FBC Revival Services with Thomas Hammond September 8 – 11 7


FBC Revival Services with Thomas Hammond September 8 – 11 7
VOL. 58 NO. 9
Revival Services
with Thomas Hammond
September 8 – 11
7:00 p.m.
Thomas is married to Kerri and has two daughters –
Katie, age 19 and Karley, age 16.
He is the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Alpharetta, Georgia.
He was recently the Vice President for Convention Advancement
of SBC Executive Committee in Nashville, Tennessee.
Thomas also served at the North American Mission Board as Director of Church Evangelism
for five years; Senior Director of Evangelism for six years and most recently as Team Leader, “GPS”:
God’s Plan for Sharing, North American Mission Board’s National Evangelism intuitive.
Please be in prayer and fasting in preparation for our REVIVAL!
Plan now to attend
and invite your family, friends, and neighbors!
We are believing that this Revival will be an incredible experience!
How do you feel about snakes?
No, seriously. I can tell you how I feel
about snakes by letting you read my car’s
bumper sticker which is: “The only good
snake is a dead one!” Ok…I don’t have a
bumper sticker but I DO have that sentiment.
I know that there are people…who want to remind us
that the “good” snakes help us get rid of varmints. I say “takes
one to know one.” And I know that some people enjoy snakes
and keep them as pets. (I just involuntarily shivered!) To these
The Bible has a pretty dim…view of these creatures. I’ll
connect the dots for you: Eden, tree, snake, sin. Snakes were in
the Israelites camp in the wilderness and killed people – lots of
people! Jesus “bruised” (crushed) the head of the serpent (the
devil) by His death and resurrection. So, I rest my case.
However, Jesus said we should be…wise as serpents
and harmless as doves. (i.e. –shrewd & innocent) He wasn’t
applauding the snake but saying we should just know how they
think and what their tactics are. Why?? ‘Cause that way you can
protect yourself (and family and church) from them. You can be
one step ahead…WAY ahead I would hope. You can stop it
before it does damage.
In churches it applies…to just being aware of “snake-y”
ways Satan would want to hurt the church. Churches very seldom get in trouble because we are assaulted from without. It’s
usually some small and seemingly insignificant “thing” that
poisons the people. A snake doesn’t bite your head off. He just
makes two small holes in your leg, hand, etc. and then waits
until the poison takes its toll. SNEAKY!
So, the lesson for us is…to watch out. When a church is
doing well – and, bless God, we are – we get comfortable. And
when we get comfortable we get lax. And when we get lax little
things can get out of hand. And when things get out of hand we
lose our spiritual momentum and begin to focus our energies on
the wrong things. And we…die.
I’ll close for now but…knowing that revival services will
be here in a few days makes me a little more nervous about
snakes – well THE snake. Help me watch out for him. OK?
Your ophidiophobic pastor, Rob
P.S. This link it just for fun. He gets it from me.
resigned as our
Church Organist
on Sunday, August 25th
Mary has been our
Church Organist for
over 40 years and has
always been involved in the
music ministry here at FBC.
She began playing
the piano and organ
at the Mission Church
started on Gordon Street.
Mary is a shining light
in our community and church
ALL the FBC Staff have loved
working with her.
for your service each Sunday
and also for your
ministry of music through the
organ to our congregation
in times of need.
May the Lord continue
to use you in many ways
as you serve Him.
All my love… Dave Hart
and the FBC Family
Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference
Church-wide Study every Sunday morning in September at 8:50 a.m.
It isn’t often the First Family gets to go through an entire study at the same
time. When we do, it promotes discussion, unity, and almost always results in a
move forward as a body. This September, all of our adult and youth classes
will be going through the book, I Am a Church Member by Thom Rainer,
current president of Lifeway Christian Resources. This short book is a reminder
of the biblical mandate we each have to be actively involved in a local
church...as a member, not just an attender.
“We who are church
In 1st Corinthians 12, Paul reminds us that the members are all supposed
to function in the church.
human body is made up of many parts that work together to accomplish
concept of an inactive
whatever an individual may attempt. The body of Christ, especially the
member is an
local church, is very much the same. Each person who is a follower of
Christ has been spiritually gifted for two tasks: serve God and serve
no such church
others. It is then this humble heart of service and love for one another
really exists.”
that causes others to see a difference. This difference is evident when
we show the mind of Christ in our attitude of service and our unity.
from Chapter 1, “I Will be a
Functioning Church Member”
The first session will be Sunday, September 1st. Books and leader’s
guides are available at the Welcome Desk or in the church office and are free of charge—this is your
Sunday School literature for September. It is a small book and an easy read (apart from the personal
conviction of the content), and should lead to lively discussion and personal growth for each one who
takes part in this study.
What’s happening in
FBCH Student Ministry…?
Our Back 2 School Bash was so much fun this year. About 25 of us
enjoyed the afternoon and evening on Bull Shoals Lake swimming
and tubing. Then had an intimate time or worship with Caleb’s
Crossing and heard the Gospel presented by Isaac, our intern. We
ended the day by having an ice cream sundae bar and playing some
intense games of capture the flag. Special thanks to the Bowers for letting us use their dock and boat.
The normal Wednesday night schedule for student ministry will resume on September 4 th from 6:00-7:30 pm.
We will NOT have Wednesday night activities on September 11th due to the Revival services at FBCH.
Fall Focus is September 27-29 at Point 11 again. The cost will be $50 and more information is coming soon
about that weekend.
Bible Study Leaders needed for Student Ministry!
Please contact me to discuss this opportunity.
6:30-8:00 am
Wednesday: 10:00-12:00 pm
Thursday: 6:30-8:00 am
Or let us know if you are willing and able to be on the Sub list
If interested please contact me or the church office.
Thanks, RYAN
[email protected]
FBC Harrison
FBCH Students
First Baptist Church
P.O. Box 996
Harrison, AR 72602
Return Service Requested
Our Purpose: First Baptist Church exists to help
people develop loving relationships with God
and with others.
Our Staff:
Rob E. Davis Jr.
Senior Pastor
Dave Hart
Assoc. Pastor Music/Sr. Adults
Bob Johnson
Assoc. Pastor/Administrator
Ryan Puls
Assoc. Pastor Youth/Recreation
Kim Rosson
Dir. of Preschool Ministries
Susan Anderson
Financial Secretary
Betty Johnson
Ron Pittman
Facility Supervisor
North Arkansas
Senior Adult
Fall Platinum
Branson Conference
October 3rd—4th, 2013
All sessions will be held at
First Baptist Church Branson
400 S. Sunshine St.
Sessions begin at 10:00 a.m.
We have
in Dallas,
to bring their
senior adult
leadership and senior choir to lead
as our featured speakers and singers.
Dave and Kirsten Hart
from First Baptist Harrison
will lead us in worship.
For costs and additional information,
please pick up a brochure at the church office.
This will be a wonderful time of
fellowship with our sister churches.
So RSVP at 741-3415, if you plan to attend.