Zion Mennonite Church 3260 Zion Church Road, Broadway, VA 22815 540-896-7577 www.zmcva.org WELCOME TO ZION MENNONITE CHURCH Vol. 64 November 24, 2013 Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. No. 47 Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. GATHERING Prelude Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Congregational Singing CONFESSION Leader: Lord, we must admit that the season ahead comes at a price. We wonder how we will manage. All: O Lord, listen to our fears: (Silent confession) Leader: Jesus, Ruler and Redeemer, Congregation: Let your kingdom come. Leader: As we prepare for special events, Congregation: Let your kingdom come. Leader: As we consider what to buy, Congregation: Let your kingdom come. Leader: As our families gather, Congregation: Let your kingdom come. Leader: As the world celebrates excess, Congregation: We see you walking to the cross, We hear your call to simply follow. All: Jesus, Ruler and Redeemer, Let your kingdom come. Congregational Song “Thanksliving” Colossians 1 : 11 – 20 Speaker: Pastor Mike Metzler November 24, 2013 PROCLAMATION Scripture Text: Colossians 1:11-20 Sermon Title: Thanksliving WITNESSING A Hymn of Response Moment in Missions: Rachel Nafziger Community Life Sharing and Prayer Offering SENDING Benediction Sending Song MEMBERS IN MINISTRY TODAY Greeters: Diane Emswiler and Sons Speaker: Pastor Mike Metzler Music Leader: David King Worship Leader: Becky Brenneman Nursery: SS – Sharon Showalter Church – Amy Rush Moment in Missions: Rachel Nafziger WEEKLY PRAYER LIST - In our efforts to connect with and support each other, please spend time this week praying for Kevin Leaman and the Showalter family: Wes, Jennifer, Jessica, Allen. STATISTICS FOR NOV. 17, 2013 - Attendance: 181 Offering: $8,944 -YTD: $209,657 - Goal: $230,000 Building Fund: $360 -YTD: $ 26,853 - Goal: $ 37,419 Much gratitude for your generous giving to ZMC! MEMBERS IN CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSHIP PASTOR: Mike Metzler 717-598-3599 [email protected] ELDERS: David King (chair), Celah Pence, Aaron Kauffman. CLT: Becky Brenneman (chair), Radell Schrock, Doug Alderfer, Hanna Reinford, Clay Showalter, Sarah Piper, Jamey Groff, Amy Rush. COMMISSION CHAIRS: Rebekah Brubaker (Care), Eric Codding (Faith Formation), Darlene Lehman (Outreach), Ron Piper (Stewardship), Susan Stoltzfus (Worship). UPCOMING MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS: December 1, 2013 December 8, 2013 Worship Leader: Deb King Dave King Music Leader: Matt Hunsberger Elwood Yoder Greeters: Daryl & Cindy Byler Joe & Dabney Vaccaro Speaker: Pastor Mike Metzler Pastor Mike Metzler None Lesson: Hannah Wenger Children’s: Nursery-SS: Darlene Lehman Beach Family Nursery-Church: Krista Nyce Laurie/Anna Deavers Our Mission: At Zion Mennonite Church we follow Jesus as we worship God, nurture faith, minister love, and share hope with neighbors near and far. Congregational Information… Nov 28: Thanksgiving Day Service at Trissels 10am (Fellowship & Refreshments starting at 9:30am) Nov 30: Deadline to submit changes for the 2014 Directory & Sharing Book What are the things that have become Christmas traditions for your family? Cutting down a tree together? Baking a special kind of cookie? We want to know! You are invited to share your traditions in the next issue of Windows Into Zion. Email Sharon ([email protected]) or Myrna ([email protected]) with your traditions and any other submissions due by December 1st. Winter Sunday School Elective - Beginning Sunday, December 1, you may choose to attend the elective "Reading through the Bible in 90 days" held in the fellowship hall. The class facilitator will use a guide that offers: reading tips, overviews of upcoming verses, discussion questions for the previous week's reading materials. Contact Deb King with any questions. A note of thanks… We want to thank everyone who came to the Open House(s) at our home on 819 Collicello Street. Our family was truly blessed by your presence, prayers, and gifts that you shared with us. Thanks also to Carlene, Marci, Dawn, Emma, and Jessica for providing the delicious food and drinks. We hope that you will give us a call and come visit again sometime! ~The Metzler Family