the print-format PDF version. - the Houston Heights Association
the print-format PDF version. - the Houston Heights Association
Newsletter of the Houston Heights Association Volume 39, Number Eleven, November 2013 40th Anniversary 1973–2013 Heights Holiday Home Tour “In the New Old-Fashioned Way” Mark your calendars for December 5, 6, and 7 as the Heights celebrates the holiday season “In the New Old-Fashioned Way.” Tour Headquarters will be at the Houston Heights Fire Station, 107 W. 12th Street at Yale. Explore the Holiday Craft Market, listen to some live music, and enjoy a tasty bite from one of the food trucks. Don’t forget to pick up a $12.00 limited-edition Heights ornament [right and page 4]! Shuttle buses to the tour homes will be available at Tour Headquarters, and parking will be available close by. Tour tickets for Friday, December 6 (6:00–9:00 PM) and Saturday, December 7 (3:00–9:00 PM) will go on sale in November at the usual locations: Davis Hardware, Jubilee, Another Place in Time, and Buchanan’s Native Plants and at We will not be selling tickets at the individual homes this year! Don’t miss the Rockin’ Holiday Party! The neighborhood will be rockin’ around the Houston Heights on Thursday, December 5, with a ‘50s style party and fundraiser from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the newly renovated historic Houston Heights City Hall & Fire Station! We’ll have delicious appetizers from one of our neighborhood’s most popular restaurants (Liberty Kitchen), professional swing dancers (the Hepcats), and a “swellegant” holiday-inspired silent auction. ...continues on page 2 HHA Monthly Mixer & Meeting HHA Business Member Showcase Monday, November 11 HHA Fire Station, 12th & Yale For this one night only, Heights Business Members will be on hand to showcase their services and wares. It’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the grand variety of local businesses and retail shops in our Heights neighborhood. Bring your wallet to pick up some great holiday items from our local Heights merchants, and preview what they are featuring in their Heights locations. Doors open at 6:30 PM for Mix & Mingle; general meeting commences at 7:00 PM. Board election results will be announced. Everyone is invited! The Houston Heights Association gratefully acknowledges the support of our 2013 Platinum Sponsor: Director Election Schedule Six of the fifteen positions on the HHA Board of Directors will be filled by election this month. Five of the positions are opening due to normal expiration of terms, one by early termination of a term. The five nominees receiving the highest numbers of votes will serve threeyear terms; the nominee receiving the sixth-highest number will fill the remaining two years of a term. See our August issue for a list of current Directors. Seven candidates were nominated at the September General Meeting. They or their representatives drew for ballot positions and were given an opportunity to speak at the October General Meeting. By the Friday following the General Meeting (October 18) the Election Committee mailed a ballot with a control number to each member in good standing whose dues were currently paid as of October 1. (Members invoiced by August 15 and not paid by October 1 are deemed not in good standing.) The remainder of the schedule for the election of Directors to serve terms starting in 2013 will be as follows, in accordance with the By-Laws and Policies of the Association: • Ballots must be received by November 9, at the close of the U. S. Post Office, with control numbers intact. • November 11, before the General Meeting, polls will be open for secret balloting in person from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM sharp. The Election Committee will tabulate ballots and announce the results during the meeting. The results will also be published in the December newsletter. Holiday Home Tour — Calling All Carolers The Holiday Home Tour is forming an old-fashioned caroling group to sing at our Tour Headquarters, located at the historic Houston Heights City Hall & Fire Station, on Friday, December 6 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. The Tour Headquarters is where our visitors will be able to shop at the Holiday Craft Market, listen to live music, enjoy something tasty to eat from a food truck, and catch the shuttle buses to the tour homes. If you are interested in joining the fun, please contact Laura Menefee, 713-503-6990 or [email protected]. Each performer will receive a complimentary ticket to the Holiday Home Tour. The Houston Heights Association gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Fall 2013 Gold Sponsors: 2 Holiday Home Tour from page 1 Holiday Party ticket holders also get a private tour of the decorated homes before the party (5:00–7:00 PM)! Tickets are just $75 each, with all proceeds benefiting the Houston Heights Association. Tickets are limited, so don’t miss out! Party tickets will be available only at www. Constable Statistics AugSept Total Arrests 3 6 Citizen Assists 16 11 Citizen Contacts 4 17 Vacation Watches 280 223 Court Citations 123 118 Alarm Responses 10 14 Suspicious Vehicles 31 38 Park Checks 42 52 Disturbances 715 Major Accidents 3 2 Criminal Offenses 17 11 Miles Patrolled 4,182 6,363 The Heights is published monthly by the Houston Heights Association, Inc. Its purpose is to acknowledge achievements and to inform HHA members of events. Copyright © 2013, the Houston Heights Association and/or the authors unless otherwise noted. Newsletter inquiries, suggestions, or submissions should be directed to: Editor, The Heights, 107 W. 12th Street, Houston, TX 77008-6907, email [email protected], or leave a message on 713-861-4002. VP of Communications................. Julie Pettit Editor.............................Mark R. Williamson Assistant Editor........ Kathleen S. Williamson November contributors: Stacey Courville, Lauriel Hindman, Scott Lester, Laura Menefee, Leann Mueller, Barbara Potter, Addie Ann Spicer, Lanna von Baden, Maureen Weyel. Holiday Home Tour — Holiday Market Call For Vendors Planning is well underway for the 2013 Houston Heights Holiday Home Tour, being held December 6 and 7. This year, in addition to five beautifully decorated homes to tour, we are having a Holiday Craft Market located inside the historic Houston Heights City Hall & Fire Station, where visitors also buy tour tickets, listen to live music, grab something tasty to eat from a food truck, and catch the shuttle buses to the tour homes. We are offering our Heights craftspeople, bakers, artists, and friends the opportunity to sell their handmade holiday items and/or gifts at one of a limited number of tables at the Holiday Craft Market. The tables are $50 each and are good for both days of the tour. If you are interested in reserving one of the tables, or know of someone who would, please contact Laura Menefee, Holiday Market Chair, 713-503-6990 or [email protected]. Tables must be reserved no later than Wednesday, November 20. O Come All Ye Holiday Writers!! It is time again for the Holiday Story Contest sponsored by the HHA Education Committee. Entries are welcome from Heights-area writers and storytellers ages 4th grade to adult. Write a holiday-themed story and submit it for a chance to win cash and share your story at a special reading. • The story (fiction or nonfiction) can be no more than four double-spaced pages and must be submitted for judging by Monday, November 25. • The first-prize winner will receive $75 and will read his or her story at the HHA General Meeting on December 9 at the Fire Station. Second- and thirdplace prizes will also be awarded. • Submit your entries to [email protected]. Remember, the deadline is November 25, so get into the holiday spirit and start writing your story now! Spread Some Cheer: Help With Holiday Food Baskets The Heights Rotary Club and the Houston Heights Association annually underwrite, prepare, and distribute food baskets to local families in need. These families are chosen by area charities. You can help assemble and distribute the goodies on December 10 and 11. One hundred baskets (actually sets of six bags) will be assembled on the first floor of the Fire Station on the evening of Tuesday, December 10, starting at 5:00 PM. Volunteers will be sorting bulk groceries among the baskets for about two hours; come by whenever you can. This is a great opportunity for the entire family to give back to the community. Delivery starts after lunch (approximately 11:45 AM) on Wednesday, December 11. Come by the Fire Station to pick up a set of bags and the name and address of a family to receive them; if you have a large car or van, pick up several! Delivery should be completed that afternoon. If you are interested in lunch, BBQ plates are available for $10 (cash only) beginning at 11:00 AM. Typically, delivering three baskets takes 60–90 minutes. This is a great way for the whole family to volunteer some time to a very worthy cause. Previous participants can assure you, the smile and sometimes joyous tears on the recipients’ faces makes the true meaning of this holiday season truly memorable. Please help us make the holidays brighter for local families in need. If you are interested in volunteering a couple of hours of time or would like to learn more about this project, contact Scott Lester, President of Allegiance Bank Texas — Heights, at 281-894-3270 or email him at [email protected]. Happy Holidays! 3 Holiday Home Tour — Tour HQ, Tickets, and Shuttle Information This year’s tour is a wonderful cross section of the homes and styles that make the Houston Heights so unique. All of our volunteers, especially our featured homeowners, are excited to welcome you to the Houston Heights Holiday Home Tour, “In the New Old-Fashioned Way”! Tour Headquarters Tour Headquarters [right] will be Houston Heights City Hall & Fire Station, 107 West 12th Street. Visitors can explore the Holiday Craft Market, listen to live music, and enjoy a tasty bite from one of the food trucks. At the market, attendees can pick up a $12 limited edition Houston Heights ornament. [See below.] Tour Headquarters will open one hour earlier than tour times: Friday, December 6, 5:00–9:00 PM; Saturday, December 7, 2:00–9:00 PM Tickets Tickets purchased online at will be available at the “will call” table at the Fire Station anytime during the tour. If you prefer, you can purchase locally at Jubilee, Davis Hardware, Another Place in Time, or Buchanan’s Native Plants during their respective business hours. Please note that we will not be selling tickets at the individual homes this year! Tickets purchased before December 6 are just $20. Tickets purchased on tour days will be $25. Shuttles Shuttle Rides are included in the ticket price. Because parking can be limited at the homes, we encourage you to park at or near the Fire Station and ride the shuttle. Wait times should be no more than 10 minutes at each stop along the route. Holiday Home Tour — Ornaments on Sale Now! 4 Our Holiday Home Tour limited edition ornaments are available at local shops now! They feature the iconic 19th St Heights Sign as seen by Heights photographer Gary Griffin, and this year we have two colors to choose from! But don’t wait too long to get this treasured keepsake! Look for them at Buchanan’s, Jubilee, Davis Hardware, Another Place in Time, and Bespoke. Photographer Gary Griffin is a third-generation Heights resident with a profound love of his hometown and a deep connection to his neighborhood. Gary’s photography tends to be informed with a certain sense of wonder and is definitely infused with Texas flavor. He has worked as a freelance magazine photographer and has clients ranging from architects to hospitality to couture. Interiors and Texas landscapes are brought to the viewer in a very unique way, as seen through his lens, eye, and careful technique. Once described as an “artful documentarian”, he enjoys bringing the stories of his subjects and the visions from his childhood to a new audience. For more information about Gary, visit his website Holiday Home Tour — Homes on Tour The Holiday Home Tour provides a rare opportunity to look inside five unique spaces that reflect the rich Houston Heights architectural tradition of this charming neighborhood. The tour homes will be all decorated for the holidays, with musicians and carolers adding to the festivities. Chase Home — 625 Cortlandt St. — Bungalow built in 1919, the multitalented homeowners turned this into a remarkable space, featured in numerous publications. Cavanaugh Home — 1028 Arlington — 1920s Bungalow, a delightful blend of original character and contemporary style. Wilson Home — 716 W. 15th St. — Quaint Cottage, rescued from the wrecking ball and beautifully renovated to reflect its nostalgic past while providing modern-day amenities. Gomez Home — 418 W. 8th St. — Contemporary, loft-style, a treasure trove of eclectic groupings of art, furniture and collectibles, including more than 3,000 holiday ornaments. Cox Home — 711 Mosby Circle — 1994 Italianate style, recently renovated to incorporate modern refinements adding warmth, light and a more functional living space. Tour Headquarters — Houston Heights City Hall and Fire Station — 107 W. 12th Street — Built in 1914–15 after Fraternal Hall, Houston Heights’ community center, burned, this building served as the city hall, jail, and fire station until annexation. The architect for the building was Alonzo C. Pigg. 5 November Third Thursday with the Urbanites Please join us at City Oven, 2802 White Oak, on Thursday, November 21, 6:00—8:00 PM. That’s one week before Thanksgiving. Matt Bedingfield, 2014 Houston Heights Association President, is hosting! We will be on the covered patio, enjoying happy hour libations & lite bites. Not a member of the HHA? You can sign up at any Urbanite Third Thursday event. It’s just $20 for an individual and $25 for a yearly household membership. Volunteers Clean Up Hike and Bike Trail 6 Urbanites Lina Fairchild, Clay Bearden, and Ashley Harlan organized the first community Hike and Bike Trail Cleanup, and it was by all accounts a big success! The Urbanites gave out cold bottled water and Menchies coupons on a warm muggy Saturday morning, while bikers and walkers took the time to do their part to make the trail a litter-free zone. Our thanks to Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Joshua’s Native Plants, Heights Roofers, The Dentists at 650 Heights Blvd., and especially to all the neighbors who stopped by with a bag of litter! Donations New Members Our thanks to the following Please welcome the following donors for their generous support new members to the Houston of the programs of the Houston Heights Association. Heights Association. Autospec State Inspections, Paul & Stephanie Babb — Erin Jeffrey Donovan Playground, Kristen Ballard Boulevard Rachel & Yvette Cazier Peter Caldwell & Katie & Pete Coleman Lora Wildenthal Lind & John Eklof Wanda & Mark Cohen — Stella B. Edmondson Boulevard Farrell’s Art Glass, Peter & Kathleen Fender — Karen Farrell Parks Maintenance Gwen Fitts Edward & Janet Hess — Paula & Michael Hewlett Boulevard Vicki Miller Jeffrey Jackson — Parks, Fire Kathy Mott Station Restoration Move Properties, Clementina & Juan Lopez — Clayton Katz Parks, Boulevard, Flower The Pagan Family Gardens, Fire Station Pestop, LLC, Quatro Swisher Restoration Susan Plum Kathy Mott Graeme Ripley & MariaTrudy Nelson — Boulevard, Cristina Espejo-Minan Fire Station Restoration, Brooks & Kursten Robinson Donovan Playground Paulina Sergot & Theodore Shybut Aislyn Trendell & Curtis Barclay Jenny & Colin Wolfe HHA Member Happy Hour — November 20 Mark your calendars for an HHA Happy Hour on Wednesday, November 20. Salé-Sucré, located at 2916 White Oak, is generously hosting a Happy Hour for HHA members from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Enjoy visiting with your neighbors while you sip a complimentary glass of wine and enjoy assorted hors d’oeuvres with a cash bar. SaléSucré will also host a drawing for a $50 gift certificate and offer a complimentary dessert with each entrée purchased that evening if you choose to stay for dinner. We look forward to seeing you on November 20! Bike Rally Wrap-Up Report by Addie Ann Spicer, Bike Rally Chair The 8th Annual Heights Bicycle Rally & Scavenger Hunt was held on Sunday, October 6. The weather started off sketchy, but the skies cleared for a gorgeous afternoon. Almost 500 riders came out to enjoy the event – another terrific year! Once again our 20-mile Scavenger Hunt resulted in a tie, both having 33 out of 37 answers correct. Congratulations to our winners: Brian McGary & Kathy Milemore [right]. (Interesting side note – Brian & Kathy met at last year’s rally and started dating a few months afterwards.) Third place went to Jackie Blanck with 31 correct answers. If you didn’t get a chance to see the answers to the 20-mile scavenger hunt, they are posted on our website at The kids had a grand time on the 5-Mile Family Ride. A big “thank you” goes out to Mango Beach [left] for providing free snow cones for the kids at the half way point. Special thanks go to Desmond Startin with Not only did Desmond set up a tent at Marmion Park and spend all day checking bicycle tires and performing minor repairs, Desmond was the brain and effort behind the 5-Mile Family Ride route and clues as well as securing the Mango Beach snow cones! Many thanks, Desmond! Thank you also goes to Gail Sabanosh of SmartID who generously donated Smart ID Emergency ID Tags for the riders as well as Grogan Building Supply for provided the pens. Kudos to Angela DeWree who designed the wonderful logo for the posters, postcard, and brochure. Thanks to West End Bicycles for hosting the rally checkpoint [right]. After the rally came the party, and it was humming with people enjoying the music and delicious refreshments and the kids rocking those bounce houses. Special thanks go out to Corner Bakery Café, Carter & Cooley, Jersey Mike’s Subs, Jimmy John’s, David Weekly Homes, Saint Arnold Brewing Company, Target, and Wal-Mart for their contributions. A huge “thank you” goes to Trudi Lyon for securing all of the after-rally donations! People flocked to the information tables set up by Heights of Health, Massage Heights (great massage!), New Energy, Select Physical Therapy, and Smiles for Kids Pediatric Dentistry The ride would not have been possible without our Houston Heights Association Fall Sponsors: Platinum - Boulevard Realty and Gold - Republic Services, Deb Parks & Mark Bouzek. We would also like to thank our generous contributors for their door prize donations: Colina’s, Dacapo’s Pastry Café, Get Real Fitness, Heights Floral Shop, Heights Plant Farm, It’s a Done Deal Car Wash, Java Java Café, Katie & Co., La Paz Day Spa, Little Woodrow’s on Shepherd, Opera in the Heights, Orchid Express, Pronto Cucinino, Rainbow Lodge, Ray’s Sewing Shop, Smashburger, Star Pizza, and Target. A big thank you goes to Anne Sloan for getting all of the fabulous door prizes. Thank you, Anne! Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this Rally happen. Special thanks to Jim & Donna Bennett for the 20-mile route and Greg & Kim Kolanowski for the scavenger hunt and clues. Last but never least a big smooch and thank-you goes to Brian Tamplen, who worked very hard behind the scenes. You ROCK, Brian. [Thank you also, Addie, for coordinating this popular and successful event. — Editor.] 7 Sale At The Houston Heights Woman’s Club Please join the Houston Heights Woman’s Club on Saturday, November 9 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon for a one-of-akind sale sponsored by members. If you haven’t seen it already, this would be a great opportunity to visit this historic clubhouse, which has been in existence for over one hundred years. The Woman’s Club building at 1846 Harvard has been lovingly refurbished and continues to serve the initial intentions of its founding members. The “vendors” of this sale are members, antique dealers, and a representative from Stella & Dot, an upscale jewelry company selling items inspired by the founder’s grandmothers, Stella and Dot. Undoubtedly, there will be something for everyone at this eclectic sale. Make sure to mark your calendars so that you can find those treasures you have been searching for! CIA Nominations 8 Once again, it is time to look around the neighborhood and see who has been improving it. The nomination form and rule sheet for the 2013 Community Improvement Awards will be available at www.houstonheights. org/pdf/13CIAform.pdf. Nominees and winners will be announced at the annual Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Dinner on February 23. More Carts: Automated Curbside Recycling Expands Again in November from a City of Houston press release The City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) has announced an additional 70,000 households will be added to its popular automated curbside recycling program in November. Residents in neighborhoods throughout Houston will receive one 96-gallon green automated cart similar to the black automated garbage cart. The only areas within the Houston Heights Association service area scheduled to receive carts in this round of expansion are between 11th and 20th from Studewood to Yale and between 7th and 11th from Nicholson to Shepherd. Nearby areas include parts of Shady Acres and Independence Heights. For the complete list of areas and links to maps showing their boundaries, please see the full press release at Cart delivery will begin the week of October 28 with the first collections citywide occurring the week of November 25. For those of us on the “Thursday B” schedule, that means our first cart collection should be December 5. Recyclable items that can be placed in the containers include newspapers, magazines, office paper, junk mail, cardboard, paperboard, paper bags, glass bottles and jars, aluminum cans, tin and steel cans, and plastics 1–5 and 7. For more information, please visit or call the City of Houston’s Customer Service Hotline 3-1-1. At The Properties Events at the Houston Heights City Hall and Fire Station, Donovan Park, and Marmion Park Heights Tai Chi Association meets Saturdays 9:00 AM and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in Marmion Park, Heights at 18th. White Oak Bayou Association annual meeting at the Fire Station, November 12, 6:00–8:00 PM. Photos with Santa presented by John Daugherty, Realtors and the Houston Heights Association on Saturday, December 7, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Donovan Park. Families are invited to visit with Santa and have their photo taken for free. What a fun and friendly way to celebrate the holidays! Calendar (continued from back cover) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8 9 HHA General “Party” 7:00 PM Fire Station 10 Holiday Food Basket Assembly, 5:00 PM Fire Station 11 Holiday Food Basket Delivery 11:45 AM Fire Station 12 - garbage 13 14 18 - heavy trash (junk waste) 19 - garbage and recycling 20 23 24 Christmas Eve 25 26 - garbage 27 21 electronics recycling, 9:00 AM 3:00 PM, Center at Harvard Christmas Day Kwanzaa begins December 1 15 22 29 2 HHA Land Use 6:30 PM Fire Station 16 2014 Board Organizational Meeting, 6:30 PM, Fire Station 30 3 4 PIP Meeting 7:00 PM Deadline for 1602 State Street next newsletter 17 Greater Heights SNC (SN15) 6:30 PM Fire Station 31 New Years Eve Community Calendar 5 - garbage and recycling Rockin’ Holiday Party, Fire Station; see page 1. Events planned by other community organizations Every Saturday, 8:00 AM, Heights Running Club meets on the Heights Boulevard jogging trail at 7th Street. Contact Meghan.olds@ to be added to the weekly distribution list. First and third Thursdays, 7:30 PM, English Country Dancing in the Heights, dances taught and called. For more information, email [email protected] or visit Third Tuesdays, 7:00–9:00 PM, Houston Storytellers Guild meets at St. Andrew’s House, 1811 Heights Boulevard, for a story swap. For more information, or 713-643-8478. November 1–10, UpStage Theatre presents The Taming of the Shrew at Obsidion Art Space, 3522 White Oak. For tickets or information, call 713-838-7191 or visit November 5, 6:00–10:00 PM, Cocktails for a Cure at BB’s Café, 2701 White Oak Drive, benefitting the PKD Foundation (for Polycystic Kidney Disease Research and Education). For information, visit or email [email protected]. November 9, 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, HHWC sale; see page 8. November 15–24, Opera in the Heights presents Donizetti’s Don Pasquale at Lambert Hall, 1703 Heights Boulevard. For more information, visit November 28, starting at Dillard’s by the Galleria, 21st Annual TXU Energy Houston Turkey Trot benefiting Sheltering Arms Senior Services, a division of Neighborhood Centers, Inc. Registration at or by calling 713-669-5334 for a paper form. 6 Holiday Home Tour 6:00–9:00 PM 7 Holiday Home Tour 3:00–9:00 PM 28 Future History February 23, Awards Dinner April 4–6, Spring Home Tour [tentative dates] June 7, Heights Fun Run [tentative date] October 6, Bicycle Rally & Scavenger Hunt [tentative date] December 5–6, Holiday Home Tour [tentative dates] December 9–10, Holiday Food Baskets [tentative dates] Heavy Trash Notes November is a “Tree Waste Only” month; December is a “Junk Waste” month. Remember that the heavy trash pickup date is now the third Wednesday for most of the Houston Heights area. For dates in your immediate area, visit the City Solid Waste site solidwaste/treewaste.html. 9 HOUSTON HEIGHTS ASSOCIATION 107 W. 12TH ST. HOUSTON, TX 77008-6907 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TX PERMIT NO 2995 Return Service Requested Calendar of Events for November 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday - Friday Saturday 1 2 Halloween 3 Daylight Saving Time ends 10 17 24 Holiday story submission deadline tomorrow; see p. 3. 4 HHA Land Use 6:30 PM Fire Station 11 Veterans Day HHA General “Bus. Members” 7:00 PM Fire Station 18 HHA Board 6:30 PM Fire Station 25 NO Education Committee meeting this month 5 Election Day PIP meeting 7:00 PM 1602 State Street 6 Deadline for next newsletter (yesterday) 7 - garbage and recycling 8 9 12 13 14 - garbage 15 19 Greater Heights SNC (SN15) 6:30 PM Fire Station 20 tree waste Member Happy Hour, 5:00–7:00, 2916 White Oak; see p. 6. 21 - garbage and recycling 22 16 electronics recycling, 9:00 AM 3:00 PM, Center at Harvard 28 29 - garbage Hanukkah begins Thanksgiving 26 27 HHA headquarters: The Fire Station is on the corner of Yale and 12th Streets. Urbanites at City Oven, 6:00–8:00, 2802 White Oak 23 30 continued within HHA web site: <>
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print-format PDF edition - the Houston Heights Association
Houston Heights Fire Station, 107
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