Videoconference Room. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton District Hospital Board meetings are the first Tuesday of the month, 5:30 pm in the Hospital Board Room. Public welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------Greenstone Public Library Board meets once a month. Please contact the CEO at 854-2421 for date and time. Public welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------St. Theresa’s Catholic Women's League meetings are on the 3rd Tues. of the month, 7:30 pm in the rectory. Members and non members are invited to attend. ----------------------- • ---------------------Nakina Fish & Game Club - Meet on the third Wednesday of Jan., March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. at the Heritage Building at 7:00 pm. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton Search & Rescue meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, 7 pm at the Geraldton Legion Hall. New members welcome! ----------------------- • ---------------------Caramat District School Area Board’s monthly meeting are the second Tues. of the month. The public is welcomed to attend. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton Kinsmen meet every Wednesday at the Kinsmen Hall located at 406 1st Street East at 8 pm. All men welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------Greenstone Family Health Team Board meetings are the second Wednesday of the month at 4:30pm in the Greenstone Family Health Team Board Room. Exceptions - no meetings in July & August . Public Welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton District Chamber of Commerce meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the meeting room at the Elsie Dugard Public Library. Members are invited to attend. ----------------------- • ---------------------Longlac Chamber of Commerce meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm in the Longlac Tourist Information Centre. All members invited ----------------------- • ----------------------The Geraldton District Hospital Auxiliary’s meetings are now held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the GD Hospital Board Room. Exceptions: June and December No meetings in July or August ----------------------- • ---------------------St. John the Baptist CWL meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the church. New members are welcome! Prenatal Classes in Geraldton and Longlac. To register call 854-0454 Thunder Bay Health Unit ----------------------- • ---------------------Clothing Exchange for Infants at Thunderbird Friendship Centre. Any infants clothing (0-36 mos.) you are willing to donate, or free to take what you need. For more info call 8541060. ----------------------- • ---------------------Centre de Ressources du Club Canadien Français de Geraldton: Est maintenant ouvert du lundi au merredi, de 13h à 17h et le jeudi de 13h à 16h. Lucille Dumais (Coordonnatrice) 854-1170. ----------------------- • ---------------------#227 Squadron Air Cadets Wednesday nights at G.C.H.S. Starts at 6:15pm Contact: Lt. LeBlanc 854-1996. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton Karate Club - Contact: Lynnea Zuefle (854-0015), Tuesday and Thursday 6:00pm to 7:00pm for the Junior Belts and 7:15pm to 8:15pm for the Senior Belts/Adult Class, G.C.H.S. ----------------------- • ---------------------Longlac Martial Arts Club (Karate) - Contact: Sean Berard 876-4774 or 876-9572. Chateau Jeuness Gym, Mon & Wed. 6:30pm9:00pm. ----------------------- • ---------------------Tsuruoka Karate Club classes, downstairs at Longlac Seniors Centre, Monday, Wednesday not fridays. 6:45 - 9:00. Person to contact- Andre Courtemanche @ 876-4404 ----------------------- • ---------------------Girl Guides of Canada, Geraldton: Contact Liz Brown, 854-0708. Adult volunteers welcomed. ----------------------- • ---------------------Workshops/On-line Training MTW Employment Services offers a variety workshops, free of charge, available Mon – Fri every week of every month. Computers and enrollment assistance are available for online training certification. Please call or visit the location nearest you. 876-4222 or 8541234 ----------------------- • ---------------------The Greenstone Family Health Team: To see Nurse Practitioner Ingrid Aubry please call 807-8540051 Ext. 221 COMING EVENTS Services for St. James Memorial Church Sunday April 20th (Easter) Holy Eucharist 11.a.m. St. James Anglican Sunday April 27th 11 a.m. service @ St. Andrews Presbyterian Sunday May 4th 11 a.m. service @ St. Andrews Presbyterian Sunday May 11th - 11 a.m. service @ St. James Anglican Sunday May 18th 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist St. James Anglican Sunday May 25th 11 a.m. service @ St. Andrews Presbyterian 10 “A great place for you and your child/children to spend time.” Playgroup is held Monday to Friday, every morning from 10:00 11:30 French playgroup is held on Tuesday’ and Friday’. Workshop: Healthy Home Environment for Kids Date: Thursday, April 24 Time: 10:30 a.m. Presenter: Melissa Wilson Public Health Nurse Place: Geraldton Day Care Centre Children spend more than 80% of their time indoors. They breathe, eat and drink more than adults, increasing Their exposure to harmful chemicals. No cost. Gym Activities for children up to 6 years old. Held Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at St Joseph School. Parents must be in attendance and participate with their child/ren. NO COST. For more info, please call 854 – 1747. LONGLAC NORWEST COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRES – LONGLAC SITE Spring Programs 2014. Please call 876-2271 or drop in for more info. All programs free of charge, with the exception of Community Kitchen (where participants share the cost of purchased food). LAB: Every Monday & Wednesday from 8:00 to 12:00. WALK-IN CLINIC: evenings 4:30-7:00. Tuesday FOOT CARE: Call 876-2271 for an appointment or for more info. NAKINA PARENTS & TOTS / parents et bambins: Nakina Kids N’ Us/Petit Chez Nous in Nakina at 301 Algoma Street. Tues. and Thurs. morning from 9:30am - 11:30am at the EDDC. Nakina Kids N'US / Petite Chez Nous - Childcare for ages 0-12 years, open 7-5 on a daily basis, but if care is need before 7 or after 5 can be opened as early as 6 and as late as 6. Call Cassie at 329-8592. RECREATION NOTES RECREATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 854-1100 ext 2011 ----------------------- • ---------------------INSTRUCTORS WANTED! – We do all the advertising and setting up, and you will be paid $25/hour to share your talents/skills with a group of people – call the Rec office today! GERALDTON Monday 7:30 -10pm Mixed Badminton at GCHS Friday 7-10pm Mixed Volleyball at GCHS Walk n Talk @ GCHS Mon-Fri 6-9pm ----------------------- • ---------------------KUNDALINI YOGA starting March 25 every Tuesday & Thursday 6 - 730 pm at BA Parker Public school library. To register call the Municipal Office ----------------------- • ---------------------CARDMAKING WITH KAREN next session will be held in February 2014 COMING EVENTS Hike for Hospice Sunday, May 4, 2014 Starting 3pm at the Geraldton Waterfront Contact Myrna (854-0313) BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Every Wednesday from 9 to 4; no appointment necessary. SENIORS’ BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Second Tuesday of every month, at 1:30. At the Seniors’ Club in Longlac; no appointment necessary. HEALTHY AGING EXERCISES: Thursdays 10:00-11:00 at the Seniors’ Club, through the month of April. All ages welcome. TAI CHI: Promote better balance, increase circulation and joint flexibility. Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 at the Seniors’ Club, through the month of April. Open to everyone. COMMUNITY KITCHEN: Once a month we meet to cook nutritious, low-cost meals. Ideas are shared for recipes; cooking takes place the following week at the Health Centre. You then bring home your meals and surplus to freeze. Small fee, to cover cost of groceries purchased. DIABETES EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP: first Wednesday of the month, at 7:00pm. PLAYGROUP: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:30. POLE-WALKING PROGRAM: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 11:00 to 11:30, for the month of May; at the track of the French High School (poles provided). a c . e mikig TIMES STAR COMMERCIAL PRINTING LARGE FORMAT SCANNING & PRINTING VINYL SIGNS & VEHICLE DECALS EMBROIDERY & clothing PASSPORT PHOTOS full colour signs & banners stationery supplies PHONE: (807) 854-1919 FAX: (807) 854-1682 [email protected] Wednesday, May 7, 2014 SENIORS CORNER PUBLIC BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC - the third Thursday every month. at 1:15 pm. ----------------------- • ---------------------SENIORS ACTIVITIES IN NAKINA: 111 Kingsland Street, Tues - Carpet Bowling 2 pm; Wed - Bingo doors open @ 6 pm, Bingo starts @ 7 pm; Thurs - Cribbage 7 pm. Everyone welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------QUILTING & CRAFTING: Wednesday mornings at 9:00am and Sunday afternoons at 12:00pm at the Longlac Seniors Centre ----------------------- • ---------------------QUILTING & CRAFTS have now started, Tuesday Mornings at 9:00am. 55 Plus room in the complex ----------------------- • ---------------------The Mun. of Greenstone's Aging at Home Medical Transportation Program provides transportation for ambulatory Seniors in Greenstone to medical and health related appointments. This service is available for both local appointments and appointments in the City of Thunder Bay on a firstcome, first-served basis. Third party assignment of an eligible Northern Health Travel Grant is required. For more info please call the Community Services Dept. of the Municipality of Greenstone at 854-1100. Wednesday, MAy 7, 2014 11 ADVERTISE FOR ONLY $6.00 + Tax (UP TO 21 WORDS) pet corner 4 PAWS DOG GROOMING - professionally done by Manon Hardy. For an appointment call, 854-0214. DOG SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE Collars, toys, shampoos, leashes and more. ----------------------- • ---------------------- classifieds MASSAGE THERAPY SERVICES 854-1554 15 YEARS OF MASSAGE THERAPY EXPERIENCE Relaxation and injury orientated services or for overall well being, hot stone, and reiki. Flexible hours and schedule Appointments available in Geraldton, Longlac, Beardmore and Nakina MIND & BODY ESTHETICS ----------------------- • ---------------------- By: Shelley Cormier merchandise Thank you Longlac Pizzeria HOUSE FOR SALE: 192 Centennial, 4 bdrm house, forced air heat with air conditioning. Ensuite bedroom off master bedroom. All ceramic floors. Fridge, stove, washer/dryer included. Freshly painted white. 2 car heated garage. Call 854-8206 for more info. No renovations required TFN ----------------------- • ---------------------HOUSE FOR SALE: 201 2nd Street East Geraldton. 3 bedroom bugalow home, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors, double garage. Corner lot, well-maintained home. Centrally located, close to downtown and schools. Private sale, serious inquiries only. Call 854-1156 after 5:00pm FOR SALE: 98 yamaha 650 V-star with windsheild, bags, 9500 km asking $2500. INFO call 8764574 29P ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR SALE: Travel Trailer 26BH fully equipped with add a room, sleeps 7. Campsite paid until May 2015. Includes shed, deck, BBQ, trimmer and much more. Call 807-854-2225 29P ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR SALE: 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan. 55,000 KM Full stow and go. One owner, Full warranty to 100 KM or Aug. 2015.PS, PB, Auto, AM/FM/CD, PW, pwr seat, dual A/C, rear A/C and heat, remote start 15,900 OBO 807344-8812 TH.BAY, [email protected] 29C ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR SALE: 2001 Chevrolet Impala, new struts, battery, as is, 176000km Call or text 1-807854-8960. $1400 obo 29P SINCÈRES REMERCIENTS Nous tenons a remercier du plus profond de notre coeur tous nos parents et amis qui nous ont entourés lors du décès de Raymond Forget le 30 mars 2014. Un merci aux infirmiers et infirmières de Dr. Hargassner. Que ce soit par des visites, des fleurs, de la nouriture, des cartes, des dons, des prières des messes. Merci aux Benevoles qui on passer leur nuit avec, au club de l’âge d’or, au fille d’Isabelle, à la chorale pour leur beau chant, Diane pour avoir fait les lectures. Merci au curé Jean Morin et ceux qui on servi la messe et merci a Stéphanie du salon funéraire Fawcett pour son aide. Vos gestes d’amour et de soutien en cette épreuve difficile resteront a jamais gravés dans nos coeurs. Merci. La Famille Forget is looking for: - part time waitres - part time cook APPLY WITHIN Please drop off resume at front Angelo’s Auto TFN FOR RENT: 1,800 sq/foot industrial space, lots of outside parking. Call 807-854-7639, CUFN email: [email protected] ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR RENT: 2000 sq Commercial Office Space. Main St. , Geraldton. Wheelchair access. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Call 854-7639 or TFN email:[email protected] ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR RENT: 2 Commercial spaces for rent. Each unit is approx 900 sq. ft.. Both have 2 offices, large meeting room, kitchenette, washrooms and storage rooms. Will renovate to suit tennant. Call Yvonne @ 854-1295 TFN ----------------------- • ---------------------COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACE FOR RENT: Downtown Geraldton, from 300 up to 4,000 square feet available. Can be renovated to your needs. Located in busy, prominent multi-tenant building. Call 854-2283 or email [email protected] TFN NOTICE 807-854-2366 Waxing (hair removal) Maicure / Pedicure Brow & Lash Tinting Gel Nails Shellac Manicure/ Pedicure Sell unwanted items for cash through the TIMES STAR Classifieds section. 854-1919 a c . e ikig m Passport Photos at Geraldton Faith Chapel’s Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) Weird Animals Begins -July 28 Ends - August 2nd Ages: SK and up. Call Marilyn 854-0161 or RuthAnn 854-1081 ----------------------- • ---------------------GCHS Yearbooks For Sale! 12 28P ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR SALE: 1 Bedroom house with large garage at 300 4th Ave SE. 201 Wardrope Ave W 2 bedroom with small garage and large lot. Modular hame at 209 Wardrope Ave e. with double lot. Please call 854-0739 and ask for Stan 28P N EED A TOW ? Weather Observer required for Geraldton Airport Permanent full-time Must have min. Grade 12 diploma Own vehicle to get to airport Must complete 6 week course in Cornwall, ON expenses paid Wage $13.00/hr (42 hr week on average). Both day shifts and night shifts (12 hr shifts) e-mail resume to [email protected] for further info CUSTOM SAFETY C L O T HT I N GS CALL AVA I L A B L E AT IMES TA R S TA N D O U T I N A C R O W D H AV E Y O U R L O G O P U T O N Y O U R S A F E T Y CLOTHING IN REFLECTIVE LARRY’S TOWING AT 854-0484 Your local Imagewear Specialist E MBROIDERY, AND HEAT PRESS SERVICES AVAILABLE ON STOCK AS WELL AS PERSONAL CLOTHING AT Brand-new, unused yearbooks from the following years are available in the GCHS Library: 1991, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2002-2003, 2005-2006 If you have lost your yearbook, or it has been damaged, this is your chance to replace it! $2.00 each - Proceeds of sales go to the GCHS Yearbook Fund For more information, please go to the GCHS website: http://gchs.ca/ ----------------------- • ---------------------Looking for a Companion I’m a 53 year old man with brown hair and eyes, in a wheelchair. Looking for a 50-60 year old lady to spend time with. Call Joe at 853-0050 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday from 8:30 - 3:30 For more info call 854-1919 FRIDAY 12PM FOR sale FOR RENT GLENDA BARBER FOR ADS IS employment is looking for a Full Time Class ‘A’ Mechanic please contact Irene 807-854-1999 Thank You HEALTH DEADLINE Store Manager Long Lake #58 First Nation is seeking a “Store Manager” to oversee the operation of their Gas Bar/Convenience Store and Subway store franchise, located on Long Lake #58 First Nation. Reporting to the Board of Directors and Band Council, the ideal candidate will have a proven track record in retail management with extensive experience in a similar establishment. The ability to meet franchisee requirements is essential and the successful candidate will participate in training as required. This individual has strong organizational and problem-solving skills along with excellent customer service, people management and communication abilities. He/she has a strong work ethic and is culturally sensitive and respectful. Applicants are invited to submit a resume with cover letter to: Long Lake #58 General Store, P.O.Box 1057, Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Attn: M.Davey. Submissions or requests for a detailed job description via email may be sent to: [email protected]. The deadline for receipt of applications is May 30, 2014, at 4 p.m. Only those applicants chosen for an interview will be contacted and must provide a current Criminal Records check. Wednesday, May 7, 2014 informative Independent Nursing Panel Recommends Increasing RN Care Needed at Nipigon District Memorial Hospital NIPIGON—Residents of Nipigon will be pleased to hear that an independent panel of nursing experts has recommended that more registered nursing (RN) hours be added to care for patients in the acute care unit, emergency department and chronic unit at Nipigon District Memorial Hospital, and that an RN be added to act as a transport nurse. The recommendations were made following a three-day Independent Assessment Committee (IAC) hearing called by members of the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) in order to resolve their concerns about the safety and quality of patient care. The IAC made 25 recommendations in five areas regarding issues that directly or indirectly impact the workload of RNs. “Our dedicated registered nurses working at Nipigon District Memorial Hospital have persistently raised concerns about workload issues that impact their patients,” said ONA President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN. “It should be reassuring for this community to know that the expert panel found merit in their concerns and made recommendations that – if acted on by hospital management – will improve the safety and quality of the care they receive.” An IAC panel is called in when multiple attempts to resolve professional nursing practice issues are unsuccessful. RNs at the hospital were concerned that the number of patients being assigned to RNs were resulting in an inability to provide proper patient care. The panel found that there was an insufficient complement of RNs working in Nipigon’s ER, chronic care and acute care units to provide proper patient care. It recommended that RN staffing be increased in the ER on weekends, not eliminate a current fulltime RN position, develop a nursing human resources plan to build nurs- ing capacity, better monitor the number and type of patient transfers and type of required staff escort, ease some of the nonnursing duties being performed by nurses, and act to address feelings of low morale and burnout among RNs. The hospital must not reduce the hours of RN coverage as it has proposed to do. “ONA is looking forward to working closely with Nipigon hospital management to implement these recommendations quickly,” said HaslamStroud. “Our nurses want the best, safest care for their patients and are pleased to be able to work collaboratively with this employer to achieve just that.” ONA is the union representing 60,000 registered nurses and allied health professionals, as well as more than 14,000 nursing student affiliates providing care in hospitals, long-term care facilities, public health, the community, clinics and industry. Nabbed for Shooting Moose from Truck A Vanastra man has been fined $3,000 for unlawfully hunting moose. Wayne Riley pleaded guilty and was fined $1,500 for hunting moose without a licence, $1,000 for discharging a firearm from a vehicle and $500 for making a false statement to a conservation officer. He is not allowed to hunt in Ontario for one year. The court heard that on December 12, 2012, Ministry of Natural Resources conservation officers responded to a complaint of illegal hunting near Hidden Lake, southeast of Upsala. With assistance from Ontario Provincial Police and the ministry’s canine unit, conservation officers discovered that Riley shot a cow and bull moose from his truck. His hunting party only had hunting validation tags for bull moose and was not authorized to shoot a cow moose. Riley’s rifle and the cow moose were seized and forfeited to the Crown. Justice of the Peace Marcel Donio heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Thunder Bay, on April 2, 2014. The ministry reminds hunters it is illegal to possess a loaded firearm in a vehicle or vessel, including aircraft, snowmobile, allterrain vehicle or motorboat. To report a natural resources violation, call 1877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free any time or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800222-TIPS (8477). OFFICE: (807) 623-4455 FAX (807) 8541270 Nancy Sutherland Sales Representative (807) 854-5675 [email protected] THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE NOTICE 209 Jackson Ave. MLS 141043 921 Second St E MSl 141041 813 First St. W MLS 140700 1207 Main Street MLS 141142 Council will open the sealed bids at the Regular Meeting on May 26, 2014. 28 Margo Lake Rd E Longlac MLS 1409022 100 & 102 Queen St Apt Bldg and House The Municipality of Greenstone is under no obligation to accept any bid or proposal. 28 Margo Lake Rd E Longlac MLS 140922 TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Greenstone has, by Resolution of Council, declared the trailer only located on Municipal property at 317 Clarke Avenue East in the Geraldton Ward to be surplus to the needs and requirements of the Municipality of Greenstone and that the Municipality intends to sell the trailer only on the condition that said trailer be removed from the lot within 30 days of the closing of the sale. Any person or corporation interested in purchasing the above noted trailer is requested to submit their sealed bid in writing to the undersigned by 4:00 pm May 22, 2014. Please be advised that any bid accepted by Council will be subject to HST and all legal fees if applicable. Please address all offer/bids to: Stephen Mykulak Director – Protective & Planning Services Municipality of Greenstone PO Box 70 Geraldton Greenstone, Ontario Tel: 807-854-1100 Fax: 807-854-1947 Wednesday, May 7, 2014 122 Queen MLS 140203 202 Third Ave SW MLS 140552 602 MAin St MLS 133471 Ran-Dan Motel-Longlac MLS 140896 WWW.BELLUZ.COM 13 News MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 SALE OF LAND FOR TAX ARREARS BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at the Treasurer’s Office, Greenstone Municipal Office, 1800 Main Street, Geraldton, Ontario P0T 1M0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:05 p.m. at the Treasurer’s Office, Greenstone Municipal Office, 1800 Main Street, Geraldton, Ontario P0T 1M0. Description of Land(s): 1. Roll No.5876.720.001.22300, PIN 62384-0369 (LT) PCL 9442 SEC TBF; LT 257 PL M95 Nakina; Green stone; Being all of the PIN Assessed at 14,500 (Residential) & 20,750 (Commercial) Street Address: 101 Highway 584N, Nakina, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $14,627.99 2. Roll No.5876.720.001.27500, PIN 62384-0468 (LT) PCL 16503 SEC TBF; PT BLK 18 PL M98 Nakina PT 1 55R827;Greenstone; Being all of the PIN Assessed at 48,500 (Commercial) Street Address: 104 Highway 584, Nakina, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $12,018.35 3. Roll No.5876.720.001.30943, PIN 62384-0059 (LT) PCL 41-1 SEC M328; LT 41 PL M328 Nakina; Greenstone, Being all of the PIN Assessed at 34,500 (Residential) Street Address: 100 Highland Crescent, Nakina, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $14,765.19 4. Roll No.5876.720.001.30957, PIN 62384-0073(LT) PCL 55-1 SEC M328; LT 55 PL M328 Nakina; s/t LT142800; Greenstone; Being all of the PIN Assessed at 36,000 (Residential) Street Address: 128 Highland Crescent, Nakina, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $16,052.81 5. Roll No. 5876.740.004.07000, PIN 62413-1039 (LT) PCL 981 SEC GF; LT 9 PL M139 Ashmore SRO; Greenstone, Being all of the PIN Assessed at 5,900 (Residential – Vacant Land) Street Address: 317 Third Ave. S.E., Geraldton, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $6,011.97 6. Roll No. 5876.780.001.07300, PIN 62423-0047 (LT) PCL 14245 SEC TBF; Location TW 68 Summers; Greenstone, Being all of the PIN Assessed at 55,500 (Residential) Street Address: 293 Tamarack St., Beardmore, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $17,067.84 7. Roll No. 5876.940.000.10900, PIN 62425-0008 (LT) PCL 9820 SEC TBF; Location DC 10 Kilkenny situate near The Townsite of MacDiarmid as in PPA5848; Greenstone, Being all of the PIN Assessed at 5,700 (Residential) Street Address: MacDiarmid, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $4,307.07 8. Roll No. 5876.720.001.13700, PIN 62384-0159 (LT) PCL 13518 SEC TBF; LT 154 PL M94 Nakina; Greenstone, Being all of the PIN Assessed at 4,800 (Residential) Street Address: 108 Keefer Street, Nakina, ON Minimum Tender Amount: $1,830.69 The OPA and Aboriginal Communities Work Together To Deliver Community Energy Planning 29 Aboriginal communities to develop energy plans The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) is supporting 29 Aboriginal communities in developing their community energy plans through the Aboriginal Community Energy Plan (ACEP) program. The OPA announced today that 22 proposals have been approved for a total of $2.5 million in funding through the ACEP program. These proposals involve 29 participating Aboriginal communities across Ontario, including remote, northern and southern First Nations. The list of communities is available here. A map showing the location of these communities is available here. The ACEP program assists First Nations and Métis communities to develop or update a community energy plan, with the goal of improving energy efficiency, reducing electricity consumption and assessing opportunities for clean energy generation. Applications for the first round of the program were accepted from August 21 to November 29, 2013, and the review process was overseen by an independent fairness monitor. The ACEP program will support Aboriginal participation in Ontario’s energy sector by providing up to $90,000 in funding to First Nation or Métis communi- ties for local energy planning activities, with remote communities being eligible for an additional $5,000. Through this program, the province is encouraging the development of energy plans that identify the unique needs and interests of each First Nation and Métis community. Quotes: “The Ontario Power Authority is pleased to support Aboriginal communities in developing their energy plans through the ACEP program. This is one of several ways in which the OPA encourages Aboriginal participation in Ontario’s energy sector and helps ensure a sustainable energy supply to communities across the province.” Colin Andersen, OPA Chief Executive Officer “The Aboriginal Community Energy Plan program will support First Nation and Métis communities in developing plans that will help conserve electricity and find opportunities for clean small-scale generation. As outlined in Ontario’s updated Long-Term Energy Plan, community energy plans will complement and support regional energy plans by allowing communities to identify their unique community needs and interests.” Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. All tenders must be in a sealed envelope with TAX SALE and a short description of the property on the outside of the envelope and should be addressed to the name and address below. The Municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and interest and the relevant land transfer tax and HST, if applicable. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, contact: Lise Koroscil, Office Manager The Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone 1800 Main Street, P. O. Box 70 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: (807) 854-1100 Fax: (807) 854-1947 Email: [email protected] or visit website http:// www.greenstone.ca/landtaxsale 14 Wednesday, MAy 7, 2014 Energy “Thanks to the Aboriginal Community Energy Plan program, 29 Aboriginal communities can start planning for their energy future. Aboriginal participation in energy sector development will help Ontario to both encourage renewable energy and provide sustainable economic development opportunities for First Nations and Métis communities across the province.” David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs “We’re very excited that our tribal council will be able to work with its five member communities to develop energy plans that will complement the existing work of future connection to the provincial grid, determining local distribution and addressing conservation. Our end goal is to create opportunities, and by planning now we can help ensure a good future for our communities.” Margaret Kenequanash, Executive Director, Shibogama First Nations Council For more information on the Aboriginal Community Energy Plan (ACEP) program visit: http://www.aboriginalenergy.ca/aboriginal -community-energy-plans MARKETPLACE Serving the communities of Greenstone ASTROCOM ION EVIS L CABInc. 854-1569 John Emmans, President Box 910, Geraldton, Ont. P0T 1M0 SHAFFER JOBBITT LAW OFFICE Keith J.F. Jobbitt Roy F. Karlstedt Real Estate Wills and Estates Corporate Commercial Family General Litigation Criminal 1024 Main Street Geraldton, Ontario 1 (800) 854-1427 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! CALL TIMES STAR FOR DETAILS 854-1919 CRISIS LINE HELP LINE 24 HOURS CALL 854-1571 or TOLL FREE 1-800-265-7317 • Cable TV • Pay TV Call for more info! [ ] MTW EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SECOND CAREER = SECOND CHANCE!! Come see what resources are available to you 423 Main St Unit A Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 807-854-1234 888-294-5559 101 King St. Suite B Tous nos services Longlac, ON sont offerts en P0T 2A0 français. 807-876-4222 www.mtwjobassist.ca Victoria Bed and Breakfast Your mid to long term stay specialists in Geraldton. Call for Weekly and Monthly Rates 807 854 2048 directory Wednesday, May 7, 2014 15 Informative OSSTF/FEESO Celebrates Education Week May 5-9, 2014 Education Week was first celebrated in 1930, and this year, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) commemorates Education Week's 84th anniversary with the theme Ontario: World Class. Education Week was established by OSSTF/FEESO in the fall of 1930, during a period of waning public interest in education due to the Depression, when a good education was no longer considered a guarantee of employment. It was hoped that by highlighting a new secondary school curriculum and celebrating public education, the citizens of Ontario would once again take an interest in their schools. In the years that followed, Ontarians developed a renewed sense of concern for education and the government made a strong commitment to strengthening the province's public education system. Today, with members working in elementary and secondary schools as well as universities, OSSTF/FEESO President Paul Elliott reflects on the importance of this province's public education system, "Students are graduating into a world very different than the one many of us did. It is through the hard work, dedication and professionalism of education workers that the students of Ontario will continue to receive a world class education that prepares them for an evolving world where lifelong learning is a necessity." "Our members strive to provide students with opportunities to develop and grow in a safe, nurturing environment. Education Week provides us with an occasion to celebrate their role in the creation of a bright future for students and for Ontario. Please join OSSTF/FEESO in appreciating the education system we have and envisioning what it will look like in the years to come, during Education Week," concluded Elliott. OSSTF/FEESO, founded in 1919, has 60,000 members across Ontario. They include public high school teachers, occasional teachers, educational assistants, continuing education teachers and instructors, early childhood educators, psychologists, secretaries, speech-language pathologists, social workers, plant support personnel, university support staff, and many others in education. 16 Wednesday, May 7, 2014
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