All Saints Pastoral Unit Bulletin – March 1, 2015
All Saints Pastoral Unit Bulletin – March 1, 2015
All Saints Pastoral Unit Bulletin – March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent Christ the King, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. John the Baptist Pastoral Centre 390 High St., New Glasgow B2H 2X7 Phone: 902-695-3433 Fax: 902-752-0805 Email: [email protected] Fr. Gary MacPherson: 902-695-3107 Email: [email protected] Website: This Week’s Calendar – March 1-7 Sunday 9:30am Mass St. John the Baptist 11:30am Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help 1:30pm St. John the Baptist Liturgy Meeting in All Saints Pastoral Centre Meeting Room 6:15pm CWL Executive Meeting in All Saints Pastoral Centre Meeting Room 7pm CWL Meeting in All Saints Pastoral Centre Meeting Room Tuesday 6:30pm Mass at Christ the King Wednesday 12:15pm Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Thursday 6:30pm Mass St. John the Baptist 7pm Pastoral Planning Gathering in St. John’s Hall Friday 6:30pm Stations of the Cross at St. John the Baptist Saturday 10am Rosary, recited by St. John the Baptist CWL at St. John’s until 3pm. All are welcome! (please use ramp door) 4pm Mass Christ the King 6pm Mass St. John the Baptist Monday Stations of the Cross. We are grateful to All Saints Pastoral Unit Altar Servers for leading the Stations of the Cross at St. John the Baptist this coming Friday, March 6 at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend. Deanery Weekday Eucharist: Our Lady of Lourdes – Mon, Wed, Fri-9am;Tues, Thurs-6:30pm Holy Name – Mon-6:30pm, Fri-9am Stella Maris – Wed-6:30pm Pastoral Unit Notes: Christ the King Collection: $806.95 Fuel Jar: 25.00 Fuel Offering: 60.00 Donation: 20.00 Christmas: 35.00 St. John the Baptist Collection: $2,931.00 Fuel Offering: 30.00 Initial Offering: 40.00 New Year’s: 10.00 At their recent meetings the Parish Pastoral Councils of both Christ the King and St. John’s felt it would be a good idea to allow our parishioners another chance to discuss the pastoral options for the Pictou County Deanery and to submit a proposal to the Pastoral Planning Committee for their consideration. Committee members Bernard McCarron and James Fraser will be available after Mass on Tuesday, March 3rd at the Church for Christ the King Parishioners and Al Sutherland and Robert Rogers will be available after Mass on Thursday, March 5th at St. John the Baptist Church for parishioners of St. John’s. We have had a lot of snow and ice this winter but we still have to be careful to keep areas open in case emergency vehicles have to get through. Please obey the ‘no-parking’ signs on St. John’s Street on the left side going down the hill to avoid being towed. Also, in Christ the King parking lot, please keep a through-way around the church in case a vehicle has to drive through in a hurry. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Income Tax Receipts for Christ the King (at the side entrance) and St. John the Baptist (at the back of the Church) are available. Lenten Reflection Booklets, containing prayers, meditations and reflections are available in our churches. Cost is $3 per booklet. Enrollment for First Communion is this Sunday, March 1 during 9:30 Mass at St. John the Baptist Fish Chowder St. John’s Social Committee is inviting all parishioners to a fish chowder supper in St. John’s Hall after the Good Friday service. You can sign your name to the list at the back of St. John’s church or call the Pastoral Office to add your name. This will give the committee an idea of how much to prepare. There is no charge. Donations will be accepted. MASS CANCELLATION POLICY As a result of inclement and severe weather conditions, on occasion a decision may be made to cancel Sunday Masses within our All Saints Pastoral Unit. Please be advised there is no obligation for Mass attendance on these days because of the severe weather and dangerous driving conditions. Notifications of Mass cancellation will be aired on ECFM radio 94.1 FM and posted on their website If you are unable to get to Mass, a copy of the bulletin is available at Also, please remember that if school is cancelled due to inclement weather, there will be no weekday Mass. CDs Available for Borrowing Please take a look at the back of St. John’s Church after the Masses this weekend. There are many topics to choose from including Lent, Catholicism, (one of which explains the Mass, another providing a fresh look at the heart of Catholic practice), Culture Crisis, Doubt of God’s Existence, Forgiveness, Hurt and Suffering and Parenting, to name a few. You can also drop into the office to take a look at our library. CWL members are reminded that our Lenten visit to Highcrest Home will take place this Sunday, March 1, at 2pm. See you there! Have You Got a Creative Eye for Decorating? The Parish Liturgy Committee of St. John the Baptist is seeking a volunteer to direct the decorating of the church for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc. If you are interested in leading the group of volunteers, please contact Sheila MacMillan for more information at 902-752-6976. Diocesan Notes: Prayers for Priests and Deacons Please see, in the gathering areas of your churches, the list of priests and deacons to pray for in the month of March. Gathering for Catechists (sponsored by the Emmaus Centre) Please remember the upcoming Catechist Formation Workshop next Saturday, March 7th beginning at 10am in St. Joseph Church, Port Hawkesbury. If you are interested in going, please call Pat Gillis at All Saints Pastoral Office (902-695-3433) by Thursday, March 5. Did you know that the sisters of Charity have lived and served in various areas across Canada and beyond for more than 150 years? NET Retreat The National Evangelization Team is once again coming to Pictou County and will be at St. John’s Hall Friday, March 27. All students Grades 9-12 are invited and their parents are encouraged to attend with them! More information to follow. World Day of Prayer is this Friday, March 6, at 2pm at First Baptist Church, Washington St, New Glasgow. Prepared by women of the Bahamas. Website of the Week: Christ the King Ministry Schedule Saturday, March 7 Altar Server Marliene MacGillivray Reader Shirley VanRyswyk Ministers of Holy Communion (B) Mary Urquhart (C) Paulette Fraser Gift Bearers Gary & Mary Batchilder St. John the Baptist Parish Ministry Schedule March 7/8 Readers Saturday Marie MacKay Pat Gillis Altar Servers Saturday Nick Manos Kara Manos Ivan Willis Sunday Jamie Chapman Mary Murray Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday Maryanna MacMillan Shirley Manos Mary Tattrie Gift Bearers Saturday Oscar & Carina Baldevia Ministers of Hospitality Saturday Barb McKenna Mike McKenna (ramp) Sunday Abby Moir Rebecca DeCoste Brenda Johnson + Sunday Rosanna Amirault Brent Steele Peggy Eisan Sunday Mary & Al Sutherland Sunday Phillip Eisan Peggy Eisan Robert Simpson (ramp)