Greenstone Community Profile
Greenstone Community Profile
Version 1.2 May 2012 © 2012 Municipality of Greenstone This document contains information that is subject to change without notice. All data is believed to be accurate, but the reader is advised to verify data before reaching decisions based upon information contained within this document. All marks are the property of their respective owners. For further information please contact: Vicki Blanchard Economic Development Officer Municipality of Greenstone PO Box 70 1800 Main Street Geraldton, Ontario P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1100 x2033 Fax: 807-854-1947 Email: [email protected] Web: Municipality of Greenstone Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Location .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Climate ............................................................................................................................... 3 2 DEMOGRAPHICS ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Population Size and Growth................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Age Profile ........................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Language Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Mobility Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Level of Education ................................................................................................................ 7 2.6 Income ............................................................................................................................... 8 3 LABOUR FORCE ........................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Key Indicators .................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Labour Force by Occupation ................................................................................................ 12 3.3 Labour Force by Industry .................................................................................................... 15 3.4 Place of Work .................................................................................................................... 16 3.5 Net Import & Export of Labour Force ................................................................................... 17 3.6 General Wages by Occupation ............................................................................................. 18 4 KEY INDUSTRIES ..................................................................................................................... 21 4.1 Largest Employers .............................................................................................................. 21 5 TRANSPORTATION AND SHIPPING ........................................................................................ 22 5.1 Highways .......................................................................................................................... 22 5.2 Rail Services ...................................................................................................................... 23 5.3 Airports ............................................................................................................................. 24 5.4 Ports ................................................................................................................................. 26 5.5 Bus Services ...................................................................................................................... 26 5.6 Taxi and Rental Car Services ............................................................................................... 27 5.7 Freight and Shipping Services .............................................................................................. 28 6 TAXES AND UTILITIES ............................................................................................................ 30 6.1 Local Property Tax Rates .................................................................................................... 30 6.2 Federal and Provincial Income Tax Rates.............................................................................. 30 6.3 Electricity .......................................................................................................................... 32 6.4 Natural Gas ....................................................................................................................... 35 6.5 Waste Management ............................................................................................................ 36 6.6 Water and Sanitary Sewer ................................................................................................... 39 6.7 Communications Infrastructure ............................................................................................ 41 7 BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES ..................................................................... 43 7.1 Development Related Fees .................................................................................................. 43 7.2 Development Charges......................................................................................................... 43 8 INDUSTRIAL PARKS ................................................................................................................ 44 8.1 Industrial Parks .................................................................................................................. 44 9 BUSINESS SUPPORT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES .................................................................. 45 9.1 Government....................................................................................................................... 45 9.2 Chamber of Commerce and Business Associations ................................................................. 49 9.3 Education, Employment and Training ................................................................................... 50 9.5 Real Estate ........................................................................................................................ 52 9.6 Economic Development....................................................................................................... 53 10 QUALITY OF LIFE ..................................................................................................................... 54 10.1 Housing Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 54 10.2 Health, Social and Community Services ............................................................................. 54 10.3 Education ........................................................................................................................ 64 10.4 Emergency and Protective Services ................................................................................... 66 10.5 Events ............................................................................................................................. 69 10.6 Local Media...................................................................................................................... 70 11 LOCAL ACCOMMODATIONS ..................................................................................................... 71 APPENDIX - INCENTIVES ............................................................................................................... 73 Municipality of Greenstone Greenstone Community Profile 2012 List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1: Greenstone Average Temperature (°C) ...................................................................................................................3 2: Greenstone Average Precipitation ...........................................................................................................................3 3: Population Change ................................................................................................................................................4 4: Age Distribution ....................................................................................................................................................5 5: Language Characteristics, 2012 ..............................................................................................................................5 6: Greenstone Mobility Rates......................................................................................................................................6 7: Education Attainment, 2012 ...................................................................................................................................7 8: Total Income Levels, 2011 .....................................................................................................................................8 9: Family Income Levels, 2011 ...................................................................................................................................9 10: Household Income Levels, 2011 ......................................................................................................................... 10 11: Labour Force Characteristics, 2012 ..................................................................................................................... 11 12: Labour Force by Occupation, 2012 ..................................................................................................................... 13 13: Labour Force by Industry, 2012 .......................................................................................................................... 15 14: Where the Greenstone Resident Labour Force Works, 2006 ................................................................................. 16 15: Place of Residence for Persons Working in Greenstone, 2006 ............................................................................... 16 16: Net Import-Export of Labour Force for Greenstone, 2006 ..................................................................................... 17 17: General Wages by Occupation ............................................................................................................................ 18 18: Largest Private Sector Employers ........................................................................................................................ 21 19: Largest Public Sector Employers ......................................................................................................................... 21 20: Distance to Urban Centres ................................................................................................................................. 22 21: Distance to Major US Border Crossings ............................................................................................................... 22 22: Local Property Tax Rates, 2011 .......................................................................................................................... 30 23: Corporate Taxes – Non-Canadian Controlled ....................................................................................................... 30 24: Corporate Taxes – Canadian Controlled............................................................................................................... 30 25: Ontario's Capital Tax Elimination Plan ................................................................................................................. 30 26: Personal Income Tax, 2012 ................................................................................................................................ 31 27: Sales Tax .......................................................................................................................................................... 31 28: Hydro One Residential Electricity Rates ............................................................................................................... 32 29: Hydro One Small Business Electricity Rates (< 50 kW/month) .............................................................................. 33 30: Hydro One Small Business Electricity Rates (> 50 kW/month) .............................................................................. 34 31: Union Gas - Regional Residential Rates (Rate 301) .............................................................................................. 35 32: Union Gas - Small Commercial Rates (Rate 310) .................................................................................................. 36 33: Waste Disposal Sites .......................................................................................................................................... 37 34: Water and Sewer Rates, Effective April 2011 ....................................................................................................... 39 35: Water and Sewer Facilities ................................................................................................................................. 40 36: Communications Infrastructure........................................................................................................................... 41 37: Development-related Application Fees ................................................................................................................ 43 38: Industrial Parks Available ................................................................................................................................... 44 39: Residential Assessment Property Values, MPAC 2008 ........................................................................................... 54 40: Dwelling Characteristics for Greenstone, 2012 ..................................................................................................... 54 41: Public Schools ................................................................................................................................................... 65 42: Catholic Schools ................................................................................................................................................ 65 List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure 1: 2: 3: 4: Greenstone Location Map .....................................................................................................................................2 Age Distribution Chart, 2012 .................................................................................................................................4 Education Attainment, 2012 ..................................................................................................................................7 Labour Force by Occupation, 2012 ...................................................................................................................... 12 Municipality of Greenstone Greenstone Community Profile 2012 1 Introduction The Municipality of Greenstone (Canada 2011 Census population 4,724) is located along Trans-Canada Highway 11 in Northwestern Ontario, 300km northeast of the City of Thunder Bay. Greenstone was created on January 1, 2001 by the amalgamation of the former municipalities of the Town of Geraldton, the Town of Longlac, the Township of Nakina and the Township of Beardmore, and an extensive area of unincorporated territory including numerous settlement areas such as; Caramat, Jellicoe, MacDiarmid and Orient Bay. First Nation communities within Greenstone municipal boundaries are Long Lake 58, Lake Nipigon Ojibway, Rocky Bay and Sand Point, while Aroland and Ginoogaming First Nations are situated just outside the Municipality, adjacent to the wards of Nakina and Longlac, respectively. Greenstone is located in the District of Thunder Bay and has an area of 3,172 sq km (1224 sq mi) making it one of the largest municipalities in Canada. Municipality of Greenstone 1 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 1.1 Location Greenstone is a municipality located along Highway 11 and 584 with Nakina, its northernmost community, located 176 air miles from the Ring of Fire. Figure 1: Greenstone Location Map Municipality of Greenstone 2 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 1.2 Climate Greenstone derives climatic data from the Environment Canada weather station at the Greenstone Regional Airport located in the ward of Geraldton. Table 1: Greenstone Average Temperature (°C) Temperature Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Daily Average -19.2 -15.5 -9 0.2 8.5 14.1 16.9 15.8 9.9 3.1 -6.1 -14.8 3.5 4 2.9 2.7 1.9 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.7 3.1 4 -12.4 -8.1 -1.5 7.2 15.6 20.9 23.4 22.2 15.3 7.5 -1.6 -9.3 Daily Minimum -26 -22.8 -16.6 -6.8 1.4 7.3 10.4 9.4 4.3 -1.4 -10.6 -20.3 Extreme Maximum 5.9 16.9 16.6 25.8 32.2 37 34.5 33.6 30.5 24.8 15.2 10.8 Extreme Minimum -50.2 -49.3 -40.4 -33 -11.3 -4.6 1.3 0 -7.8 -14.8 -36.4 -41.7 Standard Deviation Daily Maximum Source: Environment Canada, GERALDTON A Station. ut=&month1=0&month2=12 Table 2: Greenstone Average Precipitation Precipitation Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Rainfall (mm) 0.4 0.7 6.1 18.4 65 86 111.7 82.9 97.4 58.7 15 4.1 Snowfall (cm) 45.1 28.9 27.7 25.7 2.8 0.1 0 0 2.8 19.6 48.8 42.8 35.7 23.9 30.5 43.6 69.1 86.1 111.7 82.9 100.4 80.6 59.4 36.4 3.8 4.2 20.6 37.8 41 57.4 78.8 68.8 124.6 48 30.2 44.6 56.6 24.8 18 33 8 1 0 0 17.4 21.3 28 19.2 56.2 18.8 20.6 37.8 41 57.4 78.8 68.8 124.6 48 34.2 57.2 137 97 92 84 66 0 0 0 15 30 52 50 Precipitation (mm) Extreme Daily Rainfall (mm) Extreme Daily Snowfall (cm) Extreme Daily Precipitation (mm) Extreme Snow Depth (cm) Source: Environment Canada, GERALDTON A Station. ut=&month1=0&month2=12 Municipality of Greenstone 3 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 2 Demographics 2.1 Population Size and Growth Table 3: Population Change 2001 5,662 Greenstone Population Count % Change from Previous Census 2001 11,410,046 Ontario Population Count % Change from Previous Census 2006 4,906 -13.4 2006 12,160,282 6.6 2012* 4,803 2012* 13,364,603 Source: Statistics Canada. 2007. 2006 Community Profiles. 2006 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-591-XWE. Ottawa. Released March 13, 2007. * Estimated McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012 2.2 Age Profile In 2012, Greenstone had an older population compared to the provincial average. Estimates show that the percentage of the total population of the ages of 45 to 64 is higher than the provincial average, while the percentages for those aged 20 to 44 is below the provincial average. Figure 2: Age Distribution Chart, 2012 Greenstone 2012 % 10.0 ON 2012 % 9.0 8.0 7.0 Percentage 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Age Group Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. Municipality of Greenstone 4 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 4: Age Distribution Greenstone 2012 4,803 264 250 283 317 310 275 316 317 313 400 419 380 294 217 155 126 93 72 Characteristics Age 0 to 4 years 5 to 9 years 10 to 14 years 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 to 74 years 75 to 79 years 80 to 84 years 85 years and over Greenstone 2012 (%) 5.5 5.2 5.9 6.6 6.5 5.7 6.6 6.6 6.5 8.3 8.7 7.9 6.1 4.5 3.2 2.6 1.9 1.5 Ontario 2012 (%) 13,364,603 5.9 5.5 5.5 6.3 6.9 6.8 6.9 6.9 7.1 7.7 7.5 6.7 5.7 4.6 3.4 2.6 2.0 1.9 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. 2.3 Language Characteristics Table 5 indicates 65% of people in Greenstone speak English only, and this percentage is lower than Ontario. There are 33.2% residents (significantly higher than Ontario) in Greenstone who are bilingual (English and French). Table 5: Language Characteristics, 2012 Characteristics Total population English only French only English and French Other language(s) Greenstone 4,803 3,123 73 1,596 11 Greenstone (%) Ontario (%) 65.0 1.5 33.2 0.2 86.0 0.4 11.4 2.2 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. Municipality of Greenstone 5 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 2.4 Mobility Characteristics Residents in Greenstone are more likely to move than the provincial average. Estimates indicate people moving to Greenstone tend to be relocating from other parts of Ontario as opposed to moving from outside of the province or country. Table 6: Greenstone Mobility Rates Greenstone Greenstone 2012 2012 (%) Mobility status – place of residence one year ago Total population 1 year and over1 4,803 Non-movers2 4,270 88.9 Movers3 533 11.1 Non-migrants4 269 5.6 Migrants5 264 5.5 Migrants within Canada 262 5.5 Migrants from outside Canada 1 0.0 Migrants within Ontario 220 4.6 Migrants from outside Ontario 42 0.9 Mobility status – place of residence status five years ago Total population 5 years and over 4,803 Non-movers 3,320 69.1 Movers 1,482 30.9 Non-migrants 914 19.0 Migrants 569 11.8 Migrants within Canada 557 11.6 Migrants from outside Canada 11 0.2 Migrants within Ontario 492 10.2 Migrants from outside Ontario 65 1.4 Characteristics Ontario 2012 (%) 13,364,603 86.0 14.0 8.3 5.7 4.6 1.1 4.1 0.5 13,364,603 56.7 43.3 23.2 20.0 14.9 5.1 13.3 1.6 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. 1 Refers to the relationship between a person's usual place of residence on Census Day and his or her usual place of residence one year earlier. A person is classified as a non-mover if no difference exists. Otherwise, a person is classified as a mover and this categorization is called Mobility status (1 year ago). Within the category of movers, a further distinction is made between non-migrants and migrants; this difference is called migration status. 2 Non-movers are persons who, on Census Day, were living at the same address as the one at which they resided one year earlier. 3 Movers are persons who, on Census Day, were living at a different address from the one at which they resided one year earlier. 4 Non-migrants are movers who, on Census Day, were living at a different address, but in the same census subdivision (CSD) as the one they lived in one year earlier. 5 Migrants are movers who, on Census Day, were residing in a different CSD one year earlier (internal migrants) or who were living outside Canada one year earlier (external migrants). Municipality of Greenstone 6 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 2.5 Level of Education Figure 3 and Table 7 indicate the level of education attainment in Greenstone in 2012. Roughly 74% of Greenstone residents have a certificate, diploma or degree. This is lower than the overall provincial average. The percentage of persons with a university education is significantly less than the provincial average. Education Attainment Level Figure 3: Education Attainment, 2012 2012 Greenstone % University certificate or degree 2012 Ontario % University certificate or diploma below bachelor level University certificate, diploma or degree College, CEGEP or other nonuniversity certificate or diploma Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma High school certificate or equivalent Certificate, diploma or degree No certificate, diploma or degree 0.0 20.0 40.0 Percentage 60.0 80.0 100.0 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. Table 7: Education Attainment, 2012 Characteristics6 Total population 25 to 64 years No certificate, diploma or degree Certificate, diploma or degree High school certificate or equivalent Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma University certificate, diploma or degree University certificate or diploma below bachelor level University certificate or degree Bachelor's degree University certificate or diploma above bachelor level Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry Master's degree Earned doctorate 26.8 73.2 26.9 12.0 Ontario (%) 7,387,695 13.2 86.8 24.8 8.6 665 268 24.5 9.9 22.0 31.5 39 229 124 1.4 8.4 4.6 4.7 26.8 16.6 90 3.3 3.2 0 15 0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.7 5.4 0.9 Greenstone 2,714 726 1,988 731 325 Greenstone (%) Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. 6 By highest certificate, diploma or degree obtained. Municipality of Greenstone 7 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 2.6 Income Table 8 indicates that, in 2011, the average total income levels were higher in Greenstone than in Ontario. Table 8: Total Income Levels, 2011 Characteristic Total population 15 years and over (by income 2011) Without income With income Under $1,000 $1,000 to $2,999 $3,000 to $4,999 $5,000 to $6,999 $7,000 to $9,999 $10,000 to $11,999 $12,000 to $14,999 $15,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $35,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 and over Characteristic Median total income $ Average total income $ Standard error of average total income $ Greenstone 4,005 99 3,906 121 116 153 76 260 129 151 232 191 225 153 261 274 277 521 765 Greenstone 44,553 50,891 1,151 Greenstone (%) 2.5 97.5 3.0 2.9 3.8 1.9 6.5 3.2 3.8 5.8 4.8 5.6 3.8 6.5 6.8 6.9 13.0 19.1 Ontario (%) 11,096,917 4.7 95.3 4.0 3.3 3.1 3.3 5.3 3.9 5.5 8.4 6.9 6.2 6.3 5.7 5.0 4.2 6.8 17.3 Ontario 31,996 45,874 73 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012 (2011 incomes). Municipality of Greenstone 8 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 9 indicates that, in 2011, families residing in Greenstone earned a higher median and average family income compared to Ontario averages. Table 9: Family Income Levels, 2011 Characteristic Total number of economic families (by income in 2011) Under $10,000 $10,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $69,999 $70,000 to $79,999 $80,000 to $89,999 $90,000 to $99,999 $100,000 and over Characteristic Median family income $ Average family income $ Standard error of average family income $ Composition of family income in 2011 for all economic families% Employment income % Government transfer payments % Other % Greenstone 1,444 0 42 53 70 96 173 96 137 112 158 507 Greenstone 111,127 115,990 3438 Greenstone (%) 0.0 2.9 3.7 4.8 6.6 12.0 6.6 9.5 7.8 10.9 35.1 100 83.07 7.72 9.2 Ontario (%) 3,756,213 2.4 3.7 6.6 8.4 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.0 7.4 6.4 31.6 Ontario 88,865 109,933 121 100 78.76 10.53 10.71 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 20112(2011 incomes). Municipality of Greenstone 9 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 10 demonstrates that, in 2011, the average income for households in Greenstone was higher in comparison to households in Ontario. Table 10: Household Income Levels, 2011 Characteristic Total number of private households (by income in 2011) Under $10,000 $10,000 to $19,999 $20,000 to $29,999 $30,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $69,999 $70,000 to $79,999 $80,000 to $89,999 $90,000 to $99,999 $100,000 and over Characteristic Median household income $ Average household income $ Standard error of average household income $ Greenstone 2,034 56 161 143 154 124 255 196 142 147 152 505 Greenstone 83,426 96,362 2,745 Greenstone (%) 2.8 7.9 7.0 7.6 6.1 12.5 9.6 7.0 7.2 7.5 24.8 Ontario (%) 5,049,345 4.1 8.3 8.8 9.7 9.2 8.4 7.9 7.2 6.3 5.3 25.0 Ontario 70,168 91,059 105 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012 (2011 incomes). Municipality of Greenstone 10 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 3 Labour Force 3.1 Key Indicators Greenstone is home to a 2,787 person strong labour force. As illustrated in Table 11, Greenstone’s labour participation rate and employment rate are higher compared to Ontario, however, the unemployment rate is significantly higher than the provincial average. Table 11: Labour Force Characteristics, 20127 Characteristic Total population, aged 15 years and older In the labour force8 Employed Unemployed Not in the labour force Participation rate Employment rate Unemployment rate Greenstone 4,005 2,787 2,430 356 1,218 69.6 60.7 12.8 Ontario 11,096,917 7,111,304 6,500,308 610,996 3,985,614 64.1 58.6 8.6 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2011. 7 Participation rate % = labourforce/total population aged 15 and over Employment rate % = employed/totalpopulation aged 15 and over Unemployment rate % = unemployed/labourforce 8 Labour force - Refers to persons who were either employed or unemployed. Unemployed - Refers to persons 15 years and over, excluding institutional residents, who, during the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day (May 16, 2006), were without paid work or without self-employment work and were available for work and either: (a) had actively looked for paid work in the past four weeks; (b) were on temporary lay-off and expected to return to their job; (c) had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less. Participation rate - Refers to the labour force expressed as a percentage of the population 15 years and over excluding institutional residents. Employment rate - Refers to the number of persons employed expressed as a percentage of the total population 15 years and over excluding institutional residents. Unemployment rate - Refers to the unemployed expressed as a percentage of the labour force. Municipality of Greenstone 11 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 3.2 Labour Force by Occupation Figure 4 and Table 12 illustrate Greenstone’s labour force make up by occupation: The sales and service occupations represent the largest occupational group (23%) in Greenstone. The percentage of the labour force in trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations is also large. Figure 4: Labour Force by Occupation9, 2012 10% 7% 10% 13% 4% 6% 20% 7% 23% 0% Management Business, finance and administration Natural and applied sciences and related Health Social science, education, government service and religion Art, culture, recreation and sport Sales and service Trades, transport and equipment operators and related Unique to primary industry Unique to processing, manufacturing and utilities Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. 9 Percentage calculated based on all occupations excludes occupation-not applicable. Municipality of Greenstone 12 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 12: Labour Force by Occupation, 2012 Greenstone Greenstone (%) Ontario (%) 2,787 101 2,686 3.2 96.8 7,111,304 1.6 98.4 187 3 58 6.5 0.1 2.1 10.2 1.3 3.0 84 41 2.9 1.4 2.8 3.2 B Business, finance and administration occupations B0 Professional occupations in business and finance 364 2 12.7 0.1 18.6 2.8 B1 Finance and insurance administration occupations B2 Secretaries B3 Administrative and regulatory occupations B4 Clerical supervisors B5 Clerical occupations C Natural and applied sciences and related occupations C0 Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences C1 Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences D Health occupations D0 Professional occupations in health D1 Nurse supervisors and registered nurses D2 Technical and related occupations in health D3 Assisting occupations in support of health services E Occupations in social science, education, government service and religion E0 Judges, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, ministers of religion, and policy and program officers E1 Teachers and professors E2 Paralegals, social services workers and occupations in education and religion, n.e.c. F Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport F0 Professional occupations in art and culture F1 Technical occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport 14 82 38 19 210 114 0.6 2.7 1.4 0.4 7.5 4.3 1.2 1.4 2.2 0.5 10.4 6.9 18 0.7 4.2 96 158 7 43 54 54 3.6 6.1 0.2 1.7 2.2 2.0 2.8 5.1 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.3 187 6.5 8.3 58 112 2.0 4.0 2.3 4.0 16 11 0 0.6 0.4 0.0 2.0 2.9 1.3 11 0.4 1.6 Characteristic 10 Total labour force aged 15 years and over by occupation Occupation - Not applicable All occupations A Management occupations A0 Senior management occupations A1 Specialist managers A2 Managers in retail trade, food and accommodation services A3 Other managers, n.e.c. 10 National Occupational Classification for Statistics 2006 – 20% sample data. Municipality of Greenstone 13 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Characteristic G Sales and service occupations G0 Sales and service supervisors G1 Wholesale, technical, insurance, real estate sales specialists, and retail, wholesale and grain buyers G2 Retail salespersons and sales clerks G3 Cashiers G4 Chefs and cooks G5 Occupations in food and beverage service G6 Occupations in protective services G7 Occupations in travel and accommodation, including attendants in recreation and sport G8 Child care and home support workers G9 Sales and service occupations, n.e.c. H Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations H0 Contractors and supervisors in trades and transportation H1 Construction trades H2 Stationary engineers, power station operators and electrical trades and telecommunications occupations H3 Machinists, metal forming, shaping and erecting occupations H4 Mechanics H5 Other trades, n.e.c. H6 Heavy equipment and crane operators, including drillers H7 Transportation equipment operators and related workers, excluding labourers H8 Trades helpers, construction and transportation labourers and related occupations I Occupations unique to primary industry I0 Occupations unique to agriculture, excluding labourers I1 Occupations unique to forestry operations, mining, oil and gas extraction and fishing, excluding labourers I2 Primary production labourers J Occupations unique to processing, manufacturing and utilities J0 Supervisors in manufacturing J1 Machine operators in manufacturing J2 Assemblers in manufacturing J3 Labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities Greenstone 615 24 Greenstone (%) 22.1 0.9 Ontario (%) 23.2 0.8 2 51 53 54 47 2 0.1 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.7 0.1 2.3 4.5 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 39 106 237 1.4 4.1 8.4 0.8 1.4 7.6 523 19.5 13.9 46 30 1.9 1.1 0.7 2.3 8 0.3 1.0 2 170 1 0.0 6.3 0.0 1.3 2.1 0.7 77 3.0 0.4 144 5.3 3.2 46 247 1.5 9.4 2.3 2.4 16 0.6 1.4 166 65 6.5 2.4 0.2 0.7 280 1 138 4 9.5 0.0 4.2 0.2 7.0 0.4 2.5 2.4 137 5.0 1.6 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. Municipality of Greenstone 14 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 3.3 Labour Force by Industry The largest percentage of labour force (by industry) in Greenstone is employed in the manufacturing industry, which accounts for 23.5% of the labour force compared to 13.9% for Ontario. The percentage of labour force in the health care and social assistance industry in Greenstone is also high. The following table indicates Greenstone’s labour force experience by industry. Table 13: Labour Force by Industry, 2012 Characteristic 11 Total labour force 15 years and over by industry Industry - Not applicable All industries 11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 21 Mining and oil and gas extraction 22 Utilities 23 Construction 31-33 Manufacturing 41 Wholesale trade 44-45 Retail trade 48-49 Transportation and warehousing 51 Information and cultural industries 52 Finance and insurance 53 Real estate and rental and leasing 54 Professional, scientific and technical services 55 Management of companies and enterprises 56 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services 61 Educational services 62 Health care and social assistance 71 Arts, entertainment and recreation 72 Accommodation and food services 81 Other services (except public administration) 91 Public administration Greenstone 2,787 85 2,702 202 33 32 40 655 48 251 180 41 63 27 23 0 Greenstone (%) 26 252 291 34 230 91 182 3.0 97.0 7.2 1.2 1.1 1.4 23.5 1.7 9.0 6.5 1.5 2.3 1.0 0.8 0.0 Ontario (%) 7,111,304 1.6 98.4 1.7 0.4 0.7 5.9 13.9 4.7 11.0 4.7 2.6 4.8 1.8 7.3 0.1 0.9 9.0 10.4 1.2 8.3 3.3 6.5 4.7 6.6 9.4 2.1 6.2 4.5 5.5 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. 11 North American Industry Classification System 2002 - 20% sample data. Municipality of Greenstone 15 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 3.4 Place of Work The following two tables provide information on persons reporting a “usual place of work other than in their home or outside of Canada”, and reveal the following regarding labour force commuting: All Greenstone resident labour force worked in Greenstone. The largest number of non-resident labour force commuting to work in Greenstone travelled from Marathon and Long Lake 58. 0.0% of the workers living in Greenstone had a usual place of work outside of Greenstone. 2.4% of workers declaring a usual place of work in Greenstone lived outside of Greenstone. Table 14: Where the Greenstone Resident Labour Force Works, 2006 Place of Residence Greenstone Total Resident Labour Force Total resident labour force with a usual place of work outside of Greenstone Percent of residents declaring a place of work outside of Greenstone Total 2,020 2,020 Male 970 970 Female 1,055 1,055 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Source: McSweeney & Associates, Statistic Canada, Commuting Flow Census Subdivisions: Sex (3) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work of Census Subdivisions, Flows Greater than or Equal to 20, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data. Statistics Canada - 2006 Census. Catalogue Number 97-561-XCB2006011. O=D&PID=90656&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=1&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=76&VID=0&VNA MEE=&VNAMEF= Table 15: Place of Residence for Persons Working in Greenstone, 2006 Place of Work Greenstone Marathon Long Lake 58 Total workforce working in Greenstone Total non-resident workforce commuting to work to Greenstone Percent of workers (non-residents) commuting to work to Greenstone Total 2,020 30 20 2,070 Male 970 15 15 1,000 Female 1,055 15 10 1,080 50 30 25 2.4% 3.0% 2.3% Source: McSweeney & Associates, Statistic Canada, Commuting Flow Census Subdivisions: Sex (3) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work of Census Subdivisions, Flows Greater than or Equal to 20, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data. Statistics Canada - 2006 Census. Catalogue Number 97-561-XCB2006011. &O=D&PID=90656&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=1&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=76&VID=0&V NAMEE=&VNAMEF= Municipality of Greenstone 16 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 3.5 Net Import & Export of Labour Force The next table highlights industry sectors in which there is a net “export” or “import” of labour. In 2006, there were 2,310 jobs in Greenstone, and an employed resident labour force of 2,425, indicating that Greenstone was a net “exporter” of at least 115 employees. The net export/import calculation is simply the number of jobs in each of Greenstone's industries minus the number of Greenstone's residents working in that particular industry. It is important to note that the export/import numbers indicated under-represent the actual numbers of employees, as this calculation assumes all of the employed resident labour force in that industry works in Greenstone. The size of the Greenstone employed resident labour force exceeds the jobs available in the following industry sectors in Greenstone: agriculture, construction, health care and social assistance, and administrative and support, waste management and remediation services. Table 16: Net Import-Export of Labour Force for Greenstone, 2006 Industry (NAICS) Total - Industry - North American Industry Classification System 2002 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and oil and gas extraction Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale trade Retail trade Transportation and warehousing Information and cultural industries Finance and insurance Real estate and rental and leasing Professional, scientific and technical services Management of companies and enterprises Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services Educational services Health care and social assistance Arts, entertainment and recreation Accommodation and food services Other services (except public administration) Public administration Jobs in Greenstone Employed Resident Labour Force Net exp (-)/imp(+) of Labour 2,310 120 10 35 15 585 35 235 175 20 60 15 2,425 165 25 25 50 585 40 235 180 20 65 15 -115 -45 -15 10 -35 0 -5 0 -5 0 -5 0 10 25 -15 0 0 0 15 260 260 20 195 30 250 275 15 205 -15 10 -15 5 -10 80 165 75 145 5 20 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Statistics Canada, 2006 Census Municipality of Greenstone 17 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 3.6 General Wages by Occupation The following table indicates the general wage rates for occupations in Northwestern Ontario. Table 17: General Wages by Occupation NOC 621 631 1221 1231 1241 1411 1414 1431 1433 1441 1453 2212 2221 2223 3142 3143 3152 3215 3233 3234 3411 3413 3414 4131 4141 4142 4152 Category Retail Trade Managers Restaurant and Food Service Managers Administrative Officers Bookkeepers Secretaries (Except Legal and Medical) General Office Clerks Receptionists and Switchboard Operators Accounting and Related Clerks Customer Service Representatives Financial Services Administrative Clerks Customer Service, Information and Related Clerks Geological and Mineral Technologists and Technicians Biological Technologists and Technicians Forestry Technologists and Technicians Physiotherapists Occupational Therapists Registered Nurses Medical Radiation Technologists Licensed Practical Nurses Ambulance Attendants and Other Paramedical Occupations Dental Assistants Nurse Aides, Orderlies and Patient Service Associates Other Assisting Occupations in Support of Health Services College and Other Vocational Instructors Secondary School Teachers Elementary School and Kindergarten Teachers Social Workers Municipality of Greenstone Average Wage ($/hour) 17.06 15.56 High Wage ($/hour) 25.84 20.96 Low Wage ($/hour) 12.5 12.46 Reference Period 2010 2010 19.97 16.43 18.17 28 20.5 23.86 13.67 13 11.75 2010 2010 2010 16.94 14.01 23.64 20.92 12 10.25 2010 2010 17.28 13.5 22.28 17.68 12.5 10.5 2010 2010 17.52 23.96 11.25 2010 -- 18.87 10.25 2010 22.54 37 16 2010 21.16 23.85 19.19 2010 22.1 26.1 20 2010 37.14 36.56 35.66 33.83 24.87 30.29 41.38 41.55 41.78 40.78 27.42 38.46 29.6 27.99 27.91 26 22.41 12.5 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 18.9 25.22 15 2010 19.24 21.37 14.5 2010 15.46 22.41 10.5 2010 28.21 -- -- 2010 31.27 29.12 41.39 40.84 18 16 2010 2010 22.9 32.2 12.9 2010 18 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 NOC 4153 4212 4213 4214 5244 6211 6242 6261 6421 6442 6453 6471 6472 6611 6621 6622 6641 6651 6661 6663 7215 7217 7241 7251 7252 7261 7262 7264 7265 7271 7281 7291 7294 Category Family, Marriage and Other Related Counsellors Community and Social Service Workers Employment Counsellors Early Childhood Educators and Assistants Artisans and Craftspersons Retail Trade Supervisors Cooks Police Officers (Except Commissioned) Retail Salespersons and Sales Clerks Outdoor Sport and Recreational Guides Food and Beverage Servers Visiting Homemakers, Housekeepers and Related Occupations Elementary and Secondary School Teacher Assistants Cashiers Service Station Attendants Grocery Clerks and Store Shelf Stockers Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Occupations Security Guards and Related Occupations Light Duty Cleaners Janitors, Caretakers and Building Superintendents Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Construction Equipment Crews Electricians (Except Industrial and Power System) Plumbers Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers Sheet Metal Workers Boilermakers Ironworkers Welders and Related Machine Operators Carpenters Bricklayers Roofers and Shinglers Painters and Decorators Municipality of Greenstone Average Wage ($/hour) 20.61 High Wage ($/hour) 28.47 Low Wage ($/hour) 15 Reference Period 2010 17.76 24.37 11.71 2010 20.37 16.9 26.5 22.4 16 11 2010 2010 15.99 13.52 12.72 30.84 26.32 18 20.4 38.97 10.5 10.25 10.25 15 2010 2010 2010 2010 -15.15 15 20 10.25 11 2010 2010 -15.05 11 20.45 9.5 10.68 2010 2010 20.58 24.97 12.5 2010 ---- 13 14 14.3 10.25 10.25 10.25 2010 2010 2010 12.4 19.51 10.25 2010 13 18 10.25 2010 12.63 14.99 19.58 22.2 10.25 10.4 2010 2010 22.21 37.82 12 2010 22.52 38.5 16 2010 31.8 40.6 16 2010 27.52 32.69 38.5 40.12 15 20.25 2010 2010 32.64 32.5 33.04 29.11 35.48 37.4 37.32 38.67 20.94 24.94 23 20 2010 2010 2010 2010 21.04 30.46 20.31 18.19 32.89 34 31.75 26.57 12.5 21 13 12 2010 2010 2010 2010 19 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 NOC 7311 7312 7321 7322 7412 7414 7421 7422 7441 7452 7611 7612 8231 8241 8421 8422 8612 8614 8616 9614 9619 Category Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics (Except Textile) Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics Automotive Service Technicians, Truck Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers Motor Vehicle Body Repairers Bus Drivers and Subway and Other Transit Operators Delivery and Courier Service Drivers Heavy Equipment Operators (Except Crane) Public Works Maintenance Equipment Operators Residential and Commercial Installers and Servicers Material Handlers Construction Trades Helpers and Labourers Other Trades Helpers and Labourers Underground Production and Development Miners Logging Machinery Operators Chainsaw and Skidder Operators Silviculture and Forestry Workers Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Labourers Mine Labourers Logging and Forestry Labourers Labourers in Wood, Pulp and Paper Processing Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities Average Wage ($/hour) 31.94 High Wage ($/hour) 42.38 Low Wage ($/hour) 20 Reference Period 2010 24.7 20.13 -29.13 -11.5 2010 2010 18.1 15.87 28.35 21.53 10.25 12 2010 2010 13.08 21.44 18.5 29 10.25 15.85 2010 2010 17.41 22.2 15 2010 17.58 22 13 2010 19.29 16.23 27.34 25.8 10.85 12 2010 2010 17.25 24.31 13 2010 25.64 40.51 20 2010 22.99 22.21 20.9 13.89 27.88 25.49 25 20.46 18 18.39 12.2 10.5 2010 2010 2010 2010 20.94 17.26 21.09 30.76 27.18 26.56 15 10.5 13 2010 2010 2010 17.24 24.41 11 2010 Source: Produced by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's Labour Market Information Service, Report generated on October 24, 2011, Municipality of Greenstone 20 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 4 Key Industries 4.1 Largest Employers Table 18: Largest Private Sector Employers Name Kodiak Exploration Product or Service Mining Exploration Sector Mining No. of Employees (approximate) 60 Long Lake Logging Logging Forestry 46 Extra Foods Grocery Store Retail 40 Cloutier Builders and Supplies Nakina Air Service Construction Construction 30 Transportation Transportation 20 Source: McSweeney & Associates from the Municipality of Greenstone. Table 19: Largest Public Sector Employers Name Ministry of Natural Resources Geraldton District Hospital School Boards MNR Regional Fire Base Municipality of Greenstone Sector Natural Resource Management Health Care Education No. of Employees (approximate) 19 115 100 Forest Fire Management 95 Municipal government 80 Source: McSweeney & Associates from the Municipality of Greenstone. Municipality of Greenstone 21 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 5 Transportation and Shipping 5.1 Highways Major arterial highways serving the region: Highway 11 runs east to west and links Greenstone with Hwy 17, Red Rock, and Thunder Bay to the west, and Hearst and Kapuskasing to the east. The nearest four lane highway is Highway 400 in Parry Sound. It is approximately 1,039 kms from Greenstone, and runs northwest to southeast into Toronto. Table 20: Distance to Urban Centres Distance to Major Urban Centres Km 1055 1200 1280 1265 1210 1300 1365 805 1170 1240 630 300 1150 1485 Alliston Hamilton Ingersoll Kingston Kitchener/Waterloo London Montreal North Bay Ottawa St. Catharines Sault Ste. Marie Thunder Bay Toronto Windsor Miles 655 745 795 786 751 807 848 500 727 770 391 186 714 922 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Table 21: Distance to Major US Border Crossings Distance to Border Crossings Km 1270 1325 1295 1260 1260 1285 1485 1370 630 300 635 725 Massena/Cornwall Ogdensburg/Prescott Alexandria Bay/Ivy Lea Lewiston/Queenston Niagara Falls/Niagara Falls Buffalo/Fort Erie Detroit/Windsor Port Huron/Sarnia Sault Ste Marie/Sault Ste Marie Grand Portage/Thunder Bay International Falls/Fort Frances Baudette/Rainy River Miles 789 823 804 782 782 798 922 851 391 186 394 450 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Municipality of Greenstone 22 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 5.2 Rail Services CN Rail CN is a leader in the North American rail industry. Following its acquisition of Illinois Central in 1999, WC in 2001 and GLT in 2004, as well as its partnership agreement with BC Rail in 2004, CN provides shippers with more options and greater reach in the rapidly expanding market for north-south trade. Headquarters: 935 de La Gauchetière Street West Montreal, QC H3B 2M9 Phone: 1-888-888-5909 Web: Intermodal Terminals: Airport Road & Intermodal Drive 76 Intermodal Drive Brampton, ON L6T 5K1 Web: VIA Rail VIA Rail Canada is an independent Crown corporation established in 1978. VIA operates trains in all regions of Canada over a network spanning the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Great Lakes to Hudson Bay. Statistics: They serve 4.1 million passengers annually. They employ a staff numbering over 3,000. They have 480 trains travelling per week, including 300 in southern Quebec and southern Ontario. Their trains run over 14,000 km of track serving some 450 Canadian communities. Mailing Address: Customer Relations VIA Rail Canada Inc. P.O. Box 8116, Station "A" Montréal, QC H3C 3N3 Phone: 1-800-681-2561 Fax: 514-871-6104 Email: [email protected] Web: Longlac Station - Shelter: National Street Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Municipality of Greenstone Nakina Station – Sign Post: Railway Street Nakina, ON P0T 2H0 23 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 5.3 Airports R. Elmer Ruddick Airport , Nakina (Domestic Airport) CYQN Darlene Leupen, Airports Manager 450 Cordingley Lake Road Nakina, ON P0T 2H0 Phone: 807-329-5919 Fax: 807-329-5919 Email: [email protected] Web: naAirport.aspx Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00am-7:00pm and Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-6:00pm The R. Elmer Ruddick Airport (Nakina) is owned and operated by the Municipality of Greenstone. Nakina Air Service plays an important role at the Airport and is the provider of scheduled air service with approximately 6,500 aircraft movements per year. There is also recreational and commercial use by other Canadian and American aircraft owners. The airport has a 3,500 foot runway with a designation of 09/27. The airport also plays host to Skyservices, an Aircraft Service and Maintenance company which operates in the Nakina Air Service hangar. Hours of Operation: 07:00 to 19:00, seven days per week. Greenstone Regional Airport , Geraldton (Domestic Airport) CYGQ Darlene Leupen, Airports Manager PO Box 70 102 MacOdrum Drive, Hwy. 584 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1694 Fax: 807-854-2265 Email: [email protected] Web: Airport.aspx The Greenstone Regional Airport (Geraldton) is owned and operated by the Municipality of Greenstone. Since spring 2011, Wasaya Airways LP has offered scheduled and charter passenger services between Geraldton, Marten Falls and Thunder Bay. General aircraft movements play an important role at the Airport. With approximately 4,000 aircraft movements a year, there is recreational as well as commercial usage. The day-to-day activity include medical flights, Ministry of Natural Resources with fire detection and fire control flights as well as private Canadian and American operators. The airport has a 5,000 foot runway with a designation of 08/26. The airport plays host to the Ministry of Natural Resources Fire Management Centre and Recon Air Corporation - an aircraft maintenance and rebuilding centre. Hours of Operation: 08:00 TO 18:00, seven days per week. Municipality of Greenstone 24 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Thunder Bay International Airport Authority Inc. (International Airport) TBIAA Inc. Administration Thunder Bay International Airports Authority Inc. 340 - 100 Princess Street Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6S2 Phone: 807-473-2600 Fax: 807-475-9627 Email: [email protected] Web: Thunder Bay International Airport Authority is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the maintenance and operation of the YQT Thunder Bay Airport and facilities. Operating since 1997, TBIAA Inc. believes that "being better means being different". A dedicated staff of over 25 employees contribute to the operation, management and maintenance of the facilities in Thunder Bay. Municipality of Greenstone 25 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 5.4 Ports Port of Thunder Bay (Nearest Local Port) Thunder Bay Port Authority 100 Main Street Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6R9 Phone: 807-345-6400 Fax: 807-345-9058 Web: Largest outbound port on the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway System Fastest grain ship turnaround time of any western Canadian port Flexible intermodal facilities Keefer Terminal, which features dockside rail, heavy lift capabilities, an intermodal yard and storage facilities 12 ha waterfront site available for development; and 173,000 tonne grain elevator available for wood pellets and biofuels. Port of Toronto (Ocean Port) The Toronto Port Authority 60 Harbour Street Toronto, ON M5J 1B7 Phone: 416-863-2000 Fax: 416-863-4830 Email: [email protected] Web: The Port of Toronto, adjacent to Canada's largest business, industrial, and cultural centre has the perfect port profile. With over 50 acres of paved marshalling area, we offer all the services you need from long/short-term storage to Canada customs-bonded heated warehousing. The Port of Toronto provides immediate access to marine routes, major highways and rail facilities, serving as a transportation hub for a much wider market, including all of Ontario, Northwestern Quebec, Midwest Canada and Northeastern U.S.A. 5.5 Bus Services Caribou Coach 1100 Memorial Avenue, Suite 218 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4A3 Phone: 807-285-3456 Toll Free: 1-866-935-2811 Fax: 807-285-3458 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 26 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Caribou Coach offers regularly scheduled passenger services to the communities along the Highway 11 stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway between Fort Frances, Ontario and Hearst, Ontario. Local Locations: Beezy Bee Laundry 112 1st Avenue NW Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Passenger Services: (807) 854-2468 Freight Services: (807) 854-2468 Fax: (807) 854-2468 Hours of Operation Tickets and Freight - Monday to Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday - Closed Longlac Moe's Clothing 111 York Street Longlac , ON P0T 2A0 Passenger Services: (807) 876-4404 Freight Services: (807) 876-4404 Fax: (807) 876-2576 Hours of Operation Tickets and Freight - Monday to Wednesday - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday - 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. *Also open at 8:00 a.m. when Bus leaves Longlac for Thunder Bay; Sunday through Friday Beaulieu Bus Lines Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4260 Fax: 807-876-4966 5.6 Taxi and Rental Car Services Porky’s Shuttle/Taxi Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-8292 Gold Nugget Taxi 112 1st Avenue NW Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-2222 Municipality of Greenstone 27 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 National Car Rental 854 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1825 Fax: 807-854-0525 Web: Hours of Operation: Mon. To Fri. 8:00 am to 5 pm 5.7 Freight and Shipping Services Canada Post Web: Geraldton Ward 106 First Street N Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0180 Nakina Ward 205 Quebec Street Nakina, ON Phone: 807-329-5374 Beardmore Ward 226 Main Street Beardmore, ON Phone: 807-875-2306 Jellicoe Ward 5072 Hwy 11 Jellicoe, ON Phone: 807-879-2512 Longlac Ward 114 Forestry Road Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-2370 Purolator Moe’s Clothing Gold Nugget Taxi/Beezy Bee Laundry Jellicoe General Store Ltd. Gilberts Pro Hardware 112 1st Avenue NW Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-2468 111 York Street Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4404 Hwy. 11, Lot 80 Jellicoe, ON P0T 1V0 Phone: 807-879-2512 203 Main Street Beardmore, ON P0T 1G0 Phone: 807-875-2115 Manitoulin Transport Rosedale Point Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0711 Fax: 807-854-0781 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 28 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Courtesy Freight Systems Ltd. 340 Simpson Street Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3H7 Phone: 807-623-3340 Fax: 807-623-5606 Toll-Free: 800-267-0598 Email: [email protected] Web: CanPar Customer Service Phone: 1-866-588-1488 Email: [email protected] Gardewine North 230 Main Street Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6S4 Phone: 807-623-0101 Fax: 807-623-5313 Web: Local Points of Service: Beardmore, Jellicoe, Nakina, Geraldton, Longlac Municipality of Greenstone 29 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 6 Taxes and Utilities 6.1 Local Property Tax Rates Table 22: Local Property Tax Rates, 2011 Property Class Residential/Farm (RT) Farm (FT) Multi-residential (MT) Commercial (CT) Commercial Parking/Vacant Land (CG/GT) Commercial Excess/Vacant (CU) Industrial (IT) Industrial Vacant Units/Excess Land (IU) Total Tax Rates 0.02380911 N/A 0.05073786 0.0418902 0.0285902 0.02932314 0.05758694 0.04031086 Industrial Vacant Land (IX) 0.04031086 Large Industrial (LT) Pipeline (PT) Managed Forests (TT) 0.05758694 0.01928165 0.00595228 Source: Municipality of Greenstone 6.2 Federal and Provincial Income Tax Rates Table 23: Corporate Taxes – Non-Canadian Controlled Corporate Tax Rates – Non-Canadian Controlled Combined Federal and Provincial General/Manufacturing and Processing/Investment General; Active Business Income Investment Income 2012 % 25 26.5 26.5 2013 % 25 26.5 26.5 Source: Table 24: Corporate Taxes – Canadian Controlled Corporate Tax Rates - Canadian Controlled Combined Federal and Provincial General/Manufacturing and Processing/Investment General; Active Business Income Investment Income 2012 % 15.5 26.5 46.2 2013 % 15.5 26.5 46.2 Source: Table 25: Ontario's Capital Tax Elimination Plan Date 4-Jan-09 5-Jan-10 1-Jul-10 Deduction ($M) 15 15 *M&P and Resources Eliminated Regular Corporations 0.225 0.15 Eliminated First $400M of Taxable Capital 0.45 0.3 Taxable Capital above $400M NonDeposit Deposit Taking Taking 0.54 0.675 0.36 0.45 Source: Municipality of Greenstone 30 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 26: Personal Income Tax, 2012 Taxable Income ($CDN) first $39,020 over $39,020 up to $42,707 over $42,707 up to $68,719 over $68,719 up to $78,043 over $78,043 up to $80,963 over $80,963 up to $85,414 over $85,414 up to $132,406 over $132,406 2012 Marginal Tax Rates Canadian Dividends Small Eligible Business Marginal Rate Capital Gains Dividends Dividends 20.05% 10.03% -1.89% 2.77% 24.15% 12.08% 3.77% 7.90% 31.15% 15.58% 13.43% 16.65% 32.98% 16.49% 14.19% 17.81% 35.39% 17.70% 17.52% 20.82% 39.41% 19.70% 19.88% 23.82% 43.41% 21.70% 25.40% 28.82% 46.41% 23.20% 29.54% 32.57% Source: Table 27: Sales Tax Sales Tax GST (goods and services tax) PST (provincial sale tax or retail sales tax) Before July 1, 2010 5% 8% HST (harmonized sales tax) 2012 13% Source: Municipality of Greenstone 31 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 6.3 Electricity Service Provider: Hydro One Phone: 1-888-664-1122 Web: Table 28: Hydro One Residential Electricity Rates Urban High Density Medium Density Low Density 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ 7.5¢ 8.8¢ 7.5¢ 8.8¢ 7.5¢ 8.8¢ $18.44 $23.64 $31.11† Distribution volume charge: (metered usage ¢/kWh)** Transmission network charge: (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) Transmission connection charge: (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) 3. Regulatory charges: Standard supply service: administration charge ($/month) 2.918¢ 3.317¢ 3.600¢ 0.575¢ 0.585¢ 0.574¢ 0.456¢ 0.464¢ 0.440¢ $0.25* $0.25* $0.25* Rural rate protection charge: (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) Wholesale market service rate: (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) 4. Debt Retirement charge**(metered usage ¢/kWh): 5. Adjustment Factor 0.11¢ 0.52¢ 0.11¢ 0.52¢ 0.11¢ 0.52¢ 0.70¢ 0.70¢ 0.70¢ 1.078 1.085 1.092 Electricity rates effective May 1, 2012 1. Electricity: Time-of-Use Prices Off-Peak Mid-Peak On-Peak RPP Prices First 600 kWh per month (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) Additional kWh (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) 2. Delivery: Distribution service charge : ($/month) * If you've enrolled with a retailer, the $0.25 standard supply service administration charge will be deducted from the Regulatory charges on your bill. ** Communities of Bancroft, Campbellford and Eganville have their own specific rates for the Debt Retirement Charge. They are as follows: Bancroft = 0.66¢ per kWh; Campbellford = 0.49¢ per kWh; and Eganville = 0.60¢ per kWh. † Under the Ontario Energy Board Act, and associated regulation, qualifying year-round residences are eligible to receive Rural or Remote Rate Protection (RRRP). The Delivery charge for Residential - Low Density includes the applicable credit of $28.50. 1 Effective January 1, 2012, rider 6 (Deferral/Variance account disposition 2009) and rider 8 (Green Energy Costs) have been removed from Delivery rates. Source: Hydro One Networks, Municipality of Greenstone 32 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 29: Hydro One Small Business Electricity Rates (< 50 kW/month) General Service - Urban Energy General Service - Energy 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ First 750 kWh per month (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) 7.5¢ 7.5¢ Additional kWh (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) 2. Delivery:1 - Distribution service charge ($/month) 8.8¢ 8.8¢ $18.00 $39.41 - Distribution volume charge (metered usage - ¢/kWh) 2.325¢ 3.938¢ 0.445¢ 0.431¢ 0.335¢ 0.329¢ $0.25* $0.25* 0.11¢ 0.11¢ Electricity rates effective May 1, 2012 1. Electricity - up to 250,000 kWh/year: Time-of-Use Prices (as of May 1, 2012) Off-Peak Mid-Peak On-Peak RPP Prices (as of May 1, 2012) - Transmission network charge (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) - Transmission connection charge (adjusted usage ¢/kWh) 3. Regulatory charges: - Standard supply service administration charge ($/kWh) - Rural rate protection charge (adjusted usage - ¢/kWh) - Wholesale market service rate (adjusted usage 0.52¢ 0.52¢ ¢/kWh) 4. Debt retirement charge** (metered usage 0.70¢ 0.70¢ ¢/kWh): * If you've enrolled with a retailer, the $0.25 standard supply service administration charge will be deducted from the Regulatory charges on your bill. ** Communities of Bancroft, Campbellford and Eganville have their own specific rates for the Debt Retirement Charge. They are as follows: Bancroft = 0.66¢ per kWh; Campbellford = 0.49¢ per kWh; and Eganville = 0.60¢ per kWh. 1 Effective January 1, 2012, rider 6 (Deferral/Variance account disposition 2009) and rider 8 (Green Energy Costs) have been removed from Delivery rates. Source: Hydro One Networks, Municipality of Greenstone 33 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 30: Hydro One Small Business Electricity Rates (> 50 kW/month) Electricity rates effective May 1, 2012 1. Electricity - up to 250,000 kWh/year: Time-of-Use Prices (as of May 1, 2012) Off-Peak Mid-Peak On-Peak RPP Prices (as of May 1, 2012) - First 750 kWh per month (¢/kWh) - Additional kWh (¢/kWh) General Service - Urban Demand General Service - Demand 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ 6.5¢ 10.0¢ 11.7¢ 7.5¢ 8.8¢ 7.5¢ 8.8¢ weighted average spot market price or retailer contract1 spot market price or retailer contract Electricity - over 250,000 kWh/year with a conventional meter (¢/kWh): weighted average spot market price or retailer contract1 Electricity - over 250,000 kWh/year with an interval meter (¢/kWh):2 spot market price or retailer contract 2. Delivery: - Distribution service charge ($/month) $37.54 $8.173 $1.45 $51.64 $10.499 $1.40 - Distribution volume charge (billed demand - $/kW) - Transmission network charge (billed demand - $/kW) - Transmission connection charge (billed demand $1.09 $1.04 $/kW) 3. Regulatory charges: - Standard supply service administration charge $0.25* $0.25* ($/month) - Rural rate protection charge (adjusted usage 0.11¢ 0.11¢ ¢/kWh) - Wholesale market service rate (adjusted usage 0.52¢ 0.52¢ ¢/kWh) 4. Debt retirement charge (metered usage 0.70¢ 0.70¢ ¢/kWh)** * If you've enrolled with a retailer, the $0.25 standard supply service administration charge will be deducted from the Regulatory charges on your bill. ** Communities of Bancroft, Campbellford and Eganville have their own specific rates for the Debt Retirement Charge. They are as follows: Bancroft = 0.66¢ per kWh; Campbellford = 0.49¢ per kWh; and Eganville = 0.60¢ per kWh. 1 Effective January 1, 2012, rate rider for 2009 Global Adjustment sub-Account Disposition has been removed from the Global Adjustment. 2 Effective January 1, 2012, rider 6 (Deferral/Variance account disposition 2009) and rider 8 (Green Energy Costs) have been removed from Delivery rates. Source: Hydro One Networks, Municipality of Greenstone 34 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 6.4 Natural Gas Service Provider: Union Gas Phone: 1-877-969-0999 Web: Union Gas Limited is a major Canadian natural gas utility that provides energy delivery and related services to about 1.3 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in over 400 communities in northern, southwestern and eastern Ontario. Union Gas has assets of approximately $4 billion and employs about 2,200 people. Union Gas is a Spectra Energy Company. Union Gas distribution service area extends throughout northern Ontario from the Manitoba border to the North Bay/Muskoka area, through southwestern Ontario from Windsor to just west of Toronto, and across eastern Ontario from Port Hope to Cornwall. Union Gas also provides natural gas storage and transportation services for other utilities and energy market participants in Ontario, Quebec and the United States. Union Gas’ storage and transmission system forms an important link in the movement of natural gas from Western Canadian and U.S. supply basins to central Canadian and Northeast U.S. markets. Table 31: Union Gas - Regional Residential Rates (Rate 301) Monthly Demand Charge Gas commodity rate (cents/m3) Rates as of April 1, 2012 9.4180 Gas Commodity Price Adjustment (cents/m3) -1.1524 Transportation (cents/m3) 7.6495 Transportation Adjustment (cents/m3) -1.1305 Storage (cents/m3) Delivery (cents per m3) First 100 m3 2.2540 Next 200 m3 6.9866 Next 200 m3 6.6239 Next 500 m 7.4971 3 6.2911 All over Previous Block 6.0162 Delivery Price Adjustment -1.5189 $21.00 Monthly charge (per metre) Source: Municipality of Greenstone 35 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 32: Union Gas - Small Commercial Rates (Rate 310) Monthly Demand Charge Rates as of April 1, 2012 Gas commodity rate (cents/m3) 9.4180 Gas commodity Price Adjustment (cents/m3) Transportation (cents/m3) Transportation Price Adjustment (cents/m3) Storage (cents/m3) Monthly Delivery Commodity Charge (cents per m3) First 1,000 m3 Next 9,000 m3 Next 20,000 m3 Next 70,000 m3 Over 100,000 m3 Delivery Price Adjustment Monthly Charge (per metre) -1.1524 7.2153 -0.5120 1.5796 6.0425 4.7758 4.0533 3.5909 1.8388 -5.9497 $70.00 Source: 6.5 Waste Management The Municipality currently operates 4 municipal sanitary landfills (for the communities of Beardmore, Geraldton, Longlac and Nakina) under the regulating authority of the Ministry of the Environment. Note: Landfill hours are subject to change in the event of a Statutory Holiday. Revisions to landfill hours are mailed out annually on your Collection Schedule with your May/June water bill, as well as being available online. Municipality of Greenstone 36 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 33: Waste Disposal Sites Name of Landfill Geraldton Longlac Nakina Beardmore Working Hours May 1 – October 31: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday - 12:00pm to 5:00pm November 1 – April 30: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday - 12:00pm to 5:00pm May 1 – October 31: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 1:00pm to 4:00pm Saturday – Noon to 5:00pm November 1 – April 30: Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 1:00pm to 4:00pm Saturday – Noon to 5:00pm May 1 – October 31: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday – 12:30pm to 4:00pm November 1 – April 30: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday – 12:30pm to 4:00pm May 1 – October 31: Monday, Friday – 1:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday – Noon to 6:00pm Open Wednesday during the summer 1:00pm – 6:00pm (Wednesday following the long weekend in May until Wednesday after the long weekend in September) November 1 – April 30: Monday, Friday – 12:00pm to 5:00pm Saturday – Noon to 5:00pm Tipping Fees Tires Residents Business not registered under the Ontario Tire Stewardship Program Car & Light Truck Tires No Charge * $5.00 Tractor Trailer Tires No Charge * $23.00 Large Tractor Tires No Charge * $340.00 * Tires collected from Ontario residents are not subject to disposal fees as per the Ontario Tire Stewardship Program. Waste Greater than a ½ Ton Pickup Load: $25.00 Tandem Load: $45.00 Tri-Axle Load: $80.00 Landfill Tipping Fees - Effective December 14, 2009 (Motion 09-292) Source: Municipality of Greenstone Accepted Waste Household waste as well as other refuse, such as tires, appliances, and metal are accepted at all of the 4 landfill sites in the Municipality. Restrictions apply according to the Certificate of Approval issued by the Ministry of the Environment. Contact the Public Services Department to confirm eligibility of other acceptable materials at 854-1100. Municipality of Greenstone 37 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Computers & Electronics In partnership with the Ontario Electronic Stewardship Program, the Municipality offers recycling depots for designated electronic materials at the Longlac Ward and Geraldton Ward landfill sites. Eligible materials can also be brought to the Public Works Yard in the Nakina Ward and the Beardmore Ward. Please do not place electronics at curb-side with household garbage. For more information, visit Refrigerant Materials Fridges and other appliances containing refrigerant materials will not be accepted at any municipal landfill (Beardmore, Geraldton, Longlac and Nakina) unless 1) tagged by a licensed technician and certified Freon-free, or 2) tagged with a "Freon-Free" sticker. These stickers are available at Ward offices for a fee of $50.00. Your appliance may qualify for the Great Refrigerator Roundup program offered by the Ontario Power Authority. For more information visit Municipality of Greenstone 38 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 6.6 Water and Sanitary Sewer Table 34: Water and Sewer Rates, Effective April 2011 Residential Residential Flat Rate (Quarterly) Water 134.22 Sewer 123.48 Senior 120.81 111.15 1 residential 1 Senior 255.03 234.63 Residential Double Water Single Sewer 268.44 123.48 Commercial Flat Rate (Quarterly) Bakery, Pizza House, Offices Water 213.95 Sewer 196.84 Retail Stores/Offices 171.08 157.4 Service Station no car wash 234.62 215.85 Drycleaner-Laundrymat Combined. Restaurant / Carwash 352.88 324.65 Cloutier Builders 534.69 491.91 Geraldton Post Office/Gym 342.15 314.78 Su-Vic Enterprises/Gold Nugget / 23 [email protected] 706.06 649.57 Nurse's Residence 449.34 413.39 Ontario Realty Corporation/Service Canada 620.34 570.72 Clarkim Enterprises/Silver Nugget / 24 [email protected]+restaurant 949.58 873.61 Carmen Carrier/Crown & Anchor / 8 [email protected]+restaurant 551.78 507.63 Legion/Canada Post 134.22 123.48 Hydro One, MTO (no sewer) 267.17 Dan's Business (no sewer) 164.54 Carwash (no sewer) 339.36 Eagle Logging Inc. 562.95 340.6 Long Lake Forest Products 839.71 342.6 Beardmore/Bank/Health Centre/LCBO/Offices 216.29 96.58 Beardmore Superior Greenstone Dist. 1381.19 616.16 Beardmore Commercial 310.1 138.73 Crest-Wind Hotel-Roxy 1 352.68 157.11 Crest-Wind Hotel-Roxy 2 706.56 314.14 Beardmore Shell Station/Chummy's Restaurant 432.53 193.14 Nakina Tavern 255.48 235.04 Nakina Bed & Breakfast 212.9 195.87 Commercial/Retail-Flat Rate 134.22 123.48 Northwest Company 425.76 372.5 Schram's Small Engine 134.22 Pennock's/Seasonal Motel 425.76 Laundrymat/Variety Store 298.02 274.18 Nakina Ambulance 42% actual (as per agreement) 146.84 135.08 Water 134.22 Sewer 92% of water rate Commercial - Metered Metered Municipality of Greenstone 39 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 35: Water and Sewer Facilities Water Facilities Rated Capacity (m3/day): Caramat Water Treatment Plant 75.2 Beardmore Water Treatment Plant 752 Geraldton Water Treatment Plant 6048 Longlac Water Treatment Plant 4550 Nakina Water Treatment Plant 2000 Daily Consumption (m3/day): Caramat Water Treatment Plant 20.05 Beardmore Water Treatment Plant 151.62 Geraldton Water Treatment Plant 1329.43 Longlac Water Treatment Plant 1109.95 Nakina Water Treatment Plant 188.43 Sewer Facilities Capacity (m3/day): Nakina Wastewater Treatment Facility 882 Longlac Wastewater Treatment Facility 2454 Geraldton Wastewater Treatment Facility 2500 3 Average Daily Flow (m /day): Nakina Wastewater Treatment Facility 359 Longlac Wastewater Treatment Facility 1608 Geraldton Wastewater Treatment Facility 1788 Source: Municipality of Greenstone Municipality of Greenstone 40 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 6.7 Communications Infrastructure Table 36: Communications Infrastructure Service Digital Switching Local Internet Provider Fibre Optic Internet ADSL Broadband Retail Satellite TV Local Cell Phone Tower Company Name N/A Bell Canada Tbaytel Astrocom Cable Vision inc. Xplornet N/A Bell Bell Superior Sight and Sound Xplornet Astrocom Cable Vision Inc. Shaw Direct Bell Tbaytel Mobility Source: Municipality of Greenstone Astrocom Cable Vision Inc. PO Box 910 109 Greer Avenue W Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1569 Web: Superior Sight and Sound 114 Keewatin Avenue PO Box 848 Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-2333 Fax: 807-876-2497 Authorized Local Dealer for: Bell Satellite, Shaw Satellite, TBayTel, The Source, Sirius Radio, and Xplornet Internet. Other services include home security and surveillance systems and 2-way Motorola radio programming. Bell Canada Customer Service Centre PO Box 920 Station A Toronto, ON M5W 1G5 Phone: your area code + 310-2355 Toll Free: 1-800-667-0123 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 41 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Bell Canada provides local and long distance phone service, wireless voice and data services, internet access, satellite television, and a host of other solutions and services to Canadian homes and businesses. Tbaytel Tbaytel Store 959 Fort William Road Thunder Bay, ON P7B 3A6 Phone: 807-623-4400 or 1-800-264-9501 Email: [email protected] Technical Support: [email protected] Web: Shaw Phone: 1-888-472-2222 Web: Shaw has experienced rapid and successful growth within the cable, satellite and telecommunications industries over the last several decades. With this growth, Shaw has created and acquired a number of companies focused on delivering high-quality products and services to approximately 3.0 million customers in Canada. Shaw companies include: Shaw Communications Inc., Shaw Cablesystems G.P., Shaw Direct, Shaw Tracking, Shaw Broadcast Services and Shaw Business Solutions. Shaw Direct - Star Choice Star Choice Communications Suite 100, 2400 32 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 9A7 Phone: 1-866-782-7932 Web: Xplornet Lindsay Sales Office 201 St. George Street Lindsay, ON K9V 5Z9 Toll Free: 1-866-841-6001 Fax: 1-866-485-4156 Web: Xplornet uses the latest equipment from some of the world's leading technology companies. This allows them to deliver high-speed Internet service that is fast, reliable and affordable to home, business and enterprise users. The combination of using two service delivery platforms - fixed wireless and satellite - allows them to reach suburban, rural and remote customers who would otherwise have no access to affordable highspeed Internet. Municipality of Greenstone 42 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 7 Building and Development Related Fees 7.1 Development Related Fees Table 37: Development-related Application Fees Application Building Permits Fee Amount $10.00 for first $1000.00 of materials and labour and $3.00 for each $1000.00 thereafter Demolition Fees $10 Official plan amendment $800 Zoning amendment application $800 Approximate approval time required As stipulated in the Ontario Building Code. Depending on the nature of construction, from 1 - 30 days 1-10 days depending on nature of the demolition 180 day time frame for the municipality and 180 days for the MMAH 120 days Site Plan (new application) N/A N/A Consent Application $550 180 days Development Charges N/A N/A Source: Municipality of Greenstone For further information, please contact: Steven Mykulak Director of Protective and Planning Services Municipality of Greenstone PO Box 70 1800 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1100 x2027 Fax: 807-854-1947 Email: [email protected] Web: 7.2 Development Charges There are no development charges. Municipality of Greenstone 43 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 8 Industrial Parks 8.1 Industrial Parks Table 38: Industrial Parks Available Industrial Parks Available Park Name Greenstone Regional Airport Commercial/ Industrial Park R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport Commercial/ Industrial Park Longlac Industrial Park Size (Total Acres Available) 8 lots available (100X200ft) Lots available (100X200ft) in 2013 Price ($/acre) $0.38/ $0.10/ sq ft - sq ft airside non airside $0.38/ $0.10/ sq ft - sq ft airside non airside Rail Access No Serviced Yes Ownership Public Owner Will Subdivide? Yes No Yes Public Yes 379 hectares (936.5 acres) of commercial Source: Municipality of Greenstone For further information or development opportunities, please contact: Vicki Blanchard Economic Development Officer Municipality of Greenstone PO Box 70 1800 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1100 x2033 Fax: 807-854-1947 Email: [email protected] Web: Darlene Leupen Airports Manager PO Box 70 102 MacOdrum Drive, Hwy. 584 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1694 Fax: 807-854-2265 Email: [email protected] Web: Airport.aspx Municipality of Greenstone 44 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 9 Business Support Programs and Services 9.1 Government Municipality of Greenstone Geraldton Ward Office (Administration) 1800 Main Street P.O. Box 70 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1100 Fax: 807-854-1947 Web: Greenstone Municipal Economic Development (GMED) 1800 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-1100 Fax: 807-854-1947 Web: Greenstone Economic Development Corporation (GEDC) 1409 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-2273 Fax: 807-854-2274 Web: Animbiigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek (Formerly Lake Nipigon Ojibway) 204 Main Street PO Box 120 Beardmore, ON P0T 1G0 Phone: 807-875-2785 Toll Free: 1-877-669-6606 Fax: 807-875-2786 Web: Aroland First Nation PO Box 10 Aroland First Nation, ON P0T 1B0 Toll Free: 1-877-335-3033 Fax: 807-329-5750 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 45 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek First Nation (Formerly Sand Point) 684 City Road, Suite #7 Thunder Bay, ON P7J 1K3 Phone: 807-623-2724 Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Formerly Rocky Bay) 501 Spirit Bay Road MacDiarmid, ON P0T 2B0 Phone: 807-885-3401 Fax: 807-885-1218 Web: Ginoogaming First Nation Phone: 807-876-2242 Toll Free: 1-888-570-8942 Fax: 807-876-2495 Web: Rocky Shore Development Corporation Ginoogaming First Nation Phone: 807-876-2242 Fax: 807-876-2495 Web: Long Lake #58 First Nation PO Box 609 Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2292 Fax: 807-876-2757 Web: Greenstone Métis Council Thunder Bay Office Matawa First Nations 233 South Court Street Thunder Bay, ON P7B 2X9 Toll Free: 1-800-463-2249 Phone: 807-344-4575 Fax: 807-344-2977 Web: Matawa First Nations Economic Development Thunder Bay Office Matawa First Nations 233 South Court Street Municipality of Greenstone 46 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 2X9 Toll Free: 1-800-463-2249 Phone: 807-344-4575 Fax: 807-344-2977 Web: Nokiiwin Tribal Council, Economic Development 1000 Chippewa Road Fort William First Nation, ON P7J 1B6 Phone: 807-474-4230 Fax: 807-474-4238 Email: [email protected] Web: Service Ontario 208 Beamish Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0266 Toll Free: 800-267-8097 Web: Service Canada 208 Beamish Avenue West Geraldton, ON Phone: 1-800-622-6232 Web: Ministry of Northern Development, Mines 208 Beamish Avenue Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0267 Web: Ministry of Natural Resources 208 Beamish Avenue Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-1030 Web: Geosciences Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road Sudbury, ON Phone: 1-888-415-9845 Fax: 1-877-670-1555 Mineral Development and Lands Branch 435 James Street South Municipality of Greenstone 47 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Thunder Bay, ON Phone: 807-475-1746 Fax: 807-475-1112 Ministry of Environment 208 Beamish Avenue Geraldton, ON Web: Ministry of Labour 435 James Street South Thunder Bay, ON Phone: 807-475-1691 Fax: 807-475-1646 Web: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board 1113 Jade Court Thunder Bay, ON Phone: 807-343-1710 Fax: 807-343-1702 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 48 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 9.2 Chamber of Commerce and Business Associations Geraldton District Chamber of Commerce PO Box 128 Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-986-3617 Web: Longlac District Chamber of Commerce PO Box 877 Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-2507 Web: Association des francophones du Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario (AFNOO) 167 prom. Centennial Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2887 Email: [email protected] PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise 110 - 105 May St. North Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3N9 Phone: (807) 625-0328 Toll-Free: 1-800-584-0252 Fax: (807) 625-0317 Email: [email protected] Web: Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association Phone: 807-345-3860 Web: Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) 135 King Street Toronto, ON Phone: 416-362-1969 Fax: 416-362-0101 Web: Ontario Prospectors Association 1000 Alloy Drive Thunder Bay, ON Phone: 1-866-259-3727 Fax: 807-622-4156 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 49 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 9.3 Education, Employment and Training Contact North 500 Second Street West PO Box 368 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0542 Fax: 807-854-0809 Email: [email protected] Web: Lakehead University Thunder Bay (Main Campus) 955 Oliver Road Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1 Phone: 807-343-8110 Fax: 807-343-8023 Web: Major Programs: Business, Engineering, Medicine, Science Confederation College Greenstone Campus 300 Beamish Avenue, Box 368 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0652 Fax: 807-854-0809 Web: Major Programs: Automotive/Mechanical, Business, Forestry, Health, Hospitality/Tourism, Information Technology Academy of Learning Career and Business College 416 East Victoria Avenue Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1A5 Phone: 807-624-2380 Fax: 807-623-3381 Web: Major Programs: Business, Health, Information Technology, Services Everest College of Business, Technology and Health Care 28 North Cumberland Street Suite 400 Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4K9 Phone: 807-346-4667 Fax: 807-346-4690 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 50 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Major Programs: Business, Health, Information Technology Transport Training Centres of Canada Inc. 195 Gore Street East Thunder Bay, ON P7E 3R2 Phone: 807-622-1152 Email: [email protected] Web: Heavy Equipment, Commercial Truck More Than Words Employment Services 203 Main Street Geraldton,ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1234 Fax: 807-854-2522 101 King Street Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4222 Fax: 807-876-1034 Web: Bilingual services for job seekers and employers with their employment and training needs GCF Inc. 7 Popowich Drive Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-2335 Fax: 807-854-2336 Web : First Aid, SP-100 Forest Fire Fighter Training & Recertification, GPS, Professional Chainsaw operation, WHMIS, TDG, WDHP, Bear Awareness, Safe Food Handling, PreCommercial Thinning Ontario Works 1000 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T1M0 Phone: 807-854-2511 Fax: 807-854-2389 Web:é Municipality of Greenstone 51 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 9.4 Financial Bank of Nova Scotia Caisse Populaire CIBC H & R Block Investors Group Royal Bank of Canada Sun Life Insurance of Canada TD Canada Trust - Geraldton 240 Main Street Beardmore, ON Phone: 807-875-2015 Fax: 807-875-2569 Web: 120 Forestry Road Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-2288 Fax: 807-876-2797 Web: 301 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-2492 Web: 119 Forestry Road Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-4260 Fax: 807-876-4966 Web: 101 King Street Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-1636 Fax: 807-876-4840 Web: 201 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-2424 Fax: 705-225-3000 Web: 109 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0691 Web: 300 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-1014 Web: TD Canada Trust – Nakina 114 Quebec Street Nakina, ON Phone: 807-329-5935 Web: 9.5 Real Estate Belluz Realty 2821 Arthur Street Thunder Bay, ON Phone: 807-854-0800 Email: [email protected] Web: Municipality of Greenstone 52 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 9.6 Economic Development The Municipality of Greenstone will undertake to complete an Economic Development Strategic Plan, commencing December 2011.The plan will focus on economic, employment and community development directions that could help improve the quality of life for Greenstone residents. The Municipality wants to be a progressive community and is currently undertaking the following projects: an Investment Readiness Consultation and Workshop; an Investment Attraction Plan; Mining Market Needs Analysis (update); an Economic Development Invest in Greenstone website; a Community Profile and Investment Prospectus focussed on the five (5) pillars of economic development in Greenstone (mining/mineral exploration, value-added forestry, sustainable energy, training and education, and tourism). These projects are expected to support the creation of a strong Strategic Plan. Table 38: Investment Opportunities Start Date 2008 Location (postal code) High Hill Harbour Development Greenstone Regional Airport Centre of Excellence R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport Industrial Expansion 2012 P0V 1X0 2005 P0T 1M0 North-West Region Tourism & Recreation North-West Region Other 2005 P0T 2H0 North-West Region Other Greenstone Regional Airport Industrial Expansion 2005 P0T 1M0 North-West Other Project Name Greenstone Region North-West Region Sector Other Type Training Centre of Excellence Industrial and commercial business opportunities available Industrial and commercial business opportunities Source: Municipality of Greenstone For further information please contact: Vicki Blanchard Economic Development Officer Municipality of Greenstone PO Box 70 1800 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1100 x2033 Fax: 807-854-1947 Email: [email protected] Web: Municipality of Greenstone 53 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 10 Quality of Life 10.1 Housing Characteristics Table 39: Residential Assessment Property Values, MPAC 2008 Property Type Single family detached (not on water) Average Assessment $62,886 Semi-detached residential - two residential homes sharing a common center wall with separate ownership Freehold Townhouse/Row house - more than two units in a row with separate ownership Residential Condominium Unit $58,817 N/A N/A Source: MPAC 2008 Table 40: Dwelling Characteristics for Greenstone, 2012 Characteristics Total number of occupied private dwellings Average number of rooms per dwelling Average number of bedrooms per dwelling Owned Rented Average value of dwelling $ Greenstone 2,034 6.53 2.89 1576 459 107,533 Ontario 5,049,345 6.62 2.77 3,630,772 1,410,683 427,527 Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. Superdemographics 2012. Rent-Geared-to-Income Housing & Special Needs Housing Thunder Bay District Social Services Administartion Board (TBDSSAB) Housing Services Division 34 N. Cumberland Street, 5th Floor Thunder Bay, ON P7A 8B9 Phone: 807-766-2111 Toll Free: 866-363-0929 Fax: 807-344-4543 Web: http://www.tbdssab.caé 10.2 Health, Social and Community Services Telehealth Ontario Phone: 416-314-8721 Web: Free Access to a Registered Nurse — 24 Hours a day, 7 days a Week at 1-866-797-0000 TTY: 1-866-797-0007 Telehealth Ontario is a free, confidential telephone service for health advice or general health information from a Registered Nurse. That means quick, easy access to a Municipality of Greenstone 54 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 qualified health professional to help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to a hospital emergency room. Geraldton District Hospital 500 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1862 Fax: 807-854-1568 Web: Geraldton District Hospital is a fully accredited, progressive health care organization committed to providing high quality services to residents of Greenstone (Beardmore, Caramat, Geraldton, Longlac, Nakina) and surrounding First Nations communities. The Hospital has 23 acute care beds, 26 long term care beds, a heliport and a 24 hour emergency department. Services provided include clinical nutrition, diagnostic imaging (x-ray & ultrasound), laboratory, low risk obstetrics, outreach chemotherapy, rehabilitation (PT & OT), social work, and telemedicine. Northern Horizon Health Centre 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 The Northern Horizon Health Centre, built adjacent to the Geraldton District Hospital in 2000, provides a centralized location for Geraldton Medical Group, Greenstone Family Health Team, Geraldton Dental Office, North West Community Care Access Centre, Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Expert Hearing, Diabetes Education Centre, and Nutrition Services. Geraldton Medical Group 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0224 Web: Greenstone Family Health Team 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0051 x221 Email: [email protected] Web: Municipality of Greenstone 55 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Geraldton Dental Office Dr. Frank Dzijacky 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1426 North West Community Care Access Centre 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-2292 Toll Free: 866-449-2424 Fax: 807-854-1805 Expert Hearing 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-345-4327 Web: Hearing tests, hearing aid checks, and audiology services Diabetes Education Main Office : 99 Skinner Avenue PO Box 910 Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2271 Fax: 807-876-2473 Web: Dietician & Nutrition Services 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-4267 Thunder Bay District Health Unit 510 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0454 Speech: 807-854-0905 Fax: 807-854-1871 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 56 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 NorWest Community Health Centre 99 Skinner Avenue PO Box 910 Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2271 Fax: 807-876-2473 Web: Longlac Dental Office Dr. Grondin 101 King Street Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4534 Nakina Medical Clinic 204a Thorton Avenue Nakina, ON Phone: 807-329-5264 Fax: 807-329-5704 Web: Beardmore Regional Health Centre 285 Main Street Beardmore, ON Phone: 807-875-2058 Northwestern Ontario Breast Screening Mobile Coach Cancer Care Ontario Phone: 1-800-461-7031 Email: [email protected] Web: Services in French and English; wheel-chair accessible Optometry Dr. Guidon 121 Forestry Road Lonlgac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4366 CNIB Eye Van Services Web: Municipality of Greenstone 57 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Reflexology & Reiki Patricia Gendreau Phone: 807-854-0654 Massage Therapy Full Circle Massage Therapy Jen Curtis, Registered Massage Therapist 521 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1239 Glenda Barber, Registered Massage Therapist 315 Fourth Avenue SE Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1554 Transformation 150 Queen Street Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4325 Grace Otawin Lodge 306 Third Avenue N Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1286 Fax: 807-854-2255 Lodging for First Nations visiting region for medical puroses Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) Community Health Outreach Phone: 807-854-2326 Healthy Babies, Children, Family Home Visits Phone: 807-854-0254 Thunderbird Friendship Centre 301 Beamish Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1060 Municipality of Greenstone 58 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Toll Free: 888-854-1060 Fax: 807-854-0861 Web: riendshipbrCentre.aspx Services include health, justice, family support, employment & training services for Aboriginal people and delivery of local initiatives in areas such as education, economic development, child & youth initiatives, and cultural awareness. Dilico Anishinabek Family Care Longlac District Office 118 Forestry Road Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2267 Toll Free: 800-465-0957 Fax: 807-876-2312 Web: Aboriginal Head Start Ginoogaming First Nation Phone: 807-876-2242 Toll Free: 1-888-570-8942 Fax: 807-876-2495 Web: Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 Web: The Children’s Aid Society of the District of Thunder Bay Geraldton District Office 310 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1910 Toll Free: 800-465-3905 Fax: 807-854-1936 Municipality of Greenstone 59 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Infant-Child Development Program Greenstone Municipal Day Care Centres Web: Geraldton Day Care Centre 403 3rd Street West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1744 Fax: 854-0271 Friends of the North Day Care Centre 153 Kenogami Drive Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-4675 Fax: 807-876-4926 Beardmore Childcare Centre 296 Walker Street East Beardmore, ON P0T 1G0 Phone: 807-875-2794 Email: [email protected] Nakina Kids N Us 301 algoma Street Nakina, ON P0T 2H0 Phone: 807-329-8592 Fax: 807-329-8617 Email: [email protected] Best Start (formerly Rural Resource/Ontario Early Years Program) 403 3rd Street West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1744 Fax: 854-0271 Francophone services available Municipality of Greenstone 60 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 296 Walker Street East Beardmore, ON P0T 1G0 Phone: 807-875-2794 Email: [email protected] 301 Algoma Street Nakina, ON P0T 2H0 Phone: 807-329-8592 Fax: 807-329-8617 Email: [email protected] 99 Skinner Avenue PO Box 910 Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2271 Fax: 807-876-2473 Web: North of Superior Counselling Programs Administration Schreiber, ON P0T 2S0 Phone: 877-895-6677 Geraldton Office Phone: 807-854-1321 Longlac Office Phone: 807-876-2235 Mental Health Support Network (M.I.S.N.) 310 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-2649 Fax: 807-854-2650 Email: [email protected] Municipality of Greenstone 61 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Greenstone and Area Victims Services 310 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-HELP (4357) Email: Executive Director [email protected] Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Sexual Assault Program Worker [email protected] Web: Assistance & Referral Services for victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Assault, Property Crime, Robbery, Homicide, Suicide, Motor Vehicle collisions, Multi-Casualty Occurence, Fire, Elder Abuse, Grief & Bereavement Geraldton Family Resource Centre Phone: 807-854-1529 Toll Free: 800-363-4588 24-Hour Crisis Line: 807-854-1571 or 800- 265-7317 Email: [email protected] Web: Family ResourceCentre/ Women and children’s shelter Greenstone Harvest Centre 401 Main Street Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-3663 Food hampers & delivery Superior Greenstone Association for Community Living 206 Hogarth Avenue West Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0775 Email: [email protected] Web: Adult Protective Services Address Phone: Fax: Web: Municipality of Greenstone 62 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Greenstone Public Libraries Beardmore Library Longlac Library Elsie Dugard Centennial Library Hellen Mackie Memorial Library 285 Main Street Beardmore , ON Phone: 807-875-2212 Fax: 807-875-2618 Email: [email protected] 110 Kenogami Drive Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-4515 Fax: 807-876-4886 Email: [email protected] 405 Second Street West Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-1490 Fax: 807-854-2351 Email: [email protected] 216 North Street P.O. Box 300 Nakina, ON P0T 2H0 Phone: (807) 329-5906 Fax: (807) 329-5984 Email: [email protected] Elderly Person’s Centre 200 Wardrope Avenue Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1607 Web: Municipality of Greenstone 63 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 10. 3 Education School Boards Superior Greenstone District School Board 12 Hemlo Drive, Postal Bag 'A' Marathon, ON P0T 2E0 Phone: 807-229-0436 / Fax : 807-229-1471 Web: Superior North Catholic District School Board 21 Simcoe Plaza PO Box 610 Terrace Bay, ON P0T 2W0 Phone: 807-825-3209 / Fax: 807-825-3885 Web Page: Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales 175 High Street North Thunder Bay, ON P7A 8C7 Phone: 807-344-2266 / Fax: 807-344-3734 Web: Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario 296 rue Van Horne Sudbury, ON P3B 1H9 Phone: 705-671-1533 / Fax: 705-671-1720 Web: Ginoogaming First Nation & Long Lake 58 Education Authority Phone: 807-876-4914 Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Aniahnaabek Education Authority 501 Spirit Bay Road Rocky Bay Reserve MacDiarmid, ON P0T 2B0 Phone: 807-885-3401 Fax: 807-885-1218 Email: [email protected] Web: For a list of post-secondary education facilities in Greenstone and Northwestern Ontario, see Section 9.3 Municipality of Greenstone 64 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Table 41: Public Schools Elementary Schools School Name B.A. Parker Public School Beardmore Public School Caramat Public School Marjorie Mills Public School Nakina Public School Location Grades Language Phone Geraldton JK-8 English 807-854-1683 Beardmore JK-8 English 807-875-2128 Caramat JK-8 English 807-872-2648 Longlac JK-8 English 807-876-2366 Nakina JK-8 English 807-329-5356 Language Phone Secondary Schools Location Grades School Name Geraldton Composite High School L’École secondaire Château-Jeunesse Geraldton 9-12 English 807-854-0130 Longlac 9-12 French 807-876-1621 Language Phone 807-876-2213 Source: McSweeney & Associates from the Municipality of Greenstone Table 42: Catholic Schools Elementary Schools Location Grades School Name Our Lady of Fatima École Notre – Dame-de-Fatima St. Brigid School St. Joseph School École St-Jospeh Notre-Dame-desÉcoles Longlac JK-8 English Longlac JK-8 French 807-876-1272 Nakina JK-8 English 807-329-5375 Geraldton JK-8 English 807-854-0811 Geraldton JK-8 French 807-854-1421 Nakina JK-8 French 807-329-5452 Language Phone Source: McSweeney & Associates from the Municipality of Greenstone Table 43: Aboriginal Schools Elementary Schools School Name Migizi Wazisin – Eagle Nest Elementary School Johnny Therriault Memorial School Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishnaabek School Location Grades Long Lake 58 JK-7 807-876-4482 Aroland JK-8 807-329-5470 Rocky Bay/Macdiarmid JK-8 Municipality of Greenstone 65 807-885-3265 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 School Name Rocky Bay Alternative High School Nimiki Migiziki Secondary Schools Location Grades Rocky Bay/MacDiarmid 9-12 Ginoogaming 8-12 Language Phone English 807-854-0130 807-876-1270 10.4 Emergency and Protective Services Emergency Phone Number 911 Emergency Broadcast System for the Municipality of Greenstone 94.7 CHGS-FM Poison Control 1-800-268-9017 1-800-750-2233 (TTY only) Ontario Provincial Police 8054 Highway 11 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-1333 Fax: 807-854-1353 Web: Crimestoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) Superior North Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Web: 133 Main Street Beardmore, ON Phone: 807-875-2436 Fax: 807-875-2088 Email: [email protected] 815 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-2204 Fax: 807-854-9030 Email: hveilleux@thunderbay. ca Municipality of Greenstone 66 105 Skinner Avenue Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-2544 Fax: 807-876-2752 Email: mmannisto@thunderb 204-b Thorton Avenue Nakina, ON Phone: 807-329-9292 Fax: 807-329-9294 Email: cmillington@thunderb Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Greenstone Fire Department Web: The Greenstone Fire Department is staffed by 125 community volunteers and one Chief Fire Officer who has charge of all fire related matters in Greenstone. Beardmore Volunteer Fire Department Nakina Volunteer Fire Department Geraldtdon Volunteer Fire Department Caramat Volunteer Fire Department Longlac Volunteer Fire Department Jellicoe Volunteer Fire Department 200 Centre Avenue Nakina, ON Phone: 807-329-8394 Email: [email protected] 193 Main Street Beardmore, ON Phone: 807-875-2639 Email: [email protected] 100 Fire Hall Road Caramat, ON Phone: 807-872-0072 Email: [email protected] 100 1st Avenue SW Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0212 Email: [email protected] 100 Hamel Avenue Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-4642 Email: [email protected] 63 Main Street Jellicoe, ON Phone: 807-879-2526 Geraldton Fire Management Headquarters Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 640 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0558 Fax: 807-854-1788 Web: Forest Fire Reporting Hot Line: 1-888-284-3473 Marine/Air Search and Rescue 1-800-267-7270 Municipality of Greenstone 67 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Recreation, Tourism and Events Table 44: Tourism Facilities Facility Hotels/motels/resorts 40 Convention Centers 0 Community Centres Daycares and Preschool Facilities Facilities for Seniors Public Dock/Marina Cinemas Galleries Soccer / Football Fields Indoor Swimming Pools Public Tennis Courts Public Golf Courses 7 4 5 6 0 0 3 1 3 1 Facility Total No. of Rooms Size of the largest Convention Center (sq.ft.) Libraries Capacity of Daycares and Preschool Facilities Ice Arenas/Curling Theatres Museums Baseball Diamonds Public Transit Outdoor Swimming Pools Private Tennis Courts Private Golf Courses 280 0 4 136 8 0 1 7 N/A 0 0 0 Source: Municipality of Greenstone, Visitor Information Lonlgac Tourist Information Centre Hwy 11 Longlac, Ontario P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2507 Discover Geraldton Interpretive Centre 1 Barrick Drive/ hwy 11 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: 807-854-0099 (May to September) Email: [email protected] Web : ebrCentre.aspx/ Municipality of Greenstone 68 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 10.5 Events Table 45: Annual Events Annual Events Name of Event Nakina Snow Club's Annual Poker Rally Moosecalac Beardmore Winter Carnival 3 on 3 Hockey Tournament (Geraldton) Easter Weekend Hockey Tournament Geraldton Chamber of Commerce Trade Show Nakina Spring Thaw (Winter Carnival) Golf for Gold Tournament Aroland Pow Wow Senior Invitational (golf) Relay For Life Aboriginal Day Celebrations & Pow Wow Geraldton Walleye Classic Geraldton's 75th Anniversary Canada Day Celebrations Caramat Fish Derby Longlac's 60th Anniversary Summerfest Lake Nipigon Trout hunt Mixed Invitational (golf) Stanley Thompson Memorial 2 Man (golf) Golf Fore the Cure Ladies Charity Tournament Nakina Catch 'n' Release Bass Fishing Derby The Bergstrom (golf tournament) Ladies Invitational (golf) Ginoogaming Pow-Wow Le Festival du Marinquoin du Nakina Mosquito Festival Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay) Pow Wow Kinsmen Concert Series Moose Hunters Ball Ontario Public Library Week Events Kinsmen Children's Entertainment Series Moose Hunters Ball Christmas Craft Sale Kinsmen Children's Entertainment Series 30 & Over Ladies Hockey Tournament Greenstone's Annual Christmas Parade 3 on 3 Hockey Tournament (Longlac) Curling Bonspiel for Cancer Municipality of Greenstone 69 Date February 4, 2012 February 16-19, 2012 March 17-24, 2012 March 30 - April 1, 2012 April 6-8, 2012 April 14-15, 2012 May 11-13, 2012 June 15-17,2012 Early June June 22, 2012 June 15-16, 2012 June 21st June 22-24, 2012 June 30 - July 1, 2012 July 1st long weekend July 13-15, 2012 July 19-22,2012 July 20-22, 2012 July 20-22,2012 July 21, 2012 July 30-31, 2012 August 1, 2012 August 3-5, 2012 August 10-12, 2012 August 11-12,2012 August 17-19,2012 August 25, 2012 26-28 August 2012 September 2012 to April 2013 October 13, 2012 October 14-20, 2012 November 2012 to April 2013 October November 18, 2012 November to April November 9-11, 2012 November 25, 2012 December 21-23, 2012 December 26, 2012 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 10.6 Local Media Table 46: Newspapers Newspaper The Times Star - Greenstone Frequency Weekly - Wednesdays The Chronicle Journal - Thunder Bay Weekly - Nipigon-Red Rock Gazette Daily Tuesdays Source: Municipality of Greenstone Table 47: Radio Stations Radio Station CFNO - 93.1, 100.7, & 107.1 FM CBON – 93, 7 CBC - 89.1 Affiliation N/A CBC, French CBC, English Source: Municipality of Greenstone Table 48: Cable Service Name Astrocom Cablevision Inc. Phone 807-854-1569 Source: Municipality of Greenstone Table 49: Television TV Station GCHS - Channel 30 during the school year TBTelevision CKPR- Channel 57 & 59 Astrocom - Channel 13 - TV listings & Classifieds Affiliation Source: Municipality of Greenstone Municipality of Greenstone 70 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 11 Local Accommodations Crown & Anchor Motel 1801 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-1985 Four Winds Motor Hotel 100 Keewatin Avenue Longlac , ON Phone: 807-876-4474 Fax: 807-876-4696 Web: Gold Nugget Motel 509 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0740 Email: [email protected] Imperial Rooms 108 3rd Street North Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-1259 [email protected] Le Chateau Bed & Breakfast 108 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0839 Web: http://www.bbcanada/8837.html Lily's Bed & Breakfast 102 Balsam Drive Longlac , ON Phone: 204-687-5616 Northern Lights Bed & Breakfast 106 King Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-2269 Fax: 807-854-2269 Pennocks/Shores Motel Cordingley Lake Road Nakina , ON Phone: 807-329-5265 Email: [email protected] Web: R & D Apartments 219 Keefer Street Nakina, ON Phone: 807-329-5872 Fax: 807-3298812 Email: [email protected] Web: Ran-Dan Motel 116 Dieppe Road Longlac , ON Phone: 807-826-2247 Silver Nugget Motor Hotel 1311 Main Street Geraldton, ON Phone: 807-854-0911 Fax: 807-854-1724 Web: The Victoria Bed & Breakfast 2202 2nd Avenue SE Geraldton , ON Phone: 807-854-2048 Fax: 807-854-0472 Web: http://www.bbcanada/thevictoriabb Municipality of Greenstone 71 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Woodlands Inn Motor Hotel 130 Queen Street Longlac, ON Phone: 807-876-2264 Fax: 807-876-4297 Web: http://www.woodlandsinnlonglac.cpm L’Oree Des Bois Motel 150 Queen Street Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Phone: 807-876-2252 Roxy Place Motel 227 Main Street Beardmore, ON P0T 1G0 Phone: 807-875-1037 Municipality of Greenstone 72 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Appendix - Incentives Capital Incentives Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund - Ontario Capital Growth Corporation Business Development Bank of Canada Canada Small Business Financing Program - Industry Canada Canadian Youth Business Foundation Start-Up Financing Program Eastern Ontario Development Fund - Ministry of Economic Development FEDNOR - Applied Research and Development Program Loan Guarantee Program - Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry am_e.asp NextGen Biofuels Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada NOHFC - Northern Energy Program NOHFC - Private Sector Emerging Technology Program Community Futures Program – Ontario Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund SD Tech Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada SMART Program - Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Municipality of Greenstone 73 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative - Industry Canada Summer Company Rural Economic Development (RED) Program Commercialization Incentives Eastern Ontario Development Fund - Ministry of Economic Development NextGen Biofuels Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada NOHFC - Private Sector Emerging Technology Program Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund SD Tech Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada MaRS Discovery District (MaRS) Ontario Research Fund - Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Precarn Incorporated Technology Development Fund - Ontario Power Authority Energy Incentives NextGen Biofuels Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada NOHFC - Northern Energy Program Municipality of Greenstone 74 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 SMART Program - Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Technology Development Fund - Ontario Power Authority High Performance New Construction Feed-in Tariff Program - Ontario Power Authority Export Incentives Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) Export Development Canada Export Market Access - A Global Expansion Program Going Global Innovation - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada New Exporters to Border States (NEBS) Human Resources and Training Incentives Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. MaRS Discovery District (MaRS) Achieving Innovation & Manufacturing Excellence - Yves Landry Foundation Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit - Canada Revenue Agency Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit Canada Summer Jobs Municipality of Greenstone 75 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Employer Signing Bonus FEDNOR - Youth Internships - Private Sector Program Industrial R & D Fellowships - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program - National Research Council Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Innovation and Industry Programs Youth Employment Program - National Research Council Canada NOHFC - Enterprise North Job Creation Program NOHFC - Northern Ontario Youth Internship and Co-op Program Ontario Labour Market Partnerships Ontario Summer Jobs Service Targeted Wage Subsidies Program The Workplace Skills Initiative - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Work-Sharing Program - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Small Business Internship Program - Industry Canada Rural Economic Development (RED) Program Municipality of Greenstone 76 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 Northern Ontario Incentives Loan Guarantee Program - Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines & Forestry am_e.asp NOHFC - Northern Energy Program NOHFC - Private Sector Emerging Technology Program Rural Economic Development (RED) Program FEDNOR - Youth Internships - Private Sector Program NOHFC - Enterprise North Job Creation Program NOHFC - Northern Ontario Youth Internship and Co-op Program NOHFC - Infrastructure and Community Development Program ent_e.asp Research and Development Incentives Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund - Ontario Capital Growth Corporation FEDNOR - Applied Research and Development Program NextGen Biofuels Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada NOHFC - Private Sector Emerging Technology Program Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. Ontario Innovation Demonstration Fund Ontario Innovation Tax Credit (OITC) Municipality of Greenstone 77 Greenstone Community Profile 2012 SD Tech Fund - Sustainable Development Technology Canada Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative - Industry Canada Ontario Research Fund - Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Precarn Incorporated Going Global Innovation - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Industrial R & D Fellowships - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program - National Research Council Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Innovation and Industry Programs Canada Foundation for Innovation Communications Research Centre Canada - Industry Canada Ontario Business Research Institute Tax Credit (OBRITC) Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program - Canada Revenue Agency Mitacs Accelerate Youth Employment Program - National Research Council Canada SDTC Funding Municipality of Greenstone 78
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