Bulletin - New Life Fellowship Church
Bulletin - New Life Fellowship Church
Office Coordinator Office Hours, Pastor Hours, & Youth Director Hours New Life Fellowship Church Communication Card (Please fill out and place in offering basket) August 28, 2016 Name: _______________________ _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ _____________________________ City/State: ____________________ Zip:_____________ Phone: ______________________ Email: _______________________ □ Please update my contact information □ Member □ Attender □ I am new to New Life Fellowship Church □ Guest of:____________________ □ 1st visit □ 2nd visit We are so glad you chose to worship with us today. We invite you to come back and visit anytime or join this family in Connecting our Congregation, Community, and Culture to Christ. We’d love to have you!! REMEMBER THESE IMPORTANT DATES: Monthly Charge Person: Michele Baird Greeters: –Roeters Family TODAY –Mark & Kim Barendreght 8/28- Phil - Mark & Kim Barendreght 9/4 & Jamie Chapin □ Membership □ Serving □ Grow Groups Monday: OFF Study Day Tuesday: 8:00 - 3:00 pm 9-3:00 pm Thursday: 10:00 am-4:00 pm 8:00 - 3:00 pm 9-3:00 pm Friday: OFF Study Day 10:00 am-4:00 pm Wednesday: 8:00 - 12:00 pm 9-3:00 pm Easy Worship: Nancy Puff TODAY - Lori Vandever 8/28- Megan - Lori Vandever 9/4 Grabill 10:00 am-4:00 pm OFF OFF NOTE* these are the hours Pastor Sound: TODAY - Wayne Ott Ben Grabill 8/28 Ben Grabill 9/4 - Mike Stinson Coffee Fellowship: TODAY-Diana Deters & Richard PortellGustman TODAY-Carol & Sheryl 8/28 -Micki -Carol Deters && Beth Sheryl Gustman 9/4 Hilbrand Longstreet Nursery: –Jamie Chapin && Tami TODAY –Jill VanderSys AbbyRoeters Nelson 8/28 -Anette -Jill VanderSys & Abby Nelson 9/4 Deters & Tabatha Lathrop Mailing Address: P.O Box 97 Grant, MI 49327 Office Location: 121 S. Front St., Grant , MI 49327 (Located behind The Grant Depot) Office Phone Number: 231-834-5970 Prayer Pager Number: 231-712-0407 Fax Number: 231-834-5975 Church Office Coordinator Email: office@gr antnlf.or g Lil Kidz: TODAY - Leader: Kris KathyVeenstra Jenkins Helper: Helper: Abby Betty Nelson VanHoven lesson 13 14 8/28 - Leader:Bridget Kathy Pickerd JenkinsHelper: Helper:Jill Betty VanHoven 9/4 - Leader: VanderSys lesson 14 15 Big Kidz: TODAY & GusHoaglin Gesslerlesson 9 TODAY ––Sherri TraceyVanderMeulen Veenstra & Jennifer 8/28 -Bouwkamps -Tracey Veenstra & Jennifer Hoaglin lesson 9 9/4 lesson 10 Setup for Friday, August 26 @ 7:00 p.m. September 2@ 6:00 p.m. Dean & Diana Bouwkamp Chris Gort & Nick Hadley Sheldon & Shelly Don & Nancy PuffZimmerman Paul & Barb Wieten Ron & Joyce DeMink Chet & Ryan McKnight Tami Ryan Roeters Pastor Mike Connell’s Cell Phone: 231-747-5180 Pastor Mike’s Email: pastor mike@gr antnlf.or g Associate Pastor , Marty Rowan: Cell phone: 224-600-3078 Associate Pastor, Marty Rowan Email: mar ty@gr antnlf. or g Website: www.gr antnlf.or g Church Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 9am Chris Gort (19) -231-834-1784.…….….Contact for P & E Michele Baird (18)- 231-834-5134...…. Contact for Reaching In Ted Scholtens (19) -231-834-5197…… Contact for Out Reach/Missions Kris Veenstra (18) - 616-337-9735……Contact for Worship Kathy Jenkins (17) -231-834-7517……Contact for Education Chairman - Pastor Mike Connell Vice Chairman– Ted Scholtens Student Ministries I would like more information about (office closed) Wednesday, August 31 Secretary - Kathy Jenkins ALL Church Worship!!! Meet at the Middle School 6:00-7:30 p.m. Treasurer - Steve Mullins Board of Servants Prayer/Care Families The Board of Servants has created Care Groups in order to more effectively pray for and care for the families of New Life Fellowship Church. Each Board of Servant Person is listed below next to the families on their list according to last name. A-B C-G H-K L-P Q-T U-Z Kris Veenstra Kathy Jenkins Steve Mullins Michele Baird Chris Gort Ted Scholtens If at any time you have a need or just want someone to pray with you please do not hesitate to contact your Board of Servants Leader. Welcome to New Life Fellowship Church COMMUNICATION CARD APPROACH TO MINISTRY (ATM) •Congregation, •Community •Culture… To Christ! Next book “Church Is a Team Sport” and study sheet are at the office. Class will be September 27th @ 6:30 p.m. Bruce and Lorain Smith’s home: 10886 Mason Dr. Grant, MI ALL CHURCH WORSHIP Wednesday, August 31 Grant Middle School 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor Mike Connell THE BIBLICAL MEANING OF FELLOWSHIP (Part 3) “Responding To Broken Fellowship” (Matthew 18:15-17; Philippians 2:1-8) Sunday, August 28, 2016 Scripture References: (1 Cor. 5:12-13; 9:19; Ro. 12:14, 16; Mt. 5:44-47; Col. 4:5-6; 1 Pet.3:15-16, 1 Thess. 5:14; Eph. 5:21) BEFORE Fellowship Is Broken Step 1: Approach the individual __________ _________ ___________. Step 2: Approach again with _______________________. Grant City Wide Yard Sale Sept. 10, 2016 We are now colleting items to sell at the annual Grant City Wide Yard Sale. Drop off donations at the Church Office. All money raised will be used for a scholarship for future mission trips. We also need volunteers at the sale as well as helping to price items. We will meet Wednesday, Sept. 7 & Friday, Sept. 9 to price and organize all donations. Any questions contact Tim Folkema @ 616-893-4564 8/30– Coffee Talk with Marty @ Church Office 3:30-4:30p.m. 8/31-All Church Worship at Middle School 6:00– 7:30 p.m. 9/5-Worship meeting 6:30 church office ________________________. 9/6-Coffee Talk with Marty @ Church Office 3:30-4:30 p.m. 9/7-Student Ministries launch at the middle school 6:00-8:00 p.m. AFTER Fellowship Is Broken 9/10-Grant City Wide Yard Sales __________________, Don’t be too __________________, ________________________- 9/11-Membership class 12:30 at Tim & Krysti Hall’s Nursery There will be a membership class held on Sunday, September 11, 2016 At Tim & Krysti Hall’s home 14213 Oak Ave. Kent City Mi 49330 12:30 p.m. lunch provided Are you in 6th grade or older? Do you like babies? Come join the awesome crew of Nursery workers! We need to schedule a third person in the nursery each week. Contact Jodi Connell 231-282-7028 or Stacey Connell 231-282-0554 Prayers & Praises… __________________, __________________ Take ___________________ __________________ of- Ladies your final payment of $84.00 for the Oct. 14-16th retreat is due to Grace Connell by Sept. 18 • More details to come Be ______________________- We are looking for individuals that love to capture the heart of people thru Photography. If you are interested in taking pictures of events at New Life Fellowship Church contact Marty @ 224-600-3078 Please continue to pray for marriages and families and those looking for work. Also, for those who are pregnant. • Please pray for these people facing health concerns: Nick Hadley’s uncle (cancer), Lawrence (infection), Tom Threatt (liver), Peggy Murphy, Harold Johnson, Harold Cummings, Jacob Pickerd, Tracy Conely (cancer), Richard Portell (surgery 8/24), Clay Mullins (shoulder injury). • Please pray for the lost. That they will see their need for Jesus. • Please pray Harold Cummings is able to find a church near him. • Praise for Jim and Sue Walker finding a house! • Praise for the safe arrival of Caiden James Connell born 8/24! Opportunity to Serve!!! Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path… (Galatians 6:1) □ Confidential ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ http://www.insanityofgodmovie.com/ Showing at Celebration Theater in Grand Rapids 7:00 p.m. August 30 Step 4: Treat that person as a ________- Conversation be _____________________ and □ Share ___________________ ___________________ _________________ Check out “The Insanity of God” movie Step 3: Approach the _________________________. __________________, __________________ for, Comments, Requests, or Prayer Needs: Tear off here Connecting Our… Welcome to New Life Fellowship Church Please take a moment and fill out the information on the reverse side of this card and place it in the offering basket when it comes by
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