February 24, 2016 - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
February 24, 2016 - First Baptist Church Midland, TX
Banner The February 24, 2016 Vol. 36 - No. 27 2104 W. Louisiana Midland, TX 79701 Phone: 432.683.0600 Fax: 432.683.0660 of First Baptist Church Midland 2 Dr. Darin Wood preaches This Sunday, February 28 8:25 a.m. & 11:05 a.m. "Start with Your Church" Evangelism & Missions Specific Dr. Darin Wood Senior Pastor 6:00 p.m. Upward Basketball Celebration with Special Guest Mike Bliss From the Senior Pastor Dear First Family, Grace and Peace to each of you! God did some amazing things around here this past weekend! Impact Weekend was awesome! I want to offer a special word of gratitude to our students for their participation! Thanks for investing in your own spiritual life. Sometimes, those who most need discipleship are those who are the least likely or willing to seek it out! Thanks for your passion for growing spiritually! Thanks to our host homes for allowing your home to be a place of worship! Thanks to each and every volunteer who gave of your time and yourself to serve the Lord and the Impact Weekend students! Thanks to each parent who surrendered your student for the weekend! Thanks to Brad Echols and Katy Little for their leadership throughout the weekend. Finally, thanks to YOU, FBC family! There are a lot of churches who would love to have the problem of students and young families. Thanks for your vision for loving our families! Sunday's message is "Start where you are with your church" drawn from Matthew 16:13-25. I'm excited to share this word with you and to see the powerful hand of God at work in the lives of people. Will you join me in praying for our beloved FBC? I believe our best days are yet ahead! Also, this Sunday will be Dr. Moses Caesar's final Sunday as a member of the FBC leadership team. At the close of our services, we'll commission Dr. Moses Caesar as we send him out to serve. I'm saddened to lose him, but I have every confidence the Kingdom of Christ will be blessed by his service in Moses' speaking ministry. We'll also commission our Jamaica Team. They'll leave on Saturday, March 5 and return home on Sunday, March 13. Let's pray for their safety, their effectiveness and for the people they'll serve! Easter is early this year - March 27. Let me encourage you to prepare your hearts for Resurrection Sunday. Sometimes, we spend more time preparing our Easter meal or choosing our Easter clothing than we do preparing our hearts for Easter. Let's not make that mistake. Choose now to ready your heart for what God will do that Sunday. Blessings, Dr. D ALL CHURCH GOING-AWAY RECEPTION Celebrating Dr. Moses Caesar This Sunday, February 28 3:00-4:30pm in the FBC Welcome Center Please join us as we celebrate Moses' service to FBC as Minister to Young Adults & Singles. Leena Lavanya to Visit FBC Wednesday, March 2, 6:00pm, FBC Chapel Make plans to attend Wednesday Night Dinner & FBC's Prayer Meeting to hear about Leena's ministries in India. There will be a Q&A session after her testimony, so make plans to come see this "Woman of Faith!" Bring your family & friends! Praying for Our Direct Support Missionaries: Beth England in Portland, Oregon Northwest Collegiate Ministries exists to provide an opportunity for every student on every campus to have the opportunity to experience Christ's love and God's forgiveness during a time in their life when they are making decisions that will set the path for their lives. 5 FBC Accountant Position Available Volunteers Needed for Broadcast Ministry First Baptist Church is looking for a full-time accountant for the Business Office. Candidates should have a degree in accounting and a minimum of two years accounting experience. Responsibilities will include payroll and employee benefits, interacting with a third party payroll service, account reconciliations, financial statement presentation, and period closing. This person will also assist the Director of Business Management in preparation of accounting information and learn all aspects of the Business Office procedures. Please submit resume or application to the Business Office of First Baptist Church. We need help with the production of our weekly broadcasts of the Sunday services. If you are willing to help in sharing worship with our community, please contact the Media office at 432.683.0608 or jcawthon@ fbc-midland.org. The tasks are easy and the training is free and adequate! FBC Child Development Center Position Available For more information on the Men's Luncheons, please contact Dave Pearcy at 432.528.4221 or see our web page: www.fbc-midland.org/men First Baptist Church is seeking a full-time Director of the Child Development Center (CDC). Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree and previous classroom experience. The Director is responsible for the overall administration and operation of the CDC. Please email resumes to Bob Billups at [email protected] SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45AM MEN'S LUNCHEON MONDAYS, 11:45AM-1:00PM, $6 FOR LUNCH February 29 - David McReynolds, “Stonegate Update” WEDNESDAY FAMILY MEAL Adult Meal $6/ Hamburger $4 Salad Bar $3.50 / Family Plan $23 Wednesday Family Meal service begins at 4:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. All meals include one dessert and beverage. MARCH 2 Adults Entree: Parmesan Dijon Chicken Breast, Long Grain & Wild Rice, Sugar Snap Peas, Tossed Green Salad, Wheat Roll Preschool Dessert: Peach Cobbler Access Granted Matthew 13:1-13 Jesus Fed Five Thousand (Babies - Kindergarten) John 6:1-15 Children Jesus Fed Five Thousand (1st - 6th grades) John 6:1-15 Students Distinct in My Love (7th - 12th grades) Matthew 5:43-48 The Banner is a publication of the First Baptist Church in Midland, Texas. Deadline for submission of articles is Friday prior to publication of the next issue. To ensure the printing of your article, we recommend you first submit your article to the appropriate ministry area for review. The Banner is edited and produced by Kate Dominguez and Jim Cawthon. Please advise the Membership Office at 432.683.0616 for any change in your mailing address or phone number. Sunday, February 21, 2016 Sunday School Attendance ♦ Main Campus..................................................1297 ♦ Mission Midland...................................................91 ♦ Media.....................................................................6 TOTAL.................................................................1394 Week Day Bible Study ♦ CDC...................................................................124 ♦ CDO...................................................................125 TOTAL BIBLE STUDIES......................................1643 Stewardship Report February 21, 2016 Offering This Week Year to Date First Baptist...................... $ 100,923 $ 3,508,024 Budget Requirement........ $ 137,950 $ 3,979,798 Over/Under Budget.......... $ -37,027 $ -471,774 Hope 1:8........................... $ 375 $ 379,379 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I send you my greetings. My name is Getaneh M. Getaneh. I am the founder of Watch and Pray International Ministries, based here in Midland where I serve as a pastor/counselor to the employees of M3P Energy as well as other businesses. My wife, Wosene, and I have been residents of Midland for a number of years and we have enjoyed this special community. We have been blessed to be members of First Baptist Church. We are thankful for your support of prayer and your faith in Jesus Christ. It has genuinely blessed me to see you participate at the various prayer meetings like AWAKE 7:14, the National Prayer Breakfast, and the community prayer meeting at True Lite Christian Fellowship. Your support means so much to the well-being and spiritual health of the Midland community, the Permian Basin, the state of Texas, as well as our nation. What you do really matters. 3 BE OUR GUEST FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON SUNDAY, MARCH 6 | NOON | FELLOWSHIP HALL RSVP TO 703.216.3458 Watch & Pray International Ministries invites you to attend a fundraising luncheon on Sunday March 6th, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church. It is free of charge to our partners. We will share how this community has helped reach the nations where our brothers and sisters in Christ are suffering persecution. There are some amazing stories that we are going to share. We would like to invite you and your family as well as any office staff to come as special guests. Our new pastor of FBC, Dr. Darin Wood and his wife Julie, will be in attendance as well, and I can introduce you. Although there is no charge, we will need to know if you will come, and how many, as we need to make arrangements for the meal. Please RSVP by calling the Missions office at 432683-0623. Thank you once again for your continued service to our community and to the Lord. Sincerely, Pastor Getaneh Getaneh “Stepping Up” Men of Courage Bible Study Ten- week small group study for men, dive deep into life-changing biblical content to show what it means to live godly, courageous lives. Led by Patrick Mayers, 6:00pm.–8:00pm, Room D101. Contact Amy at 432.683.0612 or [email protected] for more information. Registration for the Omega Term is open through March 15. The course will be "Christian Worship," and will be taught via Zoom by Dr. Rob Hewell. Dr. Hewell is Chair of the Department of Worship Arts at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. Classes start March 15 in Room E-102, Tuesdays, 6-8:40pm, 8 weeks. You may register to audit the course at www.bhcarroll.edu. All members of FBC Midland may audit courses offered at FBC for FREE. Members of FBC who are admitted, enroll for credit, and satisfactorily pass a course will have ½ of their tuition reimbursed. For more information, please feel free to contact John Copeland: 432.269.0151 or e-mail jcopeland@ bhcarroll.edu 4 WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH SENIOR ADULTS' GAME DAY Thursday, March 3, 2-4:00pm The AB's Solid Rock Cafè Join us for fellowship, games and fun! Bring a snack to share and your favorite board or card game. Paul, Mindy & Bonnie Ray Luke Elliott Letter/Statement Bonnie, Paul & Mindy Ray Ashley White Jonathan Gunn Ashley White & Jonathan Gunn Profession of Faith / Requesting Baptism: Luke Elliott Letters that Lift Dear FBC Staff, Your friendship is a real life saver. Thanks so much for your visits during my out-patient surgery. We appreciate all of you. Much love, Mary Ann & Steve Blaylock Dear FBC Friends, Samuel Dept., David Johnson & Janna Boyd, Thank you so much for the prayers, cards, visits & flowers during my stay in the hospital & recovery. Sincerely, Linda Youngblood Dear FBC Family, It's hard to find words to thank all of you who prayed, sent food, lots of cards, calls & visits - so much! - during Rodney's battle with the cancer he fought. He was so appreciative of everyone. He loved the Lord & friends at FBC, especially the James Dept SS. We want to thank David Johnson & Janna Boyd for the hospital & home visits, as well as Rodney's memorial service. God bless your lives of service, which you share so willingly. May God bless you all & thank you for your thoughtfulness. In Christ's love, Shirley Vick & family Thursday, March 31 Sing @11:45am, Meal @ Noon, FH Dr. Darin & Julie Wood “Serving Jesus together at FBC” Call Janna Boyd before Monday, March 28 to reserve your space or for more information, 432.683.0653 Bible Correspondance Prison Ministry If you are looking for a way to share your faith with people who have deep spiritual, personal, and family needs, we invite you to join the Bible correspondence PRISON MINISTRY here at FBC. At present, our ministry has 1,000 students with more being added each week! If you are interested, please call Ruth Ann Riek: 432.699.1555, Cindy Marshall: 432.687.0209, or Louise Goode: 432.683.0656 Over Spring Break, 10 members of the Student Ministry will serve in Harmons, Jamaica, a small mountain village of 3,000 people. Students will construct houses, carry water and marl, repair homes, assist school teachers, and other ministry projects. The team would like for you to partner with them by praying for them and donating any supplies you may have (see below). Team members are Ally Scott, Miriam Osterlund, Paige McAninch, Sarah Hobbs, Chase Norris, Kristen Johnson, Brandt Schneider, Daniel Elliott, Katy Little and Brad Echols. Return Service Requested 2104 W. Louisiana Midland Texas 79701-5972 PAID First Baptist Church Midland U.S. Postage NON-PROFIT ORG. FBC Student Ministry Spring Break Jamaica Mission STUDENT MISSION TRIP JAMAICA 2016 POTENTIAL DONATIONS #1 NEEDED ITEM is children’s clothes. Underlined items are also greatly needed. TOOLS: heavy duty brick trowels, paint brushes, framing hammers, handsaws, heavy electrical cords, new power tools, drill bits, 7.5” saw blades, screw bits SCHOOL SUPPLIES: backpacks, hard black composition books, notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, school glue, rulers, scissors, tape, construction paper FBC DIRECTORY www.fbc-midland.org Main Phone - 432.683.0600 Main Fax - 432.683.0660 Prayer Line - 432.683.0683 SHOES: any shoes, work boots, adult soccer shoes, black leather school shoes, children’s shoes, flip flops, high heels, any type of women’s shoes TOILETRIES (huge need for these): baby powder, shampoo, lotions, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, adult diapers, baby lotion, body wash, 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner Pastoral Ministry - 683.0604 Counseling Ministry - 683.0645 Missions Ministry - 683.0623 Music & Worship Ministry - 683.0618 Administrative Office - 683.0616 Activities Ministry - 683.0647 Children's Ministry - 683.0609 Preschool Ministry - 683.0611 Child Development Center - 683.0638 Children's Day Out - 683.0632 Student Ministry - 683.0610 Adult Ministry - 683.0612 Senior Adult Ministry - 683.0653 Young Adults & Single Adults Ministry - 683.0644 Media Ministry - 683.0608 Live and On-Demand Membership - 683.0616 streaming of Sunday’s Tape Ministry - 683.0626 message is available at Library - 683.0625 MEDICINE: adult and children's cold medicine, pain reliever, anti-fungus cream, pin worm medicine, vitamins, gauze, Band-Aids, antibiotic creams, bandages, muscle rub, cough syrup, first aid kits, Sunday Morning Services at 8:25 a.m. & 11:05 a.m. MISCELLANEOUS: AAA, AA, C & D size batteries, watches, radios of any kind, toys, padlocks, hats, jewelry (necklaces, earrings, etc.), soccer balls (no footballs or baseballs), extra flashlights & batteries, hats, purses, bags (especially huge, oversized bags and purses), neckties www.fbc-midland.org Childcare available for birth - 4yo Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. (all ages) Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Activities 6:00 p.m. Service Televised at 10:00 a.m. (weekly) KOSA (CBS), Channel 7 & KWES (NBC), Channel 9 Televised services are on a one-week tape delay HOUSEWARES: All sizes of bed sheets, pillowcases, towels and small washcloths, sewing machines in good working order, material, hard plastic plates & bowls, silverware, any pots and pans, sharp knives, dish towels, inexpensive irons, small kitchen appliances, window curtains CLOTHES: gently used or new clothes, children's clothes (especially boys’ clothes), new underwear & socks, infant clothes, men’s pants, adult clothes (Jamaica is a tropical climate, so do not pack winter clothes), any type of soccer gear, men’s cargo and athletic shorts (especially size 30,32) men’s sizes can range 26-38 but nothing larger, women’s shorts, dresses, capris, nightgowns, no primarily white t-shirts DONATED ITEMS MAY BE DROPPED OFF AT STUDENT MINISTRY OFFICE OR COLLECTION AREAS THROUGHOUT THE CHURCH BUILDING. Items are needed by February 28, 2016
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