Allinson Jonathan Se..


Allinson Jonathan Se..
Valley Baptist Bible Institute
od is so good!! He has redeemed us and put in us the light
of life, Jesus Christ. May we shine in this dark day and hour.
Church News
The church celebrated 10 years in August. We had a month
full of special services, guest preachers, and a wonderful time
remembering God’s goodness to us as a church.
Pastor Dominic Pennachietti (Bethel Baptist Church of
Philadelphia, Pa) preached the anniversary service. He was
Rebecca’s pastor when she was a child. We also had special
services with a local pastor in Atizapan Pastor Jose Aranday,
pastor of Iglesia Bautista El Calvario; Leonardo Rivas, the
director of “Sublime Gracia” a children’s home; and our
director Fred Kindhart and President Scott Caudill with
Macedonia World Baptist Missions. What a huge blessing each
preacher was to the church. Praise God for His blessings!
This month we start up our next trimester of classes in the
Bible Institute, including Homiletics, Hermaneutics and the
Battle for the Spanish Bible. We just finished up a modular
course on Spiritual Gifts. God has given us a great core group
of around 10 who are studying, although we are praying the
we would see more church people get involved this trimester.
Please pray for the preparation of those called to ministry.
Personal News
Carter is now 15 months old and walking and saying various
words. He is definitely a boy wanting any type of round thing
that looks like a ball.
Karla & Alexandra started school in late August. We are
home schooling them with the help of a missionary lady.
Karen Nolen from Cleveland Baptist Church in Cleveland,
Ohio, came to work with us a few months ago. She has already
been a huge blessing to our family as well as the church. She is
teaching, doing some teacher training, teaching piano, and
helping us with the home schooling among other things.
New Field Address:
Lago Mask #17, Fracc Cumbres del Sol
Nicolas Romero, Edo de Mexico c.p. 54416
We have faced some spiritual battles over the last few months.
Please pray for Saul, the young man working with me, who God
has led on to another church. We wish to continue being an
influence in his life and future ministry if God wills.
Prayer Board
* Schooling for Karla & Alexandra
* Deliverance from sin - Ernesto, Julio,
* Strong attacks - Apathy, unfaithfulness, sin etc in
the church .
* Valley Baptist Institute
* Victor, Jose Luis, Ernesto & Elvia - Called to preach/
full time ministry.
* Wisdom for future ministry - buying property for
church, starting another mission/church.
Please pray for these young men and women and future
ministry. Pray for faithfulness, and Spirit filled lives. Jose Luis,
Victor, Pedro, Luis, Jonathan (He returned after 3 years in the
world) and Elvia, Liliana and Jenni.
Thank you so much for your faithful support and prayers for the
ministry that God has called us to here in Mexico City.
Jonathan, Rebecca, Karla (5),
Alexandra (4) & Carter (1 yr) Allinson