ZELOS: Starting this Wednesday, June 15th at 6:15
ZELOS: Starting this Wednesday, June 15th at 6:15
ZELOS: Starting this Wednesday, June 15th at 6:15 p.m., you are invited to our mid-week ministry called Zelos, which means “zeal”. Sign up at the Welcome Center for the first Wednesday when we will share a meal of Cottage Inn pizza, salad, breadsticks, and dessert at 6:15 p.m. We ask for a $2.00 donation per individual or $10.00 per family. At 7 p.m. we will go to the sanctuary for our summer series, Gospel-shaped Outreach. HEARTSONG + PICNIC: Join us on Sunday, July 10th at 10:45 a.m. as the Heartsong group from Cedarville leads our worship hour. All are invited to stay after church for a fellowship picnic. Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, potato chips, drinks, and table service will be provided. Please bring a picnic-themed veggie/fruit salad (A-M) or dessert (N-Z) to share. Sign up at the Welcome Center. If you are able to house 2 or more on Saturday night, July 9th, please see Teressa. ON GOAL SOCCER DINNERS: During On Goal Soccer week, we are looking for families or groups to host the coaches for their evening meal at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 26th through Friday, July 29th. Options include meeting at church, a restaurant, or your home. See Pastor Paul to help out! ARK ENCOUNTER: In August, Dan Wells is planning a trip to the new Ark exhibit at the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Please see him regarding travel arrangements and hotels if you are interested in going. ONLINE GIVING: We now have the option for you to give to the church via online giving. Simply go to the church website and follow the directions from there. See Pastor Paul if you have any questions. CHURCH CLEANING: We have a couple of slots available over the summer, so if you are able to give an hour or two of your time per week for one month to help keep our church looking great, please sign up! Two-Year Bible Reading Plan: Mon: Mk 11.27-12.40 Tues: Mk 12.41-13.37 Th: Mk 15 Fri: Mk 16.1-8 Sat: Catch-up day Wed: Mk 14 Sun: Catch-up day 2016 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE General Fund Offering [June 5, 2016] — $8,198.32 Capital Improvements Fund — $9,167.77 General Fund needed weekly — $4,992.58 Budgeted Year-to-date — $114,829.34 Received Year-to-date — $94,318.80 TITHES AND OFFERINGS: We desire to be a generous fellowship of disciples. Be faithful in giving to our Lord. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS SUNDAY, JUNE 12 ORDER OF WORSHIP Congregation: Sweeter Greet One Another Congregation: The New Song We Sing Congregation: Our God Prayer and Scripture Congregation: This I Believe (The Creed) Ministry Highlights Worship Through Giving~Offering Message: Faith That Defeats Death Hebrews 11:20-22 Lord’s Table Congregation: My Faith Has Found A Resting Place CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES KIDS FOR CHRIST SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday mornings, from 9:30-10:30, we offer classes from pre-K through 5th grade downstairs in the Primary Room. Nursery is also available. CHILDREN’S CHURCH: During our morning worship hour, children ages 2 through 3rd grade will be dismissed to go downstairs to the Kids for Christ area. AWANA MINISTRY: Our AWANA classes will start back up on Wednesday evenings in September for children ages 3-6th grade. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, please contact the church office. VBS 2016: Get ready to explore the farm in Cowabunga Farm: Growin’ With Our Faithful God, our theme for this year’s VBS. Mark your calendars for the week of June 20th—June 24th each evening from 6:30—8:30 p.m. WANTED—VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL HELPERS: Calling all volunteers! Our Vacation Bible School week is coming and we need many people to help it run smoothly. Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you are able to give us a hand the week of June 20th—June 24th from 6:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. each night. If you have questions see Pastor Paul. ON GOAL 2016: Make plans for On Goal Soccer Camp for kids entering K–8th grade coming this summer from July 26th—July 30th. We look forward to serving with Tom Fite and the On Goal coaches again this year. Registration is open. YOUTH MINISTRIES IMPACT HOUR: Join us every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30 a.m. for Student Bible Fellowship. Come grow with us as we study God’s Word. U-TURN: Come on out at 6:00 p.m. as we meet together to worship our great Savior, Jesus Christ, and learn more about Him. Bring a friend! ADULT MINISTRIES On June 19th we will have a Baptismal Service. Please see Pastor Larry or Pastor Paul if you desire baptism. ADULT BIBLE FELLOWSHIP: We offer two classes that meet at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. Come join us! The Journey Lighthouse “Respectable Sins” “II CorinthiansEncouragement for the Walk” Mike Hendricks Fireside Room (146-148) Ben Lott Room 248 (next to church office)
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ZELOS: Plan to join us all sumer as we meet in the
from 9:30-10:30, we offer classes from pre-K through 5th grade
downstairs in the Primary Room. Nursery is also available.