May 2016 Newsletter - First United Methodist Church
May 2016 Newsletter - First United Methodist Church
Powerful Things! God is doing powerful things in my life, as I learn and grow from my experiences and the things around me. Sinton, Texas has been a GREAT place for me to be for the past 3 years now! God is doing powerful things in our midst as well. One of those powerful things is a highly blessed and favored AND burgeoning Children’s Ministry. Thank God for our children and our Children’s Ministry! Thanks be to God for all who support this ministry! Christmas Caroling with the Kids! Christmas Time was here! Choir Babies! Hide and Seek Seek at at Fall Fall Festival? Festival? Jesus: King of THIS class! Kind Kids! What powerful thing do you see God doing in your life? I can promise you it’s there! Do you recognize it? “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19, New International Version) In Christ’ Love, Always, Pastor Rosie SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 EXERCISE 10:00 Christian Men’s Fellowship 8:30 AM 3 9 EXERCISE 10:00 10 EXERCISE 10:00 16 6 7 13 14 20 21 EXERCISE 10:00 12 EXERCISE 10:00 BIBLE STUDY 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM 17 EXERCISE 10:00 18 EXERCISE 10:00 19 EXERCISE 10:00 BIBLE STUDY 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Step Up & Weigh Down 5:00 PM 22 EXERCISE 10:00 SCI Consultation Weekend, Fellowship Hall Fundraiser Committee Meeting 5:30 PM 23 EXERCISE 10:00 24 EXERCISE 10:00 Step Up & Weigh Down 5:00 PM 30 31 EXERCISE 10:00 Graduation Reception (following Service) Office Closed 25 BIBLE STUDY 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Baccalaureate, Sinton High School 29 SATURDAY Finance Committee Meeting 5:30 PM EXERCISE 10:00 SCI Consultation Weekend, Fellowship Hall 11 Step Up & Weigh Down 5:00 PM 15 COVERED DISH LUNCHEON 5 EXERCISE 10:00 UMW Meeting 2:30 PM “Lost But Found” Gospel Band During Worship FRIDAY RX Program 1:00 PM 8 CHURCH COUNCIL THURSDAY 4 EXERCISE 10:00 COMMUNION (Covered Dish will be on May 22) WEDNESDAY 26 EXERCISE 10:00 27 EXERCISE 10:00 28 Greetings from Our Wesley Nurse JUNE 2016---“Men’s Health”- Seasons of Wholeness Monthly Newsletter “Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!” 1 Samuel 25:6 Men can live healthier, longer lives just by knowing their health threats and how to work through those risks. Statistics show that heart disease is the number one threat with cancer, injuries, stroke, COPD (respiratory disease), diabetes, flu, suicide, kidney disease, and Alzheimer’s making up the top ten. By listening to your body and adopting good healthy lifestyle habits, you can decrease your risk for lifethreatening health issues. A healthy, balanced diet will greatly reduce the risk for five of the top ten threats: heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are heart healthy selections and can fight some cancers as well. They also help maintain a healthy weight which is necessary for the prevention of diabetes and kidney failure which is a complication of diabetes and high blood pressure. Most men put more thought into how they fuel their car than how they fuel their body. It is no wonder that obesity is on the rise, and that the number of obese men in the U.S. has doubled over the past 25 years. Sedentary habits and overeating have contributed to this epidemic. How do we motivate men? For starters, forget the word diet and begin to manage your intake of food just like you manage your finances, relationships, and your job. Next, think about your health and quality of life. Dropping a few pounds and exercising more will improve your fitness, strength, and energy. Just check with your doctor before you increase your activity level. The game plan to get the ball rolling includes: 1. Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast gets your metabolism fire started. 2. Cut your portions in half. Overeating is probably what got you here in the first place. 3. Stick with lean chicken, turkey, and fish, eggs, and beans. 4. Focus on carbohydrates. Focus on wholesome choices and go for fruits and vegetables, brown rice, baked sweet potatoes. Limit sweets and white flour. 5. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. 6. Snack smartly. 7. Exercise regularly. Work in some type of exercise most days of the week to keep up your metabolism. 8. Try to skip heavy meals. Watch your dinner portions. Do not hesitate to leave food on your plate. 9. Limit alcohol. Alcohol has calories. “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.” Lamentations 3:21 Depression is a major illness but is rarely acknowledged by men as it is often viewed as a weakness or a threat to career and lifestyle, It is actually a neurological malfunction caused by genetics or life/environmental experiences and can be treated. Depression is exhibited by gender, so in men look for symptoms of inappropriate anger, compulsive behavior, difficulty sleeping, risky behavior, alcohol/substance abuse, or thoughts of suicide. Men who attempt to hide their depression may also work compulsively. Always call 911 if you feel you may harm yourself or others. “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” Jeremiah 30:17 Snoring occurs in 6 out of 10 adults and most of them are men. Not getting a good night’s rest leads to daytime sleepiness. That can impair your thinking and concentration, which can affect your job performance. What causes snoring? Anything that affects your air flow can cause it. Snoring can be triggered by eating too much before bed, smoking, sleeping position, alcohol, drugs/sedatives, age-older people often snore because of weaker muscles, obesity, enlarged adenoids, or nasal congestion. Continued… …Continued For some, sleep apnea. With this, breathing stops for 10-30 seconds. Sleep apnea increases your risk and can be dangerous for heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Your doctor can help determine if the snoring is related to apnea and refer you to a sleep specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. It is most frequently found in men over 65 but rare cases can be found in men as young as 45. If caught early, it is generally slow in growing and easily treatable. With few symptoms, it is important to not ignore signs of potential problems like: difficulty urinating, pain during urination, blood in the urine, and pain in the lower back/hips/upper thighs. See a physician for an exam and blood testing for PSA to determine if they indicate cancer. If diagnosed, treatment may include surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or chemotherapy. Discuss your options with your physician to determine which is appropriate for you. “Turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding.” Proverbs 2:2 Smart men think about their health. They know that health screenings are as important for men as they are for women. For men to stay healthy and increase their chance at healthier lives, screenings should include a body mass index for obesity, lipid profiles starting at age 35, blood pressure assessment, colorectal cancer screening at age 50 or earlier if indicated by family history or abnormal symptoms, and diabetes evaluation. Know your body, listen to its needs, and see you physician when things do not seem to be right. Your families want a future with you so look at life and see what can be changed. A few simple adjustments can give you better health and longer life. Your Wesley Nurse, Kerry DuBose Church Based Counselor with Methodist Healthcare Ministries Our Wesley Counselor, Laura Lopez, serves as the Church Based Counselor at Sinton United Methodist Church. Church Based Counseling Services provides individuals and families with counseling that would not receive it otherwise. This may be due to lack of insurance or lack of finances to pay for these services. Clients are asked to pay what they can on a modest sliding scale. No one is denied service due to inability to pay for services. Laura Lopez is a Licensed Professional Counselor and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi in 1998 and her Master’s Degree in Counseling at Texas A&M, Corpus Christi in 2000. She has experience in individual, group, family, and marital therapy. She has counseling expertise with children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. If someone you know is interested in our counseling services, call at 361-652-3573. The first appointment is free. ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING EVENTS SMALL CHURCH INITIATIVE WEEKEND: Thank you for your continuing support and prayers as we complete our study work with Small Church Initiative (SCI), a program designed to strengthen congregations. The work of the incoming Consultation Team will begin May 21-22. See bulletin for detailed information. Sign up to attend. Contact Pastor Rosie with any questions. UM Army (Mission for Youth) has been approved to be held at our church July 17-23, 2016. Know of a high school youth who would like to participate? Please talk to Pastor Rosie or Mary Anne Hartung, Youth Director. Additionally, if you know of projects the youth can do during this work camp, talk to Pastor Rosie about presite forms that can be turned in to Rev. Bryan Rogers, Director for the camp. On Pentecost Sunday, May 15th, Lost But Found Band will lead us in Worship with singing and preaching. Contact Pastor Rosie with any questions. May 5th is National Day of Prayer. Sinton Churches Aligned (the Ministerial Alliance) will host a gathering at Jackson Square, 12-1 p.m. on May 5th. Our church’s focus and table will be on prayers for the world. Let Pastor Rosie know if you’re interested in getting involved. Afterwards, we’ll eat together at the Butter Churn. Join us! CLASS OFFERINGS Spiritual Gifts Inventory Offering! Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts by Dr. Charles V. Bryant offers a spiritual gifts inventory. If you are interested in a one-on-one session or a class, please contact Pastor Rosie. Wednesday Bible Study continues in 2016 at 11:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Beginning May 11th, we’ll be studying the Book of Ruth with Author and Pastor Tommy Nelson. Contact Pastor Rosie for more information. Our Adult Sunday School Class is held each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. A Sermon Study/Feedback and Worship Design Team is waiting to be formed. Bring your gifts for Worship design to this team! Contact Pastor Rosie or Denise Cluiss with any questions. Thank you for your support and prayers. From the Fundraiser Committee The Fundraiser Committee will be meeting soon. If you have any great fundraiser ideas please let me know. We prefer short term fundraisers that make lots of money. (not asking too much am I, LOL) We can be creative and try new things. This money will be helping the church limp along this summer with our expenses. We can do ALL things through Jesus Christ Who gives us the strength! Sandra Coates Hello from….me – I know, I know! You’re used to seeing Hello from the COGS! But, with the end of this month, comes the end of my tenure as Youth Director, and I want to take this opportunity to tell everyone how very much I appreciate the opportunity I was given, the gift I was given. A few years ago, I was asked to speak before you about the impact my ministry had on my life. I broke down in tears that day, talking about my love for the youth. Yes, one of them is mine, but all of them felt like mine. I wanted so badly to be an example, to show them God’s love. I think I did that. The ebb and flow of life took some of the youth away from the group, but I want to let them all know that, while they were not physically with us, I was praying for them always. The support I have received from within and without our church has been so heart-warming. I had only to ask and whatever I needed was provided. Some of our schemes worked out, some of them did not, but they were all wonderful fun. I don’t know what God has planned for my future, but my work at FUMC-Sinton has definitely prepared me for whatever he sends my way. My heart-felt thanks to you all! Mary Anne Hartung Youth Director COASTAL BEND WELLNESS FOUNDATION MOBILE HEALTH CENTER COMING TO THE RURAL COMMUNITIES OF SINTON & TAFT! It is very exciting to be able to offer another option for health care in the communities of Sinton & Taft! Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation now has a mobile clinic and will be traveling to the several rural communities to assist in providing more healthcare options. Partnering with the Wesley Nurse network, the mobile van will be located at various Methodist Churches throughout the coastal bend. We will be hosting the clinic on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month from 9:30-12. Some of the services they will have include: routine physical exams & health screenings, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, cold & flu, vaccinations. They accept Medicaid, Medicare, and several private insurance plans accepted. Most exciting is the fact that they will be accepting patients who do not have insurance. They will use a sliding scale for the uninsured (patients must provide proof of income). This is a tremendous asset for the community and I am very excited we will be a part of it! As a church, we will be providing an area where people can wait for their appointment instead of sitting in their car, and a restroom while they are waiting. CBWF assumes the liability so there is no financial commitment. It would be wonderful if we could have one or two volunteers to welcome patients coming in and showing them where they can wait and where the restrooms are. Maybe, we could offer them a cup of coffee, a listening ear, and an occasional prayer! People come to churches where relationships are formed so we have the perfect opportunity to open our doors and invite people in! If you are interested, let me know! Kerry, Wesley Nurse CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT: 361-814-2001 Prayer List: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ryan Rivera, Jr. Denice Hadwin Stephanie Jetton Brezina The Family of Karen Reilly Ruben Serrano Audrey Alaniz Allen Morris Kyle Smith Laynie Houser Lisa Willis Lynn Houser Johnnie Sue Littleton Jan Havelka The Family of Douglas Murray Andy Pollard The Family of Al Nelson The Family of William F. McDaniel Mario Castellion Manuel Candelaria, Sr. Charles Martinka Charles Jones Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Long-Term: Military: Wesley Hartung Cameron Collier Matt Lowder Kevin Campbell Jakob Unruh If you would like to add a loved one to our prayer list, please, call the church office at 364-2031, or email us at [email protected]. ATTENDANCE & OFFERINGS MARCH 2016 MARCH 6: Worship -37 Sunday School-26 Total Offering: $2,550.00 MARCH 13: Worship -66 Sunday School-27 Total Offering: $4,674.37 MARCH 20: Worship -50 Sunday School-17 Total Offering: $6,319.42 MARCH 27: Worship -99 Sunday School-33 Total Offering: $5,270.63 GIVING TO FUNDS MARCH 2016 APPORTIONMENTS FUND= $463.00 BUILDING FUND=$1,245.00 CHILDREN’S WORK=$50.00 COMMUNION RAIL=$5.00 EMERGENCY FUND=$1,500.00 GENERAL FUND= $12,827.50 MEMORIAL FUND=$65.00 SCHOLARSHIP FUND=$2,000.00 SPECIAL COOK BOOKS=$10.00 SPECIAL FOOD FUNERAL=$120.00 SPECIAL OFFERING=$513.92 YOUTH FELLOWSHIP=$15.00 Memorials (Received April 1-30, 2016) WILLIAM F. MCDANIEL Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fairly, Jr. Virginia Kastner Leslie McDaniel Martin SHS Class of 1963 Nancy Green Alleta Waters Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Collins PARODA DEITCH Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ermis AL NELSON Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Collins SAM NELSON Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Collins CANDACE CORMIER Virginia Kastner JEREMIAH CORMIER Virginia Kastner DOUGLAS MURRAY Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fairly, Jr. Alleta Waters Sue McDaniel FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P. O. Box 276 Sinton, Texas 78387 Happy Mother’s Day Sunday, May 8, 2016 SINTON METHODIST NEWS 2016 A Publication of the First United Methodist Church of Sinton Email: [email protected] Website:
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