Jubilee Verse for the Week - Towamencin Mennonite Church
Jubilee Verse for the Week - Towamencin Mennonite Church
Towamencin Mennonite Church ***** “Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to extend God’s healing, hope and forgiveness to all.” June 5, 2016 Jubilee Verse for the Week Matthew 16: 24 NIV Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Gathering: The Church as Community Gathering Songs Welcome & Opening Prayer Greeting One Another Praise and Worship: The Church Worshipping God Sharing Time & Congregational Prayer Children’s Time Worship In Song Learning: The Church Studying God’s Word Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 29: 13, Hebrews 10: 19-22 Sermon: “The Key to Spiritual Passion” Responding: The Church Responds to Jesus Song of Response Giving of Tithes and Offering Sending: The Church Goes Out into the World Song of Sending & Benediction Worship Leader: Song Leader: Sermon: Offertory: Pastor Mike Clemmer Aaron Leatherman Antonio Ulloa Tiffany Good We are glad you joined us today! Child care is available during the worship service; it is provided in our nursery, located above the foyer. The Greeters will be happy to assist you or answer any questions you may have. Everyone is welcome to a fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall. Sunday School, for all ages, begins at 10:40 a.m. -Please keep in your prayers person who are in need of encouragement and healing due to health issues that they are dealing with. Pray specifically for Esther Delp, Michele Delp, Trisha DiTullio, Luke Hackman, Ronnie Knechel, Stacey Knechel, Hannah Metzler, Esther Pearson, Will Schirmer, and Peter Zucca. -Keep in your prayers our leadership needs and processes of nominating leaders and discerning gifts in persons. Pray for God’s Spirit to stir a sense of call in the hearts of many as we seek to continue God’s work here at TMC. -Pray for persons serving the Lord in places outside our local community. Pray for God’s hand of grace and strength to be upon them as they serve. Pray for Brent and Stephany Frederick (Peru), Patrick Watts (Ecuador), the Nafziger family (Nepal), and Hannah Canaviri (Bolivia). Pray also for Danny Canaviri and Natasha Bergey who will be serving this summer at Spruce Lake Camp and Victory Bible Camp, respectively. -As our VBS week approaches, continue to pray for all aspects of this important ministry. -Continue to pray for our young people who are facing transitions after graduating from high school or college this year. Pray that God’s hand of leading would direct them to work or further study that will be growth promoting and beneficial to them. Announcements Calendar We welcome Antonio Ulloa as our guest speaker today. Antonio has served with Eastern Mennonite Missions since 1998 as a teacher, consultant, and church revitalization coach. Antonio and his wife Patricia are the parents of two adult children, Marco and Alex. TODAY_________________________________________________ Greeters: Gerald & Gisela Derstine, Gerald & Mary Metzler Nursery: Nick & Chelsia Rosato, Preston Allebach SS Nursery: Bill & Sharon Martin Sound: Marlin Bergey Projection: Titus Knechel New Address for Galen and Andria Knechel: 471 Indian Creek Road Harleysville, PA 19438 Gifts Discernment Nomination forms were in your mailboxes last Sunday. Completed forms are due back in on Sunday, June 12th. If you have questions or suggestions about this process, please see someone on the committee. Members include: Brent Allebach, Diane Keeler, Harold Mellott, Curt Stoudt and Pastor Mike. Scholarships are available for children or youth going to Spruce Lake Camp this summer. Contact Rose Hackman in the church office for the coupon code for registering your child. On June 12, at 6:30 p.m., TMC has been invited to join 5 other churches for a Sunday evening of singing and worship. The service will take place at Christ Community Bible Church on Ridge Road in Perkasie. Finger food desserts will be shared together following the service. MDS Opportunity in Detroit, MI, June 12-18. There is still room for more volunteers. If interested, contact Jim King at 215-817-3120 or Rick Kratz at 267-372-4637. THIS WEEK_____________________________________________ Today, 12 noon, Adoption Lunch Benefit for Galen & Andria Knechel Monday, 7 p.m. Leadership Team Meeting at Clemmer’s Wednesday, 7 p.m. AWAKE Prayer Meeting NEXT SUNDAY__________________________________________ Greeters: Brent & Diane Knechel Family Nursery: Natasha Bergey, Leisha Bergey SS Nursery: Darryl & Stacey Knechel Sound: Marlin Bergey Projection: Titus Knechel LOOKING AHEAD_______________________________________ June 12 (Sun) Evening of Singing and Worship @ Christ Community Bible Church, 6:30 p.m. June 17 (Fri) Hymn Singing at SMH, 10:30 a.m. June 20-24 (Mon-Fri) “Submerged” Bible School Week August 7 (Sun) Outdoor Baptism at Keeler home October 28-30 (Fri-Sun) Marriage Enrichment Weekend MYF____________________________________________________ July 24-30 (Sun-Sat) Group Work Camp, Rhode Island If you are interested in being baptized or exploring church membership, please contact Pastor Mike. Plans are being made for an outdoor baptism service on Sunday, August 7. Pastor Mike and Pastor Bill will be leading a marriage enrichment weekend for 10 couples October 28-30 at Spruce Lake Retreat. There are still some spaces available. Please contact Pastor Mike if you have interest in being part of this weekend. Last Sunday’s Numbers Offering Regular Offering Designated Giving Total Giving Attendance $ 4,783.00 $ 386.26 $ 5,169.26 Worship SS 192 157 Conference & Community Events Open Pickleball on Sundays from 5 to 7 p.m. in Souderton Mennonite Church’s gym on West Street right by the church. $1 donation. Wear sneakers. Contact Dottie Reed at 215-721-9070. Faithful Witness in a Time of Endless War: Drone Warfare and God’s Call to Peacemaking Conference, June 24-25, at Christopher Dock High School. http://interfaithdronenetwork.org. Towamencin Mennonite Church Penn View Christian School is a place for exploration and inquiry where your child learns to love God and others! There are still openings in their Early Childhood and Kindergarten classes for the fall. Contact Doug Hackman at [email protected]. The Bontrager Family Singers will present a concert of Christian gospel bluegrass music at Franconia Mennonite Church on Friday, June 24 at 7 p.m. This is a 12-member singing and instrumental band from Kalona, Iowa. Life With God Ministries Listen on Saturdays at 8 p.m. on WBYN-FM 107.5 and Sundays at 7:30 a.m. on WNPV-AM 1440 Website: www.life-with-god.org Towamencin Mennonite Church 1980 Sumneytown Pike PO Box 225 Kulpsville, PA 19443 Phone: 215-368-2450 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.towamencinmennonite.org Mike Clemmer, Pastor Bill Martin, Associate Pastor Curt Nice, Elder Gerald Leatherman, Elder Ernie Kolb, Deacon Phyllis Leatherman, Deaconess E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Ron Delp, Elder Paris Hagen, Elder Betty Detweiler, Deaconess Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sunday, June 5, 2016