The Master Key - Keys for Kids Ministries


The Master Key - Keys for Kids Ministries
The Master Key from CBH Ministries
Terre K. Ritchie, Executive Director
Dear Partners in Ministry,
“I have a prayer request for you. My
family has been falling apart for years
and I want it to stop. I want you guys
to pray that my family would not fall
apart. Please write me back about
what I should do.”
“My Uncle doesn’t go to church and
has a drinking problem. Please pray
for him.”
“Pray for my Mom, she has cancer.
Also, please pray for my grandpa. He
smokes and isn’t saved.”
The breadth of letters we receive
here at CBH Ministries is amazing.
Many bring us to tears and to our
knees. Father, give us wisdom and
solid Biblical advice to convey
your love to each one. Thank
you for sending us partners in
ministry who care about the souls
of these children.
At the end of this month one of our
valued employees, Marcia, will retire
after serving as our correspondence
secretary for almost 27 years. How
we’ve treasured having her here.
Pray that God will intercede in
finding her replacement!
On the lighter side, this delightful
comment came from the mother of
one of our younger listeners.
“One Saturday morning our six-year
-old son turned down pancakes and
sausage at the neighbor’s house.
He said, ‘No, my Bible stories are
on (the radio).’ Samuel really, really likes sausage and thinks a lot of
this grandfather-like neighbor! This
man isn’t a Christian. I think it was
wonderful that Samuel stood up for
listening to the things of God over a
special breakfast. Hopefully it was
another opportunity for the neighbor
to think about why something would
be that special to a six-year-old that
he would give up sausage and pancakes!”
Our staff laughed and thought that
phrase should be our new byline...
“The Word of God, better than sausage and pancakes!”
We enjoy all the letters we receive
from children and parents. Often
grandparents who are raising their
grandchildren write in requesting
resources and have questions that
we do our best to answer. Please
pray with us that our answers will
be straight from God Himself and
that working through us, He will accomplish His purpose in their lives.
Prayer requests:
• As summer approaches, a number
of our staff will be attending conferences representing CBH. Pray
for safety in travel and success in
reaching families across the country.
• Two new Seasons of Faith books
will be printed this month. Pray
that the message of these books
would be clear to the children.
• Eight more Biblemations are
scheduled to release soon and 12
more are in the wings. Pray that
many will use this new media to
reach kids for Christ.
• Pray for a seamless switch between
our bi-monthly devotional to a
quarterly one. This will save us one
mailing this year and two next year.
• Pray for sufficient funds for CBH
throughout the summer months.
• Pray for funding to cover iToadU.
com Bible studies for the web.
• Pray for funding for printing new
Keys for Kids samples and a new
catalog in September.
Two Praises!
1. We’ve added three new members to
our Board of Directors. Lee Geysbeek
from Compassion International and
Scott VanderVeen, an independent
print representative, plus Gary Feenstra, fundraiser for Lakeshore Pregnancy Center. We’re sad to see Dodd
Morris, our current Board Chairman,
step down after eight years of service.
Thank you, Dodd for being such a valuable asset to our board!
2. Preparations are underway for our
70th Anniversary banquet Sept. 20,
2012. We would love to have you join
Our newest Seasons of
Faith books are ready to
be released. The first one
is Adoption Day Surprise
(spring). Siblings Jen and
Greg desperately want to
be adopted by the Johnsons. When Greg faces a
sad realization, he tries to
run away. Mr. Johnson teaches Greg a valuable lesson
about how Greg can be accepted into the Lord’s family.
The second book is called
Monkey Business (summer). Siblings Brooke and
Austin wonder if people
really evolved from monkeys. Grandpa shares the
creation story from the
Bible with the kids. Will
they accept Jesus Christ as their savior?
Please pray that these beautifully illustrated books will
open children’s eyes to God’s truths from the Word.
From the Director...
Summer has always been a time of enjoyment for my
family. When we can, we gather at the lake with the kids
and grandkids where the fellowship is so sweet.
Here at CBH, donations drop steeply during the summer months. Often it means we can’t afford to work a
full week and it is difficult to accomplish all that needsd
to get done.
Our ministry is growing at a rapid rate. Keeping up with
correspondence, internet Bible studies, our website, and
publications is costly and takes gifted personnel. CBH
continues to be a leader in providing solid, Biblical materials for children and their families. If there is a possibility you could help us through the summer months,
it would be greatly appreciated, and more importantly,
our mission can be accomplished!
Your daily prayers for us are greatly appreciated. We
pray God’s richest blessings upon you and your family
during this time of rest from school activities. Please be
safe and stay in His Word daily!
Mrs Terre Ritchie
Executive Director
How your gift can help CBH minister to kids!
•$18 - One subscription of Keys for Kids for one year (for someone else)
• online Bible studies - new studies waiting to be developed!
•Seasons of Faith illustrated books - cover
cost of printing 2500 books-$5,000
•Creating Biblemations for on-line distribution
You will receive our newest Seasons of Faith
books with your gift of $50 to CBH Ministries!
Special $50 donation
(check to receive books)
THANK YOU for your faithful support
through prayers and gifts!
Send check or money order payable to: CBH Ministries,
PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
Call toll free: 1 888•224•2324
Total amount enclosed.............$_____________