A Truly Unique Animal Shelter
A Truly Unique Animal Shelter
“ A Tru l y Un iq u e An i ma l Sh elt er ” Helping Hands A 501 (c)(3) Corporation A Publication of the Hillside Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Incorporated Volume 25, Issue 2 Autumn 2011 Inside This Issue Here in spirit 2 Golf balls 3 Kitten crisis 4 Dogs will be dogs 5 Memorials & remembrances 6 The home worth waiting for where he enjoyed many burgers and sandwiches! Sebastian’s favorite spot was the back seat of Dawne’s car on a blanket; no matter the weather or the season, Dawne and Marc never missed a weekend with “their boy.” As the shelter population rose and the heat began to take a toll, Sebastian began to dislike life at the shelter immensely. We also found out he had a heart murmur, issues with his skin, and just looked miserable. It turned out his problems led to his getting a home! Visit www.hillsidespca.com/fundraising.htm to view our Calendar and see details about these scheduled fundraising events! Sebastian 8/6 ~ BOW-WOW BEAUTY PAGEANT & DOG WALK, KIRBY PARK, WILKES-BARRE, PA 8/13 (Rain 8/14) ~ HILLSIDE SPCA POKER RUN, NORTH END FIRE CO., RT 125, PINE GROVE, PA and SCHUYLKILL RACQUET CLUB ANNUAL FUR RUN AND PET WALK, ROUTE 61, ORWIGSBURG, PA 8/20 ~ PIONEER DAY, ASHLAND, PA 8/27 ~ HERITAGE DAY, SHENANDOAH, PA 9/3 ~ NUREMBERG, PA. IN THE PARK 9/3 & 4 ~ ELYSBURG, PA CRAFT SHOW 9/11 ~ HOMETOWN CRAFT SHOW, HOMETOWN, PA 9/17 ~ PUPPY MILL AWARENESS DAY, NAY AUG PARK, SCRANTON, PA 9/24 ~ SCH. HAVEN BORO DAYS, SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, PA 10/1 ~ DOG WALK, BUBECK PARK, SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, PA 10/2 ~ SHENANDOAH MANOR FALL FESTIVAL, SHENANDOAH, PA 10/9 ~ PASTA FOR PAWS ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER, THE GREYSTONE RESTAURANT, CENTRE STREET, POTTSVILLE, PA 11/12 ~ AUTUMN CRAFT SHOW, NORTH VO-TECH SCHOOL, FRACKVILLE, PA 11/19 ~ AUTUMN CRAFT SHOW, FAIRLANE VILLAGE MALL, POTTSVILLE, PA 12/16, 17, & 18 ~ HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA, FAIRLANE VILLAGE MALL, POTTSVILLE, PA S ome times at the shelter, dogs are lucky and find a new home quickly. Some, however, are not so lucky and wait much longer, as in the case of Sebastian who finally got a home that was very much worth the wait! Sebastian, a 10-year-old, male pit bull, was turned in to Hillside two years ago. He was un-neutered, not good with other dogs, and had a large tumor on his leg. The first step, thanks to Joe’s Fund, was to get him the much needed vet care and neutering his previous owner denied him. The tumor was cancerous, but the vet was optimistic she got it all. Soon after surgery, two new volunteers took a liking to Hillside, and especially to Sebastian. Not long after Dawne Kneas and Marc Blasko began visiting, we found out “our boy” was now “their boy” — a very good thing for Sebastian! We are blessed when special volunteers bond with "special" animals. It gives the staff extra time to tend to the many other needy residents. During Sebastian's years at the Hillside, he went on many “mini vacations” and even spent New Year’s Eve in Ocean City, MD (lucky dog)! He was a frequent visitor of the local convenience stores and restaurants Seeing him so depressed and miserable, Marc and Dawne figured out a way to take Sebastian home (which had been a big issue due to his dislike of other dogs). They hated to leave him on the weekends and he hated for them to leave! The day Sebastian departed Hillside, we weren’t sure his medical problems could be overcome but knew, if there was a way to make him happy and healthy again, Dawne and Marc would figure it out. Sebastian is now living the life of luxury with his own air mattress and fan that keeps him cool during the brutal summer heat. Whether he has months or years ahead of him, we know he will be endlessly loved. We are very thankful that Dawne and Marc were so dedicated to this boy, and so very grateful to you, our supporters, who funded Sebastian’s care for his two years with us. Only here, made possible through your heart-felt support, would a tumor-ridden, senior pit bull be helped and given a chance at life and to find a forever home like he deserved. YOU give us the ability to do that — you have made the Hillside SPCA a truly unique animal shelter! PAGE 2 H E LP I N G H A N D S Helping Hands NEWSLETTER OF THE HILLSIDE SPCA, INC. VOLUM E 25, I S S UE 2 always here in spirit for 25 years and can truly say this is one of our hardest periods ever — we are dealing with a “throwaway society” leading to a tremendously high number of intakes at the shelter. Adding to the burden is the fact we are the only shelter for 80 miles taking in animals and many of the animals we get need vet care due to severe abuse. Published Three Times Annually By the HILLSIDE SPCA, INC P.O. Box 233, 51 SPCA Road Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7769 www.hillsidespca.com www.facebook.com/hillsidespca Shelter Management BARBARA UMLAUF, Manager BECKY MOYER, Feline Manager TRICIA MOYER, Asst. Canine Manager Humane Investigations/Officers BARBARA UMLAUF ~ AMY ECKERT TRICIA MOYER ~ MARYBETH GRAF DENISE TURKAVAGE JANINE CHOPLICK Shelter Visitation and Adoption Hours Dog Quarters MON-SAT: 11:30 am to 3:00 pm SUN: 11:30 am to 2:00 pm Cat Quarters MON-SAT: Noon to 4:00 pm SUN: Noon to 3:00 pm © Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved Hillside Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Incorporated. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is strictly prohibited. Joe T his picture of Joe hangs on my wall across from my kitchen table where I do all my shelter paperwork and write thank you notes. I love this picture because Joe looks like he's looking at me and it is located right above where he always sat. I cannot tell you how many times I am going through something very stressful then look up at his picture and feel peace. I feel that he is with me and knows the love he has left me and our buddies with. I love this picture because it shows Joe's sensitivity and gentleness. It will be 5 years since I lost Joe on August 26th and there is not one moment in my life that I don't grieve for my Joe, but then I see all the faces that we together have saved and know that he is still with me. I can never thank you enough for your tremendous gifts of generosity that keep our doors open for all our homeless, abused, and neglected animals. I am here Sometimes I get so sad and disgusted with all the nightmares and sadness we see every day. I wake up at 3 a.m. and shake thinking about what could happen to all the faces that are waiting for a second chance at life. But then, I receive your gifts of kindness and cry with joy knowing I am not alone in the battle to help our buddies. You, Joe, and your heartfelt support for Joe’s Fund, inspire me and keep me going — and keep the miracles at Hillside going. One of the greatest joys is that Joe's Fund enables us to see that every animal is spayed or neutered before they leave the shelter. The Hillside could never afford that before, but because of your gifts, it is now a dream come true for me Your gifts not only save lives, but save me! I will never forget your kindness — not ever! Always, always know how much difference you are making. There would not be a Hillside without you! Thank you for “keeping the bell ringing” and for all the miracles! With great love and gratitude, ~ Barb, Joe, and Buddies I am proud to be a part of “JOE’S FUND” helping animals in need! Let’s “Keep the Bell Ringing”! R escued from a burning home in St. C l ai r , P a. b y p o l i c e w h o administered oxygen and CPR having found her clinically deceased, FRANKIE suffered smoke inhalation and corneal irritation. Taken to a vet immediately upon our arrival at the scene, her diagnosis had one positive note: no lung collapse. Shaken up by the whole experience, she is recovering nicely. We hope she will have no future aftereffects (still a possibility) and will lead a happy, pain-free cat life. THANK YOU to her “angels” and to you, our supporters, for giving to Joe’s Fund which pays for ALL veterinary care for all the animals at Hillside. $200__ $100__ Enclosed is my gift of: $50__ $25__ $10__ Other $_______ Name: Address: Address: City, State, Zip: Please make checks payable to: Hillside SPCA, Inc. Mail to: “Joseph Parnell Spay/Neuter & Emergency Fund” c/o Hillside SPCA, Inc., PO Box 233, Pottsville, PA 17901 All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The official registration and financial information of the Hillside S.P.C.A., Inc. may be obtained by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. PAGE 3 H E LP I N G H A N D S VOLUM E 25, I S S UE 2 “Dog Balls” Golf Event T he Friends of Hillside S.P.C.A is sponsoring the 2nd Annual ”DOG BALLS” Golf Tournament, a sporting event to promote spaying & neutering, with all proceeds benefiting Hillside’s “Joe's Fund”, Sunday, September 18, 2011, White Birch Golf Course, 660 Tuscarora Park Road, Barnesville, PA. The format will be a 10 a.m. Shotgun start, 4 man scramble with a $10,000 hole-in-one contest along with other prizes. All proceeds will benefit Hillside’s programs. Hillside SPCA is currently the ONLY shelter accepting animals in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. This very important county entity has been hit particularly hard with the recent economic downturn increasing their population to staggering levels — over 350 animals. This golf tournament will be your opportunity to help support this very important NO KILL sanctuary and all its vital efforts. Please detach the slip below and return it to the address shown by September 10th with your donation. You will be supporting this major fundraiser and helping the Hillside SPCA continue to provide the highest quality service. For additional information phone 570-628-4220. ~ Thank You, Ed Clark & Jerry Labooty, Co-Chairmen, and all of us at the Hillside SPCA Name Of Business, Organization, Or Individual___________________________________________________________ (Please attach a business card or letterhead with your sponsor information) _____ Yes, I would like to sponsor a Foursome & a Hole—enclosed is my check for $280 _____ Yes, I would like to sponsor ______ number of Golfers @ $65 per player. _____ Yes, I would like to sponsor a Hole — enclosed is my check for $25 _____ Yes, I would like to sponsor a Tee — enclosed is my check for $50 (The names of the sponsors will be displayed at their sponsored Hole or Tee Box.) _____ I plan to attend the follow-up Picnic only — enclosed is my check for _____ people @ $20 per ticket. The picnic will be held at White Birch Golf Club at 3:30 pm. Make checks payable to: Hillside SPCA Mail to FRIENDS OF HILLSIDE S.P.C.A., DOG BALLS GOLF EVENT, 315 N. CENTRE ST., POTTSVILLE, PA 17901 FELINE REPAIR FUND UPDATE Thank you so much from all of us for your generous donations to our Cat Room Repair Fund. It is heartwarming to know that you care about the comfort and wellbeing of the many cats that call Hillside their home. They love you and so do we! The project is moving very slowly, mainly because of the increase in the number of cats we receive during the summer months. Managing their needs and dealing with the upheaval that goes along with the project is challenging for both residents and staff. Anyone wishing to donate to the repair fund may still do so, we have received $7,000 so far, but are still several thousand below what is needed to make the job complete. If we do not raise the remaining funds through the Cat Room Repair Fund drive, we will need to use money from our general operating fund to finish. If you would like to be part of this vital repair fund project, please send your gift today. Mark “Feline Repair Fund” on your note or check and mail to Hillside SPCA, PO Box 233, Pottsville, PA 17901. We, and Hillside’s cats and kittens, thank all of you again from the bottoms of our hearts and paws! URGENT Kitten Food Crisis We are very much in need of dry kitten food — the adult food is just too hard for tiny mouths to handle. Kitten season has caused our number of residents to swell once again, so your donations will be greatly appreciated. If you can donate food or funds to help, please bring your items to the Hillside SPCA during regular business hours. Thank you! PAGE 4 Special cats need special people This summer we’ve seen a larger number of abused or injured cats than usual. Thank goodness because of you, the Hillside is here to help them! Here’s just a few needy felines we were able to give a happy, pain-free life. COLGATE arrived with a broken, semi-healed lower jaw. This brave boy opened wide for the vet; and he now leads a pain-free life in his new forever home. WHITNEY, a beauty whose femur was broken when just a kitten and never treated, walked oddly because of it. Pain free now, she is still with us and has a “catitude” which can be appreciated only by a very special person. H E LP I N G H A N D S VOLUM E 25, I S S UE 2 Kitten Crisis B eautiful, innocent kittens have been arriving non-stop since spring and prior to that, an unusually large number were turned in thru the winter. Mother Nature is wonderful in most ways, but she lets us down where pet over-population is concerned. Homeless, wandering cats reproduce at alarming rates, and unless someone is trapping, neutering and releasing them (TNR) they either live on to keep reproducing, die untimely and sometimes horrible deaths, or come to us. These poor, homeless felines have no choice. When we accept kittens from owned cats, owners must agree to have the mother spayed. We make arrangements on the spot or do a follow up. These are tough economic times, but there is a low cost spay-neuter clinic available that we recommend; and there is even some financial help out there. How can we get people to utilize these resources? You can help by encouraging your family, neighbors and friends to get their cats fixed. Tell them to call us if they need help. Better yet, why not sponsor a “free spay or neuter” for them? Or, you can call or mail us to sponsor a “free spay or neuter” for someone who wants to adopt a cat or kitten but cannot afford the cost to have it fixed. Our feline quarters are bursting at the seams, and our dedicated employees are struggling emotionally and physically to deal with the hundreds of kittens that come to us. Kitten mortality is high and adoptions are low so please, please help us in any way you can. Just call Becky, our feline manager at (570) 847-6845 or (570) 622-7769, it’s that easy. Peter BONZAI the Bengal puzzles us; was it a leg hold trap or a car that ripped his front leg open clear down to his ligaments? Not a happy cat when he arrived, he is now pain free and has returned to his old Bengal self! Sadie Lucy Max Awaiting Adoption Moses FELICIA, likely hit by a car, had a badly infected leg. In severe pain, her lower leg needed amputation. It healed nicely; she now enjoys a pain-free life as she awaits her forever home. www.hillsidespca.com PAGE 5 H E LP I N G H A N D S VOLUM E 25, I S S UE 2 Dogs will be dogs Dogs simply do not automatically know what is, and what is not, acceptable. And each person and family may expect different 'acceptable' behaviors from their pets. This is where we, as humans, come into play. As pet guardians, we must realize that training - a reinforced response - will help ensure that behavior will occur again. We train and reinforce responses without knowing we are doing it, sometimes with good results and other times, not so good. D ogs are terrific learners. They have an outstanding sense of smell, note subtle differences in our actions and tones, and can deal with varied social environments, but they don't do well with isolation. Janine Choplick of the Hillside SPCA says, “Dogs are smart, but not in the same way we are.” Dogs can learn to understand the meaning of specific words without understanding ‘language’. They have no concept of time; they are not able to mentally switch between the future, present and past. Dogs love routine. Dogs know only ‘safe’ or ‘dangerous’, not the difference between right and wrong. That adorable four-legged ball of fur who rolled in the most foul-smelling thing he could find in the backyard was not intentionally trying to upset us or make us angry. He had indeed discovered his very own heavenly doggie perfume. It's called scent rolling and dogs will be dogs! Rover didn't chew that new and thrilling half-read novel out of ‘spite’ when his human family went out for the day, nor was he trying to ‘get even” for them leaving him alone. He chewed it because it was accessible. Dogs will be dogs. Dogs have no concept of ‘things’. They are simply opportunistic. They are also self-interested and actually have no conscious wish to please us but do so because there's something in it for them. Some of the most wonderful things about dogs are they are not spiteful or stubborn, those are human traits we wrongly apply to dogs. 7th Annual Hops, Vine, Dine & Auction Sponsored by the Pottsville Rotary Club to benefit Hillside SPCA September 22nd at the Schuylkill County Council for the Arts Center (former Yuengling Mansion) 1440 Mahantongo Street Pottsville, PA Example: Little Skipper leaps to greet his human, along with a wagging tail and happy barks. We think, "That's okay...we are happy to see him, too!" and give Skipper some petting. Months later when pup Skipper grows into the not-so-little retriever mix, the daily leap can now be considered a body slam and the mini barks have become deafening roars. But does Skipper know the difference? No, of course not. He's done the same thing for months with spectacular results! We have unintentionally reinforced the jumping and barking without giving the consequences much thought. So remember, behaviors we don't want are usually due to inadvertent rewarding of those behaviors. With consistent rewarding of behaviors we DO want, we can help our dogs understand exactly what it is that we ask of them. Skipper has since learned to sit without barking (but still wags his tail like crazy!) when his human arrives home, before getting the much anticipated petting. Since dogs don't speak English and we don't speak Dog, the channel for good and clear communication can be open for you and your pet by remembering that each one is an individual personality, they don't come pre-programmed to know exactly what we expect of them, and "dogs will be dogs"! Sample the best restaurants and wineries of Schuylkill County in the beautiful mansion gardens while placing your bids for fine wines. Tickets $25 available at the gardens entry or phone 570-628-9619 570-739-4767 to purchase YOUR support is what keeps our doors open for so many animals in need… please help. Enclosed is my gift to Hillside SPCA of: __ $5 __ $10 __ $20 __$25 __$50 __ $100 ___$200 Other $______ Name: Address: Address: City: To help defray the high cost of postage, it will be greatly appreciated if either a firstclass rate postage stamp or a selfaddressed stamped envelope be included with your mailed donations if you require a receipt or acknowledgement. Every little bit helps as we continue to struggle to keep our doors open. Thank you! State: Zip: Send to: Hillside SPCA, PO Box 233, Pottsville, PA 17901 All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The official registration and financial information of the Hillside S.P.C.A., Inc. may be obtained by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. PAGE 6 H E LP I N G H A N D S VOLUM E 25, I S S UE 2 Memorial and Remembrance Gifts MEMORIALS Gordon V. Troy by Atty. Carolyn Marconis, Lori Guzick, Christine & Timothy Gill, Atty. Karen Rissmiller, Bill & Elaine Ritter, Lynn Buckler, Diana & Charles Kustan Robert T. Lerch, Sr. by Dawn & Jim Lerch, Beryl Stitzler Family, William & Carol Sutzko, Donna Horn, Helen Lerch, Leona & Keith Lerch, Debra Lerch, Joseph Shoup, Schneider Valley Farms James E. Fleming by Sharyn Stricker, Madeline Kerrigan, Cleo & Sava Logothetides, Agatha Palles, Zylo Med, Ursula & Karl Klemsche, George & Sue Yannaccone Joseph R. Ebling by Dorothy Schneider Teresa M. Swilp by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mullin, Chuck Kustan Family, Joan Kauffman Charles Weicikosky by Barbara Galuska, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schneider, Peggy Zacko, Robert Zagar, Victoria Harvey, Kim & Kris Feger, Joe & Dot Dooley, Jake & Arlene Weiss, Dot & Dave Weiss-Forte, Emmet & John Quirk, John & Mary Kotch, John & Nancy DiFilippo, John DiFilippo Family, Shirley Shellhammer, Charles & Barbara Shellhammer, Ernette McKim Jane Zimmerman by Janet Mimm Family, Gary & Shirley O’Hara, Erwin & Edna Beck, Randall & Doris Lindenmuth, Larry Corondi, Sammi’s Shoe Box, Mike Lonergan, Michelle Rudloff, Sue Murphy Julia Centek by John Centek, Linda Shomoski, Manor Care Staff Mildred Bowman by Carl Gilbert Jan Bubeck by Carol & Bob, Shelly & Oscar, Gretchen & Michael, Christopher Ruff John Witchowski by Erin & Patrick McCullough Dorothy Ryan by Anne Wilson Costas Cassie Ortiz by Anita & Marty Dwyer Michael & Betty Dellock by Lisa Dellock Emily Trump by Amy Yeager Karen Graham by Ann Settembrino John Branton by Linda Wieder Peter Gelches by Sue Murphy Josephine Panterella by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruff Jane Cope by Debi & James Swantek Joanne Fisher by Dolores DeLuca, Dave, Esther, Joe Kerwick, Cardinal/Caravelle & Quaker Plastics, Robert Fisher, USW Local 6996, DeAcostas Family Grace Beyrent by Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kruczek Joseph R. Bossig by Mr .& Mrs. Mark Sepnefski, Carol Jones, Nicole Bossig Ted Ragazinsky by Sharon Dalley Mary Alice Morgan by Margaret Spotts James Bentz by Robert & Barbara Pontician Jeanette A. Miller by Michelle & Charles Gallup Helen Norell by Mitchell Raker Albert Nehme by Rosemarie Joseph Charles Coleman, Jr. by Dottie Thomas Thomas Adcock, Helen & Joyce Abramowicz by Diane Drogalis Ruth Childs by Joyce Gilmore James K. Knorr, Jr. by Tami & Stephen Wagner, Tina Olanich, STP Storage, Wagner Industries, Mr & Mrs. John Katch, Joanne Whitner Patricia Sterner by Jason & Natalie Sandhaus, Harry & Damie Crosswell, Scott & Susan Sterner Evelyn Houser by Bonnie & Michael Yanuskiewicz Mary Cickavage by Mr. & Mrs. John Zubeck Edward Miller by Amy, Ann, Jake Andrusavage Kathleen Zacharowsky by Jean Conway Thoma Pelachick by New Philadelphia Borough Council Dorothea Cubler by Atty. Carolyn Marconis, Diane Karissa, Rich McNamara, Rosann, Michael, Jerry, Jo Sitkus Laurie Springer by Laura Novy, Becky Podlasek & Daughter Dr. Edward Cubler by Rosann, Michael,Jerry, Jo Sitkus, Atty. Carolyn Marconis, Dr. Marvin & Elyse Diamond David S. Marshall II, M.D. by Dr. & Mrs. Ross Rissmiller, Mr. & Mrs. Lester Riegel, Atty. Carolyn Marconis, Judy Mack, Mary Alice & Jack Purcell, Chris Luchen, Pat Eichman, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Boran, Mary Connell, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wild, Jr., Atty. & Mrs. Robert Bohorad, Celie Muench Alice Dusel by RSC Beverages, Dave Griffith Financial Service, Margaret Shay, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chernes, Greg Fabrizio, Mary K. Greeley, Earl & Nancy Haag, Aldajean Howells, Diana Consugar, Andrew Honnage, George & Kathy Zweibel, Todd & Ellen March, Jack & Agnes Messner, Ed & Rose Mary Slane, Joan Florida, Connie D’Alessandro, Kelly Zweibel, Bob & Peggy Allen, Robert & Kathleen Honnnage Thomas Barrett by Joseph Coddington Mary Louis Brennan & Melody by Sylvia Cunningham Margaret Hoffman Schuster Deeter by Stacee Hipp, Dennis & Deborah Fehr, Robert, Liz, Alex Carl, Pottsville Youth Soccer Assoc., Margaret Shay, Reading Anthracite Co., Ellen Zane, Atty. Ronald & Linda Pellish, Molly Guers, Donna & Ennis Kempfort, Stanley Petchulis, Terri Petchulis, Joseph & Lisa Doran, Diane Dragna-Schweikert, Mary Ann Dragna, Leonard & Julia O’Connor, Krista & Anthony Hertz, Beth & Ronald Flannery, Nancy & Ronald Flannery Michaelyn Compton by Lisa Devlin Marie Helman by Mary Calderone Fern Lipsett by Bill & Betty Kline, Claudia & Bob Kelly, Dr. & Mrs. Robert O’Connor Frank Macus by Frani Macus, Sandy Krushin, Helen Thomas, Ron & Sandy Grutza, Ken, Mary Ann, Kenny Thomas, Kathy Palubinsky, Frances A. Macus, Ron & Virginia Makita, Geraldine Panco, Joseph & Jean Sherako, M.A. Mickelonis, Chief Counsel of Penna. Dept of Corrections Office, Betsy Lewis Adams, Marco & Phyllis Ortiz Dorothy M. Gallagher by John Benko, Elizabeth McFadden, Mike & Mary Beth Agnostinelli, Dana Jones Metro Litwak, Charles Hino, Frank Macus by Amy, Anne, Jake Andruscavage Edna Alber by Mary Ellen Matunis Mary Catherine Flannery by Mr. & Mrs. James Stepanchick, Thelma Mansfield, Karen Sugrue, Ann Marie Zeth, Betsy & Russell Antalosky, Margaret Mensick, Schuylkill County Adult Probation & Parole Dept., Linda Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Clint Davis, Ron & Donna Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jones, Bonnie & Joe Heiler, Progressive Vision Institute Co-Workers, Jeannie Day, Joseph Stankavage, Shelly & Tom Paul, Leona Karvois, Mr. & Mrs. John Tacelosky, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Staudenmeier, Mr. & Mrs. Davis Frantz, Mr. & Mrs. John Richmond, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kanowski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McAndrew, Georgeann Bondura, Karen Mitchell, Jean Davis, Friends at District Chorus, Leo & Linda Breznick, Roseann Howard, Frank Birster, JoAnne Leinenbach, Louise, Kathy & Tricia Palubinsky, Joe & Donna Palubinsky, Michael Flannery & Friends, Tamaqua District Court, Tremont District Court, Pottsville District Court, Orwigsburg District Court, Frackvile District Court, Port Carbon District Court, Shenandoah District Court Kenneth Confehr by E. Lewis Hummel, ASC Staff, Sara Rile, Anne & Jon fisher, Nancy Mahall Thomas & Edith Repp by Rev. Nelson Repp BZ Bell by Sharon Bell, Robert Ziegler Edward & Erika Martz by Daniel & Erika Husk Catherine Horchuck by Quest Diagnostic Employees Beth German by Shirley Slifer Jane Keheres, Zada by Rita & Gerald Kolva Jeanette Miller by Barb, Joe, Hillside Buddies Peter Bolick, Jr. by Barbara Brooks Tommy Balsavage by Kathy & Tom Balsavage James Ackalusky by Eleanor & Georg Pfeffenberger Augusta Wolfgang by American Legion Post 575 Valley View, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ferster, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ulicny, Phyllis Bloch David Anthony Zanis, PhD, Thomas Robbins, Mary Ann Morris by Mr. & Mrs. William Rowan Kim Chernosky by Ann Marie Zeth John Clemko by Behney Family “In Memory” and “In Honor” contributions should be sent to: “Memorials/Honors”, Hillside SPCA, PO Box 233, Pottsville, PA 17901 PAGE 7 (Continued from page 6) Eugene DeCindio by Margaret Frantz Family Douglas W. Krebs by Bartush Signs, Belovesick Family, Shirley & Gary O’Hara, Carl & Larue Yeich, Carolyn Mehlman, Sara Rile, James Harner, Debra Borden, Bartush Signs Office Staff, David & Rebecca Harap, Phyllis & Bernard Brilla, Frank Olmes Sr., Ariela-Alpha International LLC, Sandra Flanigan, Beverly Reppert, Beth Cronenberger, Paul Laubenstine, Thomas & Yvonne Siegfried, Diane & Dick Biever, Mary Beth Dinneen, Bill & Elaine Miller, Melanie & Matthew Walters, Buddy & Robin Biever, Betty & George, The Seltzer Group, Kathryn Shultz, Roger Schmidt, Daphne Booth, Helen Bruant, Gary Williams, William & Pamela Hoy, Don & Janet Yost, Gretchen Nauyalis, Kenny & Marlene Schneck, Joe & Wendi Cartwright, Judith Ketz, Benner Family, Melinda Shoemaker, Marie Becker, Helen Shekalis, Thomas Bernardyn, James Yoder, Bud & Ann Koch, Ann & John Pollack, Devyn & Ann Usuka, Evan & Janine Rosen, Sandra K. Hirsh, Orwigsburg Gun Club Clarence E. Zweizig by John Russell, EMT Training Institute, Randy, Bobette, Andrea Zweizig James L. Briel Sr. by Dorothy Zangari, Faith Shepler, Pack & Troop 731 Committee, Brian Inslinger, Gale Gazdick, Tom & Martha Fletcher, Melissa & Joseph Antolick, Jim & Debbie Stivers Family Berneda Beacher by Dorothy Moran, Ethel & Robert Burns, Gloria Klemas, Thelma Lowthert, Robert & Patricia Cole, Louisa & Francis Maley, Cheri, Jeff, Mark Blasius, David & Linda Cresswell, Dennis & Nancy Hardock, Lewis & Delma Walters, Steve & Darla Vandoren, Deitrich & Faust Families, Ralph & Joanne Wood, Joe & Mary Jane Belas, Kathy Didjunas, Pauline Kufta, William Jones H E LP I N G H A N D S Elizabeth Bartusik by Geraldine & Tom Talerico Rufus, Annie by Arlene Dunkelberger VOLUM E 25, I S S UE 2 Chloe, Cleo, Samantha by Gino Pisani Wendy by Carol Jones Helene Gantz by Loretta Gressens, Joan Caulfield Thomas Shay by Diane Billingham, John & Darlene Rose, Margaret Shay, Mr. & Mrs. George Dohmann Gertrude Miller by Dolores & Michael Kastroba, Robert & Dorothy Davis Jean Hand by Walter Koerber, Jr., Rhonda Garrett, Krista Geddes Robert J. Stancils by Dan & Jennifer Montone Mario Mike Sillani, Jr. & Ginger by Becky Herb Anna Husovage by Barbara & Ron Rozansky, Rose Salak, Elaine Hollenbach, Marty & Richard Kemp, Irene Docherty, Chris & John Deromedi, Cheryl & Mark Pishock, Dana Sinclair, Jonathan Day, Tracey & Rich Kemp Curtis by Hillside Staff Mooch by Daphne Herrold Isis, Mr. President by Karen Donovan Jackson &Hannah Drogalis, Princess Barlow, Phil & Pretty Girl Engle, Ziggy Umlauf by Diane Drogalis Wishbone, Daisey by Kathy & Tom Balsavage Buddy by Dr. Howard Levy, Barb & Joe Annie by Joyce Gilmore, Lois Kehoe Buster by Don & Linda Lindenmuth, Barb & Joe Prince by Kathy Maxwell Rusty by Gerry & Mary Jo Sadusky Matty by Douglas, Terri, Hillside Staff Hershey by Ann Prusacki Franco by Devlin Dormer Family, Fluffy, Peanut, Tiny Teddy Ragazinsky by Sherri Becker & Vince Guziewicz Trulie by Pat Maurer Dylan by Wanda Edelman Maggie by Ellen Scharadin Blues by Clyde & Elaine Wyland Mr. P by Laurie & Brian Haines Red Cloud by Barb, Joe & Buddies Curly Q by Thomas & Linda Smith Bandit by Janet Mickoseff, Michael Stock, Allison Marderino Ruby by John, Jodi, Jed Dubuc Dorothy Purcell by Monica Purcell Bonitatibus Ricky Girl by Sandra Buchman Copper by Rosalie Klosko Oreo by Rev. Nelson Repp Jacqueline DeMoraes by Gary & Gloria Wisemiller, Donna & Lewis Billig, James Leib Alex Boles by Linda Margovnik Robert Stacik by Tom & Carolyn Pesock, Gary Ziegler, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stegura Woody, Mickey by Andy & Shelly Rivera Paris by Joy Valois Sam, Brody, Gus by Brenda Shuey Edmundo by Margaret Shay, Hillside Staff Hobo by Don & Linda Lindenmuth Jake by Cynthia Slotcavage Chloe by Janet Glaser JoJo, Pumpkin, Cuddles by Mary Brensinger William T. Foran, Sr., by Betsy Wychunas Maggie by Henry & Rex Wiest Maddi by Tricia Palubinsky Troy E. Maurer by Pat Maurer Buddy Girl by Penny & Ron Engle Hobo by Bob & Carol Freiler Ed Leuchtner by Jim Howat, Jr. Pixie by Lisa Konkus, Sylvia Nabholz, Hillside Buddies Frosty by Frank Pentz BIRTHDAY HONORS Mimi, Friski, Cuddles, Mimi II, Crystal, Princess Di, Cleo, Frisbee, Eclipse by Jean Conway Esme by Camille Afshani, Donald & Allen Flansburg, Josephine Graf, Arman & Marie Afshani, Victoria Lynn Afshani, Thomas & Deborah Peck, Stanley Graf Family, Barbara, Joe & Hillside Buddies Ann Fisher by Carol Field Spot by Lisa Konkus Dorothy Schicchitano Judy Joy by Diane Bogdan Marcie Kirk by Gym Friends Butler by Dean & Jane Koch Archie by Paul & Monna Tomtishen Rufus, Jazmin by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Romanek Killer by Humna Family, Barb & Joe Molly by Larry & Peggy Fulmer, Barbara & Joe SPECIAL HONORS Annie by Barb & Joe, Hillside Staff Robert Reid by Bonnie Winsor Sandy Ditzler by Hillside Staff June Kehres by Rita & Gerald Kolva Piper by Mary Ellen & Lou Cross Michaelyn Compton by Lisa Devlin Mary “Betty” Troy by Anna Mae troy, Deb & Dave Moyer Family, Bridgette & Tim Troy Family, Edna Beach, Karen & Robert Beruck, Mariann & Don Young, Keith & Suzanne Hillkirk, Catherine Zimmereman, Jennifer & Eric Muldowney, Crimson Aides, North Schuylkill Jr./Sr. High School Faculty & Staff, James & Elyse Lykins, St. Joseph Medical Center Inpatient Rehab Dept. George Cecchini by the Franco Group Diane Gaydos by Brenda Piccioni Bob Luksh by Lauralie & Stephen Cook Hannah Moyer by Tricia Moyer & Family, Barb & Joe Cindy & Mike Davidson, Susan Varga, Mary Yoder, Ann Futyma by Linda & Leo Breznik Mama Cat by Bob & Ruth Schaeffer, Barb & Joe Gizmo by Sherrill Ann Brennan Marie Bonham by Diane & William Eidler, Barb & Joe Punky by Peca Family Helen Delenick by Linda Delenick Rusty by Martina & Fran Max by Lou Ann Bachert Forgotten Felines and Canines Everywhere and All who have Crossed the Rainbow Bridge by Anonymous Millie, Ted, Christopher, Rascal by Nancy Whitcraft Manor Care Staff & Arcadia Unit by John Centek PET MEMORIALS AND HONORS Martin & Rossi by Mike & Pat Roland “Dog Idol” Teke by Barb & Buddies Princess by Tricia To those wishing to remember the Hillside SPCA in your will and estate planning, it is important to use our full corporate title in doing so: Hillside Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Incorporated P.O.. Box 233 Pottsville, PA 17901 HILLSIDE TO SEASIDE BICYCLE TOUR 2011 kicks off Sept. 17! Daniel Kisacky and Josh Somits depart Northeast PA touring by bicycle to Lusby, MD, to raise awareness and donations for Hillside SPCA, all of which go directly to the shelter. Help us earn much needed funds by pledging an amount per mile or making a regular donation. (Make checks payable to “Hillside SPCA”. note Hillside to Seaside on your check and send to Hillside SPCA, PO Box 233, Pottsville, PA 17901) Additional focus of this tour is to increase adoption rather than purchase pet store (often puppy mill) animals, plus promote spaying and neutering. For additional details, updates how to pledge/donate,and more, visit the tour’s Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/hillsidetoseaside or phone 570-956-2132 (Josh) 570-926-7403 (Dan) 570-622-7769 (Hillside) q Hillside Annual Open House c Oct. 16, 2011~Noon to 3 pm Come join us for a great event filled with wonderful animals and LOTS to see and do! A Be with people who love animals! Share the happiness and joy in what your wonderful contributions have accomplished! Bring your pets (our alumni) or a picture of our buddies! One of the greatest gifts we receive at Hillside is seeing our buddies happy and healthy; sharing your wonderful happy endings is what keeps us going. Our shelter is filled with animals needing loving homes. Hopefully, when you visit, you may make eye contact with a face that will melt your heart and become a new forever friend. There are literally HUNDREDS of furry friends to choose from! HOPE TO SEE YOU!!
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your mailed donations if you
require a receipt or
acknowledgement. Every
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_____ I plan to attend the FOLLOW-UP PICNIC ONLY — Enclosed is my check for _____ people @ $20 per person
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Winter - Hillside SPCA, Inc.
P.O. Box 233, 51 SPCA Road
Pottsville, PA 17901