May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016
Sunday 8 & 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:14-17 John 14:8-17, 25-27 Pentecost is a day of promises fulfilled. The promised Spirit of God is poured out. The baptized have become “children of God” and “joint heirs with Christ.” By the power of the Spirit we have seen the face of the Father in his only begotten Son and been saved by him. Bless the Lord, O my soul. 2 1 7 5 5 E . S M O K Y C E N T E N N I A L , 3 0 3 - 6 1 7 - 9 8 8 4 C O H I L L R O A D 8 0 0 1 5 May 9, 2016 W W W . L O R D O F T H E H I L L S . O R G Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. 1 Corinthians 13:13 the Message So here it is the next 100 days and we are going to HOPE UNSWERVINGLY! My guess is most of you have heard in one way or another that after the “First 100 days” there was surely going to be “The next 100 days.” In our first year together it is important we all keep heading in the same direction, deepening in our discipleship. This journey of following Jesus is a “we” adventure. For this first year as we focus on healing, growing and being the church,* I am inviting you into hope unswervingly, as a goal and direction. Together we are being rooted in the 13th chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth. Keep reading that entire thirteenth chapter of Corinthians and see how in the thirteenth verse, we are building the foundation from love to hope to faith. We have started with love deeply rooted in Christ and God’s extravagant love of us. Keep this on your radar: how are you letting in the Love of God and how are you sharing it with others? It is in sharing God’s love that it grows even more deeply within us. We don’t self-generate this love. It is gift. Allowing ourselves to receive the love God has for us comes when we worship hearing God’s word and share in the meal. God’s Spirit is at work in us in all times and in all places. When we engage with Scripture, practice generosity, serve our neighbor and allow others to serve us, we let in the love of God. Keep opening up to God’s extravagant love for you. In these next 100 days join me in building upon this love, allowing the Holy Spirit to launch us into action. Hope is a function of struggle and action. Hope happens when we experiment and fail, try again, and get involved in the mix of life. We need energy and engagement for hope. For these next 100 days from May 3 to August 11, join me in getting curious about why God has called us as a faith community in this time and place. What is God desiring from us and how are we to be the light of Christ in our neighborhood? In your curiosity be willing to experiment with some new activities and opportunities. In the next 100 days we are going to have many opportunities to be the church*. Please keep checking out this newsletter to learn how you can get connected and involved. (Continued on next page) Watchword for the Week: For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Romans 8:14 (Continuation…) Mark your calendar for September 16-18 for a congregation wide camp experience at Rainbow Trail. Information about a deposit to reserve your spot will be coming out soon. Yesterday at 9:15am between services, over 50 people young With my whole heart I and older alike made “Jars of Awesomeness” and helped creatseek you; do not let me ed butterflies. This project was funded by a Thrivent Action stray from your commandGrant- every Thrivent member in our congregation has two ments. Psalm 119:10 $250 grants to use to get us on our way into action. We have It is well for the heart to be estimated this is over $30,000 in grants for us to use to create strengthened by grace. hope and action. We plan to use lots of these grants during this Hebrews 13:9 next 100 days to experiment and get out into our community to share God’s love. On Sunday August 7 we are going to join at I will say, “They are my people;” and they will say, 9:15am to share what we put in the jars- ways we experienced the “AWE”. Even if you weren’t there yesterday, you can still “The Lord is our God.” join in this adventure and activity of being aware and awake to Zechariah 13:9 how God is awesome and amazing and at work in the world. You were going astray like From those small moments of deer appearing in your yard, to sheep, but now you have the chickadee flitting by, we see the beauty of God’s creatures returned to the shepherd and creation. It’s an opportunity to become in tune to how God and guardian of your is awesome. When the answers to prayer we weren’t sure we souls. 1 Peter 2:25 would ever live to see, come about, and we are in awe and I remind you to rekindle wonder, we can be awake to God at work. Write these things the gift of God that is with- down! Put the slip of paper in your jar. Get on your radar in you. 2 Timothy 1:6 God’s awesomeness. EVERYONE IS WELCOME to get a jar and slips of paper. Write it down when you sense God’s presYou shall be holy, for I the ence, are in awe of God’s creation, have a prayer answered and Lord your God am holy. want to remember the wonderful and glorious ways God is at Leviticus 19:2 work and alive in our world. There are still jars available at the Clothe yourselves with the church and you can check out on Pinterest how to color jars new self, created accordwith sharpie markers or decorate them in another way. One of ing to the likeness of God our high schoolers is creating a jar for us as a faith community. in true righteousness and This Sunday, Pentecost, you will see our jar and all the red to holiness. Ephesians 4:24 celebrate the church’s birthday. Wear Red. Join in celebratAll people are grass, their ing our high school graduates this Sunday May 15. Our God is constancy is like the flower an Awesome God. Join in the next 100 days of unswerving of the field. The grass hope and let’s see where the Spirit is leading us. I am so gratewithers, the flower fades; ful we get to journey in this together. but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:6,8 Pastor Margot Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Mark 13:31 *Yesterday in worship we sang The Church Song which lays out some definitions of what the church is/isn’t. We will keep singing this song throughout the next 100 days. In the Lord of the Hills family… Christian sympathies to the Novy family, at Rick’s death. Join the family tonight, May 9th at 7pm at LOTH for an evening celebrating Rick’s life. His Memorial Service will be held on Tuesday, May 10th at 10:30 a.m. with at luncheon immediately following . Barbara Novy, 2803 S. Bahama St., Aurora 80013 We mourn the death of Max Cobble this past week and extend sympathies to Carolyn and Melanie Graf & family. Max’s service will be held at LOTH on Monday, May 16th, at 4pm. There will be refreshments following the service. Carolyn Cobble. St. Andrew’s Assisted Living, 2670 S. Abilene St., #103 East, Aurora 80014 Melanie & Lee Graf, 18054 E. Euclid Pl., Aurora 80016 Bud Sittig is back home! He responded well to treatment and his recovery is ahead of schedule. Due to a compromised immune system, he will be laying low for a few weeks. Bud & Fran are so very grateful for your prayers, support and cards. May 28th at 5pm Saturday evening services begin! Also, the following three Sundays we will have one combined service at 9:15am: May 29, July 3 & September 4. Saturday services will be held even on the Sundays with a single service. The Saturday services will be part of our on-going worship schedule. Do you have a kiddo graduating from high school this spring? If you do, please let Sheri Peterson know at [email protected] no later than Thursday, May 12th. We will be celebrating this milestone with a blanket for the graduates at both services on May 15th. We want to make sure we have enough for all, so please let Sheri know asap. High Schoolers, are you connected? Youth Group for high school students has started up again. Send a text to Pastor Margot at 720-427-8352 so she has your cell number to keep you informed of activities! Do you have a youth entering high school in the fall? Let Sheri Peterson or Pastor Margot know this as well. We want to make sure they are kept apprised of mission trip happenings, meetings and fun!. High School Youth group will meet at LOTH at 5pm on Sunday, May 15th to travel together to Bethany Lutheran Church for Sunday evening Refuge worship ! Men’s Breakfast meets this Saturday, May 14th at 8am in the PLC in the Oasis Room. All men are welcome to join in this shared meal and bible study. This Sunday we will be installing of our new Council Members. Please join us. President: Don Johnson Vice-President: Pamela Birx Secretary: Robin Trembley Treasurer: Lee Peterson Mission Outreach: Bud Sittig Property: Jeff Klopfer Service: Ellen Leible Small Groups: Charlene Nelson Stewardship: Bryan Sapen Witness: Carlyn Peterson Worship & Music: Mark Ransom Youth & Family: Brian Lionberger This Week at Lord of the Hills Monday, May 9 5:00 pm—Adult Children of Alcoholics 6:30 pm—Boy Scout Troop 494 7:00 pm—Remembering Rick Novy Tuesday, May 10 10:30 am—Memorial Service for Richard Novy 6:45 pm—Apostles’ Creed Rehearsal 7:00 pm—Smoky Hill Promises A.A. Meeting 7:00 pm—Executive Council 7:00 pm—FPU 7:00 pm—Stephen Ministry Meeting Wednesday, May 11 11:30 am—Women’s Bible Study 6:00 pm—Angel & Hosanna Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm—Confirmation Thursday, May 12 9:00 am—In Stitches 7:00 pm—In Stitches 7:00 pm—Bible Study Friday, May 13 2:00 pm—Grief Support Group 7:30 pm—Here’s H.O.W. A.A. Group Saturday, May 14 8:00 am—Men’s Breakfast 10:00 am—Prayer Shawl Ministry Sunday, May 15 8:00 am—Worship Service 9:15 am—Cantate Deo Rehearsal 9:15 am—Stewardship Committee 9:15 am—Sunday School 10:30 am—Worship Service 11:45 am—Bells on the Hill Rehearsal 5:00 pm—High School Youth Group to Bethany Staff Margot Wright, Pastor [email protected] Pastor Jerry Brown, Visitation Pastor [email protected] Pat Billington, Administrative Asst. [email protected] Erica Brown, Bookkeeper [email protected] Thomas Kielmeyer, Music Director [email protected] Sheri Peterson, Director of Small Groups [email protected] Meg Stenman, Director of Preschool [email protected] Sunday Worship Volunteers: May 15 Volunteer Altar Greeters Ass’t Minister Reader Ushers 8:00 a.m. Michelle Dragalin vonKlinggraeff family Karen Joshi Jennifer von Klinggraeff Pat Billington Don Johnson Joni Johnson Comm. Ass’t. Jennifer vonKlinggraeff Communion Bread Patty Brady Acolyte Riley Lopez Teen in Nursery Noah Vieyra Altar Clean-Up Counters 10:30 a.m. Ruth Schmunk Sarah Elrod Kevin Stantz Shane Walker Reese/Brooks Walker Tristan Walker Shannon Lemmon-Elrod Kimberly Lang Victoria Lang/Chris Consolver Britt & Ronda Stantz Erica Brown/Sherri Houston
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