The Open Door - Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Open Door - Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Open Door Publisher: Immanuel Lutheran Church Volume No.39 Francis of Assisi Sunday, October 4th is the day in the church year that Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)is commemorated. He was the son of a wealthy cloth merchant and in a confrontation with his father, he renounced his inheritance and devoted himself to serving the poor. Francis had a spirit of gladness and gratitude for all of God’s creation. This day has been a traditional time to bless pets and animals, creature he called his brothers and sisters. As part of our worship on October 4th, you are invited to name your pet aloud during the petition blessing all animals during the Prayer of the Church. Are you ready to join us for some football? On Sunday, October 4th, the Buffalo Bills are planning on beating the New York Giants. We will join in the celebration by getting together in the church parking lot for a tailgate party starting at 12:30. Televisions will be set up in the fellowship hall so we can watch the game together at 1. Please sign up (on the bulletin board in the lower hallway) or email us at [email protected] letting us know how many will attend and how many hot dogs, hamburgers and/or sausage by Wednesday, September 30th. We ask that you bring your own place settings and a dish to pass. Attention ladies of Immanuel! On Saturday, October 24, 2015, there is a Women's' Retreat! Pastor Imani Dodley will lead us in a discussion about Martha and Mary. The day will begin at 9:00 am. Breakfast and lunch will be served. If you have any questions, contact Leslie Schwartz at 265-9229. Issue No. 10 October 2015 Corn Maze Youth from the churches of the Genesee Finger Lakes Conference will be getting together on Saturday October 24th for a spaghetti dinner and a trip to the Corn Maze at the Long Acre Farms in Macedon. We will meet at Immanuel at 5:30 and car pool to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Fairport. At Bethlehem, we will meet up with everyone for a spaghetti dinner and then head to the maze around 7. The event is open to all youth in grades 6 through 12. Please let Dave Ekimoff know if you are coming by October 18th. REFORMATION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25TH Wear RED! Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrates the Festival of the Reformation on Sunday, October 25th. On this Sunday we remember the faithful efforts of Martin Luther and other church reformers of the 16th century. We give thanks to God for their ministry as they called the church back to a Biblical faith in God’s loving and free gift of grace. We also pray for the continuing, ongoing reformation of the church. Red is the color for this festival day. We invite you to wear red to church on Reformation Day, October 25th, as part of this celebration. The Property Committee is hosting an outside fall clean up on Saturday, October 31, 2015, 9:00am until 12:00pm. Refreshments served. Plant trimming, raking, and west side of parking lot foliage removal. Use the posted signup sheet to select your task. Peace, Ron Nohe, Property Chairperson 2 Fearless Generosity Ephesians 3:20-21 “ Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” These encouraging words from the apostle Paul are truly words of blessing. God is able to do far more abundantly than anything we are able to ask or even think about asking for. And perhaps even more amazingly, God chooses to work through us to accomplish more than we can imagine. On October 18th we kick off this year’s Stewardship Emphasis “Fearless Generosity”. Although we talk and think about stewardship all year it is important to take some extra time to focus on such an important part of our relationship with God, our Church, and Community. We hope to continue our discussions and thoughts on becoming more faithful stewards as we explore what it means to practice Fearless Living, Fearless Sowing, Fearless Service, Fearless Giving Each week we will focus on one of these concepts during worship in creative and inviting ways. We hope that you will be present each week and then on Saturday, November 14th or Sunday, November 15th as we gather to present our commitments of giving in support of the ministry and mission to which we are called as members of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church’s congregation. On Saturday, November 14th there is a Celebration Dinner and on Sunday November 15th we will gather in Church. Hear the Pennies Dropping As a reminder of Fearless giving we would like to follow the example of the Widow by dropping 2 pennies in the offering plate each Sunday during Church and at Sunday School. We encourage you to bring them from home but if you forget we will have some pennies available at each entrance to Church. Luke 21: 1-4 “He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” In your personal prayers and as you gather in fellowship with others, please remember to invite God’s guidance through this special emphasis. May Paul’s prayer for the church at Ephesus be our prayer as we begin this exciting time of exploring how God is calling us to be fearless givers and fearless stewards – as individuals and as a community of faith. In Christian fellowship, Your Stewardship Committee: Mike Herrman, Joan Frank, Wendy Cannon, Bernie Russell, Lori Derleth, & Chad Weisensel. For the first three Sundays in October our gospel readings will be coming from Mark 10. This is a hard-hitting chapter where Jesus takes on lots of tough issues. Our readings will cover the areas of divorce, money, and people who strive to be great. There’s something there to impact every one of us. Jesus speaks bluntly and openly, not sugar coating anything. We often think of such stern teaching from Jesus as being directed toward the religious and political leaders of that day, many of whom we imagine to be corrupt. By contrast we imagine ourselves to be basically good, so we think harsh teachings don’t apply. However, there is no ducking out of these. We stand before them caught and guilty. While we often think of Jesus as a kind hearted guy who healed hurting people and embraced children, doing that reduces him to being little more than a cuddly teddy bear. Our Lord and savior does love us, and he loves us dearly. He loves us so much that he dares to speak the challenging words we need to hear. There are lots of seemingly innocent things in our world that are actually very harmful. Jesus would have us take the way that leads to wholeness and true health. We all know that a person can’t lay on a sofa all day every day eating potato chips and expect to be healthy. Being healthy requires physical activity and good food choices. So also, being an effective follower of Christ does not come about from a diet of just sweet sayings from our Lord. When Jesus’ words convict us of wrongdoing sometimes we can change our ways and do better. Sometimes we cannot. Sometimes the circumstances of life trap us into situations where we have no right answer. It is these times that we truly recognize how deeply sin and brokenness can trap us. We also recognize how much we need God’s grace. As the gospel readings of the next few weeks impact you I encourage you to let them convict you. Don’t make excuses to weasel out of them. Instead know the true power of God who forgives you anyway, and may that forgiveness open you to fullness of life in Christ. Blessings, Pastor Jon Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast will meet the second & fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:00 AM at the Nutcracker Restaurant (Empire Blvd.) 3 Christian Education Committee and Sunday Church School News Our congregation had an active summer with Vacation Bible School, Adult Vacation Bible School, a Young Family gathering for pizza and parade, the Youth Gathering in Detroit, and Confirmation Camp. Weekly Bible Studies are underway as of September and we had a successful Rally Day to kick off the Sunday Church School Year on September 13th, including working on ‘God’s Work, Our Hands’ for our community. Our Sunday Church School classrooms are back into the swing of things and we’re so thankful for our teachers, students, and parents. If you see the following teachers, please thank them for their time and service for this coming school year: Betty Herloski, Bonnie Webster, Sarah Rowland, Darla Lacey, Stephanie Bonacci, Linda Sauke, Joyce Dickinson, Karen Holroyd, Kim Cawley, Nancy O’Brien, Heather Sponable, Rachel Collins, Jim Collins, Kathy Bannon, and Dave Ekimoff. We hope you’ve had a chance to see our new partitions in the Fellowship Hall. They are very efficient and effective to help us break up classroom space and sound! We have some Fall and Winter activities being planned. Please SAVE THE DATE for the following: Advent Workshop, November 29th Christmas Pageant, December 20th We are also planning a date for preparing care packages for our military and college students, as well as trainings for Acolyte and Crucifer. In Christ, Rachel Collins Christian Education Committee Chair LYO Events - Save the Dates! WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES This year we will discuss the Scriptures that will be read during the following Sunday morning worship. The evening study meets on the first and third Mondays of the month 7:00 – 8:00 starting September 21st. The morning study will meet on Thursdays of the same week as the evening study from 10:00 – 11:00 am. Both Bible studies meet at Immanuel. Here is the schedule for September and October – October 5th and 8th – Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 Psalm 90:12-17 Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10:17-31 October 19th and 22nd – Jeremiah 31:7-9 Psalm 126 Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 10:46-52 November 2nd and 5th 1 Kings 17:8-16 Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 November 16th and 19th Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 Psalm 93 Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37 You are welcome (and encouraged!) to participate. Through our discussion and reading, we seek to learn and use God’s message of love in our lives. This Bible Study experience is user friendly! If you have your own Bible (a favorite translation) please bring it with you. Or, there are Bibles at church you may use. Conference LYO events for this upcoming year: October 24th - Dinner at Bethlehem Lutheran in Fairport and Corn Maze January 8th - Minute-to-Win-It games night at Reformation Lutheran Church January 16th-17th - 30 Hour Famine February 26th - 28th - Winter Weekend Retreat at Rotary Sunshine Camp in Rush April 24th - GFL-LYO picnic GFLC FALL CONFERENCE ASSEMBLY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH, 2015, 9AM-NOON OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN, CHILI 4 WELLNESS ON WEDNESDAYS – WOW! Join us for Wellness on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM! Come and enjoy fun, food and fr iendship, with a program, chair exercise, blood pressure check and delicious lunch. The program schedule: Oct. 7 - ' A Snippet of Webster History' - Sharon Pratt, a Webster Museum volunteer, will share her knowledge of fascinating times of the past here in Webster. Lifetree Café Schedule, Thursdays 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Lifetree Café is an hour-long experience packed with interesting stories, fascinating people, and lively conversation that will feed your soul. The main entrée at Lifetree Café is food for thought. Come enjoy a comfortable, safe place. A place to meet old friends and make new ones. To share your thoughts about compelling topics and hear the thoughts of others. Come see what everyone’s talking about. For more details, go to: Oct. 14 - 'Our Jury and Court System' - We are pleased to have Charles Perreaud, Commissioner for N.Y. Courts in Monroe Co., present information - especially for Seniors - about our court system. Oct. 1 – Leaving God Oct. 21 - 'Amelia Earhart' - Eleanor Stearns, a founding member of the Geneva Theatre Guild, will provide a costumed portrayal of Amelia Earhart. We'll hear of her passion for flying, detailing some of her flights, as well as her strong feeling about the role of women in society. October 22– Reboot Your Life October 8– What Do You Want to Talk About? October 15– Busted Trust October 29– An Encounter With God Oct. 28 - 'Halloween Fun' - It's time for our annual Halloween party which always promises lots of laughs, unique costumes, games and prizes! Come and join the fun – and bring a friend to share it with! Transportation is available by calling the church office (872-5180) by Tuesday at 10:00AM. A $2 donation for lunch is requested. We look forward to seeing you Thank you to Warren Jensen for all the beautiful flowers outside and inside our church! Everywhere you look there are beautiful bouquets that he has placed around for everyone to enjoy. The flowers outside have been bright and beautiful all summer long, too. Thank you, Ed and Nancy Behrens I would like to thank Marguerite Manning for coming to see me and giving Tom and I Communion. I enjoyed her visit and goodies. She gave me the encouragement to face another surgery. I am ending my second week of recovery and doing quite well. I know that without your prayers and support this would have been much more difficult. We are blessed to be a member of Immanuel with so many wonderful caring people. Brenda Toal. Immanuel Lutheran Church: We just received a letter in the mail from Camp Good Days and Special Times letting us know that a gift was presented to them in honor of Mareesa. We were so very touched to get the letter. We just can’t thank you enough for your generous donation in honor of her. That means so much to us. The Lord’s Blessings To You All! Dennis, Leanne, Mareesa, Nicole and Zach Boyatzies 5 6 October Worship Assistant Schedule October 4 8:15 AM 11:00 AM October 11 8:15 AM 11:00 AM October 18 8:15 AM 11:00 AM October 25 8:15 AM 11:00 AM Worship Leader Pastor Nissa Pastor Nissa Pastor Mary Pastor Mary Pastor Sharon Pastor Sharon Pastor Sharon Pastor Sharon Deibler Deibler Johnson Johnson Hanks Hanks Hanks Hanks Assisting Minister Toni Baller Reader Jacob Baller Kathy Bannon Communion Assistant Karen Keymel Mike Herrman Karen Keymel Karen Holroyd Toni Baller Ed & Nancy Behrens Laurie Bohm & Amy VanWuyckhuyse Gary and Wendy Cannon Barb Stam Karen Holroyd Tom Lombardo Sue Herrman Rachel Collins Acolyte Crucifer Greeters (2) Jon & Priscilla Anderson Head Usher Eric Baller Ed & Nancy Behrens Karen Holroyd Ron Nohe Ushers (4) Ron Nohe Joyce Dickinson & Rachel & Ashley Ryan Collins Mackin Altar Guild Sheri Williams Gail Weaver Karen Holroyd Deb Pitts Joyce Dickinson & Ashley Mackin Serving God and His Church Ron Nohe Deb Pitts If you would like to serve at worship (greeters, head usher, ushers, acolyte, crucifer, reader, nursery, communion assistant) - go to This sign up is protected by an access code. When prompted, enter the code Immanuel131 for access. This calendar is through June, so you can select monthly times if you would like. The office will receive an email, so you do not need to contact the office also. If you are unable to serve when you signed up, you can do so from the web site. If you have any problems logging on, please contact the church office. If you do not have internet access, please contact Barb about when you would like to serve and how. Thank you for sharing your time and talents to serve the Lord! 7 ~ October 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7p Lifetree Café 7p Worship and Music Meeting 2 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group 3 4 Articles for The Open Door are due 7:30a Gathering Choir Rehearsal 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 12:30p Tailgate Party 5 6:30p Property Committee 7p Bible Study 7p Finance Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen 6 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal 7 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal 8 10a Bible Study 11:15a MS Group 7p Lifetree Café 7p Toastmaster's 9 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group 10 11 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 12 Columbus Day Office Closed Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen 13 6p Confirmation Dinner and Class 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal 14 8a Men of Immanuel Breakfast 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 6:30p Stewardship Meeting 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal 15 10:30a MS Support Group 7p Book Club 7p Lifetree Café 16 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group 17 9:00a GFLC Fall Conference Assembly at Our Savior Lutheran Church 18 Fearless Sowing 7:30a Gathering Choir Rehearsal 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 19 7p Bible Study 7p Church Council Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen 20 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal 21 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal 22 10a Bible Study 11:15a MS Group 7p Lifetree Café 7p Toastmaster's 7p Flower City Tinplate Trackers 23 9a Folding The Open Door 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group 24 8a Women's Retreat 6p LYO Corn Maze 25 Reformation Sunday Fearless Living 8:15a & 11:00 Worship with Holy Communion 9:30a Sunday School 26 7p Christian Education Meeting 7p Social Ministry Meeting 8p AA, Al-Anon, Alateen 27 6p Confirmation Dinner and Class 6:30p ImmanuBells Rehearsal 28 29 8a Men of Im- 7p Lifetree Café manuel Breakfast 10a Wellness on Wednesdays 7p Senior Choir Rehearsal 30 9a Office Help 9a Quilting group 31 Halloween 9a Fall Cleanup 8 The October needs list for the Food Cupboard: Boxed Raisins and Mayonnaise Board members from the Webster Community Chest will participate in the East Avenue Grocery Fun Run on November 7th. This 5K run and 1 mile walk raises money for local hunger programs. Since 1948 the Webster Community Chest has provided food assistance to our 14580 neighbors in need. Currently this includes the weekly Food Distribution, emergency Food Cupboard, and food for the holidays. All money raised by the WCC Team will go towards these programs. For more information about this event visit the Grocery Fun Run website at: To sponsor the WCC Team please mail a check to 1000 Ridge Road, Webster, NY. (Make the check payable to the W ebster Food Cupboard and on the memo line write: Grocery Fun Run) To pay by credit card please go to: nancysteele2. All donations are tax deductible If you would like to join the Team please call (585) 671-2060. Your registration fee will be waived and you will receive a WCC Volunteer t-shirt to wear at the event! FRIDAY MORNING QUILTERS Friday Morning Quilters meet at 9:00am. It takes little concentration to tie the quilt tops/batting/and backing together so we have plenty of time for talking as we work! And we also have the option of setting up a second quilt to tie if we use the upstairs conference room so there is plenty of space for lots of people! Do come and be a Friday Morning Quilter!! Backpack Food Ministry The Backpack Food Ministry has been ongoing since March 2011! This year we are providing food in backpacks each week to students at State Rd, DeWitt Rd, Klem North, and Schlegel Rd Schools. We will fill about 60 bags per week. This food is meant to supplement the needs of the child for the weekend. Many of these kids receive food at school during the week. We are collecting a different food item each week to help fill the back packs. Please consider bringing a food item to help. If it is easier you can bring several different items in one week. There is a blue box in the lower level entry of the church to collect the food. The items are stored together at church to be grouped together for distribution on a weekly basis. If you wish to support the program with a check please make it to Immanuel with backpack program in the memo. Money given is used to purchase items to supplement the weekly food donation. We try to do something special around holidays or school breaks like a box of cereal or complete pancake mix with syrup. These items are easier to purchase rather than collect to make sure we have the same for all. Thank you to all who participate in this ministry, you are making a difference in the lives of others. Oct. 4 granola bars Oct. 11 mac and cheese (box) Oct. 18 pasta sauce (plastic jar or can) Oct. 25 peanut butter in plastic jar Nov. 1 plastic jar of jelly or jam Nov. 8 SpaghettiOs or ravioli Nov. 15 fruit rollups Nov. 22 mac and cheese (box) Nov. 29 granola bars Dec. 6 SpaghettiOs or ravioli Dec. 13 can of soup Dec. 20 pasta sauce (plastic jar or can) Dec. 27 box of pasta All donations are appreciated along with your prayers for this ministry! For additional information contact Debbie Huehn 738-4840. This program is separate from the food cart collection which will still goes to the Webster Food Cupboard. 9 Stephanie Volpe Jim Dugan John Fedkew Gabriele Nardozzi Rose Georgianna Ruth Schrader Janice Durand Doris Dugan Elizabeth Smith Robert Sponable Kathleen Wilson Garrick Immesoete Nina Painton James Waid Ronald Corey Brian DeFrees Brooke DeFrees Kathleen Elli Amy Hughes Lilliana Keem Tom Lombardo Jr. Kate Rowland Claudia Freeman Tammy Hubbard Andrew Keem Evan Keem Ed Evarts William Sponable Janet Weisensel Leanne Boyatzies Mareesa Boyatzies Sydney Kachmaryk Sheri Williams Brett Bannon W. Charles Kasiske Jr. Katherine Nesbitt Diane Van Der Kamp Kayla Bellefontaine Jodi Bodak Wendy Cannon Christen Lukash Suzanne Keppeler John Keymel 10/1 10/2 10/2 10/2 10/3 10/3 10/7 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/13 10/14 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/17 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/30 Jeffrey & Kathy Bannon Karen & Graham Holroyd Dom & Wendy Tobey Daniel & Jamie Showman Bernard & Lori Russell Ken & Leslie Schwartz Mike & Lisa Charland Nancy & Jim Mooney Jeff & Lisa Foster Bruce & Christine Kulp Ron & Kelly Corey Martin & Hilda Horeth Robert & Jean Beasley Geoffrey & Kelly Amey Date Years 10/3 28 10/6 31 10/8 15 10/10 6 10/14 26 10/16 33 10/19 30 10/19 30 10/21 20 10/21 43 10/23 5 10/24 62 10/25 40 10/29 4 Is the Open Door missing your anniversary or birthday? If so, please contact Barb at the office (872-5180). Thanks! Walter Campbell 965 Cherry Ridge Blvd. Apt 319 Webster, NY 14580 585/872-5482 If you have moved, changed your phone number or email address, please contact the office at 872-5180 or email [email protected]. We would also like email address changes. Thanks! Daniel Volpe and Michelle Crecco were united in marriage on Saturday, September 12, 2015. The prayers of the congregation are asked in their life together. SANCTUARY FLOWERS Flowers are a lovely way to remember someone or mark a special occasion. There are dates available for the month. If you would like to offer sanctuary flowers for our Sunday morning services, please sign up on the sheet next to the choir room. Contact Sheri Williams (585-770-3733) if you have any questions! God's peace to you all. 10 11 For homebound members of Immanuel who do not have access to Webster Cable television we can provide you with a video cassette or DVD copy of the service for viewing at home. If you would like a video copy of the Sunday Services, please contact the Church Office (872-5180) and arrangements will be made so you receive them on a regular basis. If you would like to receive the bulletin each week to follow along with the service, please contact the church office. The Shepherd of the month is: Sharon Diringer Please give her a call at 671-7979 if you know of someone in our church family who has had a baby, recently been hospitalized or ill, surgery, death in the family, or could just use a helping hand. The shepherd can provide a simple meal, a warm thought, or locate a volunteer to help. Articles for the November issue of The Open Door are due on October 4th Open Door folding is Friday, October 23rd at 9:00 AM. IMMANUEL PRAYS… Prayer is a central part of Christian life. Through prayer we connect with God and raise up joys and celebrations, concerns and sorrows. Through prayer we listen to God and open ourselves to God’s will in life. As Christians we pray not only for ourselves, we also pray for others and for the mission of the church. We all know the comfort that comes when we know someone has lifted us in prayer. When we lift up others, it brings us closer to each other and to God. At Immanuel we have two prayer chains – one is via email; the other by telephone. If you would like to be a part of Immanuel Prays…, please contact the church office with either your email address or telephone number. We will add you to the prayer chain. If you have a need or a joy to share, you can email the church ([email protected]) or call 585-8725180 and this will be shared with those on the prayer chain. Directory Transition Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jonathan Deibler Assoc. for Congregational Ministries. Dave Ekimoff Pastor Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John F. Beeg Administrative Associate . . . . . . . . . .Barb Rafferty Director of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda Mole Deacons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ed Huehn, Dave Reville Sexton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warren Jensen Church Council Officers *Council Members President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruce Kulp* Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Webster* Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Collins* Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Witmer* Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheryl Davies* Chairpersons~ and Council Liaisons* Learning: Christian Education. . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Collins~* . . . . . . . Bonnie Webster* . . . . . . . .Karen Holroyd* Service: Communications . . . . . .. . . . .Brianna Christensen* Social Ministry . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deb Huehn~ . . . . . . . . Sharon Diringer* Parish Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leslie Schwartz Support: Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ron Nohe~, Barb Stam* Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Eric Baller~ A. Memorial . . . . . Dave Derleth~*, Barb Stam * B. Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Marj Bovenzi~ Witness: Outreach/Evangelism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Dugan* Stewardship . . . . . . . . Mike Herrman~, Joan Frank~* . . . . . Tom Lombardo* Worship: Worship and Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dave Reville~ . . . . . Toni Baller* A. Altar Guild & Flowers. . . . Sheri Williams B. Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .John Fedkew Church Council Members: Class of 2016 - Rachel Collins, Dave Derleth, Sharon Diringer, Kate Nesbitt; Class of 2017 - Jim Dugan, Joan Frank, Karen Holroyd, Bruce Kulp; Class of 2018 - Toni Baller, Barb Stam, Bonnie Webster, Brianna Christensen, Tom Lombardo; Elected Officers - Cheryl Davies and Nancy Witmer. 12 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 W. Main Street Webster, New York 14580 NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE PA I D Webster, New York Permit No. 54 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Mailed on September 25, 2015 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 131 West Main Street Webster, N.Y. 14580 Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-Noon Office Phone: (585) 872-5180 Fax Line: (585) 217-9594 Office E-mail: [email protected] Parish Nurse E-mail: [email protected] Music Ministry E-mail: [email protected] Pastor Jonathan Deibler, Transition Pastor Worship Services: Sundays, 8:15AM & 11:00AM Sunday Church School for All Ages 9:30AM The Mission of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church Celebrate the excitement of God’s influence in life by being visible witnesses of Christ; and, Minister to the spiritual and physical needs of our community and the world, through our God given talents. The Upstate New York Synod: We are a resurrection people who Pray First, Walk Together, and Change Lives. Mission Statement of the E.L.C.A.: Marked with the cross of Christ forever, we are claimed, gathered and sent for the sake of the world.
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