priceless. - Smoke Rise Baptist Church


priceless. - Smoke Rise Baptist Church
Financial Corner
Missional Metrics:
SRBC youth volunteered 3 hours at the
Atlanta Community Food Bank.
Our 10 volunteers worked alongside 18
others to pack 773 boxes of food for
senior adults. That is over 23,500 lbs of
food boxed and ready to be shipped to one
of 6,000 partner agencies to feed
hungry people. The experience for our youth was
New Monthly
Be on the lookout
for a new and
more helpful
monthly giving and
financial report.
Cross ie Newsletter
July 22, 2013
Wed Aug 7th
Sanctuary Choir
Rehearsals Resume
Sun Aug 11th
Sunday Evening
Youth Programs
Wed Aug 14th
All Wednesday
evening programs
9am: 9:45am: 11am: 5-7pm: Church-wide Breakfast
Sunday School (Promotion Sunday)
Worship with Blessing of the Students and Teachers
Palooza Back to School Bash - Food, Fellowship & Fun
(for youth and their families)
THE CROSS TIE ISSUE 1307P2 SMOKE RISE BAPTIST CHURCH Send feedback, information and updates to: [email protected]
SMOKE RISE BAPTIST CHURCH 5901 Hugh Howell Road Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Fall Bible Study
How well do you know the
Son of God?
The Gospel of John: “The
Word Became Flesh”
(more info inside)
THE CROSS TIE (USPS 002172) is published semimonthly by Smoke Rise Baptist Church Address Correction Requested
Periodical Postage Paid at Stone Mountain Georgia 30086 5:15pm Wed Night
5:00pm Gym open for
SRBC Youth
5:45pm Nursery
Available during
all Wed adult
6:00pmChildren’s Choirs
6:00pmThe Gathering
for Youth
6:30pmAdult Study:
6:30pmAdult Study:
Study Series
6:30pmSanctuary Choir
6:30pmAdult Study:
Sewing Circle
6:30pmAdult Study:
Young Adults’
Talk Time
Submission Deadline: Wednesday,
4:30pm, week before publication.
By Ernie Forrester
Associate Pastor
ne of my favorite days of the year is fast approaching. It is a day filled with food,
fellowship, and new beginnings highlighted by a special time of blessing of our students
and teachers as we approach the start of another School Year.
Sunday, August 4th is our annual Kick-off Sunday and Blessing of the Students. It is a day
of great excitement as we start a new school year and with it the beginning of our church
activities, many having been dormant over the summer.
The day begins with our church-wide breakfast at 9am in Fellowship Hall and continues with
Bible Study at 9:45am and Worship at 11am, but it is much more. Our children and youth
will advance to their new Sunday School classes, and we
will have a special time at the end of the worship service
to offer a prayer of blessing for all students and teachers.
Remember there will be no early service August 4th.
The names of all of the students associated with our church,
from kindergarten to college, including our Weekday
School, Day Camp, Recreation, Academy of Arts, After
School Program, and Smoke Rise Prep, will be included.
Each will have their name printed on a card and available for you to take. You are encouraged
to pray daily for the student you are given.
The “Palooza Back to School Bash”, for Youth and their families, will complete the day’s
activities, but that is only the beginning of our fall activities. Sanctuary Choir rehearsal
will resume on August 7th, Sunday evening youth programs resume August 11th, and our
Wednesday evening programs will resume August 14th.
A new year is here! Join us August 4th for Kick-off Sunday and all the festivities.
Smoke Rise Baptist Church | 5901 Hugh Howell Road | Stone Mountain, GA 30087 | 770.469.5856
Women’s Fall Bible Study: The Gospel of
John: “The Word Became Flesh”
Tijuana Mission
Trip Story
Letter of Thanks to the
Combined Youth Choir
How well do you know the Son of God? Are you convinced that what
He said about Himself is true? From beginning to end, John reveals
Jesus as the Son of God. Join us as we begin an in-depth study of the
Gospel of John, part 1: chapters
1-6 now. We will continue with
part 2: chapters 7-11 and part 3:
chapters 12-21 in 2014. This Kay
Arthur study will teach you to
discern truth for yourself using
the plumb line of God’s Word.
Workbooks are $20.00, and are
shipped from Tennessee, so
please register by August 14th.
Late registrations will incur
additional shipping costs. We will meet on Mondays at 9:45 – 11:45am;
August 26 – November 11, 2013 (no class on Labor Day); 11 weeks,
Room S223. This study is led by Susan Fowler. Contact Susan to register
by phone: 770.491.1424 or email her at [email protected].
Our first day of VBS was full of
smiling faces! We had over 120
kids come to learn about being
a helper for God. We made
paper and also decorated visors.
Karen Nash Bates taught the kids
about how helpful ladybugs are
and how God wants us all to be
helpful to each other. It was a
bit crazy, as we didn’t expect to
have 100 kids, but a great day!
On behalf of Azalea Baptist Church, we would
like to thank the combined Youth Choirs at Smoke
Rise Baptist Church and First Baptist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee for the wonderful evening
of music last week. I was out of town for a residency
week of Doctor of Ministry studies, and I am sorry I
was unable to attend and hear your live presentation.
Before I came back to town, I was already hearing
news of how wonderful the experience was for our
congregation. Some of the people who typically
represent our congregation at the CBF General
Assembly were unable to attend the meeting this
year due to various circumstances and conflicts.
Through your sharing with us, you connected us
with the worship experience of the larger CBF
family of faith. We are grateful that you chose to
include us in your ministry.
The construction team started their
project of building two bathrooms.
In the afternoon we passed out
clean water in a neighborhood near
the church. We met families with
Not Your Grandmother’s Quilting Bee
The first ever Not Your
Grandmother’s Quilting Bee will
be held on Saturday, August 3,
2013, from 9am – 3pm. The quilters
will meet in the Fellowship Hall
at Smoke Rise Baptist Church.
They are on Mission to make
baby quilts and need your help.
Pick up a flyer in the breezeway
for more information about their
needs or call Nancy Durden at
Our Ministers
Church Office: 770.469.5856
Tim Adcox
Marti Andrews
Kathy Dobbins
Ernie Forrester
Truett Gannon
Chris George
Carra Hughes Greer
Danny Vancil
Minister of Missions
Interim Children’s Ministry
Minister of Spiritual Formation
Associate Pastor
Pastor Emeritus
Minister to Families with Youth
Minister of Worship & Music
Smoke Rise Counseling Center 404.636.1457 x424
Affiliate of Care and Counseling Center of Georgia
Faye Herring, M.Div., M.S.
Resident Counselor
John Moore, Ph.D., M.S.,M.Div.,LAPC Counselor
Katie Setterberg M.A., LAPC
Director, Counselor
In an age when so many say that we must cater to
what is trendy to reach young people with the good
news of the Gospel, it was refreshing to experience
your commitment to learn music that was classic,
universal in scope and excellent. As we fathom the
depth and breadth of God’s love, words alone are
insufficient. What better way is there to celebrate
God’s greatness than with great music?
Thank you for helping us hope. May you be full with
the Spirit’s song now and always.
lots of needs, gave them water and
prayed with them. We saw several
kids from the morning VBS. Pray
that we will have another great
crowd and will reflect Christ to all
that we meet.
Toiletries Needed for
GAP Mission Trip
The ladies going on the
September 22 – 27, need some
toiletries to make up 100 gift bags
for the clients at the GAP. Please
place the following items in the
labeled containers outside the
Missions Office: Nail polish and
nail files, deodorant, combs and
hair clips, 18 oz. shampoo, 18 oz.
conditioner, wash cloths, soap,
and toothpaste.
Rev. J. Bart McNiel, Pastor
Azalea Baptist Church
Norfolk, Virginia
God Bless, Lynn and Angie
Wagoner have served
for 14 years as the
founders and leaders
of God’s Appalachian
but August 8th will be
their last day as God is
leading them in a new
direction for ministry. The GAP ministry has grown
and changed the hearts and lives of many people
under their leadership. Smoke Rise Baptist Church
has sponsored 23 mission trips to the GAP since 2005
and will send 3 more teams this year. We thank
God for the Wagoners and ask His blessings on their
future ministry.
New Members:
Mike and Martha Holt - June 2013; Matt Carroll - June
2013; Michael Danishek - June 2013; Chris, Rebekah & Jose
Edmonds - July 2013
Subscribe to the printed Cross Tie
for New Member Photos