May 2015 - St. James United Methodist Church
May 2015 - St. James United Methodist Church
ST. JAMES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2945 Main Street, East Troy, WI 53120 Rev. Lorrin Radzik 642-7642 Following the Cross May 2015 Pastor’s Ponderings Grace and Peace in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed! Beloved, we are in the season of Easter, a season of resurrection; of new life and new hope. Though we celebrated the empty tomb at the beginning of April, the season of Easter actually lasts for 50 days and extends through most of the month of May, all the way until Christ’s Ascension and Pentecost, near the end of this month. So let us celebrate the resurrection with gladness! Christ is risen! This is the day that the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it! Resurrection is new life and new hope. When we think of resurrection we think of wonderful things – of springtime and Easter, or flowers and budding trees. Resurrection and Easter comes, for us, in the spring. The seasons in which we live are in sync with the church calendar, and as we celebrate hope and new life, the world wakes up around us, bursting forth with color and newness. But in the midst of these celebrations of newness and joy, we often forget that resurrection comes with a cost. It does not come without pain or heartache. Resurrection and Easter do not come without Good Friday. There are times in our lives and even in our church where it is hard to see Easter, or where it feels as though we are still living in the moments of Good Friday. There are times when we lose our way and get stuck in Good Friday, never quite making it to Easter and resurrection joy. But dear friends, do not lose hope. God is at work among us! God is doing great things at St. James! There are signs of spring and newness and resurrection here – have you seen them? Come and take a look at the youth gathered together to study and play and grow together on the second Sundays at 6:30. Stay for Impact! and watch people of all ages learn about God’s great love for us by working together. Join a Bible Study and dig deeper into spirituality and God’s word. Pray with the Prayer Ministry. Sing with the Choir. Volunteer to serve at Second Helpings. Find a way to connect with others and start something new! Join us on May 24th for Confirmation Sunday and watch to see what God has done in 5 young adults over the last nine months as they share with us their faith. Beloved, we serve a resurrection God and that resurrection God is shaking us up and making new things happen here at St. James. As we look toward spring, both outside our windows and inside our church, my prayer is that you will see our resurrection God at work in your life, and here at St. James in new and surprising ways this season and always. With hope, Pastor Lorrin EAST TROY MANOR WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR MAY May 7th May 14th May 21st May 28th Dolores Rich & friends NO ONE NEEDED Joyce Reed Brad Balgord ********************************************** SECOND HELPINGS Our April 20th, Second Helpings meal of sloppy joes, chips, coleslaw, cookies and ice cream was enjoyed by 96 people. It was a privilege for the Second Helpings Committee to cook and serve each and every one. All of the months are now filled in for the rest of the year. Thank you to everyone! The Second Helpings Committee ***************************************** CHANGE THE WORLD & BIBLE PRESENTATIONS “Therefore go and make disciples...” On Sunday, May 17th, join us for worship and hear a message from our Student Pastor about making disciples and the transformation that comes when we commit our whole lives to God’s mission in the world. That morning we will present bibles to our 1st graders (and to any elementary student who has not yet received one) and to our graduating senior. Join us for our celebration and then plan to live out the Great Commission by participating in some special activities after the worship service at 10am (bring your work clothes!), followed by a potluck at 11am. There will be projects for people of all ages and ability levels to participate in, so plan to come and join us as we make a difference and change the world, one life at a time, starting with ourselves. Believe it or not, it’s May and we’re down to the last scheduled Impact! before our summer break! Mark your calendars and plan to join us on May 3rd at 10:15am for our final Impact! of this school year, where we’ll spend some time learning from one another and talk about practical ideas around the theme: Making Time for God. Summer is almost here and if your summer is anything like Pastor Lorrin’s it tends to get busy quickly! Together, we’ll spend some time and talk about some creative ways that we can make time for God in the midst of our summer activities, vacations, and yes, even our beach time! Join us on May 3rd for our final Impact! of the year – you won’t want to miss it! ************************************************** DONATIONS NEEDED United Methodist Women will participate in the community-wide rummage sale on Saturday, May 23. Items needed for the sale include: small household items, knick knacks, jewelry, glassware, and other clean rummage items. Baked items for the bake sale are also appreciated. As you do your spring house cleaning, please remember the rummage sale on May 23. Funds from the UMW fundraisers are given to the Methodist church missions. Items (NO CLOTHES!) for the sale can be placed in the Narthex starting May 17. Baked items should be brought to the Narthex before 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 23. Thank you for your support. YOUTH GROUP Who: Youth in Grades 6-12 What: A time of prayer, worship, food, fellowship and fun as we grow together in our faith! When: Second Sundays of the month from 6:30pm8:30pm We’ve popped balloons, played sea themed games, eaten pizza, and done Bible study. We’ve talked about dreams and hopes for the future, and we’ve worshiped together. Now we’ve even got an empty room, all to ourselves. If you are in grades 6-12, you’re invited to join us on the second Sundays of the month from 6:30-8:30pm for youth group as we learn more about each other, more about God, and plan for the future. Bring your calendars and join us on May 10th at 6:30! If you have questions, talk to Pastor Lorrin and plan to come for a night of fun! See you there, Pastor Lorrin ************************************************ EAST TROY FOOD PANTRY Don’t forget to bring your items for the food pantry each Sunday! These items are “always” needed no matter what month or season, they are: Laundry soap, dish soap, sugar, flour, and cookies. The theme for MAY is: “Back to the Basics” the items needed this month are: canned fruit, canned vegetables, pork & beans, tuna, spaghetti sauce and pasta. REDISTRICTING PLAN Our district is getting a new name! Come; celebrate our South East District on August 1, 10 – 11:30 a.m. at Oconomowoc: Good Shepherd UMC. ************************************************** QPR SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING AT CALDWELL On Sun., May 31 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM Caldwell UMC (8504 Caldwell Road, Mukwonago, WI 53149) will be hosting a training event for laity and clergy in our Circuit group – and you can invite family members or friends to attend with you. This training focuses on how to QUESTION a person who might be in a potential suicide crisis; PERSUADE someone to get help; and then REFER someone to appropriate resources (QPR). The training is about recognition and referral, and can be implemented by anyone. QPR is NOT a form of counseling or treatment for suicidal people. QPR is intended to offer hope through positive action. While all members of the community are encouraged to attend, this training is not meant for loved ones who have lost someone to suicide within the last six months. Debbie Rueber from the Kenosha County Department of Health and Human Services will be the QPR certified instructor. The training is offered to you at no cost. Please sign-up with your pastor by May 24 so we can ensure there will be enough resource materials for everyone. IMAGINE NO MALARIA Many thanks to all who participated in our Sunday to Save Lives on Easter, and during the season of Lent by praying for and donating to Imagine No Malaria. Through the hard work of our Confirmation Class, your generous giving, and with God’s help, we have met and exceeded our goal of $2000 - in just two months! To date, we have collected $2032.05, an amazing amount of money, given to end preventable deaths caused by malaria infected mosquito bites. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many people in sub-Saharan Africa, thank you for committing to play a part in helping the Wisconsin Annual Conference reach its $1 million dollar goal, and thank you for helping the United Methodist Church work toward reaching its $75 million dollar goal! As our confirmation students have been telling us: every dollar counts, every dollar makes a difference! Thank you for your extravagant generosity toward our Confirmation Class mission project and toward the work that Imagine No Malaria continues to do in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Africa through the people of the United Methodist Church. Thanks be to God! Pastor Lorrin ********************************************************************************************* PASTOR LORRIN’S TIME AWAY Pastor Lorrin will be away for vacation and Annual Conferences in both Wisconsin and West Ohio during the end of May and the month of June. During her vacation, she will have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends in Massachusetts, celebrate with her husband Dave as he is ordained as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church in New York, spend time on the beach with and babysit for her niece in Pennsylvania, and see family and friends in Ohio. During the time away she will also be in attendance at the West Ohio Annual Conference, where, as a clergy member of the Annual Conference, she is required to be a voting delegate on important legislation and West Ohio’s representation for the General and Jurisdictional Conferences. She will then return to Wisconsin for the Wisconsin Annual Conference, where she is also a clergy member and required to be in attendance and will spend a week of her vacation in this beautiful state as well. Many thanks to our wonderful Lay Servants who have agreed to lead worship while Pastor Lorrin is away, as well as to the area clergy who have agreed to serve on call for Pastor Lorrin in the event that a pastoral emergency should arise while Pastor Lorrin is on vacation or at Annual Conference in West Ohio. If there is a need, please contact the church office, and Maureen will be able to connect you with the pastor that is serving on call that week and will help with any needs that might arise. Pastor Lorrin will be leaving following a celebration of our Student Pastor Kookho Kim and our Confirmation Students on the afternoon/evening of May 24th and will be on vacation through June 6th. She will be in attendance at the West Ohio Annual Conference in Lakeside, Ohio from June 7 through June 11th and will return to Wisconsin and be in attendance at the Wisconsin Annual Conference from June 12-June 15th. Pastor Lorrin will then be on vacation June 16-21st and on June 28th. Take a Moment . . . To Grow Closer to God! Shaped to Serve God has made each of us a unique individual shaped to serve and to glorify Him! Memories--they can come to us at any moment. Something we are doing pulls up a memory of having done it before or, attending an event or hearing a laugh reminds us of people and times gone by. Good memories, bad memories, sad memories, happy memories. Memories that light the corners of our minds, water colors of a life lived and still to be lived. Our granddaughter, Taylor, had a yellow blanket that, I think, was connected to her body when she was a baby. Everywhere she went, so did the blanket. In time, the blanket was unrecognizable—turned into ribbons flowing in the wind. Her parents felt it was dangerous to carry around, so they packed it away and bought her a new blanket. Needless to say, Taylor was very sad and cried for her tattered blanket. Our thoughts were that she was too old for a blanket. But, when she and I talked about it, I got a completely different viewpoint. To Taylor, it wasn’t the need to carry a blanket. To her, the blanket represented her store of memories—memories from the first four years of her life. She is 16 now, and hasn’t had a blanket for many years. But the tattered blanket is still in her bedroom reminding her of loving memories sweetened through time. Memories are blessings from our Lord. Timothy relates that precious memories trigger our honest faith. (2 Timothy 1:5-14) He reminds us that God has given us special gifts of ministry and a Bible full of events and people to remember. We honor God by studying the Bible, celebrating the stories during religious holidays, and passing our faith to our children. Understanding what has happened in the past contributes to who we are now, but what we think happened is far more significant. We need to pay attention to it and pass it forward correctly since memory is the key to our actions. Memorizing scripture gives us what we need--a strong spiritual foundation. No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your witnessing will be sharper and more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to change. Your faith will be solidified. (Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life) Whether it is a blanket with stored memories, memories of events from our past, or the Christian foundation we build from memorized scripture, the reason for the gift of memories is to remember Jesus, to run to Him, to love Him, and to invite Him to take up residence in your heart. Those who serve God most joyfully are the ones who know him most personally. Praise be to God! Judy McFarlane WISCONSIN UMC INGATHERING 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE For Annual Conference, we have decided to gather items to create Cleaning Buckets and Women’s Kits (that will stay within Wisconsin and be used at Harbor House, United Methodist Children’s Services, and Northcott Neighborhood House.) Below is a list of items that we will be collecting. Please bring them to church by June 1, 2015 so that we can assemble these items. MMDC Cleaning Bucket: Secure product lids. Place all items in bucket. Sizes are important as all items must fit in bucket. Put list on outside and seal bucket. Include $5 shipping per bucket. - 5 gal. bucket with resealable lid (clean) - liquid laundry detergent - 50 oz. - household cleaner concentrate - 12 to 16 oz. - antibacterial dish soap - 16 to 28 oz. - air freshener - 8 or 9 oz. (aerosol cans must have protective cap) - insect repellent (not killer) - 6 oz. to 14 oz. (with protective cap) - 5 scouring pads (not steel wool) - 1 scrub brush - 18 cleaning towels (Easy Wipe, reusable) - 7 sponges, assorted sizes - 50 clothes pins (snap) - clothesline (cotton) approx. 3/16" diameter X 100 ft. - dust mask 5 pack (disposable and sealed in a bag) - latex gloves package of 2 pair (Premier) - work gloves - 1 pr. (Wells Lamont, Canvas Dot) - trash bags - 24 (rolled into 2 sets of 12) (Glad tie, approx. 30 gallon or larger) Women’s Kits: All NEW items, please. All items in a 1 gallon plastic zipper bag. No shipping costs. - 1 antiperspirant - 2 bars of soap - 1 toothbrush - 1 washcloth - 1 toothpaste - 1 comb - 1 hand sanitizer - 1 nail clipper, emery board - 1 sewing repair kit - 1 travel-size tissue box - 1 pen & pad of paper - 1 lip balm - 1 travel-size shampoo - 1 hair spray/mousse - 6 adhesive plastic bandage strips (plain) Worship in May May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Abiding in Jesus & Bearing Good Fruit Abiding in Jesus & Loving One Another Ascension Sunday: Change the World Sunday (Regular Service) Student Pastor Kookho Kim Preaching Pentecost & Confirmation Sunday, Celebration of Student Pastor Kookho Kim’s Ministry Trinity Sunday: Joyce Reed Preaching *********************************************************************************** HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES IN MAY TO: May 1 May 6 May 12 May 15 May 17 May 18 May 18 May 18 May 19 May 19 May 20 May 20 May 21 May 25 May 27 May 29 May 29 Lawrence Weber Jean Malmstrom Ben Adams Ruth Ebert Mark Triebold Terry Dignan Meghan Spees Nicole Spees Jim Cox Paul LaPlant Bob Garvens Bonnie LaPlant Karen Davis Emily Werth Susan Hudzinski Lisa Gitz Marcia Boeing ************************************************************************ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WISHES IN MAY TO: May 1 May 10 May 12 May 15 May 19 May 21 Russ & Joanne Gale Adam & Tiffany Milne Paul & Victoria Blaho Greg & Vicki Hahn Shawn & Kim Golliher Dave & Stacey Spurlock STRAIGHT FROM THE ARK! A Mission of St James United Methodist Church Our mission at Noah’s Ark Christian Day Care is to provide a safe, fun and spiritual environment for children. We are a state licensed not-for-profit religious organization. Every day the children choose structured activities and also participate in prayer time. Our role is to present a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on the child and includes social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development under professional and personal care. Our duty is to treat each child with respect, dignity, and self-worth, which will help your child develop a positive self-image, and constructive interactions with peers and caregivers. At Noah’s Ark we strive to communicate openly and encourage you to be involved, and your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions are always welcome. All the children receive the highest quality care in a healthy, safe, spiritually filled environment. Staff Highlight This month we would like to welcome our newest staff member Jessica. Hi my name is Jessica Berg. I am 19 years old. My birthday is August 19th. My hometown is Eagle, WI, but recently I moved to Mukwonago. I’m currently a sophomore at UW-Whitewater. Before, attending UW-Whitewater I graduated from Palmyra-Eagle high school. After, graduating from High School a semester early; I decided I wanted to stay at home and commute to college. I am going to school to receive a degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Adaptive Education. My dream one day is to become a 2nd or 3rd grade teacher. I have always had such a great passion for working with children and kids of all ages ever since I was little. I genuinely enjoy teaching and helping children grow every day. I am very excited to be a part of the Noah’s Ark team. I’m looking forward to being a part of just one milestone in these children’s lives. Enrollment Infants: 4 Toddlers: 5 Preschool: 7 School-age: 11 Curriculum / Themes for the Week April 4-8 Theme: Celebrate our Mother’s April 11-15 Theme: National Transportation Week April 18-22 Theme: Patriotic Week April 25-29 Theme: Pet Week Please like us on Facebook at Noah’s Ark Christian Daycare Total Enrolled: 27 St. James Dates May 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 OFFICE SATURDAY 2 CLOSED Girl Scouts meet 6-9 p.m. In Fellowship Hall 3 4 5 Worship 9 a.m. W/Communion Impact!! 10:15 a.m. Scholarship meeting 10:15a.m. 10 Choir practice 6:30 p.m. AA meets in Fellowship Hall 7:30 p.m. 11 Worship 9 a.m. Mother’s Day Sunday School 10 a.m. Confirmation Class 11-12:30pm Crafters meet 9 – 11 a.m. 18 Worship 9 a.m. Change the World Sunday Activities 10 a.m. Potluck 11 a.m. Second Helpings Meal 5:30 p.m. AD Council meeting 7:30 pm 24 Worship 9 a.m. with Confirmation & Student Pastor Celebration @10am 31Worship 9 a.m. Final Sunday School 10 a.m. Suicide Prevention training @Caldwell 1 – 3 p.m. 12 13 Girl Scouts meet 6 – 7:30 p.m. In Fellowship Hall United Methodist Women meet @ 12 noon Choir practice 6:30 p.m. AA meet 7:30pm Worship Staff meeting 7:30pm 19 20 SPRC meeting 7 p.m. 17 24 6 Red Bird Circle Spring Luncheon Mary-Martha Circle Luncheon Choir practice 6:30 p.m. East Troy Manor Worship 11am Knitters meet 11-12 p.m. 14 East Troy Manor Worship 11am Knitters meet 11-12 p.m. 21 East Troy Manor Worship 11am Knitters meet 11-12 p.m. 8 9 OFFICE CLOSED 15 26 27 Choir practice 6:30 p.m. AA meets in Fellowship Hall 7:30pm 28 East Troy Manor Worship 11am Knitters meet 11-12 p.m. 16 OFFICE CLOSED NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 22 OFFICE CLOSED AA in Fellowship Hall 7:30pm BUNCH FOR LUNCH MEETS Pastor Lorrin on vacation til 6/6 7 29 OFFICE CLOSED 23MEMORIAL DAY SALE 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Confirmation celebration dinner & rehearsal 5-7 p.m. 30 St. James United Methodist Church 2945 Main Street East Troy, WI 53120 ****************************************************************************** May Following the Cross Published monthly by St. James United Methodist Church, Editorial Committee Rev. Lorrin Radzik and Maureen Loehe, Administrative Assistant Deadline for June Issue: Friday, May 15, 2015 (No late articles can be accepted) (Submit to church office) Phone # (262) 642-7642 Church Office Hours Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday - Office Closed Worship Hours Worship – Sunday morning @9:00 a.m. Sunday School – after Sunday worship 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. (September – May) Our website is:
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