the cornerstone - On
the cornerstone - On
THE CORNERSTONE Community Covenant Church OCTOBER 2014 From the Pastor’s PC – “How Are We Perceived?” “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10 (NLT) This week, I had the privilege to serve Jury duty. Yes, I believe it is a privilege as well as a responsibility. When we make the commitment of time to serve, we are affirming our form of government and specifically our judicial system. So I spent five hours at the Brockton Superior Courthouse as the jury was empaneled. Guess what? I didn’t get picked. I was a little disappointed. They went through potential juror #45 and they had their fourteen jurors. I was juror #51. Never even got to talk to the Judge. Bummer. All of this is true, but that is not what I really want to reflect upon. As they were individually calling potential jurors to the bench and asking questions, I sat and wondered what they would ask me. The confidential profile that I filled out for the court included my age, education level, etc. But that was not what I wondered about. I also disclosed that I am a Pastor and I am “employed” at Community Covenant Church. So I kept wondering, “what do they perceive about clergy” and “would they want a clergy as a juror?” I assume that you have never personally wondered about that question. There is no question on the profile sheet about one’s faith or religion. So you wouldn’t wonder. But for me being a clergy, it is out there and so I wonder. I wondered how they would perceive any committed Christian. Would they think that I am “super moral” and “super righteous?” And therefore, would I be very “condemning” of someone who broke the law of the land? Am I a “Bible-thumper?” Would I presume guilt before innocence out of my Christian world-view? What if they see me as a “TV Evangelist?” Whatever that is! Or, would they see me as “too forgiving and gracious.” Would they assume that I give everyone a second, third, fourth, etc., etc. chance? Would they have a perception that Christian forgiveness means that there is no consequences? What if they have heard the Scripture that tells us to not “judge others” and therefore, my definition of “beyond a reasonable doubt” goes too far? So I sat for two hours and pondered how I would answer any questions about my faith and how that impacts my view of justice in this world. I know, I know, I think too much. Yet, it is important to think these things through. Scripture tells us to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15) Scripture also calls us to do good to everyone (see Galatians 6:9-10 above). I prayed that I was ready to give a clear statement about how a Christian can serve God in this context. I prayed that God could use me. Yet, I cannot control or even worry about what others “perceive” about Christians, clergy or most importantly, the Christian faith. All I can do is represent Christ with Biblical integrity, love and goodness. Maybe that is why I was disappointed that I was not able to speak and represent Christ to the Judge, Prosecutor, Defense Attorney or defendant. I was hoping to be Christ’s goodness in the midst of this frail, human and imperfect world. Isn’t that what God calls us do everywhere and always? Serving Christ with You, Pastor Don Olson OCTOBER EVENTS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! John DeLano Jean Brown Janet Ek Greg Sandford Dennis Packard Carol Parenteau Carolyn Luther Betty Howard Zachary Snow Brian Milligan Michael Randall Ellen Anderson Evelyn Fleming Luc Djousse Abbey Sawyer Lee Stewart Kent Coffey Chuck Pierce Tom Parenteau Marie Syverson 1 2 4 4 9 11 12 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 19 20 22 23 24 27 ARE YOU POWERPOINT SAVVY? We are looking for someone to take over creating the PowerPoint presentations for Sunday worship. If you are interested in taking on this important task, please see Pastor Olson. MEN’S MINISTRY BREAKFAST Saturday, October 4th 7:00am The fall kick off for the monthly Men’s Breakfast will begin at 7am on Saturday, October 4th at church. All men are welcome. Please call Tom Chiocca at 508-824-5717 or email at [email protected] to reserve your spots. We will be discussing the agenda of activities for the coming year so please bring ideas, questions, and suggestions. See you then. SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS It’s never too late to join us for Sunday School. All of our classes are structured in such a way that you may join in at any point throughout the year. We’d love to see you! We have been extremely blessed with a great turnout for the first two weeks; let’s keep it going!!! NEW ADDRESS PAUL AND DONNA HALLERAN 463 Autumn Terrace Sebastian, FL 32958 HEATING THE BUILDING The Facilities Ministry Team is planning to turn the heating system on in the church building on Sunday, October 12th. Please dress accordingly (and children, too) when you come to the church for worship or any program. Thanks! CHILDCARE UPDATES We want to publicly thank Gabrielle Olson and Donna Halleran for their tireless service over the past several years dedicated to this ministry. Gabrielle will be stepping down from this role, and Donna has moved away. We are also in a transition time as we seek a new Childcare Coordinator, so please be in prayer with us as we seek the next steps. In the interim, Rachael Buckley and Michelle Peebles will be the contacts for any questions, concerns or suggestions. For anyone interested in joining the Volunteer list rotation, there will be a Safer Places Training class on October 5th after worship (see below). UPDATE FROM FINANCIAL OFFICER Briefly looking at our financials through August 31, 2014: Budgeted Giving $184,778.64 Actual Giving $165,987.03 Difference ($18,791.61) Budgeted Spending Actual Spending Difference $185,512.20 $178,694.52 ($6,817.68) Please note that our available cash has declined a total of $12,707.49 through the end of August, 2014, which, of course, means we are significantly behind in giving for the year. Always feel free to direct any concerns to any member of the Leadership Team. Lee Stewart, Financial Officer . SAFER PLACES TRAINING Sunday, October 5th Our church is committed to increasing the safety and protection of the people entrusted to our care within church ministries and programs. One of the ways our Safer Places committee seeks to accomplish this, is to provide mandatory training for all who would work with our children and youth. If you are planning to work in any capacity with our children or youth (Sunday School Teacher, Pioneer Clubs, VBS, Youth Groups, Nursery & Toddler Rooms, Children’s Church, etc.) and have not yet attended the class, please join us immediately following worship on Sunday, October 5th in the Library. All are welcome, even if you haven’t yet decided to work with our youth, or are just curious about our policies & procedures. The class will last approximately one hour. A light lunch will be served. If you need to attend this class but cannot join us on October 5th, please see Dave Sawyer, Safer Places Committee Chair, to arrange another time. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING All those interested are invited to the library following worship on Sunday, October 19th for a blood pressure check, a service to help us care for our health. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The deadline for the November 2014 issue of the CORNERSTONE is Monday, October 20th. Please drop off items to the church office, or email them to [email protected] ON-LINE GIVING I am a procrastinator; at least, I think that's a fair label. I put off doing things until I am forced into a time-bind. This trait bothers me; but nowhere did it make me feel more guilty than in my giving of tithes and offerings. I would sit in the choir loft and hurriedly make out my check while the plate was too quickly approaching. I would rip it out of the checkbook and throw it into the plate, thankful that I had at least had my checkbook with me! Yes, often, I would not have it and then I was quite guilty because I was not giving regularly, either. When the option of online giving came up (after procrastinating a bit!), I realized this would be a really wonderful thing: for me and the church. I headed to the church webpage and found the link to sign-up. I was so excited! I followed the directions to create a profile (enter your email address and create a PIN #), and I was now on a secure page where I provided the information necessary for my electronic giving to begin. I got to choose: how much, how often, regular giving or one time giving, like for World Relief. I know that for some people, placing their offering in the plate is an act of worship. Now, when the offering plate is passed, I too, can worship through the offertory music and relax in knowing my offering is there being blessed for use in God's work at Community Covenant Church. It's also wonderful for use when attendance is interrupted by vacation or illness. I spoke with a friend last Sunday who was glad she had just signed up! Won't you join us in making sure your tithe and offerings get to the church in a timely manner? If you have not been a regular giver, why not start now? I would be happy to speak with you about how online giving works and the secure nature of the transactions, if that would be a help to you. If you don't give because you believe you can't afford to, start small and challenge yourself to increase until you are tithing (10%) or where you believe God wants you. Each man (or woman) should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 With Thanksgiving, Beth Stewart MISSIONS UPDATE FROM THE KAISERS Beloved Community, Want to know the coolest part? Our two-fold strategy mirrors the United Nation's plan for orphan care! Read our blog to see what God has laid on our hearts: Orphan Justice Strategy // UN Best Practices. It has been a rough month! We've battled illness, children's injuries, our helper Ida faced three armed robberies, Pastor Banda's son Edison almost died in an accident, and Ella was singled out and called "Witch," "Googly Eyes," and "Cat" because of her green eyes and skin color. Zuri was also getting her chin and cheeks pinched and hair pulled by a group of kids every day. So hard to see both girls coming home in tears and tell me they didn't want to go back to school. We've talked to the administrators, and the ring leaders did miss two days' recess. Please pray for Ella and Zuri to know Jesus as their best friend and refuge, and wisdom as we guide them. But...what did we love this month? *Our two-week Zambia Culture course. The political and economic backdrop gives us a framework in which to process how things work (and don't work) here in Lusaka. One of the most fascinating parts was a speaker whose father was imprisoned and beaten for an attempted coup in the 80's. He asked us to describe our impression of Zambia and almost everyone said, "Peaceful," as Zambia boasts never having fought a war. He then scrawled in all caps on the chalkboard, "PASSIVE," and spoke of Zambia's inability to stand up for itself. It bows down, clasps its hands together in submission and allows foreigners to come and rape the land. This was really hard to hear, but one not-so-publicized example is that Zambia sold its copper mines to India for just $25 million, which is less than one month's profits from the industry. Just one example of how presidents and policy-makers do not have Zambians' best interest in mind. There is a lot of injustice to battle, and educating the public as well as government is key. *S. City Church! Freedom in worship and genuine relationships! Our small group's raw honesty and depth! Doubt, racism, struggles are all shared openly each week at our small group, yet we are encouraged to follow hard after Christ and live missionally. The sermon series naturally let to our first Block Party Brunch! *Joshua is HOME!!! So great to see him smiling and the whole family together again! It's been fun driving the whole family to church with us Sundays, although we make quite an entrance with NINE kids, lol. What's in the works? This week we are working on business cards, a trifold brochure, and typing out three of our studies in order to network better. We can't wait to present something tangible and professional that will communicate what we are all about with orphan ministries, churches, campus ministries, etc. God is doing GOOD things, and we are grateful for your partnership in this! UPDATE FROM THE HEWITTS The 5 weeks of training for long-term Cru staff was great, and we feel encouraged and equipped now as we begin raising support for our new placement and look ahead to the ministry there. There were two seminary classes as part of the training as well as other ministry training and orientation. In addition to the lectures we heard from the different higher ups and got some really encouraging reminders of the vision of Cru, seeing a revival among the nations through everyone knowing someone who truly follows Christ. MISSIONS UPDATE FROM DIDIER THE CORNERSTONE is a publication of Community Covenant Church 400 Pleasant Street East Bridgewater, MA 02333 Phone: (508) 583-3360 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Church Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Church Staff: Rev. Donald C. Olson, Pastor Charles Dillingham, Minister of Music Susan Reilley, Accompanist Becky Phelan, Administrative Assistant C O M M U N IT Y C O V E N AN T C H U RC H 4 0 0 P L E A S AN T S T RE E T E A S T B R ID G E W A T E R , MA 0 2 3 3 3 OCTOBER 2014