8 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
8 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church - Olivette, Missouri VOLUME LX I V NO. 8, AUGUST 2012 The Mission of Immanuel Lutheran Church is to strengthen our church family through Word and Sacrament, to reach out with the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and to extend His love and care one to another. LCMS Missouri District Convention Report WHAT ’ S INSIDE ... ANCHOR DEADLINE 8 The LCMS Missouri District convention was held June 3-5 in Springfield. The Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly was elected to his third term as District President. Also elected were: the Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan, first vice-president; the Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, second vice-president; the Rev. Alan Wollenburg, third vice-president; and the Rev. Dr. Ron Rall, fourth vice-president. ANCHOR 9 Delegates to the convention approved resolutions that ask the Synod to: rescind Resolution 3-08A, adopted at the 2004 LCMS convention, which affirms the conclusions of the 1994 Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) report on "The Service of Women in Congregational and Synodical Offices." And to ask the CTCR to continue to study the issues in the 1994 report along with the resulting dissenting opinion "in consultation with the faculties of the seminaries," and to respond to questions raised in the district resolution. discontinue the licensing of laymen to preach POLICY CALENDAR 11 CONFIRMATION M INISTRY 6 CROSSED PAWS 9 DAY SCHOOL E VENTS 5 GRACE OF GIVING See Insert GREETERS’ SCHEDULE 2 I MMANUEL COLLEGE CARE 6 I NTERNATIONAL STUDENT MINISTRY 8 LCMS M ISSOURI DISTRICT CONVENTION R EPORT 1 L IGHT OF CHRIST 10 NOAA H EAT W AVE SAFETY T IPS 9 OFFICIAL ACTS 8 PASTOR’S CORNER 3 Delegates also adopted resolutions to encourage: PRINCIPAL’ S PENNINGS 4 support of the Koinonia Project for harmony in SENIOR HIGH YOUTH 7 W ELCOME NEW M EMBERS 5 W ORSHIP SCHEDULE 3 the Gospel and administer the sacraments under the supervision of an ordained pastor, as stated in Resolution 3-05B, adopted at the 1989 LCMS convention and that current licensed laymen cease these activities within three years after the Synod acts on this resolution. the LCMS. the study and practice of the proper administration of the Lord's Supper. (Continued to Page 3) Anchor Page 2 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Notes To Greeters: Please note on your personal calendar, and trade with someone if you have a conflict. Badges are in the Volunteer Room. More Greeters are always welcome. Please call 9733 O LIVE B OULEVARD O LIVETTE , M ISSOURI 63132 C HURCH P HONE : (314) 993-2394 S CHOOL P HONE : (314) 993-5004 www.immanuelolivette.org PASTORS Rev. Paul W. Rueckert Rev. Rory C. Karg Judy Meyr (429-5354) if interested in this service to the Lord. (314) 434-2942 (314) 395-2437 MISSION PASTOR Rev. Paul C. Shaw (314) 997-0346 PRINCIPAL Nathan Domsch (314) 578-5198 August Greeters Sat. Aug. 4: Sun. Aug. 5: 5 pm Bob & Karen Kiehl 8 am Mark & Char Gordon, Natalie & Trudy Oleshchuk 10:30 am Dick & Betty Crane, Michael & Evelyn Irving Sat. Aug. 11: Sun. Aug. 12: 5 pm Bill & Betty Marshall 8 am Casey & Barb Kiehl, Dave & Janelle Leidholdt 10:30 am Judy Budner & Linda Wilson, Ron & Brenda Olech Sat. Aug. 18: Sun. Aug. 19: 5 pm Grace Nansen & Roger Rue 8 am Terry Meyr & Karen Stevens, Matt & Mara Springer 10:30 am Joe & Sue Wyland, Joe Kamalay & Paulette Pierson Sat. Aug. 25: Sun. Aug. 26: 5 pm Luther & Lori Lunn 8 am Vern & Juanita Peters, Leon & Carol Mittler 10:30 am Walt & Helen May, Lisa Sutkos & Nick Scotina MUSIC MINISTRY Paul Snyder Betty Kusterer Andrea Brauer Worship Coordinator & Choir Director Orchestra Director Special Music Coordinator STAFF Eve Brandt Administrative Secretary Erin Armknecht Associate Secretary DAY SCHOOL FACULTY Matthew Springer Brenda Hente Emily Anderson Clayton Erdmann Pam Niewald Linda Jackson Chris Meyr Beth Carter Tove Waldmann Bethany Greatens Melissa King Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 Kindergarten 4 yr. old Preschool 3 yr. old Preschool FIELDWORKERS Douglas Bender, David Rolf, James Thomas, Doua Xiong CONGREGATIONAL OFFICERS Dave Bunte Clayton Klein Natalie Oleshchuk Sherry Miller Gregg Knehans Joan Marek Kay Richmond Mitchell Wilson Chris Copeland Sarah Iberg Loren Lumpe President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Financial Secretary Sunday School Supt. Elders Board Chairman Day School Board Chairman Parish Ed. Board Chairman Stewards Board Chairman CO-EDITORS Rita Eckert Karen Schrader & Karen Andersen MAILING COORDINATORS Chrilla & Carl McKenzie September Greeters Sat. Sept. 1: Sun. Sept. 2: 5 pm Bob & Karen Kiehl 8 am Pam Niewald & Jenny Hackmann, Mike & Mar Croxton 10:30 am Carl & Avery Springer, Susan Green & Nancy Kieffer Sat. Sept 8: Sun. Sept. 9: 5 pm Bill & Betty Marshall 8 am Natalie & Trudy Oleshchuk, Mark & Char Gordon 10:30 am Dick & Betty Crane, Linda Wilson & Judy Budner Sat. Sept. 15: Sun. Sept. 16: 5 pm Grace Nansen & Roger Rue 8 am Dan & Liza Dable, Casey & Barb Kiehl 10:30 am Michael & Evelyn Irving, Ron & Brenda Olech Sat. Sept. 22: Sun. Sept. 23: 5 pm Ed & Virginia Kellmann 8 am Ron & Lauree Sakaii, Mary Viehman & Karen Stevens 10:30 am Joe Kamalay & P. Pierson, Lakesha Latimore & Lisa Sutkos Sat. Sept. 29: Sun. Sept. 30: 5 pm Tom & Marilyn Brockmann 8 am Leon & Carol Mittler, Matt & Mara Springer 10:30 am Joan Marek & Marilyn Weinstock, Walt & Helen May Names listed first will have East entrance, those noted second will have West. S9733 Olive Blvd., Olivette, Mo 63132 Page 3 “The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing” (Ps. 145:13-15). “Faithful to all His promises…” What a fitting description of our God, and how He has shown us these words are true! Last year, we worked through a capital campaign proposal together to address a renovation of our worship space and a number of deferred maintenance items around the church. We took a bold step of faith together in setting a campaign goal considerably higher than our consultant had advised. We earnestly desired that this campaign would not only be a means to raise money, but a means to raise our faith. To that end, we bathed the project in worship, Bible study and prayer. And God has indeed blessed us beyond measure. Pledges last fall exceeded our goal of 1.25 million, and the gifts toward Grace of Giving presented through the first six months of the year have been generous. Our worship space has been renovated – the first of our projects to be funded, reflecting the primacy of worship in our life together. Please see the Grace of Giving insert at the center of this Anchor for more information about the progress of the campaign and the work underway. The theme of God’s faithfulness is one repeated here at Immanuel over and over again through the year. God is faithful when we are not. We count upon His faithful love available to us in very real and tangible ways through the preaching of the Word and the administration of the Sacraments here each week. We count upon that same faithful love in time of need, or as the eyes of a loved one close one last time. And we count upon that faithful love to one day call us forth out of our graves that we might rise to join Him in His everlasting kingdom! What is happening around Immanuel this year is but a hint of greater things to come, but it is a hint worth acknowledging. “The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.” May such faithful love spur us all to faithful worship, service and generosity all through the rest of 2012 and beyond! +Pastor Rueckert+ (Continued from Page 1) witness and outreach to urban and ethnic ministries. support of the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI), a joint effort of the Synod and Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore -- supported by the United Nations Foundation -- to heighten awareness of the disease and raise $45 million for the effort to eliminate malaria deaths in Africa by 2015. Half of the opening worship service offering was designated for LMI; the other half was given to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Joplin for tornado relief efforts. Schedule Saturday Evening Worship 5:00pm Holy Communion Celebrated August 4th & 18th Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:30am Holy Communion Celebrated August 5th & 19th Sunday School 9:15am Sunday Bible Classes 9:30am Anchor Page 4 MISSION STATEMENT: Responding to God’s grace through Christ, we assist families in preparing children spiritually, academically, socially and physically that they may serve Him. “Every year at Immanuel we see changes in our enrollment. We have been blessed in the past few years to see growth in our student body. Whether or not that will be the case this ENNINGS year remains to be seen. I do know that a few families that by Nathan Domsch sent their children here this past year will not be returning, which is disheartening. The most commonly cited reasons by families who leave are cost and convenience. It takes a great deal of commitment from the parents of Immanuel students as they sacrifice both time and money to send their children here rather than their local public school, and every year they must evaluate if it is worth it. I, as you might expect, believe that it is. Our students receive a high quality education, but they also receive spiritual training that cannot be provided in a public setting. Again this year our faculty will convene on August 10 to study God’s Word, and when the students arrive on August 22, they will also have the opportunity to study that Word and hear it proclaimed. I thank all the families that have entrusted their children to our care again this year and the members of Immanuel who have so faithfully supported the school as an integral part of Immanuel’s ministry. May all that we do this year, “in word or deed, [be done] in the name of the Lord Jesus, [as we give] thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17, ESV). To God be the glory! PRINCIPAL'S P Registration Day All school families will need to complete forms, purchase necessary items, and pay fees for the new school year before or at registration on Wednesday, August 15, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Open House/PSCE Family Night An Open House followed by PSCE’s Family Night will be Monday, August 20. Parents and students are invited to drop off supplies, learn about teacher expectations, and ask questions at the open house, beginning at 5:10. PSCE will then host a meal and family friendly games in the gym as we kick off the new school year. School families, both new and returning, are encouraged to join us this evening for fellowship with several other school families! Opportunities to Use your Gifts for Children: 1. OASIS International Tutoring Program Immanuel needs some older adults to work with individual children, helping them improve their reading and writing skills. We have more children who need the help than we have helpers! The training for this program will be held in September. Volunteers in this program are privileged to see the growth in the students they work with and know that the improvement is, in part, because of their loving effort. Please contact Mrs. Meyr for more information about the program. 2. Early Childhood Volunteers Can you help work with early childhood teachers one morning per month? Volunteers do multiple tasks such as laminating materials, cutting out ‘stuff’, and grading papers. We can always use a few more parents, grandparents, or just members of the congregation to help out! Please consider serving the school in this capacity and call the school office to sign up! FACTS Program Families who choose to pay member fees or tuition on a monthly basis should have already signed the FACTS form in the school office. If you have not already done so, please see Erin immediately. Families have the choice of payments beginning August 5th or August 20th. (Continued to Page 5) 9733 Olive Blvd., Olivette, Mo 63132 Page 5 (Continued from Page 4) Facility Updates We are very thankful for the dedicated volunteers who have been making much needed improvements to our church and school during these summer months. All of the improvements will certainly benefit staff and students in the coming year! Lutheran Malaria Initiative We are excited to be supporting the LCMS’s Lutheran Malaria Initiative through our chapel offerings this year. We pray that our gifts will be beneficial as we work together to end malaria deaths in Africa. August 10 Faculty Bible Study August 15 School Registration 4-7 p.m. August 20 P.S.C.E. Family Night – Open classrooms August 22 First Day of School!! September 3 Labor Day – no school September 14 Picture Day September 21-23 Church Campout Weekend Welcome to the Following New Members Rachel and Jonathan Dobbs were looking for a church home and found Immanuel a friendly place and joined by adult confirmation. They have two daughters, Elizabeth, 7, and Evelyn, 4. They live in St. John and Jon is starting his own construction business – he does siding, roofing, remodeling – anything but electrical. Rachel is a stay at home mom and has been called a domestic goddess. They enjoy fishing, sports and outdoor activities. Stephen Rutherford transferred from Trinity Lutheran Church in Morrill, NE – near Scottsbluff. He was a classmate of Pastor Karg at the seminary and has stayed on as a graduate student working on his PhD in Systematic Theology. He did his field work at St. Jacobi in Jennings and his vicarage at St. Paul in Union Grove, WI. Now with 1-2 years to go on his graduate degree he has come to Immanuel where he hopes to be able to work with the Youth. In his spare time, he likes to read. Amy and Jonathan Dunbar are former members of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Creve Coeur and members of the recent adult confirmation class. They came to Immanuel after sending their daughter to Kindergarten here last year. Caleb, 8, will be in the 3rd grade; Erika, 6, will be in 1st grade and Analise, 2, is a future Immanuel student. Jonathan is an engineer for Boeing and Amy is a part time nurse at Barnes -Jewish Hospital. Amy likes to read and work with dogs, and Jonathan loves to play golf and basketball. Latrice Tate joined Immanuel by adult confirmation. She wanted to send her son Emil, 5, to Immanuel School. She is a probation and parole officer for the Missouri Department of Corrections. Her husband, Errol, has not joined at this time, but he is a project manager for the University City Public Works Department. Latrice enjoys time with her family and wants to continue to grow in her faith. Rev. Gregory Williamson transferred to Immanuel from Trinity Lutheran Church in Cedar City, UT. In 1986 he was commissioned as an Army chaplain and has spent the past 26 years in that field. He was a chaplain in Korea when he was called to be the Chief Mission Officer for the LCMS where he now works at the International Center. His wife, Jackie, is in the process of transferring her membership from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fayetteville, NC. They have two grown sons who are both married and one granddaughter. Jackie is originally from Staunton, IL and still has friends in this area. She is a teacher’s aid for a Christian School in Fayetteville. They are already Cardinal fans and enjoy watching sporting events. Page 6 + CONFIRMA ION + MINIS Confirmation Gearing Up! Anchor RY It’s hard to believe, but we are already getting ready for another great year of confirmation ministry! What a blessing to have over 40 young adults in grades 68, and what an opportunity we have to instruct, model and grow together in the faith! We ask for your prayers each day for the young people, boldly striving to grow towards their faithful God in a very ungodly world! Parents! You should have received a letter (or will soon) inviting you to an orientation/information meeting in August. If you did not receive a letter, please see Pastor Karg ASAP! * Parents of 6th and 7th graders will meet Tuesday, August 21, at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for dessert and coffee, orientation (6th grade) and time with the mentors for planning. We will be done NO LATER THAN 9 pm! * Parents of 8th graders will meet Wednesday, August 22, at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for a dessert/coffee, and a meeting designed to inform you of important information regarding your child’s final year leading to the Rite of Confirmation. Mentors will be present for a little calendar planning as well. IMPORTANT! Please be sure to bring the activity fee and the enclosed health form with you to the meeting, with your insurance card copied as directed on the form!! 6th Grade Students will meet on Wednesday, August 29, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall for an Orientation Meeting. We will discuss the instruction, homework, memory, exams, activities, etc., and conduct training for serving as acolytes. We will begin with a pizza supper (please bring $3 to help offset costs); the youth will also meet their mentors this evening. It is very important for you to be at these events! *** Please RSVP to the church office (993-2394) *** (You will be called if we do not hear from you!) Attention All College Students (and Parents!) Are you planning on attending college in the fall? Want to get little packages of fun sent to you before your exams? Well then Immanuel’s College Care is looking for you! Forward your name and mailing information and you’ll receive a little box of snacks and fun stuff to remind you that we are thinking of you back home! There are 2 mailings per school year prior to both semester finals. Each school has a different exam time, winter and summer breaks, so please include that information if possible. The items sent to you are non-perishable but we would like to see you receive it before your exam crunch-time and to not have it left at your post office to be sent back. (Continued to Page 7) 9733 Olive Blvd., Olivette, Mo 63132 senior high YOU H Page 7 The Teacher in Ecclesiastes tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven… (Eccl. 3:1) …a time to study… Sunday Morning Study: Sundays in the Youth Room (East Building), 9:30 – 10:15 am. We don’t take a break just because it is summer…come and get your spot on the couch for a time of sharing and Bible study with your peers. …a time to serve… To Anderson, Indiana and back. That is where 29 youth and four adult leaders went the week of July 8-15. Anderson, Indiana is the home of SonRise Camp, a ministry of Lutheran Disability Ministries. SonRise Camp is a great opportunity for volunteers to share their Christian faith and a fun camp experience with an adult who is mentally impaired. SonRise is both a faith sharing, faith growing and a life changing experience. Watch for personal accounts by these servant youth to be shared in an upcoming issue of the Anchor. …a time for fellowship… Here are a couple of the things going on in August: R IO N SE H HIG Friday, August 3, 2012, is our Sr. Youth Lock-In! 7:30 pm – 7:30 am. We will meet at Immanuel for a night of fellowship and fun! Activities will include hand-printing the wall in the Youth Room, free time and games in the gym, a short devotion with guest speaker, Pastor Keener, and more! Please wear old clothes, socks and tennis shoes and bring $7 to cover pizza, snacks and a light breakfast. To RSVP or for questions call Casey Herter at 314-651-5269. Saturday, August 11, 7 – 10 pm, Immanuel Youth are invited to the Five 14 Revolution, featuring Mynista. This event is being held at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. This is a huge back to school concert for teens and young adults. There will be food; prizes and fellowship along with dedicated Christian musicians performing “live.” Five 14 is a ministry of Lutheran Hour Ministries. For more information check it out at www.whatsfive14.com. National Youth Gathering 2013 Informational Meeting, Thursday, August 30th, 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall (Continued from Page 6) The packages that are assembled and sent to you are courtesy of Immanuel’s Women’s Guild, Men’s Club, PSCE, and Ladies of Bazaar. They have generously contributed every year to make this happen. Sometimes a few special individuals contribute items or monetary gifts as well. Your Immanuel family wants to keep you close to your church (and school) and we hope we have accomplished this by sending the care packages! Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email me. I know we are all busy at this time, but the earlier the information is sent in the better count there is for purchasing and mailing. The deadline for incoming information is November 1st. Thank you in advance and God’s blessings to you! Karen Schrader – 314.427.1831 or [email protected] P.S. To the 2012 college graduates – Congratulations! We hope you have enjoyed the packages from Immanuel! May God bless you in your future successes! Anchor Page 8 Invitation to Volunteer with “International Student Ministry-St. Louis” Official Acts MEMBERSHIP UPDATE DECEASED: Join ISM-St. Louis as we welcome new international students with our Welcome & Furniture Give-Away. Most students arrive in St. Louis with just a few suitcases. Upon arrival, one of their first tasks is to furnish their apartments with basic items. ISM-St. Louis helps by collecting used furniture and household items in "ready to use" condition. If you have articles to donate, please email your name, address, phone number and list of household items to Chris Culley at [email protected] or call him at 314-452-6406. If you have small items to donate, please contact Becky Shaw or bring it to the Shaw garage where things are presently being stored. If you have large items or many items, please contact Chris as mentioned above. On Saturday, Aug. 18, volunteers set up everything in a covered parking garage at Wash. U. Then, we distribute everything to the students and help deliver the items to their apartments. If you would like to help, please contact Chris Culley (see above). If you have a van or pick-up truck, please bring it on Saturday the 18th. Suggestions for Furniture/Household Item Donations: dressers, desks, beds/futons, mattresses, small tables, chairs, small sofas, book cases, pots & pans, rice cookers and other small kitchen appliances, dishes, cups, glasses, silverware, bowls, lamps, bed linens, towels, kitchen gadgets, rugs and bicycles. Charles Palm on June 29, 2012 MARRIAGES: Katherine Rueckert to Matthew Gonzalez on June 30, 2012 Ross Carter to Amanda Jackson on July 13, 2012 MEMBER UPDATES Change: Nicole Cruz 249 Crescent Avenue Valley Park, MO 63088 314.625.0357 Zone 2 Jackie Getz No Forwarding Address Katherine Gonzalez 712 Revere Avenue Bronx, NY 10465 Herter—314.651.5269 Kevin Huckshold 8681 Old Towne Dr., Apt. A University City, MO 63130 314.304.4647 Zone 3 Delete: Charles Palm Deadline SUNDAY, AUGUST 12TH Articles can be placed in the Anchor Mailbox in the fellowship hall or e-mailed in a Microsoft Word document type format (*.doc) to [email protected] 9733 Olive Blvd., Olivette, Mo 63132 Page 9 Hi Immanuel Family. It's Angus writing in mid July. We've just come through some of the very warmest weather I've ever experienced. Thank goodness we've had air conditioning, except for the one day the thermostat died, and the repairman came quickly and replaced it. Since I last wrote, I've been to Katie Rueckert's wedding and the funeral of my friend, Charlie Palm. Angela says that life is like that, where joy is mixed with sadness. Charlie and I had a special bond, and the last time I saw him in the hospital, I snuggled next to him and he knew that I was there. I gave him a stuffed yellow labrador for Christmas because he really liked me. His dog needs no food/water, walking or outside trips. He just wanted to be loved, and Charlie certainly knew how to love him. At the luncheon after the funeral, Angela and I met so many of Charlie and Laura's family and friends. Angela says that Laura will be ok as long as she has lots of family and friends to support her now. I guess what I'm saying to all of you is that we should be "Kind and tenderhearted" (Eph4:32.) Stop by for a quick visit; maybe take a lunch to share; offer to drive Laura to church (usually late service or Saturday evening); make a friendly call just to see how things are going. By the time you read this, the kids and grandkids will be looking for their school supply lists, shopping for new shoes (their feet probably grew a bunch since May) and getting excited about the prospect of a new school year. In order to help all of you get into the mode of learning facts, here are a few interesting things which you may or may not find in your first week of homework: a beaver's home is called a lodge. Elephants need 3 to 4 hours of sleep while mice require 14 hours per night. Humans are somewhere in between. The candy bar which was designed to taste like a chocolate milkshake was the Milky Way. Snickers is the best selling candy bar in the world and a clumsy customer named the Butterfinger. I know that you feel so much smarter now, and on that note, I'll say see you next month. You know what to do, email [email protected] or call 428-9353. Crossed Paws Love ya lots, Angus Anchor Policy Heat Wave Safety Tips from the National Weather Service The editors and layout team work very hard at putting together a high quality publication for our communication and enjoyment. The congregation is asked to assist these individuals by adhering to the following policies. Slow down. Reduce, eliminate or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day. Children, seniors and anyone with health problems should stay in the coolest available place, not necessarily indoors. 1) All articles or information must either be given to Rita Eckert or sent to the following email address: [email protected]. Put less fuel on your inner fires. Foods, like meat and other proteins that increase metabolic heat production, also increase water loss. 2) The deadline for receiving an Anchor article is the 2nd Sunday of the month unless stated otherwise (deadlines are published in the Anchor and weekly announcements). 3) Due to changes in personal schedules and commitments, the Anchor team can no longer assure that an article or item received after the monthly deadline will make the upcoming issue. Any information that is not time-sensitive will be held for the following month. +Pastor Rueckert+ Dress for summer. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing to reflect heat and sunlight. Drink plenty of water, non-alcoholic and decaffeinated fluids. Your body needs water to keep cool. Drink plenty of fluids even if you don't feel thirsty. Persons who have epilepsy or heart, kidney or liver disease, are on fluid restrictive diets or have a problem with fluid retention should consult a physician before increasing their consumption of fluids. Do not drink alcoholic beverages and limit caffeinated beverages. During excessive heat periods, spend more time in airconditioned places. Air conditioning in homes and other buildings markedly reduces danger from the heat. If you cannot afford an air conditioner, go to a library, store or other location with air conditioning for part of the day. Don't get too much sun. Sunburn reduces your body's ability to dissipate heat. Do not take salt tablets unless specified by a physician. Page 10 Anchor Co-Worker Retreat Light of Christ co-workers (similar to Church Council) had a retreat on July 4. Twenty adults used their mid-week holiday to learn about the Body of Christ, brainstorm vision ideas, and have fellowship at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Chesterfield. Most co-workers have children who came for a special program led by Doua and Sue Xiong (field worker at Immanuel and summer cross-culture module student at Light of Christ). The devotions, topics, and discussions for the day centered about the Biblical teaching of Christ’s Body based on a book by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey entitled Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. Pastor Shaw led devotions to set the groundwork for the day. Immediately after the opening devotion, we shared our favorite Bible verses and how they impact our lives. We found that the most favorite verses are Psalm 23 and I Corinthians 13. The first session was led by Frank, Hui, and Xiaoye and based on chapter three “diversity”. The group shared the analogy of a church as a tree: Root – our individual spiritual life, devotions and prayers Trunk – our daily lives, witnessing God’s glory Canopy – our service and fellowship We also shared the traits of a healthy church. They summarized the chapter and then everyone broke into three groups to discuss questions and Bible passages. At the end of this session participants encouraged each other by sharing special qualities displayed in each other. Xinming and Xinfeng led the second session on the topic of “unity”. They also taught the essence of the chapter and led discussion through questions and Bible passages. At the end of the session, we read together a passage from the book: “The process of joining Christ’s Body may at first seem like a renunciation. I no longer have full independence. Ironi cally, however, renouncing my old value system … and committing myself to Christ, the Head, abruptly frees me. My sense of competition fades… In my new identity my ideal has become to live my life in such a way that people around me recognize Jesus Christ and His love, not my own set of distinctive qualities….” Jay and Laura a husband-wife team led the third session on the topic of “service”. The group looked at key passages in the New Testament listing the spiritual gifts. We broke into small groups to discuss God’s love. During the discussion, we found that it is difficult to “love” people we don’t like. However, if we are to love people’s souls, their unlovable behaviors and personality become secondary. We also discussed in length the verse “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) Towards the end of the retreat, we broke into small groups to share our journey of spiritual growth. Sharing in spiritual growth in the lives of Light of Christ members included: “When I first became a Christian I read the Bible but it was difficult to understand. Now, I love to read God’s Word and find many precious passages.” “When I first became a Christian, only I went to church. Now my husband is baptized also and goes too. We have developed family-like relationships with church members and enjoy serving.” “I would like to not only have family devotions but also teach my children to memorize Scripture.” “Since my husband began doing translation at church he has had to read the Bible more to prepare for the translation. It is really encouraging to me when I hear him sharing some things he’s learned with the family.” We also shared the history of Light of Christ, how the mission has grown, and how God has blessed the ministry. We witnessed God’s grace as we wrote down the co-workers’ visions for Light of Christ during the last session: Each coworker share the gospel and invite at least 1 person/family to Light of Christ; more Bible study classes, more coworkers, members starting prayer meetings and Bible studies at work, mission trips to China,…. The retreat ended with a devotion led by Pastor Shaw. We are all part of the church. We are Light of Christ. We left the retreat fully charged, knowing that God’s blessings are overflowing at Light of Christ. 9733 Olive Blvd., Olivette, Mo 63132 CALENDAR PAGE Page 11 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 9733 OLIVE BOULEVARD SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI 63132 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.1576 ST. LOUIS, MO. Address Service Requested
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11 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
adults with developmental disabilities. This study takes place the second Sunday of each month, from 13 pm in Immanuel’s fellowship hall. March’s study will be March 11th.