December 17, 2015 - First Baptist Church, Huntsville
December 17, 2015 - First Baptist Church, Huntsville
volume 66 / week number 50 / December 17, 2015 The Messenger firsT bapTisT hunTsville Merry Christmas from your church staff! this sunday December 20, 2015 Sermon - timothy L. owingS “God With Us” Isaiah 7:10-14; Matthew 1:18-24 firSt feLLowShip worShip - 8:15 Am Music from the First Fellowship Band morning BiBLe StuDy - 9:15 Am Bible Study for all ages SAnctuAry worShip - 10:30 Am Music from The Living Christmas Tree Choir and Orchestra on the Tree Three excerpts from the program Christmas Solo from guest artist Ken Medema WHNT 19 Television Broadcast The FBC Television Ministry will present a 90-minute live broadcast of The Living Christmas Tree 2015 on WHNT-2 on Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. It will re-air on WHNT-19 on Christmas Morning at 4:30 a.m. Guest trumpet soloist Brendan Michael Donnelly the Living chriStmAS tree 3:00 pm Abridged Living Christmas Tree with highlights from the complete presentation the Living chriStmAS tree finAL preSentAtion - 5:30 pm knowing, loving, serv ing Christ...together ministry calendar Sunday, December 20 first fellowship worship morning Bible Study Sanctuary worship Lct presentation Lct presentation 8:15 Am 9:15 Am 10:30 Am 3:00 pm 5:30 pm Holiday Schedule monday, December 21 tuesday, December 22 Wednesday, December 23 Thursday, December 24 wednesday, December 23 no evening Activities thursday, December 24 Church Offices Closed at Noon candlelight communion Service 5:00 pm friday, December 25 Offices Closed Friday, December 25 Sunday, December 27 Monday, December 28 Friday, January 1 Sunday, January 3 Wednesday, January 6 Sunday, January 10 No Evening Activities Offices Close at Noon Christmas Eve Service, 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Christmas Day, Offices Closed No Evening Activities Church Offices Closed Church Offices Closed No Evening Activities Wednesday night programming resumes Sunday night programming resumes There will be no Messenger next week due to Christmas Library hours Sunday 9-9:15 Am | 10:10-10:45 Am | 11:40-12:00 pm tuesday 10:00 Am-12:00 pm wednesday cLoSeD family matters OUR NEWEST Haden Allen Huppenberger, son of Steve and Melissa Huppenberger, born December 13, 2015 CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Bob and Jeanne Boothe in the loss of his brother-in-law, and Scott (Susan) Boothe, Kimberly (Joe) Collette and Michael (Melissa) Boothe in the loss of their uncle, Joe Cox Guest Preacher Sunday, December 27 John Holloway served on the FBCHSV staff in the mid-1980s as the Minister of Students. Most recently, he has served as Strategist for Partnership Mission Team for the Florida Baptist Convention. A native of Alexander City, Alabama, John is a graduate of Jacksonville State University, and holds a Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY. John and his wife, Jane Rice Holloway, reside in Longwood, Florida. They are the proud parents of two adult children and four grandchildren. We are excited to welcome John Holloway to First Baptist Huntsville on Sunday, December 27. His sermon title will be “Grace and Forgiveness for a New Year” (John 8:1-11) knowing, loving, serving Christ...together no wednesday evening Activities on wednesday, December 23 Living Christmas Tree Ministry Team We are so thankful for the many persons who have given of themselves in time, talent, and energy. The LCT has been a church-wide project! The Ministry Team members listed below served as chairs of their sub-committees and represent just a portion of the many who have served so willingly in preparation for this presentation. LCT Coordinators – Kathy Lane / LeAnne Fowler Publicity – Beth Hoffman / Will Weir LCT Ticket Office Coordinator – Sherry Jarnagin Tree Construction – Mike Kirk / Paul Glover Tree Decoration – Jamie Richardson / Lucy Glover Parking – Hunter Hoskins Sanctuary Aesthetics – Brenda Bounds Logistics – Kimberly Collette Ushers – Clifton Sisco Lighting – Dru Murphree / Darrell Eldridge TV and Video – Charles Boyd / Steve McKay Audio – Kyle Christian Media Direction – Jeremy Wilkerson Safety – Alex Adams Sanctuary Choir Liaison – BJ Boyanton Orchestra Liaison – Emily Parker THE MUSIC MINISTRY EXPRESSES SPECIAL GRATITUDE TO THE FOLLOWING: Debbie Bell, Scott Goosby, Roger Hayes, and the FBC Custodial Staff Pam LaPier and the FBC Kitchen Staff Angela Seanor and the FBC Childcare Staff FBC Children’s Ministry – Leigh Halverson, Minister to Children Children of the FBC Missions Classes – Hope Mackey, Coordinator Children of the FBC Music Classes – Emily Parker, Coordinator Nancy Morton, Janet Creech and Kathy Lane – Choir Librarians Emily Parker and Susan Keene – Orchestra Librarians The FBC Television Ministry Huntsville Chamber Music Guild Huntsville Symphony Orchestra Huntsville Community Chorus Association Huntsville Police Department HEMSI for providing emergency medical service Saint Photography C & A Printing Colonial Graphics Group H.G. Peake Company – T-shirt Design WAAY-31 WHNT-19 Lamar Advertising WLRH Lite 96.9 StewArDShip report week #11 12/13/15 year-to-Date goal $ 1,010,651.50 offering this week $ 52,331.70 ytD $ 698,248.04 Debt retirement this week $ 1,750.00 ytD $ 27,011.00 AttenDAnce Sunday School preschool 81 children 50 Students 129 Adults 603 guests 50 Brookdale totAL 20 955 worship Service first fellowship worship 447 Sanctuary worship 638 totAL 1085 First Baptist Church 600 Governors Drive Huntsville, AL 35801 office: 256-428-9400 weekend minister on call: 256-428-9457 24-hour prayer line: 256-428-9460 The MESSENGER (USPS 591-280) is published weekly except the week of Christmas by First Baptist Church, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. Periodical postage paid at Huntsville, Alabama 31801-5178. POSTMASTER send change of address to THE MESSENGER, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. Christmas eve Candlelight Communion Service Thursday, December 24 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary In receiving the greatest gift of God’s love for us, surely then generosity will follow in your financial support of the mission and ministry that people are depending on FBC to deliver. People have needs and our church has ministries and mission initiatives to reach out and meet their needs. Fulfill your annual pledge, give an extra gift to the church, or take advantage of current tax law to give contributions of appreciated stock or contributions from an IRA directly to our church. The church office must receive your generous gifts no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 31 in order to count toward your 2015 charitable giving deduction. If you have any questions, please contact Alison at 256-428-9417 or [email protected]. Solos from guest soprano, Jane Rice Holloway WEE Ministries Hiring The WEE Ministries is now hiring for all positions. Please contact 256-428-9440 for more information.
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