January 29, 2012 (Feast of St. Francis de Sales)
January 29, 2012 (Feast of St. Francis de Sales)
January 29, 2012 FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Mass 8:00; 10:00am Monday - Saturday Mass 8:00am Tuesday Mass 6:30pm Wednesday Mass 12:15pm ORATORY CLERGY: Very Rev. Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz, STD, JCL Vicar General, Provincial First Fridays High Mass 6:30pm REV. CANON MICHAEL K. WIENER Holy Days Mass 8:00am & 12:15pm High Mass 6:30pm REV. CANON WILLIAM E. AVIS SACRED DEVOTIONS: REV. FATHER JEAN-PIERRE HERMAN Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday 8:00am & 6:30pm ABBÉ ALEX J. BARGA Adoration Thursday 6:30pm Rector, Episcopal Delegate Vicar Assistant Priest in residence Sacristan CONFESSIONS: ORATORY STAFF: Mr. Walter Feld Mr. Jon Roché General Manager Accounting Manager Miss Anna Brandwein Mr. Nick Botkins Administrative Assistant Director of Sacred Music 30 minutes before all Masses I never turn to God with a stronger sense of love than when He has permitted some misfortune to fall upon me. - St. Francis de Sales INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST LITURGICAL CALENDAR SERVER SCHEDULE SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Joseph Buckley, Candidate 10:00am High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Abram Brandwein Thurifer: Michael Stamos Acolyte 1: Joseph Grahek Acolyte 2: Justin Newton Crucifer: Ronell Kenney Choir Master of Ceremonies: James Schmidt Torchbearers: Kellen Kenney, Austin Newton, David Kenney, Justin Dimitry, Thomas Stamos, Michael Clonts SUNDAY JANUARY 29 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, BISHOP, CONFESSOR & DOCTOR CO-PATRON OF THE INSTITUTE 8:00am Low Mass “Nathan Rabbitt, RIP” 10:00am High Mass “Gloria & Michael McDonald” MONDAY JANUARY 30 ST. MARTINA, VIRGIN & MARTYR 8:00am Low Mass “Sylvester A. Gezella” TUESDAY JANUARY 31 ST. JOHN BOSCO, CONFESSOR 8:00am Low Mass “Fred & Pauline Kersting, RIP” Today exceptionally NO 6:30pm Low Mass MONDAY, JANUARY 30 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Curt Wichmer, Candidate WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1 ST. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH, BISHOP & MARTYR 8:00am Low Mass “Karen Zivnuska” 12:15pm Low Mass “Giambattista Carapella” TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Abbé Alex Barga, Joseph Reidy 5:00pm Solemn Benediction Thurifer: Abram Brandwein Acolyte 1: Kellen Kenney Acolyte 2: Scott McCann Mitre bearer: James Schmidt Crozier bearer: Michael Stamos Book bearer: Sean McCann Bugia bearer: Mitch White Torchbearers: Stephen Kenney, Ronell Kenney, Peter Clinton, Jimmy Dimitry, Thomas Stamos, Aidan Goff THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2 THE PURIFICATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8:00am Low Mass “Thanksgiving to the Immaculate Heart” 6:30pm High Mass “Joe Reidy” FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3 VOTIVE MASS OF THE SACRED HEART 8:00am Low Mass “Nino Joseph” 6:30pm High Mass “Abbé Joseph de Poncharra” WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Candidates 12:15pm Low Mass Acolyte: Curt Wichmer, Christopher Stamos SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 VOTIVE MASS OF THE IMMACULATE HEART MARY 8:00am Low Mass “Lois Ludwig” SUNDAY FEBRUARY 5 SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY 8:00am Low Mass “John Wayne” 10:00am High Mass “The Davidson Family” 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Abbé Alex Barga, Candidate 6:30pm High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Abram Brandwein Thurifer: Joseph Grahek Acolyte 1: Cole Underwood ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, January 31, 5:00PM - Visit of His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke Thursday, February 2 - Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8am Low Mass and 6:30pm High Mass with blessing of the candles and procession Friday, February 3 - St. Blaise blessing of throats after both 8am and 6:30pm Masses. February 5 to March 25 - Sermons in Lent: The Beatitudes Wednesday, February 22 - Ash-Wednesday Acolyte 2: Curt Wichmer Crucifer: Michael McCann Choir Master of Ceremonies: Ryan Post Torchbearers: Sam Aufmuth, Carl Aufmuth, Jimmy Dimitry, Justin Dimitry, Christopher McCann, Isaiah Kenney “SHOP WITH SCRIP” FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Candidate, James Schmidt 6:30pm Solemn High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Abbé Alex Barga Thurifer: James Schmidt Acolyte 1: Christopher Stamos Acolyte 2: Thomas Stamos Choir Master of Ceremonies: Michael Stamos Torchbearers: Scott Varian, Ryan Post, Dominic Hailey, Ryan Hailey SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Candidates SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 8am Low Mass Acolytes: Joseph Buckley, Candidate 10:00am High Mass Master of Ceremonies: Michael Stamos Thurifer: Curt Wichmer Acolyte 1: Cole Underwood Acolyte 2: Peter Clinton Crucifer: Curt Wichmer Choir Master of Ceremonies: Scott Varian Torchbearers: Mitch White, Matthew Hailey, Sam Kenney, Vince Cortese, Joseph Clonts, Christopher Hall 3 Year-round fundraiser Shop with Scrip and a percentage of the money you spend is contributed to the Oratory. The average return is currently a little over 6%. Small percentages from many users over the course of one year could add up to a substantial contribution to the Oratory. Use Scrip as a budgeting tool for your household. —————————————— The Oratory has Scrip for immediate purchase from: Dierbergs, Amazon, Steak ‘n Shake, St. Louis Bread Company, Shell, Walmart/Sams, Shop n Save, American Express Gift Cards, Schnucks Escrip card, and many others. The American Express Gift Card may be used at Trader Joe's, Aldi, and QT. Scrip is easy to order: simply use the enclosed form and return it in the church basement after the Sunday Masses. You may also email your order to [email protected] before 12:00 noon on Wednesdays. Your order will be ready for pick-up on the following Sunday in the church basement. Have questions or want to include a local business in the program? Please contact Mrs. Gretchen Clinton at [email protected] or the Oratory office at 314-771-3100. Thank you so much again for your enthusiastic support of this program! FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK USHERS HELP NEEDED If you are available and willing to help as an usher at the 8 AM Mass and/or at the 10 AM Mass, please contact the rectory. The gentlemen who, Sunday after Sunday, faithfully go through the pews with our collection baskets need additional help and would appreciate if more men can join them in their work. Men of all ages are welcome. Thank you very much! MY DEAR FAITHFUL AND FRIENDS OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY, “Aware of the strong temptation to despair, experienced daily in a culture which is completely secularized, we pray for our purification and for the strength to be patient with all souls, to instruct and lead to the complete trust in Divine Providence.” With these paternal words of encouragement ended His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, his sermon on the feast of Saint Francis de Sales last year when he undertook a pilgrimage with the Institute to Treviso, near Venice in Italy where the incorrupt heart of our patron is kept at a convent of the Visitation Order. Saint Francis de Sales speaks to our hearts when he teaches us to receive the true consolations of the Divine Savior in the mercy of God, in His patience and endless tender love for us. “Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them -- every day begin the task anew.” Holy Mother Church shows us God’s patience, mercy and goodness every day. We can, at the hand of our beloved patron, hearing his voice and listening to his teachings, find strength from God to have “complete trust in Divine Providence.” In preparation of the visit of His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, we pray gratefully for this great Prince of the Church, who cares for and loves our community, is a great friend of our superiors and who ordained many of us to the sacred priesthood. Due to the celebrations on the occasions of the visit of Cardinal Burke this coming Tuesday, January 31, there will not be a 6:30PM Mass. This is a one-time exception; the regular schedule of our Tuesday evening Masses at the altar of Our Mother of Perpetual Help at 6:30PM will resume next week. With my sincere best wishes on the occasion of the feast of Saint Francis de Sales gratefully, Canon Michael K. Wiener VOLUNTEER WORK St. Francis de Sales Oratory has to rely heavily on volunteer work. If you are interested to help us in any volunteer activity, please contact the office at 314-7713100. We wish to use this opportunity to thank all those generous souls who helped us in the past and continue to support our work of revitalization through their invaluable competence and exceptional generosity. In the name of my superiors and all faithful here at the Institute’s Oratory in Saint Louis I thank you most sincerely! Canon Michael Wiener STEWARDSHIP WEEKLY COLLECTION GOAL: $10,900.00 LAST WEEK’S COLLECTION: JANUARY 22 LOOSE: ENVELOPES: TOTAL: $ 1,608.00 $ 4,636.50 $ 6,244.50 YTD STEWARDSHIP GOAL: YTD STEWARDSHIP: SHORTFALL: $ 43,600.00 $ 29,883.50 ($ 13,766.50) HALL RESTROOM RENOVATION YTD: $27, 005.00 4 Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray for us! St. Francis de Sales, pray for us! SHORTFALL 2011: ($247,259.76) PRO-LIFE APOSTOLATE UPCOMING PRO-LIFE EVENTS CARDINAL BURKE TO VISIT THE ORATORY JANUARY 31 AT 5:00 PM “40 Days for Life”, Feb 22 – April 1 St. Francis de Sales sponsored day is Wednesday March 7th One hour time slots from 7am to 7pm available Sign-Up the Sunday Feb. 12, or 19th after Mass His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, will visit the Oratory for the second time since his elevation to the cardinalate: On January 31, 2012 (Tuesday), at 5:00PM His Eminence will be the celebrant of a Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction. Immediately afterward, His Eminence will receive all faithful who wish to greet him in the hall during a festive reception. Please come greet the Cardinal and bring friends and family. The visit of Cardinal Burke is an opportunity for us to show our filial gratitude for his friendship and support of the work of the Institute worldwide and especially for his fatherly care for the good of Saint Francis de Sales Oratory. Please see box below “Help needed” Questions – Contact Mary Maschmeier at [email protected] or 314-346-9052 SERMONS IN LENT THE BEATITUDES Between February 5 (Septuagesima), and March 25 (Passion-Sunday) we will again offer sermons which are meant to be of help in our spiritual preparation for the great feast of Easter. This year Canon Avis, Father Herman and I intend to cover the Beatitudes as they are mentioned by Our Lord in the sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-10). The beatitudes are not only pronouncements of future perfections, but expressions of a state of the soul in unity with divine life. HELP NEEDED RECEPTION ON JANUARY 31ST This year’s sermon schedule is as follows: February 5: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." February 12: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth." February 19: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." February 26: "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied." March 4: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." March 11: "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God." March 18: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." March 25: "Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice's sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." 5 In anticipation of Cardinal Burke’s visit to the Oratory on January 31, we have begun to organize an elegant reception in the Oratory hall to welcome His Eminence. The reception will take place after the Solemn Benediction celebrated by His Eminence in the church, so that all faithful will have an opportunity to greet our beloved guest of honor, Cardinal Burke, on his return visit to the Oratory. We would be grateful for all help with food, set up, clean up, and monetary contribution to make this a memorable evening for everyone. Please contact Mrs. Jenny Pekny via email at [email protected], if you are able to provide: help with food or funding help with set up before the reception help during the reception, clearing tables help after the reception, cleaning up the hall Thank you very much for your generosity. ORATORY ORGANIZATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Want to become a Knight of Columbus? Know a Catholic gentleman who is not a Knight? Why not invite him to be a brother Knight? Contact Mr. Frank Aufmuth, Grand Knight 314-580-2425. The priests of St. Francis de Sales Oratory will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with the necessary instruction. Call the rectory to speak with Canon Wiener, Canon Avis or Father Herman. Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. All Knights are welcome to attend. ORATORY CHOIR If you enjoy singing sacred a cappella music from the enormous treasury of the Catholic Church, if you relish the prospect of singing in one of the most beautiful churches in St. Louis, if you welcome the challenge of performing extraordinary repertoire then the Saint Francis de Sales Choir is for you. Prior experience in choral singing is essential, and you must be able to read music. Contact Nick Botkins for audition details: 314-771-3100 The Benevolent Society is a Catholic Men’s organization that was founded in the early years of St. Francis de Sales church for the financial help of its members in time of need. For more information on the this charitable and friendly group, contact Mr. Dick Carr at 314-772-9489 or Mr. Wally Feld at the Oratory. 314-771-3100. COFFEE HOUR SCHEDULE Today, January 29: 8:00 Michael Miller 10:00 James Kahre Sunday, February 5: 8:00 Dennis Roach 10:00 Larry Miller Sunday, February 12: 8:00 Stephen Chicosky 10:00 Mike Kenney In order to give more long-range visibility to this schedule, we are printing assignments two weeks in advance as well as the current Sunday. If you cannot meet your commitment call Tom Leith at 314-4358494, or email him at [email protected]. Thank you, everyone, for your help! ORATORY CLEANING 6 The Oratory Cleaning Crews put the church in order after the final Mass each Sunday. This involves light dust mopping and clearing the pews of handouts, etc. New volunteers will be most welcome and can call the office at 314-771-3100 Here are the next assignments: Today, January 29: St. Martin de Porres Sunday, February 5: St. Martha Sunday, February 12: St. Anthony PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING ON THIS PAGE. INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Francis de Sales Oratory #238950 2653 Ohio Avenue St. Louis MO 63118 Contact person: Mr. Jon Roche`, Accounting Phone number: 314. 771. 3100 Software: Windows XP / Publisher 2007 Date of publication (Sunday’s date): Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 6 text pages + this page = 8 (1 ad page) Please note: the ADS should appear on PAGE 7 Special instructions: FedEx shipping address: 2653 Ohio Avenue. Saint Louis 63118 SPECIAL DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS (if any, or NONE). Deliver to the Rectory Offices FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected] TO ALL OUR GUESTS... Canon Wiener and the faithful of St. Francis de Sales Oratory welcome you, and hope that your time in the “Cathedral of South St. Louis” may be an opportunity to share in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Faith. Please enjoy the beauty of this building dedicated to St. Francis de Sales, co-patron of the INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST. According to the liturgical tradition, and the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Holy Communion is received kneeling and on the tongue. All visitors who are not of the Catholic faith are welcome to join us in prayer, but are requested not to receive Holy Communion. Because the reception of Holy Communion is the sign of Divine and Ecclesial unity, only practicing Catholics who are free of mortal sin, and in full communion with the Catholic Church should present themselves for Holy Communion. We pray for the full visible unity among all Christians. To receive more information about the Oratory please fill out a contact card available at the entrance of the church. If you desire to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact the rectory. St. Francis de Sales Oratory is an Oratory of the INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. All contributions to the Oratory are sincerely appreciated and are tax deductible. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES ORATORY INFORMATION: INFANT BAPTISM: Parents requesting Baptism must be registered members of the Oratory. 1ST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION: For instructions please contact the Rectory. HOLY MATRIMONY: Couples planning to marry at the Oratory must call the rectory for the proper instructions. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Members facing surgery, serious illness, or even death may call (314) 771-3100. TOURS: Public tours are available Monday-Friday. Contact the Oratory office for availability. ORATORY RECTORY: 2653 Ohio Avenue Saint Louis, Missouri 63118 Telephone: (314) 771-3100 • FAX: (314) 771-3295 www.institute-christ-king.org Email: [email protected]
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