Newsletter of Faubion United Methodist Church AndSo It BegIns…
Newsletter of Faubion United Methodist Church AndSo It BegIns…
OCT OBER 2016 Newsletter of Faubion United Methodist Church Grab the Sweatshirts and Light the Fire! Gladstone’s First Congregation Serving Christ since 1837 Staff Steve Elkins - Pastor TBD - Youth Ministry John Foster Music and Choir Director Organist/Accompanist Marva Besette Administrative Assistant Administrative Council Chair - Jan Pace Vice Chair - Phil Riley Autumn is upon us! With all the rain we’ve experienced this summer into early fall, I’m looking forward to some very bright, breathtaking foliage on our trees. This time of year forces us – whether we are ready or not – to see the wonders of God’s creation. Death must occur for new life to come forth. As the leaves change color, they will begin to die and fall from the branches that gave them nourishment all season long. They fall at the feet of the trees to continue to hold moisture at their roots – supporting them even in death. As Christians, we also need to experience death to take on new life. The death of a destructive relationship that slowly opens our hearts to new friendships…the death of a loving connection that has helped to shape and transform our lives…the death of a sin that frees us to draw closer to our Creator. Even in the beauty of fall, death becomes a necessity for life. Lay Leader - Daniel Madinger Secretary - Bonnie Reed Treasurer - Kelli Clayton Financial Sec. - Ann Fine Finance - Bud Berg SPRC - Mike Heston Trustees - George Stephens Worship - Stephanie Elkins Education - Laura Stewart You’re probably thinking, “This is a little morbid Pastor Steve! What about all the hayrides, drinking hot chocolate, attending football games and sitting by the fire pit enjoying the company we are keeping? Those are a part of fall!” Yes, they are wonderful parts of the fall season. The fall season begins to prepare our hearts and attitudes for winter and the cold that is about to come. It also prepares us for the eventual “newness of life” we are ready to see as spring comes forth in the new year! Fellowship - Naomi Lackey Mem/Missions - Bonnie Reed Nominations - Steve Elkins UMW - Joan Fowler UMM - Kenny Eldridge Historian - Joan Fowler 7113 N. Troost Ave. Gladstone, MO 64118 816-436-1882 [email protected] Faubionumc Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service 10:45 am Wed. Bible Study 6:00 pm Fall is not just an end of summer, it’s more than that! It’s a beginning as we wait on the Lord for a renewing of ourselves and with the excitement of what God has instore for each of us! Drink your hot chocolate and watch some football games in that warm sweatshirt – God is preparing a newness in your life that keeps us looking ahead! In His Love, Pastor Steve 1 Membership, Evangelism And Missions CHURCH BUSINESS Income and Expenses Are you looking for a way to serve our community? Here are some opportunities: Latest Data Available BLANKET COLLECTION - Full Month of Oct. Please bring your new or lightly used blankets and place them on the designated table in the sanctuary. August Year to Date Income: $12,827.27 $109,715.79 Expenses: $11,860.13 $101,379.43 General Fund Balance: $ 967.14 $ 8,336.36 Apportionments Conference: $ 1,500.00 (2016 paid full) District: $ 0.00 CROP WALK - Sunday, October 9th 2016 This starts at 2 pm near the Plaza. Please see Judy Fenster for details. You are encouraged to walk or donate to this cause. Local Outreach Love INC: $ FESTIVAL OF SHARING - Collect by Oct. 8th Your cash donations can be added to a bean pot in the front of the sanctuary. The Festival of Sharing (Oct. 15-16) will use your donations to buy beans for those in need. 200.00 $12,000.00 $ 1,195.00 $ 1,600.00 Northland Church Women United is October 7 at Antioch Community Church. Fall District meeting will be October 22 at Cameron, MO. NORTHLAND CHRISTMAS STORE - We will be collecting food for the Northland Christmas Store. Look for details soon. Friday, Oct. 14th, 8am - 6pm & Saturday, Oct. 15th, 9am - 1pm CHRISTMAS BOXES - Collecting Nov. 14 - 21 Watch for Christmas boxes and information to help Samaritans Purse this Christmas. Filling a box will not only give toys to a child but it will help them learn of God's love. Books, Craft Items, Fresh-Baked Goods, Trash & Treasure Items, Stained Glass Raffle $1 per chance or 6 for $5 Window pane is 18” x 22” COMMUNION - Every month we go to homes of those who cannot get to church. If you know of someone who would like this or if you would like to volunteer to deliver it, please let Bonnie Reed know. Vegetable Soup & Sloppy Joes Fresh-Baked Pie, Cake, Cookies Menu: Administrative Council Meetings ...are held on the 2nd Monday of every even month in Fellowship Hall at 7pm. All members are encouraged to attend. This is your chance to express your thoughts on the many important issues that we face as a church. Wednesday Night Bible Study Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday nights at 6pm for our weekly Bible study. It is never too late to join our group and everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Copies of the Administrative Council minutes are available to everyone in the narthex. Please take one! 2 October Calendar Highlights S p e c i a l D ay s ! Birthdays Margaret Justice Cyndee Katie Chris Joan Francie Carol Monica Barbara Minda Judy Donna Jo Zoe Marion Mary Ann Gerald Bobbie Tammy Mary Darrell Nancy Aubrey Green Noble Richardson Plott Fowler Stephens Lee Simpson Bowers Green Steele Bozarth Parent Knust Elliott Heston Bell Hazeslip Eldridge Lindhorst Apple Pickett 2-Oct 2-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 6-Oct 8-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct 10-Oct 12-Oct 14-Oct 18-Oct 20-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct 23-Oct 26-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 29-Oct 31-Oct 31-Oct Anniversaries Al & Cyndee Noble Diane & Don Lloyd Carol & George Stephens Bob & Cora Call 3-Oct 17-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct Wishing you God’s Blessings and Happiness on your special day! We don’t want to miss your SPECIAL DAY! If you have recently become a church member or attend regularly, please give our secretary your, (and your spouse’s) birthday and if applicable, your anniversary date. Don’t worry - we won’t share the year you were born with anyone! October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Thank you Steve Elkins for investing your ideas and for your hard work to help Faubion thrive as a place where we serve God and our community, while fulfilling our mission to make disciples for Christ. FAUBION’S HISTORY IS HIGHLIGHTED! Look for a feature story about Faubion in the fall issue of the Gladstone Magazine. Check our website too for more on our history - coming soon! Hints for a Successful Outcome when Requesting Assistance from the Office 1) Time - Allow at least 1 week, if your project will require more than 15 minutes...please know, only part time hours are available, with a full work load and additional requests from other people. 2) Writing - Avoid miscommunication and mistakes, even if projects were done in previous years and especially for prayer requests. 3) Files - Indicate whether your files should go in the file cabinet or the computer. SUCCESS STORY FROM LOVE INC - When the breadwinner of the family is sick, the whole household suffers. With her husband out of work the family had to rely on Mom to cover the bills. However recent medical issues which required a leave of absence from work, caused this 37-yearold mother of three to fall behind on their electric bill. Love INC was able to pay the electric bill balance so the family could distribute their small income from short term disability on paying other bills until able to return to work. Love INC also enrolled them in a six month care plan to provide needed hygiene and household products to help with the budget while they get back on their feet. 3 From Faubion Memoirs by the History Committee Hanging in There (Anonymous) Pt.30 But we (Faubion church) still refused to move or merge. Conference thought of us as OldDie-Hards when actually we were New-Die-Hards. We were growing into a church of young families and they fought a move more than the old ones had. Many older members were dying and some of them were leaving money for the church’s future. One in particular, Egbert Broadhurst, left us enough to really get our building fund growing. That is why the educational unit was dedicated to him. Others left more later but his legacy gave us our boost when we needed it most. At that time Conference was too short on ministers to supply us for a while so one of our members, Darrell Apple, filled the pulpit. Darrell had had ministerial training and did better than some of our ministers had but he was happiest of all when Conference finally found us another man. procrastinated a while longer on the parsonage while we concentrated on starting the new church building. Now, that Conference was finally completely behind us and our church had grown we felt we could forge full scale ahead with our new building. (Cont. in the Oct. issue of the Link). Kenneth and Mary Edmunds had their own home in the McMurry neighborhood so we WESLEY'S SERMONS AND NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT Wesley's sermons contain his basic understanding of the Christian faith and his thinking about how we are to live out this faith both personally and corporately. His written sermons were intended to teach the basic beliefs of the faith as well as nurture and encourage his followers in their discipleship. THE GENERAL RULES OF THE METHODIST CHURCH Wesley knew how difficult it would be for his followers, particularly those recently converted, to live a holy life. To this end, he created structures and practices that would help foster faithful living in the members of the Methodist Societies. In 1743 he outlined these practices in the "General Rules," which functioned as a sort of contract by which group members held one another accountable. Wesley's Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament provided his followers with tools for interpreting the Bible. These notes contained both Wesley's own ideas as well as insights borrowed from other interpreters and commentaries. (To read Wesley’s General Rules, Sermons on Several Occasions, Notes upon the New Testament, go online to the following web address.) These rules are organized into these three basic categories: Do no harm, "avoiding evil of all kinds"; Do good, "of every possible sort, and as far as possible, to all;" Practice "the ordinances of God," or engage in individual and communal spiritual practices such as prayer, Bible reading, worship and the Lord's Supper. From www.UMC.Org Section -What We Believe, Our Wesleyan Heritage 4 Thank you dear Faubion friends for the remembrances extended to us at the loss of my sister Mary Elizabeth. We will miss her here, however, we know that a host of open arms were awaiting her arrival there. God bless all of you. - Darlene and Larry Yeo Because you gave in August 2016 your support mattered to so many in need right here in Clay County! 112 Households 862 Individuals 602 Children Total Value of Assistance.....$20,721.25 Mary Ann Heston recently won a First Place Blue Ribbon for her quilt in the Northland quilt show. Another quilt made by Jan Kramme, and quilted by the Faubion stitchers won a ribbon also! : ) PhoneTree Hint - This system will not play on your phone until all talking or other background noise has stopped. So if no one is answering when you say “Hello” please pause for a moment before hanging up. You may hear an important announcement or invitation for you from Faubion United Methodist Church. “Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth” - John Wesley Newsletter Articles When requesting that a message goes out through any of our media methods, ple ase submit your information in writing so that it’s complete, it’s correct and it will reach exactly the right people. Thank you! Turn in your articles for the next newsletter by October 21st. Faubion's Missions Committee collects Nonperishable Food Items. Please bring items to worship service every 1st Sunday of the month. (If you miss this on the first Sunday, food items will be accepted and welcome anytime). Lifting Spirits! Your phone calls, cards and visits will brighten someone’s day! Please call the office if you need to get or wish to share contact information about anyone who would benefit from this. 5 Don’t forget to send your notices to Mike Heston each month for publication on Faubion’s website! If there’s anything that you think should be presented ONSCREEN during Sunday worship service, send your notice to Pastor Steve Elkins, in writing with details, no later than Tuesday before that Sunday. Thank You!