Bulletin - New Life Fellowship Church
Bulletin - New Life Fellowship Church
New Life Fellowship Church Communication Card (Please fill out and place in REMEMBER THESE IMPORTANT DATES: Office Coordinator Office Hours, Pastor Hours, & Youth Director Hours offering basket) August 14, 2016 Name: _______________________ _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ _____________________________ City/State: ____________________ Zip:_____________ Phone: ______________________ Email: _______________________ □ Please update my contact information □ Member □ Attender □ I am new to New Life Fellowship Church □ Guest of:____________________ □ 1st visit □ 2nd visit Monthly Charge Person: Michele Baird Greeters: TODAY –Roeters Family 8/21 - Paul & Barb Wieten Monday: OFF Tuesday: 8:00 - 3:00 pm Wednesday: 8:00 - 12:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 - 3:00 pm Friday: OFF Easy Worship: TODAY - Nancy Puff 8/21 - Lori Vandever NOTE* these are the hours Pastor Mike and Marty are available to meet. It is recommended that you call first to set up an appointment. Sound: TODAY - Ben Grabill 8/21 - Wayne Ott Coffee Fellowship: TODAY-Don & Nancy Puff 8/21 -Diana & Richard Portell Mailing Address: P.O Box 97 Grant, MI 49327 Office Location: 121 S. Front St., Grant , MI 49327 (Located behind The Grant Depot) Nursery: TODAY –Laura Tingley & Tami Roeters 8/21 -Jamie Chapin & Melissa Chappell Office Phone Number: 231-834-5970 Prayer Pager Number: 231-712-0407 Lil Kidz: TODAY - Leader: Kris Veenstra Helper: Tina Elliott lesson 12 8/21 - Leader: Kris Veenstra Helper: Abbey Nelson lesson 13 Big Kidz: TODAY –Kris Wolff -Outreach 8/21 -Sherri VanderMeulen & Gus Gessler lesson 8 Pastor Mike Connell’s Cell Phone: 231-747-5180 Pastor Mike’s Email: pastor mike@gr antnlf.or g Setup for Friday, August 19 @ 6:00 p.m. Dan & Carol Deters Bruce & Lorain Smith Terry & Roxanne Hiler □ Serving □ Grow Groups Fax Number: 231-834-5975 Church Office Coordinator Email: office@gr antnlf.or g Associate Pastor of Student Ministries and Church Development, Marty Rowan Cell phone: 224-600-3078 Associate Pastor of Student Ministries and Church Development, Marty Rowan Email: mar ty@gr antnlf. or g Website: www.gr antnlf.or g Church Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 9am Chris Gort (19) -231-834-1784.…….….Contact for P & E Michele Baird (18)- 231-834-5134...…. Contact for Reaching In Ted Scholtens (19) -231-834-5197…… Contact for Out Reach/Missions Kris Veenstra (18) - 616-337-9735……Contact for Worship Kathy Jenkins (17) -231-834-7517……Contact for Education Chairman - Pastor Mike Connell Vice Chairman– Ted Scholtens Student Ministries □ Membership Study Day 10:00 am-4:00 pm 10:00 am-4:00 pm 10:00 am-4:00 pm OFF Staff mtg. Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 OFFICE CLOSED We are so glad you chose to worship with us today. We invite you to come back and visit anytime or join this family in Connecting our Congregation, Community, and Culture to Christ. We’d love to have you!! I would like more information about Study Day (office closed) 9-3:00 pm 9-3:00 pm 9-3:00 pm OFF Wednesday, August 17 Secretary - Kathy Jenkins Treasurer - Steve Mullins WATER WAR!!! Slip and Slide, water balloons and capture the flag with water! Come stay cool. Meet at the Church Office go to the Wolff’s 6-8 p.m. Board of Servants Prayer/Care Families The Board of Servants has created Care Groups in order to more effectively pray for and care for the families of New Life Fellowship Church. Each Board of Servant Person is listed below next to the families on their list according to last name. A-B C-G H-K L-P Q-T U-Z Kris Veenstra Kathy Jenkins Steve Mullins Michele Baird Chris Gort Ted Scholtens If at any time you have a need or just want someone to pray with you please do not hesitate to contact your Board of Servants Leader. Approach to Ministry (ATM) Connecting Our… •Congregation, •Community •Culture… Third Thursday Free Supper Next book “It” and study sheet are at the office Class will be August 23 @ 6:30 p.m. Bruce and Lorain Smith’s home: 10886 Mason Dr. Grant, MI Located at the Grant Community Building 101 S. Front St. Grant Thursday, August 18 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. To Christ! Pastor Mike Connell THE BIBLICAL MEANING OF FELLOWSHIP (Acts 2:42-47) Sunday, August 14, 2016 ___________________-A community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience. TODAY !!! Reminder to all Student Ministry Leaders Mandatory Meeting August 14 1-3:30 COMMUNICATION CARD New Life Fellowship Prayer Night… Comments, Requests, or Prayer Needs: □ Share ___________________ ___________________ _________________ August 17 6:30 p.m. ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 8/14– Meeting for Student Ministry Leaders 1-3:30 Located at Roger and Micki Hilbrand’s home. 13194 Elder, Grant 231-834-5114 @ Church Office 8/15—Outreach @ 6:30 p.m. Church Office 8/16 - Coffee Talk with Marty 3-4 p.m. Church Office 8/16 - Softball @ Willow Field 6:30 p.m. Scripture References: (Ac. 16:31; Ro. 6:6,8; 8:15-17; 10:9; Jn.1: 12-13; 3:3-614:6; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1Jn. 2:2; Col. 2:14) 8/17– Youth meet @ Church Office then to Wolff’s 6-8 p.m. Water War Jesus: 8/17 - Night of Prayer @ Roger & Micki Hilbrand’s 6:30 8/18 - Third Thursday Soup Supper @ Grant Community Is __________________. □ Confidential Was __________________ from the __________________. Is ____________ ___________; the ______________ _____________ to be reconciled to God. Is _____________ _______________. Is _____________ _______________. ________________ our sin debt ___________ ______________ 8/21– Ministry Fair after Church Ministry Fair 8/23 –ATM @ Bruce & Lorain Smith’s -6:30 p.m. August 21 After Church 8/24 - Youth House Party. Meet @ Church Office then go to Wolff’s 6-8 p.m. Come and check out what is going on at New Life Fellowship Church. 8/31-All Church Worship at Middle School 6:00– 7:30 p.m. Find where you can fulfill your place God has called you to be, as your part of the Body The Softball Games have begun!! ALL GAMES START AT 6:30pm! Be sure to come cheer the team on For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus…you are all one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you. (Galatians 3:26, 28-29) 8/22 - Reaching In @ 6:30 p.m. Church Office August 16 Willow Field If you need the address to the field you can go to Church Web page (www.grantnlf.org) and look under the calendar where it lists the games. July Financial Review Basic Operational Expenses: $13,513.43 Offering Amount Received: 13,284.10 Please continue to pray for marriages and families. Please pray for Diana Portell Please pray for Kathy Chapin. Right Rotator Cup causing extreme pain Please pray for the lost. That they will see their need for Jesus. Please pray Jim & Sue Walker as they look for a house in Grand Rapids, Pray that the Lord will go before them & they will follow his lead. Please pray for a healthy baby boy for Mike & Grace Connell. Please pray for a member who is looking for new affordable residence. Please pray for those needing wisdom and peace that things will work out. Please pray for Nick Hadley’s transition to college. Praise for the beautiful weather and a good turn out for the prayer over the property and for all those that were Baptized. Tear off here Building 5:30-7 p.m. Welcome to New Life Fellowship Church Please take a moment and fill out the information on the reverse side of this card and place it in the offering basket when it comes by
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Bulletin - New Life Fellowship Church
Communication Card
(Please fill out and place in offering basket)
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