SFdsBulletin 08-16-2009
SFdsBulletin 08-16-2009
Use Cover On File 11th Sunday after Pentecost 16 August 2009 MASS INTENTIONS AND DEVOTIONS SCHEDULE SERVER SCHEDULE SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 8:00am: Low Mass w/organ Acolytes: Dominic Buckley, Joseph Buckley 10:00am: High Mass MC: Sean Kenney Thurifer: Abram Brandwein Acolytes: Sean McCann, Anthony Daub Crucifer: Michael Stamos Choir MC: Vinnie Scanga Torchbearers: Curt Wichmer, Scott McCann, Christopher Stamos, Patrick Stamos SUNDAY AUGUST 16 ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:00am: Low Mass w/organ “Sr. Denise Gauthier, R.I.P.” 10:00am: High Mass “Charles, Virginia & Laurence Noeli” MONDAY AUGUST 17 ST. HYACINTH, CONFESSOR 8:00am: Low Mass “Charlie Herres” TUESDAY AUGUST 18 MONDAY, AUGUST 17 8:00am: Low Mass Acolytes: Candidate, Curt Wichmer COMM. OF ST. AGAPITUS, MARTYR 8:00am: Low Mass “David Lloyd Duffin” 6:30pm: Low Mass w/organ “Restoration and Benefactors of the Oratory” TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 8:00am: Low Mass Acolytes: Candidates 6:30pm: Low Mass Acolytes: Matthew Serafino, Vinnie Scanga WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 ST. JOHN EUDES, CONFESSOR 8:00am: Low Mass “Robert Kennedy, R.I.P.” 12:15pm: Low Mass “Michael Rewak” WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 8:00am: Low Mass Acolytes: Stephen Kukielski, Philip Kukielski 12:15pm: Low Mass Acolyte: Abbé Alex Barga THURSDAY AUGUST 20 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 8:00am: Low Mass Acolytes: Candidate, Max Kaiser 6:30pm: Adoration & Benediction MC: Daniel Maschmeier Thurifer: Matthew Serafino Acolytes: Steven Gilroy, Evan Underwood Torchbearers: Cole Underwood, Candidate ST. BERNARD, ABBOT & DOCTOR 8:00am: Low Mass “Bonnie Heibel” 6:30pm: Adoration & Benediction FRIDAY AUGUST 21 ST. JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL, WIDOW 8:00am: Low Mass “Winifred Kerschbaum” FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 8:00am: Low Mass Acolytes: Candidate, James Schmidt SATURDAY AUGUST 22 IMMACULATE HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8:00am Low Mass “The Bill McDonald Family” SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 8:00am: Low Mass Acolytes: Steven Gilroy, Candidates SUNDAY AUGUST 23 SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 8:00am: Low Mass w/organ Acolytes: Joseph Buckley, Peter Herres TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:00am: Low Mass w/organ “Souls in Purgatory 10:00am: High Mass “Jeremy Wissman” (Continued next page) 2 YÜÉÅ à{x exvàÉÜËá Wxá~AAA `ç wxtÜ YÜ|xÇwá tà fàA YÜtÇv|á wx ftÄxá bÜtàÉÜç? The dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin reminds us of God’s Mercy, visible in the fullness of His salvation. In the person of the Blessed Virgin all the mysteries of the faith shine as stars on the firmament of the Universe: The Immaculate Conception as the source of integrity and incorruptibility, the Incarnation of God and the Motherhood of Mary, the virginity of Mary, and the renewal of mankind in Christ, and, finally, Mary’s cooperation in the work of redemption and the glorification of her body and her soul. Mary has an important and decisive part in the victory of Christ. "What son would not bring his mother back to life and would not bring her into paradise after her death if he could,” asks St. Francis de Sales on the feast of the Assumption. As we are filled with the specific graces of the feast of the Assumption we continue to thank God for the many blessings the Oratory brings to us. The upcoming “Summer at the Oratory” is another occasion for us to introduce a wider audience to our community. This event aims primarily at welcoming a large number of guests to St. Francis de Sales who haven’t had the opportunity to meet with us. In addition, this two-day festival allows us to focus on the worthwhile project of restoring and beautifying the church and buildings on the campus. Wholeheartedly I thank all of you who were available this last week and who want to continue to restore and clean the many rooms at the convent. With great joy we await the arrival of Sister Marie of the Love of God who will be the first member of the Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest in this country. Thank you for all your generous help and for your much-needed donations to make the convent a hospitable home for the sisters. Especially I would like to thank the management of BELFOR USA for the generous donation of their professional services, without which the preparation of the convent could not have proceeded at this speed. In this context, special thanks go to Mr. Christopher Redd who responded spontaneously and generously to my request for help. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin summarizes what God’s infinite goodness did for the Mother of God, the new Eve, in whom we all were renewed in Christ’s graces. This new life is visible every day in many ways especially at the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales. With my sincere best wishes and gratefulness I am faithfully yours in Christ the King, VtÇÉÇ `|v{txÄ j|xÇxÜ ? exvàÉÜ SERVER SCHEDULE (Cont’d) SUNDAY COLLECTION SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 10:00am: High Mass MC: Daniel Maschmeier Thurifer: James Schmidt Acolytes: Michael McCann, Justin Newton Crucifer: Scott McCann Choir MC: Matthew Serafino Torchbearers: Curt Wichmer, Kellen Kenney, Thomas Serafino, Sam Aufmuth, Brandon Thode, Peter Kahre August 9: Loose $ 850.00 Envelopes $ 4,030.00 Total: $ 4,880.00 Thank you for your generosity! 3 Why I Like Being at the Oratory St. Francis de Sales Pro-Life Apostolate stands in prayer outside Planned Parenthood every fourth Saturday from 9am-1pm. Women seeking an abortion have sometimes left because we were standing outside the abortion mill. Will you be there with us? If you would like to join this peaceful demonstration please contact Mrs. Mary Maschmeier at [email protected] . In an inconsistent world where the core of our faith is perpetually subject to contradiction, St. Francis de Sales Oratory is our pillar of faith and truth. At the Oratory, my family and I find this consistent, proportionate balance of faith not only on Sundays, but every day of the week. The priests and religious of the Institute of Christ the King, both those resident in St. Louis and those worldwide, set an example of true Catholic thought and action that inspires and excites a deep desire in me to understand and learn those elements of our faith that leads them to live the “Truth in Charity,” and helps me to apply it to my own life. I like being at the Oratory because it is for me and my family an oasis of fortitude and hope that restores consistency to our home, heart, and soul. $1,000 Challenge One of the Oratory faithful who wishes to remain anonymous has offered to match donations for the convent renovations. This donor will match every dollar given up to $1,000. With full participation, it means that $2,000 will be donated to this worthy endeavor. The deadline for matching donations is August 31. All donors to this project, whether providing money or labor, will be imitating St. Joseph, who so carefully provided for Mary, the model for all religious sisters. Please make checks out to “Friends of SFdS,” and mark “Convent renovation.” —Mark Serafino As a 14-years old revert to the Catholic faith, discovering the Latin Mass has been one of the most glorious gifts that God has given our family. Previous writers in the Bulletin have so eloquently written on its beauty. Daily family reading from by Dom Gueranger always left us hungering for the Church of his times, where the Church was so much a part of society’s life. Then the Institute came and this became a reality. Every day the inherent beauty of the Mass is made gloriously visible. Special attention is carefully paid to the sacred and liturgical rubrics; devotions are made beautiful and there is a consistent duty to the sacraments with Holy Mother Church as our guide. Lastly, our Institute shepherds want us to become saints. Now, the Church has become our life. Our children grow spiritually and friends have become our “family of souls,” where charity is the common thread. In a world which doesn’t seem to care for God, we cherish this oasis of spirituality and hope. The Liturgical Year Mass Intentions . . . For several months we have been unable to accept Mass intentions because of a backlog in excess of canonical regulations. Since the middle of July, however, two priests are celebrating daily Mass here at the Oratory, which allows us to invite you to bring us your Mass intentions once again. The amount for a Mass intention has always been discretionary, depending on the donor’s ability to pay; however, Archdiocesan regulations have set a minimum of $5.00 for each intention. These stipends are kept in a separate account and given to the priest who offers the Mass as part of his monthly salary, which is considerably lower than that of diocesan priests. As always, we are most grateful for your generous support. —Valerie Serafino St. Nicholas Choir Rehearsals The St. Nicholas Children’s choir will resume the normal Wednesday afternoon rehearsal schedule on September 9 . The choir is open to all children age 8-14. For those families who would like their children to join the choir but are unable to commit to a Wednesday afternoon rehearsal, a generous invitation has been extended by the Director of Sacred Music to host a Saturday morning rehearsal. However, in order to have a successful th PRAYER NETWORK The Telephone Prayer Network is a ministry for the purpose of praying for anyone’s intentions for health, job search, marriage, etc. Please contact Genny Davis at 314-843-4368 or Jeannine Hahn, 314-664-0342, with your prayer requests. 4 Saturday morning rehearsal, at least 10 students must enroll. For more information, please contact Mr. Botkins – [email protected] CALENDAR OF EVENTS Upcoming Events: Summer at the Oratory Summer at the Oratory Saturday & Sunday, August 22-23 On Saturday, August 22, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m . the courtyard between the Church Festival and Barbecue and the school will be transformed into a gar- den setting. Activities for children (face paint- Chapter Meeting of the Institute of Christ the King ing, clowns, games, etc.) and adults (silent auction) will be held, while hourly drawings Last Week of August Both Canons will be in Gricigliano, Italy will be held for “attendance prizes.” A variety of refreshments will be served, including the Home School Co-Op Resumes Knights’ famous barbecue. The music group Jazzwind will entertain in the courtyard. On Sunday, August 23 Wednesday, September 9 All Classes, Grades 1-12 , the External Solem- nity of St. Louis King of France, after the 10:00 Mass, the Knights will again be in the courtyard between the Church and the No Coffee Hours Next Sunday due to “Summer at the Oratory.” school, serving their barbecue. Organ recitals inside the Church, as well as music from Jazz Wind outside, will be performed. In preparing for the “Summer at the Oratory” family event, you are invited to consult Every Tuesday... the blog on www.TraditionForTomorrow.com. Holy Mass is celebrated at 6:30 pm at the altar of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. This is followed by Perpetual Help devotions. Please mark your calendars and plan to invite your families and friends to spend an entire afternoon here. It will be a fun weekend at the Oratory and will provide you with wonderful memories of a Catholic experience. Every Thursday... Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is followed by Benediction every Thursday night at 6:30pm. Oratory Cleaning The Oratory Cleaning Crews put the church in order after the final Mass each Sunday. This entails sweeping or mopping and collecting items from the pews that have been left behind. This is one of those volunteer tasks that are hidden from the world, but certainly are visible to our Sovereign Lord—the cleaners perform their work in His very presence. New volunteers will be most welcome and can reach the co-ordinator, Mrs. Madeline Jordan, at 314-353-5233. Here are the next assignments: Today, August 16: St. Veronica Next Sunday, August 23: COFFEE HOUR SCHEDULE Today’s coordinators: 8:00 Mass seating: Stephen Chicosky 10:00Mass seating: Frank Aufmuth Next Sunday, August 23: Summer at the Oratory—no Coffee Hours If you cannot meet your commitment call Tom Leith at 314-435-8494, or email him at [email protected]. Thank you, everyone, for your help! Knights of Columbus 5 SFdS Home School Co-Op Our Most Profound Thanks to… The Co-Op will resume classes on Wednesday, September 9. If you have a school-age child and would like to join the Co-Op, or if you are already a member and need more information on the coming year’s activities, please contact the following: For Grade School: Mary Dickinson, 314-535-1994 [email protected] For High School: Mary Rose Schmidt, 314-5584867, [email protected] The Co-Op would be most grateful for some badly needed items. Please call one of the above women if you are able to donate one or more of the following: First Aid Kit Reference Books: Dictionaries, Atlases, etc. Dust Mop Cleaning Supplies: All-purpose cleaners, disinfectant wipes, paper goods, hand soap, etc. Vacuum Cleaner w/bags Copy Paper Large Art Paper In the effort to renovate the convent, one of our Oratory friends helped us enlist the services of a worldwide property restoration company, Belfor USA. With great generosity and responsiveness, Belfor USA donated a full package of their services last week to thoroughly clean, paint, and repair the following: the front steps and lobby entrance, a suite (two rooms and bath) for Sister Marie, the kitchen, and two community rooms. These major efforts were offered to us as a gift—pro bono—and enable us to have these rooms ready quickly because of the professional equipment and technical know-how Belfor can provide. To accomplish anything of comparable quality and speed manually would have taken much, much longer. We are indebted to Belfor for its generous response to this community need and for its spirit of public service. BELFOR USA is part of the world’s largest disaster restoration company and is the premier provider of property recovery services in North America. With 51 offices coast to coast and more than 1,700 full-time, experienced restoration specialists, BELFOR USA can respond immediately with experienced manpower and specialized equipment to quickly stabilize a disaster scene. As veterans of the disaster recovery industry, they have restored property damaged from almost every imaginable peril. Anyone who has seen the convent before this restoration effort knows that its condition has been deplorable. To make it habitable for Sister Marie and to future Sisters, nothing less than a concerted restoration effort is required. Our thanks go also to all the faithful volunteers who have given their time, labor, and money to advance this project. You will be happy to hear that, once the above rooms are finished, renovation efforts will also be directed to two additional bedrooms on the third floor for Sisters we anticipate will join Sister Marie in the near future. Next week we hope to publish “before & after” photos of the renovation. WELCOME VISITORS Let Us Treat You to a Cup of Coffee The clergy, staff, and lay faithful of St. Francis de Sales Oratory are always pleased when new visitors come to this beautiful church to join us in the celebration of Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form. We have a coffee hour after each of our Sunday Masses. Please join us and the coffee and donut are on us—just let the cashier know you are a first-time visitor. Ladies Auxiliary & Columbian Girls Circle For those who’ve already joined the Ladies Auxiliary and for all those lovely ladies who might be interested in joining, meetings usually will be held on the last Wednesday of the month. Because of Thanksgiving and Christmas, however, meetings in November and December will be held on the third Wednesday instead. All meeting times are at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Stephanie McCann (618-635-6264) serves as President of the Auxiliary; Mrs. Teresa Kahre (636-6773413) serves as President of the Columbian Girls Circle. To learn more about Belfor, go to www.belfor.com. 6 Advertisers BACK COVER
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